Greater Biodiversity Action Group Glamorgan Biodiversity Advisory Group

G w e n t - G l a m o r g a n Recorders’ Newsletter

Issue 7—Autumn October 2012 Creating a haven for wildlife in West Glamorgan

Welcome to the seventh issue of the areas will be moni- Gwent-Glamorgan Recorders’ News- tored for key species letter. What a summer! According to throughout the life of the MetOffice, it was officially the wet- the project to assess test summer for 100 years, the se- the effectiveness of cond wettest since 1910 (when rec- the habitat works. ords began), and the dullest summer Survey data gathered since 1987! The weather certainly made it challenging to get out and during year 1 of the about this year, and it remains to be project will be used to seen whether the number of records inform habitat man- from 2012 will reflect this. agement and en- hancement work This month sees the first ever which is likely to in- Fungus Day taking place on the 14th clude: October. See page 16 for further details on how to help find the largest Shrill carder bee © Buglife  Scrub clearance fairy ring in Wales! and thinning to pro- We are asking for your opinions on Wildlife charity, Buglife – The Invertebrate mote the establishment of wildflower rich possible changes to the Gwent and Conservation Trust have been awarded grassland and heathland; funding from WREN, a landfill tax grant Glamorgan Recorders’ Fora (see  Enhancing microhabitat features through giving body, to carry out an exciting new page 4 for further details on how to the creation of bare ground scrapes. project for wildlife on ex-industrial sites in get involved). The survey will not take Bare patches of ground are ideal for South Wales. very long to complete and will really basking invertebrates and reptiles, and help us decide on the future format of This 3 year project will focus on 5 brown- will encourage the development of early these events. field sites in Swansea and Neath Port Tal- successional vegetation; Enjoy the newsletter! bot – these are Kilvey Hill and Pluck Lake  Wildflower meadow creation to enhance Rebecca Davies, SEWBReC (Editor) (Swansea); and Cymmer Tip, Bryn Tip and floral diversity and provide high quality non-operational land at Tata Steel (Neath forage resources for invertebrates; Port Talbot). The rich industrial heritage of  Bee bank creation to provide burrowing Included in this issue: this area, including coal mining and heavy habitat for bees and wasps. Bee banks metal smelting, has created a legacy of Wildlife haven in West Glamorgan 1-2 will provide topographical variation and sites, some of which contain contaminated SEWBReC News 2-4 will vegetate over time creating micro- soils and substrates that can be highly habitats that will be able to support a Meadow Group 5 alkaline or highly acidic. It is these varied variety of invertebrates to include ground Botanical highlights in 2012 (VC35) 5-6 ground conditions that create pockets of beetles and spiders. Canada Tips & Quarry Pools, Blaenavon 7 different habitat types such as bare Blaencanaid Raven Roost Update 8 ground, wildflower rich grassland, heath- Through survey, management and moni- land and scrub – making brownfield sites a Rare Fungus in Dingestow 9 toring, this project will work at a landscape haven for wildlife, especially for inverte- Wildboar in Gwent 9-10 scale to provide habitat for many threat- brates and reptiles. ened invertebrates including UK and Local Recording around Ebbw Vale 11 BAP species such as Shrill carder bee Wasp Spider Record - First for Wales 12 During the next 3 years Buglife and part- ners plan to collate existing baseline data, (Bombus sylvarum), Brown banded carder Taf Fechan Nature Reserve 13 and gather further data on all sites for in- bee (Bombus humilis), Dune tiger beetle Swift Nesting 14 vertebrates, reptiles, amphibians and flora. (Cicindela maritima), Dingy skipper Disaster…..or succession 14-15 Work will be undertaken to restore and enhance 48 hectares of habitat and these Volunteering & Events 16

Issue 7—Autumn

Creating a haven for wildlife in West Glamorgan (...cont)

(Erynnis tages), Grayling (Hipparchia semele), Small blue (Cupido minimus) and Grizzled skipper (Pyrgus malvae). UK BAP reptiles and amphibians to ben- efit from the project include Adder (Vipera berus), Grass snake (Natrix natrix), Common lizard (Zootoca vivipa- ra) and Slow worm (Anguis fragilis). Buglife hopes to work with planners, ecologists, developers, land managers and consultants to raise awareness of the importance of brownfields; and will also be carrying out brownfield resource mapping in Swansea and Neath Port Talbot to identify good quality brownfield sites. Numerous events such as Bio- blitzes, wildlife walks and talks will be organised to engage and inspire local Cymmer Tip, Neath Port Talbot © Buglife communities. that additional partnerships will be made 01733 201210 or Partnership working will be key to the throughout the course of the project. [email protected]. success of the project and Buglife are working closely with Swansea and If you would like any further details Clare Dinham, Brownfield Stepping Neath Port Talbot Councils and Tata about the project or would like to be Stones Officer, Buglife - The Inverte- Steel; as well as Bumblebee Conserva- involved with survey work or habitat brate Conservation Trust tion, Amphibian and Reptile Conserva- management please contact Buglife tion and Swansea University. It is hoped Brownfield Officer, Clare Dinham on


Financial Update Progress on funding agreements for with Swansea and Cardiff Councils. We 2012/13 has been excellent. New also continue to seek direct funding Despite continuing difficult times in the agreements are in place with the three from the Welsh Government (WG). wider economy, SEWBReC remains on bodies (Countryside Council for Wales, Apart from a small amount of funding for a very stable financial footing. As report- Environmental Agency Wales and For- some data layers to feed into the Glastir ed at the SEWBReC AGM on 20th Sep- estry Commission Wales) which are due agri-environment scheme, it is now tember 2012, accounts produced for to be merged into a new Natural Re- more than two and a half years since we 2011/12 financial year end showed a sources Body for Wales, which will start had any formal funding agreement in profit of £9,835. This has enabled us to functioning in April 2013. Service Level place with WG. With the advent of the build up a healthy financial surplus Agreements and Data Licence Agree- new Natural Resources Body for Wales which equates to almost four months of ments are in place with ten of the twelve next year, we aim to work with the other total running costs of the business, ex- Local Authorities in our region. In addi- three Welsh Local Records Centres to ceeding our target of holding three tion we have agreements with South secure a single ‘Pan Wales’ agreement, months’ of running costs in reserve. As Wales Trunk Roads Agency and Gwent combining funding from WG as well as well as providing welcome relief from Wildlife Trust and continue to receive the new Single Body. any cash-flow difficulties, the financial welcome funding from Wales Biodiversi- Sales of products and services to the surplus has allowed us to carefully plan ty Partnership to run our annual pro- private sector have made a huge contri- some additional expenditure, such as gramme of training courses. replacing some ageing IT equipment, as bution to our current financial position in well as considering further investment in As well as the funding success stories, recent years. We reported in the last our broadband connection and IT sys- there remain a few frustrating funding tems to allow us to begin to provide new gaps. We remain committed to achiev- products and services to our data sup- ing full coverage of Local Authority us- Page 2 pliers and users (see the following arti- age of SEWBReC products and ser- cle for more information). vices, by pursuing funding agreements

