Bambisanani Ten Years of Working Together and Learning Together I Bambisanani: Ten Years of Working Together And Learning Together Copyright © 2017 David Geldart, The Bambisanani Partnership, Leeds, UK All rights reserved The book author retains sole copyright to his contributions to this book. No reproduction is allowed without permission being negotiated in advance. +44 (0)1943 883000
[email protected] Registered Charity Number: 1163461 A catalogue record of this book is available from the British Library. ISBN: 978-0-9927124-3-3 Printed by Prime Group in support of the Bambisanani Partnership Prime Group, Burma Road, Blidworth Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom NG21 0RT +44(0)1623499949
[email protected] 2 Acknowledgment If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go Ubucwibi Obuhle Buhamba Ngabubili. together. Isaga sesiZulu Zulu Proverb This book is dedicated to all those who have contributed Leli bhuku ngilethula kubo bonke ababe nesandla in any way to the development of the Bambisanani ekuthuthukiseni iBambisanani Partnership Partnership over the last ten years. Large or small, all eminyakeni eyishumi eyedlule. Okukhulu nokuncane contributions have been important and accumulative; abakuphose esivivaneni, kudlale indima enkulu, together they have added greatly to the amazing ekuphumeleliseni lo mqulu weBambisanani, futhi Bambisanani story and helped make a difference in the kube neqhaza ekwenzeni umehluko ezimpilweni world. zabantu, emhlabeni wonke jikelele.