ZDESTRICE Mr-$0.76 Plus Postage HC Not Available from EDRS
.DOCUMENT RESUME ED 117.052 SP 009 748 TITLE Selected Probleis'in Sports Safety. INSTITUTIOW American Alliance for Health, Physical Eduation, and Recreation, Washington, D.C. PUB DATE 75 NOTE. 93p. AVAILABLE FROM AAHPER PublicationsIsales, 1201 Sixteenth Street, .W., WashingtoA, `D.C. 20016 (No price quoted) )gh, ZDESTRICE Mr-$0.76 Plus Postage HC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS ° *Accident-Prevention; Athletib Equipment; *Athletics; Facility Requirements; Injuries; *Legal Responsibility; Medical Treatment; Physical Education Facilities; *Recreational Activities; *Safety; Superviiors . ABSTRACT This publication, covering a broad spectrum of sports safety problems, is designed as a- source of information' for those who plan, organize, admit4ster, or evaluate various physical education and recreational activities,,athletics, or sports. In the first section, the prevention of sports injury is stressed with attention to different age'groUps and sexes. Some of the topics discussed are unsafe acts,-qualified supervisors, effectiveness of injury control factors, safe equipment, maintenance of surfaces andfacilities, enforcement of rules, and the acceptance of degrees of tisk. The second section deals with preconditioning, equipment, training, supervision, and specific safety criteria in skiing, trampolining, skin and scuba 'diving, and boating. The topic of.the third section es athletic training and emergency care. This section includes discussions of athletic facility safety, medical practices in sports, and emergency care practices for spectators at athletic and sports events. The fourth section discusses the legal liability of physical educators.with regard to curriculum and negligence, the school's and coach's legal responsibilities in athletics, the -legal rights and . responsibilities of team physicians, the legal aspects of adult physical fitnesS programs, and exemptions from civil liability for physical.educators while giving eiergency care.
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