- l '-1.




Bulletin S-2 f f



This table should read as follows :

CATTLE b ------· --- h__ t: _I, roups , Arizona 196 66 . 37-38 Under 500- 700- 900- Over Date 500 699 899 1 , 099 1,100 Lbs. Lbs . Lbs . Lbs . Lbs. 1000 Head 1962 Jan. 1 93 87 90 36 4 Apr. 1 42 90 85 so 3 July 1 36 79 80 52 3 Oct. 1 57 79 83 45 2

1963 Jan. 1 85 122 121 46 3 Apr. 1 34 111 109 lS 8 July 1 36 56 99 64 2 Oct. 1 58 55 67 69 5 ARIZONA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 1967


Compiled by

ARIZONA CROP AND LIVESTOCK REPORTING SERVICE 6445 Federal Office Building, Phoenix, Arizona

Floyd E. Rolf, Agricultural Statistician In Charge C. John Fliginger, Assistant Statistician In Charge Royce A. Dix, Agricultural Statistician Archie J. Olson, Agricultural Statistician Ronald G. Stevenson, Agricultural Statistician James F. Riggs, Agricultural Statistician (State)

A Cooperative Function of

THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE College of Agriculture Statistical Reporting Service Department of Agricultural Economics

Richard A. Harvill, President Harry C. Trelogan, Administrator Harold E. Myers, Dean of Agriculture Glenn D. Simpson, Deputy Administrator Thomas M. Stubblefield, Acting Head Russell P. Handy, Assistant Administrator Department of Agricultural Economics


This is the second bulletin in the series of publications prepared under the cooperative agreement between the College of Agriculture, University of Arizona and the Statistical Reporting Service, USDA. The first bulletin, Arizona Agricultural Statistics 1867-1965, published in February 1966, brought together the major historical series of data available on crops and livestock in Arizona. This bulletin brings these series up to date, shows revisions, and includes additional historical series not published previously.

After data become available from each 5-year Federal Census of Agriculture, the crop and livestock estimates for the preceding inter census years are reviewed and necessary revisions made based on Census data as well as any other check data that have become available. Arizona Agricultural Statistics 1967 includes revised data for all crops and current estimates for 1966 and 1967. The 1960-1965 revised estimates of vegetables will be published in Arizona Agricultural Statistics 1968. Revisions for honey and beeswax cover the period 1955-1965 and are included in this publication.

Agriculture remains one of the most important segments of the economy of Arizona. Each year the Arizona Crop and Livestock Reporting Service collects and records information on acreage, production, price, and related factors of each major crop and measures the ever changing livestock and poultry population and production. Since July 1965 this has been a joint effort of the State of Arizona through the Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture, University of Arizona and the United States Department of Agriculture through the Statistical Reporting Service. This cooperation avoids needless dup­ lication and provides the most economical means of collecting and disseminating information needed by farmers, ranchers and agri-business.

We want to acknowledge and say "thank you" to the many farmers, ranchers, dealers, processors, merchants, etc., who have provided the basic information from which the reports on crops and livestock are prepared. Credit is also due to the technical and clerical staff of the Arizona Crop and Livestock Reporting Service in preparation of estimates for publication. James Riggs had the lead in assembly and organization of data for publication and Miss Darlene Diller typed final copy. Special recognition is extended to Mrs. Evelyn Dye, State Statistical Clerk, who designed the cover page.

Floyd E. Rolf Agricultural Statistician, In Charge TABLE OF CONTENTS





FIELD CROPS 9-27 Cotton, state sunnnaries 10-11 Cotton, county estimates 12-15 Feed Grains 16 Safflower 17 Wheat 17 Corn and Sorghum for silage and forage 17 Hay 18 Alfalfa Seed 19 Potatoes 19 Grain Stocks 20-27

VEGETABLES 28-32 Broccoli 29 Cabbage 29 Cantaloups 29 Carrots 30 Cauliflower 30 Celery 30 Honeydew Melons 31 Lettuce 31 Onions 30 Watermelons 30

FRUIT 33-34 Oranges 34 Grapefruit 34 Lemons 34 Grapes 34

CATTLE 35-44 Cattle on farms, January 1 36 Cattle on feed 37-40 Fed cattle marketed for slaughter 41 Connnercial slaughter, cattle 42-44 Calf crop ...... 44 Milk cows and production of milk, milkfat and butter 44

HOGS 45-49 Hogs and pigs on farms, January 1 46 Pig crop ..... 46 Connnercial slaughter, hogs 47-49

SHEEP 50-55 Sheep on farms, January 1 51 Sheep on feed . . . . . 51 Lamb crop . . . . . 51 Wool production and value 52 Sheep, white owned, inventory 52 Wool production and lamb crop, white owned 52 Connnercial slaughter, sheep 53-55 Mohair production and value 55

POULTRY 56-58 Chicks hatched by connnercial hatcheries 57 Chickens and turkeys on farms, January 1 58 Egg production 58



Douglas 45.3 48.9 54.0 61.5 68.9 78.1 81.0 79.0 75.2 65.2 53.0 46.9 63.1

Flagstaff 28.3 30.6 35.6 43.3 50.9 59.5 66.0 64.4 58.5 47.5 36.6 30.9 46.0

Ft. Huachuca 46.4 49.8 54.6 61.7 69.7 77.8 78.5 76.2 73.2 65.3 54.8 48.2 63.0

Gila Bend 52.3 56.4 62.4 70.0 77.7 86.3 93.2 91.6 86.2 74.6 60.9 54.5 72.2

Grand Canyon 29.4 32.9 38.2 46.4 54.5 64.0 69.2 67.1 61.6 50.3 39.2 31.4 48.7

Kingman 43.4 46.8 51.5 58.8 66.0 75.3 82.l 80.0 74.1 62.8 52.0 44.2 61.4

Maverick 26.6 27.6 32.0 39.5 46.0 54.5 59.9 58.6 53.9 45.2 35.1 29.0 42.3

McNary 30.2 32.0 36.7 44.0 51.3 58.9 64.3 62.9 58.3 49.1 37.7 32.6 46.5

Payson 36.0 38.5 43.3 50.1 56.8 65.2 72.6 70.9 65.4 54.7 43.7 37.2 52. 9

Phoenix 49.7 53.5 59.0 67.2 75.0 83.6 89.8 87.5 82.8 70.7 58.1 51.6 69.0

Prescott Airport 37.1 39.6 45.5 53.2 61.3 70.4 76.0 73.4 68.7 57.6 45.7 39.3 55.7

Tucson 49.3 52.4 57.5 65.4 73.0 82.2 86.1 83.6 80.9 70.0 57.6 51.4 67 .5

Winslow 31.0 37.5 45.6 55.6 64.8 74.3 80.2 77.8 70.7 57.4 41.3 32.5 55.7

Yuma 53.4 57.3 63.0 70.6 78.0 86.0 92.8 91.6 86.3 74.5 61.7 55.0 72.5

Blythe 52.6 57.0 63.4 70.9 77.6 85.1 92.1 91.0 85.5 73.4 60.1 53.8 71. 9


Douglas .92 .51 .61 .25 .07 .64 4.24 2.89 . 93 .57 .30 .49 12.42

Flagstaff 1.83 1.78 1.45 1.18 .51 .69 2.28 2.84 1.58 1.52 1.00 1.65 18.31

Ft. Huachuca 1.40 1.28 1.08 .45 .30 .80 3.95 3.83 1.57 .58 1.00 1.20 17.44

Gila Bend .57 .50 .56 .25 .09 .04 .87 1.09 .40 .32 .35 .58 5 .62

Grand Canyon 1.46 1.38 1.44 .97 .43 .49 1.44 1.95 1.11 1.31 .78 1.33 14.09

Kingman 1.36 . 79 1.07 .57 .27 .15 .99 1.51 .61 .67 .58 .82 9.39

Maverick 3.37 1.78 2.70 1.37 .56 1.14 4.98 5.33 1.63 2.23 1.10 2.21 28.40

McNary 2.46 2.14 2.53 1.29 .69 .62 2 .93 3 .99 2.11 1.96 1.31 2.37 24.40

Payson 2.12 2.19 1.71 1.07 .41 .59 2.39 3.43 1.91 1.48 1.37 1.90 20.57

Phoenix . 73 . 85 . 66 . 32 .13 .09 .77 1.12 .73 .46 .49 .85 7.20

Prescott Airport 1.01 1.08 . 73 .69 .24 .32 2.08 2.66 1.19 .73 .50 1.00 12.33

Tucson .82 .84 .53 .27 .13 .29 2.06 2.88 1.00 .64 .62 .92 11.00

Winslow .43 .48 .39 .45 .32 .26 1.02 1.43 .91 .66 .36 .52 7.23

Yuma . 39 . 36 . 24 . 09 .01 .01 .23 .50 . 38 .38 .12 . 32 3. 03

Blythe .48 .48 .40 .13 .02 .03 .21 .84 .33 .27 .22 .55 3.96 ARIZONA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 1967 5








CROP SUMMARY ARIZONA u. s. Januar 196S-1966 ACRES HARVESTED -- PRODUCTION VALUE Crop 1960-1964 1960-1964 1960-1964 196S 1966 Unit Av Av 196S 1966 Av 196S 1966 1000 Acres 1000 1000 Dol.


Cotton, lint 397 340 .U 251 Bales 8Sl 787 y sos llS,039 1/ 5 7' 3 74 Cottonseed Ton 3Sl 326 [/ 210 lS ,420 I1 12 '32 7 Barley 139 153 110 Bu. 9 ,361 10 ,55 7 7 '370 12, 774 8,844 Wheat 26 26 23 Bu. 1, 138 1, 170 920 1,825 1,490 Oats 6 4 3 Bu. 309 180 120 180 ll5 Sorghu::i for Grain 111 166 195 Bu. 7 ,619 12 ,450 15,015 15 '31!+ 17' 868 Corn for Grain 20 20 18 Bu. 430 560 648 8S7 1, 03 7 Potab;es 9 .3 11.0 12. s Cwt. 2' 2S6 2' 110 2 ,87S 9,656 s '77S Alfalfa Seed 20.6 17 19 Lbs. 3 '956 3 ,06U 3,040 894 927

All Hay 259 240 240 Tons L, J.43 l, 170 1, 127 2Si 1133 29 '866 Alfalfa Hay 2.1.4 201 200 Tons 1,050 l ,085 l ,o.+o Grain Hay 35 28 28 Tons 73 63 60 All Other Hay 10 ll 12 Tons 20 22 ;~ 7

Acres 1000 1000 Dol.

Broccoli, Winter 580 J:-'..0 380 1.1.;t. 38 21+ JC 50(J JO? 43S Cabbage, Winter 1, 270 1, 200 l,JOO C~·11:. 269 216 24() 858 697 948 Cantaloups, Spring 16 ,280 16' 100 15 ,uoo Cwt. 1, 992 1, !)32 J ,800 13,048 13, JS 1 11, S20 Cantaloups, Early Summer 1,290 600 650 Cwt. 152 66 94 8Slr 475 630 Carrots, Spring 2 ,400 2 ,300 0;,,t. 402 426 60() 1, 97:i 2,087 3 ,660 Cauliflower, Winter SJO ')SO Cwt. 39 /-le 7 1+9 433 569 666 Honeydews, Early Sunnn8r 760 70() 1, LOO Cwt. 105 80 127. 652 488 924 Lettuce, Winter 14 J 1·20 9 ,000 17, 9UU C>.vt. 2. JS-, 3 ,135 2 ·' 0 )l~ ll,821 ll, 7 56 17 ,429 Lettuce, Early Spring 21, 93n 7, JOO 20 '900 Cwt. 4,!ld 3' 633 3 ,448 17, b9.+ 26 ,884 13,894 Lettuce, Late Fall 19,600 9, 100 16) 700 Cwt. 3' 223 3 '24 7 2,839 15 '91'3 lS 'S86 13,627 Onions, Late Spring 1, 740 l, 500 1,900 Cwt. 5 77 7l2 69/t 1, 761 3 '916 2,907 Watermelons, Early Sunnner 4,280 4 ,200 3 ,:300 Cwt. 676 588 5/8 l ,SO:l 1, 117 1,416

Oranges ll Ctns. 3 '568 5, 200 Grapefruit 'l:) Ctns. 5,156 6' 100 Lemons ]) Ct'!S. 2' 168 3' 940 Grapes Tons 11. 7 lS . 7 12 .6 2 '936 4,297

1000 Acres 1000 1000 Dol. UNITED STATES

Cot; ton, lint 14 '9S6 13,615 1_/ 9 ,S95 Bales 14' 795 14 '956 1/ 9 ,627 2,103,797 1/l,044,4SS Cottonseed Ton 6 ,086 6' 116 I1 3,964 28S '774 y 260 '758 Barley 12,078 9, 144 10' 227 Bu. 40S,613 392' 279 389,557 39S ,389 412 ,428 Wheat 48,481 49 '560 49 ,843 Bu. 1, 221,844 1,315 ,613 1,310,642 1, 774,S37 2, lSl ,804 Oats 22' 784 18,479 17 ,848 Bu. 998' 722 926,8Sl 798,089 S85 ,453 S43,247 Sorghum for Grain 12' 64S 13 '029 12 '83 7 Bu. 537,127 672,698 720 ,41S 667 '96 7 736 'S82 Corn for Grain S9,876 55,332 S6,888 Bu. 3,722,911 4,084,342 4,103,323 4,731,622 S,340,383 Potatoes 1,382 1,403 l ,L1 79 Cwt. 26S '773 289' 783 300 '940 730,628 663,316 Alfalfa Seed 718 610 600 Lbs. 136 ,3SS 120,337 122,S32 39 ,480 42 ,461

All Hay 67 ,211 6 7, 684 65' 192 Tons l.18,638 12S,536 120 ,863 2,913,481 2 '909' 119 Alfalfa Hay 28,39S 29' 733 29 ,008 Tons 69,1>20 74' 849 72,476 Grain Hay 3 ,04 7 2' 784 2 '950 Tons 3' 786 3, 94S 3,886 All Other Hay 7 ,009 9' 270 8, 725 Tcms 9 ,089 13, 714 13,012

Acres 1000 1000 Dol.

