© 2007 The Dayton Microcomputer Association, Inc.


Volume 32 Issue 8 www.DMA.org October 2007

Association of PC User Groups (APCUG) Member

September 25th General Meeting Topic The State of the Club Annual Membership Meeting of the Dayton Microcomputer Association, Inc. Huber Heights Athletic Foundation Center The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the Databus editor In an effort to expedite the general meet- Featured in this and should not be interpreted as club pol- ing, I have included information and reports icy. so that the membership can be informed of Issue issues to be addressed. ts September. The September general Worse Data Breaches Ever5 Imeeting approaches. Why is this impor- In 2004, John Hargreaves, Martin Arbagi tant? September is the only meeting of the and Jim Ullom were elected to the DMA Spotlight on SIGS— full membership of the Dayton Microcom- board of trustees. They were the only indi- Digital Photography ...... 5 puter Association, Inc. It is at this meeting viduals running. I was appointed to fill the that we elect our trustees for the year and remainder of a term where the previous OTAP ...... 6 learn what the state of the club is. It is also trustee resigned. At that time, we were your opportunity to ask questions about the leaching money at a rapid pace and the Microsoft Silverlight ...... 7 business decisions that have been made. financial status of the club was in jeopardy. Tough decisions had to be made.

According to the DMA by-laws the General Microsoft Home Server ..... 8 meeting is required to follow this format: Since then we have seen the demise of Computerfest and GemAIR. OTAP has This Month in 1. Call to order by the President been restructured and is on the way to be Computer History ...... 9 2. Reading of the communications and cor- self supporting. Our business agreement respondence with Hara Arena regarding internet service Sudoku ...... 9 3. Reading of the annual reports of: has terminated. Several new SIGs have a. the President and Vice Presi- The Deals Guy ...... 10 dent been formed with the purpose of attracting b. the Secretary new and younger members. Some very MVCS Joint Fall Meeting . 11 c. the Treasurer tough decisions have been made in order d. the chairs of standing commit- to preserve the club and the flood of losses Cytog’s Road Trip to tees has been reduced. However, we are still Quakecon ...... 12 e. the chairs of special commit- losing money without a major fundraiser. tees

4. Unfinished business Gaming 4 Tristin ...... 15 a. Election of Trustees b. Other unfinished business 5. Presentation hour (Continued on page 4) 6. Adjournment

Next Month: TBD, October 30th at 7:00 pm Page 2 October 2007 CONTENTS CONTACT INFORMATION Continued from front cover

BUSINESS GENERAL DMA® Officers & Trustee ...... 2 Map to DMA® Meetings ...... 2 Info Line 937-222-4DMA Board Minutes—July ...... 17 Website www.dma.org Board Minutes—August ...... 18 E-mail info @ dma.org Calendar ...... 20 Mailing Address P.O. Box 4005, Dayton, OH 45401-4005 Resource Center 119 Valley Street, Dayton, OH 45404-1712 DEPARTMENTS AND SERVICES

DMA® SIG Meeting List ...... 3 OFFICERS & TRUSTEES About to Expire Memberships President OPEN president @ dma.org and New Members...... 16 Vice President Gary Turner vice -president @ dma.org Membership App & Renewal Form ...... 19 Treasurer Chuck Gelm treasurer @ dma.org Friends of DMA ...... 19 Secretary Martin Arbagi secretary @ dma.org

Trustee - A Jim Bellan jimbellan @ earthlink.net Trustee - A Ron Williamitis rwilliamitis @ yahoo.com Trustee - A Todd Collins toddc @ woh.rr.com Trustee - B Chuck Gelm chuck @ gelm.net Trustee - B Dan Tasch taschda @ dma.org Trustee - B Glady Campion campiong @ dma.org Trustee - C Martin Arbagi martin.arbagi @ sbcglobal.net ® Trustee - C John Hargreaves jrhprinter @ earthlink.net DMA MEETINGS Trustee - C Jim Ullom jullom @ woh.rr.com

GUESTS ARE ALWAYS A=Trustee 3 yrs from 9/06 B=Trustee 3 yrs from 9/05 C=Trustee 3 yrs from 9/04

WELCOME COMMITTEE CHAIRS eetings start at 7:00 p.m. Visit us on OTAP Glady Campion otap @ dma.org M the web at www.dma.org or email to Membership Glady Campion membership @ dma.org info @ dma.org for information or directions. Dave Lundy membership @ dma.org Our monthly General Meeting consists of a Programs Jim Ullom programs @ dma.org brief opening, SIG and committee reports, Fundraising OPEN announcements, and a 60-90 minute pro- The DataBus Nancy Christolear editor @ dma.org gram by a guest speaker, followed by door DMA® Website Dave Lundy webmaster @ dma.org prizes for members. After the meeting, the DaytonLANfest David Neely nherzhul @ hotmail.com group adjourns to a local eating establish- WirelessDaytonDays Peter Hess info @ wirelessdaytondays.org ment to socialize. Our meetings are held at the Huber Heights Athletic Foundation (HHAF) Center. For last minute announcements always check www. dma.org Directions: From Downtown Dayton take Route 4 to the Harshman Road Exit. Turn left (north) on Harshman to Brandt Pike (Rt. 201). Turn Right and follow Brandt Pike ap- proximately 2 miles to Fishburg Road and turn left (west). The Huber Heights Athletic Foundation is located at 5367 Fishburg Road, about a quarter mile from the intersec- tion of Fishburg and Brandt Pike

DMA®'s Arrow Logo is a trademark, and DMA® & Com- puterfest® are registered trademarks of the DAYTON MI- CROCOMPUTER ASSOCIATION, INC., an Ohio 501c(3) non-profit organization. Volume 32 Issue 8 Page 3 he DataBus is published monthly by tact our Editor at: The DataBus, P.O. Box T the Dayton Microcomputer 4005, Dayton, OH 45401-4005 or email Association, Inc. (DMA®). to: [email protected]. The deadline for submitting material is Permission is granted to non-profit the first of the month of publication. organizations to reprint or quote any Submit files to the editor, editor@dma. material contained herein (except that composed using Microsoft Publisher org, preferably as an email attachment in which is copyrighted elsewhere) provided 2003 DMA®'s Arrow Logo is a trademark, MS Word, Wordperfect, or .TXT (with line credit is given to the author, Dayton and DMA® & Computerfest® are regis- breaks). The editor reserves the right to Microcomputer Association, Inc. & The tered trademarks of the Dayton Micro- edit for clarity, length & style, and to hold DataBus. The Editor requests that when computer Association, Inc., an Ohio 501c or reject any portions of submitted copy. reprinting material from The DataBus you (3) non-profit organization. forward a copy of the reprint to the Editor. Advertisements and want ads are accepted for publication. Non-commercial The opinions expressed in any article or credit-card size ads are free to DMA® column are those of the individual author members. Commercial Credit-card size and do not represent an official position ads are $15.00 per issue for members. of, or endorsement by, The Dayton Our circulation is targeted to computer Microcomputer Assn., Inc. Nameplate users, technicians, & IT Managers, and is and Logo created by Bob Kwater, all currently 300 copies. To receive more rights reserved, The Dayton Microcom- information about advertising, please con- puter Association, Inc. This issue was

The DataBus Staff

Editor Nancy Christolear [email protected] Calendar Dave Lundy [email protected]


MA® sponsors numerous Special Gaming SIG meets the last Saturday of Software Development SIG meets the D Interest Groups (SIGs) catering to each month at 4:00 p.m. for a 24-hour second Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm the individual interests of its members. LAN-party at 119 Valley Street. Contact at 119 Valley Street. Contact Glady Cam- Want to start a new SIG? Contact a David Neely: nherzhul @ h otmail.com pion at campiong @ dma.org for more DMA® Officer or Trustee! www.DaytonLANfest.com details. Amateur Radio SIG meets the 1st Tues- Genealogy/Family History SIG meets Pizza SIG is held immediately after every day of each month, 7:00 p.m. at 119 Valley the 1st Thursday of each month at 7:00 p. General Membership meeting with plenty Street. Contact Todd Collins: 937-545- m. at 119 Valley Street. Contact Jay of casual conversation, friendly debates, 7015 toddc @ woh.rr.com or Shawna Finley: jotaito @ aol.com and of course, Pizza! Collins: sjcollins @ woh.rr.com Hands-On-SIG meets the 2nd Tuesday Come join us! www.dma.org/k8dma and 4th Wednesday of each month, 7:00 More SIG information is available Apple-Dayton SIG meets the 3rd Mon- p.m. at 119 Valley Street. Contact Elliott www.dma.org/sigs.shtml. day of each month, 7:00 p.m. at the Lake: 937-376-4581 online at Huber Heights Athletic Foundation Cen- Linux SIG meets the 3rd Thursday of ter, 5367 Fishburg Road, Huber Heights. Contact Dan Forshaw: AppleDaytonSIG @ each month, 7:00 p.m. in Wright State’s dma.org www.dma.org/appledaytonsig Student Union. Contact Gary Turner: 937- 313-2487, or Tony Snyder: 937-275-7913 Classic Computer SIG meets as needed or DLUG-contact @ dma.org the 1st and 3rd Saturday. of each month, www.dma.org/linuxsig 3:00 p.m. at the Sugar Grove Church, Perl Mongers meets the 2nd Wednesday 7875 Kessler Frederick Road, Tipp City, 45371. Contact Gary Ganger: 937-237- of each month, 7:00 p.m. at 119 Valley 5021 gangerg @ dma.org Street. Contact Paul Ahlquist: pea @ ahlquist.org http://dayton.pm.org Digital Photography SIG meets the 4th

