An Assembly of the Principals and Electors of the Parish of Trinity was duly convened and held in the Parish Hall on Tuesday 10th July 2018 at 7.45 pm for the following business:

1. To elect one Vingtenier for the Vingtaine of Croiserie, the previous holder having been elected as Centenier, one Vingtenier for the Vingtaine of Rondin and one Vingtenier for the Vingtaine of Augres, the current holders’ terms due to expire.

2. To elect one ’s Officer for the Vingtaine of Rondin, the current holder having been appointed Vingtenier, one Constable’s Officer for the Vingtaine of Augres and one Constable’s Officer for the Vingtaine of Croiserie, the current holder’s terms having expired.

The Connétable welcomed the Assembly to the meeting. A Minutes’ silence was held for Mr W P Corson who had passed away at the weekend and who had served the Parish for many years. Apologies were received from Centenier Mrs S E Jones, Reverend G J Houghton, Vingtenier C A Fossey, CO J Howell & Mr A Dunford.

The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted on the proposition of Mr N E Le Maistre and seconded by Mrs M Dunford.

1. The Connétable explained to the Assembly that the position of Vingtenier for the Vingtaine of Croiserie had arisen due to the previous holder having been elected as Centenier and thanked Mr Otterwell for his 8 years of service both as Constable’s Officer and Vingtenier. On the proposal of Mr J H Moulin and seconded by Mr C Bray, Ian Gerald Lionel Dulake was elected as Vingtenier for the Vingtaine of Croiserie and was warned to attend the Royal Court on Friday 10th August 2018 to take his oath of office.

Before asking for nominations for Vingtenier for the Vingtaine of Rondin, the Connétable thanked Christopher Simpson for his service to the as Vingtenier over the past 9 years and one term as Constable’s Officer. On the proposal of Mr N E Le Maistre and seconded by Mr J H Moulin, Christopher Edward Simpson was re-elected as Vingtenier for the Vingtaine of Rondin and was warned to appear before the Royal Court on Friday 20th July 2018 to take his oath of office.

Before asking for nominations for Vingtenier for the Vingtaine of Augres, the Connétable thanked Charles Fossey for his service to the Honorary Police as Vingtenier over the past 6 years and 3 terms of Constable’s Officer. On the proposal of Mr J Le S Gallichan and seconded by Mr J H Moulin, Charles Antony Fossey was re-elected as Vingtenier for the Vingtaine of Augres and was warned to appear before the Royal Court on Friday 27th July 2018 to take his oath of office.

2. The Connétable then went on to ask for nominations for a Constable’s Officer for the Vingtaine of Augres following the resignation of Matthew John Vautier who had left the Parish. On the proposal of Mrs E McGowan and seconded by Mrs R Pedley, Jenny Ann Butler was elected as Constable’s Officer for the Vingtaine of Augres and was warned to attend the Royal Court on Friday 27th July 2018 to take her oath of office

The Connétable asked for nominations for the position of Constable’s Officer for the Vingtaines of Rondin and Croiserie. No nominations were made and the vacancies were carried over until such time as suitable nominations were received.

------Connétable Date