Broccoli, Winter 3' 160 3 '220 2, 780 Cwt. 137 126 114 1,404 1, 139 l ,S61 Cabbage, Winter 44' 190 39, 300 38,800 Cwt. 6 ,817 6 ,358 6, 748 19 '994 19 ,S27 24' 392 Cantaloups, Spring 32 ,440 35 '300 33 ,200 Cwt. 3' 700 3, 707 3 '293 23, 989 25,881 20 'S8S Cantaloups, Early Summer ll, 890 10 ,600 10 ,450 Cwt. 619 S54 473 2 ,4Sl 2 ,021+ 2,473 Carrots, Spring 2,400 2,300 3 ,000 Cwt. 402 426 600 1, 973 2,087 3 ,660 Cauliflower, Winter 2,600 2' 150 2' 100 Cwt. 162 143 126 1, 717 1,709 1, 718 Honeydews, Early Surrnner 760 700 1, 100 Cwt. lOS 80 132 6S2 488 924 Lettuce, Winter 66' 760 77 ,400 70' 600 Cwt. 11,032 12 ,460 12 ,372 48,216 42,512 81,09S Lettuce, Early Spring 39' 780 35'100 44' 600 Cwt. 7 ,280 7 ,024 8,400 29 '294 so' lll 29,S80 Lettuce, Late Fall 19' 600 19' 100 16' 700 Cwt. 3 ,223 3,247 2,839 lS '943 lS' S86 13 '62 7 Onions, Late Spring 7' 870 6' 250 6,980 Cwt. 1, 906 2 ,026 2 ,087 6,056 11,814 11,099 Watermelons, Early Sununer 207,260 207 ,500 202 '900 Cwt. 15' 745 16' 153 1!+,601 21,091 21, 381 25,731

Oranges ']) Ctns. 229 ,484 282 ,300 Grapefruit ']._! Ctns. 78,S08 93 ,400 Lemons 2:_/ Ctns. 30 '928 32,S40 Grapes Tons 3,320 4,352 3' 733 202,3S6 186 ,425

1/ December 1 estimate. Jj Year of Bloom. ARIZONA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 1967 7

LIVESTOCK SUMMARY, ARIZONA, U. S., January 1, 1966-1967 Average I Class I_ 1961-65 _ 1966 1967 1000 Head

ARIZONA ALL CATTLE & CALVES 1,095 1,101 1, 134 Kept for Milk 83 81 80 Cows & heifers 2+ 55 56 56 Heifers 1-2 yrs. 13 12 ll Heifer calves 15 13 13 Other Cattle 1,012 1,020 1,054 Cows & heifers 2+ 368 361 380 Heifers 1-2 yrs. 93 90 97 Calves 258 251 270 Steers l+ 271 298 285 Bulls l+ 22 20 22

ALL HOGS & PIGS 28 28 34

ALL SHEEP & LAMBS 542 601 527 Sheep & lambs on feed 78 130 106 Stock sheep & lambs 464 471 421

CHICKENS ]) 1,182 1,372 1,597

TURKEYS ']) 14 15 17

UNITED STATES ALL CATTLE & CALVES 103,892 108,862 108,491 Kept for Milk 27,831 23,998 22,879 Cows & heifers 2+ 18,248 15,987 15,201 Heifers 1-2 yrs. 4,631 3,860 3,619 Heifer calves 4 '951 4' 151 4,059 Other Cattle 76,061 84,864 85,612 Cows & heifers 2+ 30' 728 34,433 34,592 Heifers 1-2 yrs. 8,054 8,925 9,162 Calves 23,657 26,879 27,262 Steers l+ ll ,831 12,749 12,733 Bulls l+ 1, 792 1,878 1,863

ALL HOGS & PIGS 55,544 47 ,414 51,035

ALL SHEEP AND LAMBS 29,023 24,734 23' 727 Sheep & lambs on feed 3,931 3,278 3,069 Stock sheep & lambs 25,092 21,456 20,658

CHICKENS J:._/ 379,086 393,019 427,619

TURKEYS ']) 6,380 6,905 7,340

l/ Does not include connnercial broilers. I! Does not include turkey fryers. 8 ARIZONA CROP AND LIVESTOCK REPORTING SERVICE



Meat Animals 34.7%

Vegetables 18.3%


Field Crops

Production for the major field crops as a group in Arizona did not reach the high level achieved during the 1965 season. The combined value of the major field crops totaled $224 million compared with $298 million in 1965. This reduction in value was due to a reduction of harvested acres, generally lower prices, and to lower yields per acre.

It was an unusual year in that it got off to a very good start with badly needed moisture arriving late in 1965 and into the start of the 1966 season. This early moisture gave a rather bright outlook for the 1966 season in the fact that early spring plantings had good moisture and many of the lakes and reservoirs for irrigation water were filled for the first time in many years. However, this bright outlook became clouded and in some cases very dismal as the year progressed. The wet cool spring caused some replanting and delayed planting in some cases. As spring turned into summer, the delayed plantings caused increased pressures on farmers as crops under irrigation needed water at the same time. Even with surplus water supplies, many farmers were not able to get water at the optimum time.

The surrnner and fall months provided excellent harvesting weather, very little moisture, and little relief from the demands on irrigation water. Cotton farmers, who were anticipating a bumper crop early in the season, were taking a second look come mid-summer as the boll weevils and "pinkies" were threatening the crop. The pink bollworm was particularly damaging to the cotton crop and lowered the final yields.

ARIZONA'S RANK AMONG THE 48 STATES 1960 AND 1966 Yield Production Field Crop 1960 1966 1960 1966

American-Egyptian Cotton 1 1 1 1 Upland Cotton 2 1 5 5 All Cotton 2 2 5 5 Grain Hay 1 1 17 20 Alfalfa Hay 2 2 20 23 All Hay 1 1 28 28 Barley 1 1 12 12 Sorghums for Grain 2 1 9 6 Sorghums for Silage 1 1 6 13 Sorghums for Forage 9 2 19 22 All Wheat 1 5 38 38 Winter Wheat 1 6 36 36 Corn for Silage 12 1 42 40 Oats 24 30 42 43 10 ARIZONA CROP AND LIVESTOCK REPORTING SERVICE

AL L CO TT ON : Acreage vie. ld , an d pro d uction, Arizona, . 1960 - 1966 Yield per Acreage Production Year harvested Planted I Harvested acre Lint I Seed 1000 Acres Lbs. 1000 Bales 1./ 1000 Tons

1960 434 426 953 849 351

1961 400 392 1,010 828 342

1962 412 405 1, 112 942 391

1963 396 387 1,037 839 342

1964 381 375 1,020 799 331

1965 3Li-5 340 1,108 787 326

1966 ]:_/ 255 251 966 505 210

ll 500 pound gross weight bales. ]:_/ December 1 estimate.

ALL COTTON : Average price an d va 1 ue 0 f pro d UC t'ion, A'rizona, 1960 - 1966 Lint Cottonseed Combined Year Price Price Value of Value Value per lb. I per ton I Lint and Seed Cts. 1000 Dol. Dol. 1000 Dol. 1000 Dol.

1960 31.27 132,553 50.20 17,620 150, 173

1961 33.78 139 '641 54.70 18,707 158,348

1962 32.63 153,212 48.80 19,081 172,293

1963 33 .19 138,665 47 .30 16' 177 154) 842

1964 29.86 118 '900 47 .so 15' 722 134) 622

1965 29.30 115 ,039 47 .30 15,420 130,459 1966 ll 22.8 57,374 58.70 12,327 69,701


COTTON: Acreage, yie ld pro d uction, an d va l ue A.rizona, 1960 -1966 Acreage Yield per Lint Year harvested Price Planted I Harvested acre Production I per lb. I Value 1000 Acres Lbs. 1000 Bales }) Cts. 1000 Dal.


1960 407.2 399.8 979 818.l 30.42 124,451 1961 373.6 366.1 1,045 799.9 32.89 131,549 1962 370.3 364.1 1,162 885.1 31.33 138,576 1963 332.8 325.3 1,120 761.0 31.30 119' 156 1964 333.0 328.0 1,085 743 .8 28.56 106,180 1965 311.5 307.l 1, 15 7 741.8 28.24 104,788 1966 !:_! 220.4 217.2 1,034 468.0


1960 26.8 26.2 563 30.9 54.9 8,102 1961 26.4 25.9 518 28.l 60.3 8,092 1962 41. 7 40.9 665 56.9 53.8 14,636 1963 63.2 61. 7 602 78.0 52.5 19,509 1964 48.0 47.0 'i62 55 . .2 48.2 12' 720 1965 33.5 32. 9 65 7 45.2 47 .4 10,251 1966 !:_/ 34.6 33.8 r) 25 37.0 49.0 8,702

1/ 500 pound gross weight bales. °ii December 1 estimate.


MIL. BALES*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Production I Exports Mill consumption 16



0 1956 1959 1962 1965

Yl!.All 81fGIHHIHG AUGUST I. llUlllWIG llALlfS. A,.ltl!LIMlll/l.llY. Ol!STIMTl!D.


COTTON· County estimates i by classes , Arizona , 1960-1965 UPLAND EXTRA LONG Acreage Yield per Production Acreage Crop of harvested of Planted I Harvested acre Lint Planted l Harvested Acres Lbs. Bales }j Acres

COCHISE 1960 17,750 17,300 781 28,250 150 150 1961 15,040 14' 250 837 24, 920 160 150 1962 15,260 14' 980 819 25,800 240 220 1963 14,030 13 ,560 966 27 ,345 370 340 1964 14, 118 13' 828 875 25,300 282 272 1965 13, 90L> 13 '523 734 20,695 196 177

GRAHAM 1960 11, 610 11,410 860 20,510 7,390 7,210 1961 10' 100 9,900 831 17,200 7,400 7,300 1962 9,700 9,450 840 16,600 11, 700 11,550 1963 8,490 8,200 765 13,100 17,510 16,900 1964 8,700 8,500 868 15,400 13 ,400 13,200 1965 8,820 8,650 840 15,100 9,380 9,250

GREENLEE 1960 2,100 2,080 715 3,110 1961 1,950 1,870 748 2,920 1962 1,900 1,780 812 3,035 1963 1,700 1,650 842 2,930 1964 1,730 1,660 769 2,680 1965 1, 750 1,700 647 2,300

MARICOPA 1960 150,740 148,340 1, 052 326,170 11,060 10,860 1961 138,600 136,370 1,036 295,500 10,900 10,730 1962 135,200 133,300 1, 213 337,900 17,100 16,800 1963 121,900 120,000 1,142 286,400 26,300 25,900 1964 121,400 119 ,400 1,022 255,000 19,900 19,500 1965 115 '700 114' 200 1, 139 271, 700 13,900 13 '600

PIMA 1960 27,300 27,030 933 52,690 2,100 2,070 1961 24' 790 24 ,500 915 46' 840 2,010 2,000 / 1962 24,800 24,410 967 49,370 3,300 3,220 1963 22,080 21,620 965 43,600 5,020 4,980 1964 22,390 22,180 856 39,700 3 '710 3,620 1965 21,655 21,400 847 37,880 2,645 2,600 ll 500 pound gross weight bales. ARIZONA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 1967 13

COTTON: County estimates, by classes, Arizona, 1960-1965 (cont'd) I STAPLE TOTAL COTTON Yield per Production Yield per Production Acreage harvested of harvested of acre Lint Planted I Harvested acre Lint Lbs. Bales )j Acres Lbs. Bales ])

793 250 17,900 17 ,450 781 28,500 571 180 15 '200 14,400 834 25,100 655 300 15,500 15,200 817 26,100 779 555 14,400 13,900 962 27,900 694 400 14,400 14,100 872 25,700 829 305 14' 100 13' 700 735 21,000

708 10' 690 19,000 18,620 801 31,200 589 9,000 17,500 17,200 728 26,200 699 16,900 21,400 21,000 763 33,500 607 21,500 26,000 25,100 658 34,600 680 18,800 22,100 21,700 753 34,2Cl0 596 11, 500 18,200 17,900 714 26,600

2,100 2,080 715 3' 110 1,950 1,870 748 2,920 1,900 1,780 812 3,035 1,700 1,650 842 2,930 1,730 1,660 769 2,680 1, 750 1,700 647 2,300

498 11,330 161,800 159,200 1,014 337,500 466 10,500 149,500 147' 100 995 306,000 668 23,500 152 '300 150,100 1,152 361,400 560 30,500 148,200 145,900 1,039 316,900 441 18,000 141,300 138' 900 941 273,000 65 7 18,700 129,600 127,800 1,088 290,400

