LIFE among the

Good practice in improving environmental performance in the oil sector LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the sector

European Commission Environment Directorate-General

LIFE (“The Financial Instrument for the Environment”) is a programme launched by the European Commission and coordinated by the Environment Directorate-General (LIFE Units - E.3. and E.4.).

The contents of the publication “LIFE among the olives: Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector” do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the institutions of the European Union.

Authors: Gabriella Camarsa (Technical expert), Stephen Gardner, Wendy Jones, Jon Eldridge, Tim Hudson, Edward Thorpe, Eamon O’Hara (AEIDL, Communications Team Coordinator). Managing Editor: Hervé Martin, European Commission, Environment DG, LIFE E.4 – BU-9, 02/1, 200 rue de la Loi, B-1049 Brussels. LIFE Focus series coordination: Simon Goss (LIFE Communications Coordinator), Evelyne Jussiant (DG Environment Communications Coordinator). Technical assistance: Audrey Thénard, Tiziana Nadalutti, Georgia Valaoras (Astrale GEIE), João Pedro Silva (AEIDL). The following people also worked on this issue: Federico Nogara, Santiago Urquijo-Zamora, Alexis Tsalas (Environment DG, LIFE Environment and Eco-innovation Unit), Garcia Azcarate, Panayotis Barzoukas, Fabien Santini, René L’Her, Aymeric Berling, Jose Alvarez de la Puente, Pascale Mathes, (Agriculture and Rural Development DG), Francesco Serafini (International Olive Council), Eva Corral, Benedetto Orlandi (COPA-COGECA), Domenico Mastrogiovanni (CIA), Pedro Barato (ASAJA), Theodoros Vloutis (PASEGES). Production: Monique Braem (AEIDL). Graphic design: Daniel Renders, Anita Cortés (AEIDL). Acknowledgements: Thanks to all LIFE project beneficiaries who contributed comments, photos and other useful material for this report. Photos: Unless otherwise specified; photos are from the respective projects.

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Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Union, 2010

ISBN 978-92-79-14154-6 ISSN 1725-5619 doi 10.2779/8360

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LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

he olive sector is an important part of the agricultural sector in the European TUnion, particularly in southern countries, where it represents a significant share of the agricultural economy. The EU is also a global leader in olive production, accounting for almost 70% of total world output, and the main net exporter towards non producing

Tomas Garcia Azcarate areas such as North America. Head of Unit - Olive oil, horticultural products In terms of area, olive farming represent 8-9% of the total agricultural land of , FOREWORD Directorate-General for and , and 20% in Greece. More than 1.8 million agricultural holdings grow Agriculture and Rural Development olive trees in the EU, representing 40% of the agricultural holdings in Spain and Italy, European Commission and 60% in Greece.

As with any agricultural activity, depending on its degree of intensification, olive cultiva- tion can have both positive and negative environmental effects. However, CAP reforms in the last years have decoupled farm payments from olive production, thus withdraw- ing incentive for intensification and have introduced, through cross-compliance, a link between payments and certain environmental (including landscape) obligations. Increased financing for rural development policies, including agri-environmental mea- sures, has also helped to reduce negative environmental impacts. Hervé Martin Head of Unit – LIFE The LIFE programme has, and continues to play an important role in guiding this transi- Environment and tion to a more sustainable olive sector. LIFE projects, examples of which are presented Eco-innovation Directorate-General in this publication, have piloted new innovations and approaches to tackling many for the Environment, different environmental impacts in the olive sector. In so doing, these projects play a European Commission key role in facilitating the implementation, updating and development of Community policy and legislation in this area.

he olive-growing sector is an important source of employment and economic activ- Tity in all production regions in the EU. In addition it can have natural benefits for the environment.

Producers have made significant efforts and considerable financial investment in order to

Benedetto Orlandi adopt new growing and processing techniques to improve product quality. These efforts President of Copa- have yet to pay off on the market, as low quality products persistently result in unfair Cogeca Working Party on Olive Oil and Table Oils competition. Furthermore, there is a lack of transparency at the consumer-end.

Olive oil must be labeled clearly to inform consumers of its intrinsic values and place of origin, whilst also providing a means of distinguishing it from poorer quality oils and/or imitations. Transparency should be facilitated by the appropriate instruments. It is only by being familiar with a product that you can appreciate it, be willing to pay the price for it and understand that it is good value for money.

Producers are increasingly aware of the importance of maintaining the environment. This publication is undoubtedly a useful means of conveying information on the impact of the sector on the environment and in bringing to light new aspects in line with the economic and environmental objectives. It will certainly help the sector to continue improving its environmental impact.

Copa (Committee of Professional Agricultural Organisations) and Cogeca (General Con- federation of Agricultural Cooperatives in the EU) represent European farmers and its cooperatives. Within Copa-Cogeca the Working Party on Olive Oil and Table Olives deals with issues concerning the sector. 

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector CONTENTS

Foreword ...... 1 Combating soil erosion Reducing olive mill among olive groves in wastewater discharge Andalusia ...... 21 into Greek river basins....45 Introduction...... 3 LIFE preserving The EU and olives: biodiversity ...... 24 Conclusions...... 47 a world leader...... 3 LIFE: leading the way towards a greener olive Policy and legislation...... 5 Olive Oil production...... 27 sector ...... 47 EU legislation and the Olive oil production Statements from olive sector...... 5 methods...... 30 National Associations.....49 Environmental impacts...32 Olive cultivation in International Olive the European Union...... 9 LIFE and olive oil Council: future Four main olive production...... 35 perspectives...... 50 producing countries ...... 10 LIFE reducing the A diversity of olive environmental impact List of LIFE projects...... 51 cultivation practices ...... 12 of olive oil production.....36 Environmental Best practice guidelines List of available LIFE issues ...... 13 for sustainable publications...... 53 production...... 39 Socio-economic considerations ...... 16 Transforming waste into a high-quality fertiliser...... 41 LIFE and olive cultivation...... 17 Olivewaste: from three phases to two and LIFE’s contribution to back again...... 43 ‘greener’ olive farming....18 

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

The EU and olives: a world leader Photo: pizzodisevo (doing TENS for pain)

Olives and olive oil are big business for the

European Union, in particular those Member States with

Mediterranean coastlines. Spain alone produces 36% of

the world’s olive oil, and the sector is a major contributor to INTRODUCTION

the economies of Greece, Italy and Portugal, and is also important to

Cyprus, and Slovenia.

But the economic benefits of olive oil production, and of the production of table

olives, come at a cost. Olive growing has become more intensive over the last two or three dec-

ades, and is using an increasing amount of agricultural land. Olive growing and olive oil production

use considerable volumes of water in countries where this resource is scarce, and the processes

used by the sector lead to significant waste, especially wastewater containing phenols and polyphe-

nols, and solid waste in the form of an olive paste, known in Spain as .

s awareness grows of the envi- tors. The brochure begins by examining section gives an overview of how LIFE Aronmental impact of this waste, the EU’s framework of agricultural and projects have contributed to the better the sector thus faces considerable environmental legislation that affects environmental performance of olive oil challenges. It must make its produc- olive growers and olive oil producers. mills and other production facilities. tion processes more efficient so that Olive farmers receive EU agricultural less energy is consumed and there are subsidies, but they must increasingly fewer by-products, and it must man- show in return that they are maintain- age its wastes appropriately. Waste- ing their land in good environmental

water should no longer be disposed of condition. Producers of olive products, Photo: Meckert75 by pumping it into rivers or the sea, for meanwhile, must comply with a range example. Treatment methods and safe of environmental laws. disposal techniques have to be found. The brochure then considers olive This is where the LIFE programme can cultivation and production of olive play a part, by supporting demonstra- products separately. The second sec- tion projects that show how the sector tion describes olive cultivation in the can meet its environmental challenges. EU, and provides useful data about LIFE projects have shown how olive oil the size and extent of the sector. The and table-olive producers can reduce third section details how LIFE projects their polluting outputs. Furthermore, a have helped olive growers improve number of projects have demonstrated their environmental performance. The that good environmental practice can fourth section describes in some detail save money, and can even lead to new how olive products, in particular olive business opportunities, as production oil, are processed, and considers the wastes are converted into saleable environmental impact of this. The fifth commodities.

This brochure assesses the important LIFE projects have demonstrated how contribution of the LIFE programme to olive oil producers can reduce their improving the environmental perform- polluting outputs whilst creating profitable ance of the EU’s olive and olive oil sec- business opportunities.               /THERS 7OOD &OOD -ETAL #HEMICAL -ACHINERY /THERS AND0APER7OOD AND"EVERAGE&OOD AND-INERALS-ETAL AND0LASTICS#HEMICAL AND%QUIPMENT-ACHINERY AND0APER AND"EVERAGE AND-INERALS AND0LASTICS AND%QUIPMENT

Figure 2: EU Member States annual olive oil production Figure 2: EU Member States(tonnes) annual olive oil production (tonnes)     3PAIN  &RANCE3PAIN  'REECE&RANCE  )TALY'REECE  0ORTUGAL)TALY  3LOVENIA0ORTUGAL  #YPRUS3LOVENIA  #YPRUS                       

              #YPRUS     #YPRUS3LOVENIA  &RANCE   3LOVENIA &RANCE                                    LIFE Focus Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector I &ORESTS .ATURALANDSEMI NATURALGRASSLANDS &RESHWATER &ORESTS2AISEDBOGS MIRESANDFENS .ATURALANDSEMI NATURALGRASSLANDS#OSTALAND(ALOPHYTIC &RESHWATER4EMPERATEHEATHANDSRCUB 2AISEDBOGS MIRESANDFENS2OCKYHABITATSANDCAVES #OSTALAND(ALOPHYTIC#OSTALANDSANDDUNES 4EMPERATEHEATHANDSRCUB3CRUBLAND 2OCKYHABITATSANDCAVES #OSTALANDSANDDUNES 3CRUBLAND Throughout, the brochure highlights  LIFE projects that have delivered good Figure 1: Olive-related LIFE projects  results – such as the Doñana Sosteni- per environmental issue  ble, Tirsav, Tirsav Plus, Olivewaste and  EnviFriendly projects. These results, if taken up more widely by the sector, 3OILEROSION   could help to significantly reduce the "IODIVERSITY3OILEROSION INTRODUCTION environmental impact of olive cultiva- ,ANDSCAPE"IODIVERSITY MANAGEMENT  tion and olive oil production in the EU. ,ANDSCAPE 7ASTEMANAGEMENT  7ASTEWATER7ASTE  LIFE and the olive sector: ,#!7ASTEWATER  some numbers !WARENESSRAISING,#!

!WARENESSRAISING          Since 1992, the LIFE programme has  Source: LIFE project database         co-financed 18 olive-related projects under the three strands of LIFE Envi- ronment, LIFE Nature and LIFE Infor- Figure 2: Olive-related LIFE projects mation and Communication. per type of beneficiary

In total, eight of the olive projects, %NTERPRISE including LIFE Nature projects, have ,OCAL!UTHORITY%NTERPRISE dealt with environmental impacts 5NIVERSITY,OCAL!UTHORITY related to olive growing. Project themes 2ESEARCHINSTITUTION5NIVERSITY within this portfolio include: soil erosion, 2EGIONAL!UTHORITY2ESEARCHINSTITUTION water protection, improved irrigation .'/2EGIONAL!UTHORITY techniques, waste management, pest .'/ control, landscape protection, conser- vation activities, and co-ordination with the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)

agri-environmental measures. Source: LIFE project database.

Another eight of the projects were LIFE The remaining two are projects co- Mediterranean EU Member States have Environment projects focused on reduc- funded under the LIFE Information and implemented the most agriculture-related ing the environmental impact of olive oil Communication strand. These projects LIFE projects, as would be expected production. The themes addressed by aim at building awareness to promote given that olive farming and olive oil pro- these projects were: wastewater treat- sustainable olive oil production, while duction are activities that belong to the ment; waste prevention, recycling and raising awareness amongst consumers Mediterranean area. The Italian share of re-use; soil protection; and production about the importance of buying green LIFE olive-related projects has been the of biogas. products. greatest, with six, followed by Greece with five, Spain with four, and the remain- ing three shared between Portugal, Ger- GOOD PRACTICE IN THE OLIVE SECTOR many (a project with Greece as a benefit- ing country) and France. This LIFE Focus publication has been produced to improve the dissemina- tion of environmental good practice amongst olive farmers and olive oil producers, A review of LIFE beneficiaries (see fig- other stakeholders and consumers. It aims to improve understanding about innova- ure 2) shows that one-third of all LIFE tive environmental techniques from around Europe, which are available to minimise Environment olive oil project beneficiar- ies were local authorities (six projects), the olive sector’s negative impact on the environment, while maximising the sector’s followed by companies and universi- positive socio-economic impact, and ensuring that production remains cost-effective. ties (four each) and non-governmental The 18 LIFE projects presented in this brochure reflect the complexity of the sector, organisations and research institutions which raises different issues for each producing Member State. Each issue needs to (two each). be tackled and addressed with specific technologies and methods that reflect the Finally, 10 of the LIFE olive-related production system adopted by each country. The projects are also significant in terms projects were technology-focused, five of their relevance to environmental policy and legislation, and for their demonstration concentrated on methodological goals value and transferability. and tools, and three carried out aware- ness-raising activities. 

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector POLICY AND LEGISLATION

EU legislation and the olive sector

The environmental impact of olive cultivation and olive oil production is particularly

important for the European Union because three EU countries – Spain, Italy and

Greece – are by some distance the world leaders in these sectors. Particular prob-

lems include soil erosion, rising water consumption, desertification, pollution due

to use of chemicals and fertilisers, damage to biodiversity, and waste generation.

A number of EU policies and laws address these problems, and so, directly or indirectly,

EU legislation acts on the olive oil sector in a number of ways.

The Common Agricultural plains, and the introduction of intensive average production-linked payments in Policy (CAP) farming practices, such as machine har- order to simplify aid for smaller growers, vesting and industrial-scale processing while providing a stable income support. The CAP is the EU policy instrument of the olive oil. The main aim of the single payment is to that impacts most directly on olive pro- guarantee farmers more stable incomes. ducers. In fact, the CAP was one of the The CAP has progressively been reformed Farmers can decide what to produce in causes of the great expansion of olive oil in an attempt to counter the damaging the knowledge that they will receive the production in Europe, with agricultural aspects of the earlier agricultural policy. same amount of aid, allowing them to subsidies being previously directly cou- In 2003, CAP reform led to payments to adjust production to suit demand. For pled to the level of production (subsidy olive farmers being split as follows: olive growers, the new direct payments expressed in € per tonne produced). began to replace the previous produc- Whereas olive farming was tradition- Single Farm Payment – Olive produc- tion-related scheme in 2005-2006. ally practiced on upland terraces, with ers receive a flat payment calculated on relatively low impacts in terms of use the basis of the average amount they Olive Grove Payment – A maximum of chemicals or extraction of water, the received in production-related subsidies 40% of the subsidy could remain linked drive to expand production led to high- from 1999-2003. Olive farms smaller to olive production but is intended to density planting of olive trees on lowland than 0.3 hectares receive 100% of their ensure that olive farming is done in a 

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

socially and environmentally sustainable minimise damaging practices such as that help to protect the environment way. Member State authorities had to excessive use of herbicides, intensive soil and maintain the countryside. Farm- identify up to five different categories of tillage, and illegal water extraction. The ers commit themselves on a voluntary olive groves for additional support. These requirements include in particular observ- basis to adopt, for a five-year minimum are chosen based on their environmental ance of obligations related to the Birds period, environmentally-friendly farm- and socio-economic value, with aid per and Habitats Directives, the Nitrate and ing techniques that must go beyond hectare fixed accordingly. The measures Groundwater Directives and the directive the cross-compliance standards as well backed by Member States should focus on the authorisation of pesticides. Under as minimum requirements for fertiliser on: maintenance and restoration of ter- the good agricultural and environmental and pesticide use, and other relevant races and stone walls, maintenance and requirements, farmers must also respect mandatory requirements established by restoration of wildlife habitats and land- the national authorisation procedures for national legislation and identified in the scape features, maintenance of perma- the use of water for irrigation (as from rural development programmes. In return POLICY AND LEGISLATIONnent grass, reduction of soil vulnerability 2010), the maintenance of olive groves in they receive annual payments, which by increasing organic matter content, good vegetative conditions and the rules compensate for the additional costs and and creation of earthworks to reduce about the grubbing-up of olive trees as loss of income that result from altered run-off on steep slopes. The aim of this defined by Member States. farming practices. approach is to ensure olive tree mainte- nance and avoid the degradation of land Cross-compliance also offers biodiversity Environmental cover and landscape. Only Spain applied benefits. Olive groves managed in a more legislation affecting this measure from 2005 to 2010. The traditional way are notable for ground olive oil production olive grove payment has been repealed vegetation cover, and require little appli- as from 2010 as part of the “Health cation of pesticides and herbicides. The The Sixth Environment Action Pro- Check” CAP Reform in late 2008. revised CAP rules mean there is more gramme (6th EAP) is the framework for emphasis on maintaining natural habitats environmental policy-making in the EU The new rules also give EU countries such as copses and hedges, while birds, for the period 2002-2012. some discretion to influence olive oil flora and fauna are protected. quality, beyond the standard regulatory Under the 6th EAP, the European Com- regime laid down for the sector. Mem- Agri-environmental mission developed seven Thematic ber States may use up to 10% of their measures and olive Strategies addressing key environmental national envelope for quality and envi- cultivation challenges. For the olive oil sector, the ronmental measures under activity pro- most relevant of these are those on pes- grammes carried out by operator organi- Through agri-environmental measures, ticides and soil. Other important initia- sations. Italy, Greece and France have EU rural development policy supports tives within the 6th EAP framework deal been using this facility since 2004. specifically-designed farming practices with waste, water and biodiversity.