Issue 7—Autumn October 2012

SEWBReC News (...cont) issue that 2011/12 saw sales totalling using software called GeoServer. This Please see the summary below for a over £51,000. I am pleased to report will enable SEWBReC to seamlessly break down of attendance and species that the trend of increased sales seems report on data from other Welsh LRCs records for both events: to be continuing, with figures for the first and the NBN Gateway. It will also ena- Ty Mawr Convent half of 2012/13 showing an increase in ble the Welsh LRCs to better deliver income of 7.5% compared to the same combined data products at the Wales  20 attendees period last year. Already this year 207 level, as well as opening up possibilities  Over 300 species recorded; over 230 enquiries have been dealt with from 66 of delivering data products to our users species new to site separate bodies. in new ways via the internet. If all goes  >75% new species records to plan, we could be up and running with this new system within 4-6 months. Cefn-pennar-uchaf Farm Digitally Networking the Welsh Lo- The second major strand of our planned  18 attendees (+2 that night, & 2 next cal Records Centres technical developments involves utilis- day) ing two excellent systems which have In the last issue of this newsletter we  Over 275 species recorded; over 200 been developed at Cofnod (North reported on how the Welsh LRCs were species new to site Wales Environmental Information Ser- being considered by the ‘ICT Exploita-  82% new species records vice). The first of these is ORCA (Online tion Department’ within the Welsh Gov- Records Centre Administration) which ernment (WG) as potential candidates will streamline a lot of internal infor- for their ‘Digitally Networked Busi- Cefn-pennar Uchaf’s mixed pasture and mation management within SEWBReC. ness’ (DNB) programme. We also damp grassland revealed some nice The second system, which links into pledged to provide progress updates on plant species, including Ivy Leaved Bell- ORCA, is ORS (Online Recording Sys- this initiative, but sadly we do not have flower (Wahlenbergia hederacea) and tem). This is a system which enables a great deal to report. The Welsh LRCs Bog Asphodel (Narthecium ossifragum). users to enter and view records online, welcomed the report that was produced A Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary but more importantly from our point of following workshops that took place in (Boloria selene) also appeared during view, it would enable local experts to November and December 2011, but it one of the brief sunny spells. view and assess data online, thereby appears that things have been moving greatly enhancing the options available rather slowly within WG and it also Tymawr Convent resulted in a very nice to us for data verification. The full inte- seems likely that the focus of the DNB record of slime mould, Trichia botrytis gration of ORCA and ORS into SEW- may have shifted to trying to tackle var. cerifera, which as you can see from BReC is a slightly longer-term project, broader issues relating to biodiversity the NBN distribution map (see overleaf), but we hope that everything could be in data in Wales, rather than the original is very rarely recorded. We also man- place within a year. idea of helping the four Welsh LRCs to aged to find a colourful Scarlet Tiger work more closely together. In the meantime, the Welsh (Callimorpha dominula) on the site. LRCs are continuing to The decision has been taken by the push for the full implemen- managers of the Welsh LRCs that we tation of the DNB pro- cannot afford to sit and wait for some- gramme, as that should thing to happen with the DNB and that bring about many more sig- instead we should press ahead with a nificant developments which number of initiatives to share technical are currently beyond the developments between the four LRCs. scope of the LRCs. The first and most imminent develop- ment is our plan to join the Wales public sector broadband network. This would Biodiversity Blitzes enable high speed movement of data between the Welsh LRCs and fast data Despite the exceedingly wet sharing with other public sector part- weather, SEWBReC man- ners. Following this development, SEW- aged to battle on and hold / Scarlet Tiger © David Slade attend several successful summer BReC will be in a position to benefit Thanks, as always, to everyone who from work that is being undertaken at events during 2012. Both Glamorgan the Biodiversity Information Service for and Gwent Biodiversity Blitz Days were Powys and Brecon Beacons National well attended, though we did lose a few Page 3 Park (BIS) in Brecon to pull together people when the sheets of heavy rain biodiversity data from different sources appeared at the Glamorgan blitz!

Issue 7—Autumn October 2012

SEWBReC news (cont…)

Grid map of records on the NBN Gate- also received an update of the VC35 and they are not what I would have ex- way for Trichia botrytis var. cerifera © Crown copyright and database rights vascular plant records from Steph Ty- pected: Winter Wren, Common Swift 2011 Ordnance Survey [100017955] ler and Elsa Wood - with about 15,000 and Peregrine Falcon! There are a lot new records. more species that have been recorded from 60 of the 61 squares, and it is the The total number of records held in the Burry Holms square (SS39) that lacks database has increased by about things like Blackbird, Robin and Chaf- 105,000 since the spring edition, and finch! There’s a challenge for you Gow- around 75,000 of these fall within the er birders! post-2010 time slot. Adam Rowe, Elaine Wright & David The number of 10km squares that Slade, SEWBReC SEWBReC area includes is 61, and there are 31 species that have been recorded from all of them. The majority of these are plants, but there are three species of bird in this illustrious list too, attended these events, and to the land owners and managers who happily let the hordes of recorders loose in the name of conservation. We are currently on the look out for 2013 blitz sites, so if you know of any- where suitable, please get in contact.

Data holdings update The proportion of records for each taxo- nomic group has only changed very little since the last newsletter, hiding signifi- cant increases in bryophytes (thanks to Barry Stewart and Sam Bosanquet) and of course birds and . We have Proportion of records for each taxonomic group

The future of the Recorders’ Fora Meetings depend on you!

We would like your opinions on possible (Nb. please return any completed paper working relationship exists (e.g. an indi- changes to the annual Gwent and Gla- copies of the survey to: SEWBReC, 13 vidual recorder who submits records, a morgan Recorders’ Fora Meetings. We St Andrew’s Crescent, Cardiff, CF10 member of a local recording group, or a have compiled a short survey with a 3DB). The survey will not take very long representative of a partner organisation number of questions seeking your to complete (roughly 10 minutes) and that utilises SEWBReC services). Be- thoughts on whether we should merge will really help us decide on the future coming a member of SEWBReC allows the Gwent and Glamorgan meetings format of these events. The closing you to vote at the AGM and help direct together, add the SEWBReC AGM to date for the survey is Friday 26th Octo- the future of SEWBReC. the proceedings, and/or include work- ber, so make sure you complete it as If you are interested in becoming a shops and training events in the pro- soon as possible to ensure that your member, please get in touch so that we gramme(s). voice is heard! can supply you with the relevant docu- If you are reading this newsletter as a ments (Memorandum and Articles of PDF, please click on the following link Association) and membership form. SEWBReC Membership Email: [email protected] SEWBReC-Events-2012 to go straight We are also seeking to increase the Rebecca Davies, SEWBReC to the survey. If you are reading a pa- membership of SEWBReC. Member- per copy of the newsletter, you will find ship is open to anyone who supports the a paper version of the survey enclosed aims of the company and with whom a Page 4

Issue 7—Autumn October 2012

Monmouthshire Meadow Group

The MMG had a busy season of events advice given on manage- through the spring and summer. We ment to maintain and en- counted Green-veined Orchids in early hance their land. Some May at New Grove Farm and the adja- superb species-rich fields cent GWT New Grove Meadows; we have been ‘found’ at vari- held two training courses in May on ous sites including at Pan- plant identification and thanks to GWT dy, Gilwern, Newchurch, we used Pentwyn Barn at Penallt; we Cwmcarvan and Penyvan. also had open days at some members’ Harebells, Wild Thyme, fields, including: Peter Smith’s and Agrimony, Betony, Field Sheelagh Kerry’s lovely upland small- Scabious, Burnet Saxi- Privet Hawk Caterpillar © Jon & Marilyn Dunkelman holding with orchid-rich hay meadows frage and Tormentil were between Bettws and Fforest Coal Pit, among the many species manage this small pasture, cutting it and Richard Cornock’s fascinating small- seen at these sites. One particularly grazing it with Exmoor Ponies. holding down at Leechpool near important site with Wild Clary, Butterfly A bonus as we packed up to leave was Portskewett, the delightful series of Orchids and many other exciting spe- the discovery of a Privet Hawk Moth small fields and woods at Parson’s cies was sadly a few 100m over the caterpillar by Lindsay and Steph Tyler Grove in a basin alongside the Cas border into ! and then photographed by Jon and Mar- Troggy at Earlswood and further afield a MMG members also attended the SEW- ilyn Dunkelman. We were pleased to visit to Chris Parson’s hay meadows BReC bioblitz at Tymawr Convent land have a new species for Tymawr but and orchard near Little Dean across the at Lydart near . Martin Anthoney told us that, much border. Chris and friends have set up a more excitingly, it was the first record for similar group to MMG in the Forest of On 9 September MMG volunteers cut the vice county since 1972! It is strange Dean. At the inaugural meeting at which the small wet pasture at Tymawr Con- as the foodplants – Privet, Guelder MMG spoke of its experiences, there vent and raked and pitchforked off the Rose, and even Ash, are not rare in the were 120 enthusiastic people present. cut material into piles for Grass Snakes vice county, and in other parts of Britain and Slow Worms. We avoided the wet- Surveys have been carried out for at the moth is quite common. test lower area where Devil’s-bit Scabi- least 12 new MMG members who have ous and Ragged Robin were still flower- land from half an acre to 76 acres, and Stephanie Tyler ing. For several years we have tried to

