Metro Talks Trash As Area's Waste Piles Up
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Merry Christmas PortlandTHURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2014 • TWICE CHOSEN THE NATION’S BEST NONDAILY TribunePAPER • PORTLANDTRIBUNE.COM • PUBLISHED TUESDAY AND THURSDAY 2014: STRANGE BUT TRUE WAIT, WAIT. DON’T TELL ME! Y ear- end q uiz tests readers’ knowledge of P ortland- area newsmakers and events By PORTLAND TRIBUNE STAFF hat kind of a year was 2014? It was a year when Ore- gon — and especially Port- Wland — proved it was politi- cally different from the rest of the coun- try by re-electing incumbent Democrats and increasing their control of the Ore- gon Legislature. That trend included re- electing Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber, de- spite personal revelations about his fi an- cee Cylvia Hayes that turned the gover- nor’s race into a soap opera. It also was a year when Portland voters TRIBUNE PHOTO: JAIME VALDEZ overwhelmingly decided not to take away 19 CassandraC Wells, who is an offi cer with the Portland Police Bureau’s Mounted Patrol Unit offi cer, warms up Murphy before heading out to the outdoor control of the water and sewer bureaus aarena at Centennial Mills. The horses are back at the former fl our mill after eight new pre- made stalls were installed in a safe area of the building. from the City Council, they continued to complain about Water Bureau plans to disconnect the open reservoirs, and rolled their eyes about cost overruns at a using their own car, and connects riders new Bureau of Environmental Services to drivers. 5 building. b) Portland-based Vacasa, which man- And don’t get us started about the ages Oregonians’ second homes as vaca- street fee or tax or fund — or whatever — tion rentals proposed by Mayor Charlie Hales and c) San Francisco-based Airbnb, which Commissioner Steve Novick. enables tourists to rent rooms and vaca- In fact, sometimes it’s hard to distin- tion rentals in Portlanders’ homes, con- guish fact from fi ction in the Rose City — dos and apartments or real news from fake news. Take a stab d) Zipcar, the car-sharing company at answering the following questions that traces its origins to Portland about Portland and Oregon news events of 2014, and you’ll see what we mean. The 2 . Art Robinson, the Oregon Republican correct answers are on Page A11. Party chairman who lost his third race for a seat in Congress in November, is 1. In 2 0 14 , Mayor Charlie Hales and the known for which of the following? city of Portland established a cozy rela- a) Circulating a petition that claimed tionship with which new company in the reducing greenhouse gases in the atmo- TRIBUNE PHOTO: JONATHAN HOUSE “ sharing economy” ? ArtA Robinson sphere would harm the environment 2 Elise Burke, of Moreland Farmers Pantry, stocks the shelves of a) San Francisco-based Uber, which Oregon’s fi rst non- GMO grocery store. enables anyone to become a taxi driver See Q UIZ / Page 2 Metro talks trash as area’s waste piles up P olicies under review Metro regional government receives about 29 percent of the is still talking trash. Metro region’s garbage. as ex p iration looms In fact, the public will be The Metro region’s garbage hearing much more about how makes up about 48 percent of on scores of contracts to overhaul the region’s trash the incoming volume of waste network in 2015. at Riverbend. By JENNIFER ANDERSON Several hundred contracts Waste Management antici- The Tribune with companies that haul, pates that without an expan- burn, recycle or bury solid sion, the landfi ll will run out of A month after their “Let’s waste all expire in 2019. Metro’s room for more waste in two Talk Trash” fi lm festival, the Solid Waste Roadmap (oregon- years. Therefore, Waste Man- lays out various agement is seeking approvals options. to add another 15 years of ca- Earlier this month, the Met- pacity to the landfi ll. ro Council directed its staff to “If we’re going to seriously come up with a policy that eval- discuss reducing waste, why uates landfi ll capacity available should we invest in more land- to the region to guide decisions fill capacity for the region?” about where the region’s waste Stacey asked. should be sent. Mike Dewey, a lobbyist for In a resolution, Metro Coun- Waste Management, told the cilor Bob Stacey noted the con- council his client did not cerns raised by farmers, busi- oppose Stacey’s proposal and ness owners and residents in acknowledged that there is Yamhill County during the past plenty of landfi ll capacity in few years about a proposed ex- the region. pansion of Riverbend Landfi