MA.R201961 GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS DIVISION University of Colorado Li braries

~J\ 'ftR . . . Storag e Project 0 \ L and ON Colorado River l S £R'7 J\ 'f \ l O \ l \)" I\ coNS Hoover (B I\" l \ 0 ulder) D s1 \ t I\ \. Monument Vall~y ... am ~ 1 "1 \ necrven ~ \ c ,ll TAXES Copper and Other Mines \\ t ~ \. 1' D¼ \ AND 1'041-<1 c~ ., i z OI\ a In 4 us t ri aI f IC s l Ou s ... Viljo ,:, Jlf -<'l. ~ l ..e, 4 ~ 'l' 11eser.,. . A R I Z ON A < Q S , A /..J 'ilt10'11 YO U •v • .,, STEEL

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1521 W. JEFFERSON ST • PHOENIX INTRODUCTION Adequate sources of information on industrial development activity in Arizona are widely scattered. In most cases, existence of these sources may even be unknown to all but a few specialists in the field. This bibliography on Arizona's Industrial Development Factors was prepared with the objective of providing a ready source of reference which lists and classifies literature of interest to those active in the industrial development of Arizona. This is a pioneering effort and, admittedly, therefore, may be incomplete. The Arizona Development Board believes that those in business and industry will find this bibliography an indispensable tool. The twenty-seven categories of industrial development data in Arizona presented in Section A and the alphabetical listing of available data presented in Section B provide the industrial developer a ready refer­ ence to literature about Arizona. Credit for the original concept of the publication goes to Boyd H. Gibbons, Jr., Special Assistant to the Governor of Arizona, Paul Fannin. The Arizona Development Board is also indebted to Phil Fry of Mountain States Telephone Company and to his company for the excellent preliminary work that he did on this publication. Names cannot be included of all who assisted in the development of the volume by providing copies of publications released by their organizations. Cooperation of this group, however, was most important and much appreciated. It is the intention of the Arizona Development Board to revise and supplement this bibliography periodically, if such action seems war­ ranted. Users are requested to send any suggestions to Arizona Devel­ opment Board, 1521 West Jefferson, Phoenix, Arizona. The Bureau of Business Services wishes to express its debt of gratitude to Mrs. Hyla Moore of the staff for the many hours of work in typing, sorting cards, and assisting in the preparation of the publication. Ralph C. Hook, Jr., Director Bureau of Business Services Arizona State University Bernard M. Mergen, Director Arizona Development Board 1521 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, Arizona

- 1 - TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION HOW TO USE THIS BIBLIOGRAHPY SECTION A. CATEGORIES INFLUENCING INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT IN ARIZONA I Growth and History II Characteristics and Distribution of the Population III Natural Resources IV The Labor Force and Employment V Recent Trade and Industrial Development-Including & VI Service and Specialty Industries and Food Processing VII Transportation VIII Highways IX Financial Institutions X State and Local Tax Structure XI Agricultural Production and Research XII Public Utilities or Source of Power and Costs, Etc. XIII Water Supply, Present and Future XIV Construction and Housing XV Industry XVI Structure of Governments - State and Local XVII Indians of Arizona XVIII Climate and Physical Features XIX Public Schools and Higher Education XX Medical and Health Facilities XXI Recreational and Cultural Resources - Tourism XXII Mass Communications Media XXIII The Retired Person Population XXIV Federal Government Activities in Arizona XXV Research and Scientific Groups XXVI Foreign Trade and Mexico - Arizona's Neighbor XXVII Counties



System I 1. Locate the category about which you want information from Section A. Example: XVII Indians of Arizona 2. Choose the item or items you wish to investigate from the list under the category. Example: Character of the Navajo Work Force (103) 3. Find the reference number at the end of the listing in Section B. The listing here will tell you, in most cases, the year of pub­ lication and the name and address of the organization preparing the material. Example: (103) Characteristics of the Navajo Work Force, 1956. Arizona State Employment Service, 1720 W. Madison, Phoenix, Arizona.

System II Locate data in which you are interested directly from the alphabet­ ical listing in Section B.



Category (Reference No. found in No Section B, alphabetical list) I Growth and History Arizona-County Base Book (44) Arizona, Land of Adventure (57) Arizona's Dynamic Future (85) An Era of Arizona Expansion, 1946/ 1957 (8) History of Mining in Arizona (187) Stories of Arizona Copper Mines (307)

II Characteristics and Distribution of the Population Amazing Arizona - Recent Migration (7) Annual Report, Retirement System (27) Arizona Basic Economic Data (42) Arizona-County Base Book (44) Arizona Industrial Facts - Twenty Year Population Increase (54) Arizona Statistical Review (76) An Era of Arizona Expansion, 1946/ 1957 (8) First National Bank of Arizona Post Office Survey of the Population of Arizona (163) Manpower! (223) Recent Migration to Arizona (275)

I I I Natural Resources Amazing Arizona - Diatomaceous Earth (7) Amazing Arizona - Natural Resources (7) Annual Report, State Land Department (30) Annual Report, State Mine Inspector (31) Arizona Industrial Facts - Natural (Non-Metallic) Resources (54) Arizona Statistical Review (76) Desert Plants Promise Dollars ( 129) Minerals of Arizona (235) Arizona Has Trees, Arizona Development Board (7) ( 170A)

IV The Labor Force and Employment Annual Report, Employment Security Commission (18) Annual Report, Retirement System (27) Arizona Basic Economic Data (42) Arizona Business Births and Deaths, 1952/ 1956 (43 ) Arizona-County Base Book (44) Arizona Directory of Manufacturers (46) Arizona Economy, Recent Developments (47) Arizona Farm Labor Report (50) Arizona Industrial Facts - Origin of Arizona's Labor Supply (54) Arizona Labor Turnover and Labor Force Data (56) Arizona Occupational Guide (63) Arizona Re-evaluations and Projections (70) Arizona Statistical Review (76) Arizona Workmen's Compensation Laws and Related Subjects (82) Arizona's Current Employment Developments (84) Arizona's Dynamic Future (85) Character of the Navajo Work Force (103) Directory of Arizona Labor Unions (133) Employment and Wages Covered by the Employment Security Law of Arizona (151) Labor Laws of the State of Arizona (212) Manpower! (223) Manpower Requirements and Training Needs Study. Manufacturing and All Industry Summary (224) - 4 - Category (Reference No. found in No Section B, alphabetical list)

Recent Migration to Arizona (275) Service to the Handicapped, 1957 (292) Serving Young Manpower (1957 / 1958 Activities) (289) Techniques in Solving Older Worker Employment Problems (317) What You Should Know About Workmen's Compensation (336)

V & VI Recent Trade and Industrial Development - Including Service and Specialty Industries and Food Processing Amazing Arizona - An Analysis of Scrap Iron and Steel Marketing in Ariz0na (7) Arizona Business Births and Death, 1952/ 1956 (43) Arizona-County Base Book (44) Arizona Directory of Manufacturers, 1959/ 1960 (46) The Arizona Economy, Recent Developments (47) Arizona Leads in Manufacturing Growth (58) Arizona Outlook for 1959 (64) Arizona Statistical Review (76) Arizona - What the Desert Has For Industry (81) Arizona's Dynamic Future (85) Desert Plants Promise Dollars (129) Directory of Licensed Real Estate Brokers and Salesmen as of May 1, 1959 (136) Directory of Trade Associations (139) Economic Statistical Comparison, Maricopa County and Arizona (142) Electronics Industry - 11 Western States ( 150) An Era of Arizona Expansion, 1946/ 1957 (8) The Garment Industry ( 171) Impact of Industrialization Upon Finances of the State of Arizona ( 190) The Indian Industrial Development Program of the Bureau of Indian Affairs ( 194) 260 New Manufacturers in the Phoenix Area Since March, 1948 (245) Real Estate Primer (274) West Coast Electronic Manufacturers Association (333) Why the Big Boom in the Desert States? (337)

VII Transportation Arizona Aeronautical Chart (39) Arizona Aviation Directory, 19 5 9 (41) Arizona Basic Economic Data (42) Arizona-County Base Book (44) Arizona Industrial Facts - Bus Travel Times (54) Arizona Industrial Facts - Fast Dependable Motor Freight Service (54) Arizona Industrial Facts - Flight Times (54) Arizona Industrial Facts - Local and Regional Air Service (54) Arizona Industrial Facts - Railroad Passenger Travel Times (54) Arizona Industrial Facts - Railway Express Lines (54) Arizona Industrial Facts - Railway Systems (54) Arizona Industrial Facts - Road Miles From Arizona Centers to Key Major Cities of the U.S. (54) Arizona Roadrunner, Official Monthly Publication (72) Arizona Statutes Relating to Aeronautics (77) Arizona's Dynamic Future (85) Current Arizona Freight Rate Developments ( 127) The Impact of Motor Transportation on the Economy of Arizona ( 191) List of Publications as of January 1, 1959. Arizona Motor Tariff Bureau (217) State Aid to Public Agencies for the Development of Public Airports (303)

VIII Highways Annual Road Finance Report of the 14 Counties (34) Annual Road Finance Report of the 54 Incorporated Placed (35) Arizona Highway Department Factual Review (53) Arizona Industrial Facts - All Highways Lead to Amazing Arizona (54) Arizona Road Map, 1959 (71)

- 5 - Category (Reference No. found in No Section B, alphabetical list)

Design Tables of the AASHO-PCI Joint Committee Standard Prestressed Bridge Beams (130) Economic Impact of Proposed Locations for the East-West Interstate in the Flagstaff Area (141) Economic Study of Alternate Proposals for the Construction of Interstate Route 140 Between Ashfork and Yucca, Arizona (1 43) Economic Study of Alternate Proposals for the Construction of Route 1-10 Between Phoenix and Brenda, Arizona ( 144)

IX Financial Institutions Annual Report, Department of Insurance (16) Annual Report, Superintendent of Banks of Arizona (32) Arizona Credit Union League, Inc. Yearbook (45) Arizona Industrial Facts - National and State Banks (54) Arizona Progress (66) Arizona Statistical Review (76) Arizona's Dynamic Future (85) An Era of Arizona Expansion, 1946/ 1957 (8)

X Staie and Locai Tax Structure Amazing Arizona - Arizona Taxes and You (7) Arizona-County Base Book (44) Arizona Industrial Facts - Brief of MajorTax Law Provisions Affecting Business and Industry (54) Arizona Liquor Laws (59) Arizona Property Tax Rates and Assessed Valuations (67) Arizona Statistical Review (76) Biennial Report, Arizona State Tax Commission (90) Business License Tax Surveys of Arizona Cities and Towns (95) Luxury Tax Collected From Each Classification and Their Percent of the Total for the Fiscal Year 1958/ 1959 (222) Minutes of the State Board of Equalization of Arizona, 1959 (240) Statistical Statement, Fiscal Year 1958/ 1959. Sales Tax Division (306)