Botanical highlights in spring and summer 2012

As vice county recorders for the BSBI mouthshire, but there was a small popu- Goldcliff. The aquatic Beaked Tassel- we need all your plant records for a new lation on the Usk slip road off the A449. weed Ruppia maritima was found by atlas of the British Isles running since 12 sites had from one to 24 flower Elsa and Adrian Wood and by Julian 2000. Trevor Evan’s superb Flora of spikes; four had 100-300, another over Woodman in a few of these pools for the Monmouthshire, published in 2007, 400 and at three sites plants numbered first time since 1920. Other highlights of gives an excellent picture of the distribu- into thousands - over 1,500 at GWT’s the estuary included new records for tion of plants, but already this needs Pentwyn and Bush Meadows, almost Trifolium striatum and T. scabrum, both updating as plants are found in ‘new’ 2,400 on a small meadow on Star Hill uncommon in Monmouthshire, tetrads (2km x 2km squares) and ‘new’ near Devauden, and almost 5,000 at and the rediscovery of Carex distans hectads (10km x 10km squares). If you New Grove meadows near . along the banks of the Wye. know your plants and would like to take Slender Hare’s-ear Bupleurum tenuissi- Onobrychis viciifolia had been declared on a tetrad or two, then we would be mum, an inconspicuous little umbellifer extinct in the county but several plants delighted to hear from you. If you cannot that grows on saltmarshes and on the were found on the floor of the old Livox take on tetrads, then do please send us seawall was found at a few locations quarry together with Anthyllis vulneraria any interesting finds. along the Severn, the biggest colony and Scabiosa columbaria, both having The Botanical Society’s threatened plant growing close to the Wye Bridge near few recent records. (cont. overleaf…) project saw surveyors out looking for . The Brackish Water Crow- and counting Green-veined Orchids foot Ranunculus baudotii has done well Page 5 Anacamptis morio in early May. These this year, growing in many rain-filled scarce orchids were found at 20 sites, pools in the saltmarsh along the estuary mainly in east and southeast Mon- from the old Severn Bridge along to

Issue 7—Autumn October 2012

Botanical highlights in spring and summer 2012 (...cont)

Dave Green found 10 clumps of Bulb- and so too have botanists from the Mon- Elsa & Adrian Wood found some Marsh ous Canary-grass Phalaris aquatica mouthshire Meadows Group. These St John’s Wort Hypericum elodes in a near Osbaston in a corner of a cornfield sites are spread from Pandy to Gilwern, pond on Whitelye Common; this species by Manson Lane, and the grass Water and Shirenewton to Penyvan near The is rare in eastern Monmouthshire with Bent Polypogon viridis on a footpath Narth. Steven also found Bee Orchid its only other recent site at Penyvan no from Saltmarsh Lane, Newport Wet- and Twayblades Neottia ovata on some longer being suitable as it has been lands on 27 July. He also found a se- grassland by Raglan Services. Kay shaded by trees. cond specimen in the garden centre at Swift found 10 or more Bee Orchids Trevor Evans and Colin Titcombe have on 28 July. Kris Roberts near Crick where unfortunately a farmer been busy botanising too and amongst noted some Viper’s Bugloss Echium sprayed the plants on a bank below an their finds was Mistletoe Viscum album vulgare at Greenmeadow old disused MOD rail line. We, with Tre- growing on a Marsh oak Quercus palus- Farm in Cwmbran, a new record for this vor Evans, also found some Bee Or- tris planted near Pontypool (first spotted site. Above the canal at Llanfoist, Gra- chids and Southern Marsh orchids Dac- by Graham Harris in the winter months) ham Harris and Steph Tyler noted sev- tylorchis praetermissa at Dinham, MOD and Wood Vetch sylvatica at sites eral Great Burnet Sanguisorba offici- where such scarce plants as in Wentwood. nalis plants in early August; this spe- Fragrant Agrimony Agrimonia procera cies is uncommon and mainly found in and Small-flowered Buttercup Ranuncu- Apologies if your discoveries have not the west of the Vice-County. lus parviflorus were also seen. Greater been included in this brief report but rest Butterfly Orchids Platanthera chlorantha assured all and every record is wel- Heather Colls has been active and have also turned up in several new tet- comed, even of common plants in poor- amongst her finds was a single plant of rads as at Penallt and near The Hendre. ly covered tetrads. Steve Williams sent Motherwort Leonurus cardiaca near some excellent records, including Moon- Jingle Street (considered extinct in the Graham Motley found 50 old spikes of wort Botrychium lunaria from three sites vice-county), six Hairy Buttercups Ra- Ivy Broomrape Orobranche hederae at at Blaenavon and at Blaenserchan, Fir nunculus sarduus at Treowen, a patch Robert Price’s entrance in Clubmoss Huperzia selago at Blae- of Herb Paris Paris quadrifolium at a and Common Twayblade Neottia ovata navon and Varteg and Marsh Foxtail new site at Wonastow, and Bee Orchids in Abergavenny by Waitrose; Pat Johns Alopecurus aequalis from Llandegfedd Ophrys apifera by the slip road onto the turned up Grass-leaved Pea Reservoir for 2010 and 2011 and no dual carriageway near Mitchel Troy, as nissolia on a patch of waste ground in doubt he will have made important finds well as 15 or 20 plants of narrow-leaved Monmouth (this species has a strong- in 2012. Pepperwort Lepidium ruderale around hold along the estuary as at Newport Mitchel Troy. Wetlands and GWT’s Solutia fields); Linda Smout told us of a fine stand of Steven Heaton, a seasonal surveyor Steph Tyler & Elsa Wood Joint BSBI trees and sapling Wild Service Trees with GWT, has turned up some previ- Recorders for VC35. Contact: Sorbus torminalis along 10m of hedge ously unknown species-rich grasslands [email protected] near Kingcoed.

