

Vol. 167 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 2021 No. 144 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 10, 2021, at 10 a.m. Senate MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 2021

The Senate met at 12 noon and was U.S. SENATE, RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY LEADER called to order by the Honorable MI- PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- CHAEL BENNET, a Senator from the Washington, DC, August 9, 2021. pore. The majority leader is recog- State of Colorado. To the Senate: nized. Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, f of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby H.R. 3684 PRAYER appoint the Honorable MICHAEL F. BENNET, a Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, now, Senator from the State of Colorado, to per- it may have taken all weekend, but the The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- form the duties of the Chair. Senate is now finally on the precipice fered the following prayer: PATRICK J. LEAHY, of passing major bipartisan infrastruc- Let us pray. President pro tempore. ture legislation. Eternal God, You rule forever. Lord, Mr. BENNET thereupon assumed the Last night, an overwhelming bipar- we see change and decay in our world, Chair as Acting President pro tempore. tisan majority of Senators voted to but Your power and might continue to f surmount the final few procedural hur- sustain us. Great is Your faithfulness. RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME dles and put the on a glidepath for You remain our shelter by day and de- passage tomorrow morning. The bill fense by night. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- will represent a substantial downpay- Today, surround our lawmakers with pore. Under the previous order, the ment toward the level of infrastructure Your generous blessings. As they seek leadership time is reserved. investment our country needs, and for to honor You, provide them with the f the first time, the Senate has come to- wisdom to keep our Nation strong. gether around such a package in dec- Lord, bless them with Your compas- CONCLUSION OF ades. I will have more to say about it sion, mercy, and love as You continue before final passage. to answer their prayers. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- BUDGET RECONCILATION We pray in Your strong Name. Amen. pore. Morning business is closed. Now, Mr. President, all summer, I f f have spoken about how the Senate PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE LEGISLATIVE SESSION would proceed along two tracks when The Presiding Officer led the Pledge it came to infrastructure: the bipar- of Allegiance, as follows: tisan bill we will vote on tomorrow as INVESTING IN A NEW VISION FOR well as the budget reconciliation bill I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the THE ENVIRONMENT AND SUR- United States of America, and to the Repub- that will allow Democrats to make his- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, FACE TRANSPORTATION IN toric investments in American jobs, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. AMERICA ACT—Resumed American families, and efforts to re- f The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- verse climate change. pore. Under the previous order, the In order to achieve such an ambitious APPOINTMENT OF ACTING legislative effort, I laid out two clear PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE Senate will resume consideration of H.R. 3684, which the clerk will report. goals for this summer work period: The PRESIDING OFFICER. The The senior assistant legislative clerk pass the bipartisan bill and a budget clerk will please read a communication read as follows: to set up the second track of to the Senate from the President pro A bill (H.R. 3684) to authorize funds for our process before we leave for August tempore (Mr. LEAHY). Federal-aid highways, highway safety pro- recess. The senior assistant legislative clerk grams, and transit programs, and for other Many folks called that two-track read the following letter: purposes. process unrealistic. Many others said it

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.


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VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:47 Aug 09, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.000 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6062 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 is unachievable on such a short dental, vision, and hearing benefits— head on. We are not flinching; we are timeline and in such a slow-moving something that was left out of Medi- not wincing; we are going right at it. Chamber. But we have managed to care at the beginning. It never should As bad as COVID was this year, and it steer two trains at the same time. have been, and we can rectify it now. was horrible, 5 or 10 years from now— There have been some bumps. There By cutting taxes for tens of millions every year—climate change will make have been some delays. But the Senate of American families, we can expand things worse and worse and worse, even is on track to finish both tracks. opportunity and make it easier for par- worse than it was this year in COVID, Earlier this summer, I suggested the ents to pass on a better life to their because when climate changes, it is two-track strategy to President Biden children and their grandchildren. By such an overwhelming force that, un- and Speaker PELOSI. We all agreed it making further investments in infra- less we do something now, we may not was the best way to move forward, and structure, we can create tens of thou- be able to stop it down the road. we are working in concert to make it sands—hundreds of thousands—of good- So, taking a step back, at its core, happen. paying jobs. By finally tackling cli- the Democratic budget is about restor- This morning, Senate Democrats un- mate change, we can spare our country ing the middle class in the 21st century veiled our budget resolution with rec- and our planet the most devastating ef- and giving more Americans the oppor- onciliation instructions, which is the fects of global warming. tunity to get there. Unfortunately, the first step in unlocking the legislative Just this morning, a major new re- past 20 years in America have been a process for a budget reconciliation bill port from climate scientists at the story of middle-class decline. later this year. concluded that the na- We have all watched as globalization Several Members—many Members— tions of the world have only a small and technology transformed the way had a hand in crafting this package. We window to ‘‘prevent the most our economy works. Industrial manu- worked closely with our committee harrowing future’’—‘‘prevent the most facturing jobs were shipped overseas. A chairs, but I want to especially thank harrowing future’’—in the words of the global financial crisis cost Americans the chair of the Budget Committee, New York Times. their homes and their wealth. Giant Senator SANDERS. He kept his nose to Without immediate and bold action, conglomerates wiped out Main Street the grindstone and led our caucus on we are staring down ever worsening businesses from Arizona to Arkansas, the budget. He always kept the floods and heat waves, droughts and from Michigan to Maine. The cost of thoughts and needs of American work- sea level rise. The future of our planet raising a family—everything from ers and families at the top of his mind. looks bleak until we do something childcare to college tuition—has be- As a result, the Democratic budget will right now. The budget reconciliation come exorbitant, almost unaffordable, be the most significant legislation for bill will do more to combat climate even for those solidly in the middle American families since the era of the change than any legislation ever— class. New Deal and the Great Society. It is ever—in the history of the Senate. Now, after the worst pandemic in a big, bold change—the kind of change That is a promise. hundred years, American families are America thirsts for. While my Republican colleagues re- just starting to climb out of the rubble I want to thank other members of gurgitate the same tired talking points and look toward the future. We want the Budget Committee, like Senator about a Democratic spending spree, let them to look toward that future with WARNER, who worked closely with the me remind America that we plan to hope and with optimism, not with the White House and Chairman SANDERS to pay for this package by making the sourness and anger that we have seen develop a framework, and Senators wealthy pay their fair share. throughout the land—exacerbated, MURRAY and WYDEN and STABENOW and When our Republican friends held the played upon by the previous President. WHITEHOUSE and MERKLEY and KAINE majority in this Chamber, they chose What the future looks like, in large and VAN HOLLEN and LUJA´ N and to use the same process Democrats are part, depends on what we do here now. PADILLA, all of whom came together, using now—budget reconciliation—to These next few months are crucial for even though each had different views give corporations and the wealthy a the future of our country, even for our on different issues, to produce this re- massive tax break. At a time of egre- democracy. sult, and a great result it is. gious income inequality, the former What we need to do in Congress is to I want American families to under- Republican majority rammed through give our workers, our businesses, our stand what this legislation will mean a bill where 83 percent of the benefits families a chance to prosper in a rap- for them—four simple things to keep in went to the top 1 percent—83 percent of idly changing world, a chance to have mind. I am borrowing Senator STABE- the benefits. hope, a chance to restore that Amer- NOW’s chart for this. It will lower costs I have nothing against the wealthy. ican dream, which simply says, if I for Americans, it will cut taxes for God bless them—they are doing fine al- work hard, I will be doing better 10 American families, it will create mil- ready—but it is time to cut taxes for years from now than I am doing today, lions of jobs while tackling the climate American families, middle-class fami- and my kids will be doing still better crisis, and it will be paid for by the lies, not multinational corporations. than me. When Americans lose that wealthy paying their fair share. These To make our Tax Code more progres- faith, lose that hope, that sunny Amer- are four goals. The American people sive and more fair, that is what Demo- ican optimism that has been part of support every one of them overwhelm- crats are going to do. Under this plan, our character for centuries, bad things ingly. there will be no tax increases on small happen. Bad things happen to our de- In all phases, we will concentrate on business or American families making mocracy, to our relationships with one communities that have been too often under $400,000. another, to just about everything. neglected, including communities of We are going to help small businesses The social contract in America relies color and Native Americans, by mak- create many, many, many jobs. on the fundamental promise of eco- ing education, childcare, healthcare, We are going to give American fami- nomic opportunity, the chance, and housing more affordable. We can lies a fair shot. We are going to tell through hard work, to do better for give tens of millions of families a leg middle-class families we are going to yourself and then give your children up by making sure that we can get our make it easier for you to stay there and grandchildren a better life than children out of poverty, and I thank with your increasing costs of things you have. That is what America is all the Presiding Officer for his leadership like childcare and school and college about. That is what we are trying to on that issue. We can provide ladders and so much else. We are going to tell restore and revivify here. to families who haven’t had them be- poorer families we are going to make it When that promise is broken, when fore and help them climb into the mid- easier for you to climb into the middle that American dream is no longer shin- dle class. class with things like the child tax ing brightly in the sky, when faith in Many of the policies we are proposing credit and better healthcare and so economic opportunity evaporates, we were in President Biden’s American much more. are not the America we were meant to Jobs and Family Plan, but some go be- We are going to confront the genera- be. We are not optimistic and entrepre- yond, like expanding Medicare to cover tional challenge of climate change neurial and forward-looking. Instead,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:47 Aug 09, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.002 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6063 we are bitter and angry and backward- The tragedy is that Democrats want to The Director of the CIA told Sen- looking and, as a result, much more inflict all this pain on middle-class ators that withdrawal would make his prone to the sway of demagogues like families. Here is the comedy: They Agency’s job harder. And needless to . The divisions in our won’t let Republicans have any say in say, the last time a Democratic admin- country and our politics today have this monstrosity, but they want our istration tried a hasty retreat from the their roots in the decline of economic help raising their credit card to make region offered a cautionary tale. mobility. it happen. Reality was clear to everyone but the Now, the American people don’t ex- Democrats want Republicans to help very top of the Biden administration. pect one piece of legislation to solve all them raise the debt limit so they can From their bizarre choice of a symbolic our Nation’s ills—no single can do keep spending historic sums of money September 11 deadline, to the absence that—but we have to start in a bold, with zero Republican input and zero of any concrete plan, the administra- strong way rebuilding the basic social Republican votes. tion’s decision appears to have rested contract for middle-class American So imagine a friend tells you he is on wishful thinking and not much else. families and for everyone struggling to flying off to Las Vegas to blow all of The notion that Afghan Forces might get there: a promise of equal oppor- his money. He doesn’t care that you be able to stop the Taliban’s advance tunity and equality; helping middle- think it is irresponsible. You aren’t in- with only ‘‘over-the-horizon’’ support? class Americans stay in the middle vited to come along, but he wants you That has proven to be wishful think- class; building ladders to help others to cosign a loan for him before he ing. climb into that middle class. At its leaves. That the Taliban might respond to core, that is what this budget is all Now, I understand the administra- the diplomatic plying of the inter- about, and we are going to take the tion sent out the Treasury Secretary national community? Wishful thinking first steps toward passing it very, very to argue that, historically, both parties as well. soon. have addressed the debt ceiling to- As the administration’s withdrawal I yield the floor. gether. Of course, it is our Senate Dem- proceeds at full speed, expert warnings I suggest the absence of a quorum. ocrat colleagues who have no interest have become deadly realities. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- in what is historically normal. Their The Afghan people and their demo- pore. The clerk will call the roll. borrowing and spending are histori- cratic institutions are literally being The senior assistant legislative clerk cally abnormal. Democrats keep boast- ripped apart by murderous theocrats. proceeded to call the roll. ing about how wild and revolutionary Nearly 1,000 Afghans have reportedly Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I their partisan vision is. been killed already by Taliban death ask that the order So our friends across the aisle should squads in the Province of Kandahar for the be rescinded. not expect traditional bipartisan bor- alone. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- rowing to finance their nontraditional In the last 2 months, the militants pore. Without objection, it is so or- reckless taxing-and-spending spree. have taken more territory—more terri- dered. That is not how it is going to work. tory in the last 2 months—than they RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY LEADER Democrats have all the existing tools have held since 2001. And in just the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- they need to raise the debt limit on a last 4 days, the Taliban have raised pore. The minority leader is recog- partisan basis. If they want 50 lockstep their flag over six—six—provincial cap- nized. Democratic votes to spend trillions and itals, including northern cities far, far Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, last trillions more, they can find 50 Demo- from the group’s historic base of power. election cycle, Americans elected a 50– cratic votes to finance it. If they don’t Militants are engaged in a campaign 50 Senate, a closely divided House, and want Republicans’ input, they don’t to assassinate crucial members of the a President who promised unity and need our help. It couldn’t really be sim- remaining resistance, from military pi- moderation. pler, and it really couldn’t be more lots to top government ministers. What have Washington Democrats fair. All across the country, women and done in response? Besides, I thought my colleagues children are already suffering, in par- They have set out trying to tax and were literally thrilled to present an- ticular. One recent report claimed spend our country into oblivion. They other reckless taxing-and-spending Taliban militans beat a child to death have handed the keys to domestic pol- spree to the American people. I because his father—listen to this: Beat icymaking to Chairman SANDERS and thought middle-class families were a child to death because his father some socialist House Members. supposed to be delighted with their so- served in the Afghan Armed Forces. In the spring, they passed a massive, cialist shopping list. What is more, the prospect of an inflationary, liberal spending bill that So shouldn’t Democrats be proud to emboldened al-Qaida—capable of Democrats bragged was the most lib- own all the debt it requires? threatening not only the region, but eral bill in American history. Our colleagues seem confident that the American homeland—is now a near Now, this week, just a few months Chairman SANDERS’ vision is worth certainty, no matter what the Biden later, they want to start ramming sticking our kids and grandkids with a administration tells itself about the through trillions more that will make massive bill. They deserve to have state of that threat today. that disaster look like child’s play. total ownership of that decision. And yet the State Department still 1 They call it $3 ⁄2 trillion in spending. AFGHANISTAN mouths unbelievably naive platitudes, Nonpartisan experts say those plans Now, Mr. President, on a totally dif- like ‘‘expectation’’ is that the Taliban would more likely cost Americans ferent matter, when the Biden adminis- will work toward ‘‘political settle- about $51⁄2 trillion—trillions more bor- tration announced its reckless retreat ment,’’ even as the Taliban spokesman rowing and trillions more spending, from Afghanistan in April, I made my asserted that the most recent attacks when inflation is already sticking opposition perfectly clear. are just ‘‘the beginning of retaliatory American families with higher costs; But I wasn’t alone. One of the most operations.’’ new permanent welfare, with no work prominent liberal editorial boards in So does this sound like a group com- requirements, when small businesses the country responded to the Presi- mitted to peaceful means? are already struggling to find workers; dent’s move with this headline: ‘‘Biden Goodness’ sake, get a grip. sweeping amnesty, when the southern takes the easy way out of Afghanistan. This willful denial isn’t just costing border is already in crisis; Green New The likely result is disaster.’’ Afghanistan; it is already costing the Deal regulations, when Americans’ gas The administration’s own top intel- American people and our interests. prices have already shot up; and crush- ligence experts made a similar pre- It has forced loyal coalition partners ing tax hikes for family businesses and diction: to second-guess whether we can be farms, as they fight to recover from The Taliban is likely to make gains on the trusted to finish what we start. It has the recession. battlefield, and the Afghan Government will led brave Afghans, who earned prom- So, apparently, tragedy and comedy struggle to hold the Taliban at bay if the co- ises of assistance, to fear they would be really are two sides of the same coin. alition withdraws its support. abandoned amid our incompetent—

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:47 Aug 09, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.003 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6064 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 completely incompetent—retreat. It ever dreamed that 20 years later we ally a time to head back home, meet has even left overwhelmed Embassy would still be in Afghanistan having our constituents, eat our way through personnel to urge remaining Americans lost 2,000 American lives of the brave our State Fairs, and enjoy some down- in Afghanistan to leave immediately American women and men who served time with our families. This year, I was by any means available. there; tens of thousands of people in- looking forward to a visit by some of This morning, I attended a classified jured, trillions of American dollars my grandkids to Springfield when Lo- briefing from administration officials spent, with virtually nothing to show retta and I have a week or two of just about current conditions on the for it. What we learned, the bitter les- getting to know the kids again. ground. Look, needless to say, the son for America, as it was for the Great We didn’t get to see them much last briefers faced some tough questions Britain and the Russians, is that Af- year because of COVID–19, and I was about an entirely avoidable—entirely ghanistan has no appetite for out- looking forward to the opportunity avoidable—situation that is deterio- siders. this year, but because we are in session rating faster every single day; and they We tried to bring them dramatic, I was unable to. We hope maybe in a will certainly face more as global ter- positive improvements in their culture few days that changes. rorists feed from the rise of an extrem- and education, the liberation of I think about those grandkids, all of ist government in Afghanistan. women, creating new opportunities, my grandkids—six of them at this I, for one, have warned repeatedly and maybe we had some marginal suc- point, I am proud to say—and what that those who seek to harm us, our cess. But it is a battle when you try to kind of world we are going to be leav- friends, and our interests simply do not change a nation’s ethic, and we learned ing them. abide by our political time tables. They it the hard way. A new school year is right around the do not care if our leaders get tired of At the briefing today, one of our col- corner. Along with all the normal sup- the task at hand. leagues whom I respect very much, plies, they will be buying face masks. And this is not what victory looks Senator KAINE from , I thought For a young child, this pandemic must like. asked the most important question be confusing and scary. As a parent, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- about the current situation in Afghani- you want to be honest with them, but pore. The Senator from Illinois. stan. He said it was his understanding you want to reassure them that every- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I at- that the United States had spent bil- thing is going to be OK. That goes for tended the same classified briefing as lions, maybe more, in the training and all the challenges of our day, starting the Republican Senate leader, and I lis- equipping of the Afghan military forces with climate change. tened carefully as the administration supporting the government and that we This morning, the U.N. Intergovern- presented the realities of Afghanistan, had in fact trained and equipped over mental Panel on Climate Change re- and I was drawn to a historical analogy 100,000, maybe as many as 300,000, of leased its first report in 8 years. It is that was best captured in a short verse these Afghan security forces, and now an alarm bell to the world, warning by Rudyard Kipling. they are losing territory and melting that our climate is changing much It goes like this: When you’re wound- away into the landscape when they are faster than we anticipated. ed and down on the Afghan plain, and under attack by the Taliban. I would like to read a couple para- the women come out to cut up your re- Senator KAINE said: I understand graphs from this morning’s New York mains, just roll on your rifle and blow that there are only tens of thousands of Times because they summarize these out your brains and go to your God like Taliban and hundreds of thousands of U.N. reports and did that summary so a soldier. Afghan security forces, and it appears well. That stark verse was a description of we cannot hold our ground despite all ‘‘Nations have delayed curbing their what happened to the British Empire the training and all the money. Was fossil-fuel emissions for so long that when they felt that moving into Af- this is a failure of training or more? they can no longer stop global warming ghanistan would be part of their record And those representing the administra- from intensifying over the next 30 of conquest. They learned otherwise. tion were very candid. It is not a fail- years, though there is still a short win- The retreat from Kabul has been re- ure of training. It is an issue that, dow to prevent the most harrowing fu- ported over and over, but it basically frankly, cannot be accomplished. ture, a major new United Nations sci- was a retreat that killed every remain- So when I hear the Senator from entific report has concluded. ing British soldier, every member of Kentucky coming to the floor and beg- Humans have already heated the their family, save one. They wanted ging us to stay, to what end? For what planet by . . . 2 degrees Fahrenheit, one person, the Afghans did, to return purpose? Senator KAINE, myself, and since the 19th century, largely by burn- to Queen Victoria and tell her what others invited him and the entire Sen- ing coal, oil, and gas for . And happened when they threw the British ate to openly debate this question on the consequences can be felt across the out of Afghanistan. A similar story can the authorization for use of force in Af- globe: This summer alone, blistering be told by the Soviet Union—now Rus- ghanistan. There was resistance. heat waves have killed hundreds of peo- sia—when they occupied Afghanistan And the idea of actually, finally, ple in the United States and Canada, with visions of changing that country leaving Afghanistan after 20 years, it floods have devastated Germany and forever to a Russian communist mode. wasn’t an original idea. If China, and wildfires have waged out of They left bitterly disappointed, paying you remember, it was Republican control in Siberia, , and a heavy price. President Donald Trump, who actively .’’ So 20 years ago, in the wake of 9/11, engaged in the negotiation and picking So what do we say to our kids about with 3,000 innocent Americans dead, we a target date for our troops to be gone. this? Dad, granddad, what are you debated the issue on this floor as to He tried and wanted to achieve that be- doing about this? whether the United States would fol- fore he left office. He didn’t, but it was How do we reassure our kids that the low the British and Russians into Af- clearly his intent. So to blame the planet they inherit is still going to be ghanistan. Biden administration for this decision, livable. Words aren’t enough. Denial I was here. I was asked to vote, and frankly, it is a decision that has been certainly isn’t a plan. We need to do I remember why I voted yes. It was obvious for almost 10 years. There something. And we need to do what simple. Those responsible for 9/11 and comes a point when we have to ac- generations of Americans before us the deaths of 3,000 innocent Americans knowledge that we cannot ask another have done: face reality and face the were holed up in Afghanistan building American to die in a vain effort to challenges squarely. their forces to strike us again. Would change Afghanistan into a modern na- So I ask myself and all of us: What we respond? The answer was obvious. tion. It will only come when the Af- are we doing to make sure that my Yes. No one gets away with that sort of ghan people reach that conclusion. grandkids and all of America’s kids an attack on the United States, and I SENATE AGENDA will be OK? voted for us to send our forces into Af- Mr. President, you know well, and I We are going to have a chance to an- ghanistan. I dare say that neither I nor do, too, that we are usually not in ses- swer that question this week as the anyone else who voted for that decision sion in this week of August. It is usu- Senate begins to debate on a proposal

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:47 Aug 09, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.005 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6065 that will define the world my Well, let me tell you what the Amer- growth over the next decade. I listened grandkids and everyone’s kids will ican Rescue Plan has done. It has re- as the Senator from Kentucky, the Re- grow up in. vived our Nation’s economy. We are on publican leader, dismissed this whole President Biden’s plan to build back the course for a historic recovery. In conversation as ‘‘blanket amnesty’’— better is the most ambitious invest- the first 6 months, President Biden’s blanket amnesty—and correlated all ment in America’s future in a genera- economy has added nearly 700,000 jobs a immigration problems to the current tion. And much of that plan is included month, on average. During the first challenge, and it is a challenge, that in the budget blueprint that we will be part of the year, our economy grew at we face on our southern border. considering in a very short time. the fastest rate in nearly 40 years. The The reforms that we have in mind This budget blueprint will strengthen American Rescue Plan, which not a will provide a pathway to citizenship our Nation’s economy and ensure that single Republican would support, for Dreamers. Excuse me if I take this working families have a fighting worked because it provided financial one personally, but it was 20 years ago chance and receive a fair share of the relief to the people who need it the that I introduced the DREAM Act in wealth that their work produces. most: working families. And that relief the U.S. Senate. As I said jokingly, at It will help close the income and op- has benefited everyone. the time, if you asked people, ‘‘Who are portunity gaps between the wealthiest As part of this package—and you the Dreamers?’’ they would say a Brit- among us and working families who are know it full well, Senator, because you ish rock group—right?—led by a fellow struggling to make it. And most impor- were one of the authors—we enacted a named Freddie. tantly, it will give American workers child tax credit that we believe, fingers Well, maybe they were right then, the tools they need to outcompete any crossed, will cut child poverty in Amer- but 20 years later, when you say country in the 21st century. ica by half. Think about that for a mo- ‘‘Dreamers’’—and people say it fre- I listened to the criticism of the plan ment. By half. quently—you know who we are talking by the Senator from Kentucky, and I With the Build Back Better Plan, about. They are kids brought to the thought: If we don’t embark on an am- President Biden is proposing to extend United States by their parents, who bitious plan to deal with climate that credit and reduction in child pov- grew up in this country, pledged alle- change and to move this economy in erty. That enhanced child tax credit is giance to that flag every day in their the right direction for working fami- already changing the lives of tens of school classrooms, and believed in lies in this country, then, frankly, we millions of families across America. In their heart of hearts that they were are right in preparing, as some are, to my home State of Illinois, there are Americans to the core, only to learn accept a second-place finish for the when the parents worked up the cour- United States of America. I think that hundreds of thousands of parents who age to tell them when they were teen- is tragic. I don’t think it is consistent are now able to fill their gas tanks and agers that they were undocumented. with who we are as a people. buy groceries because of it. The proposal by President Biden will Let me tell you about one: Lydia. They were kids without a country. build on a winning economic strategy Here is what she wrote: ‘‘With the child The DREAM Act said: We are going we started earlier this year with the tax credit, I’ll be able to buy my kids to give you a chance, young man, American Rescue Plan. their school supplies, clothes, what young woman. You can earn your way Mr. President, you remember that they need to get back to school, and to legal status and citizenship. Keep American Rescue Plan and I do, too, put groceries on the table.’’ your nose clean. Don’t get in trouble because last year, in the year 2020, In the wealthiest Nation on Earth, no with the law. Pay the necessary fees when we were facing this pandemic on parent should have to choose between and wait, and we will give you that two, three, or four separate occasions, clothing her children and feeding them. chance to become part of America’s fu- emergency bills came before us pro- President Biden’s plan to build back ture. posed by the Trump administration, better is a blueprint for America’s fu- And even with that uncertainty in negotiated with a Democratic and Re- ture, a future where every family their lives, with the inability to qual- publican Congress, presented to us on knows the safety and dignity of finan- ify for even Federal Government loans the floor, and there was virtual una- cial security, and every child can reach to go to college, they have written nimity. Both parties stood together in their full potential. some dramatic stories. We all know the midst of a pandemic crisis to do I look forward to a vigorous debate in them. Those of us in public life have what was necessary so that America the Senate on these and other pro- met them. They are doctors and nurses could move forward. And then came posals in the budget blueprint. But and dentists. They are on the the election and then came the Big Lie right now I want to speak specifically frontlines of fighting the COVID–19 and then came the disintegration of to the funding the budget resolution pandemic. They want to enlist, and this bipartisanship. provides for the committee I chair, the some already have enlisted, in our When it was Joe Biden’s turn to come Senate Judiciary Committee. military. They are lawyers. They are up with the American Rescue Plan, not I see the chairman of the Budget entrepreneurs. They are amazing, and a single Republican Senator, not one Committee has come to the floor, Sen- they did it all never certain that they Republican Congressman, would vote ator SANDERS, and I thank you for were going to be accepted in America. yes. Not one. crafting this important bill. According to Senator MCCONNELL, So what was in the plan that was so (Ms. WARREN assumed the Chair.) they are part of this blanket amnesty objectionable? Could it have been the This proposal will make historic in- of these immigrants who want to come money invested so that we would ad- vestments in fixing our broken immi- to our country. Forgive me, Senator, minister the coronavirus vaccines to gration system. It has been 35 years—35 but they are much more than that. every American successfully? That was years—since we have had any meaning- This measure would also take care of in the plan. ful changes in our immigration law. If temporary protected status people— How about more money that we put you go back to Ronald Reagan as people in the United States who came in that plan for businesses so they President, that was the last time— here because of a crisis in their own could reenlist their workforce and Simpson-Mazzoli—names those of us countries. We accepted them. They start up again at the end of this pan- who study the subject remember. Most have lived here for 20 years and, now, demic? That was in the plan. people don’t, I am afraid. Yet that was frankly, they are caught in the middle. How about the money that we prom- the last time. We give them a chance to earn their ised American families, $1,400 cash pay- Is there anyone who can say with a way to citizenship. ment, promised by Trump, delivered by straight face that we don’t have a bro- And farm workers—do you know we Biden? That was in the plan. And not a ken immigration system in this coun- have 2.4 million farm workers? These single Republican would support it— try? We do. are men and women who get out and do not one. All of a sudden rescue plans The proposal will give us historic in- the dirty, dangerous, hot work that became a partisan measure in the U.S. vestments in fixing it. These reforms Americans will never queue up to do. Senate and the House. The Republicans have the potential to generate more And they do it because we want fruits walked away from it. than a trillion dollars of economic and vegetables on our table. We want

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:47 Aug 09, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.007 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6066 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 meat and poultry processed safely, and is a critical component of our eco- prehensive immigration reform and a Americans won’t do the work. Let’s nomic recovery. There is no world in path toward citizenship for millions of just be very candid about it. And I which this budgetary impact is merely undocumented workers and families in know this based on all the people who incidental—$42.4 billion. this country. Thank you very much, come to my office. These farm workers Creating a pathway to citizenship, Senator DURBIN. have been used by our country for though, is not just a matter of cost. As a former mayor, I do understand years to pick our crops and deliver There are also benefits. It would boost how important physical infrastructure them safely to our tables, and we have our Nation’s GDP by $1.5 trillion over is—roads, bridges, water systems, a bill that we put together, with the the next 10 years. It would create wastewater plants—and I am delighted growers and the workers in total agree- 400,000 new jobs and increase every that finally we are beginning to ad- ment, that gives these farm workers a American’s annual wage by an esti- dress our long neglected physical infra- path to citizenship. mated $600—win, win, and win. structure. Frankly, it is rather incred- When we had a hearing on it in the There is ample precedent for passing ible that, year after year, we ignore Senate Judiciary Committee, one of this important legislation through crumbling bridges and roads. And as we the Republican Senators said: Oh, just budget reconciliation. The Republicans address our physical infrastructure, we what we need—instant amnesty for have used this process to open up the can create a whole lot of good-paying farm workers. Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in jobs. Do you know what that instant am- Alaska for drilling and enacted a $1.9 So that bill that we are discussing nesty is like? You have to show that trillion tax cut for the wealthiest right now is enormously important. I you have spent 10 years of your life Americans and corporations. will tell you what is even more impor- working in the fields before you even In addition, in 2005, Senate Repub- tant, and that is to address the long ne- qualify for the 9-year process that can licans used reconciliation to dramati- glected needs of the working families bring you to citizenship. Nineteen cally increase the number of lawful of our country, of the children, of the years—instant amnesty? No, it isn’t. permanent residents by an estimated elderly, of the sick, of the poor, wheth- And, again, other essential immi- 3.2 million over 10 years. Now they are er they are Black or White or Latino, grant workers who have been saving saying it doesn’t belong in reconcili- Native American, Asian American. our lives and keeping our families fed ation. In 2005, they put it in. This is the These are needs that Congress has ig- during this pandemic. They are called exact same immigration status we are nored for much, much too long. essential workers, but the categories proposing to give Dreamers, TPS hold- Now, I understand that Senator that created these essential workers ers, farm workers, and essential work- MCCONNELL, the Republican leader, and were defined by Donald Trump—not us, ers. others are really shocked by this bill. not Democrats. And we believe essen- I have tried for many years to pass a They cannot believe it. Imagine—just tial workers—whom we thanked pro- path to citizenship. Republicans have imagine—that the U.S. Senate is ad- fusely during this pandemic—if they obstructed bipartisan immigration re- dressing the needs of working families are undocumented, should have a form time and time again, including and is going to stand up for ordinary chance at citizenship. Those are the filibustering the DREAM Act at least Americans rather than just the groups we are trying to work to bring five times. This year, I convened bipar- wealthy and powerful? What is this into a full-time status. tisan immigration negotiations that world coming to? Don’t we understand This measure would expand funding dragged on for months. Republicans that here in the Senate we are sup- for commonsense measures to make made unreasonable demands and in- posed to take campaign contributions our system safer for everyone by im- sisted on attaching partisan provisions from the drug companies and the insur- proving the process of asylum claims, that would actually cut legal immigra- ance companies and the fossil fuel in- reducing immigration court backlogs, tion. Republicans have rejected com- dustry and from the 1 percent and do and starting to secure our southern monsense measures to help secure our their bidding? Isn’t that the way it has border. border. always been done here in the U.S. Sen- More than 200,000 DACA recipients It is clear that the only viable option ate? are essential critical infrastructure for passing immigration reform is Well, Senator MCCONNELL, things are workers. Tens of thousands of these through the reconciliation process. For changing. For once in a very long time, young people have been saving our those who claim they are concerned the U.S. Congress is going to stand loved one’s lives as nurses, doctors, and about our southern border, here is your with working families and not just the medical professionals. Hundreds of chance. Here it is—to invest billions of rich and the powerful. thousands of undocumented farm work- dollars in smart and effective steps to Further, above and beyond the eco- ers will account for about half of our improve border security. We need to nomic crisis facing working families, Nation’s farm workforce and do back- provide a pathway to citizenship for Congress has ignored the great existen- breaking labor every day to put food on Dreamers and others who are contrib- tial threat of our time, and that is cli- our tables. These members of our com- uting to our economy every day and mate change. You don’t have to believe munities have more than earned their will help to grow it for years to come. me. Maybe some of my Republican col- path to citizenship. I am going to close by thanking the leagues might want to take a look at I am going to get into the weeds a bit Senator from Vermont. I don’t know the IPCC report, which came out here, but I want to say, under a Senate when I first approached him with this today, which said that if we do not act rule known as the Byrd Rule, any pro- notion of including immigration, but boldly and immediately all over this vision included in reconciliation must from day one, Senator SANDERS has planet, the world that we will be leav- have a substantial and direct impact been supportive of the concept and now ing our children and grandchildren will on the budget, and this impact cannot has given us our chance. Millions, mil- be increasingly unhealthy and un- be merely incidental. That is kind of lions of people who make America bet- inhabitable. the roadmap for this budget resolution. ter are watching and hoping that in the But you don’t have to just read the I am sure the Senator from Vermont next days and weeks we can achieve IPCC report. Open up your eyes. Look knows it well. our goal and give them a chance to find at what is going on in California, the Let’s be clear. A pathway to citizen- a path to citizenship and become an fires in Oregon, the fires in Greece, and ship as part of our immigration pack- important part of America’s future. the drought that is impacting coun- age on the budget reconciliation bill I yield the floor. tries all over the world, which will would have a substantial and direct im- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- mean a decrease in food production and pact on our budget. A pathway to citi- ator from Vermont. water supply. zenship for Dreamers and immigrants Mr. SANDERS. Madam President, let We have to act now in order to save with temporary protected status would me thank Senator DURBIN for his lead- the planet. There is no choice. We can- have a budgetary cost of approximately ership in so many areas, including the not go home and look our children and $42.4 billion over 10 years, according to understanding, as he just indicated, grandchildren in the eye if we do not the Congressional Budget Office. This that the time is long overdue for com- act now and lead the world. We can’t

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:47 Aug 09, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.009 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6067 do it alone. We are going to have to not be living paycheck to paycheck, over the world do because they under- work with China and India and Europe, worried about how they are going to stand, and we understand, how difficult but we cannot continue to ignore this pay their rent or provide food for their it is today for working families to raise existential threat. kids. children. The gap between the very, very rich This legislation, in so many ways, be- And I am enormously proud of the and everybody else is wider today than gins to address the working families of fact—and everybody in this Chamber it has been in 100 years. People on top our country. But one important way— should be proud of the fact—that at a are doing phenomenally well. In fact, maybe the most important—is, as we time when the United States has one of we have two people in America today address the needs of our people in the highest rates of childhood poverty who own more wealth than the bottom healthcare, in education, in climate, of any major country on Earth, as a re- 40 percent. The top 1 percent owns we are going to create many millions sult of the work in the American Res- more wealth than the bottom 92 per- of good-paying—good-paying—jobs that cue Plan, which must be extended in cent, and since 2009—the Wall Street the American people desperately need. the reconciliation bill, we have reduced collapse—45 percent of all new income I want to say a few words today childhood poverty in America by 61 has gone to the top 1 percent. about the budget resolution that we percent—61 percent—because we are And, incredibly, during the pandemic are introducing and what is going to be now getting the resources out to moms that we are experiencing now, billion- in the reconciliation package that we and dads that they need in order to aires in America have seen their will soon be undertaking. adequately and decently raise their wealth increase by $1.8 trillion during For a start, one of the questions that kids. this pandemic, while at the same time, everybody is going to ask is: Well, how You know, I hear a lot of talk about thousands of essential workers died is this going to be paid for? Expensive how we love our kids or the future of providing the goods and services we bill, $31⁄2 trillion. You know, that is a our country. Well, if we love our kids, needed. lot of money. we have to love their parents as well, Billionaires become richer. Ordinary It is. and we have to make it easier for par- people have to go to work—public tran- Well, I happen to think, and I know ents to raise their kids. sit, grocery stores, hospitals—and that you do as well—I say to the Pre- But it is not just the child tax credit. thousands die. While some of our siding Officer that maybe, just maybe, I suspect that there are very few people multi-multibillionaires are spending the time is now for the wealthiest peo- in this country who do not understand some of their enormous amounts of ple in this country and the largest cor- how dysfunctional our childcare sys- money flying off into outer space, porations who are doing phenomenally tem is. We are not living in the 1950s, today and in the coming days we are well, but in a given year, many of them where dad goes out to work and mom going to address the crises facing work- have not paid a nickel in Federal in- stays home with the kids. That is not ing families right here on the ground, come tax—ah, the average Joe, the av- the case anymore. It has not been the on planet Earth. erage Mary out there, they are work- case for a very long time. Dad is out And that is why, as chairman of the ing. They are paying their fair share of working and mom is out working be- Senate Budget Committee, I am proud taxes. But if you are an Amazon, if you cause families all across this country to introduce a $3.5 trillion budget reso- are a Jeff Bezos, if you are one of these need two breadwinners in order to pay lution that we will soon be consid- multibillionaires, you have lobbyists, the bills. ering—I expect tomorrow. you have accountants, you have law- While mom is working and dad is This is a budget resolution that will yers, and you can avoid paying your working, who is taking care of the allow the Senate to move forward on a fair share of taxes. kids? reconciliation bill that, in my view, So what some of us are saying is that And that is, in fact, a major, major will be the most consequential and maybe, just maybe, even if you are a crisis in this country, and the current comprehensive piece of legislation for billionaire, even if you are a large, system just is not working. working people, for the elderly, for the profitable corporation with all kinds of In my State, the State of Vermont, it children, for the sick, and for the poor, lobbyists and accountants, maybe you costs $15,000 a year, which is about the that this body has addressed since should start paying your fair share of national average, to send your child Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the New taxes. into childcare. Deal, in the 1930s. My Republican friends say we are What does that mean? This is a budget resolution that will going to be raising taxes. Well, you are It means that if you are making address the needs of working families right, we are. But we are going to be $60,000 a year, you are spending a quar- because we understand, if our Repub- raising taxes on the wealthiest people ter of your income just to make sure lican colleagues do not, that there is in this country—something which is that your child is well taken care of something fundamentally wrong when long overdue—and yet nobody in Amer- while you go to work. If you have two real inflation accounted-for wages for ica earning less than $400,000 a year kids, forget about it. It doesn’t pay to working people has not gone up for al- will pay a nickel in taxes, and many, go to work because you are spending so most 50 years. many, will actually be paying less in much on childcare. Everybody under- We have seen in recent years, as ev- taxes. stands that. That is not a debate. erybody knows, an explosion in tech- So my Republican friends can com- So the time is long overdue not only nology, an explosion in worker produc- plain all that they want, but I do be- to protect the needs of working fami- tivity. And yet, in real inflation ac- lieve, and the American people do be- lies, but also to provide well for our counted-for dollars, where the very, lieve, that the time is now for the children. very rich become much richer, real in- wealthy, the powerful, the large, prof- Psychologists after psychologists flation accounted-for wages for work- itable corporations to start paying have told us that the most important ers has not gone up in almost 50 years. their fair share so that, in fact, we can years of human development are 0 What does that mean? lower taxes for working families in this through 4. And yet so many of our kids It means the cost of healthcare has country. all over this country—little kids—are soared. The cost of education has I think the American people have al- sitting in front of TV sets, not getting soared. The cost of housing has soared. ready begun to see what good public the kind of nurturing, emotionally and And yet real workers, real working policy for working families can mean. intellectually, that they need. This leg- families of this country are earning in In Vermont, in Massachusetts, and all islation begins to change that. real dollars the same wages that they over this country, working families— Under our proposal, no working fam- did decades ago, which means that the vast majority of our families—are ily in this country should be paying many of them are struggling right now now receiving a $300-per-month check more than 7 percent of their income for to keep their heads above water eco- per child, and this is long, long over- childcare. nomically. due. Working parents, do you hear what I In the richest country in the history Some say this is a radical idea. It is just said? No more than 7 percent—not of the world, half of our people should not. It is exactly what countries all 30 percent, not 25 percent.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:47 Aug 09, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.010 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6068 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 That is what we should be doing. months, 8 months off with full pay or Now, how do you survive economi- And we have so much work to do in with a significant part of their pay- cally if you are spending 50 percent of childcare. I know the Presiding Officer check in order to stay home with their your income on housing? understands that. We got to build new newborn babies. This legislation will create a huge facilities for kids because once we open So, finally, finally, we are begin- number of good-paying jobs by the the door for affordable childcare, the ning—beginning; more to do; begin- largest investment in American his- truth is we don’t have enough space to ning—to end the international embar- tory in low-income and affordable accommodate the children. rassment of the United States being housing. And I see the chairman of the And we have got to start paying the only major country on Earth not to Banking Committee here, and I want childcare workers the wages they are guarantee paid family and medical to thank Senator BROWN for his impor- due for the enormously important leave. tant work in that area. work they are providing. We got I know the Presiding Officer has been Just a few days ago, I had a chat with childcare workers in America today involved in this issue—I have and a a gentleman whose wife is seriously ill. making less than McDonald’s workers. number of my colleagues have—in the He works and he pays for the home What an insult. How wrong is that? understanding that in the contem- healthcare that she needs, and it is an So this legislation is going to provide porary global economy, if our young expensive proposition. increased subsidies for working fami- people are going to go out and get de- What we understand is that, in an lies to afford childcare. We are going to cent-paying jobs, a shock of all shocks, aging society and at a time when we pay workers in childcare living wages they actually need to have the skills have so many people with disabilities and benefits, and we are going to build and the education in order to perform whose needs are not being met, it the new facilities that we need to ac- those jobs. makes eminent sense to bring skilled commodate the families who will now So you have a situation now where home-healthcare workers into the have the opportunity to take advan- there are jobs all over this country home rather than to force people to go tage of childcare. that are lying vacant, not being taken, into a nursing home, which, by the But in terms of our children, who we because people don’t have the skills. way, is more expensive. And this legis- have ignored for so, so long, we are Now, I personally believe we should lation, the reconciliation bill that we going to do even more than that. We do what other countries are doing and will soon be working on, will make his- are going to make pre-K education for we should make all public colleges and toric investments in home healthcare 3- and 4-year-olds free. God didn’t cre- universities tuition-free and should for- and make sure that those workers— ate an education system that begins in give all student debt. That is not in like childcare workers, who do such kindergarten. It is created by human this bill. important work—are adequately com- beings, and the world has changed. And But what is in this bill is a begin- pensated. IPCC today reported what all of us what we have got to understand now, ning—a beginning—and that says that know, and that is, if we do not begin in with so many of our parents working, we will make community colleges in an extremely aggressive way trans- that we have got to make pre-K edu- this country tuition-free. forming our energy system away from cation for 3- and 4-year-olds free, and Now, what does that mean? fossil fuel, the planet that we will be that is what we do in this legislation. It means a couple of things. It means leaving our children will be increas- And, by the way, not widely reported, that if I go to community college, I can learn a skill—whether it is nursing, ingly unhealthy. but when we revolutionize childcare It really does take your breath away whether it is construction trades, and pre-K so that moms and dads know to look at those photos—whether it is whatever it may be. I can learn the that their kids are in quality and af- Oregon, whether it is California, skills that I need to go out and get a fordable facilities, we are going to see whether it is Greece right now—and see more than a million women able to go job that pays me a living wage. flames consuming entire communities. into the workforce because they no And that is enormously important And if anybody out there thinks that, longer have to stay home to take care because—especially as we rebuild this gee, isn’t this too bad that it is hap- of the kids. If they want to work, we country—as we begin to pay attention pening this year, you have got it will give them the opportunity to pur- to healthcare and to childcare and to wrong. It is only going to get worse if sue their careers. taking care of our parents and the dis- we do not act and act boldly, which is The Presiding Officer knows, and I abled people, we need skilled workers, why this legislation will pour hundreds know, that there is something a little and making community colleges tui- of billions of dollars into the fight to bit absurd that the United States of tion-free for 2 years is an important transform our energy system away America is literally one of two nations step forward in allowing people to gain from fossil fuel, including a civilian in the entire world—and I am talking those skills. Climate Corps, which will give the about poor nations—that does not But, also, for those people who want young people of this country the oppor- guarantee paid family and medical to go to a 4-year college, those 2 years tunity to roll up their sleeves, get de- leave. of community college credits are cent pay, and get educational benefits What does that mean? transferrable. So your tuition is paid in order to do what is so much in their What it means: That there are work- for the first 2 years. My hope is that we hearts, and that is to combat climate ers today who are at work when they will soon be able to pay for the next 2 change. are sick. Maybe they are spreading the years as well, but this is a real start in I wish that I could tell you that my virus or some other illness. There are allowing millions of young people to Republican colleagues understand the working families who have to make a get an education today that previously crises facing working families and that choice: Does mom go to work and leave they could not afford. they understand the moral imperative her sick child at home alone, or does Two blocks away from where we are of us having to address climate change she stay home and maybe lose her job? in the Nation’s capital there is an en- and that we are working together to I have talked—and I am sure the Pre- campment of homeless people. All over do, in fact, what the American people siding Officer has spoken—to women this city, you can’t drive down the Na- want: create millions of good-paying who gave birth to a baby and a week tion’s capital and not see people sleep- jobs, addressing the needs of working later—a week later—was forced to go ing out on the street, and that is true families and climate change. back to work because they had no in- in virtually every major city in Amer- I wish I could tell you that, but I come coming in. ica. Once again, the richest country in can’t. As we go forward, in all likeli- I know this may shock some of my the history of the world, and some hood, we will not get one Republican Republican colleagues, but there are 600,000 Americans are homeless. vote. We are going to have to do it on countries all over this world that un- Then, on top of that, you have got our own with 50 Democratic votes here derstand that it is enormously impor- about 18 million households where peo- in the Senate, plus the Vice President tant that parents be able to bond with ple are spending 50 percent or more of of the United States. their babies. And in countries around their limited incomes to put a roof Now, some of my Republican friends the world, women get 4 months, 5 over their heads. will say: Well, that is such a bad idea.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:47 Aug 09, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.012 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6069 Why aren’t you more bipartisan in in support of the legislation that will we used a tractor, and I used to drive terms of reconciliation? make the generational investment in grain to the market, or we would take Well, I would remind my Republican infrastructure for Ohio communities, hay wagons to the barn. We would colleagues that they didn’t have a for our Nation—the infrastructure in- cross some of these small, little culvert problem with reconciliation when they vestment we should have been making bridges or bridges across creeks. Some gave almost $2 trillion in tax breaks to for years. of us called them cricks. And I know the very richest people in this country We remember, 4 years ago, all of us how some of those bridges, even then, and the largest corporations. No prob- on this floor—all three members on looked to be in some disrepair and how lem doing that. They didn’t have a this floor: the Presiding Officer and important it is that we keep them up problem with reconciliation when they Senator SANDERS and I—were all ready for farmers and for small business all tried to throw 30 million people off of to go with President Trump to move over my State. the healthcare they had by abolishing forward on infrastructure, and the Many know the Brent Spence the Affordable Care Act. President and the majority changed its Bridge—talked about in all kinds of na- So that is where we are. We are fac- mind. Instead of investing in jobs, in- tional infrastructure stories—between ing a crisis facing working families. We vesting in infrastructure, investing in Ohio and Kentucky. Unbelievably need to create millions of good-paying people, they used that trillion-dollar- enough, it carries 3 percent of the jobs. We need to tackle the existential plus in a huge tax cut, 70 percent of country’s GDP either north to Ohio or threat of climate change. We need to which went to the wealthiest 1 percent. south to Kentucky across the river—3 expand healthcare and Medicare so So this time we didn’t let that hap- percent of the country’s GDP—every that elderly people have dental care, pen. I thank the 22 Members—11 Repub- day. But it is dangerously outdated. eyeglasses, and hearing aids. We need licans and 11 Democrats—that held to- It was completed, I believe, in 1960. to lower the cost of prescription drugs gether and negotiated this very com- Many of us fought for years for Federal and have Medicare negotiate prices plicated bill. This investment is about investment. with the pharmaceutical industry. We jobs—creating good-paying union jobs; Many of us have fought for years for need to make sure that we get doctors rebuilding bridges; replacing lead Federal investment. One of the first and nurses and dentists into under- pipes; manufacturing next-generation, news events, community events, I did served areas. energy-efficient buses. when I came to the Senate in 2007 was So, Madam President, tomorrow be- It is about better connecting people go to the Brent Spence Bridge and ex- gins one of the very important debates with jobs through transit and bridges press my commitment that we needed that we have ever had. And the ques- and highways. to do something. It was not quite—it tion is not complicated. Do we have the It is about getting people in rural wasn’t in the shape then that it is now, courage to stand up to powerful special Kansas or western Mass. or southeast but it clearly needed support and need- interests and tell the corporate world Ohio or inner-city Cleveland the ed help. and the 1 percent: Yeah, you are finally broadband they need to go to school Three and a half years ago, I intro- going to have to pay your fair share of and prepare for the jobs of the future. duced the Bridge Investment Act, to taxes so that we can create millions of Supporting manufacturing jobs put Ohioans to work, repairing and up- good-paying jobs for working families, throughout my State, which this bill grading Ohio bridges, with American so we can protect our children, protect does, including at Cleveland-Cliffs in iron and steel. This week, we are on the elderly, and address the threat of Cleveland and AK Steel in southwest the verge of getting it done. It will pro- climate change? Ohio and Nucor in central Ohio and vide a grant to pay for half of the cost That is the issue. And I have absolute other suppliers through the strongest of replacing Brent Spence, and the ad- confidence that we will, in fact, rise to ditional funding in the package will the occasion and do what the American ever—the strongest ever, by America’s people want and that we will pass the standards—negotiated, working with support the remainder of the project. We expect Ohio to get at least $9.8 budget resolution tomorrow. Senator PORTMAN, legislation that we With that, Madam President, I yield worked on with Senator BALDWIN, billion for Federal-aid highway assist- the floor. making steel and iron and other com- ance, including $480 million of formula The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ponents in Ohio for all these projects. funds for bridge replacement to supple- ator from Ohio. Taken together, these investments ment the Bridge Investment Act. Mr. BROWN. Madam President, I are a recipe for job creation in commu- It is not just Brent Spence that needs first thank Senator SANDERS for his nities large and small, rural and urban, help; it is the Western Hills Viaduct in passionate support for housing. He un- in Ohio, from Appalachia to the shores Hamilton County; it is I–70 over the derstands, having traveled the country of Lake Erie. Scioto River in Columbus in Franklin and connected with so many people, For too long, Washington has ignored County; it is U.S. 30 in Richland Coun- that there is almost nothing more im- these places while Wall Street has ty in North Central Ohio; it is the portant—maybe nothing more impor- preyed upon them. That ends now. We Broad Street Bridge in Columbus; it is tant to people’s lives, to their material invest in people and places that make major projects and smaller bridges on lives, than having a safe, accessible, af- this country work. rural farmlands that let farmers get fordable place to live. I hear from mayors of both parties in goods to market. And Senator SANDERS mentioned towns all over Ohio about their vision I talked this week with 81-year-old that 25 percent of renters in this coun- for their community and the projects Howard Krueger. He lives in Wyoming, try pay half their income in rent, for they want to undertake. They know OH, outside of Cincinnati. He is retired housing costs. And one thing goes bad the opportunities we can unleash. They from Procter & Gamble. A few years in their lives—their car breaks down, need the investment. It is time for all ago, as he was driving, a piece of the their child gets sick, they miss a few of our communities to share in this Western Hills Viaduct fell on his wind- days of work because of a minor in- country’s prosperity. That is what this shield. He stopped his car and got out jury—and their whole lives can turn legislation does. and picked up the rock—about as big as upside down. Senator SANDERS recog- I want to focus on a few key provi- his fist, a little bigger than his fist— nizes that. sions that will be central and critical took it with him and talked about it on And the legislation we begin later in to Ohio. Right now, there are more a radio news conference we did. the week is such an important step, as than 3,200 bridges across Ohio that need It is a pretty visceral example of the Presiding Officer knows as a mem- repairs to make them safer and to re- what we all know: Our Nation’s infra- ber of the Banking and Housing Com- duce congestion so people can get to structure is literally crumbling. We mittee, that we are going to take on work, kids can get to school, farmers need this investment. Think about the housing. So I thank Senator SANDERS and businesses can move their products economic potential waiting to be un- for that. and support Ohio jobs. leashed when we fix these crumbling H.R. 3684 I remember, as a kid, I worked on a bridges—the kinds of bottlenecks that Madam President, I rise today with a family farm just outside Lexington, frustrate commuters and farmers and longer speech than I normally give, but OH, in sort of north-central Ohio, and businesses in Ohio every day.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:47 Aug 09, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.013 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6070 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 I want to thank our bipartisan co- This bill will support investments in I want to thank the Presiding Offi- sponsors of the Bridge Investment Act: flood mitigation, an important issue cer, Senator WARREN, and other Mem- Senators WYDEN, the chair of the Sen- that members of the Banking and bers of our caucus who kept advocating ate Finance Committee; Senator Housing Committee, especially Senator for zero-emission buses, not just for WHITEHOUSE; Senator INHOFE from MENENDEZ but a number of Senators in Boston but for the whole country. Oklahoma; Senator WHITEHOUSE from both parties who represent coastal These buses help fight the climate cri- Rhode Island—early partners in this ef- States from Massachusetts, the Pre- sis. They help clean the air in neigh- fort. I want to thank Chairman CARPER siding Officer’s State, all the way to borhoods plagued by air pollution. Peo- and CAPITO, just Louisiana, Senator KENNEDY’s State. ple in inner cities, more often than not across the river from Southeast Ohio, I want to thank the members of the the quality of the air they breathe is from West Virginia; the EPW Com- Banking and Housing Committee, in- partly because there aren’t many trees; mittee for their continued support. cluding Ranking Member TOOMEY, who it is partly because of public transit. It The Banking and Housing Committee worked to reauthorize Federal transit is a whole host of issues, but this takes also provided a major part of this infra- programs. a major step in dealing with that. structure package that includes record I particularly want to thank our I want to thank Senator DUCKWORTH. record—record—investment in public Housing and Transit Subcommittee The Americans with Disabilities Act transportation. The Presiding Officer Chair TINA SMITH, from Minnesota, and became law 30 years ago, but some 20 sits on this as a prominent member of the subcommittee’s ranking member, percent of our rail stations still—still— this committee. She knows, as I know, Senator ROUNDS, from South Dakota. I remain inaccessible. My friend Senator that through her career and through have worked with both of them. I have CASEY, who sits next to me on the my career—for almost a decade and a been to their subcommittee. Their ef- floor—chair of the Aging Committee— half, as long as I remember—this com- forts have been especially important to he and I were proud to cosponsor her mittee is just referred to by the media improve rural transit, including in In- proposal. Her bill provides almost $2 and by Senators as the ‘‘Banking Com- dian Country. billion for accessibility grants. Sen- mittee.’’ It was all about Wall Street. We are going to keep working to help ators DUCKWORTH, CASEY, and I will It was little about community banks. rural transit agencies even more. We continue to push for more resources It was almost nothing about housing. had hearings under the leadership of until every transit station is acces- That has changed. This committee Chairman CRAPO 3 or 4 years ago where sible. now we all refer to as the ‘‘Banking I heard stories from Senators in small- I want to thank Senator SINEMA, also and Housing Committee.’’ Some refer er States—mostly Republicans—talk- a member of our committee, and Sen- to it as the ‘‘Housing and Banking ing about the importance of rural tran- ator PORTMAN and other Members of Committee.’’ sit, where someone who lives out in the the bipartisan group for bringing this In this committee, we take our job country, a bus—a paratransit bus— momentous infrastructure package to- with public transit seriously. This picks her up, takes her to her dialysis gether. package contains historic funding: $90 treatment, and then takes her back. It is obvious how some of the job cre- billion over the next 5 years, $40 billion That is kind of different from city- ation in this package will happen. You increase for public transit—the largest urban, big city bus transit but equally build a bridge. You lay down rail ever. It will connect people with better important to families. tracks. You hire American workers to jobs. It will promote equity. It will I thank our Democratic Members for do it. None of these jobs ever, in an in- help our planet. their strong focus on transit. Senator frastructure plan, can be shipped over- The Banking and Housing Committee MENENDEZ, from New Jersey, and Sen- seas. But this investment is different held extensive hearings this spring on ator REED, from Rhode Island, continue from those that have come before it. infrastructure and transit. We heard to be leaders in fighting for a fair share For the first time, every single one of from Ohioans like Darryl Haley, who of funds for transit. Senator TESTER, these projects will come from the heads SORTA, Southwest Ohio Re- from Montana, and Senator WARNER, strongest-ever ‘‘Buy America’’ rules. It gional Transit Authority. We heard from Virginia, played a key role in en- means we get more job creation from from Mayor Horrigan of Akron. We suring the committee’s transit title Wichita to Seattle, to Boston, to Cleve- heard over and over and over again moved forward in the bipartisan nego- land. We get more job creation for what we need to revitalize these essen- tiations. every single dollar of taxpayer invest- tial systems, whether in Cleveland, Our committee, the Banking and ment. where I live, or Youngstown or Toledo Housing Committee—we owe them spe- Throughout my time in the Senate, I or anywhere in our State. We provide cial thanks. Senator WARNER and Sen- have worked to strengthen our Na- $11⁄2 billion so that cities like Cleveland ator VAN HOLLEN, from , tion’s ‘‘Buy America’’ at every op- and Ranking Member TOOMEY’s biggest fought to reauthorize funds for Ohio, portunity. And there have always been city in his State, Philadelphia, can re- for ‘‘America’s subway,’’ the Wash- interest groups in this town that have place rail cars that, unbelievably, date ington, DC Metro system, serving mil- written loopholes into these laws and back to the Reagan administration or lions in this region; and Senator VAN weaken these laws. For instance, one of earlier. HOLLEN’s legislation to improve agency the most expensive bridges in Amer- This bill ensures that public trans- safety plans and give workers a strong- ican history, the Bay Bridge, in North- portation receives more than 20 per- er voice in safety matters is a big vic- ern California—a loophole enabled it to cent of the new investment from the tory for labor. be made entirely of Chinese steel, from highway trust fund. Senator SHELBY, The chair of the Labor Committee a company owned by the Chinese Gov- once chair of this committee—retiring just walked in, and her work on these ernment. after, I believe, 36, 37 years on this issues—in this case, bus safety, but Think about that. You know, we talk committee—talked to me about that safety of workers overall is so very im- all the time about China. Our corpora- 80–20 split that has been here as long as portant. We know that busdrivers are tions lobby to get tax breaks and trade he has been here, a tradition that both often a special target, and protecting agreements to outsource jobs to China. parties have respected. them is essential. We don’t see the hypocrisy there. We This bill takes a huge step toward Senators WARNOCK and OSSOFF, our don’t see the hypocrisy in letting electrifying the transit bus fleet, pro- newest members on the committee China make the steel for the Bay viding over $5 billion for the low emis- from Georgia, helped us fight for better Bridge. But nonetheless, those days are sion and no emission program. It will bus rapid transit and better planning, behind us. We know how much steel mean modernizing the bus fleets in something that Metro Atlanta cries can go into a bridge and how many every city in America. out for, and they have been loud, steelworkers in Cleveland or Middle- These funds will also retrain workers strong voices on that. town or Gary, Indiana, can be em- who maintain our current diesel fleet. Senator CORTEZ MASTO contributed ployed to make the steel. Every electric bus purchase will keep provisions to link transportation plan- I have worked with colleagues from and create good-paying jobs. ning with housing needs. both sides of the aisle to strengthen

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:47 Aug 09, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.015 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6071 ‘‘Buy America’’ laws in the highway Lockshin, a fellow from the Federal We are in the middle of the country, bill, in the Defense Authorization Act, transit Administration, assisted Homer where our manufactured goods and ag- and in the Water Resources and Devel- in these efforts. I want to thank Re- ricultural commodities need to be able opment Act. These efforts have been becca Higgins and Mary Frances to compete in the world economy. How piecemeal. That is piecemeal. That is Repko, with Chairman CARPER’s staff. I efficiently and effectively we get those why I asked Senator PORTMAN to join have done conference calls with them. goods and those commodities to mar- me and Senator BALDWIN in Build My staff works closely with them. Rob- ket has a huge consequence to the abil- America, Buy America—a bill we intro- ert Andres, with Chairman WYDEN— ity for Kansans to earn a living. duced on President Trump’s Inaugura- Chairman WYDEN is chair of one of the Across our State, from Southeast tion Day. We have worked with other most important committees in this Kansas to Southwest Kansas, from the leaders on Buy America, and we will Congress and has been a leader in suburbs of Kansas City in Johnson continue to. I especially call out Sen- wanting the wealthy to pay their fair County and Wyandotte County, all ator BALDWIN. share and wants to make sure it is across Northwest and Central Kansas, It took 4 years; we are finally getting large corporations that share the tax- the demand for improved roads, greater it right. We are putting in place a payer bill and the tax burden and pay safety, is there. There is a great desire clear, comprehensive standard: Amer- their fair share and less burden on to see that roads and bridges are re- ican tax dollars should support Amer- small business. Aaron Goldner, for- paired. County commissioners and ican jobs, period. American tax dollars merly with Senator WHITEHOUSE, and trustees of our townships have called should support American jobs, period. my former aide Leah Hill—they all to say: We have a bridge. Could you These historic investments will sup- made the bridge legislation possible. help us do something about that? port Ohio manufacturers and not their In my office, Beth Cooper provided So I entered this group of 22 Sen- foreign competitors. With potential for technical assistance on the very com- ators. I was one of the 11 to provide hundreds of bridge repair projects plicated flood mitigation portion of some input and to see that Kansas pri- alone, this investment in Ohio combine this bill. Megan Cheney and Chad Bolt, orities—that we had a seat at the table with our strong ‘‘Buy America’’ rules Elisha Tuku, and Corey Frayer pro- and to help negotiate a deal that didn’t means job creation in every region of vided the analyses and guidance on raise taxes, that didn’t spend trillions my manufacturing State. matters relating to the bill’s pay for. of dollars and focused on actual tradi- It keeps the promise I have made to Carolina Young—new on my staff but tional infrastructure, and to avoid Ohioans my entire career that I would already making her mark—and Abigail what I fear is to follow, what I would fight for the dignity of work. When you Duggan worked on the ‘‘Buy America’’ describe as a Democratic wish list. I love your country, you fight for the provisions. wanted this to be a smaller, more af- people who make it work, to ensure the My staff has worked with others on fordable, paid-for package that was not industrial heartland would be the en- ‘‘Buy America’’ over the years, but excessive in scope, didn’t add to the na- gine of opportunity that drives us into Sam Mulopolus, with Senator tional debt, and did not raise taxes on a 21st century economy. PORTMAN’s staff; Brian Conlan with the American people. Finally, while I am supporting this Senator BALDWIN have been particu- This package includes a number of bill and am excited for all the invest- larly helpful. And I want to recognize priorities of mine, including a historic ments it will make in Ohio commu- my former aide, Nora Todd, who led increase in investment in broadband nities and Ohio jobs, I am disappointed our efforts for much of a decade on and does provide critical resources to that a number of my colleagues re- ‘‘Buy America.’’ repair our roads, bridges, and airports. jected the idea that we should pay for Through all of this, joining me on the So a desire for a seat at the table, a this bill by enforcing our country’s tax floor today, too, is Laura Swanson, my desire to invest in infrastructure, and I laws. staff director, who works unbelievable also would add a desire to see that this I oppose the provision forcing home hours with a small child and continues U.S. Senate, Republicans and Demo- buyers to pay more each month to help to be a terrific mother and wife and an crats, can work together for a bene- fund investments that wealthy tax amazing staff director. ficial product for the American people. cheats should pay for. The money that I say exactly the same about our leg- However, from the very beginning, I home buyers pay should be going to- islative director, Jeremy Hekhuis, who outlined criteria that would be needed ward keeping our housing system sta- is not a terrific mother but a terrific to be met for my support on any final ble, making sure that everyone has an father with a family and has worked so outcome of the negotiations. My pri- affordable home. very, very hard holding all this to- ority was that the bill be paid for and We can do more. We will do more in gether for over a decade. I thank my therefore not raise the national debt. the coming months to address afford- staff. I thank my colleagues. able housing. Those that were in the This legislation—I remember saying Half of the new spending in this bill Chamber heard Senator SANDERS talk- to Senator CASEY on March 6 when we is not offset—is not offset—with re- ing about the importance of housing in passed the American Rescue Plan—I duced spending or increases in nontax the reconciliation bill. I will come turned to him because of the child tax revenues. The Congressional Budget Of- down to the floor later today and talk credit and what we did with pensions fice scores this bill as adding a quarter in some detail about that. and so much else that Senator MURRAY of a trillion dollars to the national Finally, I would be remiss if I did not worked on too—I turned to BOB and debt. thank my staff for their hard work on said: This is the best day of my legisla- My view has been from the beginning this effort. Many of them had planned tive life with what we are able to do to that if we can only find offsets to pay August vacations. It is the only time of cut rates of child poverty and so much for a certain amount—in this case, year where they really get sort of else. Well, this bill today is almost as about half of the increased spending in- untrammeled, unrestricted time with big in its scope and is so very impor- cluded in this bill—then the size of our their families. And all of them have tant to this country. I am pleased to bill should be half of what it is. If you given up something already this month add my support to it. can only find a way to pay for half of and July. And they are public servants, I yield the floor. what you are spending, then spend less for sure. They understand commit- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- money—spend half as much less ment. They do this without com- ator from Kansas. money. That, of course, was not the plaining. Their hard work has been so Mr. MORAN. Madam President, I outcome of these negotiations. obvious to me and so obvious to people joined the bipartisan infrastructure Additionally, I had hoped that this that pay attention, not necessarily ob- group of 22 Senators. I am one of the bipartisan plan would dissuade Demo- vious to my constituents, and I want to originals. I did so for a number of rea- crats from pursuing their own partisan call them out. sons. One is how important infrastruc- $3.5 trillion tax-and-spend spree. The Homer Carlisle was instrumental in ture is to Kansas and to the country. Democratic plan to immediately follow helping negotiate and craft the transit I would highlight the importance of this bipartisan infrastructure bill with title and the bridge legislation. Ben infrastructure investment to my State. their own spending bill significantly

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:47 Aug 09, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.016 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6072 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 undermines the bipartisan effort to de- transparent about what could be known up of the deleted data? If so, please provide liver a good outcome for the people of there. all records to us. this country. He was, of course, talking about the 5. Please list all collaborating partners to I had hoped that if we reached a bi- origins of the COVID–19 pandemic. the NIH Sequence Read Archive. partisan agreement—in fact, I had I couldn’t agree more with Dr. Col- 6. In the past five years, how many re- hoped a bipartisan agreement would be lins. The world is entitled to know searchers and other personnel associated reached among the 22 Senators, but what happened in Wuhan. However, we with the communist Chinese government pretty early in the negotiations, it be- have a saying in Tennessee that I think have requested that data be deleted from the came clear that there was significant applies here: What is good for the goose NIH Sequence Read Archive? Please list by input and direction from the Biden ad- is good for the gander. requestor, date, reason, and the information ministration and from the majority Of course, my question to Dr. Collins to be deleted. Please also note whether and when that material was in fact deleted. leader, the Democratic majority leader is, When will we see transparency from in the U.S. Senate. So instead of nego- the NIH about its role in the origins of 7. More specifically, in the past five years, how many researchers and other personnel tiating with my colleagues and seeking the pandemic? On June 28, along with my colleagues associated with the communist Chinese gov- an outcome that we supported, it had ernment have requested that data be deleted Senators MARSHALL and GRASSLEY, I to be run by those who are in the White from the NIH Sequence Read Archive relat- House and those who are the leadership wrote to Dr. Collins asking him to open ing to coronaviruses? Please list by re- of the Democratic Members of the U.S. up the books on the NIH’s relationship questor, date, reason, and the information to Senate. with Chinese researchers. be deleted. Please also note whether and My desire to see that we pass or Madam President, I ask unanimous when that material was in fact deleted. reach an agreement to pass a bill that consent that this letter be printed in Thank you for your attention to this im- would be paid for did not occur, was the RECORD. portant matter. not met—that criteria was not met— There being no objection, the mate- Sincerely, and the desire to see Democratic Sen- rial was ordered to be printed in the MARSHA BLACKBURN, ators say: If we do this together, we are RECORD, as follows: U.S. Senator. ROGER MARSHALL, not going to do something else on our JUNE 28, 2021 U.S. Senator. own. In fact, some of the things we ne- FRANCIS S. COLLINS, M.D., Ph.D., Director, National Institutes of Health, Be- CHARLES E. GRASSLEY, gotiated in or out of the bipartisan U.S. Senator. package will now be included in the thesda, MD. DEAR DR. COLLINS: On June 23, 2021, the Mrs. BLACKBURN. Madam Presi- broader package of the Democratic Wall Street Journal reported that Chinese wish list. researchers ‘‘directed’’ the National Insti- dent, this letter asked Dr. Collins It doesn’t make a lot of sense to me tutes of Health (NIH) ‘‘to delete gene se- about news reports that Chinese re- to reach an agreement, only to dis- quences of early COVID–19 cases from a key searchers were allowed to delete data cover then that in a succeeding bill, scientific database,’’ called the NIH Se- from a genetic database managed by one that immediately follows, the quence Read Archive. The article states that the NIH. The data they removed in- things that we negotiated in or out are NIH confirmed that it deleted the sequences. cluded information about the novel now included or taken out. So the bi- The article further reports that the deleted coronavirus that caused the COVID–19 data includes genomic sequences from partisan nature of the agreement is in SARS–Co V–2 and that these sequences were pandemic. many ways offset by the bill that fol- from viral samples collected in Wuhan ‘‘in Dr. Collins has not responded to the lows. January and February 2020’’ from patients in letter, but this isn’t the sort of allega- Reaching an infrastructure deal in a the hospital. tion the NIH will be able to ignore into bipartisan way would send a great mes- This type of data may contain important nonexistence. We need a response. We sage that we are capable of working to- and relevant information that could help to better determine the virus’s origins. The ef- need to know what happened. We need gether, and I certainly indicate to my transparency from the NIH, just as the colleagues—I particularly indicate to forts by Chinese researchers to delete the data demands additional explanation. As you NIH is asking for transparency from Senator SINEMA, the Senator from Ari- are aware, the Chinese government has China. zona, how much I appreciate her efforts failed, from the beginning, to be open and to pull us together and to lead our transparent with the world with respect to Dr. Collins must reveal what defini- meetings in a productive way, and I its role in the pandemic. tion of ‘‘gain of function research’’ NIH would say again that I am open to The COVID–19 pandemic has resulted in used when it approved funding for the those opportunities. more than 600,000 deaths, and Congress has Wuhan Institute of Virology back in I am saddened by the fact that this spent trillions of dollars to support the 2016. We now know that the research did not reach an agreement that I can American people, businesses, and the econ- we paid for helped Chinese researchers omy during these difficult times. Simply engineer different versions of support, but I certainly indicate to my put, the American people deserve to know colleagues that I am willing to work what their government knows about the ori- coronaviruses. with Republican and Democratic Mem- gins of this global illness. As part of our con- We also need to know why the Wuhan bers of the Senate to see if, in other in- tinuing oversight with respect to NIH’s role Institute of Virology was allowed to do stances, we can come together in a way during the COVID–19 pandemic, we request dangerous research with American tax- that provides hope for the American additional information about the NIH Se- payer dollars in a ‘‘biosafety level 2’’ people that we can work together on a quence Read Archive and the actions taken lab. In case you are not familiar with better product than we were able to by Chinese researchers to have NIH delete SARS–CoV–2 related data. Accordingly, this designation, one scientist com- reach in this instance. please answer the following no later than pared the safety and security levels of Unfortunately, to sum up, there is July 12, 2021: a biosafety lab 2 to that of a dentist’s too much spending, too much debt, and 1. Please describe, in detail, how and under office. therefore there will be too much infla- what circumstances data can be provided to In 2017, NIH reversed the ban on gain tion. My efforts to reach a compromise the NIH Sequence Read Archive and how and of function research. Why was NIH al- were honest and sincere, and I regret under what circumstances data can be de- lowed to make such an important deci- that we were unable to arrive at a bill leted from the same. 2. With respect to deleting data from the sion unilaterally? that I can support. NIH Sequence Archive, please name all per- I yield the floor. sonnel that have the authority to do so. In I was relieved to hear Dr. Collins ex- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- your answer, please provide the names and press support for transparency from ator from Tennessee. titles of the personnel that were involved in China, but getting answers out of Bei- CORONAVIRUS the deletion of SARS–Co V–2 data. jing won’t end the investigation. The Mrs. BLACKBURN. Madam Presi- 3. With respect to American people have suffered for al- dent, recently, Francis Collins, who is report, which Chinese researcher(s) re- most 2 years under the threat of illness the current Director of the National quested that the data be deleted from the and economic collapse. It is not too NIH Sequence Read Archive? When was the Institutes of Health, said in an inter- request made and when did the deletion much to demand that their own gov- view: occur? ernment live up to the same standards We call on China to really open up, some- 4. After deletion, does the NIH Sequence we all agree we should hold our re- thing they have not done, and to be more Read Archive maintain any accessible back- search partners to.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:23 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.018 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6073 H.R. 3684 progress, but I am compelled to remind It means we—each of us, individ- Tennesseans want answers from the my colleagues once again that the de- ually, collectively, together—has a NIH. They are also still reeling over cision to increase government spending duty to future generations to pull out the price tag of this infrastructure bill. is a decision to increase government of this skid before we tip the scales Over the past few days, I have gotten a involvement and eventually govern- away from freedom and toward levels lot of calls and text messages from peo- ment control. You cannot have the one of government dependency and control ple back home. I stood right here and I without getting the other too. you can’t unravel after fixing a 4-year have spoken about how Tennesseans This isn’t investing in the future. If mistake. are confused about this process. I want anything, this pattern of reckless I yield the floor. to amplify something for those who spending will ensure that the version of The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. may not have caught my remarks. the American dream so many of us BLUMENTHAL). The Senator from Wash- Tennesseans aren’t talking about have enjoyed disappears before our ington. process or pay-fors. They don’t follow youngest generations are old enough to Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, you the Senate rules. What they are con- sign the dotted line on their driver’s li- know, when a disaster strikes—a tor- fused about is why my Democratic col- cense application. Our Democratic col- nado or an earthquake or a wildfire— leagues are in such a rush to spend leagues aren’t paving the way to pros- the first thing we do is work to keep money we do not have on projects the perity for our children and grand- people safe, but that is far from the American people never asked for. children with this type of spending; last thing we do. When the storm has I don’t want my Democratic col- they are building the gateway to so- passed, we rebuild. We rebuild homes leagues to make a mistake and accuse cialism, and this bill can be seen as a and schools, hospitals, businesses, com- Tennesseans of not caring about infra- down payment. munities; and, if we are doing our job structure. They couldn’t be further Later this week, if all goes according right, we build them back even better from the truth on that one. Tennessee to plan for my colleague from New so we are ready when the next crisis is a logistics State. We are roads, York, we will take a vote on a budget strikes. That is exactly what this budg- bridges, rivers, runways, railways. So that is going to make the American et is about—rebuilding our country believe me when I say Tennesseans people think they got a discount on the now stronger and fairer. care about infrastructure. They are infrastructure package. It is another We need to pick up where the infra- ready to invest in infrastructure. In- day, another fight over a multitrillion- structure package leaves off by making deed, the surface transportation bill we dollar spending spree that defies com- bold investments in all of our infra- passed out of Commerce, Science, and mon sense and rejects all notions of ac- structure. In addition to building roads Transportation—they like that. But countability. and bridges and even broadband, we cobbling together a trillion-dollar vehi- If the infrastructure bill was the need to build our public health infra- cle for campaign promises and calling down payment for that gateway to so- structure and help our local health de- it infrastructure is not something that cialism, this budget rips the gates off partments expand their capacity and passes muster with them. the hinges and invites the big spenders modernize their data and lab systems Several of my Republican colleagues and central planners to roll right on and more. who were allowed to negotiate this bill through. For the low price of $3.5 tril- We need to build our affordable hous- have emphasized that this is a bipar- lion, they will have it all: a laundry ing infrastructure to make sure every tisan compromise. We thank them for list of incentives for government de- family can keep a roof over their head, their efforts. They want us to under- pendency, a foot in the door to our and it doesn’t need to break the bank stand that it is not a perfect bill. No homes and families, and an excuse to to do so. bill is ever perfect. All of that is true. seize power and centralize it right here We need to build our school infra- We understand that. We appreciate the in Washington. structure to make sure schools don’t efforts that have gone into this. But, as My Democratic colleagues really have lead pipes or mold and do have my colleague from Kansas said, it is enjoy using the words ‘‘free’’ and ‘‘uni- adequate lighting and electricity and not the compromise that is the prob- versal’’ to describe their government AC systems, not to mention so many lem. It is not the efforts; we appreciate handouts. We have universal pre-K, tui- other resources students need to learn those. It is the fact that this is a bill tion-free community college, universal and grow, like libraries and gyms. that is too expensive to afford. healthcare, and even a free path to citi- And we need to build our climate in- The minority leader said it best a few zenship for illegal immigrants. frastructure. The climate crisis is here, months ago when he compared this bill The American people see this for and it is an existential threat. If we to a Trojan horse. It looks like one what it is, though. It is bait. In ex- don’t take this opportunity to protect thing, but it is hiding something you change for your freedom and your au- our planet for current and future gen- don’t want getting past the front door. tonomy and all your hopes and dreams, erations, we may not get another one. For months, the Democratic Party you, too, can become a client of the Of course, rebuilding is about more has been very public about their inten- State. You, too, can live ‘‘The Life of than just infrastructure. We have to tions for the bill. The word ‘‘infrastruc- Julia,’’ as depicted in the roundly build a stronger, fairer country for our ture’’ no longer has any meaning when panned cartoon the Obama administra- workers and our families too. Our Na- it comes out of their mouths because tion created. The left always signals tion is stronger when no worker has to everything has been infrastructure at where they are headed, and, for them, choose between a paycheck and taking some point—childcare for a while until this is their goal, their utopia—total care of themselves, a child, or a loved it took a back seat to court-packing. control from daylight to dark, 24 hours one who is seriously ill; and every Now climate action is infrastructure. a day, 7 days a week, for the rest of worker can afford to take time off after Back home, we deal in truth and con- your life. giving birth, a partner’s delivery, or sequences. Tennesseans have spent the Our public debt is set to hit $45 tril- adopting a child, which is why we must past few days looking at everything lion by 2031—$45 trillion. Deficits are establish a national paid leave plan. hunkered down inside this package, on track to hit $1.8 trillion—yes, in- Our Nation is stronger when every and they know it is not all about infra- deed, that is every year—and no budget parent can get quality, affordable structure investment. I am talking to gimmick on the books can change that. childcare; every young learner gets a county mayors. I am talking to State President Reagan’s warning about the strong start with quality early learn- reps. I am talking to State senators. fragile nature of freedom rings espe- ing programs; and every adult learner They are concerned about 5 percent of cially true after hearing those num- can pursue a higher education, which is the bill for infrastructure and the rest, bers. why we need to expand quality, afford- other projects. Here is what he said: able childcare and establish universal I have spoken numerous times about [F]reedom is never more than one genera- pre-K, and why we need to open the the ways President Biden and his faith- tion away from extinction . . . It [has to] be doors of higher education to even more ful lieutenants in Congress have tried fought for and defended by each generation. people, starting by providing tuition- to diminish freedom in the name of What does that mean? free community college.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:47 Aug 09, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.020 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6074 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 Our Nation is stronger when older clude the funding of roads and bridges, According to the nonpartisan Com- Americans and people with disabilities transit, rail, airports, drinking water, mittee for a Responsible Federal Budg- have the care they need to live inde- and wastewater infrastructure, ports et, the Democrats’ new legislation will pendently in their communities, which and inland waterways, water storage, actually cost closer to $5 to $5.5 trillion is why we need to invest in home- and and broadband infrastructure. over the next 10 years. Democrats in- community-based services and make The bipartisan infrastructure bill we tend to couple this runaway spending sure the workers who provide that crit- are considering today focuses on those with job- and growth-killing tax hikes ical care get fair pay and better bene- core elements and is built around sev- to create and establish their reckless fits. eral vetted, unanimously consented spree of tax-and-spend policies. They Our Nation is stronger when committee-passed bills. It includes a intend to go it alone with this social healthcare is truly a right and not a number of priorities important to spending spree through another budget privilege, which is why we need to ex- Idaho, including billions of dollars for reconciliation process in a 50–50-tied tend the huge healthcare expansion we roads, highways, and bridges; funding Senate, which is willfully partisan. made in the American Rescue Plan, for high-speed internet and broadband Yet, amazingly, despite having the which has already helped 138,000 people infrastructure deployment; millions in tools to raise the debt limit within this in my home State of Washington save water infrastructure, including for process, Democrats want to ignore the an average of $90 on their healthcare groundwater storage and conveyance; debt implications of their reckless coverage, and we need to keep pressing funding for resiliency against natural budget. If the Democrats are going to for further progress toward universal disasters, like wildfires and droughts; a cram down this massive tax-and-spend- coverage. reauthorization of the Secure Rural ing spree, they will have to deal with And, of course, our Nation is stronger Schools program; and much more. the debt limit themselves. Yet they because of the contributions of so It does not raise taxes. don’t include dealing with their irre- many hard-working immigrants, which It reprioritizes the use of certain un- sponsible growth of our debt in their is why we need a fair pathway to citi- used COVID relief funds from previous bill. zenship for the more than 11 million spending bills away from bailouts and What about offset proposals? undocumented residents living here, in- idle funds and toward supply-side in- The Democrats’ budget proposals in- cluding Dreamers, farmworkers, those vestments that will provide benefits to clude provisions that will cause imme- with temporary protected status, and the American people for many years. diate and long-term damage to our the many essential undocumented Because this infrastructure spending economy and send many of our most workers who do so much to keep our focuses on long-term productivity rath- successful businesses—and the jobs country running. er than near-term demand, it will not they provide—abroad. You know, after a wildfire, would we be inflationary. In fact, it will counter- One, they propose increasing taxes on leave the fire department in ashes, or act the inflationary pressures we are all kinds of businesses, large and small, the schools or the businesses or the now seeing as a result of the excessive leading to lower wages, fewer jobs, and homes? spending in this Congress. This is espe- higher prices for consumers. Of course not. cially critical right now, as rising Two, they would allow and encourage So, after a pandemic and an eco- prices are impacting families and small rival countries to change the inter- nomic crisis, shouldn’t we rebuild our businesses across America. national tax system for the worse. public health departments? Shouldn’t In June, the Bureau of Labor Statis- Three, they want to raise our taxes we rebuild our economy? Shouldn’t we tics reported that consumer prices on our businesses in hopes that other address the deep-seated inequities that were up 5.4 percent over 1 year ago— countries may raise theirs sometime in have made things so much worse for so the largest increase since August 2008. the indefinite future, while ceding U.S. many people? Shouldn’t we help fami- Consumer price inflation has been ac- taxing rights to our competitors today. lies get childcare and paid leave and celerating since the beginning of the Four, they propose enacting a double healthcare and housing and citizen- year, and American families pay the death tax, particularly harmful for ship? Shouldn’t we build back our Na- price. In the past year, gas prices have family farms and small businesses. tion stronger and fairer? increased 45.1 percent. The cost for Five, they want to substantially in- That is not a trick question, and it major appliances has increased 13.7 per- crease taxes on investors, entre- shouldn’t be a hard one either. The an- cent. Airfares have increased 24.6 per- preneurs, savers, and retirees. swer is obvious to anyone who has been cent, and the list goes on. Six, they want to drastically expand listening to people back home. A recent University of Michigan sur- the powers of the IRS, while limiting Democrats are listening. We know vey showed that consumers expect its accountability, and turn banks into what families are going through. We prices to rise 4.8 percent over the next private investigators for monitoring know they want us to act, and that is 12 months, and a National Federation law-abiding Americans. exactly what we are going to do. of Independent Business survey found Seven, their ideas will raise taxes on I yield the floor. that 47 percent of companies are in- middle-class individuals and families, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- creasing average selling prices, up 7 and not just those earning over ator from Idaho. percentage points from May and the $400,000. Mr. CRAPO. Mr. President, I rise to highest share in four decades. At the very same time, they want tax speak about the devastating tax-and- Economists on both sides of the aisle relief for some of the wealthy living in spend policies we will shortly be debat- have warned that excessive, nonproduc- the high tax-and-spend States. ing here. tive spending could put us in this posi- And, finally, they are also seeking to First, I want to differentiate between tion. impose government price controls on the bipartisan infrastructure legisla- And despite these warnings, in the pharmaceutical industry that will tion we are currently debating and the March, the Democrats passed nearly $2 stifle medical innovation. separate, looming debate on my Demo- trillion in purported COVID relief Let’s go back into a little detail on cratic colleagues’ $3.5 trillion reckless spending on top of the nearly $4 trillion this. tax-and-spend proposals. that had already been spent. A fraction Business taxes. The Democrats plan Senators on both sides of the aisle of this $2 trillion was actually pan- to hike the tax rate paid by all types of have long agreed to the need to mod- demic-related. businesses, including corporations, ig- ernize and expand our hard infrastruc- That poorly targeted package has noring the fact that a significant por- ture, including transportation systems grown the national debt, spurred infla- tion of the tax burden is paid by work- and broadband networks. We have done tion, and discouraged workers from re- ers. As the U.S. Chamber of Commerce so in a bipartisan manner. Infrastruc- turning to the workforce. Now Demo- notes, most corporations are small ture investments have traditionally crats are proposing to spend an addi- businesses, with 84 percent of them been accomplished through bipartisan- tional $3.5 trillion to balloon the Fed- having fewer than 20 employees. As to ship and regular order. Traditional eral Government even more, and that those who actually bear the burden of hard infrastructure investments in- is just the advertised price. a corporate tax increase, estimates say

