August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6115 Whereas, 31 years after the enactment of as order-of-battle specialists, counterintel- (1) honors the bravery and dedication of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, ligence operatives, photo interpreters, psy- the Ritchie Boys; some telecommunication, electronic, and in- chological warfare experts, and other spe- (2) recognizes the importance of their con- formation technologies continue to be devel- cialists; tributions to the success of the Allied Forces oped without the goal of full accessibility Whereas, during World War II, Ritchie during World War II; and and inclusion for all people of the United Boys were assigned to every unit of the (3) respectfully requests that the Secretary States; and Army and the Marines as well as to the Of- of the Senate transmit an enrolled copy of Whereas, 31 years after the enactment of fice of Strategic Services and the Counter this resolution to Mr. Landon Grove of the the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Intelligence Corps; Ritchie History Museum. many businesses, public and private organi- Whereas, starting in 1942, the Ritchie Boys f zations, transportation systems, and services were sent as individual specialists to the Su- are still not accessible to all individuals preme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary SENATE RESOLUTION 350—RECOG- Force (‘‘SHAEF’’) in small elite teams to with disabilities: Now, therefore, be it NIZING AND CELEBRATING THE Resolved, That the Senate— join combat units in the North African, Med- (1) recognizes the importance of inde- iterranean, European, and Pacific theaters 200TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE pendent living for individuals with disabil- and to military camps, prisoner-of-war ENTRY OF MISSOURI—THE ities made possible by the enactment of the camps, and interrogation centers (such as ‘‘SHOW ME STATE’’—INTO THE Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 Fort Hunt, VA) in the United States; UNION AS THE 24TH STATE Whereas the Ritchie Boys accompanied the U.S.C. 12101 et seq.); Mr. BLUNT (for himself and Mr. (2) encourages all people of the United Army on D-Day in Europe as foot soldiers States to celebrate the advancement of in- with all Army divisions and as paratroopers HAWLEY) submitted the following reso- clusion and equality of opportunity made with all airborne divisions and were often se- lution; which was considered and possible by the enactment of the Americans lected to be the second soldier to land after agreed to: with Disabilities Act of 1990; the commander in order to provide needed S. RES. 350 (3) pledges to continue to work on a bipar- immediate interpretation in languages such as French, German, and Italian; Whereas the 200th anniversary of the entry tisan basis to identify and address the re- of Missouri into the Union as the 24th State maining barriers that undermine the na- Whereas the Ritchie Boys served as per- sonal interpreters for General George Patton marks a time for Missourians and all people tional goals of equality of opportunity, inde- of the United States to remember the past pendent living, economic self-sufficiency, and other military leaders; Whereas the Ritchie Boys served honorably and celebrate the future, including recog- and full participation for individuals with nizing the significant contributions of the disabilities, including by focusing on individ- in the Pacific in the assaults on Guadal- canal, Okinawa, Iwo Jima, and the Phil- State of Missouri to the culture, governance, uals with disabilities that remain segregated and intellect of the United States; in institutions; ippines, including 2 Marine Corps Ritchie Boys who died in the initial landing on Iwo Whereas Congress and President James (4) pledges to work with States to improve Monroe approved statehood and entry into access to home- and community-based serv- Jima and a Ritchie Boy who was awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously for bravery; the Union for the Missouri Territory on Au- ices for individuals with disabilities; gust 10, 1821, making it the Nation’s 24th (5) calls on the Department of Labor to Whereas about 140 Ritchie Boys lost their lives during World War II; State and the ‘‘Gateway to the West’’; provide information, resources, and tech- Whereas the Ritchie Boys garnered more Whereas the City of Jefferson, lying on the nical assistance that enable individuals with than 65 Silver Star Medals and numerous Missouri River, was named the Missouri disabilities to achieve economic self-suffi- Bronze Star Medals as well as at least 5 Le- State capital in 1821 for President Thomas ciency; and gion of Honor and many Croix de Guerre Jefferson, the third