Records from Brynna Woods and Llanharan Marsh

As a volunteer with Wildlife Trust South helleborine; Stinkhorn Phallus impudi- and West Wales in Brynna Woods and cus; Jew's ear Auricularis auricula- Llanharan Marsh reserve, I have made judae; Dryad's saddle Polyporus squa- the following sightings this year: mosus; Three cornered leek Allium triquetrum; Cannabis Cannabis sativa Violet oil beetle Meloe violaceus. Identi- (reported to local police!); Beech fication confirmed by Dr. B.Levey woodwart Hypoxylon fragiforme record- (Biosyb Dept., Cardiff Museum), and ed in June. This seemed to be early and specimen now held as a Voucher Speci- (rather unusually) growing on dead Ley- men at the Museum; Bloody nosed landii (according to my books it should beetle Timarcha tenebricosa. Identifica- be around in late summer/autumn and tion confirmed by Dr B. Levey; Chimney on Beech). Identification confirmed by sweeper moth Odezia atrata; Pignut Barry Thomas, Glamorgan Fungus

Conopodium majus; Cuckoo Cuculus Group. canorus heard calling twice in one day (in 10 years living on edge of Brynna Mark Steer Woods, this is the first time I've heard a Page 6 cuckoo!); Marsh violet Viola palustris; Violet oil beetle © Mark Steer Broad leafed helleborine Epipactis

Issue 7—Autumn October 2012

Canada Tips and nearby quarry pools, Blaenavon

BLAENAVON – invertebrate within the spoil tips and life of the Canada Tips and quarries encouraged us to nearby quarry pools. think the area would be good for dragonflies, so We first visited this area on we duly returned on 23rd th 25 March 2012 with the Car- July, a sunny but breezy diff Naturalists’ Society on a day. walk led by Rhian and Andy Kendall to look at the geology Odonata seen were Gold- and industrial archaeology of en-ringed dragonfly 1f, this mainly man-made land- Emperor dragonfly 1m scape. We rambled from (also at Keepers Pond), Keeper’s Pond via the Cana- Common Hawker 2, Four- spotted Chaser 1, Com- da tips (so-called from the Canada Tips Pool © Linda & Rob Nottage open-casting process devel- mon Darter 1 (teneral), Black Darter 1, Scarce oped during WW2) to Carreg very large Horsefly thought pools because the site is so Blue-tailed Damselfly 1m Maen Taro boundary stone to be Tabanus sudeticus. disturbed by past workings. and disused quarries to the (Canada Tips pool). Com- north. It is an upland area of mon Blue Damselfly, Large We don’t know if this area Linda and Rob Nottage rough grassland, heather and Red Damselfly and Emerald has been well studied in the bilberry. Damselfly were widespread past, but it would certainly Editors Note: Coincidental- in small numbers. repay further exploration in ly this area was the location Findings included a Fox Moth ideal weather conditions (not for the SEWBReC/Wales Small Heath butterflies were caterpillar and both Bloody- easy to get this summer!) Biodiversity Partnership widespread. We found one nosed and Green Tiger Bee- Without a GPS locator we dragonfly identification Oak Eggar caterpillar, 2 tles. found it difficult to identify course in August this year Green Tiger beetles and a The many pools in hollows the exact locations of the where a number of dragon- fly species were spotted.

Scarce blue-tailed damselfly © Linda & Rob Nottage

Quarry Pool © Linda & Rob Nottage

Page 7 Horsefly (poss Tabanus sudeticus) © Linda & Rob Nottage

Issue 7—Autumn October 2012

Blaencanaid Raven Roost: An Update

Some of you may have read my original shrubs. In the US, it is called Sudden count, I was spurred on to investigate article about the Raven roost, in the for- Oak Death, because it kills their ‘Red’ the matter, so with an enforced day off, I estry between the Taff and Cynon val- Oaks and Tan Oaks. In this country, it made a brief visit to view the plantations leys. This is an update on some of the doesn’t generally affect out native ‘White’ at the rear of the roost, while the Ravens results of counts made since then and Oaks so the common name has been were flying out and to my surprise, found issues affecting the roost. dropped and it is only referred to by its that all the Ravens do seem to roost scientific name Phytophthora ramorum. It within 100m or so of the front of the It is just over six months since I wrote the affects a number of our native and non roost, but what came as even more of a original article and since then we’ve had native trees and shrubs, including Larch. surprise was a large flock of the Ravens, a freak heat wave in March an unsettled It was in Larch that it was first found in S. which left the roost and instead of flying spring, the wettest June I’ve ever record- Wales, since when the Forestry Commis- west to the front of the roost and on to ed (since 1994), with 286.85mm of rain- sion (FC) and FERA have been battling the refuse tip they favour, these birds fall, an unsettled July and with 218.50mm to prevent its spread. Unfortunately, the headed east, across the Taff valley, des- of rainfall, the second wettest August. wet summer we’ve just suffered has tination unknown. In that first visit I According to the met office, we’ve had been a gift to P. ramorum and it has counted 80, but then had to leave, be- the dullest summer since 1980. spread like wildfire through the Larch, fore all the Ravens had finished leaving, With all that meteorological doom and particularly in the coalfield area. so a few days later I returned with more time on my hands and did a proper count gloom it comes as a surprise that this In order to try and prevent further spread year, so far, seems to have been a good of all the birds leaving the roost and of the spores to other areas, all the dis- heading east; this time the total was 111. one for the Ravens, with nearly all the eased Larch will be removed from the counts being close to the maximum affected forests, with the inevitable im- From my usual counting spot, all these counts for their respective months and pact on the wildlife that uses it. birds flying east would have been hidden the total for September being the highest from me, but I would be able to hear I’ve ever had at the roost, with a satisfy- Will this clearance of Larch affect the them calling, so were these the birds I’ve ing 427 birds. The reason for the in- Raven roost? I wasn’t sure, because been hearing all along? The simple an- crease is probably down to a successful after all these years of counting the Ra- swer is possibly. What is certain, is that breeding season, as the late summer vens flying from the S. Western edge of assuming that the number of birds flying peak is created by the breeding pairs the forest, I was still unclear as to where west that morning was close to the 427 returning to the roost with their offspring. in there they actually roosted. Quite often counted only a few days previously, then A friend of mine, Mike Hogan, suggested while counting, I can hear the flight calls that 111 birds increases the size of the that the breeding success may in part be of birds that appear to be a long way roost by over 25%, with implications for due to the generally dry and often sum- back from the front of the roost and as past counts as well as future ones. mery early spring weather . these calls were usually followed by the arrival of more birds at the front of the Obviously, one can’t base any such fig- So everything at the roost is plodding roost, I justifiably assumed they were the ures on a couple of observations and along just fine except that a rather large same birds that had flown from a part of more work will have to be done to try cloud has just appeared on the horizon the roost, much deeper into the forest. and come up with a more accurate esti- and is moving rapidly closer. mate of the true size of the roost, based Over the years I had always meant to on my counts of the birds flying west Some of you may be aware that a viru- check on just where they were coming from the roost, so watch this space. lent disease of trees and other woody from, but I never seemed to have the plants has entered the country, having spare time to do so. With this threat to Finally, will the inevitable clearance of been imported from North America with the roost and the excellent September the Larch from the forest surrounding the roost affect it? That still remains to Blaencanaid Raven Roost Totals 2012-2021 be seen. Certainly, the strip of Lodgepole Pine in which the birds 450 currently roost would be far more exposed to the prevailing west and 400 south west winds if the narrow band of larch that protects it is re- 350 moved, but FC are hoping to leave those Larch standing, unless they 300 2012 too show signs of the disease. If 2013 the worst happens, it is important to 2014 250 2015 remember that it is just a roost and 2016 no nesting takes place there, so if 2017

200 2018 that strip of Larch was felled and CountTotals 2019 the Pines left exposed to wind 2020 throw, making the roost untenable, 150 2021 then the Ravens would just move

100 to another suitable site: they’ve done it at least once before. 50 Mark Evans

0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Issue 7—Autumn October 2012

