E1524 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 22, 2016 In 2003, after 33 years of service, Pastor every single year, leaving their families with nizations in the country; there was little hope Pearls stepped down and the church elected tears. It is really not that hard to honor for an African American candidate at that time, Pastor Rickie L. Williams. Under his leader- these men and women; all you can do is take so the organization supported White can- a little time out of your day to visit a Vet- ship, the church has continued to faithfully eran’s nursing home and thank all the vet- didates who they believed were right on polit- serve the West Oakland community through erans there. Families worry every single day ical issues affecting the African American various outreach programs. Although the and hope that their sister, brother, son, community. church was ravaged by fire in September daughter, mother, or fathers are okay. Mr. Rumford did not seek to become a pro- 2013, the congregation bonded together and On Veteran’s Day, I honor my brother and fessional politician; instead, he was a neigh- rebuilt the church on the same property to all U.S. soldiers that are serving. My brother borhood pharmacist who was passionate continue its ministry in the West Oakland com- has made me grow as a person, many soldiers about addressing the biggest issues impacting munity. have to face struggles and sometimes they his community. Eventually, Mr. Rumford ran have to kill just to keep the rest of us safe. for election in the Assembly and On behalf of the residents of California’s Would you kill someone to keep other people 13th Congressional District, I extend my sin- you don’t know safe? Not everyone can be a won in 1949. At first he represented mostly Af- cerest congratulations to Zion First Church of soldier so we should thank and love the sol- rican American areas of Oakland and a por- God in Christ on the celebration of its 100th diers who keep us and our families safe. tion of South Berkeley. In 1960, however, the year of worship. I wish Zion First Church of Without them, our lives would be completely district was enlarged to include all of Berkeley God in Christ many more years of authentic different and probably more dangerous. Even and parts of Albany. and compassionate service. the soldiers who are located in the United As an Assembly Member, Mr. Rumford pro- States on the borders should earn the same f duced several effective pieces of legislation. In respect as the soldiers who fight in Iraq, 1949, he worked tirelessly to pass the Bill to IN HONOR OF GEORGE RIVERA Syria, and Afghanistan. Every soldier has the same duty and mindset to keep danger end discrimination in the National Guard. He AND HIS WINNING SUBMISSION away from the United States. That is what also introduced legislation early in his Assem- TO THE 2016 VETERANS DAY Veteran’s Day means to me and I think all bly tenure pertaining to fair trade, small busi- ESSAY CONTEST FROM NEW the soldiers who have served in the past and nesses, child polio immunizations, atomic en- YORK’S 14TH CONGRESSIONAL who are serving now deserve our respect and ergy conversion, and environmental pollution. DISTRICT gratitude. Today, Mr. Rumford is best remembered for f three pieces of legislation: the California Fair Employment Practices Act of 1959, which HON. JOSEPH CROWLEY HONORING WILLIAM BYRON lessened the impact of race on hiring deci- OF NEW YORK RUMFORD IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sions; the Good Samaritan Act of 1959, which garnered national attention as the first law in Tuesday, November 22, 2016 HON. BARBARA LEE the country to protect professionals in emer- Mr. CROWLEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to OF CALIFORNIA gency situations; and the law that bore his congratulate the winner of the 2016 Veterans IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES name: the Rumford Fair Housing Act of 1963, Day essay contest from New York’s 14th Con- Tuesday, November 22, 2016 which failed to survive a referendum chal- gressional District. George Rivera, a student lenge, but was upheld by the Supreme Court Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor from I.S. 61 in Corona, Queens submitted the of the United States. This act served as Cali- the extraordinary life of an outstanding mem- winning essay on the topic, ‘‘What Veterans fornia’s main enforcement authority against ber of the East Bay community, the Honorable Day Means To Me.’’ George’s essay reads as race-based housing discrimination, by way of William Byron Rumford. follows: housing covenants, until the passage of the He was born in Courtland, Arizona in 1915. Veteran’s Day is a public holiday in the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1968. United States and it is celebrated on Novem- As a child, he shined shoes, sold newspapers, His tremendous legacy paved the way for ber 11th. On this day, we honor those who and graduated from George Washington civil rights legislation nationally, and has been fought for our country and thank them for Carver High School in Phoenix in 1926. After beautifully honored by the William Byron all they have done. The U.S. Armed Forces finishing his studies at Sacramento Junior Col- Rumford Memorial Project. This project is led risk their lives every day for us. The Air lege in 1931, he earned his pharmacy degree by a diverse group of community members Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, at the University of California, San Francisco. and the Navy, all make up the United States who see the rapid changing of South Berke- After he graduated, he took a number of ley’s demographics as a ripe time to honor his Armed Forces. Taking time out of our day to exams for employment and was discriminated honor them is the least that we can do com- leadership, activism, and community, while pared to what they have done for us. This against at every turn. He fought his way preserving the neighborhood’s history. holiday is not only for those who served in through