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:47 Aug 09, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.022 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6075 that workers share anywhere from 20 for retirement, achieving financial And, finally, price controls on phar- to more than 70 percent of this burden. independence, or even buying a home maceutical manufacturers. Thanks to A higher corporate tax rate would hit or a car. the genius of science, private-sector in- the nest eggs of everyone saving for re- Members of both parties have long novation, and the success of Operation tirement. This stealthy but very real agreed on a key tool to encourage Warp Speed, America is ready for its tax hike would hit retirement savers these goals for all Americans, specifi- comeback. Unfortunately, my Demo- across the spectrum, falling most heav- cally, a lower tax rate on long-term crat colleagues are proposing sweeping ily on the middle class and the elderly capital gains. President Biden wants to nearly dou- governmental price controls on the through retirement accounts and pen- very innovators who have enabled our sions, and clearly violating President ble this tax rate from 23.8 percent to 43.4 percent, which will be the highest return to normalcy. Under the guise of Biden’s pledge not to tax anyone mak- negotiation, the government would be ing less than 400,000. rate—and hear me on this: the highest Any business tax increase will di- rate—in a century. In many cases, empowered to set a maximum fair rectly hit the very small businesses when combined with similar State price for drugs and apply bureaucratic and workers that the administration taxes, the government would take standards that determine the value claims it wants to help. more than half of an asset’s apprecia- that cures and therapies bring to International taxes. The Democrats’ tion in taxes. This is the appreciation American lives. tax plan would reverse the smart poli- that lower income, middle-income, and As the nonpartisan Congressional cies of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act all income categories of workers and Budget Office has confirmed, this type adopted in 2017, once again raising the earners in the United States will have of scheme will lead to fewer new medi- relative cost of doing business in Amer- to pay. This supersized tax hike would cations, threatening access to life- be a powerful disincentive to small ica and punishing American businesses saving healthcare options for our most businesses, savers and retirees, and en- selling their products or services over- vulnerable citizens. One of these for- trepreneurs and innovators who power seas. They fail to acknowledge that the gone therapies could treat pancreatic tax increases in their plan will rocket our economy, and harm all Americans, regardless of their financial cir- cancer; another could cure ALS. While the United States back into the outlier every patient should be able to afford position it once occupied compared to cumstances or goals. IRS funding and bank monitoring. lifesaving medications, their proposal peer nations. Once again, we will have The Biden administration has proposed has the potential to eliminate the ex- the highest tax rates of the developed nearly $80 billion in additional IRS istence of these very inventions and in- world. We are very near the top. The funding, of which $72.5 billion would be novations. Democrats are intent on winning a accountability-hindering mandatory race to get to the top of the heap in Congress should come together in a spending. Nearly doubling the IRS’ terms of international corporate tax bipartisan way to make all healthcare budget without increasing its account- services, including prescription drugs, rates. ability opens the door to repeating and Their international tax proposal more affordable and accessible, and I supercharging the Agency’s past abuses would more than double the minimum have introduced legislation to do just of power. rate paid by U.S. businesses on their Further, the administration’s pro- that. We do need to reduce the cost of foreign earnings to 26.25 percent. This posal would press financial institu- prescription drugs, but using the sav- hike far outstrips the 15 percent min- tions—private-sector financial institu- ings from this misguided government imum rate promised by some of our tions—into reporting the deposit and price control scheme to pay for unre- largest international competitors at withdrawal flows on their customer’s lated partisan priorities is not the an- the OECD. If the administration wants accounts of greater than $600 in value. swer to the high cost of healthcare. to promote economic growth that will Now, think about that. This isn’t big Before the pandemic, a combination benefit American workers and savers, corporations. It is not even just cor- of reduced regulatory burden and pro- why is it sharply increasing taxes on porations. It is small businesses and in- growth policies, including the 2017 Tax its global businesses when no other dividuals that have a financial account Cuts and Jobs Act, helped to create one country even levies such taxes? that has more than $600 in it. And what of the strongest economies of our life- The administration’s international we are going to see is a dragnet pulling tax proposals seem designed to reignite law-abiding Americans into this, expos- time, with all-time high median house- the job-crushing inversions and foreign ing sensitive data to future breaches, hold income, a 50-year low unemploy- acquisitions of American companies burdening financial institutions, and ment rate, and real wage gains month that the Obama administration faced. encouraging the growth of shadow after month, especially and most for There is no reason to tax our busi- banking—what a huge violation of the the low-income workers. Inflation-ad- nesses into moving abroad, as the privacy of all Americans. As if this pro- justed weekly median earnings grew 4.9 Democrats’ proposals will do. posal could not be worse, the data pro- percent for the 2 years between 2018 Family farms and small businesses. vided to the IRS would have almost no and 2019—the fastest 2-year growth rate Today, family businesses passed down value in fighting tax evasion. in real earnings since 1998 and 1999. at death are subject only to estate tax The era of big data should not be Polling showed Americans’ general and not an additional income tax. In- viewed as an opportunity for Big satisfaction at the highest level in 15 stead, a business’s tax basis is in- Brother. years. creased or stepped up to fair market The SALT deduction cap. While my value, sparing the next generation a colleagues are proposing reckless, We would do the American people a large capital gains tax bill. President across-the-board tax increases on busi- disservice if we mortgaged their future Biden wants to create a double death nesses and families, they are simulta- while undermining the foundations of tax by eliminating the benefits of this neously proposing to expand a tax de- their past successes, and, sadly, this is step-up in basis, including for small duction for the wealthiest—those liv- the approach that many of my col- businesses, farms, and ranches passed ing in high-tax States. Democrats are leagues are seeking to take as we move down from one generation to the next fighting to reverse the cap on State into the next step of this debate. at death. and local taxes, or what is called the We should, instead, be building on More insidiously, the Biden plan SALT tax—these deductions—stoking a time-proven, pro-growth policies, not would tax these businesses on simple tax break for the very wealthy. reversing them to fund a reckless inflation, sticking them with a bill for Democratic silence on who benefits spending spree. reckless, inflationary tax-and-spend from their proposal is telling. Per a The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- policies enacted by politicians in Wash- 2020 Brookings Institute study, 96 per- ator from New York. ington. cent of its benefits would go to the top Capital gains tax. For decades, the quintile of earners, 57 percent would go Mrs. GILLIBRAND. Mr. President, I Republicans and Democrats have rec- to the top 1 percent of earners, and 25 rise to join my colleagues in support of ognized the importance of encouraging percent to the top one-tenth of 1 per- the Build Back Better plan budget res- people to save for their future goals, cent of earners—a huge tax break for olution, which recognizes that care in- including starting a business, saving the wealthy. frastructure is critical infrastructure.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:23 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.024 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6076 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 We know that our economy has not It also recognizes the nature of existent internet connections create been working for working families. childcare as essential work. Childcare barriers to work, healthcare and edu- Then, we saw a pandemic make a pre- providers are essential workers, and cation. carious situation even worse for fami- they deserve a long overdue raise. This The recent pandemic has certainly lies across the entire country. investment is critical to our economic laid bare inequities to high-speed inter- Our economy cannot fully recover recovery and will help working parents net in our country. Every administra- and will not survive another pandemic get back to the office, get back to their tion in recent memory has identified or health emergency if people can’t jobs and know that their children are improving our infrastructure and keep their jobs or get back to work. safe and having access to that critical transportation networks as a priority, That won’t happen until we start pro- early childhood education. but time and time again we have seen viding the economic support that we Every parent in America knows that those ambitious goals thwarted by par- have actually needed for decades—sup- if their child has the chance from 0 to tisanship. port like childcare, universal pre-K, 5 to be in early childhood education, Well, the Senate has finally broken and universal paid leave. every dollar you put into early child- through the political gridlock and is on Paid leave is what allows people to hood education results in over $11 of the merge of passing a landmark infra- keep their jobs when they get sick. It benefit to society for that individual structure package that amounts to a allows parents to stay home with chil- child over their lifetime. It is such an major victory for the American people. dren who are ill or forced to learn re- important investment. I worked with my colleagues from motely. It lets hard-working people The Build Back Better plan invests across the aisle and across the country care for their aging parents. And, right in universal pre-K. It will not only help to produce this legislation. It will be now, far too many people don’t have more parents of young children return the most significant investment in access to it. More than 8 in 10 workers to work, but it also ensures that those American infrastructure since the es- lack access to paid leave, and they are children get that early access to early tablishment of the Interstate Highway often left to make the very impossible childhood education, that high-quality System in the 1950s. choices of: Do I care for my loved one? learning gives them access to under- This bill will provide concrete bene- Do I stay by the bedside of my mother standing their numbers, their letters, fits for American families, as well as as she is dying or do I earn a paycheck early reading, early math that is essen- for our economy, by making historic and feed my children? tial for them being able to thrive. investments in our Nation’s roads; Those are choices that we shouldn’t These forms of care infrastructure highways; bridges; airports; seaports; be forcing the American workforce to are what make the difference between waterways; rail; water treatment sys- have to make every single day. a family surviving or a family thriving, tems; and, of course, broadband. So this budget reconciliation will and that is what this country needs to This is important not only for Amer- help end the United States’ reign of actually recover from this global pan- ican families; it is important for Amer- being the only industrialized country demic. ica’s place in the world. Many other in the world that doesn’t have access These investments are just as impor- countries on a per-capita basis invest to paid family and medical leave for all tant as our investments in roads and far more than our country does in in- workers. bridges and sewers and clean water and frastructure, including China. So this I have been fighting alongside Con- clean air and high-speed rail and rural bill will help to improve our competi- gresswoman ROSA DELAURO for years broadband. All of that matters and, to- tiveness, create jobs, and improve our to pass the bill. Our bill is called the gether, that is how we recover from productivity. It represents the cul- FAMILY Act, the model for the Build this economy. This is the moment to mination of months of bipartisan nego- Back Better plan’s paid leave program, make this once-in-a-generation invest- tiations and truly is transformational. which would provide every—nearly ment in the future of our families, the For example, the package includes every worker with up to 12 weeks of future of our middle class, the future of $110 billion to address the growing paid leave. It will provide stability to our economy, and this is something backlog of deficient bridges and roads. workers, to families, to companies, and that we can do together. This includes $40 billion to improve our to our U.S. economy. So I ask all of my colleagues to join Nation’s bridges. In my State of Maine, Now, this is the moment that we can us in getting the Build Back Better there are 315 deficient bridges and actually make it happen. This budget plan over the finish line. It is about our nearly 1,500 miles of poor roads. also recognizes the essential nature of families; it is about our economy; and, This package provides $25 billion, as the childcare industry. Nearly 27 mil- most importantly, it is about our fu- well as the flexibility, for our airports lion people rely on childcare just so ture. so that they can pursue the projects they can go to work and feed their chil- I yield the floor. such as rebuilding or extending run- dren. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Ms. ways and taxiways or expanding their First, childcare is not readily avail- HIRONO). The Senator from Maine. terminals. This funding will benefit able. Childcare deserts and shortages H.R. 3684 airports of all sizes. across the country leave families with- Ms. COLLINS. Madam President, at The package also bolsters our rail out local options. Before the pandemic long last, tomorrow morning, I expect network by including funding for pro- in New York, there was one slot for that the Senate will approve the bipar- grams that support crucial capital and every four children who wanted access tisan Infrastructure Investment and rail safety projects. We also included to affordable, high-quality daycare. Jobs Act. funding for Amtrak’s National Net- After the pandemic, there was one slot For far too long, any discussion of work to help address its deferred cap- for every eight children who wanted ac- transportation infrastructure in this ital needs and to bring new train cars cess to affordable, quality daycare. In country has been accompanied by the to State-supported routes, like the New York, a year of childcare is often adjective ‘‘crumbling.’’ The backlog of Downeaster in Maine. more expensive than a year of in-State needed repairs and upgrades and re- I am also excited that the bill pro- college tuition. placements in my State of Maine and vides an additional $95 million to sup- Those problems were exacerbated by throughout our country is simply enor- port the University Transportation the pandemic. Staffing at childcare mous. Centers program. This program har- centers, which was already a problem Americans know far too well the con- nesses the research and development pre-pandemic, is now down 15 percent. sequences of the chronic underinvest- expertise at our institutions of higher This budget will help us make the crit- ment in our infrastructure. Poor road education to improve our infrastruc- ical investments that are so long over- conditions cost them, on average, hun- ture. The University of Maine, I am due. Childcare investments ensure fam- dreds of dollars each year in vehicle re- proud to say, participates in this pro- ilies have access to high-quality care pairs and wasted gasoline due to con- gram. It is leading the way by pio- that cost low- and middle-income fami- gestion. Structurally deficient bridges neering cutting-edge materials to build lies no more than 7 percent of their in- often require lengthy detours when more durable, environmentally friend- come. they have to be posted. Slow or non- ly roads and bridges at a lower cost.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:44 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.025 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6077 I recently participated in a bridge particularly Secretary Raimondo at MANCHIN, SHAHEEN, WARNER, and dedication that used the new materials the Department of Commerce. TESTER. All of us worked very hard, and techniques that had been developed This will make a real difference in and we are grateful for the ideas and at the University of Maine. This bridge the lives of Americans, particularly the input that we had from so many of will last far longer. Because of the ma- those living in rural areas who do not our colleagues. terials that were used to build it, it has have access to internet service at all in I also want to thank our staffs. We a far lower carbon footprint and is a some areas or who have access only to couldn’t have done it without them. really exciting development. This pro- unreliable, very slow service. They, too, were here night and day. gram will be better supported by the It has become increasingly clear in They haven’t had a weekend off in a funding in our bill. recent years, and especially in light of very long time. The energy title of our bill will pro- the pandemic, that broadband is no It is essential that we make this his- vide critical investments in clean en- longer a luxury; it is a necessity. And toric investment, and I urge all of my ergy demonstration projects and help I can’t tell you how many people I have colleagues in voting tomorrow morning to protect and harden our electric grid. talked to in Maine about this problem. for final passage of this long-awaited, I talked to a selectman on Swan’s Is- Notably, $355 million is included for an much needed, bipartisan legislation. energy storage pilot program, which land, who was telling me that the resi- I yield the floor. was authorized through a law I au- dents of Swan’s Island were unable to thored known as the BEST Act. participate in the telemedicine pro- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- I am really excited about this be- grams during the height of the COVID ator from California. cause I believe that energy storage pandemic because they simply lacked CLIMATE CHANGE technology will be the breakthrough access to high-speed internet. That is Mr. PADILLA. Madam President, I that we need in the fight against cli- an example where healthcare is af- rise today because my home State of mate change as far as allowing us to fected. California is on fire. Nearly half a mil- integrate new renewables, such as wind There were families in other rural lion acres have burned in the last and solar, into the electric grid. That areas of the State where schools had a month by the Dixie Fire alone. That is will, in turn, help to reduce emissions, hybrid system where families had to more than 10 times the size of the Dis- but it will also improve the resiliency drive their children to the library to trict of Columbia. It is larger in size of our electric grid. find a hotspot in order to connect with than the city of Los Angeles. Thou- The funding for coastal resiliency in- the internet for online education. One sands of Californians have been forced cluded in this bill will help protect our family in northern Maine told me it to flee their homes with only the Nation’s coastline and coastal commu- would cost them $15,000 to be connected clothes on their backs and the belong- nities from rising sea levels, including to the internet. They can’t afford that. ings they can carry in their cars. En- those in the State of Maine. There is Most people in my State would be un- tire towns have burned to the ground. funding that is included for NOAA’s able to afford $15,000 to be connected to As of Sunday, Dixie is the largest sin- Coastal Resilience Fund to help miti- the internet. I also talked to town gle-source fire in California’s history. gate the impact of storms on our com- managers who told me of employers California is not alone. The entire munities and lessen flooding that has who had decided to locate their busi- Western United States is on fire. been so devastating in many areas of nesses and employ people elsewhere be- Colleagues, this morning, the IPCC, the country. cause of the absence of high-speed, reli- the world’s foremost body of climate To further address the infrastructure able internet service. scientists, presented a new report. I am This is why that $65 billion invest- needs for our ports and waterways, $7 hoping you have seen it. There are 195 ment is so important and will have billion is included for the Army Corps countries, including the United States, such an impact on people’s lives. We of Engineers to address the large back- that have agreed on every statement have both a deployment section and an log of authorized projects that have yet that it makes, and the verdict could affordability section, and both are a to receive funding. There is also $2.25 not be clearer: Climate change is hap- necessity. billion for the Port Infrastructure De- pening, and we must act now. velopment Program. Ultimately, this bill is about rein- As the report says, in more than 1,000 Maintaining access to clean, reliable forcing the connections that make our centuries, the Earth has never seen a drinking water is essential to pro- country more united. The investments decade as hot as we have seen in the tecting the health of our public, our in our roads and bridges will better last 10 years. Scientists can show that environment, our families, our econ- connect our communities. The invest- particular disasters are fueled by cli- omy. Our agreement includes invest- ments in our airports will better con- mate change. The heat wave that is ments in drinking water and waste- nect rural and urban regions. The in- fueling fires, destroying crops, and water infrastructure. vestments in our highways and sea- Although Maine is home to some of ports will better connect manufactur- sending areas across California into the cleanest sources of water in the ers and their customers and their drought—that is on us. Devastating country, the increasing and troubling workers. The investment in high-speed floods from Texas to Central Europe— prevalence of pollutants, like PFAS internet will better connect families, those are on us. chemicals—the so-called forever chemi- friends, coworkers, employers, We have pushed our planet to this cals—require action to keep our drink- healthcare providers, students, and point, and if we continue to stall, the ing water safe. educators. This investment package is pace of recordbreaking catastrophe There has been contamination in good for America. It represents a far will only increase. This is planet Maine in both public and private water too rare example of the two parties Earth’s 10-alarm fire. Yet, my Repub- systems from PFAS. That is why I working together to produce real re- lican colleagues pretend that they worked so hard with Senator SHAHEEN sults for the American people. can’t see the smoke blowing across the of New Hampshire to provide funding I want to take just a final moment to country—smoke that is visible from to help clean up this source of pollu- thank those who were particularly in- space. tion. volved. I want to thank all of my col- But the good news is, we have a Finally—and, in my view, one of the leagues for their contributions, but Democratic majority, and we know most important features of this bill—is particularly I want to laud the work of how to fight this fire. If we race to zero the broadband investment. I want to Senator ROB PORTMAN and Senator out our carbon emissions, we can slow reiterate the significance of our his- KYRSTEN SINEMA, who led our group of the pace of climate change. We can toric $65 billion investment in 10 Senators—5 Democrats, 5 Repub- even bring down temperatures by the broadband. licans. The other Republican Members, middle of the century. But our path to Senator SHAHEEN and I worked, lit- in addition to myself, were Senators avert a catastrophic cycle is narrowing erally, night and day to negotiate this MURKOWSKI, CASSIDY, and ROMNEY. On by the day. We must act boldly and section with our colleagues here in the the Democratic side, in addition to with urgency to tackle this crisis head- Senate and with the administration, Senator SINEMA, were Senators on.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:44 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.028 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6078 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 Across the country, across industries, before us and the opportunity that it homes; DACA recipients, like Erika and across the world, we need to end represents to finally provide a pathway Henriquez, a medical assistant who our dependence on fossil fuels. We also to citizenship for millions of our neigh- works helping to distribute COVID need to aim high and fully fund trans- bors, friends, and family members. tests and lifesaving vaccines; farm formational infrastructure that will I rise today on behalf of the people workers, like Vicente Reyes and his allow us not just to survive this transi- who are the subject of our immigration parents, who show up to work every tion but to come out better than we debate and the immigrants who have single day to keep grocery store were before. On a zero-emissions lived and worked in communities shelves stocked and for us to be able to schoolbus, students won’t have to throughout the United States for put food on our table—as has been the breathe dirty air. In an economy re- years, sometimes decades, while stuck case since the founding of our Nation, built to meet this challenge, millions in a limbo that Congress has created. immigrants are serving at the heart of of Americans will work in high-paying, Our Nation depends on the labor of the American story. sustainable jobs. immigrants. There has been bipartisan An overwhelming bipartisan major- Sometimes, I have worried that we agreement on this for generations. But ity knows that people like Rose, Erika, have grown numb to the idea of the cli- while our Nation depends on the labor and Vicente have earned the right to mate crisis. If we truly understood the of immigrants, we do not provide the live here without fear of deportation. meaning of those words, how could we pathways to citizenship that these in- Seventy percent of Americans support even contemplate business as usual? If dividuals and their families have creating a pathway to citizenship for my colleagues across the aisle were to earned. Today, we stand on the brink TPS holders, for Dreamers, and farm listen to scientists, how could a single of a historic opportunity to adopt long workers. That includes a majority of one of them argue that we need to overdue reforms to our immigration Democrats and Republicans and Inde- spend less on climate? system. pendents. As many of you know, my wife and I I rise to share just a few stories of Colleagues, right now, we have an op- are raising three sons, trying to raise the people on whom our Nation de- portunity to provide stability and secu- three gentleman. Today, they are age pends and for whom we must act. rity for the very workforce that the 14, 8, and 6 years old. We are trying to In May, I had the honor of welcoming Department of Homeland Security, be- Rose Tilus to testify before the Senate get them ready to go back to school. ginning during the Trump administra- Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigra- Protecting them and giving them every tion, has deemed essential to our Na- tion, Citizenship, and Border Safety, opportunity to thrive is the cause of tion’s economy and security. So as we the Subcommittee which I chair. write a reconciliation bill to create an my lifetime. But the IPCC report Rose was born in Haiti but fled gang makes clear that we will blow through equitable and sustainable economic re- violence and political instability at the covery, we must include immigration the 1.5 degrees of global warming by age of 17. Alone, in an unfamiliar coun- the year 2040—it is right here—no mat- reform. We have strong arguments and try, she dreamed of becoming a nurse, precedent from this very body in our ter what we do today. but Rose’s immigration status kept Come 2040, my sons will be ages 33, 27, corner. that dream out of reach. and 25. I think about what their lives The logic is simple: Providing a path- For 10 years, she sustained herself way to citizenship is a direct govern- will be like at that stage—just starting working as a housekeeper and as a their careers, maybe starting their own ment action, not some carrot-and-stick babysitter to make ends meet. But approach involving private businesses families. What will their adulthood Rose’s life changed in 2010, when a dev- and private actors. look like? astating earthquake in Haiti allowed Newly eligible immigrants would pay If we act now, we have a chance to her to obtain a work permit under a fees directly to the U.S. Government, turn the tide to begin the planet’s re- program called temporary protected as part of this direct government ac- covery as my children—my children— status, or TPS. tion, which would then be processed by reach middle age. If we fail, they will Now, she seized this opportunity to government employees. Every step of face a world of accelerating disasters; return to school and fulfill her dream this process involves direct govern- up to 4 degrees of warming, the report of becoming a nurse and going out to ment action and direct government says—4 degrees. serve and care for others in nursing revenues, expenditures, and personnel. Now, as an engineer, I understand homes, in hospitals, in community And by expanding pathways to citi- how deadly serious it is to upset the health centers. zenship, we will grow our economy and delicate balance of our environment, Now, while Rose’s story is the story improve the workplaces for all. That is but if 4 degrees does not sound signifi- of the American dream, her legal sta- precisely the spirit and the intent of cant to you, just listen to the sci- tus in this country remains all too the infrastructure investments that we entists warning of what 4 degrees of temporary. are developing as part of the budget warming will create: global conflict Our Nation’s economy has always de- reconciliation bill. over food, water, and safe shelter; mil- pended on the dreams, the dedication, Research by the Center for American lions of climate refugees and desperate and the contributions of immigrants. Progress shows that providing a path- migrants. No State knows this better than my way to citizenship for Dreamers, TPS Failure is not an option. I refuse to home State of California, which also holders, farm workers, and all essential tell my boys that we knew what to do represents the fifth largest economy in workers will boost GDP by $1.5 trillion but could not muster up the political the world and which nearly a quarter over 10 years. It will raise wages for all will to act. I refuse to leave to them a of America’s immigrants call home. American workers. It will create 400,000 world where their lives are defined by Immigrants make up 27 percent of new jobs, and it will generate billions climate disaster and where they fear California’s population, and, yes, they of dollars of spending and tax revenue, that every summer will bring the fire are essential to our success in every in- fueling our economic recovery. or drought or storm that consumes dustry, from farm workers in the Cen- We have more than just an oppor- their home. I refuse to leave that world tral Valley to tech innovators in the tunity; we have an obligation to pass for my children or for anyone’s chil- Silicon Valley, to construction and do- meaningful immigration reform as part dren. That means time is of the es- mestic workers throughout the State, of the upcoming reconciliation bill—for sence. and to nurses and teachers, and more. Rose; for Erika; for Vicente; for the Climate cannot be on the chopping In fact, the COVID–19 pandemic has millions of essential workers and long- block of any budget. It is nonnego- made us a country that relies even term residents who lack permanent tiable. So let’s rise to meet the chal- more on the essential work of immi- status; for the bipartisan majority of lenge of our generation. We cannot, we grants. More than 5 million undocu- Americans who support reform for will not let our home burn. mented workers have held jobs that the their immigrant friends, families, and BUDGET RECONCILIATION Federal Government deems essential neighbors; and for every one of our con- Madam President, on a different during the pandemic. stituents, because all Americans will topic, I rise to speak today on the TPS holders, like Rose, who care for see the economic benefits of immigra- budget resolution that will soon come our loved ones in hospitals and nursing tion reform.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:41 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.030 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6079 (English translation of the statement misled the country about the true facts how my colleagues on the other side of made in Spanish is as follows:) relating to the Crossfire Hurricane. In the aisle will complain about how such Madam President, we have more than an doing so, they undermined their credi- a decision to seek information is polit- opportunity—we have an obligation—to pass bility. But, somehow, they kept inves- ical in nature. meaningful immigration reform as part of tigations going, along with an all-too With respect to Trump and what was the upcoming reconciliation bill. supplicant press. said at these high-level meetings, those For the millions of essential workers and My staff has participated in these are the types of meetings where all long-term residents who lack permanent sta- staff-led interviews that have occurred tus. kinds of things are discussed. That is For the bipartisan majority of Americans in the last week, and I have been the whole point. The President has who support reform for their immigrant briefed on the matters at hand. I was every right to discuss ideas and strate- friends, families, and neighbors. also at the Rosen interview. gies with his closest advisers. The And for every one of our constituents—be- Within hours of Saturday’s Rosen President, whether that President is a cause all Americans will see the economic interview, the Democrats were already Democrat or a Republican, should feel benefits of immigration reform. on television and in papers talking unrestrained to bring ideas to his clos- I recently met with President Biden about the substance of the interviews. est staff for robust discussion. in the Oval Office to discuss Califor- In their public comments, they pro- Eventually, the facts will come out, nia’s immigration needs. And I am so vided politically slanted mischarac- and Trump will have to address them, thankful for President Biden and Vice terizations about where the investiga- good or bad, depending on the facts at President HARRIS’s unequivocal sup- tion currently stands. hand. However, the essential question port for including immigration reforms I would like to specifically note that that should be asked is, What was the in the budget reconciliation process. the chairman of the Committee, Sen- final decision? And that is my major As I said, we have an opportunity and ator DURBIN, said, in part, to CNN on concern about the recent public com- a responsibility to bring security to Sunday about the Rosen interview that ments coming out of these interviews I millions of federally recognized essen- ‘‘the Justice Department had set it up have discussed relating to this new tial workers and their families. for us and said we’re waiving any privi- Trump investigation. I urge my colleagues to join me in lege. He’’—meaning these people being Unlike my Democratic colleagues, I recognizing the essential work and eco- interviewed—‘‘can speak to any issue. won’t discuss the evidence publicly at nomic contributions of immigrants by We’re not holding back.’’ this point in time, but let me remind opening the pathway to citizenship and At the Donoghue interview on Fri- the American public with a couple al- the American dream. day, the Justice Department, contrary ready-public points. Thank you. to what I just stated to you, objected Did Trump fire Acting Attorney Gen- I now yield the floor. to my staff’s questions on several occa- eral Jeffrey Rosen? No, he did not fire The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- sions and prevented Donoghue from an- him. ator from Iowa. swering. So to go back to what I said Did Trump fire Rich Donoghue, TRUMP INVESTIGATION from the quote on CNN, it had been set Rosen’s Deputy? No, he did not fire Mr. GRASSLEY. Last week, Judici- up ‘‘for us and said we’re waiving any Rich Donoghue. ary staff interviewed Jeffrey Rosen, privilege. He can speak to any issue.’’ Also, on August 7, 2021, a CNN article Trump’s former Acting Attorney Gen- But when it comes to some of the ques- states—now, this is about those inter- eral, and Mr. Rosen’s Deputy at the tions my staff was asking, that wasn’t views that I have been talking about Justice Department, Rich Donoghue. true. that happened in the last week. From These interviews were done as part of The same happened at least once in CNN: ‘‘The men testified that in their the Democrats’ never-ending series of the Rosen interview. And I believe the interactions with Trump’’—I had bet- investigations into former President Justice Department made an objection ter start over again or we will get this Trump. even to a Democrat-led question in wrong. Their obsession with him has been Donoghue’s interview. So we were not ‘‘The men testified that in their very consistent, I will give them that. able to ask any questions as we were interactions with Trump, he didn’t So, too, are the Democrats’ public com- promised. order them to do anything illegal and ments that grossly mischaracterized— So when the Democrats say these eventually accepted their advice that at least for now—the state of the evi- witnesses can ‘‘speak to any issue,’’ the Justice Department couldn’t take dence. well, apparently that is not the case. actions to claim fraud when it had no I will start with a little history. This The Biden administration and its Jus- evidence of it.’’ country has had to deal with Demo- tice Department have waived executive In other words—that is end of quote; crats’ obsession with destroying Trump privilege for these witnesses to speak I want to just interpret—claim fraud in for much too long. In the process, I fear about close and intimate conversations the last Presidential election because my colleagues on the other side of the that the President had with his advis- there was no evidence of fraud. aisle have done and will do lasting ers. Incredibly, one of the same com- damage to our political system. If you get even a little bit away from mittee Democrats who spread the For example, in May 2017, then-Rank- Trump, then, in your questioning, well, Trump lie today said criminal prosecu- ing Member FEINSTEIN and I met with then the Justice Department doesn’t tions could come out of this investiga- then-Director Comey about Crossfire want Congress to know the facts. You tion. Hurricane. At that classified briefing, see what I mean by saying that Justice If the facts eventually fit the Demo- Comey said Trump was not under in- objected to some of my staff’s ques- crats’ narrative that they so badly vestigation. But that didn’t stop the tions? want to be true of their narrative, then Democrats from publicly saying that Mind you, now, the Justice Depart- they fit. It is what it is. But I haven’t Trump was under investigation. ment and other executive Agencies seen anything backing up their mis- And because Comey kept the answer consistently refuse to produce records leading conclusions from either what I classified, he couldn’t and didn’t rebut to Congress, claiming what we call de- saw at the interviews or what my staff it. But Democrats knew it was a lie, liberative process. When it comes to has reported to me from those inter- and they kept on saying that lie until Trump, the usual order doesn’t apply. views over the last week. Trump fired Comey because Comey Given the new executive privilege po- Now, until that point comes that the wouldn’t make the fact that Trump sition that the Biden administration Democratic narrative proves out to be wasn’t under investigation public. has created here, it is entirely possible what they want it to be, the Democrats Unfortunately, the Democrats’ big lie that at some point in the future, we should quit trying to fit a square peg in eventually got them what they wanted could all be talking to President a round hole, and they need to stop vio- because Comey then helped orchestrate Biden’s closest advisers about their in- lating committee rules and protocols. an investigation over his firing. ternal deliberative process. Or is there Because of this, why would any wit- Day after day, year after year, my a double standard? I have to laugh a ness want to testify now, at the risk of colleagues on the other side of the aisle little bit at that possibility, knowing their words being leaked and twisted to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:41 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.031 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6080 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 satisfy a partisan agenda? Facts and so critically to making this vote pos- Over the past year, I have spoken to evidence matter, not speculative, par- sible; final passage of a measure that countless families who need that tisan cheap shots. will enable the bridge across the Con- childcare and providers who furnish it I yield the floor. necticut River to be truly safe and reli- across the northeast. Childcare is crit- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- able; the Mixmaster in Waterbury—so- ical not only to those jobs and the peo- ator from Connecticut. called because it mixes several roads at ple who fill jobs, but also to the emo- Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Madam Presi- once—to be finally done; a proposal tional and educational development of dent, I am here to talk about the Build that will enable, we hope, eventually, children—allowing moms and dads, and Back Better proposal and the budget the tracks between New Haven and grandparents, to go back to work, but resolution that we will shortly take up, New York to be really reliable, to be also for children to have the basics in but let me just respond briefly to my maintained properly. preparation for education that they good friend and colleague from Iowa’s On every one of those transportation need. remarks on the interview that was con- byways, there are people who depend By establishing a universal pre-care ducted with Jeffrey Rosen on Saturday on them, people who are going to work system and providing families with in- and the previous interview with Rich or to visit their family. Those people centives, like the child care tax cuts, Donoghue. are, at the end of the day, who this in- to help them afford care, we can ensure I agree completely that the facts and frastructure serves. And the freight that children are prepared for success the evidence are what are important that will be on railroads or the goods and parents can go to work. here, and this investigation is su- and produce transported on our high- But it isn’t enough to ensure that premely significant. I hope that we will ways go to people. They serve our econ- families can just afford childcare. We join, on a bipartisan basis, to follow omy. They create jobs. We need to do have to ensure they are able to live the facts and the law wherever they much more for those people. healthy lives. And we know healthcare lead and encourage voluntary coopera- Just today in , in is complicated; it is confusing; it is ex- tion by the witnesses and collect all of the Business section, there is an article pensive, especially for our aging sen- the documents and other evidence that about a young mother who wants to go iors and people with disabilities and is necessary to fairly and fully present back to work, reenter the workforce, our fellow Americans with preexisting the truth to the American people. They but she has two children. One is await- conditions. deserve to know what we have heard so ing the beginning of school, and the Over this past year, we learned clear- far, which amounts to a chilling and other, she feels, needs and deserves ly and dramatically how resource-de- shocking picture of a President seeking daycare before she can go back to prived our healthcare system has be- to corrupt the Department of Justice work. That road that enables her to come—individuals forced to make and overthrow an election. That much drive or the railroad, to commute, choices between keeping a roof over has been clear from the evidence that won’t be a link to the workplace for their head or going to the doctor or we have seen. her until she has daycare. paying for medications. No American But I agree that we should not talk Our economy is interconnected in family should be forced to make those about the specific facts at this point ways that we understand intuitively because it is an ongoing investigation. choices. when we look at individual people, but And we need to invest. It is not about And I hope that we will join, in a bipar- too often, we have mounds of paper—no tisan way, not only to encourage vol- spending; it is investing in our longer for all of us truly paper but healthcare system. This budget pro- untary cooperation but to seek testi- mounds of print—and numbers and sta- posal will accomplish exactly that mony and documents by subpoena tistics. The real story is in that young goal. where necessary, where, as a matter of mother whose account is so important resort, if that evidence is denied, we Lower prescription drug costs, low- to us, the human story. ering those burdens, providing broader need to do so because the interests of Universal daycare, paid family leave, access to medical providers, including our Nation are best served by the affordable medical care, and housing— that dental care, hearing aids, and vi- truth. they are also the stuff of human needs. All of it should be made public. Even- They are part of our human assets. sion for individuals—all individuals— tually, these transcripts from inter- Seniors need dental care and eye- on Medicare should be our paramount views and other evidence should be glasses and hearing aids so that they goal. made public so that the American peo- can appreciate all of the benefits that And it is critical that home ple can see the truth. I know that my we are trying to bring them through healthcare workers and patients under- colleague from Iowa has been a staunch this infrastructure program. stand their value. Individuals with dis- and steadfast champion of whistle- The American people need jobs so abilities were left struggling to find af- blowing, of making available the truth that they can afford prescription drugs, fordable home- and community-based to the American people. Nobody in this and the cost of prescription drugs services throughout the pandemic. We body has been a stronger advocate of needs to be lower so they don’t have to need to appreciate the home care work- whistleblowers and protecting them so make these choices that we describe ers and support them and pay them that the American people could see the day after day between paying the mort- adequately, just as we need to provide truth than my colleague from Iowa. So gage and putting food on the table and that home care for seniors who need it. I am hopeful that we will work to- clothing their kids. Healthcare is more than access to care; gether toward that end. The pandemic has affected health, it is the basic system that provides BUDGET RECONCILIATION food, shelter, and the financial and that access. Madam President, the Build Back overall security of families across the And there should be no delay when Better proposal that will soon be com- country. It has taken a toll on small we are talking about the air we breathe ing before the Senate is literally a businesses. They, too, need help. The and the water we drink, because those milestone for this country. Restaurant Revitalization Program assets also are essential to healthcare. The bipartisan infrastructure pro- should be replenished and small busi- Rail will be supported—better rail- posal that we will shortly pass is trans- nesses given a lifeline they need be- roads, tracks, cars—by this proposal formative for our Nation and for Con- cause they have been so direly injured that we are passing today or tomorrow, necticut. It will enable us to do long- and threatened. but there is more that needs to be done overdue work on our roads and bridges, We need to build back America and to ensure high-speed rail. Right now, our railroads and broadband, on the the assets—the roads and bridges but the link between New Haven and New physical assets that are essential to also the systems—that serve Ameri- York is slower than it was 50 years ago. this country creating jobs and remain- cans, and we need to build it back bet- We need to make sure that it is ing competitive around the globe. This ter. quicker—not just more reliable, but work has been too long delayed, and I I am proud to support this budget faster and more reliable and safer. will be proud to support it. resolution that will make investments Too often, the impacts of unsafe air I thank all of our colleagues on both for working families, the elderly, our and unhealthy drinking water fall on sides of the aisle who have contributed environment. minority and low-income communities.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:41 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.033 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6081 They have disproportionately faced ad- levels of unemployment for certain Maybe this legislation is taking it verse impacts from public and environ- groups in our economy—Blacks, His- full circle because it will be fixing pot- mental health grants, and the Amer- panics, and others—we had a 50-year holes, and it will make driving more ican people are counting on our leader- low on unemployment overall. We had safe. ship to authorize funding for invest- the lowest poverty rate ever recorded There is a story I want to relate. Re- ment in programs that support clean in the United States of America. We cently, in Cincinnati, OH, a guy named energy resources. Climate change is an started recording it back in the fifties. Howard Krueger was driving along I–75 enemy that we must conquer, just as We also had wages that were going up South, and a big piece of concrete fell we are working to conquer the pan- consistently, more than 3 percent an- down from a bridge called the Western demic. nually for 19 straight months going Hills Viaduct, which is in terrible In the Senate, I have worked with into the pandemic. That was fantastic. shape. It is one of our crumbling infra- the administration to meet the goal of In my home State of Ohio, we had structure projects we have to fix. A big conserving 30 percent of our country’s seen flat wages or even declining wages piece of concrete hit his windshield. lands and 30 percent of our waters when you take inflation into account Thank God it didn’t come through his within the next decade. That goal is for years, probably a decade and a half. windshield or kill him, but it shattered ambitious, but it is a vital effort that So things were working. And even com- part of his windshield. He actually takes an important step toward reduc- ing out of this pandemic, most econo- pulled off the road to go try to find the ing environmental justice and ensuring mists had thought that, Wow, we have concrete, to get it off the road for healthy lives for all. a pretty darned resilient and resurgent someone else, and to talk to the work This proposal is comprehensive, and economy here. crew that he assumed had dropped it. that is exactly what is needed now—a And you see the economic growth He went up and looked up, and there comprehensive program that deserves numbers. Last month and this past was no work crew; it was just concrete our support and our leadership. We quarter—I mean, the economy is doing falling from the bridge. must invest in our country’s leadership just what we had hoped it would do Infrastructure—it matters to people. by putting the American people and coming out of the pandemic. To raise It is about safety. That truckdriver, what they need—childcare, healthy taxes now and to get rid of these tax who leaves his family to go on a long homes, and environments—put it first. cuts and tax reforms—importantly, tax haul, he wants to have a road and I am proud to support this proposal, reforms as well that created this bridge that is safe. and I look forward to advancing it on strong opportunity economy—is a huge We recently had another accident in the Senate floor. mistake. Ohio. It was on the Brent Spence So I would just draw a very distinct I yield the floor. Bridge; two trucks colliding. There is The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- contrast between what my colleague no shoulder left on that bridge because and friend from Connecticut was talk- ator from Ohio. it is carrying twice the number of vehi- Mr. PORTMAN. Madam President, I ing about because he kind of mixed the cles it was meant to carry—twice. It is appreciated the comments from my two—one is infrastructure that is bi- functionally obsolete, and yet we have colleague from Connecticut. And he partisan, no taxes; the other is a dif- talked about it for 20 years and noth- ferent kind of spending—social spend- talked about both the bipartisan infra- ing has happened. After 20 years of ing—that we cannot afford and on top structure bill that is on the floor of the talking about it, it is time to get some- of the huge new tax increases. Senate and will be voted on tomorrow thing done. So I hope that we will choose to vote Here in this town, we have talked morning, and he also talked about the tomorrow on the infrastructure pack- about infrastructure being improved budget proposal that is also going to be age in a bipartisan way because it is for a long, long, long time—longer than considered by the Senate this week. landmark and needed legislation in fix- 20 years. In fact, every President in I want to start by just being sure ing our Nation’s roads, bridges, rail- modern times has proposed a big infra- that those two are distinguished be- roads, our ports, our waterways, our structure package, and yet we never cause there is a big contrast between electrical grid, our broadband network, seem to get it done. them. The bipartisan infrastructure and more. Donald Trump actually proposed a package, I believe, is a sensible ap- And I am proud of the work the Sen- $1.5 trillion infrastructure package. proach to restoring our Nation’s infra- ate has done on that. It will be a last- This one we are talking about today is structure, as we will talk about in a ing bipartisan achievement to help the $548 billion. He is a developer. He un- moment. And that legislation, again, is people we represent. It is going to im- derstands the need for infrastructure, meant to be voted on tomorrow morn- prove the lives of all Americans. It is to make investments in hard assets, ing. long-term spending to repair and re- because it comes back to help the econ- The other proposal is the $3.5 trillion, place and build assets that will last for omy. or more, budget resolution that will be decades. So whether you are that truckdriver, partisan—not bipartisan—that is being In doing so, it makes life better for or whether you are that mom or dad, or proposed by the Democrats, which is a people. It improves the life of the mom whether you are somebody who lives in tax-and-spending extravaganza. or dad who commutes to work and gets a rural and underserved area of our And my concern is, not only does it stuck in rush hour every day and would country because you don’t have access spend a lot of money we don’t have— much rather be spending that time to broadband and you can finally now and not on long-term assets, like infra- with their family. It improves the lives get it for your schoolwork or your structure, but on social programs—but, of people who are tired of those pot- work-work or for your healthcare, this also, it raises taxes substantially. In holes. We all want to fix those pot- is going to make a difference. fact, it raises taxes more than taxes holes. We all hate them. It improves our overcapacity ports. were cut back in 2017, which created One quick story there. When I am Right now, at our seaports, ships are such a strong economy going into the asked how I got into public service, I backing up. If you are trying to get a pandemic. And I really do worry about often relay a story that when I was 7 or product and you are a consumer and what is going to happen to our country 8 years old, I remember driving with you are wondering why you are not should we do that. my mom on a rough road and telling getting it, that might be the reason. The bipartisan infrastructure pack- her: Someday, Mom, I want to fix those And guess what. It also invests in our age has no tax increases. The $3.5 tril- potholes. overwhelmed southern border land lion budget resolution has these huge And she loved to tell that story. ports, with $3.85 billion to GSA and new taxes. I will tell you, most econo- That was my first exposure to what Customs and Border Protection. So for mists believe that the tax reform and it could be like in public service, being those of you concerned about the tax cuts back in 2017 led to not just an able to fix potholes. Unfortunately, I southern border and what is happening incredibly strong economy, but an in- then went on to public service at the there, this infrastructure bill does clusive economy. Federal level in the House and the Sen- help. It helps with our land ports and Going into the pandemic, February of ate and two Bush White Houses, and I our seaports and, therefore, helps Cus- 2020, we not only had historically low never got to fix any potholes. toms and Border Protection.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:41 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.035 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6082 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 We also have more for water infra- tionary. That is important to note too. costs. This was a priority of the Trump structure in this legislation—clean By the way, this money is not going to administration that was never codified drinking water. Lead pipes is a big be spent next year. It is not going to be into law. issue in my home State of Ohio, as it is spent hardly at all the next year. It is But in this bill, we actually expand in other States. That is dealt with going to be spent over 5, 10, 15 years on and improve what is called FAST–41, here—remediation of the lead pipe dan- these long-term projects. which was in the last highway bill—not ger and risks. There is one recent study by Associa- the one currently but before. But it has There is a lot in here that helps peo- tion of Equipment Manufacturers find- a sunset on it, and these permitting re- ple, helps make their lives better. ing that this legislation will create forms have worked. They lowered the Very importantly for me, it also about half a million new jobs by 2024. amount of time and saved billions of makes our economy more efficient by So it is also about new jobs in indus- dollars for key permitting projects. We fixing that bridge, by fixing that port. tries ranging from construction, make this a permanent part of our law. When you make the economy more ef- plumbing, electrical engineering to Also, the surface transportation bill ficient, the economy becomes more software development. itself has additional permitting reform productive. When the economy is more Importantly, it accomplishes these in it. This, frankly, is better permit- productive, you have higher GDP. goals while avoiding the tax hikes that ting reform than we have been able to When you have higher GDP, you have will kill our economy, destroy jobs, get for years, even when we had a Re- more taxes coming into the economy and undermine our competitiveness publican President, Republican Con- than you would have had otherwise. around the world. gress. I am very pleased that that is That is what happens with infrastruc- That is why I started talking about part of this legislation, and it should ture spending, if it is done right. the $3.5 trillion package that is wrong- be. All Americans should support that. It has been made clear in poll after headed, in my view, in part because of Taking the average from 2 years— poll this is something that actually the spending, but in part because of from currently 6, 7, 8 years down to 2 brings our country together. According what it would do to our economy at a years for a project, why doesn’t that to a CNBC poll, 87 percent of Ameri- time when we are trying to get back on make sense? Everybody should be for cans think it is important that we in- our feet postpandemic. that. vest in improving our crumbling roads We are going to provide billions in We also made necessary investments and bridges. A month or so later, a CBS funding for some of our most pressing in the future of our economy on the poll found 87 percent of Americans sup- hard infrastructure needs, like $110 bil- digital side by increasing access to port more Federal spending on repair- lion in new spending over the next 5 broadband services. In Ohio, that is really important. We have a bunch of ing roads and bridges. And an Associ- years to construct, rebuild, and main- counties and about 18 of them are ated Press poll found 8 in 10 Ameri- tain our roads and highways. unserved and we have probably another cans—80 percent—favored plans to in- I heard one of my colleagues say only 20 that are underserved. crease funding for roads, bridges, and 24 percent of this money goes into roads and bridges and ports. That is In Appalachian Ohio, we need inter- ports and for pipes that supply drink- net. We need it fast enough so people just not true. The number actually is ing water. can start a business, so kids can use it So, of course, it is popular because it about 42 percent into roads and bridges for school, so veterans can use it to get affects their lives, and they know it. alone. This is going to make a big dif- their healthcare and not have to drive And we need the investment right ference in my home State of Ohio. We into the big city. now. The American Society of Civil En- have 123,000 miles of roads. Traffic con- These are only a few highlights. And gineers gives our infrastructure a C- gestion costs motorists an estimated I could go on, but the bottom line is we minus and projects our economy stands $4.7 billion each year in lost time and are dedicating this $548 billion in infra- to lose more than $10 trillion in GDP wasted fuel, according to the American structure spending over the next 5 by 2039 should we fail to invest in re- Society of Civil Engineers. The same years toward a wide range of projects pairs. We have fallen to 13th in the group, the Society of Civil Engineers, that will collectively have a positive world in a report card on infrastruc- says there are currently more than impact on our economy and on the ture while China continues to spend 46,000 bridges in our country that are American people. much more than we do as a percent of considered structurally deficient and in This has been a different sort of proc- their GDP on infrastructure. Why? ‘‘poor condition.’’ Yet 178 million trips ess, I acknowledge that. And, frankly, They want to have a more efficient are taken on these deficient bridges a lot of this, I think, should have been economy. We want to be able to com- every single day. done directly through committees, par- pete and win the global competition. Ohio is No. 2 in the Nation in the ticularly with regard to transit, with We, too, should be sure infrastructure number of bridges. We have a lot of regard to broadband. In other areas, we is up to speed. them, but nearly half of those are not simply picked up the work of the com- The need for fixing and repairing our in good condition. That is why I am mittee—surface transportation, as an Nation’s infrastructure is clear. It is no pleased this legislation does provide for example, much of the work by the surprise, again, that these Presidents, new funding for our bridges. It will Commerce Committee, the EPW Com- through the modern times, including work competitive grants to improve mittee, and others, the ENR Com- Donald Trump, have suggested it. the bridges that would help with all of mittee, the Energy and Natural Re- Frankly, I believe Donald Trump’s ad- our bridges but particularly a huge sources Committee. vocacy in infrastructure helped problem in Ohio, which is the Brent Many of us worked hard to ensure changed the way many in the Repub- Spence Bridge—this dangerous bridge I that this was a truly bipartisan project lican Party view these kinds of invest- talked about where there are no shoul- but also that we got the best input ments. This investment in repairing ders anymore. It is bearing twice the from all the experts here in the Con- and upgrading our infrastructure will number of vehicles per day as it was gress. I would have drafted this bill a also have a real and lasting impact on constructed to do. It was considered little differently if it had been just me. our economy long term. structurally obsolete for years, for two I am sure everybody feels that way There is a lot of discussion about in- decades. It is time to fix it. about it. It was a true bipartisan frastructure right now. Again, making We also do something here that is project and, therefore, there were con- the economy more efficient, more pro- very important to stretch that Federal cessions made on both sides. ductive, growing the economy, that is dollar and to take out some of the inef- But I am proud of the broad support what economists would call, by invest- ficiency in the way we construct our it has received in this Chamber. I am ing in hard assets and jobs, the supply roads and our bridges and other infra- proud of the broad support it has re- side. These are supply-side invest- structure. We make needed reforms to ceived from the outside. More than 100 ments. This is why economists have the Federal permitting process and industry associations, unions, and said, including Michael Strain of the give project sponsors more certainty to trade groups have already come for- Conservative American Enterprise In- help them create more jobs and develop ward to endorse the Infrastructure In- stitute, this will be counterinfla- our Nation’s infrastructure with less vestment and Jobs Act. Among them

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:41 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.036 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6083 are the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the transaction reporting requirement on And we shouldn’t—we shouldn’t—stifle Business Roundtable, the National As- crypto transaction validators. These innovation. sociation of Manufacturers, the AFL– are the people who are building out the There is time to do this. There is an CIO Building Trades Council, the block chain by validating a trans- agreement. It is bipartisan. The White American Farm Bureau, the Con- action. They would be obligated to re- House is on board. We can get this ference of Mayors, and National Gov- port things like a name and a tax ID done. We can do it right now. ernors Association, on and on and on. number associated with the dollar I am going to yield to my colleague They comprise advocates for businesses amount. They don’t have that informa- from Wyoming before making a unani- of all sizes, workers, farmers, Gov- tion. For them, the transaction is just mous consent request. ernors, mayors, engineers, conserva- an anonymized number. It doesn’t The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- tionists, truckers. make any sense at all. ator from Wyoming. I think it is safe to say we have an Also, people who write software code Ms. LUMMIS. Mr. President, I am impressive coalition that wants this and then have no further involvement pleased to join with my colleagues in legislation passed for all the right rea- in any transactions, I think they would urging the Senate to allow this widely sons. They want to see this investment be captured by this language in the un- supported bipartisan amendment to in our country. They know it is the derlying bill. Certainly, that doesn’t move forward. right thing to do for our economy, for make any sense. It would apply to any- I want to thank Ranking Member our future. I thank all of the stake- body who is providing a service that ef- TOOMEY, Senator WARNER, Senator holders who have endorsed this legisla- fectuates these transactions. PORTMAN, Senator SINEMA, and Chair- tion for their support. Because of all Think about the parallel in the ordi- man WYDEN. Chairman WYDEN, in par- these combined efforts, tomorrow, I be- nary securities brokerage business. ticular, thank you for your early com- lieve, we will be getting it right for the Think about Merrill Lynch. We require mitment to me to get this right and for American people, for our economy, and Merrill Lynch to report the informa- your partnership. for the future of our great country. tion about me if I give them my money The amendment before us specifies I look forward to seeing this legisla- to buy stock. That makes sense. But that persons who validate distributed tion pass the Senate tomorrow, and I we don’t require the electric company ledger data, including digital asset urge the House to pass it soon so that that provides electrical service to Mer- miners and stakers, and those who pro- it can move to President Biden’s desk rill Lynch to make any such reporting vide hardware and software wallets, are for his signature. because that would not make sense. not required to report customer infor- I yield the floor. What happened was a group of us mation to the Internal Revenue Serv- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. came together to clarify the rules of ice. This is essential because those per- COONS). The Senator from Pennsyl- who are the actual brokers of sons would not have access to the cus- vania. cryptocurrency who should be respon- tomer information necessary to comply UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—AMENDMENT sible for the transaction reporting re- with this requirement anyway. NO. 2656 TO H.R. 3684 Equally important in this amend- Mr. TOOMEY. Mr. President, we had quirement. We are not proposing anything that ment are clarifications to the defini- a big controversy in the infrastructure is the least bit sweeping or radical. Our tion of ‘‘broker’’ that will ensure that bill over how to go about imposing solution just makes clear that a broker software protocol developers will not transaction reporting requirements on be swept up in IRS reporting require- crypto exchange programs. means only those persons who conduct I am very pleased to be able to report transactions on exchanges where cus- ments. Developers are the lifeblood of that a group of us reached a bipartisan tomers are buying and selling and trad- innovation and subjecting them to re- agreement: Democrats and Repub- ing digital assets. porting would have far-reaching impli- licans, the Biden Treasury, and the ad- We make sure that the bill does not cations on privacy and on the evo- ministration is on board. sweep in software developers. It does lution of technology in this country, I want to thank the cosponsors of the not sweep in crypto transaction not to mention that most developers amendment that brought everybody to- validators, regardless of which of the would not have access to useful data. gether on this: Senator WARNER, Sen- various methods they use for the vali- This bill is very likely going to be- ator LUMMIS, Senator PORTMAN, and dation. It doesn’t sweep in node opera- come law, and it is important that Senator SINEMA are all in agreement tors or any other nonbrokers. But any- these changes become law along with on this. I should point out I appreciate one who owes any tax from a the bill. That is why I urge my col- Senator ’s work throughout cryptocurrency transaction should pay leagues not to let the perfect be the this entire process. their tax obligation. enemy of the good. Let me just give a little bit of con- So if you are actually a crypto I recognize there is dissatisfaction on text here, and then I am going to yield broker, you would be required to turn both sides of the aisle with the lack of to some colleagues and then ask unani- over that information under our ap- opportunity to offer amendments and mous consent that we adopt this com- proach. Our amendment would do that. to expedite debate. monsense change. But it is important that the reporting However, I ask you to weigh those To start off, we have very broad requirement only applies to those concerns against the importance of agreement, probably unanimous agree- kinds of intermediaries. providing millions of Americans with ment, that centralized digital asset ex- I don’t think any one of our cospon- additional clarity on the scope of their changes, when they behave as brokers, sors thinks our solution is absolutely coming obligations to the IRS. should be required to report trans- perfect, but it is a big improvement America is a country of innovation. actions of their customers just like or- over the underlying text. Right now, our financial system is dinary brokers do: stockbrokers, bond I would also point out that this space evolving before our eyes in much the brokers. The problem is that the under- is changing. It is changing fast. A year same way that the internet first began lying text of this bipartisan infrastruc- from now, people will have come up to find a foothold in the mid-1990s. Dis- ture bill, while it attempts to do this, with innovations and applications that tributed ledgers, digital assets, and I think it is very significantly flawed we can’t even imagine that probably other forms of financial technology are with how it goes about it. nobody has even thought of yet. What in the early stages of transforming the The unintended consequence of the I don’t want to do is impose a burden way we share and store value. current text is it will ensnare people that is going to stifle that kind of in- This amendment has started the de- and companies and impose this trans- novation. bate on many difficult questions re- action reporting requirement on those What we shouldn’t do is have an lated to financial technology that the to whom it shouldn’t apply and, in overly broad mandate or reporting re- Senate must address over the next few some cases, people who couldn’t even quirement on people who can’t even years. We are reacting to what was put possibly comply. comply. We shouldn’t favor or punish before us. I wish that we were imple- For example, the underlying text of any particular methodology or plat- menting from the get-go, but that is this bill would impose this kind of form design or validation mechanism. not where we find ourselves today. So

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:41 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.038 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6084 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 let’s get this broker definition as good not bringing in people who are involved on cryptocurrency, is that there aren’t as possible now and then move forward with hardware and software selling for five Senators in this body with any this fall with other definitions that digital wallets. They wouldn’t be sub- real understanding of how will be important to producing a regu- ject to these rules as well. And I think cryptocurrency operates. We have had latory sandbox for digital assets that that was very important to make that no hearings on this. The Senate has allows innovators to keep innovating. clear. I think the language needed clar- had no hearings on this. The House, as We are in a difficult space right now. ification. far as I know, has had no hearings on We are transitioning from the indus- So I am pleased with the amendment. this. And yet this body is prepared to trial economy to technology, and it is I would hope that we would be able to obliterate an industry willy-nilly or, a bumpy ride. It is disruptive for all of get it passed because I think it is very for that matter, the compromise—and, us, especially those of us who grew up important to have it as part of this leg- listen, the compromise that was put at the end of the industrial age and are islation, and I want to thank, again, forward would be a meaningful im- so new to this technology age. But we my colleagues, from Pennsylvania, provement, would do much, much less can adapt, we can be helpful, and we from Wyoming, as well as Senators damage, but even the compromise can help forge a very reasonable place WARNER, SINEMA, OSSOFF, WYDEN, and would essentially kick the can down for the innovators to work from. others who have worked with us in this the road and allow bureaucrats at There is a proverb that says: ‘‘A jour- process, and thank you for bringing Treasury to do massive damage. And ney of 1,000 miles begins with a single this amendment to the floor today. the bureaucrats at Treasury don’t un- step.’’ Mr. TOOMEY. I thank the Senator derstand this any better than does the This amendment is the very first step from Ohio for his very constructive co- U.S. Senate. in a long journey, and we are all going operation on this, and let me yield to The right outcome, I think, is an to take it together. This journey is our colleague from Texas. amendment I introduced—strike the about America renewing its commit- Mr. CRUZ. Thank you. I want to whole damn thing. If we want to legis- ment to innovation and retaining its thank the good efforts of the Senators late on this, actually do our jobs, be a role as the leader in the global econ- who have led the work in finding a deliberative body, hold hearings, listen omy for future generations. compromise in this regard, particularly to witnesses, understand the con- I look forward to working with each Senator TOOMEY and Senator LUMMIS, sequences, know what we are doing. of you to make sure we get there, and who have worked very, very hard on That would be the reasonable, rational I promise to be a partner to anyone this issue. thing to do. Don’t just put out a rule of You know, Bismarck said many years willing to listen and learn. massive taxes and regulations with no ago that there are two things you don’t I urge my colleagues not to object understanding of the consequences and want to see being made—sausage and and to allow this amendment to pro- jobs and real people who would be hurt. legislation. And when it comes to par- ceed to adoption. For whatever reason, the Senate ticularly ugly legislation, this compo- I yield back to the Senator from doesn’t seem to want to behave reason- nent—the regulation of Pennsylvania, Mr. TOOMEY. ably or rationally, and I think the con- cryptocurrency—may take the prize for Mr. TOOMEY. Mr. President, I want sequences are going to be longstanding the ugliest we have seen. to thank the Senator from Wyoming of this foolish legislation. Moments from now, I expect that we I think Senator TOOMEY and Senator for her very constructive leadership in are going to see objections to this com- this area, and I yield at this time to LUMMIS have worked hard on a com- promise amendment that was nego- promise to brunt the worst aspects of the Senator from Ohio. tiated. If we do in fact see objections Mr. PORTMAN. I just want to say this legislation, and so I hope the pro- and if the underlying language in this posal they have put forward—or are briefly to my colleague from Wyoming bill goes into effect, it will have dev- and my colleague from Pennsylvania, about to put forward—is adopted. But astating effects. if it is not, I am going to predict that and also to our other colleagues who There is a new and exciting industry, worked with us over the past week or every one of the 100 Senators here is in the United States, of going to come to regret that this body so to come up with a good approach to cryptocurrency, whether Bitcoin or this issue that is vexing, that we need took a part in destroying jobs and a otherwise, that is generating jobs, en- budding industry that will provide bil- to figure out how to get this into the trepreneurs who are creating new val- lions of dollars of new opportunity. legislation. So I support the amend- ues, new hedges against inflation, new And if the Senate keeps on this course, ment, of course. opportunities, and it is fast moving. It we are going to send it instead overseas I think there is a general consensus is dynamic. that information reporting is a good And this infrastructure bill—a bill to our competitors. That would be a thing, and that particularly for our being sold to the American people as tragic mistake. constituents, who are everyday holders Thank you. ‘‘let’s build some roads and bridges’’— The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- of digital currency, they want to have has one little portion in there designed that reporting in order to be able to ator from Pennsylvania. to obliterate cryptocurrency. Mr. TOOMEY. Mr. President, I ask pay their taxes properly. Now, I fully understand that there unanimous consent that notwith- The vast majority of them are good, are some bureaucrats at the Treasury standing adoption of substitute amend- hard-working taxpayers who just want Department that have never seen any- ment No. 2137, the Toomey-Warner- to be able to get what their basis is or thing they don’t want to regulate the Lummis-Sinema-Portman amendment what their information is from a life out of. But if the underlying lan- No. 2656 be agreed to. broker, just as they would for a stock guage in this so-called infrastructure The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there or a bond. bill becomes law, we will be destroying objection? So what we have done here through billions of dollars’ worth of industry in Mr. SHELBY. Mr. President. this language is ensure that, while the United States. We will be destroy- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- doing that, we are not putting a sweep- ing jobs in the United States—many of ator from Alabama. ing provision in place that includes those jobs are in my home State of Mr. SHELBY. Reserving the right to people who shouldn’t be included. Texas—and we will be sending them object, I ask that the Senator from As an example—and my colleague overseas. Pennsylvania modify his request to in- from Pennsylvania said it very, very Listen. It isn’t complicated. clude my amendment No. 2535 dealing well—we are not trying to bring in peo- Cryptocurrency isn’t tied to any par- with defense infrastructure to this bill ple who are involved in validating dis- ticular piece of dirt. So the grand ef- and that it be agreed to. tributed ledger transactions through forts of the U.S. Senate will be to say: The PRESIDING OFFICER. Does the proof of work, commonly known as We don’t want those jobs in America. Senator from Pennsylvania so modify? miners. We don’t want those resources in Mr. TOOMEY. I do. We are also not trying to bring in America. Go somewhere else. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there ‘‘proof of stake’’ validation or stakers, The ugly truth, which Bismarck un- any objection to the request as modi- and we are also ensuring that we are derstood and which is particularly true fied?

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:41 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.041 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6085 Mr. SANDERS. Reserving the right body who disputes that there is a prob- Regulatory uncertainty is the No. 1 to object. lem here. barrier to blockchain adoption accord- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- You want to know the specifics of the ing to 48 percent of respondents in a re- ator from Vermont. problem? According to the underlying cent report, and they are right to be Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, as I bill, this is what is going to pass. This worried. The current bill widens the understand it, the Senator from Ala- is what is going to get sent ultimately definition of ‘‘broker,’’ those who bama is interested in increasing mili- to the President’s desk. It is a trans- would have to collect information on tary spending by some $50 billion. action reporting requirement, includ- cryptocurrency consumers and report You know, there is a headline in the ing name, taxpayer ID number, dollar this information to the IRS. It would New York Times today. It doesn’t talk amount, date. It is imposed on any per- force every single participant in the about the fact that the United States son who, for consideration, is respon- cryptocurrency structure to operate as now spends more than the next 10 na- sible for regularly providing any serv- a financial institution, which would tions on the military. It doesn’t talk ice effectuating transfers of digital as- mean they would have to provide con- about the fact that the Pentagon is the sets on behalf of another person. sumer information to the IRS even if only major Agency of government that Well, look, I am not even a lawyer, they don’t have access to that informa- but I can read. It sounds to me like any has not submitted successfully to an tion. This overly broad definition of service effectuating transfers—that independent audit. It doesn’t talk the word ‘‘broker’’ will block rapid in- would include validators. I don’t know about the fact of huge profits among novation in cryptocurrency, and it will how that doesn’t include miners, defense contractors. endanger the privacy of millions of stakers. It probably includes hardware What it does talk about is that a hot- Americans in cryptocurrency. and software wallets, software devel- ter future is now inevitable, a U.N. re- This is wrong, so I applaud my col- port says. Scientists urge immediate opers all across any kind of platform. We are going to ask these people to leagues for trying to find an incre- switch from fossil fuels to avert great- provide information that they don’t mental approach. Unfortunately, be- er peril. have and they can’t get. cause the Senator from Vermont ob- So I would say to my friend from In what universe does that make any jected, that incremental approach Alabama, if we are going to invest $50 sense at all? All I want to do is have a hasn’t been adopted. billion, let us, in fact, invest in trans- vote on an amendment that fixes this So let’s exercise a brief shining mo- forming our energy system so that we in a way that has bipartisan agree- ment of common sense, and let’s recog- can save this planet for future genera- ment, in a way that constrains this to nize that if we gathered all 100 Sen- tions and prevent the kind of apply narrowly to the people who actu- ators in this Chamber and asked them unhealthy deterioration that we will ally are the intermediaries running a to stand up and articulate two sen- inevitably see if we do not act. centralized exchange, who have this in- tences defining what in the hell a So, Mr. President, I object. formation. But apparently we are not cryptocurrency is, that you would not The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- going to be able to do that. So we will get greater than 5 who could answer tion is heard. be back on this because we are going to that question. The Senator from Delaware. do a lot of damage. Who knows how Given that reality, the barest exer- Mr. CARPER. Mr. President, I ask much innovation we are going to stifle. cise of prudence would say we unanimous consent that notwith- Who knows exactly what kind of new shouldn’t regulate something we don’t standing adoption of substitute amend- apps will never emerge. It is hard to yet understand. We should actually ment No. 2137, the Toomey amendment predict what kind of completely impos- take the time to try to understand it. No. 2656 be considered and agreed to. sible mandate results in, but it is not We should hold some hearings. We The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there good, and it is going to bring us back should consider the consequences. We objection? here having to try to clean up a mess shouldn’t destroy people’s lives and Mr. SHELBY. Mr. President. which we could have prevented. livelihoods from complete ignorance. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- I yield the floor. My amendment is very simple. It ator from Alabama. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- doesn’t add anything to this bill; it Mr. SHELBY. Mr. President, reserv- ator from Texas. just strikes these provisions. It says: ing the right to object again, I ask that UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—AMENDMENT Look, let’s not do this until we know the Senator modify his request to in- NO. 2466 what we are talking about. Let’s be clude my amendment No. 2535 and that Mr. CRUZ. Mr. President, unfortu- cautious. Let’s be reasonable. Let’s not it be agreed to. nately, we just saw the Senator from be the No. 1 economic developer for the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Does the Vermont object to a compromise solu- Communist Party of China by sending Senator from Delaware so amend? tion negotiated by Senator TOOMEY and cryptocurrencies overseas to our com- Mr. CARPER. I do not. Senator LUMMIS that would have miti- petitors because we have made it im- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there gated some of the harm from the dev- possible for them to succeed here. objection to the original request by the astating new regulations on Accordingly, Mr. President, I ask Senator from Delaware? cryptocurrency in this so-called infra- unanimous consent that notwith- Mr. SHELBY. I object. structure bill. Because the Senator standing adoption of substitute amend- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ob- from Vermont raised that objection, ment No. 2137, that the Cruz Amend- jection is heard. the status quo right now is that these ment No. 2466 be agreed to. Mr. TOOMEY. Mr. President. new regulations are going into effect, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- and billions of dollars of value are objection? ator from Pennsylvania. going to be destroyed. The Senator from Alabama. Mr. TOOMEY. So for people who have Right now, today, about 106 million Mr. SHELBY. Mr. President, reserv- been watching this and aren’t familiar people are using cryptocurrencies ing the right to object, I ask unani- with the bizarre practices in this body, around the world according to at least mous consent that the Senator from I want to just explain briefly what just one recent report. The average annual Texas modify his request to include my happened here. income in the United States for a amendment No. 2535 dealing with de- Because there is a difference of opin- blockchain developer is $136,000. That fense infrastructure in this country ion on whether or not the Senator from represents a steady career of good in- and that it be agreed to. Alabama should get a vote on his come for someone to own a home, to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Does the amendment—because that is not raise a family, to live a good and com- Senator from Texas agree to so amend? agreed to—the body is refusing to take fortable life. Texas is helping lead the Mr. CRUZ. Reserving the right to up an amendment that has broad bipar- way. Texas has taken the lead this past modify my request, I would share with tisan support that we all know fixes year as a major hub for cryptocurrency the Senator from Alabama that I have something that badly needs to be fixed. businesses and is even being hailed as the deepest respect for the leadership This isn’t like a whim of the Senator the ‘‘cryptocurrency capital.’’ But all of the Senator from Alabama, that I from Pennsylvania. There is, like, no- of this is under threat. understand the Senator from Alabama

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:50 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.042 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6086 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 has a profound commitment for the disagreements. Now, as the Senate pre- healthcare providers to transit advo- fighting men and women of our mili- pares for a final vote, what will this cates to local mayors, the list of ex- tary, as do I; that the Senator from historic legislation actually mean for perts and organizations that have en- Alabama’s commitment to invest in the people we serve? dorsed our Infrastructure Investment our military and military infrastruc- Our bill will mean better roads by in- and Jobs Act is long enough to take an ture is laudable, and I fully support vesting a historic $110 billion to repair entire speech just to list them all. But that commitment. Indeed, I would and upgrade our roadways, bridges, and don’t worry, I won’t. Rarely does Fed- commit to the Senator from Alabama other major transportation projects. eral legislation so directly address that I am more than ready and eager to It will mean faster internet for peo- issues that matter to all our constitu- partner with him to press through in ple in more places by investing $65 bil- ents, and rarer still does such historic this body, through any avenue that is lion to deploy high-speed broadband legislation earn broad support in both available, investing sufficient funds in and help families afford internet serv- parties. our military, in our soldiers and sailors ice. How many times have we heard in re- and airmen and marines, and in the It will mean cleaner, more reliable cent months that bipartisanship isn’t weaponry they need to defend this Na- water sources by making the strongest possible anymore? tion. investment in drinking water and We have been asked to accept a new But, sadly, we know in this context wastewater infrastructure in U.S. his- standard by which important policy that our Democratic colleagues are tory, including water storage and recy- can only come together on a party line. going to object to funding for the mili- cling and drought contingency plans And while Americans are more united tary. They have decided that is not throughout Western States like Ari- than our politics would have you be- within their priorities. Even as they zona. lieve, we certainly face divisions. And, are spending trillions of dollars on ev- It will mean fewer power outages and unfortunately, it is not commonplace— erything else, defending this Nation is stronger, more reliable electricity and by some, even expected—for elect- not a priority for the Democratic Mem- grids by investing $65 billion in power ed leaders to feed those divisions on a bers of this conference. So, if your infrastructure. daily basis with extreme and hyper- amendment is added to my amend- It will mean better protections bolic rhetoric, all-or-nothing policy de- ment, the effect will be what we just against wildfires by investing in fire mands, and toxic partisan attacks. saw a moment ago, which is a Demo- suppression and recovery and the re- In Washington, palace intrigue and cratic Senator standing up and object- moval of hazardous fuels. insider drama often steal the spotlight ing and claiming the reason for object- It will mean stronger water and sani- from important policy issues, but I ing is they don’t want to fund the mili- tation systems and better broadband promised Arizonans something dif- tary anymore. access in Tribal communities, as well ferent. I chose instead to follow the ex- I believe it is in the interest in this as full funding for all currently author- ample of the late Senator John body to have a clean vote on, do we de- ized Indian water settlements. In Ari- McCain, who, as the Arizona Republic stroy cryptocurrencies, yes or no, with- zona, that includes the infrastructure recently recalled, refused to demonize out any other issues, because as much for the Southern Arizona Indian water the opposition party and worked to as I would like to join the Senator rights settlement with the Tohono reach bipartisan agreements that tried from Alabama in investing more in the O’odham Nation, completing the Gila to bring the country together. military—and I am committed to River Indian Community water rights This infrastructure effort is a perfect working with him in doing so—I also settlement, and funding the White example of how I work to deliver re- don’t believe we should be destroying Mountain Apache Tribe’s water rights sults for Arizona. It is the easiest thing jobs and millions of dollars of value in settlement. in the world for politicians to stay in this country. Accordingly, I do not so Our legislation will mean safer, more their partisan corners, to line up on modify my request. convenient airports by investing $25 their respective sides of every partisan The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there billion to repair and upgrade terminals, battle, and declare that bipartisanship objection to the original request of the runways, taxiways, and air traffic con- is dead. But what is harder is getting Senator from Texas? trol towers. out of our comfort zones and forming The Senator from Alabama. It will mean the strongest invest- coalitions with unlikely allies that can Mr. SHELBY. I object. ment ever in American public transit achieve lasting results—lasting re- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- by expanding transit networks, im- sults—rather than temporary victories tion is heard. proving accessibility, and funding the destined to be reversed, undermining The Senator from Arizona. Nation’s transit repair backlog of thou- the certainty that Americans depend H.R. 3684 sands of buses, railcars, stations, and on. Ms. SINEMA. Mr. President, I rise thousands of miles of track, signals, Ask just about any constituent in today as we approach a final Senate and power systems. any of our States about our country’s vote on historic legislation to invest in It will mean the largest investment political divisions, and you will hear a America’s critical infrastructure, a bi- in clean energy transmission and elec- desire from America’s citizens for all of partisan proposal that will make tric vehicle infrastructure in U.S. his- us to find ways to bridge our dif- America stronger and safer, creating tory, electrifying thousands of school ferences and work together to address good-paying jobs, and expand economic and transit buses, boosting critical ma- the issues that actually matter to their opportunities across the country. terials supply chains, and building out daily lives. After months of negotiations, the a national network of electric vehicle Our bipartisan Senate group that ne- Senate has now debated our bipartisan charging stations. gotiated this historic legislation and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs We achieve all of these goals without those we have partnered with to Act for nearly 2 weeks in an open and raising taxes on everyday Americans. strengthen the bill throughout this legislative process. We considered 22 Strong, reliable infrastructure rep- process provide an example of how to amendments from both sides of the resents more than pipes and pavement; achieve that goal. aisle and voted to adopt many of those it represents the opportunities for In a demonstration of how the Senate amendments. In the coming hours, the Americans to visit loved ones, for new was designed to work, the Senators in Senate will have the opportunity to ap- businesses to open and compete glob- our group effectively represented the prove legislation that meets the needs ally, for veterans to access telemedi- needs of the regions we represent: Sen- of everyday families, employers, and cine, and for children to learn in safe ator CASSIDY in the Deep South and the communities. and effective ways. That is why our gulf coast; Senator WARNER in the mid- For decades, American infrastructure legislation has earned the support of Atlantic; Senator MANCHIN in Appa- has been crumbling. For decades, such a wide cross section of Americans. lachia; and Senators ROMNEY and American families have asked Congress From the U.S. Chamber of Congress to TESTER in the West. And with Senator for infrastructure investment. For dec- the AFL–CIO, from agricultural pro- PORTMAN representing the Midwest, ades, progress was blocked by partisan ducers to clean energy leaders, from the northeast and Alaska—each with

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:50 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.045 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6087 unique infrastructure needs—were ably structure Investment and Jobs Act and and the reality that we have true dis- represented by Senators SHAHEEN, COL- help show the world that our democ- parities when it comes to basic infra- LINS, and MURKOWSKI. racy still works and that we still lead structure, like clean water, sanitation In what should not be a surprise to the world in innovation and competi- facilities, and energy. It was not inevi- anyone, those women in our bipartisan tiveness, and that Americans can be table that this infrastructure deal group brought a no-drama work ethic, confident that their government is would come together. policy expertise, and a knowledge of working for all of us and is indeed wor- In an age of cynicism and punditry, our region’s priorities that earned my thy of all of us. we kind of grow accustomed around designation of them as the ‘‘Wonder The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- here to believing that it is hard to get Women.’’ ator from Alaska. good things done in Washington, DC, I sincerely thank my co-leader in Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I and that is not good for any of us. partnering together on this effort, Sen- am pleased to be able to follow my Those of us here in the Senate, we ator ROB PORTMAN of Ohio, whose friend and colleague, the Senator from signed up to do a job. We were sent knowledge on issues ranging on permit- Arizona. And while she is still on the here to do a job. We were sent here to ting requirements to the Federal budg- floor, I want to thank her personally work, and that is it. That is how we et is matched only by his steadfast for her Herculean efforts that she has came to be where we are: through commitment to delivering on this pri- made throughout this process. It has work, through hard work, and through ority for our country. not been easy. It has sometimes been compromise. So it wasn’t magic; it I am just not sure how we or our challenging, and sometimes it takes wasn’t accidental; it wasn’t inevitable. teams will manage daily schedules somebody who just exudes optimism We went to work. without the endless meetings, calls and and enthusiasm and a deep-hearted, And for a time, I think we really ban- Zooms, negotiating the nuances of for- deep-seeded belief that what we are ished the demon of faction that casts mula funding and CBO scores. Actu- doing is good and it is right for all the his scepter all too often. Alexander ally, just kidding; we will manage just right reasons. Hamilton warned us of this polarizing fine. We have acknowledged here on the temptation. And as the champion of in- Our bipartisan group eventually grew floor, each and every one of us, this in- frastructure—or they called it internal to include more than 20 Senators, in- frastructure bill is not the perfect bill. improvements in the days of the cluding my fellow home State Senator But I am waiting—I am waiting—for Founding Fathers—I am hoping that he from Arizona, MARK KELLY. And a sig- the day when we here in the U.S. Sen- is looking favorably on us today. nificant portion of our legislation is ate can come to a place where all 100 of But, again, this has not been an easy made up of the surface transportation us agree that we have the perfect bill. road, this infrastructure project. Every reauthorization, which was painstak- But what we have for the Senate to morning—those of us who were in- ingly assembled in serious bipartisan consider is a product that is really volved in these negotiations—we would committee negotiations led by Sen- built around core fundamentals and wake up not surprised to read in the ators CARPER, CAPITO, CANTWELL, core principles that a group of Sen- paper or see on TV that something had WICKER, BROWN, TOOMEY, and many ators, equally divided, came together happened outside our control that was others. Our proposal is a historic deal months ago to work through, knowing designed to kill this package. for communities across the country be- that the work was going to be hard. And every day, instead of taking in cause of their hard work and expertise. This is probably one of the most con- those headlines, we saw our constitu- We have also worked very closely sequential bills that I have been in- ents, we heard from them, and we with U.S. House leaders and the Prob- volved with in my Senate career, in the heard from the people across this coun- lem Solvers Caucus, whose support will close to 19 years that I have been here. try urging us to continue—people like be absolutely crucial as our legislation What we are presenting to the Senate Carl Uchytil, Mario Cordero, Chris moves to the House. Through every is truly historic in its proportions. It is Conner. They penned an op-ed in one of step in these negotiations, President historic in its impact going forward. our Alaska newspapers, and they urged Biden and his team, as well as Majority This is truly legacy infrastructure that us to advance the bipartisan infra- Leader SCHUMER, stood firmly behind we are speaking about. structure framework because, for us, helping navigate the difficult chal- Yesterday, it was a little frustrating. them, the emphasis on what it would lenges; and I am honored that we have We have had some frustrating days do to build out our ports and our wa- also earned the support of Republican where colleagues were sitting and wait- terways were significant. Leader MITCH MCCONNELL as well. ing, hoping for things to move more The emails and the phone calls that I would like to especially thank my rapidly than they were, and that is we received reminded us of the infra- legislative director, Michael Brownlie, challenging. We have a process here in structure and how important it is for for his hard work; and my entire policy the Senate that is hard for those on the industries, for the jobs, for Alaskans, team, who worked incredibly tirelessly outside to understand and oftentimes for folks all over the country, for over countless hours; along with our hard for us on the inside to understand, health, the future; and it reminded us other Senate staff and President but it is a process that, after a period that we have an opportunity to do Biden’s team at the White House, to of time, yields the results. something that actually matters in help turn our negotiated framework So as I was visiting with fellow Sen- their lives and in their communities. into this legislation. ators, I overheard somebody say: I am And the other thing that I heard is And what we have here today is what not really sure how we got here. How they wanted us to do it together. Fig- it looks like when elected leaders set did we get to this point? ure it out, you guys. Work together. aside their differences, shut out the Well, I tell you, it wasn’t magic. It When you look at the survey data that noise and distractions, and just focus wasn’t magic that produced a legisla- is out there, it is pretty resounding. on forging common ground around our tive package that, again, is historic in Several different polls show 87 percent shared values. And this is what it looks its funding for roads, rails, bridges, of Americans overwhelmingly support like for elected leaders to ignore the ports, ferries, and waterways. It was fixing infrastructure. The list of orga- extreme rhetoric and the cheap polit- certainly not an accident that nego- nizations that support it, everyone ical attacks and put energy instead tiated this 2,700-page document that from the Associated Wire Rope Fab- into delivering lasting results that works to meet the broadband needs of ricators to the Institute of Makers of matter to everyday Americans. This is Americans, particularly in unserved or Explosives, to the National Governors what it looks like when elected leaders underserved parts of the country, like Association, to the Steel Manufactur- take a step toward healing our coun- my State in Alaska. ers Association, the TechNet—this bi- try’s divisions, rather than feeding It also wasn’t inevitable that this in- partisan infrastructure package proves those very divisions. frastructure deal would come together, that good things can happen in Wash- And with those shared values in and yet that is all following what we ington, DC, but that it takes work. mind, I urge my colleagues in both par- have learned in this past year and a It takes a majority of those of us in ties to support the bipartisan Infra- half dealing with the COVID pandemic this Chamber deciding that it is better

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:50 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.051 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6088 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 to get some of what our constituents It is easy to compare Alaska’s ferry and will continue to be a leader in en- want rather than none of it. It is better to an urban bus or subway system or ergy production. We certainly know to make progress and actually deliver other form of mass transit that re- that in my State. And we are going to results to your constituents rather ceives operation support. But until need to continue being an energy su- than just delivering a message. We do a now, because Alaska’s communities are perpower. As we are continuing to ad- lot of messaging around here, and, as rural and not urban, our ferry system vance as a society, we are going to be my friend, the Senator from West Vir- hasn’t been eligible for any meaningful using more energy, we are going to be ginia, reminds us, a message doesn’t fix Federal support for its operations. using more electricity, and, yes, we are a pothole. There has been some Federal funding going to need to produce much of it in Now, I have been disappointed that available through allocation formula the good, old-fashion way for a long we haven’t been able to get some of the or grant program to the ferry system time to come. But electricity is becom- amendments that we have heard about for construction and maintenance, but ing increasingly important. It is vital today. We heard Senator SHELBY from now ferry operators will be able to use to so many facets of modern life, and Alabama talk about defense infrastruc- funding for construction, maintenance, this bipartisan infrastructure package ture. We have heard the Senator from repairs, and operations costs. takes that electrified future into ac- Texas, Senator CORNYN, talk about In so many parts of Alaska, the Ma- count. flexibility to the States. We have heard rine Highway System is the only high- So looking at the different ways that the Senator from Pennsylvania, Sen- way. It is the only highway. So it is it enhances the broader energy system ator TOOMEY, working with Senator truly an essential mode of transpor- by investing in next-generation clean WYDEN and Senator LUMMIS, on the tation. energy production, there are three ex- cryptocurrency issue. When you come from a State where amples that I will just cite that are So, again, is this perfect? over 80 percent of your communities pertinent to Alaska. No. But is it a process that has deliv- are not connected by road, again, you There is funding for advanced nuclear ered us to a place where we are deliv- figure it out. It is air. It is on the reactors, including ‘‘micro’’ reactors. ering results to the people who have ocean. It is in the rivers. But, more You might not think about Alaska and sent us here. often than not, our transportation is nuclear or ‘‘micro,’’ but it holds great I was on the floor late last week out- not roads. promise for deployment in certain lining many of the benefits that Alas- So to make sure that we are address- rural and remote areas. kans will see from this measure, but I ing this essential sector of transpor- We also provide for funding for hy- want to take a few more minutes this tation, we included language that es- dropower and marine energy research. afternoon to highlight just a couple of tablishes a program for essential ferry We have a great Hydrokinetic Energy more in perhaps some detail. Because, service to support our rural commu- Research Center at the University of as I have mentioned, and everyone nities. So through this program, the Alaska Fairbanks. knows, part of the role or the view that We provide for renewable energy Department of Transportation will be I offered in our bipartisan working projects, including geothermal. We able to provide funds to the States to group was to make sure that the needs have pioneered in this. In fact, we have provide for essential ferry service. of rural Americans were met. And this the Secretary of Energy, who is going We are also looking forward, as we bill addresses some of the greatest in- to be visiting the State shortly and think about how our ferries move, how frastructure needs that, again, we see who will have an opportunity to look our schoolbuses move, how our vehicles in rural America, but also in urban and specifically at low-temperature geo- move, and we know that this adminis- everyone in between, to connect them thermal, as well as promising opportu- tration has moved very aggressively in ways that we haven’t before. nities that we have in the Aleutians. Southeast Alaska, this is the region when it comes to EVs. There is lan- More energy production from more of the State that I grew up in. It is an guage in this bill that helps to facili- types of energy means greater resil- island and archipelago. It is not pos- tate that. ience, greater affordability, greater ac- sible to travel by road from one city in But, again, when you are thinking cess to reduced emissions. So let’s con- the southeastern part of the State to about what is on the roads—electrifica- sider the ways the bill directly impacts another, for the most part. Our capital tion of our vehicles, our schoolbuses, or the electric grid and the power sector— is not accessible by road. our city buses—let’s not forget what I three areas, again, that are pertinent Our reality is that we either travel just referred to, and that is these, ef- to Alaska and to rural areas. by airplane or we are traveling on the fectively, buses that are on the water. We have included a measure that I water. So a strong ferry system, the So what are we doing to electrify or to had introduced, the PROTECT Act, Alaska Marine Highway System, is ab- look to alternative fuels for our fer- which authorizes funding to improve solutely essential to local economic de- ries? our cyber defenses in smaller commu- velopment, to quality of life, to com- This is not a new concept. In the nities. I think we recognize that we munity well-being. Scandinavian countries, where, again, have a big focus on the bigger commu- There are 35 different ports along the hydropower is in great abundance, as it nities, but your utilities in your small- Alaska Marine Highway System. This is in southeast Alaska, an electric er communities still have to provide spans an area of 35,000 miles. ferry system makes sense. So we are for that cyberprotection. I am only looking at my colleague kind of pushing out on this to buildout The bill also sets aside grants for from Delaware because we have been this notion, this concept, that we can small utilities, like we have in Alaska, working on the ferry initiative, and he reduce emissions with our ferries by to prevent outages, to enhance resil- is proud of the ferry system that he has using alternative fuels or onboard en- ience, for hardening of the grid. This is there. But I have a lot of water that I ergy storage systems, other related going to help in preventing wildfires have to cover, and it makes it chal- charging infrastructure, again, to re- that can be caused by powerlines or lenging. It makes it challenging. But it duce our emissions or produce zero on- other disruptive events. We are talking is no different than Delaware, in terms board emissions under normal oper- about weatherization, fire prevention of the significance that these small fer- ations. systems, installing equipment under- ries can offer to people as they are So folks in Skagway and Haines are ground, maintaining utility poles and moving their families around, as they looking at this with great interest be- powerlines. are moving the basketball team, as cause they view that as a real oppor- We also provide support for rural and they are going to Costco in Juneau and tunity. Diesel doesn’t come cheap up remote areas in many communities in then delivering them to Hoonah. there, and that is what moves these the State for the modernization of gen- To those military who are PCSing, ferries around. These communities, eration, transmission, and distribution. going outside of the State, they have Skagway, are powered by hydro. So So this is going to help the cost effec- to move their families and all their let’s pull this all together. tiveness. It is going to help with en- goods and the dogs and the trucks, and I have mentioned the potential for ergy efficiency, microgrids, siting and they have to get out of town. And they EV and low-emitting ferries, but I am upgrading, as we shift to cleaner get out by way of the ferry. reminded that the United States has sources of energy.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:50 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.052 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6089 Again, I think it is important to rec- able to move clean water from one with such hard-working people and ognize that we are working to not only place to another and keep it clean and their teams, led by Senator SINEMA, address the transmission but distribu- be able to use it productively. who just spoke, and Senator PORTMAN. tion, generation, and what we are real- We provide grants for Native village Their leadership has been, in my view, ly looking to do is look toward the fu- firefighting training, resilient trans- really extraordinary. The work that ture—a future in which we will need portation infrastructure, a Native they have put behind managing us all more energy production, more elec- Youth Public Land Corps to restore to this point deserves the recognition. tricity, more batteries, and a more se- and protect ecosystems, adaptation I also want to acknowledge the good cure grid. projects for climate change impacts, work of the chairman and the ranking And as we are doing this, as we are and funding for a new program to pro- member on the Environment and Pub- building this all out, I want to make vide Indian Tribes grants to clean up lic Works Committee, Senator CARPER sure that we do ensure that all Ameri- orphan wells. and Senator CAPITO, who really laid cans are included in this energy and in- There is more included in this. There the base for so much of this bill. So to frastructure transition. is a $110 million ‘‘set aside’’ for Tribal the G–10 and the broader G–22, all those And I speak specifically now to our bridge investments. There is the Tribal who have contributed so much, I con- Alaska Indian, American Indian, and Transportation Program and eligibility vey my thanks. Native people around the country. This for grants under advanced energy and I also want to acknowledge col- bill—this Infrastructure Investment battery manufacturing and recycling leagues on the other side of the Capitol and Jobs Act—is really a historic programs. here, those who are known as the Prob- achievement for all of us who are con- We are really looking to ensure that lem Solvers over there. They really cerned with American Indian, Alaskan we are prioritizing infrastructure needs have jumped in, rolled up their sleeves, Native Tribes, and villages. in Tribal areas. and helped us in solving problems when I am the vice chair of the Senate In- I haven’t mentioned broadband, but it comes to this infrastructure pack- dian Affairs Committee, and I have it is absolutely significant. We know age. worked hard to make sure that Indian that broadband deployment on Tribal And I am looking forward to being Country’s voices have been heard. lands has lagged far behind the rest of able to move this legislation, this Let’s look at the Indian Health Serv- the Nation. So to address this, the bill package, from this body tomorrow, to ice. It has a vital sanitation construc- includes an additional $2 billion for send it over to the House so that they tion program. We are talking about Tribal broadband connectivity grants. can then pick up those efforts. water and wastewater, things that We have heard it on this floor by all But I am pleased that we have come most of us just take for granted. We of us, Republicans and Democrats, to this place, after a long process, after provide $3.5 billion in funding for urban and rural. We know that a tough process but one where we were American Indian, Alaska Native Tribes broadband is vital to education, really able to focus on common goals and villages to complete all—all—of healthcare, economic development, that we identified at the outset, and we the identified sanitation projects. self-governance. It applies absolutely really held true to; that we were going These are projects that have been on across the board as we think of the to be dealing with core infrastructure, the books for way, way too long. needs in Indian Country. core infrastructure. I am reminded by my friend Val Da- I think we know that the Federal fi- We agreed that we were not going to vidson of the Alaska Native Tribal nancing provisions, the dollars going impose new taxes. We agreed that we Health Consortium. She testified be- forward, are significant. But we also needed to ensure that the spending fore our Indian Affairs Committee know that it is not just about the fund- pay-fors were true and legitimate. We about both the funding needed in Na- ing. It is about making these programs agreed that long-term spending on in- tive communities and sanitation’s real- work better. So we do things like re- frastructure needed to improve our Na- ly significant impact on health. She quiring expedited environmental re- tion’s efficiency, our productivity, our shared a story—her own personal story view for Tribal transportation safety GDP, and our revenue and not increase but also a statistic—that one in three projects. We streamline categorical ex- inflation. infants in communities from her region clusions by empowering the Tribes in And we have achieved that. We set without adequate sanitation are hos- relation to the Federal Government. out these parameters, and we achieved pitalized in their first year simply be- Within the middle mile grants, there it. But we did it with a lot of give and cause they lack basic water and sanita- is consultation with Tribes on a proc- a lot of take. tion services. And it is not just a visit ess to designate tribally unserved and So while the end product is not some- to a hospital as an infant that is scary, underserved areas. thing that any one of us individually but so many then develop long-term So there is so much that we have would have written, I am very proud to health problems, which are absolutely really focused on in ensuring that Alas- be able to support what we have unacceptable. ka Natives, American Indians, and our worked to bring to this body, again, Any infrastructure bill has to live up Native people around the country are with the help and hard work and col- to our Federal Government’s trust ob- included in these many provisions as laboration of so, so many Members. ligations to our Tribes. This is vital to they relate to infrastructure, including I am disappointed that immediately allowing Tribes access to water for grid infrastructure, resilience, and reli- after we advance this bill tomorrow, their health and for their livelihood. So ability. the infrastructure package, that we within the bill, we provide $2.5 billion So I have spoken for a while now on will turn to a wholly partisan exercise, to fund Indian water settlements. three specific areas that I have chosen one that, in my view, taxes and spends Now, outside the legal world, most to highlight: certainly, within marine without limit, a wish list that really people know Indian water settlements transportation, the benefits that places knows no limit. by the term ‘‘water rights.’’ But the like Alaska will see; the significance of But, for now, let’s move to this infra- outstanding settlements include the energy production and what this infra- structure bill. Let’s get it to the Aamodt, the Crow, Navajo-Gallup, structure bill will provide there; and House. Let’s do what people in Alaska, White Mountain Apache, Blackfeet Na- benefits to our Native peoples around what people in Illinois, what people tion, Navajo Utah, Confederated Salish the country. around the country have asked us to and Kootenai Tribes, and the Arizona I want to conclude my comments by do, and that is to address our Nation’s Water Settlement Act. So this funding ending with where I began, which is to competitiveness, our Nation’s effi- is going to complete the balance of acknowledge the efforts of so many ciency, and our Nation’s advantages by each and every one of these settle- who have really gotten us here today, securing and ensuring that we are able ments. not through a miracle, not through an to move, to connect, and to provide for We also provide $250 million for the accident, not through an inevitability our country’s needs. Bureau of Indian Affairs to help build but just through hard work. With that, I yield the floor. and repair irrigation, power, and sani- I am very pleased to have been part The PRESIDING OFFICER (Ms. tation systems, because you have to be of this group, really honored to work DUCKWORTH). The Senator from Ohio.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:50 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.054 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6090 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 BUDGET RECONCILIATION school, you have to go to work, people’s lives better and to give local Mr. BROWN. Madam President, I rise what kind of jobs you get. It deter- economies the chance to grow. We can to urge my colleagues to support the mines where you do your grocery shop- expand access to affordable rentals. We budget resolution immediately after ping and whether you have access to will make it easier to purchase a home. the infrastructure vote tomorrow. fresh fruits and vegetables; whether We will put tradespeople to work in I particularly am glad to see the Pre- your kids are exposed, as they are in good-paying, often union jobs, building siding Officer in the Chair today. Ear- far too many old neighborhoods— housing and making it safer and mak- lier I spoke on this floor about the in- whether it is Appalachia, Southern Illi- ing it resilient. frastructure bill and her efforts—Sen- nois, or whether in Ohio or whether it I urge my colleagues to support this ator DUCKWORTH from Illinois, her ef- is Cleveland or Chicago—too often to long-overdue investment in our homes, forts—to ensure disabled-access transit hazardous lead or mold. in our communities, and in our work- stops. We saw over the past year that hous- ers. We still have far too many transit ing certainly affects our health. Peo- I yield the floor. stops in this country in big cities like ple’s paychecks have not kept up with The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- hers in Chicago and mine in Cleveland the cost of living, particularly the cost ator from Oklahoma. and Philadelphia and New York and all of rent. WESTERN SAHARA over that are not accessible, and that Senator SANDERS, earlier today—and Mr. INHOFE. Madam President, I has got to be our mission. this was before the pandemic, what he know we have all been talking about I chair the Banking, Housing, and was talking about, that 25 percent of what is going to happen in the next 2 Urban Affairs Committee. Most people American renters pay more than half days, and it is very significant, the call it just the Banking Committee. In their income in rent. One thing goes things that have to take place. reality, it is the housing, banking, and wrong in their lives—their car breaks But I want to remind some people transit committee. And that is our re- down, their child gets sick, they miss 3 out there that it doesn’t mean that ev- sponsibility to move in the right direc- days of work because of a minor in- erything else stops. We have a couple tion, and we are moving there rapidly. jury—and everything turns upside of issues that are major issues but not And I thank Senator DUCKWORTH for down for them. This is even more of a to really large numbers of people. But her work on that. problem, of course, for Black and they are issues that are meaningful— I want to talk not long. I know that Latino renters, with little left over very meaningful—to a few, and it hap- Senator CARDIN is awaiting and has each month for food and medication, pens that there has been progress in been patient, and I believe that Sen- let alone saving. both of these. ator INHOFE might be here too. It is not just renters. Today, more Now, one of them is an issue that has This week we have moved forward a than one in five homeowners still pay to do with Western Sahara. And I know bill to provide critical investments in more than one-third of their income in that a lot of people are not really fa- transportation infrastructure. I am rent. And the Black ownership rate— miliar with that or what the issue is, glad we are doing that. The next step is this is pretty unbelievable. The Black but it is an old issue. It has been to address housing. ownership rate is as low as it was around since 1966. It is a very signifi- Nothing is more important than when, in 1968, this body finally passed cant issue. It is one that you have housing. As chair of the Banking and open housing, finally passed fair hous- heard me talk about for quite some Housing Committee, I have held hear- ing. time, but we have made some great ings about housing needs across the The first Secretary of HUD, after we progress. country. This committee, called Bank- passed the fair housing law, was Sen- First of all, it bears repeating be- ing, Housing, and Urban Affairs—most ator ROMNEY’s father, George Romney. cause—they are called the Sahrawis. refer to it as ‘‘Senate Banking’’—has As hard as he tried—partly because the The Sahrawis are the people from been mostly about Wall Street in the President, his boss, followed a southern Western Sahara, and they are kind of a past and not nearly enough about hous- strategy—he did very little in the end, voiceless people. That is why I am ing. Those issues are changing. could accomplish very little for hous- here—because nobody else is here on I know Senator CARDIN knows—and ing equality. that. not just in Baltimore but in Western We are the wealthiest country in the So how we got here: As West Africa Maryland and everywhere, as in urban world. We have half a million people, was being decolonized, Western Sahara Ohio and rural Ohio—how important including 100,000 children, without a was clear and declared an independent housing is. We hear repeatedly about place to stay on a given night. nation, despite Morocco attempting to the shortage of affordable housing, The budget resolution on the floor claim it as a territory. about wide disparities in access to tomorrow will finally make the invest- In 1966, the U.N. General Assembly home ownership. ment we need to help more families resolution agreed that the referendum This isn’t just about a few coastal find and afford a place that they can of self-determination should be held. cities. We heard from mayors in Akron, call home. Think of the word ‘‘home.’’ That is the U.N. General Assembly. OH; in Bozeman, MT, Senator TESTER’s It helps us provide funding to make There was no disagreement at that State; in Tempe, AZ, about their hous- critical repairs to our Nation’s public time except from Morocco. Everyone ing needs. Their markets vary. In Boze- housing, to make it more sustainable, was in agreement. In fact, at that time, man, home prices are up 50 percent. It to save families money, to reduce Morocco was even in agreement. This is almost impossible for a young family harmful effects on our climate. It helps is 1966. And we were going to have a de- to find a place to live. In Akron, home provide affordable places for families termination in the form of a ref- values are sometimes too low to find fi- and seniors to rent, including in rural erendum that would be taking place in nancing, and banks tell us they can’t areas, and helps more families become 1975. So it was 1966, planning for 1975. make a profit on selling a $60,000, first-time homeowners. Self-determination is just merely let- $70,000, $80,000 mortgage on a $60,000, It will help communities invest in ting the Sahrawi people decide for $70,000, $80,000 house. their neighborhoods, including Brown themselves the imperative principle of Their issues are different, but all and Black communities who have been action, the right to judge for them- three mayors told us they need the left out of our Nation’s recovery. It selves to be independent or to be a part Federal Government to be a better will make their homes more resilient of Morocco. Now, this was just the first partner in helping to invest in their in the face of changing climate. Com- promise of a referendum. To date, none housing and in their communities. munities will have housing and transit has been kept. Without housing investment, there investments that work together to The International Court of Justice cannot be economic growth. That is be- bring down the cost of daily commutes, opinion from 1975 also agreed that Mo- cause housing—by any real definition, to reduce harmful effects on our cli- rocco did not have any sovereignty housing is infrastructure. mate. over the land and that the referendum Where you live determines so much With the resolution before us tomor- of self-determination should be held. about your life: where your kids go to row, we have an opportunity to make So you have the International Court of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:50 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.056 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6091 Justice agreeing with this, the U.N. more than two decades. At the end of tion of Morocco’s sovereignty over Western General Assembly—all in agreement. last year—November, to be precise— Sahara, a disputed region on the northwest Morocco maintained its unlawful Morocco tried to violently crush a coast of Africa. The United Nations calls claim to Western Sahara and, after Western Sahara a ‘‘non-self-governing terri- peaceful protest in the Gujarat area. tory’’; I call it home. My home is under occu- decolonization, attempted to annex the The Western Saharans were peacefully pation and my people, the Sahrawis, are country with force. Western Sahara— protesting Morocco’s direct violation under attack, and the US position on West- officially the Sahrawi Arab Democratic of the United Nations’ cease-fire agree- ern Sahara legitimizes this occupation and Republic—through the Polisario, de- ment by using the road in this direc- will be used as license for further attacks. I fended their rights to the land. tion. know this because I have lived it. And after more than a decade of vio- The international community did As an outspoken advocate for self-deter- lence from Morocco, the United Na- nothing. Then truly the worst thing mination in Western Sahara, I have long tions finally intervened in 1991, and been a target for the occupying Moroccan happened. There was a change in policy government. I have been beaten, tortured, both sides agreed to a cease-fire and a of the United States that had been a and abducted by Moroccan police while en- path forward. That was 1991. It was policy for some three decades where gaged in peaceful protests; after a particu- called at that time the Settlement they actually were recognizing Moroc- larly violent assault in 2007, I lost my right Plan. It solidified that Morocco and co’s sovereignty. That decision was eye. Western Sahara agreed to hold a ref- wrong. It reversed decades of U.S. pol- Because I refuse to be silenced, Morocco erendum and a date for that ref- icy. But the policy held until 1966. It stepped up its efforts against me late last erendum and created the United Na- was a shocking announcement and year. On November 19, while driving to my home in Boujdour, I was stopped at a police tions Mission for the Referendum to so- deeply disturbing to all who valued in- and military checkpoint. The authorities lidify this. dividual rights and self-determination. forced me into a police car and took me to a If you are keeping track, that was That is why earlier this year Senator nearby police station, where I was interro- the third promise. And it is worth not- LEAHY and I led 25 of our colleagues in gated, sexually assaulted, and told to go ing that the U.N. regularly reaffirms a bipartisan letter to President Biden home and not to speak to anyone. I arrived the 1991 commitment to a referendum urging him to reverse the harmful pol- home soon thereafter to find it surrounded for self-determination. icy and to recommit to a policy of self- by 21 police vehicles and numerous officers, Now, self-determination is something determination. This is something that who physically pushed me into the house. I have been forcibly confined to the house ever that people assume there is not opposi- I know that he recognizes. I actually tion to. Self-determination is some- since. My de facto house arrest, which is now personally talked to him about this in in its ninth month, has absolutely no legal thing that is very meaningful to us and his first week in office. It hasn’t been basis—I have never been shown a court order our history in this country, and this is done yet, and it should be done. Many authorizing my detention or informed of any something that at that time was ac- of our colleagues and I are not alone in criminal charges against me. cepted. our push for Western Sahara to have The Moroccan government has told Am- I can remember talking several times the right for self-determination. So nesty International that I’m not under house arrest and denied a statement by the UN in previous administrations, going does the African Union, which is com- back to the Reagan administration, Special Rapporteur on the situation of prised of 55 member states. We have Defenders that included de- and people were, at that time, knowing most of the European community who tails of the assaults, saying that the that this was going to happen but just supports the U.N. efforts on our side. rapporteur’s statement ‘‘interferes with the didn’t know for sure how it was going The European Court of Justice also ongoing debates in the framework of the 47th to happen or when it was going to hap- ruled that Western Sahara is not a part Session of the Human Rights Council’’ and pen. And here it is now decades later, of Morocco, and the EU and the eco- ‘‘do not fit at all with the framework of dia- and it hasn’t happened yet. nomic agreements can cover Western logue and mutual respect’’ it expected at the The referendum for 1992 never took UN. Meanwhile, the occupying Moroccan Sahara. forces appear determined to not just detain place, and the process stalled. The So, anyway, this has happened over process stalled, although the cease-fire me unlawfully, but to harass, torture, and and over again for a long period of perhaps even kill me. held. Morocco just wouldn’t hold up its time. Just fairly recently, Sultana Moroccan police, military, and other secu- end of the bargain. Khaya had a CNN—I am actually going rity agents maintain a constant presence Former Secretary of State James to wind this up with an agreement with outside the house and prevent anyone from Baker—I remember when the previous my friend from Maryland—this is the leaving or coming in, even to bring food. administration came in, James Baker statement that she made. She said: They cut the electricity in mid-April. Police had read someplace that I was con- throw a toxic, foulsmelling liquid into the Morocco’s repression of the Sahrawi peo- house on a near-daily basis, making it dif- cerned about this issue. This old issue ple, and Sahrawi human rights defenders in had never been resolved, and he called ficult to breathe. They frequently (and ex- particular, is well documented. The Sahrawis plicitly) threaten to kill me. me up, and he said: Well, I want you to have struggled under Moroccan occupation Moroccan authorities have also repeatedly know that I spent a lot of years with since 1975, and this repression will continue raided the home and brutally assaulted me, three different Presidents trying to get until the occupation is ended. And while the my sister. my brother, and my mother. In this done. We were unable to do it, but United Nations Security Council supports May, during one such raid, Moroccan agents giving the people of Western Sahara the raped my sister and I—in a barbaric message, let me work with you. chance to determine their own future This is one of these rare things where they penetrated my sister using the broom- through a referendum, Morocco has refused stick that we use to wave the Western Sa- everyone agrees. to allow the referendum to take place, de- So, anyway, they had a special envoy hara flag. Despite all this, I continue to wave priving us of the chance . . . [for] self-deter- the Western Sahara flag from my rooftop to Western Sahara. Baker worked on mination. every day—an act of resistance that may end multiple plans with Morocco and West- She concluded by saying: up costing me my life. ern Sahara and came close many times, I cannot find the words to describe the end- Unfortunately, my story is just one of but it never happened. less suffering that I personally, and the many. Morocco’s repression of the Sahrawi Most notable is the Houston agree- Sahrawi people more generally, have en- people, and Sahrawi human rights defenders ment was signed by Morocco and West- dured under this violent occupation. in particular, is well documented. The ern Sahara and recommitted to a ref- Sahrawis have struggled under Moroccan oc- They are resolute, and we should be cupation since 1975, and as recently as July erendum of self-determination plan for too. 1, the State Department reiterated that 1998. That would have been the fourth There being no objection, the mate- there is no change in the administration’s time. Morocco recognized they would rial was ordered to be printed in the policy. The Biden administration has likely lose a vote quickly and tanked RECORD, as follows: claimed that human rights are central to its all negotiations. The next year, by dec- [From CNN, July 29, 2021] foreign policy—this is difficult to believe while it sides with Morocco in its occupation laration, they would never accept a ref- I’VE BEEN RAPED, BEATEN AND HELD UNDER of Western Sahara and its repression of the erendum that included independence as HOUSE ARREST FOR FIGHTING FOR MY Sahrawi people. an outcome despite years of promise SAHRAWI PEOPLE Second, as part of its reengagement with otherwise. (Opinion by Sultana Sidibrahim Khaya) the United Nations Human Rights Council, The conflict stalled then, leaving us Earlier this month, the Biden administra- the US should press forcefully for a ref- in what is called a frozen conflict for tion reaffirmed the United States’ recogni- erendum on self-determination in Western