Rare (or just under -recorded) fungus found near Dingestow

Gwent Fungus Group member, Lee the more common Phallus impudi- Johnson, sent me a fantastic photo- cus I can find only one instance of graph she had taken of a very rare fun- Dictyophora duplicata being rec- gus she had found in her local woods orded in Wales before, and that near Dingestow back in July this year. was back in 1977 I believe. Like so many fungi, this species may I am sure we all know the much more well be more common than we common Stinkhorn, Phallus impudicus, think, just under-recorded. Whilst well this particular species Phallus dupli- so many of us are guilty of record- catus or now renamed Dictyophora du- ing the species as a Stinkhorn plicata, is closely related and looks very from the smell we should not may- similar but has a net-like veil under- be start searching harder for the neath the head, where the green ‘slime’ true species hiding under the is, rather like a ballet dancer’s ‘Tutu’! bracken or brambles as we pass Much like the Stinkhorn, this species along. also has a strong fetid smell and long cellular stem rising out of its initial ‘egg’ Sheila Spence, County Recorder shape which emerges from the ground. for Fungi (VC35) Whilst there are many, many records for

British Mycological Society (BMS) Common Fungi Project ©Dictyophora Lee Johnson duplicata © Lee Johnson The British Mycological Society are asking people to report sightings of six common species: fly agaric, jelly ear, yellow stagshorn, birch polypore, blushing bracket, and stump puffball. The aim is to gather data on the distribution, times of fruiting and ecological associations of common, easily identifiable fungi. For further information about the project go to Full colour photographs and a key to all six species of fungi can also be found on the website.

Data submitted should include: name, date, site name, grid reference, vice-county, tree species under, on or near to which the fungus is growing, including on which kind of wood it is growing. Where a fungus is growing near different tree species, list them all, with the nearest first. The name of the recorder is important so that suitable acknowledgements can be made. No specimens need be sent. The details may be sent in any form, as records on paper, or as an Excel or Access file, by post or by e-mail. Records from previous years will be welcome as long as the ecological details are available. Please send rec- ords to: Bruce Ing, Tigh na faoileige, Rhue, Ullapool, IV26 2TJ or e-mail to: [email protected]

Wildboar in Gwent After hearing initial rumours of Wild 2011) but in 2008 such sign could also first place is not known but it is widely Boar having been released in the Forest be found in the upper Angiddy Valley to accepted that the crossed the of Dean close to Staunton during 2004, the West of (Buckle Wood, Ra- Wye from the original ‘release’ area and subsequent newspaper reports vensnest Wood and Fedw area). (High Meadow Woods). This ’release’ relating to the presence of Boar in the of 2004 is the one that was widely re- On the 1st July 2009, while in the com- north east Gwent woodlands (High ported on and involved a number of pany of Chris Hatch and Pete Bodding- Meadow Woods) in November of that animals. It is also known that smaller ton, I again came upon what seemed year, a steady trickle of information re- numbers were already present in the obviously to be Wild Boar rooting activi- garding the presence of these animals area prior to that—the ty on fields in the Monnow Valley near in parts of eastern Gwent continues to results of earlier releases or escapes. Deep Holm Farm (Ancre Hill, Rockfield). come in. In addition, evidence of Boar In a situation such as this the Boar are The Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) used to be a activity in the form of rootings (where likely to be shot for causing such dam- native species in Britain, and indeed, in pigs use their snouts to plough up the age, and reports suggesting that this Gwent. The remains of one adult Wild ground surface in their search for food) had already happened came through to Boar were amongst those of even more and wallows (where they bathe in water me on the 12th June 2006. This report exotic species (Woolly Mammoth, Wool- filled hollows, covering themselves in related to one Boar being shot at The mud) were also to be found. Cot (Devauden) and another in the An- Page 9 Initially such obvious sign could be seen giddy Valley. widely in the Highmeadow, Reddings Where these animals come from in the Inclosure and Hadnock areas (2005-

Issue 7—Autumn October 2012

Wildboar in Gwent (...cont) ly Rhinoceros, Lion etc) found in cave of animals, maybe as few as deposits in Caerwent Quarry in one or two. Meanwhile re- 1969/70 (see ’Gwent—its Landscape ports of Boar activity came in and Natural History’, Colin Titcombe, from other people adding 1998). Boar remains have also been Botany Bay (Tintern), Cwm- found at a number of sites in the Flan- carvan Hill (Trellech) and the drian deposits of the Severn Estuary in area between and Gwent, and it would appear that they Mynydd Bach (Shirenewton) continued to roam Welsh woodlands as to the list of sites. late as the 1500s (see ’Changes in the At this stage it is difficult to Fauna of Wales within Historic Times’, foresee the future of the Wild Colin Mathesan, MA, BSc, National Boar in Gwent, west of the Museum of Wales, 1932), though by River Wye at least (they this time the combination of hunting should have a far better and cross-breeding with domestic stock chance in the High Meadow/ was bringing about the demise of the Hadnock Woods to the east of true species—Sus scrofa. the Wye for these areas are The Boar of today may or may not be contiguous with the Forest of pure Sus scrofa, but their re- Dean). introduction, whether intended or not, is For the animals themselves, going to be controversial, and in the and for those people who Forest of Dean it already is with two Approximate range of Wild Boar wanderings in Gwent would like to see them recolo- opposing factions regularly debating based on field sign © Colin Titcombe nize Gwent woodlands (and the matter in the local press. British woodlands generally for that suggest an even wider area of occur- With this in mind, Chris Hatch and I set matter) it is now largely down to luck. rence but these could relate to local- out to re-assess the situation in Gwent Large wooded areas such as Chepstow ized and short-lived escapees. during 2012. We found evidence of Park and Wentwood could provide suf- Acknowledgements: in the production Wild Boar presence at Whitelye, Llan- ficient cover to enable them to thrive. of this article I would like to thank Chris dogo, Itton and Trellech Grange, but If, however, these wandering animals Hatch for his fine photograph and his the evidence did not suggest numbers resort to foraging over farmland then I feel their ongoing assistance in tracking the Wild Boar. future here is likely Also Colin Elliott, Elspeth Reid (and to be short lived. others whose names I do not know) for their reports on Wild Boar activities in On a more positive Gwent. note, that other large mammal which has escaped Colin Titcombe into the Gwent countryside in re- cent years, the Red Deer, contin- ues to roam the woodlands of east- ern Gwent at least, and manages to remain fairly unob- trusive while doing so. The accompanying map shows the approximate range of Wild Boar wan- Page 10 derings in Gwent based on field Wild Boar © Chris Hatch sign. Other reports