671 2 '910 29,400 29,100 914 55,600 636 2,660 26,800 26,500 894 49,500 702 4,730 28,100 27,630 936 54' 100 623 6,500 27,100 26,600 901 50,100 661 5,000 26,100 25,800 829 44,700 705 3,820 24,300 24,000 832 41, 700 14 ARIZONA CROP AND LIVESTOCK REPORTING SERVICE

CO TT ON : County estimates, b1y c 1asses, A.rizona, 1960 - 1965 UPLAND EXTRA LONG .Yield per Acreage Production Acreage Crop of harvested of Planted I Harvested acre Lint Planted I Harvested Acres Lbs. Bales ]) Acres

PINAL --1960 160,530 157,210 941 309,140 5,870 5,690 1961 148,550 145,740 1,092 332,850 5,650 5,460 1962 146,800 144,600 1,165 352,500 8,900 8,670 1963 131,700 128,300 1,087 291,200 13 ,300 12,900 1964 131,820 130 ,300 1, 112 302,800 10,180 9,900 1965 117,900 116,500 1,182 287,500 7,000 6,900

SANTA CRUZ 1960 1,930 1, 910 868 3,465 20 20 1961 2,200 1,990 562 2,340 20 20 1962 2,114 2,044 681 2,936 26 26 1963 1,915 1,870 651 2,565 40 40 1964 1,900 1,870 628 2,468 30 30 1965 1,094 1,049 213 465 21 21

YUMA 1960 34,890 34,200 1,038 74,175 210 200 1961 32,050 31,170 1, 177 76' 720 250 230 1962 34,180 33,200 1,379 95,780 420 400 1963 30,660 29,780 1,492 92,825 640 620 1964 30,620 29,940 1,586 99,250 480 460 1965 30,355 29,760 1,688 104,940 345 340

OTHER 1960 350 320 881 590 0 0 1961 320 310 942 610 10 10 1962 346 336 1,673 1,179 14 14 1963 325 320 1,550 1,035 20 20 1964 322 322 1,783 1,202 18 18 1965 322 318 1,833 1,220 13 12 l/ 500 pound gross weight bales. ARIZONA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 1967 15

COTTON: Countv estimates, bv classes, Arizona 1960-1965 (cont'd) STAPLE TOTAL COTTON Yield per Production Acreage Yield per Production harvested of harvested of acre Lint Planted I Harvested acre Lint Lbs. Bales 1./ Acres Lbs. Bales ])

458 5,460 166,400 162,900 924 314,600 477 5,450 154,200 151,200 1,070 338,300 603 10,900 155,700 153,270 1, 134 363,400 661 17,900 145,000 141,200 1,048 309,100 596 12,300 142,000 140,200 1,076 315,100 708 10,200 124,900 123,400 1, 115 297,700

850 35 1,950 1,930 868 3,500 475 20 2,220 2,010 561 2,360 631 34 2,140 2,070 680 2,970 550 45 1,955 1,910 649 2,610 513 32 1,930 1,900 626 2,500 122 5 1, 115 1,070 211 470

535 225 35,100 34,400 1,035 74,400 587 280 32,300 31,400 1,173 77, 000 620 520 34,600 33,600 1,370 96 ,300 753 975 31,300 30,400 1,477 93,800 668 650 31,100 30,400 1,572 99,900 924 660 30,700 30,100 1,680 105,600

0 0 350 320 881 590 480 10 330 320 928 620 543 16 360 350 1,627 1,195 600 25 345 340 1,494 1,060 489 18 340 340 1, 715 1,220 402 10 335 330 1, 781 1,230 16 ARIZONA CROP AND LIVESTOCK REPORTING SERVICE

FEED GRAIN S : Acreage, vie. ld , pro d uction, price, an d va 1ue, Arizona, . 1960 - 1966 Acres FOR GRAIN Planted Season Value Year Acres All Harvested Yield Production Average of Purposes Price 1/ Production 1000 Acres Cwt. 1000 Cwt. Dol. /Cwt. 1000 Dol.


1960 181 150 32.2 4,824.0 2.31 11, 156 1961 195 165 32.6 5,385.6 2.23 12,005 1962 142 111 31.2 3,463.2 2.54 8,797 1963 160 127 31. 7 4,023.4 2.60 10 ,461 1964 174 144 33.l 4,769.3 2.40 11,446 1965 179 153 33.l 5,067.4 2.52 12' 774 1966 131 110 32.2 3,537.6 2.50 8,844


1960 32 21 9.2 193.8 2.66 516 1961 32 21 10.l 211. 7 2.68 567 1962 33 17 13.4 228.5 2.66 608 j 1963 31 18 14.0 252.0 2.82 711 1964 33 21 15.1 317.5 2.86 908 1965 33 20 15. 7 313.6 2.73 857 1966 30 18 20.2 362.9 2.86 1,037


1960 27 9 12.8 115.2 2.94 338 1961 23 8 16.0 128.0 2.88 368 1962 21 7 16.6 116.5 3.12 364 1963 20 4 16.0 64.0 3.00 192 1964 21 4 17.6 70.4 3.03 213 1965 22 4 14.4 5 7 .6 3.12 180 1966 20 3 12.8 38.4 3.00 115


1960 166 117 32.5 3,800.2 2.00 7,600 1961 151 115 39.8 4,572.4 2.02 9,236 1962 133 98 36.4 3,567.2 2.07 7,384 1963 140 104 40.3 4,193.3 2.18 9,141 1964 147 123 42.3 5,200.2 2.25 11, 700 1965 187 166 42.0 6,972.0 2.20 15,314 1966 208 195 43.l 8,408.4 2.12 17,868 l/ Converted from bushel price and will not necessarily multiply to total value. ARIZONA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 1967 17

WHEAT & SAFFLOWE R: A creage, vie. ld • pro d uction, price, an d va 1 ue, A rizona, . 1960 - 1966 Acres FOR GRAIN AND SEED Planted Season Value Acres Year All Yield Production Average of Purposes Harvested Price 1/ Production 1000 Acres Cwt. 1000 Cwt. Dol. /Cwt. 1000 Dol.


1960 24 22 21.6 475.2 3.05 1,449 1961 28 26 25.8 670.8 3.27 2,191 1962 29 24 25.2 604.8 3.52 2,127 1963 31 27 26.4 712.8 3.27 2,328 1964 38 33 28.8 950.4 2.62 2,490 1965 28 26 27.0 702.0 2.60 1,825 1966 26 23 24.0 552.0 2.70 1,490

SAFFLOWER '!:_/ Pounds Tons Per Ton 1960 3.5 3.5 2,500 4,400 74.00 326 1961 13.0 13 .0 2,600 16,900 78.00 1,318 1962 54.0 52.0 2,570 66,800 101.00 6,747 1963 56.0 55.0 2,300 63,300 72.00 4,558 1964 6.0 5.5 1, 710 4,700 73.00 343 1965 12.0 12.0 2,500 15,000 90.00 1,350 1966 38.0 38.0 2,120 40,300 89.00 3,587

!/ Wheat wa_§ converted from bushel price and will not necessarily multiply to total value. '!:_/ Data for earlier years not available.

CORN & SORGHUM FOR SILAGE & FORAGE : Acreage, yi.e. ld & pro d ucti.on, A"ri.zona, 1960 - 1966 FOR SILAGE FOR FORAGE Yield per Year Acreage Acreage harvested Production Harvested acre Harvested 1000 Acres Tons 1000 Tons 1000 Acres CORN 1960 9 12.0 108 1 1961 8 16.0 128 2 1962 9 17 .o 153 5 1963 9 19.0 171 2 1964 10 19.0 190 1 1965 11 19.5 214 2 1966 10 19.5 195 2 SORGHUM 1960 39 17 .o 663 6 1961 24 17.5 420 9 1962 23 16.5 380 8 1963 30 17.0 510 4 1964 18 18.0 324 4 1965 14 19.0 266 4 1966 8 19.5 156 3 18 ARIZONA CROP AND LIVESTOCK REPORTING SERVICE

HAY: A creage, vie. ld , pro d uction, price an d va 1 ue, A rizona, 1960 -1966 Yield per Season Acreage Value Year harvested Production Average of Harvested acre Price Production 1000 Acres Tons 1000 Tons Dol. /Ton 1000 Dol.


1960 275 4.31 1,184 25.10 29' 718 1961 277 4.36 1,209 23.20 28,049 1962 257 4.31 1,108 26.10 28,919 1963 236 4.70 1, 110 30.70 34' 077 1964 249 4.44 1,106 25.30 2 7 '982 1965 240 4.88 1,170 24.90 29,133 1966 240 4. 70 1,127 26.50 29,866


1960 225 4.80 1,080 1961 227 4.90 1, 112 1962 210 4.80 1,008 1963 197 5.20 1,024 Not available 1964 209 4.90 1,024 1965 201 5.40 1,085 1966 200 5.20 1,040


1960 40 2.10 84 1961 40 1.90 76 1962 38 2.10 80 1963 29 2.25 65 Not available 1964 30 2.05 62 1965 28 2.25 63 1966 28 2.15 60


1960 10 2.00 20 1961 10 2.10 21 1962 9 2.20 20 1963 10 2.10 21 Not available 1964 10 2.05 20 1965 11 2.00 22 1966 12 2.25 27 ARIZONA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 1967 19

ALFALFA SEED : A creage, y1e. ld , pro d uct1on, an d va 1 ue, A.r1zona, 1960 - 1966 Acreage Yield per Season Value Year harvested Production Average of Harvested acre Price Production Acres Lbs. 1000 Lbs. Dol. /Cwt. 1000 Dol.

1960 20,000 190 3,800 25 .10 954 1961 24,000 175 4,200 26.30 1,105 1962 20,000 190 3,800 29.40 1, 117 1963 19,000 220 4, 180 30.30 1,267 1964 20,000 190 3,800 29.10 1,106 1965 17,000 180 3,060 29.20 894 1966 19,000 160 3 ,040 30.50 927

POTATOES : A creage, y1e. ld , pro d uct1on, price, an d va 1ue, A r1zona, . 1960 - 1966 Acreage Yield per Season Value Year harvested Production Average of Planted I Harvested acre Price Production 1000 Acres Cwt. 1000 Cwt. Dol. /Cwt. 1000 Dol.

1960 9.8 9.8 240 2,352 2 .5 7 6,045 1961 10.6 10.3 240 2,472 2.35 5,809 1962 8.5 8.5 240 2,040 2.86 5,834 1963 10.2 9.6 255 2,448 2.24 5,484 1964 8.2 8.2 240 1,968 3.87 7,616 1965 11.0 11.0 210 2,310 4 .18 9,656 1966 13 .1 12.5 230 ]) 2,875 2.31 5' 775

!/ Includes 375,000 cwt. economic abandonment. UNITED STATES FEED GRAIN ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION Mll. (TONS OR ACRES) TONS




120 ..;,•.:..__-+----+-:: ...... ~_\.-+------<-----+------+---t 1.2 6"'""" ,..... ' Acreage harvested ••··••· \ •.[ ~.... I 10 0 ...... •\ - -- ...... _ - ""------t---1 1.0 ...... Yield per harvested acre

80r:::::::~=-t::::::=t;;:::::;;::;:!=::::;;t>-=::::::t=~:::;::t::;::::::::::t=~==t;:=:=:~ 0.8 1955 '57 '59 '61 '63 '65 '67 lf66 IA.se'O OH SU'Tl!Mll!!lt I IHDICATIOHS.


GRAIN STOCKS: On farms off farms and total b uarters Arizona 1944-196 7 On Off Total On Off Total Year Year Farms Farms Stocks Farms Farms Stocks 1000 Bu. 1000 Bu. BARLEY

1952 Jan. 1 490 1,241 1,731 Apr. 1 294 460 754 1944 July 1 24 12 36 Oct. 1 995 Oct. 1 1,236 1,755 2,991

1945 1953 Jan. 1 591 Jan. 1 588 962 1,550 Apr. 1 373 Apr. 1 294 377 671 July l 140 July 1 29 5 34 Oct. 1 889 Oct. 1 1,318 2,882 4,200

1946 1954 Jan. 1 296 Jan. 1 776 1,413 2,189 Apr. 1 148 Apr. 1 388 391 779 July 1 15 July 1 39 70 109 Oct. 1 850 Oct. 1 4,181 5,536 9 '717

1947 1955 Jan. 1 340 Jan. 1 3,205 3,818 7,023 Apr. 1 170 Apr. 1 1,533 3,421 4,954 July 1 17 July 1 70 2,190 2,260 Oct. 1 834 Oct. 1 2,450 5,435 7,885

1948 1956 Jan. 1 417 Jan. 1 1,782 3,781 5,563 Apr. 1 167 Apr. 1 780 2,080 2,860 July 1 4 July 1 56 718 774 Oct. 1 1, 117 Oct. 1 1,963 3,358 5,321

1949 1957 Jan. 1 596 Jan. 1 1,374 1,694 3,068 Apr. 1 149 Apr. 1 785 765 1,550 July 1 7 July 1 49 105 154 Oct. 1 1,575 2,747 4,322 Oct. 1 1,399 3,866 5,265

1950 1958 Jan. 1 756 1,487 2,243 Jan. 1 1,026 2,345 3 ,371 Apr. 1 630 1,436 2,066 Apr. 1 466 1,262 1,728 July 1 6 759 765 July 1 186 324 510 Oct. 1 1,178 4,277 5,455 Oct. 1 1,276 2,682 3,958

1951 1959 Jan. 1 471 2,514 2,985 Jan. 1 850 1,314 2' 164 Apr. 1 314 1,384 1,698 Apr. 1 425 532 95 7 July 1 8 347 355 July 1 170 49 219 Oct. 1 980 3,270 4,250 Oct. 1 2,232 2,152 4,384 ARIZONA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 1967 21

GRAIN STOCKS: On farms off farms and total b uarters Arizona 1944-1967 On Off Total On Off Total Year Year Farms Farms Stocks Farms Farms Stocks 1000 Bu. 1000 Bu.