Cross-compliance for Sustainable use of Olive yields are greatly increased through olive growers irrigation. pesticides

The CAP reform in 2003 was also the The Thematic Strategy on the sustainable point at which the ‘cross-compliance use of pesticides was adopted in 2006 by principle’ became obligatory. Under this, the European Commission (COM (2006) all CAP payments received by the farmer 327), in order to complement existing EU are linked to the meeting of certain mini- pesticide rules. It is meant to cover the mum requirements and standards relating use phase of authorised pesticides – for to the environment and animal welfare, example, in relation to their application as well as maintaining the land in good by aerial spraying. agricultural and environmental condi- tion. With some 2.3 million olive growers The strategy was accompanied by a pro- in the EU, the revised rules could poten- posal for a framework directive on the tially generate significant environmental sustainable use of pesticides. In parallel, benefits. a proposal for a Regulation on the plac- ing of plant protection products on the Specifically, cross-compliance intro- market was put forward by the Commis- duces the possibility of reducing the sion. The European Parliament and EU payments in case the farmer does not Council reached a political agreement on respect the requirements and standards these two initiatives at the end of 2008, in the above-mentioned domains. In the with the Parliament approving the deal olive sector, this mechanism can help in January 2009 and the Council in Sep- Photo: Kateshortforbob 

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

with which to irrigate crops compounds the problems faced by these areas.

One way in which over-consumption of water can be controlled is through water pricing. The Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) requires full-cost recov- ery to be adopted as the guiding rule for water-price setting, thereby reducing or eliminating artificial incentives to develop irrigation. POLICY AND LEGISLATION The WFD also deals with water man- agement in the broad sense. It requires

Photo: José A. Gómez Member States to take a strategic and Inappropriate farming practices such as mechanised tilling, use of pesticides and fertilisers integrated approach to the management can cause soil erosion. of all water resources and river basins. Authorities must follow a series of steps tember 2009. Both legal acts were pub- The main aspect of the Soil Thematic laid down in the directive, including plan- lished on 24 November 2009. Strategy was the proposal, by the Euro- ning of river basin districts, identification pean Commission, for a Soil Framework of pressures and impacts, and implemen- The main elements of the legislation, Directive (COM (2006) 232). This would tation of appropriate remedial measures. which will affect olive growers as well as require Member States to systematically The directive also addresses water qual- other farmers, are: a). a change in the identify damaged soils and combat soil ity, with the aim by 2015 of achieving way pesticide substances are evaluated; degradation. Member States would also an appropriate ecological and chemical the creation of three EU mutual-recogni- be required to identify areas where there status for surface waters, as well as an tion zones so that pesticides authorised is a risk of erosion, landslides, loss of acceptable chemical and quantitative by one country would be automatically organic matter in soils, or compaction status for groundwater. A body of water considered authorised by other countries or salinisation of soils. Member States would be considered to have ‘good chem- within the same zone (though individual would then adopt risk reduction and ical status’ if it met all of the environmental countries would retain the right to impose remediation plans for affected areas, quality standards for priority substances national bans on particular substances); within national remediation strategies. and certain other pollutants. and b). introduction of rules on pesticide However, Member States have so far use, such as a general ban on aerial spray- been unable to agree on the Soil Frame- The Groundwater Directive (2006/118/EC) ing and prohibition of pesticide use in cer- work Directive, with some countries is a daughter directive of the Water Frame- tain places, such as near schools or in believing that soil quality can be regu- work Directive, dealing with the issue of buffer zones along rivers and other water lated at national, rather than European water quality. In negotiations between the bodies. level. Further discussions on the poten- European institutions, the question of the tial directive are expected to take place non-deterioration of groundwater quality The Soil Thematic Strategy under the Spanish Presidency of the EU and the relationship with EU legislation during the first half of 2010. on water pollution by nitrates were key. One of the main environmental issues Final agreement on the directive resulted related to olive cultivation is damage to Water usage and quality in a level of nitrates of 50 milligrammes soils. Intensified olive farming is a major per litre being defined as ‘good chemical cause of soil erosion, thus reducing the Issues related to water quality and usage status’. productive capacity of the groves and, are of great significance to olive growers. potentially leading to other problems Olive production does not require such Run-off of soil fertilisers and pesticides such as desertification and run-off of high inputs of water as arable crops are a cause of surface water pollution. top-soil into water courses. or crops such as lettuce or tomatoes, but expansion of olive production has nevertheless led to water shortages in some areas. Some areas already suffer-  Directive 2009/128/EC of the European Par- liament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 ing from depleted groundwater reserves establishing a framework for Community action have seen an increase in the area of land to achieve the sustainable use of pesticides – Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the European under cultivation for olives – for exam- Parliament and of the Council of 21 October ple, southern Spain, which is one of the 2009 concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market and repealing Council world’s key olive-producing areas. Sink- Directives 79/117/EEC and 91/414/EEC ing of non-authorised boreholes for water Photo: Nikolaos Nikolaidis 

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

The new groundwater rules also left and degradation are the most serious untouched the earlier Nitrates Direc- threats to the conservation of wild birds tive (91/676/EEC), which has the general and other species. The Habitats Direc- objective of protecting EU waters against tive established the Natura 2000 network, excessive nitrates from agricultural which consists of the Special Protection sources, and also plays an important role Areas (SPAs) designated under the Birds in olive grove cultivation. Nitrogen inputs Directive and the Special Areas of Con-

in the most intensive, irrigated olive farm- Photo: Nikolaos Nikolaidis servation (SACs) designated under the ing can reach high levels (up to 350 kilo- The Urban Waste Water Treatment Direc- Habitats Directive. Member States are grammes per hectare in extreme cases), tive (UWWT) directive regulates liquid was- required to designate these areas, and and experience from arable farming sug- tes from olive oil production. local authorities responsible for the sites gests that a problem of groundwater pol- must set up environmental management POLICY AND LEGISLATIONlution is likely to exist in some olive areas. producers, as well as other sectors. Where plans and carry out restoration so that the waste is disposed of, rules pertaining to sites achieve ‘favourable conservation Wastewater and waste landfilling are set out in the Landfill Direc- status.’ Crucially, this does not mean that tive (99/31/EC). activities such as agriculture cannot take Wastes generated by the olive sector place in protected sites; instead, in these can be divided into solid wastes (such as Liquid wastes from olive oil production, areas, agriculture and conservation must olive husks or crude olive cake, a residue meanwhile, fall under the Urban Waste work side-by-side. remaining after the first pressing of the Water Treatment Directive (91/271/EEC). olives) and liquid wastes (olive mill waste- This concerns the collection, treatment The Natura 2000 network is extensive. At water). and discharge of urban wastewater and the end of 2008, nearly 11% of the terres- the treatment and discharge of wastewa- trial area of the EU had been designated A number of EU laws regulate what should ter from certain industrial sectors, includ- as SPAs (5 174 sites), while 13.3% of the be done with these – and other – waste ing manufacture of fruit and vegetable terrestrial area of the EU was covered by products. The over-arching principles that products, under which olive oil production Sites of Community Importance (SCIs) should be applied in managing waste are would fall. (21 633 sites). The largest olive-producing laid down in the Waste Framework Direc- countries have more of their area covered tive (2008/98/EC), which requires Member Biodiversity: the Birds and by SCIs than the EU average. In Spain, at States by 2020 to recycle at least half of Habitats Directives the end of 2008, more than 23% of the their household and general waste. The territory was designated SCI, while for Italy Waste Framework Directive, which was The application of techniques to increase and Greece, the figures were 14.2% and revised in 2008, also includes rules on haz- the productivity of olive groves and of the 16.4% respectively. ardous waste and waste oils, which were olive oil sector in general has had a det- previously covered by separate legislation. rimental effect on wildlife, and has led This widespread designation of land as EU countries have until late 2010 to fully to a significant loss of wildlife habitat. In conservation territory clearly has an impact implement the revised Waste Framework Europe, biodiversity and agriculture are on olive growers. In these areas, environ- Directive. inherently linked. This is recognised in mentally-friendly farming practices and the 6th EAP, which highlights the impor- production systems that benefit biodiver- The revised rules also formalise a five-step tance of integrating natural heritage pro- sity must be prioritised. Measures that can previous waste management hierarchy tection and restoration measures into be adopted in these areas range from the that Member States must follow when agricultural and regional policy. maintenance of grass cover to the promo- setting out national waste management tion of more rational use of agro-chemicals plans. According to the hierarchy waste The EU’s key biodiversity policy instru- in order to reduce impacts on flora and should be dealt with first by preven- ments are the Birds Directive (79/409/ fauna, and the promotion of sustainable tion, then re-use, followed by recycling, EEC) and the Habitats Directive (92/43/ olive-farming practices such as organic recovery, and finally, disposal. Under the EEC). These recognise that habitat loss and integrated production systems. method of recovery, waste is either con- verted into usable forms or is incinerated LIFE has supported sustainable olive farming practices that benefit biodiversity, such as so that energy is ‘recovered.’ Disposal, snakes. meaning landfilling in most cases, can only be done once the previous four steps have been exhausted. Member States will produce waste management plans that institute this hierarchy as they implement the revised Waste Framework Directive; these plans are likely to affect the waste management techniques used by olive oil Photo: R.Viti 

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector Olive cultivation in the European Union

he European Union (EU) dominates the international olive oil market. TheT EU’s top four producing countries – Spain, Italy, Greece and Portugal – grow more than 70% of the world’s olives, and the EU accounts for a similar share of global olive oil production. Olive farming is an important agricultural activity in the EU’s southern Member States, with around 5 million hectares harvested in 2007. Spain, with 2.47 million ha, has the largest area under cultivation, followed by Italy (1.16 million ha), Greece (0.81 million ha) and Portugal (0.38 million ha). France is smaller producer, with an area harvested of around 18 900 ha.

 Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; figure relates to 2007.

The EU is also, in general, a highly pro- gone from 10 185 100 tonnes to 11 385 a far smaller area than those producing ductive olive producer, with yields in most 400 tonnes, an increase of 12%. In the olive oil. In Spain, less than 6% of the cases far above the world average of same period, according to the IOC, world total area is devoted to table-olive pro- 1 879 kilogrammes per hectare (kg/ha). production of olive oil increased by 6% duction whereas the figure in Italy is less Italy is the most productive EU country, and of table olives of 60%. Increased than 3%. with an average yield 2004/2007 of 3 210 production has been particularly notable kg/ha, following by Greece (2 550 kg/ha) in Spain (total olive production +25%). Olives, area of production (ha) and Spain (2 130 kg/ha). Portugal, howe- ver, lags behind the rest of the EU with Olive groves are found throughout the Spain 2 470 200 yields of 670 kg/ha. Mediterranean region. However, the Italy 1 161 300 greatest concentration of olive oil pro- EU production volumes have also duction is found in two Spanish provin- Greece 806 600 increased. Between 2000 and 2007, the ces, Cordoba and Jaen in Andalusia, Portugal 379 600 volume of olives grown in the EU has which account for more than a third of EU output. Plantations producing table France 18 900 olives (see table-olive box) account for 2 Source: ibid. EU27 4 849 000  Source EUROSTAT, Cronos (average 2004- 2007).  Source: ibid. Source: EUROSTAT (2007). 10

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

Four main olive producing countries

The following section gives an overview of the EU’s four main olive-producing countries

and highlights some major tends in olive-farming systems.

Spain cal harvesting is also standard in new Greece plantations, although most olive planta- In Spain, following the country’s acces- tions continue to be harvested manually. The area of olive groves in Greece has sion to the European Community in 1986, In more marginal upland areas in certain increased constantly during the last there were incentives under the Common provinces such as Caceres but also within quarter century, as a result of the plant- Agricultural Policy (CAP) to increase pro- the main producing provinces (in marginal ing of new high-density groves, reaching duction, and the number of new planta- and/or sloping and mountainous lands), an area of 800 000 ha in 2007 (+120 000 tions increased steadily. These, mainly low-input systems are still present. ha since 1991). Groves for olive oil have intensively-farmed plantations, have been expanded in many semi-mountainous

OLIVE CULTIVATIONcreated IN THE EUROPEAN over UNION large areas, particularly in Organic production is also increasing, and coastal areas (mainly in Crete and provinces with a high concentration of although as elsewhere, this still accounts the Peloponnese) and low stem variet- commercially-orientated producers, such for only a small proportion of the total. ies such as the Koroneiki – the leading as Jaen, Cordoba, Seville, Ciudad Real, Extremadura, the autonomous com- oil variety of Greece – are predominant. Toledo and Badajoz. According to EURO- munity of western Spain, has the most The tendency is to intensify production STAT, there has been an increase of 350 organic producers. Here, traditional farm- through mechanisation, levelling of the 000 ha of new olive plantations since ers have signed up for specific agri-envi- land, drip irrigation and increased used 1991, bringing the total olive area in Spain ronment schemes providing incentives for of external inputs. to around 2.5 million ha. low-input farming practices. Integrated pest control and integrated production The mixed cultivation of olive trees with From an environmental perspective this systems have also been developed, for other tree or arable crops is disappear- means increased use of chemical pest example in Andalusia, although also on a ing. Olive trees are almost exclusively control, fertilisers and irrigation. Mechani- small scale. cultivated in single species plantations.

Spain has seen an increase in olive plantations of 350 000 ha since 1991, bringing the total area to around 2.5 million ha (EUROSTAT). Photo: Landahlauts 11

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

dominate and overall, average yields are notably lower than in other Member States. However, recent years have seen the establishment of new intensive plan- tations with densities of 200-300 trees per ha. For example, some 15 000 ha were planted in the period 1987-96. This process has been accelerated by EU Structural Funds and private large-scale investments. By 1996, some 30 000 ha of old plantations had been removed and replaced with intensive plantations under the PEDAP programme, launched in 1986, to assist Portuguese agriculture in adapting to EU market conditions. Photo: Landahlauts In 2007 Italy harvested an area of around 1.2 million ha, of which 15% had organic Other producers certification. Other Member States are minor pro- Old groves with large ancient trees have changed over the years. For example, it ducers such as with 11 600 ha been replaced with new intensive planta- notes a “considerable decline” in olive given over to olive groves, Slovenia (800 tions. More traditional plantations can be areas in Liguria mainly due to abandon- ha), France (18 900 ha) and Malta (less OLIVE CULTIVATION IN THE EUROPEAN UNION found in the smaller islands and in higher ment, and significant increases in areas than 100 ha). The non-EU country with mountainous areas. They can be char- in Sardinia and Puglia. In some regions, the largest area of olive groves is Tuni- acterised as ‘low-input’ and the groves intensification has occurred with specific sia (1.69 million ha), followed by candi- are increasingly neglected due to factors farming techniques, irrigation, and heavy date for EU membership Turkey, where such as an ageing population, urbanisa- mechanisation. In other areas easier and olive groves cover an area of 815 000 tion, competition from the tourism sector more productive olive varieties have been ha. Another candidate country, Croatia for labour and harsh agro-climatic con- planted in place of old trees, which were has 25 000 ha of olive groves. , ditions, often leading to the creation of dug up. However, the study’s authors Montenegro and Serbia also produce a semi-natural agro-ecosystem. This is note that the scale of these developments olives. the case for example in Corfu, Lesbos in recent years is not comparable with and the Aegean islands, where farms are the situation in Spain. A specific National very small. Organic farming is also a new Action Plan (Piano Olivicolo Nazionale)  Programa específico de desenvolvimento da agricultura em Portugal – Programme to trend and organic farming projects have approved in 1990, intended to convert modernise Portuguese agriculture been started in some of these areas. 25% of the total Italian olive-growing sec-  Source: International Olive Oil Council (December 2008); figures relate to 2006 An estimated 64 000 ha are cultivated tor from traditional productive systems to organically in Greece, mainly in Crete modern systems. However, due to the lack

and the Peloponnese. of financial resources, the plan has been Greece has moved towards high-density largely shelved. groves, reaching an area of 800 000 ha in Italy 2007. Organic olive oil production is also increas- The total olive area harvested in 2007 in ing in Italy, with around 15% of the area of Italy was approximately 1.2 million ha, olive trees in Italy (approximately 167 000 representing a slight increase (+50 000 ha) having organic certification, accord- ha) compared with the area thought to ing to the International Olive Council. The exist at the start of the 1990s. trend towards organic farming is expected to continue, following the new organic A 2000 study on olive oil production in farming regulation (834/2007), which pro- the EU found “significant differences in motes the continued development of sus- trends between regions” that have also tainable cultivation systems and a variety of high-quality products.  “The Environmental Impact of Olive oil Production in the European Union: Practi- Portugal cal Options for Improving the Environmental Impact” (G. Beaufoy, 2000) the European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism The total olive area harvested in Portu- and the Asociación para el Análisis y Reforma de la Política Agro-rural. gal in 2007, was 379 600 ha. Low-input environment/agriculture/pdf/oliveoil_xs.pdf traditional olive plantations still pre- Photo: Federico Coppola 12

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

A diversity of olive cultivation practices

Olive-farming areas in the EU are far from homogeneous, with considerable differences

between regions and countries, and in some cases even between different farms

within the same area.

live farms range from very small off in upland areas). However, it can be Additionally, there is a growing trend for O(<0.5 ha) to very large (>500 ha) hard to make money from these plan- organic plantations managed without and from traditional, low-intensity groves tations, and they are thus vulnerable to chemical input, and subject to the most to intensive, highly-mechanised planta- abandonment. rigorous production standards. Organic tions. Olive trees range from ancient, farming is increasing rapidly, though large-canopied specimens, cultivated Intensified traditional plantations it can require higher subsidies to be by grafting onto wild olives and main- share certain similarities with traditional competitive. It accounts for a relatively

OLIVE CULTIVATIONtained IN THE EUROPEAN by UNION pruning for over 500 years, plantations, but are managed more small but increasing share of EU cul- to modern dwarf varieties planted in intensively. They use more artificial fer- tivation (for examples, in Italy, around dense lines, to be grubbed up (dug up) tilisers and pesticides and more inten- 15% of olive-growing areas have been and replanted every 25 years. Tree den- sive weed control and soil-management certified as being organic). The organic sities vary from as few as 40-50 stems techniques. They can also increase the tendency is expected to increase, as a per hectare in some older plantations to tree density and introduce irrigation and result of the EU’s new organic farming 300-400 stems or more per hectare in mechanical harvesting. With more tree regulation (834/2007), which promotes the most intensive plantations. density, fertilisation and/or irrigation, the continued development of this sus- such plantations are referred to as sim- tainable cultivation system. Overall, there are three broad types of ply intensive plantations. plantation: The intensified traditional and mod- Low-input traditional plantations are Super-intensive modern planta- ern intensive systems can present often of ancient origin and are often tions use smaller tree varieties that are low natural value and produce nega- planted on terraces. They are managed planted at high densities of 1 600-1 tive environmental impacts. Particular with few or no chemical inputs and their 800 trees/ha. They are also managed problems are soil erosion, run-off into labour input is high. Due to their particu- under intensive and highly mechanised water bodies, exploitation of scarce lar characteristics and farming practices, systems, requiring irrigation to create water resources and degradation of such as the grazing of animals under the a humid micro-climate that increases landscapes and habitats (see the sec- olive trees, these plantations have a high olive tree growth, and heavy usage of tion on environmental problems). natural value in terms of biodiversity and certain agrochemicals such as copper

landscape, and a positive environmental sulphate, which is used at least 5-6 impact (such as controlling water run- times per year. eu-policy/legislation_en

Grazing of animals under olive trees and other traditional farming practices are of high natural value in terms of biodiversity and landscape. Photo: LIFE07 NAT/IT/000450 Photo: LIFE07 NAT/IT/000450 13

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

Although less environmentally-harmful than certain other crops,

the intensified traditional and modern intensive olive-farming tech-

niques can be associated with soil erosion, depletion of scarce

water resources, pollution through over use of agrochemicals, and

biodiversity loss.