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:50 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.057 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6092 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 Sahara. The U.N. General Assembly re- This is an incredibly important part sure all are included in that oppor- affirmed the right to self-determination of to deliver on President Biden’s Build tunity? the people of Western Sahara as far back as Back Better. We already did with the We are going to look at innovation 1966, when it was still referred to as ‘‘Spanish American Rescue Plan. That gave us and growth. Small businesses are the Sahara,’’ and the U.N. Security Council unanimously established a mission to coordi- the opportunity to get the COVID–19 innovator of our economy. They create nate a referendum on self-determination for vaccines distributed so we can get that a better way to do things. We saw that the people of Western Sahara in 1991. behind us. It helped our State and local during COVID–19. We get more innova- The US, for its part, has consistently voted governments. It took half of our chil- tion from small businesses than from in favor of Security Council resolutions dren out of poverty. In Maryland, 52,000 the larger companies. But as we look seeking a referendum on self-determination. Maryland children were taken out of at emerging markets, there has been a Since President Biden has advocated for a re- poverty. Forty million families nation- real separation between the under- turn to a rule-based international order, the served communities not being able to US should take the lead to ensure that the wide benefited from the child credit long-promised referendum is finally held and and the earned income tax credit. We participate in new, emerging markets. the results are honored. took a major step forward in building When you take a look at the amount And third, the U.S. should make the pro- back better with the passage of the of venture capital that goes to minor- tection of human rights in occupied Western American Rescue Plan. ity small businesses or women-owned Sahara and self-determination for the Tomorrow, with the passage of this small businesses, it is a small fraction Sahrawi people key issues in its bilateral re- bipartisan infrastructure package, we of their demographic numbers. The last lationship with Morocco. For example, the will take the second step in building time I checked, White men controlled readout from a recent call between US Sec- 93 percent of all venture capital fund- retary of State and Moroc- back better, and there is a lot to be can Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita shows celebrated in the legislation that we ing. Now, I am all for everyone partici- that while Blinken encouraged Morocco to will pass tomorrow. pating, but that is not a fair division reaffirm its commitment to human rights, I was proud to work on the transpor- and opportunity for emerging markets. the readout omitted any mention of Western tation and water infrastructure issues, So we need to take a look at emerg- Sahara or the right of its people to self-de- along with my colleague who is pre- ing markets, incubator and accelerator termination. siding, to make sure that we provided programs, and then access to capital. For any productive change to occur, Mo- the building blocks necessary for mod- We need direct help through the Small rocco needs to know that its powerful allies ern infrastructure—for transportation, Business Administration to help small care about both. I cannot find the words to describe the end- for roads, bridges, transit systems, and businesses because we know we have a less suffering that I personally, and the our water infrastructure, which is better chance for the underserved com- Sahrawi people more generally, have en- critically important. munity to get a fair shake with the dured under this violent occupation, But we We will take a second step to build SBA controlling the loans. We also remain strong, our will unshaken, and we back better with the passage of the bi- need to have partnerships with the pri- will persevere with our peaceful resistance. partisan bill, but there is a third step vate sector, as we have seen in pro- Mr. INHOFE. With this, I would like that is critically important, and that is grams like the SBIC Program and to offer my friend, since he has been the budget resolution we will be taking other programs. waiting for a long period of time, to up starting tomorrow. So we are going to work as a com- use the remainder of my time if he will The budget resolution takes us be- mittee to try to deal with the needs then yield the floor to me at the con- yond COVID–19. Yes, we have to rebuild particularly of those small businesses clusion. from COVID–19, but we also need to re- that have been left behind in the past. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- build our Nation, make it modern and I also serve on the Environment of ator from Maryland. provide the needs that Americans need. Public Works Committee and chair the Mr. CARDIN. Madam President, I The budget resolution will provide Subcommittee on Infrastructure, work- thank my friend from Oklahoma. The America more competitiveness, better ing with the Presiding Officer. I men- two of us arrived in the House of Rep- prepared for the future, create jobs, tion this because both of us have been resentatives on the same day. We have millions of jobs, and lower the cost for directly involved in creating new pro- been friends for all this period of time. Americans in dealing with their every- grams to help underserved commu- I thank him for his generosity. day needs. We are asking the wealthier nities. BUDGET RECONCILIATION people to pay their fair share—first of There is a program that I was in- Madam President, I take this time to all, to pay their taxes, and then pay volved with that deals with water af- talk about legislation we will be con- their fair share of taxes. We tackle the fordability, a pilot program that will sidering tomorrow, which will be the climate crisis, and we develop the allow those who cannot afford their budget resolution. It gives us a once-in- workforce to meet the jobs of the fu- clean water bills help from govern- a-generation opportunity. ture. ment, as we do for utility costs. That I would just like to pause for a mo- So I am very excited about the oppor- was included in the bipartisan package ment because it is part of President tunity of taking up the budget resolu- but not the funding. I am hoping that Biden’s Build Back Better, that we can tion. Let me just comment on a few we will have the opportunity to fund have a more competitive nation, and specifics as chair of the Senate Small that program and to fund other pro- we can create the jobs that we need for Business and Entrepreneurship Com- grams that we deal with in underserved the future. mittee. I expect we will be given budg- communities, the water projects; that I was with Secretary Blinken earlier et instructions to deal with those we will be able to deal with that in the today in College Park, and he talked issues. Environment and Public Works Com- specifically about the challenges our Madam President, you are part of mittee in the budget resolution. Nation faces. We go back a generation that group. We need to look at access We are going to deal with climate, ago, and America was clearly in the to credit, investment, and markets, and we need to deal with climate. In- forefront of creating jobs, of taking ad- particularly in underserved commu- vestments in jobs and growth and deal- vantage of all innovation and new, nities, those that have not had the op- ing with the environment go together, emerging fields. We were the envy of portunities in the past. I am talking and we are finding that America is not the world. Today, the rest of the world about women-owned small businesses, as far ahead internationally as other has caught up and in some cases, ex- minority-owned small businesses, vet- countries, such as China, investing a ceeds us. eran-owned small businesses, and en- lot more in electric convention than This once-in-a-generation oppor- trepreneurs from other underserved America is investing in electric vehi- tunity to build back better gives us an communities. cles. opportunity to do what we need to do We are going take a look at govern- We are going to work with the Envi- for America’s future and to show the ment contracting. The United States is ronment and Public Works Committee, world that our free market, democratic the largest purveyor of goods and serv- the Agriculture Committee, and the society is the best way to take care of ices of the world. How can we improve Commerce Committee to deal with its people. that in building back better to make coastal resiliency, which is critically

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:35 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.017 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6093 important to my State. The Chesa- They should be included in Medicare. ably, the last two votes that we are peake Bay—the iconic symbol of Mary- We have a chance to do that. going to be having, so all of the con- land in our region, the largest estuary Then on the climate issue, we are centration has been on those. in our hemisphere—it has challenges. going to have an opportunity to really But I want to mention two of the This once-in-a-generation opportunity deal with one of the greatest threats other issues that were made very pop- gives us the opportunity to do things we have, and that is our planet is burn- ular issues and they are making great that are going to be beneficial for our ing up. We know that. We need to take progress right now. Let me go ahead environment and help us deal with cli- dramatic action in order to deal with and do that for a short while, and that mate change; for example, the bene- the realities of climate change. We see is to provide an update on the Ligado ficial use of dredge material. We want it all around us. We see it in flooding in issue—the Ligado issue. to keep our channels dredged for com- Maryland, wildfires out West, in flood- Friday was inauguration day of a merce. It is very important. Where do ing—lands disappearing in our commu- thing called the Space Beat Memo. It is we put that material? Well, in the nity and around the world. a new weekly newsletter from POLIT- Chesapeake Bay, we want to put it into We will have a chance with electric ICO designed to focus on space and sat- restoring wetlands, creating new wet- vehicles and transportation and re- ellites. This is their inaugural, first- lands, which will help our environ- search. We will have a chance with the ever newsletter with a great rundown mental issues as well. In agriculture, Tax Code to reduce carbon emissions. on—they chose the Ligado issue. we are going to look at land conserva- We will have a chance in public build- Just to remind everyone what we are tion programs, all that are important. ings to build green buildings and en- talking about—Ligado, L-I-G-A-D-O— I was pleased to see that in the expla- ergy efficiency. We will have an oppor- the Ligado Order was a spectrum sale nation of the budget resolution, there tunity for weatherization programs. approved back in April of 2020, that is a specific reference to the Appa- All that is contemplated in the budget would let Ligado use the L-band or the lachian Regional Commission. It is resolution. spectrum—that is the spectrum close very important to two western coun- I can’t give specifics because that is to the GPS for commercial use. ties in Maryland, and we need to do what committees will be doing in the Why is that a problem? more to help them and their economy next several weeks, coming up with It is a problem because Ligado’s sig- and to grow back better, and we are specifics to fill in. But to make this nals are about 2 billion times as power- going to have an opportunity in the once-in-a-generation opportunity to ful as GPS signals, so they would cause budget resolution to do exactly that. bring down the cost to Americans, to interference, according to all unbiased As I mentioned earlier, lower costs deal with climate change, to deal with sources, to the GPS. for Americans—childcare. We need to job creation and preparedness and job Here is one way to put the inter- bring down the cost so Americans can training—this is a responsible package ference into perspective: Because GPS afford childcare. that will help working families and signals travel from satellites in space, There is extension of the child tax have the wealthy who are not paying by the time those signals get to the credit, the earned income tax credit, their taxes today to pay their taxes Earth’s surface, they are low power. because we want to make sure that the and pay their fair share of taxes. Because the FCC order allowed Ligado progress we have made in lifting fami- Winston Churchill remarked: to repurpose spectrum to operate in a lies out of poverty—that we do that on The pessimist sees difficulty in every op- terrestrial-based network, Ligado sig- a permanent basis. Let’s get that portunity. The optimist sees the opportunity nals on Earth’s surface will be much longer period of time providing that re- in every difficulty. more powerful than GPS, causing sub- lief. I agree with Sir Winston Churchill. stantial harm and interference. Help for high education—the cost of Together, we can meet the most formi- Now, we know that basically every- higher education is way out of line dable challenges our Nation faces, and one in government opposes this. We here in America. This bill will give us the Build Back Better budget is the talked about this now since the last a chance to deal with the cost of higher next step in that process, and I look time—just June 23, down here on the education, community colleges, forward to our taking this resolution floor. Shortly after the Ligado Order HBCUs, Pell Grant increases. up, moving it forward, and then letting was announced in April of 2020, the I was listening to Senator BROWN our committees get back to work and NTIA filed a petition to reconsider—ba- talk about affordable housing and fill in the blanks and get this done in sically, a petition asking them to re- home ownership. I was with Secretary order that Americans can meet the consider their decision again, given the Fudge this week in Prince George’s challenges of the future, create the negative impact it would have. This County, MD, and we talked about tools jobs we need in the future, and get the was signed on behalf of some 15 govern- that are available to help with afford- cost reliefs that they need to deal with mental Agencies. able housing and home ownership so life essential needs. The NTIA is the National Tele- families can afford a home today. I thank my friend from Oklahoma for communications Information Adminis- I am proud to cosponsor a bill with allowing me to give my remarks. tration. They are an Agency within the Senator PORTMAN, the Neighborhood I yield the floor. Department of Commerce that serves Reinvestment Act, so that commu- Mr. INHOFE. I thank my friend. We as the President’s primary adviser on nities can do the investment in their worked on a lot of bills—infrastruc- telecom policies. community, and where there is a dif- ture—together since we were both As I announced on June 23, I recently ference between market rate and the elected the same year many years ago received a letter from Secretary of cost to do the renovation or building, and we accomplished a lot together. Commerce Gina Raimondo confirming we have a credit so that communities What I want to do is complete my re- that—and I’m quoting now—‘‘there has can have the type of housing commen- marks that I began a few minutes ago. been no change to the Department of surate with their needs. Before I do, Madam President, I ask Commerce’s or NTIA’s opposition to We can do a lot more. Paid family unanimous consent that during the the FCC’s Ligado Order.’’ medical leave—we are one of the only course of the remarks I made con- That is a direct quote. That is the countries that don’t have that. There cerning Western Sahara, that the new administration. We know the last is an opportunity in the budget resolu- speech that was made by Sultana administration believed the same tion for us to be able to accomplish Khaya, that was published in CNN, be thing, and this administration is fol- that. printed in the RECORD during the lowing on this cause. It is a very sig- Expansion of Medicare: I have been course of my presentation. nificant one. trying to get Medicare to cover dental LIGADO She also pledged that NTIA will con- care for a long time. Seniors need that Madam President, let me repeat what tinue to pursue the petition for recon- type of protection. We have a chance to I said in the beginning of my previous sideration. The petition represents the do that in this budget resolution, along remarks, and that is we are all talking Departments of Commerce, Defense, with eyeglasses and hearing aids, about the same thing right now. We are Interior, Justice, Homeland Security, which should be—they are essential. now getting down to the last—conceiv- Energy, Transportation, NASA, FAA,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:50 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.061 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6094 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 and more. This is primarily the entire operations, moving large and critical As chair of the Indian Affairs Com- government. This is huge. machinery with precision, they depend mittee, I have made it my mission to It showed, once again, that there is a on GPS working to do it. support these communities. This legis- bipartisan opposition to the Ligado Working out. All these healthy peo- lation contains more than $11 billion in Order that is continuing into the Biden ple doing what they are supposed to be direct investments for Native commu- administration. doing—and I am not doing—and that is nities, including $3.5 billion for clean But that is not all I am doing. I am running and keeping in good health. water access and delivery, $3 billion for also introducing the RETAIN GPS Act, Twenty percent of them use a fitness safe roads and bridges, and $2 billion to which would ensure Federal Agencies, tracker or smartwatch, the majority of close the digital divide for American State governments, and all others neg- which use GPS to count steps and Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Ha- atively impacted—all that were nega- track distances. waiian families. This bill will have a tively impacted by Ligado’s activi- Taking a flight. Commercial and direct and long-lasting impact, and I ties—by the actions of a private actor civil aviation relies on GPS to navi- am proud to support it. are not left holding the bag when the gate safely. Since taking the committee gavel, I costs start coming in and, worse, are Just driving around. Each day, have worked with President Biden, not put in a position where they have countless Americans rely on Google with the Presiding Officer, with the to push the costs onto the American Maps, Waze, Apple Maps, and other members of the committee, and my consumers. navigation systems to get them from colleagues in both Chambers to ensure The House has introduced legislation point A to point B. that Native voices are always at the as well, led by Representatives COOPER, And while no one hopes that there table. MIKE TURNER, FRANK LUCAS, and oth- could be any kind of a problem in Our Tribal provisions in the Amer- ers. It is just common sense and only terms of a fire, an ambulance, or an in- ican Rescue Plan and the Infrastruc- fair. jury—the 9/11 operators and EMS used ture Investment and Jobs Act were the As David Grossman, the Executive GPS and satellite communications to two largest investments in Native com- Director of GPS Innovation Alliance, locate a caller and navigate as quickly munities in American history—the two said to : as possible. We had a group coming in, largest investments in Native commu- The RETAIN Act— documenting cases of lives that have nities in American history. Both bills Talking about the act that I have in- been saved. contained resources and policy reforms troduced— And there is more: Weather fore- that were long awaited and desperately is just extending those protections that the casting, the movement of goods on our needed, and they are already paying FCC recognized were critical for Federal highways, and the rest. It goes on and dividends. Agency GPS systems on the civil side. on. But our work has to continue, and In other words, if we are going to That is why everyone agrees we need this historic budget resolution is the protect government, protect individ- to protect GPS usage from being dam- next step. At its core, our budget is uals, too, if it is done through the neg- aged by the Ligado Order. about restoring the middle class and ative operations of Ligado. Who is on the other side? giving more Americans the oppor- The GPS Innovation Alliance is just Just Ligado and the people who they tunity to get into the middle class. 1 of more than 100 we are talking pay to support them. That is a whole It cuts taxes for millions of American about. This is a large number of people, lot of lobbying firms. The POLITICO families. It creates millions of Amer- companies, and industry groups who article highlighted that they are staff- ican jobs while tackling the climate support my RETAIN GPS Act. ing up their lobbying and public rela- crisis, and it is paid for by the wealthy Why is it so popular? tions: paying their fair share. No one who Because GPS is essential to every- So far this year the Virginia company has makes under $400,000 will see an in- thing we do. You know, people enlisted a powerful roster of lobbying firms crease in their taxes. thought—when this thing first came . . . currently numbering some 15. I used to hate charts. I used to not be on, they were just concerned about the And on the side of GPS and satellite a chart guy. I have a rule in my office: air industry, the airlines, and others; communications are Members of the If you are coming in to present to me, but these are some of the day-to-day House and the Senate, 15 Federal Agen- no PowerPoints. I just don’t like things. I don’t really have to read this, cies, over 100 companies and organiza- charts. but I think it is important that people tions. The other, Ligado, is really just But I am making an exception right know it is important to others and a lobbying group. now because it is really important that themselves. I will just leave with one reminder. the public understand what we are I don’t know anyone who isn’t really We know that the Ligado Order will about to do. concerned about GPS and its safety damage GPS. The FCC said as much We are going to lower costs for all and working ability. A big one is using when they approved the order. The FCC Americans. We are going to cut taxes your credit or debit card. Every time said: for American families. We are going to you use a credit or debit card, when Ligado shall expeditiously repair or re- create millions of jobs while tackling you are making a purchase or using an place as needed any U.S. Government GPS the climate crisis. And it is going to be ATM, our financial systems rely on devices that experience or are likely to expe- paid for by requiring the wealthy to GPS timing to work. rience harmful interference from Ligado’s pay their fair share in taxes. Another: Making a phone call. Cell operations. The budget also addresses Native phone networks rely on GPS to syn- But if Ligado believes that their communities specifically. For far too chronize cell towers so calls can be press states that they won’t cause in- long, historical underfunding of Fed- passed seamlessly. If they experience terference to GPS, then why should eral programs serving Native commu- interference, your call can drop when they be afraid of my RETAIN Act? nities and Tribes has left them vulner- moving from tower to tower. While they ponder that, I yield the able. Today, one in three Native Amer- Here is one people don’t expect, and floor. icans lives in poverty, and just 19 per- that is energy, whether that is filling The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. cent of Native American students are up your tank at the pump or managing HEINRICH). The Senator from Hawaii. attending college. Native Americans electrical grids to light our homes. We H.R. 3684 have a life expectancy 51⁄2 years lower rely on GPS timing to safely operate Mr. SCHATZ. Mr. President, you than the general population, and Na- underground pipelines and our elec- know, this is a very important week in tive Americans are on the frontlines of tricity grid. the . Our infra- the climate crisis. Farmers and ranchers, we don’t structure bill is big, it is bold, and it is This budget reverses these systemic think about them as being involved in bipartisan, and it reflects the needs of injustices through a $20.5 billion tar- this. But in this day and age, when a population especially important to geted investment. The budget makes they are planting crops, when they are me—Native communities and Indian significant investments in climate re- applying fertilizer, and during harvest Country across the United States. siliency for Native communities and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:50 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.063 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6095 gives them the tools that they need to up in this definition. The Treasury De- The bill recognizes that digital assets mitigate the impacts of climate partment, the nonpartisan Congres- are different from stocks and bonds. change, deploy their own clean energy sional Joint Committee on Taxation, For example, some taxpayers regularly solutions on their own terms, and re- and others believe that the current lan- transfer digital assets between digital store and protect their homelands. guage is clear enough that the report- asset exchanges or to an off-exchange It ensures that Native students and ing requirements only cover brokers. wallet and then back to an exchange. families have more access to Native The purpose of this discussion is to fur- Those taxpayers need information re- language programs, early childhood ther clarify that is the actual intent of turns that link the steps in those education, and college. It also includes the underlying bill. I think that is im- chains so they have the complete infor- historic investments in health and edu- portant. mation they need to prepare their tax cation programs to provide much need- That is the goal we had in our discus- returns. ed support to Native people across the sions over a compromise amendment, This bill treats digital asset busi- country. but, unfortunately, we have been un- nesses that, for consideration—in ef- We have already made the biggest in- able to consider and adopt that amend- fect, money—regularly effect transfers vestment in Native communities in ment thus far in this debate. of digital assets as brokers and pro- American history, and we are not done Some of us were on this floor today, vides for reporting of digital asset yet. The responsibility of the U.S. Gov- including Senator LUMMIS, Senator transfers to or by a broker, including ernment to American Indians, Alaska WARNER, Senator TOOMEY, myself to in cases where transfer is not directly Natives, and Native Hawaiians isn’t try to get that amendment passed, and from one broker to another. just for Democrats or Republicans to we were not able to do so. Senator PORTMAN, do you have any- live up to. It is a commitment that we The purpose of this provision is not thing further to add on this item? all share. to impose new reporting requirements Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, first This budget resolution will empower on people who do not meet the defini- of all, I appreciate the clarification by these Native communities like never tion of brokers. For example, if you are my colleague from Virginia, and, Sen- someone who is solely involved with before, and it will make our country ator WARNER, you are correct in your stronger, safer, and more resilient. validating distributed ledger trans- understanding. I will be proud to move it forward. actions through proof of work—com- I would also ask Senator WARNER to I yield the floor. monly known as miners—if you are clarify the intent of the proposal with The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- solely mining, you will not be consid- respect to the application of the bill to ator from Ohio. ered a broker. The same would be true persons solely engaged in the business Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, I ask for proof of stake validation and other of validating distributed ledger trans- unanimous consent to enter into a col- validation methods now or in the fu- actions through proof of work, often ture associated with other consensus loquy with Senator WARNER of Vir- called miners. ginia. mechanisms that are developed and Am I correct that under our provi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without might come into the market as the sions it is our understanding that objection, it is so ordered. technology evolves. If you are solely Treasury and the IRS will not treat Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, I rise staking your digital assets for the pur- these miners as brokers? today to clarify the provisions in the pose of validating distributed ledger Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, the underlying bill text we are working on transactions, you will not be consid- Senator is entirely correct in his anal- this evening. ered a broker. ysis of the application of the bill, and We want to be sure that miners and As we know, cryptocurrency is a dig- further, I believe, and Treasury has in- stakers and others who play a key role ital asset that more and more people dicated, that this would also be true in validating transactions now or in are investing in, and we should want for individuals engaged in staking their the future, or hardware and software that to continue in a healthy and sus- digital assets for the purpose of vali- sellers for digital wallets, will not be tainable way. I would like to discuss dating distributed ledger trans- the provisions in the bill that address subject to the rules or those activities. Again, you will need to provide the actions—proof of stake—which we information reporting requirements for information reporting only if you are know to be much more environ- digital asset brokers. functioning as a broker. mentally sustainable. Under IRS rules, sales or exchanges It is my understanding that that is It would also be true for other valida- of assets, like digital assets, give rise true, and I ask my fellow Finance Com- tion methods associated with other to gain or loss in the same manner as mittee member and colleague from the consensus mechanisms, some of which sales of securities. Taxpayers who sell bipartisan working group, Senator are just coming to market, while oth- stocks or other securities through a WARNER, if this is his understanding as ers are still in the developmental broker receive an information return, well. stage. IRS form 1099–B, that provides infor- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- People who solely act to validate mation on the gross proceeds and the ator from Virginia. transactions will not be treated as bro- basis of those sales. Those information Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, I thank kers for those validation activities. returns are prepared by their brokers my friend from Ohio, who has been Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, I or custodians or other agents involved such a leader on the underlying bill, would ask Senator WARNER to clarify in the effecting of the sales. and I have been proud to work on this the intent of the Senate in this legisla- Today, there is lack of clarity on how clarification on this critical issue on tion with respect to persons solely en- these reporting rules apply to digital cryptocurrency. gaged in the business of selling hard- asset transactions. The underlying bill I thank the Senator, who is correct ware or software that allows people to has two simple provisions to address in his understanding. access their private keys. that. I would also like to add some addi- Am I correct that these persons The cryptocurrency provision in the tional clarifications. would not be treated as brokers under bill makes it clear as to who counts as The bill ensures that digital asset the underlying legislation? a broker within this market. Under the market players who provide a platform Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, I think bill, a broker is defined as ‘‘any person to facilitate digital asset trades by tax- the Senator asked a question that has who (for consideration) is responsible payers will be considered brokers re- been queried by a number of folks in for regularly providing any service ef- quired to report information to the IRS the media and elsewhere, and the Sen- fectuating transfers of digital assets on and taxpayers about those trans- ator is entirely correct in his analysis behalf of another person.’’ For tax pur- actions. of the application of the bill. poses, this means a sale on behalf of Reporting entities may be digital Those persons do not effectuate someone else. asset exchanges or hosted wallet pro- transfers of digital assets and, there- The concern has been expressed that viders, often called custodians, or other fore, would not be treated as brokers. some in the cryptocurrency industry agents involved in effectuating digital If you are selling hardware or soft- who are not brokers would be caught asset transactions. ware for which the only function is to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:50 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.065 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6096 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 permit persons to control private keys families in every other State. Families The Build Back Better Budget will which are used for accessing digital as- in Michigan worry about making ends cut costs for the things that keep fami- sets on a distributed ledger, you will meet. It is something that keeps them lies up at night: the cost of food, not be considered in the business of up at night a lot of times. childcare, home care, price of medi- being a broker. Parents of young children wonder cine, college tuition. For the first time, I also want to say a word about the how they will be able to pay for quality seniors will be able to have their hear- bipartisan amendment that I worked childcare. The costs may be as much or ing aids, their glasses, and their dental on with Senators PORTMAN, SINEMA, more than their rent. I know for my care that they need covered by Medi- TOOMEY, and LUMMIS. daughter and her husband, it is more care. I know a lot of folks think it al- I am pleased that we were able to file than their mortgage payment for their ready does cover those things. It does it today, and I would have hoped that three children. A mom wonders how not yet, but we want that to happen. we would have gotten a vote, but I she will feed her kids healthy meals in And families will have paid leave thank them for their diligence and the summer when there are no school when they need it. That is really im- hard work to clarify, in concert with meals. Parents of older children worry portant because no family should the Treasury Department, this critical about how they will be able to pay for worry that a birth of a child, an illness, section of the bill. their college tuition. Seniors in Michi- or the need to care for an aging parent We want to ensure that taxes legiti- gan wonder why their hearing aid or will leave them in a financial hole that mately owed are paid, and full and ac- their glasses or their trips to the den- they can never get out of. curate transaction reporting is a prov- tist aren’t covered by Medicare right Speaking of support for families, en way to make that happen. now. They should be. And with our about a month ago, Michigan families We don’t, however, want to place re- budget, they will be. And they want to began to receive monthly help based on porting requirements on individuals know why their medicine is so expen- the number of children in their family. who shouldn’t have them. sive. This is for families across the country. The amendment memorializes the And then we have Michigan farmers It is a tax cut that was made possible common understanding that the re- diligently planning cover crops for by the American Rescue Plan passed by quirements are to apply only to per- healthier soil while directly battling Democrats in Congress and signed into sons who regularly, and for consider- the effects of the climate crisis and the law by President Biden. ation, effectuate transfers of digital as- destruction of their crops, and they Our families today are receiving up sets. need support to help them do more. to $250 a month for each child age 6 to Persons solely engaged in validating They want to do more. All of our fami- age 17 and up to $300 for each child distributed ledger transactions will not lies wonder if we will be able to tackle under age 6. It is estimated that around 92 percent of Michigan families, be covered for those activities, whether the climate crisis in time to save lives that Michigan children will benefit they use proof of work, proof of stake and land and jobs. Their worries are from this tax cut that we passed in the or some other new consensus mecha- our worries. nisms. That is why Democrats are com- American Rescue Plan. And the tax cuts in other parts of the Nor will they apply to persons solely mitted to passing the Build Back Bet- American Rescue Plan are now begin- engaged in selling hardware or soft- ter Budget. Let me also say that I con- ning to cut child poverty in half. I will ware with the sole function of permit- gratulate all of my colleagues on both say that again: child poverty in half ting someone to control private keys sides of the aisle who have, through used to access digital assets. this year, not 5 years from now, not 10 their hard work and leadership, years from now, this year. What a Of course, if these entities provide brought us to this point of passing part additional services for consideration great thing that we should all be ex- 1 of President Biden’s Build Back agen- cited about. And it not only helps chil- that would qualify as brokerage, the da, which is the bipartisan infrastruc- rules would apply to them as any other dren and families being lifted out of ture bill, and I am enthusiastically poverty, but it helps the whole econ- broker. supporting it. omy. It helps strengthen us as a coun- This is an exciting new technology So the Build Back Better Budget is that, in theory, could help bring serv- try. the second piece, and it is focused on Unfortunately, when Republicans are ices to the underserved and reduce keeping historic economic growth in the majority, tax cuts always seem costs for everyone. We need, however, going, and it is a game changer for our to go to people who need it the least: to strike the appropriate balance be- families. It really is. It is a game the wealthy and the well connected. tween capturing the promised benefits changer for our future, and it does four This tax cut is going to people who and guarding against the potential for things, simply. It lowers costs for need it most: American families. And serious abuse and creation of a shadow Americans—those things that keep the Build Back Better Budget doubles financial system beyond the reach of folks up at night when they are trying down on this tax cut, extending this, established rules to combat illicit fi- figure out how to juggle all the costs resulting in one of the largest tax cuts nance and tax evasion. coming in for themselves or their fami- for American families ever, cutting Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, I lies. taxes for American families. thank my friend and colleague from It is going to cut taxes for American The Build Back Better Budget will Virginia for those comments. families, continue the biggest—maybe also create millions of jobs, including Our provisions are designed to bring ever—tax cut that has gone to Amer- in agriculture and rural communities. more clarity and legitimacy to the ican families that we passed in the The Build Back Better Budget will en- cryptocurrency industry by more close- American Rescue Plan. sure that the United States will not ly aligning the reporting requirements It is going to create millions of jobs only compete but will lead the world’s with those of more traditional finan- while tackling the climate crisis. As race toward a clean energy future. And cial services, and we believe it does we saw the report today, it said what I know our Presiding Officer cares just that, and in doing so, will help we knew, but we have to be very seri- deeply about that and is a leader in provide more certainty for people look- ous about what comes next here in that, and it is exciting to see what we ing to invest in digital assets. tackling the climate crisis. can do through this budget. I thank my colleague Senator WAR- And the great news is this: The great Currently, Chinese companies NER for coming to the floor to discuss news is that we can cut costs and cut produce 60 percent of the parts for wind this important provision. taxes and create millions of jobs and turbines, 80 percent of solar cells, 80 I yield the floor. tackle the climate crisis and pay for it. percent of battery cells, and it is time The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- We pay for it just simply by saying to bring those jobs home, and there is ator from Michigan. that the wealthy will pay their fair no reason that we can’t. Through the BUDGET RESOLUTION share. It is only fair that everybody be right support and incentives, we can Ms. STABENOW. Mr. President, I contributing to America and everybody bring those jobs home. rise today to speak about Michigan be contributing to building back better Investing in technology will ensure families. Our families are a lot like in our country. that these parts are made in America

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:50 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.068 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6097 and will create good-paying American in this country to pay their fair share. a livable planet for our children. That jobs—nearly 2 million jobs per year Michigan families, families across the is our obligation. But here is our op- over the next 10 years. That is 2 mil- country have been waiting long portunity: create millions of new jobs. lion, then 2 million, then 2 million, enough. They are ready for us to build In Connecticut, we have solar compa- then 2 million over the next 10 years. back better. nies, advance battery companies, fuel And it will help us address the cli- I yield the floor. cell companies, that are just waiting mate crisis head-on through critical The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- for the U.S. Government to create a policies and incentives that will reduce ator from Connecticut. market for their technologies in the U.S. carbon emissions 50 percent by Mr. MURPHY. Mr. President, I come way that so many other countries 2030. That is essential. to the floor today, first, to talk about around the world are doing. We are investing in farmers who the Build Back Better Budget. This is We have the chance to invest in com- want to keep leading the charge to an opportunity for this country to get munity violence intervention programs combat the climate crisis, while mak- it right. and save lives. This is part of the Build ing sure we have the resources to re- For far too long, millionaires and bil- Back Better agenda. President Biden store our forests, make them more re- lionaires, corporations in this country has made it clear that if you want to silient in the face of climate-driven have accrued more and more wealth, tackle the epidemic of gun violence in wildfires. We are fulfilling the promise have paid less and less taxes, while av- this country, then you have to invest of a climate-smart future by investing erage Americans have seen the cost of in communities in need. in research at land-grant and agricul- living rise, their lives get more dif- If you take a look at what drives vio- tural universities like my own alma ficult, and Washington do virtually lence and exposure to violence in this mater, Michigan State University. nothing about it. We are going to make country, the No. 1-correlated factor is The Build Back Better Budget will a huge downpayment in fixing that im- income. The poorer you are, the more lower costs for families; it is going to balance. likely you are to be the victim of vio- cut their taxes; it is going to create The Build Back Better Budget, which lence. millions of good-paying jobs, while we we will begin considering tomorrow, is By investing in communities that are tackling the climate crisis. And we going to lower costs for Americans. We have high rates of violence—and not, simply just have to make sure the are talking about the cost of Medicare, coincidentally, high rates of poverty— wealthiest people in this country step making sure that seniors get a benefit you are reducing violence in this Na- up and are paying their fair share. for things like vision and dental; lower tion. Folks in Michigan work really hard the costs for families, like childcare We have so many examples of pro- to provide for their families. It is time costs. grams, like Project Longevity in New to reward that hard work, not just The Presiding Officer and I are Haven and Bridgeport, CT, for example, wealth. It is unacceptable that some of amongst the few parents of relatively that show, when you wrap services the world’s most profitable companies young school-age children. We know around a small subset of at-risk fami- and billionaires pay little or no tax at the cost of childcare today can bank- lies and at-risk young people, you can all; that is despite their profits and rupt families that don’t have the in- dramatically lower the rates of vio- their fortunes growing every single comes that we do. It is going to cut lence in this country. year. taxes for American families but the And, by the way, that puts people to Under the Build Back Better Budget, right American families. People who work, too, creating these investments no one who makes under $400,000 per are making $30,000, $60,000 a year, that in anti-violence programming. year will see their taxes go up. Let me is who needs a tax break, not the mil- Then we have a chance to transform say that again. No one under a $400,000 lionaires and billionaires. our rail system and create jobs, speed a year in income will see their taxes It is going to create millions of jobs up our commutes, and address the cli- go. Instead, the typical American fam- while tackling the climate crisis. Come mate crisis. ily will see their costs and their taxes to Connecticut. We have renewable en- And we are making a big downpay- go down. ergy companies building jobs all over ment in the bipartisan infrastructure For too long—far too long—when Re- our country, but they are having to bill, $66 billion for rail. And I hope to publican colleagues have been in compete with other nations that are see an additional downpayment in the charge, the wealthy and huge corpora- making big investments in climate, budget reconciliation process. But in- tions have come first, receiving special which are creating their own renewable vesting in rail, it is kind of the Holy treatment over and over again. I think energy economies. If somebody is going Grail because it creates short-term it is about time we put the American to capture millions and millions of jobs jobs as we rebuild our decrepit rail people first. in wind and solar and geothermal and lines. It speeds up commutes for peo- And, by the way, I have heard so electric cars, it should be the United ple. That just makes their lives better, many colleagues on the other side of States. more time with family. But it also cre- the aisle come to the floor over and Lastly, we are going to pay for this ates a lot of economic development po- over again lamenting that we are going by asking the wealthy to pay their fair tential. Companies want to locate here to increase taxes. So for the record, let share, not more as a percentage of in- when they can get their people faster me just say that I don’t think it is in- come than anybody else but their fair from point A to point B. creasing taxes to tell a billionaire they share. We have corporations, some of Boston to DC is about half the dis- have to pay more than zero. And that the biggest in America, that are paying tance as Beijing and Shanghai, but it is what we are talking about here, just virtually no taxes today. All of the takes twice the amount of time to get people paying their fair share for the wealth that is being accumulated by from those two spots in the United majority of Americans in this country the CEOs of these massive internet States as it does in Asia. We are way who are working hard to have a fair companies, virtually untaxed. That has behind the curve in investment in high- shot to work hard and to make it and to change. That has to change. I am ex- speed rail, and that is hurting us eco- to know that somebody is going to cited to be a part of this process. nomically. have their back. And that is what the As I said, we have the chance to But, of course, an investment in rail Build Back Better Budget is all about. tackle the climate crisis and create is also about addressing the climate So let me just say again: It is time to millions of new jobs. We can and have crisis because the only way to make a lower costs for the big things that keep to do both. dent in transportation emissions is to families up at night. It is time to cut You saw the new report challenging move people out of cars, especially dur- taxes for American families. It is time us, right? The facts are dire with re- ing the period of time in which we are to create millions of jobs, which we can spect to what has already happened as ramping up the deployment of electric do. This is the great news: We can cre- this planet has warmed. But what that vehicles, and get those individuals into ate millions of jobs while tackling the report says is that the next 8 years are trains, get people out of planes and climate crisis, which we must seriously critical. The decisions we make in this into trains, especially in a corridor tackle. And it is time for the wealthy decade will determine whether there is like the Northeast, where the trains

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:50 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.069 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6098 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 are electrified, right, where these are 12-month tour. Each walked me to hear and to accept. Staying longer cleaner trains than in other parts of through a PowerPoint presentation de- would just be to admit that American the country. We have a real oppor- tailing how the previous general hadn’t taxpayers have got to foot the bill for tunity, if we get more people onto made that much progress in training a permanent occupation of Afghani- trains by investing in them to address the Afghan security forces and how stan, to shore up a corrupt government the climate crisis. this general would change course and and keep the Taliban at bay. So I want to just spend a moment, finally get it right. Now, this isn’t wise, mostly because really, telling my colleagues both the This cycle of failure, readjustment, my constituents, understandably, have responsibility and opportunity that we and continued failure must have played little interest in putting that much have. Millionaires, billionaires, and out over a dozen times in Afghanistan money in Afghanistan when they can’t corporations are doing better than ever between our arrival there and the be- afford groceries or college for their before in this country. Regular people ginning of the Biden administration, kids or their monthly rent. The are hurting. They want a government and the Taliban took full advantage. Taliban are bad guys, but so are the that is responsive to that. We need to Now, President Trump made a little- leaders who rule Turkmenistan or address the huge costs people are hav- noticed decision to stop publicizing the Equatorial Guinea or Kazakhstan or ing to pay today. We need to cut taxes estimates of how much territory the North Korea, amongst others. But we for regular people. We need to create Taliban controlled in Afghanistan, no can’t afford, as a country, to invade jobs, solve the climate crisis, and ask doubt because the news, especially in and displace every brutal regime in the those who are doing very well, the top the last 5 years, got worse and worse. world. 0.1 percent, to pay their fair share. Yes, the Taliban is moving quickly to- Now, what my constituents do care AFGHANISTAN ward regional capitals right now, but about is preventing another attack on Mr. President, as the Taliban con- they have been gaining territory for American soil, which is why thousands tinues this rapid advance into territory nearly a decade. That trend is just ac- of our brave men and women in uni- that had been controlled by the Kabul- celerating now. form made the ultimate sacrifice fight- based Afghan Government, there is One repeating mistake was our belief ing in Afghanistan. That is why we going to be a lot of hand-wringing in that we could create the Afghan Na- went there in the first place. So if Washington, especially amongst those tional Army from our own mold. Now, spending trillions to fight the Taliban who cheered our open-ended occupation our country’s sense of nationalist pa- was vitally necessary to this project, of Afghanistan for the last 20 years. triotism, which inspires Americans to then the American public would prob- Those who opposed President Biden’s put their lives on the line for the flag ably back the investment, but right plan to leave are going to engage in a and what it represents, does not have a now it isn’t necessary. battery of ‘‘I told you so’s’’ and blame corollary in Afghanistan. But we didn’t U.S. officials believe al-Qaida in Af- the President for the Taliban’s march get that. ghanistan is no longer capable of car- on Kabul. We had no sense of how competing rying out attacks against the United But the Taliban’s surge isn’t a reason tribal and ethnic affiliations made cre- States. We are talking about 200 to 400 for the United States to reverse course ating this common military purpose al-Qaida fighters in Afghanistan today. and put massive troop presence back difficult. And each time our military Now, this is likely because the Taliban into the country. leaders and our on-the-ground trainers is seeking a less contentious relation- No. The Taliban surge is actually a started to learn about these local nu- ship with the United States and, there- reason to stick to the withdrawal plan, ances and started adapting their meth- fore, has promised to deny al-Qaida a because the complete, utter failure of ods, they were sent home because their safe haven. the Afghan National Army, absent our deployment was done, and a new de- Now, I get it. Assurances from the hand-holding, to defend their country ployment of Americans arrived to start Taliban are of very limited value, but is a blistering indictment of a failed 20- from scratch and start making the our intelligence collection on al-Qaida year strategy predicated on the belief same mistakes again. Our military is good enough to be able to monitor that billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars leaders are incredibly capable, but we the Taliban’s compliance and adjust could create an effective, democratic gave them an impossible task. accordingly. central government in a nation that Our presence in Afghanistan also cre- Now, I understand how difficult it is has never had one and a Western-mod- ated a deadly feedback loop where to watch the Afghan National Army eled army structure populated by Taliban and terrorist recruiters easily refuse to defend its territory, to watch troops who are willing to die to pre- and eagerly scooped up trainees champ- the Taliban move so quickly into pro- serve a government. ing at the bit to fight the Americans. vincial capitals. I understand how infu- Staying 1 more year in Afghanistan For instance, research suggests that in riating it must be for families who lost means we stay forever because, if 20 the northwest of Pakistan, where the loved ones in Afghanistan to see these years of laborious training and equip- Taliban and allied groups organized, gains be eliminated so quickly. ping of the Afghan security forces had our drone attacks actually led to in- But let’s understand, finally, what this little impact on their ability to creased, not decreased, numbers of would have happened if President fight, then another 50 years wouldn’t Taliban fighters. Bombs falling from Biden had chosen to keep 2,500 troops change anything. pilotless flying machines more often in Afghanistan. Twenty-five hundred If we choose to keep spending tril- killed innocent civilians instead of troops is not a sufficient number to lions of dollars in Afghanistan until enemy combatants, and this simply repel this offensive. Our military lead- that nation is a fully functioning de- caused more anger against the United ers have been crystal clear that a min- mocracy and their security forces can, States and our Afghan Government al- imum of 8,500 troops are required to by themselves, repel extremist attacks, lies and more interest in locals to join provide any modicum of support nec- then we are never ever leaving. the fight against us. essary to keep the Taliban’s gains to a Now, I went to Afghanistan four Now, as the Taliban begins to quick- crawl. times in 6 years, from 2007 to 2013. And en the pace of their assault on Afghan That is how many troops were there each time, what struck me most was forces, hawks in the United States are at the beginning of Trump’s term, but the heroism, the patriotism, the capa- going to lead the charge for Biden to as part of his agreement with the bility of our soldiers. Too many of reverse course and continue these Taliban, he drew down the numbers to them never came home. Too many oth- failed policies of the last 20 years. But 2,500, a force size completely inad- ers came home with injuries that to what end? equate to stop any Taliban advance. changed their lives. Many of them were If the Afghan National Army was so And the only reason why those 2,500 from my home State. willing to stand aside after 20 years of soldiers didn’t get overrun by the But also, each time I went to Afghan- U.S. investment, why would anything Taliban is because, as part of the istan, I also met with a new, impres- change if we stuck around longer? Trump-Taliban agreement, the Taliban sive American general who had just re- Of course, the answer is nothing promised to hold off on attacks until cently arrived in country for his short would change. I know that that is hard the United States had withdrawn.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:50 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.071 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6099 So if President Biden decided to keep The report says our responsibility is vailing wages, and just recruiting and our open-ended mission to support the unequivocal. The effects of the climate hiring practices. Afghan military against the Taliban, crisis are unprecedented, and we have And in this legislation that responds he would have had to surge troop levels an undeniable need to act. From in- to the code red climate threat, we will back to 8,500. Every single troop in Af- creasing intensity and frequency of ex- have the tax breaks. The oil, gas, and ghanistan costs over $1 million a year. treme heat to catastrophic precipita- coal industry, for a hundred years, Now, never mind the complete unwill- tion and devastating droughts, no com- have had their control over tax breaks ingness of the American public to sup- munity will be able to hide from the coming out of this Congress. Well, in port yet another Afghanistan troop most dire impacts of our human-driven this bill, we are going to have the tax surge; the cost of this escalation would climate crisis. breaks for wind and for solar and for have just been indefensible. This report must be the final warning all-electric vehicles and for battery The Afghan military, on paper, is far that we must respond. And right now storage technologies. We are going to superior a fighting force to the we are preparing, as Senate Democrats, have the tax breaks for the solution to Taliban. The Afghan National Army a budget resolution that will be our the climate crisis. has approximately three times the best opportunity to respond to the code This is the moment. This is what the number of soldiers. The Afghan Na- red warning we have received today world is waiting to see from our coun- tional Army has an air force. The from the United Nations, from the cli- try. If we are going to lead, we cannot Taliban doesn’t. The Afghan National mate experts of the planet. preach temperance from a barstool. We Army’s equipment and weapons— That is our challenge, but we are have to step up and do the right thing thanks to the United States—are much going to have resistance. We have to and create the innovation economy more sophisticated and deadly. The basically sweep away this rising tide of that will save our country and save the United States trains that force. We pay cynicism that we hear from climate world. their salaries. We support them. deniers, from the fossil fuel industry, And we can kick start a clean energy But despite this advantage, despite 20 and from too many Republicans. revolution. And, not only that, we can years and trillions of dollars of invest- Senate Democrats are ready to forge ensure that we have a revolution that ment, they are losing to the ragtag ahead. This budget resolution is our is made in America—jobs here, union Taliban badly. This isn’t a reason for opportunity to prevent the most jobs here, good-paying jobs here, in the the United States to reescalate. This is alarming consequences of the climate United States. evidence of the wisdom and courage of crisis and equip ourselves to survive We are going to have a domestic President Biden’s decision to withdraw. the climate impacts we cannot avoid. manufacturing revolution that we have Our counterterrorism mission in Af- With policies to drive deep cuts in not seen in a generation, and we are ghanistan is going to remain, but we emissions, protect communities, pro- going to do it in the green budget reso- should refuse, as a nation, to remain in vide equity and justice to overburdened lution that we are going to bring out forever wars that don’t make our Na- communities, we can respond to over- onto the floor of the Senate in the next tion safer. whelming evidence and take the nec- 2 days. I yield the floor. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Ms. essary action to save our people and The answer to our clean future is blowing in the wind. This is a once-in- SMITH). The Senator from Massachu- our planet. setts. We have received the final warning. a-generation opportunity to save our We now have the best opportunity any people and our planet by going bigger BUDGET RECONCILIATION Congress has ever had to respond. That and bolder than ever before. Mr. MARKEY. Madam President, I Senate Democrats are going to de- rise to speak about the $3.5 trillion legislation will be on the floor of the liver real results for Americans: for our budget resolution that will cut costs Senate in the next 2 days. As chair of the Clean Air, Climate, seniors, our children, our families, our for American families, provide our sen- and Nuclear Safety Subcommittee of working people across our country. iors with comprehensive healthcare, As Massachusetts’ own Ralph Waldo and finally take the much-needed and the Environment and Public Works Emerson said, ‘‘the first wealth is long-overdue action to protect our- Committee, I am ready to get to work health.’’ And this budget makes sure selves, our future, and our existence and turn this budget resolution into Americans’ healthcare and futures are from the climate crisis. legislative action. This vital invest- Our urgency in action must be as ment will build on what we have al- a priority second to none. fierce as the crisis on our shores, in our ready done, adding on climate, equity, Under our budget resolution, every cities, and in our States across Amer- and even more good-paying union jobs. child—regardless of their ZIP Code— ica. The climate deniers are out of ex- We can save all of creation by engag- will have the opportunity attend pre-K. cuses, and we are out of time. ing in massive union job creation. Every teen will be able to reimagine The United Nations Intergovern- We can fund a clean-energy accel- their future with the ability to enroll mental Panel on Climate Change erator that uses innovative, flexible fi- tuition-free in community colleges issued its sixth assessment report. The nancing to lower our emissions and across our country. new warning from the U.N., from the create jobs with public dollars that can And I will be fighting to provide crit- IPCC, is actually code red. They are deploy and leverage private invest- ical broadband connectivity support to saying that the planet is in great dan- ment. This accelerator will unleash ensure educational success for all stu- ger, that our country is in great danger clean energy generation, energy-effi- dents at home, especially poor chil- if we do not respond to the climate cri- cient retrofits, and opportunities in dren, Black, Brown, immigrant chil- sis. And now the challenge for this Sen- communities across our country. dren in our country. ate, for this country, is whether or not We can fund environmental justice And thanks to this budget, Medicare we are going to respond. And we are. mapping efforts to understand the bur- will now cover essentials like hearing The code red warning from the dens of affected communities and di- aids, eyeglasses, and dental care for United Nations is going to have a code rect our investments and our programs our seniors for the first time ever—cov- green response from the U.S. Senate in accordingly. We can provide the fund- ered by Medicare. Millions of women the $3.5 trillion package. ing and support to monitor and to ad- will be brought into the workforce We will invest in the technologies dress the dangers of extreme heat, when we provide accessible and afford- that will make it possible for us to re- toxic chemicals, and polluted air. able childcare for American families. spond to this dire warning from the We can create a civilian Climate And we will expand the child tax credit United Nations, a warning that reaf- Corps and put millions of people to and make the child and dependent care firms what we are seeing and suffering work on projects to protect our com- tax credit permanent in our country— right now across our country: Climate munities from climate impacts, sup- permanent tax relief for every family change is going to continue to cost us port local projects, and get trained and with a child in our country. lives and livelihoods if we don’t re- get to work in building our clean en- And we will do all of this by paying spond with the scope and the scale that ergy economy. We must ensure that for all of these investments, unlike Re- this moment demands. these jobs have high standards, pre- publicans who put tax cuts for the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:50 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.073 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6100 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 wealthy on the American taxpayers’ and the lack of family leave that is the fastest growing threats to our na- dime. We will do this without any paid. tional security—cyberattacks from for- American making under $400,000 paying This budget will create good-paying eign adversaries and criminal organiza- a single cent more in taxes and asking, American jobs by incentivizing the de- tions. We must secure critical infra- instead, for the ultrawealthy and the velopment of new clean power sources structure, support State and local gov- big corporations—including Big Oil and that simply cannot be outsourced. We ernments in their efforts to increase Big Gas—to pay more of their fair will finally confront the very serious cyber security, and overhaul outdated share, like workers and small busi- and very real threat posed to our eco- and insecure Federal networks. nesses have always done in our coun- nomic and national security by climate Over the past year, we have seen try. change. time and time again how vulnerable in- These are the investments that will As chairman of the Homeland Secu- formation networks can be. Attacks on restack the deck in our country, level rity and Governmental Affairs Com- everything from K–12 schools and small the playing field, and set in motion a mittee, I am working to ensure that businesses to major oil pipelines and more just future where every child and the budget resolution makes critical Agencies across the Federal Govern- every family has the opportunity to payments to electrify the Federal Gov- ment have played out on the front page achieve the American dream. ernment’s vehicle fleet, including the of newspapers across our country. The second train is finally about to U.S. Postal Service’s delivery vehicles. Whether we are talking about our crit- pull into the station. Progressive Not only will this set us on a path to a ical infrastructure or our Federal Gov- champions in the House of Representa- more sustainable future; it helps grow ernment, we simply cannot wait any tives are doing an incredible job hold- America’s domestic manufacturing sec- longer to fix these serious problems. ing the line to ensure that this resolu- tor. Thanks to these investments, Targeted investments in new infor- tion is passed alongside the bipartisan American workers and companies will mation technology will not only im- infrastructure bill. have greater opportunity to build and prove our cybersecurity defenses but But as we recover from the multiple assemble the battery cells, electric will also help increase efficiency, re- crises we face, we cannot accept to re- drive trains, and other auto parts right duce energy consumption, and save turn to the status quo—a status quo here in the United States. taxpayer dollars. that has left too many people behind in In addition to creating great jobs, we Cybersecurity investments will help our country. will strengthen our domestic supply defend our information networks Over the last several months, we chains, reduce our dependence on for- against further intrusions and have worked tirelessly to deliver for eign producers, and lead the world in breaches, protect our national secu- Americans COVID relief, an expanded advancing clean electric vehicle tech- rity, prevent Americans’ personal in- child tax credit, $7 billion for nologies. formation from being stolen, and help broadband access, support for students This is especially an important in- reduce attacks that could threaten our and families, and much more. vestment at a time when we are seeing very way of life. These are just a few of the critical Now we need to pass this $3.5 trillion the effects of climate change ravage down payments we will be making with package and not a cent less to push for- communities all across our country. the Build Back Better budget. Now is ward and create a more just and livable From devastating wildfires out West to the time to take on some of the biggest future for every person in our country. severe flooding in Michigan and across challenges that are facing American That is what this moment demands. the Midwest, to destructive hurricanes families. Whether it is working to And I look forward to working with along the gulf and east coast, we sim- lower costs, improving access to all of my colleagues on this budget res- ply cannot wait any longer to address healthcare, or ensuring our commu- olution this week and taking the first the impacts of climate change. nities can weather the next major steps to ensure this future is guaran- Just today, the United Nations cli- storm or major cyberattack, the Build teed for every child and family across mate panel released a landmark report Back Better budget will help ensure our country. on climate change, calling it a ‘‘code that we are securing the future that we We can do it for families. We can do red’’ situation for the survival of our want for future generations of Ameri- it for our planet. That is what our planet. cans. agenda has to be for the remainder of This budget will help limit further I suggest the absence of a quorum. this week. And I think if we respond, harmful pollution from greenhouse The PRESIDING OFFICER. The we will have become one of the great- gases and fossil fuels that are contrib- clerk will call the roll. est Congresses that has ever served in uting to this worldwide crisis by mak- The legislative clerk proceeded to the history of our country. ing important down payments on clean call the roll. I yield back to you. energy. Mr. MERKLEY. Madam President, I The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- While we invest in transformative ask unanimous consent that the order ator from Michigan. technology to help secure our future, for the quorum call be rescinded. Mr. PETERS. Madam President, I we also need to deal with the natural The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without rise today to highlight the incredible disasters that communities are facing objection, it is so ordered. opportunity before us to build on the right now. We must protect American Mr. MERKLEY. Madam President, I strong foundation laid in the bipar- families and businesses from the con- am here on the floor today to talk tisan Infrastructure Investment and sequences of increasingly severe about climate chaos. It is a monu- Jobs Act through the Build Back Bet- storms, floods, and fires by making im- mental crisis that requires immediate ter budget. portant investments in disaster mitiga- and bold action. The bipartisan infrastructure bill tion efforts. The reason I am speaking about cli- will make historic investments that We must help communities reduce mate chaos at this moment is because will help create good-paying American the impact of severe disasters by ad- several things are happening today jobs, upgrade our roads and our dressing rising water levels, improving that create this connection. The one is bridges, improve access to high-speed flood prevention and storm water man- that the IPCC, the International Panel internet, and so much more. agement efforts, and strengthening on Climate Change, has released its With the Build Back Better budget, wildfire mitigation efforts. These cli- 2021 climate report, and the second is, we have the opportunity to go beyond mate-change driven threats are de- we are in the middle of talking about these initial, long overdue investments stroying homes, small businesses, and infrastructure for our Nation, and the and take strong action to help secure communities in every corner of the investments in climate infrastructure our future for generations to come. United States, and this budget will en- are going to be critical to take on the This budget will provide crucial tax sure that we take swift action and bet- crisis that we are facing. cuts to hard-working American fami- ter secure our future and limit further We are in pretty big trouble. This re- lies and tackle some of the toughest destruction. port that came out today—‘‘5 Big Find- challenges they are facing, like the Finally, this budget will also make ings from the IPCC’s 2021 Climate Re- cost of childcare, prescription drugs, historic investments to tackle one of port’’—it lays out how dramatically

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:47 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.075 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6101 things have shifted in just a few years. impact on rural Oregon and rural Now, clearly, as the planet gets hot- It notes that the concentration of car- America because it is affecting our ter and it is affecting our forests and bon dioxide is now higher than it has farming. It is affecting our fishing, and our farming and our fishing—forest been for 2 million years, and we have it is affecting our forests. fires that are destroying towns, more made that happen over just the last 100 So we are engaged here in a two-part powerful hurricanes affecting the sea- or so years but particularly the last 30; plan. The first plan is an infrastructure shore, more intrusion of saltwater into that the glacial retreat is unmatched bill that address water, transportation, freshwater supplies—cities are having for the last 2,000 years; that the last and broadband. Well, all well and good, to basically start to build dikes around decade was warmer than any period for but if part one sails away from the themselves in order to keep the sea- 125,000 years; that the summer Arctic dock and leaves part two stranded, water out. ice coverage is smaller than at any what is left behind? Housing, massive I heard one Member of the Senate time in the last 1,000 years; that the investment; education, a massive in- say: You know, here is the thing. We ocean is warming faster than at any vestment in 2 years of preschool and 2 shouldn’t do anything about this be- time since the last ice age; and that years of community college. Founda- cause the investments required to take ocean acidification is at the highest tions for thriving families are left be- on climate change will be disruptive. level in the last 26,000 years. hind, the support for daycare for work- Well, I will tell you what is disrup- These things would not have been ing families; and the child tax credit, tive. Forest fires are disruptive. The true a few years ago, and it is because which is lifting half of the children in loss of the snowpack for our winter of the massive buildup in carbon diox- poverty out of poverty in America—the sports and our irrigation water and our ide from our burning of fossil fuels to most massive tax cut ever envisioned healthy streams, that is disruptive. power our energy economy, and it is for middle-class America. Sea life being damaged by ocean acidi- from the massive release of methane What other thing is left on the dock? fication, that is disruptive to our econ- gas because of our use of natural gas, The investment in climate; the transi- omy. Forests with pine beetles thriving which is a very nice name for what is tion from burning fossil fuel, the fossil and trees dying, that is disruptive to mostly methane gas. We collect meth- fuel economy, to the renewable energy our forestry. Lack of rain, such that ane gas, and we have accelerated that economy. the groundwater is not recharged, is through fracking. A tremendous We cannot let part one sail away of disruptive to our irrigation for our amount leaks out through that drilling the infrastructure bill without doing ranchers and our farmers. and fracking system. A tremendous part two, and the report from the IPCC What is disruptive is doing nothing, amount more leaks out through the today emphasizes how absolutely im- and the damage will far exceed the cost millions of miles of pipes that carry it portant it is that we act and we act of taking an honest effort to transition to its destinations, and then when we boldly. That report said it is unequivo- quickly to renewable energy. burn it, it creates carbon dioxide, also cal that human influence has warmed Failing to act means failing our fu- a global warming gas. ture generations. We cannot allow that So we don’t need to really get this re- the atmosphere, the ocean, and the to happen. So that is why I am so port to know we are in trouble because land. The report, crafted by 200 global pleased that on the same day that the we just have to look at the facts on the scientists, concludes, as one of the re- IPCC released their report, we also saw ground from our home States right port’s coauthors summarizes: the budget resolution released. now. I mean, Oregon is aflame. We have There is no uncertainty language in this Now, the budget resolution is the sec- so many fires burning simultaneously, sentence because there is no uncertainty that global warming is caused by human ac- ond half of the package, the part that and the largest fire is over 400,000 tivity and the burning of fossil fuels. addresses families, that addresses for- acres—400,000 acres. Think how long it The report goes on to say that we are ests, that addresses housing, that ad- would take, if you were on a hike, to now on an irreversible course towards a dresses children, and, yes, addresses pass through 400,000 acres. You know, a few years ago, we had a hotter planet; that if we do the sever- climate. So there is hope. group of homes that were burned out in est cuts in carbon emissions right now, And what does it do? Well, it funds John Day, OR, some 24 or so homes, the severest cuts, we are still going to the Civilian Conservation Corps to put 1 and we thought that was a big deal. see temperatures rise 1 ⁄2 degrees Cel- Americans to work in good-paying jobs Then last summer, we had six towns sius or about 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit. to help conserve our Nation’s public burn to the ground, completely inciner- That was the goal of the Paris Agree- lands and waters and bolster commu- ated. Now we have these massive, mas- ment. We would have to massively cut nity resilience and to advance environ- sive fires, as do Idaho and Montana and our carbon emissions and our methane mental justice. Washington State and California State emissions right now to meet the Paris It establishes the Energy Efficiency and Colorado and Utah and New Mex- target. and Clean Electricity Standard that ico, Arizona. The West is aflame be- The report goes on to say that ex- my colleague from Minnesota, who is cause the temperatures are so much treme weather events, which were rare presiding over the Senate right now, higher. or completely unprecedented, will now has been so instrumental in laying out What else is happening in Oregon? be common and more common as we for the Senate to act on. That clean Well, our snowpack is disappearing; av- approach the new normal or it becomes electricity standard will have an enor- erage snowpack is decreasing. It is af- a new normal because of climate mous impact because to escape the fos- fecting the amount of irrigation water change. sil fuel energy economy, we have to we have. It is affecting the fact that I think the U.N. Secretary General, electrify everything on the production our streams are now smaller and warm- Antonio Guterres, summed it up when end. We take the power off the grid, er than they were before, affecting our he said this report is ‘‘a code red for but we have to put renewable energy trout and our salmon, and the ocean is humanity’’—‘‘a code red for human- onto the grid. So it is the key. It is the acidifying. Now we have some 30 per- ity.’’ So that is why all 100 of us here centerpiece—the centerpiece—of how cent more acid in the ocean. It affected in the Senate should be on the floor we act. first the reproduction of our oysters, so discussing how to respond to a code red And there are a lot of subsidies, yes, now we artificially buffer the water for for humanity. for things like electric buses and also our oyster scene to survive, baby oys- Wow, we have a lot of work to do, but for electric vehicles. And I think it is ters to survive. Now it is starting to af- that first part of the package has noth- so exciting that we now are going to fect the Dungeness crab, one of the ing in it or almost nothing in it—a lit- have an F–150 electric. And the F–150 most significant financial enterprises tle bit of money for charging stations, electric goes from zero to 60 miles per in terms of sea life production in a a little bit of money for electric buses, hour in 4.4 seconds. Try that with your commercial sense off the coast of Or- a little bit of money for improving the fossil fuel car, my friend, because you egon. So we are seeing impacts in every electric grid, but nothing like the mas- will fail. But you get the new Ford F– possible way. sive investment that is required to re- 150, and it will press you back in the I know that as I travel rural Oregon, spond to a code red, a code red for the seat like you have never experienced as people emphasize that this is a huge planet. you take off, and you can still do your

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:47 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.077 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6102 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 industrial work with your pickup. And wise investment in America’s future body and the American people need to there is a Ford Mustang coming on, and in our long-term competitiveness. listen carefully to what is expected to electric, and that is going to be a hot But that is not what we are being be in this second part of the plan and item, an exciting item as well. And so asked to vote on here. Rather, we have try not to let your jaw hit the floor in it is kind of neat that what is good for a package with some infrastructure the process. the environment is also going to be that is good for our economy. Yet it is Just listen to what Democrats are good for all of us to have a good time riddled with Big Government and mas- promising to stuff into this reconcili- driving. sive deficit spending, over a quarter of ation bill. It will enable the Green New So all of these pieces that are in the a trillion dollars in the hole. Deal. It will crush the American fossil second half—the second half of the in- And we want to rush through this as fuel industry—never mind the fact that frastructure package—that has to get quickly as possible? the industry is continuing to become done, and it should be absolutely bipar- There is a right way and a wrong way ever more industry clean on its own. tisan because these investments in to pursue noble goals. And let’s be This will cost millions of American families are desired by Democratic clear. The Democrat leadership has jobs. It will sacrifice the energy inde- families and Republican families and tied this infrastructure bill to their ef- pendence we have already achieved, Independent families. These invest- fort to use their 50-vote reconciliation and it will make us more dependent on ments in housing—affordable housing process to fundamentally move Amer- foreign adversaries. Ultimately, Demo- in our country—are needed by Repub- ica toward Western Europe-style so- crats would rather placate the far left’s lican and Democratic and Independent cialism, which as anyone can see near-religious fervor for government- families. today, brings with it limited oppor- subsidized electric cars and windmills, And you know what? It is going to be tunity, less innovation, crushing taxes, even if it means hollowing out Amer- completely paid for—completely paid a bloated government bureaucracy, and ican communities that provide our en- for by having the megarich pay their cradle-to-grave government depend- ergy independence today. fair share. And as you all know from ency. And they will jeopardize our national all the reports, they have been jumping Right on cue, Democrats have intro- security in the process. It is a great and diving and ducking their taxes, duced a $3.5 trillion part of the plan deal for the green energy lobby which many of them paying zero. Billionaires this morning, and the Democrat leader supports Democrat politicians, but it is who are putting themselves into space promised that the Senate will turn to a terrible deal for our Nation and for on a joy ride pay zero in taxes. Billion- it just as soon as this bill is passed. our national security. It will drastically increase taxes on aires are using tons of the products of I wish this wasn’t the case. And all it job creators, which will cost untold what we paid for of our road infrastruc- would take for it not to be the case is number of jobs and reduce wages. Get ture and our water infrastructure and for just one of my Democrat colleagues ready to see more jobs shipped out of our education infrastructure. They are to say that they won’t support the $3.5 the United States and into the wel- billion part of this plan. employing all kinds of folks who are coming arms of China. Don’t worry, funded by Pell grants to get through I am still hopeful, but I remain con- cerned, given the statements by Demo- though, Democrats are proposing to college, paying zero—zero—in taxes. create a Civilian Climate Corps that Why are the billionaires paying less crats just like my colleague, who just will hire some of the people who lose than you and me? Why are they paying spoke a minute ago, from Oregon. their jobs. To do what? Proselytize on less than the clerk at the grocery store President Biden and Speaker PELOSI have been clear that this bipartisan the virtues of clean energy? or the person bagging your groceries? It will impose one of the largest ever deal on infrastructure won’t become Why are they paying less than the sec- tax increases on American capital, re- law unless all of the socialist Big Gov- retaries? Why are they paying less in sulting in America having one of the taxes, the billionaires? Good question. ernment items that got excluded from highest tax rates on investment and It shouldn’t be the case. So the re- the so-called track 1 of the first deal capital in the industrialized world. sponsible thing is to pay for the pack- are later tacked on to it in track 2 of Capital investment creates new jobs age with tax fairness for all Americans, their plan. The Democrat leader is say- and innovation, and this will crush everyone doing their fair share, includ- ing this quite clearly, using the con- that process in America. ing our companies, some of which have sistent refrain of a two-track plan. It will expand the death tax that posted tremendous, astronomical prof- They are doing this because the far Americans must pay on savings and its while paying absolutely zero in left has pushed the Democrats over the property of their loved ones that pass taxes. edge. Whether the subject is court away. It will make it much harder for If we turn the clock back to Henry packing, election takeovers, or govern- small businesses and farms to be passed David Thoreau, who said many inter- ment dependency, it is clear that the on to the next generation. esting things in his book, ‘‘On Walden far left is calling the shots in the It will move America closer to a Eu- Pond,’’ and one of the things he said is, Democratic Party today. ropean socialist model for healthcare, ‘‘What is the use of a house if you Sadly, Democrats view this infra- with less choice, longer wait times, and haven’t got a tolerable planet to put it structure bill as an important tool to less quality. If we have learned any- on?’’ advance the far left’s agenda. Demo- thing during the coronavirus pandemic, Well, his question was kind of look- crat leaders have promised to link it to it is that we have the greatest ing toward the future that we are now trillions of dollars more in government healthcare system and healthcare in, where the ravages of a heated plan- taxing, spending, and dependency pro- workers in the world. The last thing we et are destroying our forests, our fish- grams that this body will take up later need to do is try to make our ing, and our farming, undermining the this week. This smoke-and-mirrors healthcare system weaker. foundations of our rural economy, cre- charade is the kind of thing that It will nullify the State right-to- ating storms that assault our shores, makes Americans shake their heads. work laws and ensure American work- creating fires that burn down houses I have negotiated deals my whole ca- ers don’t have a choice but to submit and towns as well as trees. reer, and often what is negotiated out to union bosses. It is impossible to say It is time for us to act, and to act of a deal is just as important as what is how many good-paying jobs this will boldly, because we are under a red alert in it. There is not a deal if, at the last cost States like Tennessee, States that for the planet and we need to act. minute, the other side uses a side deal have experienced enormous growth and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- or a different program to put every- prosperity in recent decades by passing ator from Tennessee. thing in it that you never wanted. That laws that put workers first by allowing BUDGET RESOLUTION is why, when we consider this infra- them to choose whether or not they Mr. HAGERTY. Madam President, as structure bill, we must also look to the want to join a union. But union dues I said earlier in this debate, I agree multitrillion-dollar, tax-and-spend are used to fund Democrat political that working to shore up our hard in- path to socialism that the Democrat campaigns. So rather than make frastructure is a worthy cause. Invest- leaders have promised will be part of unions earn the support of workers, ing in infrastructure the right way is a the total package. So Members of this Democrats want to mandate it.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:47 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.079 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6103 At a time when American small busi- grandchildren with even more debt. structure bill to a plan that will dra- nesses are desperately looking for em- Sadly, this isn’t a pig-in-a-python mo- matically weaken America and reduce ployees, this legislation will provide ment, and the harmful effects of this opportunity and prosperity for our peo- even more incentives for American spending spree will last for genera- ple, I will be casting a ‘‘no’’ vote and workers not to work. Small businesses tions. urge my colleagues to do the same. and American consumers will suffer as America is nearly $30 trillion in I yield the floor. a result. debt—$30 trillion. Thirty trillion is sig- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- It will provide more handouts to nificantly more than the total value of jority leader. teachers unions who have refused to what our economy produces annually. Mr. SCHUMER. Well, it has taken open schools in much of the country As Democrats impose policies that will quite a while. There have been a lot of for the last year and a half. Teachers limit economic growth and produc- bumps in the road. But in a few min- unions provide a great windfall benefit tivity, our ability to pay our debts will utes, I will announce that we have to Democrat political campaigns. become much more difficult. As the come to an agreement for final passage It will provide more handouts to debt payments we owe continue to in- of the bipartisan infrastructure pro- green unions and green energy inter- crease and become a larger and larger posal. ests, which conveniently fund the cam- share of the Federal revenue pie, we Let me say this: It has taken quite a paigns of Democrat politicians. are going to leave our children with long time, and there have been detours Are you noticing a trend yet? some really tough choices. and everything else, but this will do a In addition to taking more American So while I support hard infrastruc- whole lot of good for America, and the taxpayers’ hard-earned dollars, it will ture and working to find a right way to Senate can be proud it has passed this. be debt-financed and not paid for, at invest in it, joining it at the hip with As we move forward, we are pro- least not by our generation. It may be a vision for America as a socialist uto- ceeding on both tracks, the track of convenient for today’s politicians, but pia isn’t it. The stakes are too high, the bipartisan infrastructure proposal our children and grandchildren will be and it is time to get serious about the and the track of the budget resolution left footing the bill. It will be so large path we are heading down. We must with reconciliation instructions. On that it will likely be beyond the capac- think beyond today and our short-term our side of the aisle, we know we need ity of Congress to even oversee it to interests. We need to stop endangering both tracks—one dealing with tradi- prevent the waste, fraud, and abuse our children’s and our grandchildren’s tional infrastructure and one dealing that are sure to come. future while we still can, by getting with climate and the problems Amer- We should all be deeply concerned. our spending under control and devel- ican families face as they move into Ultimately, this package is designed oping a plan for paying down our debt, the new, global, transformational 21st to create a permanent state of govern- not by making it far worse. century. ment dependency and reliance for ev- This multitrillion-dollar path to so- So this is a very good day. We have erything from jobs to your choice of cialism threatens the future of our come to an agreement after all the doctors, to fueling your car. That way, country. It not only threatens to leave long, hard negotiating, the stops and you will have to turn to the institution our children with an unpayable debt, starts. We are here, and it is a good Democrats have captured most: gov- but it also limits their ability to pay it thing—a very good thing—for America. ernment and the unelected bureauc- off by smothering our economy with f racy that controls virtually every- massive government bureaucracy that thing. stifles the private-sector innovation In the short term, this is a reckless, that has until now led the world. --- multitrillion-dollar step toward social- America has always been a beacon of EXECUTIVE CALENDAR ism—again, several trillion dollars. hope for the world because we are ex- That is 13 digits, a number that many ceptional. We have provided more free- Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I calculators don’t even have room for. dom, opportunity, and prosperity than ask unanimous consent that the Sen- This step will likely add further fuel to any other nation. We have been proud ate proceed to executive session to con- already rampant inflation. of this exceptionalism and have care- sider the following nominations en As we know, inflation is a hidden tax fully safeguarded it through genera- bloc: Calendar Nos. 266, 269, 325, 343, 316, on all Americans, cutting into our sav- tions. and 326; that the Senate vote on the ings, decreasing real earnings, and The strength of America is our nominations en bloc without inter- hurting our retirees most of all. unique system—our spirit, our work vening or action or debate; that the Over the longer term, this path to so- ethic, our compassion, and the commu- motions to reconsider be considered cialism will slow job creation and pro- nities we create. This multitrillion-dol- made and laid upon the table with no ductivity. It will reduce wages. It will lar plan, which increases government intervening action or debate; that any ship jobs overseas. It will harm small control and decreases freedom and op- statements related to the nominations businesses and workers and freeze in- portunity, threatens the system at our be printed in the RECORD; and that the vestment right here in America. It will core. President be immediately notified of drastically increase taxes, and it will Our government exists to preserve the Senate’s action. hobble innovative industries and tech- the freedoms that allow the American There being no objection, the Senate nologies in which America was poised people and our communities to flour- proceeded to consider the nominations to lead. And Green New Deal mandates ish, not to control the American peo- en bloc. and regulations will crush industries ple. And the American people will The PRESIDING OFFICER. The where we currently do lead, such as the flourish, if permitted to do so. In this question is, Will the Senate advise and energy industry. sense, the only thing that can stop consent to the nominations of Samuel With this massive expansion of ineffi- America is America’s government by T. Walsh, of New York, to be General cient government, bureaucratic gov- limiting our own people’s opportunity Counsel of the Department of Energy; ernment in our day-to-day lives will in- and our prosperity. Mara Elizabeth Karlin, of Wisconsin, to crease. It is as if Democrats’ goal is to I am asking my colleagues to fight to be an Assistant Secretary of Defense; emulate the totalitarian central plan- ensure that the America that we know Rena Bitter, of the District of Colum- ners of the Chinese Communist Party. endures for our children. The ‘‘greatest bia, a Career Member of the Senior Rather than competing against China generation’’ gave us the most just and Foreign Service, Class of Minister- by creating a free market-driven envi- prosperous country in the history of Counselor, to be an Assistant Sec- ronment for innovation and job cre- the world, the country that won World retary of State (Consular Affairs); ation, which, by the way, is how we War II and then the Cold War, and we Caral E. Spangler, of Virginia, to be an won the Cold War, Democrats seem to must fight to preserve it, not throw it Assistant Secretary of the Army; Jen- want to copy China’s model. away. nifer L. Homendy, of Virginia, to be This tax-and-spend spree by Demo- Because the President and Demo- Chairman of the National Transpor- crats will also burden our children and cratic leaders have bound this infra- tation Safety Board for a term of three

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:47 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.081 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6104 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 years; Gentry O. Smith, of Virginia, to IN THE AIR FORCE commonly known as the ‘‘Harlem be an Assistant Secretary of State The following named officer for appoint- Hellfighters’’, in recognition of their bravery (Diplomatic Security). ment in the to the and outstanding service during World War I. The nominations were confirmed en grade indicated while assigned to a position There being no objection, the com- bloc. of importance and responsibility under title mittee was discharged and the Senate 10, U.S.C., section 601: f proceeded to consider the bill. To be lieutenant general Mr. SCHUMER. I ask unanimous con- EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Maj. Gen. Russell L. Mack sent that the bill be considered read a Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I The following named officer for appoint- third time and passed and that the mo- ask unanimous consent that the Sen- ment in the United States Air Force to the tion to reconsider be considered made grade indicated while assigned to a position and laid upon the table. ate proceed to the following nomina- of importance and responsibility under title tions: Calendar Nos. 302, 303, 304, 305, 10, U.S.C., section 601: The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. 306, 307, 308, 309, and 310, and all nomi- To be lieutenant general nations on the Secretary’s desk in the The bill (H.R. 3642) was ordered to a Maj. Gen. Ricky N. Rupp Air Force, Army, and Foreign Service; third reading, was read the third time, that the nominations be confirmed en IN THE ARMY and passed. bloc; that the motions to reconsider be The following named officer for appoint- Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, considered made and laid upon the ment in the to the grade just a word, I was proud to be a cospon- indicated while assigned to a position of im- sor, along with Senator GILLIBRAND, of table with no intervening action or de- portance and responsibility under title 10, bate; that no further motions be in U.S.C., section 601: this legislation. The Harlem Hellfighters are an ex- order to any of the nominations; that To be lieutenant general any related statements be printed in ample of bravery and courage under Maj. Gen. John R. Evans, Jr. fire, and even though this regiment the RECORD; and that the President be The following named officer for appoint- immediately notified of the Senate’s ment in the United States Army to the grade was consigned to racial segregation, action and the Senate then resume leg- indicated while assigned to a position of im- they still loved America and fought islative session. portance and responsibility under title 10, hard for America and died for America. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without U.S.C., section 601: They are brave. They did a great job in objection, it is so ordered. To be lieutenant general World War I. The nominations considered and con- Maj. Gen. Michael R. Fenzel It is unfortunate that it has taken so firmed are as follows: IN THE NAVY long for this country to recognize their bravery, because so many of our sol- IN THE ARMY The following named officer for appoint- The following named officer for appoint- ment in the United States Navy to the grade diers of color were not recognized for ment in the United States Army to the grade indicated while assigned to a position of im- their service. But this brings us to a indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section 156: portance and responsibility under title 10, wonderful, wonderful moment where To be brigadier general U.S.C., section 601: the Harlem Hellfighters will get the Col. Robert A. Borcherding To be vice admiral Congressional Gold Medal. I am very proud that we have done IN THE MARINE CORPS Rear Adm. Carl P. Chebi this. The following named officer for appoint- IN THE AIR FORCE ment as Staff Judge Advocate to the Com- PN284 AIR FORCE nomination of Tammy f mandant of the Marine Corps and for ap- L. Hollister, which was received by the Sen- pointment in the United States Marine Corps ate and appeared in the Congressional to the grade indicated under title 10 U.S.C., Record of April 12, 2021. UNITED STATES FOREIGN SERVICE DAY section 8046: IN THE ARMY To be major general PN837 ARMY nomination of Barrie J. Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I Col. David J. Bligh Ciotti, which was received by the Senate and ask unanimous consent that the Com- IN THE ARMY appeared in the Congressional Record of July mittee on the Judiciary be discharged 13, 2021. The following named officers for appoint- from further consideration and the ment in the Reserve of the Army to the IN THE FOREIGN SERVICE Senate now proceed to S. Res. 202. grades indicated under title 10, U.S.C., sec- PN357–2 FOREIGN SERVICE nomination of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The tion 12203: Mark W. Libby, which was received by the clerk will report the resolution by To be major general Senate and appeared in the Congressional title. Record of April 13, 2021. Brig. Gen. Kris A. Belanger The senior assistant legislative clerk PN358–2 FOREIGN SERVICE nomination of Brig. Gen. Mark E. Black read as follows: Maureen E. Cormack, which was received by Brig. Gen. Windsor S. Buzza the Senate and appeared in the Congres- A resolution (S. Res. 202) designating May Brig. Gen. Richard J. Heitkamp sional Record of April 13, 2021. 7, 2021, as ‘‘United States Foreign Service Brig. Gen. Martin F. Klein Day’’ in recognition of the men and women Brig. Gen. Joseph A. Marsiglia f who have served, or are presently serving, in Brig. Gen. Brian E. Miller LEGISLATIVE SESSION the Foreign Service of the United States, Brig. Gen. Michael D. Roache and honoring the members of the Foreign Brig. Gen. Dustin A. Shultz The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Service who have given their lives in the line To be brigadier general ate will now resume legislative session. of duty. Col. Daphne D. Davis f There being no objection, the com- Col. Kelly M. Dickerson mittee was discharged, and the Senate Col. Michael J. Dougherty HARLEM HELLFIGHTERS CON- proceeded to consider the resolution. Col. Todd L. Erskine GRESSIONAL GOLD MEDAL ACT Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I Col. Jake S. Kwon Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I ask unanimous consent that the reso- Col. Voris W. McBurnette Col. Louis L. Mitchell ask unanimous consent that the Com- lution be agreed to, the preamble be Col. Heather A. Reuter mittee on Banking, Housing, and agreed to, and that the motions to re- Col. James P. Sanders Urban Affairs be discharged from fur- consider be considered made and laid Col. James M. Sindle ther consideration and the Senate pro- upon the table. Col. Ronald D. Sullivan ceed to the immediate consideration of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Col. Peter J. Whalen H.R. 3642. objection, it is so ordered. IN THE NAVY The PRESIDING OFFICER. The The resolution (S. Res. 202) was The following named officer for appoint- clerk will report the bill by title. agreed to. ment in the United States Navy to the grade The senior assistant legislative clerk The preamble was agreed to. indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section 624: read as follows: (The resolution, with its preamble, is To be rear admiral (lower half) A bill (H.R. 3642) to award a Congressional printed in the RECORD of April 29, 2021, Capt. David G. Wilson gold medal to the 369th Infantry Regiment, under ‘‘Submitted Resolutions.’’)

