Matija Dedić Saša Šekoranja
HOTEL MAGAZINE | proljeće/ljeto 2016 spring/summer BESPLATNI PRIMJERAK | YOUR PERSONAL FREE COPY INTERVJU | INTERVIEW MATIJA DEDIĆ Jazz je moja vjera i ljubav | Jazz Is My Faith and Passion SAŠA ŠEKORANJA Cvijećem slavi život | Celebrates Life with Flowers ZAGREB Gornjogradska dvorišta | Upper Town Courtyards Untitled-1 1 20.6.2016. 17:35:22 DOBRO DOŠLI U FORA, LUKSUZAN HOTEL Welcome to a Cool, Luxurious Hotel IVICA MAX KRIZMANIĆ generalni direktor hotela Esplanade / General Manager of the Esplanade Hotel Na spomen Esplanade većina ljudi koji nisu bili u ovom hotelu odmah When the Esplanade Hotel is mentioned, most people who have not been pomisli kako je to jedna stara luksuzna građevina s vrlo striktnim in this hotel will immediately think that it is an old luxurious building with standardima i ukočenim dosadnim ljudima. No, kada pitate nekoga tko je very strict standards and stiff, boring people. But when you ask someone bio ovdje, a mnogi od njih proputovali su cijeli svijet, reći će vam vjerojatno who has been here, and many of those have travelled the world, they nešto poput ovoga: „Esplanade je država za sebe, ondje se uvijek nešto will probably tell you something like this: „The Esplanade is a state of its zanimljivo zbiva“, „Tamo rade fora, inovativne i kreativne stvari, a osoblje own“, there is always something interesting going on there“, „They do je pristupačno, šarmantno, opušteno i spremno na šale“ ili „Esplanade je cool, innovative and creative things there, and the staff are approachable, više od hotela – to je moj dom“. Veseli me kada čujem takve komentare charming, relaxed and ready to joke“ or „the Esplanade is more than a jer upravo takvi želimo biti – hotel koji gotovo uopće nije hotel, želimo hotel – it is my home“.
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