Photo: Dehaan issues

Soil erosion and land bicides, which are washed into water rainfall and reduces the soil’s organic degradation sources. In extreme cases, erosion may content. The use of chemical pesticides OLIVE CULTIVATION IN THE EUROPEAN UNION also lead to desertification or serious and fertilisers can also cause the impov- Soil erosion is one of the main environ- land degradation. Erosion is the result of erishment of soil. mental impacts associated with inten- the combination of many factors, such sive olive-farming. Erosion reduces the as: soil type, slope, rainfall patterns Changes in farming methods can help soil’s productive capacity thus causing and inappropriate farming practices. An offset these problems. For example, soil lower productivity, which in turn leads to example of an inappropriate practice is erosion can be limited by maintaining greater use of fertilisers. It also causes mechanised tilling, which compacts the grass cover during key times of the year, the run-off of topsoil, fertilisers and her- soil, exposes it to the erosive effects of or by practising shallower tilling. The

Soil erosion due to intensive olive farming practices leads to an increase in the use of fertilisers, run-off of topsoil and, in extreme cases, to desertification and land degradation. Photo: José A. Gómez 14

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

cm of soil and are washed into water The increasing demand for irrigation bodies with the soil that is eroded in water leads to an indirect, negative envi- heavy rainfalls. Traditional olive plan- ronmental impact through the construc- tations on terraces help to slow down tion of new reservoirs. These are not only run-off and improve water penetration. intended for olive cultivation, though This also helps to reduce flood risk in agriculture is the main water consumer lowland areas. (80%). Conversely, the creation of small reservoirs or ponds can produce posi- Pollution of ground water: In contin- tive benefits for biodiversity when they uous cultivations, excessive applica- are constructed to take into account the tions of nitrogen, phosphorous fertilis- existing landscape and habitats. ers and other agrochemicals can lead to pollution of surface and groundwa- Fertilisers

Photo: Alvesgaspar ter with hazardous compounds. The olive fruit fly (Bactrocera oleae), In many cases, such as in continu- the main pest of the olive tree. Exploitation of water for irrigation ous cultivations, farmers apply much purposes: The olive yield is greatly more fertiliser than a crop really needs: creation or repair of terraces with stone increased by applying water. Irrigation is ammonium nitrate, one of the most walls enables the cultivation of hillsides especially used for table-olive varieties, common fertilisers that contains up to without excessive soil erosion, although where large fruit size is desirable. It is 33-34% nitrogen and that, in the most this is labour-intensive and may require also necessary in intensive plantations irrigated and intensive plantations, can

OLIVE CULTIVATIONsupport IN THE EUROPEAN measures. UNION with densely planted trees in order to reach levels as high as 350 kg/ha, is obtain maximum production. Irrigation associated with problems of run-off and Water also enhances the effectiveness of fer- eutrophication. Intensive olive-farming tilisation and pruning. Drip is the most systems also use phosphorus, boron Run-off to surface waters of soils, widespread type of irrigation in inten- and potassium fertilisers. The latter fertilisers and agrochemicals: Soil sive olive plantations and, although the type is heavily used in the cultivation run-off into reservoirs due to soil quantities used per hectare are lower erosion may pollute surface waters. than for arable crops, irrigated olive Herbicides, such as Simazine, used plantations cover an increasingly large  The accumulation of nutrients (nitrates and phosphates) in a body of water. Algal blooms in intensive olive plantations remain area, often in regions that already suffer result and their decay removes dissolved highly concentrated in the top 5-15 from serious water scarcity. oxygen, killing aerobic organisms such as fish.

The run-off of fertilisers from olive farms can result in the eutrophication of rivers and lakes. Photo: LIFE07 ENV/GR/000280 15

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

financial losses. Dimethoate or Deltam- A low level of pesticides also encourages ethrin insecticides have been used for a rich flora and insect fauna. many years to combat the olive fly. How- ever, the damage caused environmen- Intensive farming methods introduced tally and treatment costs are significant. to increase production (in particular, the More environmentally-friendly techniques use of mechanized tilling and heavy use such as the use of pheromone traps are of insecticides and herbicides) have had being tested. a negative impact on ground flora and insect populations reducing their diversity Biodiversity and numbers. Certain insecticides used in olive cultivation, e.g. Dimethoate, are Biodiversity tends to be high in tradition- also blamed for a reduction of insect spe- Photo: LIFE07 NAT/IT/000450 Photo: LIFE07 NAT/IT/000450 ally cultivated olive groves, which pro- cies, including several that help to control Traditionally cultivated olive groves support a diversity of wildlife, including vide a variety of habitats (e.g., dry stone pest species. reptiles. walls, patches of natural vegetation etc) supporting a diversity of wildlife includ- The replanting of olive trees to increase ing reptiles, butterflies and other inverte- olive production, which is often accom- of the olive trees, where, particularly in brates, birds and mammals. As well as panied by clearance of natural vegeta- high yield seasons, regular potassium many passerine species, other nesting tion and loss of field boundaries and fertilisation is used to maximize yield birds include the Hoopoe (Upupa epops), dry-stone walls, has also resulted in and quality. European roller (Coracias garrulus) and significant loss of wildlife habitats. The OLIVE CULTIVATION IN THE EUROPEAN UNION owls including the European scops (Otus expansion of olive plantations has usu- Pesticides scops) and little owl (Athene noctua) that ally taken place at the expense of natu- hunt insects, lizards and small mammals. ral or semi-natural woodland and other The main pest is the olive fruit fly (Bac- Older trees provide an abundant food vegetation of high conservation value. trocera oleae), while other insect pests supply for fauna, as they host a high den- New intensive olive plantations have are: the olive moth (Prays oleae) and the sity of insects along with the tree’s fruit. also taken over land in areas of impor- black scale insect (Saissetia oleae). All tance for steppe land bird communities three occur widely on olives in the Medi-  A type of insect trap that uses pheromones (such as the little and great bustard and terranean region, causing significant (e.g.hormones) to lure insects. vultures) and other dependant species.

OTHER IMPACTS Where olive plantations form a part of diverse land use systems together with pastures, arable crops, vineyards, or where vines grow between olive trees, they are an important landscape feature. However, the groves can dominate the landscape forming vast monocultures and are the only form of vegetation for most of the year, which limits landscape and habitat diversity. In areas which have a high proportion of forest vegetation and scrub, olive plantations can provide useful firebreaks. Conversely, farmers sometimes use fire to clear invasive scrub on their land, which may actually add to the fire risk in the event of fires getting out of control. Other impacts are the indiscriminate use of a variety of products, which has led in some cases, to an increase in plant pests due to the removal of their natural enemies. Excessive herbicide treatment has also caused die-back in the olive trees of some plantations. Energy consumption is another less obvious environmental concern, especially for intensive olive farming with its relatively high use of mechanised soil tillage. More eco-friendly cultivation techniques are being explored such as using the branches cut down from the pruning of olive trees as an organic fertiliser, instead of the normal practice of burning. This also allows for further processing of the waste for use as biofuels. Grubbing up (i.e. digging up) of traditional old olive plantations occurred in the 1970s and 1980s across the EU, due to a combination of abandonment and restructuring programmes. As well as the socio-economic consequences of changing cultivation trends – i.e. the expansion of new plantations and intensification of production systems, and the abandonment of traditional olive plantations – there are environmental problems affecting biodiversity and landscapes. Soil erosion for example, is intensified by abandonment or grubbing up of traditional groves, while traditional landscapes can disappear. Recent CAP reforms contain measures to address these issues, such as the retention of landscape features, including (where appropriate) banning the grubbing up of olive trees; and the maintenance of olive groves in good vegetative condition. 16

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

Socio-economic considerations

Olive trees have for centuries been a typical feature of Mediterranean landscapes, and

olive oil is the base of the gastronomy of these countries. Olive oil production is a sig-

nificant economic sector for the main producing countries and regions.

live farming is also an impor- Otant part of the local rural culture and heritage. It provides an

important source of employment in Photo: Sara Maino many rural areas. In addition, part-time olive cultivation is increasingly a rural activity combined with tourism. Con- tinued mechanisation in more produc- tive regions however, (in particular of

OLIVE CULTIVATIONharvesting IN THE EUROPEAN UNION and pruning) is leading to reduced labour demand. Elsewhere, in marginal areas, employment is sea- sonal and sometimes poorly paid, and ageing populations, emigration and other factors are leading to reduced availability of labour.

Finally, companies are increasingly rec- ognising there are significant marketing opportunities to be gained from prod- Olive farming provides an important source of employment in many rural areas. uct innovations promoting the health, nutritional or other benefits of olive oil. To help boost profits and market share, worldwide for olive oil, companies offer etc.) or functional products such as and to meet changes in consumer various speciality oils, with for example extra virgin olive oil with vitamins, or preferences and the growing demand different tastes (e.g. spicy, with tomato, with coenzymes (antioxidants).

OLIVES FOR THE TABLE Spain is the leading producer of table olives. Average annual world- wide production is around 1.76 million tonnes, of which Spain accounts for a third (source: IOC). Table olives account for 22% of Spain’s agri-food sector,

worth around € 1 billion, and the sector creates 7 500 full-time jobs (source: ASEMESA, the Spanish association of exporters and manufacturers of table olives). The main problems associated with the production of table olives are (i) socio- economic – table-olive production is important for jobs. However, the price of table olives is very low, making production without support uneconomic for farmers; and (ii) environmental – a principal problem is associated with high water usage required for washing the table olives. As yet, there are no cost- effective techniques/ technologies for combating this negative environmental impact. 17

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector LIFE and olive cultivation



3 Albuera Extremadura LIFE03 NAT/E/000052

4 Arboretum Beauregard LIFE99 ENV/F/000497

5 ECOIL LIFE04 ENV/GR/000110

6 TILOS LIFE04 NAT/GR/000101


8 Lince Moura/Barrancos LIFE06 NAT/P/000191


7 8 3

1 2 6

5 18

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

LIFE projects associated with olive cultivation have

addressed major environmental issues such as soil

erosion, application of agrochemicals, water usage,

biodiversity loss and degradation of landscapes.

LIFE’s contribution Photo: LIFE04 ENV/GR/000110 to ‘greener’ olive farming LIFE AND OLIVE CULTIVATION

rojects have demonstrated how Soil erosion and The Doñana Sostenible LIFE project Penvironmentally-friendly tech- desertification was particularly successful in tack- niques successfully applied in one ling the environmental impact of soil olive-growing area can be adapted for As mentioned in the preceding chapter, erosion in olive groves in Andalusia’s other regions, both within Europe and soil erosion is one of the key negative Doñana national park (Parque Nacional beyond. Such projects have worked environmental impacts of intensive olive de Doñana). EU policies clearly signal hard to communicate their results farming. It is already a major problem in the need for an integrated approach and good practices, and thus gener- Spain, and is likely to get worse as the to address erosion, and the project ate interest and support among grow- climate changes due to global warming. showed how this can be achieved. The ers and policymakers. They have also Climate change impacts in already arid project also succeeded in testing and demonstrated how EU policy can be areas are likely to include warmer, drier promoting specific agriculture tech- effectively implemented in this sector. summers and longer droughts. niques in conservation, some of them

The LIFE funded ECOIL project applied the Life Cycle Analysis approach to three olive producing areas in Greece, Cyprus and Spain and identified the main environmental impacts on a site-specific basis. Photo: LIFE04 ENV/GR/000110 19

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector LIFE AND OLIVE CULTIVATION Photo: LIFE04 ENV/GR/000110

The ECOIL project developed guidelines promoting eco-friendly olive cultivation techniques and good agricultural practices that are easily transferable to other areas.

going beyond the concept of good of olives in Spain – although its find- Life Cycle Analysis farming practices (GFP). The project’s ings are also of value to other olive-cul- promotes SUSTAINABLE results are also relevant for the social tivating countries. Meanwhile, ECOIL CULTIVATION and economic policies aimed at sus- (LIFE04 ENV/GR/000110) applied tainable rural development in arid LCA to three Mediterranean countries: Until recently, olive production was con- areas. Greece (the beneficiary location), Spain sidered one of the least environmen- and Cyprus. tally-harmful agricultural activities in the Using Life Cycle Analysis Mediterranean region. Nevertheless, as to tackle environmental Both provide useful examples of good a result of the industrialisation of olive problems olive-farming practices. The earlier cropping, especially in Spain, significant project (1999-2002) provided a series impacts on human and natural environ- LIFE Environment projects Oleolife and of recommendations relevant to the ments are apparent, such as rural depop- ECOIL used a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) Spanish market in the 1990s, which ulation, and loss of biodiversity and cul- approach to help reduce the negative have subsequently become more tural heritage. Olive production in Spain environmental impacts of olive cultiva- widely adopted both in Spain and in plays a pivotal role in protecting natural tion and to encourage more sustainable other Mediterranean countries, follow- resources and preserving the traditional farming. ing the 2003 CAP reforms. Meanwhile, landscape, as well as being a significant the more recent Greek project (2004- economic sector and providing employ- Using LCA, Oleolife (LIFE99 ENV/ 2006), has developed site-specific ment to stabilise rural populations and E/000351) examined and analysed dif- guidelines for improvements in both preserve their cultural heritage. ferent models of sustainable cultivation olive cultivation and processing. The main objective of Oleolife was to use an LCA approach to categorise dif- ferent olive-cultivation methods in Spain according to their environmental impact, and to explore these in a wider context taking into account socio-economic and

Photo: LIFE04 ENV/GR/000110 cultural considerations. By carrying out a wide programme of communication activities directed at stakeholders (such as olive farmers, politicians, industry and academics) the idea was to create sup- port for future sustainable development.

Different farming practices were assessed in three key Spanish olive-producing regions: Baeza in the province of Jaen, Reus in Tarragona, and Mora in Toledo. A systems-based LCA approach was 20

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

developed that differentiated between impact on the environment and to gen- of good agricultural practices in the cul- the different cultivation methods used: erate few jobs and little income. On the tivation of olive trees, such as irrigation

l intensive – no soil and biological other hand, the project concluded they and the use of biocides, would lead to resource conservation with heavy are usually characterised by a desirable reductions in the relative cost for farm- chemical input; cultural profile that should be preserved, ers and to enhanced protection of the

l conventional – partial soil and biologi- possibly by applying more sustainable environment and public health. cal resource conservation with variable systems. chemical input; and The guidelines promote eco-friendly l ecological – total soil and biological Life Cycle Analysis cultivation techniques such as activities resource conservation with no chemi- for cultivation and for preparing the site for plantation (the cal input processing uprooting of other trees and bushes, lev- elling the soil, construction of terraces, These three types were further catego- ECOIL applied the LCA approach to sites soil analysis to determine the amounts rised according to the more and less- in three Mediterranean olive-producing of phosphate and potassium fertilizers LIFE AND OLIVE CULTIVATION productive areas where they are located areas: Voukolies in Greece; Lythrodon- and suggestion of maximum amounts) a i.e. plains and mountains. Indicators tas in Cyprus; and Navarra in Spain. In large reduction in the use of pesticides were identified for these production sys- each of these areas, the environmental and minimisation of the use of fertilisers; tems examining socio-economic, envi- impacts were assessed throughout the and suggest using the branches pruned ronmental and cultural factors. lifecycle (i.e. from cultivation through to from olive trees as an organic fertiliser, processing) and the weakest points from instead of the normal practice of burn- Key results the environmental point of view were ing. This allows for further exploitation identified on a site-specific basis. of the waste, which provides secondary As expected, ecological systems were products, and when implemented has found to be good from environmental, The research suggested eco-friendly proven to be very profitable. social and cultural viewpoints. However, techniques that could produce short, they are still marginal, accounting for medium, or long-term benefits and Finally, transferability of the lessons only 2% of Spanish production, provide identified the most appropriate tech- learned by the project is high since little economic income and depend on niques for olive cultivation. The main the processing of olive oil is common subsidies. environmental problems were found to throughout the Mediterranean region be related to poor soil management, the and the majority of producers are small Intensive systems in lowlands and plains burning of the waste generated from the and privately-owned companies. The are not sustainable. Nevertheless, as pruning of the trees, and the use of pes- project’s findings can be applied to Malta, these systems account for the greatest ticides and fertilisers. Lebanon, and North Africa, other sites in proportion of olive-cropped lands, their Greece, Cyprus, Italy and Spain. Moreo- overall impact is important. Significantly, Among the main outcomes, the project ver, the methodology can also be applied the project highlighted the fact that at developed guidelines for the improve- to other production processes, such as that time, the income generated was ment of olive cultivation and process- fruit and vegetable canning, juice, and mainly due to the CAP production-based ing, and concluded that the application seed oil and corn oil production. payments. However, this is changing as CAP reforms have progressively de-cou- The results of the Life Cycle Analysis were applied in the area of Navarra in Spain. pled payments to farmers from produc- tion, thus encouraging less intensive practices.