1960 1945 Jan. 1 1,339 1,517 2 ,856 Jan. 1 189 Apr. 1 893 965 1, 858 Apr. 1 126 July 1 179 702 881 July 1 58 Oct. 1 2,613 3' 755 6,368 Oct. 1 32

1961 1946 Jan. 1 1,306 3,513 4,819 Jan. 1 226 Apr. 1 502 1,326 1,828 Apr. 1 124 July 1 201 160 361 July 1 69 Oct. 1 5,610 5,54.S 11, 155 Oct. 1 41

1962 1947 Jan. 1 3,366 1,936 5,302 Jan. 1 215 Apr. 1 1,683 661 2,344 Apr. 1 130 July 1 112 71 183 July 1 55 Oct. 1 2,808 1, 966 4' 774 Oct. 1 44

1963 1948 Jan. 1 1,170 1,108 2,278 Jan. 1 285 Apr. 1 780 593 1, 3 73 Apr. 1 142 July 1 156 262 418 July 1 71 Oct. 1 2,123 3,316 5,439 Oct. 1 36

1964 1949 Jan. 1 1,447 2,164 3 ,611 Jan. 1 267 Apr. 1 965 1,167 2,132 Apr. 1 142 July 1 289 }j Jj July 1 71 Oct. 1 4,951 2,804 7,755 Oct. 1 53

1965 1950 Jan. 1 2,053 1,999 4,052 Jan. 1 310 16 326 Apr. 1 1,208 738 1,946 Apr. 1 194 18 212 July 1 483 Jj 1/ July 1 70 8 78 Oct. 1 2,534 3,296 5,830 Oct. 1 so 10 60

1966 1951 Jan. 1 1,689 2,002 3 ,_691 Jan. 1 300 22 322 Apr. 1 1,056 1,103 2' 159 Apr. 1 188 27 215 July 1 317 381 698 July 1 90 13 103 Oct. 1 2,580 2,538 5' 118 Oct. 1 56 15 71

1967 1952 Jan. 1 1,990 1,677 3,667 Jan. 1 223 15 238 Apr. 1 131 26 157 July 1 66 14 80 Oct. 1 39 34 73 See footnotes at the end of the table. 22 ARIZONA CROP AND LIVESTOCK REPORTING SERVICE

GRAIN STOCKS: On farms off farms and total b uarters Arizona 1944-1967 On Off Total On Year Year Off Total Farms Farms Stocks Farms Farms Stocks 1000 Bu. 1000 Bu.


1953 1961 Jan. 1 315 214 529 Jan. 1 173 ll ll Apr. 1 192 52 244 Apr. 1 104 ll ll July 1 88 9 97 July 1 52 17 69 Oct. 1 63 11 74 Oct. 1 35 6 41

1954 1962 Jan. 1 284 30 314 Jan. 1 216 31 247 Apr. 1 182 16 198 Apr. 1 108 72 180 July 1 101 12 113 July 1 72 82 154 Oct. 1 61 6 67 Oct. 1 36 29 65

1955 1963 Jan. 1 358 9 367 Jan. 1 144 146 290 Apr. 1 170 14 184 Apr. 1 72 218 290 July 1 90 20 110 July 1 36 148 184 Oct. 1 67 16 83 Oct. 1 18 112 130

1956 1964 Jan. 1 500 87 587 Jan. 1 294 115 409 Apr. 1 300 57 35 7 Apr. 1 168 140 308 July 1 200 14 214 July 1 63 30 93 Oct. 1 100 8 108 Oct. 1 21 21 42

1957 1965 Jan. 1 472 156 628 Jan. 1 336 82 418 Apr. 1 262 131 393 Apr. 1 120 70 190 July 1 210 60 270 July 1 48 46 94 Oct. 1 105 ll ll Oct. 1 19 ll ll

1958 1966 Jan. 1 342 67 409 Jan. 1 392 100 492 Apr. 1 256 57 313 Apr. 1 224 100 324 July 1 171 28 199 July 1 84 ll ll Oct. 1 85 4 89 Oct. 1 28 ll ll 1959 1967 Jan. 1 288 82 370 Jan. 1 454 ll ll Apr. 1 173 48 221 July 1 115 17 132 Oct. 1 58 16 74

1960 Jan. 1 192 27 219 Apr. 1 116 44 160 July 1 58 16 74 Oct. 1 38 10 48

See footnotes at the end of the table. ARIZONA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 1967 23

GRAIN STOCKS: On farms off farms and total b uarters Arizona 1944-1967 On Off Total On Year Year Off Total Farms Farms Stocks Farms Farms Stocks 1000 Bu. 1000 Bu.


1952 Jan. 1 111 23 134 Apr. 1 74 24 98 1944 July 1 7 19 26 Oct. 1 196 Oct. 1 343 69 412

1945 1953 Jan. 1 123 Jan. 1 172 43 215 Apr. 1 77 Apr. 1 114 25 139 July 1 12 July 1 17 9 26 Oct. 1 312 Oct. 1 292 108 400

1946 1954 Jan. 1 176 Jan. 1 175 68 243 Apr. 1 118 Apr. 1 117 33 150 July 1 18 July 1 17 20 37 Oct. 1 231 Oct. 1 236 77 313

1947 1955 Jan. 1 139 Jan. 1 129 48 177 Apr. 1 80 Apr. 1 86 27 113 July 1 21 July 1 9 6 15 Oct. 1 240 Oct. 1 248 119 367

1948 1956 Jan. 1 120 Jan. 1 173 79 252 Apr. 1 96 Apr. 1 99 51 150 July 1 24 July 1 15 11 26 Oct. 1 221 Oct. 1 180 91 271

1949 195 7 Jan. 1 131 Jan. 1 90 111 201 Apr. 1 75 Apr. 1 54 77 131 July 1 19 July 1 11 24 35 Oct. 1 220 121 341 Oct. 1 270 120 390

1950 1958 Jan. 1 132 55 187 Jan. 1 162 73 235 Apr. 1 97 21 118 Apr. 1 108 33 141 July 1 18 2 20 July 1 16 17 33 Oct. 1 215 54 269 Oct. 1 140 so 190

1951 1959 Jan. 1 150 47 197 Jan. 1 84 26 110 Apr. 1 86 72 158 Apr. 1 42 119 161 July 1 22 7 29 July 1 6 9 15 Oct. 1 184 46 230 Oct. 1 154 49 203 24 ARIZONA CROP AND LIVESTOCK REPORTING SERVICE

GRAIN STOCKS: On farms off farms and total, b uarters Arizona, 1944-1967 On Off Total On Off Total Year Year Farms Farms Stocks Farms Farms Stocks 1000 Bu. 1000 Bu.


1960 1950 Jan. 1 92 54 146 Jan. 1 707 1,209 1, 916 Apr. 1 62 46 108 Apr. 1 750 July 1 6 16 22 July 1 234 Oct. 1 144 57 201 Oct. 1 54 52 106

1961 1951 Jan. 1 90 52 142 Jan. 1 1,056 1,444 2,500 Apr. 1 54 29 83 Apr. 1 917 July 1 7 16 23 July 1 378 Oct. 1 160 60 220 Oct. 1 70 444 514

1962 1952 Jan. 1 100 40 140 Jan. 1 218 738 956 Apr. 1 60 33 93 Apr. 1 513 July 1 4 27 31 July 1 134 Oct. 1 164 59 223 Oct. 1 33 75 108

1963 1953 Jan. 1 73 55 128 Jan. 1 313 813 1,126 Apr. 1 36 39 75 Apr. 1 450 July 1 4 36 40 July 1 171 Oct. 1 80 so 130 Oct. 1 31 57 88

1964 1954 Jan. 1 40 52 92 Jan. 1 377 557 934 Apr. 1 20 40 60 Apr. 1 293 July 1 4 17 21 July 1 283 Oct. 1 150 18 168 Oct. 1 38 1,228 1,266

1965 1955 Jan. 1 60 55 llS Jan. 1 2,495 4, ll9 6,614 Apr. 1 24 29 53 Apr. 1 2,875 July 1 3 30 33 July 1 1,220 Oct. 1 90 48 138 Oct. 1 lll 976 1,087

1966 1956 Jan. 1 36 66 102 Jan. 1 987 2,189 3,176 Apr. 1 18 45 63 Apr. 1 1,950 July 1 4 20 24 July 1 329 1,233 1,562 Oct. 1 60 29 89 Oct. 1 132 1,139 1,271

1967 1957 Jan. 1 24 20 44 Jan. 1 634 1,747 2,381 Apr. 1 296 1,Sll 1,807 July 1 85 1,207 1,292 Oct. 1 21 1,029 1,050 ARIZONA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 1967 25

GRAIN STOCKS: On farms off farms and total b uarters Arizona 1944-196 7 On Off Total On Off Total Year Farms Farms Stocks Year Farms Farms Stocks 1000 Bu. 1000 Bu.


1958 1966 Jan. 1 765 4,003 4,768 Jan. 1 3,237 6,767 10,004 Apr. 1 471 3,982 4,453 Apr. 1 1,618 5,475 7,093 July 1 177 3' 710 3,887 July 1 996 3,329 4,325 Oct. 1 29 3,460 3,489 Oct. 1 498 1,248 1,746

1959 1967 Jan. 1 1,275 5,616 6,891 Jan. 1 4,655 7,259 11, 914 Apr. 1 765 4,811 5 ,5 76 July 1 255 4,789 5,044 Oct. 1 26 4,900 4,926

1960 Jan. 1 914 6 '614 7,528 WHEAT Apr. 1 610 6,304 6,914 July 1 183 5,662 5 ,845 1944 Oct. 1 30 5,280 5,310 Oct. 1 124

1961 1945 Jan. 1 786 6,381 7,167 Jan. 1 81 Apr. 1 524 5,920 6,444 Apr. 1 32 July 1 66 6,053 6' 119 July 1 5 Oct. 1 33 4,276 4,309 Oct. 1 101

1962 1946 Jan. 1 1,495 4 ,878 6,373 Jan. 1 76 Apr. 1 448 3,246 3,694 Apr. 1 35 July 1 299 2,291 2,590 July 1 5 Oct. 1 262 1, 852 2,114 Oct. 1 142

1963 1947 Jan. 1 911 4,040 4,951 Jan. 1 96 Apr. 1 608 3,932 4,540 Apr. 1 28 July 1 365 3,659 4,024 July 1 6 Oct. 1 365 3,543 3,908 Oct. 1 118

1964 1948 Jan. 1 1,035 5,136 6' 171 Jan. 1 59 Apr. 1 897 4' 177 5,074 Apr. 1 35 July 1 552 3 ,515 4,067 July 1 6 Oct. 1 345 3 ,574 3,919 Oct. 1 206

1965 1949 Jan. 1 2,087 5,266 7,353 Jan. 1 129 Apr. 1 835 4,632 5,467 Apr. 1 58 July 1 501 3,345 3' 846 July 1 6 Oct. 1 371 1,676 2,047 Oct. 1 147 341 488 26 ARIZONA CROP AND LIVESTOCK REPORTING SERVICE

GRAIN STOCKS: On farms off farms and total b uarters Arizona 1944-1967 On Off Total On Off Total Year Year Farms Farms Stocks Farms Farms Stocks 1000 Bu. 1000 Bu.


1950 1958 Jan. 1 88 300 388 Jan. 1 113 326 439 Apr. 1 44 172 216 Apr. 1 45 176 221 July 1 15 30 45 July 1 23 23 Oct. 1 125 956 1,081 Oct. 1 586 1,128 1,714

1951 1959 Jan. 1 94 368 462 Jan. 1 195 893 1,088 Apr. 1 31 287 318 Apr. 1 78 438 516 July 1 6 44 so July 1 39 10 49 Oct. 1 94 405 499 Oct. 1 395 1,640 2,035

1952 1960 Jan. 1 56 270 326 Jan. 1 197 1,205 1,402 Apr. 1 28 168 196 Apr. 1 118 1,000 1, 118 July 1 5 4 9 July 1 39 589 628 Oct. 1 110 288 398 Oct. 1 79 775 854

1953 1961 Jan. 1 53 200 253 Jan. 1 24 609 633 Apr. 1 31 58 89 Apr. 1 16 343 359 July 1 9 2 11 July 1 8 98 106 Oct. 1 131 267 398 Oct. 1 89 459 548

1954 1962 Jan. 1 70 155 225 Jan. 1 67 177 244 Apr. 1 42 102 144 Apr. 1 11 81 92 July 1 19 19 July 1 6 102 108 Oct. 1 88 204 292 Oct. 1 71 350 421

1955 1963 Jan. 1 63 164 227 Jan. 1 30 204 234 Apr. 1 21 89 110 Apr. 1 20 1/ 1/ July 1 4 14 18 July 1 5 Jj II Oct. 1 304 572 876 Oct. 1 59 652 711

1956 1964 Jan. 1 122 416 538 Jan. 1 36 322 358 Apr. 1 61 235 296 Apr. 1 24 157 181 July 1 12 16 28 July 1 6 4 10 Oct. 1 348 724 1,072 Oct. 1 81 338 419

195 7 1965 Jan. 1 87 455 542 Jan. 1 49 365 414 Apr. 1 35 282 317 Apr. 1 16 183 199 July 1 17 18 35 July 1 5 1/ }j Oct. 1 363 690 1,053 Oct. 1 82 420 502

See footnotes at the end of the table. ARIZONA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 1967 27

GRAIN STOCKS: On farms off farms and total uarters Arizona 1944-1967 On Off Total On Off Total Year Farms Farms Stocks Year Farms Farms Stocks 1000 Bu. 1000 Bu.