XI Agricultural Production and Research Agricultural Credit in Arizona (6) Amazing Arizona - Cotton (7) (Out of Print) Annual Report, Arizona Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Arizona (11) Annual Report, Egg Inspector (29) Annual Report, Entomologist ( 12) Annual Report, Land Department (30) Annual Report, State Chemist - Commercial Fertilizers and Agricultural Minerals (22) Annual Report, State Chemist - Feed Control (23) Annual Report, State Chemist - Pesticide Control (24) Arizona Agriculture ( 40) Arizona-County Base Book (44) Arizona Egg Grades (49) Arizona Ranch, Farm, and Garden Weeds (68) Arizona Range Grasses, Their Description, Forage Value, and Management (69) Arizona Statistical Review (76) Arizona's Cotton Stake (83) Arizona's Dynamic Future (85) Brand Book and Supplement, State of Arizona, 1953 (91) Brand Book Supplement. New Brands and Transfers Beginning with June 1, 1953 (92) Cantaloup Research in Arizona (97) Citrus Growing in Arizona (105) The Control of Lettuce Insects ( 120) Costs of Operating Hay Conditioners in Arizona ( 124) The Desert Grassland ( 128) Forage Production on Arizona Ranges, III Mohave County (I 69) Forage Production on Arizona Ranges, IV Coconino, Navajo, Apache Counties ( 170) Hay and Feed Grains in the West (184)

- 6 - Category (Reference No. found in No Section B, alphabetical list)

Johnson Grass Control with Dalapon and Liquified Petroleum Burners (210) Lettuce Research in Arizona (215) Live Stock Laws of the State of Arizona (219) Marketing Barley and Grain Sorghum in Arizona (229) Marketing Hay in Arizona (230) Prices and Production of Arizona Farm and Ranch Products (267) Progressive Agriculture in Arizona (269) Quality and Cost of Ginning Upland Cotton in Arizona (2 71) Report on Lemon Maturity Studies in 195 8 (281) Rubber Content of Native Plants in the Southwestern Desert (285) Soil Compaction (298) Sprinkler Irrigation (302) Water Management (329) Your Range - Its Management (346)

XII Public Utilities or Source of Power and Costs, Etc. Annual Report, Arizona Power Authority (13) Annual Report, Arizona Public Service Company (14) Annual Report, Salt River Project (28) APA Distributors (36) Arizona Industrial Facts - Generating Stations in Arizona (54) Arizona Statistical Review (76) Arizona's Dynamic Future (85) Colorado River Project, Bridge Canyon, Marble Canyon Development, Before the Federal Power Commission, Application for License ( 114) Directory of Arizona City and Town Officials ( 13 2) Economic Statistical Comparison, Maricopa County and Arizona (142) Electric Service Areas (149) Generating Stations of Arizona (175) Preliminary Planning Report, Colorado River Developments Within the State of Arizona, Colorado River Projects (265) The Story of Arizona Public Service Company (308) System Map, 1958 (314) Water and Sewer Rate Survey of Arizona Cities and Towns (328)

XIII Water Supply, Present and Future Annual Meeting, Proceedings of, Arizona Watershed Program (10) Annual Report, Arizona Power Authority (13) Annual Report, Land Department (30) Annual Report on Ground Water in Arizona (25) Annual Report on Surface Water in Arizona (26) Annual Report, Salt River Project (28) Arizona Statistical Review (76) Arizona Watershed Program Objectives and Accomplishments (79) Arizona Watershed Program (script of slide show) (78) The Availability of Water in Arizona with Special Reference to the Arizona Water Company (88) Colorado River Project, Bridge Canyon, Marble Canyon Development, Before the Federal Power Commission, Application for License ( 114) Ground Water Supplies of Santa Cruz Valley of Between Rillito Station and the International Boundary ( 181) Recovering Rainfall, More Water for Irrigation (276) Soil and Water Conservation in Arizona (297) Water Management (329)

XIV Construction and Housing An Act to Regulate the Business of Contracting, May, 1959 (4) Annual Report, The Industrial Commission of Arizona (2) Arizona Basic Economic Data (42) Arizona-County Base Book (44) Arizona-New Mexico Builder and Contractor (62)

- 7 - Category (Reference No. found in No Section B, alphabetical list)

Arizona Statistical Review (7 6) Construction, Renovation and Management of Athletic Fields ( 117) Construction Reports ( 118) Contractor's Rules and Regulations, January 1959 (119) Directory of Contractors (134) Economic Statistical Comparison, Maricopa County and Arizona (142) General Construction Safety Code (173) Rules of Procedure Before the Industrial Commission of Arizona (287)

XV Mining Industry Annual Report, Land Department (30) Annual Report, Mine Inspector (31) Annual Report, Mineral Resources ( 17) Arizona-County Base Book (44) Arizona Statistical Review (7 6) Arizona's Dynamic Future (85) Copper, Gold, Silver and Molybdenum Recovered from Mines in Arizona, 1957 /1958 (122) Copper Statistics for 19 5 8 Compared with Other Years ( 123) County by County Mineral Deposits (125) Excerpts from Mining Code of the State of Arizona, 1958 (155) History of Mining in Arizona (187) Laws and Regulations Governing Mineral Rights in Arizona (214) The Mineral Industry of Arizona (233) Mineral Production of Large and Small Producers in Arizona (234) Minerals of Arizona (235) Mining Code of the State of Arizona (236) Mining in Arizona, Its Past - Its Present - Its Future (23 7) Mining's Part in Arizona's Economy (239) Petrology, Condensed and Simplified (253) Storie,s of Arizona Copper Mines (307) Uranium in Arizona (327)

XVI Structure of Governments - State and Local Annual Report, Adjutant General (21) Arizona Aviation Directory, 1959 (41) Arizona Inventory of Registered Professional Nurses (55) Directory of Arizona City and Town Officials (I 32) Directory of Legislature, State of Arizona ( 13 8) Handbook of Arizona Mayors and Councilmen (183) Rules of the House of Representatives (288)

XVII Indians of Arizona Address by Glenn L. Emmons, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Before a Conference on Industrial Develbpment (5) Arizona, Land of Adventure (57) The Arizona State Museum (73) The Changing Role of the Indian in Arizona ( 101) Characteristics of the Navajo Work Force (103) Desert Plants Promise Dollars (129) Directions in Indian Art (131) Expanded Services to Arizona Reservation Indians (156) Facts About Arizona Indians (158) Federal, State and Tribal Jurisdiction on Indian Reservations in Arizona (161) Indian Health in Arizona (193) The Indian Industrial Development Program of the Bureau of Indian Affairs ( 194) Indians in School (195) The Navajo in the Machine Age (243) The Navajo Yearbook (244) A Pim a Remembers (261) Statistical Information and Analysis of Indian Reservations (305)

- 8 - Category (Reference No. found in No Section B, alphabetical list)

XVIII Climate and Physical Features The Annual and Diurnal Variations of Cloud Amounts and Cloud Types (9) Arizona Basic Economic Data (42) Arizona Statistical Review (76) Characteristics of Summer Radar Echoes in Arizona, 1956 (102) Climate and Man in the Southwest (108) The Climate of Arizona (109) Cloud Photogrammetry With Ground-located K-17 Aerial Cameras ( 110) Cloudiness Over the Southwestern U.S. and its Relation to Astronomical Observing (111) A Critical Evaluation of Correlation Methods in Climatology and Hydrology (126) The Distribution of Clouds at Tucson, Arizona with Respect to Type, Amount, and Time of Obser- vation (140) Observations of Freezing Nuclei Over the Southwestern U.S. (250) Randomized Seeding of Orographic Cumuli, 1957 (272) Seeding of Summer Cumulus Clouds (290) Technical Reports on the Meterorology and Climatology of Arid Regions (316)

XIX Public Schools and Higher Education Accounting and Code Handbook, 1955 (2) Annual Report, Superintendent of Public Instruction (33) Arizona Basic Economic Data (42) Arizona-County Base Book (44) Arizona Educational Directory (48) Arizona State University Foundation (75) Arizona Statistical Review (76) Arizona's Dynamic Future (85) Economic Statistical Comparison, Maricopa County and Arizona (142) An Era of Arizona Expansion (8) Estimate of School Statistics, 1959 / 1960 ( I 53) Financing Public School Facilities (162) High School Bulletin (186) Index to the Laws of the State of Arizona Pertaining to Education (192) Indians in School ( 195) Public School Finance Programs (270) Rankings of the States (273) Rules and Regulations for the Certification ot' Teachers and Administrators in Arizona (286)

XX Medical and Health Facilities Approved Schools of Nursing in Arizona (38) Arizona Medicine (60) Arizona Monthly Vital Statistics Report ( 61) Arizona Pharmacist, Journal of Arizona Pharmaceutical Association (65) Arizona State Plan (74) Arizona Weekly Morbidity Report (80) Indian Health in Arizona (193) Licensed Nursing Homes in Arizona (216) Non-Federal Licensed Hospitals in Arizona (249)

XXI Recreational and Cultural Resources - Tourism Amazing Arizona - The Vacation State of the Nation (7) Annual Report, Racing Commission (15) Arizona Basic Economic Data (42) Arizona Guide (51) Arizona Guide and Yearbook (52)

- 9 - Category (Reference No. found in No. Section B, alphabetical list)

The Arizona State Museum (73) Arizona Statistical Review (76) Arizona's Dynamic Future (85) Camping and Campgrounds in Amazing Arizona (96) Directions in Indian Art ( 131) Economic Statistical Comparison, Maricopa County and Arizona (142) The Economic Value of Hunting and Fishing in Arizona (148) Report of the Department of Library and Archives (280) Road runner (283) Senior Citizen Program (291) Welcome Friend (3 31) Welcome Visitor (332)

XXII Mass Communications Media Broadcasting Annual (93) Directory of Newspapers and Other Publications (137) Economic Statistical Comparison, Maricopa County and Arizona (142) Spot Radio Rates and Data (300) Spot Television Rates and Data (301)

XXIII The Retired Person Population Annual Report, Retirement System (27) Senior Citizen Program (291) Techniques in Solving Older Worker Employment Problems (317)

XXIV Federal Government Activities in Arizona Address by Glenn L. Emmons, Commissioner of Indian Affairs (5) Annual Report, Commission of Agriculture-Horticulture (12) Annual Report, Governor's Council for Veterans' Institutional and On-the-Job Training (19) Directory, Governor's Council for Veterans' Institutional and On-the-Job Training (135) Federal, State and Tribal Jurisdiction on Indian Reservations in Arizona (161) The Indian Industrial Development Program of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (194) List of Firms Approved by Governor's Council for Veterans' Institutional and On-the-Job Training. Julyl,1959 (218) Organized Industrial Districts and Industrial Development Corporations (252) Regulations Governing Institutional, Institutional On-Farm and On-the-Job Training in Arizona (278)

