“We Needed an Additional Line for Selective Binding”
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Saddle Stitching Systems 1 “We Needed an Additional Line for Selective Binding” ProBind Mohn Media Binding GmbH had planned to primarily use its new Primera C160 as an additional saddle stitcher for selective binding. However, now that Der Spiegel is wire-stitched in Marienfeld, the Primera is now also used to make Germany’s leading news magazine on one day a week. E The volumes that are printed and pro- tomers for the roughly 80 magazine titles cessed into logs using a Muller Martini sys- are based in Germany, the telephone direc- 1 From left: Sero Ince (machine operator), tem at MOHN Media Mohndruck GmbH, tories and catalogs are predominantly Roland Witte (Chief Production and Technol- ogy Officer), Michael Blanke (Plant Manag- before being finished at ProBind in Marien- delivered abroad. er), Gerhard Klenner (Technology and feld just under 15 kilometers away, are Maintenance Manager), Ralf Hagenlüke impressive. Selective Binding Is In Fashion (Technology Manager) and Reinhold Achtner “Since the catalogs we produce often have (Sales Manager at Muller Martini Germany) in front of the new Primera C160 saddle 660 Million Products different covers and inserts, are personal- stitcher at ProBind in Marienfeld. In addition to 330 million softcover tele- ized inside/outside and addressed, we phone books, catalogs and magazines, needed a third line for selective binding to 2 From the Tempo 22 through the Supra to the Primera, machine operator Sero Ince which are bound using several Corona lines supplement our two Tempo 22s and re- feels equally at ease with all Muller Martini from Muller Martini, the company also sad- place an aged saddle stitcher 300,” ex- saddle stitchers. dle stitches some 330 million print prod- plains Chief Production and Technology 3 Up to four inserts can be inserted ucts annually, with a slight upward trend in OfficerRoland Witte. inline and offline using the SITMA inserting recent years. Gerhard Klenner, Technology and Main- machine M3. Besides the half run of Der Spiegel for tenance Manager, explains that the com- 4/5 Both the signatures (left) and the covers northern Germany, ProBind stitches nu- pany chose the Primera C160 from Muller are fed to the new Primera C160 saddle merous other magazines and catalogs with Martini “because we want to produce stitcher using stream feeders. run sizes ranging from 30,000 to over one more cost-effectively, i.e. have quicker million copies. While the majority of its cus- changeovers and process runs at a higher 28 Muller Martini Panorama Fall 2015 speed”. In addition to a cover feeder, eight and the Supra, is now also used to stitch unrivaled in this segment. We benefit not flat pile feeders, two merchandise tippers, the news magazine. only from the considerable size flexibility, Asir 3 automatic signature image recogni The production of Der Spiegel, which but also from the fact that we can use the tion, stream feeders for all feeders and a has been published on Saturdays for a few Primera in double production, enabling us large monitor display, the extensive saddle months now, is highly complex. The maga to increase our productivity still further.” stitching line includes a SITMA inserting zine is printed each Friday with a lead time Witte also emphasizes another advan machine M3 for up to four inserts, a of a little under 24 hours. With up to four tage of the recent investment: “We’re high Cheshire addressing system and two Ro inserts that vary by geographical destin ly familiar with Muller Martini technology busto compensating stackers, one down ation and a label on the front page with so it’s easy to make switches as all 40 of stream of the Primera and one downstream each subscriber’s address, to which Der our machine operators can operate the two of the SITMA. Spiegel is delivered on Saturdays, product Tempo 22s, the Supra and the Primera. ion is highly challenging. That, of course, also contributes to a Friday Is Der Spiegel Day greater output. We need such higher ProBind, which was established in 1999, Double Production Boosts Productivity productivity in view of the current print employs around 500 people and operates While Friday is the new Primera C160’s Der finishingprices.” almost 24/7, commissioned the new sad Spiegel day, on the other days of the week dle stitcher before the company, which be it can be used for the jobs it was originally longs to the Arvato/MOHN Media Group intended to perform, in three shifts as for was awarded the major contract for pro production of Der Spiegel, to the satisfac duction of Der Spiegel. Naturally, the Prim tion of Plant Manager Michael Blanke: “Our era C160, together with the two Tempo 22s new saddle stitcher from Muller Martini is www.mohnmedia.de 2 3 4 5 Muller Martini Panorama Fall 2015 29.