The Eberhardt T Cabinetpostsfor
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" BRITAIN ...CASK HAN8MW DI8EGT8 FOR CABUALTIES CAESAR (See Roper, Page 2) (On Page Two) ALKNDA LUI V ■I OUTA LllllTAt VOLUME XXXIX DAVIDSON COLLEGE, DAVID80N, N. C, FRIDAY. MAY 11. 1951 NUMBER TWENTY-FIVE ODK'sRecognize Voting ClosesDick Stockton Chosen Pan-Hell Campus Leaders On Y Board; 1 l Last Tuesday in chapel OinicTon Delta Kappa drill its an- Head For 5l- 52 nual spring tapping day. A short acldi-ens by Dr. ('. K. Brmvn Cheerleader The Zeus .if the Greeks for In the Inppm^ of ten new members, five of whom was followed ' the coming year is following - ' K°inff to be an" seniors and fivr members of Ilie Junior ela«s. The if HJHtekj. Dick Stockton. The I'an-Hellenic were inducted : gt"* Conacil picked Dick as president n HP FREEMAN PLUMMER AND along with Joe Miller as treasurer and Ken Taylor as secretary. HALLER CRAVEN ON YBOARD; TOMMY Dick, a Kappa Sinma brother, Tommy b a |«i t- eaajaf from I'ula-ki. PEPPER ELECTED is from Winston-Salem, N. C. and Virginia. He was a mainstay on tlii> year's basket- has proven to be one of the most S^iitiK elections came to a close I !>;ill team high puint man on tin- track s<|uad versatile men on and (hi- week with the selection ol "V" his junior year. ;i> chcer- the D a \ id -on I in Last fall he served hoard member*, bead cheerleader, i,] He WSJ VMl'A social cliuirtnan, I'.m- Hell campus A- one I leader. and the Hoard. representative,a Publication* of t h e I member of Si^ma Delta Pfcl ami chosen the I most Hill Freeman Was as promising I ta a brother in I'liiGamma Delta. senior ■^■mv j£ I tnem- member of the Y.M.C. \. Iher* of the track Hoard of Control A standout in Iteam. Dick has jj.i Wildcat football line for three RAY CUNNINGHAM Icurrently b e en year-. l'ieciiian is an active mem- Irunning the major town, Kay traveler, ruins, ber of the Heaver Club and D- A business from the home Professor C. B. Eberhardt, world student of the king of the camel caravans, and (|iiarter mile for given outstanding ( lull, and I'hi Gamma Delta social ■^^^■J won ttii> year an award to *he professor of Bible at Davidson College, was snapped in this informal shot while riding past the Sphinx g| J|| (oach I'ete Davidson student from Mecklenburg County by JRjIkjaji 4gH and adjacent pryamids in the backdrop, or rather in the background. The number 9 is unexplained, lraternit> Craven, D,ck Whittle's cinder- the alumni. Kay has .served this year as freshman the name of the camel unknown. (Photo by Kahyam's Kodak Service No. 3). Gene a I'hi Delt from Stockton men am, was „ Boose, X C, and a Southern Con- advisor and was on the swimming team. He is a mainstay part of the distance run- ference wretttiag champion, and senior" and a member of Beta Theta Pi. He at- ners during the cross country sea- Darlington prep Kome, Stuart I'luininer, from Asheville, tended school in Georgia, son. This current year he has were chosen as ('lass rcprc- where lie played varsity football and was a mem- Junior served as president of the junior ber of the Honor Council. The Eberhardt IKnew -eiit.iti\i—. Stuart, a member of the ... class in to addition heinn a mem- £ male chorus this year and a stand- ber of the D Club, Heaver Club, out mi the Sigma fraternity Chi ami Philanthropic Literary Society. IRVING STUBBS basketball team, plan- to enter the "I Shephelah Now" \ bminm major. Dick resides in Can See ministry. Calling Norfolk, Virginia, ln> limnc. Irving the Village. plans to enter the ministry. He has been president (This is the first in a series of one article about the trip of Davidson's own "Abdul" Kber Head cheerleader for the com- I — Stockton reports that the 1'an- Iof the Philanthropic Literary Society, president hardt to the Mid-East. The middle lump is Eberhardt. Ed.) inn leaion will be Prancii Pepper, who IIell has been drawing up regula- Honorary Fraternity Council, and vice-presi- defeated Erie Clark in the 1 Iof the By MIKE MYERS tions next year's Rush Week. Sigma Upgilon. steadily with final ballot. Before coming to Da- for Ident He has worked The plans now are have five I YMCA the United Kilm Society. A Hamewhai sunburned Charles IV Rlwihwdi otawd the door ;il Ins paneled study and vidson, Pepper was bead cheer- to the forums and <""' night* and one afternoon of rush- was vice-president of Sigma Chi fraternity trove Davidsonian tin- first inside story of his roeeni journey t<> the Mid Kust Tin- par- leader for Reynold* High in Wm- He sponsored by ing. All other