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:47 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.083 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6105 HONORING THE LIVES AND LEG- Whereas, in many cases, the radium cor- erties, even as some scientists began to re- ACIES OF THE ‘‘RADIUM GIRLS’’ porations’ management encouraged the Ra- port serious health hazards associated with dium Girls to keep their paintbrush tips the element; Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I moist and as fine as possible by putting the Whereas the ‘‘Radium Girls’’ were teen- ask unanimous consent that the Com- paint-covered brushes between their lips, a aged girls and young women who, starting in mittee on the Judiciary be discharged technique known as ‘‘lip-pointing’’; 1917, worked in United States factories from further consideration and the Whereas, due to lip-pointing, many of the painting watch dials and airplane instru- Senate now proceed to S. Res. 285. early Radium Girls ingested extremely ments using glow-in-the-dark, radium-in- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The harmful quantities of radium; fused paint; Whereas the early Radium Girls painted clerk will report the resolution by Whereas the Radium Girls breathed in ra- dium-infused dust and touched radium-in- watches and instruments that United States title. fused paint, and they often glowed by the troops relied on during World War I; The senior assistant legislative clerk end of the workday due to the radioactive Whereas the majority of the Radium Girls read as follows: paint on their clothes and skin; worked for corporations located in Orange, A resolution (S. Res. 285) honoring the Whereas many of the Radium Girls began New Jersey, Ottawa, Illinois, and Waterbury, lives and legacies of the ‘‘Radium Girls’’. to experience mysterious health problems, Connecticut; Whereas the Radium Girls primarily came There being no objection, the com- including necrosis (rotting) of the jaw, can- cer, anemia, bone fractures, and infertility; from working-class backgrounds and some mittee was discharged, and the Senate Whereas many of the Radium Girls were were first- and second-generation Americans; proceeded to consider the resolution. eventually plagued by debilitating physical Whereas, in several instances, the radium Mr. SCHUMER. I ask unanimous con- pain and severe disabilities; corporations’ leadership knew that the ele- sent that the Menendez substitute Whereas an unknown number of the ap- ment could be harmful to human health, but amendment at the desk to the resolu- proximately 4,000 Radium Girls died pre- they did not inform the Radium Girls of the tion be agreed to; the resolution, as maturely or experienced the devastating risks or implement basic safety standards; health effects of radium poisoning; Whereas, in many cases, the radium cor- amended, be agreed to; the Menendez porations’ management encouraged the Ra- amendment at the desk to the pre- Whereas some physicians and dentists ini- tially dismissed the Radium Girls’ hypoth- dium Girls to keep their paintbrush tips amble be agreed; the preamble, as esis that their illnesses were linked to their moist and as fine as possible by putting the amended, be agreed to; and that the occupations; paint-covered brushes between their lips, a motions to reconsider be considered Whereas, in some cases, the radium cor- technique known as ‘‘lip-pointing’’; made and laid upon the table. porations conspired with members of the Whereas, due to lip-pointing, many of the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without medical community to conceal the origins of early Radium Girls ingested extremely objection, it is so ordered. the Radium Girls’ illnesses and smear their harmful quantities of radium; reputations; Whereas the Radium Girls breathed in ra- The amendment (No. 2724) in the na- dium-infused dust and touched radium-in- ture of a substitute was agreed to as Whereas a number of the Radium Girls, in different States, fought to secure justice for fused paint, and they often glowed by the follows: themselves, their families, and their col- end of the workday due to the radioactive (Purpose: In the nature of a substitute) leagues by suing the radium corporations; paint on their clothes and skin; Whereas many of the Radium Girls began Whereas the Radium Girls’ difficult and Strike all after the enacting clause and in- to experience mysterious health problems, prolonged legal battles and often horrific sert the following: ‘‘That the Senate— including necrosis (rotting) of the jaw, can- medical conditions drew national attention; (1) honors the Radium Girls and their de- cer, anemia, bone fractures, and infertility; Whereas some of the Radium Girls who termination to seek justice in the face of Whereas many of the Radium Girls were challenged the radium corporations were overwhelming obstacles; eventually plagued by debilitating physical shunned by their communities for harming (2) recognizes the invaluable contributions pain and severe disabilities; of the Radium Girls to developing modern the reputation of a prominent local em- Whereas an unknown number of the ap- workplace safety standards; and ployer; proximately 4,000 Radium Girls died pre- (3) reaffirms the importance of protecting Whereas many of the surviving Radium maturely or experienced the devastating the health and safety of all workers in the Girls volunteered to participate in scientific health effects of radium poisoning; United States. studies on the effects of radium on the Whereas some physicians and dentists ini- human body; tially dismissed the Radium Girls’ hypoth- The resolution (S. Res. 285), as Whereas investigations of the Radium amended, was agreed to. esis that their illnesses were linked to their Girls’ illnesses led to the creation of the new occupations; The amendment (No. 2725) to the pre- scientific field of human radiobiology; Whereas, in some cases, the radium cor- amble was agreed to as follows: Whereas the Federal Government relied on porations conspired with members of the (Purpose: To amend the preamble) data from the Radium Girls’ cases to develop medical community to conceal the origins of safety standards for radium and other radio- the Radium Girls’ illnesses and smear their Strike the preamble and insert the fol- active materials for factory workers, med- lowing: reputations; ical personnel, and scientists, including the Whereas a number of the Radium Girls, in Whereas Marie and Pierre Curie discovered workers and scientists of the Manhattan different States, fought to secure justice for radium in 1898, sparking a craze for radium- Project; themselves, their families, and their col- infused consumer goods in the early 20th Whereas some of the Radium Girls and leagues by suing the radium corporations; century; their families received either no compensa- Whereas the Radium Girls’ difficult and Whereas many entrepreneurs touted tion or only meager compensation related to prolonged legal battles and often horrific radium’s supposedly limitless curative prop- their harmful exposure to radium and their medical conditions drew national attention; erties, even as some scientists began to re- contributions to science; Whereas some of the Radium Girls who port serious health hazards associated with Whereas the Radium Girls’ highly pub- challenged the radium corporations were the element; licized case was among the first in which the shunned by their communities for harming Whereas the ‘‘Radium Girls’’ were teen- courts held an employer responsible for the the reputation of a prominent local em- aged girls and young women who, starting in safety and health of its workers; ployer; 1917, worked in United States factories Whereas the Radium Girls’ struggle was a Whereas many of the surviving Radium painting watch dials and airplane instru- turning point in the movement to promote Girls volunteered to participate in scientific ments using glow-in-the-dark, radium-in- workers’ safety and occupational health re- studies on the effects of radium on the fused paint; forms; and human body; Whereas the early Radium Girls painted Whereas many workers in the United Whereas investigations of the Radium watches and instruments that United States States today are still fighting for a safe and Girls’ illnesses led to the creation of the new troops relied on during World War I; equitable workplace: Now, therefore, be it scientific field of human radiobiology; Whereas the majority of the Radium Girls Whereas the Federal Government relied on worked for corporations located in Orange, The preamble, as amended, was data from the Radium Girls’ cases to develop New Jersey, Ottawa, Illinois, and Waterbury, agreed to. safety standards for radium and other radio- Connecticut; The resolution, as amended, with its active materials for factory workers, med- Whereas the Radium Girls primarily came preamble, as amended, reads as follows: ical personnel, and scientists, including the from working-class backgrounds and some S. RES. 285 workers and scientists of the Manhattan were first- and second-generation Americans; Whereas Marie and Pierre Curie discovered Project; Whereas, in several instances, the radium radium in 1898, sparking a craze for radium- Whereas some of the Radium Girls and corporations’ leadership knew that the ele- infused consumer goods in the early 20th their families received either no compensa- ment could be harmful to human health, but century; tion or only meager compensation related to they did not inform the Radium Girls of the Whereas many entrepreneurs touted their harmful exposure to radium and their risks or implement basic safety standards; radium’s supposedly limitless curative prop- contributions to science;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:47 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.085 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6106 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 Whereas the Radium Girls’ highly pub- Whereas treatment for sarcoma can in- RECOGNIZING THE IMPORTANCE licized case was among the first in which the clude surgery, radiation therapy, or chemo- OF INDEPENDENT LIVING FOR courts held an employer responsible for the therapy; INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES safety and health of its workers; The preamble, as amended, was MADE POSSIBLE BY THE AMERI- Whereas the Radium Girls’ struggle was a agreed to. turning point in the movement to promote CANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT The resolution, as amended, with its OF 1990 workers’ safety and occupational health re- preamble, as amended, reads as follows: forms; and Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I S. RES. 319 Whereas many workers in the United ask unanimous consent that the Sen- States today are still fighting for a safe and Whereas sarcoma is a rare cancer of the ate proceed to the consideration of S. equitable workplace: Now, therefore, be it bones or connective tissues, such as nerves, Resolved, That the Senate— muscles, joints, fat, and blood vessels, that Res. 348, submitted earlier today. (1) honors the Radium Girls and their de- can arise nearly anywhere in the body; The PRESIDING OFFICER. The termination to seek justice in the face of Whereas, in the United States— clerk will report the resolution by overwhelming obstacles; (1) about 16,000 individuals are diagnosed title. (2) recognizes the invaluable contributions with sarcoma each year; The senior assistant legislative clerk of the Radium Girls to developing modern (2) approximately 7,000 individuals die from read as follows: workplace safety standards; and sarcoma each year; and A resolution (S. Res. 348) recognizing the (3) reaffirms the importance of protecting (3) about 50,000 individuals struggle with importance of independent living for individ- the health and safety of all workers in the sarcoma at any 1 time; uals with disabilities made possible by the United States. Whereas, each year, about 1 percent of can- Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and f cers diagnosed in adults and around 20 per- calling for further action to strengthen home cent of cancers diagnosed in children are sar- and community living for individuals with EXPRESSING SUPPORT FOR THE coma; disabilities. DESIGNATION OF JULY 2021 AS Whereas more than 70 subtypes of sarcoma There being no objection, the Senate ‘‘NATIONAL SARCOMA AWARE- have been identified; proceeded to consider the resolution. NESS MONTH’’ Whereas the potential causes of sarcoma are not well understood; Mr. SCHUMER. I know of no further Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I Whereas treatment for sarcoma can in- debate on the resolution. ask unanimous consent that the Com- clude surgery, radiation therapy, or chemo- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there mittee on Health, Education, Labor, therapy; further debate? and Pensions be discharged from fur- Whereas sarcoma is often misdiagnosed Hearing no further debate, the ques- ther consideration, and the Senate now and underreported; and tion is on agreeing to the resolution. proceed to S. Res. 319. Whereas July 2021 would be an appropriate The resolution (S. Res. 348) was The PRESIDING OFFICER. The month to designate as National Sarcoma agreed to. Awareness Month— clerk will report the resolution by Mr. SCHUMER. I ask unanimous con- (1) to raise awareness about sarcoma; and sent that the preamble be agreed to title. (2) to encourage more individuals in the The senior assistant legislative clerk United States to get properly diagnosed and and that the motions to reconsider be read as follows: treated: Now, therefore, be it considered made and laid upon the A resolution (S. Res. 319) expressing sup- Resolved, That the Senate supports the des- table with no intervening action or de- port for the designation of July 2021 as ‘‘Na- ignation of July 2021 as ‘‘National Sarcoma bate. tional Sarcoma Awareness Month’’. Awareness Month’’. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. There being no objection, the com- f mittee was discharged, and the Senate The preamble was agreed to. (The resolution, with its preamble, is proceeded to consider the resolution. NATIONAL WORKFORCE printed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Sub- Mr. SCHUMER. I ask unanimous con- DEVELOPMENT MONTH mitted Resolutions.’’) sent that the resolution be agreed to; Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I the Johnson amendment to the pre- f ask unanimous consent that the Sen- amble be agreed to; the preamble, as RESOLUTIONS SUBMITTED TODAY ate proceed to the consideration of S. amended, be agreed to; and the motions Res. 346, submitted earlier today. Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I to reconsider be considered made and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ask unanimous consent that the Sen- laid upon the table. clerk will report the resolution by ate now proceed to the en bloc consid- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without title. eration of the following Senate resolu- objection, it is so ordered. The senior assistant legislative clerk tions which were submitted earlier The resolution (S. Res. 319) was read as follows: today: S. Res. 347, S. Res. 349, S. Res. agreed to. A resolution (S. Res. 346) designating Sep- 350, and S. Res. 351 The amendment (No. 2726) to the pre- There being no objection, the Senate amble was agreed to as follows: tember 2021 as ‘‘National Workforce Develop- ment Month’’. proceeded to consider the resolutions (Purpose: To amend the preamble) There being no objection, the Senate en bloc. Beginning in the first whereas clause of proceeded to consider the resolution. Mr. SCHUMER. I ask unanimous con- the preamble, strike ‘‘Whereas sarcoma’’ and sent that the resolutions be agreed to, all that follows through the semicolon at the Mr. SCHUMER. I know of no further debate on the resolution. the preambles be agreed to, and that end of the fourth whereas clause and insert the motions to reconsider be consid- the following: The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there ered made and laid upon the table, all Whereas sarcoma is a rare cancer of the further debate? bones or connective tissues, such as nerves, Hearing no further debate, the ques- en bloc. muscles, joints, fat, and blood vessels, that tion is on agreeing to the resolution. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without can arise nearly anywhere in the body; The resolution (S. Res. 346) was objection, it is so ordered. The resolutions were agreed to. Whereas, in the United States— agreed to. (1) about 16,000 individuals are diagnosed The preambles were agreed to. with sarcoma each year; Mr. SCHUMER. I ask unanimous con- (The resolutions, with their pre- sent that the preamble be agreed to (2) approximately 7,000 individuals die from ambles, are printed in today’s RECORD and that the motions to reconsider be sarcoma each year; and under ‘‘Submitted Resolutions.’’) (3) about 50,000 individuals struggle with considered made and laid upon the sarcoma at any 1 time; table with no intervening action or de- f Whereas, each year, about 1 percent of can- bate. MORNING BUSINESS cers diagnosed in adults and around 20 per- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without cent of cancers diagnosed in children are sar- objection, it is so ordered. --- coma; INVEST IN AMERICA ACT Whereas more than 70 subtypes of sarcoma The preamble was agreed to. have been identified; (The resolution, with its preamble, is Mr. LEAHY. Madam President, once Whereas the potential causes of sarcoma printed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Sub- again, the Senate has proven that in- are not well understood; mitted Resolutions.’’) frastructure is—as it always has been—

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:14 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.049 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6107 a bipartisan issue. The Infrastructure Importantly, this package will also laws, from the National Labor Rela- Investment and Jobs Act offers a once- make significant down payments on tions Act to the Occupational Safety in-a-generation vision for America’s in- climate resiliency initiatives to make and Health Act. frastructure that is long overdue. This Vermont more prepared to tackle the The broadband industry, sadly, is no bipartisan infrastructure package climate crisis, which has for too long exception. makes the largest Federal investment been overlooked. Later this month will In many industries, employers are in public transit, passenger rail, and be the 10-year anniversary of Tropical engaging in rampant subcontracting bridges in more than 50 years. Storm Irene. The devastation that oc- and outsourcing. Gone are the days when ‘‘infrastruc- curred as the storm swept through our This situation is generally known as ture’’ has meant only bridges, high- State showed that we must build back a ‘‘fissured workplace,’’ a circumstance ways, roads, and rail. While we need to better to make our communities and where a primary employer outsources invest in all of those areas, States like critical infrastructure more resilient noncore business functions to subcon- Vermont have infrastructure needs to extreme climate events like Trop- tracted firms but still maintains tight that also include climate resiliency, ical Storm Irene. And anyone who control over the outcomes of those sub- broadband, and renewable energy. That doubts the obvious link between our in- contractors. is exactly what this sweeping infra- frastructure needs and the climate cri- These arrangements impede enforce- structure package does. sis need only look at what happened to ment of our Nation’s labor laws. The need for action in Vermont is Texas’s energy grid during the winter, At times, employers engage in these clear. It is no secret that Vermont’s in- or the devastating heat wave and practices strategically to evade ac- frastructure is aging. For decades, in- drought taking place across the West countability for labor law violations. frastructure in Vermont has suffered this summer, where record tempera- I have worked with several Senators from a systemic lack of investment. tures have literally melted power lines on this problem in the past, across the Vermont has more than 2,700 bridges, and buckled roads. ideological spectrum and including 570 miles of freight railroad, 14,000 The Infrastructure Investment and with members who helped craft the bi- miles of public road, and an overall C Jobs Act includes climate mitigation, partisan infrastructure package. grade from the American Society of adaptation, and resilience programs It is my understanding that the lan- Civil Engineers—ASCE—for the condi- that are both pragmatic and forward- guage in the State broadband grant tion of these facilities. There are 66 thinking. It includes record amounts of program was written chiefly to ensure bridges and over 666 miles of highway funding for weatherization assistance that American taxpayer dollars in the State that are in poor condition to reduce energy costs for low-income prioritize projects with both past and need of repair. When it comes to households, makes the largest invest- records of strict compliance with Fed- stormwater and wastewater infrastruc- ment in clean energy transmission and eral labor and employment laws and ture, Vermont’s report card is even electric vehicle infrastructure in his- plans to continue compliance with fu- more dismal, receiving a D+ grade from tory, funds the electrification of thou- ture projects. ASCE, an unacceptable reality as our sands of school and transit buses across American taxpayer dollars should communities continue to see the im- the country, and establishes new pro- create good-paying American jobs. pacts of climate change and extreme grams to overhaul our energy grid and With its strong Buy America provi- weather. With the passage of this indis- rapidly accelerate development and de- sions, the bipartisan infrastructure pensable infrastructure package, that ployment of battery storage tech- package works to do that. will all change. The State of Vermont nology. We need to ensure that Federal dol- is expected to receive over $1.5 billion The bill amounts to the single larg- lars support good jobs and high stand- in formulaic funds to repair highways est investment in clean drinking water ards and limits the use of subcontrac- and bridges and also install a network in American history, including dedi- tors. of electric vehicle charging stations cated funding to replace lead service There are many examples of ‘‘high throughout the State. lines and address the PFAS contamina- road’’ employers who go above and be- This desperately needed infrastruc- tion in our communities, and provides yond the minimum standards we set ture package will help repair an additional $40 million for water with our labor laws. Vermont’s roads and bridges, while quality projects in the Lake Champlain That is the way it should be. also creating good-paying jobs. It pro- Basin. Taken together, the Infrastruc- I expect to see this funding prioritize vides significant investments and ture Investment and Jobs Act will such ‘‘high road’’ employers who use makes key programmatic changes to leave every community in Vermont direct employees for projects. competitive discretionary infrastruc- better prepared to face the challenges f ture programs to make more these of the 21st century and help restore HONORING CHIEF WARRANT Federal revenue streams more acces- American leadership in the fight OFFICER 2 BRYAN J. NICHOLS sible to small, rural States like against climate change. Vermont. This significant legislative and stim- Mr. MORAN. Madam President, 10 The bill tackles the challenge of ulus package shows what can be done years ago I attended the memorial bringing broadband to the 19 million when we all work together in the Sen- service for CW2 Bryan J. Nichols. I viv- Americans, including 60,000 Vermont ate. This hasn’t been easy, but it is im- idly remember the outpouring of sup- homes, in rural areas and other parts portant to Vermont and to our coun- port from the Hays community as hun- of the country that still lack access to try, and thanks to these efforts, we dreds of people lined the streets with quality, high-speed internet service. will be able to repair roads and bridges, American flags to honor their home- Not only will the Infrastructure Invest- build electric charging stations, and town hero. ment and Jobs Act buildout broadband build out broadband throughout the On Friday, August 6, 2021, a in unserved areas, it permanently es- country. I hope that the Senate will memorilization ceremony was held in tablishes the Emergency Broadband pass this legislation today, and that New Century, KS, by the Army Reserve Benefit program created through the the House of Representatives will soon Center and Aviation Support Center to passage of the American Rescue Plan consider this legislation, so President once again honor the bravery and sac- Act renaming it the Affordable Biden can sign this historic infrastruc- rifice of Chief Nichols. Connectivity Benefit program. This ture investment into law. I have been told that Bryan knew his program will provide a $30 per month Mr. BROWN. Madam President, I am life’s purpose was to become a soldier, voucher for low-income families to use pleased to see language in the State a calling he pursued to defend our free- toward any internet service plan of broadband grant program prioritizing dom. their choosing. It builds on the EBB employers with ‘‘a demonstrated He took his oath of enlistment in program by expanding eligibility to record of and plans to be in compliance 1996, swearing to protect our country help more low-income households, with Federal labor and employment from enemies foreign and domestic. while also making it more sustainable laws.’’ It is unfortunately common for After 9/11, he answered our country’s for taxpayers. employers to violate our Nation’s labor call to defend our homeland, serving on

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.050 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6108 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 multiple tours abroad, including in pageantry and spectacle, it is our into the Dallas Cowboys Ring of Honor. Iraq. champions who forge connections with The Cliff Harris Award was named As we approach the 20th anniversary their countrymen and cultivate a sense after him and is presented to the top of 9/11, the way Americans like Bryan of pride and patriotism. defensive player in small college foot- dedicated themselves to their country It is my honor to recognize the fol- ball each year. Back in Arkansas, Har- following the attacks continues to lowing Tennesseans who did their ris’s alma mater Ouachita Baptist Uni- move and inspire me. country proud at the 2021 Tokyo Sum- versity honored Cliff by naming its new After graduating flight school in 2008, mer Olympics: Erica Bougard, of Mem- football stadium the Cliff Harris Sta- he was assigned as a pilot to the Army phis; Wes Kitts, of Knoxville; Tennys dium. Reserve’s 7th Battalion of the 158th Sandgren, of Gallatin; Alex Walsh, of From backup high school quarter- Aviation Regiment in New Century, Nashville; and Alex Young, of La back to two-time Super Bowl cham- KS. He deployed in May 2011 in support Vergne. pion, Cliff has remained the same hard- of Operation Enduring Freedom as a On behalf of all Tennesseans, I thank working kid from Arkansas. Known for CH–47 Chinook pilot. these Olympians for their passion, his vast knowledge of the game and On August 6, 2011, he gave his life for their perseverance, and their stunning strong leadership among the team, his country alongside 29 of his brothers displays of athleticism.∑ Cliff was an extremely well-liked and in arms when his helicopter was shot f respected player. As a fellow Arkansan, down by enemy fire. It remains the sin- I looked up to him not only because of TRIBUTE TO CLIFF HARRIS gle deadliest loss of U.S. forces during his football skills but also his out- the war in Afghanistan. ∑ Mr. BOOZMAN. Madam President, I standing character both on and off the The ultimate sacrifice he made a dec- rise today to recognize Cliff Harris, one field. ade ago is a painful reminder that free- of the newest inductees into the NFL I applaud Cliff for his outstanding ac- dom is not free. And that it is the sol- Hall of Fame for his remarkable foot- complished career that has culminated emn duty of our Nation to make cer- ball career with the Dallas Cowboys. with a spot in Canton. He deserves this tain his sacrifice—and those of all Cliff is a proud Arkansan who has recognition for his perseverance on the American heroes—are never forgotten. spent his life defying odds and dem- field and for the positive example he On Friday, that duty was fulfilled in onstrating that hard work and dedica- set for children in Arkansas and all a particularly special way with the Me- tion pay off. across the country. We honor and sa- lute one of my boyhood heroes who has morialization Ceremony remembering Cliff was born in Fayetteville, AR, never let us down.∑ Chief Warrant Officer 2 Nichols as a and grew up in the Hot Springs area fallen hero and beloved member of this where he began his football career as f community. backup quarterback at Hot Springs REMEMBERING ISIDORE B. As Kansans so naturally do, we have High School. He earned a scholarship TORRES to Ouachita Baptist University—OBU— also seen the Hays community con- ∑ and followed in his father’s footsteps Mr. PETERS. Madam President, I tinue to keep his legacy at the fore- rise today to honor the memory and front of our minds, from creating the joining the Tiger football team. Cliff was extremely successful on the field legacy of a trailblazer, the Honorable annual Memorial Ride in his honor to Isidore B. Torres, one of the first His- where he was an accomplished defen- dedicating the new flag pole outside panic judges in the State of Michigan sive back and a skilled kick returner. Thomas More Prep-Marian High School and a prominent figure within the During his time at OBU, he was named in his name. Michigan Latino community, who to two All-Arkansas Intercollegiate Shortly after his passing, I was also passed earlier this year. pleased to support efforts to designate Conference—AIC—teams and, during Born in 1947 in Texas to Chicano mi- the junction of I–70 and US 183 as the his freshman year, helped his team win grant workers, Judge Torres began his ‘‘CW2 Bryan J. Nichols fallen veterans the 1966 AIC Football Championship. life traveling between Texas and Michi- memorial interchange.’’ This designa- Despite a stellar college football ca- gan, following whatever work was tion serves as a reminder to all those reer, Cliff was not selected in the 1970 available, until later in his childhood who drive by of the heroes who have NFL draft. That didn’t prevent him when his parents settled in Bay City, safeguarded our opportunity to live in from pursing his dream. He partici- MI, so their children could receive an the strongest, freest, and greatest Na- pated in the Cowboys training camp education. Once settled, Judge Torres tion in the world. and signed as a free agent. Cliff’s perse- and his siblings were still expected to While Bryan was an American hero verance paid off as he earned the start- contribute to the family’s well-being to all of us, he was also a son, brother, ing free safety position his rookie year. and would come home from school to husband, and dad to those who loved His NFL career was postponed when help their mother work in sugar beet him most. Military service is family he was called to service in the U.S. fields outside of Bay City. service, and I want to recognize his Army. Following his military service, Upon graduation from Bay City Cen- family’s sacrifice to this country as Cliff jumped right back into the game tral High School in 1966, a guidance well. Thank you. and helped the Cowboys earn Super counselor advised Judge Torres not to Our nation is forever indebted to Bowl victories in 1972 and 1978. pursue a legal education and instead Bryan for his service. Nicknamed ‘‘Captain Crash’’ for his suggested other careers, particularly May God bless our servicemembers ruthless tackles and ferocious pursuit those that were attached to Hispanic and their loved ones. of ball carriers, Cliff dominated the stereotypes and influenced by preju- field and, even today, is heralded as f dice. Ignoring other’s doubts and racial one of the best free safeties to ever biases, Judge Torres graduated with ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS play the sport. Hall of Fame head his bachelor’s degree in criminal jus- --- coach George Allen described Cliff as a tice from Michigan State University in ‘‘rolling ball of butcher knives.’’ 1973 and later earned his law degree RECOGNIZING TENNESSEE In addition to playing in five Super from Wayne State University in 1976. OLYMPIANS Bowls, Cliff was named to the Pro Bowl Beginning his career with Neighbor- ∑ Mrs. BLACKBURN. Madam Presi- six times and was named a first team hood Legal Services in Detroit, in 1978, dent, if the past year has taught us All-Pro player for four consecutive sea- Judge Torres was hired by the city of anything, it is that we should cherish sons. He was named to the Dallas Cow- Detroit as senior assistant corporation the moments of joy and unity many boys’ Silver Season All-Time Team, counsel and later cofounded the law Americans experienced while watching was selected by ‘‘Sports Illustrated’’ as firm of Torres & Horvath. In 1983, he this year’s belated Summer Olympics. the free safety on the magazine’s All- was appointed by Governor Blanchard The athletes who earned a spot on Time Dream Team, was given the NFL to the 36th District Court, where he be- Team U.S.A. have also won a very spe- Alumni Legends Award, and was the came the first Hispanic magistrate and cial place in our history. While many free safety of the All-Decade Team for later judge in the Wayne County court sports fans watch the Games for the the 1970s. In 2004, Cliff was inducted system.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.048 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6109 Eventually, Judge Torres rose to the pyrrole-1,4-dione, 3,6-bis(4-chlorophenyl)-2,5- the approved retirement of Lieutenant Gen- Wayne County Circuit Court and han- dihydro-; Exemption from the Requirement eral Scott A. Kindsvater, United States Air dled first criminal and then civil cases of a Tolerance’’ (FRL No. 8672–01–OCSPP) re- Force, and his advancement to the grade of until he retired in 2010. He was also ap- ceived in the Office of the President of the lieutenant general on the retired list; to the Senate on August 5, 2021; to the Committee Committee on Armed Services. pointed to serve on numerous commis- on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. EC–1816. A communication from the Sec- sions including the Michigan Supreme EC–1803. A communication from the Board retary of Defense, transmitting a report on Court Racial/Ethnic Task Force, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Farm the approved retirement of Lieutenant Gen- Michigan Sentencing Guidelines Com- Credit Administration, transmitting the Ad- eral Timothy G. Fay, United States Air mission and State Bar of Michigan ministration’s proposed fiscal year 2022 Force, and his advancement to the grade of Open Justice Commission. Budget and Performance Plan; to the Com- lieutenant general on the retired list; to the Committee on Armed Services. Throughout his successful career and mittee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and For- estry. EC–1817. A communication from the Sec- during his well-earned retirement, EC–1804. A communication from the Chair- retary of Defense, transmitting a report on Judge Torres remained humble and man, Farm Credit System Insurance Cor- the approved retirement of Lieutenant Gen- spent a large amount of time within poration, transmitting, pursuant to law, the eral Loretta E. Reynolds, United States Ma- the community helping people navi- Corporation’s annual report for calendar rine Corps, and her advancement to the gate whatever legal troubles they had. year 2020; to the Committee on Agriculture, grade of lieutenant general on the retired Nutrition, and Forestry. list; to the Committee on Armed Services. He stayed strongly tied to and felt pas- EC–1818. A communication from the Sec- sionately about his Chicano roots and EC–1805. A communication from the Chair- man, Farm Credit System Insurance Cor- retary of Defense, transmitting a report on never lost sight of what was most im- poration, transmitting, pursuant to law, the the approved retirement of Vice Admiral portant to him: working to ensure Corporation’s annual report for calendar John G. Hannink, United States Navy, and equal access to justice for all. year 2020; to the Committee on Agriculture, his advancement to the grade of vice admiral I ask you and my fellow colleagues to Nutrition, and Forestry. on the retired list; to the Committee on EC–1806. A communication from the Sec- Armed Services. join me in celebrating the life of the EC–1819. A communication from the Sec- Honorable Isidore B. Torres. As we re- retary of Defense, transmitting the report of eight (8) officers authorized to wear the in- retary of Defense, transmitting a report on member Judge Torres’ life, I hope his the approved retirement of Lieutenant Gen- signia of the grade of rear admiral or rear family—including spouse Goharik eral James F. Pasquarette, United States admiral (lower half), as indicated, in accord- Army, and his advancement to the grade of Karian Torres, children Felipe Torres, ance with title 10, , sec- lieutenant general on the retired list; to the Laura Torres, Marissa Savitskie, and tion 777; to the Committee on Armed Serv- five grandchildren—finds comfort in Committee on Armed Services. ices. EC–1820. A communication from the Sec- EC–1807. A communication from the Sec- the precious moments and memories retary of Defense, transmitting a report on retary of Defense, transmitting the report of they shared with him, in the lessons he the approved retirement of Vice Admiral taught them, and in the love he showed fourteen (14) officers authorized to wear the David M. Kriete, United States Navy, and his them.∑ insignia of the grade of rear admiral or rear advancement to the grade of vice admiral on admiral (lower half), as indicated, in accord- f the retired list; to the Committee on Armed ance with title 10, United States Code, sec- Services. MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT tion 777; to the Committee on Armed Serv- EC–1821. A communication from the Sec- ices. retary of Defense, transmitting a report on Messages from the President of the EC–1808. A communication from the Sec- the approved retirement of Lieutenant Gen- United States were communicated to retary of Defense, transmitting the report of eral Charles G. Chiarotti, United States Ma- the Senate by Ms. Ridgway, one of his twenty-two (22) officers authorized to wear rine Corps, and his advancement to the grade secretaries. the insignia of the grade of brigadier general of lieutenant general on the retired list; to in accordance with title 10, United States the Committee on Armed Services. f Code, section 777; to the Committee on EC–1822. A communication from the Sec- EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED Armed Services. retary of Defense, transmitting a report on EC–1809. A communication from the Sec- the approved retirement of Lieutenant Gen- As in executive session the Presiding retary of Defense, transmitting the report of eral Charles N. Pede, United States Army, Officer laid before the Senate messages nine (9) officers authorized to wear the insig- and his advancement to the grade of lieuten- from the President of the United nia of the grade of brigadier general in ac- ant general on the retired list; to the Com- States submitting sundry nominations cordance with title 10, United States Code, mittee on Armed Services. which were referred to the appropriate section 777; to the Committee on Armed EC–1823. A communication from the Sec- Services. retary of Defense, transmitting a report on committees. EC–1810. A communication from the Sec- the approved retirement of Vice Admiral Mi- (The messages received today are retary of Defense, transmitting the report of chael T. Moran, United States Navy, and his printed at the end of the Senate pro- three (3) officers authorized to wear the in- advancement to the grade of vice admiral on ceedings.) signia of the grade of major general in ac- the retired list; to the Committee on Armed cordance with title 10, United States Code, f Services. section 777; to the Committee on Armed EC–1824. A communication from the Sec- MEASURES DISCHARGED Services. retary of Defense, transmitting a report on EC–1811. A communication from the Sec- the approved retirement of Lieutenant Gen- The following concurrent resolution retary of Energy, transmitting a legislative eral Dorothy A. Hogg, United States Air was discharged from the Committee on proposal; to the Committee on Armed Serv- Force, and her advancement to the grade of the Budget pursuant to Section 300 of ices. lieutenant general on the retired list; to the the Congressional Budget Act, and EC–1812. A communication from the Acting Committee on Armed Services. placed on the calendar: Assistant Secretary of Defense (Legislative EC–1825. A communication from the Sec- Affairs), transmitting an additional legisla- retary of Defense, transmitting a report on S. Con. Res. 14. Concurrent resolution set- tive proposal relative to the ‘‘National De- the approved retirement of General Timothy ting forth the congressional budget for the fense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year M. Ray, United States Air Force, and his ad- United States Government for fiscal year 2022’’; to the Committee on Armed Services. vancement to the grade of general on the re- 2022 and setting forth the appropriate budg- EC–1813. A communication from the Sec- tired list; to the Committee on Armed Serv- etary levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031. retary of Defense, transmitting a report on ices. f the approved retirement of Lieutenant Gen- EC–1826. A communication from the Acting eral John M. Jansen, United States Marine Secretary of Defense, transmitting the re- EXECUTIVE AND OTHER Corps, and his advancement to the grade of port of an officer authorized to wear the in- COMMUNICATIONS lieutenant general on the retired list; to the signia of the grade of rear admiral (lower The following communications were Committee on Armed Services. half) in accordance with title 10, United laid before the Senate, together with EC–1814. A communication from the Sec- States Code, section 777; to the Committee retary of Defense, transmitting a report on on Armed Services. accompanying papers, reports, and doc- the approved retirement of Lieutenant Gen- EC–1827. A communication from the Sec- uments, and were referred as indicated: eral Lewis A. Craparotta, United States Ma- retary of Defense, transmitting a report on EC–1802. A communication from the Asso- rine Corps, and his advancement to the grade the approved retirement of General Gustave ciate Director of the Regulatory Manage- of lieutenant general on the retired list; to F. Perna, United States Army, and his ad- ment Division, Environmental Protection the Committee on Armed Services. vancement to the grade of general on the re- Agency, transmitting, pursuant to law, the EC–1815. A communication from the Sec- tired list; to the Committee on Armed Serv- report of a rule entitled ‘‘Pyrrolo[3,4-c] retary of Defense, transmitting a report on ices.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.069 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6110 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021

EC–1828. A communication from the Sec- his advancement to the grade of vice admiral By Ms. WARREN (for herself, Mr. KING, retary of Defense, transmitting a report on on the retired list; to the Committee on Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. MARKEY, and Mr. the approved retirement of Lieutenant Gen- Armed Services. WHITEHOUSE): eral John F. Thompson, United States Air EC–1841. A communication from the Sec- S. 2680. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- Force, and his advancement to the grade of retary of Defense, transmitting a report on enue Code of 1986 to impose a tax on real lieutenant general on the retired list; to the the approved retirement of Lieutenant Gen- profits of certain corporations; to the Com- Committee on Armed Services. eral Francis M. Beaudette, United States mittee on Finance . EC–1829. A communication from the Sec- Army, and his advancement to the grade of By Mr. MARSHALL (for himself, Mr. retary of Defense, transmitting a report on lieutenant general on the retired list; to the BRAUN, and Mr. CRAMER): the approved retirement of Vice Admiral An- Committee on Armed Services. S. 2681. A bill to require the level of drew L . Lewis, United States Navy, and his EC–1842. A communication from the Sec- telework of employees of agencies to return advancement to the grade of vice admiral on retary of Defense, transmitting a report on to the level of telework of those employees the retired list; to the Committee on Armed the approved retirement of Vice Admiral on February 14, 2020, and for other purposes; Services. Brian B. Brown, United States Navy, and his to the Committee on Homeland Security and EC–1830. A communication from the Sec- advancement to the grade of vice admiral on Governmental Affairs. retary of Defense, transmitting a report on the retired list; to the Committee on Armed By Mr. RUBIO (for himself, Mr. the approved retirement of Lieutenant Gen- Services. CRAMER, and Mr. BRAUN): eral Brian D. Beaudreault, United States Ma- EC–1843. A communication from the Sec- S. 2682. A bill to amend title III of division rine Corps, and his advancement to the grade retary of Defense, transmitting a report on H of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, of lieutenant general on the retired list; to the approved retirement of Lieutenant Gen- 2021 to prohibit the expenditure of funds on the Committee on Armed Services. eral Scott A. Howell, United States Air divisive concepts under the priorities noticed EC–1831. A communication from the Sec- Force, and his advancement to the grade of in the proposed rule submitted by the De- retary of Defense, transmitting a report on lieutenant general on the retired list; to the partment of Education relating to Proposed the approved retirement of General Stephen Committee on Armed Services. Priorities-American History and Civics Edu- R. Lyons, United States Army, and his ad- EC–1844. A communication from the Sec- cation; to the Committee on Health, Edu- vancement to the grade of general on the re- retary of Defense, transmitting a report on cation, Labor , and Pensions. tired list; to the Committee on Armed Serv- the approved retirement of Lieutenant Gen- By Mrs. GILLIBRAND (for herself, Mr. ices. eral John K. Love, United States Marine SCHUMER, Mr. MENENDEZ, Mr. BOOK- EC–1832. A communication from the Sec- Corps, and his advancement to the grade of ER, Mr. MURPHY, and Mr. retary of Defense, transmitting a report on lieutenant general on the retired list; to the BLUMENTHAL): the approved retirement of Lieutenant Gen- Committee on Armed Services. S. 2683. A bill to amend title XXXIII of the eral Donald E. Kirkland, United States Air EC–1845. A communication from the Sec- Public Health Service Act with respect to Force, and his advancement to the grade of retary of Defense, transmitting a report on flexibility and funding for the World Trade lieutenant general on the retired list; to the the approved retirement of Lieutenant Gen- Center Health Program, and for other pur- Committee on Armed Services. eral Christopher P. Weggeman, United poses; to the Committee on Health, Edu- EC–1833. A communication from the Sec- States Air Force, and his advancement to cation, Labor, and Pensions. retary of Defense, transmitting a report on the grade of lieutenant general on the re- By Mr. TOOMEY (for himself, Mr. tired list; to the Committee on Armed Serv- the approved retirement of Lieutenant Gen- MENENDEZ, Mr. ROUNDS, and Mr. ices. eral Herman S. Clardy III, United States Ma- PETERS): EC–1846. A communication from the Sec- rine Corps, and his advancement to the grade S. 2684. A bill to protect the investment retary of Defense, transmitting a report on of lieutenant general on the retired list; to choices of investors in the United States, the approved retirement of Lieutenant Gen- the Committee on Armed Services. and for other purposes; to the Committee on eral Thomas J. Sharpy, United States Air EC–1834. A communication from the Sec- Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. Force, and his advancement to the grade of retary of Defense, transmitting a report on By Mr. CRUZ (for himself and Mr. the approved retirement of Vice Admiral lieutenant general on the retired list; to the CRAMER): Committee on Armed Services. Phillip G. Sawyer, United States Navy, and S. 2685. A bill to terminate any existing his advancement to the grade of vice admiral f mask mandates imposed by the Federal Gov- on the retired list; to the Committee on ernment, to prevent the implementation of Armed Services. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS new mask mandates, to preserve individual EC–1835. A communication from the Sec- liberty, and for other purposes; to the Com- retary of Defense, transmitting a report on The following bills and joint resolu- mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and the approved retirement of Lieutenant Gen- tions were introduced, read the first Pensions. eral Robert F. Hedelund, United States Ma- By Mr. CRUZ (for himself and Mr. rine Corps, and his advancement to the grade and second times by unanimous con- sent, and referred as indicated: CRAMER): of lieutenant general on the retired list; to S. 2686. A bill to prohibit vaccination man- By Mr. TESTER (for himself and Mr. the Committee on Armed Services. dates for COVID–19; to the Committee on the EC–1836. A communication from the Sec- WICKER): Judiciary. retary of Defense, transmitting a report on S. 2676. A bill to amend the Public Health By Mr. CARDIN: the approved retirement of Lieutenant Gen- Service Act to provide for the participation S.J. Res. 22. A to prospec- eral Leslie C. Smith, United States Army, of physical therapists in the National Health tively repeal the 2001 Authorization for Use and his advancement to the grade of lieuten- Service Corps Loan Repayment Program, of Military Force; to the Committee on For- ant general on the retired list; to the Com- and for other purposes; to the Committee on eign Relations. mittee on Armed Services. Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. EC–1837. A communication from the Sec- By Mr. BOOKER (for himself and Ms. f retary of Defense, transmitting a report on WARREN): the approved retirement of Lieutenant Gen- S. 2677. A bill to amend the Truth in Lend- SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND eral Jon T. Thomas, United States Army, ing Act to limit overdraft fees and establish SENATE RESOLUTIONS and his advancement to the grade of lieuten- fair and transparent practices related to the The following concurrent resolutions ant general on the retired list; to the Com- marketing and provision of overdraft cov- and Senate resolutions were read, and mittee on Armed Services. erage programs at depository institutions, EC–1838. A communication from the Sec- and for other purposes; to the Committee on referred (or acted upon), as indicated: retary of Defense, transmitting a report on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. By Mr. INHOFE (for himself and Mr. the approved retirement of Lieutenant Gen- By Mr. RUBIO (for himself, Mr. SCOTT ROUNDS): eral Thomas S. James, Jr., United States of Florida, Mr. BLUNT, and Mr. S. Res. 344. A resolution expressing support Army, and his advancement to the grade of YOUNG): for the State of joining the African lieutenant general on the retired list; to the S. 2678. A bill to amend title 38, United Union under observer status; to the Com- Committee on Armed Services. States Code, to reinstate criminal penalties mittee on Foreign Relations. EC–1839. A communication from the Sec- for persons charging veterans unauthorized By Mrs. SHAHEEN (for herself, Mr. retary of Defense, transmitting a report on fees, and for other purposes; to the Com- CARDIN, Mr. WICKER, Mr. DURBIN, Mr. the approved retirement of Lieutenant Gen- mittee on Veterans’ Affairs. PORTMAN, Mr. MURPHY, Mr. MARKEY, eral Carl E. Mundy III, United States Marine By Mr. GRASSLEY (for himself and Mr. TILLIS, Mr. HAGERTY, Mr. RUBIO, Corps, and his advancement to the grade of Mr. WHITEHOUSE): Mr. JOHNSON, Mr. KAINE, and Mr. VAN lieutenant general on the retired list; to the S. 2679. A bill to amend title 11, United HOLLEN): Committee on Armed Services. States Code, to make clarifications with re- S. Res. 345. A resolution expressing the EC–1840. A communication from the Sec- spect to amendments made by the Small sense of the Senate on the political situation retary of Defense, transmitting a report on Business Reorganization Act, and for other in ; to the Committee on Finance. the approved retirement of Vice Admiral purposes; to the Committee on the Judici- By Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself, Mr. Richard P. Snyder, United States Navy, and ary. YOUNG, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. SCOTT of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.006 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6111 South Carolina, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, (Ms. SMITH) was added as a cosponsor ing away from supporting the presence Mr. BRAUN, Ms. HASSAN, Mr. WICKER, of S. 186, a bill to direct the Secretary of police in schools and toward evi- Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mrs. CAPITO, Ms. of Labor to award grants to develop, dence-based and trauma informed serv- CORTEZ MASTO, Mr. CRAMER, Ms. administer, and evaluate early child- ices that address the needs of HIRONO, Mrs. HYDE-SMITH, Ms. CANT- marginalized students and improve WELL, Mr. DAINES, Ms. SMITH, Mr. hood education apprenticeships, and HICKENLOOPER, Mr. MURPHY, Ms. for other purposes. academic outcomes, and for other pur- ROSEN, Ms. DUCKWORTH, Mr. LUJA´ N, S. 1073 poses. Mr. PETERS, Mr. DURBIN, and Ms. At the request of Ms. WARREN, the S. 2221 ERNST): name of the Senator from Connecticut At the request of Mr. CRUZ, the name S. Res. 346. A resolution designating Sep- of the Senator from Missouri (Mr. tember 2021 as ‘‘National Workforce Develop- (Mr. BLUMENTHAL) was added as a co- of S. 1073, a bill to rescind each HAWLEY) was added as a cosponsor of S. ment Month’’ ; considered and agreed to. 2221, a bill to restrict executive agen- By Mr. REED (for himself, Ms. MUR- Medal of Honor awarded for acts at cies from acting in contravention of KOWSKI, Mr. WARNOCK, Mr. VAN HOL- Wounded Knee Creek on December 29, LEN, Mr. MENENDEZ, Mr. OSSOFF, Mrs. 1890, and for other purposes. Executive Order 13950, and for other purposes. MURRAY, Ms. ERNST, Mr. KING, Mrs. S. 1079 FEINSTEIN, Mr. MANCHIN, Mr. KELLY, S. 2233 At the request of Mr. HEINRICH, the Mr. SULLIVAN, Ms. ROSEN, Ms. At the request of Mr. BLUMENTHAL, name of the Senator from New York DUCKWORTH, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Ms. the names of the Senator from Mary- (Mrs. GILLIBRAND) was added as a co- HIRONO, Mr. MCCONNELL, and Mr. land (Mr. VAN HOLLEN) and the Senator sponsor of S. 1079, a bill to award a PETERS): from Minnesota (Ms. KLOBUCHAR) were S. Res. 347. A resolution designating Au- Congressional Gold Medal to the troops gust 16, 2021, as ‘‘National Airborne Day’’ ; added as cosponsors of S. 2233, a bill to from the United States and the Phil- establish a grant program for shuttered considered and agreed to. ippines who defended Bataan and Cor- By Mr. CASEY (for himself, Mrs. MUR- minor league baseball clubs, and for regidor, in recognition of their per- RAY, Mr. BROWN, Mr. KAINE, Mr. other purposes. sonal sacrifice and service during MERKLEY, Mr. REED, Mr. S. 2276 World War II. BLUMENTHAL, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. MAR- At the request of Mrs. SHAHEEN, the KEY, Ms. WARREN, Mr. MANCHIN, Mr. S. 1220 name of the Senator from Maine (Ms. MENENDEZ, Ms. DUCKWORTH, Mr. VAN At the request of Ms. WARREN, the COLLINS) was added as a cosponsor of S. HOLLEN, Mr. SANDERS, Mr. CARDIN, name of the Senator from New Mexico 2276, a bill to support empowerment, Ms. HASSAN, Ms. CANTWELL, Ms. STA- (Mr. LUJA´ N) was added as a cosponsor BENOW, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. PADILLA, economic security, and educational op- Mr. MURPHY, Mr. KING, Mr. WYDEN, of S. 1220, a bill to amend title 38, portunities for adolescent girls around Ms. SMITH, Mr. BOOKER, and Ms. KLO- United States Code, to recognize and the world, and for other purposes. BUCHAR): honor the service of individuals who S. 2305 S. Res. 348. A resolution recognizing the served in the United States Cadet At the request of Mr. OSSOFF, the importance of independent living for individ- Nurse Corps during World War II, and name of the Senator from Maine (Mr. uals with disabilities made possible by the for other purposes. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and KING) was added as a cosponsor of S. calling for further action to strengthen home S. 1584 2305, a bill to enhance cybersecurity and community living for individuals with At the request of Mr. SCHATZ, the education. disabilities; considered and agreed to. name of the Senator from Massachu- S. 2346 By Mr. CARDIN (for himself, Mr. setts (Ms. WARREN) was added as a co- At the request of Mr. COTTON, the CRAPO, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mr. RISCH, sponsor of S. 1584, a bill to create a 2020 name of the Senator from Alabama and Mr. WYDEN): S. Res. 349. A resolution honoring the con- Census Federal Advisory Committee on (Mr. TUBERVILLE) was added as a co- tributions of the Ritchie Boys; considered Transparency and Standards. sponsor of S. 2346, a bill to codify Exec- and agreed to. S. 1813 utive Order 13950 (relating to com- By Mr. BLUNT (for himself and Mr. At the request of Mr. COONS, the bating race and sex stereotyping), and HAWLEY): names of the Senator from North Da- for other purposes. S. Res. 350. A resolution recognizing and S. 2393 celebrating the 200th anniversary of the kota (Mr. HOEVEN) and the Senator At the request of Mr. INHOFE, the entry of Missouri-the ‘‘Show Me State’’ -into from Kansas (Mr. MARSHALL) were the Union as the 24th State; considered and added as cosponsors of S. 1813, a bill to name of the Senator from North Da- agreed to. direct the Secretary of Health and kota (Mr. HOEVEN) was added as a co- By Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself, Mr. Human Services to support research sponsor of S. 2393, a bill to clarify that LANKFORD, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Mrs. CAP- on, and expanded access to, investiga- a state has the sole authority to regu- ITO, Ms. ROSEN, Mr. BRAUN, Mr. tional drugs for amyotrophic lateral late hydraulic fracturing on Federal PADILLA, and Ms. HASSAN): sclerosis, and for other purposes. land within the boundaries of the S. Res. 351. A resolution designating Sep- State. tember 2021 as ‘‘National Child Awareness S. 2023 S. 2394 Month’’ to promote awareness of charities At the request of Mrs. GILLIBRAND, At the request of Mr. INHOFE, the that benefit children and youth-serving orga- the name of the Senator from Vermont nizations throughout the United States and name of the Senator from North Da- (Mr. LEAHY) was added as a cosponsor recognizing the efforts made by those char- kota (Mr. HOEVEN) was added as a co- of S. 2023, a bill to provide loan forgive- ities and organizations on behalf of children sponsor of S. 2394, a bill to achieve do- ness for certain borrowers of Depart- and youth as critical contributions to the fu- mestic energy independence by empow- ture of the United States; considered and ment of Agriculture direct farm loans, ering States to control the develop- agreed to. and for other purposes. ment and production of all forms of en- By Mr. SANDERS (for himself, Mrs. S. 2040 MURRAY, Mr. WYDEN, Ms. STABENOW, ergy on all available Federal land. At the request of Mr. CORNYN, the Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. WARNER, Mr. S. 2439 MERKLEY, Mr. KAINE, Mr. VAN HOL- name of the Senator from New Jersey At the request of Mr. PETERS, the LEN, Mr. LUJA´ N, and Mr. PADILLA): (Mr. MENENDEZ) was added as a cospon- name of the Senator from Nevada (Ms. S. Con. Res. 14. A concurrent resolution sor of S. 2040, a bill to prohibit con- ROSEN) was added as a cosponsor of S. setting forth the congressional budget for sumer reporting agencies from fur- 2439, a bill to amend the Homeland Se- the United States Government for fiscal year nishing a consumer report containing curity Act of 2002 to provide for the re- 2022 and setting forth the appropriate budg- any adverse item of information about sponsibility of the Cybersecurity and etary levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; a consumer if the consumer is a victim placed on the calendar. Infrastructure Security Agency to of trafficking, and for other purposes. f maintain capabilities to identify S. 2125 threats to industrial control systems, ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS At the request of Mr. MURPHY, the and for other purposes. S. 186 name of the Senator from New Jersey S. 2479 At the request of Mr. YOUNG, the (Mr. BOOKER) was added as a cosponsor At the request of Mr. RISCH, the name of the Senator from Minnesota of S. 2125, a bill to divert Federal fund- name of the Senator from Mississippi

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.010 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6112 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 (Mr. WICKER) was added as a cosponsor to the African Union known as the Organiza- Rights, and Sovereignty Act of 2020, and Sen- of S. 2479, a bill to withhold United tion of African Unity until its dissolution in ate Resolution 658, which both passed with States contributions to the United Na- 2002; unanimous support, stated its deep concern tions Relief and Works Agency for Pal- Whereas the late Libyan dictator regarding the fraudulent election in Belarus Moammar Gadhafi blocked Israel from ob- on August 9, 2020; estine Refugees in the Near East taining observer status at the African Union Whereas on September 17, 2020, the Moscow (UNRWA), and for other purposes. in 2002; Mechanism of the human dimension of the S. 2493 Whereas Israel, in the span of a few dec- Organization for Security and Cooperation in At the request of Mr. BENNET, the ades, has emerged as a developed nation and Europe (OSCE) was invoked by 17 partici- names of the Senator from Minnesota therefore offers an example of a path to eco- pating states with regard to credible reports nomic progress for developing countries; of human rights violations before, during, (Ms. SMITH), the Senator from New Jer- Whereas Israel has long been an active and and after the presidential election of August sey (Mr. MENENDEZ) and the Senator valuable partner to many African nations, 9, 2020, in Belarus; from Minnesota (Ms. KLOBUCHAR) were cultivating numerous strong bilateral rela- Whereas, following Alyaksandr added as cosponsors of S. 2493, a bill to tionships across the continent; Lukashenka’s inauguration on September 23, extend the deadline for eligible health Whereas Prime Minister Benjamin 2020, the United States, the , care providers to use certain funds re- Netanyahu made a historic visit to Africa in numerous European Union member states, ceived from the COVID–19 Provider Re- July 2016 and became the first leader outside the , and Canada announced lief Fund, and for other purposes. of Africa to address the Economic Commu- they did not recognize the legitimacy of the nity of West African States (ECOWAS) in election results; S. 2520 June 2017; Whereas after the August 9, 2020 presi- At the request of Mr. PETERS, the Whereas many African leaders subse- dential election, the Government of Belarus name of the Senator from Nevada (Ms. quently visited Israel, including those from responded to the resulting peaceful protests, ROSEN) was added as a cosponsor of S. the Republic of Chad, the Kingdom of the largest in the country’s history, with a 2520, a bill to amend the Homeland Se- Eswatini, the Federal Democratic Republic violent crackdown, including the detention of more than 10,000 peaceful protectors, ac- curity Act of 2002 to provide for en- of Ethiopia, the Republic of Ghana, the Re- public of Coˆ te d’Ivoire, the Republic of cording to the United Nations Special gagements with State, local, Tribal, Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and territorial governments, and for Kenya, the Republic of Rwanda, the Republic of Sierra Leone, the Togolese Republic, and in Belarus; other purposes. the Republic of Zambia; Whereas the Government of Belarus, under S. 2552 Whereas the Abraham Accords paved the the misrule of the Lukashenka regime, con- tinues to engage in a pattern of clear and At the request of Mr. MARKEY, the way for further normalization agreements persistent violations of human rights and name of the Senator from Illinois (Mr. between Israel and other nations; Whereas Israel has supported African na- fundamental freedoms and disrespects the DURBIN) was added as a cosponsor of S. basic principles of democratic governance by 2552, a bill to promote long-term eco- tions through economic investments and hu- manitarian assistance; and subjecting tens of thousands of pro-democ- racy political activists, peaceful protesters, nomic recovery and job creation in un- Whereas, on July 22, 2021, the African and ordinary citizens to harassment, beat- derserved communities by providing Union announced that Israel will join the Af- ings, abductions, forced deportations, and for investment in catalytic local rican Union under observer status: Now, imprisonment and by committing acts of predevelopment projects for resilient therefore, be it transnational repression to punish any dis- Resolved, That the Senate— climate infrastructure innovation and sent expressed by Belarusian citizens; (1) encourages heightened cooperation be- to provide assistance to support State Whereas the Lukashenka regime continues tween the State of Israel and African na- and local project development, and for to silence independent media, such as Nasha tions, particularly in areas that are signifi- other purposes. Niva, tut.by, and Belsat, and has unlawfully cant in progress towards the implementation S. 2660 raided the offices of media outlets, including of the Sustainable Development Goals, such Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, and ar- At the request of Mr. MARKEY, the as economic growth, sustainable agriculture, rested journalists; name of the Senator from Georgia (Mr. and humanitarian development; Whereas on September 11, 2020, then-Dep- OSSOFF) was added as a cosponsor of S. (2) expects Israel’s observer status in the uty Secretary of State Stephen Biegun said 2660, a bill to amend the Toxic Sub- African Union will help enable such coopera- that ‘‘we stand by our long-term commit- stances Control Act to authorize tion to develop between Israel and the Afri- ment to support the sovereignty of Belarus grants for toxic substances remedi- can Union; as well as its territorial integrity, as the as- (3) commends the African Union for grant- pirations of the Belarusian people to deter- ation in schools, to reauthorize healthy ing Israel observer status in the African high-performance schools, and for mine their own path remains in front of us’’; Union; and Whereas on May 23, 2021, the Lukashenka other purposes. (4) thanks Felix Tshisekedi, the President regime forced a commercial airliner flying S. RES. 334 of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and between two European Union member states At the request of Ms. WARREN, the Chair of the African Union, for his leadership to land in in order for the regime to names of the Senator from New Mexico in strengthening Israel-African relations by arrest journalist Raman Pratasevich and his ensuring the recognition of Israel under ob- (Mr. LUJA´ N), the Senator from Cali- partner Sofia Sapega, an action that resulted server status occurred during his tenure as in near universal condemnation from the fornia (Mrs. FEINSTEIN), the Senator Chair of the African Union. international community and coordinated from New Jersey (Mr. MENENDEZ) and f sanctions by the United States, the United the Senator from Minnesota (Ms. Kingdom, and the European Union; SMITH) were added as cosponsors of S. SENATE RESOLUTION 345—EX- Whereas on May 28, 2021, the White House Res. 334, a resolution memorializing PRESSING THE SENSE OF THE announced the re-imposition of full blocking those impacted by and lost to the SENATE ON THE POLITICAL SIT- sanctions against nine Belarusian state- COVID–19 virus. UATION IN BELARUS owned enterprises and announced a new Ex- ecutive order to increase sanctions on ele- f Mrs. SHAHEEN (for herself, Mr. ments of the Lukashenka regime; SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS CARDIN, Mr. WICKER, Mr. DURBIN, Mr. Whereas the Lukashenka regime has ac- PORTMAN, Mr. MURPHY, Mr. MARKEY, tively encouraged over 4,000 migrants from --- Mr. TILLIS, Mr. HAGERTY, Mr. RUBIO, other countries to cross through Belarus into SENATE RESOLUTION 344—EX- Mr. JOHNSON, Mr. KAINE, and Mr. VAN European Union member state , PRESSING SUPPORT FOR THE HOLLEN) submitted the following reso- amounting to people smuggling and obliging STATE OF ISRAEL JOINING THE lution; which was referred to the Com- Lithuania to declare a state of emergency; AFRICAN UNION UNDER OB- mittee on Finance: Whereas on June 9, 2021, the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate held a hear- SERVER STATUS S. RES. 345 ing regarding the political situation in Mr. INHOFE (for himself and Mr. Whereas the United States Senate has long Belarus, in which United States Ambassador ROUNDS) submitted the following reso- maintained strong bipartisan concern re- to Belarus Julie Fisher testified that ‘‘De- lution; which was referred to the Com- garding the troubling lack of democracy in spite the oppression, the violence, and the mittee on Foreign Relations: Belarus, highlighted by the passing of the turmoil that followed the events of the past Belarus Democracy Act of 2004 (Public Law year provide glimmers of hope. A new gen- S. RES. 344 108–347; 22 U.S.C. 5811 note); eration of brave Belarusians, with coura- Whereas the State of Israel enjoyed ob- Whereas the 116th Congress, as referenced geous women at the front, have emerged. server status in the predecessor organization in H.R. 8438, the Belarus Democracy, Human They represent a Belarus determined to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.012 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6113 chart its own path. They represent a Belarus Lukashenka’s autocracy and applauds the (1) nearly 10,000,000 individuals are unem- in which wearing a red and white dress, Belarusian diaspora’s efforts to maintain ployed; hanging a flag, or playing a particular song international focus on the deteriorating po- (2) unemployment rates for Black and His- will not result in torture, forced confessions, litical situation; panic adults are well above the unemploy- or even death.’’; (10) lauds the extraordinary support offered ment rates for White adults; Whereas on July 27, 2021, President Biden by the Governments of Lithuania, Ukraine, (3) workers without a bachelor’s degree are met Belarusian opposition leader Sviatlana and Poland to support the people of Belarus, nearly 2 times more likely to be unem- Tsikhanouskaya at the White House and de- including support for the political opposi- ployed; 1 clared that ‘‘The United States stands with tion, accommodation of political refugees, (4) more than ⁄2 of the jobs lost due to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID–19) pan- the people of Belarus in their quest for de- and backing a free media; demic were by workers earning less than mocracy and universal human rights.’’; (11) calls on the Lukashenka regime to im- $40,000 per year; and Whereas on August 9, 2021, President mediately halt exploiting and (5) according to a recent poll, nearly 1⁄2 of Biden— instrumentalizing migrants and to stop di- (1) announced an Executive order author- workers said they will need to learn new recting individuals to Lithuania’s borders; skills in the next year to do their jobs, while izing the imposition of blocking sanctions on (12) welcomes the Executive order an- more than 1⁄2 said they would retrain for a certain sectors of the Belarus economy, in- nounced on August 9, 2021, that applies addi- cluding the potash, tobacco products, and career in a different field or industry if they tional sanctions on the Lukashenka regime had the opportunity; construction sectors; and and urges the Biden Administration to con- (2) pursuant to such executive order and Whereas, as of June 2021, employment sider all economic, political, and diplomatic Executive Order 13405, issued additional rates among workers with lower levels of tools at its disposal to support democracy in sanctions on Belarusian individuals and enti- educational attainment remained far below Belarus; ties, including Belaruskali (a state-owned pre-COVID–19 pandemic levels, including 7.2 (13) welcomes the European Union sanc- potash fertilizer company) and the Belarus percent below those levels for workers with a National Olympic Committee; and tions imposed on the Lukashenka regime high school diploma and 10.1 percent below Whereas Belarusian opposition leader and urges the United States to continue to those levels for workers without a high continues to rep- coordinate additional measures with the Eu- school diploma, even as workers with higher resent the widely shared desire of the ropean Union; and levels of educational attainment have nearly Belarusian people for free and fair elections (14) emphasizes that the United States sup- returned to pre-COVID–19 pandemic employ- and democracy: Now, therefore, be it ports the people of Belarus in their quest to ment levels; Resolved, That the Senate— maintain their sovereignty, choose their own Whereas, in 2014, Congress reauthorized the (1) continues, on the first anniversary of leadership, and live in freedom, and recog- Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act the illegitimate presidential election in nizes the extensive efforts of the Belarusian (29 U.S.C. 3101 et seq.) with overwhelming bi- Belarus on August 9, 2020, to refuse to recog- opposition to coordinate efforts with the partisan support in recognition of the need nize Alyaksandr Lukashenka as the legiti- United States, the European Union, the to strengthen the focus of the United States mately elected leader of Belarus; OSCE, and the United Nations to bring free on the skills necessary to fill jobs in local (2) condemns Lukashenka’s ongoing crack- and fair elections to its people. and regional industries; down on members of the pro-democracy f Whereas the Workforce Innovation and Op- movement, senior members of the Coordina- SENATE RESOLUTION 346—DESIG- portunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3101 et seq.) supports tion Council, peaceful protesters, employees employment, training, and support services from state-owned enterprises participating NATING SEPTEMBER 2021 AS for individuals with barriers to employment, in strikes, independent election observers, ‘‘NATIONAL WORKFORCE DEVEL- including— independent journalists and bloggers, med- OPMENT MONTH’’ (1) individuals who earn low incomes; ical professionals, professors, teachers, ath- Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself, Mr. (2) individuals who are out of work, includ- letes, and cultural leaders; ing the long-term unemployed; YOUNG, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. SCOTT of (3) continues to call for the fulfillment by (3) individuals displaced by outsourcing; the Government of Belarus of Belarus’ freely South Carolina, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. (4) individuals living in rural areas or areas undertaken obligations as an Organization BRAUN, Ms. HASSAN, Mr. WICKER, Ms. with persistently high unemployment; for Security and Co-operation in Europe KLOBUCHAR, Mrs. CAPITO, Ms. CORTEZ (5) individuals looking to learn new skills; (OSCE) member and accept the OSCE’s offer MASTO, Mr. CRAMER, Ms. HIRONO, Mrs. and (6) individuals with disabilities; to facilitate a national dialogue and fully HYDE-SMITH, Ms. CANTWELL, Mr. Whereas the more than 550 workforce de- participate in the OSCE process; DAINES, Ms. SMITH, Mr. HICKENLOOPER, velopment boards and 2,400 American Job (4) calls for new presidential and par- Mr. MURPHY, Ms. ROSEN, Ms. Centers are a driving force behind growing liamentary elections to be held in Belarus, DUCKWORTH, Mr. LUJA´ N, Mr. PETERS, regional economies by providing training, re- conducted in a manner that is free and fair Mr. DURBIN, and Ms. ERNST) submitted sources, and assistance to workers who aim according to OSCE standards and under the the following resolution; which was to compete in the 21st century economy; supervision of OSCE observers and inde- Whereas ongoing State and local imple- pendent domestic observers; considered and agreed to: mentation of the Workforce Innovation and (5) welcomes the United States Govern- S. RES. 346 Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3101 et seq.) pro- ment’s close coordination with the European Whereas investment in the education, vides unprecedented opportunities to develop Union, the United Kingdom, Canada, other training, and career advancement of the the skills of workers in the United States allied and partner countries, and inter- workforce in the United States, known as through access to effective, quality work- national organizations to promote the prin- ‘‘workforce development’’, is crucial to the force education and training, including the ciples of democracy, the rule of law, and ability of the United States to compete in development and delivery of proven strate- and encourages con- the global economy; gies such as sector partnerships, career path- tinued coordination to apply maximal pres- Whereas collaboration among Governors, ways, integrated education and training, sure on the Lukashenka regime; local governments, State and local edu- work-based learning models, and paid intern- (6) continues to call for the immediate re- cation, workforce, and human services agen- ships; lease, without preconditions, of all political cies, community colleges, local businesses, Whereas, in 2019, programs authorized prisoners in Belarus; employment service providers, community- under the Workforce Innovation and Oppor- (7) welcomes the recent release of Radio based organizations, and workforce develop- tunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3101 et seq.)— Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) jour- ment boards provides for long-term, sustain- (1) served nearly 6,300,000 young people and nalists Aleh Hruzdzilovich and Ina able, and successful workforce development adults; and Studzinskaya and calls for the unconditional across traditional sectors and emerging in- (2) exceeded employment targets across all release of all political prisoners and journal- dustries; programs; ists detained on dubious charges, including Whereas jobs that require more than a Whereas State programs established under opposition candidates high school diploma but not a 4-year degree the Wagner-Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. 49 et and , pro-democracy activ- comprise 52 percent of the labor market, but seq.)— ist Maria Kalesnikava, and RFE/RL jour- only 42 percent of workers in the United (1) ensured that more than 3,400,000 work- nalist Ihar Losik; States have been able to access training at ers, including more than 212,000 veterans, (8) condemns the forced diversion of that level, creating a discrepancy that may had access to career services through Amer- Flight 4978 to arrest Raman limit growth in changing industries such as ican Job Centers in 2019; and Pratasevich and his partner Sofia Sapega, health care, manufacturing, and information (2) are a foundational part of the workforce which violated international civil aviation technology; development system; law and risked the lives of innocent pas- Whereas 76 percent of business leaders say Whereas workforce development programs sengers and crew, and calls for their imme- greater investment in skills training would will play a critical role in addressing the diate unconditional release; help their businesses; 500,000 additional jobs that remain open in (9) commends the bravery of Belarusians Whereas, as of summer 2021 in the United manufacturing industries compared to pre- who have created innovative ways to protest States— COVID–19 pandemic levels;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.016 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6114 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 Whereas community colleges and other Platoon was first authorized by the Depart- an appropriate day to recognize as National workforce development training providers ment of War; Airborne Day: Now, therefore, be it across the United States are well situated— Whereas, in July 1940, 48 volunteers began Resolved, That the Senate— (1) to train the next generation of workers training for the Army Parachute Test Pla- (1) designates August 16, 2021, as ‘‘National in the United States; and toon; Airborne Day’’; and (2) to address the educational challenges Whereas the first official Army parachute (2) calls on the people of the United States created by emerging industries and techno- jump took place on August 16, 1940, to test to observe National Airborne Day with ap- logical advancements; the innovative concept of inserting United propriate programs, ceremonies, and activi- Whereas participation in a career and tech- States ground combat forces behind a battle ties. nical education (referred to in this preamble line by means of a parachute; f as ‘‘CTE’’) program decreases the risk of stu- Whereas the success of the Army Para- SENATE RESOLUTION 348—RECOG- dents dropping out of high school, and all 50 chute Test Platoon before the entry of the States and the District of Columbia report United States into World War II validated NIZING THE IMPORTANCE OF higher graduation rates for CTE students, as the airborne operational concept and led to INDEPENDENT LIVING FOR INDI- compared to other students; the creation of a formidable force of airborne VIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES Whereas community and technical colleges formations that included the 11th, 13th, 17th, MADE POSSIBLE BY THE AMERI- operate as open access institutions serving 82nd, and 101st Airborne Divisions; CANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT millions of students annually at a compara- Whereas, included in those divisions, and OF 1990 AND CALLING FOR FUR- tively low cost; among other separate formations, were THER ACTION TO STRENGTHEN Whereas the Strengthening Career and many airborne combat, combat support, and HOME AND COMMUNITY LIVING Technical Education for the 21st Century combat service support units that served Act (Public Law 115–224; 132 Stat. 1563) sup- FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DIS- with distinction and achieved repeated suc- ABILITIES ports the development and implementation cess in armed hostilities during World War of high-quality CTE programs that— II; Mr. CASEY (for himself, Mrs. MUR- (1) combine rigorous academic content Whereas the achievements of the airborne RAY, Mr. BROWN, Mr. KAINE, Mr. with occupational skills; and units during World War II prompted the evo- MERKLEY, Mr. REED, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, (2) served approximately 12,500,000 high lution of those units into a diversified force Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. MARKEY, Ms. WAR- school and college students between 2018 and of parachute and air-assault units that, over REN, Mr. MANCHIN, Mr. MENENDEZ, Ms. 2019; the years, have fought in Korea, the Domini- DUCKWORTH, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mr. Whereas there are more than 600,000 reg- can Republic, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, SANDERS, Mr. CARDIN, Ms. HASSAN, Ms. istered apprentices in the United States, and the Persian Gulf region, and Somalia, and there is growing and bipartisan support for have engaged in peacekeeping operations in CANTWELL, Ms. STABENOW, Mrs. FEIN- expanding quality earn-and-learn strategies Lebanon, Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, Haiti, STEIN, Mr. PADILLA, Mr. MURPHY, Mr. to help current and future workers gain Bosnia, and Kosovo; KING, Mr. WYDEN, Ms. SMITH, Mr. BOOK- skills and work experience; Whereas, since the terrorist attacks of ER, and Ms. KLOBUCHAR) submitted the Whereas the federally supported workforce September 11, 2001, the members of the following resolution; which was consid- system and partner programs— United States airborne forces, including ered and agreed to: (1) have helped rebuild the economy of the members of the XVIII Airborne Corps, the S. RES. 348 United States and provide increased eco- 82nd Airborne Division, the 101st Airborne Whereas, in enacting the Americans with nomic opportunities; and Division (Air Assault), the 173rd Airborne Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12101 et (2) provide a pathway into 21st century Brigade Combat Team, the 4th Brigade Com- seq.), Congress recognized that ‘‘historically, jobs that support families while ensuring bat Team (Airborne) of the 25th Infantry Di- society has tended to isolate and segregate that businesses in the United States find the vision, the 75th Ranger Regiment, special op- individuals with disabilities, and, despite skilled workforce needed to compete in the erations forces of the Army, Marine Corps, some improvements, such forms of discrimi- global economy; and Navy, and Air Force, and other units of the Whereas workforce development is crucial nation against individuals with disabilities Armed Forces, have demonstrated bravery continue to be a serious and pervasive social to sustaining economic security for workers and honor in combat, stability, and training in the United States: Now, therefore, be it problem’’; operations in Afghanistan and Iraq; Whereas the Americans with Disabilities Resolved, That the Senate— Whereas the modern-day airborne forces (1) designates September 2021 as ‘‘National Act of 1990 recognized the rights of individ- also include other elite forces composed of uals with disabilities to fully participate in Workforce Development Month’’; airborne trained and qualified special oper- (2) supports Federal initiatives to promote their communities through independent liv- ations warriors, including Army Special ing, equality of opportunity, and economic workforce development; and Forces, Marine Corps Reconnaissance units, (3) acknowledges that workforce develop- self-sufficiency; Navy SEALs, and Air Force combat control Whereas, 31 years after the enactment of ment plays a crucial role in supporting and pararescue teams; workers and growing the economy. the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Whereas, of the members and former mem- and 22 years after the decision of the Su- f bers of the United States airborne forces, preme Court of the United States in SENATE RESOLUTION 347—DESIG- thousands have achieved the distinction of Olmstead v. L.C., 527 U.S. 581 (1999), many in- making combat jumps, dozens have earned dividuals with disabilities continue to live in NATING AUGUST 16, 2021, AS ‘‘NA- the Medal of Honor, and hundreds have TIONAL AIRBORNE DAY’’ segregated institutional settings because of earned the Distinguished Service Cross, the a lack of support services; Mr. REED (for himself, Ms. MUR- Silver Star, or other decorations and awards Whereas continued instances of segregated KOWSKI, Mr. WARNOCK, Mr. VAN HOL- for displays of heroism, gallantry, intre- institutional settings have hindered the in- pidity, and valor; LEN, Mr. MENENDEZ, Mr. OSSOFF, Mrs. clusion of individuals with disabilities in Whereas the members and former members communities, schools, and workplaces, un- MURRAY, Ms. ERNST, Mr. KING, Mrs. of the United States airborne forces are all dermining the promise of the Americans FEINSTEIN, Mr. MANCHIN, Mr. KELLY, members of a proud and honorable tradition with Disabilities Act of 1990; Mr. SULLIVAN, Ms. ROSEN, Ms. that, together with the special skills and Whereas people with disabilities living in DUCKWORTH, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Ms. achievements of those members, distin- institutional and long-term care settings HIRONO, Mr. MCCONNELL, and Mr. guishes the members as intrepid combat suffered disproportionate rates of infection PETERS) submitted the following reso- parachutists, air assault forces, special oper- and death during the COVID–19 pandemic, lution; which was considered and ation forces, and, in the past, glider infantry; with data showing 60 percent of COVID–19 agreed to: Whereas individuals from every State of deaths involved a person with a disability; the United States have served gallantly in Whereas people of color with disabilities S. RES. 347 the airborne forces, and each State is proud experience disproportionately greater bar- Whereas the members of the airborne of the contributions of its paratrooper vet- riers to quality, accessible health care, edu- forces of the Armed Forces of the United erans during the many conflicts faced by the cation, and employment opportunities, in- States have a long and honorable history as United States; fringing on the right of such people under bold and fierce warriors who, for the na- Whereas the history and achievements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 tional security of the United States and the the members and former members of the to full participation in their communities; defense of freedom and peace, project the United States airborne forces warrant spe- Whereas, 31 years after the enactment of ground combat power of the United States cial expressions of the gratitude of the peo- the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, by air transport to the far reaches of the bat- ple of the United States; and people with disabilities continue to face tle area and to the far corners of the world; Whereas, since the airborne forces, past higher rates of unemployment and barriers Whereas, on June 25, 1940, experiments and present, celebrate August 16 as the anni- to accessible workplaces and access to com- with airborne operations by the United versary of the first official jump by the petitive integrated employment opportuni- States began when the Army Parachute Test Army Parachute Test Platoon, August 16 is ties.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.015 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6115 Whereas, 31 years after the enactment of as order-of-battle specialists, counterintel- (1) honors the bravery and dedication of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, ligence operatives, photo interpreters, psy- the Ritchie Boys; some telecommunication, electronic, and in- chological warfare experts, and other spe- (2) recognizes the importance of their con- formation technologies continue to be devel- cialists; tributions to the success of the Allied Forces oped without the goal of full accessibility Whereas, during World War II, Ritchie during World War II; and and inclusion for all people of the United Boys were assigned to every unit of the (3) respectfully requests that the Secretary States; and Army and the Marines as well as to the Of- of the Senate transmit an enrolled copy of Whereas, 31 years after the enactment of fice of Strategic Services and the Counter this resolution to Mr. Landon Grove of the the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Intelligence Corps; Ritchie History Museum. many businesses, public and private organi- Whereas, starting in 1942, the Ritchie Boys f zations, transportation systems, and services were sent as individual specialists to the Su- are still not accessible to all individuals preme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary SENATE RESOLUTION 350—RECOG- Force (‘‘SHAEF’’) in small elite teams to with disabilities: Now, therefore, be it NIZING AND CELEBRATING THE Resolved, That the Senate— join combat units in the North African, Med- (1) recognizes the importance of inde- iterranean, European, and Pacific theaters 200TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE pendent living for individuals with disabil- and to military camps, prisoner-of-war ENTRY OF MISSOURI—THE ities made possible by the enactment of the camps, and interrogation centers (such as ‘‘SHOW ME STATE’’—INTO THE Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 Fort Hunt, VA) in the United States; UNION AS THE 24TH STATE Whereas the Ritchie Boys accompanied the U.S.C. 12101 et seq.); Mr. BLUNT (for himself and Mr. (2) encourages all people of the United Army on D-Day in Europe as foot soldiers States to celebrate the advancement of in- with all Army divisions and as paratroopers HAWLEY) submitted the following reso- clusion and equality of opportunity made with all airborne divisions and were often se- lution; which was considered and possible by the enactment of the Americans lected to be the second soldier to land after agreed to: with Disabilities Act of 1990; the commander in order to provide needed S. RES. 350 (3) pledges to continue to work on a bipar- immediate interpretation in languages such as French, German, and Italian; Whereas the 200th anniversary of the entry tisan basis to identify and address the re- of Missouri into the Union as the 24th State maining barriers that undermine the na- Whereas the Ritchie Boys served as per- sonal interpreters for General George Patton marks a time for Missourians and all people tional goals of equality of opportunity, inde- of the United States to remember the past pendent living, economic self-sufficiency, and other military leaders; Whereas the Ritchie Boys served honorably and celebrate the future, including recog- and full participation for individuals with nizing the significant contributions of the disabilities, including by focusing on individ- in the Pacific in the assaults on Guadal- canal, Okinawa, Iwo Jima, and the Phil- State of Missouri to the culture, governance, uals with disabilities that remain segregated and intellect of the United States; in institutions; ippines, including 2 Marine Corps Ritchie Boys who died in the initial landing on Iwo Whereas Congress and President James (4) pledges to work with States to improve Monroe approved statehood and entry into access to home- and community-based serv- Jima and a Ritchie Boy who was awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously for bravery; the Union for the Missouri Territory on Au- ices for individuals with disabilities; gust 10, 1821, making it the Nation’s 24th (5) calls on the Department of Labor to Whereas about 140 Ritchie Boys lost their lives during World War II; State and the ‘‘Gateway to the West’’; provide information, resources, and tech- Whereas the Ritchie Boys garnered more Whereas the City of Jefferson, lying on the nical assistance that enable individuals with than 65 Silver Star Medals and numerous Missouri River, was named the Missouri disabilities to achieve economic self-suffi- Bronze Star Medals as well as at least 5 Le- State capital in 1821 for President Thomas ciency; and gion of Honor and many Croix de Guerre Jefferson, the third President of the United (6) calls on the Department of Health and Medals; States; Human Services to provide information, re- Whereas, among the 150-man Second Mo- Whereas the State served as the ‘‘Gateway sources, and technical assistance regarding bile Radio Broadcast Company of the Ritchie to the West’’, symbolized by the Gateway home- and community-based services and Boys, 6 members received the Croix de Arch in St. Louis, Missouri, representing a supports that enable individuals with dis- Guerre Medal and at least 15 received Bronze new beginning for so many people in the abilities to live independently. Star Medals for service and bravery; United States and marking the beginning for f Whereas the Ritchie Boys made significant Lewis and Clark, the Pony Express, the Or- egon and Santa Fe Trails, and individuals SENATE RESOLUTION 349—HON- contributions to the success of the Allied Forces on the Western Front through their venturing West to test their luck in the Gold ORING THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF knowledge and their skills, as demonstrated Rush; THE RITCHIE BOYS by a classified postwar report by the Army Whereas, despite the State’s role in some Mr. CARDIN (for himself, Mr. CRAPO, finding that the Ritchie Boys were the dark moments in the history of the United Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mr. RISCH, and Mr. source of nearly 60 percent of the credible in- States, Missouri proves that we can have a brighter future, as evidenced by the fact that WYDEN) submitted the following reso- telligence gathered in Europe during World as commander of the District of South- lution; which was considered and War II; Whereas many of the Ritchie Boys contin- eastern Missouri, General Ulysses S. Grant agreed to: ued to serve their country following the con- utilized the Mississippi River to combat Con- S. RES. 349 clusion of World War II, including through federate forces, and Francis Preston Blair, Whereas, in 1942, the Federal Government service as translators or interrogators pros- Jr., who later became a United States Sen- ordered that a Maryland National Guard ecuting war criminals with the Judge Advo- ator, fought for the Union and organized the Training Ground be turned into a War De- cate General’s Office during trials at Dachau protection of Jefferson Barracks in St. partment Military Intelligence Training and Nuremberg; Louis, which contributed to the Confederate Center, which was named Camp Ritchie after Whereas the Ritchie Boys include such no- defeat in Missouri; the late Governor, Albert C. Ritchie; table figures as , Archibald Whereas General John Pershing, born in Whereas, starting in 1942, more than 19,000 Roosevelt Jr, , Philip Laclede, Missouri, was president and first men trained at Camp Ritchie in Maryland Johnson, J.D. Salinger, and William War- captain of the West Point class of 1886, be- and became known as the Ritchie Boys; field, as well as Senators John Chafee of came a 5-star general and commander of the Whereas, while the approximately 2,800 ref- Rhode Island and Frank Church of Idaho, American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) dur- ugees who had fled Nazi persecution in Ger- and the father of the current senior Senator ing World War I and served as the Chief of many and Austria and had come to the from Oregon, Ron Wyden; Staff of the United States Army from 1921 to United States as ‘‘enemy aliens’’ prior to the Whereas the Ritchie Boys also contributed 1924; entry of the United States into World War II outside of the military through careers as Whereas Missouri is the birthplace of only constituted approximately 14 percent of writers, artists, architects, academics, dip- President Harry S. Truman, the 33rd Presi- the total number of Ritchie Boys, they had lomats, economists, financiers, philan- dent, who— the strongest motivation to return to Europe thropists, and psychologists; (1) served as a captain in World War I, a and fight for their newly adopted country; Whereas, because the roles of the Ritchie United States Senator, and Vice President Whereas the Ritchie Boys included— Boys remained classified for decades, the before succeeding President Franklin D. (1) soldiers of many faiths (including public generally lacks awareness of their Roosevelt; Protestant, Jewish, and Catholic soldiers); contributions; (2) oversaw the end of World War II and (2) both soldiers born in the United States Whereas Camp Ritchie closed in 1998, and a rocketed the United States to the inter- and foreign-born soldiers from more than 70 museum and educational center is now being national stage through his foreign policy, in- countries; planned for the location; and cluding the founding of the United Nations (3) soldiers with German, Japanese (Nisei), Whereas, approximately 200 Ritchie Boys and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and other language skills; and are still living, ranging in age between 95 (‘‘NATO’’) and the recognition of Israel; and (4) more importantly, soldiers with general and 107: Now, therefore, be it (3) promoted the advancement of civil intelligence skills suitable for being trained Resolved, That the Senate— rights by desegregating the United States