Conventional systems had a similar pro- file to intensive systems. Although their environmental impact per hectare is high, conventional systems account for a lim- ited part of olive-cropped land in Spain. The application of vegetative cover was found to improve environmental perform- ance, but it was not sufficient to make the system sustainable.

Intensive systems on steeply-sloped land were found to have the most negative

 Project data 2002. Photo: LIFE04 ENV/GR/000110 21

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

Combating soil erosion among olive groves in Andalusia

The Doñana Sostenible LIFE Environment project was particularly successful in tac-

kling the negative environmental impacts from soil erosion among olive plantations in

Andalusia’s Doñana national park (Parque Nacional de Doñana). The project was also LIFE AND OLIVE CULTIVATION successful in testing and promoting conservation farming techniques.

he Doñana national park is one years and this has been linked to soil Seville’s young farmers’ association Tof Spain’s main natural heritage erosion, leading to increased sedimen- (ASAJA). reserves, hosting unique European wild- tation, fertiliser run-off and pesticide life including the endangered Iberian pollution, particularly in the Guadiamar Activities started in 2001, with the Lynx and colourful colonies of migrating river basin, which feeds much of the investigation of soil management flamingoes. Agriculture plays a significant national park’s wetland areas. techniques to improve the Guadiamar role in supporting both the local economy river catchment’s conservation status. and the quality of natural resources in Farming organisations have acknowl- The project adopted a participatory the Doñana catchment area, where olive edged their role in tackling these issues approach, starting with an inclusive groves and other orchard crops are cul- and have harnessed LIFE support to soil-mapping exercise, followed by tivated on a large-scale. Farming in this establish new soil conservation meth- wide-ranging farm trials of different part of Andalusia has intensified over the ods. The project was implemented by ground-cover methods.

The Doñana Sostenible project improved the conservation state of the Guadiamar River by reducing soil erosion through the use of soil conservation techniques on olive farms. 22

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

Thirty-three demonstration farms were selected for the project’s trials, cover- ing 320 ha of agricultural land. The pilot sites were chosen for their high suscep- tibility to erosion and also to ensure a good representation of the area’s com- mon soil types. More than 80% of plots were olive-tree plantations, but a num- ber of fruit crops were also included in the trials including citrus, plum and peach trees.

Dedicated conservation techniques were identified for each soil type and LIFE AND OLIVE CULTIVATION common methods involved: applying fertiliser to help maintain nutrient bal- ances; leaving a strip of live vegetation to allow plants to complete seed pro- duction cycles; and encouraging grass cover due to its strong anti-erosion qualities. LIFE investments were estimated to have prevented 345 000 tonnes of soil erosion. Impressive results

The results were impressive, with ero- the target area had by then taken up the groups which were respected within sion being reduced for the majority new soil-management methods. This the agricultural sector; and

of test sites and the vegetation cover achievement has been attributed to a l Project staff worked closely with agricul- shown to be beneficial for pest con- mix of factors including: ture stakeholders and prioritised aware-

trol. Farmers were particularly pleased l Soil-conservation techniques were cost ness-raising to improve understanding with the works on difficult sloping areas effective and did not affect productivity; of the project among more than 5 000

where considerable improvements in l The project was led by local farming farmers and agri-technicians the overall soil structures were noted.

In total, the LIFE investments were esti- The project identified conservation techniques for each soil type, such as the maintenance of vegetation cover due to its anti-erosion quality. mated as preventing 345 000 tonnes of soil erosion, converting to approxi- mately ten cm of soil across 230 ha of farm land, and representing a signifi- cant reduction of sediment pressure on the Guadiamar river. The associated improvements in water quality from diminished agri-chemical run-offs were further increased by the soils’ enhanced retention capacity. This also had a posi- tive effect on local landscape quality and biodiversity, with analysis confirm- ing greater species diversity among insects, earthworms and soil micro- organisms.

Sustainable outcomes

Such benefits should increase over time as more farms adopt the new sus- tainable soil management techniques. Encouragingly, a visit by an external LIFE monitoring team at the end of 2007 showed an estimated 90% of farmers in 23

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

Furthermore, some of the farmers who participated in the project are now mem- bers of an association that promotes integrated production and promotes olive quality (APAMAD: Asociación de Productores de Aceituna de Mesa del Area de Doñana). They use a mix of eco- logical and traditional techniques.

Good practices

The good practices most widely adopted included the maintenance of vegetation cover throughout the year among the

More than 5 000 farmers participated in the project’s dissemination activities and 300 ha. LIFE AND OLIVE CULTIVATION olive groves, with pruning waste left on of demonstration plots with sustainable soil management techniques were implemented. site. These practices have now become fairly widespread in the area because the benefits are direct, at little extra cost. to direct cost savings, hence increasing 2000/60/EC). Importantly, the techniques The tests carried out were referenced in farms’ profitability. Some techniques developed by the project are in line with a geographic information system that require upfront investment (such as new the Water Framework Directive, even helped to monitor the development of machinery or personnel training) but though this was not published at the start the techniques implemented. this was shown to be recoverable within of the project. a few years. ASAJA estimates that the Manuals and other information materials cost reduction can reach about e30 per Conclusions were produced and are still available on ha, provided the techniques are correctly applied. The major success of the project has been to raise awareness among the local The project’s participatory approach has EU policies population and farmers of the impor- already being replicated in a later LIFE tance of conserving natural resources project Sustainable Wetlands (LIFE04 The European Commission has sup- and landscape. A significant change in ENV/ES/000269) that promoted sustain- ported an integrated approach to address the attitudes of the whole production and able soil conservation among farmers in soil erosion, and the project shows how agricultural sector in the project area (ara- other important Spanish wetland sites. this can be achieved. The project has ble land surrounding the Doñana national implications for the future development park) was noted during the course of the Economic benefits of soil protection policies in the EU (Sixth project and after. The project has been Environment Action Programme and the a driving force for the use of sustainable The various techniques and practices Thematic Strategy for Soil Protection), practices in the area. studied by the project were economi- and for water quality and management cally viable and most were shown to lead measures (Water Framework Directive, Indirectly, LIFE also provided some solu- tions for adaptation to climate change in areas likely to suffer severely in the near The Doñana national park hosts unique European wildlife, including the endangered Iberian Lynx. future.

Project Number: LIFE00 ENV/E/000547 Title: Design and Application of a Sustain- able Soil Management Model for Orchard Crops in the Doñana National Park Area Beneficiary: Asociación de Jóvenes Agricultores de Sevilla (ASAJA-Sevilla) Total Budget: e790 000 LIFE Contribution: e395 000 Period: Jul-2001 to Jun-2004 Website: Contact: José Fernando Robles Del Salto Email: [email protected] 24

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector LIFE AND OLIVE CULTIVATION Photo: LIFE07 NAT/IT/000450 Photo: LIFE07 NAT/IT/000450 LIFE preserving biodiversity

High nature value farmlands, including ancient olive groves in the Mediterranean

region, can play a crucial role in the protection of biodiversity. A number of LIFE projects

have developed and tested new approaches to identifying, assessing, protecting and

enhancing the biodiversity of olive growing areas.

he high biodiversity value of value farmlands biodiversity have been which are also responsible for damage Tancient olive groves is related to identified as changes in farming prac- to soil-borne micro organisms; the genetic reservoir of the ancient trees tices – the adoption of intensive systems l removal of hedges e.g. the disappear- and their associated species. A pro- and abandonment of less economically ance of myrtle hedgerow (Myrtus com- longed system of extensive production viable low-input traditional plantations. munis), dry walls and other small-scale has allowed a wide range of animal and Ancient large-canopied trees are also structural elements (see the section plant species to flourish. Some bird spe- increasingly uprooted for ornamental below on traditional landscapes) that cies use the trunks of the trees for nest- purposes. Coupled with this is limited provide important shelter for many ing. The work to characterise high nature knowledge of the environmental value species;

value farmlands among traditional olive and cultural heritage of ancient olive l pest control: studies show that the groves, as well as assessing its condi- groves. Other important threats include: treatment of olive trees with Dimeth-

tion and the threats to it, is at an early l groundwater pollution, for example oate (widely used to guard against stage of development throughout the from the use of copper and other olive fly (Bractrocera oleae) may EU but the main threats to high nature heavy metals in chemical fertilisers, cause a considerable reduction in the 25

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

number of insects. Similarly, the use The project team is also working to of growth regulators such as Fenoxy- spread awareness about the conserva- carb is attributed to a serious decline tion value of these ancient olive groves in ‘useful’ insects such as ladybirds via its website (www.lifecentolimed.iamb. (Coccinellidae) and lacewings (Neu- it) and an information campaign featur- roptera). ing on-site notice boards, workshops and technical and non-technical publications LIFE responses in both Italian and Greek.

An ongoing Italian LIFE Nature project, a haven for endangered

CENT.OLI.MED (LIFE07 NAT/IT/000450), Perrino Photo: E.V. species run by the Mediterranean Agronomic Insti- The CENT.OLI.MED project found 308 tute of Bari (the Italian seat of CIHEAM plant species characteristic of habitats Other LIFE Nature projects have indirectly within low-input olive orchards. An exam- – Centre International de Hautes Etudes supported biodiversity improvements, ple is the Lady Orchid (orchis purpurea). LIFE AND OLIVE CULTIVATION Agronomiques Méditerranéennes) is with specific actions targeting olive-grow- seeking to identify and assess the bio- ing areas carried out as part of broader diversity in ancient olive groves. The a rich biodiversity conservation measures. For example, project is using this information as the the 2006-2009 Lince Moura/Barrancos basis for drawing-up and implementing CENT.OLI.MED has already shown that project (LIFE06 NAT/P/000191) in Por- guidelines for ancient olive-grove man- in the target olive groves in Apulia, in the tugal worked to restore and maintain key agement, with the overall aim of conserv- spring-summer period alone, 26 animal areas and connective habitat corridors ing and enhancing biodiversity. Concrete species were detected (three mam- for the critically endangered Iberian lynx actions are taking place in Apulia (Italy) mals, 19 birds, four reptiles), and 308 (Lynx pardinus) within the Moura/Bar- and Crete. These actions include the res- plant species were found. Some plant rancos Natura 2000 site. Works to aid toration of dry-stone walls, the planting species are characteristic of specific the recovery of natural and semi-natural of Mediterranean shrubs, propagation of habitats within low-input olive orchards. Mediterranean vegetation favoured by the typical species of Mediterranean grass- Such species include Stipa austroitalica, lynx have included the planting of native land, and the conservation and propa- an EU protected species (Annex I of the species, such as wild olive trees, and the gation of important tree genetic mate- Habitat Directive 92/43 CEE), Triticum promotion of natural regeneration. The rial. Moreover an extensive GIS-based uniaristatum, a threatened species (EN) project also successfully campaigned inventory of ancient olive trees, includ- at regional and national level, Helianthe- to prevent the conversion of 4 000 ha of ing a detailed description of trunk sizes, mum jonium, Asyneuma limonifolium. traditional olive plantations into intensive shapes, heights and other morphological subsp. limonifolium, Crepis corymbosa, and super-intensive groves. and environmental characteristics, has Orchis palustris, threatened species (EN) been put in place and is available on the at regional and national level and the rare Similarly, a Greek LIFE Nature project project website. Epilobium parviflorum. named after its location – the island of Tilos, a special protection area (SPA) under the Birds Directive – introduced The LIFE Nature CENT.OLI.MED project is assessing biodiversity in ancient olive groves, the planting of wild olive (oleaster sil- and will use this information to draw-up guidelines for ancient olive grove management. vestris) in small plantations, as part of efforts to increase prey availability for two endangered raptors: Bonelli’s eagle (Hieraaetus fasciatus); and Eleonora’s falcon (Falco eleonorae). TILOS (LIFE04 NAT/GR/000101) focused in particular on invertebrates (insects), bird (partridges), reptiles (lizards) and (micro) mammal populations.

Another project, Albuera Extremadura (LIFE03 NAT/E/000052) worked with olive farmers to restore the natural habi- tats of the Albuera wetland in southern Spain. The site is an important stopover point for migrating birds, which use it for breeding and wintering. The project reported noticeable results in terms of biodiversity enhancement of the targeted Photo: LIFE07 NAT/IT/000450 Photo: LIFE07 NAT/IT/000450 26

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

habitat type; Mediterranean temporary with supporting walls were constructed cultivation. Another aim therefore, was to ponds (listed as a priority habitat by the on sloping land, which also helped to restore the diversity of past, native tree Habitats Directive). A key outcome was prevent soil erosion. In some regions, an species and vegetation. For example, a shift of attitude among the local olive expansion of olive plantations in inten- from a once-diverse range of olive-tree farmers, who now recognise that profit- sively-managed areas has taken place varieties only three species remained at able exploitation is compatible with wild- at the expense of natural woodland and the beginning of the project. life conservation. other vegetation – to the detriment of both natural and landscape value. Working with the Conservatoire Botanique Preserving a traditional national Méditerranéen de Porquerolles landscape The French LIFE Environment project – a national conservatory and botanical Arboretum Beauregard (LIFE99 ENV/ garden located in the Port-Cros national As mentioned in the preceding section, F/000497) investigated the importance park – the project has planted an olive there are considerable differences in the of preserving a traditional landscape, grove for research purposes, with the Mediterranean olive-growing areas, in with its associated biodiversity. Located 35 olive-tree varieties grown in France, LIFE AND OLIVE CULTIVATION both type of plantation and olive-farm- in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur including 15 species of high economic ing system used; and these have vary- region, in southern France, the 1999- value. The aim is to demonstrate the ing impacts on both habitat and species 2002 project targeted the restoration of advantages of using wild native spe- diversity and on landscape value. damaged natural habitats – riverbank cies. Parts of the area’s traditional ter- woods, hedges and related habitats races were also restored. Importantly, As with other farming systems, olive along the banks of the Ouvèze river, to a “National chart for the preservation groves make a more substantial contri- avoid the risk of flash flooding. The site of the genetic resources of olive trees” bution to biodiversity when they co-exist is situated at the northern limit of the has been agreed upon regionally. Moreo- with other land-use practices, such as natural distribution area of the olive tree, ver, the project helped raise awareness arable crop farming, other tree crops or an area that has suffered considerably among the local population about the forests, or when they are supported by from climatic and economic problems, different olive varieties, and of the eco- structural elements such as hedges and causing the progressive disappearance nomic opportunities for promoting their stone wall terraces. Traditionally, terraces of olive groves and of traditional terrace premium olive oils.

The LIFE funded Arboretum Beauregard project helped to preserve the land- scape of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region, by reintroducing 35 olive tree varieties and restoring the area’s traditional terraces. Photo: LIFE99 ENV/F/000497 



LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector Figure 2: EU Member States annual olive oil production (tonnes)



uch of the EU’s olive harvest is processed into olive oil. The MEU is also an importer of olive oil for blending from countries such as Morocco  and . During the first six months of 2009, EU countries imported around     80 000 tonnes of olive oil per month, according to International Olive Council#YPRUS   3LOVENIA 1 &RANCE data . Different methods are used to extract oil from the olives and these proc-  esses create large volumes of liquid and solid waste. The waste streams remain highly hazardous to Europe’s environment and present a number of treatment    challenges for EU olive oil producers.          

 Society’s increasing interest in healthy &ORESTS .ATURALANDSEMI NATURALGRASSLANDS &RESHWATER lifestyles and nutritional food has con- Figure 1: Total EU annual olive oil production (tonnes) 2AISEDBOGS MIRESANDFENS #OSTALAND(ALOPHYTIC 4EMPERATEHEATHANDSRCUB 2OCKYHABITATSANDCAVES #OSTALANDSANDDUNES 3CRUBLAND tributed to the resurgence of Europe’s

olive oil trade. Olive oils continue to  grow in popularity with EU consumers, and olive oil production represents an important component of many regional  economies in southern Europe, where the olive oil industries are estimated to 3OILEROSION  provide employment for around 800 000 "IODIVERSITY people, either directly or indirectly, mostly ,ANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT in small or medium-sized enterprises.  7ASTE 7ASTEWATER Much of Europe’s olive oil is produced in  ,#! Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece. Other !WARENESSRAISING major producers in the region include          1 Olive products market report summary, No. 33 July-September 2009, available at Data source: International Olive Council (figures for 2007/09 are provisional and exclude data for Romania and Bulgaria)



LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

Turkey, Tunisia and Morocco, and Bal- Figure 2: EU Member States annual olive oil production kan countries. Between them, all these Figure 2: EU Member States annual(tonnes) olive oil production (tonnes) countries supply some 90% of the global  olive oil market.