XXV Research and Scientific Groups The Annual and Diurnal Variations of Cloud Amounts and Cloud Types (9) Applied Research Laboratory (37) An Automatic Printing and Totalizing Device for Solar Radiation Measurements (86) Characteristics of Summer Radar Echoes in Arizona, 1956 (102) Cloud Photogrammetry With Ground-located K-17 Aerial Cameras (110) Cloudiness Over the Southwestern U.S. and its Relation to Astronomical Observing (111) A Critical Evaluation of Correlation Methods on Climatology and Hydrology ( 126) The Distribution of Clouds at Tucson, Arizona With Respect to Type, Amount, and Time of Obser- vation ( 140) A General Description of the Solar Pro Energy Laboratory and its Initial Research Program (174) Observations of Freezing Nuclei Over the Southwestern U.S. (250) Randomized Seeding of Orographic Cumuli, 1957 (272) Research in Science and Technology at the University of Arizona (282)

- 10 - Category (Reference No. found in No. Section B, alphabetical list)

Seeding of Summer Cumulus Clouds (290) Technical Reports on the Meterorology and Climatology of Arid Regions (316) Transaction of the Conference on the Use of Solar Energy - The Scientific Basis (321)

XXVI Foreign Trade and Mexico - Arizona's Neighbor Nogales - Port of Entry to the West Coast of Mexico (247) Proceedings, Arizona-Sonora International Conference on Regional and Community Development (268)

XXVII Counties Cochise Chiricahua National Monument (104) Cochise County: Its Industrial and Commercial Potentials ( 112) Commerce and Industry, Invitation to Investigate Douglas, Arizona (115) Gateway to the Land of Cochise (172) Sierra Vista, Arizona - Urban Challenge in a Yearling Community (293) Statistical Data (304) This is Our Story (319) The Town Too Tough to Die (320) Willcox, Arizona, Cattle Capitol and Produce Center (340) Willcox, Arizona; The Cattle Capitol of the Nation (341) Coconino Accommodations in Fabulous Flagstaff ( 1) Coconino National Forest (113) Fabulous Flagstaff ( 157) "Flagstaff" • (167) Flagstaff, Arizona, An Economy in Transition (164) · Flagstaff, Arizona, Planning for the Future ( 165) Flagstaff Industrial Park ( 166) Industrial Fact Sheets. Flagstaff, Arizona (197) Industrial Fact Sheets. Williams, Arizona (200) Industrial Facts, Flagstaff, Arizona (203) Industrial Facts, \'l✓illiams, Arizona (204) "01' Flag Is In Its Glory" (251) A Unique Experience (326) Williams, Arizona, Gateway to (342) Gi la Economic Survey of Gila County (145) Enjoy the Best of Arizona's Scenic and Historical Wonders Through Short, Interesting Side Trips in the Globe-Miami Area (152) Globe-Miami Area Labor Market Report (178) Globe-Miami Arizona - Year- 'round Country (179) Street Map of the City of Globe (310) Supplement of Gila County Economic Survey of 1955 (311) Wildlife Sportsman's Special Section on Globe (338) Maricopa Average Hourly Eearnings, Average Weekly Hours, Average Weekly Earnings, Manufacturing, Trade and Contract Construction (87) Buckeye, Arizona - Western Gateway to the Valley of the Sun (94) Chandler, Arizona, An Economic Survey (100)

- 11 - Category (Reference No. found in No. Section B, alphabetical list)

Estimated Number of Wage and Salary Workers in Non-Agricultural Establishments by Industry Division (154) "For Comfort and Health" Buckhorn Natural Hot Mineral Wells ... A Desert Spa of International Fame (168) Gila Bend, The Desert Oasis, A Growing Community (176) Glendale in Arizona ... Neighbor to Phoenix, the Capitol City (177) Here is the Information You Requested About Mesa and the Valley of the Sun (185) Interested in Space? (207) "It's June in January" in Mesa, Arizona (208) John F. Long's International Home Show (209) Joy and Good Living (211) Land Use of the Phoenix Urban Area (213) Local Climatological Data With Comparative Data, 1958, Phoenix, Arizona (220) Maricopa County Census Tracts for the 1960 U.S. Census (227) Maricopa County School District Map (228) Mesa Rendezvous Park (231) The Mesa Story (232) More Facts About Phoenix and Arizona's Valley of the Sun (241) 260 New Manufacturers in the Phoenix Area Since March 1, 1948 (245) Phoenix, Distribution Center of the Southwest (254) Phoenix Labor Market Area (255) Phoenix Offers Dispersion (256) Phoenix Resources (257) The Phoenix Story, An Adventure in Reclamation (258) The Phoenix Story - This is Phoenix (259) Phoenix Transportation (260) Population Growth of the Phoenix Urban Area (264) Redistricting Report, Roosevelt Council, Boy Scouts of America (277) Sky Harbor Airport Welcomes You (294) "Sky Harbor Tops Its Class" (295) Tempe - An Invitation to Industry (318) Welcome to Buckeye, Business, Industry, and Agriculture Opportunities (330) What to See, What to Do, Where to Go, in Phoenix, Arizona and the Communities of the Valley of the Sun (335) Wildlife Sportsman's Special Section on Mesa, Gateway to the Lower Salt River Lakes (339)

Mohave Industrial Fact Sheets. Kingman, Arizona ( 199)

Navajo The Great of Arizona ( 180) Holbrook, Arizona. Gateway to Painted Desert, Petrified Forest, Navajo, Apache, and Hopi Indian Reservations (188) Holbrook, Arizona, Industrial Fact Sheet ( 189) Industrial Fact Sheets. Holbrook, Arizona (198) Industrial Fact Sheets. Winslow, Arizona (201) Industrial Facts. City of Winslow, Navajo County, Arizona (205) The Navajo Yearbook (244) The Snake Dance of the Hopis (296) The Story of the Hopi Snake Dance (309) Winslow, A City of Good Will (343)

- 12 - Category (Reference No. found in No. Section B, alphabetical list)

Pima A Classified Directory of Manufacturers in Tucson, Arizona (106) A Classified Directory of the Electronics Industry in Tucson (107) Farming and Livestock in Pima County (160) Mining in Pima County and Southern Arizona (238) 1959 Facts and Figures (246) The Southwest at its Best (299) Survey of Industrial Development Potential of Tucson Metropolitan Area (313) Tax Structure (315) Transportation Facilities ... Tucson Chamber of Commerce (322) The Truth About Water in Tucson, Arizona (323) Tucson ... A City, An Opportunity, A Way of Life (324) Tucson's Economic Growth (325) Welcome Visitor! (332) What Makes Tucson Tick (334)

Pinal Casa Grande (98) Casa Grande National Monument (99) Community Audit, Coolidge, Arizona (116) Coolidge, Arizona - Located in the Level Desert Valley of the Gila River ( 121) Economic Survey, Pinal County (146) Pinal County, Arizona (262) Pinal County, Arizona, An Industrial and Commercial Study (263) Romantic Pinal County (284)

Santa Cruz Amigo (3) The Economy of Nogales and Santa Cruz County, Arizona (147) Facts About Nogales, Arizona (159) Maps of Nogaies and Santa Cruz County, Arizona (226) Nogales. County Seat of Santa Cruz County, Arizona, Port of Entry to the West Coast of Mexico (247) Nogales, Home of the Mexican Produce Industry (248)

Yavapai Industrial Facts . . . And a Warm Welcome to Prescott, Arizona (202) Information Bulletin. Town of Clarkdale, Yavapai County, Arizona (206) Prescott Airport Industrial Tract (266) Report of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Yavapai County, Arizona-for Fiscal Year 1958/ 1959 (279)

Yuma Guide for Preliminary Evaluation of Yuma, Arizona ( I 82) The Sun is Shining Today in Yuma, Arizona (312) Worth Looking Into (344) Yuma Adds Up (347) Yuma: Its Economical Growth and Land Use Potentials (348)



1. Accommodations in Fabulous Flagstaff. Flagstaff 13. Annual Report, Arizona Power Authority, I 810 W. Chamber of Commerce, Flagstaff, Arizona. * Adams, Phoenix, Arizona. * 2. Accounting and Code Handbook. Department of Pub­ 14. Annual Report, Arizona Public Service Company, lic Instruction, Phoenix, Arizona. * 501 S. 3rd Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona. * 3. Amigo. November 10. 1958. Carmen Sandoval Publi­ I 5. Annual Report, Arizona Racing Commission, Phoe­ cations, Morelos, I I 9, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mex. nix, Arizona. * 4. An Act to Regulate the Business of Contracting. May 16. Annual Report, Department of Insurance, 7 I 8 W . 1959. Ch. 10, Title 32-32-1101-32-1165 Arizona Glenrosa, Phoenix, Arizona. * Revised Statutes. Registrary of Contractors, Phoe­ nix, Arizona. * I 7. Annual Report, Department of Mineral Resources, Phoenix, Arizona. * 5. Address by Glenn L. Emmons, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Before a Conference on Industrial 1 8. Annual Report, Employment Security Commission, Development Sponsored by the Navajo Tribe, Gal­ Phoenix, Arizona. * lup, New Mexico. May 21, 1959. The Indian In­ 19. Annual Report, Governor's Councii for Veterans' in­ dustrial Development Program. Department of the stitutional and On-the-Job Training. Governor's Interior. Bureau of Indian Affairs. * Office, Phoenix, Arizona. * 6. Agricultural Credit in Arizona. (Bulletin 262) 1955. 20. Annual Report, Industrial Commission of Ari-zona, Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Ari­ Phoenix, Arizona. * zona, Tucson, Arizona. * 21 . Annual Report, Office of the Adjutant General, Ari­ 7. Amazing Arizona (Series). Arizona Development zona State Military Department, Phoenix, Ari­ Board, Phoenix. Arizona. * zona. * An Analysis of Scrap Iron and Steel Marketing in Arizona. 1957. 22. Annual Report, Office of the State Chemist. Commer­ Arizona Taxes and You. 1958. cial Fertilizers and Agricultural Minerals. Phoenix, Arizona. * Cotton. 1958. (Out of Print) Diatomaceous Earth. 23 . Annual Report, Office of the State Chemist. Feed Natural Resources. Control, Phoenix, Arizona. * Recent Migration. 1959. 24. Annual Report, Office of the State Chemist. Pesticide The Vacation State of the Nation. (Booklet). Control, Phoenix, Arizona. '~ Arizona Has Trees. 25. Annual Report on Ground Water in Arizona. U.S. 8. An Era of Arizona Expansion, 1946/1957. Arizona Geological Survey, Ground Water Branch, 133 W. State Employment Service. I 720 W. Madison, Monroe, Phoenix, Arizona. * Phoenix. Arizona. * 26. Annual Report on Surface Water in Arizona. U.S. 9. The Annual and Diurnal Variations of Cloud Geological Survey, Surface Water Branch, Arizona Amounts and Cloud Types at Six Arizona Cities by Title Building, Phoenix, Arizona. * William D. Sellers. Scientific Report No. 8, Sep­ tember I, 1958. Institute of Atmospheric Physics, 27. Annual Report, Retirement System, Arizona, State of. University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. * Phoenix, Arizona. ,:, I 0. Annual Meeting, Proceedings of, Arizona Watershed 28. Annual Report, Salt River Project. Available Com­ Program. Wat_ershed Management Division, State munity and Special Service Office, Salt River Proj­ Land Department, Capitol Annex Building, Phoe­ ect, 1521 Project Drive, Tempe, Arizona. nix. Arizona. * 29. Annual Report, State Egg Inspector, Arizona, Phoe­ I I . Annual Report, Arizona Agricultural Experiment Sta­ nix, Arizona. * tion, University of Arizona. Agricultural Extension Service. I 20 I W. Madison, Phoenix, Arizona. * 30. Annual Report, State Land Department, Arizona. Phoenix, Arizona. * 12. Annual Report, Arizona Commission of Agriculture­ Horticulture. Prepared by the Office of the State 31. Annual Report, State Mine Inspector, Arizona, Phoe­ Entomologist. Phoenix, Arizona. * nix, Arizona. * '~ Available - Same Address