Thursday of each month, 7:00 p.m. at Wright State University, Room 240 Allyn Hall.. Contact Nancy Christolear: 937-439-

1735 njc @ dma.org www.dma.org/photosig Page 4 October 2007

(Continued from page 1) Standing Committees - Special Events

Membership— In August we had a mem- Dayton LANfest—This event was held in President – For the last year, the DMA has bership of 229 members. At the end of February of this year. Once again, atten- been operating without a president. Yes, August, largely through direct mailing a dance was not what we would have liked. Gary Turner has been at the front of each postcard announcing the Microsoft presen- In addition, St. Peter’s raised the rent so meeting, however, he has been there as tation, we increased our membership num- our profits were nil, although we did the DMA Vice-President filling in for the bers to 250. As those members came (barely) break even. This event and the President. One of the roles of the Vice- through the door, many did not realize that associated “Mini-LANs” have continued to President is to step in when the President their membership had expired. In the last bring in interested people and they have is unable. So Gary has also been the de- year, 102 DMA members have declined to begun to pay dues and join the club. The facto President. It should be noted that renew their membership. Many of these Staff of Dayton LANfest continues to reach Gary is not a member of the Board of Trus- former members continue to attend SIG out to the community and act as DMA am- tees this year either. He was required by meetings and take advantage of benefits bassadors to a younger membership base. the By-Laws as currently written to take a offered to the general public. There were year off. It is for this same reason that he 30 members who had a lapse in their Wireless Dayton Days—The city of Dayton was unable to fill the Presidents slot. The membership of at least a year and have has not renewed the contract for Harbor DMA By-Laws require that Trustees and now rejoined. Link and there are not plans to extend the Officers cannot succeed themselves more downtown wireless at this time. than once. So Gary has been the Vice Publications—We have worked hard to President and no member of the DMA was reduce the cost of the Databus and have Expenses: willing to step up and take the President's now got it to around $1/issue/person. By position. making efforts to make sure the Databus is Club Benef its mailed early in the month, we have im- Item Cost Vice President – In the DMA, the Vice proved the attendance at our general President is responsible for our Special meetings. The Databus is a popular publi- Newsletter $3,644.32 Interest Groups, or SIGs. This is the life- cation and many of our members pay their Projector (one time) $850.00 blood of the DMA. These small organiza- dues solely to receive the Databus. DMA-pub $779.00 tions, by existing under the DMA umbrella, gain the benefits of being a 501(c)3 Non- Program— The following programs were Meetings $250.00 Profit corporation and being covered by our presented at the general membership APCUG $250.00 liability insurance. The DMA does not re- meeting in the last year: holiday dinner $100.00 quire the attendees to be members of the POBOX 4005 $68.00 larger organization except for the SIG October - Fairborn Camera - Wright leader who is appointed by the Board of State POBOX 340402 $40.00 Trustees. As a result, a number of our November - Microsoft Matt and Bill - Insurance $1,550.00 SIGs have a large regular following that Wright State Total $7,531.32 are not financially invested in the larger December - Xmas party - Presidential club. For a list of our currently active SIGs Banquet Center see page 5 of the Databus. January - Jason Leibowitz MacTown Clubhouse University of Dayton Rent 119 Valley $8,400.00 Secretary – The secretary takes minutes of February - Do you Google? University of the meetings of the board of trustees. Dayton DP&Lt $3,554.00 These minutes are then published in the March - Gaming University of Dayton Allied Waste Serv. $988.00 Databus. A tedious job, Martin Arbagi has April - Open Source Software for Win- Vectren $388.00 been doing it for the last 3 years. Yes this dows Huber Heights Athletic Foundation is in violation of the by-laws, however, if Warrior Room DONet $180.00 Martin had not continued in this position, May - SIGs in review Huber Heights Ath- Telephone $742.00 the Secretary would be open as well with letic Foundation Warrior Room AT&T OTAP $948.60 no minutes. Thank you Martin for continu- June - Dave Whittle Huber Heights Ath- Total $15,200.60 ing in this position. letic Foundation Warrior Room July - Clearwire Huber Heights Athletic Treasurer – Chuck Gelm succeeded Ed Foundation Warrior Room OTAP Jones as Treasurer this year and has con- August - Microsoft Matt and Bill Huber Mike Carr $25,551.00 tinued efforts to stem the tide of leaking Heights Athletic Foundation Main Hall money. We have made tremendous September - General Meeting and Elec- M.A.R. $600.00 strides in this area, however, we are still tions Off ice Supplies $30.00 dipping into our savings. At this point we Total $26, 181.00 are looking for fund raising activities. We Audit - This committee does not meet. could continue to cut expenses but that will result in effecting the benefits which you Funding.—This committee does not meet. Computerf est Ongoing receive more directly. A challenging task Storage $300.00 for the future.

Volume 32 Issue 8 Page 5 Worst Data Breaches Ever eWeek.com The last few years have seen a slew of including about 130,500 Social Security num- home. data breaches—all bad, but some worse bers—were apparently stolen from the depart- February 2006 - Department of Agricul- than others. In the spirit of learning what not to ment's office. ture. As a result of hackers illegally access- do by example, eWEEK presents some of the December 2006 - TJX Companies. During ing a USDA database containing names and worst data breaches ever. (Unfortunately, an 18-month period, 45.6 million credit and Social Security numbers, about 26,000 cur- likely to be continued ...) debit card numbers were stolen from one of rent and former employees were exposed to August 2007 – Monster.com. As the result TJX’s systems. identity theft. of a security breach at Monster.com job site, December 2006 - University of California, January 2006 - Boston Globe and the confidential information of some 1.3 mil- Los Angeles. A hacker breached a univer- Worcester Telegram & Gazette. The per- lion job seekers was stolen and used in a sity-administered database containing per- sonal information of about 240,000 people phishing scam. What might be worse is the sonal information on about 800,000 people. who paid for their subscriptions to the Globe fact that Monster waited five days before tell- and Telegram by credit card or personal ing its users of the breach. August 2006 - Miami Office of the U.S. De- partment of Transportation. As a result of check was exposed when that information July 2007 - Fidelity National Information the theft of a U.S. Department of Transporta- was printed out. The printouts were then used Services. A senior-level employee of a sub- tion laptop, personally identifiable information to wrap newspaper bundles. sidiary of financial processing company Fidel- of about 133,000 Florida residents was ex- January 2006 - H&R Block. Some H&R ity National Information Services stole 2.3 posed. Block customers’ Social Security numbers million consumer records containing credit August 2006 – AOL. Data on 20 million were embedded in the tracking code of mail- card, bank account and other personally iden- ing labels used to send out (unsolicited) tax- tifiable information. Web queries, from more than 600,000 users, was posted on a public Web site. Some prep software. July 2007 – SAIC. By neglecting to encrypt search records included personal information, September 2005 – ChoicePoint. Through data sent over the Internet, employees of gov- such as Social Security numbers. what amounted to a social hack, criminals ernment contractor Science Applications In- gained access to the systems of database ternational Corp. put the sensitive information June 2006 - Naval Safety Center. Five spreadsheet files with personal data on ap- giant ChoicePoint. The data of more than of more than 800,000 U.S. service members 145,000 people was exposed. and their families at risk. proximately 28,000 sailors and family mem- bers were found on an open Web site. March 2005 – LexisNexis. The personal June 2007 - State of Ohio. A computer stor- information of about 300,000 was exposed via age device containing the names and Social May 2006 - Wells Fargo. The theft of a lap- top exposed the personal information of cus- multiple system hacks of LexisNexis data- Security numbers of every Ohio state worker bases. was stolen from an intern’s vehicle. tomers. February 2005 – Ameritrade. In transit, a March 2007 - Los Angeles County Child May 2006 - Department of Veterans Af- fairs. A national database containing sensi- computer backup tape containing the account Support Services Department. Several information of more than 200,000 clients was laptops containing personal information— tive data on about 26.5 million veterans was stolen after an employee brought the data lost or accidentally destroyed. Spotlight on SIGs—Digital Photography SIG

The Digital Photography Special Interest and High Definition Refractive Images. Group is focused on all aspects of Digital Some of our members attend photography We look to our members to help with pres- Imaging. From Photographs to Movies. clubs to improve their photography skills. entations and in fact many have contrib- From scanning film prints to Digital cam- The DMA Digital Photography SIG concen- uted their own approach to the various eras. We discuss, try, share the fruits of trates on the computer aspect of Digital digital imaging problems faced. In fact, the our labors. Imaging. most popular segment is the discussion of problems and approaches to taking various Recent topics have included Scanning This SIG meets the fourth Thursday of the photographs. workshop, Photoshop tips and tricks, month except in November. We meet in the excellent digital classrooms at Wright State University. Because we meet at the university, the students and faculty are in- vited to join us for our various meetings.

