Zakon ošportu Ministry of Science, Education and Sports and Education Science, of Ministry Republic of Croatia of Republic Republika Hrvatska Sports Act Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i športa SPORTS ACT Republic of Croatia Ministry of Science, Education and Sports mministarstvoinistarstvo ZZAKONAKON O SSPORTUPORTU EENG.1NG.1 1 001.08.20071.08.2007 009:58:539:58:53 SPORTS ACT Publisher: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports RC For the Publisher: Prof. Dragan Primorac, M.D., Ph.D, Minister Editing: Ivan Milanović Litre, B.A., theol., Advisor to the Minister Sara-Sanela Butorac, LL.M., Assistant Minister Željko Klarić, LL.M., Assistant Minister Dražen Harasin, M.Sc. Daria Arlavi, B.A., econ. Translator: Prof. Marko Maras Language Editing: Hrvoje Pavletić, B.A., pol., Associate, Minister’s Offi ce Lecta d.o.o. Layout: Studio 2M Printing: Gipa Circulation: 3000 Zagreb, January 2007 CIP zapis dostupan u računalnom katalogu Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice u Zagrebu pod brojem 621862 Ministry of Science, Education and Sports Trg hrvatskih velikana 6, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Phone: +385 (0) 1 4569 000 Fax: +385 (0) 1 4569 099 Email:
[email protected] URL: ISBN 953-6569-28-0 mministarstvoinistarstvo ZZAKONAKON O SSPORTUPORTU EENG.2NG.2 2 001.08.20071.08.2007 009:58:549:58:54 SPORTS ACT Zagreb, January 2007 mministarstvoinistarstvo ZZAKONAKON O SSPORTUPORTU EENG.3NG.3 3 001.08.20071.08.2007 009:58:549:58:54 mministarstvoinistarstvo ZZAKONAKON O SSPORTUPORTU EENG.Sec3:4NG.Sec3:4 SSec3:4ec3:4 001.08.20071.08.2007 009:58:549:58:54 Introduction I am delighted to present the Sports Act, which we can rightly call “long anticipated.” The need for its adoption was great.