1966 1967 Jan. 1 35 283 318 Jan. 1 46 }j }j Apr. 1 18 121 139 July 1 2 }j 1/ Oct. 1 74 )j }j

Jj Included in unallocated to avoid disclosing individual operations.



80 1-----IOt her Gov't *




0 1955 '57 '59 '61 '63 '65




Estimates of the major vegetables and melons grown for commercial production in Arizona include broccoli, cabbage, cantaloups, carrots, cauliflower, celery, honeydews, lettuce, onions and watermelons. No estimates are made for any other vegetables grown in the state. In 1966 cormnercial vegetables and melons as a group ranked second in value of production for the principal crops in Arizona. Only cotton had a higher value of production. In the United States, Arizona ranked fourth in fresh market vegetable and melon production.

Production of vegetables and melons failed to reach the record level achieved in 1965. The combined value of principal fresh market vegetables and melons was $68,554,000 well below the record $77,728,000 in 1965. Most of this reduction in value was due to lower prices and reduced yields. There was only a slight reduction in acres harvested.

Weather played a large role in causing the drop in value. The wet, cool weather in late 1965 and early 1966 caused a delay in the planting of spring vegetables and melons. This delay caused supplies from Arizona and other States, mainly California, to be available at about the same time. An oversupply of some vegetables and melons was created and the prices dropped. Because of the low prices only the best quality vegetables and melons were harvested, causing a reduction in yields. The drop in price and reduced yields combined to cause a large drop in value of production for the spring crops. The other seasonal groups of vegetables and melons, winter, summer, and fall, had average or better seasons. Lettuce was the only crop of the late fall group that showed a decrease in value. The cool, wet weather during the winter months was not ideal for growth or harvest but did not greatly affect the win­ ter crops. Good weather during the summer and fall months resulted in near normal growth and development.

LEADING FRESH MARKET VEGETABLE STATES IN 1966 Harvested Acreage Production Value Rank Percent Percent Percent State I of total State I of total State I of total 1 California 23.3 California 34.0 California 36.8 2 16.8 Florida 17.1 Florida 17.6 3 Texas 13.2 Texas 8.1 Texas 7.3 4 Arizona 4.9 Arizona 6.2 Arizona 5.9 5 New York 4.2 New York 4.7 New York 4.7 ARIZONA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 1967 29

COMMERCIAL VEGETABLES: Arizona, 1960 -64 average, 1965 an d 1966 Yield per Season Acreage Value Year harvested Production Average of Planted I Harvested acre Price Production Acres Cwt. 1000 Cwt. Dol. /Cwt. 1000 Dol.


Average 580 580 67 38 13 .10 500 1960-64

1965 320 320 75 24 12.80 307

1966 380 380 80 30 14 .so 435


Average 1,290 1,270 211 269 3.38 858 1960-64

1965 1,300 1,200 180 ]j 216 4.15 697

1966 1,600 1,500 160 240 3.95 948


Average 1960-64 16,320 16,280 124 1,992 6.58 13,048

1965 16,100 16,100 120 ]j 1,932 7.90 13 ,351

1966 15,000 15,000 120 1,800 6.40 11, 520


Average 1,310 1,290 124 152 5.98 854 1960-64

1965 600 600 110 66 7.20 475

1966 650 650 145 94 6.70 630


1965 750 750 90 68 4.50 306

1966 350 350 140 49 7.20 353

See footnotes at the end of the table. 30 ARIZONA CROP AND LIVESTOCK REPORTING SERVICE

COMMERCIAL VEGETABLES: Arizona, 1960-64 average, 196S and 1966 (cont'd' Acreage Yield per Season Value Year harvested Production Average of Planted ( Harvested acre Price Production Acres Cwt. 1000 Cwt. Dol./Cwt. 1000 Dol. WATERMELONS, EARLY SUMMER

Average 1960-64 4,340 4,280 1S8 676 2.23 l,S03

196S 4,200 4,200 140 S88 1.90 1, 117

1966 3,300 3,300 17S S78 2.4S 1,416


Average 2,420 2,400 171 402 1960-64 t:_/ S.03 1, 973

196S 2,700 2,300 18S 426 4.90 2,087

1966 3,000 3,000 200 600 6.10 3,660


Average 1960-64 180 lSO 440 62 4.78 281

196S so so 740 37 s .10 189

1966 so so 460 23 6.30 14S


Average 1960-64 S30 S30 74 39 11.18 433

196S sso sso 8S 47 12.10 S69

1966 700 700 70 49 13.60 666


Average 1960-64 1,760 1,740 340 '::_/ S77 3 .47 1,761

196S l,SOO l,SOO 47S 712 s.so 3,916

1966 1,900 1,900 36S 694 4.19 2,907 See footnotes at the end of the table. ARIZONA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 1967 31

COMMERCIAL VEGETABLES: Arizona, 1960-64 average, 1965 and 1966 (cont'd) Acreage Yield per Season Value Year harvested Production Average of Planted I Harvested acre Price Production Acres Cwt. 1000 Cwt. Dol./Cwt. 1000 Dol.


Average 14,820 161 1960-64 14' 720 2,385 4.86 11,827

1965 19,100 19,000 165 3,135 3.75 11, 756

1966 18,700 17, 900 165 2,954 5.90 17,429


Average 1960-64 22,160 21,980 189 4'141 4.31 17,894

1965 17,300 17,300 210 3,633 7 .40 26,884

1966 20,900 20,900 165 'j_/ 3,448 4. 75 13 ,894


Average 164 1960-64 20,060 19,600 3,223 5.04 15,943

1965 19,100 19,100 170 3 '24 7 4.80 15,586

1966 16,700 16,700 170 2,839 4.80 13,627


Average 780 760 145 105 6.14 1960-64 652

1965 700 700 115 80 6.10 488

1966 1,100 1,100 120 132 7.00 924

1/ Includes 48,000 cwt. not marketed and excluded in computing value. 21 Includes 242,000 cwt. not marketed and excluded in computing value. 3; Early Fall Cantaloup data prior to 1965 was included in Early Summer Cantaloups. 4; Includes some quantities not marketed and excluded in computing value. "i_! Includes 523,000 cwt. not marketed and excluded in computing value. 32 ARIZONA CROP AND LIVESTOCK REPORTING SERVICE ARIZONA TOTAL VEGETABLES: Value of Production (000) Dal.




1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966

ARIZONA LETTUCE: Value of Production (000) ...... , Winter Dal. t•..... ••••

111111 Late Fall Early Spring 60,000 •

...... •.•...... •...... ••••...... ~·· ...... •...... •...... ••.....•...... •...... •. • • ...... •....••...... •...... •.....•.•.• •••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••.'111 ••••••••••••• 9 9 40 OQQ ~•••• ••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••"' M •••••••••••• ' , ~-· - ...... •...... •...... ••....••...... ,~ ~~········· ::::::::::: ••••• ::::::::··· ·:::::::::::::::::::;J ~:::::::: """..t •••••••••••••••••• ... ••••••••••••• ,.,... ..,,'\I·::::: -! ··..!·:::::::··· .. :.~::::::::; -.. •••• • • • t. : : ; • ,. ~ ,•: :


1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 ARIZONA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 1967 33


Production of grapefruit in Arizona from the 1966 bloom was the lowest since 1936. A late frost in the winter of 1965 is blamed for the low production. When the blooms first appeared on the trees, it gave the impression of a bumper crop in 1966. The damage from the frost was at first unnoticed because the trees were heavily covered with blooms and a good set of fruit appeared. However, an unusually heavy drop of fruit, which can probably be attributed to the frost, occurred during June resulting in a 40% smaller crop than last year.

The navel variety of oranges yielded a near normal production of fruit, but was low compared with last year's bumper crop. The Valencia orange harvest is just getting underway at the time of this writing and a record production is forecast. This is 10% larger than the previous record established in 1964. This high production is the result of two factors: (1) the excellent set of fruit on the mature trees and (2) the new trees which are coming into production, mainly in the Yuma area.

Lemon growers this year produced the largest crop on record with production exceeding early estimates. Again this is due to a good set of fruit and increased acreage mainly in the Yuma area. Overall weather conditions during the harvest season were excellent with only two or three days of light rain which caused very little delay in the harvest.

Arizona grape growers are in an unenviable position due to the stiff competition from the Coachella and Arvin areas in California. General market conditions during the last two years did very little to induce the sale of fresh packed grapes. With the closing of the winery, there was no local market for cull grapes, most of which were left on the vines.

ARIZONA CITRUS - BEARING ACREAGE Year I Oranges J Grapefruit I Lemons Acres 1960 7,700 5,700 5,000 1961 8,700 5,800 5,800 1962 9,800 6,000 6,500 1963 11, 700 6,000 6,700 1964 13 '800 6,100 6,800 1965 14,100 6,200 6,500 1966 16,400 6,600 6,900 34 ARIZONA CROP AND LIVESTOCK REPORTING SERVICE

FRUIT : Pro d uction, price an d va 1ue, A rizona, . 1960 -1966 Year Season Year Season of Production Average Value of Production Average Value Bloom Price 1./ Bloom Price 1/ 1000 Ctn. Dol./Ctn. 1000 Dol. 1000 Ctn. Dol. /Ctn. 1000 Dol.


1960 2,320 2.38 5,517 1960 4,680 .54 2,527 1961 2,880 2.43 6,994 1961 ~I 4,540 .40 1,736 1962 3,120 1.90 5,952 1962 4,340 .so 2' 148 1963 4,400 1.90 8,374 1963 6,420 .90 5,810 1964 5,120 1.57 8 ,048 1964 5,800 .63 3,654 1965 5,200 1.32 6,837 1965 6,100 .78 L,, 728 1966 '}_/ 5,500 1966 '}_/ 3,600


1960 1,440 2.34 3,370 1960 1,080 1.93 2,084 1961 1,600 2.06 3,288 1961 3,080 .90 2,787 1962 1,840 1. 76 3,238 1962 980 2.32 2,274 1963 2,540 1.88 4, 775 1963 3,480 1.26 4,385 1964 3,500 1.30 4,550 1964 2,220 1.66 3,685 1965 2,920 1.13 3,300 1965 3,940 1.22 4,807 1966 1.1 3,800 1966 '}_/ 5,400

NAVEL & MISCELLANEOUS ORANGES '!:_/ GRAPES --Tons Dol. /Ton 1960 880 2.44 2' 147 1960 8,070 230.00 1,856 1961 1,280 2.90 3, 712 1961 9,230 261. 00 2,409 1962 1,280 2.12 2, 714 1962 12,100 210 .00 2,541 1963 1,860 1.94 3,599 1963 16,500 205.00 3,382 1964 1,620 2.16 3,498 1964 12,600 226.00 2,848 1965 2,280 1.55 3,537 1965 15,700 187.00 2,936 1966 '}_/ 1,700 1966 12,600 341.00 4,297

1/ Packing House Door price including fresh and processed. ll Includes Tangerines. 3/ February 1, 1967 estimates. ~/ 4,340,000 cartons having value, 200,000 cartons economic abandonment. ARIZONA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 1967 35


The cattle industry in Arizona has changed considerably in the past twenty years. Arizona had primarily range cattle until the early 50's, when commercial cattle feeding began to develop. Since 1963 about one-third of the January 1 inventory has been made up of cattle on feed. The future of the Arizona Cattle Feeding business will no doubt be influenced by the construction (now in progress) of a modern slaughtering plant near Tolleson. Having a local market for fat cattle should brighten the future for the entire cattle industry in Arizona. In the past few years at least 65% of Arizona grown fat cattle have gone to markets on the west coast.

The January 1, 1967 inventory of all cattle and calves in Arizona is estimated at 1,134,000 head, and was valued at $165,564,000 or $147.00 per head. The inventory includes: 80,000 cattle and calves kept for milk, 370,000 cattle and calves on feed, and 684,000 other cattle and calves. When compared with other States, Arizona ranks thirty-fourth in the total number of cattle and calves on farms and ranches, the same as in 1966.

Rains in November and December of 1965 pretty well set the stage for fairly abundant range feed supplies early in 1966, and range conditions in 1966 were above the 1960-64 average. This coupled with higher beef cattle prices in 1966 were major factors influencing ranchers to build up their breeding stock, which accounted for most of the increase in the January 1, 1967 inventory of all cattle and calves.

ARIZONA RANK AMONG THE STATES Year Number of All Number of Januar 1 Cattle and Calves Cattle on Feed 1960 34th 9th 1961 34th 10th 1962 34th 9th 1963 34th 9th 1964 33rd 10th 1965 33rd 8th 1966 34th 10th 1967 34th 11th 36 ARIZONA CROP AND LIVESTOCK REPORTING SERVICE

ALL CATTLE: Number and value on farms, Arizona January 1, 1960-1967

I ' Farm Value Year I Number 1000 Dol. Dol. 1000 Dol.