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:08 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.046 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6116 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 Armed Forces and forbidding racial discrimi- (4) George Washington Carver, born in Dia- SENATE RESOLUTION 351—DESIG- nation in Federal employment; mond, Missouri, whose contributions to the NATING SEPTEMBER 2021 AS Whereas, in Fulton, Missouri, Winston agricultural industry changed the way crops ‘‘NATIONAL CHILD AWARENESS Churchill drew the line between free Western are grown; democracies and the growing threat of com- MONTH’’ TO PROMOTE AWARE- munism in his famous ‘‘Sinews of Peace’’ Whereas Missouri, home to Branson, NESS OF CHARITIES THAT BEN- speech, where he popularized the term ‘‘Iron known for its shows and live entertainment, EFIT CHILDREN AND YOUTH- Curtain’’; has produced numerous renowned artists in SERVING ORGANIZATIONS Whereas Missouri is the home to the na- the areas of music, writing, acting, tele- THROUGHOUT THE UNITED tional treasures of Alley Mill and the Ozark vision, radio, and visual art, including— STATES AND RECOGNIZING THE National Scenic Riverways, the patchwork of (1) Maya Angelou, born in St. Louis, Mis- EFFORTS MADE BY THOSE the Mark Twain National Forest, the Sainte souri; CHARITIES AND ORGANIZATIONS Genevie`ve National Historical Park, and the Lake of the Ozarks, all of which are cher- (2) Yogi Berra, born and raised in St. ON BEHALF OF CHILDREN AND ished by Missourians; Louis, Missouri; YOUTH AS CRITICAL CONTRIBU- Whereas the unique terrain of forested (3) Chuck Berry, born and raised in St. TIONS TO THE FUTURE OF THE hills, wetlands, resource-rich soil, and vast Louis, Missouri; UNITED STATES farmland and the critical Mississippi, Mis- souri, and Osage Rivers established the (4) Walter Cronkite, born in St. Joseph, Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself, Mr. ‘‘Show Me State’’ as a leader in agriculture Missouri and raised in Kansas City, Missouri; LANKFORD, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Mrs. CAPITO, and commerce and a dominant producer of (5) Walt Disney, raised in Marceline, Mis- Ms. ROSEN, Mr. BRAUN, Mr. PADILLA, soybeans, corn, cotton, rice, cattle, swine, souri and Kansas City, Missouri; and Ms. HASSAN) submitted the fol- and poultry in the United States and as a lowing resolution; which was consid- 2 3 (6) Thomas Hart Benton, born in Neosho, home to nearly 95,000 farms that cover ⁄ of ered and agreed to: the State; Missouri; Whereas Missourians have shown their un- S. RES. 351 (7) Rush Limbaugh, born and raised in wavering patriotism to the United States Cape Girardeau, Missouri; Whereas millions of children and youth in through their dedicated service and selfless the United States represent the hopes and sacrifice for the protection of our Nation, (8) Phyllis Schlafly, born and raised in St. the future of the United States; with more than 410,000 veterans and 36,000 ac- Louis, Missouri; Whereas numerous individuals, charities tive duty and reserve personnel in the State; (9) Mark Twain, born in Florida, Missouri benefitting children, and youth-serving orga- Whereas Missouri is the site of the Na- and raised in Hannibal, Missouri; nizations that work with children and youth tional World War I Museum and Memorial, collaborate to provide invaluable services to which began when leaders in Kansas City, (10) Tennessee Williams, raised in St. enrich and better the lives of children and Missouri, raised more than $2,500,000 in just Louis, Missouri; and youth throughout the United States; 10 days to commemorate the men and women (11) Porter Wagoner, born and raised in Whereas raising awareness of, and increas- who served in the war, and the site was dedi- West Plains, Missouri; ing support for, organizations that provide cated by the Allied commanders in 1921, and access to health care, social services, edu- recognized as the National Museum and Me- Whereas Missouri is world renowned for its rich jazz and blues history, which began in cation, the arts, sports, and other services morial by Congress in 2014; will result in the development of character the 1920s when artists from around the coun- Whereas, in the 200 years since the birth of in, and the future success of, the children try were attracted to Kansas City, Missouri Missouri as a sovereign State, the citizens of and youth of the United States; during Prohibition and the Depression years, Missouri have made many significant Whereas the month of September, as the achievements in agriculture, art, athletics, and includes legends such as Count Basie, school year begins, is a time when parents, industry, literature, music, science, and Andy Kirk, Charlie Parker, Joe Turner, and families, teachers, school administrators, many other important areas; Mary Lou Williams; and communities increase the focus on chil- Whereas St. Louis debuted and popularized Whereas Missouri was the host of the 1904 dren and youth throughout the United to the world groundbreaking and life-chang- Summer Olympics—the first Olympics held States; ing innovations while it was host to the Lou- in the United States; Whereas the month of September is a time isiana Purchase Exposition in 1904, where the Whereas Missouri is the birthplace of the for the people of the United States to high- world marveled at— Negro National League, the first successful, light, and be mindful of, the needs of chil- (1) the ice cream cone; organized, professional African-American dren and youth; (2) the radiophone, the first wireless tele- baseball league in the United States that not Whereas private corporations and busi- phone; (3) the telautograph, the precursor to the only changed the game of baseball, but also nesses have joined with hundreds of national modern-day fax machine; our Nation, and is the home of the Negro and local charitable organizations through- (4) the X-ray machine; Leagues Baseball Museum in Kansas City; out the United States in support of a month- (5) the personal automobile; Whereas the major league sports teams of long focus on children and youth; and (6) the first public airship flight in the Missouri exhibit an impressive level of Whereas designating September 2021 as United States; athleticism and sportsmanship and have won ‘‘National Child Awareness Month’’ would (7) Dr. Pepper; several national championships, including— recognize that a long-term commitment to (8) peanut butter; and children and youth is in the public interest (9) iced tea; (1) the Kansas City Chiefs in 1970 and 2020; and will encourage widespread support for Whereas Missouri is also known for dif- (2) the Kansas City Royals in 1985 and 2015; charities and organizations that seek to pro- ferent types of barbecue across the State, vide a better future for the children and the roots of which can be traced back to the (3) the St. Louis Blues in 2019; and youth of the United States: Now, therefore, early 1900s in Kansas City, Missouri when (4) the St. Louis Cardinals in 1926, 1931, be it Henry Perry opened the city’s first barbecue 1934, 1942, 1944, 1946, 1964, 1967, 1982, 2006, and Resolved, That the Senate designates Sep- restaurant, later passing the legacy on to 2011; tember 2021 as ‘‘National Child Awareness Charlie Bryant; Whereas August 10, 2021, marks the 200th Month’’— Whereas Missouri’s barbecue history also anniversary of the statehood of Missouri; (1) to promote awareness of charities that includes other ‘‘greats’’ such as George benefit children and youth-serving organiza- Gates and Otis Boyd; and tions throughout the United States; Whereas, the birthplace of great minds, Whereas this bicentennial is a monumental (2) to recognize the efforts made by those Missourians have contributed to our society occasion to celebrate and commemorate the charities and organizations on behalf of chil- and economy through technological and ag- achievements of the great State of Missouri: dren and youth as critical contributions to ricultural advancements, including— Now, therefore, be it (1) James Ferguson, born in Wakenda, Mis- the future of the United States; and Resolved, That the Senate recognizes and (3) to recognize the importance of meeting souri, an inventor and entrepreneur who is celebrates the 200th anniversary of the entry best known for creating the Liquid Crystal the needs of at-risk children and youth, in- of Missouri into the Union as the 24th State. Display (‘‘LCD’’); cluding children and youth who— (2) Jack Kilby, born in Jefferson City, Mis- (A) have experienced homelessness; souri, an engineer who invented the (B) are in the foster care system; microchip and was a corecipient of the Nobel (C) have been victims, or are at risk of be- Prize for Physics; coming victims, of child sex trafficking; (3) Bill Lear, born in Hannibal, Missouri, (D) have been impacted by violence; an inventor and businessman who created (E) have experienced trauma; and the Lear Jet, the first mass produced busi- (F) have serious physical and mental ness jet; and health needs.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:08 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.019 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6117 SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLU- Sec. 4012. Budgetary treatment of adminis- Fiscal year 2031: $1,816,576,000,000. TION 14—SETTING FORTH THE trative expenses. (5) PUBLIC DEBT.—Pursuant to section CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET FOR Sec. 4013. Appropriate budgetary adjust- 301(a)(5) of the Congressional Budget Act of THE UNITED STATES GOVERN- ments in the House of Rep- 1974 (2 U.S.C. 632(a)(5)), the appropriate levels resentatives. of the public debt are as follows: MENT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2022 Sec. 4014. Adjustment for changes in the Fiscal year 2022: $30,789,000,000,000. AND SETTING FORTH THE AP- baseline in the House of Rep- Fiscal year 2023: $32,141,000,000,000. PROPRIATE BUDGETARY LEVELS resentatives. Fiscal year 2024: $33,526,000,000,000. FOR FISCAL YEARS 2023 Sec. 4015. Scoring rule in the Senate for Fiscal year 2025: $35,059,000,000,000. THROUGH 2031 child care and pre-kindergarten Fiscal year 2026: $36,570,000,000,000. legislation. Fiscal year 2027: $37,952,000,000,000. Mr. SANDERS (for himself, Mrs. Sec. 4016. Exercise of rulemaking powers. Fiscal year 2028: $39,733,000,000,000. MURRAY, Mr. WYDEN, Ms. STABENOW, TITLE I—RECOMMENDED LEVELS AND Fiscal year 2029: $41,296,000,000,000. Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. WARNER, Mr. AMOUNTS Fiscal year 2030: $43,188,000,000,000. MERKLEY, Mr. KAINE, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Fiscal year 2031: $45,150,000,000,000. Subtitle A—Budgetary Levels in Both Houses Mr. LUJA´ N, and Mr. PADILLA) sub- (6) DEBT HELD BY THE PUBLIC.—The appro- SEC. 1101. RECOMMENDED LEVELS AND priate levels of debt held by the public are as mitted the following concurrent resolu- AMOUNTS. tion; which was placed on the calendar: follows: The following budgetary levels are appro- Fiscal year 2022: $24,622,000,000,000. S. CON. RES. 14 priate for each of fiscal years 2022 through Fiscal year 2023: $25,826,000,000,000. Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- 2031: Fiscal year 2024: $27,153,000,000,000. resentatives concurring), (1) FEDERAL REVENUES.—For purposes of Fiscal year 2025: $28,678,000,000,000. SECTION 1. CONCURRENT RESOLUTION ON THE the enforcement of this resolution: Fiscal year 2026: $30,219,000,000,000. BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2022. (A) The recommended levels of Federal Fiscal year 2027: $31,776,000,000,000. (a) DECLARATION.—Congress declares that revenues are as follows: Fiscal year 2028: $33,737,000,000,000. this resolution is the concurrent resolution Fiscal year 2022: $3,401,380,000,000. Fiscal year 2029: $35,521,000,000,000. on the budget for fiscal year 2022 and that Fiscal year 2023: $3,512,947,000,000. Fiscal year 2030: $37,692,000,000,000. this resolution sets forth the appropriate Fiscal year 2024: $3,542,298,000,000. Fiscal year 2031: $39,987,000,000,000. budgetary levels for fiscal years 2023 through Fiscal year 2025: $3,565,871,000,000. SEC. 1102. MAJOR FUNCTIONAL CATEGORIES. 2031. Fiscal year 2026: $3,773,174,000,000. Congress determines and declares that the (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of con- Fiscal year 2027: $3,995,160,000,000. tents for this concurrent resolution is as fol- Fiscal year 2028: $4,090,582,000,000. appropriate levels of new budget authority lows: Fiscal year 2029: $4,218,130,000,000. and outlays for fiscal years 2022 through 2031 for each major functional category are: Sec. 1. Concurrent resolution on the budget Fiscal year 2030: $4,352,218,000,000. (1) National Defense (050): for fiscal year 2022. Fiscal year 2031: $4,505,614,000,000. (B) The amounts by which the aggregate Fiscal year 2022: TITLE I—RECOMMENDED LEVELS AND levels of Federal revenues should be changed (A) New budget authority, $765,704,000,000. AMOUNTS are as follows: (B) Outlays, $763,985,000,000. Subtitle A—Budgetary Levels in Both Fiscal year 2022: $0. Fiscal year 2023: Houses Fiscal year 2023: $0. (A) New budget authority, $782,245,000,000. Sec. 1101. Recommended levels and amounts. Fiscal year 2024: $0. (B) Outlays, $770,192,000,000. Sec. 1102. Major functional categories. Fiscal year 2025: $0. Fiscal year 2024: Subtitle B—Levels and Amounts in the Fiscal year 2026: $0. (A) New budget authority, $799,520,000,000. Senate Fiscal year 2027: $0. (B) Outlays, $776,297,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: Sec. 1201. Social Security in the Senate. Fiscal year 2028: $0. (A) New budget authority, $817,214,000,000. Sec. 1202. Postal Service discretionary ad- Fiscal year 2029: $0. (B) Outlays, $794,946,000,000. ministrative expenses in the Fiscal year 2030: $0. Fiscal year 2026: Senate. Fiscal year 2031: $0. (2) NEW BUDGET AUTHORITY.—For purposes (A) New budget authority, $835,351,000,000. TITLE II—RECONCILIATION of the enforcement of this resolution, the ap- (B) Outlays, $810,367,000,000. Sec. 2001. Reconciliation in the Senate. propriate levels of total new budget author- Fiscal year 2027: Sec. 2002. Reconciliation in the House of ity are as follows: (A) New budget authority, $843,873,000,000. Representatives. Fiscal year 2022: $4,417,362,000,000. (B) Outlays, $821,610,000,000. TITLE III—RESERVE FUNDS Fiscal year 2023: $4,579,359,000,000. Fiscal year 2028: Sec. 3001. Reserve fund for legislation that Fiscal year 2024: $4,699,353,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $852,499,000,000. won’t raise taxes on people Fiscal year 2025: $4,940,084,000,000. (B) Outlays, $836,561,000,000. making less than $400,000 in the Fiscal year 2026: $5,107,577,000,000. Fiscal year 2029: Senate. Fiscal year 2027: $5,311,640,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $861,191,000,000. Sec. 3002. Reserve fund for reconciliation Fiscal year 2028: $5,633,086,000,000. (B) Outlays, $834,592,000,000. legislation. Fiscal year 2029: $5,722,075,000,000. Fiscal year 2030: Sec. 3003. Reserve fund. Fiscal year 2030: $6,064,522,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $870,003,000,000. TITLE IV—OTHER MATTERS Fiscal year 2031: $6,365,907,000,000. (B) Outlays, $848,928,000,000. (3) BUDGET OUTLAYS.—For purposes of the Fiscal year 2031: Sec. 4001. Emergency legislation. (A) New budget authority, $880,156,000,000. Sec. 4002. Point of order against advance ap- enforcement of this resolution, the appro- (B) Outlays, $858,990,000,000. propriations in the Senate. priate levels of total budget outlays are as Sec. 4003. Point of order against advance ap- follows: (2) International Affairs (150): propriations in the House of Fiscal year 2022: $4,698,391,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: Representatives. Fiscal year 2023: $4,671,457,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $68,740,000,000. Sec. 4004. Program integrity initiatives and Fiscal year 2024: $4,714,709,000,000. (B) Outlays, $68,368,000,000. other adjustments in the Sen- Fiscal year 2025: $4,936,110,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: ate. Fiscal year 2026: $5,087,789,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $66,170,000,000. Sec. 4005. Program integrity initiatives and Fiscal year 2027: $5,288,850,000,000. (B) Outlays, $64,121,000,000. other adjustments in the House Fiscal year 2028: $5,635,713,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: of Representatives. Fiscal year 2029: $5,667,301,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $67,128,000,000. Sec. 4006. Enforcement filing. Fiscal year 2030: $6,024,068,000,000. (B) Outlays, $65,429,000,000. Sec. 4007. Application and effect of changes Fiscal year 2031: $6,322,190,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: in allocations, aggregates, and (4) DEFICITS.—For purposes of the enforce- (A) New budget authority, $68,621,000,000. other budgetary levels. ment of this resolution, the amounts of the (B) Outlays, $66,231,000,000. Sec. 4008. Adjustments to reflect changes in deficits are as follows: Fiscal year 2026: concepts and definitions. Fiscal year 2022: $1,297,011,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $70,182,000,000. Sec. 4009. Adjustment for bipartisan infra- Fiscal year 2023: $1,158,510,000,000. (B) Outlays, $67,113,000,000. structure legislation in the Fiscal year 2024: $1,172,411,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: Senate. Fiscal year 2025: $1,370,239,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $71,840,000,000. Sec. 4010. Adjustment for infrastructure leg- Fiscal year 2026: $1,314,615,000,000. (B) Outlays, $68,304,000,000. islation in the House of Rep- Fiscal year 2027: $1,293,690,000,000. Fiscal year 2028: resentatives. Fiscal year 2028: $1,545,131,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $73,526,000,000. Sec. 4011. Applicability of adjustments to Fiscal year 2029: $1,449,171,000,000. (B) Outlays, $69,474,000,000. discretionary spending limits. Fiscal year 2030: $1,671,850,000,000. Fiscal year 2029:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.021 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6118 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 (A) New budget authority, $75,221,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: (A) New budget authority, $115,757,000,000. (B) Outlays, $71,071,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $85,995,000,000. (B) Outlays, $114,226,000,000. Fiscal year 2030: (B) Outlays, $88,010,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: (A) New budget authority, $76,918,000,000. Fiscal year 2028: (A) New budget authority, $116,887,000,000. (B) Outlays, $72,602,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $79,575,000,000. (B) Outlays, $116,667,000,000. Fiscal year 2031: (B) Outlays, $81,370,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: (A) New budget authority, $78,648,000,000. Fiscal year 2029: (A) New budget authority, $109,698,000,000. (B) Outlays, $74,169,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $72,930,000,000. (B) Outlays, $119,447,000,000. (3) General Science, Space, and Technology (B) Outlays, $74,272,000,000. Fiscal year 2028: (250): Fiscal year 2030: (A) New budget authority, $110,385,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: (A) New budget authority, $68,352,000,000. (B) Outlays, $121,240,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $43,582,000,000. (B) Outlays, $69,251,000,000. Fiscal year 2029: (B) Outlays, $39,492,000,000. Fiscal year 2031: (A) New budget authority, $110,874,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: (A) New budget authority, $68,666,000,000. (B) Outlays, $122,515,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $46,345,000,000. (B) Outlays, $68,676,000,000. Fiscal year 2030: (B) Outlays, $43,900,000,000. (6) Agriculture (350): (A) New budget authority, $106,173,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: Fiscal year 2022: (B) Outlays, $117,702,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $48,435,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $23,063,000,000. Fiscal year 2031: (B) Outlays, $46,597,000,000. (B) Outlays, $25,334,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $107,256,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: Fiscal year 2023: (B) Outlays, $118,633,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $50,286,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $21,368,000,000. (9) Community and Regional Development (B) Outlays, $48,830,000,000. (B) Outlays, $22,442,000,000. (450): Fiscal year 2026: Fiscal year 2024: Fiscal year 2022: (A) New budget authority, $51,492,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $19,240,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $43,543,000,000. (B) Outlays, $50,050,000,000. (B) Outlays, $23,187,000,000. (B) Outlays, $47,318,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: Fiscal year 2025: Fiscal year 2023: (A) New budget authority, $51,839,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $21,860,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $27,007,000,000. (B) Outlays, $50,449,000,000. (B) Outlays, $24,614,000,000. (B) Outlays, $33,380,000,000. Fiscal year 2028: Fiscal year 2026: Fiscal year 2024: (A) New budget authority, $51,169,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $23,761,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $28,430,000,000. (B) Outlays, $49,783,000,000. (B) Outlays, $25,151,000,000. (B) Outlays, $34,603,000,000. Fiscal year 2029: Fiscal year 2027: Fiscal year 2025: (A) New budget authority, $50,735,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $25,501,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $27,461,000,000. (B) Outlays, $49,415,000,000. (B) Outlays, $26,471,000,000. (B) Outlays, $34,658,000,000. Fiscal year 2030: Fiscal year 2028: Fiscal year 2026: (A) New budget authority, $50,898,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $26,186,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $27,839,000,000. (B) Outlays, $49,548,000,000. (B) Outlays, $26,499,000,000. (B) Outlays, $35,338,000,000. Fiscal year 2031: Fiscal year 2029: Fiscal year 2027: (A) New budget authority, $51,324,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $25,629,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $27,744,000,000. (B) Outlays, $49,936,000,000. (B) Outlays, $25,874,000,000. (B) Outlays, $35,238,000,000. (4) Energy (270): Fiscal year 2030: Fiscal year 2028: Fiscal year 2022: (A) New budget authority, $25,159,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $28,136,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $14,240,000,000. (B) Outlays, $25,989,000,000. (B) Outlays, $35,738,000,000. (B) Outlays, $10,032,000,000. Fiscal year 2031: Fiscal year 2029: Fiscal year 2023: (A) New budget authority, $28,515,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $28,524,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $59,665,000,000. (B) Outlays, $26,284,000,000. (B) Outlays, $36,097,000,000. (B) Outlays, $57,248,000,000. (7) Commerce and Housing Credit (370): Fiscal year 2030: Fiscal year 2024: Fiscal year 2022: (A) New budget authority, $28,943,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $55,348,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $18,105,000,000. (B) Outlays, $36,452,000,000. (B) Outlays, $53,858,000,000. (B) Outlays, $42,495,000,000. Fiscal year 2031: Fiscal year 2025: Fiscal year 2023: (A) New budget authority, $33,429,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $67,729,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $19,284,000,000. (B) Outlays, $38,014,000,000. (B) Outlays, $66,867,000,000. (B) Outlays, $29,411,000,000. (10) Education, Training, Employment, and Fiscal year 2026: Fiscal year 2024: Social Services (500): (A) New budget authority, $78,038,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $25,017,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: (B) Outlays, $77,647,000,000. (B) Outlays, $22,592,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $159,805,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: Fiscal year 2025: (B) Outlays, $208,172,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $79,617,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $24,785,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: (B) Outlays, $79,511,000,000. (B) Outlays, $19,146,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $180,462,000,000. Fiscal year 2028: Fiscal year 2026: (B) Outlays, $225,204,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $74,543,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $23,609,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: (B) Outlays, $74,164,000,000. (B) Outlays, $15,045,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $200,600,000,000. Fiscal year 2029: Fiscal year 2027: (B) Outlays, $249,029,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $68,781,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $21,752,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: (B) Outlays, $68,174,000,000. (B) Outlays, $12,248,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $211,940,000,000. Fiscal year 2030: Fiscal year 2028: (B) Outlays, $243,908,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $63,620,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $21,992,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: (B) Outlays, $62,932,000,000. (B) Outlays, $12,894,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $212,123,000,000. Fiscal year 2031: Fiscal year 2029: (B) Outlays, $226,623,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $55,974,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $23,789,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: (B) Outlays, $55,198,000,000. (B) Outlays, $13,250,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $214,568,000,000. (5) Natural Resources and Environment Fiscal year 2030: (B) Outlays, $218,916,000,000. (300): (A) New budget authority, $22,410,000,000. Fiscal year 2028: Fiscal year 2022: (B) Outlays, $10,462,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $217,422,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $60,969,000,000. Fiscal year 2031: (B) Outlays, $218,221,000,000. (B) Outlays, $54,889,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $17,548,000,000. Fiscal year 2029: Fiscal year 2023: (B) Outlays, $6,105,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $220,255,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $70,319,000,000. (8) Transportation (400): (B) Outlays, $219,079,000,000. (B) Outlays, $67,072,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: Fiscal year 2030: Fiscal year 2024: (A) New budget authority, $112,406,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $229,691,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $78,314,000,000. (B) Outlays, $133,738,000,000. (B) Outlays, $228,404,000,000. (B) Outlays, $75,927,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: Fiscal year 2031: Fiscal year 2025: (A) New budget authority, $113,887,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $244,488,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $85,585,000,000. (B) Outlays, $118,957,000,000. (B) Outlays, $242,537,000,000. (B) Outlays, $84,140,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: (11) Health (550): Fiscal year 2026: (A) New budget authority, $115,061,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: (A) New budget authority, $88,203,000,000. (B) Outlays, $112,082,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $853,696,000,000. (B) Outlays, $89,292,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: (B) Outlays, $952,919,000,000.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00058 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.021 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6119 Fiscal year 2023: (B) Outlays, $792,858,000,000. Fiscal year 2030: (A) New budget authority, $804,345,000,000. (14) Social Security (650): (A) New budget authority, $87,881,000,000. (B) Outlays, $827,269,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: (B) Outlays, $86,642,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: (A) New budget authority, $47,020,000,000. Fiscal year 2031: (A) New budget authority, $800,361,000,000. (B) Outlays, $47,020,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $96,549,000,000. (B) Outlays, $809,731,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: (B) Outlays, $94,529,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: (A) New budget authority, $50,129,000,000. (17) General Government (800): (A) New budget authority, $830,330,000,000. (B) Outlays, $50,129,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: (B) Outlays, $830,449,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: (A) New budget authority, $48,565,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: (A) New budget authority, $53,591,000,000. (B) Outlays, $111,629,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $855,834,000,000. (B) Outlays, $53,591,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: (B) Outlays, $849,147,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: (A) New budget authority, $29,912,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: (A) New budget authority, $57,355,000,000. (B) Outlays, $33,642,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $876,704,000,000. (B) Outlays, $57,355,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: (B) Outlays, $869,791,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: (A) New budget authority, $30,382,000,000. Fiscal year 2028: (A) New budget authority, $67,932,000,000. (B) Outlays, $32,557,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $908,063,000,000. (B) Outlays, $67,932,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: (B) Outlays, $906,081,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: (A) New budget authority, $30,935,000,000. Fiscal year 2029: (A) New budget authority, $74,299,000,000. (B) Outlays, $33,585,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $940,898,000,000. (B) Outlays, $74,299,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: (B) Outlays, $939,318,000,000. Fiscal year 2028: (A) New budget authority, $31,538,000,000. Fiscal year 2030: (A) New budget authority, $79,053,000,000. (B) Outlays, $33,016,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $982,028,000,000. (B) Outlays, $79,053,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: (B) Outlays, $970,863,000,000. Fiscal year 2029: (A) New budget authority, $32,168,000,000. Fiscal year 2031: (A) New budget authority, $84,197,000,000. (B) Outlays, $33,540,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $1,018,845,000,000. (B) Outlays, $84,197,000,000. Fiscal year 2028: (B) Outlays, $1,017,586,000,000. Fiscal year 2030: (A) New budget authority, $32,798,000,000. (12) Medicare (570): (A) New budget authority, $89,406,000,000. (B) Outlays, $33,807,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: (B) Outlays, $89,406,000,000. Fiscal year 2029: (A) New budget authority, $772,277,000,000. Fiscal year 2031: (A) New budget authority, $33,432,000,000. (B) Outlays, $771,930,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $93,932,000,000. (B) Outlays, $33,024,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: (B) Outlays, $93,932,000,000. Fiscal year 2030: (A) New budget authority, $882,348,000,000. (15) Veterans Benefits and Services (700): (A) New budget authority, $34,103,000,000. (B) Outlays, $882,065,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: (B) Outlays, $33,539,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: (A) New budget authority, $274,340,000,000. Fiscal year 2031: (A) New budget authority, $902,102,000,000. (B) Outlays, $282,071,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $35,123,000,000. (B) Outlays, $901,899,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: (B) Outlays, $34,544,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: (A) New budget authority, $279,810,000,000. (18) Net Interest (900): (A) New budget authority, $1,018,540,000,000. (B) Outlays, $279,868,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: (B) Outlays, $1,018,302,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: (A) New budget authority, $373,011,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: (A) New budget authority, $288,676,000,000. (B) Outlays, $373,011,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $1,091,095,000,000. (B) Outlays, $276,026,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: (B) Outlays, $1,090,814,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: (A) New budget authority, $378,542,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: (A) New budget authority, $297,105,000,000. (B) Outlays, $378,542,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $1,168,909,000,000. (B) Outlays, $299,907,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: (B) Outlays, $1,168,581,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: (A) New budget authority, $407,539,000,000. Fiscal year 2028: (A) New budget authority, $305,075,000,000. (B) Outlays, $407,539,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $1,326,565,000,000. (B) Outlays, $307,739,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: (B) Outlays, $1,326,191,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: (A) New budget authority, $464,069,000,000. Fiscal year 2029: (A) New budget authority, $313,512,000,000. (B) Outlays, $464,069,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $1,262,774,000,000. (B) Outlays, $316,417,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: (B) Outlays, $1,262,367,000,000. Fiscal year 2028: (A) New budget authority, $541,134,000,000. Fiscal year 2030: (A) New budget authority, $322,020,000,000. (B) Outlays, $541,134,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $1,425,734,000,000. (B) Outlays, $336,852,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: (B) Outlays, $1,425,284,000,000. Fiscal year 2029: (A) New budget authority, $623,392,000,000. Fiscal year 2031: (A) New budget authority, $331,220,000,000. (B) Outlays, $623,392,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $1,509,905,000,000. (B) Outlays, $315,456,000,000. Fiscal year 2028: (B) Outlays, $1,509,433,000,000. Fiscal year 2030: (A) New budget authority, $719,805,000,000. (13) Income Security (600): (A) New budget authority, $340,439,000,000. (B) Outlays, $719,805,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: (B) Outlays, $338,867,000,000. Fiscal year 2029: (A) New budget authority, $830,063,000,000. Fiscal year 2031: (A) New budget authority, $813,280,000,000. (B) Outlays, $867,038,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $350,829,000,000. (B) Outlays, $813,280,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: (B) Outlays, $349,032,000,000. Fiscal year 2030: (A) New budget authority, $820,620,000,000. (16) Administration of Justice (750): (A) New budget authority, $918,333,000,000. (B) Outlays, $836,905,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: (B) Outlays, $918,333,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: (A) New budget authority, $80,614,000,000. Fiscal year 2031: (A) New budget authority, $821,754,000,000. (B) Outlays, $78,094,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $1,025,810,000,000. (B) Outlays, $811,159,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: (B) Outlays, $1,025,810,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: (A) New budget authority, $77,444,000,000. (19) Allowances (920): (A) New budget authority, $792,146,000,000. (B) Outlays, $77,431,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: (B) Outlays, $780,347,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: (A) New budget authority, $11,507,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: (A) New budget authority, $78,904,000,000. (B) Outlays, $17,129,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $730,424,000,000. (B) Outlays, $78,533,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: (B) Outlays, $725,612,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: (A) New budget authority, ¥$14,188,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: (A) New budget authority, $79,626,000,000. (B) Outlays, ¥$2,706,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $733,601,000,000. (B) Outlays, $78,861,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: (B) Outlays, $724,726,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: (A) New budget authority, ¥$11,538,000,000. Fiscal year 2028: (A) New budget authority, $81,223,000,000. (B) Outlays, ¥$6,811,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $752,515,000,000. (B) Outlays, $80,382,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: (B) Outlays, $749,719,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: (A) New budget authority, ¥$9,499,000,000. Fiscal year 2029: (A) New budget authority, $82,849,000,000. (B) Outlays, ¥$7,389,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $764,277,000,000. (B) Outlays, $81,809,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: (B) Outlays, $749,137,000,000. Fiscal year 2028: (A) New budget authority, ¥$8,979,000,000. Fiscal year 2030: (A) New budget authority, $84,495,000,000. (B) Outlays, ¥$7,646,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $781,991,000,000. (B) Outlays, $83,423,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: (B) Outlays, $772,369,000,000. Fiscal year 2029: (A) New budget authority, ¥$7,240,000,000. Fiscal year 2031: (A) New budget authority, $86,184,000,000. (B) Outlays, ¥$6,478,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $802,900,000,000. (B) Outlays, $85,004,000,000. Fiscal year 2028:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00059 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.021 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6120 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 (A) New budget authority, ¥$5,238,000,000. Fiscal year 2029: $1,662,981,000,000. ing, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Sen- (B) Outlays, ¥$4,559,000,000. Fiscal year 2030: $1,764,408,000,000. ate shall report changes in laws within its Fiscal year 2029: Fiscal year 2031: $1,868,859,000,000. jurisdiction that increase the deficit by not (A) New budget authority, ¥$5,126,000,000. (c) SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATIVE EX- more than $332,000,000,000 for the period of (B) Outlays, ¥$3,651,000,000. PENSES.—In the Senate, the amounts of new fiscal years 2022 through 2031. Fiscal year 2030: budget authority and budget outlays of the (c) COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND (A) New budget authority, ¥$5,898,000,000. Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance TRANSPORTATION.—The Committee on Com- (B) Outlays, ¥$3,393,000,000. Trust Fund and the Federal Disability Insur- merce, Science, and Transportation of the Fiscal year 2031: ance Trust Fund for administrative expenses Senate shall report changes in laws within are as follows: (A) New budget authority, $2,530,000,000. its jurisdiction that increase the deficit by Fiscal year 2022: (B) Outlays, $1,034,000,000. not more than $83,076,000,000 for the period of (A) New budget authority, $6,339,000,000. (20) Undistributed Offsetting Receipts (950): fiscal years 2022 through 2031. (B) Outlays, $6,311,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: (d) COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND NATURAL Fiscal year 2023: (A) New budget authority, RESOURCES.—The Committee on Energy and (A) New budget authority, $6,541,000,000. ¥$183,888,000,000. Natural Resources of the Senate shall report (B) Outlays, $6,490,000,000. (B) Outlays, ¥$191,273,000,000. changes in laws within its jurisdiction that Fiscal year 2024: Fiscal year 2023: increase the deficit by not more than (A) New budget authority, $6,757,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $198,000,000,000 for the period of fiscal years (B) Outlays, $6,700,000,000. ¥$116,355,000,000. 2022 through 2031. Fiscal year 2025: (e) COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC (B) Outlays, ¥$123,615,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $6,969,000,000. WORKS.—The Committee on Environment Fiscal year 2024: (B) Outlays, $6,912,000,000. and Public Works of the Senate shall report (A) New budget authority, Fiscal year 2026: changes in laws within its jurisdiction that ¥$109,511,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $7,185,000,000. increase the deficit by not more than (B) Outlays, ¥$109,116,000,000. (B) Outlays, $7,128,000,000. $67,264,000,000 for the period of fiscal years Fiscal year 2025: Fiscal year 2027: 2022 through 2031. (A) New budget authority, (A) New budget authority, $7,405,000,000. (f) COMMITTEE ON FINANCE.—The Com- ¥$111,761,000,000. (B) Outlays, $7,347,000,000. mittee on Finance of the Senate shall report (B) Outlays, ¥$116,941,000,000. Fiscal year 2028: changes in laws within its jurisdiction that Fiscal year 2026: (A) New budget authority, $7,631,000,000. reduce the deficit by not less than (A) New budget authority, (B) Outlays, $7,571,000,000. $1,000,000,000 for the period of fiscal years ¥$115,184,000,000. Fiscal year 2029: 2022 through 2031. (B) Outlays, ¥$113,634,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $7,862,000,000. (g) COMMITTEE ON HEALTH, EDUCATION, Fiscal year 2027: (B) Outlays, $7,800,000,000. LABOR, AND PENSIONS.—The Committee on (A) New budget authority, Fiscal year 2030: Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of ¥$118,981,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $8,098,000,000. the Senate shall report changes in laws with- (B) Outlays, ¥$117,431,000,000. (B) Outlays, $8,035,000,000. in its jurisdiction that increase the deficit Fiscal year 2028: Fiscal year 2031: by not more than $726,380,000,000 for the pe- (A) New budget authority, (A) New budget authority, $8,343,000,000. riod of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. ¥$122,423,000,000. (h) COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY AND (B) Outlays, $8,278,000,000. (B) Outlays, ¥$120,603,000,000. GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS.—The Committee on Fiscal year 2029: SEC. 1202. POSTAL SERVICE DISCRETIONARY AD- Homeland Security and Governmental Af- MINISTRATIVE EXPENSES IN THE (A) New budget authority, SENATE. fairs of the Senate shall report changes in ¥$126,990,000,000. In the Senate, the amounts of new budget laws within its jurisdiction that increase the (B) Outlays, ¥$125,170,000,000. authority and budget outlays of the Postal deficit by not more than $37,000,000,000 for Fiscal year 2030: Service for discretionary administrative ex- the period of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. (A) New budget authority, penses are as follows: (i) COMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS.—The ¥$131,662,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: Committee on Indian Affairs of the Senate (B) Outlays, ¥$130,112,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $278,000,000. shall report changes in laws within its juris- Fiscal year 2031: (B) Outlays, $278,000,000. diction that increase the deficit by not more than $20,500,000,000 for the period of fiscal (A) New budget authority, Fiscal year 2023: years 2022 through 2031. ¥$136,520,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $287,000,000. (B) Outlays, ¥$135,110,000,000. (j) COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY.—The (B) Outlays, $287,000,000. Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate Subtitle B—Levels and Amounts in the Fiscal year 2024: shall report changes in laws within its juris- Senate (A) New budget authority, $299,000,000. diction that increase the deficit by not more SEC. 1201. SOCIAL SECURITY IN THE SENATE. (B) Outlays, $298,000,000. than $107,500,000,000 for the period of fiscal Fiscal year 2025: (a) SOCIAL SECURITY REVENUES.—For pur- years 2022 through 2031. poses of Senate enforcement under sections (A) New budget authority, $310,000,000. (k) COMMITTEE ON SMALL BUSINESS AND EN- 302 and 311 of the Congressional Budget Act (B) Outlays, $310,000,000. TREPRENEURSHIP.—The Committee on Small of 1974 (2 U.S.C. 633 and 642), the amounts of Fiscal year 2026: Business and Entrepreneurship of the Senate revenues of the Federal Old-Age and Sur- (A) New budget authority, $321,000,000. shall report changes in laws within its juris- vivors Insurance Trust Fund and the Federal (B) Outlays, $320,000,000. diction that increase the deficit by not more Disability Insurance Trust Fund are as fol- Fiscal year 2027: than $25,000,000,000 for the period of fiscal lows: (A) New budget authority, $332,000,000. years 2022 through 2031. Fiscal year 2022: $989,019,000,000. (B) Outlays, $332,000,000. (l) COMMITTEE ON VETERANS’ AFFAIRS.—The Fiscal year 2023: $1,084,547,000,000. Fiscal year 2028: Committee on Veterans’ Affairs of the Sen- Fiscal year 2024: $1,128,287,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $344,000,000. ate shall report changes in laws within its Fiscal year 2025: $1,167,700,000,000. (B) Outlays, $343,000,000. jurisdiction that increase the deficit by not Fiscal year 2026: $1,211,081,000,000. Fiscal year 2029: more than $18,000,000,000 for the period of fis- Fiscal year 2027: $1,257,670,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $356,000,000. cal years 2022 through 2031. Fiscal year 2028: $1,305,822,000,000. (B) Outlays, $355,000,000. (m) SUBMISSIONS.—In the Senate, not later Fiscal year 2029: $1,354,109,000,000. Fiscal year 2030: than September 15, 2021, the Committees Fiscal year 2030: $1,401,701,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $368,000,000. named in the subsections of this section Fiscal year 2031: $1,451,146,000,000. (B) Outlays, $367,000,000. shall submit their recommendations to the (b) SOCIAL SECURITY OUTLAYS.—For pur- Fiscal year 2031: Committee on the Budget of the Senate. poses of Senate enforcement under sections (A) New budget authority, $381,000,000. Upon receiving all such recommendations, 302 and 311 of the Congressional Budget Act (B) Outlays, $380,000,000. the Committee on the Budget of the Senate of 1974 (2 U.S.C. 633 and 642), the amounts of TITLE II—RECONCILIATION shall report to the Senate a reconciliation outlays of the Federal Old-Age and Survivors SEC. 2001. RECONCILIATION IN THE SENATE. bill carrying out all such recommendations Insurance Trust Fund and the Federal Dis- (a) COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE, NUTRITION, without any substantive revision. ability Insurance Trust Fund are as follows: AND FORESTRY.—The Committee on Agri- SEC. 2002. RECONCILIATION IN THE HOUSE OF Fiscal year 2022: $1,073,387,000,000. culture, Nutrition, and Forestry of the Sen- REPRESENTATIVES. Fiscal year 2023: $1,153,424,000,000. ate shall report changes in laws within its (a) COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE.—The Com- Fiscal year 2024: $1,231,164,000,000. jurisdiction that increase the deficit by not mittee on Agriculture of the House of Rep- Fiscal year 2025: $1,311,894,000,000. more than $135,000,000,000 for the period of resentatives shall report changes in laws Fiscal year 2026: $1,389,018,000,000. fiscal years 2022 through 2031. within its jurisdiction that increase the def- Fiscal year 2027: $1,472,602,000,000. (b) COMMITTEE ON BANKING, HOUSING, AND icit by not more than $89,100,000,000 for the Fiscal year 2028: $1,566,258,000,000. URBAN AFFAIRS.—The Committee on Bank- period of fiscal years 2022 through 2031.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00060 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.021 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6121

(b) COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND LABOR.— TITLE III—RESERVE FUNDS vise the allocations of a committee or com- The Committee on Education and Labor of SEC. 3001. RESERVE FUND FOR LEGISLATION mittees, aggregates, and other appropriate the House of Representatives shall report THAT WON’T RAISE TAXES ON PEO- levels in this resolution, and make adjust- changes in laws within its jurisdiction that PLE MAKING LESS THAN $400,000 IN ments to the pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or increase the deficit by not more than THE SENATE. more bills, joint resolutions, amendments, $779,500,000,000 for the period of fiscal years The Chairman of the Committee on the amendments between the Houses, motions, 2022 through 2031. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- or conference reports by the amounts pro- (c) COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND COMMERCE.— tions of a committee or committees, aggre- vided in such legislation, provided that such The Committee on Energy and Commerce of gates, and other appropriate levels in this legislation would not increase the deficit for the House of Representatives shall report resolution, and make adjustments to the the time period of fiscal year 2022 to fiscal changes in laws within its jurisdiction that pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, year 2031. increase the deficit by not more than joint resolutions, amendments, amendments (b) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.—The chair between the Houses, motions, or conference $486,500,000,000 for the period of fiscal years of the Committee on the Budget of the House reports relating to changes in revenues, 2022 through 2031. of Representatives may revise the alloca- without raising taxes on people making less tions of a committee or committees, aggre- (d) COMMITTEE ON FINANCIAL SERVICES.— than $400,000, by the amounts in such legisla- gates, and other appropriate levels in this The Committee on Financial Services of the tion for those purposes, provided that such concurrent resolution for one or more bills, House of Representatives shall report legislation would not increase the deficit for joint resolutions, amendments, or conference changes in laws within its jurisdiction that the time period of fiscal year 2022 to fiscal reports by the amounts provided in such leg- increase the deficit by not more than year 2031. islation, provided that such legislation $339,000,000,000 for the period of fiscal years SEC. 3002. RESERVE FUND FOR RECONCILIATION would not increase the deficit for the fol- 2022 through 2031. LEGISLATION. lowing time periods: fiscal year 2022 to fiscal (e) COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY.— (a) SENATE.— year 2026 and fiscal year 2022 to fiscal year The Committee on Homeland Security of the (1) IN GENERAL.—The Chairman of the Com- 2031. House of Representatives shall report mittee on the Budget of the Senate may re- TITLE IV—OTHER MATTERS changes in laws within its jurisdiction that vise the allocations of a committee or com- increase the deficit by not more than SEC. 4001. EMERGENCY LEGISLATION. mittees, aggregates, and other appropriate (a) SENATE.— $500,000,000 for the period of fiscal years 2022 levels in this resolution, and make adjust- through 2031. (1) AUTHORITY TO DESIGNATE.—In the Sen- ments to the pay-as-you-go ledger, for any ate, with respect to a provision of direct (f) COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY.—The bill or joint resolution considered pursuant spending or receipts legislation or appropria- Committee on the Judiciary of the House of to section 2001 containing the recommenda- tions for discretionary accounts that Con- Representatives shall report changes in laws tions of one or more committees, or for one gress designates as an emergency require- within its jurisdiction that increase the def- or more amendments to, a conference report ment in such measure, the amounts of new icit by not more than $107,500,000,000 for the on, or an amendment between the Houses in budget authority, outlays, and receipts in all period of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. relation to such a bill or joint resolution, by fiscal years resulting from that provision (g) COMMITTEE ON NATURAL RESOURCES.— the amounts necessary to accommodate the shall be treated as an emergency require- The Committee on Natural Resources of the budgetary effects of the legislation, if the ment for the purpose of this subsection. House of Representatives shall report budgetary effects of the legislation comply (2) EXEMPTION OF EMERGENCY PROVISIONS.— changes in laws within its jurisdiction that with the reconciliation instructions under Any new budget authority, outlays, and re- increase the deficit by not more than this concurrent resolution. ceipts resulting from any provision des- $25,600,000,000 for the period of fiscal years (2) DETERMINATION OF COMPLIANCE.—For ignated as an emergency requirement, pursu- 2022 through 2031. purposes of this subsection, compliance with ant to this subsection, in any bill, joint reso- (h) COMMITTEE ON OVERSIGHT AND RE- the reconciliation instructions under this lution, amendment, amendment between the FORM.—The Committee on Oversight and Re- concurrent resolution shall be determined by Houses, or conference report shall not count form of the House of Representatives shall the Chairman of the Committee on the Budg- for purposes of sections 302 and 311 of the report changes in laws within its jurisdiction et of the Senate. Congressional Budget Act of 1974 (2 U.S.C. that increase the deficit by not more than (3) EXCEPTIONS FOR LEGISLATION.— 633, 642), section 404(a) of S. Con. Res. 13 $7,500,000,000 for the period of fiscal years (A) SHORT-TERM.—Section 404 of S. Con. (111th Congress), the concurrent resolution 2022 through 2031. Res. 13 (111th Congress), the concurrent reso- on the budget for fiscal year 2010, section (i) COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE, SPACE, AND lution on the budget for fiscal year 2010, as 3101 of S. Con. Res. 11 (114th Congress), the TECHNOLOGY.—The Committee on Science, amended by section 3201(b)(2) of S. Con. Res. concurrent resolution on the budget for fis- Space, and Technology of the House of Rep- 11 (114th Congress), the concurrent resolu- cal year 2016, and section 4106 of H. Con. Res. resentatives shall report changes in laws tion on the budget for fiscal year 2016, shall 71 (115th Congress), the concurrent resolu- within its jurisdiction that increase the def- not apply to legislation for which the Chair- tion on the budget for fiscal year 2018. icit by not more than $45,510,000,000 for the man of the Committee on the Budget of the (3) DESIGNATIONS.—If a provision of legisla- period of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. Senate has exercised the authority under tion is designated as an emergency require- (j) COMMITTEE ON SMALL BUSINESS.—The paragraph (1). ment under this subsection, the committee Committee on Small Business of the House (B) LONG-TERM.—Section 3101 of S. Con. report and any statement of managers ac- of Representatives shall report changes in Res. 11 (114th Congress), the concurrent reso- companying that legislation shall include an laws within its jurisdiction that increase the lution on the budget for fiscal year 2016, explanation of the manner in which the pro- deficit by not more than $17,500,000,000 for shall not apply to legislation for which the vision meets the criteria in paragraph (5). the period of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. Chairman of the Committee on the Budget of (4) DEFINITIONS.—In this subsection, the (k) COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION AND IN- the Senate has exercised the authority under terms ‘‘direct spending’’, ‘‘receipts’’, and FRASTRUCTURE.—The Committee on Trans- paragraph (1). ‘‘appropriations for discretionary accounts’’ portation and Infrastructure of the House of (b) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.— mean any provision of a bill, joint resolu- Representatives shall report changes in laws (1) IN GENERAL.—In the House of the Rep- tion, amendment, motion, amendment be- within its jurisdiction that increase the def- resentatives, the chair of the Committee on tween the Houses, or conference report that icit by not more than $60,000,000,000 for the the Budget may revise the allocations of a affects direct spending, receipts, or appro- period of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. committee or committees, aggregates, and priations as those terms have been defined (l) COMMITTEE ON VETERANS’ AFFAIRS.—The other appropriate levels in this concurrent and interpreted for purposes of the Balanced Committee on Veterans’ Affairs of the House resolution for any bill or joint resolution Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of Representatives shall report changes in considered pursuant to this concurrent reso- of 1985 (2 U.S.C. 900 et seq.). laws within its jurisdiction that increase the lution containing the recommendations of (5) CRITERIA.— deficit by not more than $18,000,000,000 for one or more committees, or for one or more (A) IN GENERAL.—For purposes of this sub- the period of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. amendments to, a conference report on, or section, any provision is an emergency re- (m) COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS.—The an amendment between the Houses in rela- quirement if the situation addressed by such Committee on Ways and Means of the House tion to such a bill or joint resolution, by the provision is— of Representatives shall report changes in amounts necessary to accommodate the (i) necessary, essential, or vital (not mere- laws within its jurisdiction that reduce the budgetary effects of the legislation. ly useful or beneficial); deficit by not less than $1,000,000,000 for the (2) EXCEPTION FOR LEGISLATION.—The point (ii) sudden, quickly coming into being, and period of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. of order set forth in clause 10 of rule XXI of not building up over time; (n) SUBMISSIONS.—In the House of Rep- the House of Representatives shall not apply (iii) an urgent, pressing, and compelling resentatives, not later than September 15, to reconciliation legislation reported by the need requiring immediate action; 2021, the committees named in the sub- Committee on the Budget pursuant to sub- (iv) subject to subparagraph (B), unfore- sections of this section shall submit their missions under this concurrent resolution. seen, unpredictable, and unanticipated; and recommendations to the Committee on the SEC. 3003. RESERVE FUND. (v) not permanent, temporary in nature. Budget of the House of Representatives to (a) SENATE.—The Chairman of the Com- (B) UNFORESEEN.—An emergency that is carry out this section. mittee on the Budget of the Senate may re- part of an aggregate level of anticipated

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00061 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.021 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6122 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 emergencies, particularly when normally es- mined by the Chairman of the Committee on ing to any matter described in subsection (b) timated in advance, is not unforeseen. the Budget of the Senate; and or the adoption of a motion to proceed to, (6) REPEAL.—In the Senate, section 4112 of (5) for the Department of Health and the offering of an amendment to, the laying H. Con. Res. 71 (115th Congress), the concur- Human Services for the Indian Health Serv- before the Senate of an amendment between rent resolution on the budget for fiscal year ices and Indian Health Facilities accounts— the Houses to, or the submission of a con- 2018, shall no longer apply. (A) in an amount that is not more than the ference report on such a bill or joint resolu- (b) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.— amount provided for fiscal year 2022 in a bill tion— (1) IN GENERAL.—In the House of Represent- or joint resolution making appropriations (1) the Chairman of the Committee on the atives, if a bill, joint resolution, amendment, for fiscal year 2022; and Budget of the Senate may adjust the budg- or conference report contains a provision (B) in an amount that is not more than the etary aggregates and allocations pursuant to providing new budget authority and outlays amount provided for fiscal year 2023 in a bill section 302(a) of the Congressional Budget or reducing revenue, and a designation of or joint resolution making appropriations Act of 1974 (2 U.S.C. 633(a)) by the amount of such provision as emergency requirement, for fiscal year 2023. new budget authority in that measure for the chair of the Committee on the Budget of (c) SUPERMAJORITY WAIVER AND APPEAL.— that purpose and the outlays flowing there- the House of Representatives shall not count (1) WAIVER.—In the Senate, subsection (a) from; and the budgetary effects of such provision for may be waived or suspended only by an af- (2) following any adjustment under para- any purpose in the House of Representatives. firmative vote of three-fifths of the Mem- graph (1), the Committee on Appropriations (2) PROPOSAL TO STRIKE.—A proposal to bers, duly chosen and sworn. of the Senate may report appropriately re- strike a designation under paragraph (1) (2) APPEAL.—An affirmative vote of three- vised suballocations pursuant to section shall be excluded from an evaluation of fifths of the Members of the Senate, duly 302(b) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 budgetary effects for any purpose in the chosen and sworn, shall be required to sus- (2 U.S.C. 633(b)) to carry out this section. House of Representatives. tain an appeal of the ruling of the Chair on (b) MATTERS DESCRIBED.—Matters referred (3) AMENDMENT TO REDUCE AMOUNTS.—An a point of order raised under subsection (a). to in subsection (a) are as follows: amendment offered under paragraph (2) that (d) FORM OF POINT OF ORDER.—A point of (1) CONTINUING DISABILITY REVIEWS AND RE- also proposes to reduce each amount appro- order under subsection (a) may be raised by DETERMINATIONS.— priated or otherwise made available by the a Senator as provided in section 313(e) of the (A) IN GENERAL.—If a bill, joint resolution, pending measure that is not required to be Congressional Budget Act of 1974 (2 U.S.C. amendment, amendment between the appropriated or otherwise made available 644(e)). shall be in order at any point in the reading (e) CONFERENCE REPORTS.—When the Sen- Houses, or conference report making discre- of the pending measure. ate is considering a conference report on, or tionary appropriations for fiscal year 2022 (4) REFERENCES.— an amendment between the Houses in rela- specifies an amount for continuing disability (A) IN GENERAL.—All references to section tion to, a bill or joint resolution, upon a reviews under titles II and XVI of the Social 1(f) of H. Res. 467 (117th Congress) in any bill point of order being made by any Senator Security Act (42 U.S.C. 401 et seq., 1381 et or joint resolution, or an amendment thereto pursuant to this section, and such point of seq.), for the cost associated with conducting or conference report thereon, shall be treat- order being sustained, such material con- redeterminations of eligibility under title ed for all purposes in the House of Represent- tained in such conference report or House XVI of the Social Security Act, for the cost atives as references to this subsection of this amendment shall be stricken, and the Senate of co-operative disability investigation concurrent resolution. shall proceed to consider the question of units, and for the cost associated with the (B) BBEDCA.—All references to a designa- whether the Senate shall recede from its prosecution of fraud in the programs and op- tion by the Congress for an emergency re- amendment and concur with a further erations of the Social Security Administra- quirement pursuant to section 251(b) of the amendment, or concur in the House amend- tion by Special Assistant United States At- Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit ment with a further amendment, as the case torneys, then the adjustment shall be the ad- Control Act of 1985 (2 U.S.C. 901(b)) for may be, which further amendment shall con- ditional new budget authority specified in amounts for fiscal year 2022 or succeeding sist of only that portion of the conference re- such measure for such costs for fiscal year fiscal years in any legislation implementing port or House amendment, as the case may 2022, but shall not exceed $1,435,000,000. a bipartisan infrastructure agreement shall be, not so stricken. Any such motion in the (B) DEFINITIONS.—As used in this para- be treated for all purposes in the House of Senate shall be debatable. In any case in graph— Representatives as references to this sub- which such point of order is sustained (i) the term ‘‘additional new budget au- section of this concurrent resolution. against a conference report (or Senate thority’’ means the amount provided for fis- amendment derived from such conference re- SEC. 4002. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST ADVANCE cal year 2022, in excess of $273,000,000, in a APPROPRIATIONS IN THE SENATE. port by operation of this subsection), no fur- bill, joint resolution, amendment, amend- (a) IN GENERAL.— ther amendment shall be in order. ment between the Houses, or conference re- (1) POINT OF ORDER.—Except as provided in SEC. 4003. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST ADVANCE port making discretionary appropriations subsection (b), it shall not be in order in the APPROPRIATIONS IN THE HOUSE OF and specified to pay for the costs of con- REPRESENTATIVES. Senate to consider any bill, joint resolution, tinuing disability reviews, redeterminations, (a) IN GENERAL.—In the House of Rep- motion, amendment, amendment between cooperative disability investigation units, resentatives, except as provided in sub- the Houses, or conference report that would and the prosecution of fraud in the programs section (b), any general or provide an advance appropriation for a dis- and operations of the Social Security Admin- bill or joint resolution continuing appropria- cretionary account. istration by Special Assistant United States tions, or an amendment thereto or con- EFINITION.—In this section, the term Attorneys under the heading ‘‘Limitation on (2) D ference report thereon, may not provide an Administrative Expenses’’ for the Social Se- ‘‘advance appropriation’’ means any new advance appropriation. curity Administration; budget authority provided in a bill or joint (b) EXCEPTIONS.—An advance appropriation resolution making appropriations for fiscal may be provided for programs, activities, or (ii) the term ‘‘continuing disability re- year 2022 that first becomes available for any accounts identified in lists submitted for views’’ means continuing disability reviews fiscal year after 2022, or any new budget au- printing in the Congressional Record by the under sections 221(i) and 1614(a)(4) of the So- thority provided in a bill or joint resolution chair of the Committee on the Budget— cial Security Act (42 U.S.C. 421(i), making appropriations for fiscal year 2023, (1) for fiscal year 2023, under the heading 1382c(a)(4)), including work-related con- that first becomes available for any fiscal ‘‘Accounts Identified for Advance Appropria- tinuing disability reviews to determine year after 2023. tions’’ in an aggregate amount not to exceed whether earnings derived from services dem- (b) EXCEPTIONS.—Advance appropriations $28,852,000,000 in new budget authority, and onstrate an individual’s ability to engage in may be provided— for fiscal year 2024, accounts separately iden- substantial gainful activity; and (1) for fiscal years 2023 and 2024 for pro- tified under the same heading; and (iii) the term ‘‘redetermination’’ means re- grams, projects, activities, or accounts iden- (2) for fiscal year 2023, under the heading determination of eligibility under sections tified in the joint explanatory statement of ‘‘Veterans Accounts Identified for Advance 1611(c)(1) and 1614(a)(3)(H) of the Social Secu- managers accompanying this resolution Appropriations’’. rity Act (42 U.S.C. 1382(c)(1), 1382c(a)(3)(H)). under the heading ‘‘Accounts Identified for (c) DEFINITION.—In this section, the term (2) INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE ENFORCE- Advance Appropriations’’ in an aggregate ‘‘advance appropriation’’ means any new dis- MENT.— amount not to exceed $28,852,000,000 in new cretionary budget authority provided in a (A) IN GENERAL.—If a bill, joint resolution, budget authority in each fiscal year; general appropriation bill or bill or joint res- amendment, amendment between the (2) for the Corporation for Public Broad- olution continuing appropriations for fiscal Houses, or conference report making discre- casting; year 2022, or an amendment thereto or con- tionary appropriations for fiscal year 2022 (3) for the Department of Veterans Affairs ference report thereon, that first becomes specifies an amount for tax enforcement ac- for the Medical Services, Medical Commu- available following fiscal year 2022. tivities, including tax compliance to address nity Care, Medical Support and Compliance, SEC. 4004. PROGRAM INTEGRITY INITIATIVES the Federal tax gap (including an amount for and Medical Facilities accounts of the Vet- AND OTHER ADJUSTMENTS IN THE Internal Revenue Service Enforcement (ac- erans Health Administration; SENATE. count 020–0913), for Internal Revenue Service (4) for legislation implementing a bipar- (a) IN GENERAL.—In the Senate, after the Operations Support (account 020–0919), for In- tisan infrastructure agreement, as deter- reporting of a bill or joint resolution relat- ternal Revenue Service Business Systems

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00062 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.021 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6123 Modernization (account 020–0921), or for In- ations for that fiscal year, but shall not ex- prosecution of fraud in the programs and op- ternal Revenue Service Taxpayer Services ceed the amount for that fiscal year speci- erations of the Social Security Administra- (account 020–0912)), then the adjustment fied in section 251(b)(2)(F)(i) of the Balanced tion by Special Assistant United States At- shall be the additional new budget authority Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act torneys, then the adjustment shall be the ad- specified in such measure for fiscal year 2022, of 1985 (2 U.S.C. 901(b)(2)(F)(i)). ditional new budget authority specified in but shall not exceed $417,000,000. (B) DEFINITIONS.—As used in this para- such measure for such purpose, but shall not (B) DEFINITION.—In this paragraph, the graph, the terms ‘‘additional new budget au- exceed $1,435,000,000. term ‘‘additional new budget authority’’ thority’’ and ‘‘wildfire suppression oper- (2) DEFINITIONS.—As used in this sub- means the amount provided for fiscal year ations’’ have the meanings given those terms section— 2022, in excess of $11,919,000,000, in a bill, in section 251(b)(2)(F)(ii) of the Balanced (A) the term ‘‘additional new budget au- joint resolution, amendment, amendment be- Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act thority’’ means the amount provided for fis- tween the Houses, or conference report mak- of 1985 (2 U.S.C. 901(b)(2)(F)(ii)). cal year 2022, in excess of $273,000,000, in a ing discretionary appropriations and speci- (6) DISASTER RELIEF.— bill, joint resolution, amendment, or con- fied to pay for tax enforcement activities, in- (A) ADDITIONAL NEW BUDGET AUTHORITY.—If ference report and specified to pay for the cluding tax compliance to address the Fed- a bill, joint resolution, amendment, amend- costs of continuing disability reviews, rede- eral tax gap, for Internal Revenue Service ment between the Houses, or conference re- terminations, co-operative disability inves- Enforcement (account 020–0913), Internal port making discretionary appropriations for tigation units, and fraud prosecutions under Revenue Service Operations Support (ac- fiscal year 2022 provides an amount for dis- the heading ‘‘Limitation on Administrative count 020–0919), Internal Revenue Service aster relief, the adjustment for fiscal year Expenses’’ for the Social Security Adminis- Business Systems Modernization (account 2022 shall be the total of such appropriations tration; 020–0921), or Internal Revenue Service Tax- for fiscal year 2022 designated as being for (B) the term ‘‘continuing disability re- payer Services (account 020–0912). disaster relief, but not to exceed the amount views’’ means continuing disability reviews (3) HEALTH CARE FRAUD AND ABUSE CON- equal to the total amount calculated for fis- under sections 221(i) and 1614(a)(4) of the So- TROL.— cal year 2022 in accordance with the formula cial Security Act (42 U.S.C. 421(i), (A) IN GENERAL.—If a bill, joint resolution, in section 251(b)(2)(D)(i) of the Balanced 1382c(a)(4)), including work related con- amendment, amendment between the Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act tinuing disability reviews to determine Houses, or conference report making discre- of 1985 (2 U.S.C. 901(b)(2)(D)(i)), except that whether earnings derived from services dem- tionary appropriations for fiscal year 2022 such formula shall be applied by substituting onstrate an individual’s ability to engage in specifies an amount for the health care fraud ‘‘fiscal years 2012 through 2022’’ for ‘‘fiscal substantial gainful activity; and abuse control program at the Department of years 2012 through 2021’’. (C) the term ‘‘redetermination’’ means re- Health and Human Services (75–8393–0–7–571), (B) DEFINITION.—As used in this paragraph, determination of eligibility under sections then the adjustment shall be the additional the term ‘‘disaster relief’’ means activities 1611(c)(1) and 1614(a)(3)(H) of the Social Secu- new budget authority specified in such meas- carried out pursuant to a determination rity Act (42 U.S.C. 1382(c)(1), 1382c(a)(3)(H)). ure for such program for fiscal year 2022, but under section 102(2) of the Robert T. Stafford (3) REFERENCES.—All references to section shall not exceed $556,000,000. Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance 1(k) of H. Res. 467 (117th Congress) in any bill EFINITION.—As used in this paragraph, (B) D Act (42 U.S.C. 5122(2)). or joint resolution, or amendment thereto or the term ‘‘additional new budget authority’’ (7) VETERANS MEDICAL CARE.— conference report thereon shall be treated means the amount provided for fiscal year (A) IN GENERAL.—If a bill, joint resolution, for all purposes in the House of Representa- 2022, in excess of $317,000,000, in a bill, joint amendment, amendment between the tives as references to this subsection of this resolution, amendment, amendment between Houses, or conference report making discre- concurrent resolution. the Houses, or conference report making dis- tionary appropriations for fiscal year 2022 (b) ADJUSTMENT FOR INTERNAL REVENUE cretionary appropriations and specified to specifies an amount for veterans medical pay for the health care fraud abuse control SERVICE TAX ENFORCEMENT.—In the House of care (in the Medical Services, Medical Com- Representatives, the chair of the Committee program at the Department of Health and munity Care, Medical Support and Compli- Human Services (75–8393–0–7–571). on the Budget may adjust the allocations, ance, and Medical Facilities accounts of the aggregates, and other budgetary levels in- (4) REEMPLOYMENT SERVICES AND ELIGI- Veterans Health Administration), then the BILITY ASSESSMENTS.— cluded in this concurrent resolution to re- adjustment shall be the additional new budg- flect changes as follows: (A) IN GENERAL.—If a bill, joint resolution, et authority specified in such measure for amendment, amendment between the (1) IN GENERAL.—If a bill, joint resolution, such medical care for fiscal year 2022, but amendment, or conference report making Houses, or conference report making discre- shall not exceed $7,602,000,000. tionary appropriations for fiscal year 2022 discretionary appropriations for fiscal year (B) DEFINITION.—As used in this paragraph, 2022 specifies an amount for tax enforcement specifies an amount for grants to States the term ‘‘additional new budget authority’’ under section 306 of the Social Security Act activities, including tax compliance to ad- means the amount provided for fiscal year dress the Federal tax gap, in the Enforce- (42 U.S.C. 506) for claimants of regular com- 2022, in excess of $89,849,000,000, in a bill, pensation, as defined in such section, includ- ment account and the Operations Support joint resolution, amendment, amendment be- account of the Internal Revenue Service of ing those who are profiled as most likely to tween the Houses, or conference report mak- exhaust their benefits, then the adjustment the Department of the Treasury, then the ing discretionary appropriations and speci- shall be the additional new budget authority adjustment shall be the additional new budg- fied to pay for veterans medical care. specified in such measure for such grants for et authority provided in such measure for (c) APPLICATION OF ADJUSTMENTS.—The ad- such purpose, but shall not exceed fiscal year 2022, but shall not exceed justments made pursuant to subsection (a) $417,000,000. $133,000,000. for legislation shall— (2) DEFINITION.—As used in this subsection, (B) DEFINITION.—As used in this paragraph, (1) apply while that legislation is under the term ‘‘additional new budget authority’’ the term ‘‘additional new budget authority’’ consideration; means the amount provided for fiscal year means the amount provided for fiscal year (2) take effect upon the enactment of that 2022, in excess of $9,141,000,000, in a bill, joint 2022, in excess of $117,000,000, in a bill, joint legislation; and resolution, amendment, or conference report resolution, amendment, amendment between (3) be published in the Congressional and specified for tax enforcement activities, the Houses, or conference report making dis- Record as soon as practicable. cretionary appropriations and specified to including tax compliance to address the Fed- SEC. 4005. PROGRAM INTEGRITY INITIATIVES eral tax gap, of the Internal Revenue Serv- pay for grants to States under section 306 of AND OTHER ADJUSTMENTS IN THE the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 506) for HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ice. claimants of regular compensation, as de- (a) ADJUSTMENT FOR CONTINUING DISABILITY (3) REFERENCES.—All references to section fined in such section, including those who REVIEWS AND REDETERMINATIONS.—In the 1(i) of H. Res. 467 (117th Congress) in any bill are profiled as most likely to exhaust their House of Representatives, the chair of the or joint resolution, or amendment thereto or benefits. Committee on the Budget may adjust the al- conference report thereon shall be treated (5) WILDFIRE SUPPRESSION.— locations, aggregates, and other budgetary for all purposes in the House of Representa- (A) ADDITIONAL NEW BUDGET AUTHORITY.— levels included in this concurrent resolution tives as references to this subsection of this If, for any of fiscal years 2022 through 2027, a to reflect changes as follows: concurrent resolution. bill, joint resolution, amendment, amend- (1) IN GENERAL.—If a bill, joint resolution, (c) ADJUSTMENT FOR HEALTH CARE FRAUD ment between the Houses, or conference re- amendment, or conference report making AND ABUSE CONTROL.—In the House of Rep- port making discretionary appropriations for discretionary appropriations for fiscal year resentatives, the chair of the Committee on such a fiscal year provides an amount for 2022 specifies an amount for continuing dis- the Budget may adjust the allocations, ag- wildfire suppression operations in the ability reviews under titles II and XVI of the gregates, and other budgetary levels in- Wildland Fire Management accounts at the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 401 et seq., cluded in this concurrent resolution to re- Department of Agriculture or the Depart- 1381 et seq.), for the cost associated with con- flect changes as follows: ment of the Interior, then the adjustments ducting redeterminations of eligibility under (1) IN GENERAL.—If a bill, joint resolution, for that fiscal year shall be the amount of title XVI of the Social Security Act, for the amendment, or conference report making additional new budget authority provided in cost of co-operative disability investigation discretionary appropriations for fiscal year that measure for wildfire suppression oper- units, and for the cost associated with the 2022 specifies an amount for the health care

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00063 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.021 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6124 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 fraud abuse control program at the Depart- (ii) other emergency management activi- SEC. 4006. ENFORCEMENT FILING. ment of Health and Human Services (75–8393– ties; and (a) SENATE.—In the Senate, if this concur- 0–7–571), then the adjustment shall be the ad- (iii) the funds necessary to repay any rent resolution on the budget is agreed to by ditional new budget authority specified in transfers needed for the costs of wildfire sup- the Senate and House of Representatives such measure for such purpose for fiscal year pression operations. without the appointment of a committee of 2022, but shall not exceed $556,000,000. (3) REFERENCES.—All references to section conference on the disagreeing votes of the (2) DEFINITION.—As used in this subsection 1(h) of H. Res. 467 (117th Congress) in any bill two Houses, the Chairman of the Committee the term ‘‘additional new budget authority’’ or joint resolution, or amendment thereto or on the Budget of the Senate may submit a means the amount provided fiscal year 2022, conference report thereon shall be treated statement for publication in the Congres- in excess of $317,000,000, in a bill, joint reso- for all purposes in the House of Representa- sional Record containing— lution, amendment, or conference report and tives as references to this subsection of this (1) for the Committee on Appropriations, specified to pay for the costs of the health concurrent resolution. committee allocations for fiscal year 2022 care fraud and abuse control program. (f) ADJUSTMENT FOR DISASTER RELIEF.—In consistent with the levels in title I for the (3) REFERENCES.—All references to section the House of Representatives, the chair of purpose of enforcing section 302 of the Con- 1(j) of H. Res. 467 (117th Congress) in any bill the Committee on the Budget may adjust the gressional Budget Act of 1974 (2 U.S.C. 633); or joint resolution, or amendment thereto or allocations, aggregates, and other budgetary and conference report thereon shall be treated levels included in this concurrent resolution (2) for all committees other than the Com- for all purposes in the House of Representa- to reflect changes as follows: mittee on Appropriations, committee alloca- tives as references to this subsection of this (1) IN GENERAL.—If a bill, joint resolution, tions for fiscal years 2022, 2022 through 2026, concurrent resolution. amendment, or conference report making and 2022 through 2031 consistent with the lev- discretionary appropriations specifies an (d) REEMPLOYMENT SERVICES AND ELIGI- els in title I for the purpose of enforcing sec- amount that Congress designates as being BILITY ASSESSMENTS.—In the House of Rep- tion 302 of the Congressional Budget Act of for disaster relief, the adjustment for fiscal resentatives, the chair of the Committee on 1974 (2 U.S.C. 633). year 2022 shall be the total of such appropria- the Budget may adjust the allocations, ag- (b) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.—In the tions for fiscal year 2022 designated as being House of Representatives, if a concurrent gregates, and other budgetary levels in- for disaster relief, but not to exceed the total cluded in this concurrent resolution to re- resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2022 of— is adopted without the appointment of a flect changes as follows: (A) the average over the previous 10 fiscal (1) IN GENERAL.—If a bill, joint resolution, committee of conference on the disagreeing years (excluding the highest and lowest fis- votes of the two Houses with respect to this amendment, or conference report making cal years) of the sum of the funding provided discretionary appropriations for fiscal year concurrent resolution on the budget, for the for disaster relief (as that term is defined on purpose of enforcing the Congressional Budg- 2022 specifies an amount for grants to States the date immediately before March 23, 2018); under section 306 of the Social Security Act et Act of 1974 (2 U.S.C. 621 et seq.) and appli- (B) 5 percent of the total appropriations cable rules and requirements set forth in the (42 U.S.C. 506) for claimants of regular com- provided in the previous 10 fiscal years, net pensation, as defined in such section, includ- concurrent resolution on the budget, the al- of any rescissions of budget authority en- locations provided for in this subsection ing those who are profiled as most likely to acted in the same period, with respect to exhaust their benefits, then the adjustment shall apply in the House of Representatives amounts provided for major disasters de- in the same manner as if such allocations shall be the additional new budget authority clared pursuant to the Robert T. Stafford specified in such measure for such grants for were in a joint explanatory statement ac- Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance companying a conference report on the budg- fiscal year 2022, but shall not exceed Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.) and designated by $133,000,000. et for fiscal year 2022. The chair of the Com- the Congress as an emergency; and mittee on the Budget of the House of Rep- (2) DEFINITION.—As used in this subsection, (C) the cumulative net total of the unused the term ‘‘additional new budget authority’’ resentatives shall submit a statement for carryover for fiscal year 2018 and all subse- publication in the Congressional Record con- means the amount provided for fiscal year quent fiscal years, where the unused carry- 2022, in excess of $117,000,000, in a bill, joint taining— over for each fiscal year is calculated as the (1) for the Committee on Appropriations, resolution, amendment, or conference report sum of the amounts in subparagraphs (A) and making discretionary appropriations and committee allocations for fiscal year 2022 (B) less the enacted appropriations for that consistent with title I for the purpose of en- specified to pay for grants to States under fiscal year that have been designated as section 306 of the Social Security Act (42 forcing section 302 of the Congressional being for disaster relief. Budget Act of 1974 (2 U.S.C. 633); and U.S.C. 506) for claimants of regular com- (2) DEFINITION.—As used in this subsection, pensation, as defined in such section, includ- (2) for all committees other than the Com- the term ‘‘disaster relief’’ means activities mittee on Appropriations, committee alloca- ing those who are profiled as most likely to carried out pursuant to a determination exhaust their benefits. tions consistent with title I for fiscal year under section 102(2) of the Robert T. Stafford 2022 and for the period of fiscal years 2022 (e) ADJUSTMENT FOR WILDFIRE SUPPRES- Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance through 2031 for the purpose of enforcing 302 SION.—In the House of Representatives, the Act (42 U.S.C. 5122(2)). of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 (2 chair of the Committee on the Budget may (3) REFERENCES.—All references to section U.S.C. 633). adjust the allocations, aggregates, and other 1(g) of H. Res. 467 (117th Congress) in any bill budgetary levels in this concurrent resolu- SEC. 4007. APPLICATION AND EFFECT OF or joint resolution, or amendment thereto or CHANGES IN ALLOCATIONS, AGGRE- tion to reflect changes as follows: conference report thereon shall be treated GATES, AND OTHER BUDGETARY (1) IN GENERAL.—If a bill, joint resolution, for all purposes in the House of Representa- LEVELS. amendment, or conference report making tives as references to this subsection of this (a) APPLICATION.—Any adjustments of allo- discretionary appropriations for fiscal year concurrent resolution. cations, aggregates, and other budgetary lev- 2022 specifies an amount for wildfire suppres- (g) VETERANS MEDICAL CARE.—In the House els made pursuant to this concurrent resolu- sion operations in the Wildland Fire Manage- of Representatives, the chair of the Com- tion shall— ment accounts at the Department of Agri- mittee on the Budget may adjust the alloca- (1) apply while that measure is under con- culture or the Department of the Interior, tions, aggregates, and other budgetary levels sideration; then the adjustment shall be the amount of included in this concurrent resolution to re- (2) take effect upon the enactment of that additional new budget authority specified in flect changes as follows: measure; and such measure as being for wildfire suppres- (1) IN GENERAL.—If a bill, joint resolution, (3) be published in the Congressional sion operations for fiscal year 2022, but shall amendment, or conference report making Record as soon as practicable. not exceed $2,450,000,000. discretionary appropriations for fiscal year (b) EFFECT OF CHANGED ALLOCATIONS, AG- (2) DEFINITIONS.—As used in this sub- 2022 specifies an amount for veterans med- GREGATES, AND OTHER BUDGETARY LEVELS.— section— ical care (in the Medical Services, Medical Revised allocations, aggregates, and other (A) the term ‘‘additional new budget au- Community Care, Medical Support and Com- budgetary levels resulting from these adjust- thority’’ means the amount provided for a pliance, and Medical Facilities accounts of ments shall be considered for the purposes of fiscal year in an appropriation Act that is in the Veterans Health Administration), then the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 (2 excess of the average costs for wildfire sup- the adjustment shall be the additional new U.S.C. 621 et seq.) as the allocations, aggre- pression operations as reported in the budget budget authority specified in such measure gates, and other budgetary levels contained of the President submitted under section for such medical care for fiscal year 2022, but in this concurrent resolution. 1105(a) of title 31, United States Code, for fis- shall not exceed $7,602,000,000. (c) BUDGET COMMITTEE DETERMINATIONS.— cal year 2015 and are specified to pay for the (2) DEFINITION.—As used in this subsection, For purposes of this concurrent resolution, costs of wildfire suppression operations; and the term ‘‘additional new budget authority’’ the levels of new budget authority, outlays, (B) the term ‘‘wildfire suppression oper- means the amount provided for fiscal year direct spending, new entitlement authority, ations’’ means the emergency and unpredict- 2022, in excess of $89,849,000,000, in a bill, revenues, deficits, and surpluses for a fiscal able aspects of wildland firefighting, includ- joint resolution, amendment, or conference year or period of fiscal years shall be deter- ing— report making discretionary appropriations mined on the basis of estimates made by the (i) support, response, and emergency sta- and specified to pay for veterans medical chair of the Committee on the Budget of the bilization activities; care. applicable House of Congress.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00064 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.021 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6125 SEC. 4008. ADJUSTMENTS TO REFLECT CHANGES the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 (2 3684, to authorize funds for Federal-aid high- IN CONCEPTS AND DEFINITIONS. U.S.C. 633(a)(1)), section 13301 of the Budget ways, highway safety programs, and transit (a) SENATE.—In the Senate, upon the en- Enforcement Act of 1990 (2 U.S.C. 632 note), programs, and for other purposes; which was actment of a bill or joint resolution pro- and section 2009a of title 39, United States ordered to lie on the table. viding for a change in concepts or defini- Code, the report or the joint explanatory SA 2655. Mr. LEE submitted an amendment tions, the Chairman of the Committee on the statement accompanying this concurrent intended to be proposed by him to the bill Budget of the Senate may make adjustments resolution on the budget or the statement H.R. 3684, supra; which was ordered to lie on to the levels and allocations in this resolu- filed pursuant to section 4006(b), as applica- the table. tion in accordance with section 251(b) of the ble, shall include in an allocation under sec- SA 2656. Mr. TOOMEY (for himself, Mr. Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit tion 302(a) of the Congressional Budget Act WARNER, Ms. LUMMIS, Ms. SINEMA, and Mr. Control Act of 1985 (2 U.S.C. 901(b)). of 1974 (2 U.S.C. 633(a)) to the Committee on PORTMAN) submitted an amendment intended (b) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.—In the Appropriations of the House of Representa- to be proposed by him to the bill H.R. 3684, House of Representatives, upon the enact- tives of amounts for the discretionary ad- supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. ment of a bill or joint resolution providing ministrative expenses of the Social Security SA 2657. Mr. PORTMAN submitted an for a change in concepts or definitions, the Administration and the United States Postal amendment intended to be proposed by him chair of the Committee on the Budget of the Service. to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, House of Representatives may adjust the al- (2) SPECIAL RULE.—In the House of Rep- setting forth the congressional budget for locations, aggregates, and other budgetary resentatives, for purposes of enforcing sec- the United States Government for fiscal year levels in this concurrent resolution accord- tion 302(f) of the Congressional Budget Act of 2022 and setting forth the appropriate budg- ingly. 1974 (2 U.S.C. 633(f)), estimates of the level of etary levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; SEC. 4009. ADJUSTMENT FOR BIPARTISAN INFRA- total new budget authority and total outlays which was ordered to lie on the table. STRUCTURE LEGISLATION IN THE provided by a measure shall include any dis- SA 2658. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an SENATE. cretionary amounts described in paragraph amendment intended to be proposed by him (a) ADJUSTMENTS.—In the Senate, upon the (1). to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, enactment of an infrastructure bill or joint supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. resolution, including legislation imple- SEC. 4013. APPROPRIATE BUDGETARY ADJUST- SA 2659. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an MENTS IN THE HOUSE OF REP- menting a bipartisan infrastructure agree- RESENTATIVES. amendment intended to be proposed by him ment, the Chairman of the Committee on the In the House of Representatives, the chair to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, Budget of the Senate may make adjustments of the Committee on the Budget of the House supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. to the levels and allocations in this resolu- of Representatives may make appropriate SA 2660. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an tion to reflect changes resulting from the en- budgetary adjustments of new budget au- amendment intended to be proposed by him actment of such bill or joint resolution. thority and the outlays flowing therefrom to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, (b) DETERMINATIONS.—For purposes of this pursuant to the adjustment authorities pro- supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2661. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an section, the levels of budget authority and vided by this concurrent resolution. outlays shall be determined on the basis of amendment intended to be proposed by him SEC. 4014. ADJUSTMENT FOR CHANGES IN THE to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, estimates submitted by the Chairman of the BASELINE IN THE HOUSE OF REP- Committee on the Budget of the Senate. RESENTATIVES. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2662. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an SEC. 4010. ADJUSTMENT FOR INFRASTRUCTURE In the House of Representatives, the chair amendment intended to be proposed by him LEGISLATION IN THE HOUSE OF of the Committee on the Budget of the House to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, REPRESENTATIVES. of Representatives may adjust the alloca- In the House of Representatives, the chair supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. tions, aggregates, and other appropriate of the Committee on the Budget may adjust SA 2663. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an budgetary levels in this concurrent resolu- the allocations, aggregates, and other budg- amendment intended to be proposed by him tion to reflect changes resulting from the etary levels included in this concurrent reso- to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, Congressional Budget Office’s updates to its lution to reflect changes resulting from the supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. baseline for fiscal years 2022 through 2031. enactment of an infrastructure bill or joint SA 2664. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an resolution, including legislation imple- SEC. 4015. SCORING RULE IN THE SENATE FOR amendment intended to be proposed by him CHILD CARE AND PRE-KINDER- to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, menting the INVEST in America Act or a bi- GARTEN LEGISLATION. partisan infrastructure agreement. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. (a) IN GENERAL.—In the Senate, for the SA 2665. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an SEC. 4011. APPLICABILITY OF ADJUSTMENTS TO purposes of estimates with respect to any DISCRETIONARY SPENDING LIMITS. amendment intended to be proposed by him child care or pre-kindergarten legislation to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, Except as expressly provided otherwise, during the 117th Congress, the Congressional the adjustments provided by section 251(b) of supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. Budget Office shall consider funding for pro- SA 2666. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit grams under the Head Start Act (42 U.S.C. Control Act of 1985 (2 U.S.C. 901(b)) shall not amendment intended to be proposed by him 9831 et seq.) to continue at baseline levels. to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, apply to allocations, aggregates, or other (b) EXCEPTION.—This section shall not budgetary levels established pursuant to this supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. apply to any bill or joint resolution making SA 2667. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an concurrent resolution. appropriations for discretionary accounts. amendment intended to be proposed by him SEC. 4012. BUDGETARY TREATMENT OF ADMINIS- SEC. 4016. EXERCISE OF RULEMAKING POWERS. to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, TRATIVE EXPENSES. Congress adopts the provisions of this supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. (a) SENATE.— title— SA 2668. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an (1) IN GENERAL.—In the Senate, notwith- (1) as an exercise of the rulemaking power amendment intended to be proposed by him standing section 302(a)(1) of the Congres- of the Senate and the House of Representa- to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, sional Budget Act of 1974 (2 U.S.C. 633(a)(1)), tives, and as such they shall be considered as supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. section 13301 of the Budget Enforcement Act part of the rules of each House or of that SA 2669. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an of 1990 (2 U.S.C. 632 note), and section 2009a House to which they specifically apply, and amendment intended to be proposed by him of title 39, United States Code, the report or such rules shall supersede other rules only to to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, the joint explanatory statement accom- the extent that they are inconsistent with supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. panying this concurrent resolution on the such other rules; and SA 2670. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an budget or the statement filed pursuant to (2) with full recognition of the constitu- amendment intended to be proposed by him section 4006(a), as applicable, shall include in tional right of either the Senate or the to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, an allocation under section 302(a) of the Con- House of Representatives to change those supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. gressional Budget Act of 1974 (2 U.S.C. 633(a)) rules (insofar as they relate to that House) SA 2671. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an to the Committee on Appropriations of the at any time, in the same manner, and to the amendment intended to be proposed by him Senate of amounts for the discretionary ad- same extent as is the case of any other rule to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, ministrative expenses of the Social Security of the Senate or House of Representatives. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. Administration and the United States Postal SA 2672. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an Service. f amendment intended to be proposed by him (2) SPECIAL RULE.—In the Senate, for pur- AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, poses of enforcing section 302(f) of the Con- PROPOSED supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. gressional Budget Act of 1974 (2 U.S.C. 633(f)), SA 2673. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an estimates of the level of total new budget au- SA 2654. Mr. LEE submitted an amendment amendment intended to be proposed by him thority and total outlays provided by a intended to be proposed to amendment SA to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, measure shall include any discretionary 2137 proposed by Mr. SCHUMER (for Ms. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. amounts described in paragraph (1). SINEMA (for herself, Mr. PORTMAN, Mr. SA 2674. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an (b) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.— MANCHIN, Mr. CASSIDY, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Ms. amendment intended to be proposed by him (1) IN GENERAL.—In the House of Represent- COLLINS, Mr. TESTER, Ms. MURKOWSKI, Mr. to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, atives, notwithstanding section 302(a)(1) of WARNER, and Mr. ROMNEY)) to the bill H.R. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00065 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.021 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6126 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 SA 2675. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an SA 2697. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, amendment intended to be proposed by him amendment intended to be proposed by him supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, SA 2717. Mrs. BLACKBURN submitted an supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. amendment intended to be proposed by her SA 2676. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an SA 2698. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, amendment intended to be proposed by him amendment intended to be proposed by him supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, SA 2718. Mrs. BLACKBURN submitted an supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. amendment intended to be proposed by her SA 2677. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an SA 2699. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, amendment intended to be proposed by him amendment intended to be proposed by him supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, SA 2719. Mrs. BLACKBURN submitted an supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. amendment intended to be proposed by her SA 2678. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an SA 2700. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, amendment intended to be proposed by him amendment intended to be proposed by him supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, SA 2720. Mrs. BLACKBURN submitted an supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. amendment intended to be proposed by her SA 2679. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an SA 2701. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, amendment intended to be proposed by him amendment intended to be proposed by him supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, SA 2721. Mrs. BLACKBURN submitted an supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. amendment intended to be proposed by her SA 2680. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an SA 2702. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, amendment intended to be proposed by him amendment intended to be proposed by him supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, SA 2722. Mrs. BLACKBURN submitted an supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. amendment intended to be proposed by her SA 2681. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an SA 2703. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, amendment intended to be proposed by him amendment intended to be proposed by him supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, SA 2723. Mrs. BLACKBURN submitted an supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. amendment intended to be proposed by her SA 2682. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an SA 2704. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, amendment intended to be proposed by him amendment intended to be proposed by him supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, SA 2724. Mr. SCHUMER (for Mr. MENEN- supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. DEZ) proposed an amendment to the resolu- SA 2705. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an SA 2683. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an tion S. Res. 285, honoring the lives and leg- amendment intended to be proposed by him amendment intended to be proposed by him acies of the ‘‘Radium Girls’’. to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, SA 2725. Mr. SCHUMER (for Mr. MENEN- supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. DEZ) proposed an amendment to the resolu- supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2706. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an SA 2684. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an tion S. Res. 285, supra. amendment intended to be proposed by him amendment intended to be proposed by him SA 2726. Mr. SCHUMER (for Mr. JOHNSON) to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, proposed an amendment to the resolution S. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2707. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an Res. 319, expressing support for the designa- SA 2685. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him tion of July 2021 as ‘‘National Sarcoma amendment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, Awareness Month’’. SA 2727. Mrs. BLACKBURN submitted an to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2708. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by her SA 2686. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, amendment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congressional budget for to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. the United States Government for fiscal year supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2709. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an 2022 and setting forth the appropriate budg- SA 2687. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him etary levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; amendment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, which was ordered to lie on the table. to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2728. Mrs. BLACKBURN submitted an supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2710. Mrs. HYDE-SMITH submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by her SA 2688. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by her to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, amendment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2729. Mrs. BLACKBURN submitted an supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2711. Mrs. HYDE-SMITH submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by her SA 2689. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by her to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, amendment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2730. Mrs. BLACKBURN submitted an supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2712. Mrs. HYDE-SMITH submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by her SA 2690. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by her to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, amendment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2731. Mrs. BLACKBURN submitted an supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2713. Mrs. HYDE-SMITH submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by her SA 2691. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by her to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, amendment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2732. Mrs. BLACKBURN submitted an supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2714. Mr. SASSE submitted an amend- amendment intended to be proposed by her SA 2692. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an ment intended to be proposed to amendment to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, amendment intended to be proposed by him SA 2137 proposed by Mr. SCHUMER (for Ms. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, SINEMA (for herself, Mr. PORTMAN, Mr. SA 2733. Mrs. BLACKBURN submitted an supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. MANCHIN, Mr. CASSIDY, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Ms. amendment intended to be proposed by her SA 2693. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an COLLINS, Mr. TESTER, Ms. MURKOWSKI, Mr. to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, amendment intended to be proposed by him WARNER, and Mr. ROMNEY)) to the bill H.R. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, 3684, to authorize funds for Federal-aid high- SA 2734. Mr. HAWLEY submitted an supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. ways, highway safety programs, and transit amendment intended to be proposed by him SA 2694. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an programs, and for other purposes; which was to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, amendment intended to be proposed by him ordered to lie on the table. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, SA 2715. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an SA 2735. Mr. HAWLEY submitted an supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. amendment intended to be proposed by him amendment intended to be proposed by him SA 2695. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, amendment intended to be proposed by him setting forth the congressional budget for supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, the United States Government for fiscal year SA 2736. Mr. HAWLEY submitted an supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. 2022 and setting forth the appropriate budg- amendment intended to be proposed by him SA 2696. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an etary levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, amendment intended to be proposed by him which was ordered to lie on the table. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, SA 2716. Mrs. BLACKBURN submitted an SA 2737. Mr. HAWLEY submitted an supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. amendment intended to be proposed by her amendment intended to be proposed by him

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00066 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.024 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6127 to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2738. Mr. HAWLEY submitted an SA 2760. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2782. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- amendment intended to be proposed by him ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2739. Mr. HAWLEY submitted an SA 2761. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2783. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- amendment intended to be proposed by him ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2740. Mr. HAWLEY submitted an SA 2762. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2784. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- amendment intended to be proposed by him ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2741. Mr. HAWLEY submitted an SA 2763. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2785. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- amendment intended to be proposed by him ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2742. Mr. HAWLEY submitted an SA 2764. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2786. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- amendment intended to be proposed by him ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2743. Mr. HAWLEY submitted an SA 2765. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2787. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- amendment intended to be proposed by him ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2744. Mr. HAWLEY submitted an SA 2766. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2788. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- amendment intended to be proposed by him ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2745. Mr. HAWLEY submitted an SA 2767. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2789. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- amendment intended to be proposed by him ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2746. Mr. HAWLEY submitted an SA 2768. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2790. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- amendment intended to be proposed by him ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2747. Mr. HAWLEY submitted an SA 2769. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2791. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- amendment intended to be proposed by him ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2748. Mr. HAWLEY submitted an SA 2770. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2792. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- amendment intended to be proposed by him ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2749. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2771. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2793. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2750. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2772. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2794. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2751. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2773. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2795. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2752. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2774. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2796. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2753. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2775. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2797. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2754. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2776. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2798. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2755. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2777. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2799. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2756. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2778. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2800. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2757. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2779. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2801. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2758. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2780. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2802. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2759. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2781. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2803. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00067 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.026 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6128 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2804. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2826. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2848. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2805. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2827. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2849. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2806. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2828. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2850. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2807. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2829. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2851. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2808. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2830. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2852. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2809. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2831. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2853. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2810. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2832. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2854. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2811. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2833. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2855. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2812. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2834. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2856. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2813. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2835. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2857. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2814. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2836. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2858. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2815. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2837. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2859. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2816. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2838. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2860. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2817. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2839. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2861. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2818. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2840. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2862. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2819. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2841. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2863. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2820. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2842. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2864. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2821. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2843. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2865. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2822. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2844. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2866. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2823. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2845. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2867. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2824. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2846. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2868. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2825. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2847. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2869. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00068 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.029 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6129 concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2870. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2892. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2914. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2871. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2893. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2915. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2872. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2894. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2916. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2873. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2895. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2917. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2874. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2896. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2918. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2875. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2897. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2919. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2876. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2898. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2920. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2877. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2899. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2921. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2878. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2900. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2922. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2879. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2901. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2923. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2880. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2902. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2924. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2881. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2903. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2925. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2882. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2904. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2926. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2883. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2905. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2927. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2884. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2906. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2928. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2885. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2907. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2929. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2886. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2908. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2930. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2887. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2909. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2931. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2888. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2910. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2932. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2889. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2911. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2933. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2890. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2912. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2934. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2891. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2913. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2935. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00069 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.031 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6130 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2936. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2958. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2980. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2937. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2959. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2981. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2938. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2960. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2982. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2939. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2961. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2983. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2940. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2962. Mr. GRASSLEY submitted an SA 2984. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the amendment intended to be proposed by him ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2941. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2963. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2985. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2942. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2964. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2986. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2943. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2965. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2987. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2944. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2966. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2988. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2945. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2967. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2989. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2946. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2968. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2990. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2947. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2969. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2991. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2948. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2970. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2992. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2949. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2971. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2993. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2950. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2972. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2994. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2951. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2973. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2995. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2952. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2974. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2996. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2953. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2975. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2997. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2954. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2976. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2998. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2955. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2977. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2999. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2956. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2978. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 3000. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2957. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2979. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 3001. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:29 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00070 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.034 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6131 concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 3002. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 3024. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 3046. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 3003. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 3025. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 3047. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 3004. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 3026. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- f ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; TEXT OF AMENDMENTS which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 2654. Mr. LEE submitted an SA 3005. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 3027. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- amendment intended to be proposed to ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; amendment SA 2137 proposed by Mr. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SCHUMER (for Ms. SINEMA (for herself, SA 3006. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 3028. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- Mr. PORTMAN, Mr. MANCHIN, Mr. CAS- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the SIDY, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Ms. COLLINS, Mr. concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; TESTER, Ms. MURKOWSKI, Mr. WARNER, which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. and Mr. ROMNEY)) to the bill H.R. 3684, SA 3007. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 3029. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- to authorize funds for Federal-aid high- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; ways, highway safety programs, and which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. transit programs, and for other pur- SA 3008. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 3030. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- poses; which was ordered to lie on the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the table; as follows: concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; Strike title III of division G. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 3009. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 3031. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2655. Mr. LEE submitted an ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the amendment intended to be proposed by concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; him to the bill H.R. 3684, to authorize which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 3010. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 3032. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- funds for Federal-aid highways, high- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the way safety programs, and transit pro- concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; grams, and for other purposes; which which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. was ordered to lie on the table; as fol- SA 3011. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 3033. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- lows: ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the In section 3(e)(4) of the Forest and Range- concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; land Renewable Resources Planning Act of which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. 1974 (16 U.S.C. 1601(e)(4)) (as amended by sec- SA 3012. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 3034. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- tion 70302(a)(1)(A) of Senate Amendment ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the 2137), add at the end the following: concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; ‘‘(D) LIMITATION.—Notwithstanding any which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. other provision of this section, a restoration SA 3013. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 3035. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- activity otherwise authorized under this sec- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the tion may not be carried out until the date on concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which the legislature of the State in which which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. the reforestation activity is to be carried out SA 3014. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 3036. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- submits to the Secretary written notice that ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the active forest management is occurring in the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; applicable State.’’. which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 3015. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 3037. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 2656. Mr. TOOMEY (for himself, ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; Mr. WARNER, Ms. LUMMIS, Ms. SINEMA, which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. and Mr. PORTMAN) submitted an SA 3016. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 3038. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- amendment intended to be proposed by ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the him to the bill H.R. 3684, to authorize concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; funds for Federal-aid highways, high- which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. way safety programs, and transit pro- SA 3017. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 3039. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- grams, and for other purposes; which ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the was ordered to lie on the table; as fol- concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. lows: SA 3018. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 3040. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- Strike section 80603 and insert the fol- ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the lowing: concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; SEC. 80603. INFORMATION REPORTING FOR BRO- which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. KERS AND DIGITAL ASSETS. SA 3019. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 3041. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- (a) CLARIFICATION OF DEFINITION OF ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the BROKER.—Section 6045(c)(1) of the Internal concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; Revenue Code of 1986 is amended— which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. (1) by striking ‘‘and’’ at the end of subpara- SA 3020. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 3042. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- graph (B), ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the (2) in subparagraph (C)— concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; (A) by striking ‘‘any other person who (for which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. a consideration)’’ and inserting ‘‘any person SA 3021. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 3043. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- who (for consideration)’’, and ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the (B) by striking the period at the end and concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; inserting ‘‘, and’’, and which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. (3) by inserting after subparagraph (C) the SA 3022. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 3044. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- following new subparagraph: ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the ‘‘(D) any person who (for consideration) concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, supra; regularly effectuates transfers of digital as- which was ordered to lie on the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. sets on behalf of another person.’’. SA 3023. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- SA 3045. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amend- (b) REPORTING OF DIGITAL ASSETS.— ment intended to be proposed by him to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the (1) BROKERS.—

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:34 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00071 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.037 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6132 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021

(A) TREATMENT AS SPECIFIED SECURITY.— ments made by this section shall be con- reports relating to ending the Federal Pan- Section 6045(g)(3)(B) of the Internal Revenue strued to create any inference, for any period demic Unemployment Compensation pro- Code of 1986 is amended by striking ‘‘and’’ at prior to the effective date of such amend- gram under the CARES Act by the amounts the end of clause (iii), by redesignating ments, with respect to— provided in such legislation for those pur- clause (iv) as clause (v), and by inserting (A) whether any person is a broker under poses, provided that such legislation would after clause (iii) the following new clause: section 6045(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue not increase the deficit over either the pe- ‘‘(iv) any digital asset, and’’. Code of 1986, or riod of the total of fiscal years 2022 through (B) DEFINITION OF DIGITAL ASSET.—Section (B) whether any digital asset is property 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years 6045(g)(3) of such Code is amended by adding which is a specified security under section 2022 through 2031. at the end the following new subparagraph: 6045(g)(3)(B) of such Code. ‘‘(D) DIGITAL ASSET.—Except as otherwise SA 2659. Mr. MARSHALL submitted provided by the Secretary, the term ‘digital SA 2657. Mr. PORTMAN submitted an an amendment intended to be proposed asset’ means any digital representation of amendment intended to be proposed by by him to the concurrent resolution S. value which is recorded on a cryptographi- him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- cally secured distributed ledger or any simi- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- sional budget for the United States lar technology as specified by the Sec- sional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2022 and retary.’’. Government for fiscal year 2022 and setting forth the appropriate budgetary (C) APPLICABLE DATE.—Section 6045(g)(3)(C) levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; of such Code is amended— setting forth the appropriate budgetary (i) in clause (ii), by striking ‘‘and’’ at the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; which was ordered to lie on the table; end, which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows: (ii) by redesignating clause (iii) as clause as follows: At the end of title III, add the following: (iv), and At the end of title III, add the following: SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND (iii) by inserting after clause (ii) the fol- RELATING TO REQUIRING EXECU- SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND TIVE BRANCH AGENCIES, INCLUD- lowing: RELATING TO STRENGTHENING THE ‘‘(iii) January 1, 2023, in the case of any ING THE WHITE HOUSE, TO REPORT MONEY FOLLOWS THE PERSON PRO- TO CONGRESS ON COORDINATION specified security which is a digital asset, GRAM UNDER MEDICAID. EFFORTS WITH BIG TECHNOLOGY and’’. The Chairman of the Committee on the COMPANIES. (2) FURNISHING OF INFORMATION.— Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- The Chairman of the Committee on the (A) IN GENERAL.—Section 6045A of such tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Code is amended— gates, and other appropriate levels in this tions of a committee or committees, aggre- (i) in subsection (a), by striking ‘‘a secu- resolution, and make adjustments to the gates, and other appropriate levels in this rity which is’’, and pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, resolution, and make adjustments to the (ii) by adding at the end the following: joint resolutions, amendments, amendments pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, ‘‘(d) RETURN REQUIREMENT FOR CERTAIN between the Houses, motions, or conference joint resolutions, amendments, amendments TRANSFERS OF DIGITAL ASSETS NOT OTHER- reports relating to strengthening the Money between the Houses, motions, or conference WISE SUBJECT TO REPORTING.—Any broker, Follows the Person Medicaid demonstration reports relating to requiring executive with respect to any transfer (which is not program established under section 6071 of the branch agencies, including the White House, part of a sale or exchange executed by such Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C. 1396a to report to Congress on coordination efforts broker) during a calendar year of a covered note), which may include permanently ex- with big technology companies by the security which is a digital asset from an ac- tending the program in a financially sound amounts provided in such legislation for count maintained by such broker to an ac- way to promote home and community-based those purposes, provided that such legisla- count which is not maintained by, or an ad- services and encourage States to utilize case tion would not increase the deficit over ei- dress not associated with, a person that such management and support services for eligi- broker knows or has reason to know is also ther the period of the total of fiscal years ble populations, by the amounts provided in a broker, shall make a return for such cal- 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of such legislation for those purposes, provided endar year, in such form as determined by fiscal years 2022 through 2031. that such legislation would not increase the the Secretary, showing the information oth- Mr. MARSHALL submitted erwise required to be furnished with respect deficit over either the period of the total of SA 2660. to transfers subject to subsection (a).’’. fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of an amendment intended to be proposed the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. (B) REPORTING PENALTIES.—Section by him to the concurrent resolution S. 6724(d)(1)(B) of such Code is amended by Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- striking ‘‘or’’ at the end of clause (xxv), by SA 2658. Mr. MARSHALL submitted sional budget for the United States striking ‘‘and’’ at the end of clause (xxvi), an amendment intended to be proposed Government for fiscal year 2022 and and by inserting after clause (xxvi) the fol- by him to the concurrent resolution S. setting forth the appropriate budgetary lowing new clause: Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; ‘‘(xxvii) section 6045A(d) (relating to re- sional budget for the United States which was ordered to lie on the table; turns for certain digital assets),’’. Government for fiscal year 2022 and (3) TREATMENT AS CASH FOR PURPOSES OF as follows: setting forth the appropriate budgetary At the end of title III, add the following: SECTION 6050I.—Section 6050I(d) of such Code levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; is amended by striking ‘‘and’’ at the end of SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND paragraph (1), by striking the period at the which was ordered to lie on the table; RELATING TO PREVENTING IMPLE- end of paragraph (2) and inserting ‘‘, and’’, as follows: MENTATION OF A NATIONWIDE ABC At the appropriate place in title IV, add TEST FOR INDEPENDENT CONTRAC- and by inserting after paragraph (2) the fol- TORS. lowing new paragraph: the following: The Chairman of the Committee on the ‘‘(3) any digital asset (as defined in section SEC. 4lll. REPORTING ON THE BUDGET OF Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- 6045(g)(3)(D)).’’. THE PRESIDENT. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- (c) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments The Congressional Budget Office shall sub- gates, and other appropriate levels in this made by this section shall apply to returns mit to Congress a report regarding each resolution, and make adjustments to the required to be filed, and statements required budget of the President submitted under sec- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, to be furnished, after December 31, 2023. tion 1105(a) of title 31, United States Code, (d) RULES OF CONSTRUCTION.— joint resolutions, amendments, amendments that details the effects the proposed budget between the Houses, motions, or conference (1) DEFINITION OF BROKER.—Nothing in this would have on new budget authority, out- section or the amendments made by this sec- reports relating to preventing implementa- lays, revenue, deficits, and the debt. tion of a nationwide ABC test for inde- tion shall be construed to create any infer- At the end of title III, add the following: ence that a person described in section pendent contractors by the amounts pro- SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND vided in such legislation for those purposes, 6045(c)(1)(D) of the Internal Revenue Code of RELATING TO ENDING THE FED- 1986, as added by this section, includes any provided that such legislation would not in- ERAL PANDEMIC UNEMPLOYMENT crease the deficit over either the period of person solely engaged in the business of— COMPENSATION PROGRAM UNDER (A) validating distributed ledger trans- THE CARES ACT. the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or actions, without providing other functions or The Chairman of the Committee on the the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 services, or Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- through 2031. (B) selling hardware or software for which tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Mr. MARSHALL submitted the sole function is to permit persons to con- gates, and other appropriate levels in this SA 2661. trol private keys which are used for access- resolution, and make adjustments to the an amendment intended to be proposed ing digital assets on a distributed ledger. pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, by him to the concurrent resolution S. (2) BROKERS AND TREATMENT OF DIGITAL AS- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- SETS.—Nothing in this section or the amend- between the Houses, motions, or conference sional budget for the United States

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:34 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00072 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.040 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6133 Government for fiscal year 2022 and resolution, and make adjustments to the Government for fiscal year 2022 and setting forth the appropriate budgetary pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; joint resolutions, amendments, amendments levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; which was ordered to lie on the table; between the Houses, motions, or conference reports relating to Federal income taxes, which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows: which may include exempting farmers, as follows: At the end of title III, add the following: ranchers, and small business owners from At the end of title III, add the following: SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND any changes to step-up basis rules, by the RELATING TO PROHIBITING THE DE- amounts provided in such legislation for SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND PARTMENT OF LABOR FROM EX- those purposes, provided that such legisla- RELATING TO RETROCESSION OF PANDING THE DEFINITION OF JOINT tion would not increase the deficit over ei- RESIDENTIAL AREAS OF DISTRICT EMPLOYER UNDER ANY LABOR LAW. ther the period of the total of fiscal years OF COLUMBIA TO MARYLAND. The Chairman of the Committee on the 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- The Chairman of the Committee on the fiscal years 2022 through 2031. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- gates, and other appropriate levels in this Mr. MARSHALL submitted resolution, and make adjustments to the SA 2664. gates, and other appropriate levels in this pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, an amendment intended to be proposed resolution, and make adjustments to the joint resolutions, amendments, amendments by him to the concurrent resolution S. pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, between the Houses, motions, or conference Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments reports relating to expanding the definition sional budget for the United States between the Houses, motions, or conference of joint employer under any labor law by the Government for fiscal year 2022 and reports relating to the retrocession of the amounts provided in such legislation for setting forth the appropriate budgetary residential areas of the District of Columbia those purposes, provided that such legisla- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; to the State of Maryland by the amounts tion would not increase the deficit over ei- which was ordered to lie on the table; provided in such legislation for those pur- ther the period of the total of fiscal years poses, provided that such legislation would 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of as follows: not increase the deficit over either the pe- fiscal years 2022 through 2031. At the appropriate place in title IV, add riod of the total of fiscal years 2022 through the following: 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years SA 2662. Mr. MARSHALL submitted SEC. 4lll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST TAX- 2022 through 2031. an amendment intended to be proposed PAYERS SUBSIDIZING POLITICAL by him to the concurrent resolution S. CAMPAIGNS OR UNION ORGANIZA- TIONS. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- SA 2667. Mr. MARSHALL submitted (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in an amendment intended to be proposed sional budget for the United States order in the Senate to consider any bill, Government for fiscal year 2022 and joint resolution, motion, amendment, by him to the concurrent resolution S. setting forth the appropriate budgetary amendment between the Houses, or con- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; ference report that would result in taxpayers sional budget for the United States which was ordered to lie on the table; subsidizing political campaigns or union or- Government for fiscal year 2022 and as follows: ganizations. setting forth the appropriate budgetary (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) At the end of title III, add the following: levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; may be waived or suspended in the Senate SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of which was ordered to lie on the table; RELATING TO PREVENTING LABOR the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- as follows: ORGANIZATIONS IN RIGHT-TO-WORK STATES FROM BEING ABLE TO COL- firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members At the end of title III, add the following: LECT DUES FROM EMPLOYEES WHO of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall HAVE NOT OPTED INTO A LABOR OR- be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND GANIZATION AGREEMENT. of the Chair on a point of order raised under RELATING TO MODERNIZING THE The Chairman of the Committee on the subsection (a). COVERED FARM VEHICLE EXEMP- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- TIONS TO COMMERCIAL DRIVING REQUIREMENTS TO PROVIDE FARM- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- SA 2665. Mr. MARSHALL submitted ERS WITH GREATER FLEXIBILITY TO gates, and other appropriate levels in this an amendment intended to be proposed TRAVEL IN 1-TON PICKUP TRUCKS. resolution, and make adjustments to the by him to the concurrent resolution S. The Chairman of the Committee on the pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- between the Houses, motions, or conference sional budget for the United States tions of a committee or committees, aggre- reports relating to preventing labor organi- Government for fiscal year 2022 and gates, and other appropriate levels in this zations in Right-to-Work States from being setting forth the appropriate budgetary resolution, and make adjustments to the able to collect dues from employees who levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, have not opted into a labor organization which was ordered to lie on the table; joint resolutions, amendments, amendments agreement by the amounts provided in such as follows: between the Houses, motions, or conference legislation for those purposes, provided that reports relating to modernizing the exemp- At the appropriate place in title IV, add such legislation would not increase the def- tions under section 32934 of the MAP–21 (49 the following: icit over either the period of the total of fis- U.S.C. 31136 note; Public Law 112–141) for cov- cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of SEC. 4lll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- ered farm vehicles (as defined in subsection TION THAT WOULD AIM TO FED- the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. ERALIZE ELECTIONS. (c) of that section) to provide farmers with greater flexibility to travel in 1-ton pickup Mr. MARSHALL submitted (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in SA 2663. order in the Senate to consider any bill, trucks by the amounts provided in such leg- an amendment intended to be proposed joint resolution, motion, amendment, islation for those purposes, provided that by him to the concurrent resolution S. amendment between the Houses, or con- such legislation would not increase the def- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- ference report that would aim to federal icit over either the period of the total of fis- sional budget for the United States elections. cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of Government for fiscal year 2022 and (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. setting forth the appropriate budgetary may be waived or suspended in the Senate only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; SA 2668. Mr. MARSHALL submitted which was ordered to lie on the table; the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members an amendment intended to be proposed as follows: of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall by him to the concurrent resolution S. At the end of title III, add the following: be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND of the Chair on a point of order raised under sional budget for the United States RELATING TO EXEMPTING FARM- subsection (a). Government for fiscal year 2022 and ERS, RANCHERS, AND SMALL BUSI- setting forth the appropriate budgetary NESS OWNERS FROM ANY CHANGES SA 2666. Mr. MARSHALL submitted TO STEP-UP BASIS RULES. levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; an amendment intended to be proposed The Chairman of the Committee on the which was ordered to lie on the table; by him to the concurrent resolution S. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- as follows: tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- gates, and other appropriate levels in this sional budget for the United States At the end of title III, add the following:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:34 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00073 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.045 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6134 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND vided in such legislation for those purposes, ther the period of the total of fiscal years RELATING TO ASSISTING SMALL provided that such legislation would not in- 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of BUSINESS OWNERS UNABLE TO FIND crease the deficit over either the period of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. WORKERS DUE TO THE SUPPLE- the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or MENTAL FEDERAL UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE BENEFITS PROVIDED the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 SA 2673. Mr. MARSHALL submitted THROUGH THE CARES ACT. through 2031. an amendment intended to be proposed The Chairman of the Committee on the by him to the concurrent resolution S. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- SA 2671. Mr. MARSHALL submitted Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- an amendment intended to be proposed sional budget for the United States gates, and other appropriate levels in this by him to the concurrent resolution S. Government for fiscal year 2022 and resolution, and make adjustments to the Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- setting forth the appropriate budgetary pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, sional budget for the United States joint resolutions, amendments, amendments levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; Government for fiscal year 2022 and which was ordered to lie on the table; between the Houses, motions, or conference setting forth the appropriate budgetary reports relating to assisting small business as follows: levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; owners unable to find workers due to the At the appropriate place in title IV, add supplemental Federal unemployment insur- which was ordered to lie on the table; the following: as follows: ance benefits provided through the CARES SEC. 4lll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST THE RE- Act by the amounts provided in such legisla- At the end of title III, add the following: SCISSION OF A TITLE 42 EXPULSION tion for those purposes, provided that such SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND ORDER. legislation would not increase the deficit RELATING TO REQUIRING THE (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in over either the period of the total of fiscal COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE order in the Senate to consider any bill, years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the UNITED STATES TO EVALUATE THE joint resolution, motion, amendment, total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. EFFICACY AND STRATEGIC VALUE amendment between the Houses, or con- OF ALL AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND THE ference report that rescinds an order issued SA 2669. Mr. MARSHALL submitted CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY RE- by the Centers for Disease Control and Pre- an amendment intended to be proposed LATING TO NUCLEAR RESEARCH. vention, pursuant to sections 362 and 365 of by him to the concurrent resolution S. The Chairman of the Committee on the the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 265 Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- and 268), authorizing the Surgeon General to sional budget for the United States tions of a committee or committees, aggre- prohibit the introduction of certain persons Government for fiscal year 2022 and gates, and other appropriate levels in this into the United States from countries in resolution, and make adjustments to the which an outbreak of a communicable dis- setting forth the appropriate budgetary pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, ease, such as COVID–19 exists to protect the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; joint resolutions, amendments, amendments public from contracting such disease (com- which was ordered to lie on the table; between the Houses, motions, or conference monly known as a ‘‘title 42 expulsion as follows: reports relating to requiring the Comptroller order’’). At the appropriate place in title IV, add General of the United States to evaluate the (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) the following: efficacy and strategic value of all agree- may be waived or suspended in the Senate SEC. 4lll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST FUNDING ments between the Department of Energy only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of FOR SCHOOLS THAT DO NOT and the Chinese Communist Party relating the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- PRIORITIZE IN-PERSON LEARNING. to nuclear research by the amounts provided firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in in such legislation for those purposes, pro- of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall order in the Senate to consider any bill, vided that such legislation would not in- be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling joint resolution, motion, amendment, crease the deficit over either the period of of the Chair on a point of order raised under amendment between the Houses, or con- the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or subsection (a). ference report that provides funds to elemen- the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 tary schools or secondary schools that do not through 2031. SA 2674. Mr. MARSHALL submitted prioritize in-person learning. an amendment intended to be proposed (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) SA 2672. Mr. MARSHALL submitted by him to the concurrent resolution S. may be waived or suspended in the Senate an amendment intended to be proposed Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of by him to the concurrent resolution S. sional budget for the United States the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- Government for fiscal year 2022 and firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members sional budget for the United States setting forth the appropriate budgetary of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall Government for fiscal year 2022 and be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; of the Chair on a point of order raised under setting forth the appropriate budgetary which was ordered to lie on the table; subsection (a). levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; as follows: which was ordered to lie on the table; At the appropriate place in title IV, add SA 2670. Mr. MARSHALL submitted as follows: the following: an amendment intended to be proposed At the end of title III, add the following: SEC. 4lll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST A PILOT by him to the concurrent resolution S. SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND PROGRAM THAT USES FEDERAL Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- RELATING TO MIGRATION AND FUNDS TO HIRE LAWYERS TO REP- sional budget for the United States SMUGGLING ACTIVITY ALONG THE RESENT MIGRANTS WHO UNLAW- SOUTHERN BORDER. FULLY CROSS THE SOUTHERN BOR- Government for fiscal year 2022 and The Chairman of the Committee on the DER. setting forth the appropriate budgetary Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; tions of a committee or committees, aggre- order in the Senate to consider any bill, which was ordered to lie on the table; gates, and other appropriate levels in this joint resolution, motion, amendment, as follows: resolution, and make adjustments to the amendment between the Houses, or con- ference report that authorizes the establish- At the end of title III, add the following: pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, joint resolutions, amendments, amendments ment of a pilot program that uses up to SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND $50,000,000 in Federal funds to hire lawyers to RELATING TO RESEARCH ON THE between the Houses, motions, or conference COMMERCIAL FEASIBILITY OF NU- reports relating to directing the Secretary of represent migrants who have unlawfully CLEAR REACTORS RUN ON URA- Homeland Security to compile and make crossed the international border between the NIUM-233. public a comprehensive monthly report of United States and Mexico. The Chairman of the Committee on the migration and smuggling activity along the (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- southern land border of the United States, may be waived or suspended in the Senate tions of a committee or committees, aggre- including, for the reporting period, the num- only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of gates, and other appropriate levels in this ber of detentions initiated, disaggregated by the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- resolution, and make adjustments to the age and sex, the amount of illicit substances firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, seized by U.S. Customs and Border Protec- of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall joint resolutions, amendments, amendments tion, and the number of drug dealers, sexual be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling between the Houses, motions, or conference criminals, and human traffickers arrested by of the Chair on a point of order raised under reports relating to research on the commer- U.S. Customs and Border Protection, by the subsection (a). cial feasibility of nuclear reactors run on the amounts provided in such legislation for thorium-derived uranium known as ‘‘ura- those purposes, provided that such legisla- SA 2675. Mr. MARSHALL submitted nium-233’’ or ‘‘U-233’’ by the amounts pro- tion would not increase the deficit over ei- an amendment intended to be proposed