- 14 - 32. Annual Report, Superintendent of Banks of Arizona, 49. Arizona Egg Grades, Rules, Regulations and Laws. 161 7 W. Washington, Phoenix, Arizona. * Revised January 1956. Arizona State Egg Inspec­ tor, Phoenix, Arizona. * 3 3. Annual Report, Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1730 W. Adams, Phoenix, Arizona. '!' 50. Arizona Farm Labor Report. Arizona State Employ­ 34. Annual Road Finance Report of the 14 Counties of ment Service, 1720 W. Madison, Phoenix, Ariz. * Arizona. Arizona Highway Department, 1739 W. 51. Arizona Guide. Monthly, September-May, $2.00. M. Jackson, Phoenix, Arizona. * Warren Krause. Available P.O. Box 2569, Phoe­ 35. Annual Road Finance Report of the 54 Incorporated nix, Arizona. Places. Arizona Highway Department, 1739 W. 52. Arizona Guide and Yearbook. $2.00. High Spots Pub­ Jackson, Phoenix, Arizona. * lications, 1229 California Street, Denver 4, Colo. 36. APA Distributors, Jan. 22, 1959. Arizona Public 53. Arizona Highway Department Factual Review. Bien­ Service, 501 S. 3rd Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona. * niel - 1960 Next. Arizona Highway Department, 37. Applied Research Laboratory. Applied Research Lab­ 1739 W. Jackson, Phoenix, Arizona. * Supply oratory, University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. * Limited. 38. Approved Schools of Nursing in Arizona. 1959 List. 54. Arizona Industrial Facts. (Packet). Arizona Develop­ Arizona State Board of Nurse Registration and ment Board, 1521 W. Jefferson, Phoenix, Ariz. * Nursing Education, Phoenix, Arizona. * All Highways Lead to Amazing Arizona. Mile- and Time Chart. 39. Arizona Aeronautical Chart. Arizona Aviation Au­ thority, 3000 Sky Harbor Blvd., Phoenix, Ariz. * Arizona Railway Express Lines, Phoenix, Tuc­ son to Major U.S. Cities. Chart. 40. Arizona Agriculture. Agricultural Experiment Sta­ Arizona Railway Systems. Map. tion, University of Arizona, Agricultural Extension Service, 1201 W. Madison, Phoenix, Arizona. * Brief of Major Tax Law Provisions Affecting Business and Industry in Arizona. 41. Arizona Aviation Directory. Arizona Aviation Au­ Bus Travel Time Via Continental-Greyhound, thority, 3000 Sky Harbor Blvd., Phoenix, Ariz. * Phoenix. Map. 42. Arizona Basic Economic Data. Arizona State Em­ Bus Travel Time Via Continental-Greyhound, ployment Service, Management Controls, Econom­ Tucson. Map. ics and Research Section, 1720 W. Madison, Phoe­ Fast Dependable Motor Freight Service. List and nix, Arizona. Chart. 43. Arizona Business Births and Deaths, 1952-1956. Pub­ Flight Time From Phoenix to Major U.S. Cities. lished bi-annually by the Unemployment Compen­ Generating Stations of Arizona. Map. sation Division of the Employment Security Com­ Local and Regional Air Service. mission of Arizona, 1720 W. Madison, Phoenix, Arizona. * National and State Banks in Arizona. Natural (Non-Metallic) Resources in Arizona. 44. Arizona-County Base Book. 1958. Bureau of Business and Public Research, University of Arizona, Tuc­ Origins of Arizona's Labor Suppiy. son, Arizona. * Railroad Passenger Travel Time From Points in Arizona to Major U.S. Cities. 45. Arizona Credit Union League, Inc., Yearbook. Ari­ zona Credit Union League, Inc., 1441 N. I st Street, Road Miles From Arizona Centers to Key Major Phoenix,Arizona. '~ Cities in the U.S. Twenty Year Population Increase, 1955/1975. 46. Arizona Directory .of Manufacturers, 1959-60. Em­ ployment Security Commission of Arizona, Unem­ 55. Arizona Inventory of Registered Professional Nurses, ployment Compensation Division, 1720 W. Madi­ December 31, 1958. Arizona State Board of Nurse son, Phoenix, Arizona. * Registration and Nursing Education, Phoenix, Ari­ zona. * 47. The Arizona Economy, Recent Developments. Finan­ cial Studies of the Unemployment Compensation 56. Arizona Labor Turnover and Labor Force Data. Division of the Employment Security Commission News Release Series. Employment Security Com­ of Arizona, 1720 W. Madison, Phoenix, Ariz. * mission of Arizona, I 720 W. Madison, Phoenix, Arizona. * 48. Arizona Educational Director. School Year 1957- 1958. Arizona State Department of Public Instruc­ 57. Arizona, Land of Adventure. Arizona Development tion, Phoenix, Arizona. * Board, 1521 W. Jefferson, Phoenix, Arizona. * * Available - Same Address

- 15 - 58. Arizona Leads in Manufacturing Growth. Chart. Area 73. The Arizona State Museum. University of Arizona Development Office, Arizona Public Service Com­ Press. University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. * pany, 501 S. 3rd Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona. ~' 74. Arizona State Plan. Fiscal Year Revisions. Arizona 59. Arizona Liquor Laws. Title 4, Arizona Revised Sta­ State Department of Health, Division of Hospital tutes and the Regulations Promulgated Thereunder. Survey, Planning and Construction, 1624 W. Ad­ Arizona State Department of Liquor Licenses and ams, Phoenix, Arizona. * Control, Phoenix, Arizona. * 75 . Arizona State University Foundation. 1959. Execu­ 60. Arizona Medicine, Vol. 16, No. 9, Sept., 1959. Ari­ tive Director, ASU Foundation, Tempe, Ariz. * zona Medical Association, Phoenix, Arizona. * 6 I . Arizona Monthly Vital Statistics Report (Preliminary 76. Arizona Statistical Review. Valley National Bank, - by Place of Residence). July, 1959. Arizona Research Department, Professional Building, Phoe­ State Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Sta­ nix, Arizona. * tistics, Phoenix, Arizona. * 77. Arizona Statutes Relating to Aeronautics. 1958 Edi­ 62. Arizona-New Mexico Builder and Contractor. Month­ tion. Arizona State Aviation Authority, 3000 Sky ly, $.40. P.O. Box 3407, Phoenix, Arizona. * Harbor Blvd., Phoenix, Arizona. * 63. Arizona Occupational Guide. July, 1958 - March, 78. Arizona Watershed Program. (script of slide show) 1959. Arizona State Employment Service, 1720 W. Arizona Water Resources Committee and Water­ Madison, Phoenix, Arizona. * shed Management Division, Arizona Land Depart­ ment, Phoenix, Arizona. * 64. Arizona Outlook for 1959. Arizona Business Bulletin, 79. Arizona Watershed Program Objectives and Accom­ Vol. VI, No. 1, January, 1959. Bureau of Business plishments. Leaflet. Watershed Management Divi­ Services, Arizona State University, Tempe, Ari­ sion, State Land Department, Capitol Annex Of­ zona. * fice Building, Phoenix, Arizona. * 65. Arizona Pharmacist, Journal of Arizona Pharmaceu­ 80. Arizona Weekly Morbidity Report. Division of Vital tical Association, Vol. 38, No. 9, September, 1959. Statistics, Arizona State Department of Health, Arizona Pharmaceutical Association, Inc., I 028 E. Phoenix, Arizona. * McDowell, Phoenix, Arizona. * 8 I . Arizona - What the Desert Has For Industry. June 66. Arizona Progress. Monthly Bulletin. Valley National 23, 1956. Business Week. Reprints available from Bank, 141 N. Central A venue, Phoenix, Ariz. * Boyd Gibbons, Special Assisant to Governor for Industrial Development, Phoenix, Arizona. 67. Arizona Property Tax Rates and Assessed Valuations. 1957 - Yearly Supplements. Arizona Tax Re­ 82. Arizona Workmen's Compensation Laws and Related search Association. 5 N. 17th A venue, Phoenix, Subjects. Arizona Revised Statutes, Title 23, Chap­ Arizona. * ters I, 5, 6, 7. , Article 18, Section 8. The Industrial Commission of Arizona, 68. Arizona Ranch, Farm, and Garden Weeds. Prepared Phoenix, Arizona. * by Kittie F. Parker. Circular 265, Agricultural Ex­ tension Service, University of Arizona, Tucson, 83. Arizona's Cotton Stake. Arizona Business Bulletin, Arizona. * Vol. IV, No. 5, May, 1957. Bureau of Business Services, Arizona State University, Tempe, Ari­ 69. Arizona Range Grasses, Their Description, Forage zona. * Value, and Management. By Robert R. Humphrey. Bulletin No. 298, July, I 958, Agricultural Experi­ 84. Arizona's Current Employment Developments. ment Station, University of Arizona, Tucson, Ari­ Monthly. Unemployment Compensation Division zona. * of Arizona in cooperation with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Available from Arizona State Em­ 70. Arizona Re-evaluations and Projections. A Study of ployment Security Commission, Unemployment Arizona's Financial Experience During the Initial Compensation Division, Phoenix, Arizona. Planning Period With Estimates For the 1938-1965 Period. Research and Reports Section, Unemploy­ 85. Arizona's Dynamic Future. 1960. Bureau of Business ment Compensation Division, Employment Secur­ Services, Arizona State University, Tempe, Ari­ ity Commission of Arizona, Phoenix, Arizona. * zona. Available through Arizona Development Board, 1521 W. Jefferson, Phoenix, Arizona. 7 1. Arizona Road Map. 1959. Arizona State Highway Commission, 1739 W. Jackson, Phoenix, Ariz. * 86. An Automatic Printing and Totalizing Device for Solar Radiation Measurements. By A. Richard 72. Arizona Roadrunner, Official Monthly Publication, Kassander and Lyle L. Knowles. Scientific Report Arizona Motor Transport Association, Inc., 411 N. No. 1, March, 1956. · Institute of Atmospheric Central, Phoenix, Arizona. '' Physics, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. * * Available - Same Address