President of the United (6) calls on the Department of Health and Medals; States; Human Services to provide information, re- Whereas, among the 150-man Second Mo- Whereas the State served as the ‘‘Gateway sources, and technical assistance regarding bile Radio Broadcast Company of the Ritchie to the West’’, symbolized by the Gateway home- and community-based services and Boys, 6 members received the Croix de Arch in St. Louis, Missouri, representing a supports that enable individuals with dis- Guerre Medal and at least 15 received Bronze new beginning for so many people in the abilities to live independently. Star Medals for service and bravery; United States and marking the beginning for f Whereas the Ritchie Boys made significant Lewis and Clark, the Pony Express, the Or- egon and Santa Fe Trails, and individuals SENATE RESOLUTION 349—HON- contributions to the success of the Allied Forces on the Western Front through their venturing West to test their luck in the Gold ORING THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF knowledge and their skills, as demonstrated Rush; THE RITCHIE BOYS by a classified postwar report by the Army Whereas, despite the State’s role in some Mr. CARDIN (for himself, Mr. CRAPO, finding that the Ritchie Boys were the dark moments in the history of the United Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mr. RISCH, and Mr. source of nearly 60 percent of the credible in- States, Missouri proves that we can have a brighter future, as evidenced by the fact that WYDEN) submitted the following reso- telligence gathered in Europe during World as commander of the District of South- lution; which was considered and War II; Whereas many of the Ritchie Boys contin- eastern Missouri, General Ulysses S. Grant agreed to: ued to serve their country following the con- utilized the Mississippi River to combat Con- S. RES. 349 clusion of World War II, including through federate forces, and Francis Preston Blair, Whereas, in 1942, the Federal Government service as translators or interrogators pros- Jr., who later became a United States Sen- ordered that a National Guard ecuting war criminals with the Judge Advo- ator, fought for the Union and organized the Training Ground be turned into a War De- cate General’s Office during trials at Dachau protection of Jefferson Barracks in St. partment Military Intelligence Training and Nuremberg; Louis, which contributed to the Confederate Center, which was named Camp Ritchie after Whereas the Ritchie Boys include such no- defeat in Missouri; the late Governor, Albert C. Ritchie; table figures as , Archibald Whereas General John Pershing, born in Whereas, starting in 1942, more than 19,000 Roosevelt Jr, , Philip Laclede, Missouri, was president and first men trained at Camp Ritchie in Maryland Johnson, J.D. Salinger, and William War- captain of the West Point class of 1886, be- and became known as the Ritchie Boys; field, as well as Senators John Chafee of came a 5-star general and commander of the Whereas, while the approximately 2,800 ref- Rhode Island and Frank Church of Idaho, American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) dur- ugees who had fled Nazi persecution in Ger- and the father of the current senior Senator ing World War I and served as the Chief of many and Austria and had come to the from Oregon, Ron Wyden; Staff of the from 1921 to United States as ‘‘enemy aliens’’ prior to the Whereas the Ritchie Boys also contributed 1924; entry of the United States into World War II outside of the military through careers as Whereas Missouri is the birthplace of only constituted approximately 14 percent of writers, artists, architects, academics, dip- President Harry S. Truman, the 33rd Presi- the total number of Ritchie Boys, they had lomats, economists, financiers, philan- dent, who— the strongest motivation to return to Europe thropists, and psychologists; (1) served as a captain in World War I, a and fight for their newly adopted country; Whereas, because the roles of the Ritchie United States Senator, and Vice President Whereas the Ritchie Boys included— Boys remained classified for decades, the before succeeding President Franklin D. (1) soldiers of many faiths (including public generally lacks awareness of their Roosevelt; Protestant, Jewish, and Catholic soldiers); contributions; (2) oversaw the end of World War II and (2) both soldiers born in the United States Whereas Camp Ritchie closed in 1998, and a rocketed the United States to the inter- and foreign-born soldiers from more than 70 museum and educational center is now being national stage through his foreign policy, in- countries; planned for the location; and cluding the founding of the United Nations (3) soldiers with German, Japanese (Nisei), Whereas, approximately 200 Ritchie Boys and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and other language skills; and are still living, ranging in age between 95 (‘‘NATO’’) and the recognition of Israel; and (4) more importantly, soldiers with general and 107: Now, therefore, be it (3) promoted the advancement of civil intelligence skills suitable for being trained Resolved, That the Senate— rights by desegregating the United States