1960 1,019 125.00 127,375 1961 1,047 125.00 130,875 1962 1,056 129.00 136, 224 1963 1,130 141. 00 159,330 1964 1,100 126.00 138,600 1965 1, 140 ll4.00 129,960 1966 1,101 132.00 145,332 1967 1,134 14-6. 00 165,564

b1y c l A. J CATTLE : I nventory asses, rizona, anuary l ' 1960 - 196 7 All For Milk Other Cattle Cattle Cows and Heifers Cows Year and Heifers Heifer Heifers Other Steers Bulls 1-2 Yrs. Calves 2 Yrs.+ 1-2 Yrs. Calves 1 Yr.+ 1 Yr.+ Calves 2 yrs.+ 1000 Head

1960 1,019 53 14 16 343 86 25 7 231 19 1961 1,047 54 15 16 337 105 245 254 21 1962 1,056 54 v~ 15 366 85 266 235 21 1963 1, 130 54 13 14 373 96 244 314 22 1964 1,100 56 12 15 378 96 252 268 23 1965 1,140 56 13 14 388 83 281 283 22 1966 1,101 56 12 13 361 90 251 298 20 1967 1, 134 56 ll 13 380 97 270 285 22








CAT TLE ON FEED : Num b er b>V c 1 asses weig. h t groups A"rizona, 1960 - 1966 Steers Heifers Cows Under and and 500- 700- 900- Over Date Total Steer Heifer and 500 699 899 1,099 1,100 Others lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. Calves Calves 1000 Head 1000 Head

1960 Jan. 1 265 195 64 6 73 82 81 29 Feb. 1 247 Mar. 1 235 Apr. 1 207 156 48 3 29 58 73 46 1 May 1 197 June 1 210 July 1 209 163 44 2 26 68 74 37 4 Aug. 1 199 Sept.l 190 Oct. 1 202 160 40 2 29 64 70 38 1 Nov. 1 241 Dec. 1 265

1961 Jan. 1 293 222 67 4 59 98 95 39 2 Feb. 1 292 Mar. 1 275 Apr. 1 251 184 62 5 44 79 74 46 8 May 1 217 June 1 198 July 1 185 143 40 2 28 57 66 32 2 Aug. 1 171 Sept.l 179 Oct. 1 205 156 45 4 57 61 53 30 4 Nov. 1 273 Dec. 1 303

1962 Jan. 1 310 232 69 9 36 19 13 1 Feb. 1 300 Mar. 1 287 Apr. 1 270 216 52 2 18 22 11 1 May 1 243 June 1 254 July 1 250 206 42 2 12 18 12 Aug. 1 23 7 Sept.l 240 Oct. 1 266 224 42 18 13 11 Nov. 1 341 Dec. 1 382 38 ARIZONA CROP AND LIVESTOCK REPORTING SERVICE

CATTLE ON FEED: Number by classes, weight groups, Arizona, 1960-1966 (cont 1 d Steers Heifers Cows Under 500- 700- 900- Over and and Date Total and 500 699 899 1,099 1,100 Steer Heifer Calves Calves Others lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. 1000 Head 1000 Head

1963 Jan. 1 377 301 71 5 31 25 14 1 Feb. 1 384 Mar. 1 378 Apr. 1 337 290 46 1 10 21 13 2 May 1 307 June 1 278 July 1 25 7 216 41 14 10 12 5 Aug. 1 263 Sept.l 256 Oct. 1 254 209 43 2 25 12 6 Nov. 1 297 Dec. 1 322

1964 Jan. 1 324 25 7 64 3 76 91 105 45 7 Feb. 1 337 Mar. 1 336 Apr. 1 319 239 79 1 43 103 93 75 5 May 1 301 June 1 274 July 1 259 216 43 25 53 107 68 6 Aug. 1 249 Sept. 1 236 Oct. 1 243 206 37 44 67 76 54 2 Nov. 1 298 Dec. 1 327

1965 ~ Jan. 1 348 302 45 1 86 93 105 62 2 Feb. 1 327 Mar. 1 316 Apr. 1 290 238 51 1 35 102 105 48 May 1 265 June 1 290 July 1 292 246 43 3 27 91 114 57 3 Aug. 1 284 Sept.l 277 Oct. 1 291 247 41 3 57 83 80 67 4 Nov. 1 334 Dec. 1 362 ARIZONA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 1967 39

CATTLE ON FEED: Number bv classes. weight grou)S Arizona. 1960-1966 (cont'd Steers Heifers Cows Under 500- 700- 900- Over and and Total and 500 699 Date Steer Heifer 899 1,099 1,100 Calves Calves Others lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. 1000 Head 1000 Head

1966 Jan. 1 364 309 51 4 80 122 96 62 4 Feb. 1 331 Mar. 1 306 Apr. 1 294 255 37 2 30 80 114 67 3 May 1 291 June 1 288 July 1 284 227 54 3 37 74 100 69 4 Aug. 1 273 Sept.l 267 Oct. 1 271 235 33 3 68 64 75 59 5 Nov. 1 323 Dec. 1 355

1967 Jan. 1 370 308 59 3 85 120 111 46 8

ARIZONA CATTLE ON FEED: January 1 (000) Head

1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 40 ARIZONA CROP AND LIVESTOCK REPORTING SERVICE

CATTLE ON FEED: Number b counties Arizona 1964-1966 1) Year Total Maricopa Pinal Yuma Other 1000 Head

1964 January 324 230 26 43 25 February 337 238 27 47 25 March 336 232 31 48 25 April 319 223 27 45 24 May 301 209 26 43 23 June 274 191 23 39 21 July 259 182 21 39 17 August 249 175 23 37 14 September 236 167 21 36 12 October 243 172 24 38 9 November 298 215 28 40 15 December 327 232 30 47 18

1965 January 348 246 32 51 19 February 327 232 28 48 19 March 316 225 26 47 18 April 290 201 23 50 16 May 265 187 22 43 13 June 290 206 25 47 12 July 292 210 25 45 12 August 284 216 26 33 9 September 277 208 27 33 9 October 291 214 29 35 13 November 334 239 30 47 18 December 362 253 34 56 19

1966 January 364 256 29 59 20 February 331 215 37 58 21 March 306 197 38 53 18 April 294 190 36 50 18 May 291 192 34 47 18 June 288 189 37 43 19 July 284 185 40 42 17 August 273 176 41 40 16 September 267 169 43 38 17 October 271 171 41 39 20 November 323 204 so 47 22 December 355 228 51 50 26

1967 January 370 237 55 52 26

}) County estimates for earlier years not available. ARIZONA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 1967 41

FED CATTLE MARKETED FOR SLAUGHTER: Arizona 2 1960-1966 Month 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 196S 1966 1000 Head

January 32 37 44 40 43 so Sl February 33 41 40 39 38 Sl Sl March S2 61 S8 62 S2 6S S7 April 44 63 S7 64 S2 61 S2 May 47 49 S4 70 61 64 62 June 44 49 49 61 S6 S6 S7 July 34 40 49 S3 S5 SS so August 34 34 46 S3 S9 Sl S2 September 3S 31 4S 4S Sl 49 48 October 37 30 47 46 48 S4 42 November 37 34 38 38 45 44 43 December 37 4S 41 37 40 so 43

Total 466 Sl4 S68 608 600 6SO 608


1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 196S 1966 1967 42 ARIZONA CROP AND LIVESTOCK REPORTING SERVICE

COMMERCIAL CATTLE SLAUGHTER: Num b er, average & tota 1 1 iveweig h t, Arizona, 1 9 6 0- 1 9 66 CATTLE CALVES TOTAL Weight Total Weight Total Weight Total Year Number per Live- Number per Live- Number per Live- Head Weight Head Weight Head Weight Lbs. 1000 Lbs. Lbs. 1000 Lbs. Lbs. 1000 Lbs.

1960 Jan. 13, 100 863 11,305 1,000 475 4 75 14' 100 835 11, 780 Feb. 12,300 879 10,812 900 512 461 13,200 854 11,273 Mar. 13,600 844 11,4 78 1,100 500 550 14' 700 814 12,028 Apr. 12,400 817 10,131 1,200 475 570 13' 600 787 10,701 May 13,500 851 11,lf88 1,000 488 488 14 '500 826 11, 9 76 June 14,000 850 11, 900 1,500 481 722 15,500 814 12,622 July 12,700 844 10' 719 1,200 467 560 13,900 811 11, 279 Aug. 13,600 836 11, 3 70 1,000 467 467 14,600 811 11,837 Sept. 14,900 844 12,576 1,100 480 528 16,000 819 13' 104 Oct. 14' 100 862 12,154 1,000 465 465 15,100 836 12,619 Nov. 13,500 847 11,434 1,000 468 468 14,400 827 11, 902 Dec. 13, 100 859 11, 253 1,100 433 476 14,200 826 11, 729 Total 160,800 850 136,620 13,100 476 6,230 173 '800 822 142,850

1961 Jan. 14,000 871 12,194 1,100 435 478 15 '100 839 12,672 Feb. 12,800 873 11, 174 900 463 417 13,700 846 11,591 Mar. 15,300 874 13,372 1,000 469 469 16,300 849 13 '841 Apr. 13 '900 865 12,024 700 481 337 14,600 847 12,361 May 15,800 875 13,825 1,200 486 583 17 ,000 848 14,408 June 15,700 862 13 '533 700 493 345 16,400 846 13,878 July 14,000 869 12,166 700 482 337 14' 700 851 12,503 Aug. 15 '700 877 13,769 800 472 378 16,500 857 14' 14 7 Sept. 14,800 871 12,891 900 466 419 15,700 848 13,310 Oct. 15, 800 878 13 '872 800 477 382 16,600 859 14,254 Nov. 15,200 880 13 '3 76 800 484 387 16,000 860 13' 763 Dec. 14,400 898 12,931 700 464 325 15,100 878 13, 256 Total 177 ,400 874 155, 127 10,300 472 4,857 187,700 852 159,984

1962 Jan. 16,000 897 14 '352 1,200 4 75 5 70 17,200 868 14,922 Feb. 14,800 890 13,172 1,000 472 472 15,800 864 13,644 Mar. 16,500 874 14,421 1,100 468 515 17' 600 849 14,936 Apr. 15 '600 869 13 '556 800 468 374 16,400 849 13,930 May 17,800 869 15,468 900 470 423 18,700 850 15,891 June 15,300 865 13,234 700 470 329 16,000 848 13,563 July 16,600 872 14,475 700 473 331 17 ,300 856 14, 806 Aug. 17,200 901 15 ,49 7 900 465 418 18,100 879 15 '915 Sept. 16,500 878 14,487 600 459 275 17,100 863 14' 762 Oct. 17,800 885 15' 753 800 461 369 18,600 867 16,122 Nov. 16,000 872 13 '952 600 455 273 16,600 857 14,225 Dec. 15,300 873 13 '35 7 800 463 370 16,100 853 13' 72 7 Total 195,400 879 171, 724 10,100 467 4, 719 205,500 859 176,443 ARIZONA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 1967 43

COMMERCIAL CATTLE SLATTGHTER- . Num b er, average & to ta 1 l'iveweig . h t, Arizona . 1960 -1966 CATTLE CALVES TOTAL Weight Total Weight Total Weight Total Year Number per Live- Number per Live- Number per Live- Head Weight Head Weight Head Weight Lbs. 1000 Lbs. Lbs. 1000 Lbs. Lbs. 1000 Lbs.

1963 Jan. 18,100 909 16,453 900 461 415 19,000 888 16,868 Feb. 15,200 902 13' 710 700 458 321 15,900 882 14,031 Mar. 16,600 881 14,625 700 467 327 17,300 864 14 '952 Apr. 17,700 879 15,558 600 455 273 18,300 865 15, 831 May 18,700 881 16,475 700 436 305 19,400 865 16,780 June 18,300 879 16,086 600 466 280 18,900 866 16,366 July 17,400 876 15, 242 600 457 274 18,000 862 15 '516 Aug. 16,700 868 14 ,496 700 450 315 17,400 851 14 ,811 Sept. 16,700 870 14,529 600 453 272 17,300 856 14,801 Oct. 17,300 905 15,656 700 452 316 18,000 887 15 '9 72 Nov. 15,000 880 13,200 600 467 280 15,600 864 13,480 Dec. 16,500 909 14,998 500 446 223 17,000 895 15,221 Total 204,200 887 181,028 7,900 456 3,601 212,100 870 184,629

1964 Jan. 19,700 904 17,809 700 458 321 20,400 889 18, 130 Feb. 16,900 898 15,176 600 445 26 7 17,500 882 15,443 Mar. 18,400 898 16,523 600 463 278 19,000 884 16,801 Apr. 18,900 902 17 '048 500 452 226 19,400 890 17,274 May 19,000 883 16' 777 600 480 288 19,600 871 17 ,065 June 19,700 856 16,863 400 489 196 20,100 849 17,059 July 18,400 870 16,008 500 485 242 18,900 860 16,250 Aug. 17,300 892 15,432 300 480 144 17,600 885 15, 5 76 Sept. 20,500 891 18,266 600 476 286 21,100 879 18,552 Oct. 19,800 915 18' 117 700 458 321 20,500 899 18,438 Nov. 18,700 919 17,185 400 457 183 19,100 909 17,368 Dec. 20,100 921 18 ,512 600 468 281 20,700 908 18' 793 Total 227 ,400 896 203' 716 6,500 467 3,033 233,900 884 206,749

1965 Jan. 19,800 936 18,533 600 465 279 20,400 922 18,812 Feb. 18,500 918 16,983 700 475 332 19,200 902 17,315 Mar. 21,200 921 19,525 800 486 389 22,000 905 19,914 Apr. 19,000 898 17,062 600 489 293 19,600 885 17,355 May 19,200 903 17,338 500 491 246 19,700 893 17 ,584 June 21, 500 892 19,178 600 483 290 22,100 881 19,468 July 18,600 921 17,131 600 477 286 19,200 907 17 ,417 Aug. 19,300 932 17,988 500 493 246 19,800 921 18,234 Sept. 21,100 882 18,610 500 473 236 21,600 872 18,846 Oct. 20,600 885 18,231 500 472 236 21,100 875 18,467 Nov. 20,400 91+2 19,217 900 489 440 21,300 923 19 '65 7 Dec. 20,300 941 19,102 700 491 344 21,000 926 19,446 Total 239,500 914 218,898 7,500 482 3,617 24 7 '000 901 222,515 44 ARIZONA CROP AND LIVESTOCK REPORTING SERVICE

COMME RCIAL CAT TLE SLAUGHTER : Num b er, average & tot a 1 l"iveweig · h t' Arizona . 1960 - 1966 CATTLE CALVES TOTAL Weight Total Weight Total Weight Total Year Number per Live- Number per Live- Number per Live- Head Weight Head Weight Head Weight Lbs. 1000 Lbs. Lbs. 1000 Lbs. Lbs. 1000 Lbs.