- 16 - 87. Average Hourly Earnings, Average Weekly Hours, 101. The Changing Role of the Indian in Arizona. By Dr. Average Weekly Earnings, Manufacturing, Trade William H . Kelly. Circular No. 263. Agricultural and Contract Construction. Unemployment Com­ Extension Service, University of Arizona, Tucson, pensation Division, Arizona State Employment Arizona. * Service, 1720 W. Madison, Phoenix, Arizona. * I 02. Characteristics of Summer Radar Echoes in Arizona, 88. The Availability of Water in Arizona With Special 1956. Scientific Report No. 11. Institute of Atmos­ Reference to the Arizona Water Company. 1958. pheric Physics, University of Arizona, Tucson, Ari­ Arizona Water Company, 26 I 2 N. 16th Street, zona. * Phoenix, Arizona. * 103. Characteristics of the Navajo Work Force. 1956. Ari­ 89. Basic Economic Data for Arizona and For Local Of­ zona State Employment Service, 1720 W. Madison, fice Areas Served by Arizona State Employment Phoenix, Arizona. * Service. All Data as of April, 1959. Arizona State Employment Service, Phoenix, Arizona. * 104. Chiricahua National Monument. Leaflet. U.S. Forest Service, Post Office Building, Douglas, Arizona. * 90. Biennial Report of the State Tax Commission of Ari­ zona to the Governor and the Legislature of the 105. Citrus Growing in Arizona. Revised June, 1955. R. State. Arizona State Tax Commission, Phoenix, H. Hilgeman and C. W. Van Horn. Bulletin No. Arizona. * 258, Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. * 91 . Brand Book and Supplement, State of Arizona. Live Stock Sanitary Board, 1953. Compiled and Printed I 06. A Classified Directory of Manufacturers in Tucson, by Order of the Arizona Live Stock Sanitary Board. Arizona. Industrial Development Department, Tuc­ Contains All Brands Recorded Up to and including son Chamber of Commerce, Tucson. Arizona. * May 31 , 1953. I 07. A Classified Directory of the Electronics Industry in 92. Brand Book Supplement. New Brands and Transfers, Tucson. March 13, 1959. Revised to July 14, 1959. Beginning with June 1, 1953. (Booklet Processed Industrial Development Department, Tucson by the Live Stock Sanitary Board of Arizona; Ad­ Chamber of Commerce, Tucson, Arizona. * ded to Every Four Months; No Provision Made to Keep Ones Already Sold Up to Date.) I 08. Climate and Man in the Southwest . . . Terah L. Smiley, Editor. Program in Geochronology, Contri­ 93. Broadcasting Annual. $4.00. Broadcasting Publica­ bution No. 6, Bulletin, Vol. XXVIII, No. 4, No­ cations, Inc., 1735 DeSales Street, N.W., Washing­ vember, 1957. University of Arizona, Tucson, Ari­ ton 6, D.C. * zona. * 94. Buckeye, Arizona - Western Gateway to the Valley I 09. The Climate of Arizona. Agricultural Extension Serv­ of the Sun. Buckeye Chamber of Commerce, Buck­ ice, Agricultural Experiment Station, University of eye, Arizona. * Arizona, 120 I W. Madison. Phoenix, Arizona. * 95. Business License Tax Surveys of Arizona Cities and I I 0. Cloud Photogrammetry With Ground-located K-17 Towns. 1959. $3.00. League of Arizona Cities and Aerial Cameras. By A. Richard Kassander, Jr. and Towns, 846 Security Building, Phoenix, Arizona. * Lee L. Sims. Scientific Report No. 2, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, University of Arizona, Tuc­ 96. Camping and Campgrounds in Amazing Arizona. Ari­ son, Arizona. * zona Development Board, 1521 W. Jefferson, Phoenix, Arizona. * 1 I I . Cloudiness Over the Southwestern United States and Its Relation to Astronomical Observing. By James 97. Cantaloup Research in Arizona. Summary for 1957. E. McDonald. Scientific Report No. 7, Institute of Report No. 167, February 1958, Agricultural Re­ Atmospheric Physics, University of Arizona, Tuc­ search Service, Agricultural Experiment Station (in son, Arizona. * cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agricul­ ture), University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. * 112. Cochise Countv: Its In

- 17 - 115. Commerce and Industry, Invitation to Investigate 128. The Desert Grassland. A History of Vegetational Douglas, Arizona. 1957. Available Industrial De­ Change and an Analysis of Causes. By Robert R. velopment Committee, Douglas Chamber of Com­ Humphrey. Bulletin No. 299, December 1958, Ag­ merce, Douglas, Arizona, or Area Development ricultural Experiment Station, University of Ari­ Department, Arizona Public Service Company, 501 zona, Tucson, Arizona. * S. 3rd Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona. * 129. Desert Plants Promise Dollars. Arizona Business Bul­ 116. Community Audit, Coolidge, Arizona. (Used in In­ letin, Vol. IV, No. 3, March, 1957, Bureau of Busi­ dustrial Prospecting) Compiled by Coolidge Cham­ ness Services, Arizona State University, Tempe, ber of Commerce, Coolidge, Arizona. * Arizona. *' 1 l 7. Construction, Renovation and Management of Ath­ 130. Design Tables For the AASHO-PCI Joint Committee letic Fields. By Joseph S. Folkner. Report No. 151, Standard Prestressed Bridge Beams. Bulletin No. 6, September, 1959, Agricultural Experiment Station, Civil Engineering Series No. 3, December 1958, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. * Engineering Experiment Station, University of Ari­ 118. Construction Reports. Monthly. $.25. Bureau of the zona, Tucson, Arizona. * Census, U.S. Department of Commerce. Available 131. Directions in Indian Art. The Report of a Conference Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, J37 Held at the University of Arizona on March 20th N. 2nd A venue, Phoenix, Arizona. and 21 st, 1959. University of Arizona Press, Uni­ versity of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. * 119. Contractors' Rules and Regulations, January 2, 1959. Published by Registrar of Contractors, Phoenix, 132. Directory of Arizona City and Town Officials. 1959. Arizona. * The League of Arizona Cities and Towns, 846 Se­ curity Building, Phoenix, Arizona. * 120. The Control of Lettuce Insects. By F. H. Harries, Orin A. Hills, A. C. Valcare and P. D. Gerhardt. 133. Directory of Arizona Labor Unions. 1958. Arizona Report No. 174, September, 1958, Agricultural Ex­ State Employment Service, 1720 W. Madison, periment Station, University of Arizona, Tucson, Phoenix, Arizona. * Arizona. * 134. Directory of Contractors. State Registrar of Contrac­ 1 21 . Coolidge, Arizona - Located in the Level Desert tors, 18 I 8 W. Adams, Phoenix, Arizona. * Valley of the Gita River ... Area Development Department, Arizona Public Service Company, 135. Directory of Governor's Council for Veterans' Insti­ Coolidge, Arizona,. * tutional and On-the-Job Training. November 1, 1959. Governor's Office, Phoenix, Arizona. * 122. Copper, Gold, Silver and Molybdenum Recovered From Mines in Arizona, 1957-1958. Statistical Re­ 136. Directory of Licensed Real Estate Brokers and Sales­ port. Arizona Department of Mineral Resources, men as of May 1, 1959. (Included is:) Arizona Real State Fairgrounds. Phoenix, Arizona. * Estate Act, Relating to the Real Estate Business, and Providing for Regulations Thereof, January 1, 123 . Copper Statistics for 1958 Compared with Other 1959 through May 1, 1959. Arizona Real Estate Years. Arizona, United States and Free World. Commission, Phoenix, Arizona. * Compiled by Arizona Department of Mineral Re­ sources, Phoenix, Arizona. * 13 7. Directory of Newspapers and Other Publications. Ari­ zona Newspaper Association, 318 E. Polk Street, 124. Costs of Operating Hay Conditioners in Arizona. By Phoenix, Arizona, * or Arizona Republic and Eldon H. Wheeler and Jere Boyer. Report 179, Gazette, 120 E. Van Buren, Phoenix, Arizona. * December 1958, Arizona Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. * 13 8. Directory of the Legislature, State of Arizona. The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Com­ 125. County by County Mineral Deposits. Map. Dean, Col­ lege of Mines, University of Arizona, Tucson Ari­ pany, General Representative, I 6 W. McDowell zona. * Road, Phoenix, Arizona. * 126. A Critical Evaluation of Correlation Methods in Cli­ 139. Directory of Trade Associations. Bureau of Business matology and Hydrology, By James E. McDonald. and Public Research, University of Arizona, Tuc­ Scientific Report No. 4, January 25, 1957, Insti­ son, Arizona. * tute of Atmospheric Physics, University of Arizona, Tucson. Arizona. * 140. The Distribution of Clouds at Tucson, Arizona, With Respect to Type, Amount, and Time of Observa­ 12 7. Current Arizona Freight Rate Developments. By Mar­ tin T. Farris. Arizona Business Bulletin, Vol. VI, tion. By Robert B. DesJardins. Scientific Report No. 3, March 1959. Arizona State University, Bu­ No. 6, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, University reau of Business Services. Tempe, Arizona. * of Arizona, Tucson. Arizona. * '~ Available - Same Address