features of the week I this year. pose of his :!L month trip, the Anierienti Seliool of Oriental Research, was to eon- stoii-S.ilem. He is Iteta Theta I'i's duet archaelogical and geological renearrh in the lands so often mentioned in his Hihle lec- representative on ibe Pan Hellenic will remain the same as in the p.i-t — addition, plan- being tures the Holy Council and wa* elected -uiiimnnu lesson. In are Lands. I Hellenic HARTLEY HALL To accomplish this Prof. F.ber- tram co-captain by In- teammates. made for the '.m dances hardl was pretty much on his The I'ublic.iiion- Board next year with tentative dates Hartley Hall hails from Macon, Georgia,and* , a*ea>bi r* own. Leaving New York January were elected on the first ballot, ami feeing set. A financial report from plans a life career in business and politics. Last BEAVERS SLAP IK. be flew overnight to Scotland. ORGANIZATIONS are the editors of the three school the Council states that at present year lie served commander of the KOTC cadet as spent leveti day* there ami -run pablicatkin* Hill White. Kill Adam- it ha- -i\ty dollars in the bank corps. He was president of Kumanean Literary FOR more days in Rngiand. Then on tn NAME LEADERS ant! l-'ickeiseu. with about two hundred dollars Society and has been an active memberof all three THIRTEEN Jim t irne\ ,i (where he vi-iteil ibe of- " >f particular interest in the way still expected to come in before the publications' staffs. In high school Hartley was fices the ■ improvement election- end of the school year. Key of World Council of FOR NEXT YEAR 'i in was president of the international Club. He re- MEMBERSHIP Churches) I ami Koine (when- an the increase m the percentage of cently with the forum on Communism. He I worked The annual Heaver Club initia- audience with the Tope was ;n Delta Phi Alpha tin -Indent body voting, due to is a member of Phi Delta Theta social fraternity. tions were held on Thursday even- ranged > While in Kome he visited Delta l'ln Alpha held it- last the new procedure. The average - ing, May .*. at 7:J0 in I'bi Hall die catacomb* and excavations. On meeting of the year l.i-t Wednee- balloting for this year was between Ken Wilson Jones 11 ■ !" the WOODY LEACH Those being initiated were Hill Dob- Feb. 1 he emerged from his ( |iM da) v: t .11 home of Dr. 6VM3S, as compared with 150-200 bins, Ed Vdanis. Ka-y Henley. Max Rings, saw his own shadow, and. \owles. \lfred Neimiann.president, last year. Wilt Scholarship In Woody was co-captain the Devane, Corky Johnson. Johnny (flaring rain. imnicdiateU pushed conducted the election ot next year's Last fall Leach of " I football squad. He was elected to serve on the llremer. Buddy Williamson. Her- on to his destination, Jerusalem,- *ifficers The new officers are France; Otters Cited plans to a Woody -chel Allen. Kd Stuart. Kill Ship- where he made bis he.iili|iiai tet baric- rlerion, president; Tony Athletic Council. He be teacher. < lives in DeFuniak Springs, Florida.He is warden ley. John Holt, and I'.uddv McK.iv. There be joined other members of Tltcker, vice president; anil Jim CHESS CHAPTER >utstamiiilK BaSMBJ -uch annual in I'In Delta Theta. For superior work in Military all rising Sophomores, plus Jack the AS< >K and went to Jericho, Mac I'.11 land. »ecretary-trea»arer, award- a- tin \^nes Setltell lirown Bft Science, Woody was awarded the medal of dis- Ruth, a rising junior. Egypt and the Lower Nile ( where Eu TAKES FIRST WIN citations to be presented Wed- ■ - officers at the meet- in tinguished military command- the ir 1 New elected a special over-flowing of (lie banks nesday. May Ib Chapel, is a student.He 1 \t 1 meeting of the Enmaataa of Hob Henry, re- > Scholarship to . T battalion of the ROTC regiment. iiiK consists who vva- held in bis honor andflew o\ et Society, the following officers were Pulbrighl ghpSH Ken places Mac MacLean as preside!; tin Dead Sea area . here a far- elected: President, 'Jack Hunter, FROM CHARLOTTE Wilson-Jones. Stuart, who replace* Mien came professor's ' Gordon away-look — into the vice president, arlyie Crenshaw; The Davidson ChsM Clab, formed Kenneth Wilson-Jones of Mon- Strand .1- vice-president, and I'd closed eyes which in itself is a mum; TOM STOCKTON Secretary, Ituddy I.. and treas- about .1 month ijsjo, tried out its roe. N. C, a member of the sen- Stuart, replacing Gordon Stuart as good trick as be raised bis urer, Shelley Beard, in .1 match with the Cbar- ior class of Davidson College was This year's first vice president of the student secretary- treasurer.