by appealing his oral examination, ulti- On a personal note, William was a trail- our military, but also for the ones who are mately becoming a member of the California blazer. Had it not been for him, I never would still serving today. Many people take for Board of Pharmacy. have been elected to the CA legislature. I owe granted what they do for us; not only this, Mr. Rumford worked in the Bay Area as an him a debt of gratitude and I will be forever but some people even forget about them assistant pharmacist and as a venereal dis- grateful. without realizing that without them, we ease investigator for the state. In 1942, he co- Today, California’s 13th Congressional Dis- probably would not have the freedom that we invested in a pharmacy on Sacramento Street have today. These soldiers sacrifice so much trict salutes the legacy of the Honorable Wil- for the people they don’t even know; they in Berkeley, which he later purchased and re- liam Byron Rumford. His contributions have leave their families to fight for our country. named Rumford’s Pharmacy (now known as truly impacted countless lives through the East Many people enjoy their freedom without the Rumford Clinic). Later, he served as the Bay area and the country. I join all of Mr. knowing that soldiers are dying behind the director of the Oakland chapter of the Red Rumford’s loved ones and the community lines for them to keep their freedom and Cross, president of the East Bay Health Asso- members involved in the William Byron rights. All of the soldiers show love to our ciation, and was on the region’s Democratic Rumford Memorial Project in celebrating his Nation through this big sacrifice. Central Committee. incredible life and legacy. There are U.S. soldiers located all around Mr. Rumford went on to lead an impactful the world and I know they miss their fami- f lies but continue fighting for us. My brother and significant political career, and ultimately is currently serving in the U.S. Army. Right became the first African American legislator HONORING THE 20TH ANNIVER- now he is in Guam which is an island near from . Inspired by the dis- SARY OF INNER CITY ADVISORS Japan. I know he misses us but he still parities he witnessed in his pharmaceutical ca- FUND GOOD JOBS strives to keep people from taking our free- reer, he joined the Berkeley Emergency Hous- dom. Throughout U.S. history, many soldiers ing Committee in 1942 and the Berkeley Rent HON. BARBARA LEE have lost their lives. In World War I, nearly Board in 1944. In addition, he worked with the OF CALIFORNIA 11 million military soldiers died, and in unofficial Berkeley Interracial Committee which World War II even more soldiers died to save IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES was intended to ease tensions between the our world from tyranny; they wanted to keep Tuesday, November 22, 2016 the United States safe. Black community of Berkeley and White At least two soldiers, on average, die each Southerners who were moving in. He was also Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recognize day trying to fight for our country. Imagine, a member of the Appomattox Club, which was the 20th anniversary of ICA Fund Good Jobs. that is between 600 and 800 soldiers that die one of the first African American political orga- Today November 17th, 2016, ICA Fund Good

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:37 Nov 23, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A22NO8.003 E22NOPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS November 22, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1525 Jobs celebrates its many achievements in Brown, and Don Peralta on projects in the Bay HONORING MS. PATRICIA MARIE supporting small businesses and creating Area. On a national level she was an active JONES good jobs throughout the Bay Area. member of the NAACP, for fifteen years she ICA Fund Good Jobs was founded in 1996 helped fundraise money for Fannie Lou Hamer HON. BARBARA LEE as Oakland Advisors (later Inner City Advi- and the voting rights act in Mississippi. OF CALIFORNIA sors). Its mission is to create jobs for people As a strong woman of faith Mrs. Molo wor- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES with high barriers to employment, by helping shiped at the Presbyterian Women of Faith Tuesday, November 22, 2016 entrepreneurs with consulting, education, and East Oakland Fellowship Circle and was the investment services. ICA focuses on high- Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor secretary of her church. growth small businesses in order to create ac- the extraordinary life and invaluable service of cessible jobs that provide living wages, health All in all, Ethel was a woman of many col- Ms. Patricia Jones, who passed away August benefits, and opportunities for advancement. ors. Her interests were diverse as were the 5, 2016. Patricia Marie Jones was born on Sep- In 2013 ICA founded a partner organization many people she touched with her hard work tember 3, 1944 in Vallejo, California to Booker called ‘‘Fund Good Jobs’’, which provides and dedication to her community and those T. and Mildred Jones. At a young age the small businesses with capital investments and that were less fortunate than her. family relocated back to its homeland of Hei- helps reduce the burden of relying on com- Traveling, sewing, reading and cooking big delberg, Mississippi where Patricia graduated mercial lending for start-up businesses. In meals for her friends and family were among from Southside High School at the top of her 2015 ICA and Fund Good Jobs combined their her many hobbies. She spent her golden class. operations to become a comprehensive sup- years reading, comfortably eating her favorite After her high school graduation Patricia port structure for local businesses in the East cookies, spending time with her family and moved back to the Bay Area and enrolled at Bay. watching her game shows. Vallejo Junior college. Patricia earned her As- In its 20-year history, ICA Fund Good Jobs sociates Degree. Understanding