Meeting time is 7:00 pm. The room at Wright State changes from month to month depending on the classroom usage. This Fall we will be meeting in Allyn Hall, room 225. This is good news as we can park in the Visitor parking next to the building. Page 6 October 2007 Club Purpose and Membership

he Da yton Micro computer Assn., Inc. (DMA®) is an Annual dues are $25 for regular members, which includes a sub- TOhio non-profit organization dedicated to the education scription to The DataBus newsletter, and $12.50 for associate mem- of, and providing information to, microcomputer users and bers living at the same address. Associate memberships must run the general public. DMA® members use and own a wide vari- concurrently with a regular membership. A membership application ety of computers and possess various levels of computer is located on page 23, or can also be downloaded from our web site experience. at: http://www.dma.org/dma-app.shtml

OTAP Bridging the GAP

hio Technology Access Project is a Refurbishing – Many of the computer ease the upgrade process, help avoid O rather long name for a very worthy systems we work with are donated by in- landfill costs, and provide and great op- cause. OTAP is part of DMA’s effort to dividuals, some are from organizations or portunity to contribute to the community. “bridge the digital divide”. We are one of companies. They come in all speeds, only a few Microsoft Authorized Refur- shapes, and sizes. The equipment is Training – The best kept secret of OTAP bishers in Ohio. We operate under evaluated and tested for functionality. is the training. For those who are com- DMA’s 501c(3) non-profit designation. Repairs and modifications are made if puter-phobic, we provide easy proce- This is a group of devoted volunteers necessary so that the system matches dures and plenty of assistance while you who generously gives of their time and our standards. learn to take apart and rebuild com- talents to rework old hardware into us- puters. Students working towards certifi- able PCs. The work is sometimes chal- Recycling – We are able to reclaim and cation can get that valuable hands-on ex- lenging but always rewarding. reuse many of the computer parts. Hard- perience. Volunteering at OTAP is al- ware that is below speed or not repair- ways an opportunity to stay current, up- Bridging – Our mission is to place com- able is disassembled and the pieces are grade your skills, or debate some ob- puters and internet access into the hands sorted and recycled. We work hard to scure compatibility issue. of those with the most need and the least avoid adding any materials to local land- opportunity. We place computer systems fills. OTAP is open on Saturdays from 10:00 with schools, churches, charities, indi- until 2:00. Take advantage of the special viduals, and families. Most of our clients Donating – For individual donors, OTAP Tech Assist sessions the first Saturday of are disabled or financially disadvantaged. offers a second life for that slightly out- the month. Anyone is welcome to stop Each tells us how a computer system dated system that is taking up valuable by and have a look at the process. You would improve their education, opportuni- space on your desk or dining room table. can reach us by phone at (937) 222-2755 ties, even quality of life. We handle each system with care and or on the web at www.otap.org. find it a good home. For corporations, we

CLEARANCE! MAKE AN OFFER! TAP has surplus items in good working condition • Scanners O available to the members of DMA. For more infor- • Cables • Printers mation, visit OTAP, or call 222-2755. • Monitors • Servers • CD-ROM drives • Systems • Keyboards & Mice • Laptops • Travan Tape Drives Hours of Operation • Zip Drives • NIC’s Tues-Wed-Thurs 9am-5pm • SCSI Cards and cables Friday by appointment only Saturday 9am-5pm Closed Sunday & Monday

Volume 32 Issue 8 Page 7

Microsoft Silverlight www.microsoft.com

icrosoft Unveils Silverlight to Power “We’ve consistently heard from the media the Web with role-specific tools: for de- M the Next Generation of Media Ex- companies that they want the ability to signers, Microsoft Expression® Studio, periences on the Web easily implement key technologies for and for developers, Visual Studio®. New Leading media companies and solution Internet video and rich broadband experi- tool and server investments for media pro- ences,” said Bob Mason, chief technology providers announce support for new solu- fessionals include the following: officer at Brightcove. “With the release of tion for video and interactivity on Mac- and Expression Media Encoder. Microsoft Ex- Silverlight, Microsoft is bringing rich inter- Windows-based Web browsers. pression Media Encoder, which will be a active experiences coupled with the VC-1 feature of Microsoft Expression Media, LAS VEGAS — April 15, 2007 — Today at video standard into the browser, and we’re enables rapid import, compression and the 2007 National Association of Broad- excited to announce plans to support this Web publishing of digital video imported casters conference (NAB2007), Microsoft technology and continue to give our cus- from a variety of popular formats, including Corp. unveiled Microsoft® Silverlight™, a tomers access to the cutting-edge tech- AVI and QuickTime, into WMV. Capable of new cross-browser, cross-platform plug-in nologies that will drive the growth of Inter- running on the desktop or Windows for delivering the next generation of media net TV.” experiences and rich interactive applica- Server®, Expression Media Encoder is a tions (RIAs) for the Web. Early supporters Silverlight Scales From HD to Mobile, template-driven system that integrates of the new platform include Akamai Tech- With Peace of Mind for Content Owners seamlessly into existing Web publishing nologies Inc., Brightcove Inc., Eyeblaster Silverlight uses Windows Media Video workflows for both live and on-demand Inc., Limelight Networks, Major League (WMV), Microsoft’s implementation of the content delivery. Expression Media En- Baseball and Netflix Inc. Society of Motion Picture and Television coder will be a free download for custom- Engineers (SMPTE) VC-1 video standard, ers of Expression Media when it is shipped Microsoft Silverlight, previously called Win- enabling immediate compatibility with the later this year. dows® Presentation Foundation Every- millions of hours of content already avail- where (WPF/E), integrates with existing Hardware-accelerated video publishing. able on the Web, and adds support for in- Web technologies and assets to provide When paired with a Tarari Encoder Accel- teractive video experiences that scale from higher-quality experiences with lower costs erator, Expression Media Encoder reduces full-screen high-definition (HD) to mobile for media delivery. Delivered to end users encode times by up to 15 times over soft- scenarios. through a seamless, fast installation, ware alone, a significant capabilities and Silverlight offers consistent experiences to “Netflix is leading the way for people to cost advantage for publishing Web video both Macintosh and Windows users on a rent movies for instant viewing over the today. variety of browsers including Internet Ex- Internet,” said Netflix Chief Product Officer Even greater scalability with Windows plorer®, Firefox and Safari. Neil Hunt. “With 6.3 million members now Server, code-named “Longhorn.” Building and millions more in the next few years, “Content providers are seeking a way to on the industry-leading streaming and Netflix needs rapid and reliable scalability deliver rich interactive applications using Web server platform, Windows Server so all members can enjoy DVD-quality the tools and skills they already have. “Longhorn” will enable customers to ex- movies immediately on our instant-viewing They want an end-to-end solution that en- perience up to twice the scalability on the feature. We depend on Microsoft Windows ables them to rapidly reach multiple plat- same hardware when compared with Win- Media technologies, and we’re excited forms with reasonable deployment costs,” dows Server 2003. Also being announced about Microsoft Silverlight as a platform to said Bob Muglia, senior vice president of today is the Internet Information Services 7 enable instant watching of great content the Server and Tools Business at Micro- (IIS7) Media Pack, which adds new cost- soft. “Microsoft Silverlight delivers on this for all our members, on multiple platforms.” saving features such as bit-rate throttling need and marks a real step forward for the Silverlight customers will also enjoy com- and other advanced features designed to industry. Silverlight is the only solution in patibility with the broad ecosystem of Win- help further reduce the cost of media distri- the market today that enables content dows Media-enabled tools and solutions, bution. The IIS7 Media Pack will be a free creators to tap into the broad ecosystem and the proven scalability and reliability of download for customers of Windows for Windows Media® technologies while the Emmy Award-winning Windows Media Server “Longhorn” when it ships. taking the Web’s rich interactive applica- technologies. At the discretion of content Microsoft Silverlight, Expression Media tion experience to new levels.” providers, Silverlight will also deliver digital Encoder and Tarari Encoder Accelerator rights management support built on the Leading media companies and solution will be shown in Microsoft Booth SL3213, providers have announced support for recently announced Microsoft in the South Hall of the Las Vegas Con- PlayReady™ content access technol- Silverlight including Akamai Technologies, vention Center. Microsoft’s broader devel- Brightcove, Eyeblaster, Limelight Net- ogy — with feature parity on Windows and opment platform and additional details Mac. works, Major League Baseball, NaviSite about Silverlight will be shared in the key- Inc., Netflix, Pinnacle Systems Inc., Microsoft Expands Reach of .NET note presentation at Microsoft’s upcoming Rhozet Corp., Skinkers, Sonic Solutions, Framework Mix07 conference, April 30 in Las Vegas. Microsoft will also release the beta for Tarari Inc., Telestream Inc. and Winnov. Based on the Microsoft .NET Framework, All have indicated plans to deliver Silver- Silverlight during the Mix07 conference. Silverlight enables developers and design- light-based experiences for their viewers More information about the Mix07 event ers to easily use existing skills and tools to and customers. can be found at http://www.mix07.com. deliver media experiences and RIAs for Page 8 October 2007 Microsoft Home Server