- 18 - 141 . The Economic Impact of Proposed Locations For the 153. Estimate of School Statistics 1959-1960. National East-West Interstate in the Flagstaff Area. 19 5 9. Education Association, 1201 16th Street, N.W., Western Business Consultants, Inc., Phoenix, Ari­ Washington 6, D.C. * zona. Available State Highway Department, 1739 W. Jackson, Phoenix, Arizona. Supply Limited. 154. Estimated Number of Wage and Salary Workers in Non-Agricultural Establishments by Industry Divi­ 142. Economic Statistical Comparison, Maricopa County sion. Unemployment Compensation Division, Ari­ and Arizona, First Half 1957, First · Half 1958. zona State Employment Service, 1720 W . Madison, Chart. Bureau of Business Services, Arizona State Phoenix, Arizona.. * University, Tempe * and Sales and Market 15 5. Excerpts from Mining Code of the State of Arizona. Analysis Division, Arizona Republic and Phoenix 1958. Arizona State Mine Inspector, Phoenix, Ari­ Gazette, 120 E. Van Buren, Phoenix, ArizoQa. * zona. * 143. Economic Study of Alternate Proposals for the Con­ 156. Expanded Services to Arizona Reservation Indians. struction of Interstate Route 1-40 Between Ash Arizona State Employment Service, 1720 W. Madi­ Fork and Yucca, Arizona. Arizona Highway De­ son, Phoenix, Arizona. * partment, 1739 W. Jackson, Phoenix, Arizona. * Supply Limited. 157. Fabulous Flagstaff. Illustrated Map. Chamber of Commerce, Flagstaff, Arizona. * 144. Economic Study of Alternate Proposals For the Con­ struction of Route 1-10 Between Phoenix and 158. Facts About Arizona Indians. 1959. Bureau of Indian Brenda, Arizona. Arizona Highway Department, Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior. Available 1739 W. Jackson, Phoenix, Arizona. '!' Supply Indian Affairs Office, Phoenix Area, 3508 N. 7th Limited. Street, Phoenix, Arizona. 159. Facts About Nogales, Arizona. Fold-out. Nogales 145. Economic Survey of Gila County. Arizona Counties Chamber of Commerce, Nogales, Arizona. * Economic Survey Series No. 5, 1955, Bureau of Business Services, College of Business Administra­ 160. Farming and Livestock in Pima County. Informa­ tion, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona. tional Bulletin. Tucson Chamber of Commerce, (Out of Print) Tucson, Arizona. * 146. Economic Survey, Pinal County. 1955. Bureau of 161 . Federal, State and Tribal Jurisdiction on Indian Res­ Business Services, Arizona State University, ervations in Arizona. By Jerry Angle. American Tempe, Arizona. (Out of Print) Indian Series, No. 2, Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. * 147. The Economy of Nogales and Santa Cruz County, Arizona, Part I and Part II. Arizona Business and 162. Financing Public School Facilities. $1.50. U.S. De­ Economic Review, University of Arizona, Bureau partment of Health, Education and Welfare. Avail­ of Business and Public Research, Tucson, Ari­ able U.S. Government Printing Office, Washing­ zona.* ton, D.C. 148. The Economic Value of Hunting and Fishing In 163. First National Bank of Arizona, Post Office Survey of Arizona in 1956. By W. W. Armstrong. Wildlife the Population of Arizona. 1959. Research Depart­ Bulletin No. 4, February, 1958. Arizona State ment, First National Bank of Arizona, 411 N. Cen­ Game and Fish Department, Phoenix, Arizona. * tral, Phoenix, Arizona. * 149. Electric Service Areas. September 18, 1958. Arizona 164. Flagstaff, Arizona, An Economy in Transition. 1958. Public Service, 501 S. 3rd Avenue, Phoenix, Ari­ Bureau of Business and Public Research, Univer­ zona. '" sity of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. ,,, 150. Electronics Industry - 11 Western States. 1959. Sta­ 165. Flagstaff, Arizona. Planning For the Future. 1958. tistical Comparison. Area Development Office, Ari­ Bureau of Business and Public Research, Univer­ zona Public Service Company, 501 S. 3rd Avenue, sity of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. * Phoenix, Arizona. * 166. Flagstaff Industrial Park. O'Malley Investment and 151. Employment and Wages Covered by the Employment Realty Company, P. 0. Box 1224, Flagstaff, Ari­ Security Law of Arizona. Quarterly Publication. zona. * Unemployment Compensation Division of the Em­ ployment Security Commission of Arizona, 1720 167. Flagstaff. The Pipeline, August, 1959. El Paso Nat­ W. Madison, Phoenix, Arizona. * ural Gas Company, El Paso, Texas. * 152. Enjoy the Best of Arizona's Scenic and Historical 168. For Comfort and Health. Buckhorn Natural Hot Min­ Wonders Through Short, Interesting Side Trips in eral Wells ... A Desert Spa of International Fame. the Globe-Miami Area. Brochure. Globe-Miami Brochure, Mesa Chamber of Commerce, Mesa, Ari­ Chamber of Commerce. * zona. * * Available - Same Address

- 19 - 169. Forage Production on Arizona Ranges. III, Mohave 183. Handbook for Arizona Mayors and Councilmen. County. A Study in Range Condition. By Robert R. 1959. Bureau of Government Research, Arizona Humphrey. Bulletin No. 244, February 1953, Re­ State University, Tempe, Arizona. * printed December 1956, Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. * 184. Hay and Feed Grains in the West. Supplies, Utiliza­ tion, and Interstate Movement. By Robert S. Mc­ 170. Forage Production on Arizona Ranges, IV, Coconino, Glothlin. Bulletin No. 289, November, 1957, Agri­ Navajo, Apache Counties. A Study in Range Con­ cultural Experiment Station, University of Arizona, dition. By Robert R . Humphrey. Bulletin No. 266, Tucson, Arizona. * October 1955. Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. * 185. Here is the Information You Requested About Mesa and the Valley of the Sun. Brochure. Mesa, Ari­ 170A. Arizona Has Trees; An Analysis of Forest Products zona. * Potential in Arizona. Arizona Development Board, Phoenix, Arizona. * 186. High School Bulletin. A Handbook of Information, Regulations, Standards, and Recommendations for 171. The Garment Industry. List. Area Development Of­ Arizona High Schools. By R. A. Crowell, High fice, Arizona Public Service Company, 501 S. 3rd School Visitor. Arizona State Department of Pub­ A venue, Phoenix, Arizona. * lic Instruction, Phoenix, Arizona. *

172. Gateway to the Land of Cochise, Benson, Arizona. 187. History of Mining in Arizona. Compiled by Frank J. Benson Chamber of Commerce, Benson, Ariz. * Tuck, Statistical Engineer. 1955. Arizona State De­ partment of Mineral Resources, Phoenix, Ari­ 173. General Construction Safety Code. Adopted March zona. * 26, 1957. Safety Department, Industrial Commis­ sion of Arizona, Phoenix, Arizona. * 188. Holbrook, Arizona. Gateway to Painted Desert, Pet­ rified Forest; N:avajo, Apache, and Hopi Indian 174. A General Description of the Solar Energy Labor­ Reservations. Bureau of Indian Affairs, U.S. De­ atory and its Initial Research Program. By Ray­ partment of the Interior. * mond W. Bliss, Jr. Institute of Atmospheric Phy­ 189. Holbrook, Arizona, Industrial Fact Sheet. 1959. Hol­ sics, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. * brook Chamber of Commerce, Holbrook, Ari­ 175. Generating Stations of Arizona. June 14, 1956. Ari­ zona. * zona Power Authority, 1810 W. Adams, Phoenix, 190. Impact of Industrialization Upon Finances of the Arizona. * State of Arizona. 1955. Stanford Research Insti­ tute, 342 N. Central, Phoenix, Arizona. * 176. Gita Bend, The Desert Oasis, A Growing Community. 1959. Gila Bend Chamber of Commerce, Gila 191 . The Impact of the Motor Transport on the Economy Bend, Arizona. * of Arizona. 1957. Plancor, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona. Available Arizona Motor Transport Association, 177. Glendale in Arizona . . . Neighbor to Phoenix, the 411 N. Central Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona. Capital City. Industrial Development Committee, Glendale Chamber of Commerce, Glendale, Ari­ 192. Index to the Laws of the State of Arizona Pertaining zona. * to Education. 1958. Department of Public Instruc­ tion, Phoenix, Arizona. * 178. Globe-Miami Area Labor Market Report. Gila Coun­ ty. April, 1956. Arizona State Employment Service, 193. Indian Health in Arizona. By Bertram S. Kraus. 1954. Phoenix, Arizona. * Second Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnic Re­ search, Department of Anthropology, University of 179. Globe-Miami Arizona - Year-'round Country. Bro­ Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. * chure. Globe, Arizona. * 194. The Indian Industrial Development Program of the 180. The Great Meteor Crater of Arizona. Leaflet. Meteor Bureau of Indian Affairs. May, 1959. Bureau of Crater Enterprises, P. 0. Box 721, Winslow, Ari­ Indian Affairs, Area Office, 3508 N. 7th Street, zona. * Phoenix, Arizona. * 181. Ground Water Supplies of Santa Cruz Valley of 195. Indians in School. A Study of the Development of Ed­ Southern Arizona Between Rillito Station and the ucational Facilities. for Arizona Indians. By James International Boundary. By H. C. Schwalen and E. Officer. Bureau of Ethnic Research, Depart­ R. J. Shaw. Bulletin No. 288, October, 1957. Uni­ ment of Anthropology, University of Arizona, Tuc­ versity of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. * son, Arizona. * 197. Industrial Fact Sheets, Flagstaff, Arizona. Bureau of 182. Guide for Preliminary Evaluation of Yuma, Arizona. Indian Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior. * 1957. Industrial Development Committee, Yuma Chamber of Commerce, P. 0. Box 230, Yuma, Ari­ I 98. Industrial Fact Sheets. Holbrook, Arizona. Bureau of zona. * Indian Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior. * * Available - Same Address