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:34 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00074 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.041 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6135 by him to the concurrent resolution S. SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- RELATING TO PROTECTING FREE- total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. DOM OF SPEECH FOR USERS OF SO- sional budget for the United States CIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS. Government for fiscal year 2022 and SA 2680. Mr. MARSHALL submitted The Chairman of the Committee on the an amendment intended to be proposed setting forth the appropriate budgetary Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; tions of a committee or committees, aggre- by him to the concurrent resolution S. which was ordered to lie on the table; gates, and other appropriate levels in this Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- as follows: resolution, and make adjustments to the sional budget for the United States pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, Government for fiscal year 2022 and At the end of title III, add the following: joint resolutions, amendments, amendments setting forth the appropriate budgetary SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND between the Houses, motions, or conference levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; RELATING TO INVESTIGATING PO- reports relating to protecting freedom of which was ordered to lie on the table; TENTIAL COORDINATION BETWEEN speech for users of social media platforms by as follows: BIG TECH COMPANIES AND FED- the amounts provided in such legislation for ERAL EMPLOYEES PERTAINING TO those purposes, provided that such legisla- At the end of title III, add the following: MONITORING USER CONTENT AND tion would not increase the deficit over ei- SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND APPLYING TERMS OF SERVICE. ther the period of the total of fiscal years RELATING TO BOLSTERING AP- The Chairman of the Committee on the 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of PROACH OF FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- fiscal years 2022 through 2031. TO DRUG ENFORCEMENT, PARTICU- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- LARLY AT SOUTHERN BORDER. gates, and other appropriate levels in this Mr. MARSHALL submitted The Chairman of the Committee on the SA 2678. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- resolution, and make adjustments to the an amendment intended to be proposed pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, tions of a committee or committees, aggre- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments by him to the concurrent resolution S. gates, and other appropriate levels in this between the Houses, motions, or conference Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- resolution, and make adjustments to the reports relating to investigating potential sional budget for the United States pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, coordination between large edge providers Government for fiscal year 2022 and joint resolutions, amendments, amendments (commonly known as ‘‘Big Tech companies’’) setting forth the appropriate budgetary between the Houses, motions, or conference and Federal employees pertaining to moni- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; reports relating to bolstering the approach toring user content and applying terms of which was ordered to lie on the table; of the Federal Government to drug enforce- ment, particularly with respect to illegal service by the amounts provided in such leg- as follows: islation for those purposes, provided that substances crossing the southern border, by such legislation would not increase the def- At the end of title III, add the following: the amounts provided in such legislation for icit over either the period of the total of fis- SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND those purposes, provided that such legisla- cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of RELATING TO DETERRING ILLEGAL tion would not increase the deficit over ei- the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. IMMIGRATION FROM EL SALVADOR, ther the period of the total of fiscal years GUATEMALA, AND HONDURAS. 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of The Chairman of the Committee on the fiscal years 2022 through 2031. SA 2676. Mr. MARSHALL submitted Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- an amendment intended to be proposed tions of a committee or committees, aggre- SA 2681. Mr. MARSHALL submitted by him to the concurrent resolution S. gates, and other appropriate levels in this an amendment intended to be proposed Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- resolution, and make adjustments to the by him to the concurrent resolution S. pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, sional budget for the United States Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- Government for fiscal year 2022 and joint resolutions, amendments, amendments between the Houses, motions, or conference sional budget for the United States setting forth the appropriate budgetary reports relating to deterring illegal immi- Government for fiscal year 2022 and levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; gration from El Salvador, Guatemala, and setting forth the appropriate budgetary which was ordered to lie on the table; Honduras by the amounts provided in such levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; as follows: legislation for those purposes, provided that which was ordered to lie on the table; At the end of title III, add the following: such legislation would not increase the def- as follows: icit over either the period of the total of fis- SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of At the end of title III, add the following: RELATING TO INVESTIGATING IN- the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND CONSISTENCIES IN HOW BIG TECH RELATING TO BORDER WALL CON- COMPANIES APPLY THEIR TERMS OF STRUCTION. SERVICE. SA 2679. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an amendment intended to be proposed The Chairman of the Committee on the The Chairman of the Committee on the Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- by him to the concurrent resolution S. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- gates, and other appropriate levels in this gates, and other appropriate levels in this sional budget for the United States resolution, and make adjustments to the resolution, and make adjustments to the Government for fiscal year 2022 and pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, setting forth the appropriate budgetary joint resolutions, amendments, amendments joint resolutions, amendments, amendments levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; between the Houses, motions, or conference between the Houses, motions, or conference reports relating to border security, which reports relating to investigating inconsist- which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows: may include completing the construction of encies in how large edge providers (com- a physical barrier along the international monly known as ‘‘Big Tech companies’’) At the end of title III, add the following: land border between the United States and apply their terms of service by the amounts SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND Mexico, repairing roads and levees near such provided in such legislation for those pur- RELATING TO RESUMING BORDER border, and stopping the redirection of funds poses, provided that such legislation would WALL CONSTRUCTION. previously made available for the construc- not increase the deficit over either the pe- The Chairman of the Committee on the tion of the border wall authorized by Presi- riod of the total of fiscal years 2022 through Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- dential Proclamation 10142, of January 20, 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years tions of a committee or committees, aggre- 2021 (86 Fed. Reg. 7225), by the amounts pro- 2022 through 2031. gates, and other appropriate levels in this vided in such legislation for those purposes, resolution, and make adjustments to the provided that such legislation would not in- SA 2677. Mr. MARSHALL submitted pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, crease the deficit over either the period of joint resolutions, amendments, amendments the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or an amendment intended to be proposed between the Houses, motions, or conference by him to the concurrent resolution S. the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 reports relating to resuming the construc- through 2031. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- tion of the barrier along the Southwest bor- sional budget for the United States der that was paused on January 20, 2021 by SA 2682. Mr. MARSHALL submitted Government for fiscal year 2022 and Presidential Proclamation 10142 (86 Fed. Reg. an amendment intended to be proposed setting forth the appropriate budgetary 7225) in violation of the National Environ- by him to the concurrent resolution S. mental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- which was ordered to lie on the table; seq.) by the amounts provided in such legis- lation for those purposes, provided that such sional budget for the United States as follows: legislation would not increase the deficit Government for fiscal year 2022 and At the end of title III, add the following: over either the period of the total of fiscal setting forth the appropriate budgetary

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:34 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00075 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.042 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6136 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND which was ordered to lie on the table; may be waived or suspended in the Senate RELATING TO PROTECTING MEDI- CARE AND ADDRESSING CURRENT as follows: only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- SOLVENCY ISSUES. At the end of title III, add the following: firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members The Chairman of the Committee on the SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- RELATING TO IMPROVING BORDER be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling tions of a committee or committees, aggre- SECURITY AND REMOVING DAN- gates, and other appropriate levels in this GEROUS CRIMINAL ALIENS FROM of the Chair on a point of order raised under subsection (a). resolution, and make adjustments to the THE UNITED STATES. pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, The Chairman of the Committee on the joint resolutions, amendments, amendments Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- SA 2685. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an amendment intended to be proposed between the Houses, motions, or conference tions of a committee or committees, aggre- reports relating to protecting Medicare and gates, and other appropriate levels in this by him to the concurrent resolution S. addressing current solvency issues by resolution, and make adjustments to the Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- prioritizing legislation that moves current pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, sional budget for the United States financing models towards value-based care joint resolutions, amendments, amendments Government for fiscal year 2022 and models, alternative payment models, or bun- between the Houses, motions, or conference setting forth the appropriate budgetary dled care payment models, and by improving reports relating to improving border security levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; current fee-for-service models, by modern- and removing dangerous criminal aliens izing cost utilization management tools by from the United States by the amounts pro- which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows: the amounts provided in such legislation for vided in such legislation for those purposes, those purposes, provided that such legisla- provided that such legislation would not in- At the appropriate place in title IV, add tion would not increase the deficit over ei- crease the deficit over either the period of the following: ther the period of the total of fiscal years the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or SEC. 4lll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 TION THAT WOULD AIM TO FED- fiscal years 2022 through 2031. through 2031. ERALIZE ELECTIONS. (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in SA 2688. Mr. MARSHALL submitted SA 2683. Mr. MARSHALL submitted order in the Senate to consider any bill, an amendment intended to be proposed an amendment intended to be proposed joint resolution, motion, amendment, amendment between the Houses, or con- by him to the concurrent resolution S. by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- ference report that would aim to federalize elections. sional budget for the United States sional budget for the United States (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) Government for fiscal year 2022 and Government for fiscal year 2022 and may be waived or suspended in the Senate setting forth the appropriate budgetary setting forth the appropriate budgetary only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- which was ordered to lie on the table; firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows: as follows: of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling At the appropriate place in title IV, add At the end of title III, add the following: of the Chair on a point of order raised under the following: SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND subsection (a). SEC. 4lll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- RELATING TO DESIGNATING DRUG TION THAT INCLUDES ANY CHANGES CARTELS AND HUMAN TRAFFICKING SA 2686. Mr. MARSHALL submitted TO THE MEDICARE PROGRAM THAT GROUPS AS TERRORIST ORGANIZA- WOULD REDIRECT FUNDS AWAY TIONS. an amendment intended to be proposed FROM RURAL HOSPITALS AND The Chairman of the Committee on the by him to the concurrent resolution S. OTHER RURAL HEALTH CARE PRO- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- VIDERS. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- sional budget for the United States (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in gates, and other appropriate levels in this Government for fiscal year 2022 and order in the Senate to consider any bill, resolution, and make adjustments to the setting forth the appropriate budgetary joint resolution, motion, amendment, amendment between the Houses, or con- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; joint resolutions, amendments, amendments ference report that includes any changes to between the Houses, motions, or conference which was ordered to lie on the table; the Medicare program that would redirect reports relating to designating drug cartels as follows: funds away from rural hospitals and other and human trafficking groups as terrorist or- At the appropriate place in title IV, add rural health care providers. ganizations by the amounts provided in such the following: (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) legislation for those purposes, provided that SEC. 4lll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- may be waived or suspended in the Senate such legislation would not increase the def- TION THAT WOULD LOWER THE ELI- only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of icit over either the period of the total of fis- GIBILITY AGE UNDER THE MEDI- the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of CARE PROGRAM. firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall order in the Senate to consider any bill, be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling SA 2684. Mr. MARSHALL submitted joint resolution, motion, amendment, of the Chair on a point of order raised under an amendment intended to be proposed amendment between the Houses, or con- subsection (a). by him to the concurrent resolution S. ference report that would lower the eligi- bility age under the Medicare program. Mr. MARSHALL submitted Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- SA 2689. (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) an amendment intended to be proposed sional budget for the United States may be waived or suspended in the Senate by him to the concurrent resolution S. Government for fiscal year 2022 and only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- setting forth the appropriate budgetary the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- sional budget for the United States levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members Government for fiscal year 2022 and which was ordered to lie on the table; of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall setting forth the appropriate budgetary as follows: be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling of the Chair on a point of order raised under levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; At the appropriate place in title IV, add subsection (a). which was ordered to lie on the table; the following: as follows: SEC. 4lll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- SA 2687. Mr. MARSHALL submitted At the end of title III, add the following: TION THAT WOULD USE THE MEDI- an amendment intended to be proposed CARE PROGRAM AS A PAY-FOR ON SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND EXPENDITURES AND PROVISIONS by him to the concurrent resolution S. RELATING TO STRENGTHENING OUTSIDE OF THE MEDICARE PRO- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- MEDICAID THROUGH STATE INNO- GRAM. sional budget for the United States VATION. (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in Government for fiscal year 2022 and The Chairman of the Committee on the order in the Senate to consider any bill, setting forth the appropriate budgetary Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- joint resolution, motion, amendment, tions of a committee or committees, aggre- amendment between the Houses, or con- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; gates, and other appropriate levels in this ference report that would use the Medicare which was ordered to lie on the table; resolution, and make adjustments to the program as a pay-for on expenditures and as follows: pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, provisions outside of the Medicare program. At the end of title III, add the following: joint resolutions, amendments, amendments

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:34 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00076 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.059 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6137 between the Houses, motions, or conference raised by a Senator as provided in section SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND reports relating to strengthening the Med- 313(e) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 RELATING TO STRENGTHENING THE icaid program under title XIX of the Social (2 U.S.C. 644(e)). ENFORCEMENT PROVISIONS OF Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq.) by en- FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS RELAT- (c) CONFERENCE REPORTS.—When the Sen- ING TO AGRICULTURAL COMMOD- couraging State innovation, including inno- ate is considering a conference report on, or ITIES. vative State plan options that shift fee-for- an amendment between the Houses in rela- The Chairman of the Committee on the service financing models towards value- tion to, a bill or joint resolution, upon a Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- based care models, alternative payment tions of a committee or committees, aggre- models, or bundled care payment models, by point of order being made by any Senator gates, and other appropriate levels in this the amounts provided in such legislation for pursuant to subsection (a)(1), and such point resolution, and make adjustments to the such purpose, provided that such legislation of order being sustained, such material con- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, would not increase the deficit over either the tained in such conference report or House joint resolutions, amendments, amendments period of the total of fiscal years 2022 amendment shall be stricken, and the Senate between the Houses, motions, or conference through 2026 or the period of the total of fis- shall proceed to consider the question of reports relating to strengthening the en- cal years 2022 through 2031. whether the Senate shall recede from its amendment and concur with a further forcement provisions of free trade agree- SA 2690. Mr. MARSHALL submitted amendment, or concur in the House amend- ments relating to agricultural commodities an amendment intended to be proposed ment with a further amendment, as the case by the amounts provided in such legislation for those purposes, provided that such legis- by him to the concurrent resolution S. may be, which further amendment shall con- sist of only that portion of the conference re- lation would not increase the deficit over ei- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- ther the period of the total of fiscal years sional budget for the United States port or House amendment, as the case may be, not so stricken. Any such motion in the 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of Government for fiscal year 2022 and Senate shall be debatable. In any case in fiscal years 2022 through 2031. setting forth the appropriate budgetary which such point of order is sustained levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; against a conference report (or Senate SA 2694. Mr. MARSHALL submitted which was ordered to lie on the table; amendment derived from such conference re- an amendment intended to be proposed as follows: port by operation of this subsection), no fur- by him to the concurrent resolution S. At the end of title III, add the following: ther amendment shall be in order. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND (d) SUPERMAJORITY WAIVER AND APPEAL.— sional budget for the United States RELATING TO MATTERS INVOLVING In the Senate, this section may be waived or Government for fiscal year 2022 and FEDERAL EMPLOYEES. suspended only by an affirmative vote of setting forth the appropriate budgetary The Chairman of the Committee on the three-fifths of the Members, duly chose and Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; sworn. An affirmative vote of three-fifths of tions of a committee or committees, aggre- which was ordered to lie on the table; Members of the Senate, duly chosen and gates, and other appropriate levels in this as follows: sworn shall be required to sustain an appeal resolution, and make adjustments to the At the end of title III, add the following: of the ruling of the Chair on a point of order pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, raised under this section. SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND joint resolutions, amendments, amendments RELATING TO PROMOTING THE IN- between the Houses, motions, or conference CREASED SALE OF BIOFUELS TO CHINA, INDIA, MEXICO, AND BRAZIL reports relating to preventing the annual SA 2692. Mr. MARSHALL submitted rate of basic pay of certain Federal employ- AND DISCOURAGING THE USE OF an amendment intended to be proposed METHYL TERTIARY-BUTYL ETHER IN ees from exceeding that in effect for posi- FUEL BLENDS IN FOREIGN COUN- tions at level IV of the Executive Schedule by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- TRIES. and increasing transparency with respect to The Chairman of the Committee on the Federal employees who receive funds from sional budget for the United States Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- non-Federal sources by the amounts pro- Government for fiscal year 2022 and tions of a committee or committees, aggre- vided in such legislation for those purposes, setting forth the appropriate budgetary gates, and other appropriate levels in this provided that such legislation would not in- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; resolution, and make adjustments to the crease the deficit over either the period of which was ordered to lie on the table; pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or as follows: joint resolutions, amendments, amendments the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 between the Houses, motions, or conference through 2031. At the end of title III, add the following: reports relating to promoting the increased sale of biofuels to China, India, Mexico, and Mr. MARSHALL submitted SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND SA 2691. Brazil and discouraging the use of methyl an amendment intended to be proposed RELATING TO REDUCING THE REGU- LATORY BURDEN ON AGRICUL- tertiary-butyl ether (also known as by him to the concurrent resolution S. TURAL OPERATIONS. ‘‘MTBE’’) in fuel blends in foreign countries Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- by the amounts provided in such legislation sional budget for the United States The Chairman of the Committee on the for those purposes, provided that such legis- Government for fiscal year 2022 and Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- lation would not increase the deficit over ei- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- ther the period of the total of fiscal years setting forth the appropriate budgetary gates, and other appropriate levels in this levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of resolution, and make adjustments to the fiscal years 2022 through 2031. which was ordered to lie on the table; pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, as follows: joint resolutions, amendments, amendments SA 2695. Mr. MARSHALL submitted At the appropriate place in title IV, add between the Houses, motions, or conference an amendment intended to be proposed reports relating to reducing the regulatory the following: by him to the concurrent resolution S. SEC. 4lll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST INCREAS- burden on agricultural operations by the ING NET DIRECT SPENDING WHEN amounts provided in such legislation for Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- THE NATIONAL DEBT EXCEEDS THE those purposes, provided that such legisla- sional budget for the United States SIZE OF THE ECONOMY OF THE tion would not increase the deficit over ei- Government for fiscal year 2022 and UNITED STATES. ther the period of the total of fiscal years setting forth the appropriate budgetary (a) POINT OF ORDER.— 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; (1) IN GENERAL.—In the Senate, it shall not fiscal years 2022 through 2031. be in order to consider a provision in a bill, which was ordered to lie on the table; joint resolution, motion, amendment, as follows: amendment between the Houses, or con- SA 2693. Mr. MARSHALL submitted At the end of title III, add the following: ference report that would increase net direct an amendment intended to be proposed SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND spending when the national debt exceeds the by him to the concurrent resolution S. RELATING TO RESEARCH ON THE VI- size of the economy of the United States. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- ABILITY OF BIOFUELS FOR AIR- (2) POINT OF ORDER SUSTAINED.—If a point CRAFT AND MARINE CRAFT. of order is made by a Senator against a pro- sional budget for the United States The Chairman of the Committee on the vision described in paragraph (1), and the Government for fiscal year 2022 and Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- point of order is sustained by the Chair, that setting forth the appropriate budgetary tions of a committee or committees, aggre- provision shall be stricken from the measure levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; gates, and other appropriate levels in this and may not be offered as an amendment which was ordered to lie on the table; resolution, and make adjustments to the from the floor. as follows: pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, (b) FORM OF THE POINT OF ORDER.—A point joint resolutions, amendments, amendments of order under subsection (a)(1) may be At the end of title III, add the following: between the Houses, motions, or conference

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:34 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00077 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.051 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6138 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 reports relating to research on the viability Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND of biofuels for aircraft and marine craft by sional budget for the United States RELATING TO PROHIBITING THE USE OF FEDERAL FUNDS FOR THE the amounts provided in such legislation for Government for fiscal year 2022 and those purposes, provided that such legisla- IMPLEMENTATION OF THE THIRTY setting forth the appropriate budgetary BY THIRTY RULE. tion would not increase the deficit over ei- The Chairman of the Committee on the ther the period of the total of fiscal years levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of which was ordered to lie on the table; tions of a committee or committees, aggre- fiscal years 2022 through 2031. as follows: gates, and other appropriate levels in this At the end of title III, add the following: resolution, and make adjustments to the SA 2696. Mr. MARSHALL submitted SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, an amendment intended to be proposed RELATING TO ENSURING THAT EX- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments by him to the concurrent resolution S. ECUTIVE PROPOSALS FOR CLIMATE between the Houses, motions, or conference Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- CHANGE POLICY CONSIDER AND CREDIT AGRICULTURAL PRO- reports relating to prohibiting Federal funds sional budget for the United States DUCERS FOR PAST AND PRESENT from being used for any Federal agency ac- Government for fiscal year 2022 and CONSERVATION PRACTICES. tion implementing section 216 of Executive setting forth the appropriate budgetary The Chairman of the Committee on the Order 14008 (86 Fed. Reg. 7627; relating to levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- tackling the climate crisis at home and tions of a committee or committees, aggre- abroad) (commonly known as the ‘‘thirty by which was ordered to lie on the table; thirty rule’’) by the amounts provided in as follows: gates, and other appropriate levels in this resolution, and make adjustments to the such legislation for those purposes, provided At the end of title III, add the following: pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, that such legislation would not increase the SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND joint resolutions, amendments, amendments deficit over either the period of the total of RELATING TO INCREASING THE between the Houses, motions, or conference fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of LINE SPEEDS OF MEAT PROCESSORS reports relating to ensuring that Executive the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. THAT ARE INSPECTED BY THE DE- PARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. proposals for climate change policy consider and credit agricultural producers for past SA 2701. Mr. MARSHALL submitted The Chairman of the Committee on the and present conservation practices by the an amendment intended to be proposed Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- amounts provided in such legislation for by him to the concurrent resolution S. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- those purposes, provided that such legisla- gates, and other appropriate levels in this Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- tion would not increase the deficit over ei- resolution, and make adjustments to the sional budget for the United States ther the period of the total of fiscal years pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, Government for fiscal year 2022 and 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of joint resolutions, amendments, amendments setting forth the appropriate budgetary fiscal years 2022 through 2031. between the Houses, motions, or conference levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; reports relating to increasing the line speeds SA 2699. Mr. MARSHALL submitted which was ordered to lie on the table; of meat processors that are inspected by the as follows: Department of Agriculture by the amounts an amendment intended to be proposed provided in such legislation for those pur- by him to the concurrent resolution S. At the end of title III, add the following: poses, provided that such legislation would Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND not increase the deficit over either the pe- RELATING TO ENSURING NO FED- sional budget for the United States ERAL FUNDING FOR EDUCATIONAL riod of the total of fiscal years 2022 through Government for fiscal year 2022 and ORGANIZATIONS THAT ALLOW BIO- 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years setting forth the appropriate budgetary LOGICALLY MALE STUDENTS TO 2022 through 2031. levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; COMPETE IN GIRLS’ SPORTS. which was ordered to lie on the table; The Chairman of the Committee on the SA 2697. Mr. MARSHALL submitted Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- an amendment intended to be proposed as follows: tions of a committee or committees, aggre- by him to the concurrent resolution S. At the end of title III, add the following: gates, and other appropriate levels in this Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND resolution, and make adjustments to the sional budget for the United States RELATING TO PROHIBITING TAX- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, PAYER FUNDS FOR THE LISTING OF joint resolutions, amendments, amendments Government for fiscal year 2022 and THE LESSER-PRAIRIE CHICKEN AS A between the Houses, motions, or conference setting forth the appropriate budgetary THREATENED SPECIES OR AN EN- reports relating to education, which may in- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; DANGERED SPECIES UNDER THE EN- DANGERED SPECIES ACT OF 1973. clude ensuring that no Federal funding goes which was ordered to lie on the table; to educational organizations that allow bio- The Chairman of the Committee on the logically male students to compete in girls’ as follows: Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- sports, by the amounts provided in such leg- At the end of title III, add the following: tions of a committee or committees, aggre- islation for those purposes, provided that SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND gates, and other appropriate levels in this such legislation would not increase the def- RELATING TO PROMOTING BILAT- resolution, and make adjustments to the icit over either the period of the total of fis- ERAL OR MULTILATERAL AGRICUL- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of TURAL TRADE OPPORTUNITIES joint resolutions, amendments, amendments WITH THE UNITED KINGDOM, THE the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. EUROPEAN UNION, INDIA, TAIWAN, between the Houses, motions, or conference AND THE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH- reports relating to prohibiting taxpayer SA 2702. Mr. MARSHALL submitted EAST ASIAN NATIONS. funds for the listing of the lesser prairie- chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) as a an amendment intended to be proposed The Chairman of the Committee on the by him to the concurrent resolution S. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- threatened species or an endangered species tions of a committee or committees, aggre- under section 4 of the Endangered Species Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- gates, and other appropriate levels in this Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1533) by the amounts sional budget for the United States resolution, and make adjustments to the provided in such legislation for those pur- Government for fiscal year 2022 and pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, poses, provided that such legislation would setting forth the appropriate budgetary joint resolutions, amendments, amendments not increase the deficit over either the pe- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; between the Houses, motions, or conference riod of the total of fiscal years 2022 through which was ordered to lie on the table; 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years reports relating to promoting bilateral or as follows: multilateral agricultural trade opportunities 2022 through 2031. with the United Kingdom, the European At the end of title III, add the following: Union, India, Taiwan, and the Association of SA 2700. Mr. MARSHALL submitted SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND Southeast Asian Nations by the amounts an amendment intended to be proposed RELATING TO PROHIBITING GEN- DER TRANSITION PROCEDURES AND provided in such legislation for those pur- by him to the concurrent resolution S. PHYSIOLOGICAL INTERVENTIONS poses, provided that such legislation would Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- FOR MINORS. not increase the deficit over either the pe- sional budget for the United States The Chairman of the Committee on the riod of the total of fiscal years 2022 through Government for fiscal year 2022 and Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years tions of a committee or committees, aggre- 2022 through 2031. setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; gates, and other appropriate levels in this resolution, and make adjustments to the SA 2698. Mr. MARSHALL submitted which was ordered to lie on the table; pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, an amendment intended to be proposed as follows: joint resolutions, amendments, amendments by him to the concurrent resolution S. At the end of title III, add the following: between the Houses, motions, or conference

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:34 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00078 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.047 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6139 reports relating to prohibiting gender transi- which was ordered to lie on the table; only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of tion procedures and physiological interven- as follows: the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- tions for minors, by the amounts provided in firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members At the appropriate place in title IV, add such legislation for those purposes, provided of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall the following: that such legislation would not increase the be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling deficit over either the period of the total of SEC. 4lll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST RED of the Chair on a point of order raised under FLAG LEGISLATION. fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of subsection (a). (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. order in the Senate to consider any bill, joint resolution, motion, amendment, SA 2708. Mr. MARSHALL submitted SA 2703. Mr. MARSHALL submitted amendment between the Houses, or con- an amendment intended to be proposed an amendment intended to be proposed ference report that would establish or imple- by him to the concurrent resolution S. by him to the concurrent resolution S. ment a red flag program with respect to pos- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- session of firearms. sional budget for the United States sional budget for the United States (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) Government for fiscal year 2022 and Government for fiscal year 2022 and may be waived or suspended in the Senate setting forth the appropriate budgetary setting forth the appropriate budgetary only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members which was ordered to lie on the table; which was ordered to lie on the table; of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall as follows: as follows: be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling At the end of title III, add the following: At the end of title III, add the following: of the Chair on a point of order raised under SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND subsection (a). RELATING TO ENSURING NO FED- RELATING TO PROHIBITING TAX- ERAL FUNDING FOR TEACHING PAYER-FUNDED GENDER TRANSI- SA 2706. Mr. MARSHALL submitted CRITICAL RACE THEORY. TION PROCEDURES AND PHYSIO- an amendment intended to be proposed The Chairman of the Committee on the LOGICAL INTERVENTIONS. by him to the concurrent resolution S. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- The Chairman of the Committee on the Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- gates, and other appropriate levels in this tions of a committee or committees, aggre- sional budget for the United States resolution, and make adjustments to the gates, and other appropriate levels in this Government for fiscal year 2022 and pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, resolution, and make adjustments to the setting forth the appropriate budgetary joint resolutions, amendments, amendments pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; between the Houses, motions, or conference joint resolutions, amendments, amendments which was ordered to lie on the table; reports relating to education, which may in- between the Houses, motions, or conference as follows: clude ensuring that no Federal funding goes reports relating to prohibiting taxpayer- to educational organizations teaching crit- At the end of title III, add the following: funded gender transition procedures and ical race theory, by the amounts provided in physiological interventions, by the amounts SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND such legislation for those purposes, provided provided in such legislation for those pur- RELATING TO RESTRICTIONS ON ABORTION FUNDING. that such legislation would not increase the poses, provided that such legislation would The Chairman of the Committee on the deficit over either the period of the total of not increase the deficit over either the pe- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of riod of the total of fiscal years 2022 through tions of a committee or committees, aggre- the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years gates, and other appropriate levels in this 2022 through 2031. resolution, and make adjustments to the SA 2709. Mr. MARSHALL submitted an amendment intended to be proposed Mr. MARSHALL submitted pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, SA 2704. joint resolutions, amendments, amendments by him to the concurrent resolution S. an amendment intended to be proposed between the Houses, motions, or conference Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- by him to the concurrent resolution S. reports relating to prohibiting taxpayer sional budget for the United States Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- funding for abortion and prohibiting tax Government for fiscal year 2022 and sional budget for the United States credits for coverage of abortion, by the setting forth the appropriate budgetary Government for fiscal year 2022 and amounts provided in such legislation for levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; setting forth the appropriate budgetary those purposes, provided that such legisla- tion would not increase the deficit over ei- which was ordered to lie on the table; levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; as follows: which was ordered to lie on the table; ther the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of At the end of title III, add the following: as follows: fiscal years 2022 through 2031. SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND At the appropriate place in title IV, add RELATING TO REMOVING SHORT- the following: SA 2707. Mr. MARSHALL submitted BARRELED RIFLES FROM REGULA- SEC. 4lll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- an amendment intended to be proposed TION UNDER THE NATIONAL FIRE- TION EXPANDING THE WAITING PE- by him to the concurrent resolution S. ARMS ACT. RIOD FOR BACKGROUND CHECKS TO The Chairman of the Committee on the PURCHASE A FIREARM. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in sional budget for the United States tions of a committee or committees, aggre- order in the Senate to consider any bill, Government for fiscal year 2022 and gates, and other appropriate levels in this joint resolution, motion, amendment, setting forth the appropriate budgetary resolution, and make adjustments to the amendment between the Houses, or con- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, ference report that would expand the waiting which was ordered to lie on the table; joint resolutions, amendments, amendments period for background checks to purchase a as follows: between the Houses, motions, or conference firearm. reports relating to removing short-barreled At the appropriate place in title IV, add (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) rifles from regulation under chapter 53 of the the following: may be waived or suspended in the Senate Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (commonly only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of SEC. 4lll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- known as the ‘‘National Firearms Act’’) by the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- TION THAT WOULD FAIL TO INCOR- PORATE THE PROTECTIONS OF THE the amounts provided in such legislation for firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members HYDE AMENDMENT FOR ANY FED- those purposes, provided that such legisla- of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall ERAL SPENDING, TAX CREDITS FOR tion would not increase the deficit over ei- be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling HEALTH COVERAGE, OR THE ESTAB- ther the period of the total of fiscal years of the Chair on a point of order raised under LISHMENT OF A PUBLIC OPTION. 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of subsection (a). (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in fiscal years 2022 through 2031. order in the Senate to consider any bill, SA 2705. Mr. MARSHALL submitted joint resolution, motion, amendment, SA 2710. Mrs. HYDE-SMITH sub- an amendment intended to be proposed amendment between the Houses, or con- mitted an amendment intended to be by him to the concurrent resolution S. ference report that would fail to incorporate proposed by her to the concurrent reso- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- the protections of the Hyde amendment for lution S. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the any Federal spending, tax credits for health sional budget for the United States coverage, or the establishment of a public congressional budget for the United Government for fiscal year 2022 and option. States Government for fiscal year 2022 setting forth the appropriate budgetary (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) and setting forth the appropriate budg- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; may be waived or suspended in the Senate etary levels for fiscal years 2023

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:34 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00079 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.048 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6140 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 through 2031; which was ordered to lie tions of a committee or committees, aggre- SA 2715. Mr. MARSHALL submitted on the table; as follows: gates, and other appropriate levels in this an amendment intended to be proposed At the end of title III, add the following: resolution, and make adjustments to the by him to the concurrent resolution S. pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- LATING TO PROTECTING SMALL sional budget for the United States BUSINESSES AND SUPPORTING LAW between the Houses, motions, or conference ENFORCEMENT. reports relating to changes in Federal drug Government for fiscal year 2022 and The Chairman of the Committee on the trafficking laws, which may include impos- setting forth the appropriate budgetary Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- ing a mandatory minimum penalty of not levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; tions of a committee or committees, aggre- less than 10 years in prison for fentanyl traf- which was ordered to lie on the table; gates, and other appropriate levels in this ficking offenses by the amounts provided in as follows: such legislation for those purposes, provided resolution, and make adjustments to the At the end of title III, add the following: pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, that such legislation would not increase the lll joint resolutions, amendments, amendments deficit over either the period of the total of SEC. 3 . DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of RELATING TO ENSURING THAT CUR- between the Houses, motions, or conference RENT ABORTION-RELATED RESTRIC- reports relating to adjustments to Federal the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. TIONS UNDER THE FAMILY PLAN- funds for local governments within the juris- NING PROGRAM UNDER TITLE X OF diction of the instructed committees, which SA 2713. Mrs. HYDE-SMITH sub- THE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE ACT may include limiting or eliminating Federal mitted an amendment intended to be ARE MAINTAINED. payments, other than Byrne JAG and COPS proposed by her to the concurrent reso- The Chairman of the Committee on the funding, to a local government whose dis- lution S. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- trict attorney directs its prosecutors to not congressional budget for the United tions of a committee or committees, aggre- prosecute certain violent offenses that im- States Government for fiscal year 2022 gates, and other appropriate levels in this pact the health, safety, and/or economy of and setting forth the appropriate budg- resolution, and make adjustments to the the community, including individuals who pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, engage in acts of violence that result in dam- etary levels for fiscal years 2023 joint resolutions, amendments, amendments age or injury to the property of any other through 2031; which was ordered to lie between the Houses, motions, or conference person, by the amounts provided in such leg- on the table; as follows: reports relating to ensuring that current islation for those purposes, provided that At the end of title III, add the following: abortion-related restrictions under the fam- such legislation would not increase the def- SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND ily planning program under title X of the icit over either the period of the total of fis- RELATING TO ELIGIBILITY FOR BEN- Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300 et cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of EFITS UNDER THE SUPPLEMENTAL seq.) are maintained, by the amounts pro- the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. NUTRITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM vided in such legislation for those purposes, FOR INDIVIDUALS CONVICTED OF provided that such legislation would not in- SA 2711. Mrs. HYDE-SMITH sub- FELONY POSSESSION OR DISTRIBU- TION OF SYNTHETIC OPIOIDS. crease the deficit over either the period of mitted an amendment intended to be The Chairman of the Committee on the the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or proposed by her to the concurrent reso- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 lution S. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the tions of a committee or committees, aggre- through 2031. congressional budget for the United gates, and other appropriate levels in this States Government for fiscal year 2022 resolution, and make adjustments to the SA 2716. Mrs. BLACKBURN sub- and setting forth the appropriate budg- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, mitted an amendment intended to be etary levels for fiscal years 2023 joint resolutions, amendments, amendments proposed by her to the concurrent reso- through 2031; which was ordered to lie between the Houses, motions, or conference lution S. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the reports relating to preventing legislation congressional budget for the United on the table; as follows: that would allow individuals convicted of fel- At the end of title III, add the following: States Government for fiscal year 2022 ony possession or distribution of synthetic and setting forth the appropriate budg- SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND opioids to be eligible to receive benefits RELATING TO UNEMPLOYED INDI- under the supplemental nutrition assistance etary levels for fiscal years 2023 VIDUALS WHO REFUSE EMPLOY- program established under the Food and Nu- through 2031; which was ordered to lie MENT. trition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.) by on the table; as follows: The Chairman of the Committee on the the amounts provided in such legislation for Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- At the end of title III, add the following: those purposes, provided that such legisla- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND tion would not increase the deficit over ei- gates, and other appropriate levels in this RELATING TO IMPROVING PER- ther the period of the total of fiscal years SONNEL MANAGEMENT AT THE resolution, and make adjustments to the 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of TRANSPORTATION SECURITY AD- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, fiscal years 2022 through 2031. MINISTRATION. joint resolutions, amendments, amendments The Chairman of the Committee on the between the Houses, motions, or conference SA 2714. Mr. SASSE submitted an Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- reports relating to Federal unemployment amendment intended to be proposed to tions of a committee or committees, aggre- benefits, which may include provisions lim- gates, and other appropriate levels in this iting or preventing individuals who have amendment SA 2137 proposed by Mr. SCHUMER (for Ms. SINEMA (for herself, resolution, and make adjustments to the been unemployed for more than 3 months, pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, Mr. PORTMAN, Mr. MANCHIN, Mr. CAS- but have refused employment opportunities, joint resolutions, amendments, amendments from being eligible for Federal unemploy- SIDY, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Ms. COLLINS, Mr. between the Houses, motions, or conference ment benefits, by the amounts provided in TESTER, Ms. MURKOWSKI, Mr. WARNER, reports relating to improving Federal per- such legislation for those purposes, provided and Mr. ROMNEY)) to the bill H.R. 3684, sonnel management, which may include di- that such legislation would not increase the to authorize funds for Federal-aid high- recting the Transportation Security Admin- deficit over either the period of the total of ways, highway safety programs, and istration to use existing statutory authority fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of to improve the efficiency and performance of the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. transit programs, and for other pur- poses; which was ordered to lie on the its personnel management system based on Mrs. HYDE-SMITH sub- table; as follows: the recommendations from the May 2019 SA 2712. Human Capital Service Delivery Evaluation mitted an amendment intended to be On page 2702 of the amendment, between of the Blue Ribbon Panel for the Transpor- proposed by her to the concurrent reso- lines 3 and 4, insert the following: tation Security Administration, by the lution S. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the SEC. 906. None of the funds appropriated or amounts provided in such legislation for congressional budget for the United otherwise made available by this Act for the those purposes, provided that such legisla- Secretary of Commerce may be obligated or States Government for fiscal year 2022 tion would not increase the deficit over ei- expended unless the Secretary— ther the period of the total of fiscal years and setting forth the appropriate budg- (1) completes the identification of emerg- etary levels for fiscal years 2023 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of ing and foundational technologies as re- fiscal years 2022 through 2031. through 2031; which was ordered to lie quired under section 1758(a) of the Export on the table; as follows: Control Reform Act of 2018 (50 U.S.C. 4817(a)); SA 2717. Mrs. BLACKBURN sub- At the end of title III, add the following: (2) not later than 60 days after the date of mitted an amendment intended to be the enactment of this Act, issues proposed SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND proposed by her to the concurrent reso- RELATING TO CHANGES IN FEDERAL rules with respect to such technologies; and DRUG TRAFFICKING LAWS. (3) not later than 120 days after such date lution S. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the The Chairman of the Committee on the of enactment, issues final rules with respect congressional budget for the United Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- to such technologies. States Government for fiscal year 2022

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:51 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00080 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.050 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6141 and setting forth the appropriate budg- deficit over either the period of the total of lution S. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the etary levels for fiscal years 2023 fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of congressional budget for the United through 2031; which was ordered to lie the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. States Government for fiscal year 2022 on the table; as follows: and setting forth the appropriate budg- SA 2720. Mrs. BLACKBURN sub- etary levels for fiscal years 2023 At the appropriate place in title IV, add mitted an amendment intended to be the following: through 2031; which was ordered to lie proposed by her to the concurrent reso- SEC. 4ll. REDUCTION OF ALLOCATIONS, AG- on the table; as follows: GREGATES, AND OTHER LEVELS. lution S. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congressional budget for the United At the appropriate place in title IV, add Each allocation, aggregate, and other level the following: under this concurrent resolution on the States Government for fiscal year 2022 budget shall be reduced by 1 percent, except SEC. 4ll. REDUCTION OF ALLOCATIONS, AG- and setting forth the appropriate budg- GREGATES, AND OTHER LEVELS. to the extent the allocation, aggregate, or etary levels for fiscal years 2023 Each allocation, aggregate, and other level other level reflects amounts that are re- through 2031; which was ordered to lie under this concurrent resolution on the quired to be appropriated or otherwise made on the table; as follows: budget shall be reduced by 3 percent, except available by a provision of law. At the end of title III, add the following: to the extent the allocation, aggregate, or other level reflects amounts that are re- SA 2718. Mrs. BLACKBURN sub- SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND mitted an amendment intended to be RELATING TO PREVENTING THE DI- quired to be appropriated or otherwise made RECTOR OF THE OFFICE OF MAN- available by a provision of law. proposed by her to the concurrent reso- AGEMENT AND BUDGET AND THE lution S. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the HEADS OF OTHER EXECUTIVE DE- SA 2723. Mrs. BLACKBURN sub- congressional budget for the United PARTMENTS AND AGENCIES FROM mitted an amendment intended to be States Government for fiscal year 2022 IMPLEMENTING SECTION 1 OF EXEC- UTIVE ORDER 14034. proposed by her to the concurrent reso- and setting forth the appropriate budg- The Chairman of the Committee on the lution S. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the etary levels for fiscal years 2023 Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- congressional budget for the United through 2031; which was ordered to lie tions of a committee or committees, aggre- States Government for fiscal year 2022 on the table; as follows: gates, and other appropriate levels in this and setting forth the appropriate budg- At the end of title III, add the following: resolution, and make adjustments to the etary levels for fiscal years 2023 SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, through 2031; which was ordered to lie joint resolutions, amendments, amendments RELATING TO PORT INSPECTORS. on the table; as follows: The Chairman of the Committee on the between the Houses, motions, or conference Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- reports relating to preventing the Director At the appropriate place in title IV, add tions of a committee or committees, aggre- of the Office of Management and Budget and the following: gates, and other appropriate levels in this the heads of other executive departments SEC. 4ll. REDUCTION OF ALLOCATIONS, AG- resolution, and make adjustments to the and agencies from implementing section 1 of GREGATES, AND OTHER LEVELS. pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, Executive Order 14034 (84 Fed. Reg. 31423; re- Each allocation, aggregate, and other level joint resolutions, amendments, amendments lating to the revocation of domestic bans on under this concurrent resolution on the between the Houses, motions, or conference TikTok, WeChat, and applications and other budget shall be reduced by 5 percent, except reports relating to prohibiting the Consumer software developed or controlled by Chinese to the extent the allocation, aggregate, or Product Safety Commission from directing companies) by the amounts provided in such other level reflects amounts that are re- their physical port inspectors to leave their legislation for those purposes, provided that quired to be appropriated or otherwise made posts without Congressional approval, by the such legislation would not increase the def- available by a provision of law. amounts provided in such legislation for icit over either the period of the total of fis- those purposes, provided that such legisla- cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of SA 2724. Mr. SCHUMER (for Mr. tion would not increase the deficit over ei- the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. MENENDEZ) proposed an amendment to ther the period of the total of fiscal years the resolution S. Res. 285, honoring the 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of SA 2721. Mrs. BLACKBURN sub- lives and legacies of the ‘‘Radium fiscal years 2022 through 2031. mitted an amendment intended to be Girls’’; as follows: proposed by her to the concurrent reso- SA 2719. Mrs. BLACKBURN sub- Strike all after the enacting clause and in- lution S. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the sert the following: ‘‘That the Senate— mitted an amendment intended to be congressional budget for the United (1) honors the Radium Girls and their de- proposed by her to the concurrent reso- States Government for fiscal year 2022 termination to seek justice in the face of lution S. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the and setting forth the appropriate budg- overwhelming obstacles; congressional budget for the United etary levels for fiscal years 2023 (2) recognizes the invaluable contributions States Government for fiscal year 2022 through 2031; which was ordered to lie of the Radium Girls to developing modern and setting forth the appropriate budg- on the table; as follows: workplace safety standards; and (3) reaffirms the importance of protecting etary levels for fiscal years 2023 At the end of title III, add the following: through 2031; which was ordered to lie the health and safety of all workers in the SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND United States. on the table; as follows: RELATING TO FUNDING FOR U.S. IM- At the end of title III, add the following: MIGRATION AND CUSTOMS EN- SA 2725. Mr. SCHUMER (for Mr. FORCEMENT AND U.S. CUSTOMS AND SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND MENENDEZ) proposed an amendment to RELATING TO PROHIBITING THE BORDER PROTECTION. FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION The Chairman of the Committee on the the resolution S. Res. 285, honoring the FROM TAKING ENFORCEMENT AC- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- lives and legacies of the ‘‘Radium TIONS OR EXECUTING CONSENT OR- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Girls’’; as follows: DERS SOLELY ON THE BASIS OF gates, and other appropriate levels in this Strike the preamble and insert the fol- GUIDELINES, GENERAL STATE- resolution, and make adjustments to the MENTS OF POLICY, OR SIMILAR IN- lowing: FORMAL GUIDANCE ISSUED BY THE pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, Whereas Marie and Pierre Curie discovered COMMISSION. joint resolutions, amendments, amendments radium in 1898, sparking a craze for radium- The Chairman of the Committee on the between the Houses, motions, or conference infused consumer goods in the early 20th Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- reports relating to funding for U.S. Immigra- century; tions of a committee or committees, aggre- tion and Customs Enforcement and U.S. Cus- Whereas many entrepreneurs touted gates, and other appropriate levels in this toms and Border Protection, which may in- radium’s supposedly limitless curative prop- resolution, and make adjustments to the clude additional funding to fully enforce erties, even as some scientists began to re- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, Federal immigration laws, without raising port serious health hazards associated with joint resolutions, amendments, amendments revenues by the amounts provided in such the element; between the Houses, motions, or conference legislation for those purposes, provided that Whereas the ‘‘Radium Girls’’ were teen- reports relating to prohibiting the Federal such legislation would not increase the def- aged girls and young women who, starting in Trade Commission from taking enforcement icit over either the period of the total of fis- 1917, worked in United States factories actions or executing consent orders solely on cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of painting watch dials and airplane instru- the basis of guidelines, general statements of the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. ments using glow-in-the-dark, radium-in- policy, or similar informal guidance issued fused paint; by the Commission, by the amounts provided SA 2722. Mrs. BLACKBURN sub- Whereas the early Radium Girls painted in such legislation for such purpose, provided mitted an amendment intended to be watches and instruments that United States that such legislation would not increase the proposed by her to the concurrent reso- troops relied on during World War I;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:51 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00081 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.066 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6142 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 Whereas the majority of the Radium Girls SA 2726. Mr. SCHUMER (for Mr. SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RELATING TO AN NSF STUDY ON worked for corporations located in Orange, JOHNSON) proposed an amendment to New Jersey, Ottawa, Illinois, and Waterbury, CENSORSHIP ON MAJOR SOCIAL the resolution S. Res. 319, expressing MEDIA PLATFORMS. Connecticut; support for the designation of July 2021 Whereas the Radium Girls primarily came The Chairman of the Committee on the from working-class backgrounds and some as ‘‘National Sarcoma Awareness Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- were first- and second-generation Americans; Month’’; as follows: tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Whereas, in several instances, the radium Beginning in the first whereas clause of gates, and other appropriate levels in this corporations’ leadership knew that the ele- the preamble, strike ‘‘Whereas sarcoma’’ and resolution, and make adjustments to the ment could be harmful to human health, but all that follows through the semicolon at the pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, they did not inform the Radium Girls of the end of the fourth whereas clause and insert joint resolutions, amendments, amendments risks or implement basic safety standards; the following: between the Houses, motions, or conference Whereas, in many cases, the radium cor- Whereas sarcoma is a rare cancer of the porations’ management encouraged the Ra- reports relating to authorizing the National bones or connective tissues, such as nerves, Science Foundation to conduct a study on dium Girls to keep their paintbrush tips muscles, joints, fat, and blood vessels, that moist and as fine as possible by putting the censorship on major social media platforms can arise nearly anywhere in the body; and the sociological impact of such censor- paint-covered brushes between their lips, a Whereas, in the United States— technique known as ‘‘lip-pointing’’; ship by the amounts provided in such legisla- Whereas, due to lip-pointing, many of the (1) about 16,000 individuals are diagnosed tion for those purposes, provided that such early Radium Girls ingested extremely with sarcoma each year; legislation would not increase the deficit harmful quantities of radium; (2) approximately 7,000 individuals die from over either the period of the total of fiscal Whereas the Radium Girls breathed in ra- sarcoma each year; and years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the dium-infused dust and touched radium-in- (3) about 50,000 individuals struggle with total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. fused paint, and they often glowed by the sarcoma at any 1 time; end of the workday due to the radioactive Whereas, each year, about 1 percent of can- paint on their clothes and skin; cers diagnosed in adults and around 20 per- SA 2729. Mrs. BLACKBURN sub- Whereas many of the Radium Girls began cent of cancers diagnosed in children are sar- mitted an amendment intended to be to experience mysterious health problems, coma; proposed by her to the concurrent reso- including necrosis (rotting) of the jaw, can- Whereas more than 70 subtypes of sarcoma cer, anemia, bone fractures, and infertility; lution S. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the have been identified; congressional budget for the United Whereas many of the Radium Girls were Whereas the potential causes of sarcoma eventually plagued by debilitating physical are not well understood; States Government for fiscal year 2022 pain and severe disabilities; Whereas treatment for sarcoma can in- and setting forth the appropriate budg- Whereas an unknown number of the ap- clude surgery, radiation therapy, or chemo- etary levels for fiscal years 2023 proximately 4,000 Radium Girls died pre- therapy; maturely or experienced the devastating through 2031; which was ordered to lie health effects of radium poisoning; on the table; as follows: Whereas some physicians and dentists ini- SA 2727. Mrs. BLACKBURN sub- At the end of title III, add the following: tially dismissed the Radium Girls’ hypoth- mitted an amendment intended to be esis that their illnesses were linked to their proposed by her to the concurrent reso- SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RELATING TO PROHIBITING THE occupations; lution S. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the Whereas, in some cases, the radium cor- AWARDING OF EDWARD BYRNE ME- porations conspired with members of the congressional budget for the United MORIAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE medical community to conceal the origins of States Government for fiscal year 2022 GRANT PROGRAM FUNDS TO STATES THAT RESTRICT THE COLLECTION the Radium Girls’ illnesses and smear their and setting forth the appropriate budg- OF IMMIGRATION ENFORCEMENT reputations; etary levels for fiscal years 2023 INFORMATION. Whereas a number of the Radium Girls, in through 2031; which was ordered to lie The Chairman of the Committee on the different States, fought to secure justice for on the table; as follows: themselves, their families, and their col- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- leagues by suing the radium corporations; At the end of title III, add the following: tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Whereas the Radium Girls’ difficult and SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND gates, and other appropriate levels in this prolonged legal battles and often horrific RELATING TO DIRECTING THE FED- resolution, and make adjustments to the medical conditions drew national attention; ERAL TRADE COMMISSION TO CON- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, Whereas some of the Radium Girls who DUCT AN ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF joint resolutions, amendments, amendments challenged the radium corporations were THE COSTS OF PRIVACY HARMS. between the Houses, motions, or conference shunned by their communities for harming The Chairman of the Committee on the reports relating to prohibiting the awarding the reputation of a prominent local em- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- of funds from the Edward Byrne Memorial ployer; tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Justice Assistance Grant Program under Whereas many of the surviving Radium gates, and other appropriate levels in this subpart 1 of part E of title I of the Omnibus Girls volunteered to participate in scientific resolution, and make adjustments to the Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 studies on the effects of radium on the pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, (34 U.S.C. 10151 et seq.) to States that re- human body; joint resolutions, amendments, amendments strict an entity or official of the State or a Whereas investigations of the Radium between the Houses, motions, or conference Girls’ illnesses led to the creation of the new reports relating to directing the Federal local government located in the State from scientific field of human radiobiology; Trade Commission to conduct an economic collecting or sending to, or receiving from, Whereas the Federal Government relied on analysis of the types of privacy harms to the Department of Homeland Security immi- data from the Radium Girls’ cases to develop consumers and businesses in the United gration enforcement information by the safety standards for radium and other radio- States and an estimate of their costs, by the amounts provided in such legislation for active materials for factory workers, med- amounts provided in such legislation for those purposes, provided that such legisla- ical personnel, and scientists, including the such purpose, provided that such legislation tion would not increase the deficit over ei- workers and scientists of the Manhattan would not increase the deficit over either the ther the period of the total of fiscal years Project; period of the total of fiscal years 2022 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of Whereas some of the Radium Girls and through 2026 or the period of the total of fis- fiscal years 2022 through 2031. their families received either no compensa- cal years 2022 through 2031. tion or only meager compensation related to SA 2730. Mrs. BLACKBURN sub- their harmful exposure to radium and their SA 2728. Mrs. BLACKBURN sub- contributions to science; mitted an amendment intended to be mitted an amendment intended to be Whereas the Radium Girls’ highly pub- proposed by her to the concurrent reso- licized case was among the first in which the proposed by her to the concurrent reso- lution S. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the lution S. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the courts held an employer responsible for the congressional budget for the United safety and health of its workers; congressional budget for the United Whereas the Radium Girls’ struggle was a States Government for fiscal year 2022 States Government for fiscal year 2022 turning point in the movement to promote and setting forth the appropriate budg- and setting forth the appropriate budg- workers’ safety and occupational health re- etary levels for fiscal years 2023 etary levels for fiscal years 2023 forms; and through 2031; which was ordered to lie through 2031; which was ordered to lie Whereas many workers in the United on the table; as follows: States today are still fighting for a safe and on the table; as follows: equitable workplace: Now, therefore, be it At the end of title III, add the following: At the end of title III, add the following:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:51 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00082 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.061 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6143 SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND joint resolution, motion, amendment, crease the deficit over either the period of RELATING TO PROHIBITING THE amendment between the Houses, or con- the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or AWARDING OF EDWARD BYRNE ME- ference report that would reduce funds for the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 MORIAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE the National Nuclear Security Administra- through 2031. GRANT PROGRAM FUNDS TO STATES THAT ISSUE DRIVER LICENSES TO tion— INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE NOT LAW- (1) to revitalize strategic materials produc- SA 2735. Mr. HAWLEY submitted an FULLY PRESENT IN THE UNITED tion, including depleted and highly-enriched amendment intended to be proposed by STATES. uranium, lithium, and tritium; or him to the concurrent resolution S. The Chairman of the Committee on the (2) to conduct nuclear weapon production Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- modernization efforts critical to weapon per- sional budget for the United States tions of a committee or committees, aggre- formance, including plutonium primaries, Government for fiscal year 2022 and gates, and other appropriate levels in this uranium secondaries, radiation cases, and resolution, and make adjustments to the non-nuclear components. setting forth the appropriate budgetary pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; joint resolutions, amendments, amendments may be waived or suspended in the Senate which was ordered to lie on the table; between the Houses, motions, or conference only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of as follows: reports relating to prohibiting the awarding the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- At the end of title III, add the following: of funds from the Edward Byrne Memorial firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members lll Justice Assistance Grant Program under SEC. 3 . DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall RELATING TO THE PROHIBITION OF subpart 1 of part E of title I of the Omnibus be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling THE USE OF CRITICAL RACE THE- Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 of the Chair on a point of order raised under ORY IN FEDERAL WORKPLACE DI- (34 U.S.C. 10151 et seq.) to States that issue subsection (a). VERSITY TRAINING. driver licenses to individuals who are not The Chairman of the Committee on the lawfully present in the United States by the SA 2733. Mrs. BLACKBURN sub- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- amounts provided in such legislation for tions of a committee or committees, aggre- those purposes, provided that such legisla- mitted an amendment intended to be proposed by her to the concurrent reso- gates, and other appropriate levels in this tion would not increase the deficit over ei- resolution, and make adjustments to the ther the period of the total of fiscal years lution S. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of congressional budget for the United joint resolutions, amendments, amendments fiscal years 2022 through 2031. States Government for fiscal year 2022 between the Houses, motions, or conference and setting forth the appropriate budg- reports relating to legislation that would SA 2731. Mrs. BLACKBURN sub- etary levels for fiscal years 2023 prohibit Federal workplace diversity train- mitted an amendment intended to be ing, including any workplace training de- proposed by her to the concurrent reso- through 2031; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows: signed or approved by the Director of the Of- lution S. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the fice of Personnel Management, from using congressional budget for the United At the appropriate place in title IV, add critical race theory curricula or curricula States Government for fiscal year 2022 the following: that otherwise undermines the merit-based and setting forth the appropriate budg- SEC. 4lll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST ANY ACT system of Federal employment in the United OF REMOVAL OF ANY LONG- States by the amounts provided in such leg- etary levels for fiscal years 2023 STANDING RELIGIOUS SYMBOL through 2031; which was ordered to lie USED IN MEMORIAL TO OR SPIR- islation for those purposes, provided that on the table; as follows: ITUAL CARE FOR VETERANS. such legislation would not increase the def- icit over either the period of the total of fis- At the appropriate place in title IV, add (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in order in the Senate to consider any bill, cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the following: the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. SEC. 4lll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST RE- joint resolution, motion, amendment, DUCED FUNDING FOR NUCLEAR SE- amendment between the Houses, or con- ference report that would allow any act of SA 2736. Mr. HAWLEY submitted an CURITY ENTERPRISE. amendment intended to be proposed by (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in removal of any longstanding religious sym- order in the Senate to consider any bill, bol used in memorial to or spiritual care for him to the concurrent resolution S. joint resolution, motion, amendment, veterans. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- amendment between the Houses, or con- (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) sional budget for the United States ference report that would— may be waived or suspended in the Senate Government for fiscal year 2022 and (1) reduce funding to recapitalize, repair, only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of setting forth the appropriate budgetary or replace the infrastructure of the national the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; security laboratories or nuclear weapons firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members production facilities of the National Nuclear of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall which was ordered to lie on the table; Security Administration; or be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling as follows: (2) result in a new or increased backlog in of the Chair on a point of order raised under At the end of title III, add the following: deferred maintenance across the nuclear se- subsection (a). SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND curity enterprise. RELATING TO PROMOTING PATRI- (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) SA 2734. Mr. HAWLEY submitted an OTIC EDUCATION IN ELEMENTARY may be waived or suspended in the Senate amendment intended to be proposed by SCHOOLS AND SECONDARY only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of SCHOOLS AND TEACHING STUDENTS him to the concurrent resolution S. TO LOVE THE UNITED STATES. the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- The Chairman of the Committee on the firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall sional budget for the United States tions of a committee or committees, aggre- be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling Government for fiscal year 2022 and of the Chair on a point of order raised under setting forth the appropriate budgetary gates, and other appropriate levels in this subsection (a). resolution, and make adjustments to the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, which was ordered to lie on the table; SA 2732. Mrs. BLACKBURN sub- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments as follows: mitted an amendment intended to be between the Houses, motions, or conference proposed by her to the concurrent reso- At the end of title III, add the following: reports relating to prohibiting or limiting Federal funding for elementary schools and lution S. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RELATING TO HIRING 100,000 NEW secondary schools whose students do not congressional budget for the United POLICE OFFICERS. read the Declaration of Independence, the States Government for fiscal year 2022 The Chairman of the Committee on the Constitution of the United States, and the and setting forth the appropriate budg- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, or that etary levels for fiscal years 2023 tions of a committee or committees, aggre- teach that those foundational texts are prod- through 2031; which was ordered to lie gates, and other appropriate levels in this ucts of white supremacy or racism, by the on the table; as follows: resolution, and make adjustments to the amounts provided in such legislation for At the appropriate place in title IV, add pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, those purposes, provided that such legisla- the following: joint resolutions, amendments, amendments tion would not increase the deficit over ei- between the Houses, motions, or conference ther the period of the total of fiscal years SEC. 4lll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST RE- DUCED FUNDING FOR THE NA- reports relating to public safety, which may 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of TIONAL NUCLEAR SECURITY ADMIN- include funding the hiring of 100,000 new po- fiscal years 2022 through 2031. ISTRATION. lice officers nationwide, by the amounts pro- (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in vided in such legislation for those purposes, SA 2737. Mr. HAWLEY submitted an order in the Senate to consider any bill, provided that such legislation would not in- amendment intended to be proposed by

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:51 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00083 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.067 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6144 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 him to the concurrent resolution S. (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) sional budget for the United States Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- may be waived or suspended in the Senate Government for fiscal year 2022 and sional budget for the United States only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of setting forth the appropriate budgetary Government for fiscal year 2022 and the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members setting forth the appropriate budgetary of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall which was ordered to lie on the table; levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling as follows: which was ordered to lie on the table; of the Chair on a point of order raised under At the appropriate place in title IV, add as follows: subsection (a). the following: At the end of title III, add the following: SEC. 4lll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND SA 2740. Mr. HAWLEY submitted an TION THAT WOULD FAIL TO PRO- RELATING TO CREATING A TAX amendment intended to be proposed by TECT CONSCIENCE RIGHTS FOR HEALTH CARE ENTITIES WITH RE- CREDIT FOR PARENTS THAT RE- him to the concurrent resolution S. WARDS WORK AND MARRIAGE. GARD TO GENDER REASSIGNMENT The Chairman of the Committee on the Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- SURGERY. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- sional budget for the United States (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Government for fiscal year 2022 and order in the Senate to consider any bill, gates, and other appropriate levels in this setting forth the appropriate budgetary joint resolution, motion, amendment, resolution, and make adjustments to the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; amendment between the Houses, or con- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, ference report that provides funding to a which was ordered to lie on the table; Federal agency or program or to a State or joint resolutions, amendments, amendments as follows: between the Houses, motions, or conference local government, if such agency, program, reports relating to the Internal Revenue At the appropriate place in title IV, add or government subjects any institutional or Code of 1986, which may include creating a the following: individual health care entity to discrimina- tax credit for parents that rewards work and SEC. 4lll. POINT OF ORDER TO PROTECT THE tion on the basis that the health care entity marriage, by the amounts provided in such HYDE AMENDMENT. does not provide, pay for, provide coverage legislation for those purposes, provided that (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in of, or refer for gender transition or reassign- such legislation would not increase the def- order in the Senate to consider any bill, ment surgeries, procedures, or medications. icit over either the period of the total of fis- joint resolution, motion, amendment, (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of amendment between the Houses, or con- may be waived or suspended in the Senate the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. ference report that provides Federal funding only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of for the performance, coverage, or facilitation the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- SA 2738. Mr. HAWLEY submitted an in any way of an abortion, except in such firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members amendment intended to be proposed by cases where the life of the mother would be of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall him to the concurrent resolution S. endangered if the fetus were carried to term, be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- or in the cases of rape or incest. of the Chair on a point of order raised under sional budget for the United States (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) subsection (a). may be waived or suspended in the Senate Government for fiscal year 2022 and only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of SA 2743. Mr. HAWLEY submitted an setting forth the appropriate budgetary the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- amendment intended to be proposed by levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members him to the concurrent resolution S. which was ordered to lie on the table; of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- as follows: be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling sional budget for the United States At the appropriate place in title IV, add of the Chair on a point of order raised under Government for fiscal year 2022 and subsection (a). the following: setting forth the appropriate budgetary SEC. 4lll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; TION PROVIDING FOR A UNIVERSAL SA 2741. Mr. HAWLEY submitted an PREKINDERGARTEN PROGRAM. amendment intended to be proposed by which was ordered to lie on the table; (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in him to the concurrent resolution S. as follows: order in the Senate to consider any bill, Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- At the appropriate place in title IV, add joint resolution, motion, amendment, sional budget for the United States the following: amendment between the Houses, or con- Government for fiscal year 2022 and SEC. 4lll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST FEDERAL ference report that establishes a Federal- FUNDING FOR ELEMENTARY State cost-sharing model or grant program setting forth the appropriate budgetary SCHOOLS AND SECONDARY for the provision of prekindergarten. levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; SCHOOLS THAT DO NOT RESUME IN- (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) which was ordered to lie on the table; PERSON INSTRUCTION. may be waived or suspended in the Senate as follows: (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of order in the Senate to consider any bill, At the appropriate place in title IV, add joint resolution, motion, amendment, the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- the following: firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members amendment between the Houses, or con- of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall SEC. 4lll. POINT OF ORDER TO PROTECT THE ference report that does not condition Fed- WELDON AMENDMENT. be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling eral funding provided to States and localities (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in of the Chair on a point of order raised under for elementary schools and secondary order in the Senate to consider any bill, subsection (a). schools on the recipient schools resuming in- joint resolution, motion, amendment, person instruction. SA 2739. Mr. HAWLEY submitted an amendment between the Houses, or con- (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) amendment intended to be proposed by ference report that provides funding to a may be waived or suspended in the Senate Federal agency or program or to a State or only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of him to the concurrent resolution S. local government, if such agency, program, Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- or government subjects any institutional or firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members sional budget for the United States individual health care entity to discrimina- of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall Government for fiscal year 2022 and tion on the basis that the health care entity be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling setting forth the appropriate budgetary does not provide, pay for, provide coverage of the Chair on a point of order raised under levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; of, or refer for abortions. subsection (a). which was ordered to lie on the table; (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) as follows: may be waived or suspended in the Senate SA 2744. Mr. HAWLEY submitted an only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of amendment intended to be proposed by At the appropriate place in title IV, add the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- the following: him to the concurrent resolution S. firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- SEC. 4lll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall TION PROVIDING FOR A UNIVERSAL be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling sional budget for the United States CHILD CARE PROGRAM. of the Chair on a point of order raised under Government for fiscal year 2022 and (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in setting forth the appropriate budgetary order in the Senate to consider any bill, subsection (a). joint resolution, motion, amendment, levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; amendment between the Houses, or con- SA 2742. Mr. HAWLEY submitted an which was ordered to lie on the table; ference report that establishes a Federal- amendment intended to be proposed by as follows: State cost-sharing model or grant program him to the concurrent resolution S. At the appropriate place in title IV, add for the provision of child care. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- the following:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:51 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00084 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.065 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6145 SEC. 4lll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST FEDERAL joint resolutions, amendments, amendments SA 2749. Mr. TILLIS submitted an FUNDING FOR ELEMENTARY between the Houses, motions, or conference amendment intended to be proposed by SCHOOLS AND SECONDARY reports relating to prohibiting the United him to the concurrent resolution S. SCHOOLS THAT MANDATE COVID–19 States from making any annual contribution VACCINES. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- to the World Trade Organization, or pro- (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in viding any Federal funds to that Organiza- sional budget for the United States order in the Senate to consider any bill, tion, by the amounts provided in such legis- Government for fiscal year 2022 and joint resolution, motion, amendment, lation for those purposes, provided that such setting forth the appropriate budgetary amendment between the Houses, or con- legislation would not increase the deficit ference report that does not condition Fed- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; over either the period of the total of fiscal eral funding provided to States and localities which was ordered to lie on the table; years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the for elementary schools and secondary as follows: total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. schools on the recipient schools not discrimi- At the end of title III, add the following: nating against any student based on the stu- SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND dent’s status of having received a vaccine for SA 2747. Mr. HAWLEY submitted an RELATING TO ASSIGNING THE CUS- COVID–19. amendment intended to be proposed by TOMS AND BORDER PATROL COM- (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) him to the concurrent resolution S. MISSIONER ADDITIONAL DUTIES, TO may be waived or suspended in the Senate Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- ADMINISTER CBP’S PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS AND only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of sional budget for the United States PRECLEARANCE OPERATIONS, AND the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- Government for fiscal year 2022 and MODIFY REPORTING REQUIRE- firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members setting forth the appropriate budgetary MENTS REGARDING STAFFING LEV- of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; ELS FOR PRECLEARANCE AND be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling PORTS OF ENTRY. of the Chair on a point of order raised under which was ordered to lie on the table; The Chairman of the Committee on the subsection (a). as follows: Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- At the end of title III, add the following: tions of a committee or committees, aggre- SA 2745. Mr. HAWLEY submitted an SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND gates, and other appropriate levels in this amendment intended to be proposed by RELATING TO ENSURING THAT TAX- resolution, and make adjustments to the him to the concurrent resolution S. PAYER-FUNDED RESEARCH STAYS IN pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- THE UNITED STATES AND IS NOT EX- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments PLOITED BY THE CHINESE COM- between the Houses, motions, or conference sional budget for the United States MUNIST PARTY. reports relating to assigning the Customs Government for fiscal year 2022 and The Chairman of the Committee on the and Border Patrol Commissioner additional setting forth the appropriate budgetary Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- duties, to administer CBP’s public private levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; tions of a committee or committees, aggre- partnerships and preclearance operations, which was ordered to lie on the table; gates, and other appropriate levels in this and modify reporting requirements regard- as follows: resolution, and make adjustments to the ing staffing levels for preclearance and ports pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, of entry by the amounts provided in such At the appropriate place in title IV, add joint resolutions, amendments, amendments the following: legislation for those purposes, provided that between the Houses, motions, or conference such legislation would not increase the def- SEC. 4lll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST FEDERAL reports relating to prohibiting the licensing FUNDING FOR ELEMENTARY icit over either the period of the total of fis- or transferring of intellectual property cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of SCHOOLS AND SECONDARY rights derived from federally supported re- SCHOOLS THAT MANDATE FACE the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. COVERINGS FOR STUDENTS. search to any business or research institu- (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in tion located outside of the United States for SA 2750. Mr. TILLIS submitted an order in the Senate to consider any bill, the commercialization or production of amendment intended to be proposed by joint resolution, motion, amendment, goods, services, or technologies by the him to the concurrent resolution S. amounts provided in such legislation for amendment between the Houses, or con- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- ference report that does not condition Fed- those purposes, provided that such legisla- tion would not increase the deficit over ei- sional budget for the United States eral funding provided to States and localities Government for fiscal year 2022 and for elementary schools and secondary ther the period of the total of fiscal years schools on the recipient schools not discrimi- 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of setting forth the appropriate budgetary nating against any student based on the stu- fiscal years 2022 through 2031. levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; dent’s decision not to wear a face covering in which was ordered to lie on the table; school. SA 2748. Mr. HAWLEY submitted an as follows: (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) amendment intended to be proposed by At the end of title III, add the following: may be waived or suspended in the Senate him to the concurrent resolution S. SEC. 3 lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- RELATING TO REQUIRING THE DE- the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- sional budget for the United States PARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECU- firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members Government for fiscal year 2022 and RITY TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF ANNUAL FLIGHT HOURS OF CBP’S of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall setting forth the appropriate budgetary be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling AIR AND MARINE OPERATIONS TO of the Chair on a point of order raised under levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; NOT FEWER THAN 95,000 AND FOR which was ordered to lie on the table; EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT COMMIS- subsection (a). SIONER FOR AIR AND MARINE OPER- as follows: ATIONS TO PRIORITIZE REQUESTS SA 2746. Mr. HAWLEY submitted an At the end of title III, add the following: FOR SUPPORT FROM THE CHIEF OF amendment intended to be proposed by SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND CBP. him to the concurrent resolution S. RELATING TO DELIVERING ADDI- The Chairman of the Committee on the Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- TIONAL MENTAL HEALTH RE- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- sional budget for the United States SOURCES TO RURAL AREAS. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- The Chairman of the Committee on the gates, and other appropriate levels in this Government for fiscal year 2022 and Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- resolution, and make adjustments to the setting forth the appropriate budgetary tions of a committee or committees, aggre- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; gates, and other appropriate levels in this joint resolutions, amendments, amendments which was ordered to lie on the table; resolution, and make adjustments to the between the Houses, motions, or conference as follows: pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, reports relating to requiring the Department At the end of title III, add the following: joint resolutions, amendments, amendments of Homeland Security to increase the num- between the Houses, motions, or conference ber of annual flight hours of CBP’s Air and SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RELATING TO PROHIBITING THE reports relating to providing additional men- Marine Operations to not fewer than 95,000 UNITED STATES FROM MAKING ANY tal health resources to localities in rural and for Executive Assistant Commissioner ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION TO THE areas to address drug overdose deaths, sui- for Air and Marine Operations to prioritize WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION. cide, and mental health disorders, by the requests for support from the Chief of CBP The Chairman of the Committee on the amounts provided in such legislation for provided in such legislation for those pur- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- those purposes, provided that such legisla- poses, provided that such legislation would tions of a committee or committees, aggre- tion would not increase the deficit over ei- not increase the deficit over either the pe- gates, and other appropriate levels in this ther the period of the total of fiscal years riod of the total of fiscal years 2022 through resolution, and make adjustments to the 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, fiscal years 2022 through 2031. 2022 through 2031.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:41 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00085 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.062 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6146 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 SA 2751. Mr. TILLIS submitted an gates, and other appropriate levels in this SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND amendment intended to be proposed by resolution, and make adjustments to the RELATING TO THE HIRING OF 250 pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, CUSTOMS OFFICERS. him to the concurrent resolution S. The Chairman of the Committee on the Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments between the Houses, motions, or conference Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- sional budget for the United States reports relating to the hiring of 1000 border tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Government for fiscal year 2022 and patrol agents by the amounts provided in gates, and other appropriate levels in this setting forth the appropriate budgetary such legislation for those purposes, provided resolution, and make adjustments to the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; that such legislation would not increase the pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, which was ordered to lie on the table; deficit over either the period of the total of joint resolutions, amendments, amendments between the Houses, motions, or conference as follows: fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. reports relating to the hiring of 250 customs At the end of title III, add the following: officers by the amounts provided in such leg- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND SA 2754. Mr. TILLIS submitted an islation for those purposes, provided that RELATING TO ALLOWING CUSTOMS such legislation would not increase the def- AND BORDER PATROL TO CONTINUE amendment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. icit over either the period of the total of fis- UNMANNED, UNARMED MARITIME cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of DRONE SURVEILLANCE IN SECTORS Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. WHERE THEY ARE OTHERWISE PRO- sional budget for the United States HIBITED. The Chairman of the Committee on the Government for fiscal year 2022 and SA 2757. Mr. TILLIS submitted an Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- setting forth the appropriate budgetary amendment intended to be proposed by tions of a committee or committees, aggre- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; him to the concurrent resolution S. gates, and other appropriate levels in this which was ordered to lie on the table; Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- resolution, and make adjustments to the as follows: sional budget for the United States pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, At the end of title III, add the following: Government for fiscal year 2022 and joint resolutions, amendments, amendments SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- setting forth the appropriate budgetary between the Houses, motions, or conference LATING TO THE HIRING OF 2500 reports relating to allowing Customs and levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; BORDER PATROL AGENTS. which was ordered to lie on the table; Border Patrol to continue unmanned, un- The Chairman of the Committee on the armed maritime drone surveillance in sec- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- as follows: tors where they are otherwise prohibited by tions of a committee or committees, aggre- At the end of title III, add the following: the amounts provided in such legislation for gates, and other appropriate levels in this SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND those purposes, provided that such legisla- resolution, and make adjustments to the RELATING TO THE HIRING OF 500 tion would not increase the deficit over ei- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, CUSTOMS OFFICERS. ther the period of the total of fiscal years joint resolutions, amendments, amendments The Chairman of the Committee on the 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of between the Houses, motions, or conference Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- fiscal years 2022 through 2031. reports relating to the hiring of 2500 border tions of a committee or committees, aggre- patrol agents by the amounts provided in gates, and other appropriate levels in this SA 2752. Mr. TILLIS submitted an such legislation for those purposes, provided resolution, and make adjustments to the amendment intended to be proposed by that such legislation would not increase the pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, him to the concurrent resolution S. deficit over either the period of the total of joint resolutions, amendments, amendments Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of between the Houses, motions, or conference the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031, reports relating to the hiring of 500 customs sional budget for the United States officers by the amounts provided in such leg- Government for fiscal year 2022 and SA 2755. Mr. TILLIS submitted an islation for those purposes, provided that setting forth the appropriate budgetary amendment intended to be proposed by such legislation would not increase the def- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; him to the concurrent resolution S. icit over either the period of the total of fis- which was ordered to lie on the table; cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. as follows: sional budget for the United States At the end of title III, add the following: Government for fiscal year 2022 and SA 2758. Mr. TILLIS submitted an SEC. 3 lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND setting forth the appropriate budgetary amendment intended to be proposed by RELATING TO THE HIRING OF 500 BORDER PATROL AGENTS. levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; him to the concurrent resolution S. The Chairman of the Committee on the which was ordered to lie on the table; Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- as follows: sional budget for the United States tions of a committee or committees, aggre- At the end of title III, add the following: Government for fiscal year 2022 and gates, and other appropriate levels in this SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- setting forth the appropriate budgetary resolution, and make adjustments to the LATING TO THE HIRING OF 5000 levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, BORDER PATROL AGENTS. which was ordered to lie on the table; joint resolutions, amendments, amendments The Chairman of the Committee on the between the Houses, motions, or conference Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- as follows: reports relating to the hiring of 500 border tions of a committee or committees, aggre- At the end of title III, add the following: patrol agents by the amounts provided in gates, and other appropriate levels in this SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND such legislation for those purposes, provided resolution, and make adjustments to the RELATING TO THE HIRING OF 1000 that such legislation would not increase the pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, CUSTOMS OFFICERS. deficit over either the period of the total of joint resolutions, amendments, amendments The Chairman of the Committee on the fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of between the Houses, motions, or conference Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. reports relating to the hiring of 5000 border tions of a committee or committees, aggre- patrol agents by the amounts provided in gates, and other appropriate levels in this SA 2753. Mr. TILLIS submitted an such legislation for those purposes, provided resolution, and make adjustments to the amendment intended to be proposed by that such legislation would not increase the pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, him to the concurrent resolution S. deficit over either the period of the total of joint resolutions, amendments, amendments between the Houses, motions, or conference Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. reports relating to the hiring of 1000 customs sional budget for the United States officers by the amounts provided in such leg- Government for fiscal year 2022 and SA 2756. Mr. TILLIS submitted an islation for those purposes. provided that setting forth the appropriate budgetary amendment intended to be proposed by such legislation would not increase the def- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; him to the concurrent resolution S. icit over either the period of the total of fis- which was ordered to lie on the table; cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. as follows: sional budget for the United States At the end of title III, add the following: Government for fiscal year 2022 and SA 2759. Mr. TILLIS submitted an SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- setting forth the appropriate budgetary amendment intended to be proposed by LATING TO THE HIRING OF 1000 BORDER PATROL AGENTS. levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; him to the concurrent resolution S. The Chairman of the Committee on the which was ordered to lie on the table; Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- as follows: sional budget for the United States tions of a committee or committees, aggre- At the end of title III, add the following: Government for fiscal year 2022 and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:51 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00086 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.115 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6147 setting forth the appropriate budgetary health related programs, to prevent illegal sional budget for the United States levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; immigrants from accessing health care bene- Government for fiscal year 2022 and which was ordered to lie on the table; fits by the amounts provided in such legisla- setting forth the appropriate budgetary as follows: tion for those purposes, provided that such levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; legislation would not increase the deficit which was ordered to lie on the table; At the end of title III, add the following: over either the period of the total of fiscal SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the as follows: RELATING TO THE HIRING OF 2500 total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. At the end of title III, add the following: CUSTOMS OFFICERS. SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND The Chairman of the Committee on the SA 2762. Mr. TILLIS submitted an RELATING TO REQUIRING THE USE Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- amendment intended to be proposed by OF EFFECTIVE ELIGIBILITY tions of a committee or committees, aggre- VERIFICATION SYSTEMS TO PRE- gates, and other appropriate levels in this him to the concurrent resolution S. VENT ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS FROM resolution, and make adjustments to the Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- ACCESSING SOCIAL SECURITY BENE- sional budget for the United States FITS. pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, The Chairman of the Committee on the joint resolutions, amendments, amendments Government for fiscal year 2022 and Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- between the Houses, motions, or conference setting forth the appropriate budgetary tions of a committee or committees, aggre- reports relating to the hiring of 2500 customs levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; gates, and other appropriate levels in this officers by the amounts provided in such leg- which was ordered to lie on the table; resolution, and make adjustments to the islation for those purposes, provided that as follows: pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, such legislation would not increase the def- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments At the end of title III, add the following: icit over either the period of the total of fis- between the Houses, motions, or conference cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- reports relating to requiring the use of effec- the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. LATING TO REQUIRING THE USE OF tive eligibility verification systems to pre- EFFECTIVE ELIGIBILITY VERIFICATION SYSTEMS TO PRE- vent illegal immigrants from accessing So- SA 2760. Mr. TILLIS submitted an VENT ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS FROM cial Security benefits by the amounts pro- amendment intended to be proposed by ACCESSING UNEMPLOYMENT BENE- vided in such legislation for those purposes, him to the concurrent resolution S. FITS. provided that such legislation would not in- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- The Chairman of the Committee on the crease the deficit over either the period of sional budget for the United States Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 Government for fiscal year 2022 and tions of a committee or committees, aggre- gates, and other appropriate levels in this through 2031. setting forth the appropriate budgetary resolution, and make adjustments to the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, SA 2765. Mr. TILLIS submitted an which was ordered to lie on the table; joint resolutions, amendments, amendments amendment intended to be proposed by as follows: between the Houses, motions, or conference him to the concurrent resolution S. At the end of title III, add the following: reports relating to requiring the use of effec- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND tive eligibility verification systems to pre- sional budget for the United States RELATING TO THE HIRING OF 5000 vent illegal immigrants from accessing un- Government for fiscal year 2022 and CUSTOMS OFFICERS. employment benefits by the amounts pro- setting forth the appropriate budgetary The Chairman of the Committee on the vided in such legislation for those purposes, levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- provided that such legislation would not in- which was ordered to lie on the table; tions of a committee or committees, aggre- crease the deficit over either the period of gates, and other appropriate levels in this the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or as follows: resolution, and make adjustments to the the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 At the end of title III, add the following: pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, through 2031. SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND joint resolutions, amendments, amendments RELATING TO WITHHOLDING FED- Mr. TILLIS submitted an ERAL EDUCATION GRANTS FROM between the Houses, motions, or conference SA 2763. STATES THAT PERMIT IN-STATE TUI- reports relating to the hiring of 5000 customs amendment intended to be proposed by TION FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. officers by the amounts provided in such leg- him to the concurrent resolution S. The Chairman of the Committee on the islation for those purposes, provided that Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- such legislation would not increase the def- sional budget for the United States tions of a committee or committees, aggre- icit over either the period of the total of fis- Government for fiscal year 2022 and gates, and other appropriate levels in this cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of resolution, and make adjustments to the the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. setting forth the appropriate budgetary pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; joint resolutions, amendments, amendments SA 2761. Mr. TILLIS submitted an which was ordered to lie on the table; between the Houses, motions, or conference amendment intended to be proposed by as follows: reports relating to withholding federal edu- him to the concurrent resolution S. At the end of title III, add the following: cation grants from states that permit in- state tuition for illegal immigrants by the Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND sional budget for the United States RELATING TO REQUIRING THE USE amounts provided in such legislation for those purposes, provided that such legisla- Government for fiscal year 2022 and OF EFFECTIVE ELIGIBILITY VERIFICATION SYSTEMS TO PRE- tion would not increase the deficit over ei- setting forth the appropriate budgetary VENT ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS FROM ther the period of the total of fiscal years levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; ACCESSING HOUSING BENEFITS. 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of which was ordered to lie on the table; The Chairman of the Committee on the fiscal years 2022 through 2031. as follows: Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- At the end of title III, add the following: SA 2766. Mr. TILLIS submitted an gates, and other appropriate levels in this amendment intended to be proposed by SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND resolution, and make adjustments to the RELATING TO REQUIRING THE USE him to the concurrent resolution S. OF EFFECTIVE ELIGIBILITY pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- VERIFICATION SYSTEMS, CON- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments sional budget for the United States SISTENT WITH EXISTING LAW FOR between the Houses, motions, or conference FURTHER FEDERAL HEALTH RE- reports relating to requiring the use of effec- Government for fiscal year 2022 and LATED PROGRAMS, TO PREVENT IL- tive eligibility verification systems to pre- setting forth the appropriate budgetary LEGAL IMMIGRANTS FROM ACCESS- vent illegal immigrants from accessing hous- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; ING HEALTH CARE BENEFITS. ing benefits. by the amounts provided in which was ordered to lie on the table; The Chairman of the Committee on the such legislation for those purposes, provided as follows: Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- that such legislation would not increase the At the end of title III, add the following: tions of a committee or committees, aggre- deficit over either the period of the total of gates, and other appropriate levels in this SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of RELATING TO REMOVING AN ALIEN resolution, and make adjustments to the the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. FROM PUBLIC BENEFITS IF FOR ANY pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, REASON THE ALIEN IS REMOVED joint resolutions, amendments, amendments FROM THE U.S. between the Houses, motions, or conference SA 2764. Mr. TILLIS submitted an The Chairman of the Committee on the reports relating to requiring the use of effec- amendment intended to be proposed by Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- tive eligibility verification systems, con- him to the concurrent resolution S. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- sistent with existing law for further federal Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- gates, and other appropriate levels in this

