Salvia Officinalis و Phlomis Samia وحأثٍشهب ػهى َشبؽ انغذة انذسلٍت و األؼػبء راث انؼاللت

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Salvia Officinalis و Phlomis Samia وحأثٍشهب ػهى َشبؽ انغذة انذسلٍت و األؼػبء راث انؼاللت انخظبئض ان ؼًبدة نهخأكسذ ن ًشخمبث انُبخخ ٍ ٍ انطبٍخ ٍ ٍ انجضائشٌخ ٍ ٍ Salvia officinalis و Phlomis samia وحأثٍشهب ػهى َشبؽ انغذة انذسلٍت و اﻷؼػبء راث انؼﻻلت انس ُت انجبيؼ ٍت 2008-2009 و ان ًحخىٌبث VI IX... X .. 1 3 I 1ان ـذة انذسقٛت 3 3 1 1 3 2 1 3 2 4 1 2 4 4 . 5 . 6 . 2 2 7 . 3 2 8 .. 4 2 9 .. 5 2 9 . .. 6 2 9 . 10 I 10 10 11 Propylthioracyl (PTU) 11 iodides 11 11 12 12 12 ………………………………………. 13 II 13 1-II 13 1 13 2 14 3 15 2-II 15 1 15 1 1 16 16 2 1 16 3 1 16 1.3 1 17 2.3 1 18 3 3 1 19 4 3 1 II 20 5 3 1 20 ....... NAD(P)H oxydase 6 . 3 -1 20 Xanthine oxidase 7. 3 -1 21 4 1 21 1 4 1 22 2 4 1 23 ADN 3 4 1 24 4 4 1 24 2 25 1 2 25 superoxide dimutase (SOD) 26 catalase enzyme (CAT) 26 Glutathione peroxidase 28 2 2 28 1 2 2 29 2 2 2 29 E 3 2 2 29 C 4 2 2 30 5 2 2 30 6 2 2 33 Glutathione(GSH) 34 34 ...Thioredoxine 34 III 35 37 III 37 1 37 2 37 3 40 4 41 5 41 6 41 7 42 8 42 9 44 Phlomis samia IV 44 1 46 2 46 3 48 4 50 50 55 60 انذساست ا ﻻ دظبئٛت. .... ............ 79 85 152 185 IV 187 209 207 I I V (1.1-diphenyl 2-picril-hydrazyl) 2 1 1 DPPH catalase CAT Deciliter dl Degre celcus C° Deoxyribonucleic acid DNA Glutathione peroxidase GSH-Px Gram g Heamoglobin Hb High density lipoprotein cholesterol HDL Cholesterol Cholesterol Intraperitonial i-p Kilogram Kg liter L Lower density lipoprotein LDL Cholesterol Cholesterol Microgram µg Micromol µmol Milligram mg VI Milliter ml Millimolar mM Millimol mmol Molar M Myeloperoxidase MPO Non-protein sulfhydryl NPSH Sulfahydryl Opticaldensity of standard ODstand Optical density of test ODtest Percent % Per.Os p-o Reactive Nitrogen species RNS Reactive Oxygen species ROS Reduced glutathione GSH Sulfhydryl SH Superoxide dismutase SOD Tetraiodthyronine(thyroxine) T4 Triiodothyronine T3 Thyroid peroxidase TPO Thyroid stimulating autoantibodies TSHBs Thyroid stimulating recepters TSHr VII Thyroid stimulating hormone (thyrotrophine) TSH Total thiobarbituric acid TBARs Type 1 iodothyronine deiodenase D1 Unit U Volum V Weight W Liver weight Lgh Haert weight Hgh Kideny weight Kgh VIII .................................................................7 1 2 اﻻ َ ٕاع اﻻكغ ٛج ُٛ ٛت انُشـت 15................................................................................... 16............................................... SOD 3 25................................................... Natural antioxidants 4 26................................................ )SOD( 5 ........................................................................40 6 7 SOME ٔان ًغخخهض انًبئ ٗ SOI 41............................................................. 47....................................................... P. bovei 8 85.................................................................................... 9 10 ...........................................................................................91 P. bovei .S.officinalis IX )1(يظٓش ٔيكب ٌ ح ػٕغ ان ـذة انذسقٛت..........................................................................................3 )2( يشا د م انخخه ٛق ان ذ ٛ ٕ ٘ نه ٓشي َٕبث انذسقٛت..........................................................................6 )3( يٛخبب ٕنٛضو T4 ٔ َ ٕاحج ّ اﻻعخقﻻبٛت ……….……...…..…………...…................................. 8 )4( اﻹجٓبد انخبكغذ ٖ..................................................................................................................14 )5( ي ٕاقغ حشك م انجزٔس انذشة ػبش يؼقذاث انغهغهت انخُفغٛت..........................................................17 21.............…..........……………….……..........…… 6 ؿ 7بؼٛت انخ ـٛشاث انخ ٙ انخ ٙ ح ظ ٛب اﻷ دًب ع اﻻو َٛ٘ت نهغﻻع م انجبَبٛت نهبشٔح ٛ ٍ بؼذ ْج ٕو انجزٔس انذشة...................................................................................................................................22 )8( ح ٓهكت جضٚئت انـ ADN..........................................................................................................23 9 بؼ غ انٛبث انخأثٛش نه ُظبو ان ؼًبد نهخأكغذ...............................................................................27 29..................................................................................α-tocophérol 10 30.............................................................. C 11 )12( انب ُٛت اﻷعبعٛت نهفﻻف ٕ َ ٕ ٚذاث.............................................................................................31 )13( ب ُٛت انـ Quercetin.........................................................................................................31 )14( أقغبو انفﻻف ٕ َ ٕ ٚذاث..........................................................................................................33 )15( ط ٕس ف ٕح ؿٕشافٛت نُببث Salvia officinalis...................................................................39 )16( ط ٕس ف ٕح ؿٕشافٛت نُببث Phlomis samia ......................................................................45 )17( بؼ غ ان ًك َٕبث انك ًٛبئٛت نُببث Phlomis samia ............................................................46 18 ان ظ ؾٛ انك ًٛبئٛت نبؼ غ ان ًك َٕبث.......................................................................................47 19 يشا د م ػ ًهٛت اﻻعخخﻻص............................................................................................... 