ant to find out more about Windows you choose. That means with a simple log find your files. Windows Home Server also W Home Server? Start here with an- in to your family Web site, you can access features simple storage extensibility, and swers to common questions your photos, music files, and videos from built-in search capabilities. anywhere. Windows Home Server not only What is Windows Home Server? enables you to upload and download files New internal or external hard drives can be easily added to a Windows Home Windows Home Server is a part of hard- stored on your home server but also al- lows you to connect remotely and use your Server device. The amount of available ware and software solution that enables storage grows based on the size of the families with multiple PCs to easily con- home computers as if you were sitting in front of them. hard disk. You no longer have to worry nect their digital experiences, providing a about D:, E:, F:, G:, H:, etc. drives as you reliable and familiar way to organize, ac- Is it easy to control who has access to add more hard drives. New hard drives cess, and automatically protect treasured specific files and folders? can be of any size. digital images, music, video, and personal documents. Yes. Using the Windows Home Server Also, in a Windows Home Server device Console, you can define users and easily with two or more hard drives, you can elect Who is building hardware for Windows set permissions for the shared folders to duplicate folders. This prevents you Home Server? stored on the home server. You can also from losing any photos, music, or other Later this year, a variety of manufacturers define which users can access the server files stored in a folder that has will be offering products powered by Win- remotely. "duplication" enabled, if a hard drive fails. dows Home Server, providing a complete When will this product be available for In addition, as a development platform, hardware and software solution. purchase? How can I buy it? Windows Home Server offers partners great opportunities for innovation to ad- How does Windows Home Server differ Windows Home Server will be available from other products in the marketplace? dress the needs of the digital home. This through the retail channel within a wide means that a wide range of applications Windows Home Server is a unique, inte- range of new hardware products. The first and tools that integrate with and take ad- grated solution that provides backup and products are targeted for availability in the vantage of Windows Home Server will be restore, centralized expandable storage, second half of 2007. It will be available in available. and access from anywhere to your home English, German, French, and Spanish. server and home PCs. It is a lot more than How is Windows Home Server different How much will Windows Home Server from Windows XP Media Center Edition or extra storage. Unlike other home storage, cost? backup, or remote access tools currently Windows Vista Home Premium? available, Windows Home Server offers OEMs will set the final pricing for their Windows Home Server works with your unprecedented simplicity and ease of use. products, depending on the storage capac- Windows PC. Windows XP Media Center In addition, as a development platform, ity and additional capabilities. We'll have Edition and Windows Vista Home Pre- Windows Home Server offers partners more information to share in the future. mium are designed to run on personal great opportunities for innovation to ad- If I already have a router and a home net- computers and provide acquisition and dress the needs of the digital home. This work, why would I also need a home management of media, such as TV pro- means that a wide range of applications server? grams, music, and photos. Windows Home and tools that integrate with and take ad- Server is designed to make managing a vantage of Windows Home Server will be Windows Home Server unleashes the home network, with Windows XP PCs and available. power of your existing home network—it Windows Vista PCs, easier and more allows you to protect, connect, and organ- Is it hard to set up? automatic. It does this by acting as a cen- ize your photos, movies, music, and more. tralized place for storage, enabling remote No. Windows Home Server is easy to set It lets you remotely access your informa- access and providing automated backup up and configure from any PC in the tion and your home computers anytime, for all PCs in house. house, using the Windows Home Server anywhere, while easily and securely shar- Console. You will need to simply plug in ing files with friends and family. How can independent software vendors the power and connect Windows Home (ISVs) work with Windows Home Server? How is Windows Home Server better than Server to the broadband router, and then home Network Attached Storage (NAS) As a software platform, Windows Home install the Windows Home Server Connec- products? Server will offer software partners tremen- tor software from a CD onto each PC you dous opportunities to build innovative wish to automatically backup every night to Windows Home Server provides unprece- products that meet the needs of the digital your home server. dented simplicity for home users and it home. We expect that a wide range of was designed to solve problems for house- How can I access my files when I'm not at third-party applications will emerge, such holds with multiple PCs. home? as virus and malware protection, media More than just storage, Windows Home sharing, and home security and automa- You can access Windows Home Server Server uniquely provides pre-defined tion. and your home PCs through a personal- shared folders, such as "Music" or ized Windows Live Internet address that "Photos" making it easier to organize and Volume 32 Issue 8 Page 9 This Month in Computer History

his month in Computer History is Cyberspace"" Published" October 24, 1922 - Werner Buchholz was T an exhibit at the Computer History October 11, 1887 - Comptometer Inventor born Museum. Some of the important dates Receives Patent. October 26, 1960 - Saga, a silent shoot- for the month of October that you can October 12, 1988 - Steve Jobs Introduces em-up Western playlet made on the TX-0 look up on the site are: NeXTComputer. computer, was run on CBS' special for October 13, 1915 - Computer Pioneer MIT's 100th anniversary Burks is Born. October 27, 1980 - The first major network October 1, 1954 - IBM Announces Model October 14, 1957 - British Computer Soci- crash, the four-hour collapse of the ARPA- 705 Computer. ety is Founded NET, occurred. October 2, 1955 - ENIAC Computer Re- October 15, 1956 - First FORTRAN Refer- October 28, 1937 - Microprocessor Co- tired. ence Manual is Released Inventor Hoff is Born October 3, 1950 - Transistor Inventors Re- October 16, 1958 - CDC Introduces 1604 October 28, 1955 - Bill Gates, cofounder ceive Patent. Computer. and CEO of Microsoft Corporation, was October 4, 1903 - Computer Pioneer October 17, 1994 - IBM Cuts Back Per- born Atanasoff is Born. sonal Computer Line October 29, 1878 - Willigot T. Odhner was October 5, 1996 - Supercomputer Pioneer October 18, 1993 - DEC Announces Micro- granted a patent for a calculating machine Cray Dies in Auto Accident. VAX System. that performed multiplications by repeated October 6, 1983 - Lotus Development October 19, 1948 - NBS Authorizes SWAC additions Goes Public. Project. October 30, 1945 - The first conference on October 7, 1988 - The Computer Bowl Be- October 21, 1949 - An Wang filed a patent Digital Computer Technique was held at gins. for a magnetic ferrite core memory MIT October 8, 1996 - Special U.S. Stamp October 22, 1941 - Microprocessor Co- October 30, 1907 - John Mauchly Born Commemorates ENIAC. Inventor Mazor is Born October 31, 1945 - The first conference on October 9, 1947 - BINAC Computer To Be October 23, 1963 - The first AED program Digital Computer Technique was held at Built. was compiled in a compatible time-sharing MIT October 10, 1995 - """A Day in the Life of system www.computerhistory.org/tdih/

Do you SUDOKU?

Answer to the Sept. Puzzle

Page 10 October 2007 The Deals Guy by Bob “The Cheapskate” Click Greater Orlando Computer User

*Feedback *Emergency ID And Medical Informa- you can order it on their Web site using your heard from several readers who said credit card. I think this product is a great I they have been successfully traveling What if you were traveling and became value. with only a “special” flash drive for some involved in an accident leaving you inca- time. I hadn’t seen a review on this, or pacitated! How would an ambulance *Be Aware read about it as a meeting presentation medic and ER facility know how to cor- last year if they were available? I read a rectly treat you if your medical condition If you are interested in either of the prod- lot, especially the UG newsletters I get. I was special, or you had preferences? In ucts below, be sure to do your homework only learned about the USB U3 drives last my case, I’m diabetic and now take Cou- and check their Web site for further infor- spring when I purchased a San Disk Flash madin (blood thinner) so it would be im- mation because I edited a lot of informa- Drive that I thought was a bargain. When I portant for the medic to know that. Identifi- tion out of them to make them fit. I have plugged it into the USB port just to take a cation Devices L.L.C. offers a compact not tried either product. look, I thought it was installing something USB Flash drive to hold vital information on my HD. I was upset and wanted to that could help a medic make the right *Hope My Wife Doesn’t Use This Re- know what was going on without my per- decisions. Wear it around your neck, or mote Control Stuff On Me! mission. Then I read the enclosed folder even put it on your key chain so a medic about the software preinstalled on that can see it (the Medical logo is on one Anyplace Control Software released ver- “U3” drive, and other software available side) when examining you, and can then sion 4.0 of Anyplace Control, an acknowl- on their Web site for it. I was confused plug it into the USB port on their laptop. edged remote monitoring solution. The and tried unsuccessfully to learn more Instantly, it gives the default choice to new version extends the frontiers of re- about it. Around the first of the year was open your information screen. That in- mote control and now can bypass routers the first I read a review, but without under- stantly brings to their computer screen a and firewalls, as well as support PCs with standing it, I was still confused. Last form with your necessary medical and dynamic IPs. month I included the article about that other information, along with your picture. topic because I know I’m not the only per- You simply type in all the necessary infor- Anyplace Control displays the desktop of son behind on new technology knowl- mation yourself, no complicated instruc- the remote computer, letting you use your edge. tion to follow, just fill in the labeled blanks. own keyboard and mouse to control it re- motely. At any point in time, and to any *Lets Look At The Pluses! The company sent me one to try and I place in the world that has Internet con- was impressed with how easy it was to nection, you can monitor your PC and get I reviewed Microsoft Money a few years use and type in the necessary data. The data transferred to or from it. The program ago and started actually using it when my data includes your personal information can be used in a LAN, and it doesn't need favorite money program, “Managing Your with emergency phone numbers for a Web connection. Anyplace Control can Money,” turned to providing software for whomever you designate, and your doc- connect to multiple computers at a time. banks. I have differences with some Mi- tors, drugs, important medical warnings (if With Anyplace Control, you will get the crosoft policies, such as Genuine Advan- necessary), your insurance companies smoothest remote connection experience tage, and their product activation process, and also your attorney information. There along with full control over the system but when it comes to MS Money; that tech is a spot for your picture in the upper cor- without an external static IP address. An- support is the best in the business. Each ner, and even a way to load PDF files for other good thing is that the program can version I have used came with three years important documents such as a living will, automatically bypass routers and firewalls of support via an 800 number. They try power of attorney, your own personal in- that lie between the remote computer and hard to answer your questions and do not structions and other important documents your machine. speak broken English. So far, I’ve talked if you want them there. I was impressed to tech support in Newfoundland three that most of the blanks in the form could You no longer need to spend time sending times, and they have resolved my ques- be expanded to a larger space by double- files via e-mail because it's easier to trans- tions, followed by an e-mail thanking me clicking them to insert additional informa- fer them directly. The program can trans- for using MS Money and saying that if the tion, such as additional doctors, medica- fer any kind of data, and you can be sure issue was still not resolved, they are there tions and other vital information. It can be that the information you send will be deliv- to clear it up. The phone waiting time has password protected if you desire, but I ered immediately with no response delay. never been long. What a great value for a wouldn’t want that. The MSRP is $24.95 + Home users can use the program to get product that costs so little. There are $4.95 S & H. access to their office computers and work things I would like to see improved; such from home, or check their own PC while as when I back it up before closing the They are offering DealsGuy readers a away from home. program, it doesn’t limit the number of $2.50 discount, but only if you call 1-866- backups on my external USB flash drive, 955-0535 to order and mention the but that’s a minor problem. DealsGuy column. Larger orders can get (Continued on page 11) a better discount. Ignoring the discount, Volume 32 Issue 8 Page 11 The Deals Guy (cont.)