 Figures 1 and 2 show production trends production 3PAIN for the main EU olive oil producers  &RANCE il between 2001 and 2009. 'REECE

O  )TALY Analysis of Figure 1 reveals a relatively 0ORTUGAL  live consistent annual production rate in the 3LOVENIA O

#YPRUS EU, mostly above two million tonnes of  olive oil per year. Supplies peaked early on in the decade and are now climbing  steadily back towards their former high points. Trends reflect a combination of  market demands, climatic conditions  and harvest factors.        

Data from Eurostat indicates that olive oil Data source: International Olive Council (figures for 2007/09 are provisional). accounts for around a fifth of the EU’s vegetable-oil production and only about established quality standards that help Virgin olive oils are classified by oleic 60% of olive oil is consumed in the EU define the grades and inform consum- acidity as follows:

producer countries. The remainder is ers. These are set out in Regulation (EC) l ‘Extra virgin olive oil’ – defined as virgin sold to other Member States or exported, 1019/2002, which introduced marketing olive oil with a maximum free acidity, in primarily across the Atlantic. Figure 2 requirements for olive oil sold in the EU, terms of oleic acid, of 0.8 g per 100 g;

shows the volume of olive oil production particularly in terms of labelling informa- l ‘Virgin olive oil’ – classified as virgin olive for key EU producer countries. tion. The Regulation differentiates between oil with a maximum free acidity, in terms  ‘virgin oils’ and ‘refined oils’ and focuses of oleic acid, of 2 g per 100 g; and  Reviewing the International Olive Oil attention on ensuring the authenticity of l ‘Lampante olive oil’ – characterised Council data from Figure 2 clearly shows olive oils.  as virgin olive oil with a free acidity, in  that Spain is the EU’s largest olive oil  terms of oleic acid, of more than 2g per   #YPRUS producer, recently producing more than Virgin olive oils are categorised as oils from 100 g.  3LOVENIA double the amount of oil of its main rivals, the fruit of the olive tree obtained solely by &RANCE  Italy and Greece. Output figures from mechanical or other physical means under The latter Lampante oils are usually  Portugal, France, Cyprus and Slovenia conditions that do not lead to alteration in unsuitable for human consumption due also indicate established olive oil indus- the oil. The olives should not have under- to their high acidity, unattractive col-   tries in these Member States. gone any treatments other than washing, our or abnormal aroma. Refining and decanting, centrifugation or filtration. Sol- chemical treatments can help eliminate  EU QUALITY STANDARDS vents, chemical or bio-chemical  agents  these problems   and a number  of clas-  cannot be used during virgin olive oil pro- sifications exist to define different non-  All of these Member States produce the duction processes and virgin oil should not virgin olive oils. These include:


A high quality olive oil is also obtained by continuously adding fresh water to the washing process resulting in water consumption in modern plants of about 800lt/hr.




LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

for extracting and processing oil from raw olives vary. They range from niche artisan approaches and traditional techniques to large scale commercial systems that apply high-tech industrial manufacturing

processes. The basic steps involved in all production of these processing methods are however il similar. The first stage involves grinding O or crushing the olives (often including the stones). This crushed olive paste (referred live

to as ‘pomace’) is then pressed to produce O a liquid substance, which is finally sepa-

Photo: pizzodisevo (doing TENS for pain) rated into oil, water and solid elements. The three-phase and two-phase processes, although similar in their oil yield significantly dif- fer in the amount and composition of the different by-product fractions that they generate. Different techniques are used to crush, press and separate the oils. The main olive oil and virgin olive oil having a Oil quality is also influenced by tim- manufacturing processes favoured by EU free acidity content expressed as ing. The olive-harvest date is critical in olive oil mills can be grouped into three oleic acid, of not more than 1 g per order to achieve the highest quality oil. methodological approaches. These are:

100 g; The harvest usually takes place in late l Traditional methods – combining l ‘Crude olive-pomace oil’ - obtained autumn when the olives have reached stone milling and mechanical-press- from olive pomace by treatment with their optimum level of maturity and oil ing techniques;

solvents or by physical means; and levels are deemed to be peaking. In addi- l The two-phase decanter process – based l ‘Refined olive-pomace oil’ - obtained tion, olives should ideally be processed on a horizontal centrifuge system used to by refining crude olive-pomace relatively soon after harvesting, usually separate and extract oils; and

oil, having a free acidity content within 48 hours. Storage times need to l The three-phase decanter process – also expressed as oleic acid, of not more be long enough to allow the olives to based on horizontal centrifuge technol- than 0.3 g per 100 g. become warm, so that they release their ogy and involving an additional vertical oil easily, but short enough to avoid det- centrifuge phase. quality FACTORS rimental effects caused by fermentation during the olives’ natural degradation. On average, these techniques can pro- Generally speaking, the first pressing duce around 200 kg of oil from one tonne tends to produce oil with the highest qual- Extraction processes of processed olives. This equates to ity and olives that undergo a second or approximately 1 litre of oil from around third pressing are likely to produce oils that Another key determinant of oil quality is the 2 000 olives. decrease in quality with each pressing. type of production process used. Methods CONSUMER AWARENESS

Olive oil is covered by the EU schemes to promote and protect names of quality agricul- tural products, which include the protected designation of origin (PDO) and the protected Olive oil is covered by the EU schemes geographical indication (PGI). to promote and protect names of quality agricultural products. These include the protected designation of origin (PDO) and the protected geographical indication (PGI). The PDO covers agricultural pro- ducts and foodstuffs which are produced, processed and prepared in a given geo- graphical area using recognised know- how. The PGI covers agricultural products Photo: pizzodisevo (doing TENS for pain) and foodstuffs closely linked to the geo- graphical area. At least one of the stages of production, processing or preparation takes place in the area. Olive oil produced from certified-organic olive plantations can be labelled as such, on the basis that it conforms with national organic labelling rules, or with the EU’s Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 on organic production and labelling of organic products. 30

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector production

il O live O

Photo: pizzodisevo (doing TENS for pain) Olive oil production methods

Three different processes are used today for olive oil production. These systems are

similar regarding their oil yield, but they differ significantly in the amount and the com-

position of the different by-product fractions.

Traditional techniques Traditional methods begin with olives being together, using relatively little pressure, to cleared of any leaves or twigs. Clean olives squeeze out the oily liquid which contains Traditional processing approaches use are washed in cold water and dried prior a mixture of oil and water. This liquid is later the same type of classic techniques that to being crushed into a smooth pomace left to decant, as the oil floats to the top have been applied for centuries. Tradi- paste using stone milling equipment. The due to density differences. Batches of oil tional methodologies are known as ‘dis- resulting olive pomace is then spread out are traditionally left unfiltered, as filtering continuous’ systems, due to their stop- on to natural fibre mats which are stacked, can remove many beneficial nutrients. and-start nature that results in individual sometimes up to 50 layers high, in a vertical batches of oil, rather than a continuous press to extract what is known as the first Modern methods supply. ‘cold pressing’ of oil. The mats are pressed More modern approaches to the man- ufacture of olive oil have continually evolved and technology is now well advanced. Large-scale production plants operate continuous shifts during har- vest periods applying fully mechanised systems to crush olives, extract oil and package the products. Recent develop- ments have concentrated on improving the equipment used for separating olive oil from the remnant components, and the latest advances include new types of centrifuge systems.

Crushed and milled olive pomace is spun at high speed in a rotating decanter and the oil, being lighter, Photo: pizzodisevo (doing TENS for pain) 31

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

zontal centrifuge that separates solids from the oily liquid. A third and final decantation phase uses a vertical cen- trifuge to separate the olive oil from the fruit vegetable water. production Recent innovations have led to the il introduction of a new two-phase centri- O fuge process which uses a horizontally- mounted centrifuge for primary separation live

of the olive oil fraction from the vegeta- O ble solid material and water solution. The process is virtually the same as the three- phase approach, with the difference that instead of adding new water for the hori-

Photo: Gabriella Camarsa zontal centrifugation, vegetable water is The 3-phase decanter system produces 1200 kg of wastewater and 500 kg of solid waste recycled in a closed loop system. for every 1000 kg of olives. Recycling of vegetable water increases moves towards collection points close to comply with international sanitation the levels of polyphenols in oils and so to the rotation axis, whereas the heavier standards. strengthens their biotic capacity as natu- pomace and vegetable water are spun ral protectors against oxidation. Closed to the outer edge of the decanter. Two-phase vs. three-phase loop two-phase processing systems processing also help to reduce the environmental Advantages of these continuous produc- footprint from olive mills by minimising tion systems include: Three-phase decanter processes were water consumption and reducing waste- l High production capacity, which avoids the industry standard for many years. water. However, the two-phase process having to stockpile olives during batch These involve an initial decanting phase does produce the ‘alperujo’ wet pomace, production and therefore allows a contin- which cleans, washes and grinds the which is discussed in more detail below. uous supply of fresher olives to be used olives into a pomace. The beaten olive which increases the oil’s quality; and paste is then made more fluid, by add- Pomace oil processing l Improved performance, cleanliness and ing one litre of water per kilogramme of hygiene from the highly mechanised paste. The liquid paste is spun, during Two methods are used to extract technology which is carefully designed the second decanting phase, in a hori- pomace oil, a by-product of olive oil processing. Pomace oil obtained from two-phase processing, with a mois- Although the traditional pressing process is more ecological, it can only be run in batches ture content close to 70%, is physi- and this is not always feasible for the main producing countries. cally extracted by centrifugation. The process also produces a residual water solution of high commercial value due to the presence of mineral salts, sugars and polyphenols.

To extract pomace oil from the tradi- tional and three-phase production meth- ods, solvents are used. The pomace is mixed with the solvent hexane, that dis- solves any residual oil. The exhausted pomace is then separated from the oil and hexane solution (called miscella) by filtration. Any hexane residues in the solid pomace are removed by a ‘desol- ventiser’, which evaporates the solvent, which is captured for re-use. The oil and hexane solution is distilled, allowing the hexane to be recovered and re-used, whilst the solvent-free oil goes through further processing such as refining. Photo: pizzodisevo (doing TENS for pain) 32

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

Environmental impacts production

Each of the different olive oil production methods creates different amounts and types il of by-products, all of which are potentially hazardous to Europe’s environment. O live O aste material generated by the BOD and COD Wtwo-phase method of olive oil BOD stands for biological oxygen demand, and refers to the oxygen extraction is termed ‘alperujo’. This Span- ish name is derived from an amalgama- absorbed by micro-organisms in water rich in organic matter (such as olive-mill tion of the technical terms ‘alpechin’ and wastewater). COD refers to chemical oxygen demand, meaning the amount of ‘orujo’, which refer respectively to waste- oxygen consumed when organic matter in water is chemically oxidised into water and solid material from olive mills inorganic end products. using traditional and three-phase proc- esses. Solid wastes from olive oil mills are also referred to as ‘olive cake’ and liquid waste streams are termed olive-mill are much higher, producing between 800 duced each year at the European level wastewater. and 1000 litres of olive-mill wastewater and much of this is essentially water (80- for each tonne of processed olives. Vir- 83%). Organic compounds (mainly phe- Olive-Mill Wastewater tually no wastewater is produced by the nols, polyphenols and tannins) account two-phase process, although its alperujo for a further 15-18% of wastewater con- Traditional olive oil processing methods waste streams tend to have high liquid tent, and inorganic elements (such as are estimated to produce between 400 contents which remain costly to treat. potassium salts and phosphates) make and 600 litres of alpechin for each tonne up the remaining 2%. These proportions of processed olives. Olive-mill wastewa- In total, some 4.6 million tonnes of olive- can vary depending on factors related to ter levels from three-phase processes mill wastewater are estimated to be pro- climatic and soil conditions, farm man-

Lipids in the olive mill wastewater produce an impenetrable film on the surface of rivers that blocks out sunlight and oxygen to microorganisms in the water thus reducing plant growth. Photo: LIFE07 ENV/GR/000280 33

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

Further concerns are caused by the high concentrations of phosphorus in olive- mill wastewater, since if released into water courses this can encourage and accelerate the growth of algae. Knock-

on impacts include eutrophication which production can destroy the ecological balance in il both ground and surface water sys- O tems. Phosphorous remains difficult to degrade and tends to be dispersed only live

in small amounts via deposits through O food chains (plant - invertebrates – fish – birds etc). The presence of large quan- tities of phosphorous nutrients in olive-

Photo: LIFE05 ENV/GR/000245 mill wastewater provides a medium for Olive mill wastewater polluting charges are high with levels of BOD 5 and COD of between pathogens to multiply and infect waters. 20 000 and 35 000 milligrammes per litre. This can have severe consequences to local aquatic life, as well as humans and agement, harvesting methods and oil milligrammes per litre. This represents a animals that come into contact with the extraction processes. notably large organic matter load com- water. pared to standard municipal wastewater, The presence of proteins, minerals and which exhibit levels of between 400 and Several other environmental problems polysaccharides in alpechin means that 800 milligrams per litre. Anaerobic diges- can be caused by olive-mill wastewater. olive-mill wastewater has potential for tion of alpechin results in only 80 to 90 % These include:

use as a fertiliser and in irrigation. How- COD removal and this treatment remains l Lipids in the olive-mill wastewater ever, re-use opportunities are restricted insufficient to permit olive-mill wastewa- producing an impenetrable film on the by the abundance of phenolic com- ter effluent to be discharged back into surface of rivers, their banks and sur- pounds that are both antimicrobial and the environment. rounding farmland. This film blocks out phytotoxic. These phenols are difficult to sunlight and oxygen from microorgan- purify and do not respond well to con- Discharging unsafe olive-mill wastewa- isms in the water, leading to reduced ventional degradation using bacterial- ter back into natural water systems can plant growth in the river bank soils and based techniques. result in a rapid rise of microorganism in turn soil erosion;

numbers. These microorganisms con- l Acids, minerals and organics in the Olive oil mills’ polluting charges are sume large amounts of dissolved oxy- olive-mill wastewater can adversely therefore significant revealing levels of gen in the water and so reduce the share affect the ‘cat-ion exchange capac- both BOD 5 (biological oxygen demand available for other living organisms. This ity’ (CEC) of soils. CEC is used as a in 5 days) and COD (chemical oxygen could quickly offset the equilibrium of an measure of soil fertility and refers to a demand) at between 20 000 and 35 000 entire ecosystem. soil’s capacity to exchange cat-ions (positively charged ions) between the soil and the soil solution; and Anaerobic fermentation of olive mill wastewater emits methane and hydrogen sulphide creating unpleasant and far reaching odours. l Unpleasant and far reaching odours can be created by fermentation of the olive-mill wastewater discharged in the natural environment, which emits methane and other pungent gases, such as hydrogen sulphide.

Treating alpechin

A number of options exist to help reduce the environment impact of olive-mill wastewater. Treatment priorities focus on eliminating organic components and reducing the overall mass of the waste. These include: aerobic treatment, anaer- obic treatment, precipitation/floccula- tion, adsorption, filtration, wet oxidation, evaporation; and electrolysis. Photo: LIFE04 ENV/IT/000409 Photo: LIFE05 ENV/GR/000245 34

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

treatments plants and precision technol- ogies can greatly assist this process.

However, cost factors are crucial to the success of such treatments and the seasonal nature of olive oil production, production compounded by the small size of some il extraction plants, present particular O problems that need to be overcome.

live Other useful treatment outcomes can O be achieved by investigating alterna-

Photo: LIFE05 ENV/GR/000245 tive uses for olive oil wastes. These LIFE projects have been at the forefront of cost-effective and highly innovative treatment include composting, livestock fodder processes of OMWW and solid wastes. and harnessing the organic content as a fuel source for biogas plants. Benefits Aerobic, anaerobic and combinations of Transporting the alperujo to secondary can also be gained by defining pollu- these two treatment processes produce processing plants presents environmen- tion parameters and safety standards useful results. Anaerobic processes tal risks because untreated alperujo has a involved in dispersing wastes on cul- degrade much of the alpechin result- high pollutant potential, comparable with tivated fields for irrigation and mulch ing in minimal volumes of sludge, which alpechin, due to its significant content of purposes. Great care is required in this can then be further treated by aerobic fat, sugars, organic acids, poly-alcohols, process to protect the quality of local processes. The overall process is con- pectins, polyphenols and minerals. soils and water resources, as well as sidered efficient in terms of emission the biodiversity and habitats that they controls and energy inputs, but requires Many of these hazardous compounds support. dedicated costly facilities that are only remain present in the waste materials required for a relatively short period dur- produced following the secondary refin- Good Practice ing harvest times. ing phases. This waste therefore needs to be properly treated in order to mini- LIFE projects have been at the forefront TREATING Alperujo mise its environment impact. of pioneering new technologies and approaches to reducing the environmen- Treating alperujo presents similar prob- Treatment options tal impacts of olive oil production proc- lems for the EU’s olive oil producers. esses. These good practices help the Alperujo is formed during the two-phase Key challenges involved in treating EU industry to implement environmental process and contains a mix of olive pulp, wastes from the two-phase, as well as impact assessment guidelines relating olive stone (around 30%) and olive-veg- three-phase and traditional olive oil pro- to olive oil production processes that etation water (around 70%). duction techniques, centre around iden- encourage:

tifying suitable chemical and biological l Effective management of wastewater Alperujo is commonly sent to seed agents capable of converting the alperujo and solid waste at olive oil production oil factories for further chemical and and alpechin wastes into compounds or and oil-refining stages;

heat processing to obtain secondary constituents with better biodegradable l Reducing odour emissions; and

extractions of refined olive oil products. potential. The availability of specialised l Optimum consumption of water and energy during olive oil production and refining stages. Dried solid pomace waste is sometimes mixed with the olive leaves and fed to animals such as pigs. LIFE’s work in such areas also has impor- tant socio-economic benefits for many local communities in southern Member States. These relate primarily to safe- guarding essential employment as new developments support producers’ efforts to comply with environmental legislative and policy frameworks covering: preven- tion and minimisation of industrial pollu- tion; waste recovery, re-use and recycling; as well as Industrial Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC); and Integrated Prod- uct Policy (IPP). Photo: LIFE05 ENV/GR/000245 35

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector LIFE and olive oil production


1 OLIVIA LIFE99 ENV/D/000424

2 Olivewaste LIFE05 ENV/E/000292

3 MINOS LIFE00 ENV/GR/000671

4 ECOIL LIFE04 ENV/GR/000110

5 EnviFriendly LIFE05 ENV/GR/000245




9 Olèico LIFE04 ENV/IT/000409

10 TIRSAV + LIFE05 ENV/IT/000845

11 RE-WASTE LIFE07 ENV/IT/000421

12 Olèico+ LIFE07 INF/IT/000438

9 12

11 8 10

2 3 6


4 7 1 36

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

LIFE reducing the environmental impact of olive oil production

LIFE projects dealing with the environmental problems associated with the production

of olive oil have focused in particular on wastewater and pomace disposal, and water

usage. Projects have demonstrated innovative new processes that reduce pollution

LIFE AND OLIVE OIL PRODUCTION and waste, and are also more energy- and cost-efficient. Such projects have attracted

interest within the sector and from policymakers. They have also demonstrated how

EU policies can be effectively implemented.