61 20 ان ً ُ ذ ُ ٗ انقٛبع ٙ نهـ rutineٔ quercetine ..................................................................... 63 ػٕ ٚ 21خ ان ً ُ ذ ُ ٗ انقٛبع ٙ ن ذ ً غ انـبن ٛك ............................................................................ 64 22 ان ً ُ ذ ُ ٗ انقٛبع ٙ نهـ BHT ............................................................................................. 66 23 حك ٕ ٌ انجغ ٕس ي ٍ َ ٕع MDA-TBA.............................................................................. 77 24 ان ً ُ ذ ُ ٗ انقٛبع ٙ نهـ MDA.............................................................................................. 79 25 ان ً ُ ذ ُ ٗ انقٛبع ٙ نهجهخبث glutathione ٌ ٕ ٛ ان ًخخضل (GSH)............................................ 82 X )A )26 ك ًٛت ػذ ٚذاث انف ٛ ُ ٕل انكهٛت ف ٙ ان ًغخخه ظ ٛ ٍ انُببح ٛ ٛ ٍ يهؾ يكبفئ ن ذ ً غ انـبن ٛك /ؽ ي ٍ انٕص ٌ انجبف. ........................................................................................... 86 B ك ًٛت انفﻻف ٕ َ ٕ ٚذاث يهؾ يكبفئ ن ذ ً غ انكشعخ ٛ ٍ ٔ انشٚخ ؽ/ ٍ ٛ ي ٍ انٕص ٌ......................... 86 )27( َغبت حثب ؾٛ جزس انـ DPPH حبؼب نخشكٛض ك م ي ٍ انـ BHT فﻻف َٕ ٕٚذ قٛبع ٙ ٔ يغخخهض Salvia Phlomis samiaٔ officinalis ..............................................................................................88 B الحشكٛض انًثبؾ نـ 50% ي ٍ جزس DPPH ...............................................................................88 )28(انُشبؽ انًثبؾ ﻷكغذة د ً غ linoléique بذﻻنت انضي ٍ ..........................................................90 )B ٔ A )29 قٛى انُشبٛؿت ان ؼًبدة نﻷكغذة نه ًغخخهظبث انُببحٛت ػ ُذ 24 عبػت ............................92 Salvia officinalis Phlomis samia 30 بـ 200 101................................................................................................................................................ Phlomis samia Salvia officinalis )31( 200 104............................................................................................................... Phlomis samia Salvia officinalis 32 200 107............................................................................................ Phlomis samia Salvia officinalis )33( 200 110.......................................................................................... Phlomis samia Salvia officinalis )34( 200 113.......................................................................................... 114................................................................... )35( 117............................ )36( XI S.officinallis 37 118.................................................................................................... 200 P.samia 38 120......................................................................... 200 L-thyroxine 39 121.................................................................................. 0.3 L-thyroxine 40 123........................................S.officinallis 200 L-thyroxine 41 124............................................... P.samia 200 Phlomis samia Salvia officinalis 42 126........................................ Phlomis samia Salvia officinalis 43 انغكش ........................................................128 Phlomis samia Salvia officinalis )44( 129............................................... creatinine Phlomis samia Salvia officinalis )45( 131................................................ Phlomis samia Salvia officinalis )46( 133....................................... Phlomis samia Salvia officinalis )47( 135..........................................................LDL Phlomis samia Salvia officinalis )48( 137.......................................................... HDL Phlomis samia Salvia officinalis )49( 139.......................................... XII )50( Phlomis samia Salvia officinalis 141................................................................................................................. )51( 145.......................................................... Salvia officinalis )52( 148........................................... Phlomis samia 149...... sulfahydryl (NPSH) )53( . )sulfahydryl (NPSH) )54 ف ٙ انكهٛت..150 )sulfahydryl (NPSH) )55 ف ٙ انقهب..151 166.................................................. )56( XIII 104 T4 .)105( 107 106 68 108 126 Flavanol Flavonols (Flavon-3-ols) Flavones anthocyanidin )70( Flavanol )69( 109 . (111) )110( 134 propil galate (PG) butylated hydroxy toluene (BHT) butylated
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