Issue 7—Autumn October 2012

The challenges and rewards of recording around Ebbw Vale

This year at Gwent Wildlife Trust’s Silent The initial interest was very good with 15 Register. We’ve also observed a healthy Valley Local Nature Reserve and Envi- people contacting us to be involved. population of palmate and smooth ronmental Resource Centre we decided This number dropped slightly as we newts, as well as common toad and to renew our efforts in recording species reached the training days and sadly by frog. During warmer weather, the site that have in the past been a bit over- the time we came to handing out maps has been full of dragonflies and damsel- looked. The idea was to recruit a hard- and deciding on dates for people to visit flies and in terms of birds we were lucky core group of volunteer recorders, train we only had 2 people willing to take it on to see a water rail and a pair of reed them on the identification of butterflies as all the others had dropped out for buntings. and reptiles and then get a strong idea various reasons. This was a bit of a blow It has been an interesting continuation throughout the season of how these to the recording effort as we could not to the surveying of these wonderful sites species are faring at the reserve. ask 2 people to cover all of the weeks and a good example of how the best throughout the season and I was only We already have many years of data on laid plans do not always work out as you able to fit in surveys when I could be- bird nesting, thanks to the nest box would like. Finding volunteer recorders tween my various work tasks on the re- checkers who visit the reserve through- is not always easy as people are very serve and at other sites. We decided to out the season, but we just don’t have busy with their own lives and can’t al- give it a go anyway as some records are the time to dedicate to all of the wildlife ways drop everything to go hunting but- always better than none. at the reserve. terflies and reptiles, however much they I laid out a butterfly transect covering the want to. Butterflies were chosen as we have sev- main route that runs around the bottom eral nice species at the reserve, includ- I think the few who were able to spare section of the reserve taking in many ing small pearl bordered and dark green the time have been rewarded with many different habitat types and is an obvious fritillary, grayling and records of pearl other wildlife sightings along the way. I and safe route for recorders to follow. bordered fritillary in the past. They are was lucky enough on some of my tran- Along this transect I laid out 10 reptile also a very visible group to survey and it sects to see nesting tree creeper and refugia so we could check both reptiles has to be nice weather to see them so it redstart, many different dragonfly spe- and butterflies as we walked around. is an easy survey to offer volunteers - or cies including golden ringed and south- so we thought. Sadly the weather was against us and ern hawker, hedgehog, goshawk, tawny after a lovely April we had a whole owl and several green tiger beetles to We also chose reptiles because, even month without many records, except a name a few. though we know there are many com- single speckled wood and a couple of mon lizards on the reserve, it was a Recording any wildlife is a great way to lizards. chance to find out what other reptiles live learn your species, but many people there and if adder still occur as our last We pressed on regardless and in the overlook the fact that walking quietly record is from about 40 years ago. brief spells of nice weather we started to around a nature reserve repeatedly pick up some records and were pleased throughout the year also means you will to see the butterflies we had see a multitude of creatures you never hoped for, with some good expected and will never forget (it is kind counts of small pearl bor- of payment for your time) and leaves dered and, later in the sea- you with a good feeling inside. son, the grayling started to As we are now reaching the end of our appear along the spoil heaps recording season we are looking at our which is great to see. results to see where we did well/badly The common lizards have and formulating a plan for next year. been regularly found under In closing I would like to say a huge the refugia but still no sign of thank you to the brave few who took on adders which makes me the recording effort for us this year, and wonder if they are higher up if anyone has the time and would like to on the reserve (if at all) and join us next year then please get in we will have to expand the touch. You only need to do as little or as survey next year. much as you are able, but any help is Meanwhile, at the Environ- massively appreciated.

mental Resource Centre, a reptile survey has been car- Tom Eyles, Silent Valley Reserves ried out by Chris Hatch. We Officer, Gwent Wildlife Trust, Envi- were aware that the site was ronmental Resource Centre home to common lizard and slow worm but were pleas- antly surprised to find that so Page 11 many slow worms were Slowworm © ERC found that the site qualifies for the Key Reptile Sites

Issue 7—Autumn October 2012

Wasp Spider Record - A First for Wales

I am the voluntary warden for record from the Coed Cefn Lla, a Woodland Trust na- Gwent levels some ture reserve near Usk. The site was years ago. At the purchased about 5-6 years ago by the time, our group Woodland Trust, as improved agricul- located five adult tural land, but has been heavily planted female spiders, with native broadleaf species. Howev- although I returned er, it also includes a pinetum, and an- to the site later in cient orchard. These two areas apart, the day and count- as the oldest trees are no more than 5 ed 18 adult fe- years old, so the site is currently un- males, and 2 managed grassland with saplings. This males. The males habitat has proven to be excellent for have a very short orthoptera, with Roesel's Bush Cricket season, so I was Metrioptera roeselii being abundant delighted to see throughout. Steve Williams, county them. Orthoptera recorder tells me this is the third Gwent record of this cricket. Later counts have

taken the total Argiope bruennichi © Mike Kilner On Saturday 1st September I was number of adult joined by Roger James and Martin An- females to at least thony of Monmouthshire Moth Record- 25, but the spiders are very restricted than 18 inches from the ground) it ing Group for a walk around the site within the reserve to a small area. is easily overlooked, despite the appear- prior to some moth trapping. Site man- Nonetheless, the presence of males ance of the spider. It feeds mainly on ager Barry Embling also accompanied must indicate the first breeding popula- grasshoppers. us. In the course of this walk Roger tion of this species in Wales. Argiope James spotted a spider that turned out bruennichi is fairly common in southern I would be very interested in any other to be Argiope bruennichi, usually called and eastern , but rarely found records of this species from the SEW- the Wasp Spider. According to Peter in the west. Its habitat is unmanaged BREC region. Harvey of the national Spider Record- grassland, as it makes a distinctive orb ing Scheme this is the first official rec- web with a prominent vertical zigzag of Mike Kilner (Spider Recorder, Gwent ord of this species in Wales, although I silk, but as it makes the web low down and Glamorgan). Email: harvest- am aware of a previous unpublished in the vegetation (typically no more [email protected]

WBP—Book Award Fund

The Wales Biodiversity Partnership (WBP) A claim can be up to £25, and may only be is offering a small grant to all Vice County claimed once in each financial year. The Recorders in Wales. This can be used invoice date must match the financial year towards the purchase of identification in which the claim is made. To claim, books, keys, CDs, or other small equip- please send the form below together with Sean McHugh, ment. your receipt(s) to the following address: WBP Communications Officer, Wales Biodiversity Partnership, C/O Wildlife Trusts Wales, Name: Baltic House, Address: Line 1 Mount Stuart Square, Line 2 Cardiff Bay, CF10 5FH. Line 3 E-mail: Post Town [email protected] Post Code Phone: 02920 480 070 (direct), Email address: 07817 148524 (mobile) Contact telephone number Sean McHugh, WBP Communi- I am the VC Recorder for: Vice County Name cations Officer

Taxonomic Speciality Page 12

Item (s) grant claimed for

Receipt attached?

Issue 7—Autumn October 2012

Taf Fechan Nature Reserve

I happened to be wearing wad- ers at the time and made my way upstream with my camera, expecting to find an interesting view of the waterfall. Instead, a spectacular gorge came into view, hung with creepers and to make me want to stand on the roof- dripping from many sources, with tops and shout ‘The Brecon Beacons its towering stratified limestone are old-hat! Come and explore the Val- cliffs beautifully up-lit by the play leys!’. The area is positively bursting of late afternoon sunshine on the with interesting wildlife, hidden gorges, water. historical ruins and breathtaking beau- Dark corners and overhangs ty, all to be found, for example, on Taf seemed to conceal cave en- Fechan Nature Reserve and the sur- trances, and thoughts of emerg- rounding hills. ing bats and resting otters came to mind. In a narrow crevice a Last year around 50 nest boxes were dipper nest lay empty, viewed installed at Taf fechan Nature Re- through a glistening water- serve, Merthyr Tydfil, in the hope of misted spider’s web, and below, attracting the scarce Pied Flycatcher to © Wildlife Trust for South & West Wales a huge calcite formation jutted the area. There had been no record of the species on the reserve for over 40 out into the gorge, dripping with years, despite an abundance of suita- crystal water and dancing with light Even after walking its paths many ble habitat, and despite sporadic sight- from glowing pebbles and shallow rip- times, over several years, Taf Fechan ings of the species in woodland a few ples below. Nature Reserve never ceases to sur- miles away. Nestboxes were situated prise and excite me. The other day, How on earth had I not come across in tight groups so that the inevitable whilst carrying out a riverfly survey at this place before? invasion of blue tits would be some- the north of the reserve, I looked up- what self-controlling, and were closely Maybe those teenage boys who make stream and thought ‘I wonder what’s monitored with the help of local volun- the deadly leap into the Blue Pool on around that corner…’. The river at this teers. hot summer days are not so crazy after point meanders out of sight, and can all, maybe they are onto something? This spring, the Wildlife Trust of South only be followed if wearing waders or if and West Wales were delighted to climbed (or jumped) into from up- But then this is just like Merthyr Tydfil, report that their efforts had been re- stream, where the river thunders full of hidden gems that make you won- warded by the arrival of a pair of Pied through a narrow bottleneck and pours der why it’s not more visited, and make Flycatcher on the reserve, who were down a little waterfall into a wide swirl- you wonder at its lingering reputation nesting in one of the boxes. A few ing pool. as an industrial wasteland. It’s enough days after the chicks had hatched some truly awful weather moved in, with strong gales and heavy rain, which didn’t pass for over 24 hours. The parents either abandoned the nest or were predated during this time and were not seen again, and the five chicks sadly perished.