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:51 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00087 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.127 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6148 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 resolution, and make adjustments to the Government for fiscal year 2022 and joint resolutions, amendments, amendments pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, setting forth the appropriate budgetary between the Houses, motions, or conference joint resolutions, amendments, amendments levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; reports relating to remove aliens from public between the Houses, motions, or conference which was ordered to lie on the table; benefit programs if they commit any crime reports relating to removing an alien from involving a sex offense, provided that such public benefits if for any reason the alien is as follows: legislation would not increase the deficit removed from the U.S., provided that such At the end of title III, add the following: over either the period of the total of fiscal legislation would not increase the deficit SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the over either the period of the total of fiscal RELATING TO REMOVING ALIENS total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the FROM PUBLIC BENEFIT PROGRAMS total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. IF THEY ARE DETERMINED TO BE SA 2772. Mr. TILLIS submitted an MEMBERS OF ANY GANG OR ORGA- amendment intended to be proposed by Mr. TILLIS submitted an NIZED CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE. SA 2767. The Chairman of the Committee on the him to the concurrent resolution S. amendment intended to be proposed by Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- him to the concurrent resolution S. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- sional budget for the United States Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- gates, and other appropriate levels in this Government for fiscal year 2022 and sional budget for the United States resolution, and make adjustments to the setting forth the appropriate budgetary Government for fiscal year 2022 and pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; setting forth the appropriate budgetary joint resolutions, amendments, amendments between the Houses, motions, or conference which was ordered to lie on the table; levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; as follows: which was ordered to lie on the table; reports relating to removing aliens from public benefit programs if they are deter- At the end of title III, add the following: as follows: mined to be members of any gang or orga- SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- At the end of title III, add the following: nized criminal enterprise, provided that such LATING TO REMOVE ALIENS FROM SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND legislation would not increase the deficit PUBLIC BENEFIT PROGRAMS IF RELATING TO REMOVING ALIENS over either the period of the total of fiscal THEY COMMIT ANY CRIME INVOLV- ING CHILDREN. FROM PUBLIC BENEFIT PROGRAMS years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the The Chairman of the Committee on the IF THEIR PERIOD OF AUTHORIZED total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. ADMISSION TO THE COUNTRY HAS Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- EXPIRED. SA 2770. Mr. TILLIS submitted an tions of a committee or committees, aggre- The Chairman of the Committee on the gates, and other appropriate levels in this Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- amendment intended to be proposed by resolution, and make adjustments to the tions of a committee or committees, aggre- him to the concurrent resolution S. pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, gates, and other appropriate levels in this Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments resolution, and make adjustments to the sional budget for the United States between the Houses, motions, or conference pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, Government for fiscal year 2022 and reports relating to remove aliens from public joint resolutions, amendments, amendments setting forth the appropriate budgetary benefit programs if they commit any crime between the Houses, motions, or conference levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; involving children, provided that such legis- reports relating to removing aliens from which was ordered to lie on the table; lation would not increase the deficit over ei- public benefit programs if their period of au- ther the period of the total of fiscal years thorized admission to the country has ex- as follows: 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of pired, provided that such legislation would At the end of title III, add the following: fiscal years 2022 through 2031. not increase the deficit over either the pe- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND riod of the total of fiscal years 2022 through RELATING TO REMOVING ALIENS SA 2773. Mr. TILLIS submitted an 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years FROM PUBLIC BENEFIT PROGRAMS amendment intended to be proposed by 2022 through 2031. IF THEY COMMIT ANY CRIME IN- VOLVED IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN OF him to the concurrent resolution S. ILLICIT DRUGS. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- SA 2768. Mr. TILLIS submitted an The Chairman of the Committee on the amendment intended to be proposed by sional budget for the United States Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Government for fiscal year 2022 and him to the concurrent resolution S. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- setting forth the appropriate budgetary gates, and other appropriate levels in this levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; sional budget for the United States resolution, and make adjustments to the Government for fiscal year 2022 and pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, which was ordered to lie on the table; setting forth the appropriate budgetary joint resolutions, amendments, amendments as follows: levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; between the Houses, motions, or conference At the end of title III, add the following: which was ordered to lie on the table; reports relating to removing aliens from SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- public benefit programs if they commit any LATING TO REMOVE ALIENS FROM as follows: crime involved in the supply chain of illicit PUBLIC BENEFIT PROGRAMS IF At the end of title III, add the following: drugs, provided that such legislation would THEY COMMIT ANY VIOLENT CRIME. SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND not increase the deficit over either the pe- The Chairman of the Committee on the RELATING TO REMOVING ALIENS riod of the total of fiscal years 2022 through Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- FROM PUBLIC BENEFIT PROGRAMS 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years tions of a committee or committees, aggre- IF THE ALIEN IS FOUND TO HAVE 2022 through 2031. gates, and other appropriate levels in this USED A FRAUDULENT ID FOR ANY resolution, and make adjustments to the PURPOSE. SA 2771. Mr. TILLIS submitted an pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, The Chairman of the Committee on the joint resolutions, amendments, amendments Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- amendment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. between the Houses, motions, or conference tions of a committee or committees, aggre- reports relating to remove aliens from public gates, and other appropriate levels in this Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- benefit programs if they commit any violent resolution, and make adjustments to the sional budget for the United States crime, provided that such legislation would pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, Government for fiscal year 2022 and not increase the deficit over either the pe- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments setting forth the appropriate budgetary riod of the total of fiscal years 2022 through between the Houses, motions, or conference levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years reports relating to removing aliens from 2022 through 2031. public benefit programs if the alien is found which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows: to have used a fraudulent ID for any purpose, SA 2774. Mr. TILLIS submitted an provided that such legislation would not in- At the end of title III, add the following: amendment intended to be proposed by crease the deficit over either the period of SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or RELATING TO REMOVE ALIENS him to the concurrent resolution S. the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 FROM PUBLIC BENEFIT PROGRAMS Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- through 2031. IF THEY COMMIT ANY CRIME IN- sional budget for the United States VOLVING A SEX OFFENSE. Government for fiscal year 2022 and Mr. TILLIS submitted an The Chairman of the Committee or the setting forth the appropriate budgetary SA 2769. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- amendment intended to be proposed by tions of a committee or committees, aggre- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; him to the concurrent resolution S. gates, and other appropriate levels in this which was ordered to lie on the table; Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- resolution, and make adjustments to the as follows: sional budget for the United States pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, At the end of title III, add the following:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:51 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00088 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.089 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6149 SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND him to the concurrent resolution S. joint resolutions, amendments, amendments RELATING TO REMOVE ALIENS Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- between the Houses, motions, or conference FROM PUBLIC BENEFIT PROGRAMS sional budget for the United States reports relating to clawing back and prohib- IF THEY COMMIT ANY FELONY. iting funding to states that provide The Chairman of the Committee on the Government for fiscal year 2022 and healthcare benefits to illegal immigrants, Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- setting forth the appropriate budgetary provided that such legislation would not in- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; crease the deficit over either the period of gates, and other appropriate levels in this which was ordered to lie on the table; resolution, and make adjustments to the the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, as follows: the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 joint resolutions, amendments, amendments At the end of title III, add the following: through 2031. between the Houses, motions, or conference SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- reports relating to remove aliens from public LATING TO PROHIBTING ILLEGAL SA 2780. Mr. TILLIS submitted an benefit programs if they commit any felony, IMMIGRANTS FROM RECEIVING amendment intended to be proposed by provided that such legislation would not in- CHILD TAX CREDITS. The Chairman of the Committee on the him to the concurrent resolution S. crease the deficit over either the period of Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 tions of a committee or committees, aggre- sional budget for the United States through 2031. gates, and other appropriate levels in this Government for fiscal year 2022 and resolution, and make adjustments to the setting forth the appropriate budgetary SA 2775. Mr. TILLIS submitted an pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; amendment intended to be proposed by joint resolutions, amendments, amendments which was ordered to lie on the table; him to the concurrent resolution S. between the Houses, motions, or conference as follows: reports relating to prohibiting illegal immi- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- grants from receiving child tax credits, pro- At the end of title III, add the following: sional budget for the United States vided that such legislation would not in- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND Government for fiscal year 2022 and crease the deficit over either the period of RELATING TO CLAWING BACK AND setting forth the appropriate budgetary the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or PROHIBITING FUNDING TO STATES levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 THAT PROVIDE CASH PAYMENTS TO ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. which was ordered to lie on the table; through 2031. The Chairman of the Committee on the as follows: Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- At the end of title III, add the following: SA 2778. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by tions of a committee or committees, aggre- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND gates, and other appropriate levels in this RELATING TO REMOVE ALIENS him to the concurrent resolution S. resolution, and make adjustments to the FROM PUBLIC BENEFIT PROGRAMS Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, IF THEY COMMIT ANY CRIME CAUS- ING BODILY INJURY TO AN AMER- sional budget for the United States joint resolutions, amendments, amendments ICAN CITIZEN. Government for fiscal year 2022 and between the Houses, motions, or conference The Chairman of the Committee on the setting forth the appropriate budgetary reports relating to clawing back and prohib- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; iting funding to states that provide cash tions of a committee or committees, aggre- which was ordered to lie on the table; payments to illegal immigrants, provided gates, and other appropriate levels in this as follows: that such legislation would not increase the resolution, and make adjustments to the deficit over either the period of the total of pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, At the end of title III, add the following: fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of joint resolutions, amendments, amendments SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. between the Houses, motions, or conference RELATING TO CLAWING BACK AND reports relating to remove aliens from public PROHIBITING FUNDING TO STATES THAT PROVIDE UNEMPLOYMENT SA 2781. Mr. TILLIS submitted an benefit programs if they commit any crime BENEFITS TO ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. amendment intended to be proposed by causing bodily injury to an American Cit- The Chairman of the Committee on the izen, provided that such legislation would him to the concurrent resolution S. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- not increase the deficit over either the pe- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- riod of the total of fiscal years 2022 through sional budget for the United States gates, and other appropriate levels in this 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years resolution, and make adjustments to the Government for fiscal year 2022 and 2022 through 2031. pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; Mr. TILLIS submitted an joint resolutions, amendments, amendments SA 2776. which was ordered to lie on the table; amendment intended to be proposed by between the Houses, motions, or conference reports relating to clawing back and prohib- as follows: him to the concurrent resolution S. iting funding to states that provide unem- At the end of title III, add the following: Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- ployment benefits to illegal immigrants, sional budget for the United States SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND provided that such legislation would not in- RELATING TO CLAWING BACK AND Government for fiscal year 2022 and crease the deficit over either the period of PROHIBITING FUNDING TO AMEND- setting forth the appropriate budgetary the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or ING THE SOCIAL SECURITY ACT TO levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 EXCLUDE FROM CREDITABLE which was ordered to lie on the table; through 2031. WAGES AND SELF-EMPLOYMENT IN- COME WAGES EARNED FOR SERV- as follows: ICES BY ALIENS ILLEGALLY PER- At the end of title III, add the following: SA 2779. Mr. TILLIS submitted an FORMED IN THE US AND SELF-EM- SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- amendment intended to be proposed by PLOYMENT INCOME DERIVES FROM LATING TO PROHIBITING ILLEGAL him to the concurrent resolution S. A TRADE OR BUSINESS ILLEGALLY IMMIGRANTS FROM RECEIVING Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- CONDUCTED IN THE US. EARNED INCOME TAX CREDITS. sional budget for the United States The Chairman of the Committee on the The Chairman of the Committee on the Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Government for fiscal year 2022 and tions of a committee or committees, aggre- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- setting forth the appropriate budgetary gates, and other appropriate levels in this gates, and other appropriate levels in this levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; resolution, and make adjustments to the resolution, and make adjustments to the which was ordered to lie on the table; pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, as follows: joint resolutions, amendments, amendments joint resolutions, amendments, amendments At the end of title III, add the following: between the Houses. motions, or conference between the Houses, motions, or conference reports relating to amending the Social Se- reports relating to prohibiting illegal immi- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RELATING TO CLAWING BACK AND curity Act to exclude from creditable wages grants from receiving earned income tax PROHIBITING FUNDING TO STATES and self-employment income wages earned credit, provided that such legislation would THAT PROVIDE HEALTHCARE TO IL- for services by aliens illegally performed in not increase the deficit over either the pe- LEGAL IMMIGRANTS. the US and self-employment income derives riod of the total of fiscal years 2022 through The Chairman of the Committee on the from a trade or business illegally conducted 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- in the US, provided that such legislation 2022 through 2031. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- would not increase the deficit over either the gates, and other appropriate levels in this period of the total of fiscal years 2022 SA 2777. Mr. TILLIS submitted an resolution, and make adjustments to the through 2026 or the period of the total of fis- amendment intended to be proposed by pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, cal years 2022 through 2031.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:51 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00089 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.097 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6150 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 SA 2782. Mr. TILLIS submitted an joint resolutions, amendments, amendments which was ordered to lie on the table; amendment intended to be proposed by between the Houses, motions, or conference as follows: him to the concurrent resolution S. reports relating to increasing penalties for At the end of title III, add the following: aliens fraudulently receiving health care Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- ll benefits, provided that such legislation SEC. 3 . DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- LATING TO BARRING THOSE WHO sional budget for the United States would not increase the deficit over either the Government for fiscal year 2022 and HAVE ENTERED OR REMAINED IN period of the total of fiscal years 2022 THE COUNTRY ILLEGALLY FROM RE- setting forth the appropriate budgetary through 2026 or the period of the total of fis- CEIVING MEANS-TESTED BENEFITS levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; cal years 2022 through 2031. OR ASSISTANCE UNDER THE AF- which was ordered to lie on the table; FORDABLE CARE ACT. as follows: SA 2785. Mr. TILLIS submitted an The Chairman of the Committee on the Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- At the end of title III, add the following: amendment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. tions, of a committee or committees, aggre- SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- gates, and other appropriate levels in this LATING TO INCREASING PENALTIES Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- resolution, and make adjustments to the FOR ALIENS FRAUDULENTLY RE- sional budget for the United States pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, CEIVING ANY PUBLIC BENEFITS. Government for fiscal year 2022 and The Chairman of the Committee on the joint resolutions, amendments, amendments Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- setting forth the appropriate budgetary between the Houses, motions, or conference tions of a committee or committees, aggre- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; reports related to barring those who have en- gates, and other appropriate levels in this which was ordered to lie on the table; tered or remained in the country illegally resolution, and make adjustments to the as follows: from receiving means-tested benefits or as- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, sistance under the Affordable Care Act, pro- At the end of title III, add the following: vided that such legislation would not in- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments Sec. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- between the Houses, motions, or conference crease the deficit over either the period of LATING TO INCREASING PENALTIES the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or reports relating to increasing penalties for FOR ALIENS FRAUDULENTLY RE- aliens fraudulently receiving any public ben- CEIVING SOCIAL SECURITY BENE- the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 efits, provided that such legislation would FITS. through 2031. The Chairman of the Committee on the not increase the deficit over either the pe- Mr. TILLIS submitted an riod of the total of fiscal years 2022 through Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- SA 2788. 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years tions of a committee or committees, aggre- amendment intended to be proposed by 2022 through 2031. gates, and other appropriate levels in this him to the concurrent resolution S. resolution, and make adjustments to the Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- SA 2783. Mr. TILLIS submitted an pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, sional budget for the United States amendment intended to be proposed by joint resolutions, amendments, amendments. Government for fiscal year 2022 and him to the concurrent resolution S. between the Houses, motions, or conference setting forth the appropriate budgetary Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- reports relating to increasing penalties for levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; aliens fraudulently receiving Social Security sional budget for the United States benefits, provided that such legislation which was ordered to lie on the table; Government for fiscal year 2022 and would not increase the deficit over either the as follows: setting forth the appropriate budgetary period of the total of fiscal years 2022 At the end of title III, add the following: levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; through 2026 or the period of the total of fis- SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- which was ordered to lie on the table; cal years 2022 through 2031. LATING DECLARING THOSE ELIGI- as follows: BLE FOR MEDICAID OR SUPPLE- MENTAL NUTRITION ASSISTANCE At the end of title III, add the following: SA 2786. Mr. TILLIS submitted an PROGRAM BENEFITS TO BE ‘‘PUBLIC SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- amendment intended to be proposed by CHARGES’’ AND THEREFORE INAD- LATING TO INCREASING PENALTIES him to the concurrent resolution S. MISSIBLE FOR THOSE SEEKING PER- FOR ALIENS FRAUDULENTLY RE- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- MANENT RESIDENCY OR PERMIS- CEIVING HOUSING BENEFITS. SION TO IMMIGRATE. The Chairman of the Committee on the sional budget for the United States The Chairman of the Committee on the Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Government for fiscal year 2022 and Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- setting forth the appropriate budgetary tions of a committee or committees, aggre- gates, and other appropriate levels in this levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; gates, and other appropriate levels in this resolution, and make adjustments to the which was ordered to lie on the table; resolution, and make adjustments to the pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, as follows: pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, joint resolutions, amendments, amendments joint resolutions, amendments, amendments At the end of title III, add the following: between the Houses, motions, or conference between the Houses, motions, or conference reports relating to increasing penalties for SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND reports relating to declaring those eligible RELATING TO PROHIBITING THE for Medicaid or Supplemental Nutrition As- aliens fraudulently receiving housing bene- USE OF SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY fits, provided that such legislation would not INCOME AND ANY OTHER CASH AS- sistance Program benefits to be ‘‘public increase the deficit over either the period of SISTANCE PROGRAM TO ILLEGAL charges’’ and therefore inadmissible for the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or IMMIGRANTS. those seeking permanent residency or per- the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 The Chairman of the Committee on the mission to immigrate, provided that such through 2031. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- legislation would not increase the deficit tions of a committee or committees, aggre- over either the period of the total of fiscal SA 2784. Mr. TILLIS submitted an gates, and other appropriate levels in this years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the amendment intended to be proposed by resolution, and make adjustments to the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. him to the concurrent resolution S. pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments SA 2789. Mr. TILLIS submitted an sional budget for the United States between the Houses, motions, or conference amendment intended to be proposed by Government for fiscal year 2022 and reports relating to prohibiting the use of him to the concurrent resolution S. Supplemental Security income and any Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- setting forth the appropriate budgetary other cash assistance program to illegal im- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; sional budget for the United States migrants, provided that such legislation Government for fiscal year 2022 and which was ordered to lie on the table; would not increase the deficit over either the setting forth the appropriate budgetary as follows: period of the total of fiscal years 2022 levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; At the end of title III, add the following: through 2026 or the period of the total of fis- which was ordered to lie on the table; SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND cal years 2022 through 2031. RELATING TO INCREASING PEN- as follows: ALTIES FOR ALIENS FRAUDULENTLY SA 2787. Mr. TILLIS submitted an At the end of title III, add the following: RECEIVING HEALTH CARE BENE- amendment intended to be proposed by SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- FITS. him to the concurrent resolution S. LATING TO THE STATE DEPART- The Chairman of the Committee on the Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- MENT HIRING OF 50 VISA ANALYSTS Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- TO FOCUS SOLELY ON FRAUD. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- sional budget for the United States The Chairman of the Committee on the gates, and other appropriate levels in this Government for fiscal year 2022 and Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- resolution, and make adjustments to the setting forth the appropriate budgetary tions of a committee or committees, aggre- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; gates, and other appropriate levels in this

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:51 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00090 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.147 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6151 resolution, and make adjustments to the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; which was ordered to lie on the table; pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows: joint resolutions, amendments, amendments as follows: At the end of title III, add the following: between the Houses, motions, or conference SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND reports relating to the State Department At the end of title III, add the following: SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RELATING TO ELIMINATING THE DI- hiring of 50 visa analysts focusing solely on VERSITY VISA AND REALLOCATING fraud by the amounts provided in such legis- RELATING TO REQUIRING COL- LEGES, UNIVERSITIES AND LAN- TO FAMILY-BASED VISAS. lation for those purposes, provided that such GUAGE TRAINING PROGRAMS SPON- The Chairman of the Committee on the legislation would not increase the deficit SORING VISA PARTICIPANTS TO BE Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- over either the period of the total of fiscal ACCREDITED BY AGENCIES RECOG- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the NIZED BY THE DEPT. OF EDU- gates, and other appropriate levels in this total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. CATION; PERMIT THE DHS SEC- resolution, and make adjustments to the RETARY TO SUSPEND ACCREDITA- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, SA 2790. Mr. TILLIS submitted an TION IF OFFICIAL OR OWNER IS SUS- PECTED OR INDICTED FOR FRAUD; joint resolutions, amendments, amendments amendment intended to be proposed by PROHIBIT CONVICTED INDIVIDUALS between the Houses, motions, or conference him to the concurrent resolution S. FROM FILING FUTURE PETITIONS; reports relating to eliminating the diversity Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- PROHIBIT FLIGHT SCHOOLS FROM visa and reallocating to family-based visas ISSUING STUDENT VISAS UNLESS by the amounts provided in such legislation sional budget for the United States SCHOOL IS CERTIFIED BY DHS AND Government for fiscal year 2022 and for those purposes, provided that such legis- FAA. lation would not increase the deficit over ei- setting forth the appropriate budgetary The Chairman of the Committee on the ther the period of the total of fiscal years levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of which was ordered to lie on the table; tions of a committee or committees, aggre- fiscal years 2022 through 2031. as follows: gates, and other appropriate levels in this resolution, and make adjustments to the At the end of title III, add the following: SA 2795. Mr. TILLIS submitted an pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments amendment intended to be proposed by LATING TO THE STATE DEPART- between the Houses, motions, or conference him to the concurrent resolution S. MENT HIRING OF 75 VISA ANALYSTS Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- TO FOCUS SOLELY ON FRAUD. reports relating to requiring colleges, uni- The Chairman of the Committee on the versities and language training programs sional budget for the United States Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- sponsoring visa participants to be accredited Government for fiscal year 2022 and tions of a committee or committees, aggre- by agencies recognized by the Dept. of Edu- setting forth the appropriate budgetary gates, and other appropriate levels in this cation; permit the DHS Secretary to suspend levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; resolution, and make adjustments to the accreditation if official or owner is suspected which was ordered to lie on the table; pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, or indicted for fraud; prohibit convicted indi- viduals from filing future petitions; prohibit as follows: joint resolutions, amendments, amendments At the end of title III, add the following: between the Houses, motions, or conference flight schools from issuing student visas un- less school is certified by DHS and FAA by SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- reports relating to the State Department LATING TO ELIMINATING THE DI- hiring of 75 visa analysts focusing solely on the amounts provided in such legislation for those purposes, provided that such legisla- VERSITY VISA WITHOUT REALLO- fraud by the amounts provided in such legis- CATING. tion would not increase the deficit over ei- lation for those purposes, provided that such The Chairman of the Committee on the ther the period of the total of fiscal years legislation would not increase the deficit Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of over either the period of the total of fiscal tions of a committee or committees, aggre- fiscal years 2022 through 2031. years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the gates, and other appropriate levels in this total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. Mr. TILLIS submitted an resolution, and make adjustments to the SA 2793. pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, SA 2791. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by joint resolutions, amendments, amendments amendment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. between the Houses, motions, or conference him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- reports relating to eliminating the diversity Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- sional budget for the United States visa without realiocating by the amounts sional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2022 and provided in such legislation for those pur- setting forth the appropriate budgetary poses, provided that such legislation would Government for fiscal year 2022 and not increase the deficit over either the pe- setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; which was ordered to lie on the table; riod of the total of fiscal years 2022 through levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows: 2022 through 2031. as follows: At the end of title III, add the following: At the end of title III, add the following: SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND SA 2796. Mr. TILLIS submitted an RELATING TO ELIMINATING THE DI- amendment intended to be proposed by SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND VERSITY VISA AND REALLOCATING him to the concurrent resolution S. RELATING TO THE STATE DEPART- TO EMPLOYMENT-BASED VISAS. MENT HIRING OF 100 VISA ANALYSTS Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- The Chairman of the Committee on the TO FOCUS SOLELY ON FRAUD. sional budget for the United States The Chairman of the Committee on the Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Government for fiscal year 2022 and Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- setting forth the appropriate budgetary tions of a committee or committees, aggre- gates, and other appropriate levels in this gates, and other appropriate levels in this resolution, and make adjustments to the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; resolution, and make adjustments to the pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, which was ordered to lie on the table; pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, joint resolutions, amendments, amendments as follows: between the Houses, motions. or conference joint resolutions, amendments, amendments At the end of title III, add the following: reports relating to eliminating the diversity between the Houses, motions, or conference ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND visa and reallocating to employment-based SEC. 3 reports relating to the State Department RELATING TO ELIMINATING PAR- hiring of 100 visa analysts focusing solely on visas by the amounts provided in such legis- ENT CATEGORY VISAS AND RE- fraud by the amounts provided in such legis- lation for those purposes, provided that such ALLOCATING TO OTHER FAMILY. lation for those purposes, provided that such legislation would not increase the deficit The Chairman of the Committee on the legislation would not increase the deficit over either the period of the total of fiscal Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- over either the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the tions of a committee or committees, aggre- years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. gates, and other appropriate levels in this total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. resolution, and make adjustments to the SA 2794. Mr. TILLIS submitted an pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, SA 2792. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by joint resolutions, amendments, amendments amendment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. between the Houses, motions, or conference him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- reports relating to eliminating parent cat- egory visas and reallocating to other family Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- sional budget for the United States by the amounts provided in such legislation sional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2022 and for those purposes, provided that such legis- Government for fiscal year 2022 and setting forth the appropriate budgetary lation would not increase the deficit over ei- setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; ther the period of the total of fiscal years

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:51 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00091 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.109 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6152 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of tions of a committee or committees, aggre- sional budget for the United States fiscal years 2022 through 2031. gates, and other appropriate levels in this Government for fiscal year 2022 and resolution, and make adjustments to the setting forth the appropriate budgetary Mr. TILLIS submitted an SA 2797. pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; amendment intended to be proposed by joint resolutions, amendments, amendments between the Houses, motions, or conference which was ordered to lie on the table; him to the concurrent resolution S. as follows: Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- reports relating to eliminating brothers and At the end of title III, add the following: sional budget for the United States sisters category visas and reallocating to other family by the amounts provided in SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND Government for fiscal year 2022 and such legislation for those purposes, provided RELATING TO RELATING TO ELIMI- setting forth the appropriate budgetary that such legislation would not increase the NATING PARENTS CATEGORY AND levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; deficit over either the period of the total of BROTHERS AND SISTERS CATEGORY VISAS AND REALLOCATING TO which was ordered to lie on the table; fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of OTHER FAMILY. as follows: the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. The Chairman of the Committee on the At the end of title III, add the following: Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- SA 2800. Mr. TILLIS submitted an tions of a committee or committees, aggre- LATING TO ELIMINATING PARENT amendment intended to be proposed by gates, and other appropriate levels in this CATEGORY VISAS AND REALLO- him to the concurrent resolution S. resolution, and make adjustments to the CATING TO EMPLOYMENT. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, The Chairman of the Committee on the sional budget for the United States joint resolutions, amendments, amendments. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Government for fiscal year 2022 and between the Houses, motions, or conference tions of a committee or committees, aggre- reports relating to relating to eliminating gates, and other appropriate levels in this setting forth the appropriate budgetary parents category and brothers and sisters resolution, and make adjustments to the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; category visas and reallocating to other fam- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, which was ordered to lie on the table; ily by the amounts provided in such legisla- joint resolutions. amendments, amendments as follows: tion for those purposes, provided that such between the Houses, motions, or conference At the end of title III, add the following: legislation would not increase the deficit reports relating to eliminating parent cat- over either the period of the total of fiscal SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND egory visas and reallocating to employment RELATING TO ELIMINATING BROTH- years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the by the amounts provided in such legislation ERS AND SISTERS CATEGORY VISAS total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. for those purposes, provided that such legis- AND REALLOCATING TO EMPLOY- lation would not increase the deficit over ei- MENT. SA 2803. Mr. TILLIS submitted an ther the period of the total of fiscal years The Chairman of the Committee on the amendment intended to be proposed by 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- him to the concurrent resolution S. fiscal years 2022 through 2031. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- gates, and other appropriate levels in this sional budget for the United States SA 2798. Mr. TILLIS submitted an resolution, and make adjustments to the Government for fiscal year 2022 and amendment intended to be proposed by pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, setting forth the appropriate budgetary joint resolutions, amendments, amendments him to the concurrent resolution S. levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- between the Houses, motions, or conference reports relating to eliminating brothers and which was ordered to lie on the table; sional budget for the United States as follows: Government for fiscal year 2022 and sisters category visas and reallocating to employment by the amounts provided in At the end of title III, add the following: setting forth the appropriate budgetary such legislation for those purposes, provided SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; that such legislation would not increase the LATING TO RELATING TO ELIMI- which was ordered to lie on the table; deficit over either the period of the total of NATING PARENTS CATEGORY AND as follows: fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of BROTHERS AND SISTERS CATEGORY the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. VISAS AND REALLOCATING TO EM- At the end of title III, add the following: PLOYMENT. SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND The Chairman of the Committee on the RELATING TO ELIMINATING PARENT SA 2801. Mr. TILLIS submitted an Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- CATEGORY VISAS WITHOUT REALLO- amendment intended to be proposed by tions of a committee or committees, aggre- CATING. him to the concurrent resolution S. gates, and other appropriate levels in this The Chairman of the Committee on the resolution, and make adjustments to the Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, tions of a committee or committees, aggre- sional budget for the United States joint resolutions, amendments, amendments gates, and other appropriate levels in this Government for fiscal year 2022 and between the Houses, motions, or conference resolution, and make adjustments to the setting forth the appropriate budgetary reports relating to relating to eliminating pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; parents category and brothers and sisters joint resolutions, amendments, amendments which was ordered to lie on the table; category visas and reallocating to employ- between the Houses, motions, or conference as follows: ment by the amounts provided in such legis- reports relating to eliminating parent cat- lation for those purposes, provided that such egory visas without reallocating by the At the end of title III, add the following: legislation would not increase the deficit amounts provided in such legislation for SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND over either the period of the total of fiscal those purposes, provided that such legisla- RELATING TO ELIMINATING BROTH- ERS AND SISTERS CATEGORY VISAS years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the tion would not increase the deficit over ei- WIHTOUT REALLOCATING. total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. ther the period of the total of fiscal years The Chairman of the Committee on the 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- SA 2804. Mr. TILLIS submitted an fiscal years 2022 through 2031. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- amendment intended to be proposed by gates, and other appropriate levels in this SA 2799. Mr. TILLIS submitted an him to the concurrent resolution S. resolution, and make adjustments to the Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- amendment intended to be proposed by pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, him to the concurrent resolution S. sional budget for the United States joint resolutions, amendments, amendments Government for fiscal year 2022 and Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- between the Houses, motions, or conference sional budget for the United States reports relating to eliminating brothers and setting forth the appropriate budgetary Government for fiscal year 2022 and sisters category visas without reallocating levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; setting forth the appropriate budgetary by the amounts provided in such legislation which was ordered to lie on the table; levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; for those purposes, provided that such legis- as follows: which was ordered to lie on the table; lation would not increase the deficit over ei- At the end of title III, add the following: ther the period of the total of fiscal years SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- as follows: 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of LATING TO RELATING TO ELIMI- At the end of title III, add the following: fiscal years 2022 through 2031. NATING PARENTS CATEGORY AND SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- BROTHERS AND SISTERS CATEGORY VISAS WITHOUT REALLOCATING LATING TO ELIMINATING BROTHERS Mr. TILLIS submitted an AND SISTERS CATEGORY VISAS AND SA 2802. The Chairman of the Committee on the REALLOCATING TO OTHER FAMILY. amendment intended to be proposed by Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- The Chairman of the Committee on the him to the concurrent resolution S. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- gates, and other appropriate levels in this

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:11 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00092 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.156 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6153 resolution, and make adjustments to the fense was committed to facilitate terrorism setting forth the appropriate budgetary pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, or drug trafficking by the amounts provided levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; joint resolutions, amendments, amendments in such legislation for those purposes, pro- which was ordered to lie on the table; between the Houses, motions, or conference vided that such legislation would not in- as follows: reports relating to relating to eliminating crease the deficit over either the period of parents category and brothers and sisters the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or At the end of title III, add the following: category visas without reallocating by the the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- amounts provided in such legislation for through 2031. LATING TO PROVIDING THAT IF THE those purposes, provided that such legisla- SECRETARY OF DHS OR THE SEC- Mr. TILLIS submitted an RETARY OF STATE REVOKES A VISA tion would not increase the deficit over ei- SA 2807. THAT DHS OR DOS MUST IMME- ther the period of the total of fiscal years amendment intended to be proposed by DIATELY UPDATE RELEVANT CON- 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of him to the concurrent resolution S. SULAR, LAW ENFORCEMENT, AND fiscal years 2022 through 2031. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- TERRORIST SCREENING DATABASES sional budget for the United States ON THE DATE OF SUCH REVOCA- SA 2805. Mr. TILLIS submitted an TION. amendment intended to be proposed by Government for fiscal year 2022 and The Chairman of the Committee on the him to the concurrent resolution S. setting forth the appropriate budgetary Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; tions of a committee or committees, aggre- gates, and other appropriate levels in this sional budget for the United States which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows: resolution, and make adjustments to the Government for fiscal year 2022 and pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, At the end of title III, add the following: setting forth the appropriate budgetary joint resolutions, amendments, amendments levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND between the Houses, motions, or conference RELATING TO PERMITTING THE USE which was ordered to lie on the table; OF VISA FRAUD FEES COLLECTED reports relating to providing that if the Sec- as follows: FOR H AND L VISA APPLICATIONS retary of DHS or the Secretary of State re- At the end of title III, add the following: TO BE USED TO COMBAT FRAUD IN vokes a visa that DHS or DOS must imme- OTHER VISA CATEGORIES. diately update relevant consular, law en- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RELATING TO RELATING TO RE- The Chairman of the Committee on the forcement, and terrorist screening databases FORMING THE DIVERSITY VISA PRO- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- on the date of such revocation by the GRAM AND CREATING A PROGRAM tions of a committee or committees, aggre- amounts provided in such legislation for THAT AWARDS VISAS TO ALIENS gates, and other appropriate levels in this those purposes, provided that such legisla- WITH AN ADVANCED DEGREE IN resolution, and make adjustments to the tion would not increase the deficit over ei- SCIENCE, MATHEMATICS, TECH- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, ther the period of the total of fiscal years NOLOGY, OR ENGINEERING. joint resolutions, amendments, amendments 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of The Chairman of the Committee on the between the Houses, motions, or conference fiscal years 2022 through 2031. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- reports relating to permitting the use of visa tions of a committee or committees, aggre- fraud fees collected for H and L visa applica- SA 2810. Mr. TILLIS submitted an gates, and other appropriate levels in this tions to be used to combat fraud in other amendment intended to be proposed by resolution, and make adjustments to the visa categories by the amounts provided in him to the concurrent resolution S. pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, such legislation for those purposes, provided joint resolutions, amendments, amendments. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- that such legislation would not increase the sional budget for the United States between the Houses, motions, or conference deficit over either the period of the total of reports relating to reforming the diversity fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of Government for fiscal year 2022 and visa program and creating a program that the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. setting forth the appropriate budgetary awards visas to aliens with an advanced de- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; gree in science, mathematics, technology, or SA 2808. Mr. TILLIS submitted an which was ordered to lie on the table; engineering by the amounts provided in such as follows: legislation for those purposes, provided that amendment intended to be proposed by such legislation would not increase the def- him to the concurrent resolution S. At the end of title III, add the following: icit over either the period of the total of fis- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of sional budget for the United States LATING TO REQUIRING THAT A PAR- the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. ENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN, RATHER Government for fiscal year 2022 and THAN ANYONE 21 OR OLDER, ATTEST setting forth the appropriate budgetary TO A MINOR’S IDENTITY IF THEY DO SA 2806. Mr. TILLIS submitted an levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; NOT HAVE A DRIVER’S LICENSE, amendment intended to be proposed by which was ordered to lie on the table; VOTER REGISTRATION CARD OR him to the concurrent resolution S. OTHER DOCUMENT ESTABLISHING as follows: Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- THEIR IDENTITY. sional budget for the United States At the end of title III, add the following: The Chairman of the Committee on the SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Government for fiscal year 2022 and RELATING TO CLARIFYING THAT NO tions of a committee or committees, aggre- setting forth the appropriate budgetary COURT CAN REVIEW THE SEC- gates, and other appropriate levels in this levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; RETARY OF HOMELAND SECURITY’S resolution, and make adjustments to the which was ordered to lie on the table; OR SECRETARY OF STATE’S DECI- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, SION TO REVOKE A VISA. joint resolutions, amendments, amendments as follows: The Chairman of the Committee on the between the Houses, motions, or conference At the end of title III, add the following: Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- reports relating to [requiring that a parent SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- or legal guardian, rather than anyone 21 or LATING TO SETTING MANDATORY gates, and other appropriate levels in this older, attest to a minor’s identity if they do MINIMUM TERMS OF IMPRISON- resolution, and make adjustments to the MENT FOR ANYONE WHO KNOW- not have a driver’s license, voter registration pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, INGLY FORGES, COUNTERFEITS, AL- card or other document establishing their joint resolutions, amendments, amendments TERS, OR FALSELY MAKES IMMIGRA- identity] by the amounts provided in such between the Houses, motions, or conference TION DOCUMENTS TO BE USED FOR legislation for those purposes, provided that ENTRY, WITH HIGHER TERMS IF THE reports relating to clarifying that no court such legislation would not increase the def- OFFENSE WAS COMMITTED TO FA- can review the Secretary of Homeland Secu- icit over either the period of the total of fis- CILITATE TERRORISM OR DRUG rity’s or Secretary of State’s decision to re- cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of TRAFFICKING. voke a visa by the amounts provided in such The Chairman of the Committee on the the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. legislation for those purposes, provided that Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- such legislation would not increase the def- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- SA 2811. Mr. TILLIS submitted an icit over either the period of the total of fis- gates, and other appropriate levels in this cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of amendment intended to be proposed by resolution, and make adjustments to the the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. him to the concurrent resolution S. pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments SA 2809. Mr. TILLIS submitted an sional budget for the United States between the Houses, motions, or conference amendment intended to be proposed by Government for fiscal year 2022 and reports relating to setting mandatory min- imum terms of imprisonment for anyone who him to the concurrent resolution S. setting forth the appropriate budgetary knowingly forges, counterfeits, alters, or Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; falsely makes immigration documents to be sional budget for the United States which was ordered to lie on the table; used for entry, with higher terms if the of- Government for fiscal year 2022 and as follows:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:51 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00093 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.182 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6154 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 At the end of title III, add the following: SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND SA 2816. Mr. TILLIS submitted an RELATING TO REQUIRING EN- ll amendment intended to be proposed by SEC. 3 . DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- HANCED SCREENING FOR VISA LATING TO ADDING MISUSE OF OVERSTAYS. him to the concurrent resolution S. IDENTITY DOCUMENTS OR PRODUC- TION OF FALSE IDENTITY DOCU- The Chairman of the Committee on the Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- MENTS TO ASSIST IN HARBORING OR Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- sional budget for the United States HIRING UNAUTHORIZED WORKERS tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Government for fiscal year 2022 and TO A LIST OF OFFENSES PUNISH- gates, and other appropriate levels in this setting forth the appropriate budgetary ABLE BY FINES AND PRISON SEN- resolution, and make adjustments to the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; TENCES OF UP TO 20 YEARS, pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, CHANGES THE DEFINITION OF IDEN- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments which was ordered to lie on the table; TITY THEFT IN EXISTING LAW FROM as follows: USE OF THE DOCUMENTS OF AN- between the Houses, motions, or conference OTHER PERSON TO USE OF DOCU- reports relating to requiring enhanced At the end of title III, add the following: MENTS THAT ARE NOT HIS OR HER screening for visa overstays by the amounts SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- OWN. provided in such legislation for those pur- LATING TO CREATING A PERMA- The Chairman of the Committee on the poses, provided that such legislation would NENT BAN ON INDIVIDUALS WHO Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- not increase the deficit over either the pe- OVERSTAY THEIR VISA. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- riod of the total of fiscal years 2022 through The Chairman of the Committee on the gates, and other appropriate levels in this 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- resolution, and make adjustments to the 2022 through 2031. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, gates, and other appropriate levels in this joint resolutions, amendments, amendments SA 2814. Mr. TILLIS submitted an resolution, and make adjustments to the between the Houses, motions, or conference amendment intended to be proposed by pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, reports relating to [misuse of identity docu- him to the concurrent resolution S. joint resolutions, amendments, amendments ments or production of false identity docu- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- between the Houses, motions, or conference ments to assist in harboring or hiring unau- sional budget for the United States reports relating to creating a permanent ban thorized workers to a list of offenses punish- Government for fiscal year 2022 and on individuals who overstay their visa by the able by fines and prison sentences of up to 20 setting forth the appropriate budgetary amounts provided in such legislation for years. It also would change the definition of levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; those purposes, provided that such legisla- identity theft in existing law from use of the which was ordered to lie on the table; tion would not increase the deficit over ei- documents of another person to use of docu- ther the period of the total of fiscal years ments that are not his or her own] by the as follows: 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of amounts provided in such legislation for At the end of title III, add the following: fiscal years 2022 through 2031. those purposes, provided that such legisla- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND tion would not increase the deficit over ei- RELATING TO CREATING AN INTER- SA 2817. Mr. TILLIS submitted an ther the period of the total of fiscal years AGENCY TASK FORCE TO PREVENT 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of AND ADDRESS VISA OVERSTAYS. amendment intended to be proposed by fiscal years 2022 through 2031. The Chairman of the Committee on the him to the concurrent resolution S. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Mr. TILLIS submitted an sional budget for the United States SA 2812. gates, and other appropriate levels in this amendment intended to be proposed by Government for fiscal year 2022 and resolution, and make adjustments to the setting forth the appropriate budgetary him to the concurrent resolution S. pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; sional budget for the United States between the Houses, motions, or conference which was ordered to lie on the table; Government for fiscal year 2022 and reports relating to creating an interagency as follows: setting forth the appropriate budgetary task force to prevent and address visa At the end of title III, add the following: levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; overstays by the amounts provided in such legislation for those purposes, provided that SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RELATING TO BARRING NON- which was ordered to lie on the table; such legislation would not increase the def- as follows: IMMIGRANTS WHO OVERSTAY MORE icit over either the period of the total of fis- THAN THIRTY DAYS, WITHOUT GOOD At the end of title III, add the following: cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of CAUSE, FROM ALL IMMIGRATION the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. BENEFITS AND RELIEF FROM RE- SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- MOVAL. LATING TO REQUIRING DHS TO DE- VELOPING A PLAN TO PREVENT IM- SA 2815. Mr. TILLIS submitted an The Chairman of the Committee on the MIGRATION FRAUD. amendment intended to be proposed by Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- The Chairman of the Committee on the him to the concurrent resolution S. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- gates, and other appropriate levels in this tions of a committee or committees, aggre- sional budget for the United States resolution, and make adjustments to the gates, and other appropriate levels in this Government for fiscal year 2022 and pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, joint resolutions, amendments, amendments resolution, and make adjustments to the setting forth the appropriate budgetary pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, between the Houses, motions, or conference levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; joint resolutions, amendments, amendments reports relating to barring nonimmigrants between the Houses, motions, or conference which was ordered to lie on the table; who overstay more than thirty days, without reports relating to requiring DHS to devel- as follows: good cause, from all immigration benefits oping a plan to prevent immigration fraud At the end of title III, add the following: and relief from removal by the amounts pro- by the amounts provided in such legislation SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- vided in such legislation for those purposes. for those purposes, provided that such legis- LATING TO IMPLEMENTING A FIVE provided that such legislation would not in- lation would not increase the deficit over ei- YEAR BAN FOR INDIVIDUALS WHO crease the deficit over either the period of ther the period of the total of fiscal years OVERSTAY THEIR VISA. the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of The Chairman of the Committee on the the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 fiscal years 2022 through 2031. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- through 2031. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- gates, and other appropriate levels in this Mr. TILLIS submitted an SA 2818. Mr. TILLIS submitted an SA 2813. resolution, and make adjustments to the amendment intended to be proposed by pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, amendment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. joint resolutions, amendments, amendments him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- between the Houses, motions, or conference Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- sional budget for the United States reports relating to implementing a five year sional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2022 and ban for individuals who overstay their visa Government for fiscal year 2022 and setting forth the appropriate budgetary by the amounts provided in such legislation setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; for those purposes, provided that such legis- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; which was ordered to lie on the table; lation would not increase the deficit over ei- which was ordered to lie on the table; ther the period of the total of fiscal years as follows: 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of as follows: At the end of title III, add the following: fiscal years 2022 through 2031. At the end of title III, add the following:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:11 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00094 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.190 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6155 SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND tions of a committee or committees, aggre- RELATING TO PREVENTING AN RELATING TO MANDATING THAT gates, and other appropriate levels in this ALIEN FROM BEING ISSUED A VISA THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND resolution, and make adjustments to the OR A WAIVER UNDER THE VISA SECURITY ISSUE A REPORT TO CON- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, WAIVER PROGRAM UNLESS THE GRESS REGARDING VISA ALIEN SIGNS AN ACKNOWLEDGE- OVERSTAYS, INCLUDING NUMER- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments MENT, UNDER PENALTY OF PER- ICAL ESTIMATES OF THE NUMBER between the Houses, motions, or conference JURY, THAT IF THEY OVERSTAY, OF ALIENS WHO OVERSTAYED THEIR reports relating to requiring the Department WITHOUT GOOD CAUSE, THEY WILL VISA FROM EACH COUNTRY. of Homeland Security to notify all appro- BE BARRED FROM ALL IMMIGRA- The Chairman of the Committee on the priate federal law enforcement, intelligence TION BENEFITS AND RELIEF. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- and national security agencies of individuals The Chairman of the Committee on the tions of a committee or committees, aggre- who overstay their visas; require the deploy- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- gates, and other appropriate levels in this ment of all reasonably available law enforce- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- resolution, and make adjustments to the ment resources to find such individuals by gates, and other appropriate levels in this pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, the amounts provided in such legislation for joint resolutions, amendments, amendments resolution, and make adjustments to the those purposes, provided that such legisla- between the Houses, motions, or conference pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, tion would not increase the deficit over ei- reports relating to mandating that the De- ther the period of the total of fiscal years joint resolutions, amendments, amendments partment of Homeland Security issue a re- between the Houses, motions, or conference 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of port to Congress regarding visa overstays, fiscal years 2022 through 2031. reports relating to preventing an alien from including numerical estimates of the number being issued a visa or a waiver under the visa of aliens who overstayed their visa from each SA 2823. Mr. TILLIS submitted an waiver program unless the alien signs an ac- country by the amounts provided in such amendment intended to be proposed by knowledgement, under penalty of perjury, legislation for those purposes, provided that him to the concurrent resolution S. that if they overstay, without good cause, such legislation would not increase the def- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- they will be barred from all immigration icit over either the period of the total of fis- benefits and relief. by the amounts provided cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of sional budget for the United States in such legislation for those purposes, pro- the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. Government for fiscal year 2022 and vided that such legislation would not in- setting forth the appropriate budgetary crease the deficit over either the period of SA 2821. Mr. TILLIS submitted an levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or amendment intended to be proposed by which was ordered to lie on the table; the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 him to the concurrent resolution S. as follows: through 2031. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- At the end of title III, add the following: sional budget for the United States SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- LATING TO HIRING OF 100 USCIS SA 2819. Mr. TILLIS submitted an Government for fiscal year 2022 and setting forth the appropriate budgetary ASYLUM OFFICERS. amendment intended to be proposed by The Chairman of the Committee on the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; him to the concurrent resolution S. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- which was ordered to lie on the table; tions of a committee or committees, aggre- as follows: sional budget for the United States gates, and other appropriate levels in this Government for fiscal year 2022 and At the end of title III, add the following: resolution, and make adjustments to the SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, setting forth the appropriate budgetary RELATING TO REQUIRING EMPLOY- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; ERS TO NOTIFY USCIS IF AN EM- between the Houses, motions, or conference which was ordered to lie on the table; PLOYEE FAILS TO MEET OBLIGA- reports relating to hiring 100 USCIS asylum TION OR OVERSTAYS VISA. officers by the amounts provided in such leg- as follows: The Chairman of the Committee on the islation for those purposes, provided that Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- At the end of title III, add the following: such legislation would not increase the def- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- icit over either the period of the total of fis- SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- gates, and other appropriate levels in this cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of LATING TO PROVIDING THAT ALL resolution, and make adjustments to the the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. VISAS IN THE POSSESSION OF A pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, NONIMMIGRANT ALIEN ARE VOID IF THE ALIEN REMAINS IN THE UNITED joint resolutions, amendments, amendments SA 2824. Mr. TILLIS submitted an STATES BEYOND HIS OR HER AU- between the Houses, motions, or conference amendment intended to be proposed by THORIZED PERIOD OF STAY. reports relating to requiring employers to notify USCIS if an employee fails to meet him to the concurrent resolution S. The Chairman of the Committee on the obligation or overstays visa by the amounts Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- provided in such legislation for those pur- sional budget for the United States tions of a committee or committees, aggre- poses, provided that such legislation would Government for fiscal year 2022 and gates, and other appropriate levels in this not increase the deficit over either the pe- setting forth the appropriate budgetary resolution, and make adjustments to the riod of the total of fiscal years 2022 through pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years which was ordered to lie on the table; joint resolutions, amendments, amendments 2022 through 2031. between the Houses, motions, or conference as follows: reports relating to providing that all visas in SA 2822. Mr. TILLIS submitted an At the end of title III, add the following: the possession of a nonimmigrant alien are amendment intended to be proposed by SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- void if the alien remains in the United him to the concurrent resolution S. LATING TO HIRING 250 USCIS ASY- States beyond his or her authorized period of LUM OFFICERS. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- The Chairman of the Committee on the stay by the amounts provided in such legis- sional budget for the United States lation for those purposes, provided that such Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- legislation would not increase the deficit Government for fiscal year 2022 and gates, and other appropriate levels in this over either the period of the total of fiscal setting forth the appropriate budgetary resolution, and make adjustments to the years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. which was ordered to lie on the table; joint resolutions, amendments, amendments as follows: between the Houses, motions, or conference At the end of title III, add the following: reports relating to hiring 250 USCIS asylum SA 2820. Mr. TILLIS submitted an SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND amendment intended to be proposed by officers by the amounts provided in such leg- RELATING TO REQUIRING THE DE- islation for those purposes, provided that PARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECU- him to the concurrent resolution S. such legislation would not increase the def- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- RITY TO NOTIFY ALL APPROPRIATE FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT, IN- icit over either the period of the total of fis- sional budget for the United States TELLIGENCE AND NATIONAL SECU- cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of Government for fiscal year 2022 and RITY AGENCIES OF INDIVIDUALS the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. setting forth the appropriate budgetary WHO OVERSTAY THEIR VISAS; RE- QUIRE THE DEPLOYMENT OF ALL Mr. TILLIS submitted an levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; SA 2825. REASONABLY AVAILABLE LAW EN- amendment intended to be proposed by which was ordered to lie on the table; FORCEMENT RESOURCES TO FIND him to the concurrent resolution S. as follows: SUCH INDIVIDUALS. The Chairman of the Committee on the Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- At the end of title III, add the following: Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- sional budget for the United States

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:51 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00095 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.209 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6156 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 Government for fiscal year 2022 and SA 2828. Mr. TILLIS submitted an by the amounts provided in such legislation setting forth the appropriate budgetary amendment intended to be proposed by for those purposes, provided that such legis- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; him to the concurrent resolution S. lation would not increase the deficit over ei- which was ordered to lie on the table; Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- ther the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of as follows: sional budget for the United States fiscal years 2022 through 2031. At the end of title III, add the following: Government for fiscal year 2022 and SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND setting forth the appropriate budgetary RELATING TO HIRING 500 USCIS ASY- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; SA 2831. Mr. TILLIS submitted an LUM OFFICERS. which was ordered to lie on the table; amendment intended to be proposed by The Chairman of the Committee on the as follows: him to the concurrent resolution S. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- At the end of title III, add the following: Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- sional budget for the United States SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND gates, and other appropriate levels in this Government for fiscal year 2022 and resolution, and make adjustments to the RELATING TO HIRING 200 USCIS pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, FRAUD OFFICERS. setting forth the appropriate budgetary joint resolutions, amendments, amendments The Chairman of the Committee on the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; between the Houses, motions, or conference Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- which was ordered to lie on the table; reports relating to hiring 500 USCIS asylum tions of a committee or committees, aggre- as follows: officers by the amounts provided in such leg- gates, and other appropriate levels in this islation for those purposes, provided that resolution, and make adjustments to the At the end of title III, add the following: such legislation would not increase the def- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND icit over either the period of the total of fis- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments RELATING TO REINSTATING THE MI- cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of between the Houses, motions, or conference GRANT PROTECTION PROTOCOLS. reports relating to hiring 200 USCIS fraud of- the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. The Chairman of the Committee on the ficers by the amounts provided in such legis- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- lation for those purposes, provided that such SA 2826. Mr. TILLIS submitted an tions of a committee or committees, aggre- legislation would not increase the deficit amendment intended to be proposed by gates, and other appropriate levels in this over either the period of the total of fiscal him to the concurrent resolution S. resolution, and make adjustments to the years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. sional budget for the United States joint resolutions, amendments, amendments between the Houses, motions, or conference Government for fiscal year 2022 and SA 2829. Mr. TILLIS submitted an setting forth the appropriate budgetary reports relating reinstating the Migrant Pro- amendment intended to be proposed by tection Protocols by the amounts provided levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; him to the concurrent resolution S. in such legislation for those purposes, pro- which was ordered to lie on the table; Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- vided that such legislation would not in- as follows: sional budget for the United States crease the deficit over either the period of At the end of title III, add the following: Government for fiscal year 2022 and the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND setting forth the appropriate budgetary the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 RELATING TO HIRING 50 USCIS levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; through 2031. FRAUD OFFICERS. which was ordered to lie on the table; The Chairman of the Committee on the Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- as follows: SA 2832. Mr. TILLIS submitted an tions of a committee or committees, aggre- At the end of title III, add the following: amendment intended to be proposed by gates, and other appropriate levels in this SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND him to the concurrent resolution S. resolution, and make adjustments to the RELATING TO RAISING THE CRED- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, IBLE FEAR STANDARD. sional budget for the United States joint resolutions, amendments, amendments The Chairman of the Committee on the Government for fiscal year 2022 and between the Houses, motions, or conference Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- setting forth the appropriate budgetary reports relating to hiring 50 USCIS fraud of- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; ficers by the amounts provided in such legis- gates, and other appropriate levels in this lation for those purposes, provided that such resolution, and make adjustments to the which was ordered to lie on the table; legislation would not increase the deficit pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, as follows: joint resolutions, amendments, amendments over either the period of the total of fiscal At the end of title III. add the following: years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the between the Houses, motions, or conference total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. Q02 reports relating to raising the credible fear SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND standard by the amounts provided in such RELATING TO REINSTATING THE SA 2827. Mr. TILLIS submitted an legislation for those purposes, provided that SAFE THIRD COUNTRY RULE. amendment intended to be proposed by such legislation would not increase the def- The Chairman of the Committee on the him to the concurrent resolution S. icit over either the period of the total of fis- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of tions of a committee or committees, aggre- the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. gates, and other appropriate levels in this sional budget for the United States resolution, and make adjustments to the Government for fiscal year 2022 and SA 2830. Mr. TILLIS submitted an pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, setting forth the appropriate budgetary amendment intended to be proposed by joint resolutions, amendments, amendments levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; him to the concurrent resolution S. between the Houses, motions, or conference which was ordered to lie on the table; Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- reports relating reinstating the safe third as follows: sional budget for the United States country rule by the amounts provided in At the end of title III, add the following: such legislation for those purposes, provided Government for fiscal year 2022 and that such legislation would not increase the SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND setting forth the appropriate budgetary deficit over either the period of the total of RELATING TO HIRING 100 USCIS levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; FRAUD OFFICERS. fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of The Chairman of the Committee on the which was ordered to lie on the table; the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- as follows: tions of a committee or committees, aggre- At the end of title III, add the following: SA 2833. Mr. TILLIS submitted an gates, and other appropriate levels in this SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- amendment intended to be proposed by resolution, and make adjustments to the LATING TO CODIFYING MATTER OF pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, AB-. him to the concurrent resolution S. joint resolutions, amendments, amendments The Chairman of the Committee on the Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- between the Houses, motions, or conference Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- sional budget for the United States reports relating to hiring 100 USCIS fraud of- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Government for fiscal year 2022 and ficers by the amounts provided in such legis- gates, and other appropriate levels in this setting forth the appropriate budgetary lation for those purposes, provided that such resolution, and make adjustments to the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; legislation would not increase the deficit pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, which was ordered to lie on the table; over either the period of the total of fiscal joint resolutions, amendments, amendments as follows: years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the between the Houses, motions, or conference total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. reports relating to codifying Matter of AB- At the end of title III, add the following:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:51 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00096 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.232 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6157 SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND him to the concurrent resolution S. gates, and other appropriate levels in this RELATING TO AMENDING TVPRA TO Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- resolution, and make adjustments to the PERMIT THE RETURN OF CENTRAL sional budget for the United States pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, AMERICAN MIGRANTS. joint resolutions, amendments, amendments The Chairman of the Committee on the Government for fiscal year 2022 and between the Houses, motions, or conference Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- setting forth the appropriate budgetary reports relating to expanding the list of tions of a committee or committees, aggre- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; grounds that may not be waived for asylees gates, and other appropriate levels in this which was ordered to lie on the table; resolution, and make adjustments to the and refugees seeking to adjust status, to in- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, as follows: clude particularly severe violations of reli- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments At the end of title III, add the following: gious freedom and use or recruitment of between the Houses, motions, or conference SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND child soldiers by the amounts provided in reports relating amending TVPRA to permit RELATING TO REQUIRING THIRD such legislation for those purposes, provided the return of Central American migrants by COUNTRY PROCESSING OF ASYLUM that such legislation would not increase the the amounts provided in such legislation for CLAIMS. deficit over either the period of the total of The Chairman of the Committee on the those purposes, provided that such legisla- fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of tion would not increase the deficit over ei- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. ther the period of the total of fiscal years tions of a committee or committees, aggre- 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of gates, and other appropriate levels in this SA 2839. Mr. TILLIS submitted an fiscal years 2022 through 2031. resolution, and make adjustments to the amendment intended to be proposed by pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, him to the concurrent resolution S. SA 2834. Mr. TILLIS submitted an joint resolutions, amendments, amendments Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- amendment intended to be proposed by between the Houses, motions, or conference sional budget for the United States him to the concurrent resolution S. reports relating to requiring third country processing of asylum claims by the amounts Government for fiscal year 2022 and Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- provided in such legislation for those pur- setting forth the appropriate budgetary sional budget for the United States poses, provided that such legislation would levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; Government for fiscal year 2022 and not increase the deficit over either the pe- which was ordered to lie on the table; setting forth the appropriate budgetary riod of the total of fiscal years 2022 through as follows: levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years At the appropriate place in title IV, add which was ordered to lie on the table; 2022 through 2031. the following: as follows: Mr. TILLIS submitted an SEC. 4 ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- At the end of title III, add the following: SA 2837. TION THAT WOULD ALLOW THE amendment intended to be proposed by SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND GRANTING OF REFUGEE STATUS OR RELATING TO AMENDING FLORES him to the concurrent resolution S. ASYLUM UNLESS THE DEPARTMENT TO PERMIT THE DETENTION OF Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- OF HOMELAND SECURITY HAS COM- PLETED A BACKGROUND CHECK, IN- FAMILIES. sional budget for the United States The Chairman of the Committee on the CLUDING BIOMETRIC AND BIO- Government for fiscal year 2022 and GRAPHIC DATA. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in tions of a committee or committees, aggre- setting forth the appropriate budgetary order in the Senate to consider any bill, gates, and other appropriate levels in this levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; resolution, and make adjustments to the which was ordered to lie on the table; joint resolution, motion, amendment, pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, as follows: amendment between the Houses, or con- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments ference report that would allow the granting At the end of title III, add the following: of refugee status or asylum unless the De- between the Houses, motions, or conference SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND reports relating to amending Flores to per- partment of Homeland Security has com- RELATING TO INCLUDING ASYLUM pleted a background check, including bio- mit the detention of families by the amounts RECIPIENTS UNDER THE REFUGEE provided in such legislation for those pur- CAP. metric and biographic data. poses, provided that such legislation would The Chairman of the Committee on the (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) not increase the deficit over either the pe- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- may be waived or suspended in the Senate riod of the total of fiscal years 2022 through tions of a committee or committees, aggre- only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years gates, and other appropriate levels in this the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- 2022 through 2031. resolution, and make adjustments to the firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall SA 2835. Mr. TILLIS submitted an joint resolutions, amendments, amendments be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling amendment intended to be proposed by between the Houses, motions, or conference of the Chair on a point of order raised under him to the concurrent resolution S. reports relating to including asylum recipi- subsection (a). Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- ents under the refugee cap by the amounts Mr. TILLIS submitted an provided in such legislation for those pur- SA 2840. sional budget for the United States amendment intended to be proposed by Government for fiscal year 2022 and poses, provided that such legislation would not increase the deficit over either the pe- him to the concurrent resolution S. setting forth the appropriate budgetary Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; riod of the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years sional budget for the United States which was ordered to lie on the table; 2022 through 2031. Government for fiscal year 2022 and as follows: setting forth the appropriate budgetary At the end of title III, add the following: SA 2838. Mr. TILLIS submitted an levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND amendment intended to be proposed by RELATING TO REQUIRING IMMIGRA- which was ordered to lie on the table; him to the concurrent resolution S. as follows: TION JUDGE DEFERENCE TO USCIS Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- OFFICER DETERMINATIONS. At the end of title III, add the following: sional budget for the United States The Chairman of the Committee on the SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Government for fiscal year 2022 and RELATING TO TERMINATING A FOR- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- setting forth the appropriate budgetary EIGN INDIVIDUAL’S ASYLUM OR REF- gates, and other appropriate levels in this levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; UGEE STATUS IF THE INDIVIDUAL resolution, and make adjustments to the WHO HAS BEEN GRANTED STATUS which was ordered to lie on the table; BASED ON PERSECUTION RETURNS pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, as follows: joint resolutions, amendments, amendments TO HIS OR HER HOME COUNTRY between the Houses, motions, or conference At the end of title III, add the following: WITHOUT GOOD CAUSE, ALLOWS DHS SECRETARY OR THE AG TO SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- reports relating to requiring immigration WAIVE THE REVOCATION IF THE IN- LATING TO EXPANDING THE LIST OF judge deference to USCIS officer determina- DIVIDUAL HAS GOOD CAUSE TO RE- GROUNDS THAT MAY NOT BE tions by the amounts provided in such legis- TURN TO THEIR HOME COUNTRY, WAIVED FOR ASYLEES AND REFU- EXEMPTS CERTAIN FOREIGN INDI- lation for those purposes, provided that such GEES SEEKING TO ADJUST STATUS, VIDUALS FROM CUBA. legislation would not increase the deficit TO INCLUDE PARTICULARLY SE- over either the period of the total of fiscal VERE VIOLATIONS OF RELIGIOUS The Chairman of the Committee on the years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the FREEDOM AND USE OR RECRUIT- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. MENT OF CHILD SOLDIERS. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- The Chairman of the Committee on the gates, and other appropriate levels in this SA 2836. Mr. TILLIS submitted an Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- resolution, and make adjustments to the amendment intended to be proposed by tions of a committee or committees, aggre- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:11 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00097 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.245 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6158 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 joint resolutions, amendments, amendments joint resolutions, amendments, amendments Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- between the Houses, motions, or conference between the Houses, motions, or conference sional budget for the United States reports relating terminating a foreign indi- reports relating to reinstituting the Victims Government for fiscal year 2022 and vidual’s asylum or refugee status if the indi- of Immigration Crime Engagement Office by setting forth the appropriate budgetary vidual who has been granted status based on the amounts provided in such legislation for persecution returns to his or her home coun- those purposes, provided that such legisla- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; try without good cause, allows DHS Sec- tion would not increase the deficit over ei- which was ordered to lie on the table; retary or the AG to waive the revocation if ther the period of the total of fiscal years as follows: the individual has good cause to return to 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of At the end of title III, add the following: their home country, exempts certain foreign fiscal years 2022 through 2031. SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND individuals from Cuba by the amounts pro- RELATING TO TRANSFERRING RE- vided in such legislation for those purposes, SA 2843. Mr. TILLIS submitted an SPONSIBILITY FOR CERTAIN TRAF- provided that such legislation would not in- amendment intended to be proposed by FICKING VICTIMS PROTECTION PRO- crease the deficit over either the period of him to the concurrent resolution S. GRAM FROM HHS TO DOJ AND the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or WOULD AUTHORIZE THE ATTORNEY Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- GENERAL TO AWARD GRANTS AND the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 sional budget for the United States ENTER INTO CONTRACTS UNDER through 2031. Government for fiscal year 2022 and THE PROGRAM. setting forth the appropriate budgetary The Chairman of the Committee on the Mr. TILLIS submitted an SA 2841. levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- amendment intended to be proposed by tions of a committee or committees, aggre- which was ordered to lie on the table; him to the concurrent resolution S. gates, and other appropriate levels in this as follows: Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- resolution, and make adjustments to the sional budget for the United States At the end of title III, add the following: pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND joint resolutions, amendments, amendments Government for fiscal year 2022 and RELATING TO REQUIRING THE between the Houses, motions, or conference setting forth the appropriate budgetary HOMELAND SECURITY IMMIGRA- reports relating to transferring responsi- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; TION OMBUDSMAN TO ASSIST VIC- bility for certain trafficking victims protec- which was ordered to lie on the table; TIMS OF BORDER VIOLENCE OR CRIMES COMMITTED BY ILLEGAL tion program from HHS to DOJ and would as follows: IMMIGRANTS. authorize the attorney general to award At the end of title III, add the following: The Chairman of the Committee on the grants and enter into contracts under the program by the amounts provided in such SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- RELATING TO REQUIRING DHS TO tions of a committee or committees, aggre- legislation for those purposes, provided that NOTIFY VICTIMS OF CRIME WHEN gates, and other appropriate levels in this such legislation would not increase the def- WAIVING REQUIREMENTS TO ALLOW resolution, and make adjustments to the icit over either the period of the total of fis- PREVIOUSLY DEPORTED IMMI- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of GRANTS TO APPLY FOR PROVI- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. SIONAL IMMIGRATION STATUS, TO between the Houses, motions, or conference NOTIFY ANY VICTIMS OF CRIMES Mr. TILLIS submitted an COMMITTED BY THE APPLICANTS; reports relating to requiring the Homeland SA 2846. PROHIBIT THE DEPORTATION OF Security immigration ombudsman to assist amendment intended to be proposed by CRIME VICTIMS WHO SUPPLY IN- victims of border violence or crimes com- him to the concurrent resolution S. FORMATION DURING THE NOTIFICA- mitted by illegal immigrants by the amounts Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- TION AND CONSULTATION PROCESS. provided in such legislation for those pur- sional budget for the United States The Chairman of the Committee on the poses, provided that such legislation would Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Government for fiscal year 2022 and not increase the deficit over either the pe- setting forth the appropriate budgetary tions of a committee or committees, aggre- riod of the total of fiscal years 2022 through gates, and other appropriate levels in this 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; resolution, and make adjustments to the 2022 through 2031. which was ordered to lie on the table; pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, as follows: joint resolutions, amendments, amendments SA 2844. Mr. TILLIS submitted an At the end of title III, add the following: between the Houses, motions, or conference amendment intended to be proposed by SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND reports relating to requiring DHS to notify him to the concurrent resolution S. RELATING TO ESTABLISHING CRIMI- victims of crime when waiving requirements Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- NAL PENALTIES AND FINES FOR to allow previously deported immigrants to ‘‘POTTERS’’ WHO TRANSMIT INFOR- apply for provisional immigration status, to sional budget for the United States MATION ABOUT LAW ENFORCEMENT notify any victims of crimes committed by Government for fiscal year 2022 and LOCATION OR ACTIVITIES IN FUR- the applicants; prohibit the deportation of setting forth the appropriate budgetary THERANCE OF CERTAIN CRIMES. crime victims who supply information dur- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; The Chairman of the Committee on the ing the notification and consultation process which was ordered to lie on the table; Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- by the amounts provided in such legislation as follows: for those purposes, provided that such legis- gates, and other appropriate levels in this At the end of title III, add the following: lation would not increase the deficit over ei- resolution, and make adjustments to the ll ther the period of the total of fiscal years SEC. 3 . DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, RELATING TO INCLUDING SEVERE 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of joint resolutions, amendments, amendments FORMS OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING between the Houses, motions, or conference fiscal years 2022 through 2031. AMONG CRIMES THAT MUST BE RE- PORTED TO THE FBI’S UNIFORM reports relating to establishing criminal SA 2842. Mr. TILLIS submitted an CRIME REPORTING PROGRAM. penalties and fines for ‘‘spotters’’ who trans- amendment intended to be proposed by The Chairman of the Committee on the mit information about law enforcement loca- him to the concurrent resolution S. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- tion or activities in furtherance of certain tions of a committee or committees, aggre- crimes by the amounts provided in such leg- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- islation for those purposes, provided that sional budget for the United States gates, and other appropriate levels in this resolution, and make adjustments to the such legislation would not increase the def- Government for fiscal year 2022 and pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, icit over either the period of the total of fis- setting forth the appropriate budgetary joint resolutions, amendments, amendments cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; between the Houses, motions, or conference the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. which was ordered to lie on the table; reports relating to including severe forms of as follows: human trafficking among crimes that must SA 2847. Mr. TILLIS submitted an At the end of title III, add the following: be reported to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Re- amendment intended to be proposed by porting Program by the amounts provided in him to the concurrent resolution S. SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RELATING TO REINSTITUTING THE such legislation for those purposes, provided Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- VICTIMS OF IMMIGRATION CRIME that such legislation would not increase the sional budget for the United States ENGAGEMENT OFFICE. deficit over either the period of the total of Government for fiscal year 2022 and The Chairman of the Committee on the fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. setting forth the appropriate budgetary Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; tions of a committee or committees, aggre- gates, and other appropriate levels in this SA 2845. Mr. TILLIS submitted an which was ordered to lie on the table; resolution, and make adjustments to the amendment intended to be proposed by as follows: pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, him to the concurrent resolution S. At the end of title III, add the following:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:56 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00098 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.282 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6159 SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND over either the period of the total of fiscal SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RELATING TO CREATING CRIMINAL years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the RELATING TO AUTHORIZING STATE PENALTIES FOR GANG MEMBERSHIP total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES TO INVES- AND MODIFYING GROUNDS OF INAD- TIGATE, APPREHEND, OR TRANSFER MISSIBILITY TO BAR ALIENS WHO TO FEDERAL CUSTODY ALIENS IN HAVE PARTICIPATED IN GANG VIO- SA 2850. Mr. TILLIS submitted an THE UNITED STATES (INCLUDING LENCE AND GUN CRIMES. amendment intended to be proposed by INTERSTATE TRANSPORTATION OF The Chairman of the Committee on the him to the concurrent resolution S. SUCH ALIENS TO DETENTION CEN- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- TERS). The Chairman of the Committee on the tions of a committee or committees, aggre- sional budget for the United States gates, and other appropriate levels in this Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Government for fiscal year 2022 and tions of a committee or committees, aggre- resolution, and make adjustments to the setting forth the appropriate budgetary pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, gates, and other appropriate levels in this joint resolutions, amendments, amendments levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; resolution, and make adjustments to the between the Houses, motions, or conference which was ordered to lie on the table; pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, reports relating to creating criminal pen- as follows: joint resolutions, amendments, amendments between the Houses, motions, or conference alties for gang membership and modifying At the end of title III, add the following: reports relating to authorizing state and grounds of inadmissibility to bar aliens who SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND have participated in gang violence and gun local authorities to investigate, apprehend, RELATING TO MAKING IT A CRIME or transfer to federal custody aliens in the crimes by the amounts provided in such leg- TO RETALIATE AGAINST ICE AGENTS islation for those purposes, provided that EXECUTING A REMOVAL. United States (including interstate transpor- tation of such aliens to detention centers) by such legislation would not increase the def- The Chairman of the Committee on the the amounts provided in such legislation for icit over either the period of the total of fis- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- those purposes, provided that such legisla- cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of tions of a committee or committees, aggre- tion would not increase the deficit over ei- the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. gates, and other appropriate levels in this resolution, and make adjustments to the ther the period of the total of fiscal years SA 2848. Mr. TILLIS submitted an pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. amendment intended to be proposed by joint resolutions, amendments, amendments him to the concurrent resolution S. between the Houses, motions, or conference SA 2853. Mr. TILLIS submitted an Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- reports relating to making it a crime to re- amendment intended to be proposed by sional budget for the United States taliate against ICE agents executing a re- moval by the amounts provided in such legis- him to the concurrent resolution S. Government for fiscal year 2022 and lation for those purposes, provided that such Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- setting forth the appropriate budgetary legislation would not increase the deficit sional budget for the United States levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; over either the period of the total of fiscal Government for fiscal year 2022 and which was ordered to lie on the table; years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the setting forth the appropriate budgetary as follows: total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; At the end of title III, add the following: which was ordered to lie on the table; Mr. TILLIS submitted an SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND SA 2851. as follows: amendment intended to be proposed by RELATING TO MAKING IT A CRIME At the end of title III, add the following: TO INTERFERE WITH DEPORTATION him to the concurrent resolution S. SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND OF AN ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- RELATING TO AUTHORIZING STATE The Chairman of the Committee on the sional budget for the United States AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES TO PRO- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Government for fiscal year 2022 and VIDE THE DEPARTMENT OF HOME- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- LAND SECURITY WITH SPECIFIED IN- gates, and other appropriate levels in this setting forth the appropriate budgetary FORMATION REGARDING APPRE- resolution, and make adjustments to the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; HENDED ALIENS BELIEVED TO BE IN pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, which was ordered to lie on the table; VIOLATION OF IMMIGRATION LAWS. joint resolutions, amendments, amendments as follows: The Chairman of the Committee on the Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- between the Houses, motions, or conference At the end of title III, add the following: reports relating to making it a crime to tions of a committee or committees, aggre- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND gates, and other appropriate levels in this interfere with deportation of an illegal im- RELATING TO PROHIBITING STATES migrant by the amounts provided in such resolution, and make adjustments to the FROM RECEIVING FEDERAL INCAR- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, legislation for those purposes, provided that CERATION ASSISTANCE FOR FAIL- such legislation would not increase the def- ING TO IMPLEMENT AN ENFORCE- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments icit over either the period of the total of fis- MENT STATUTE OF FEDERAL IMMI- between the Houses, motions, or conference reports relating to authorizing state and cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of GRATION LAWS WITHIN TWO YEARS. local authorities to provide the Department the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. The Chairman of the Committee on the Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- of Homeland Security with specified infor- SA 2849. Mr. TILLIS submitted an tions of a committee or committees, aggre- mation regarding apprehended aliens be- gates, and other appropriate levels in this lieved to be in violation of immigration laws amendment intended to be proposed by by the amounts provided in such legislation him to the concurrent resolution S. resolution, and make adjustments to the pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, for those purposes, provided that such legis- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments lation would not increase the deficit over ei- sional budget for the United States between the Houses, motions, or conference ther the period of the total of fiscal years Government for fiscal year 2022 and reports relating to prohibiting states from 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of setting forth the appropriate budgetary receiving federal incarceration assistance for fiscal years 2022 through 2031. levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; failing to implement an enforcement Statute of Federal immigration laws within two SA 2854. Mr. TILLIS submitted an which was ordered to lie on the table; amendment intended to be proposed by as follows: years by the amounts provided in such legis- lation for those purposes, provided that such him to the concurrent resolution S. At the end of title III, add the following: legislation would not increase the deficit Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND over either the period of the total of fiscal sional budget for the United States RELATING TO MAKING IT A CRIME years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the TO INTERFERE WITH THE ARREST Government for fiscal year 2022 and OF AN ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT. total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. setting forth the appropriate budgetary The Chairman of the Committee on the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; Mr. TILLIS submitted an Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- SA 2852. which was ordered to lie on the table; amendment intended to be proposed by tions of a committee or committees, aggre- as follows: gates, and other appropriate levels in this him to the concurrent resolution S. At the end of title III, add the following: resolution, and make adjustments to the Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, sional budget for the United States RELATING TO PROVIDING FEDERAL joint resolutions, amendments. amendments Government for fiscal year 2022 and REIMBURSEMENT TO STATE AND between the Houses, motions, or conference setting forth the appropriate budgetary LOCAL GOVERNMENTS FOR DETEN- reports relating to making it a crime to levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; TION AND TRANSPORTATION COSTS. interfere with the arrest of an illegal immi- The Chairman of the Committee on the grant by the amounts provided in such legis- which was ordered to lie on the table; Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- lation for those purposes, provided that such as follows: tions of a committee or committees, aggre- legislation would not increase the deficit At the end of title III, add the following: gates, and other appropriate levels in this

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:27 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00099 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.263 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6160 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 resolution, and make adjustments to the SA 2857. Mr. TILLIS submitted an SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, amendment intended to be proposed by LATING TO GIVING DHS AND STATE DEPTARTMENT ACCESS TO THE joint resolutions, amendments, amendments him to the concurrent resolution S. between the Houses, motions, or conference NCIC DATABASE FOR BACKGROUND Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- CHECKS FOR APPLICANTS FOR IM- reports relating to providing federal reim- MIGRATION BENEFIT. bursement to state and local governments sional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2022 and The Chairman of the Committee on the for detention and transportation costs by the Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- amounts provided in such legislation for setting forth the appropriate budgetary tions of a committee or committees, aggre- those purposes, provided that such legisla- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; gates, and other appropriate levels in this tion would not increase the deficit over ei- which was ordered to lie on the table; resolution, and make adjustments to the ther the period of the total of fiscal years as follows: pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of joint resolutions, amendments, amendments At the end of title III, add the following: fiscal years 2022 through 2031. between the Houses, motions, or conference SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND Mr. TILLIS submitted an reports relating to giving DHS and State De- SA 2855. RELATING TO PERMITTING THE SEC- partment access to the NCIC database for amendment intended to be proposed by RETARY OF DHS, IN CONSULTATION background checks for applicants for immi- him to the concurrent resolution S. WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE, TO REQUIRE DNA TESTING TO ESTAB- gration benefit by the amounts provided in Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- LISH FAMILIAL RELATIONSHIPS IN such legislation for those purposes, provided sional budget for the United States CERTAIN VISA CLASSIFICATIONS. that such legislation would not increase the Government for fiscal year 2022 and The Chairman of the Committee on the deficit over either the period of the total of setting forth the appropriate budgetary Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; tions of a committee or committees, aggre- the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. which was ordered to lie on the table; gates, and other appropriate levels in this SA 2860. Mr. TILLIS submitted an resolution, and make adjustments to the as follows: amendment intended to be proposed by At the end of title III, add the following: pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, joint resolutions, amendments, amendments him to the concurrent resolution S. SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- RELATING TO PROVIDING IMMIGRA- between the Houses, motions, or conference TION-RELATED TRAINING FOR reports relating to permitting the Secretary sional budget for the United States STATE AND LOCAL ENFORCEMENT. of DHS, in consultation with the Secretary Government for fiscal year 2022 and The Chairman of the Committee on the of State, to require DNA testing to establish setting forth the appropriate budgetary Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- familial relationships in certain visa classi- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; tions of a committee or committees, aggre- fications by the amounts provided in such which was ordered to lie on the table; gates, and other appropriate levels in this legislation for those purposes, provided that as follows: resolution, and make adjustments to the such legislation would not increase the def- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, icit over either the period of the total of fis- At the end of title III, add the following: joint resolutions, amendments, amendments cal’ years 2022 through 2026 or the period of SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- between the Houses, motions, or conference the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. LATING TO REQUIRING DHS TO COL- LECT, USE, AND STORE BIOMETRIC reports relating to providing immigration- DATA FOR ALL ASYLUM SEEKERS. related training for state and local law en- SA 2858. Mr. TILLIS submitted an The Chairman of the Committee on the forcement by the amounts provided in such amendment intended to be proposed by Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- legislation for those purposes, provided that tions of a committee or committees, aggre- such legislation would not increase the def- him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- gates, and other appropriate levels in this icit over either the period of the total of fis- resolution, and make adjustments to the cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of sional budget for the United States pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. Government for fiscal year 2022 and joint resolutions, amendments, amendments setting forth the appropriate budgetary Mr. TILLIS submitted an between the Houses, motions, or conference SA 2856. levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; reports relating to requiring DHS to collect, amendment intended to be proposed by which was ordered to lie on the table; use, and store biometric data for all asylum him to the concurrent resolution S. as follows: seekers by the amounts provided in such leg- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- islation for those purposes, provided that sional budget for the United States At the end of title III, add the following: such legislation would not increase the def- Government for fiscal year 2022 and SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- icit over either the period of the total of fis- setting forth the appropriate budgetary LATING TO REQUIRING THAT ALL cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of BACKGROUND CHECKS BE COM- the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; PLETE BEFORE ANY IMMIGRATION which was ordered to lie on the table; BENEFIT IS AWARDED. SA 2861. Mr. TILLIS submitted an as follows: The Chairman of the Committee on the amendment intended to be proposed by At the end of title III, add the following: Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- him to the concurrent resolution S. SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- RELATING TO CODIFYING DHS AU- gates, and other appropriate levels in this sional budget for the United States THORITY TO COLLECT BIOMETRICS resolution, and make adjustments to the AND BIOGRAPHIC INFORMATION pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, Government for fiscal year 2022 and FROM ANY INDIVIDUAL SEEKING AN joint resolutions, amendments, amendments setting forth the appropriate budgetary IMMIGRATION BENEFIT, IMMIGRA- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; TION EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZA- between the Houses, motions, or conference TION OR IDENTITY DOCUMENT, OR reports relating to requiring that all back- which was ordered to lie on the table; REQUESTING RELIEF UNDER THE ground checks be complete before any immi- as follows: ACT OR OTHER IMMIGRATION LAWS. gration benefit is awarded by the amounts At the end of title III, add the following: The Chairman of the Committee on the provided in such legislation for those pur- SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- poses, provided that such legislation would LATING TO REQUIRING DHS TO COL- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- not increase the deficit over either the pe- LECT, USE, AND STORE BIOMETRIC gates, and other appropriate levels in this riod of the total of fiscal years 2022 through DATA FOR ANY DETAINEES. resolution, and make adjustments to the 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years The Chairman of the Committee on the pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, 2022 through 2031. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments tions of a committee or committees, aggre- between the Houses, motions, or conference SA 2859. Mr. TILLIS submitted an gates, and other appropriate levels in this reports relating to codifying DHS authority resolution, and make adjustments to the to collect biometrics and biographic infor- amendment intended to be proposed by pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, mation from any individual seeking an im- him to the concurrent resolution S. joint resolutions, amendments, amendments migration benefit, immigration employment Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- between the Houses, motions, or conference authorization or identity document, or re- sional budget for the United States reports relating to requiring DHS to collect, questing relief under the Act or other immi- Government for fiscal year 2022 and use, and store biometric data for any detain- gration laws by the amounts provided in setting forth the appropriate budgetary ees by the amounts provided in such legisla- such legislation for those purposes, provided levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; tion for those purposes, provided that such that such legislation would not increase the which was ordered to lie on the table; legislation would not increase the deficit deficit over either the period of the total of over either the period of the total of fiscal fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of as follows: years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. At the end of title III, add the following: total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:27 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00100 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.291 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6161 SA 2862. Mr. TILLIS submitted an SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- setting forth the appropriate budgetary amendment intended to be proposed by LATING TO DELAYING IMPLEMENTA- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; TION OF THE VISA WAIVER PRO- him to the concurrent resolution S. GRAM UNTIL THE DHS SECRETARY which was ordered to lie on the table; Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- CERTIFIES THAT A BIOMETRIC as follows: ENTRY AND EXIT DATA SYSTEM HAS sional budget for the United States At the end of title III, add the following: Government for fiscal year 2022 and BEEN FULLY IMPLEMENTED. The Chairman of the Committee on the SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- setting forth the appropriate budgetary Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- LATING TO REQUIRING THE RE- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; tions of a committee or committees, aggre- LEASE OF AN IMMIGRANT’S APPLI- which was ordered to lie on the table; gates, and other appropriate levels in this CATION INFORMATION FOR ANY resolution, and make adjustments to the CRIMINAL PROSECUTION OR FOR as follows: AUTHORIZED CIVIL INVESTIGA- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, TIONS, ALLOWING ANY INFORMA- At the end of title III, add the following: joint resolutions, amendments, amendments TION ABOUT AN APPLICANT’S CRIMI- between the Houses, motions, or conference SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- NAL CONVICTIONS TO BE RELEASED LATING TO REQUIRING DHS TO COL- reports relating to to delaying implementa- FOR IMMIGRATION OR LAW EN- LECT, USE, AND STORE BIOMETRIC tion of the visa waiver program until the FORCEMENT PURPOSES, AND AL- DATA FOR ANYONE WITH A DE- DHS Secretary certifies that a biometric LOWING THE SECRETARY OF STATE TAINER OR CRIMINAL RECORD. entry and exit data system has been fully TO SHARE VISA INFORMATION WITH implemented by the amounts provided in FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS UNDER The Chairman of the Committee on the LIMITED CIRCUMSTANCES. such legislation for those purposes, provided Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- that such legislation would not increase the The Chairman of the Committee on the tions of a committee or committees, aggre- deficit over either the period of the total of Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- gates, and other appropriate levels in this fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of tions of a committee or committees, aggre- resolution, and make adjustments to the the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. gates, and other appropriate levels in this pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, resolution, and make adjustments to the joint resolutions, amendments, amendments SA 2865. Mr. TILLIS submitted an pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, between the Houses, motions, or conference amendment intended to be proposed by joint resolutions, amendments, amendments reports relating to requiring DHS to collect, between the Houses, motions, or conference use, and store biometric data for anyone him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- reports relating to requiring the release of with a detainer or criminal record by the an immigrant’s application information for amounts provided in such legislation for sional budget for the United States any criminal prosecution or for authorized those purposes, provided that such legisla- Government for fiscal year 2022 and civil investigations, allowing any informa- tion would not increase the deficit over ei- setting forth the appropriate budgetary tion about an applicant’s criminal convic- ther the period of the total of fiscal years levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; tions to be released for immigration or law 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of which was ordered to lie on the table; enforcement purposes, and allowing the Sec- fiscal years 2022 through 2031. as follows: retary of State to share visa information At the end of title III, add the following: with foreign governments under limited cir- cumstances] by the amounts provided in SA 2863. Mr. TILLIS submitted an SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- LATING TO GIVING THE STATE DE- such legislation for those purposes, provided amendment intended to be proposed by PARTMENT ACCESS TO ALL TER- that such legislation would not increase the him to the concurrent resolution S. RORISM RECORDS AND DATABASES deficit over either the period of the total of Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- FOR THE PURPOSE OF DETER- fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of sional budget for the United States MINING IF A VISA APPLICANT POSES the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. A SECURITY THREAT, REQUIRING Government for fiscal year 2022 and ALL VISA APPLICANTS TO SUBMIT setting forth the appropriate budgetary TO BIOMETRIC AND BIOGRAPHICAL SA 2867. Mr. TILLIS submitted an levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; SCREENING AGAINST TERRORIST amendment intended to be proposed by WATCH LISTS OR OTHER DATABASES him to the concurrent resolution S. which was ordered to lie on the table; MAINTAINED BY THE U.S. GOVERN- as follows: MENT, AND REQUIRING ALL CON- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- SULAR OFFICES, PORT INSPECTORS, sional budget for the United States At the end of title III, add the following: LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES AND Government for fiscal year 2022 and TERRORIST SCREENING DATABASES SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- TO BE NOTIFIED ANY TIME A FOR- setting forth the appropriate budgetary LATING TO REQUIRING DHS TO COL- EIGN INDIVIDUAL’S VISA IS RE- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; LECT, USE, AND STORE BIOMETRIC VOKED. DATA FOR ALL SEEKING IMMIGRA- which was ordered to lie on the table; TION BENEFITS. The Chairman of the Committee on the as follows: Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- The Chairman of the Committee on the tions of a committee or committees, aggre- At the end of title III, add the following: Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- gates, and other appropriate levels in this SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- resolution, and make adjustments to the LATING TO REQUIRING THE DETEN- gates, and other appropriate levels in this pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, TION OF AN ALIEN WHERE CONDI- resolution, and make adjustments to the joint resolutions, amendments, amendments TIONS DO NOT REASONABLY AS- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, SURE APPEARANCE AT FURTHER between the Houses, motions, or conference PROCEEDINGS OR THE SAFETY OF joint resolutions, amendments, amendments reports relating to giving the State Depart- THE COMMUNITY, AND CREATES A between the Houses, motions, or conference ment access to all terrorism records and REBUTTABLE PRESUMPTION THAT reports relating to requiring DHS to collect, databases for the purpose of determining if a THERE ARE NO CONDITIONS THAT use, and store biometric data for all seeking visa applicant poses a security threat, re- WILL ASSURE THE APPEARANCE OF immigration benefits by the amounts pro- quiring all visa applicants to submit to bio- A CRIMINAL DEFENDANT BEFORE vided in such legislation for those purposes, metric and biographical screening against TRIAL IF THE PERSON HAS ALREADY provided that such legislation would not in- BEEN CONVICTED OF A FEDERAL terrorist watch lists or other databases OFFENSE. crease the deficit over either the period of maintained by the U.S. government, and re- The Chairman of the Committee on the the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or quiring all consular offices, port inspectors, Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 law enforcement agencies and terrorist tions of a committee or committees, aggre- through 2031. screening databases to be notified any time a gates, and other appropriate levels in this foreign individual’s visa is revoked by the resolution, and make adjustments to the amounts provided in such legislation for pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, SA 2864. Mr. TILLIS submitted an those purposes, provided that such legisla- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments amendment intended to be proposed by tion would not increase the deficit over ei- between the Houses, motions, or conference him to the concurrent resolution S. ther the period of the total of fiscal years reports relating to requiring the detention of 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- an alien where conditions do not reasonably fiscal years 2022 through 2031. sional budget for the United States assure appearance at further proceedings or Government for fiscal year 2022 and SA 2866. Mr. TILLIS submitted an the safety of the community, and creates a setting forth the appropriate budgetary amendment intended to be proposed by rebuttable presumption that there are no levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; conditions that will assure the appearance of him to the concurrent resolution S. which was ordered to lie on the table; a criminal defendant before trial if the per- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- as follows: son has already been convicted of a federal sional budget for the United States offense. by the amounts provided in such leg- At the end of title III, add the following: Government for fiscal year 2022 and islation for those purposes, provided that

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:27 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00101 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.293 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6162 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 such legislation would not increase the def- sional budget for the United States SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND icit over either the period of the total of fis- Government for fiscal year 2022 and RELATING TO REQUIRING THE MAN- DATORY DETENTION OF AN ALIEN cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of setting forth the appropriate budgetary the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. WHO HELD A REVOKED NON- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; IMMIGRANT VISA, OR VIOLATED HIS OR HER NONIMMIGRANT STATUS. SA 2868. Mr. TILLIS submitted an which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows: The Chairman of the Committee on the amendment intended to be proposed by Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- At the end of title III, add the following: him to the concurrent resolution S. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND gates, and other appropriate levels in this RELATING TO INCREASING BY 5 PER- sional budget for the United States CENT THE VISA FEES FOR CITIZENS resolution, and make adjustments to the Government for fiscal year 2022 and OF COUNTRIES THAT DO NOT AC- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, setting forth the appropriate budgetary CEPT OR UNREASONABLY DELAY AC- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; CEPTANCE OF THEIR CITIZENS DE- between the Houses, motions, or conference PORTED FROM THE UNITED STATES; reports relating to requiring the mandatory which was ordered to lie on the table; REQUIRE DHS TO ISSUE QUARTERLY detention of an alien who held a revoked as follows: REPORTS LISTING THE COUNTRIES nonimmigrant visa, or violated his or her At the end of title III, add the following: THAT DO NOT ACCEPT 10 PERCENT OR MORE OF THE PERSONS THE U.S. nonimmigrant status by the amounts pro- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND ATTEMPTS TO DEPORT. vided in such legislation for those purposes, RELATING TO CLARIFYING THAT The Chairman of the Committee on the provided that such legislation would not in- THE AMENDMENTS MADE BY THE Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- crease the deficit over either the period of 1996 ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION RE- the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or FORM AND IMMIGRANT RESPONSI- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- BILITY ACT (IIRIRA) TO THE DEFINI- gates, and other appropriate levels in this the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 TION OF AGGRAVATED FELONIES resolution, and make adjustments to the through 2031. APPLY REGARDLESS OF WHETHER pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, THE CONVICTION OCCURRED BE- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments SA 2873. Mr. TILLIS submitted an FORE, ON, OR AFTER THE SEP- between the Houses, motions, or conference amendment intended to be proposed by TEMBER 30, 1996 EFFECTIVE DATE. reports relating to increasing by 5 percent him to the concurrent resolution S. The Chairman of the Committee on the the visa fees for citizens of countries that do Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- not accept or unreasonably delay acceptance sional budget for the United States tions of a committee or committees, aggre- of their citizens deported from the United gates, and other appropriate levels in this Government for fiscal year 2022 and States; require DHS to issue quarterly re- setting forth the appropriate budgetary resolution, and make adjustments to the ports listing the countries that do not accept pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, 10 percent or more of the persons the U.S. at- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; joint resolutions, amendments, amendments tempts to deport by the amounts provided in which was ordered to lie on the table; between the Houses, motions, or conference such legislation for those purposes, provided as follows: reports relating to clarifying that the that such legislation would not increase the At the end of title III, acid the following: amendments made by the 1996 Illegal Immi- deficit over either the period of the total of gration Reform and Immigrant Responsi- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of RELATING TO REQUIRING THE MAN- bility Act (IIRIRA) to the definition of ag- the total of fiscal. years 2022 through 2031. DATORY DETENTION OF AN ALIEN gravated felonies apply regardless of whether WHO HAS A PENDING FEDERAL OR the conviction occurred before, on, or after SA 2871. Mr. TILLIS submitted an STATE CHARGE OF DRIVING UNDER the September 30, 1996 effective date by the amendment intended to be proposed by THE INFLUENCE OR DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED. amounts provided in such legislation for him to the concurrent resolution S. those purposes, provided that such legisla- The Chairman of the Committee on the tion would not increase the deficit over ei- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- ther the period of the total of fiscal years sional budget for the United States tions of a committee or committees, aggre- 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of Government for fiscal year 2022 and gates, and other appropriate levels in this fiscal years 2022 through 2031. setting forth the appropriate budgetary resolution, and make adjustments to the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, SA 2869. Mr. TILLIS submitted an which was ordered to lie on the table; joint resolutions, amendments, amendments amendment intended to be proposed by as follows: between the Houses, motions, or conference reports relating to requiring the mandatory him to the concurrent resolution S. At the end of title III, add the following: Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- detention of an alien who has a pending fed- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND eral or state charge of driving under the in- sional budget for the United States RELATING TO REQUIRING THE MAN- fluence or driving while intoxicated by the Government for fiscal year 2022 and DATORY DETENTION OF AN ALIEN WHO WAS NOT LAWFULLY ADMIT- amounts provided in such legislation for setting forth the appropriate budgetary TED INTO THE UNITED STATES. those purposes, provided that such legisla- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; The Chairman of the Committee on the tion would not increase the deficit over ei- which was ordered to lie on the table; Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- ther the period of the total of fiscal years as follows: tions of a committee or committees, aggre- 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of At the end of title III, add the following: gates, and other appropriate levels in this fiscal years 2022 through 2031. SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND resolution, and make adjustments to the RELATING TO IMPLEMENTING A pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, SA 2874. Mr. TILLIS submitted an ZADVYDAS FIX TO PERMIT CONTIN- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments amendment intended to be proposed by UED DETENTION OF CRIMINAL between the Houses, motions, or conference him to the concurrent resolution S. ALIENS. reports relating to requiring the mandatory Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- The Chairman of the Committee on the detention of an alien who was not lawfully sional budget for the United States Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- admitted into the United States by the tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Government for fiscal year 2022 and amounts provided in such legislation for setting forth the appropriate budgetary gates, and other appropriate levels in this those purposes, provided that such legisla- resolution, and make adjustments to the tion would not increase the deficit over ei- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, ther the period of the total of fiscal years which was ordered to lie on the table; joint resolutions, amendments, amendments 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of as follows: between the Houses, motions, or conference fiscal years 2022 through 2031. At the end of title III, add the following: reports relating to implementing a Zadvydas SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND fix to permit continued detention of criminal SA 2872. Mr. TILLIS submitted an RELATING TO REQUIRING THE MAN- aliens by the amounts provided in such legis- amendment intended to be proposed by DATORY DETENTION OF AN ALIEN lation for those purposes, provided that such him to the concurrent resolution S. WHO HAS A PENDING FEDERAL OR legislation would not increase the deficit STATE CHARGE OF DRIVING UNDER Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- THE INFLUENCE OR DRIVING WHILE over either the period of the total of fiscal sional budget for the United States years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the INTOXICATED, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THE OFFENSE IS CLASSI- total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. Government for fiscal year 2022 and setting forth the appropriate budgetary FIED AS A FELONY OR A MIS- DEMEANOR. SA 2870. Mr. TILLIS submitted an levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; The Chairman of the Committee on the amendment intended to be proposed by which was ordered to lie on the table; Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- him to the concurrent resolution S. as follows: tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- At the end of title III, add the following: gates, and other appropriate levels in this