Olive-Mill Wastewater and biogas – have commercial poten- tial. After sedimentation, the sludge is The most common aspect of olive oil stabilised aerobically, solar-dried and production pollution that LIFE projects then mixed with nitrogen and potas- have addressed is olive-mill wastewa- sium to produce a potassium fertiliser. ter. One early project, OLIVIA (LIFE99 One cubic metre of olive-mill wastewater ENV/D/000424), developed a biological produces 40-60 kg of fertiliser. anaerobic technological process allowing recovery from olive-mill wastewater of The sludge can also be converted to biogas with high calorific value and solid biogas in the methane stage; one cubic residues that can be used for agricul- metre of olive-mill wastewater sludge tural purposes. The technology, devised yields energy equivalent to 140-200 kW/ by Aquatec in Dresden, Germany, was h, providing a viable source of energy for implemented in Crete by oil-pressing the larger plants. To break even econom- company AFOI Boudourakis. ically, the mill would need to produce 1 200 tonnes of olive oil a year. Applying Sludge recovery for the technology would increase the price Photo: LIFE07 ENV/IT/000421 biogas and fertiliser of olive oil by 3%. However, the integra- The Olivia and RE-WASTE projects develo- ped wastewater treatment plants with the production tion of the treatment system in existing aim of producing biogas and of recovering installations such as communal purifica- polyphenols. The project was a step towards reaching tion plants or composting installations the objectives of Article 7 (e) of the Sixth would produce greater operating-cost Environment Action Programme (2001- efficiencies. nearby water bodies, with a detrimental 2010), which concerns water quality and effect on water and soil quality. More sustainable water use. The pre-treat- For small olive oil mills, cost factors are precisely, 58% of the olive mills pump ment stage piloted by OLIVIA separates an important consideration. Traditional their wastewater into streams, 11.5% the wastewater into dissolved and non- methods of treating the olive-mill waste- into the sea, and 19.5% onto the land. dissolved constituents thus reducing the water are not effective due to the pres- The wastewater is not easily biodegrad- organic load by 40-60%. It then under- ence of high levels of polyphenols, which able and has high concentrations of goes anaerobic treatment where up to make treatment difficult. Also, aside from polyphenolic compounds that strongly 95% of the constituents are removed the high capital cost of purchasing such affect the soil. Through leaching, waste- from the wastewater and converted into equipment, the treatment plants also water can also reach and contaminate biogas. As a result, the water can be have high operational and maintenance underground water. It also contains safely used for irrigation, used in indus- costs that are not compensated for by large quantities of other compounds, trial processes or treated in municipal the production of by-products with low which though not toxic, can alter the facilities as common wastewater. The commercial value. The cheapest option equilibrium of the soil with continuous system’s two other outputs – sludge is to discharge olive-mill wastewater into disposal. 37

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

Recovery of polyphenols Poplar trees AND cost-effective: the initial outlay (digging for the pharmaceutical phytoremediation the pit, waterproofing, purchase of pop- and food industries lars, etc.) of e50 000 will be paid for in The Olèico project (LIFE04 ENV/ six years by wastewater treatment sav- A project carried out in Crete, the IT/000409) helped implement Article ings. Furthermore, olive oil production MINOS LIFE project (LIFE 2000 ENV/ 12 of the Urban Wastewater Treatment costs are reduced by the drop in costs GR000671) developed a method for Directive, which states that treated linked to wastewater treatment. Another recovering the polyphenols, which can wastewater should be reused whenever economic benefit is the possibility of sell- be used by the pharmaceutical, cos- appropriate. At a pilot plant, the project ing 10 tonnes/ha of woody biomass that metic and food industries. A pilot plant constructed a 200m2 waterproofed phy- is produced every year. Finally, since no was constructed for the integrated toremediation basin into which waste sludge is produced, the Olèico plant also treatment of olive-mill wastewater and effluent was fed by a pressurised piping fulfils the requirements of EU legislation for the recovery of the polyphenols. At system from the adjacent olive mill, thus regarding waste prevention. the plant, the wastewater is treated eliminating transportation costs. The with absorbent resins and organic toxic and organic substances present in Recovering raw LIFE AND OLIVE OIL PRODUCTION solvents before undergoing a thermal the olive-mill wastewater are degraded materials from Olive mill treatment that delivers the polyphe- through phytoremediation by 24 poplar wastewater nols. As end products, the olive-mill trees and 10 cypresses planted above wastewater treatment plant produced the basin. The trees absorb the water The ongoing RE-WASTE project (LIFE07 clean water that is suitable for disposal and remaining phytoremediated water ENV/IT/000421) aims to implement in water bodies, for irrigation purposes evaporates. All pollutants in the efflu- an integrated prototype plant for cost- and for re-use in the LIFE-funded plant. ents were successfully degraded and no effectively or profitably reusing olive- Other end products include polyphe- negative impacts on soil or water were mill wastewater. Many plants face high nols (around 98% end up in the waste- detected. A plant of these dimensions is costs because olive mill wastewater water) and sludge that, after further able to treat about 60 m3/year of olive- treatment processes are expensive, filtration, is composted along with the mill wastewater. Moreover, it eliminates and because costs may be incurred for olive leaves that are rejected as solid the use of chemical reagents and does wastewater transportation to treatment waste from the mills. not need specialised manpower for it to plants. Wastewater treatment is often operate. outsourced because the process for The economic value of these organic olive mills to obtain authorisation for their substances – they are rich in anti-oxi- The patented process proved so effec- own treatment facilities can be complex dants, which can be used to prevent tive that the Italian environment ministry and long. Through the treatment process colon and breast cancer, and have authorised the construction of a full- adopted by the RE-WASTE project, anti- antibacterial and antiviral properties – scale plant based on the demonstrated oxidants and biogas will be produced, as make the recovery process an attractive characteristics. The plant is already up a consequence the olive-mill wastewa- alternative to discharging. The system and running, and another 30 organisa- ter will no longer be classified as waste was optimised at a pilot scale, but for tions have expressed interest in intro- under the national law 152/2006, but as a full-scale viability, mills would need to ducing similar systems. The system is by-product. The plant will thus no longer co-operate with one another and install a central unit. As well as offering com- The Olèico project constructed a 200m² phytoremediatian basin that is able to treat mercial profit, such central units could 60 m³/yr of olive mill wastewater. create new employment opportunities.

MINOS also demonstrated how the requirements of the Water Framework Directive can be fulfilled. An important result of the project was the reduction of water consumption through recycling. In common with the OLIVIA project, MINOS has a high d e m o n s t r a t i o n value and can be easily transferred to other areas where there is a prepon- derance of small- scale mills. Photo: LIFE04 ENV/IT/000409 38

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

need to obtain waste disposal authorisa- but for the extracts rich in polyphenols wastes using abundant, low cost, harm- tion, and extraction of valuable products and flavonoids, it is necessary to estab- less materials (such as coarse limestone, from the by-product will be possible. lish a trading process in order to obtain metallic iron and poor lignite), which are economic benefits. RE-WASTE plans mostly considered by-products/wastes of The pilot plant combines different tech- to produce antioxidant extracts for the industrial operations. Pre-treatments make nologies: membrane filtration (a clean pharmaceutical and cosmetic sectors it easier for the toxic load to be recovered

PRODUCTION technology that operates without the or for the formulation of novel foods, by acidic washing and precipitation before addition of chemicals and with low as these compounds are antioxidant, final disposal in landfills or use in second- oil energy consumption and simple operat- anti-inflammatory, anti-atherogenic, ary applications.

ive ing systems), adsorption and anaerobic anti-viral and anti-carcinogenic. Finally, l digestion. This system will be able to the project will evaluate the possibility of The knowledge gained from these tests recover substantial volumes of purified using the developed technology to treat – obtained from the implemented pilot water (60-70%) that can be reused in the other agro-industrial wastes in order to soil and water quality monitoring systems production process. eliminate pollution and recover valuable – will be used to achieve the central objec- substances. tive of the project, which is to define the

L I F E A N D O In recognising that the natural extracts tools and measures necessary to identify

of olive-mill wastewater can be useful Improving soil quality areas at risk of pollution and already-con- to the food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic with olive oil waste taminated sites. The project facilitates and animal feed industries, the project is the implementation of the Soil Thematic addressing the revised Waste Framework The ongoing PROSODOL (LIFE07 ENV Strategy, suitable for the entire Mediter- Directive (2008/98/EC). The project also GR 000280) project is working to develop ranean region, by providing authorities demonstrates how the amount of gen- and implement protective/remedial tech- with the scientific, technological and erated waste can be reduced, disposal nologies that can be used to remove or methodological know-how to identify, prevented and waste recovered, thereby significantly limit the presence of pollut- study and register the suspected con- fulfilling legislation on waste prevention. ants in soils and water bodies affected by taminated sites. Integrated technologies the wastes from olive oil mills. The project for the improvement and remediation of In order to make the proposed process is testing bioremediation and the use of polluted soils will be practical tools for economically viable, the RE-WASTE low-cost porous materials as soil addi- authorities that are planning medium- project needs to find ways to market the tives, ahead of drawing up a management and long-term conservation measures. by-products. Biogas, produced through plan for ensuring soil quality, the preserva- Moreover, the project will promote the the anaerobic digestion of the concen- tion of biodiversity and the protection of sharing of best practices, the improve- trates obtained after the first two filtration water bodies in affected and non-affected ment of knowledge and the exchange of steps, is an economically viable resource, areas. It will also assess pre-treatment of information.

The PROSODOL project is testing bioremediation and the use of soil additives to remove or significantly limit the presence of pollutants in soils and water bodies affected by the wastes from olive oil mills. Photo: LIFE07 ENV/GR/000280 39

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

The Ecoil project (LIFE04 ENV/GR/000110) used a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) instru-

ment to determine the environmental impact of olive oil production, with the aim of

proposing best practices for sustainable production of olive oil. The LCA assessment

was implemented in Cyprus, Greece and Spain, producing in each country, site specific

data that can be used to determine environmental impacts. PRODUCTION oil

ive l Best practice guidelines for sustainable production L I F E A N D O

uch information was then used other Mediterranean countries. As a gies Action Plan, which focuses on the Sto develop guidelines for improv- result, the project is relevant for many development and marketing of new envi- ing the entire olive oil production cycle. EU policy goals, such as waste preven- ronmental technologies. These focused on the optimum consump- tion through recovery/re-use and recy- tion of water during olive oil production, cling, integrated pollution prevention and Furthermore, the Ecoil project has pro- optimum consumption of energy, water control, and integrated product policy. posed policy developments to facilitate saving during the oil-refining stages, Additionally, the outcome of the project the eco-production of olive oil. It recom- odour emissions, wastewater manage- is in accordance with the targets set by mends that governments should allocate ment, solid waste management at olive the European Environmental Technolo- a small amount of funds oil production and oil- from EU sources for sup- refining stages and porting the development general good practice. of necessary infrastruc- Suggested practices ture. A policy motivating included the use of the implementation of organic solid waste sustainable practices in for the production of olive oil production would compost for agricul- reduce the environmental tural purposes, and burden linked to the oil the switch to the appli- production. The tools to cation of two-phase develop such a policy centrifugal olive mills. could include:

As a follow up to the l Development of a stra- project, an LCA com- tegic plan (national, parative study has been regional or local) for conducted by the ben- t h e m a n a g e m e n t eficiary using the project of wastewater from methodology and project olive oil production, results as well as all the describing specific produced recommenda- targets and actions to tions. The implementa- be taken; tion of the two-phase oil l Co-funding of nec- system led to a more than essary infrastructure 25% reduction in soil pol- from EU funds. The lution from lead and zinc, infrastructure could and in BOD (biological include either con- oxygen demand) and COD struction of waste- (chemical oxygen demand) water treatment in liquid wastes. plants or the substi- tution of thee-phase Guidelines and know-how systems with two-

are highly transferable to phase systems; Photo: LIFE04 ENV/GR/000110 LIFE04 Photo: 40

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

l Tax benefits following implementation Tecnologie Avanzate) is carrying out a of environmental practices; second LIFE project, Olèico+ (LIFE07 l Funding of research and pilot projects INF/IT/000438) that addresses the for wastewater management (three- issue of legislative compliance by phase systems) or the management organising awareness-raising cam- of humid by-products (two-phase sys- paigns and selecting the best technolo-

PRODUCTION tems); gies developed to treat olive-mill waste-

l Imposition of environmental taxes; water. Moreover, the project will collect oil

l Strict control and monitoring of the and compare environmental legislation

ive performance of the olive oil mills, with regulating olive-waste management at l fines for performance below certain EU level, national (Italian) level and in standards; other EU olive oil producing countries

l Establishment of financial incentives such as Greece, Spain and Portugal. for the implementation of environmen- A survay to evaluate the feasibility and tal management systems and eco-label assess the practicality of the legisla-

L I F E A N D O products. tion will be distributed to associations,

Photo: LIFE07 INF/IT/000438 co-operatives and private companies. The Olèico+ project will focus on Finally, awareness raising and training From the responses, the project will legislative compliance by organising of olive-mill workers has significantly conduct a cost-benefit analysis of the awareness-raising campaigns and by improved environmental performance. best technologies used. selecting the best technologies developed A new LIFE project proposal – a follow to treat olive-mill wastewater. up of the ECOIL project – which focuses Olèico+ aims to achieve the following on these aspects, received funding results: this year. The INFOIL project (LIFE08 l An analysis of the legislative frame- regional office indicating the eco- INF/GR/000581) foresees the develop- works in force, with the aim of defin- friendly technologies identified after ment of a complete set of dissemination ing the best technology for each kind the awareness-raising campaign. and educational activities aimed at the of production, in relation to size, loca- highest number of stakeholders across tion and infrastructure; Olèico+ highlights a common theme

Greece, including visitors and tourists. l Increased environmental awareness running through the majority of LIFE The two projects share the common among stakeholders and a demon- projects that focus on olive oil produc- vision of promoting the sustainable pro- strable interest in utilising the pro- tion: compliance with legislation can be duction of olive oil. posed technologies; enhanced through raising awareness

l At least six olive-mill owners/co- and the application of new technologi- Changing the behaviour operatives planning to convert their cal processes that not only reduce the of olive oil producers disposal practice from land spreading environmental impact of production or lagooning to one of the proposed but offer economic benefits. Such cost ISRIM (Istituto Superiore di Ricerca e eco-friendly technologies; savings are clearly demonstrated in

Formazione sui Materiali Speciali per l A draft proposal submitted to the EU the reduction of water consumption by recycling wastewater (the MINOS and RE-Waste projects are good examples). The Ecoil project has proposed policy developments to facilitate the eco-production of Treating waste products as a resource olive oil. offers another commercial advantage for mill owners.

LIFE projects have also identified gaps in policy and obstacles that impede full implementation of existing legislation. It should be noted, however, that olive oil production is carried out in different ways in different countries due to vari- ations in the typology of plants and the size of the mills. As a result, best-avail- able techniques vary and LIFE projects, such as Olèico+, which is comparing the feasibility of these technologies, have an important role to play in inform- ing legislation as well as demonstrating how it can be best implemented. Photo: LIFE04 ENV/GR/000110 41

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

The two TIRSAV projects, carried out in the Cilento national park in

Campania, Italy, are demonstrating the possibility of using olive oil

production waste products to produce a high-quality fertiliser. The

second project is addressing the cost implications for small-scale

producers and is planning a centralised recycling plant. PRODUCTION oil

ive l Transforming L I F E A N D O

waste into a high-quality fertiliser

he major waste problem faced by lower environmental impact. The com- the vegetable liquids produced by the Tsmaller olive mills is the produc- post, packaged in sacks, is also easy three-phase system. The positive result tion of fresh olive pomace. This by-prod- to transport and store. It is also compli- of this project is shown by the fact that uct is typically sent to pomace plants for ant with environmental legislation on a the technology can be adopted by any further chemical extraction: a procedure national and EU level. type of olive mill (2 and 3-phase olive that is highly polluting whilst producing oil extraction processes), and it is thus very low-quality olive oil. Furthermore, Prototypes were constructed to dem- transferable to all countries that produce the two-phase continuous production onstrate the suitability of the system olive oil, regardless of the system that decanters produce a moister version for both the two- and three-phase con- they use. of this waste that, due to the high level tinuous centrifugal extraction oil presses of water present in it, hinders chemical and for all types of waste produced by In spite of the potential cost advantages residual-oil extraction (for further infor- these two processes (wastewater and of implementing the TIRSAV system, mation see the section in the preceding the virgin pomace). The TIRSAV process small-scale olive farmers, who make up chapter about two-phase and three- solves this problem by turning the vir- a large proportion of olive oil producers phase decanter processes). Hence its gin pomace in the oil mill or consortium in Italy, are reluctant or unable to invest in disposal has become a common prob- plant into organic substrates that can be expensive new equipment. The benefici- lem. Controlled agronomic use of these used on the land. The same applies for ary, the Cilento national park (Ente Parco by-products is allowed, though han- dling problems occur, such as perco- lation during transportation and odour The TIRSAV project developed a co-blending technology that combines olive-mill was- tewater, fresh olive pomace and other natural organic wastes such as straw, to produce a emissions during spreading after long non-percolating fertiliser mixture. storage periods.