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:08 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.046 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6116 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 Armed Forces and forbidding racial discrimi- (4) George Washington Carver, born in Dia- SENATE RESOLUTION 351—DESIG- nation in Federal employment; mond, Missouri, whose contributions to the NATING SEPTEMBER 2021 AS Whereas, in Fulton, Missouri, Winston agricultural industry changed the way crops ‘‘NATIONAL CHILD AWARENESS Churchill drew the line between free Western are grown; democracies and the growing threat of com- MONTH’’ TO PROMOTE AWARE- munism in his famous ‘‘Sinews of Peace’’ Whereas Missouri, home to Branson, NESS OF CHARITIES THAT BEN- speech, where he popularized the term ‘‘Iron known for its shows and live entertainment, EFIT CHILDREN AND YOUTH- Curtain’’; has produced numerous renowned artists in SERVING ORGANIZATIONS Whereas Missouri is the home to the na- the areas of music, writing, acting, tele- THROUGHOUT THE UNITED tional treasures of Alley Mill and the Ozark vision, radio, and visual art, including— STATES AND RECOGNIZING THE National Scenic Riverways, the patchwork of (1) Maya Angelou, born in St. Louis, Mis- EFFORTS MADE BY THOSE the Mark Twain National Forest, the Sainte souri; CHARITIES AND ORGANIZATIONS Genevie`ve National Historical Park, and the Lake of the Ozarks, all of which are cher- (2) Yogi Berra, born and raised in St. ON BEHALF OF CHILDREN AND ished by Missourians; Louis, Missouri; YOUTH AS CRITICAL CONTRIBU- Whereas the unique terrain of forested (3) Chuck Berry, born and raised in St. TIONS TO THE FUTURE OF THE hills, wetlands, resource-rich soil, and vast Louis, Missouri; UNITED STATES farmland and the critical Mississippi, Mis- souri, and Osage Rivers established the (4) Walter Cronkite, born in St. Joseph, Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself, Mr. ‘‘Show Me State’’ as a leader in agriculture Missouri and raised in Kansas City, Missouri; LANKFORD, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Mrs. CAPITO, and commerce and a dominant producer of (5) Walt Disney, raised in Marceline, Mis- Ms. ROSEN, Mr. BRAUN, Mr. PADILLA, soybeans, corn, cotton, rice, cattle, swine, souri and Kansas City, Missouri; and Ms. HASSAN) submitted the fol- and poultry in the United States and as a lowing resolution; which was consid- 2 3 (6) Thomas Hart Benton, born in Neosho, home to nearly 95,000 farms that cover ⁄ of ered and agreed to: the State; Missouri; Whereas Missourians have shown their un- S. RES. 351 (7) Rush Limbaugh, born and raised in wavering patriotism to the United States Cape Girardeau, Missouri; Whereas millions of children and youth in through their dedicated service and selfless the United States represent the hopes and sacrifice for the protection of our Nation, (8) Phyllis Schlafly, born and raised in St. the future of the United States; with more than 410,000 veterans and 36,000 ac- Louis, Missouri; Whereas numerous individuals, charities tive duty and reserve personnel in the State; (9) Mark Twain, born in Florida, Missouri benefitting children, and youth-serving orga- Whereas Missouri is the site of the Na- and raised in Hannibal, Missouri; nizations that work with children and youth tional World War I Museum and Memorial, collaborate to provide invaluable services to which began when leaders in Kansas City, (10) Tennessee Williams, raised in St. enrich and better the lives of children and Missouri, raised more than $2,500,000 in just Louis, Missouri; and youth throughout the United States; 10 days to commemorate the men and women (11) Porter Wagoner, born and raised in Whereas raising awareness of, and increas- who served in the war, and the site was dedi- West Plains, Missouri; ing support for, organizations that provide cated by the Allied commanders in 1921, and access to health care, social services, edu- recognized as the National Museum and Me- Whereas Missouri is world renowned for its rich jazz and blues history, which began in cation, the arts, sports, and other services morial by Congress in 2014; will result in the development of character the 1920s when artists from around the coun- Whereas, in the 200 years since the birth of in, and the future success of, the children try were attracted to