(Continued from page 10) portunity to control FDM remotely, via the *A Freebie For Managing Your Internet. Another new feature, portable Anyplace Control runs under all versions Downloads mode, will be especially appreciated by of Microsoft Windows and costs $22 users who want to always have the pro- (USD) for a single-user license. Licensed FreeDownloadManager.org announced gram close at hand. They can easily cre- customers are entitled to free technical the release of a new version of their Free ate FDM portable version and enjoy the support and upgrades. More information Download Manager. The list of FDM fea- software on every computer without an- on Anyplace Control, as well as a free trial tures includes accelerating downloads up other installation. copy is available free of charge from to 600%, resuming broken downloads, . simultaneous downloading from several For more information on FDM, visit the mirrors, http/https/ftp/bittorrent support, product web site: count. Please contact me at version and more. FDM 2.5 is released Download link: your group to get the dis- source software. count.” (DealsGuy comment: take a close That's it for this month. I’ll have more new look at their refund policy and the dis- The new version of Free Download Man- product announcements on my Web site count!”). ager stands out due to its expanded pos- (most not offering a discount). Meet me sibilities. Now, FDM works as an upload here again next month if your editor per- Regards, manager as well, making it easy to share mits. This column is written to make user Goncharuk Yuriy files with other people. FDM now allows group members aware of special offers or Chief Executive Officer downloading files using Bittorrent protocol, freebies I have found or arranged, and my [email protected] as well as downloading video from video comments should not be interpreted to sites, such as YouTube, Google Video, encourage, or discourage, the purchase of Direct download link: (2.7 Mb) one of more of the popular video formats. . Visit my The FDM Team has also added more Web site at . flexibility to the software providing an op- Miami Valley Computing Societies Fall Joint Meeting hursday, September 27, 2007 using the web. This is a dinner meeting so reservations T at the David H. Ponitz Center, are required. The dinner cost is $25 per Sinclair Community College This presentation will provide an overview person which includes parking in the ga- of web 2.0, organized by the 7 original rage under the Ponitz Center. The Chef’s What is Web 2.0 and What it Means for “memes” that appeared in the article by Tim Choice Buffet consists of: Salads, 2 En- Business O’Reilly (of O’Reilly media), in which he trées, choice of vegetable, Assorted breads applied the web 2.0 label to a collection of and rolls, coffee, tea or iced tea & chef's “Like many important concepts, Web 2.0 trends he observed. Particular focus will be sweet table. doesn't have a hard boundary, but rather, a given to the design of products in the web Reservations due by Monday September gravitational core. You can visualize Web 2.0 world as well as how web 2.0 is mani- 24, 2007. Download the reservation form 2.0 as a set of principles and practices that festing itself in the enterprise. at http://www.soasist.org/mvcs/2006.html tie together a veritable solar system of web

sites that demonstrate some or all of those Presented by Dr. Rich Miller, LexisNexis principles, at a varying distance from that New Technology Group core.” The 7 Memes of Web 2.0: - The Web as a Platform Web 2.0 refers to a wide range of emerging - Harnessing Collective Intelligence technologies and user behaviors, and has - Data is the Next Intel Inside been referred to as the “participatory web,” - End of the Software Release Cycle the “read/write web,” and the foundation for - Lightweight Programming Models the “you” era. Web 2.0 has given rise to a - Software Above the Level of a Single Renaissance of activity, enabled by greater Device bandwidth, the maturation of technologies, -Rich User Experiences

and the creativity of people creating and Page 12 October 2007

Cytog's Pilgrimage to Quakecon: The Team Waffle Train Collectors Edition

By Eric “Cytog” Beavers et's see now, has it been almost 2 being able to afford it. Based on my past LANOhio L years now that I have been doing the experiences, including a road trip to Texas LANOhio thing? LANOhio is a small group when I was 18, I had a pretty good idea of computer enthusiasts from north east what the mental and financial cost would ever tell you that I used to work in sales. Ohio that from time to time get together to be. I kept an eye on the Quakecon website play computer games via a Local Area to be sure as to when they would open I didn't want to try for a world record... Network (LAN). Our clan/guild/team is registration. This turned out to be in known as Team Waffle Train or “]TWT[“ March. A short time before March I got the I told everyone to show up at the one of and is known not for our skill but instead crazy idea to invite others to join me in my our favorite local Waffle Houses on the 1st our constant visits to The Waffle House. journey. of August. The hidden part was I told them What is the draw that makes a person all to be there at 6:30am but really only build a gaming performance computer, One of the key issues us east coast folks needed them to be there by 7:15. Human- pack it up, and drive a certain distance just have is the distance. Dallas is about 1,200 shield was there at 6:35. Bushwhacker to play some computer games? miles one way from Canton, Ohio. Basi- (LanOhio Veteran) and Heywood arrived cally, you can either drive or fly. Two years at 7:10, and Sedriss (LanOhio Veteran) I have known about Quakecon for about 7- ago I took a vacation in Alaska. On the arrived at 7:29am. Sedriss was just in time 8 years now. What is Quakecon? It is an return trip they completely lost my luggage to pay for our breakfast! annual national gathering of computer and it took a week before I saw it again. If I gamers sponsored by software developer would have flown to Quakecon I would As you notice, Sedriss became the whip- Id Software (responsible for the creation of have allowed the same people to handle ping boy of our trip. Every group has to Doom, Wolfenstein 3d, and the Se- my gaming PC. Quality airline services... have at least one person to pick on. Ode ries of games). This year it sported over to our pal Sedriss! 2,700 BYOC (Bring your own computer I chose the American Road Trip. gamers) seats and another 3000+ visitors So we headed up to Enterprise Rent a (daily show pass). The event has always In my haste to continue my planning, I Wreak and picked up our brand new eluded me due to distance and my finan- opened my vehicle to anyone that wanted Dodge Caravan with Stow-and-Go seating. cial resources. My stance was if I ever get to join. Then, I ended up with more than I The total cost of the van came to about the chance, I'll try and make a go of it. I could fit in my Blazer. Fair enough, I 620$. I can absolutely assure you that put- think it was actually around March 2006 thought, I'll just rent a van and be done ting Heywood and Bushwacker in any ve- that I made the decision to attend this with it. Still more folks started asking if hicle will instantly lower the value of said event. At the time however, I just didn't they could join me. Going in the order that vehicle exponentially. We drove all the ve- have the motivation to sign up and make people had contacted and verified with me, hicles to DOA's house to perform the mira- the plans. It was that same year that I at- I filled 5 seats in a 7 passenger van. It tended my first Million Man Lan event broke my heart that I couldn't take anyone (Lousiville, KY) with TWT and experienced else as I felt the trip would be the more the that fun that a large LAN party holds. It merrier. I made my reservations for a room was June of 2006 when we returned from at the Hilton Anatol in April, good move on MML that Heywood (LanOhio Masscot) my part because they sold out for the and Humanshield(LanOhio Staff) started event a short time later. talking to me about the possibility of at- tending the 06 Quakecon event. Halfway between the time we registered and the actual event, I bought a house. Ah Up to that point I had visited the Quake- home ownership, the American dream, con.org site at least once a week. I already and the joys that go with it such as a lawn knew that the event was completely that will not quit growing and that payment Team Waffle Train hits the road with booked. With a heavy heart I explained book from the bank. For a time I worried our author in the driver seat. this to my Team Waffletrain buddies, the that I would not have enough to finance look of disappointment in their eyes was my trip. You see, by purchasing a house, I enough to explain their thoughts. From had gone from live at home rich bachelor cle of packing everything. "We'll make it that point I was determined to go to a to dead broke homeowner bachelor. An- work". Bushwacker drove the van and Quakecon. other issue that came up is that my team gave me a good preview of how he was mates began questioning my choice of going to behave the whole trip. He pulled I had to prepare myself! using a minivan for 5 people, 5 computers, into the driveway with that lovely NO- 5 suitcases, and a partridge in a pear tree. SMOKING sticker in the window sitting just At first, I was thinking that I was all alone I kept saying "We'll make it work" even (Continued on page 13) in the desire to go while simultaneously though I began to have my doubts...did I Volume 32 Issue 8 Page 13