The first TIRSAV project, which was launched in 2000, patented a new tech- nological process for re-use of olive-mill wastewater and organic residues – the pomace waste. The project developed a co-blending strategy that combines olive-mill wastewater, fresh olive pomace and other natural organic wastes (straw, pruning residues, sawdust) to produce a non-percolating and non bad-smell- ing olive-mill waste mixture for use on agricultural land. In tests, the organically rich mixture performs as well as nitro- gen-enriched fertilisers, offering a viable means of by-product disposal that has a 42

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

of 12 000 t/yr of olive oil effluents instead of 36 500 t/yr. However, the technology could be used to treat greater waste vol- umes in those countries that consider the effluents as by-products.

PRODUCTION The new plant aims to demonstrate the economic benefit of recycling. It will pro- oil duce a “high-quality product that can be

ive sold at a high price, which would pay for l the running costs of the plant,” accord- ing to Feola. A cost-benefit analysis con- ducted during the first project showed that considerable increases in profits can be obtained through only slight variations

L I F E A N D O in the price of the compost. The plant

The TIRSAV project promoted the idea of developing an international law on the treatment will also minimise energy costs by using and recycling of olive oil waste. solar power and the biomass potential of olive stones. Nazionale del Cilento e Vallo di Diano), bacteria to use. The best solution will be therefore decided to carry out a follow- tested at the new plant. The TIRSAV projects have generated up project to address this. One way to interest at international and national level circumvent the problem of cost is to The project organisers say, however, that (with the Italian Ministry of the Environ- transport the waste to a central recycling legislative requirements have restricted ment providing e2.5 million in co-financ- plant. A plant that is being built as part the design and working regime of the ing). The first TIRSAV project promoted of the follow-up project will be owned by new plant. Under Italian legislation, olive- the idea of developing an international the national park, but such a centralised mill wastewater is currently considered law on the treatment and recycling of plant could be owned by an association a special waste product, and not a by- olive oil waste. Furthermore, the Inter- of mills. The second project is also pro- product, as in other EU countries. As a national Olive Oil Council is interested moting the need for common regulation result, it’s treatment is subject to a higher in implementing similar projects in across Europe. level of regulation. Through the project, Morocco, Syria and Tunisia. the organisers aim to show the value of The production of fertilisers using such such wastewater. “Legislation should Project Number: LIFE05 ENV/IT/000845 waste products requires the use of bac- reflect that wastewater can be treated New technologies for husks and teria to stabilise the mixture. The process to produce a new product,” said Anto- Title: wastewater recycling plus will take several weeks – at the new plant, nio Feola, project manager. “If products effluent is stored in containers for 15 days going into the plant were no longer con- Beneficiary: Ente Parco Nazionale del Cilento e Vallo di Diano to allow this bacterial reaction to occur sidered waste, then this process could e before it is cooled on a special fabric layer be simplified and therefore made more Total Budget: 5 454 264 for a further 15 days – and the benefici- cost efficient. For example, we wouldn’t LIFE Contribution: e944 208 ary in partnership with the department of have to weigh wastewater coming in.” Period: Oct-2005 to Mar-2011 engineering at the University of L’Aquila Website: is conducting research into the most effi- For these reasons, the working regime Contact: Antonio Feola cient means of achieving this microbio- and treatment capacity of the plant has Email: [email protected] logical breakdown and the most effective been reduced in order to treat a maximum

Project Number: LIFE00 ENV/IT/000223 The production of fertilisers requires the use of bacteria for microbiological breakdown of Title: New technologies for husks and the waste before undergoing substrate maturation. wastewater recycling Beneficiary: Ente Parco Nazionale del Cilento e Vallo di Diano Total Budget: e1 075 000 LIFE Contribution: e299 000 Period: Sept-2001 to Oct-2004 Website: Contact: Antonio Feola Email: [email protected] 43

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector PRODUCTION oil

ive l

Spain’s Olivewaste LIFE Environment project demonstrated a fully-integrated system L I F E A N D O

for obtaining useful by-products at all stages of olive oil production and waste treat-

ment. The project both reduced the environmental damage caused by the sector, and

showed where economic benefits could be achieved.

Olivewaste: from three phases to two and back again

hile olive oil is a healthy part were washed out of the virgin oil, leaving Most Spanish mills now use a two-phase W of European diets, waste pro- vegetation water as phytotoxic waste. decanter process for the secondary duced during its production can be a There was no particular management extraction to avoid the vegetation water serious problem when it enters rivers, approach to this waste, increasing the problem (see the section on olive oil pro- groundwater and soil. Typically, less than likelihood of its uncontrolled disposal duction for more details). The two-phase 25% of the mass of olives is converted into the natural environment. process separates the mass into virgin into virgin olive oil. Dealing with the remaining 75% is therefore an important The Olivewaste project developed an innovative integrated system based on a three-phase environmental and economic concern for decanter system for the treatment of the vegetation water and olive cake. olive oil producing countries.

Since the early 1970s, olive oil mills have used centrifuge technology in second- ary oil extraction. When these tech- niques were first introduced, the industry favoured the three-phase decanter. This added water to the mass of crushed olives emerging from the primary extrac- tion and separated it into the following three phases: virgin olive oil, vegetation water, and olive cake.

The olive cake was passed on to com- panies that extracted lower quality orujo oil. However, the addition of water in the process meant that many polyphenols 44

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

olive oil and alperujo, a dense liquid to demonstrate this process. The sys- used as fertiliser. The removed water can residue. The alperujo can be sent to tem was piloted over two olive harvests, be collected and is clean enough to be orujo-oil extraction plants, thus solv- allowing adjustments and improvements reintroduced into public water supplies. ing the waste-management problem to be made. for the olive oil mills. The pilot project also showed that the One of the greatest challenges to the whole system could be energy self-suffi-

PRODUCTION However, use of the two-phase process success of the project was administra- cient. A small amount of power was gen- simply displaces the waste-manage- tive. Julio González, CARTIF managing erated from olive biomass – particularly oil ment problem onto the orujo-oil extrac- director, recalls: “Our first major problem the stones and husks. Significant power

ive tion plants. The alperujo contains more was obtaining the planning permission to was also obtained from solar panels in l polyphenols, and subsequent process- build the plant. Once this was received, the factory roof. Since olive trees grow in ing requires large amounts of energy, we had to work quickly to catch up with hot countries, this is a particularly inter- produces high levels of the pollutant the project timetable.” esting aspect. As Julio González high- benzopyrene and still leaves substan- lights: “In a full-scale industrial plant, tial waste. Some extraction companies Economic and there should be the possibility of selling

L I F E A N D O may even refuse to accept alperujo for environmental benefits additional power produced by the panels

treatment. to the electricity grid.” Taking into account the whole process, An integrated treatment the main environmental and economic The potential for widespread introduc- process benefits come from the fact that the dif- tion of the system demonstrated by the ferent phases are easier to treat sepa- Olivewaste project seems high, with few CARTIF, a technology research centre rately. All the olive mass and water enter- technical obstacles to replacing the two- based in Valladolid, Spain, had been ing the system is used in some way. The phase decanter process with a three- exploring concepts for reducing the envi- reduced water content of the olive cake phase one. Although there are additional ronmental impact of olive oil production. produced by the three-phase decanter treatment costs for oil mills compared CARTIF technical expert Jorge Lopez reduces its volume and thus storage and to simply passing alperujo on to others explains: “We believed we could build an transport costs. Furthermore, orujo-oil to deal with, the beneficiary is confident integrated process with a return to the extraction companies only need to use that these would be more than offset three-phase decanter in the secondary around half the energy to extract the by the potential economic value of the extraction stage that not only avoided same amount of orujo oil. The process by-products, and by reduced transport environmental damage, but also provided produces negligible amounts of ben- costs. economic incentives for doing so.” zopyrene, and the leftover solids can be used as biomass for energy production, A major chanllege will be the ability to The process reintroduces the three- or composted to produce fertiliser. convince production companies of the phase decanter into an overall system, overall economic advantages of the new thus providing treatment stages for the However, Olivewaste’s main innovation process. The project team has already two types of waste produced: the veg- was the treatment process for the veg- presented the system to olive oil pro- etation water and the olive cake. It gen- etation water emerging from the three- ducers from Greece, Italy, Jordan, Syria erates useful by-products in the form of phase decanter. It undergoes accelerated and Lebanon. The project also points to fertilisers and water, and reduces trans- separation of its solid particles, which are the possibility of stricter regulation, for port and energy costs in the system as sent for composting. The remaining liq- example that concerning pomace oil a whole. uid is pumped into an evaporation and extraction companies. concentration system, where over 80% CARTIF, supported by LIFE, built a small- of the water is removed. Both the com- scale industrial plant in Baena (Córdoba) post and the concentrated liquid can be Project Number: LIFE05 ENV/E/000292 Title: Processing plant for the integral treatment and valorization of the waste CARTIF technical expert Jorge Lopez, demonstrates how energy is generated from the generated during the olive oil production olive biomass. process Beneficiary: CARTIF – Technology Centre Total Budget: e4 900 000 LIFE Contribution: e1 060 000 Period: Dec-2005 to Dec-2009 Website: Contact: Jorge Lopez Simon Email: [email protected] 45

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

EnviFriendly, a Greek LIFE project, demonstrated low-cost techniques for treating

olive-mill wastewater and wastewater from the washing of table olives. It successfully

integrated the techniques into the watershed management plan for the Evrotas river

basin and its coastal zone. PRODUCTION oil


Reducing olive mill l wastewater discharge into Greek river basins L I F E A N D O

he Evrotas river basin in south water was released at intervals from the attracted by low costs – the EnviFriendly Twestern Greece is threatened by storage tank and distributed among the project paid only e1 000 for the 300 pop- flooding, degradation of surface and poplars using a technique known as sub- lars – and by the business opportunity groundwater caused by point and non- surface disposal. This involved pumping offered by the future harvesting of the point pollution, and by droughts that dev- the wastewater through a network of poplars and sale of their wood. astate fish populations. pipes buried at a depth of 40cm. Dur- ing the winter, the distributed wastewa- 2. Lime treatment of olive-mill waste- Pollutants enter the river basin from the ter remains just above the groundwater water prior to spreading on cornfields area’s 168 olive mills, 91 of which are table close to the poplars’ roots. When The second test approach took place at located in the Evrotas river catchment the poplars start to grow in the spring, an olive mill producing approximately 500 area. These mills produce both olive oil they use the olive-mill wastewater, while tonnes/yr of olive oil and about 3 000 m3/ (around 20 400 tonnes annually) and table degrading it naturally. yr of olive-mill wastewater. The wastewa- olives. They generate approximately 60 ter was transported to tanks and treated 000 m3 of wastewater each year, 57 000 The plantation soil was monitored, and with lime, which facilitates the separation tonnes of wet waste, and 6 300 tonnes of organic compounds were found to accu- of suspended solids. This solid waste phenolic compounds. Most mills are fam- mulate 80 cm below the surface. However was recovered, partially composted and ily-owned and small, and the area lacks a organic matter derived from wastewater used as a fertiliser for maize. centralised waste treatment facility. Con- was not found deeper in the soil. Ground- sequently, olive-mill wastewater is dis- water reservoirs were also monitored to The project tested the phytotoxicity of posed of directly into the Evrotas river. ensure that pollutants did not enter. the solid waste, which was found to be significant only during the first year of The project team devised and imple- A number of olive-mill owners expressed cultivation. During the second year, the mented three cost-effective olive-mill interest in this approach, and some part- organic compounds were degraded natu- wastewater techniques that could be nerships to develop the technique have rally and maize yields increased by 25%. easily adopted by olive mills, as follows: been established. Mill owners have been The recovered wastewater, meanwhile,

1. Phytoremediation with subsurface The Kokkolis olive mill used a poplar plantation of 300 trees to phytoremediate olive-mill disposal of olive-mill waste wastewater. At the Kokkolis olive mill, the project used a poplar tree plantation to phytoremedi- ate olive-mill wastewater. The mill filtered its wastewater, separating suspended solids from the liquid phase. Whilst the solid waste was composted or mixed with olive leaves and fed to animals. The filtered wastewater was transported to a storage tank.

To test the phytoremediation potential, the project planted 300 poplars on an area of one-tenth of a hectare. The waste- Photo: Gabriella Camarsa 46

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

ENVIFRIENDLY PROPOSED 10 TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES FOR A SINGLE OLIVE MILL l Evaporation ponds l Storage and irrigation during the summer l Surface disposal in olive groves and natural restoration: wastewater is spread PRODUCTION

Photo: Gabriella Camarsa on the ground between olive trees so it percolates only into the first 10-20 cm The Evrotas river basin will achieve by of the soil where there are aerobic conditions. There it degrades naturally oil

2015 the “good ecological status” objec- l Subsurface disposal and phytoremediation without groundwater protection tives foreseen by the WFD thanks to LIFE – the Kokkolis mill case study ive funding. l l Subsurface disposal and phytoremediation with groundwater protection – also studied by the LIFE Olèico project was stored in open lagoons, mixed FOR A GROUP OF OLIVE MILLS with clean water and used to irrigate l Phytoremediation – a wastewater collection system, use of a decanter to the crops during the summer. The mill obtain the 1% of oil, and phytoremediation following principles established

L I F E A N D O owner benefited economically by selling

by EnviFriendly or Olèico the grain thus produced, or by using it to l Evaporation pond and odour-control using lime feed animals. l Filtration using wood chips and resins l Anaerobic digestion 3. Electrolysis of wastewater from l Odour-control with electrolytic treatment (as demonstrated by EnviFriendly) washing of table olives The third approach tested by the project dealt with table-olive washing. Table solution underwent electrolysis, which many other olive oil producing areas olives go through a fermentation process generates oxidants that degrade the pol- have expressed interest in joining the to improve the taste and reduce micro- lutants in the wastewater. The wastewa- EnviFriendly initiative. Because the tech- organisms. Brine is used for this and ter was then transported to evaporation niques explored by EnviFriendly are cost- the olives are then washed, resulting in tanks. The project found that this tech- effective, they do not have an impact on wastewater with a high biological oxygen nique halved the BOD content. the price of olive oil. In fact, they offer demand (BOD), or oxygen requirement benefits to mill owners through improved for breaking down organic matter. This EnviFriendly’s wider relationships with the public due to a wastewater is the cause of high levels of impact reduction in the odours produced by the pollution if disposed of in water bodies, incorrect disposal of wastewater into the and modifies the organic composition of All of the techniques tested by the project Evrotas river and its tributaries. soil if spread on the ground. The washing proved effective, with the results being process requires 1.2 litres of freshwater wastewater that could be used for agri- EnviFriendly has also contributed to for every kilogramme of table olives. culture, thus reducing water depletion, Greece’s first Integrated Water Resources and less pollution entering the Evrotas Management Plan. The Central Water To treat the wastewater, a production river. Based on the pilots, Lakonia prefec- Agency of Greece’s Environment Minis- plant owned by Euroamericana S.A. put in ture established a list of 10 ‘EnviFriendly’ try nominated the Evrotas basin to the place an electrolytic technique. The brine techniques (see box). The prefecture said EU Pilot River Basin (PRB)-Agriculture that it would, in futur, grant annual per- network. The Lakonia prefecture states mits to olive oil mill owners only if they confidently that the Evrotas river basin Euroamericana S.A. developed a proto- adopt one of these techniques to con- will achieve by 2015 the “good ecological type that uses electrolysis for the degra- trol wastewater. The prefecture further status” objectives foreseen by the Water dation of pollutants in the brine solution derived from washing of table olives. committed to defining limits of pollutants Framework Directive. that can be legally discharged in water bodies, in line with efforts to implement Project Number: LIFE05 ENV/GR/000245 the Water Framework Directive. The Environmental Friendly Technologies project also established a Local Devel- Title: for Rural Development opment Observatory, which has become the region’s water management centre, Beneficiary: Prefecture of Laconia responsible for the implementation of the Total Budget: e2 194 000 Water Framework Directive. LIFE Contribution: e1 096 000 Period: Dec-2005 to May-2009 The project’s findings offer environmental Website: benefits for Greece and other Mediterra- Contact: Dimitros Liakakos nean countries. Due to the communica- tion activities carried out by the project, Email: [email protected] 47

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector CONCLUSIONS Photo: Nikolaos Nikolaidis LIFE: leading the way towards a greener olive sector

The LIFE programme has supported projects dealing with the environmental impacts of

both olive cultivation and olive oil processing. Both of these areas have been through

significant changes in the last two decades. In addition, attitudes towards the environ-

ment and legislative frameworks have undergone major revision. Olive growers and

processors have therefore had to adjust to new approaches and adapt to new ideas.

LIFE projects have played an important role in guiding this process.