- 20 - i 99. Industrial Fact Sheets, Kingman, Arizona. Bureau of 217. List of Publications as of January 1, 1959. Arizona Indian Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior. * Motor Tariff Bureau. Arizona Motor Tariff Bu­ reau, 508 Goodrich Building, 14 N. Central Ave­ 200. Industrial Fact Sheets. Williams, Arizona. Bureau of nue, Phoenix, Arizona. * Indian Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior. * 218. List of Firms Approved by Governor's Council for 201. Industrial Fact Sheets. Winslow, Arizona. Bureau of Veteran's Institutional and On-the-Job Training. Indian Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior. * July, 1959. Arizona State Governor's Council for · 202. Industrial Facts ... and A Warm Welcome to Pres­ Veterans' Institutional and On-the-Job Training, cott, Arizona. Prescott, Arizona. * Phoenix, Arizona. * 203. Industrial Facts, Flagstaff, Arizona. Bureau of Indian 219. Livestock Laws of the State of Arizona. Rules and Affairs, U.S. Department of the Int.erior. Regulations of ·the Arizona Livestock Sanitary Board. June 1, 1956. Arizona Live Stock Sanitary 204. Industrial Facts, Williams, Arizona. Bureau of Indian Board, Phoenix, Arizona. * Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior. * 220. Local Climatological Data With Comparative Data, 205. Industrial Facts. Winslow, Navajo County, Arizona. 1958, Phoenix, Arizona. U.S. Weather Bureau, De­ Bureau of Indian Affairs, U.S. Department of the partment of Commerce. * Interior. * 221. Local Climatological Data. 1956. U.S. Weather Bu­ 206. Information Bulletin. Town of Clarkdale, Yavapai reau. Available from Yuma Chamber of Com­ County, Arizona. Clarkdale, Arizona. * merce, P.O. Box 230, Yuma, Arizona. 207. Interested In Space? Area Development Department, 222. Luxury Tax Collected From Each Classification and Arizona Public Service Company, 501 S. 3rd Ave­ Their Percent of the Total for the Fiscal Year nue, Phoenix, Arizona. * 1958-1959. Arizona State Tax Commission, Phoe- 208. "It's June in January" in Mesa, Arizona ... Brochure. nix, Arizona. * Mesa, Arizona. * 223. Manpower! Arizona Business Bulletin, Vol. IV, No. 209. John F. Long's International Home Show. Sales Of­ 4, April 1957, Bureau of Business Services, Ari­ fice, John F. Long Builder, Inc., 5723 W. Indian zona State University, Tempe, Arizona. * School Road, Phoenix, Arizona. * 224. Manpower Requirements and Training Needs Study. 210. Johnson Grass Control With Dalapon and Liquefied Manufacturing and All Industry Summary. Eco­ Petroleum Burners. By H. F . Arie, K. C. Hamilton nomics, Statistics and Research Unit, Arizona Em­ and G. N. McRae. Bulletin No. 293 (Revised) ployment Service, Phoenix, Arizona. * April 1959. Agricultural Experiment Station, Uni­ 225. Manpower Requirements and Training Needs Study. versity of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. * Tucson Labor Market Area. Economic Statistics, and Research Unit, Arizona Employment Service, 2 11 . Joy and Good Living. Brochure. Tempe, Arizona. * Phoenix, Arizona. * 2 12. Labor Laws of the State of Arizona. 1959. Labor De­ 226. Maps of Nogales and Santa Cruz County, Arizona. partment, Industrial Commission of Arizona, Phoe­ Nogales Chamber of Commerce, Nogales, Ariz. * nix, Arizona. * 227. Maricopa County Census Tracts for the 1960 U.S. 213. Land Use of the Phoenix Urban Area. 1959. $1.50. Census. $1.00. Phoenix-Maricopa County Advance Advance Planning Task Force, Phoenix and Mari­ Planning Task Force. Available from Maricopa copa County. Phoenix and Maricopa County Plan­ County and City of Phoenix Planning Departments, ning Departments, 103 E. Jefferson, Phoenix, Ari­ 103 E. Jefferson, Phoenix, Arizona. * zona. * 228. Maricopa County School District Map. 1959. Area 2 14. Laws and Regulations Governing Mineral Rights in Development Office, Arizona Public Service Com­ Arizona - 5th Edition. 1959. $.30. State Depart­ pany, 501 S. 3rd Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona. * ment of Mineral Resources, State Fairgrounds, Phoenix, Arizona. * 229. Marketing Barley and Grain Sorghum in Arizona. By R. S. McGlothlin and Ray Barlow. Report No. 177, 2 15. Lettuce Research in Arizona. Summary for 1958. Ag­ November 1958. Agricultural Experiment Station, riculture Experiment Station. Report No. 182, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. * February 1959. Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. * 230. Marketing Hay in Arizona. By Robert C. McG!oth­ lin. Report No. 162, November 1957. Agricultural 216. Licensed Nursing Homes in Arizona. List. Depart­ Experiment Station, University of Arizona, Tucson, ment of Health, Division of Hospital Survey, Plan­ Arizona. * ning and Construction, 1624 W. Adams, Phoenix, Arizona. * 231. Mesa Rendezvous Park. Brochure. Mesa, Arizona. * * Available - Same Address

- 21 - 232. The Mesa Story. Brochure. Mesa, Arizona. * 250. Observations of Freezing Nuclei Over the Southwest­ ern U.S. By A. Richard Kassander, Lee L. Sims, '2 33_ Mineral Industry of Arizona, 1958. Mineral Industry and James E. McDonald. Scientific Report No. 3, Surveys. Area Report D-90. Bureau of Mines, U.S. November 1, 1956. Institute of Atmospheric Phy­ Department of the Interior, 224 New Customhouse, sics, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. * Denver 2, Colorado. * 234. Mineral Production of Large and Small Producers in 25 l. "01' Flag Is In Its Glory." Arizona Roadrunner, Aug­ Arizona - 1958. Arizona Department of Mineral ust, 1959. Arizona Motor Transport Association, Resources, State Fairgrounds, Phoenix, Arizona. * 41 1 N. Central, Phoenix, Arizona. * 235. Minerals of Arizona. Third Edition, Revised. By 252. Organized Industrial Districts and Industrial Develop­ Frederjc W. Galbraith and Daniel J. Brennan. Bul­ ment Corporations. Booklet. Bureau of Indian Af­ letin, Vol. XXX, No. 2, Physical Science Bulletin fairs, U.S. Department of the Interior. * No. 4. University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. * 253. Petrology, Condensed and Simplified. Arizona Bureau 236. Mining Code of the State of Arizona. June, 1959. of Mines, Mineral Technology Series No. 50. Uni­ Arizona State Mine Inspector, Phoenix, Arizona. * versity of Arizona Bulletin No. 166. University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. * 23 7. Mining in Arizona - Its Past - Its Present - Its Future. 1958. Arizona Department of Mineial Re­ 254. Phoenix, Distribution Center of the Southwest. In­ sources, State Fairgrounds, Phoenix, Arizona. * dustrial Department, Phoenix Chamber of Com­ 23 8. Mining in Pima County and Southern Arizona. Open merce, 805 N. 2nd Street, Phoenix, Arizona. * Pit Mining. Information Bulletins, Tucson Cham­ 255. Phoenix Labor Market Area. 1957. Economic Sta­ ber of Commerce, Tucson, Arizona. * tistics and Research Unit, Arizona State Employ­ 239. Mining's Part in Arizona's Economy. By Frank J. ment Service, 1720 W. Madison, Phoenix, Ari- Tuck. Revised November I 953. Arizona Depart­ zona. * ment of Mineral Resources, Phoenix, Arizona. * 256. Phoenix Offers Dispersion. Area Development De­ 240. Minutes of the State Board of Equalization of Ari­ partment, Arizona Public Service Company, 501 S. zona, 1959. Phoenix, Arizona. * 3rd Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona. * 241. More Facts About Phoenix and Arizona's Valley of 257. Phoenix Resources. Area Development Department, the Sun. Phoenix Chamber of Commerce, Phoenix, Arizona Public Service Company, 501 S. 3rd Ave­ Arizona. * nue, Phoenx, Arizona. * 242. The Motor Tariff Bureau List of Tariffs. The Arizona 258. The Phoenix Story, An Adventure in Reclamation. Motor Tariff Bureau, 508 Goodrich Building, 14 1958. Salt River Project, 1521 Project Drive, N. Central Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona. * Tempe, Arizona. * 243. "The Navajo In the Machine Age." July, 1958. New 259. The Phoenix Story - This Is Phoenix. Area Devel­ Mexico Business. opment Department, Arizona Public Service Com­ pany, 501 S. 3rd Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona. * 244. The Navajo Yearbook. Navajo Agency, Window Rock, Arizona. * 260. Phoenix Transportation. Area Development Depart­ ment, Arizona Public Service Company, 501 S. 3rd 245. New (260) Manufacturers in the Phoenix Area Since March, 1948. 1959. Phoenix Chamber of Com­ A venue, Phoenix, Arizona. * merce, 805 N. 2nd Street, Phoenix, Arizona. * 261. A Pima Remembers. By George Webb. University of 246. 1959 Facts and Figures. Brochure. Tucson, Ari­ Arizona Press, Tucson, Arizona. * zona. *· 262. Pinal County, Arizona. Fold-out. Pinal County De­ 247. Nogales. County Seat of Santa Cruz County, Arizona, velopment Board, 1 12 S. Arizona Blvd., Coolidge, Port of Entry to the West Coast of Mexico. Nogales Arizona. * Chamber of Commerce, Nogales, Arizona. * 263. Pinal County, Arizona, An Industrial and Commercial 248. Nogales, Home of the Mexican Produce Industry. Study. 1957. Arizona Development Board, 1521 Leaflet. Nogales Chamber of Commerce, Nogales, W. Jefferson, Phoenix, Arizona. * Arizona. * 264. Population Growth of the Phoenix Urban Area. 1959. 249. Non-Federal Licensed Hospitals in Arizona. List. State Department of Health, Division of Hospital $1 .50. Advance Planning Task Force, Phoenix and Survey, Planning and Construction, 1624 West Maricopa County. Phoenix and Maricopa Planning Adams, Phoenix, Arizona. * Departments, 103 E. Jefferson, Phoenix, Ariz. * * Available - Same Address

- 22 - 265. Preliminary Planning Report, Colorado River Devel­ 278. Regulations Governing Institutional, Institutional On­ opment Within the State of Arizona, Colorado Farm and On-the-Job Training in Arizona, April 1, River Projects. 1958. Harza Engineering Company, 1955. Arizona State Governor's Council for Veter­ Chicago, Illinois. Available Arizona Power Author­ ans' Institutional and On-the-Job Training, Phoe­ ity, 1810 W. Adams, Phoenix, Arizona. Supply nix, Arizona. * Limited. 279. Report of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of 266. Prescott Airport Industrial Tract. A New Arizona Yavapai County, Arizona, for Fiscal Year 1958- Home for Industry. Prescott Foundation for Indus­ 1959. Yavapai County Board of Supervisors. * trial Development, Prescott, Arizona. * 280. Report of the Department of Library and Archives. 267. Prices and Production of Arizona Farm and Ranch 47th Fiscal Year, July 1, 1958-June 30, 1959. Products. 1959. Agricultural Experiment Station, Arizona State Department of Library and Archives, University of Arizona, 120 I W. Madison, Phoenix, State Capitol, Phoenix, Arizona. * Arizona. * 281. Report on Lemon Maturity Studies in 1958. By R. H. Hilgeman and C. E. Everling. Report No. 185, 268. Proceedings. Arizona-Sonora International Confer­ June 1959. Department of Horticulture, Agricul­ ence on Regional and Community Development. tural Experiment Station, University of Arizona, March 6-7, 1959. University of Arizona, Tucson. * Tucson, Arizona. * (Printed in both Spanish and English.) 282. Research in Science.and Technology at the University 269. Progressive Agriculture in Arizona, Vol. XI, No. 3, of Arizona. An Interpretive Report. 11885-1960. Oct., Nov., Dec., 1959. College of Agriculture, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. * University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. * 283. Road-runner, Vol. I, No. 4, April 1958; Vol. II, No. 270. Public School Finance Programs. $1.50. U.S. Depart­ 4, April 1959. Library Extension Service, Arizona ment of Health, Education and Welfare. Available State Department of Library and Archives, Phoe- U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, nix, Arizona. * · D.C. 284. Romantic Pinal County. Fold-out. Pinal County De­ 271. Quality and Cost of Ginning Upland Cotton in Ari­ velopment Board, P.O. Box 68, Coolidge, Ari­ zona. By James S. St. Clairm and Arthur L. Rob­ zona. * erts. Bulletin No. 277, September 1956. Agricul­ tural Experiment Station, University of Arizona, 285. Rubber Content of Native Plants of the Southwestern Tucson, Arizona. * Desert. By T. F. Buehrer and Lyman Benson. Technical Bulletin No. 108, June 15, 1945. Agri­ 272. Randomized Seeding of Orographic Cumuli, 1957. By cultural Experiment Station, University of Arizona, Louis J. Battan, A. Richard Kassander and Lee L. Tucson, Arizona. * Sims. Part II, Scientific Report No. 9. Institute of Atmospheric Physics, University of Arizona, Tuc­ 286. Rules and Regulations for the Certification of Teach­ son, Arizona. * ers and Administrators in Arizona. Adopted by the State Board of Education in 1955. Revised to June 273. Rankings of the States. $.50. National Education As­ 1, 1958. Arizona State Department of Public In­ sociation, 1201 16th Street, N. W., Washington 6, struction, Phoenix, Arizona. * D.C. * 287. Rules of Procedure Before the Industrial Commission 274. Real Estate Primer. Revised, June, 1959. Arizona of Arizona, Effective September 6, 1947. Industrial State Real Estate Department, Phoenix, Arizona. * Commission of Arizona, Phoenix, Arizona. * 275. Recent Migration to Arizona. By Ralph C. Hook, Jr., 288. Rules of the House of Representatives 23rd Legisla­ and Paul D. Simpkins. Arizona Business Bulletin, ture, 1957-1958. Arizona State House of Repre­ Vol. VI, No. 6, June, 1959. Arizona State Univer­ sentatives, Phoenix, Arizona. * sity, Bureau of Business Services, Tempe, Ari­ zona. * 289. Serving Young Manpower (1957-58 Activities). July, 1959. Arizona State Employment Service, Phoe­ 276. Recovering Rainfall - More Water for Irrigation. nix, Arizona. * 1956. Watershed Management Division, State Land Department, Capitol Annex, Office Building, Phoe­ 290. Seeding of Summer Cumulus Clouds. By Louis J. Bat­ nix, Arizona. * tan and A. Richard Kassander, Jr., 1959. Scien­ tific Report No. 10, Institute of Atmospheric Phy­ 2 77. Redistricting Report, Roosevelt Council, Boy Scouts sics, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. * of America. Available from Research Department, 291. Senior Citizen Program. Western City, August, 1959. First National Bank of Arizona, 411 N. Central, page 19. League of Arizona Cities and Towns. Phoenix. Arizona. 2727 N. Central. Phoenix, Arizona. * * Available - Same Address