(Continued from page 12) benefit Quakecon. Being that there were The items I tried that caught my interest no issues with my chair the entire event, I included the new Logitech g15 keyboard about 6" from the 3rd cig he had smoked managed to prove that a chair was no (has an orange glow and smaller profile on the way over. problem for a LAN party. Actually, I was then the able to move in and out of the con faster present I'm no saint myself. A quick trip to Walmart than other people because I used my chair model- the night before and $20 got me a roof to carry all my gear. Some poor guy in available rack bag. The van had this nice “idiot- front of me for the registration line had to next proof” sticker installed on the back window make three trips every time the line moved month at stating "The roof is not structurally engi- to keep all his stuff with him. Bestbuy- I neered to hold cargo". 1. I am an engineer will be and 2. my believability-o-meter redlined on If I ever do Quakecon again, I am going to buying that message. So onto the roof I tied my show up around 11am instead of 5:30am. Vendor Central one for chair and suit case. Well, it took us about The line started moving around 9am, I had sure), the 20 minutes...but we pulled it off! All gear my seat by 10am, and was gaming by Solid State Hard Drive Systems (imagine and persons fit in the vehicle. Granted the 10:30am. At 11am I decided to go try and the speed of a 64gb flash drive running tires looked a little stressed, in the words check into the hotel room again. As I your computer, but they cost well over 600 of Heywood "That green e sticker on the walked out the doors into the hall that was $), and 2 new games Shadowrun and back means we can do anything". I never previously crowded, I found that there was Left4Dead. had a doubt in my mind, really... no longer a line nor a wait. Running on about 3 hours of sleep from the long drive, This gamer made some buying deci- We left about 9am with about 20 hours of this didn't make me any feel any more sions at that show... driving ahead of us. I managed to drive jolly. for about 11 hours. HS and BW finished off The showroom also housed the tourney the drive and at 5:30am (central) we rolled I got the room and they moved us out of area and the main stage. This was the first into the parking lot of the Hilton. I tried to the atrium and into the 7th floor of the time that I had seen or heard about the check in, but was told to wait until 1PM. tower. This later proved beneficial because Quakecon quick draw tournament. Basi- Fine, I thought, we'll just go do this Quake- from reading other's posts on the quake- cally, all the names of the attendees are con line con.org message board about the hotel it put in a raffle, If your name is drawn you thing. It has turns out some people in the atrium de- and some been said cided to pull fire alarms. We didn't hear other at- that the any of this in the tower. tendee check in line duke it out for Quakecon I returned to the Con and began to get into in an im- is a right of some Quake Wars: ET. This had to of promptu passage been the most played game at the event. match of much like Not because it was good, but instead be- The Quakecon Line Thing those who cause it was free and massively shared. for a small have waited This was interesting to me as it demon- prize of The Main Stage in line for days at the release of the newest strated how I could get the games I $1k cash. video game consol. Here is what it was for wanted to play at other LANs played. Now, They also me: I sat in my chair for 3 hours staring at Quakecon consists mainly of a massive gave out other prizes as part of these all the others in line either sleeping on the BYOC quick draw events. The first one I went to I floor or passing the time playing some and a was excited about but by the next day I games on a laptop or with cards. What a modest was no longer interested nor cared what long, boring, wait. This is no right of pas- Computer was happening at the main stage because sage, it is merely a test of patience. Technol- it was cutting into my game time and far ogy/ from where I was sitting. As I said, I sat in my chair. Bring your own Gaming chair is against Quakecon rules. I had to Trade I did return daily to the show area as there prove a medical condition in order to bring show. were so many products that I wanted to try my chair. This involved me visiting my doc- The BYOC (Bring Your Own out such as the new MSI gaming laptop. tor and the hospital that had done the MRI BYOC Computer) Gaming area. after I hurt was im- But what about the BYOC? How was my back a pressive, laid out well, and ran perfectly. the gaming? few years My only complaint is the chairs (more on back. I this later). The showroom was OK, I wish Perfect! I have never gamed more at any really feel that more gaming companies would realize LAN in my life. I think I played about 16 that allow- that they have well over 3000 potential Hours of Quakewars on and off, 6 hours of ing people customers in the room next door. Many of TrackMania Nations, 8 Hours of Various to bring them like myself, with well paying technol- Warcraft III mods (Thanks to all the folks their own Finally the line moves! ogy jobs and plans to buy more computer that showed me elemental tower defense, chairs gaming gear. (Continued on page 14) would Page 14 October 2007

(Continued from page 13) such as providing patch files so everyone night and managed to get enough rest to can play the same version a game I am be productive at work the next day. That and the DLF peeps for DOTA), 6 hours of playing. Are you using 1.202 or 1.25a? drive back was tough, and I could hardly Battlefield 2, 4 Hours of Battelfield 2142, 8 sleep. We made it never the less... hours of Quakecon is volunteer run and they must ------Quake4 have had a few good network gurus be- Conclusion: DM, and cause I never saw a network slowdown at yes... the event. MML6 was nearly destroyed by I feel that anyone that plays computer even an an invasion of File Transfer Protocol serv- games should someday experience a hour of ers. I have heard that such things as port Quakecon. It can be a little overwhelm- the origi- blocks and throttling bandwidth can be ing...and some of the attendees are nal Duke done through network devices such as really...umm...strange. I think though, if Nukem switches. As part of their filtering, the net- you keep in mind that it is about the games 3d. Of work admins at Quakecon blocked the Mi- and having fun, you can capture and fully Team Waffle Train course I crosoft Windows Share and allowed the enjoy that which is important. Ground Zero didn't get use of DC++ which can be moderated and to play managed as well on the server-side. This Will I go back next year? I can not say for everything I wanted to, but I'm satisfied sharing without the slowdown fascinates sure at this point. Half of me wants to while with the quantity and quality of my com- me and I am now determined to learn how the other half wants to go other places. I puter play time. I feel that playing/enjoying to do this on my own. am thinking about taking a vacation to To- computer games with my friends is the kyo Japan or Sydney Australia, always most important component of any LAN, At first I was a little annoyed with being wanted to visit one of those places. Don’t especially Quakecon. blocked from using the windows file shar- forget, there is also DreamHack to attend. ing I was used to. After a little while, using It’s weighs in at around 8-9 thousand gam- Back to my story... the DC++ was easier than the MS Widows ers at one location (Sweden) twice a year. method. Best of all, if I was worried that The first day dictated that I needed to go to my bandwidth was taking a hit during a If I do attend another Quakecon, I will be bed early due to the lack of sleep from the serious gaming session all I had to do was using a gaming laptop such as an Alien- marathon drive and at 9PM, against all close the dc++ client. None of the windows ware or Dell XPS and flying (carry-on diehard gamer logic, I did so. “properties”, “click apply”, wait for network, friendly computer). While I don't regret the etc. timesinks that I normally experience awesome time that I had with my LAN At 7:00 am the next day I went and occured. The only downside to DC++ for Ohio buddies... that drive was just too tire- snagged breakfast at Denny's then re- me was the immature computer users that some, stressful, and time intensive for me. turned to my spot at the con. This early continuously spammed the chat room. I have to say that if I didn't have my friends spot in the morning was when the EVGA with me, I doubt I would have survived guys went through and handed out free Friday said drive. I think I will take some time out stuff for EVGA users. Free stuff for me! passed me of my next visit to volunteer some of my For the rest of the day I did nothing but by stupid time for QC whether it be joining the “crimp play games and collect goodies off the fast. I went nation” or helping out with security bag DC++ share. DC++ is a file sharing proto- to bed at check. I will continue to try and convince col that works over internet TCP/IP. It 8PM. I those that run these events to allow us to works by hashing files you want to share woke up, bring our own office chairs in place of Sat- and then connecting to a “hub” server to showered, urday night stacking specials because I broadcast your shares. One of the “interesting” char- and left believe a healthy back is a happy back. acters. the room File sharing is prevalent at all LAN parties the next To my Team: though not necessarily the result or re- morning at sponsibility of those that run these parties. 6am. Saturday was mostly a repeat of Fri- Thank you all for making my first Quake- Not all the sharing is copyright friendly ei- day. I cruised the show again collecting con a memorable event. I appreciated your ther. The LAN idea was built with the in- more freebees, played my games, and donations and was able to make my house tention to streamline business practices by added to my movie collection from the payment even when I got done paying for allowing people to share information over dc++. The highlight of this day was a nice the van and hotel room. CHOO CHOO! a network. An unintended consequence of big game (32+ players) of Battlefield 2 that this was that anything else that could be all of us got involved in which lasted a few Editor’s Note: Eric allowed us to reprint digitized was fair game as well such as hours and maps. Big multiplayer games his original story posted on www.lanihio. music, movies, and software installers. File really take the fun factor of a game to new com. It has been edited somewhat to fit Sharing is not the reason I attend LAN par- heights. our audience. Eric is a former Dayton ties and often such sharing disrupts the Area resident who returns to the area for network (and my gaming) because of the As the day progressed I and my comrades Dayton LANfest and will often show up at mass of information being copied between decided that based on how the drive to Mini-LANs as long as there is time to get computers at any given time. I do use it Texas was, we needed to leave Saturday his favorite Marrions Pizza. nevertheless sometimes to “try before I night. I kind of regret missing Sunday's buy” and more often for legitimate reasons fun, but I did make it home by 8pm Sunday Volume 32 Issue 8 Page 15

Gaming 4 Tristin

t the July Gaming SIG/Mini-LAN hension skills and ability to speak. There A meeting, Dave Peeples (aka Rene- is no cure, just treatments for the seizures. gade!) brought a personal project to the Tristin has been admitted to Children's table. Dave and his wife as well as 2 long Hospital many times for testing and treat- time Dayton LANfest gamers, Cyphis and ment and has also been to the Cleveland TinyElvis, were planning a charitable gam- Clinic. All treatments so far have failed ing event for a severely ill child, Tristin and the medical bills are piling up. There Heiligenberg. Tristin's family is currently is no end in site. being buried in medical bills. Several charitable events have already been held The Kettering Volunteer Firefighters have but the need is still great. Dave asked that set up a fund for Tristin to help with medi- Dayton LANfest, the Dayton Microcom- cal expenses. A run was held to help gen- puter Association, Inc. and Gaming SIG erate funds. Now, Dave has organized a regular attendees help out where possible. gaming event to help with the expenses.

