Nubian history has been always entwined with the great Nile river. It was always a corridor between the two sides of Africa: the “white” Africa along the Mediterranean Sea, fi rstly Egyptian, Greek and then Roman; the “black” Africa, a sensational land still mysterious in many ways. Archeology, natural landscapes, deserts and its warm people, all of them still untouched by mass tourism. I.T.C. Sudan can show you Sudan with style and professionalism.

HISTORY, PYRAMIDS AND TEMPLES The most important time in the history of North Sudan begins with the fi rst Kingdom of Kush, in Kerma, and continues around 1500 B.C. when the Egyptian pharaohs conquered Nubia leaving behind temples, monuments and permeating the local culture. Then the new Kushite kingdom with its capital in Napata (near modern Karima) was born. This was the golden age of Nubia; in 725 B.C. the Nubian king Piankhi conquered . In these times the concept of pyramids as funerary monuments spread in Nubia while it had been completely abandoned in Egypt for centuries. As time passed by, Napata lost its importance and Meroe, located south-east, became the new capital of the kingdom. Meroe was the most important metropolis in Sudan for many centuries until its fall in IV cen. A.D. The sites of the Napatean and Meroitic period are UNESCO World Heritage. The Kingdom of the Black Pharaohs 10 days all accommodated tour with 4 overnights in our charming Nubian Rest-House in Karima and 2 overnights in our Meroe Camp facing the pyramids of Meroe, both equipped with all comforts. Possible extension to Soleb.

Wonderful desert expeditions to reach some of the most remote areas of North Sudan • Expedition to Berenike Panchrysos: : join a wonderful and challenging 16 days desert expedition to reach the remote and legendary gold city of the Ptolemaic dynasty, in the middle of the Nubian Desert. • Nile Valley and Western Desert: a wonderful 16 days trip to discover all the archaeological sites of North Sudan and explore hidden oasis in the Sudanese deserts. • Jebel Uweinat: a challenging 16 days expedition to the most remote areas of Sudan to see the amazing rock art and enjoy and unspoilt desert.

ITC SUDAN your travel expert in the land of the Black Pharaohs since 2000. OUR EXCLUSIVE PROPERTIES: Tailor-made & scheduled itineraries, cultural tours, adventure and luxury travel. Your tour with ITC Sudan starts with professional, fast and clear correspondence, it continues with friendly and knowledgeable cultural Nubian Rest House in Karima The Nubian House is a charming boutique hotel with a nice guides, experienced drivers, exclusive accommodations and healthy food garden built in the typical Nubian style right at the foot of Jebel so that you can travel with peace of mind in a unique country! Barkal. Each of the 22 A-C on suite rooms is characterized by a traditional Nubian door, a dome roof and a comfortable veranda. OUR SERVICES:

• Exclusive itineraries in the • Nile Cruises Sudanese deserts Meroe Camp • Hotel Booking Meroe Camp overlooks the beautiful pyramids of Meroe. • Cultural English, Italian, • Limousine service Accommodation consists of 22 tents (16 sqm each), with private French, German, and • Trekking and camel tours, bathroom with shower and toilet. Each tent has a veranda to Spanish speaking guides • Battlefi elds relax and enjoy the view over the pyramids and the restaurant is • Private transfers • MICE and business travel the perfect meeting place for guests. • city tour and museums

RESPONSIBLE TOURISM • ITC Sudan is committed in protecting the environment, its resources and the people of Sudan. We proudly support “Amici del Sudan NGO” involved in many development projects such as enlarging Tarabil school and building a new wells.

Street 31 - Al Amarat, Khartoum • Tel International: 0039 02 34934528 E-mail: [email protected][email protected] Skype: italtoursudansedemilano