Nature Forthcoming Events Appointments Vacant
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No.4543 November 24, 1956 NATURE 1197 UNIVERSITY OF LONDON (in the Physiology Theatre, University FORTHCOMING EVENTS College, Gower Street, London, W.C.l), at 5 p.m.-Prof. G. F. Marrian: "Some Recent Progress in the Biochemistry of the <Estrogenic Hor (Meetings marked with an asterisk• are open to the public) mones".• INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS (at Great George Street, West Monday, November 26 minster, London, S.W.l), at 5.30 p.m.-Dr. W. H. J. Vernon: INSTITUTE OF NEUROLOGY (in the Lecture Theatre, The National "Metallic Corrosion and Conservation", Hospital, Queen Square, London, W.C. 1), at 5 p.m.-Prof. S. T. Bok INSTITUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS (at Savoy Place, London, (Amsterdam) : "The Structure of the Cerebral Cortex as Studied W.C.2), at 5.30 p.m.-Prof. R. 0. Kapp: "Differences of Opinion by Quantitative Methods-1''.* (Further lecture on November 30.) about Dimensionsn. ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY (at 1 Kensington Gore, London, SOCIE~Y OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY, PLASTICS AND POLYMER GROUP S.W.7), at 5 p.m.-Mr. B. W. Sparks: "Evolution of the Relief of (at the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Manson the Cam Valley". House, 26 Portland Place, London, W.l), at 6.30 p.m.-Prof. H. F. BRITISH SOCIETY FOR THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE (in the Lecture Mark : "Recent Progress in Heterogeneous Polymerization of Theatre of the Science Museum, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, Olefines". London, S.W.7), at 5.30 p.m.-Mr. John Fisher: "Electricity in Germany in the Eighteenth Century". Friday, November 30 ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS (at John Adam Street, Adelphi, London, TEXTILE INSTITUTE (at 10 Bmckfriars Street, Manchester 3) W.C.2), at 6 p.m.-Dr. L. E. C. Hughes: First of Three Cantor Lectures Dr. F. C. Toy: "The Impact of New Ideas on an Old Craft" (Emsley on "Engineering Electronics". (Further lectures on December 3 Lecture). and 10.) ROYAL SOCIETY (at Burlington Honse, Piccadilly, London, W.l), at 2.30 p.m.-Anniversary Meeting. Tuesday, November 27 PHYSICAL SOCIETY (in the Lecture Theatre of the Science Museum, Exhibition Road, Lond~n. S.W.7), at 5 p.m.-Prof. G. D. Rochester UNIVERSITY OF LONDON (at Bedford College, Regent's Park. Lon and Dr. C. C. Butler: "The Discovery of V-particles and the Pro don, N.W.1), at 5.15 p.m.-Prof. Harold Richardson: "The Growth perties of Hyperons". • of Physical Ideas"• (Inaugural Lecture). INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, EDUCATION GROUP (at CEMENT AND CONCRETE ASSOCIATION (at the Institution of Civil 1 Birdcage Walk, Westminster, London, S.W.l), at 6 v.m.-Dr. H. S. Engineers Great George Street, London, S.W.l). at 5.30 p.m.-Dr. Arms : "The American System of Education and Training of l\Iech P. B. Morice : "The Analysis of Prestressed Concrete Structural anical Engineers"; Prof. S. J. Davies : "The Education of Engineers Members and the Application of Recent Research". In European Countries". INSTITUTE OF MARINE ENGINEERS (at 85-88 The Minories, London, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON (at the London School of Hygiene and E.C.3), at 5.30 p.m.-Mr. C. D. Boadle: "Some Safety Considerations Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street, Gower Street, London, W.C.l), of Nuclear Power Reactors". at 6.30 p.m.-Dr. W. G. Thompson: "Technologies In the Electrical RESEARCH DEFENC]1 SOCIETY (in the Physiology Lecture Theatre, Engineering Industry".* (Eighth often University Extension Lectures University College, Gower Street, London, W.C.1), at 5.30 p.m. on "Technology and Industry". Further lectures on December 7 Prof. A. A. Miles : "Resistance to Infection-The Experimental and 14.) Approach". (Twenty-fifth Stephe~ Paget Memorial Lecture") ; ROYAL INSTITUTION (at 21 Albemarle Street, London, W.l), at followed by the Annual General Meetmg. 9 p.m.-Dr. W. H. Glanville: "Speed on the Road and Related ROYAL INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY (joint meeting with the SIR JOHN Effects", CASS COLLEGE CHEMICAL SOCIETY, at the Sir John Cass College, Jewry Street London, E.C.3), at 6.SO p.m.-Prof. R. S. Nyholm: Saturday, December I 0 Magnetism 3.nd Inorganic Molecules". ASSOCIATION OF AGRICULTURE, and the BRITISH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF INSTRUMENT TECHNOLOGY (at Manson House, Portland HISTORY SOCIETY (at the Institute of Education, University of London, Place, London, W.1), at 7 p,m.-Prof. J. D. McGee: "Television Malet Street, London, W.C.l), at 11 a.m.-Conferencc. Technique applied to Observation and Control". MAMMAL SOCIETY OF THE BRITISH ISLES (at the offices of the Zoological Society of London, Regent's Park, London, N.W.l), at Wednesday, November 28 2 p,m.