Kansas City, Missouri Missouri as a sovereign State, the citizens of and youth of the United States; during Prohibition and the Depression years, Missouri have made many significant Whereas the month of September, as the achievements in agriculture, art, athletics, and includes legends such as Count Basie, school year begins, is a time when parents, industry, literature, music, science, and Andy Kirk, Charlie Parker, Joe Turner, and families, teachers, school administrators, many other important areas; Mary Lou Williams; and communities increase the focus on chil- Whereas St. Louis debuted and popularized Whereas Missouri was the host of the 1904 dren and youth throughout the United to the world groundbreaking and life-chang- Summer Olympics—the first Olympics held States; ing innovations while it was host to the Lou- in the United States; Whereas the month of September is a time isiana Purchase Exposition in 1904, where the Whereas Missouri is the birthplace of the for the people of the United States to high- world marveled at— Negro National League, the first successful, light, and be mindful of, the needs of chil- (1) the ice cream cone; organized, professional African-American dren and youth; (2) the radiophone, the first wireless tele- baseball league in the United States that not Whereas private corporations and busi- phone; (3) the telautograph, the precursor to the only changed the game of baseball, but also nesses have joined with hundreds of national modern-day fax machine; our Nation, and is the home of the Negro and local charitable organizations through- (4) the X-ray machine; Leagues Baseball Museum in Kansas City; out the United States in support of a month- (5) the personal automobile; Whereas the major league sports teams of long focus on children and youth; and (6) the first public airship flight in the Missouri exhibit an impressive level of Whereas designating September 2021 as United States; athleticism and sportsmanship and have won ‘‘National Child Awareness Month’’ would (7) Dr. Pepper; several national championships, including— recognize that a long-term commitment to (8) peanut butter; and children and youth is in the public interest (9) iced tea; (1) the Kansas City Chiefs in 1970 and 2020; and will encourage widespread support for Whereas Missouri is also known for dif- (2) the Kansas City Royals in 1985 and 2015; charities and organizations that seek to pro- ferent types of barbecue across the State, vide a better future for the children and the roots of which can be traced back to the (3) the St. Louis Blues in 2019; and youth of the United States: Now, therefore, early 1900s in Kansas City, Missouri when (4) the St. Louis Cardinals in 1926, 1931, be it Henry Perry opened the city’s first barbecue 1934, 1942, 1944, 1946, 1964, 1967, 1982, 2006, and Resolved, That the Senate designates Sep- restaurant, later passing the legacy on to 2011; tember 2021 as ‘‘National Child Awareness Charlie Bryant; Whereas August 10, 2021, marks the 200th Month’’— Whereas Missouri’s barbecue history also anniversary of the statehood of Missouri; (1) to promote awareness of charities that includes other ‘‘greats’’ such as George benefit children and youth-serving organiza- Gates and Otis Boyd; and tions throughout the United States; Whereas, the birthplace of great minds, Whereas this bicentennial is a monumental (2) to recognize the efforts made by those Missourians have contributed to our society occasion to celebrate and commemorate the charities and organizations on behalf of chil- and economy through technological and ag- achievements of the great State of Missouri: dren and youth as critical contributions to ricultural advancements, including— Now, therefore, be it (1) James Ferguson, born in Wakenda, Mis- the future of the United States; and Resolved, That the Senate recognizes and (3) to recognize the importance of meeting souri, an inventor and entrepreneur who is celebrates the 200th anniversary of the entry best known for creating the Liquid Crystal the needs of at-risk children and youth, in- of Missouri into the Union as the 24th State. Display (‘‘LCD’’); cluding children and youth who— (2) Jack Kilby, born in Jefferson City, Mis- (A) have experienced homelessness; souri, an engineer who invented the (B) are in the foster care system; microchip and was a corecipient of the Nobel (C) have been victims, or are at risk of be- Prize for Physics; coming victims, of child sex trafficking; (3) Bill Lear, born in Hannibal, Missouri, (D) have been impacted by violence; an inventor and businessman who created (E) have experienced trauma; and the Lear Jet, the first mass produced busi- (F) have serious physical and mental ness jet; and health needs.

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