An unfortunate end to what is nonethe- less an positive example of the re- wards of conservation work, and fin- gers are crossed for the return of the Pied Flycatcher (and better weather) next spring. Cary Solman, Wildlife Trust for South & West Wales

Page 13 © Wildlife Trust for South & West Wales

Issue 7—Autumn October 2012

Swift Nesting!

After learning that very little was known over our heads. save the nest. about the location of swift nest sites in Cardiff, we (Linda and Julia) decided We ended up finding a good number of Next year, we will be going out again - that we'd have a go at finding swift nests in Cathays. At first we just and again logging all the nests we find some! This seemed important since we found three nests, but it became clear with the local authority (via the bio- were aware that swifts are now an Am- that there were nests in a number of diversity officer), the South East Wales ber conservation species and the num- properties down one entire street. And Biodiversity Records Centre bers breeding in the UK are falling mark- we discovered that an easy way to find ( edly. We decided to spend an evening a them was to walk about after dark, lis- and the RSPB week hunting, firstly by visiting areas of tening intently. The gentle chirruping ( Cardiff where we knew swifts had nested sounds coming from the roofs gave swifts). It's only if the nest sites are in the past. It's fair to say that it was a bit away their location. known about that there's any chance of hit and miss to begin with - we found a protecting them. We would also urge few nests on some nights and none on We had a rather difficult day when we you to log any swift nest sites you're others. However, we were privileged to discovered that one of the properties aware of with these organisations. For watch between 50-100 swifts feeding with a swift nest was being renovated. more information about swift conserva- just above our heads one rather gloomy Despite lots of phone calls, the interven- tion - evening in Cardiff Bay - the swifts were tion of the Police and Linda meeting the so low, we could hear their wing beats property's owner, we weren't able to Linda Newton and Julia Barrell

Disaster or interesting example of succession?

The piece of land in question is bordered ers. The owner agreed to a botanical coppice growth. A good number of na- by a major road to the west, a minor survey and Rebecca Price of Gwent tive deciduous trees are springing up as road to the south and a brook followed Wildlife Trust kindly provided me with a saplings all over the land. A few foreign by an industrial estate to the north-east. provisional species list. This contained oak saplings from amenity plantings Thus it is roughly a triangle, a little over ten species which together would justify nearby are also appearing. My photo- 3 acres in area in a suburban setting. It conservation of the land possibly as a graphs from the first years show thou- is a brownfield site, though this would be SINC. Discussion with the owner sug- sands of milk-maid plants in the spring. hard to detect now, unless you knew its gested no interest in taking this route. In 2012 I could easily have counted the history. The owner wishes to sell it for His price for the land was beyond any few that appeared. The build-up of dead development, hence the small sign by immediate possibility for raising funds. grass from the dominating cock’s foot his agents in the middle facing the major No objection was raised to my continu- and false oat grass is choking the flow- road. It is protected on the two accessi- ing to take an interest in the land. It has ering plants. My fear is that a casually ble sides by a very nominal metal fence paths used by dog-walkers and by peo- discarded cigarette in a dry spell could which can be cleared with a stride. At its ple walking to work at the industrial es- see the whole field go up in flames very south-west corner there is a depression, tate so my regular appearance on the readily. surrounded by amenity-type Acers with a land raises no eyebrows. I started to walk a complicated but con- very large, high metal sign for the indus- I believe the owner has been advised by stant transect across the land and now trial estate. At its north-west tip, where his agents not to manage the land in any have a few years of butterfly population the brook enters the site there are large way but to allow it to naturally become data. Although numbers fluctuate be- limes and Norway maples and some more unkempt and less valuable from a tween years there are strong colonies of spruce. Between the brook and the land conservation point of view. In this way, Large Skipper, Green-veined White, there is a narrow strip of woodland con- when development is planned, the local Meadow Brown, Ringlet, Speckled taining examples of many deciduous authority will not raise objections on Wood, Gatekeeper and Common Blue. tree species but dominated by alder. grounds of biodiversity and conserva- Essex Skipper was recorded within a This woodland fades into grassland tion. The owner has allowed an employ- few miles of this site so I proceeded to through a strip of bramble and nettles at ee’s son to use the land for motor cy- net and carefully examine all Small its edge. The remainder of the land is a cling. I was distressed to see the vegeta- Skippers in 2012. A good colony of “meadow”. tion chewed up and a large scar of bare Small Skipper has turned into two good I first noticed the land when the local ground exposed. However, my fears colonies ,one of Small Skipper and one authority ceased to manage any of it were unfounded as this proved to be a of Essex Skipper. Half of a total of 20 other than the very northern tip. Walking piece of management. Even two years “small skippers” caught on one occasion past in the summer of the year following after this, the recovery on the exposed proved to be Essex Skippers. I suspect this change I saw a very small group of ground still hosts the most valuable the latter were probably present in 2011 bee orchids. I contacted the local author- plants and far less of the cock’s foot and and possibly before. Visits by the occa- ity ecologist who gave advice on how the false oat grass which is slowly choking sional Marbled White also give me hope owner might be identified and contacted the rest of the land. A belt of fine cherry of an eventual colony of this species. I through the land registry I obtained the laurel trees at the south east corner of also record any other species registered plans of the land, the name the land were suddenly felled and left that I can confidently identify and have and address of the owner and something where they fell. I could see no reason for added a few plants to the original list. I of the land’s history and previous own- this and their stumps are now producing ran a light-trap there once in 2011, brav-