the power of She leaves to celebrate her life, her three has worked with more than 500 companies to education, Patricia transferred to San Fran- loving children, Dovelyn Burbridge-Winbush, create more than 5,000 jobs and generate cisco State University where she would earn over $65 million in local employee wealth. Gene Hennen, and Alfreda Gibson-Hampton. her Bachelor’s Degree two years later in Jour- ICA Fund Good Jobs is a certified Commu- She also leaves six generations of grand- nalism. She then enrolled at University of Cali- nity Development Financial Institution, and has children, great grandchildren, and great-great fornia, Berkeley and in 1973 earned her Mas- used its expertise and capital to support suc- grandchildren along with her nieces and neph- ter’s Degree in City Planning. cessful startups including Revolution Foods, ew. Patricia had a distinguished career in public Blue Bottle Coffee, and newer successes such Today, California’s 13th Congressional Dis- service that included local, state and federal as Firebrand Artisan Breads and Back to the trict salutes the legacy of Mrs. Ethel Mae service. She served in the city of Richmond as Roots. These companies and others sup- Molo. Her contributions have truly impacted the city planner, the assistant to the City Man- ported by ICA Fund Good Jobs have spurred countless lives throughout the Bay Area. I join ager for External Affairs and Assistant Director economic growth throughout the East Bay, her loved ones in celebrating her incredible life of Housing Development. She also served as and are examples of the fulfillment of ICA and offer my most sincere condolences. a Board member of the East Bay Community Fund Good Job’s mission. Foundation. Most recently Patricia served as On behalf of the residents of California’s f Assistant Executive Director of the Association 13th Congressional District, I congratulate ICA of Bay Area Governments, a regional planning Fund Good Jobs on 20 years of exemplary RECOGNIZING STEPHEN L. RITCH- agency representing nine cities in the Bay service as it continues to solve long-standing IE FOR RECEIVING THE AJC’S Area. problems in new ways, and move the needle JUDGE LEARNED HAND HUMAN Patricia was committed to excellence known on some of the Bay Area’s most challenging RELATIONS AWARD for her work ethic, integrity, creativity and indicators of socioeconomic inequality. I wish fierce determination. She excelled at every- ICA Fund Good Jobs well as it continues to thing she did. work toward ensuring that every worker has HON. ROBERT J. DOLD Patricia was also a world traveler and over access to a good job. the years had visited Africa, Asia, Europe, f OF ILLINOIS South America and Cuba. She lived a full life and inspired all those around her to do the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HONORING MRS. ETHEL MAE MOLO same. Tuesday, November 22, 2016 But no matter her accomplishments, Patricia HON. BARBARA LEE always put family first; she always made time OF CALIFORNIA Mr. DOLD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to con- for them no matter the time of day or size of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gratulate a highly deserving recipient of the the problem. She leaves to honor her memory, Judge Learned Hand Human Relations Award, brothers Terry and Kenneth Jones, along with Tuesday, November 22, 2016 Stephen Ritchie. Presented by the American her many nieces and nephews. Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor Jewish Committee (AJC), this honor is given Today, California’s 13th Congressional Dis- the extraordinary life of Mrs. Ethel Mae Molo, to distinguished attorneys who have shown an trict remembers the extraordinary life of Ms. who was affectionately known by family and exceptional commitment to justice, individual Patricia Jones. Her contributions have truly im- friends as GG. rights, and civic leadership. pacted countless lives throughout the Bay Area. I join her loved ones in celebrating her Mrs. Molo was born on October 27, 1914 in To those who know Steve, it is no surprise Homer, Louisiana. After graduating from incredible life and offer my most sincere con- that he is receiving this prestigious recogni- McDonogh Thirty Five High School she at- dolences. tion. Steve has earned a reputation among his tended and graduated from Xavier University f clients and within our community for excel- in New Orleans, Louisiana with a Bachelor of lence and leadership. Throughout the past HONORING THE 150TH ANNIVER- Arts degree in Social Work. decade, he has consistently been recognized SARY OF THE PACIFIC SCHOOL After moving to California Ethel married Mr. as one of the best lawyers in America, all OF RELIGION Raymond Molo, she also had three beautiful while showing remarkable dedication to his children. Once in California she was given the family and civic and charitable endeavors. opportunity to hold a position on the Kaiser HON. BARBARA LEE Through his service to AJC Chicago, AIPAC’s OF CALIFORNIA shipyard as a Rosie the Riveter, helping to support the war efforts for World War II. She Illinois council, Teach for America, and the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES later continued her service at the Naval Air United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Tuesday, November 22, 2016 Steve has made a true imprint on our commu- station working on aircrafts. After many years Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor nity and our nation. as a dispatcher, she retired from the Air Sta- the 150th anniversary of the Pacific School of tion. Mr. Speaker, I am honored to consider Religion. Following her retirement Ethel was very ac- Steve a friend and congratulate him on receiv- Founded in 1866, the Pacific School of Reli- tive throughout her community. She worked ing the Judge Learned Hand Human Relations gion (formerly known as the Pacific Theo- with political leaders Ronald Dellums, Willie Award. logical Seminary) was established to serve as

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