LIFE and olive farming mainly caused by intensive cultiva- relevant for olive growers as much as tion. for other farmers. Future projects could The LIFE ECOIL project, for exam- focus on assessing what implementa- ple, through the implementation of Future projects could capitalise on tion of such measures has achieved, life-cycle analysis at different sites, the work of projects such as ECOIL by what gaps remain, and what farming has identified the main environmen- working more on the implementation techniques would be most effective for tal impacts of modern olive cultiva- in practice of techniques and tech- the more extensive integration of envi- tion. These environmental impacts, nologies to mitigate these impacts. ronmental policies into the agricultural which arise from the use of herbicides Few LIFE projects so far have focused sector. and pesticides, fertilisers, and from on devising farming practices that water exploitation for irrigation pur- can do this. Nevertheless, reforms The LIFE funding strands – Environ- poses include: the contamination of of the Common Agricultural Policy mental Policy and Governance and surface and underground water bod- since 2003 provide a framework for Information and Communication ies; eutrophication; soil erosion and more environmentally-friendly farming – therefore have a role to play. Raising desertification; and loss of biodiversity through cross-compliance and agri- awareness, especially among small- and landscape degradation, which is environmental measures, which are holders, is important, but intensive cul- 48 CONCLUSIONS and oliveoilproducersthroughouttheEU. LIFE fundinghashelpedpromoteanenvironmentalconsciousnessamongolive growers used fortheproduction ofbiogas. product – from olive waste, which can be recovers polyphenols – a marketable by- ess or to irrigate crops. This system also proc- production the in reused be can that water purified is which of product end the system, filtration treatment wastewater membrane a incorporating project), RE-WASTE the as (such plants ment costs, to more integrated treatment relativelywith facilities ment invest- high development of simple wastewater treat- LIFE projects that have tackled this, the from in seen be can evolution steady A face waterbodies. sur-or underground and soil to impacts negative cause can they where ment environ-the untreatedin of disposed be not should and treated, be to need they that meaning toxicity, high by acterised char- are products waste These waste). and wastewater of production of the are processing oil impacts olive environmental main The pro LIFE andoliveoil profitable. even and economically-viable, be can niques tech- these that understanding greater be should there particular, In impacts. environmental negative minimise that techniques farming about with information targeted be also should tivators LIFE Focus LIFE duction


Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector oil olive the in performance environmental improving in practice Good alperujo (wet solid solid (wet of of production greater to leads approach two-phase the However, wastewater. less produced and consumption reduced water systems These oil production. olive of impact environmental tive nega- the the as reducing to seen approach best was system decanter three-phase, than rather two-phase, the 1990s, early and 1980s late the In producers. to permits granting of tion as a condi- implementation their require can who authorities, local by boosted greatly be can methods and nologies tech- greener of Adoption can applied. be methods low-cost Italy, of parts and Greece in as such producers, scale smaller- by and basis, traditional more a on done still is production Where ties. facili- the treatment in water expensive more investment for scope is there producer, oil olive biggest the Spain, in as such predominates, production ised industrial- Where regions. producing oil olive of different requirements particular and nance, which can be to adapted the which are also low-cost and low-mainte- duction of more advanced technologies, intro- the to led thus have projects LIFE capacity to re-use all of the by-prod- the of all re-use to capacity the with plant pilot a within it integrated but approach, three-phase the revisited project Olivewaste The impacts. mental environ- negative prevent to disposal before be treated itself must and stance alperujo , which contains toxic sub- toxic contains which ,

Photo: pizzodisevo (doing TENS for pain) the sector. the to LIFE’s be can legacy change, climate of impacts negative the offset help will development. Better environmental approaches, which future its to challenge external severe a presents warming bal increase in demand for its products, glo- marked a seen has sector the Although change. climate of because important more even become has producers con- oil olive and growers olive in environmental sciousness an Ingraining gaps. policy identify to place, take also can legislation of implementation the of assessment On-going widely. more up taken are approaches greener that so spread be to needs techniques new the of awareness but production, oil olive environmentally-friendly more towards way the shown have so or the decade in last projects LIFE play. to role tant will have an meanwhile, impor- projects, Communication and Information LIFE schemes. ling eco-labe- of implementation and mills, oil olive of monitoring and inspection practices, imple- environmental for of mentation benefits tax local), establishing or regional (national, planning strategic improvements, environmental for subsidies of granting issuance, mit per- as such environmental operations into concerns building on work to projects for scope is There sector. oil olive the towards approaches ernance gov- and planning management their improving by respect, this in way the authorities local show can projects LIFE facilities. better of roll-out the with can help by producers, of tion consortia and the ment of forma- local authorities, involve- The continuously. operate not do mills that means which processing, oil olive of seasonality the account into take also must approaches New ties. facili- and methods treatment effective to enable small olive mills to adopt cost- done be to needs more future, the For external treatment of of treatment external the to related costs transport reduced by and by-products of the value economic by offset be could system phase three- a of reintroduction the to related costs any that found project The ucts.

alperujo . 49

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

Statements from National Associations I t a ly : C I A D o m e n i c o M astrogiovanni , H e a d o f t h e “O l i v e o i l a n d w i n e ” s e c t i o n The LIFE programme’s objectives continue to be cerns within the sector can be addressed by valid, but should be strengthened by improving the adopting new techniques, whereby the by-prod- synergy of the various actions being undertaken. ucts from the processing stage are reused, thus This must be done to address climate change, to having a positive impact both on incomes and ensure sustainable land use, and to minimise the the environment. risk that chemicals pose to the environment and Future projects should emphasise in particular the human health. provision of information, using meetings, seminars Projects to disseminate information or promote and workshops to convey the results. innovation in line with EU objectives are well The challenge for this sector is to remain pro- suited to the olive-growing sector. These should ductive, both economically and environmen- aim to share knowledge and understanding, tally. This can happen if access is granted to and provide information on new technology to new technology and if a balanced use of land is improve growing methods. Environmental con- maintained.

G r e e c e : P A S E G E S T h e o d o ro s V lo u t i s , H e a d o f t h e “O l i v e o i l ” s e c t i o n The LIFE programme will continue to help the olive- methods. Certain problems must be addressed, growing sector to overcome the difficulties it faces, such as improving soil management, better use of such as climate change and the need for sustain- water and the efficient treatment of industrial resi- able growth. Combined action must be taken to dues from the processing stage. ensure sustainable land-use and reduced use of The objective must be to protect the environ- chemicals, while maintaining producers’ incomes. ment as well as producers’ incomes. This can be The olive-growing sector must take action to share achieved by promoting innovation and embrac- information, knowledge and understanding, and to ing new technology to help ensure sustainable provide information on improved sustainable growing growth.

SP A I N : A S A J A P e d ro B a r ato , N at i o n a l P r e s i d e n t Olive growing has to overcome the serious prob- groves in capturing greenhouse gases, preserving lems that are currently threatening its survival. biodiversity and supplying biomass for energy pro- Matters such as the cost of labour, the excessive duction. fragmentation of supply as opposed to the concen- Integrated production has proved to be the produc- tration of demand and price volatility, all pose seri- tion system that can contribute the most towards ous threats to the competitiveness of growers. At improving the environment when principally used in the same time, it is crucial to respond correctly to the most intensive production areas. Organic pro- environmental challenges, and to boost the benefi- duction, for its part, is easier to implement on the cial effects of olive growing on the environment. most traditional farms, which use few inputs but Improving soil management, making efficient use of obtain lower yields and lower profitability. water and plant protection products and minimising If we are capable of providing a response to these the negative impact of treating industrial residues questions in the immediate future, we will be able from olive processing must be combined with ini- to assure the survival of a thousand-year old tradi- tiatives that promote the important role of olive tion that is part of Europe’s cultural legacy. 50

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

International Olive Council: future perspectives

The International Olive Council, is an intergovernmental organisation established in

1959 under the auspices of the UN, contributing to policymaking issues and tackling

present and future challenges in the olive sector.

he growing interest in environmen- ecosystem and generates economic ing is practised in an eco-friendly manner Ttal issues is heavily impacting on prosperity and balanced social develop- to prevent any risk of pollution or inad- the policies implemented by national ment. All economic development must equate use of natural resources. Modern and international organisations alike. necessarily take into account every olive growing has to go by new principles The International Olive Council (IOC) is aspect of environmental compatibility by and innovative low-impact technologies if no exception, having incorporated these opting for an economically sustainable it wishes to find solutions to the problems issues into the agenda of its action pro- and self-compatible agricultural model. inherent in the entire production chain. grammes in a move to respond better Starting from the principle that our land Land use systems must therefore be to society’s concern over environmental capital is an exhaustible resource, we made more rational to allow the olive tree protection and conservation. In fact, one are duty-bound to do everything we to perform all its functions to the full while of the major innovations written into the can to conserve it and to use it properly, making good use of the available natural 2005 International Agreement on Olive and to pass it down in good condition resources and satisfying consumers. Oil and Table Olives has been to include to future generations, so guaranteeing environmental questions among the gen- them the same quality of life handed Examples of completed or ongoing envi- eral objectives of the Organisation and to down to us by our predecessors. A new ronmental projects drawn up by the IOC convert them into a major linchpin of IOC concept of sustainable development include a programme known as Irrigao- action in the area of international techni- has thus evolved, which can be read- livo for the development and dissemina- cal cooperation. ily summed up as “development that tion of sustainable irrigation management meets the needs of the present without in olive growing and a project for the Economic development in agriculture compromising the capacity of future recycling of olive oil mill wastewater and must ensure environmental compat- generations to respond olive pomace, aimed at putting forward a ibility by opting for an to their needs”. rational solution to the problem of the dis- agricultural model posal of the effluent generated by olive oil that makes careful The IOC strives production, notably by reusing the waste- use of natural to ensure that water and olive pomace as fertilisers resources and olive grow- on agricultural land under grass or tree which pro- crops. Another example of related work is tects the the code of good practice published g l o b a l by the IOC for the sustainable development of olive orchards in areas characterised by fragile ecosystems. Photo: Nikolaos Nikolaidis OLIVE OIL PRODUCTION OIL OLIVE OLIVE CULTIVATIONOLIVE LIFE00 ENV/GR/00067 1 and producing organic fertilizer Process developmentforanintegratedoliveoilmillwaste managementrecovering natural antioxidants MINOS LIFE99 ENV/D/000424 material andenergetic utilizationoftheresidues Innovative demonstrationfacilityforthetreatment ofwastewaterfrom oliveoilpresses (OMW)with OLIVIA LIFE00 ENV/E/000547 Park Area Design and Application of a Sustainable Soil Management Model for Orchard Crops in the Doñana National Doñana Sostenible LIFE03 NAT/E/000052 Extremadura Conservation andmanagementoftheSPA forBirds siteofCommunityinterest wetland“LaAlbuera”in Albuera Extremadura LIFE04 NAT/GR/000 101 Conservation managementofanIslandSPA TILOS LIFE06 NAT/P/000 191 Recovery ofIberianLynx habitatinMoura/BarrancosSite Lince Moura/Barrancos LIFE07 NAT/IT/000450 region Identification andconservationofthehighnature valueofancientolivegroves intheMediterranean CENT.OLI.MED LIFE04 ENV/GR/000110 Life CycleAssessment(LCA)asadecisionsupporttool(DST)fortheeco-production ofoliveoil ECOIL LIFE99 ENV/F/000497 Arboretum deBeauregard- thelocalplantsatserviceforrestoration oftheusualnature Arboretum Beauregard LIFE99 ENV/E/000351 Oleo-Life Oleo-Life LIFE Focus LIFE


Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector oil olive the in performance environmental improving in practice Good 1053-l-arboretum-departemental-de-beauregard.htm 14



LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector


ECOIL Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) as a decision support tool (DST) for the eco-production of olive oil

LIFE04 ENV/GR/000110

LIST OF PROJECTS Olèico A new application of phytodepuration as a treatment for the olive mill waste water disposal

LIFE04 ENV/IT/000409

RE-WASTE Recovery, recycling, resource. Valorisation of olive mill effluents by recovering high added value bio-products LIFE07 ENV/IT/000421

PROSODOL Stategies to improve and protect soil quality from the disposal of olive mills’ wastes in the Mediterranean region LIFE07 ENV/GR/000280

Olèico+ European awareness raising campaign for an environmentally sustainable olive mill waste management

LIFE07 INF/IT/000438

INFOIL Promoting sustainable production and consumption patterns: the example of olive oil

LIFE08 INF/GR/000581

TIRSAV New technologies for husks and waste waters recycling

LIFE00 ENV/IT/000223

TIRSAV+ New technologies for husks and waste water recycling plus

LIFE05 ENV/IT/000845

Olivewaste Processing plant for the integral treatment and valorisation of the wasted generated during the olive oil production process LIFE05 ENV/E/000292

EnviFriendly Environmental Friendly Technologies for Rural Development

LIFE05 ENV/GR/000245 53

LIFE Focus I Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector

Available LIFE publications

LIFE-Focus brochures Other publications

Getting more from less: LIFE and sustain- LIFE and the marine environment (2006 Environment Policy & Governance able production in the EU (2009 - 40pp. – 54pp. ISBN 92-79-03447-2- ISSN 1725- Projects 2008 compilation (2009, 107pp. - ISBN 978-92-79-12231-6 - ISSN 1725- 5619) – ISBN 978-92-79-13424-1) 5619) LIFE and European forests (2006 - 68pp. Information & Communications Proj- Breathing LIFE into greener businesses: ISBN 92-79-02255-5 - ISSN 1725-5619) ects 2008 compilation (2009, 21pp. Demonstrating innovative approaches to – ISBN 978-92-79-13425-8) improving the environmental performance LIFE in the City: Innovative solutions of European businesses (2008 - 60pp. - for Europe’s urban environment (2006, Nature & Biodiversity Projects 2008 ISBN 978-92-79-10656-9 - ISSN 1725-5619) 64pp. - ISBN 92-79-02254-7 – ISSN 1725- compilation (2009, 87pp. – ISBN 978-92- 5619) 79-13426-5) LIFE on the farm: Supporting environ- mentally sustainable agriculture in Europe Integrated management of Natura 2000 Best LIFE Environment projects 2008- (2008 - 60 pp. - 978-92-79-08976-3) sites (2005 - 48 pp. – ISBN 92-79-00388-7) 2009 (2009, 32pp.-ISBN 978-92-79-13109-7 ISSN 1725-5619) LIFE and endangered plants: Conserving LIFE, Natura 2000 and the military (2005 Europe’s threatened flora (2007 - 52 pp. - - 86 pp. – ISBN 92-894-9213-9 – ISSN Environment Policy & Governance and ISBN 978-92-79-08815-5) 1725-5619) Information & Communications Projects 2007 compilation (2009, 92 pp.-ISBN 978- LIFE and Europe’s wetlands: Restoring a LIFE for birds: 25 years of the Birds Direc- 92-79-12256-9) vital ecosystem (2007 - 68 pp. - ISBN 978- tive: the contribution of LIFE-Nature proj- 92-79-07617-6) ects (2004 - 48 pp. – ISBN 92-894-7452-1 Nature & Biodiversity Projects 2007 – ISSN 1725-5619) compilation (2009, 67 pp. – ISBN 978-92- LIFE and waste recycling: Innovative waste 79-12257-6) management options in Europe (2007 - 60 The air we breathe: LIFE and the European pp. - ISBN 978-92-79-07397-7) Union clean air policy (2004 - 32 pp. – ISBN 92-894-7899-3 – ISSN 1725-5619) A number of LIFE publications are LIFE and Europe’s rivers: Protecting and available on the LIFE website: improving our water resources (2007 LIFE-Nature: communicating with stake- – 52pp. ISBN 978-92-79-05543-0 - ISSN holders and the general public – Best 1725-5619) practice examples for Natura 2000 (2004 life/publications/lifepublications/ - 72 pp. – ISBN 92-894-7898-5 – ISSN index.htm LIFE and Energy: Innovative solutions for 1725-5619) sustainable and efficient energy in Europe A number of printed copies of (2007 – 64pp. ISBN 978 92-79-04969-9 - A cleaner, greener Europe: LIFE and the ISSN 1725-5619) European Union waste policy (2004 - 28 certain LIFE publications are pp. – ISBN 92-894-6018-0 – ISSN 1725- available and can be ordered free- LIFE-Third Countries 1992-2006 (2007, 64 5619) of-charge at: pp. – ISBN 978-92-79-05694-9 – ISSN 1725- 5619) life/publications/order.htm KH-80-09-979-EN-C ” (COM (2006) 216 final). ISSN 1725-5619 contribute to the development and demonstration of innovative are are communication and awareness raising campaigns related to the the loss of Biodiversity by 2010 – and beyond The European Commission organises annual calls for proposals. Full details are Halting nvironnement” Environnement” / The financial instrument for the environment 2007-2013. approximately EUR 2,143 million further information on LIFE and LIFE+ is available at at least 78% of the budget is for co-financing actions in favour of the environment (LIFE+ LIFE+ funding Financier pour l’ “L’Instrument available at European European Commission – Directorate-General for the Environment LIFE Unit – BU-9 02/1 – B-1049 Brussels – Internet: LIFE+ Nature projects improve the conservation status of endangered species and natural habitats. They support the implementation of the Birds and Habitats Directives and the Natura 2000 network. LIFE+ Biodiversity projects improve biodiversity in the EU. They contribute to the implementation of the objectives of the Commission Communication, “ LIFE+ Information and Communication projects implementation, updating and development of European environmental policy and legislation, including the prevention of forest fires and training for forest fire agents. LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance projects policy approaches, technologies, methods and instruments in support of European environmental policy and legislation. projects) projects) in the Member States of the European Union and in certain non-EU countries. ype of intervention

Life Focus / LIFE among the olives: Good practice in improving environmental performance in the olive oil sector Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Union 2010 - 56p - 21 x 29.7 cm ISBN 978-92-79-14154-6 ISSN 1725-5619 doi 10.2779/8360 Further information How to apply for Contact EU funding available T LIFE+ projects > > LIFE+ Period covered (LIFE+) > >