-Symposlum on "Deer". LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL (at the Horniman Museum, London UNIVERSITY OF LONDON (at the Postgraduate Medical School of Road, Forest Hlll, London, S.E.23), at 3.30 p.m.-Sir John Forsdyke: London, Ducane Road, London, W.12), at 2 p.m.-Prof, R. H. S. "The Origins of Coinage".• Thompson: "The Biochemistry of Nervous Diseases".• BRITISH INTERPLANETARY SOCIETY (in the York Hall, Caxton Hall, ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS (at John Adam Street, Adelphi, London, Caxton Street, London, S.W.l), at 6 p.m.-Mr. C. A. Cross: "The W.C.2), at 2.30 p.m.-l\ir. J. S. Hales: "Air Conditioning of Buildings" Use of Probe Rockets". (Alfred Bossom Lecture). INSTITUTE OF FUEL (at the Institution of Civil Engineers, Great George Street, London, S.W.1), at 5.30 p.m.-Dr. R. S. Scorer: "The Cost In Britain of Air Pollution from Different Types of Source".• UNIVERSITY OF LONDON (at King's College, Strand, London, W.C.2), APPOINTMENTS VACANT at 5.30 p.m.-Dr. A. B. Wardrop: "Structural Aspects of Surface Growth in Plant Cells".• APPLICATIONS are invited for the following appointments on or before the dates mentioned : BRITISH INSTITUTION OF RADIO ENGINEERS (at th E London School GRADUATE TO ASSIST IN THE ELECTRON MICROSCOPY SECTION of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street, Gower Street, of the Cavendish Laboratory on work In X-ray microscopy and London, W.C.l), at 6.30 p.m.-Dr. G. N. Patchett: "Colour Tele related aspects of electron physics-The Secretary to the Department visionu. of Physics, Cavendish Laboratory, Free School Lane, Cambridge SOCIETY FOR ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, PHYSICAL METHODS GROUP (December 1). (at the Chemical Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W.l), SENIOR LECTURER/LECTURER IN ANIMAL NUTRITION OR ANIMAL at 6.30 p.m.-Twelfth Annual General Meeting. PHYSIOLOGY in the School ot Wool Technology, New South Wales University of Technology, Sydney, Australia-The Agent General for INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, AUTOMOBILE DIVISION New South Wales, 56 Strand, London, W.C.2 (Australia, December 14). (at 1 Birdcage Walk, Westminster, London, S.W.l), at 6.45 p.m. CHAIR OF CHEMISTRY-The Secretary, The University, Exeter Debate on the motion that "There is no Future for Laminated Plastics (December 15). in Automobile Body Construction". FARM DEMONSTRATOR (with a degree In agriculture, or an honours SOCIETY OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY, FOOD GROUP (at 14 Belgrave degree In pure science, followed by an adequate postgraduate quali Square, London, S.W.l), at 6.45 p.m.-Mr. G. Clewlow and Mr. W. fication in agriculture, together with farming experience) at Cam Dixon: "New Aspects of the Evaluation of Biscuit Flour"; Dr. bridge University School of Agriculture-The Secretary, School of A. E. Bender: "The Stability of Vitamin C In a Commercial Frnit Agriculture, Cambridge (December 15). Squash". LECTURER (preferably with a degree in chemical engineering, chemistry or engineering) IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING-The Registrar, ROYAL INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY (joint meeting with the SOUTH· King's College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne (December 17). WEST ESSEX TECHNICAL COLLEGE CHEMICAL SOCIETY, at the South SENIOR LECTURER IN PSYCHIATRY at the University of Sydney, West Essex Technical College, Forest Road, Walthamstow, London, Australia--The Secretary, Association of Universities of the British E.17), at 7 p.m.-Dr. A. T. James: "Gas-Liquid Chromatography", Commonwealth, 36 Gordon Square, London, W.C.l (Australia, Decem ber 18). LECTURER IN AGRICULTURE (ANIMAL HUSBANDRY) at the University Thursday, November 29 College of Rhodesia and Nyasaland-The Secretary, Inter-University Council for Higher Education Overseas, 29 Woburn Square, London, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON (in the Anatomy Theatre, University W.C.1 (December 21). College, Gower Street, London, W.C.1), at 1.15 p.m,-Mr. K. M. SCIENTIFIC OFFICER, Grade I (with a first-class honours degree Barbour: "A New Approach to the Nile Waters Dispute".• with chemistry as a major subject) IN THE DEFENCE STANDARDS PHYSICAL SOCIETY, OPTICAL GROUP (in the Lecture Hall of the LABORATORY Department of Supply, Alexandria, New South Wales, National Physical Laboratory, Teddlngton), at 2.30 p.m.-Mr. J. W. Australia for research into prublems associated with the production Gates: "Polarimetry: Present Use and Future Aims"; Mr. E. J. of protective coatings on metals by electrochemical means and with Gillham : "A Precision Photoelectric Polarimeter and Automatic the evaluation of such coatings for effectiveness and serviceability Saccharimeters for Industrial Use"; Mr. R. Stanley: "The Belling as corrosion barriers-The Senior Representative (AP.70), Department ham and Stanley Photoelectric Polarimeter". of Supply, Australia House, Strand, London, W.C.2 (December 22). © 1956 Nature Publishing Group.