Tristin is 8 years old. He is in the second Gaming for Tristin will be held at VFW grade at J.E. Prass Elementary School in Post 3283 in Huber Heights on October Kettering, Ohio. At 2 weeks of age in Oc- 20, 2007 from 10 am to 10 pm. Evens will tober 1998, he had a stomach disorder be console based so there will be no need called Pyloric, which required surgery. to bring equipment. Entry is $10 in ad- During the recovery, he developed a blood vance and $15 at the door. infection and had to spend Thanksgiving in the hospital. In 1999, Tristin had to have Dave has planned four tournaments for the tubes put into his ears. Then, on Christ- event, Guitar Hero 2, No Limit Texas mas Eve 2000, Tristin was diagnosed with Hold'em, Wii Sports Tennis 2v2, and Halo Childhood Leukemia. Tristin went through 3 2v2. Prizes will be awarded for 1st & chemotherapy from 2000-2004. During his 2nd place Guitar Hero 2, 1st & 2nd place chemotherapy he developed Spinal Menin- team Halo 3, 1st place team Wii Tennis gitis in 2001. The chemotherapy left him and 1st place Texas Hold'em. with learning disabilities and speech de- lays. Tristin has been in remission from The Texas Hold'em tournament will take Childhood Leukemia for 3 years. place on a console gaming rig. Each Syndrome or LKS. The disease attacks player will be given $500 in chips to play Now Tristin has been diagnosed with a the brain, causing him to have multiple with and there will be no opportunity to buy very rare disease called Landau Kleffner seizures daily. He is losing his compre- in. Once the chips are gone, you are out of the tournament. First place goes to the player with the most chips at the end of play.

Activities will be going on the entire day. Any consoles not in use for tournaments will be available for attendee open play. Raffles will also be held with raffle tickets being sold for $2 each or 3 for $5. Sci-Fi movies will be run in a special section the entire time.

Charity food concessions with snacks, pop, hot dogs, sandwiches, chips will be served. All proceeds will go to the event profits.

Raffles will be held at 3:45 pm and 7:00 pm. All paid attendees get one raffle ticket to a special raffle at 7:00 pm.

For more information watch the Gam- ing4Tristin website, www.gaming4tristin. Digital Photography SIG members Dave Lundy and Rufus Walker captured taking pic- com. tures at the RC Air Show held at the Air Force Museum over the Labor Day Weekend Page 16 October 2007 About to Expire Memberships

If you have recently paid your dues, thank you very much. Your name may still appear here because of the time it takes to publish our newsletter.

Expired in August Will expire in September Will expire in October Campion, Kimberly Bacher, James A. Bergman, Phyllis Finley, Jay Carman, Lou Burris, Keith W. Fortenbaugh, Jonathan Detweiler, Philip Davis, Donald G. Groth, Rick Ewing, George Gray, Richard B. Mullins, C. Fred Halliwell, Bernard J. Guest, Ted Roth, Thomas Harlow, David A. Hayes, John R. Hendrix, James A. Jump, N. Gregory Jones, Edward K. March, James Lundy, David L. O'Quinn, David Luneke, Kenneth C. Pfeifer, Robert F. Nielson, Dean Schlensker, Myron Ross, Stewart Schoemann, Steven Small, Donald M. Smith, David M. Thorpe, Tom Wiese, Vernon L.



Campbell, Anthony Foward Sr., Alphonsa McFall, Debra Ernst, Thomas J. McCoy, James L. Ports, Roger L. Vendely, Bill Makrides, Spiros Heidorn, Don

Volume 32 Issue 8 Page 17 Minutes of the Board Meeting—July 9, 2007

Call to Order and Attendance  There was some discussion about by Martin Arbagi VICE PRESIDENT GARY TURNER CALLED THE MEET- “salvaging” non–renewing members. However, ING to order at 7:02 P.M. Trustees present: Martin Glady and Dave Lundy noted that members get no fewer than three e–mail warning notices. Opening on Saturday, July 28, will feature, Arbagi, Jim Bellan (late), Glady Campion, Chuck among other things, a community recycling event, Gelm, John Hargreaves, Dan Tasch, Jim Ullom, Nominations (Vacant) where people can dispose of old electronic equip- Ron Williamitis. Trustee absent: Todd Collins. We need to continue the search for ment. Mike Carr and OTAP have been asked to Officers present: Gary Turner. Visitors: Mike Carr, nominees for the September elections. We’ll have participate in the recycling. Jim Hendrix, Dave Lundy. (Alphabetical order a call for candidates to run for Trustee in the next Updating our Web Pages used throughout.) issue of The DataBus. There was some discus- Officers’ Reports sion about asking the various Special Interest DMA allows members to set up their own Web sites on its server. But many of these PRESIDENT (Vacant) Groups (SIGs) to canvass their members for indi- viduals willing to run for DMA Trustee. Web pages have not been updated or even ac- VICE–PRESIDENT (Gary TURNER) cessed for years, and the sites may belong to Publications (Nancy Christolear) No report. people whose memberships have now expired. No report. Trustees asked Dave Lundy whether any action SECRETARY (Martin ARBAGI) Programs (Jim Ullom) can be taken on this matter. Ron Williamitis moved approval of Software Development Special Interest Group the corrected June Minutes. Seconded by  July’s meeting will feature a presenta- Jim Ullom. Motion passed unanimously. tion by Mike Schwartz, who represents Clearwire Glady Campion and Dale Childs are Communications, a new broad band Internet trying to revive the Software Development SIG. E–Mail Vote provider coming to Dayton. The first meeting will be on Thursday, 12 July, at Between Board meetings, a vote was  For August, we’ll host Matt Hester from 119 Valley Street. No formal motion is needed to taken by electronic mail on approval of a lease for Microsoft. restart a SIG, merely approval by the President or 119 Valley Street. There were some questions, Acting President of DMA. Glady was appointed Jim does not have anyone lined up yet for example, on the matter of whether DMA  as SIG leader for now. would be responsible for the entire building. Trus- for September, but in any case, that meeting will Pizza Special Interest Group tee Glady Campion observed that “119 Valley be dominated by elections for three vacancies on Street” applies only to the portion of the structure the Board of Trustees. Nancy Christolear has requested that ® (basement and ground floor) occupied by DMA. Special Steering Committee Reports we change the place — currently Cici’s Pizza — The apartments on the upper floors are sepa- where we go after meetings. She prefers OTAP and 119 Valley Street (Mike Carr) ® rately numbered as “121 Valley Street.” Once all Marion’s Piazza (not “Pizza”). Nancy was not concerns had been addressed, Glady Campion  We now have a lease on the building from there to defend her choice, but Glady Campion moved approval of the lease. Seconded by the new owners. Their presence is more visible, observed that the nearest Marion’s is six miles Gary Turner. Trustees voted to approve the as repairs and upgrades to the building have from our current meeting place. While there was lease, with the exception of Martin Arbagi, commenced. much discussion, no decision was made. who was vacationing abroad at the time.  OTAP took in about $2500. Volunteer of the Month TREASURER (CHUCK GELM)  We’ve made progress in discarding unus- Jim Bellan moved that Nancy Chris- Chuck passed out the financial report able electronic components — notably, computer tolear be named as Volunteer of the Month, for the month. We had a loss for the period. Pay- keyboards — and have caught up with classifying for taking on the editorship of The DataBus. ment of two months’ rent and purchase of a new donated hardware. Seconded by Ron Williamitis. Passed unani- digital projector temporarily increased expenses.  OTAP held its first “Tech-Assist” computer mously. th Standing Committee Reports (in alphabetical clinic on Saturday, the 7 . Good of the Order order)  The owner of the tattoo parlor next door to A number of Trustees congratulated Audit (Vacant) us is agreeable to our using his basement, for the meeting Chairman Gary Turner and themselves moment, as storage space. on finishing by 8:30 P.M. This orgy of self– This committee, although required by congratulation stopped when someone pointed the By–Laws, is currently inactive. Wireless Dayton Days (Glady Campion, in the absence of Peter Hess) out that it was 8:28, and that if we continued, the Funding (Vacant) meeting would run after 8:30! Harbor Link Communications, has not This committee, although required by been able to secure a contract with the Dayton Adjournment the By–Laws, is currently inactive. City Commission. The wireless zone downtown is Ron Williamitis moved and Jim Ul- Membership (Glady Campion) not being extended beyond downtown. lom seconded adjournment at 8:30 P.M. Mo-  Our membership stands currently at 216 Old Business tion passed unanimously. Regular Members, 7 Associate Members, 3 Stu- Hara Arena Respectfully Submitted, dent Members, and 2 Life Members. No progress. MARTIN ARBAGI, Secretary  There have been 12 renewals and 2 new members have joined. New Business MacTown  Approximately 70 people attended June’s joint General Membership meeting, 30 from MacTown, a local dealer for Apple® NASAC and 40 from DMA. computers, is moving to a new location. Its Grand Page 18 October 2007 Minutes of the Board Meeting—Aug 6, 2007

Call to Order three Trustees. By Gladith Campion for Martin Arbagi --October and November have not been Vice President Gary Turner called the booked yet. Wireless Dayton Days -- Peter Hess ab- meeting to order at 7:01pm. Trustees pre- --December is reserved for our Holiday Din- sent sent: Martin Arbagi, Glady Campion, Todd ner. Jim Ullom volunteered to make the Glady said that Peter did not have any Collins, Chuck Gelm, John Hargreaves, Jim arrangements again this year. news to report for the month. Ullom, Ron Williamitis. Absent: Jim Bellan, --Todd Collins suggested Microsoft's Home Dan Tasch. Server as a topic for a future meeting. DaytonLANfest -- David Neely absent Officers present: Gary Turner. --David Peoples volunteered to co-chair the Visitors present: Mike Carr. Fundraising -- Vacant next DLF event. Chuck Gelm would like to do a survey of --David Peoples is also asking DLF for help Officers' Reports the interests of the membership and report with a benefit gaming event he is planning the results in the newsletter. He would also for a sick child named Tristan. President -- Vacant like to see statistics on SIG attendance re- --Jeremiah Ilges is asking DLF for help with No Report ported in the newsletter. a Halo launch event he is planning.

