SF Commentary 98 50th Anniversary Edition April 2019 84 pages Cover: Elaine Cochrane: ‘Purple Prose’: embroidery. SF COMMENTARY 98 * 50TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION, PART 1 April 2019 84 pages SF COMMENTARY No. 98, 50th ANNIVERSARY EDITION, PART 1, April 2019, is edited and published in a limited number of print copies (this edition only) by Bruce Gillespie, 5 Howard Street, Greensborough, VIC 3088, Australia. Phone: 61-3-9435 7786. PREFERRED MEANS OF DISTRIBUTION .PDF FILE FROM EFANZINES.COM: http://efanzines.com or from my email address:
[email protected]. FRONT COVER: Elaine Cochrane: ‘Purple Prose’: embroidery presented to Bruce Gillespie on his 72nd birthday. BACK COVER: Ditmar (Dick Jenssen): ‘Follow Me’. ARTWORK: Stephen Campbell (pp. 16, 43, 47); Dimitrii Razuvaev (p. 16); Irene Pagram (pp. 18, 41, 42); Ditmar (Dick Jenssen) (pp. 19, 57); Tim Handfield (p. 43); Grant Gittus (p. 44); Geoff Pollard (p. 44); Cozzolino Hughes (pp. 45, 46); Marius Foley (p. 46); David Wong (p. 47). PHOTOGRAPHS: Randy Byers: ‘Rockaway Sunset’ (p. 3); Gary Mason (p. 4); Christopher Priest (p. 8); Gary Hoff (p. 10); Elaine Cochrane (p. 10); Richard Wilhelm (p. 20); Andrew Darlington (pp. 24–9); Kathy Sauber, University of Washington (pp. 30). 3 CAROUSEL DAYS 32 Tribute to Milt Stevens Alex Skovron John Hertz 33 Tribute to Fred Patten 4 I MUST BE TALKING TO MY FRIENDS: John Hertz WHAT’S A FEW DECADES BETWEEN 36 Tributes to June Moffatt FRIENDS? John Hertz 36 Tribute to Derek Kew Bruce Gillespie Bruce Gillespie 5 In search of personal journalism: 37 Tributes to Mervyn Barrett Gillian Polack interviews Bruce Gillespie Bruce Gillespie, Tom Cardy, Nigel Rowe 7 Bruce Gillespie and Brian Aldiss, 1992: 38 POETRY CORNER Thanks for the thank-you note 38 An Aussie poem, or, I Tim therefore I Tam 9 The early years: Yesterday’s heroes Tim Train 12 The early years: 39 Quoth the raven, ‘Steve Waugh!’ Straight talk about science fiction Tim Train 15 The early years: Hand-made magazines 39 Eight science fiction haiku 17 SFC: The following 40 years ..