1966 Jan. 21,400 942 20, lS 9 600 473 284 22,000 929 20,443 Feb. 20,000 938 18,760 700 477 334 20,700 922 19,094 Mar. 22,000 914 20,108 soo 477 238 22,SOO 904 20,346 Apr. 19,400 926 18,023 400 461 184 19,800 920 18,207 May 20,SOO 930 19,06S 400 46S 186 20,900 921 19,2Sl June 22,100 923 20,398 400 497 199 22,SOO 91S 20,S97 July 18,400 1,002 18,437 400 48S 194 18,800 991 18,631 Aug. 20,200 936 18,907 400 472 189 20,600 927 19 ,096 Sept. 21,000 929 19,S09 4-00 466 186 21,400 920 19,69S Oct. 19,800 942 18,6S2 soo 48S 242 20,300 931 18,894 Nov. 19,200 9SS 18,336 400 448 179 19,600 94S 18, S lS Dec. 19,200 96S 18,S28 400 463 18S 19,600 9SS 18, 713 Total 243,200 941 228,882 s,soo 473 2,600 248,700 931 231,482

CALF CROP: Arizona, 1960-1966 Cows and Heifers Calves Born As lo of Year two yrs. and older Cows & heifers two yrs. and older Number January 1 January 1 1000 Head Percent 1000 Head

1960 396 7S 297 1961 391 81 317 1962 420 79 332 1963 427 79 337 1964 434 81 352 196S 444 77 342 1966 ll 417 83 346 ll Preliminary. MILK COWS AND PRODUCTION OF MILK MILKFAT AND BUTTER· Arizona 1960-1966 . ' Number Production of milk and milkfat of milk Per milk cow Percentage Total Year cows on of fat in Milk farms I Milkfat all milk prod. Milk I Milkfat 1000 Head Lbs. Percent Mil. Lbs. 1960 so 9,220 332 3.60 461 17 1961 so 9,360 337 3.60 468 17 1962 so 9,SSO 344 3.60 478 17 1963 Sl 9,900 3Sl 3.SS sos 18 1964 S2 10,000 3SS 3.SS S20 18 1965 S2 10,170 368 3.5S S29 19 1966 S2 10,370 539 ARIZONA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 1967 45


Arizona does not produce enough hogs to fill the demand of our expanding population. In the past few years our inventory has stayed quite stable. However, the hog industry in Arizona appears to be at a turning point this year as a moderate increase was noted. Several established producers are expanding and many new producers have begun operations.

The hot summer weather of our desert climate is not an advantage when fattening hogs. When temperatures are high, it takes longer to get a hog to the desired slaughter weight. However, the conversion of feed to pork is not greatly influenced. During hot weather a hog uses less energy for general body maintenance and consequently the daily feed requirement is less. A cooled environment is rather essential during the farrowing period. For hogs being fed for market a simple shade device supplemented with foggers will suffice for cooling purposes.

The increase in the grain sorghum production in the past few years has created a local feed supply for the hog industry. Basically most of our producers are located in or near a grain sorghum produc­ tion area. Grain sorghum has from 90-95% of the feeding value of yellow corn and is considered a good hog feed.

The January 1, 1967 inventory of all hogs and pigs is estimated at 34,000 head, up about 20% from a year earlier.

UNITED STATES 1961-1966 Annual Inventor Number, Sows Farrowing and Pi All Hogs on Sows Pigs Pig Year Farms Dec. 1 ]j Farrowing Per Litter Cro 1000 Head 1000 Head 1000 Head

1961 61,837 12,936 7 .17 92' 713 1962 62,726 13,094 7.15 93,608 1963 62,060 13,086 7.19 94,056 1964 56,106 12,121 7.22 87,544 1965 50,519 10,896 7.24 78,940 1966 55' 114 11, 736 7.29 85 '5 26


HOGS & PIGS: Number and value on farms Arizona, January 1, 1960-1967 Farm Value Year Number Per Head I Total 1000 Head Dol. 1000 Dol. 1960 32 18.30 586 1961 28 23.50 658 1962 30 24.40 732 1963 30 25.50 765 1964 28 21.10 591 1965 26 20.20 525 1966 28 37.60 1,053 1967 34 27.70 942

b1y c 1 A' HOGS ' & PIGS : I nventory asses, rizona, J anuarv 1 , 1960 - 1967 All Six Months & Older Under Hogs Sows Year and Six and Other Pigs Months Gilts 1000 Head 1960 32 19 3 10 1961 28 16 3 9 1962 30 16 3 11 1963 30 16 3 11 1964 28 1965 26 Estimates by age groups 1966 28 discontinued after 1963. 1967 34

PIG CROP: Sows Farrowing, Pigs per Litter, Pigs Save d , Arizona, 196 0-1966 Total Pig Crop Spring and Fall 1/ Spring Pig Crop J.j Fall Pig Crop Year Pigs Pigs Sows Pigs Sows Pigs Sows Pigs per per Farrowing Saved Farrowing Litter Saved Farrowing Litter Saved 1000 Head 1960 5.1 36 2.6 6.9 18 2.5 7.0 18 1961 5 .1 36 2.5 7.5 19 2.6 6.5 17 1962 5.1 35 2.5 7.4 18 2.6 6.5 17 1963 5.1 39 2.5 7.8 20 2.6 7.2 19 1964 5.7 42 2.8 8.0 22 2.9 7.0 20 1965 5. 7 41 2.9 8.0 23 2.8 6.6 18 1966 ll 6.7 53 3.2 8.0 26 3.5 7.6 27

1/ Spring, December through May. 2.1 Fall, June through November. "i_! Preliminary for Fall. ARIZONA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 1967 47

COMMERCIAL HOG SLAUGHTER: Number. average & total liveweight Arizona, 1960-1966 Weight Total Year Number Per Live­ Head Weight Lbs. 1000 Lbs.

1960 January 14 ,400 227 3,269 February 13 '900 230 3,197 March 15,100 231 3,488 April 11,200 228 2,554 May 12,000 226 2, 712 June 12,400 224 2, 778 July 11,400 227 2,588 August 12,100 225 2,722 September 12,800 220 2,816 October 12,600 225 2,835 November 12,200 233 2,843 December 13,300 230 3,059 Total 153,400 227 34,861

1961 January 13 '600 228 3,101 February 11, 700 228 2,668 March 13,300 227 3,019 April 11, 700 230 2,691 May 11, 900 229 2, 725 June 12,300 228 2,804 July 10,400 224 2,330 August 11, 900 225 2,678 September 10,700 230 2,461 October 13,600 232 3,155 November 12,600 232 2,923 December 12,800 225 2,880 Total 146' 500 228 33,435

1962 January 13' 100 229 3,000 February 10,600 229 2,427 March 11,300 230 2,599 April 11,200 232 2,598 May 12,400 232 2,877 June 10,700 229 2,450 July 13 ,300 227 3,019 August 11, 900 224 2,666 September 10,500 226 2 ,3 73 October 12,600 233 2,936 November 12,900 231 2,980 December 11,500 229 2,634 Total 142,000 229 32,559 48 ARIZONA CROP AND LIVESTOCK REPORTING SERVICE

COMMERCIAL HOG SLAUGHTER: Number, average & total liveweight, Arizona, 1960-1966 Weight Total Year Number Per Live­ Head Weight Lbs. 1000 Lbs.

1963 January 12,600 230 2,898 February 11,000 231 2,541 March 12,000 228 2,736 April 12,200 227 2,769 May 12,100 229 2, 771 June 9,900 227 2,247 July 10,500 227 2,384 August 10,700 226 2,418 September 10,600 223 2,364 October 12,300 229 2,817 November 11, 100 231 2,564 December 13,700 229 3' 137 Total 138' 700 228 31,646

1964 January 13 ,400 231 3,095 February 11,600 232 2,691 March 13 '600 232 3,155 April 13,200 234 3,089 May 11, 100 235 2,608 June 10 ,400 232 2,413 July 9,900 230 2' 277 August 9,300 225 2,092 September 9,400 225 2' 115 October 10,300 233 2,400 November 10,700 231 2,472 December 11, 700 230 2,691 Total 134' 600 231 31,098

1965 January 10,700 231 2,472 February 10,600 229 2,427 March 11,300 228 2,576 April 10,500 231 2,426 May 9,200 232 2, 134 June 9,900 236 2,336 July 9,500 236 2,242 August 9,600 236 2,266 September 10,600 231 2,449 October 10 ,400 237 2,465 November 11,000 235 2,585 December 10,000 232 2,320 Total 123,300 233 28,698 ARIZONA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 1967 49

COMMERCIAL HOG SLAUGHTER: Number, average & total liveweight, Arizona, 1960-1966 Weight Total Year Number Per Live­ Head Weight Lbs. 1000 Lbs.

1966 January 9,300 232 2' 158 February 9,300 237 2,204 March 11, 700 230 2,691 April 9,600 240 2,304 May 9,800 244 2,391 June 10,000 237 2,370 July 9,200 238 2,190 August 10,200 232 2,366 September 11, 800 230 2, 714 October 11,500 231 2,656 November 13,000 235 3,016 December 15,200 233 3,542 'I'otal 130,600 23Lf 30,602







1955 1957 1959 1961 1963 1965 1967



Sheep &Wool

Arizona has a split sheep industry with about 40% White-owned and the rest Indian-owned. However, the ownership is not the only distin­ guishing feature. The White-owned sheep are on winter valley alfalfa pastures when lambs are born, where they remain until the lambs are sold as milk fat lambs early in the spring. Then, as weather and ranges permit, the breeding flocks are moved to high elevation ranges for the surrnner months. In contrast to this, the Indian-owned sheep are primarily in year round. Lambs are born in April and May and are usually sold in October as feeder lambs weighing from 50-70 pounds. There has been a slight shift in the livestock situation on Indian reservations as the trend seems to be toward fewer sheep and more cattle.

Sheep on feed include only lambs born before October 1, and most of these lambs are brought in from out of state. Milk fat lambs born after October 1 are not included in our estimate of lambs on feed and are also not included in our January 1 inventory. The January 1, 1967 inventory of all sheep and lambs in Arizona is estimated at 527,000 head of which 202,000 are White-owned. The White-owned inventory in­ cludes 106,000 sheep and lambs on feed.




ALL SHEEP STOCK SHEEP SHEEP ON FEED : Arizona, . J anuary 1 1960 - 196 7 . ' ' STOCK SHEEP Sheep All Sheep Year Number I Farm Value on Number I Value I Per Head I Total Feed 1000 Head 1000 Dol. 1000 Head Dol. 1000 Dol. 1000 Head

1960 488 8,932 454 18.40 8,354 34 1961 496 7 '710 450 15.60 7,020 46 1962 516 7,016 440 13.70 6,028 76 1963 533 8,369 467 15.80 7,379 66 1964 560 8,824 471 15.90 7 ,489 89 1965 605 10' 779 494 18.00 8,892 lll 1966 601 13,693 471 23.00 10,833 130 1967 527 ll,804 421 22.50 9,472 106

ST OC K SHE EP : I nventorv b v c 1 asses, A'rizona, J anuarv 1 1960 - 196 7 All Lambs One year and over Year Stock Sheep Ewes I We the rs & Rams Ewes I Rams I Wethers 1000 Head

1960 454 73 15 347 16 3 1961 450 74 15 342 16 3 1962 440 75 15 331 16 3 1963 467 81 16 349 17 4 1964 471 82 16 351 18 4 1965 494 88 16 366 20 4 1966 471 83 15 349 20 4 1967 421 71 13 317 18 2

LAMB CROP: Arizona, 1960-1966 Breeding ewes Lambs Saved 1/ Year one yr. and older As of ewes Number Jo January 1 I one yr. and older 1000 Head 1000 Head Percent

1960 347 286 82 1961 342 278 81 1962 331 278 84 1963 349 298 85 1964 351 287 82 1965 366 303 83 1966 349 291 83


WOOL PRODUCTION AND VALUE· Arizona 1960-1966 ' All ]j Weight Shorn Wool Average Year Sheep per Price per Value Production Shorn Fleece Pound J) 1000 Head Lbs. 1000 Lbs. Cts. 1000 Dol. 1960 447 7.2 3,204 35 1,121 1961 510 6.7 3,412 37 1,262 1962 468 7.2 3,385 39 1,320 1963 511 7.1 3,612 38 1,373 1964 508 7.3 3 '727 43 1,603 1965 Data available after March 21 1966

1_/ Includes shearing at commercial feeding yards. Jj Average price received for wool sold during April-March for 1960 to 1962, April­ December for 1963, and calendar year for 1964.