Vice President -- Gary Turner Audit -- Vacant Old Business Ed Jones has filed our form-990 tax return. No report. Computer Museum Secretary -- Martin Arbagi Special Committees Gary Ganger showed a sampling of his Computer Museum at the Vectren Dayton --July and August minutes will be presented Nominating -- Vacant Air Show in July. His display was part of the for approval at our September meeting. No report. SOAR and Aviation Adventures educational --A vote on the approval of a one-year events. Gary Turner and Glady Campion lease for 119 Valley was taken by phone by Steering Committees helped with the display. Glady Campion. Glady moved that the lease be accepted and that Gary Turner be 119 Valley and OTAP -- Mike Carr Pizza SIG asked to sign for the Board. Seven trus- --MacTown held its Grand Opening and There was some discussion on the choice tees voted in favor. Martin Arbagi was out Recycling event on July 28. Mike took a of local pizza restaurants for after the Gen- of the country on vacation and could not be crew of six, including Dan Forshaw, Winn eral Membership meeting. reached, and John Hargreaves did not Rollert, and three Sinclair interns. vote. --Our membership with McMRF, the Mont- Hara Complex gomery County Material Reuse Facility, is Board members have no problem with the Treasurer -- Chuck Gelm about to expire. Mike recommends we not wording of a letter to Hara that was pre- Chuck presented the monthly financial renew. Items we accept from McMRF are pared by Jim Bellan. statement. not to be sold and would need to be care- fully accounted for. We could easily join New Business Standing Committees again when the need arises. --Our rebate for the DMA projector arrived. September Trustees meeting Membership -- Glady Campion --An eMac donated recently has been Our next meeting is scheduled for Septem- DMA currently has 217 regular, 7 associ- checked out and added to the network of ber 3, which is Labor Day. Ron Williamitis ate, 3 student, 2 life members, for a total of computers in the main room at 119 Valley moved the meeting be postponed a week 229. Attendance at the July General Mem- for use by DMA members. to September 10. Todd Collins seconded bership meeting was about 58. --A scanner/printer was also added to the the motion and it passed unanimously. network in the main room, allowing mem- Publications -- Nancy Christolear was ab- bers to scan slides and print photos and Volunteer of the Month sent. Nancy emailed the Board a request transparencies. Wynn Rollert was nominated as volunteer for articles. Glady Campion was asked to --Our landlord is changing the locks to 121 of the month for the helping OTAP with the write the Boardroom Banter column for the Valley, the apartments above us. They will MacTown recycling event. August newsletter. The Vice President, give Mike a key so he has access to our Treasurer, Membership chair, Programs electric meter. Adjourned around 8:30. chair and OTAP Manager were asked to --Interns sent to OTAP from Sinclair Com- prepare reports concerning their posts dur- munity College have worked out well and Respectfully Submitted, ing this past year for publishing in the Sep- we expect to try the program again this fall. tember newsletter. Gladith Campion Ron Williamitis reported that he has not Programs -- Jim Ullom had time this past month to do much on --August will be a visit from Matt Hester and locating a new building for OTAP, but will Bill Steele of Microsoft. continue his efforts. --September will be a presentation on the state of the organization and elections of Volume 32 Issue 8 DMA® Membership Application/Renewal Page 19 PLEASE ALLOW UP to THREE WEEKS FO R APPLICATION PROCESSING and INTERNET SET-UP

Name: ______Birth date:_____/_____/_____ mo. day yr. Associate Name: ______Birth date:_____/_____/_____ mo. day yr. Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip: ______-______

Phone: (Home) (______) ______-______Phone: (Work) (______) ______-______x______

I wish to have my name and address published in the club roster: YES [ ] NO [ ] E-mail address ______

Name of DMA® member who recruited me: ______(only new regular memberships)

Current or recent DMA® Member: Yes [ ] No [ ] Change of Address Only [ ] Today's date: _____/_____/_____

Membership number (from your DataBus mailing label) ______Type of Membership Application is for: New Membership [ ] Membership Renewal [ ] Associate Membership* [ ] If applying for free student membership, please give school name and student ID number: Available only for students under 22 years old. School Name: ______Student ID#: ______* A family associate membership is an additional membership for a member of your immediate family that is living in the member's household. If this is a family associate membership, give name of regular member: ______

Dues/Fees (Dues and Fees are subject to change without prior notice) [ ] Cash [ ] Check Membership (one year - New or Renewal) 1.) [ ] $25 Check Family Associate Membership (must live at same address as regular member) 2.) [ ] $12.50 #______Free* Student Membership 3.) [ ] FREE *for students under 22 yrs of age Please assign me a user ID for E-mail and Usenet news access 4.) [ ] $10 one-time setup fee for new accounts. Total - - - Lines (1 and 2) (+4 if checked) 5 .) $______

Make your check payable to Dayton Microcomputer Association, Inc. DMA®, then send the check and application to: ------>PO Box 340402 Beavercreek, OH 45434-0402

DMA® Use only: Membership # ______Exp. Date: ____/____/____ Processed by: ______REV: 10 Jul 07

Friends of DMA The “Friends of DMA” program is being established to facilitate direct contri- Become a Friend of DMA and contribute to the support of our organization. butions from both groups and individuals to help cover expenses and opportu- You may contribute any amount to the General Fund or designate your contri- nities. DMA will gratefully accept any amount you or your business can afford. bution to a specific target need. All contributions will be acknowledged with a signed receipt certificate. All contributions made to “Friends of DMA” are tax deductible: 501(c)(3) . DMA was founded on the principle of keeping membership fees as low as pos- Enclosed is my (our) contribution in the amount of: sible in order to allow all those wishing to join, participate, and share in the ( ) $25 ( ) $50 ( ) $100 ( ) $250 ( ) $500 many benefits and rewards that membership provides. The desired target of this donation is: ( ) General Fund – Allocate to most needed area within DMA In spite of decreasing sponsor donations, the expenses of DMA do continue ( ) Hardware and On Line Services – Allocate to help the DMA infrastructure and shortfalls must be realized from sources such as membership dues and ( ) Administrative – Dues Assistance, Administrative, Publications and sup- direct contributions such as the Friends of DMA Program. plies ( ) Other:

DMA® Events for September 23 - October 27, 2007 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sep 23 Sep 24 Sep 25 Sep 26 Sep 27 Sep 28 Sep 29 Main Meeting Hands-On SIG Annual Fall Joint Ohio LinuxFest 6:30pm Valley M.V.C.S. Mtg. All day Columbus 7:00pm 5367 5:30 pm S.C.C. Fishburg Rd., Convention Center Digital Photo SIG Huber Heights 7:00pm 225 Allyn DLF mini-LAN Hall, W.S.U. 4pm - 4pm next day Valley St. Sep 30 Oct 1 Oct 2 Oct 3 Oct 4 Oct 5 Oct 6 Board of Amateur Radio Genealogy SIG 9am-5pm OTAP Trustees SIG 7:00pm Valley 10 am - 4 pm S... 7:00pm Valley 7:00pm Valley Classic Comput- ers 3pm 7875 Kessl... Oct 7 Oct 8 Oct 9 Oct 10 Oct 11 Oct 12 Oct 13 Columbus Day Hands-On SIG Perl Mongers Software Devel- 9am-5pm OTAP (Observed) 7:00pm Valley 7:00pm Valley opment SIG 7:00pm Valley

Oct 14 Oct 15 Oct 16 Oct 17 Oct 18 Oct 19 Oct 20 Apple SIG Linux SIG 9am-5pm OTAP 7:00pm Huber 7:00pm WSU Classic Heights Athletic Computers Ctr, 5367 Fishburg 3pm 7875 Kessler- Frederick, Tipp City Oct 21 Oct 22 Oct 23 Oct 24 Oct 25 Oct 26 Oct 27 Hands-On SIG Digital Photo SIG 9am-5pm OTAP 6:30pm Valley 7:00pm 240 Allyn DLF mini-LAN Hall 4pm - 4pm next day Valley St.

Remember: • September 25 “Annual General Membership Meeting, Election of Trustees” Member • Send membership applications & renewals to: PO Box 340402, Beavercreek, OH 45434-0402

Association of Personal Computer User Groups TM

Dayton Microcomputer Association, Inc. Nonprofit PO Box 340402 Organization Beavercreek OH 45434-0402 U.S. Postage Pd Dayton OH Permit No 984

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