Issue 7—Autumn October 2012

Disaster or interesting example of succession? (...cont) ing the police and a local security guard. Since then I have run the light-trap a number of times in 2012. I hope to take a look at life in the brook. I have seen no fish but it hosts mallard and moorhen and I think I had a glimpse of a kingfisher. I have seen brown rat on its bank and the owner tells me of seeing mink from an office window. The brook is interesting also in that it passes through an old heavy industry site which is now a local nature reserve and then travels some miles piped underground before surfacing near the north-west tip of “my” land. What ver- tebrates and invertebrates could under- take or survive that journey? On “my” land it is crossed by two very large pipes form- © Bob Roome ing bridges. One has trapped so much debris that it has formed a dam holding a quiet pool of water above it. It is partially stone lined on its banks and culverts carry Site Species Lists run-off from the nearby main road. Some- Butterflies: Brimstone, Comma, Common Blue, Essex Skipper, Gatekeeper, times it smells slightly of detergent sug- Green-veined White, Holly Blue, Large Skipper, Large White, Marbled White, gesting the industrial estate on its other Meadow Brown, Orange-tip, Painted Lady, Peacock, Red Admiral, Ringlet, Small bank has culverts entering it too. Copper, Small Skipper, Small Tortoiseshell, Small White, Speckled Wood. This is land well within a town and yet it : Angle Shades, Black Arches, Brimstone, Burnet Companion, Canary- shelters at least 15 species of butterfly. It shouldered Thorn, Cinnabar, Clay, Common Carpet, Common Footman, Copper has a good range of other insects, many Underwing, Dingy Footman, Double-striped Pug, Double Square-spot, Dunbar, birds and I have seen mice, voles, a dead Fanfoot, Flame, Flame Carpet, Flame Shoulder, Flounced Rustic, Garden Car- shrew, hedgehog and a common toad. pet, Ghost Swift, Heart and Dart, Ingrailed Clay, Large Yellow Underwing, Lesser Although the bee orchids have never re- Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing, Lesser Yellow Underwing, Mesapamea agg., appeared (I suspect that they may even Mottled Rustic, Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet, Pale Mottled Willow, Pale have been dug up!), this land could be a Prominent, Riband Wave, Scalloped Oak, Shaded Broad-bar, Silver Y, Six-spot fine wildflower meadow with the right Burnet, Smoky Wainscot, Snout, Square-spot Rustic, Straw Dot, Uncertain, Wil- management. Instead I am monitoring the low Beauty. changes in a succession to deciduous Micro-moths: Acleris forsskaleana, Acleris schalleriana, Acrobasis advenella, woodland. I suppose things could be Agapita hamana, Agonopteryx arenella, Agriphila geniculea, Agriphila stra- worse. At least my wife, who accompa- minella, Agriphila tristella, badiana, Aphomia sociella, Bryotropha domes- nied the light-trapping expedition and con- tica, Calyptria falsella, Celypha lacunana, Celypha striana, Chrysoteuchia culmel- vinced both police and then security man la, Crambus pascuella, Crassa unitella, Cydia nigricana, Dipleurina lacustrata, that I was harmless, thinks it keeps me Epiphyas postvittana, Eucosma odumbratana, Helcystogramma rufescens, out of mischief! The local authority has Metzneria metzneriella, Notocelia uddmanniana, Orthotaenia undulana, Pan- recently designated the land as a SINC. demis cinnamomeana, Pleuroptya ruralis, Stenoptilia pterodactyla ,Tineola bissel- This should give it a little more protection. liella. Plants: Species listed as “indicator species” for neutral grassland in ‘Guidelines Bob Roome for the Selection of Wildlife Sites in South Wales’ and identified by Rebecca Price of Gwent Wildlife Trust: Cuckoo flower, Common Knapweed, Perforate St.John’s Wort, Imperforate St.John’s Wort, Meadow Vetchling, Birds-foot Trefoil, Lesser Stitchwort, Zig-zag , Red Clover, Tufted Vetch. Grasses: Creeping bent, Sweet vernal, False oat grass, Crested dogs tail, Cock’s foot, Red fescue, York- shire fog, Perennial rye grass, Rough meadow grass, Timothy. Herbs: Yarrow, Rosebay willow herb, Spear thistle, Great willow herb, Marsh bedstraw, Cleavers, Hogweed, Prickly lettuce, Greater bird’s-foot trefoil, Black medick, Ribwort plan- tain, Silverweed, Creeping cinquefoil, Self heal, Fleabane, Meadow buttercup, Creeping buttercup, Common sorrel, Broad-leaved dock, Clustered dock, Rag- wort, Hedge woundwort, Dandelion, Goat’s beard, White clover, Common nettle, Germander speedwell, Bush vetch, Common vetch, Red bartsia. Sedges and Rushes: Soft rush, Hard rush, Hairy sedge, Field horsetail. Trees and Bushes: Alder, Silver birch, Pedunculate oak, Willow, Goat willow, Sycamore, Hawthorn, Blackthorn, Bramble, Dog rose, Wild cherry, Holly, Ivy, Elder.

© Bob Roome Page 15

Issue 7—Autumn October 2012

Volunteering for SEWBReC and beyond

Volunteering is a fantastic way to build up experience and knowledge, which can be the first step onto the conservation career ladder. It can also be a fun way to get to know new people, and learn new skills, even if you don’t plan on joining the competitive conservation jobs market! At SEWBReC, we are always happy to accommodate volunteers (though sometimes there is a waiting list), and it can be a great way to learn more about what we do, and how your records are utilised by the wider conservation community. If you would like more information about volunteering for us, please contact me on [email protected], and arrange to come in and have a chat (and a cuppa). If sitting at a desk isn’t your thing, there are always plenty of local organisations who would be thrilled to have extra hands for their field based conservation work. Several hold regular work parties, for example:

Organisation Location Dates Contact Gwent Wildlife Trust (GWT) Silent Valley Reserve, Blaenau Gwent Tuesdays Tom Eyles - 07788565459 or 01495307525 GWT: WING (Wildlife in Newport Group) Allt-yr-yn Reserve & Solutia Wetlands, 1st Sunday of the month Julia or Roger James - 01633 215627 Newport Wildlife Trust of South & West Wales Taf Fechan Nature Reserve, Merthyr Tydfil Thursdays Carys Solman - 07896 798371 Rosehill Quarry Group Rosehill Quarry, Swansea 1st Sunday of the month Jannie Cherry - 01792 477863

For more ideas on volunteering and other events, please visit the SEWBReC website for a jam packed events calendar and links to local conservation organisations:

Elaine Wright, SEWBReC


Pentywn Farm Fungi Walk, Sunday 14th October, 2pm – 4pm - Held by Gwent Fungus Group as part of Wales’ first Fungus Day

Join Gwent Fungus Group members on an informal wander around Gwent Wildlife Trust's Pentwyn Farm Nature Reserve (Penalllt, nr Monmouth) to see what fungi are out and about. Meet at 2pm at the Medieval Barn.

We’ll be looking for the site’s largest fairy ring, as part of a nationwide search for Wales’ largest fairy ring. There will be a small exhibition of photos and specimens, 'name that fungus' quiz, plus Gwent Fungus Group members will be on hand to help identi- fy any fungi you’ve seen – bring samples or photos with you. Directions to Pentwyn Farm Nature Reserve see:

The day forms part of a nationwide series of activities in celebration of Wales’ first Fungus Day, hosted by The National Botanic Garden of Wales. This includes a nationwide search for Wales’ largest fairy ring. The Welsh public, including British Mycological Society (BMS) members, wildlife trusts, the National Trust and park managers, will be asked to look for, measure, photograph and possibly identify the biggest fairy ring on their patch in the weeks leading up to Wales Fungus Day. A rolling record of these finds will be viewable at

Wales Amphibian and Reptile Symposium 2012 and Welsh & Marches ARGs meeting, Llandrindnod Wells, Saturday 3rd November

Talks include: South Wales Ponds Project, Reptile refugia study, Million ponds G w e n t - G l a m o r g a n project in Wales, Wales Amphibian and Reptile Link (WARL), Aesculapian snakes Recorders’ Newsletter in Wales, amongst many others.... SEWBReC It is open to anyone with an interest in Welsh herpetofauna and their conservation. 13 St Andrew’s Crescent For a provisional programme and further information about how to book a place Cardiff, CF10 3DB please go to or call Mark Barber on 07810 770569. Spaces are limited. Bookings should made by the 19th October. Telephone: 029 20 64 1110 Fax: 029 20 38 7354 A big thank you to all those who have contributed to this newsletter! But, E-mail: [email protected] Web: thinking ahead to the next issue, we want more articles from Recorders – it could be just a list of species you have recently recorded, or an update of Follow us on Facebook or Twitter: where you have been surveying in the last year. This is an opportunity to plug

your favourite recording location, to raise awareness of the species that you record, and to communicate to a wide range of individuals about your hard work! Please forward any comments, articles, events, species sightings etc to SEWBReC. @sewbrec