- 23 - 292. Service to the Handicapped, 1957. Arizona Employ­ 308. The Story of the Arizona Public Service Company. By ment Security Commission. Employment Service, Walter T. Lucking. Area Development Office, Ari­ Phoenix, Arizona. * zona Public Service Company, 501 S. 3rd Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona. * 293. Sierra Vista, Arizona - Urban Challenge in a Year­ ling Community. Bureau of Business and Public 309. The Story of the Hopi Snake Dance. By J. Morris Research, University of Arizona, Tucson, Ari­ Richards. Winslow Mail, Winslow, Arizona. * zona. * 310. Street Map of the ('.:ity of Globe . .. Brochure. Globe, 294. Sky Harbor Airport Welcomes You. Sky Harbor Ad­ Arizona. * ministrative Offices, Sky Harbor Terminal, Phoe­ nix, Arizona. * 3 11 . Supplement to Gita County Economic Survey of 1955. Arthur W. Gutenberg, Ph.D. and Associates. Oc­ 295. "Sky Harbor Tops Its Class." Arizona Business Bulle­ tober, 1959. Arizona State University, Tempe, Ari­ tin, July, 1957. Bureau of Business Services, Ari­ zona. zona State University, Tempe, Arizona. * 312. The Sun Is Shining Today in Yuma, Arizona. April 296. The Snake Dance of the Hopis. Winslow Chamber of 1958. Yuma Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box Commerce, Winslow, Arizona. * 230, Yuma, Arizona. * 297. Soil and Water Conservation in Arizona. 1956. Agri­ 3 13. Survey of Industrial Development Potential of Tuc­ cultural Experiment Station, Agricultural Exten­ son Metropolitan Area. 1959. By Boog, Allen, and sion Service, University of Arizona, Tucson, Ari­ Hamilton. Tucson Industrial Development Com­ zona. * mittee, P.O. Box 991, Tucson, Arizona. * 298. Soil Compaction. By W. H. Fuller, Report No. 168, 314. System Map. January 1958. Arizona Public Service, April 1958. Agricultural Experiment Station, Uni­ 501 S. 3rd Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona. * versity of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. * 3 15. Tax Structure. Tucson, Pima County, Arizona. Tuc­ 299. The Southwest at Its Best. For Industry and a Way of son Chamber of Commerce, Tucson, Arizona. * Life. Brochure. Tucson, Arizona. * 316. Technical Reports on the Meteorology and Climatol­ 300. Spot Radio Rates and Data. Monthly. $35.00. Stan­ ogy of Arid Regions. Nos. 1-6, December 31, dard Rate and Data Service, Inc., 1740 Ridge Ave­ 1956-June 7, 1957. Institute of Atmospheric Phy­ nue, Evanston, Illinois. * sics, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. * 30 I. Spot Television Rates and Data. Monthly. $30.00. 317. Techniques in Solving Older Worker Employment Standard Rate and Data Service, Inc., 1740 Ridge Problems. A Guide for Interviewers. October 1958. Avenue, Evanston, Illinois. * Employment Service, Employment Security Com­ mission of Arizona, Phoenix, Arizona. * 302. Sprinkler Irrigation. By H. C. Schwalen, K. R. Frost and W. W. Hinz. Bulletin No. 250, Reprinted Sep­ 318. Tempe - An Invitation to Industry. Brochure. tember 1957, Agricultural Experiment Station, Tempe, Arizona. * University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. * 319. This Is Our Story. Part 1, July I, 1959; Part 2, Sep­ tember, 1959. Chamber of Commerce, Bisbee, 303. State Aid to Public Agencies for the Development of Arizona. * Public Airports. Instructions and Policies for Ad­ ministering the State Airport Development Pro­ 320. The Town Too Tough to Die. Health - History - gram. Arizona State Aviation Authority, 3000 Sky Hospitality. Brochure. Tombstone Chamber of Harbor Blvd., Phoenix, Arizona. * Commerce, Tombstone, Arizona. * 304. Statistical Data. Industrial Development Committee, 321. Transaction of the Conference on the Use of Solar Benson Chamber of Commerce, Benson, Ariz. * Energy - the Scientific Basis. In 5 Vols. Edwin F. Carpenter, Editor; A. Richard Kassander, Jr., Mary 305. Statistical Information and Analysis of Indian Reser­ Donovan Bliss, Associate Editors. University of vations. 1959. Bureau of Indian Affairs, U.S. De­ Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. * partment of the Interior. Available Indian Affairs Office, Phoenix Area, 3508 N. 7th Street, Phoenix, 322. Transportation Facilities ... Tucson Chamber of Arizona. Commerce, Tucson. Arizona. * 306. Statistical Statement, Fiscal Year 1958-1959. Sales 323. The Truth About Water in Tucson, Arizona ... Re­ Tax Division. Arizona State Tax Commission, print from Tucson Daily Citizen. Industrial Devel­ Phoenix. Arizona. * opment Committee of Tucson, Tucson Chamber of Commerce, Tucson, Arizona. * 307. Stories of Arizona Copper Mines. By Frank J. Tuck. Arizona Department of Mineral Resources, Phoe­ 324. Tucson .. . A City, An Opportunity, A Way of Life. nix. Arizona. * Tucson Chamber of Commerce, Tucson, Ariz. * * Available - Same Address

- 24 - 325. Tucson's Economic Growth. October 15, 1959. Tuc­ 337. Why the Big Boom in the Desert States? U.S. News son Chamber of Commerce, Tucson, Arizona. * and World Report, October 11, 1957. Reprints available from Boyd Gibbons, Special Assistant to 326. A Unique Experience. Information Sheet. American Arizona Governor for Industrial Development. Meteorite Museum, Sedona, Arizona. * 327. Uranium in Arizona. 3rd Edition. Revised June, 338. Wildlife Sportsman's Special Section on Globe. The 1958. Arizona Department of Mineral Resources, Magazine with the Maps. Brochure. Globe, Ari­ Phoenix, Arizona. * zona. * 328. Water and Sewer Rate Survey of Arizona Cities and 339. Wildlife Sportsman's Special Section on Mesa, Gate­ Towns. $3.00. Arizona League of Cities apd way to the Lower Salt River Lakes. The Magazine Towns, 846 Security Building, Phoenix, Ariz. * With the Maps. Brochure. Mesa, Arizona. * 329. Water Management. By James E. Middleton. Circular 340. Willcox, Arizona, Cattle Capitol and Produce Center. 205, Revised October 1953. Agricultural Extension Willcox Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 666, Service, University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. * Willcox, Arizona. * 330. Welcome to Buckeye, Business, Industry, and Agri­ 341 . Willcox, Arizona, The Cattle Capitol of the Nation. culture Opportunities. Industrial Development Willcox Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 666, Committee, Buckeye Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Willcox, Arizona. * Box 806, Buckeye, Arizona. * 331. Welcome Friend. Research Department, First Na­ 342. Williams, Arizona, Gateway to Grand Canyon. Fold­ tional Bank of Arizona, 411 N. Central Avenue, out. Williams-Grand Canyon Chamber of Com­ Phoenix, Arizona. * merce, 311 W. Bill Williams, Williams, Arizona. * 332. Welcome Visitor! Official Guide to Tucson ... In­ 343. Winslow, A City of Good Will. Winslow Chamber of formation Department, Tucson Chamber of Com­ Commerce, Winslow, Arizona. '~ merce, 82 South Stone, Tucson, Arizona. * 344. Worth Looking Into. 1959. Yuma Chamber of Com­ 333. West Coast Electronic Manufacturers' Association. merce, P.O. Box 230, Yuma, Arizona. * Electronics Industry (11 Western States) 1959. 345. Omitted. Available at Arizona Public Service, 501 S. 3rd Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona. 346. Your Range - Its Management. Robert R. Hum­ phrey, Compiler. Special Report No. 2, 1959. 334. What Makes Tucson Tick July, 1959. Leaflet. Tuc­ Watershed Management Department, Agricultural son Chamber of Commerce, Tucson, Arizona. * Extension Service, Agricultural Experiment Sta­ 335. What to See, What to Do, Where to Go, in Phoenix, tion, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. * Arizona and the Communities of the Valley of the 347. Yuma Adds Up. Yuma Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Sun. Phoenix Chamber of Commerce, Phoenix, Box 230, Yuma, Arizona. * Arizona. ''' 348. Yuma: Its Economic Growth and Land Use Poten­ 336. What You Should Know About Workmen's Compen­ tials. 1956. $7.50. Stanford Research Institute, sation. Leaflet. State Industrial Commission, Cap­ Mountain States Office, 3424 N. Central, Phoe- itol Building Annex, Phoenix, Arizona. '~ nix, Arizona. *

'" Available - Same Address

- 25 -