ll But, he said, “for people who outside McMinnville. want to close the landfi ll, this TRIBUNE PHOTO: JONATHAN HOUSE The landfi ll, which is owned At the Metro Central Transfer Station in North Portland, people dump trash, where gleaners will come by by Waste Management, Inc., See TRASH / Page 7 later to see what can be recycled. “Pamplin Media Group’s pledge is to Portland Tribune deliver balanced news that refl ects the DUCK FANS READY TO REPRESENT stories of our communities. Thank you — SEE LIFE, PAGE B1 for reading our newspapers.” Inside — DR. ROBERT B. PAMPLIN JR. OWNER & NEIGHBOR A2 NEWS The Portland Tribune Thursday, December 25, 2014 Quiz: Rose City facts or fi ction? You decide 9. Which of these events really vice anyway 18 . Ice cream maker Salt & ■ From page 1 occurred in 2 0 14 , and which d) CenturyLink, which al- Straw opened its fi rst Los 2014: STRANGE BUT TRUE were gags on “ Portlandia? ” ready was offering it in select Angeles branch, offering which locations new fl avors? b) Suggesting we could get a) Fred gets visited by a fact rid of nuclear waste by sprin- checker before a date. 13 . After years of discussions, a) Black olive brittle and kling it over the ocean b) A celery salesman goes construction fi nally began on goat droppings c) Asking Josephine County to great lengths to get celery which of the following long- b) Sour grape and corneille residents for urine samples back on the table delayed proj ects this year? c) Tomato water and Ojai d) Saying public schools are c) A Vermont company a) Renovation of Veterans olive oil the most devastating form of chooses Portland to launch its Memorial Coliseum d) Avocado and prune child abuse in the U.S. line of “sustainable” condoms b) Redevelopment of Cen- colonic d) OPB listeners enjoy a tail- tennial Mills in Northwest gate party before a “Prairie Portland 19. What did the Portland 3 . Portland Parks & Home Companion” taping c) Redevelopment of the police Mounted Patrol Unit do Recreation spent $ 1 million on with their horses because of 10 . What happened in the large U.S. Post Offi ce complex what unex pected proj ect this in Old Town structural problems at their year? months after Mayor Charlie d) The replacement for stables? a) An urban swim center for Hales and Commissioner Steve Multnomah County Court- a) Sold them all off to a local immigrant youth Novick announced their “ like house in downtown Portland CSA b) An urban library for the it or lump it” street fee for e) Renovation of the Port- b) Moved them out of Centen- homeless local roads in May? land Building next to City Hall nial Mills to a barn in Aurora c) An urban nature play- a) They couldn’t get a third c) Replaced them with a ground with logs, rocks, sand vote and pushed its approval 14 . Which of the following big Segway-based ride-sharing and water back until January, at the ear- controversies did the City system d) An urban technology cen- liest Council resolve this year? d) Fitted the horses with bo- ter for low-income kids who b) Multnomah County said a) Finding a mutually agree- dycams allowing them to roam don’t have access to video TRIBUNE FILE PHOTO Portland has to pay more for able new location for the R2D- in the new Riderless Square games 14 CityC offi cials have come up with a new plan to the replacement Sellwood Too homeless camp in Old zone rrelocate the people staying at Right 2 Dream Too 4 . Gov. John Kitzhaber was Bridge project Town/Chinatown 2 0 . Kevin Rose, a general hhomeless camp in Old Town. c) Gov. John Kitzhaber an- b) Reaching an agreement partner for Google Ventures, re- elected in November nounced a Transportation Vi- for Uber to operate its app- despite which scandals involv- sioning Committee that could based paid ride service in the incurred the wrath of his ing his partner, Cylvia Hayes? delay any new state funds for city limits neighbors when he paid $ 1.3 a) Hayes admitted to an ille- local streets for years c) Approving an acceptable million for a Willamette gal marriage to an Ethiopian 18 d) The Bicycle Transporta- street fee to fund maintenance Heights house built in 18 92 immigrant tion Alliance agreed to sup- and safety projects and proposed to do what? b) Hayes used her role as port bicycle licensing to help d) Making sure neighbors a) Turn it into an incuba- the governor’s fi ancee to bene- fund infrastructure improve- and apartment builders agree tor for tech startups com- fi t her private consulting busi- ments for bicycle riders on how much new parking plete with plumbed-in Red ness should be created for each Bull and coffee, cots and 1 c) Hayes bought land in 11.