SHEEP WHITE-OWNED~ : Num b er on f arms, A rizona, J anuary 1 1960 - 196 7 ' heep and All s Stock Ewes Lambs Rams We the rs Year l ambs on I Wethers Sheep feed Sheep one yr.+ Ewes and Rams one yr.+ one yr.+ 1000 Head 1960 181 34 147 128 13 1 4 1 1961 180 46 134 116 12 1 4 1 1962 194 76 118 103 10 1 3 1 1963 182 66 116 100 11 1 3 1 1964 202 89 113 97 11 1 3 1 1965 226 111 115 97 13 1 3 1 1966 252 130 122 102 14 1 4 1 1967 )j 202 106 96 86 6 1 3 0 ll Preliminary.

WOOL PRODUCTION AND LAMB CROP WHITE-OWNED·. Arizona 1960-1966 ' ' WOOL PRODUCTION LAMB CROP Weight Ewes Sheep Wool Lambs As % of ewes Year per one yr. + Shorn Fleece Production January 1 Saved )j one yr. + 1000 Head Lbs. 1000 Lbs. 1000 Head Percent 1960 165 8.6 1,427 128 124 97 1961 219 7.6 1,666 116 ll5 99 1962 178 7.9 1,413 103 102 99 1963 192 7.8 1,507 100 101 101 1964 186 7.7 1,441 97 94 97 1965 Data available after March 21 97 96 99 1966 102 108 106 ll Lambs docked or branded. ARIZONA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 1967 53

COMMERCIAL SHEEP SLAUGHTER: Number aver a~ e & total livewei1 ht. Arizona. 1960-1966 Weight Total Year Number Per Live- Head Weight Lbs. 1000 Lbs.

1960 January 100 91 9 February March 100 97 10 April 300 90 27 May 300 87 26 June 400 83 33 July 200 90 18 August 300 89 27 September 100 92 9 October 300 97 29 November 300 86 26 December 200 94 19 Total 2,600 90 233

1961 January 400 89 36 February 200 100 20 March 400 93 37 April 400 98 39 May 300 92 28 June 200 100 20 July 200 100 20 August 200 94 19 September 200 93 19 October 200 100 20 November 300 97 29 December 300 97 29 Total 3,300 96 316

1962 January 400 97 39 February 500 106 53 March 1,000 104 104 April 1,500 93 140 May 1,900 98 186 June 900 103 93 July 600 84 so August 900 79 71 September 800 82 66 October 800 89 71 November 600 95 57 December 700 93 65 Total 10,600 94 995 54 ARIZONA CROP AND LIVESTOCK REPORTING SERVICE

COM11ERCIAL SHEEP SLAUGHTER: Number. average & total livewei ht. Arizona. 1960-1966 Weight Total Year Number Per Live- Head Weight Lbs. 1000 Lbs.

1963 January 1,500 100 150 February 2,000 99 198 March 2,500 102 255 April 2,800 106 297 May 2,800 llO 308 June 2,200 98 216 July 1,400 97 136 August 1,300 100 130 September 900 104 94 October 800 119 95 November 600 125 75 December 600 ll7 70 Total 19,400 104 2,024

1964 January 1,000 111 lll February 900 120 108 March 1,600 ll7 187 April 1,800 ll9 214 May 1,800 ll3 203 June 1,500 124 186 July 1,200 106 127 August 800 ll8 94 September 800 105 84 October 800 97 78 November 800 105 84 December 800 103 82 Total 13 '800 ll3 1,558

1965 January 1,100 107 ll8 February 1,300 108 140 March 1,600 109 174 April 1,800 llO 198 May 1,600 ll7 187 June 1,200 105 126 July 1,000 ll3 ll3 August 900 lll 100 September 800 lll 89 October 900 ll4 103 November 800 ll8 94 December 1,000 108 108 Total 14 ,000 lll 1,550 ARIZONA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 1967 55

COMMERCIAL SHEEP SLAUGHTER: Number, average & total liveweight, Arizona. 1960-1966 Weight Total Year Number Per Live­ Head Weight Lbs. 1000 Lbs.

1966 January 1,000 111 111 February 1,200 118 142 March 1,600 91 146 April 1,600 108 173 May 1,600 105 168 June 1,400 117 164 July 1,200 110 132 August 1,200 111 133 September 900 103 93 October 1,100 107 118 November 900 105 94 December 1,100 105 116 Total 14,800 107 1,590

MOHAIR PRODUCTION AND VALUE: Arizona, 1960-1965 Goats Average Average Year Clip per Production Price per Value Clipped }j Goat Pound 2/ 1000 Head Lbs. 1000 Lbs. Cts. 1000 Dol.

1960 63 3.6 226 72 163

1961 59 3.5 208 72 150

1962 66 4.0 264 47 124

1963 72 4.1 293 50 146

1964 76 4.0 302 69 208

1965 75 4.2 314 44 138

!/ Where goats are clipped twice a year, the number clipped is the sum of goats and kids clipped in the spring and kids clipped in the fall. '!:_/ Average price received for mohair sold during the calendar year for 1964 and 1965' April-December for 1963, and April-March for 1960 through 1962. 56 ARIZONA CROP AND LIVESTOCK REPORTING SERVICE


Although Arizona has a relatively small number of poultry, it is

one of the most advanced states in technology. The climate control

houses that are being used in Arizona are believed to be the poultry

houses of the future. Also, the use of forced molting to bring hens '· in and out of production at a certain time, which has been used in

Arizona for about three years, is now getting more widespread use in

other states.

A record number of chickens was on Arizona farms on January 1,

1967. From 1926 to the mid-1950's, the inventory ran near the three-

quarter million mark. In 1955 it began increasing, reached a million

in 1959, and continued upward until passing the million and a half

mark this year. UNITED STATES



800---~~~-'-~~~~~~-'-~~~~~~-'-~~ 1957 1960 1963 1966*

.. Ptt.n.IMIHl.lt,Y,


ALL CHICKS HATCHED BY COMMERCIAL HATCHERIES: Arizona, 1938-1966 Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total 1000 Chicks

1938 166 196 291 192 138 53 33 30 28 46 73 71 1, 317 1939 180 213 315 208 150 59 34 31 31 50 79 77 1,427

1940 137 212 252 179 103 52 38 34 55 54 41 43 1,200 1941 151 209 341 202 130 5 7 65 64 103 121 ll4 73 1,630 1942 178 221 435 303 191 98 92 64 86 150 125 107 2,050 1943 314 399 499 488 395 322 109 83 108 150 130 124 3,121 191+4 175 248 363 305 179 58 17 5 43 63 41 32 1,529

1945 107 216 359 361 254 155 46 30 38 43 37 41 1,687 1946 101 193 321 258 123 39 18 17 18 36 34 29 1,187 1947 123 253 298 262 129 50 27 23 33 44 49 37 1,328 1948 68 14 7 218 203 127 58 26 18 38 54 66 47 1,070 1949 83 134 227 248 167 48 27 31 60 52 51 40 1,168

1950 90 180 275 240 150 87 81 80 70 85 84 72 1,494 1951 80 200 300 280 215 100 45 35 55 100 75 70 1,555 1952 105 215 240 260 125 70 50 40 50 55 60 55 1,325 1953 83 139 226 206 193 65 50 53 63 57 69 58 1,262 1954 100 150 205 225 llO 60 50 46 95 95 67 67 1,270

1955 81 155 236 183 138 72 63 66 85 89 100 66 1,334 1956 123 199 198 171 160 77 64 89 llO ll2 125 135 1,563 1957 148 167 213 240 203 98 83 89 124 ll3 ll9 137 1,734 1958 176 183 263 218 204 172 102 122 226 169 121 186 2,142 1959 207 212 288 236 170 176 123 132 141 ll3 146 161 2,105

1960 125 210 215 200 171 154 108 141 170 201 158 188 2,041 1961 201 207 194 252 169 141 167 2ll 179 132 164 232 2,249 1962 248 275 206 236 238 166 142 145 146 192 128 194 2,316 1963 146 220 268 158 208 137 136 99 183 ll2 152 175 1,994 1964 135 173 246 195 224 126 94 99 168 218 97 124 1,899

1965 60 156 214 190 145 282 184 162 233 78 186 144 2,034 1966 183 292 342 182 246 ll2 127 273 308 266 171 223 2, 725 58 ARIZONA CROP AND LIVESTOCK REPORTING SERVICE

CHICKENS ON FARMS: Inventor b classes Arizona 1 1960-1967 Hens and Other All ]J Hens Pullets Year Chickens Pullets 1../ Chickens 1000 Birds

1960 1,013 940 396 544 73 1961 1,012 952 392 560 60 1962 1,064 1,015 388 627 49 1963 1,173 1,133 481 652 40 1964 1,361 1,341 572 769 20 1965 1,301 1,293 486 807 8 1966 1,372 1,049 559 490 8 1967 1,597 1,217 654 563 8

1/ All potential layers including pullets not of laying age. °ii Does not include commercial broilers.

EGG PRODUCTION: Arizona, 1960-1966 Average Eggs per Total No. layers 100 eggs Year on hand during year layers produced 1000 Mil.

1960 773 21,186 163.6 1961 778 20,600 160.2 1962 868 20,997 182.l 1963 992 21,299 210.9 1964 1,067 21,258 226.9 1965 988 20,946 208.0 1966 1,084 20 '929 228.0

TURKEYS ON FARMS: Inventor b Arizona Januar 1 1960-1967 All Turke Breeder Hens Year Heavy Light Total Breeds Breeds Heavy Light Total 1000 Birds

1960 15 15 0 9 0 9 1961 13 13 0 7 0 7 1962 12 12 0 8 0 8 1963 13 13 0 10 0 10 1964 18 18 0 13 0 13 1965 12 12 0 ll 0 11 1966 15 15 0 13 0 13 1967 17 17 0 ll 0 ll

]j Does not include turkey fryers. ARIZONA AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS 1967 S9

A . HONEY AND BEESWAX : Num b er 0 f co 1 onies an d pro d uction, rizona 19SS -1966 Colonies Honey Honey Beeswax of Yield per Year Production Production Bees Colony 1000 Colonies Lbs. 1000 Lbs. 1000 Lbs.

19SS 81 7S 6,07S 91 19S6 83 67 S,S61 83 19S7 87 63 S,481 88 19S8 93 7S 6,97S 98 19S9 9S 70 6,6SO 86

1960 97 74 7,178 100 1961 94 66 6,204 93 1962 98 6S 6,370 102 1963 100 74 7 ,400 118 1964 94 SS S,170 78

196S 96 70 6,720 94 1966 96 68 6 ,S28 118

HONEY AND BEESWAX : Average price an d va 1 ue, A rizona, . 19SS - 1966 HONEY BEESWAX Price Value Price Value Year per of per of Pound Production Pound Production Cts. 1000 Dol. Cts. 1000 Dol.

19SS 11. 6 70S so 46 19S6 12.6 701 SS 46 19S7 11. 7 641 SS 48 19S8 10.8 7S3 4S 44 19S9 10.6 70S 43 37

1960 10.6 761 42 42 1961 11.S 713 42 39 1962 11.S 733 42 43 1963 13.4 992 42 so 1964 12.6 6Sl 43 34

196S 12.9 867 43 40 1966 12.2 796 46 S4


REPORTS ON CROPS: Cotton Monthly, July-Dec. 8th of month Cotton Annual Summary Annually May 8 Cotton County Estimates Annually June 1 General Crop Report Monthly 10th of month Prospective Plantings Annually March 20 July Acreage Annually July 10 Annual Crop Summary Annually Late December Grain Stocks Quarterly 24th of Jan., Apr., July and Oct.

REPORTS ON VEGETABLES: Vegetables Monthly except August and Sept. 10th of month Vegetable Summary Annually Late December

REPORTS ON LIVESTOCK: January 1 Livestock Inventory Annually February 14 Cattle on Feed Monthly 11th of month except 16th of Jan., Apr., July and Oct. Cattle Shipments Monthly End of month Slaughter Monthly 1st of month Range and Livestock Monthly 10th of month Wool Production Semi-annually 26th of March, July Lamb Crop Semi-annually 24th of Feb., July Sheep and Lambs on Feed Annually January 15 Mohair Annually March 26 Calf Crop Semi-annually Feb. 21, July 24 Pig Crop Semi-annually June 22, Dec . 22 Poultry and Milk Production Monthly 12th of month

REPORTS ON POULTRY AND HONEY: Turkeys Raised Semi-annually Jan. 30, Aug. 30 Chickens Raised Annually July 20 Honey Production Seasonally July, Oct., Dec . Hatchery Monthly 15th of month

PRICE REPORTS: Monthly Price Monthly 1st of month Cash Receipts from Farm Marketings Semi-annually March, September

WEEKLY CROP AND LIVESTOCK SUMMARY: Weather, Crop and Livestock Weekly Monday noon f l


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