From… Hidden “Cheat Sheet” card-sized (cut out and fold in the middle)

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Dairy Ingredients and Hidden Dairy Ingredients that MAY contain : Artificial flavor, Butter, Butter , , Chocolate, Flavorings (natural or artificial), High protein Butter oil, , Caseinates (ammonia, , flour, Hot Dogs, Luncheon , , Simplesse, magnesium, potassium, sodium), , Cottage Sausage, Starter Distillate. cheese, , , Custard, , ’s milk, Avoid "deli" , because the slicers frequently are used Half & half, Hydrolysates (casein, milk protein, protein, to cut both meat and cheese products. Also, some deli , ), , Koumiss, Lactalbumin, meats contain dairy products. Lactalbumin , Lactoglobulin, , Lactulose, Milk (condensed, derivative, powder, dry, Kosher labeling: A product label marked Parve or evaporated, low fat, malted, non fat, protein, skim, solids, Pareve is certified dairy-free. A product with a circled whole), Milkfat, Nougat, Paneer, , “U” on the label (with NO other symbols or letters) is casein, , Sour cream solids, Sour milk solids, Parve. A "D" or "DE" on a product label next to a circled Whey (in any form including delactosed, demineralized, "K" or circled "U" may indicate the presence of milk protein concentrate, sweet), protein. —