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:27 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00102 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.293 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6163 resolution, and make adjustments to the amounts provided in such legislation for SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, those purposes, provided that such legisla- RELATING TO EXPEDITED REMOVAL joint resolutions, amendments, amendments tion would not increase the deficit over ei- FOR CRIMINAL ALIENS WHO COM- between the Houses, motions, or conference ther the period of the total of fiscal years MIT VIOLENT CRIMES. The Chairman of the Committee on the reports relating to requiring the mandatory 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- detention of an alien who has a pending fed- fiscal years 2022 through 2031. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- eral or state charge of driving under the in- gates, and other appropriate levels in this fluence or driving while intoxicated, regard- SA 2877. Mr. TILLIS submitted an resolution, and make adjustments to the less of whether the offense is classified as a amendment intended to be proposed by pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, felony or a misdemeanor by the amounts him to the concurrent resolution S. joint resolutions, amendments, amendments provided in such legislation for those pur- between the Houses, motions, or conference poses, provided that such legislation would Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- sional budget for the United States reports relating to expedited removal for not increase the deficit over either the pe- criminal aliens who commit violent crimes riod of the total of fiscal years 2022 through Government for fiscal year 2022 and by the amounts provided in such legislation 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years setting forth the appropriate budgetary for those purposes, provided that such legis- 2022 through 2031. levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; lation would not increase the deficit over ei- which was ordered to lie on the table; ther the period of the total of fiscal years SA 2875. Mr. TILLIS submitted an as follows: 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of amendment intended to be proposed by fiscal years 2022 through 2031. him to the concurrent resolution S. At the end of title III, add the following: Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND SA 2880. Mr. TILLIS submitted an RELATING TO EXPEDITED REMOVAL sional budget for the United States FOR CRIMINAL ALIENS WHO HAVE amendment intended to be proposed by Government for fiscal year 2022 and COMMITTED A FELONY. him to the concurrent resolution S. setting forth the appropriate budgetary The Chairman of the Committee on the Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- sional budget for the United States which was ordered to lie on the table; tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Government for fiscal year 2022 and as follows: gates, and other appropriate levels in this setting forth the appropriate budgetary resolution, and make adjustments to the At the end of title III, add the following: levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, which was ordered to lie on the table; SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND joint resolutions, amendments, amendments RELATING TO DIRECTING THE SEC- as follows: between the Houses, motions, or conference RETARY OF HOMELAND SECURITY At the end of title III, add the following: TO CARRY OUT A CRIMINAL ALIEN reports relating to expedited removal for criminal aliens who have committed a felony SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND PROGRAM TO IDENTIFY INCARCER- RELATING TO EXPEDITED REMOVAL ATED CRIMINAL ALIENS AND EN- by the amounts provided in such legislation FOR CRIMINAL ALIENS FOR SURE SUCH ALIENS ARE NOT RE- for those purposes, provided that such legis- DIRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE. LEASED INTO THE COMMUNITY. lation would not increase the deficit over ei- The Chairman of the Committee on the The Chairman of the Committee on the ther the period of the total of fiscal years Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of tions of a committee or committees, aggre- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- fiscal years 2022 through 2031. gates, and other appropriate levels in this gates, and other appropriate levels in this resolution, and make adjustments to the resolution, and make adjustments to the SA 2878. Mr. TILLIS submitted an pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, joint resolutions, amendments, amendments joint resolutions, amendments, amendments amendment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. between the Houses, motions, or conference between the Houses, motions, or conference reports relating to expedited removal for reports relating to directing the Secretary of Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- criminal aliens who drive under the influ- Homeland Security to carry out a Criminal sional budget for the United States ence by the amounts provided in such legis- Alien Program to identify incarcerated Government for fiscal year 2022 and lation for those purposes, provided that such criminal aliens and ensure such aliens are setting forth the appropriate budgetary legislation would not increase the deficit not released into the community by the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; over either the period of the total of fiscal amounts provided in such legislation for which was ordered to lie on the table; years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the those purposes, provided that such legisla- total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. tion would not increase the deficit over ei- as follows: ther the period of the total of fiscal years At the end of title III, add the following: SA 2881. Mr. TILLIS submitted an 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND amendment intended to be proposed by fiscal years 2022 through 2031. RELATING TO EXPEDITED REMOVAL him to the concurrent resolution S. FOR CRIMINAL ALIEN SEX OFFEND- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- SA 2876. Mr. TILLIS submitted an ERS. sional budget for the United States amendment intended to be proposed by The Chairman of the Committee on the Government for fiscal year 2022 and him to the concurrent resolution S. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- setting forth the appropriate budgetary Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; sional budget for the United States gates, and other appropriate levels in this resolution, and make adjustments to the which was ordered to lie on the table; Government for fiscal year 2022 and pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, as follows: setting forth the appropriate budgetary joint resolutions, amendments, amendments At the end of title III, add the following: levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; between the Houses, motions, or conference SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND which was ordered to lie on the table; reports relating to expedited removal for RELATING TO EXPEDITED REMOVAL as follows: criminal alien sex offenders but the amounts FOR CRIMINAL ALIEN DRUG TRAF- At the end of title III, add the following: provided in such legislation for those pur- FICKERS. The Chairman of the Committee on the SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND poses, provided that such legislation would RELATING TO EXPANDING THE AU- not increase the deficit over either tile pe- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- THORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF riod of the total of fiscal years 2022 through tions of a committee or committees, aggre- HOMELAND SECURITY TO TAKE A 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years gates, and other appropriate levels in this CRIMINAL ALIEN INTO CUSTODY 2022 through 2031. resolution, and make adjustments to the PENDING A DETERMINATION OF RE- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, MOVABILITY. Mr. TILLIS submitted an joint resolutions, amendments, amendments The Chairman of the Committee on the SA 2879. amendment intended to be proposed by between the Houses, motions, or conference Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- reports relating to expedited removal for tions of a committee or committees, aggre- him to the concurrent resolution S. criminal alien drug traffickers by the gates, and other appropriate levels in this Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- amounts provided in such legislation for resolution, and make adjustments to the sional budget for the United States those purposes, provided that such legisla- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, Government for fiscal year 2022 and tion would not increase the deficit over ei- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments setting forth the appropriate budgetary ther the period of the total of fiscal years between the Houses, motions, or conference levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of reports relating to expanding the authority which was ordered to lie on the table; fiscal years 2022 through 2031. of the Secretary of Homeland Security to take a criminal alien into custody pending a as follows: SA 2882. Mr. TILLIS submitted an determination of removability by the At the end of title III, add the following: amendment intended to be proposed by

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:27 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00103 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.292 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6164 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 him to the concurrent resolution S. reports relating to expedited removal for SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- visa overstays, provided that such legisla- RELATING TO ADDING ALIENS WHO ARE SUBJECT TO THE TERRORISM sional budget for the United States tion would not increase the deficit over ei- ther the period of the total of fiscal years GROUNDS TO THE CATEGORY OF Government for fiscal year 2022 and ALIENS WHO CAN BE REMOVED 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of FROM THE UNITED STATES. setting forth the appropriate budgetary fiscal years 2022 through 2031. levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; The Chairman of the Committee on the Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- which was ordered to lie on the table; tions of a committee or committees, aggre- as follows: SA 2885. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by gates, and other appropriate levels in this At the end of title III, add the following: him to the concurrent resolution S. resolution, and make adjustments to the SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, RELATING TO EXPEDITED REMOVAL Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments FOR CRIMINAL ALIEN GANG MEM- sional budget for the United States between the Houses, motions, or conference BERS. Government for fiscal year 2022 and reports relating to adding aliens who are The Chairman of the Committee on the setting forth the appropriate budgetary subject to the terrorism grounds to the cat- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; egory of aliens who can be removed from the tions of a committee or committees, aggre- United States, provided that such legislation gates, and other appropriate levels in this which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows: would not increase the deficit over either the resolution, and make adjustments to the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, At the end of title III, add the following: through 2026 or the period of the total of fis- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments cal years 2022 through 2031. between the Houses, motions, or conference SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RELATING TO EXPEDITED COURT reports relating to expedited removal for HEARINGS FOR UNACCOMPANIED SA 2888. Mr. TILLIS submitted an criminal alien gang members by the amounts ALIEN CHILDREN. amendment intended to be proposed by provided in such legislation for those pur- him to the concurrent resolution S. poses, provided that such legislation would The Chairman of the Committee on the not increase the deficit over either the pe- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- riod of the total of fiscal years 2022 through tions of a committee or committees, aggre- sional budget for the United States 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years gates, and other appropriate levels in this Government for fiscal year 2022 and 2022 through 2031. resolution, and make adjustments to the setting forth the appropriate budgetary pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, joint resolutions, amendments, amendments levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; SA 2883. Mr. TILLIS submitted an which was ordered to lie on the table; amendment intended to be proposed by between the Houses, motions, or conference reports relating to expedited court hearings as follows: him to the concurrent resolution S. for unaccompanied alien children by the At the appropriate place in title IV, add Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- amounts provided in such legislation for the following: sional budget for the United States those purposes, provided that such legisla- SEC. 4 ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- Government for fiscal year 2022 and tion would not increase the deficit over ei- TION THAT WOULD ALLOW CRE- setting forth the appropriate budgetary ther the period of the total of fiscal years ATION OF BROAD BASED DEFERRED levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of ACTION PROGRAMS. fiscal years 2022 through 203l. (a) Point of Order.—It shall not be in order which was ordered to lie on the table; in the Senate to consider any bill, joint reso- as follows: lution, motion, amendment, amendment be- At the end of title III, add the following: SA 2886. Mr. TILLIS submitted an tween the Houses, or conference report that SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND amendment intended to be proposed by would allow creation of broad based deferred RELATING TO EXPEDITED REMOVAL him to the concurrent resolution S. action programs. FOR CRIMINAL ALIEN HUMAN TRAF- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- (b) Waiver and Appeal.—Subsection (a) FICKERS. may be waived or suspended in the Senate The Chairman of the Committee on the sional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2022 and only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- setting forth the appropriate budgetary firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members gates, and other appropriate levels in this levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall resolution, and make adjustments to the which was ordered to lie on the table; be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, as follows: of the Chair on a point of order raised under joint resolutions, amendments, amendments subsection (a). between the Houses, motions, or conference At the end of title III, add the following: reports relating to expedited removal for SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND SA 2889. Mr. TILLIS submitted an criminal alien human traffickers by the RELATING TO EXPEDITED REMOVAL amendment intended to be proposed by amounts provided in such legislation for FOR THOSE WITH A FINAL ORDER OF REMOVAL. him to the concurrent resolution S. those purposes, provided that such legisla- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- tion would not increase the deficit over ei- The Chairman of the Committee on the ther the period of the total of fiscal years Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- sional budget for the United States 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Government for fiscal year 2022 and fiscal years 2022 through 2031. gates, and other appropriate levels in this setting forth the appropriate budgetary resolution, and make adjustments to the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; SA 2884. Mr. TILLIS submitted an pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, which was ordered to lie on the table; amendment intended to be proposed by joint resolutions, amendments, amendments as follows: him to the concurrent resolution S. between the Houses, motions, or conference At the end of title III, add the following: reports relating to expedited removal for Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND those with a final order of removal, provided sional budget for the United States RELATING TO LIMITING THE USE OF Government for fiscal year 2022 and that such legislation would not increase the PAROLE AUTHORITY TO VERY NAR- deficit over either the period of the total of setting forth the appropriate budgetary ROW CIRCUMSTANCES. fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of The Chairman of the Committee on the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- which was ordered to lie on the table; tions of a committee or committees, aggre- as follows: SA 2887. Mr. TILLIS submitted an gates, and other appropriate levels in this At the end of title III, add the following: amendment intended to be proposed by resolution, and make adjustments to the pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND him to the concurrent resolution S. RELATING TO EXPEDITED REMOVAL joint resolutions, amendments, amendments FOR VISA OVERSTAYS. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- between the Houses, motions, or conference The Chairman of the Committee on the sional budget for the United States reports relating to limiting the use of parole Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Government for fiscal year 2022 and authority to very narrow circumstances by tions of a committee or committees, aggre- setting forth the appropriate budgetary the amounts provided in such legislation for gates, and other appropriate levels in this levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; those purposes, provided that such legisla- resolution, and make adjustments to the which was ordered to lie on the table; tion would not increase the deficit over ei- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, as follows: ther the period of the total of fiscal. years joint resolutions, amendments, amendments 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of between the Houses, motions, or conference At the end of title III, add the following: fiscal years 2022 through 2031.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:27 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00104 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.297 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6165 SA 2890. Mr. TILLIS submitted an lution, motion, amendment, amendment be- within 15 years after naturalization, con- amendment intended to be proposed by tween the Houses, or conference report that stitutes prima facie evidence that the stand- him to the concurrent resolution S. that would allow executive authority to ard is met for denaturalization by the amounts provided in such legislation for Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- issue new work authorization for anyone who entered the country illegally. those purposes, provided that such legisla- sional budget for the United States (b) Waiver and Appeal.—Subsection (a) tion would not increase the deficit over ei- Government for fiscal year 2022 and may be waived or suspended in the Senate ther the period of the total of fiscal years setting forth the appropriate budgetary only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- fiscal years 2022 through 2031. which was ordered to lie on the table; firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members SA 2895. Mr. TILLIS submitted an as follows: of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling amendment intended to be proposed by At the appropriate place in title IV, add of the Chair on a point of order raised under him to the concurrent resolution S. the following: subsection (a). Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- SEC. 4 ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- sional budget for the United States TION THAT WOULD ALLOW PAROLE SA 2893. Mr. TILLIS submitted an AUTHORITY FOR THOSE WHO EN- Government for fiscal year 2022 and TERED THE COUNTRY ILLEGALLY. amendment intended to be proposed by setting forth the appropriate budgetary (a) Point of Order.—It shall not be in order him to the concurrent resolution S. levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; in the Senate to consider any bill, joint reso- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- which was ordered to lie on the table; lution, motion, amendment, amendment be- sional budget for the United States as follows: tween the Houses, or conference report that Government for fiscal year 2022 and At the end of title III, add the following: would allow parole authority for those who setting forth the appropriate budgetary SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND entered the country illegally. levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; RELATING TO PROHIBITING ANYONE (b) Waiver and Appeal.—Subsection (a) which was ordered to lie on the table; COVERED AT ANY TIME BY INA TER- may be waived or suspended in the Senate RORISM PROVISIONS FROM BEING only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of as follows: NATURALIZED AS A U.S. CITIZEN, UN- the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- At the end of title III, add the following: LESS THE ALIEN RECEIVES AN EX- firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND EMPTION PURSUANT TO INA SEC- of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall RELATING TO CLARIFYING INADMIS- TION 212(D)(3)(B)(I). be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling SIBILITY FOR SPOUSES AND CHIL- The Chairman of the Committee on the of the Chair on a point of order raised under DREN OF DRUG AND HUMAN TRAF- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- FICKERS WHO HAVE BENEFITTED subsection (a). tions of a committee or committees, aggre- FROM TRAFFICKING. gates, and other appropriate levels in this The Chairman of the Committee on the SA 2891. Mr. TILLIS submitted an resolution, and make adjustments to the Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, amendment intended to be proposed by tions of a committee or committees, aggre- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments him to the concurrent resolution S. gates, and other appropriate levels in this between the Houses, motions, or conference Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- resolution, and make adjustments to the reports relating to prohibiting anyone cov- sional budget for the United States pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, ered at any time by INA terrorism provisions Government for fiscal year 2022 and joint resolutions, amendments, amendments from being naturalized as a U.S. citizen, un- setting forth the appropriate budgetary between the Houses, motions, or conference less the alien receives an exemption pursu- reports relating to clarifying inadmissibility levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; ant to INA section 212(d)(3)(B)(i) by the for spouses and children of drug and human amounts provided in such legislation for which was ordered to lie on the table; traffickers who have benefitted from traf- those purposes, provided that such legisla- as follows: ficking by the amounts provided in such leg- tion would not increase the deficit over ei- At the appropriate place in title IV, add islation for those purposes, provided that ther the period of the total of fiscal years the following: such legislation would not increase the def- 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of SEC. 4 ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- icit over either the period of the total of fis- fiscal years 2022 through 2031. TION THAT ALLOW EXECUTIVE AU- cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of THORITY TO ISSUE WORK AUTHOR- the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. SA 2896. Mr. TILLIS submitted an IZATIONS FOR ANY POPULATIONS. amendment intended to be proposed by (a) Point of Order.—It shall not be in order SA 2894. Mr. TILLIS submitted an him to the concurrent resolution S. in the Senate to consider any bill, joint reso- amendment intended to be proposed by Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- lution, motion, amendment, amendment be- him to the concurrent resolution S. sional budget for the United States tween the Houses, or conference report that Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- Government for fiscal year 2022 and allow executive authority to issue work au- sional budget for the United States setting forth the appropriate budgetary thorizations for any populations. (b) Waiver and Appeal.—Subsection (a) Government for fiscal year 2022 and levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; may be waived or suspended in the Senate setting forth the appropriate budgetary which was ordered to lie on the table; only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; as follows: the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- which was ordered to lie on the table; At the end of title III, add the following: firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members as follows: SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall At the end of title III, add the following: RELATING TO PREVENTING ALIENS be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling WHO HAVE ENGAGED IN TERRORIST SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND OR CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, MISREPRE- of the Chair on a point of order raised under RELATING TO CLARIFYING THAT EN- subsection (a). SENTATION OR FRAUD, FROM REG- GAGING IN TERRORIST ACTIVITY, ISTERING AS LEGAL PERMANENT UNLAWFUL OPPOSITION TO THE U.S. RESIDENTS. SA 2892. Mr. TILLIS submitted an GOVERNMENT, RECEIVING MILI- The Chairman of the Committee on the amendment intended to be proposed by TARY TRAINING FROM A TERRORIST Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- ORGANIZATION, OR INCITEMENT OF him to the concurrent resolution S. TERRORIST ACTIVITY, AT ANY TIME tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- WITHIN 15 YEARS AFTER NATU- gates, and other appropriate levels in this sional budget for the United States RALIZATION, CONSTITUTES PRIMA resolution, and make adjustments to the Government for fiscal year 2022 and FACIE EVIDENCE THAT THE STAND- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, ARD IS MET FOR DENATURALI- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments setting forth the appropriate budgetary ZATION. between the Houses, motions, or conference levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; The Chairman of the Committee on the reports relating to preventing aliens who which was ordered to lie on the table; Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- have engaged in terrorist or criminal activ- as follows: tions of a committee or committees, aggre- ity, misrepresentation or fraud, from reg- At the appropriate place in title IV, add gates, and other appropriate levels in this istering as legal permanent residents by the the following: resolution, and make adjustments to the amounts provided in such legislation for pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, those purposes, provided that such legisla- SEC. 4 ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments TION THAT THAT WOULD ALLOW EX- tion would not increase the deficit over ei- ECUTIVE AUTHORITY TO ISSUE NEW between the Houses, motions, or conference ther the period of the total of fiscal years WORK AUTHORIZATION FOR ANY- reports relating to clarifying that engaging 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of ONE WHO ENTERED THE COUNTRY in terrorist activity, unlawful opposition to fiscal years 2022 through 2031. ILLEGALLY. the U.S. government, receiving military (a) Point of Order.—It shall not be in order training from a terrorist organization, or in- SA 2897. Mr. TILLIS submitted an in the Senate to consider any bill, joint reso- citement of terrorist activity, at any time amendment intended to be proposed by

VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:10 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00105 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.294 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6166 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 him to the concurrent resolution S. SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- RELATING TO CONFERRING DISCRE- RELATING TO PROHIBITING CLASS TION ON THE SECRETARY OF DHS ACTION LAWSUITS PERTAINING TO sional budget for the United States AND AG TO REQUIRE THAT AN AP- THE ADMINISTRATION OR ENFORCE- Government for fiscal year 2022 and PLICANT FOR ADJUSTMENT OF STA- MENT OF IMMIGRATION LAWS, UN- setting forth the appropriate budgetary TUS SUBMIT THE APPLICATION OUT- LESS THE GOVERNMENT REQUESTS SIDE OF THE U.S., AND PREVENTS THAT A CLASS BE CERTIFIED. levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; ADJUSTMENT OF STATUS FOR The Chairman of the Committee on the which was ordered to lie on the table; ALIENS IN THE COUNTRY UNLAW- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- as follows: FULLY, WHO HAVE COMMITTED CER- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- TAIN CRIMES, OR WHO HA VE EN- At the end of title III, add the following: GAGED IN TERRORIST ACTIVITY OR gates, and other appropriate levels in this PERSECUTION. resolution, and make adjustments to the SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, RELATING TO PRECLUDING A FIND- The Chairman of the Committee on the joint resolutions, amendments, amendments ING THAT AN ALIEN POSSESSES Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- between the Houses, motions, or conference GOOD MORAL CHARACTER WHERE tions of a committee or committees, aggre- THE ALIEN IS COVERED BY THE reports relating to prohibiting class action gates, and other appropriate levels in this lawsuits pertaining to the administration or INA’S TERRORISM RELATED INAD- resolution, and make adjustments to the MISSIBILITY GROUNDS. enforcement of immigration laws, unless the pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, government requests that a class be certified The Chairman of the Committee on the joint resolutions, amendments, amendments Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- by the amounts provided in such legislation between the Houses, motions, or conference for those purposes, provided that such legis- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- reports relating to conferring discretion on gates, and other appropriate levels in this lation would not increase the deficit over ei- the Secretary of DHS and AG to require that ther the period of the total of fiscal years resolution, and make adjustments to the an applicant for adjustment of status submit pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of the application outside of the U.S., and pre- fiscal years 2022 through 2031. joint resolutions, amendments, amendments vents adjustment of status for aliens in the between the Houses, motions, or conference country unlawfully, who have committed SA 2902. Mr. TILLIS submitted an reports relating to precluding a finding that certain crimes, or who have engaged in ter- an alien possesses good moral character amendment intended to be proposed by rorist activity or persecution by the him to the concurrent resolution S. where the alien is covered by the INA’s ter- amounts provided in such legislation for rorism related inadmissibility grounds by those purposes, provided that such legisla- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- the amounts provided in such legislation for tion would not increase the deficit over ei- sional budget for the United States those purposes, provided that such legisla- ther the period of the total of fiscal years Government for fiscal year 2022 and tion would not increase the deficit over ei- 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of setting forth the appropriate budgetary ther the period of the total of fiscal years fiscal years 2022 through 2031. levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of which was ordered to lie on the table; fiscal years 2022 through 2031. SA 2900. Mr. TILLIS submitted an as follows: amendment intended to be proposed by At the end of title III, add the following: SA 2898. Mr. TILLIS submitted an him to the concurrent resolution S. SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND amendment intended to be proposed by RELATING TO REQUIRING ADDI- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- TIONAL SCREENING OF CITIZENS OR him to the concurrent resolution S. sional budget for the United States Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- LONG-TERM RESIDENTS OF RE- Government for fiscal year 2022 and GIONS OR COUNTRIES THAT POSE A sional budget for the United States setting forth the appropriate budgetary THREAT, OR THAT CONTAINS Government for fiscal year 2022 and GROUPS KNOWN TO POSE A THREAT, levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; TO THE UNITED STATES. setting forth the appropriate budgetary which was ordered to lie on the table; levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; The Chairman of the Committee on the as follows: Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- which was ordered to lie on the table; tions of a committee or committees, aggre- At the end of title III, add the following: as follows: gates, and other appropriate levels in this At the end of title III, add the following: SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND resolution, and make adjustments to the RELATING TO PREVENTING ALIENS pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND IN REMOVAL PROCEEDINGS OR joint resolutions, amendments, amendments RELATING TO PERMITTING THE RE- WHERE THERE IS A FINDING OF RE- between the Houses, motions, or conference MOVAL OF ALIENS ASSOCIATED MOVABILITY FROM BEING NATURAL- WITH INA INADMISSIBILITY IZED AND BARRING JUDICIAL RE- reports relating to requiring additional GROUNDS FOR HUMAN RIGHTS VIO- VIEW. screening of citizens or long-term residents of regions or countries that pose a threat, or LATORS. The Chairman of the Committee on the that contains groups known to pose a threat, The Chairman of the Committee on the Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- to the United States by the amounts pro- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- vided in such legislation for those purposes, tions of a committee or committees, aggre- gates, and other appropriate levels in this provided that such legislation would not in- gates, and other appropriate levels in this resolution, and make adjustments to the crease the deficit over either the period of resolution, and make adjustments to the pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, joint resolutions, amendments, amendments the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 joint resolutions, amendments, amendments between the Houses, motions, or conference through 2031. between the Houses, motions, or conference reports relating to preventing aliens in re- reports relating to permitting the removal of moval proceedings or where there is a find- SA 2903. Mr. TILLIS submitted an aliens associated with INA inadmissibility ing of removability from being naturalized amendment intended to be proposed by grounds for human rights violators by the and barring judicial review by the amounts amounts provided in such legislation for provided in such legislation for those pur- him to the concurrent resolution S. those purposes, provided that such legisla- poses, provided that such legislation would Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- tion would not increase the deficit over ei- not increase the deficit over either the pe- sional budget for the United States ther the period of the total of fiscal years riod of the total of fiscal years 2022 through Government for fiscal year 2022 and 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years setting forth the appropriate budgetary fiscal years 2022 through 2031. 2022 through 2031. levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; which was ordered to lie on the table; SA 2899. Mr. TILLIS submitted an SA 2901. Mr. TILLIS submitted an as follows: amendment intended to be proposed by amendment intended to be proposed by At the end of title III, add the following: him to the concurrent resolution S. him to the concurrent resolution S. SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- RELATING TO DENYING U.S. ENTRY TO THOSE WHO HAVE COMMITTED sional budget for the United States sional budget for the United States WAR CRIMES, WIDESPREAD AT- Government for fiscal year 2022 and Government for fiscal year 2022 and TACKS ON CIVILIANS OR GENOCIDE. setting forth the appropriate budgetary setting forth the appropriate budgetary The Chairman of the Committee on the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- which was ordered to lie on the table; which was ordered to lie on the table; tions of a committee or committees, aggre- as follows: as follows: gates, and other appropriate levels in this resolution, and make adjustments to the At the end of title III, add the following: At the end of title III, add the following: pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:27 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00106 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.296 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6167 joint resolutions, amendments, amendments levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND between the Houses, motions, or conference RELATING TO REQUIRING EMPLOY- which was ordered to lie on the table; ERS POSTING JOBS FOR NON- reports relating to denying U.S. entry to as follows: those who have committed war crimes, wide- IMMIGRANT WORKERS BEFORE SPONSORING H–lB VISAS TO IN- spread attacks on civilians or genocide by At the end of title III, add the following: CLUDE THE JOB APPLICATION the amounts provided in such legislation for PROCESS, TITLE, DESCRIPTION, LO- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND those purposes, provided that such legisla- CATION, AND THE NAME, CITY AND RELATING TO IMPLEMENTING A ZIP CODE OF THE EMPLOYER. tion would not increase the deficit over ei- TWO YEAR BAN FOR INDIVIDUALS ther the period of the total of fiscal years WHO FAIL TO MEET CONTRACTUAL The Chairman of the Committee on the 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of OBLIGATIONS ON NONIMMIGRANT Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- fiscal years 2022 through 2031. VISA. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- gates, and other appropriate levels in this SA 2904. Mr. TILLIS submitted an The Chairman of the Committee on the resolution, and make adjustments to the amendment intended to be proposed by Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, tions of a committee or committees, aggre- him to the concurrent resolution S. joint resolutions, amendments, amendments gates, and other appropriate levels in this between the Houses, motions, or conference Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- resolution, and make adjustments to the reports relating to requiring employers post- sional budget for the United States pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, ing jobs for nonimmigrant workers before Government for fiscal year 2022 and joint resolutions, amendments, amendments sponsoring H–1B visas to include the job ap- setting forth the appropriate budgetary between the Houses, motions, or conference plication process, title, description, location, levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; reports relating to implementing a two year and the name, city and ZIP code of the em- which was ordered to lie on the table; ban for individuals who fail to meet contrac- ployer by the amounts provided in such leg- as follows: tual obligations on nonimmigrant visa by islation for those purposes, provided that the amounts provided in such legislation for such legislation would not increase the def- At the end of title III, add the following: those purposes, provided that such legisla- icit over either the period of the total of fis- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND tion would not increase the deficit over ei- cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of RELATING TO REQUIRING MANDA- the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. TORY E-VERIFY FOR ALL BUSI- ther the period of the total of fiscal years NESSES. 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. SA 2909. Mr. TILLIS submitted an The Chairman of the Committee on the amendment intended to be proposed by Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- him to the concurrent resolution S. gates, and other appropriate levels in this SA 2907. Mr. TILLIS submitted an Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- resolution, and make adjustments to the amendment intended to be proposed by sional budget for the United States pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, him to the concurrent resolution S. Government for fiscal year 2022 and joint resolutions, amendments, amendments Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- setting forth the appropriate budgetary between the Houses, motions, or conference sional budget for the United States levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; reports relating to requiring mandatory E- Government for fiscal year 2022 and which was ordered to lie on the table; Verify for all businesses by the amounts pro- setting forth the appropriate budgetary as follows: vided in such legislation for those purposes, At the end of title III, add the following: provided that such legislation would not in- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; ll crease the deficit over either the period of which was ordered to lie on the table; SEC. 3 . DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RELATING TO DHS TO DEVELOP A the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or as follows: PROGRAM THAT WOULD ALLOW the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 At the end of title III, add the following: PARENTS TO LIMIT OR SUSPEND through 2031. THE USE OF THEIR CHILDREN’S SO- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND CIAL SECURITY NUMBERS IN THE E- SA 2905. Mr. TILLIS submitted an RELATING TO REQUIRING ANNUAL VERIFY SYSTEM. amendment intended to be proposed by AUDITS OF AT LEAST 1 PERCENT OF The Chairman of the Committee on the him to the concurrent resolution S. ALL EMPLOYERS WHO SPONSOR H– Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- lB AND L VISAS IN ADDITION TO AN- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- NUAL AUDITS OF EMPLOYERS WITH gates, and other appropriate levels in this sional budget for the United States MORE THAN 100 EMPLOYEES, OF resolution, and make adjustments to the Government for fiscal year 2022 and WHICH AT LEAST 15 PERCENT ARE pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, H–lB OR L VISA RECIPIENTS. setting forth the appropriate budgetary joint resolutions, amendments, amendments levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; The Chairman of the Committee on the between the Houses, motions, or conference which was ordered to lie on the table; Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- reports relating to DHS to develop a pro- as follows: tions of a committee or committees, aggre- gram that would allow parents to limit or gates, and other appropriate levels in this suspend the use of their children’s Social Se- At the end of title III, add the following: resolution, and make adjustments to the curity numbers in the E-Verify system by SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, the amounts provided in such legislation for RELATING TO REQUIRING STATES, joint resolutions, amendments, amendments those purposes, provided that such legisla- THROUGH FEDERAL GRANTS, TO IM- tion would not increase the deficit over ei- PLEMENT E-VERIFY FOR STATE AND between the Houses, motions, or conference LOCAL CONTRACTORS. reports relating to requiring annual audits of ther the period of the total of fiscal years The Chairman of the Committee on the at least 1 percent of all employers who spon- 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- sor H–1B and L visas in addition to annual fiscal years 2022 through 2031. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- audits of employers with more than 100 em- SA 2910. Mr. TILLIS submitted an gates, and other appropriate levels in this ployees, of which at least 15 percent are H– resolution, and make adjustments to the 1B or L visa recipients by the amounts pro- amendment intended to be proposed by pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, vided in such legislation for those purposes, him to the concurrent resolution S. joint resolutions, amendments, amendments provided that such legislation would not in- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- between the Houses, motions, or conference crease the deficit over either the period of sional budget for the United States reports relating to requiring states, through the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or Government for fiscal year 2022 and federal grants, to implement E-verify for the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 setting forth the appropriate budgetary state and local contractors by the amounts through 2031. levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; provided in such legislation for those pur- which was ordered to lie on the table; poses, provided that such legislation would as follows: not increase the deficit over either the pe- SA 2908. Mr. TILLIS submitted an At the end of title III, add the following: riod of the total of fiscal years 2022 through amendment intended to be proposed by 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND him to the concurrent resolution S. RELATING TO REQUIRING THE 2022 through 2031. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- USCIS DIRECTOR TO REPORT WEEK- sional budget for the United States LY ON EVERY PERSON NOT CON- SA 2906. Mr. TILLIS submitted an Government for fiscal year 2022 and FIRMED FOR WORK AUTHORIZATION amendment intended to be proposed by BY E-VERIFY, INCLUDING THE IDEN- setting forth the appropriate budgetary him to the concurrent resolution S. TIFYING INFORMATION AND EM- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; PLOYER INFORMATION. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- which was ordered to lie on the table; The Chairman of the Committee on the sional budget for the United States as follows: Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Government for fiscal year 2022 and tions of a committee or committees, aggre- setting forth the appropriate budgetary At the end of title III, add the following: gates, and other appropriate levels in this

VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:29 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00107 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.296 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6168 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 resolution, and make adjustments to the to use an employer’s failure to timely re- Government for fiscal year 2022 and pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, solve discrepancies with the Social Security setting forth the appropriate budgetary joint resolutions, amendments, amendments Administration (SSA) after receiving a ‘‘no levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; between the Houses, motions, or conference match’’ notice as evidence that the employer which was ordered to lie on the table; reports relating to requiring the USCIS Di- violated unlawful employment provisions rector to report weekly on every person not under such Act provided in such legislation as follows: confirmed for work authorization by E- for those purposes, provided that such legis- At the end of title III, add the following: Verify, including the identifying information lation would not increase the deficit over ei- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND and employer information by the amounts ther the period of the total of fiscal years RELATING TO ESTABLISHING VOL- provided in such legislation for those pur- 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of UNTARY ADVANCED VERIFICATION PROGRAM TO ALLOW EMPLOYERS poses, provided that such legislation would fiscal years 2022 through 2031. TO VERIFY AN EMPLOYEE’S FINGER- not increase the deficit over either the pe- PRINTS IN ORDER TO DETERMINE riod of the total of fiscal years 2022 through SA 2913. Mr. TILLIS submitted an IDENTITY AND WORK STATUS. 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years amendment intended to be proposed by The Chairman of the Committee on the 2022 through 2031. him to the concurrent resolution S. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- SA 2911. Mr. TILLIS submitted an sional budget for the United States gates, and other appropriate levels in this amendment intended to be proposed by Government for fiscal year 2022 and resolution, and make adjustments to the him to the concurrent resolution S. pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, setting forth the appropriate budgetary Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; sional budget for the United States between the Houses, motions, or conference which was ordered to lie on the table; Government for fiscal year 2022 and reports relating to establishing voluntary as follows: setting forth the appropriate budgetary advanced verification program to allow em- ployers to verify an employee’s fingerprints levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; At the appropriate place in title IV, add the following: in order to determine identity and work sta- which was ordered to lie on the table; SEC. 4 ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST ALLOW tus by the amounts provided in such legisla- as follows: EMPLOYERS WHO EMPLOY ILLEGAL tion for those purposes, provided that such At the end of title III, add the following: ALIENS FROM RECEIVING GOVERN- legislation would not increase the deficit SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND MENT CONTRACTS. over either the period of the total of fiscal RELATING TO EXTENDING THE (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the PILOT PROGRAM FOR EMPLOYMENT order in the Senate to consider any bill, total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. ELIGIBILITY CONFIRMATION ESTAB- joint resolution, motion, amendment, LISHED IN TITLE IV OF THE ILLEGAL amendment between the Houses, or con- SA 2916. Mr. TILLIS submitted an IMMIGRATION REFORM AND IMMI- GRANT RESPONSIBILITY ACT OF 1966 ference report that allows employers who amendment intended to be proposed by FOR 6 YEARS. employ illegal aliens from receiving govern- him to the concurrent resolution S. The Chairman of the Committee on the ment contracts. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- sional budget for the United States tions of a committee or committees, aggre- may be waived or suspended in the Senate only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of Government for fiscal year 2022 and gates, and other appropriate levels in this setting forth the appropriate budgetary resolution, and make adjustments to the the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; joint resolutions, amendments, amendments of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall which was ordered to lie on the table; between the Houses, motions, or conference be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling as follows: reports relating to extending the pilot pro- of the Chair on a point of order raised under At the end of title III, add the following: subsection (a). gram for employment eligibility confirma- SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- tion established in title IV of the Illegal Im- LATING TO THE PURCHASE OF FIFTY migration Reform and Immigrant Responsi- SA 2914. Mr. TILLIS submitted an SURVEILLANCE DRONES. bility Act of 1966 for 6 years by the amounts amendment intended to be proposed by The Chairman of the Committee on the provided in such legislation for those pur- him to the concurrent resolution S. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- poses, provided that such legislation would Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- not increase the deficit over either the pe- sional budget for the United States gates, and other appropriate levels in this riod of the total of fiscal years 2022 through Government for fiscal year 2022 and resolution, and make adjustments to the 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years setting forth the appropriate budgetary pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, 2022 through 2031. joint resolutions, amendments, amendments levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; between the Houses, motions, or conference SA 2912. Mr. TILLIS submitted an which was ordered to lie on the table; reports relating to border and port of entry amendment intended to be proposed by as follows: technology funding for fifty surveillance him to the concurrent resolution S. At the end of title III, add the following: drones by the amounts provided in such leg- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND islation for those purposes, provided that sional budget for the United States RELATING TO RELATING TO IN- such legislation would not increase the def- CREASING PENALTIES FOR EMPLOY- icit over either the period of the total of fis- Government for fiscal year 2022 and ERS WHO KNOWINGLY OR WITH cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of setting forth the appropriate budgetary RECKLESS DISREGARD HIRE OR RE- the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; CRUIT AN ILLEGAL ALIEN. which was ordered to lie on the table; The Chairman of the Committee on the SA 2917. Mr. TILLIS submitted an as follows: Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- amendment intended to be proposed by tions of a committee or committees, aggre- At the end of title III, add the following: gates, and other appropriate levels in this him to the concurrent resolution S. SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND resolution, and make adjustments to the Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- RELATING TO AUTHORIZING THE pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, sional budget for the United States DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECU- RITY TO USE AN EMPLOYER’S FAIL- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments Government for fiscal year 2022 and URE TO TIMELY RESOLVE DISCREP- between the Houses, motions, or conference setting forth the appropriate budgetary ANCIES WITH THE SOCIAL SECURITY reports relating to relating to increasing levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; ADMINISTRATION (SSA) AFTER RE- penalties for employers who knowingly or which was ordered to lie on the table; CEIVING A ‘‘NO MATCH’’ NOTICE AS with reckless disregard hire or recruit an il- as follows: EVIDENCE THAT THE EMPLOYER legal alien by the amounts provided in such VIOLATED UNLAWFUL EMPLOYMENT legislation for those purposes, provided that At the end of title III, add the following: PROVISIONS UNDER SUCH ACT. such legislation would not increase the def- SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- The Chairman of the Committee on the icit over either the period of the total of fis- LATING TO THE PURCHASE OF ONE Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- HUNDRED SURVEILLANCE DRONES. cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of tions of a committee or committees, aggre- The Chairman of the Committee on the the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. gates, and other appropriate levels in this Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- resolution, and make adjustments to the Mr. TILLIS submitted an tions of a committee or committees, aggre- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, SA 2915. gates, and other appropriate levels in this joint resolutions, amendments, amendments amendment intended to be proposed by resolution, and make adjustments to the between the Houses, motions, or conference him to the concurrent resolution S. pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, reports relating to by the amounts author- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments izing the Department of Homeland Security sional budget for the United States between the Houses, motions, or conference

VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:27 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00108 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.299 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6169 reports relating to border and port of entry At the end of title III, add the following: SA 2923. Mr. TILLIS submitted an technology funding for one hundred surveil- SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- amendment intended to be proposed by lance drones by the amounts provided in LATING TO THE PURCHASE OF FIFTY him to the concurrent resolution S. such legislation for those purposes, provided SURVEILLANCE TOWERS. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- that such legislation would not increase the The Chairman of the Committee on the deficit over either the period of the total of Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- sional budget for the United States fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Government for fiscal year 2022 and the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. gates, and other appropriate levels in this setting forth the appropriate budgetary resolution, and make adjustments to the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; SA 2918. Mr. TILLIS submitted an pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, which was ordered to lie on the table; amendment intended to be proposed by joint resolutions, amendments, amendments as follows: him to the concurrent resolution S. between the Houses, motions, or conference At the end of title III, add the following: reports relating to border and port of entry Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- sional budget for the United States technology funding for fifty surveillance LATING TO PROVIDING AN ADDI- towers by the amounts provided in such leg- TIONAL $2,000,000,000 FOR ADDI- Government for fiscal year 2022 and islation for those purposes, provided that TIONAL X-RAY MACHINES AND setting forth the appropriate budgetary such legislation would not increase the def- OTHER SCREENING TECHNOLOGY. levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; icit over either the period of the total of fis- The Chairman of the Committee on the which was ordered to lie on the table; cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- as follows: the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- gates, and other appropriate levels in this At the end of title III, add the following: SA 2921. Mr. TILLIS submitted an resolution, and make adjustments to the SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, LATING TO THE PURCHASE OF TWO amendment intended to be proposed by HUNDRED FIFTY SURVEILLANCE him to the concurrent resolution S. joint resolutions, amendments, amendments DRONES. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- between the Houses, motions, or conference The Chairman of the Committee on the reports relating to providing an additional sional budget for the United States $2,000,000,000 for additional x-ray machines Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Government for fiscal year 2022 and tions of a committee or committees, aggre- and other screening technology by the gates, and other appropriate levels in this setting forth the appropriate budgetary amounts provided in such legislation for resolution, and make adjustments to the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; those purposes, provided that such legisla- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, which was ordered to lie on the table; tion would not increase the deficit over ei- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments as follows: ther the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of between the Houses, motions, or conference At the end of title III, add the following: fiscal years 2022 through 2031. reports relating to border and port of entry SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- technology funding for two hundred fifty LATING TO THE PURCHASE OF ONE SA 2924. Mr. TILLIS submitted an surveillance drones by the amounts provided HUNDRED SURVEILLANCE TOWERS. in such legislation for those purposes, pro- The Chairman of the Committee on the amendment intended to be proposed by vided that such legislation would not in- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- him to the concurrent resolution S. crease the deficit over either the period of tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or gates, and other appropriate levels in this sional budget for the United States the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 resolution, and make adjustments to the Government for fiscal year 2022 and through 2031. pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, setting forth the appropriate budgetary joint resolutions, amendments, amendments levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; SA 2919. Mr. TILLIS submitted an between the Houses, motions, or conference which was ordered to lie on the table; amendment intended to be proposed by reports relating to. border and port of entry as follows: him to the concurrent resolution S. technology funding for one hundred surveil- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- lance towers by the amounts provided in At the end of title III, add the following: ll sional budget for the United States such legislation for those purposes, provided SEC. 3 . DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- that such legislation would not increase the LATING TO STAFFING TO HIRING Government for fiscal year 2022 and 8500 ICE ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS deficit over either the period of the total of TO FOCUS ON REMOVAL OPER- setting forth the appropriate budgetary fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; ATIONS. the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. The Chairman of the Committee on the which was ordered to lie on the table; Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- as follows: SA 2922. Mr. TILLIS submitted an tions of a committee or committees, aggre- At the end of title III, add the following: amendment intended to be proposed by gates, and other appropriate levels in this SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- him to the concurrent resolution S. resolution, and make adjustments to the LATING TO THE PURCHASE OF Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, TWENTY FIVE SURVEILLANCE TOW- sional budget for the United States joint resolutions, amendments, amendments ERS. between the Houses, motions, or conference The Chairman of the Committee on the Government for fiscal year 2022 and setting forth the appropriate budgetary reports relating to staffing to hiring 8500 ICE Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- enforcement officers to focus on removal op- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; erations, provided that such legislation gates, and other appropriate levels in this which was ordered to lie on the table; would not increase the deficit over either the resolution, and make adjustments to the as follows: period of the total of fiscal years 2022 pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, At the end of title III, add the following: through 2026 or the period of the total of fis- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments ll cal years 2022 through 2031. between the Houses, motions, or conference SEC. 3 . DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- LATING TO PROVIDING AN ADDI- reports relating to border and port of entry TIONAL $1,000,000,000 FOR ADDI- SA 2925. Mr. TILLIS submitted an technology funding for twenty five surveil- TIONAL X-RAY MACHINES AND amendment intended to be proposed by lance towers by the amounts provided in OTHER SCREENING TECHNOLOGY. him to the concurrent resolution S. such legislation for those purposes, provided The Chairman of the Committee on the Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- that such legislation would not increase the Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- deficit over either the period of the total of tions of a committee or committees, aggre- sional budget for the United States fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of gates, and other appropriate levels in this Government for fiscal year 2022 and the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. resolution, and make adjustments to the setting forth the appropriate budgetary pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; SA 2920. Mr. TILLIS submitted an joint resolutions, amendments, amendments which was ordered to lie on the table; amendment intended to be proposed by between the Houses, motions, or conference as follows: him to the concurrent resolution S. reports relating to providing an additional At the end of title III, add the following: Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- $1,000,000,000 for additional x-ray machines SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- sional budget for the United States and other screening technology by the LATING TO HIRING 5000 ICE EN- Government for fiscal year 2022 and amounts provided in such legislation for FORCEMENT OFFICERS TO FOCUS those purposes, provided that such legisla- ON REMOVAL OPERATIONS. setting forth the appropriate budgetary tion would not increase the deficit over ei- The Chairman of the Committee on the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; ther the period of the total of fiscal years Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- which was ordered to lie on the table; 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of tions of a committee or committees, aggre- as follows: fiscal years 2022 through 2031. gates, and other appropriate levels in this

VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:29 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00109 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.298 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6170 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 resolution, and make adjustments to the At the end of title III, add the following: focus on the removal from the United States pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND of aliens who arc sex offenders, child molest- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments RELATING TO REQUIRING THE SEC- ers, and rapists, provided that such legisla- between the Houses, motions, or conference RETARY OF HOMELAND SECURITY tion would not increase the deficit over ei- reports relating to hiring 5000 ICE enforce- TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF ther the period of the total of fiscal years ment officers to focus on removal oper- CRIMINAL ALIEN REPATRIATION 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of FLIGHTS BY NO LESS THAN FIFTEEN fiscal years 2022 through 2031. ations, provided that such legislation would PERCENT. not increase the deficit over either the pe- The Chairman of the Committee on the riod of the total of fiscal years 2022 through SA 2931. Mr. TILLIS submitted an Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years amendment intended to be proposed by tions of a committee or committees, aggre- 2022 through 2031. gates, and other appropriate levels in this him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- Mr. TILLIS submitted an resolution, and make adjustments to the SA 2926. pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, sional budget for the United States amendment intended to be proposed by joint resolutions, amendments, amendments Government for fiscal year 2022 and him to the concurrent resolution S. between the Houses, motions, or conference setting forth the appropriate budgetary Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- reports relating to requiring the Secretary of levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; sional budget for the United States Homeland Security to increase the number which was ordered to lie on the table; Government for fiscal year 2022 and of criminal alien repatriation flights by no as follows: less than fifteen, provided that such legisla- setting forth the appropriate budgetary At the end of title III, add the following: tion would not increase the deficit over ei- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; ll ther the period of the total of fiscal years SEC. 3 . DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND which was ordered to lie on the table; RELATING TO HIRING 5000 U.S. IMMI- 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of as follows: GRATION AND CUSTOMS ENFORCE- fiscal years 2022 through 2031. MENT OFFICERS TO FOCUS ON THE At the end of title III, add the following: REMOVAL FROM THE UNITED SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND SA 2929. Mr. TILLIS submitted an STATES OF ALIENS WHO ARE SEX RELATING TO HIRING 1000 EN- amendment intended to be proposed by OFFENDERS, CHILD MOLESTERS, FORCEMENT OFFICERS TO FOCUS AND RAPISTS. ON REMOVAL OPERATIONS. him to the concurrent resolution S. The Chairman of the Committee on the The Chairman of the Committee on the Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- sional budget for the United States tions of a committee or committees, aggre- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Government for fiscal year 2022 and gates, and other appropriate levels in this gates, and other appropriate levels in this setting forth the appropriate budgetary resolution, and make adjustments to the resolution, and make adjustments to the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, which was ordered to lie on the table; joint resolutions, amendments, amendments between the Houses, motions, or conference joint resolutions, amendments, amendments as follows: between the Houses, motions, or conference reports relating to hiring 5000 U.S. Immigra- reports relating to hiring 1000 enforcement At the end of title III, add the following: tion and Customs Enforcement officers to officers to focus on removal operations, pro- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND focus on the removal from the United States vided that such legislation would not in- RELATING TO HIRING 1000 ICE RE- of aliens who are sex offenders, child molest- crease the deficit over either the period of MOVAL OFFICERS TO FOCUS ON SEX ers, and rapists, provided that such legisla- OFFENDERS, CHILD MOLESTERS, tion would not increase the deficit over ei- the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or AND RAPISTS. the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 ther the period of the total of fiscal years The Chairman of the Committee on the through 2031. 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- fiscal years 2022 through 2031. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- SA 2927. Mr. TILLIS submitted an gates, and other appropriate levels in this SA 2932. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by resolution, and make adjustments to the him to the concurrent resolution S. amendment intended to be proposed by pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments sional budget for the United States between the Houses, motions, or conference Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- Government for fiscal year 2022 and reports relating to staffing to hiring 1000 ICE sional budget for the United States setting forth the appropriate budgetary removal officers to focus on sex offenders, Government for fiscal year 2022 and levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; child molesters, and rapists, provided that setting forth the appropriate budgetary which was ordered to lie on the table; such legislation would not increase the def- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; icit over either the period of the total of fis- as follows: which was ordered to lie on the table; cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of as follows: At the end of title III, add the following: the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. At the end of title III, add the following: SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND ll RELATING TO HIRING 2500 ICE EN- SEC. 3 . DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND SA 2930. Mr. TILLIS submitted an RELATING TO HIRING 8500 U.S. IMMI- FORCEMENT OFFICERS TO FOCUS amendment intended to be proposed by ON REMOVAL OPERATIONS. GRATION AND CUSTOMS ENFORCE- MENT OFFICERS TO FOCUS ON THE The Chairman of the Committee on the him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- REMOVAL FROM THE UNITED Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- STATES OF ALIENS WHO ARE SEX tions of a committee or committees, aggre- sional budget for the United States OFFENDERS, CHILD MOLESTERS, gates, and other appropriate levels in this Government for fiscal year 2022 and AND RAPISTS. resolution, and make adjustments to the setting forth the appropriate budgetary The Chairman of the Committee on the pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments which was ordered to lie on the table; tions of a committee or committees, aggre- gates, and other appropriate levels in this between the Houses, motions, or conference as follows: reports relating to hiring 2500 ICE enforce- resolution, and make adjustments to the ment officers to focus on removal oper- At the end of title III, add the following: pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, ations, provided that such legislation would SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND joint resolutions, amendments, amendments not increase the deficit over either the pe- RELATING TO HIRING 2500 U.S. IMMI- between the Houses, motions, or conference riod of the total of fiscal years 2022 through GRATION AND CUSTOMS ENFORCE- reports relating to hiring 8500 U.S. Immigra- 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal. years MENT OFFICERS TO FOCUS ON THE tion and Customs Enforcement officers to REMOVAL FROM THE UNITED focus on the removal from the United States 2022 through 2031. STATES OF ALIENS WHO ARE SEX OFFENDERS, CHILD MOLESTERS of aliens who are sex offenders, child molest- SA 2928. Mr. TILLIS submitted an AND RAPISTS. ers, and rapists, provided that such legisla- amendment intended to be proposed by The Chairman of the Committee on the tion would not increase the deficit over ei- him to the concurrent resolution S. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- ther the period of the total of fiscal years tions of a committee or committees, aggre- 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- fiscal years 2022 through 2031. sional budget for the United States gates, and other appropriate levels in this Government for fiscal year 2022 and resolution, and make adjustments to the Mr. TILLIS submitted an pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, SA 2933. setting forth the appropriate budgetary joint resolutions, amendments, amendments amendment intended to be proposed by levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; between the Houses, motions, or conference him to the concurrent resolution S. which was ordered to lie on the table; reports relating to hiring 2500 U.S. Immigra- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- as follows: tion and Customs Enforcement officers to sional budget for the United States

VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:29 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00110 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.298 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6171 Government for fiscal year 2022 and fraud, and unlawful employment, provided SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND setting forth the appropriate budgetary that such legislation would not increase the RELATING TO HIRING 2500 ICE RE- MOVAL OFFICERS TO FOCUS ON levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; deficit over either the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of DRUNK DRIVERS, GANG MEMBERS, which was ordered to lie on the table; AND FELONS. the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. as follows: The Chairman of the Committee on the At the end of title III, add the following: Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Mr. TILLIS submitted an tions of a committee or committees, aggre- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND SA 2936. RELATING TO HIRING 1000 ICE RE- amendment intended to be proposed by gates, and other appropriate levels in this MOVAL OFFICERS TO FOCUS ON him to the concurrent resolution S. resolution, and make adjustments to the IDENTIFY THEFT, BENEFIT FRAUD, Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, AND UNLAWFUL EMPLOYMENT. sional budget for the United States joint resolutions, amendments, amendments The Chairman of the Committee on the between the Houses, motions, or conference Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Government for fiscal year 2022 and reports relating to hiring 2500 ICE removal tions of a committee or committees, aggre- setting forth the appropriate budgetary officers to focus on drunk drivers, gang gates, and other appropriate levels in this levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; members, and felons, provided that such leg- resolution, and make adjustments to the which was ordered to lie on the table; islation would not increase the deficit over pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, as follows: either the period of the total of fiscal years joint resolutions, amendments, amendments 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of between the Houses, motions, or conference At the end of title III, add the following: fiscal years 2022 through 2031. reports relating to hiring 1000 ICE removal SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND officers to focus on identify theft, benefit RELATING TO HIRING 8500 ICE RE- SA 2939. Mr. TILLIS submitted an fraud, and unlawful employment, provided MOVAL OFFICERS TO FOCUS ON amendment intended to be proposed by that such legislation would not increase the IDENTIFY THEFT, BENEFIT FRAUD, AND UNLAWFUL EMPLOYMENT. him to the concurrent resolution S. deficit over either the period of the total of Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- The Chairman of the Committee on the fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of sional budget for the United States the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Government for fiscal year 2022 and SA 2934. Mr. TILLIS submitted an gates, and other appropriate levels in this setting forth the appropriate budgetary amendment intended to be proposed by resolution, and make adjustments to the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; him to the concurrent resolution S. pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, which was ordered to lie on the table; joint resolutions, amendments, amendments as follows: Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- between the Houses, motions, or conference At the appropriate place in title IV, add sional budget for the United States reports relating to hiring 8500 ICE removal the following: Government for fiscal year 2022 and officers to focus on identify theft, benefit ll setting forth the appropriate budgetary fraud, and unlawful employment, provided SEC. 4 . POINT OF ORDER AGAINST ALLOWING PROVISIONAL STATUS FOR ANY IN- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; that such legislation would not increase the DIVIDUAL CONVICTED OF A DRUG which was ordered to lie on the table; deficit over either the period of the total of CRIME. as follows: fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. At the end of title III, add the following: order in the Senate to consider any bill, joint resolution, motion, amendment, SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RELATING TO HIRING 2500 ICE RE- SA 2937. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amendment between the Houses, or con- MOVAL OFFICERS TO FOCUS ON amendment intended to be proposed by ference report that allows provisional status IDENTIFY THEFT, BENEFIT FRAUD, him to the concurrent resolution S. for any individual convicted of a drug crime. AND UNLAWFUL EMPLOYMENT. (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) The Chairman of the Committee on the Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- may be waived or suspended in the Senate Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- sional budget for the United States only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Government for fiscal year 2022 and the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- gates, and other appropriate levels in this setting forth the appropriate budgetary firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members resolution, and make adjustments to the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, which was ordered to lie on the table; be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling joint resolutions, amendments, amendments as follows: of the Chair on a point of order raised under between the Houses, motions, or conference subsection {a). reports relating to hiring 2500 ICE removal At the end of title III, add the following: officers to focus on identify theft, benefit SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND SA 2940. Mr. TILLIS submitted an fraud, and unlawful employment, provided RELATING TO HIRING 1000 ICE RE- amendment intended to be proposed by that such legislation would not increase the MOVAL OFFICERS TO FOCUS ON him to the concurrent resolution S. deficit over either the period of the total of DRUNK DRIVERS, GANG MEMBERS, Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- AND FELONS. fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of sional budget for the United States the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. The Chairman of the Committee on the Government for fiscal year 2022 and Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- SA 2935. Mr. TILLIS submitted an tions of a committee or committees, aggre- setting forth the appropriate budgetary amendment intended to be proposed by gates, and other appropriate levels in this levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; him to the concurrent resolution S. resolution, and make adjustments to the which was ordered to lie on the table; Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, as follows: sional budget for the United States joint resolutions, amendments, amendments At the appropriate place in title IV, add between the Houses, motions, or conference Government for fiscal year 2022 and the following: reports relating to hiring 1000 ICE removal SEC. 4 ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST ALLOWING setting forth the appropriate budgetary officers to focus on drunk drivers, gang PROVISIONAL STATUS FOR ANY IN- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; members, and felons, provided that such leg- DIVIDUAL CONVICTED OF A DUI. which was ordered to lie on the table; islation would not increase the deficit over (a) Point of Order.—It shall not be in order as follows: either the period of the total of fiscal years in the Senate to consider any bill, joint reso- At the end of title III, add the following: 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of lution, motion, amendment, amendment be- fiscal years 2022 through 2031. tween the Houses, or conference report that SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RELATING TO HIRING 5000 ICE RE- allows for provisional status for any indi- MOVAL OFFICERS TO FOCUS ON SA 2938. Mr. TILLIS submitted an vidual convicted of a DUI. (b) Waiver and Appeal.—Subsection (a) IDENTIFY THEFT, BENEFIT FRAUD, amendment intended to be proposed by AND UNLAWFUL EMPLOYMENT. may be waived or suspended in the Senate The Chairman of the Committee on the him to the concurrent resolution S. only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- sional budget for the United States firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members gates, and other appropriate levels in this Government for fiscal year 2022 and of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall resolution, and make adjustments to the setting forth the appropriate budgetary be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; of the Chair on a point of order raised under joint resolutions, amendments, amendments which was ordered to lie on the table; subsection (a). between the Houses, motions, or conference reports relating to hiring 5000 ICE removal as follows: SA 2941. Mr. TILLIS submitted an officers to focus on identify theft, benefit At the end of title III, add the following: amendment intended to be proposed by

VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:29 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00111 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.304 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6172 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 him to the concurrent resolution S. (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- may be waived or suspended in the Senate which was ordered to lie on the table; sional budget for the United States only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of as follows: the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- Government for fiscal year 2022 and At the appropriate place in title IV, add firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members the following: setting forth the appropriate budgetary of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling SEC. 4 ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST ALLOWING which was ordered to lie on the table; of the Chair on a point of order raised under PROVISIONAL STATUS FOR ANY IN- DIVIDUAL WHO MURDERS A LOCAL/ as follows: subsection (a). STATE/TRIBAL/FEDERAL LAW EN- At the appropriate place in title IV, add FORCEMENT OFFICER. the following: SA 2944. Mr. TILLIS submitted an (a) Point of Order.—It shall not be in order SEC. 4 ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- amendment intended to be proposed by in the Senate to consider any bill, joint reso- TION THAT WOULD PROVIDE PROVI- him to the concurrent resolution S. lution, motion, amendment, amendment be- SIONAL STATUS FOR ANY ALIEN Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- tween the Houses, or conference report that CONVICTED OF A VIOLENT CRIME. sional budget for the United States allows provisional status for any individual (a} POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in who murders a local/state/tribal/federal law order in the Senate to consider any bill, Government for fiscal year 2022 and setting forth the appropriate budgetary enforcement officer. joint resolution, motion, amendment, (b) Waiver and Appeal.—Subsection (a) amendment between the Houses, or con- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; may be waived or suspended in the Senate ference report that would provide provisional which was ordered to lie on the table; only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of status for any alien convicted of a violent as follows: the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- crime. At the appropriate place in title IV, add firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) the following: of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall may be waived or suspended in the Senate be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of SEC. 4lll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- TION THAT WOULD PROVIDE PROVI- of the Chair on a point of order raised under the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- SIONAL STATUS FOR ANY ALIEN subsection (a). firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members CONVICTED OF A CRIME INVOLVING of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall CHILDREN. SA 2947. Mr. TILLIS submitted an be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in amendment intended to be proposed by of the Chair on a point of order raised under order in the Senate to consider any bill, him to the concurrent resolution S. subsection (a). joint resolution, motion, amendment, amendment between the Houses, or con- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- SA 2942. Mr. TILLIS submitted an ference report that would provide provisional sional budget for the United States amendment intended to be proposed by status for any alien convicted of a crime in- Government for fiscal year 2022 and him to the concurrent resolution S. volving children. setting forth the appropriate budgetary Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; sional budget for the United States may be waived or suspended in the Senate which was ordered to lie on the table; Government for fiscal year 2022 and only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of as follows: the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- setting forth the appropriate budgetary firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members At the end of title III, add the following: levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND which was ordered to lie on the table; be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling RELATING TO REQUIRING BACK- as follows: GROUND CHECKS BEFORE PROVI- of the Chair on a point of order raised under SIONAL STATUS CAN BE RENEWED. At the appropriate place in IV, add the fol- subsection (a). The Chairman of the Committee on the lowing: Mr. TILLIS submitted an Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- SEC. 4 ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- SA 2945. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- TION THAT WOULD PROVIDE PROVI- amendment intended to be proposed by gates, and other appropriate levels in this SIONAL STATUS FOR ANY ALIEN him to the concurrent resolution S. resolution, and make adjustments to the CONVICTED OF A SEX CRIME. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, order in the Senate to consider any bill, sional budget for the United States joint resolutions, amendments, amendments joint resolution, motion, amendment, Government for fiscal year 2022 and between the Houses, motions, or conference amendment between the Houses, or con- setting forth the appropriate budgetary reports relating to requiring background ference report that would provide provisional levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; checks before provisional status can be re- status for any alien convicted of a sex crime. which was ordered to lie on the table; newed, by the amounts provided in such leg- islation for those purposes, provided that (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subscction (a) as follows: may be waived or suspended in the Senate such legislation would not increase the def- only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of At the appropriate place in title IV, add icit over either the period of the total of fis- the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- the following: cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members SEC. 4 ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST ALLOWING the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall PROVISIONAL STATUS FOR ANY IN- DIVIDUAL WHO ATTACKS A LOCAL/ be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling STATE/TRIBAL/FEDERAL LAW EN- SA 2948. Mr. TILLIS submitted an of the Chair on a point of order raised under FORCEMENT OFFICER. amendment intended to be proposed by subsection (a). (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in him to the concurrent resolution S. order in the Senate to consider any bill, Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- SA 2943. Mr. TILLIS submitted an joint resolution, motion, amendment. sional budget for the United States amendment intended to be proposed by amendment between the Houses, or con- him to the concurrent resolution S. Government for fiscal year 2022 and ference report that allows provisional status setting forth the appropriate budgetary Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- for any individual who attacks a local/state/ sional budget for the United States tribal/federal law enforcement officer. levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; Government for fiscal year 2022 and (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) which was ordered to lie on the table; setting forth the appropriate budgetary may be waived or suspended in the Senate as follows: only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of At the end of title III, add the following: levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- which was ordered to lie on the table; SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members LATING TO INCREASING FROM 5 TO as follows: of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall 10 YEARS THE AMOUNT OF TIME At the appropriate place in title IV, add be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling WITHIN WHICH AN ALIEN’S PERMA- the following: of the Chair on a point of order raised under NENT RESIDENT STATUS MAY BE RE- SCINDED. SEC. 4lll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- subsection (a). TION THAT WOULD PROVIDE PROVI- The Chairman of the Committee on the SIONAL STATUS FOR ANY ALIEN SA 2946. Mr. TILLIS submitted an Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- CONVICTED OF MURDER. amendment intended to be proposed by tions of a committee or committees, aggre- (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in him to the concurrent resolution S. gates, and other appropriate levels in this order in the Senate to consider any bill, resolution, and make adjustments to the joint resolution, motion, amendment, Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, amendment between the Houses, or con- sional budget for the United States joint resolutions, amendments, amendments ference report that would provide provisional Government for fiscal year 2022 and between the Houses, motions, or conference status for any alien convicted of murder. setting forth the appropriate budgetary reports relating to increasing from 5 to 10

VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:29 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00112 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.301 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6173 years the amount of time within which an setting forth the appropriate budgetary would not increase the deficit over either the alien’s permanent resident status may be re- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; period of the total of fiscal years 2022 scinded by the amounts provided in such leg- which was ordered to lie on the table; through 2026 or the period of the total of fis- islation for those purposes, provided that as follows: cal. years 2022 through 2031. such legislation would not increase the def- icit over either the period of the total of fis- At the end of title III, add the following: cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- SA 2954. Mr. TILLIS submitted an the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. LATING TO HIRING 5000 ICE RE- amendment intended to be proposed by MOVAL OFFICERS TO FOCUS ON him to the concurrent resolution S. DRUNK DRIVERS, GANG MEMBERS, SA 2949. Mr. TILLIS submitted an AND FELONS. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- amendment intended to be proposed by The Chairman of the Committee on the sional budget for the United States him to the concurrent resolution S. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Government for fiscal year 2022 and Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- setting forth the appropriate budgetary sional budget for the United States gates, and other appropriate levels in this levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; Government for fiscal year 2022 and resolution, and make adjustments to the which was ordered to lie on the table; pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, as follows: setting forth the appropriate budgetary joint resolutions, amendments, amendments levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; between the Houses, motions, or conference At the end of title III, add the following: which was ordered to lie on the table; reports relating to hiring 5000 ICE removal ll as follows: officers to focus on drunk drivers, gang SEC. 3 . DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- LATING TO HIRING 1000 ICE ATTOR- At the appropriate place in title IV, add members, and felons, provided that such leg- NEYS TO FOCUS EXCLUSIVELY ON the following: islation would not increase the deficit over DEPORTATION PROCEEDINGS. either the period of the total of fiscal years SEC. 4 ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST ALLOWING The Chairman of the Committee on the 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of THE USE OF SWORN AFFIDAVITS TO Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- PROVE EMPLOYMENT OR EDU- fiscal years 2022 through 2031. CATION RECORDS OF THOSE APPL tions of a committee or committees, aggre- YING FOR REGISTERED PROVI- SA 2952. Mr. TILLIS submitted an gates, and other appropriate levels in this SIONAL IMMIGRATION STATUS. amendment intended to be proposed by resolution, and make adjustments to the (a) Point of Order.—It shall not be in order pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, in the Senate to consider any bill, joint reso- him to the concurrent resolution S. joint resolutions, amendments, amendments lution, motion, amendment, amendment be- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- between the Houses, motions, or conference tween the Houses, or conference report that sional budget for the United States reports relating to hiring 1000 ICE attorneys allows the use of sworn affidavits to prove Government for fiscal year 2022 and to focus exclusively on deportation pro- employment or education records of those setting forth the appropriate budgetary ceedings, provided that such legislation applying for registered provisional immigra- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; would not increase the deficit over either the tion status. which was ordered to lie on the table; period of the total of fiscal years 2022 (b) Waiver and Appeal.—Subsection (a) as follows: through 2026 or the period of the total of fis- may be waived or suspended in the Senate cal years 2022 through 2031. only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of At the end of title III, add the following: the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members RELATING TO HIRING 8500 ICE RE- SA 2955. Mr. TILLIS submitted an of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall MOVAL OFFICERS TO FOCUS ON amendment intended to be proposed by DRUNK DRIVERS, GANG MEMBERS, be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling AND FELONS. him to the concurrent resolution S. of the Chair on a point of order raised under The Chairman of the Committee on the Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- subsection (a). Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- sional budget for the United States tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Government for fiscal year 2022 and SA 2950. Mr. TILLIS submitted an gates, and other appropriate levels in this amendment intended to be proposed by setting forth the appropriate budgetary resolution, and make adjustments to the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; him to the concurrent resolution S. pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments which was ordered to lie on the table; sional budget for the United States between the Houses, motions, or conference as follows: Government for fiscal year 2022 and reports relating to hiring 8500 ICE removal At the end of title III, add the following: setting forth the appropriate budgetary officers to focus on drunk drivers, gang SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; members, and felons, provided that such leg- islation would not increase the deficit over RELATING TO STAFFING TO HIRING 2000 ICE ATTORNEYS TO FOCUS EX- which was ordered to lie on the table; either the period of the total of fiscal years as follows: CLUSIVELY ON DEPORTATION PRO- 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of CEEDINGS. At the appropriate place in title IV, add fiscal years 2022 through 2031. the following: The Chairman of the Committee on the Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- SEC. 4 ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST ALLOWING SA 2953. Mr. TILLIS submitted an REGISTERED PROVISIONAL IMMI- amendment intended to be proposed by tions of a committee or committees, aggre- GRATION STATUS FOR PERSONS gates, and other appropriate levels in this WHO HAVE TRIED TO REENTER THE him to the concurrent resolution S. resolution, and make adjustments to the U.S. AFTER BEING DEPORTED. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, (a) Point of Order.—It shall not be in order sional budget for the United States joint resolutions, amendments, amendments in the Senate to consider any bill, joint reso- Government for fiscal year 2022 and between the Houses, motions, or conference lution, motion, amendment, amendment be- setting forth the appropriate budgetary reports relating to hiring 2000 ICE attorneys tween the Houses, or conference report that levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; to focus exclusively on deportation pro- allows registered provisional immigration which was ordered to lie on the table; ceedings, provided that such legislation status for persons who have tried to reenter as follows: would not increase the deficit over either the the U.S. after being deported. period of the total of fiscal years 2022 (b) Waiver and Appeal.—Subsection (a) At the end of title III, add the following: through 2026 or the period of the total of fis- may be waived or suspended in the Senate SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- cal years 2022 through 2031. only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of LATING TO STAFFING TO HIRING 500 the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- ICE ATTORNEYS TO FOCUS EXCLU- firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members SIVELY ON DEPORTATION PRO- SA 2956. Mr. TILLIS submitted an CEEDINGS. of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall amendment intended to be proposed by The Chairman of the Committee on the be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- him to the concurrent resolution S. of the Chair on a point of order raised under tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- subsection (a). gates, and other appropriate levels in this sional budget for the United States SA 2951. Mr. TILLIS submitted an resolution, and make adjustments to the Government for fiscal year 2022 and amendment intended to be proposed by pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, setting forth the appropriate budgetary joint resolutions, amendments, amendments levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; him to the concurrent resolution S. between the Houses, motions, or conference Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- which was ordered to lie on the table; reports relating to hiring 500 ICE attorneys as follows: sional budget for the United States to focus exclusively on deportation pro- Government for fiscal year 2022 and ceedings, provided that such legislation At the end of title III, add the following:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:29 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00113 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.228 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6174 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- reports relating to hiring 3000 Homeland Se- LATING TO HIRING 500 HOMELAND sional budget for the United States curity Investigations special agents to focus SECURITY INVESTIGATIONS SPE- on human trafficking, provided that such CIAL AGENTS. Government for fiscal year 2022 and setting forth the appropriate budgetary legislation would not increase the deficit The Chairman of the Committee on the over either the period of the total of fiscal Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the tions of a committee or committees, aggre- which was ordered to lie on the table; total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. gates, and other appropriate levels in this as follows: resolution, and make adjustments to the At the end of title III, add the following: SA 2962. Mr. GRASSLEY submitted pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, ll an amendment intended to be proposed joint resolutions, amendments, amendments SEC. 3 . DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- LATING TO HIRING 500 HOMELAND between the Houses, motions, or conference by him to the concurrent resolution S. SECURlTY INVESTIGATIONS SPECIAL Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- reports relating to hiring 500 Homeland Se- AGENTS TO FOCUS ON HUMAN TRAF- curity Investigations special agents, pro- FICKING. sional budget for the United States vided that such legislation would not in- The Chairman of the Committee on the Government for fiscal year 2022 and crease the deficit over either the period of Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- setting forth the appropriate budgetary the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or tions of a committee or committees, aggre- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 gates, and other appropriate levels in this which was ordered to lie on the table; through 2031. resolution, and make adjustments to the as follows: pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, SA 2957. Mr. TILLIS submitted an joint resolutions, amendments, amendments At the end of title III, add the following: amendment intended to be proposed by between the Houses, motions, or conference SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- reports relating to hiring 500 Homeland Se- LATING TO FAMILY VIOLENCE PRE- him to the concurrent resolution S. VENTION SERVICES. curity Investigations special agents to focus Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- The Chairman of the Committee on the on human trafficking, provided that such sional budget for the United States Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- legislation would not increase the deficit tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Government for fiscal year 2022 and over either the period of the total of fiscal gates, and other appropriate levels in this setting forth the appropriate budgetary years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the resolution, and make adjustments to the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. which was ordered to lie on the table; pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, SA 2960. Mr. TILLIS submitted an joint resolutions, amendments, amendments as follows: between the Houses, motions, or conference At the end of title III, add the following: amendment intended to be proposed by reports relating to family violence preven- SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- him to the concurrent resolution S. tion, which may include increased resources LATING TO HIRING 1500 HOMELAND Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- for domestic violence shelters, by the SECURITY INVESTIGATIONS SPE- sional budget for the United States amounts provided in such legislation for CIAL AGENTS. Government for fiscal year 2022 and those purposes, provided that such legisla- The Chairman of the Committee on the setting forth the appropriate budgetary tion would not increase the deficit over ei- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- ther the period of the total of fiscal years tions of a committee or committees, aggre- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; which was ordered to lie on the table; 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of gates, and other appropriate levels in this fiscal years 2022 through 2031. resolution, and make adjustments to the as follows: pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, At the end of title III, add the following: SA 2963. Mr. TILLIS submitted an joint resolutions, amendments, amendments SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- amendment intended to be proposed by between the Houses, motions, or conference LATING TO HIRING 1500 HOMELAND him to the concurrent resolution S. reports relating to hiring 1500 Homeland Se- SECURITY INVESTIGATIONS SPE- curity Investigations special agents, pro- CIAL AGENTS TO FOCUS ON HUMAN Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- vided that such legislation would not in- TRAFFICKING. sional budget for the United States crease the deficit over either the period of The Chairman of the Committee on the Government for fiscal year 2022 and the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- setting forth the appropriate budgetary the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 tions of a committee or committees, aggre- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; through 2031. gates, and other appropriate levels in this resolution, and make adjustments to the which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows: SA 2958. Mr. TILLIS submitted an pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, At the appropriate place in title IV, add amendment intended to be proposed by joint resolutions, amendments, amendments between the Houses, motions, or conference the following: him to the concurrent resolution S. reports relating to hiring 1500 Homeland Se- SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST ALLOWING Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- curity Investigations special agents to focus GRANTING REGISTERED PROVI- sional budget for the United States on human trafficking, provided that such SIONAL IMMIGRATION STATUS Government for fiscal year 2022 and legislation would not increase the deficit UNTIL THE DHS SECRETARY CER- TIFIES THE DEPARTMENT HAS FULL setting forth the appropriate budgetary over either the period of the total of fiscal BORDER CONTROL WITH SURVEIL- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the LANCE, EFFECTIVENESS RATE OF which was ordered to lie on the table; total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. 90% FOR ALL BORDER SECTORS FOR as follows: AT LEAST ONE YEAR, IMPLEMENTS SA 2961. Mr. TILLIS submitted an E-VERIFY, AND HIRES 10,000 NEW At the end of title III, add the following: amendment intended to be proposed by BORDER PATROL OFFICERS. SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- him to the concurrent resolution S. (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in LATING TO HIRING 3000 HOMELAND Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- order in the Senate to consider any bill, SECURITY INVESTIGATIONS SPE- joint resolution, motion, amendment, CIAL AGENTS. sional budget for the United States amendment between the Houses, or con- The Chairman of the Committee on the Government for fiscal year 2022 and ference report that allows granting reg- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- setting forth the appropriate budgetary istered provisional immigration status until tions of a committee or committees, aggre- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; the DHS Secretary certifies the Department gates, and other appropriate levels in this which was ordered to lie on the table; has full border control with surveillance, ef- resolution, and make adjustments to the as follows: fectiveness rate of 90% for all border sectors pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, At the end of title III, add the following: for at least one year, implements E-verify, joint resolutions, amendments, amendments and hires 10,000 new Border Patrol officers. SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- between the Houses, motions, or conference (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) reports relating to hiring 3000 Homeland Se- LATING TO HIRING 3000 HOMELAND SECURITY INVESTIGATIONS SPE- may be waived or suspended in the Senate curity Investigations special agents, pro- CIAL AGENTS TO FOCUS ON HUMAN only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of vided that such legislation would not in- TRAFFICKING. the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- crease the deficit over either the period of The Chairman of the Committee on the firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 tions of a committee or committees, aggre- be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling through 2031. gates, and other appropriate levels in this of the Chair on a point of order raised under resolution, and make adjustments to the subsection (a). SA 2959. Mr. TILLIS submitted an pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, amendment intended to be proposed by joint resolutions, amendments, amendments SA 2964. Mr. TILLIS submitted an him to the concurrent resolution S. between the Houses, motions, or conference amendment intended to be proposed by

VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:29 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00114 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.295 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6175 him to the concurrent resolution S. for those purposes, provided that such legis- which was ordered to lie on the table; Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- lation would not increase the deficit over ei- as follows: sional budget for the United States ther the period of the total of fiscal years At the end of title III, add the following: 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of Government for fiscal year 2022 and SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND fiscal years 2022 through 2031. setting forth the appropriate budgetary RELATING TO REQUIRING THOSE APPLYING FOR REGISTERED PROVI- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; SA 2966. Mr. TILLIS submitted an SIONAL IMMIGRATION STATUS TO which was ordered to lie on the table; amendment intended to be proposed by SHOW THAT THEY HAVE PAID ANY as follows: him to the concurrent resolution S. OUTSTANDING FEDERAL TAX LI- At the end of title III, add the following: ABILITY, WHETHER BY PROVING NO Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- SUCH TAX LIABILITY EXISTS, THAT SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- sional budget for the United States THE OUTSTANDING LIABILITY HAS LATING TO REQUIRING ADDITIONAL Government for fiscal year 2022 and BEEN PAID, OR THAT THE APPLI- INTERVIEWS FOR REGISTERED PRO- setting forth the appropriate budgetary CANT HAS ENTERED INTO A PAY- VISIONAL IMMIGRATION APPLI- MENT PLAN WITH THE IRS, AND CANTS BETWEEN AGES 14 AND 79 levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; WOULD INCLUDE PENALTIES AND WHO HAVE BEEN CONVICTED OF which was ordered to lie on the table; INTEREST IN THE CALCULATION OF TWO OR MORE MISDEMEANORS, as follows: TOTAL TAX LIABILITY. HAVE AN OUTSTANDING DEPORTA- The Chairman of the Committee on the TION ORDER, ARE ON THE TER- At the end of title III, add the following: RORISM WATCH LIST, POSE A Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- EC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY, LATING TO REQUIRING ELECTRONIC ARE NATIONALS OF COUNTRIES SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONS FOR gates, and other appropriate levels in this THAT ARE STATE SPONSORS OF TER- REGISTERED PROVISIONAL IMMI- resolution, and make adjustments to the RORISM OR HAVE BEEN THE SUB- GRATION STATUS. pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, JECT OF SECURITY ADVISORY OPIN- The Chairman of the Committee on the joint resolutions, amendments, amendments IONS FROM OVERSEAS CONSULATES. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- between the Houses, motions, or conference The Chairman of the Committee on the tions of a committee or committees, aggre- reports relating to requiring those applying Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- gates, and other appropriate levels in this for registered provisional immigration sta- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- resolution, and make adjustments to the tus to show that they have paid any out- gates, and other appropriate levels in this pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, standing federal tax liability, whether by resolution, and make adjustments to the joint resolutions, amendments, amendments proving no such tax liability exists, that the pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, between the Houses, motions, or conference outstanding liability has been paid, or that joint resolutions, amendments, amendments reports relating to requiring electronic sub- the applicant has entered into a payment between the Houses, motions, or conference mission of applications for registered provi- plan with the IRS, and would include pen- reports relating to requiring additional sional immigration status by the amounts alties and interest in the calculation of total interviews for registered provisional immi- provided in such legislation for those pur- tax liability by the amounts provided in such gration application between ages 14 and 79 poses, provided that such legislation would legislation for those purposes, provided that who have been convicted of two or more mis- not increase the deficit over either the pe- such legislation would not increase the def- demeanors, have an outstanding deportation riod of the total of fiscal years 2022 through icit over either the period of the total of fis- order, are on the terrorism watch list, pose a 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of threat to national security, are nationals of 2022 through 2031. the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. countries that are state sponsors of ter- rorism or have been the subject of security SA 2967. Mr. TILLIS submitted an SA 2969. Mr. TILLIS submitted an advisory opinions from overseas consulates amendment intended to be proposed by amendment intended to be proposed by by the amounts provided in such legislation him to the concurrent resolution S. for those purposes, provided that such legis- him to the concurrent resolution S. lation would not increase the deficit over ei- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- ther the period of the total of fiscal years sional budget for the United States sional budget for the United States 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of Government for fiscal year 2022 and Government for fiscal year 2022 and fiscal years 2022 through 2031. setting forth the appropriate budgetary setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; SA 2965. Mr. TILLIS submitted an which was ordered to lie on the table; which was ordered to lie on the table; amendment intended to be proposed by as follows: as follows: him to the concurrent resolution S. At the end of title III, add the following: Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- At the end of title III, add the following: SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND sional budget for the United States LATING TO REQUIRING APPLICANTS RELATING TO DEFINING CRIMINAL Government for fiscal year 2022 and TO UNDERGO BACKGROUND, FIN- STREET GANGS FOR THE PURPOSE setting forth the appropriate budgetary GERPRINT, TERRORISM WATCH LIST OF DETERMINING ADMISSIBILITY TO THE UNITED STATES, DEPORTATION levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; AND OTHER CHECKS BEFORE BEING GRANTED REGISTERED PROVI- OF PERSONS ALREADY IN THE which was ordered to lie on the table; SIONAL IMMIGRATION STATUS. UNITED STATES OR THE GRANTING as follows: The Chairman of the Committee on the OF REGISTERED PROVISIONAL IMMI- GRATION STATUS; INCLUDE GROUPS At the end of title III, add the following: Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- THAT COMMIT CRIMES UNDER SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- STATE AND FOREIGN LAWS AS WELL LATING TO REQUIRING PERSONS AP- gates, and other appropriate levels in this AS ADDITIONAL FEDERAL CRIMES, PLYING FOR REGISTERED PROVI- resolution, and make adjustments to the SUCH AS WITNESS INTIMIDATION SIONAL IMMIGRATION STATUS TO pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, AND RACKETEERING. THE AMEND- DISCLOSE ANY SOCIAL SECURITY joint resolutions, amendments, amendments MENT ALSO WOULD REMOVE A PRO- NUMBERS THEY HAVE USED TO OB- between the Houses, motions, or conference VISION TO ALLOW THE HOMELAND TAIN EMPLOYMENT AND AUTHORIZE SECURITY SECRETARY TO WAIVE DHS TO DISCLOSE THAT INFORMA- reports relating to requiring applicants to THE PROVISION IF THE INDIVIDUAL TION TO OTHER AGENCIES TO NO- undergo background, fingerprint, terrorism IN QUESTION HAS RENOUNCED HIS TIFY THOSE RIGHTFULLY ASSIGNED watch list and other checks before being OR HER ASSOCIATION WITH THE THOSE NUMBERS OF THEIR MISUSE. granted registered provisional immigration GANG AND IS NOT A SECURITY The Chairman of the Committee on the status by the amounts provided in such leg- THREAT. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- islation for those purposes, provided that The Chairman of the Committee on the tions of a committee or committees, aggre- such legislation would not increase the def- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- gates, and other appropriate levels in this icit over either the period of the total of fis- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- resolution, and make adjustments to the cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of gates, and other appropriate levels in this pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. resolution, and make adjustments to the joint resolutions, amendments, amendments pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, between the Houses, motions, or conference SA 2968. Mr. TILLIS submitted an joint resolutions, amendments, amendments reports relating to requiring persons apply- amendment intended to be proposed by between the Houses, motions, or conference ing for registered provisional immigration him to the concurrent resolution S. reports relating to defining criminal street status to disclose any Social Security num- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- gangs for the purpose of determining admis- bers they have used to obtain employment sibility to the United States, deportation of and authorize DHS to disclose that informa- sional budget for the United States persons already in the United States or the tion to other agencies to notify those right- Government for fiscal year 2022 and granting of registered provisional immigra- fully assigned those numbers of their misuse setting forth the appropriate budgetary tion status; include groups that commit by the amounts provided in such legislation levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; crimes under state and foreign laws as well

VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:29 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00115 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.315 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6176 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 as additional federal crimes, such as witness Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- intimidation and racketeering. The amend- sional budget for the United States gates, and other appropriate levels in this ment also would remove a provision to allow Government for fiscal year 2022 and resolution, and make adjustments to the the Homeland Security secretary to waive setting forth the appropriate budgetary pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, the provision if the individual in question levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; joint resolutions, amendments, amendments has renounced his or her association with between the Houses, motions, or conference the gang and is not a security threat by the which was ordered to lie on the table; reports relating to removing references to amounts provided in such legislation for as follows: ‘‘high-risk’’ border sectors, thereby applying those purposes, provided that such legisla- At the end of title III, add the following: border security strategies to all sectors by tion would not increase the deficit over ei- SEC. 3 ll. DEFlCIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND the amounts provided in such legislation for ther the period of the total of fiscal years RELATING TO AUTHORIZING THE those purposes, provided that such legisla- 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of SECRETARY OF DEFENSE TO DE- tion would not increase the deficit over ei- fiscal years 2022 through 2031. PLOY UNITS OF THE NATIONAL ther the period of the total of fiscal years GUARD TO ASSIST CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION IN SECURING 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of SA 2970. Mr. TILLIS submitted an THE BORDER. fiscal years 2022 through 2031. amendment intended to be proposed by The Chairman of the Committee on the him to the concurrent resolution S. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- SA 2975. Mr. TILLIS submitted an Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- amendment intended to be proposed by sional budget for the United States gates, and other appropriate levels in this him to the concurrent resolution S. resolution, and make adjustments to the Government for fiscal year 2022 and Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, sional budget for the United States setting forth the appropriate budgetary joint resolutions, amendments, amendments levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; between the Houses, motions, or conference Government for fiscal year 2022 and which was ordered to lie on the table; reports relating to authorizing the Secretary setting forth the appropriate budgetary as follows: of Defense to deploy units of the National levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; At the end of title III, add the following: Guard to assist Customs and Border Protec- which was ordered to lie on the table; tion in securing the border by the amounts as follows: SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND provided in such legislation for those pur- RELATING TO REQUIRING ALL FENC- At the end of title III, add the following: ING ON THE SOUTHERN BORDER TO poses, provided that such legislation would not increase the deficit over either the pe- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND BE DOUBLE-LAYERED AND REIN- RELATING TO REQUIRING CON- FORCED. riod of the total of fiscal years 2022 through GRESS TO APPROVE BY MAJORITY The Chairman of the Committee on the 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years VOTE WITHIN THIRTY DAYS THE IM- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- 2022 through 2031. PLEMENTATION OF BORDER SECU- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- RITY. STRATEGIES AND OPERATIONS gates, and other appropriate levels in this SA 2973. Mr. TILLIS submitted an BEFORE PROVISIONAL IMMIGRA- TION STATUS MAY BE OFFERED. resolution, and make adjustments to the amendment intended to be proposed by The Chairman of the Committee on the pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, him to the concurrent resolution S. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- between the Houses, motions, or conference sional budget for the United States gates, and other appropriate levels in this reports relating to requiring all fencing on Government for fiscal year 2022 and resolution, and make adjustments to the the southern border to be double-layered and setting forth the appropriate budgetary pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, reinforced by the amounts provided in such levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; joint resolutions, amendments, amendments legislation for those purposes, provided that which was ordered to lie on the table; between the Houses, motions, or conference such legislation would not increase the def- as follows: reports relating to requiring Congress to ap- icit over either the period of the total of fis- prove by majority vote within thirty days cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of At the end of title III, add the following: the implementation of border security strat- the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RELATING TO REQUIRING NATIONAL egies and operations before provisional im- Mr. TILLIS submitted an GUARD ASSISTANCE AT THE BOR- migration status may be offered by the SA 2971. DER DURING ESCALATED APPRE- amount provided in such legislation for amendment intended to be proposed by HENSION EVENTS. those purposes, provided that such legisla- him to the concurrent resolution S. The Chairman of the Committee on the tion would not increase the deficit over ei- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- ther the period of the total of fiscal years sional budget for the United States tions of a committee or committees, aggre- 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of gates, and other appropriate levels in this fiscal years 2022 through 2031. Government for fiscal year 2022 and resolution, and make adjustments to the setting forth the appropriate budgetary pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, SA 2976. Mr. TILLIS submitted an levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; joint resolutions, amendments, amendments which was ordered to lie on the table; between the Houses, motions, or conference amendment intended to be proposed by as follows: reports relating to requiring National Guard him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- At the end of title III, add the following: assistance at the border during escalated ap- prehension events by the amounts provided sional budget for the United States SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND in such legislation for those purposes, pro- RELATING TO REQUIRING BORDER Government for fiscal year 2022 and PATROL TO PRIORITIZE THE DE- vided that such legislation would not in- setting forth the appropriate budgetary PLOYMENT OF AGENTS AS CLOSE TO crease the deficit over either the period of levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or THE PHYSICAL LAND BORDER AS which was ordered to lie on the table; POSSIBLE. the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 The Chairman of the Committee on the through 2031. as follows: Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- At the end of title III, add the following: tions of a committee or committees, aggre- SA 2974. Mr. TILLIS submitted an SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND gates, and other appropriate levels in this amendment intended to be proposed by RELATING TO REQUIRING THE GOV- resolution, and make adjustments to the him to the concurrent resolution S. ERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- TO CONDUCT ANNUAL STUDY ON THE PROGRESS OF THE COM- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments sional budget for the United States PREHENSIVE SOUTHERN BORDER between the Houses, motions, or conference Government for fiscal year 2022 and SECURITY STRATEGY. reports relating to requiring Border Patrol setting forth the appropriate budgetary The Chairman of the Committee on the to prioritize the deployment of agents as levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- close to the physical land border as possible tions of a committee or committees, aggre- by the amounts provided in such legislation which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows: gates, and other appropriate levels in this for those purposes, provided that such legis- resolution, and make adjustments to the lation would not increase the deficit over ei- At the end of title III, add the following: pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, ther the period of the total of fiscal years SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND joint resolutions, amendments, amendments 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of RELATING TO REMOVING REF- between the Houses, motions, or conference fiscal years 2022 through 2031. ERENCES TO ‘‘HIGH-RISK’’ BORDER SECTORS, THEREBY APPLYING BOR- reports relating to requiring the Government DER SECURITY STRATEGIES TO ALL Accountability Office to conduct annual SA 2972. Mr. TILLIS submitted an SECTORS. study on the progress of the Comprehensive amendment intended to be proposed by The Chairman of the Committee on the Southern Border Security Strategy by the him to the concurrent resolution S. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- amounts provided in such legislation for

VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:27 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00116 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.300 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6177 those purposes, provided that such legisla- At the end of title III, add the following: SA 2982. Mr. TILLIS submitted an tion would not increase the deficit over ei- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND amendment intended to be proposed by ther the period of the total of fiscal years RELATING TO PROVIDING AN ADDI- him to the concurrent resolution S. TIONAL $5,000,000,000 TO REINFORCE 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- fiscal years 2022 through 2031. THE EXISTING BORDER WALL. The Chairman of the Committee on the sional budget for the United States SA 2977. Mr. TILLIS submitted an Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Government for fiscal year 2022 and amendment intended to be proposed by tions of a committee or committees, aggre- setting forth the appropriate budgetary him to the concurrent resolution S. gates, and other appropriate levels in this levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- resolution, and make adjustments to the which was ordered to lie on the table; sional budget for the United States pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, as follows: joint resolutions, amendments, amendments Government for fiscal year 2022 and between the Houses, motions, or conference At the end of title III, add the following: setting forth the appropriate budgetary reports relating to providing an additional SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; $5,000,000,000 to reinforce the existing border RELATING TO PROVIDING AN ADDI- TIONAL $4,000,000,000 TO REINFORCE which was ordered to lie on the table; wall by the amounts provided in such legisla- AND TO EXPAND THE BORDER WALL. as follows: tion for those purposes, provided that such The Chairman of the Committee on the At the end of title III, add the following: legislation would not increase the deficit Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND over either the period of the total of fiscal tions of a committee or committees, aggre- RELATING TO REQUIRING THE DE- years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the gates, and other appropriate levels in this PARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECU- total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. resolution, and make adjustments to the RITY TO PURCHASE AND DEPLOY pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, BOATS AND OTHER EQUIPMENT TO SA 2980. Mr. TILLIS submitted an joint resolutions, amendments, amendments SUPPORT BORDER-RELATED MARI- amendment intended to be proposed by TIME LAW ENFORCEMENT. between the Houses, motions, or conference The Chairman of the Committee on the him to the concurrent resolution S. reports relating to providing an additional Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- $4,000,000,000 to reinforce and to expand the tions of a committee or committees, aggre- sional budget for the United States border wall by the amounts provided in such gates, and other appropriate levels in this Government for fiscal year 2022 and legislation for those purposes, provided that resolution, and make adjustments to the setting forth the appropriate budgetary such legislation would not increase the def- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; icit over either the period of the total of fis- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of which was ordered to lie on the table; the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. between the Houses, motions, or conference as follows: reports relating to requiring the Department of Homeland Security to purchase and de- At the end of title III, add the following: SA 2983. Mr. TILLIS submitted an ploy boats and other equipment to support SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND amendment intended to be proposed by border-related maritime law enforcement by RELATING TO PROVIDING AN ADDI- him to the concurrent resolution S. the amounts provided in such legislation for TIONAL $2,000,000,000 TO EXPAND THE BORDER WALL. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- those purposes, provided that such legisla- sional budget for the United States tion would not increase the deficit over ei- The Chairman of the Committee on the Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Government for fiscal year 2022 and ther the period of the total of fiscal years setting forth the appropriate budgetary 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of tions of a committee or committees, aggre- fiscal years 2022 through 2031. gates, and other appropriate levels in this levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; resolution, and make adjustments to the which was ordered to lie on the table; SA 2978. Mr. TILLIS submitted an pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, as follows: joint resolutions, amendments, amendments amendment intended to be proposed by At the end of title III, add the following: him to the concurrent resolution S. between the Houses, motions, or conference reports relating to providing an additional SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RELATING TO PROVIDING AN ADDI- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- $2,000,000,000 to expand the border wall by the sional budget for the United States TIONAL $10,000,000,000 TO REIN- amounts provided in such legislation for FORCE AND TO EXPAND THE BOR- Government for fiscal year 2022 and those purposes, provided that such legisla- DER WALL. setting forth the appropriate budgetary tion would not increase the deficit over ei- The Chairman of the Committee on the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; ther the period of the total of fiscal years Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- which was ordered to lie on the table; 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of tions of a committee or committees, aggre- as follows: fiscal years 2022 through 2031. gates, and other appropriate levels in this At the end of title III, add the following: resolution, and make adjustments to the SA 2981. Mr. TILLIS submitted an pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RELATING TO PROVIDING AN ADDI- amendment intended to be proposed by joint resolutions, amendments, amendments TIONAL $2,000,000,000 TO REINFORCE him to the concurrent resolution S. between the Houses, motions, or conference THE EXISTING BORDER WALL. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- reports relating to providing an additional The Chairman of the Committee on the sional budget for the United States $10,000,000,000 to reinforce and to expand the Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Government for fiscal year 2022 and border wall by the amounts provided in such legislation for those purposes, provided that tions of a committee or committees, aggre- setting forth the appropriate budgetary gates, and other appropriate levels in this such legislation would not increase the def- resolution, and make adjustments to the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; icit over either the period of the total of fis- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, which was ordered to lie on the table; cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of joint resolutions, amendments, amendments as follows: the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. between the Houses, motions, or conference At the end of title III, add the following: Mr. TILLIS submitted an reports relating to providing an additional SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND SA 2984. $2,000,000,000 to reinforce the existing border RELATING TO PROVIDING AN ADDI- amendment intended to be proposed by wall by the amounts provided in such legisla- TIONAL $5,000,000,000 TO EXPAND him to the concurrent resolution S. tion for those purposes, provided that such THE BORDER WALL. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- legislation would not increase the deficit The Chairman of the Committee on the sional budget for the United States over either the period of the total of fiscal Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Government for fiscal year 2022 and years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the tions of a committee or committees, aggre- total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. gates, and other appropriate levels in this setting forth the appropriate budgetary resolution, and make adjustments to the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; SA 2979. Mr. TILLIS submitted an pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, which was ordered to lie on the table; amendment intended to be proposed by joint resolutions, amendments, amendments as follows: him to the concurrent resolution S. between the Houses, motions, or conference At the end of title III, add the following: Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- reports relating to providing an additional SEC. 3 ll. DEFlCIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND sional budget for the United States $5,000,000,000 to expand the border wall by the RELATING TO COMPLETING THE Government for fiscal year 2022 and amounts provided in such legislation for FENCING AUTHORIZED UNDER THE those purposes, provided that such legisla- SECURE FENCE ACT OF 2006. setting forth the appropriate budgetary tion would not increase the deficit over ei- The Chairman of the Committee on the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; ther the period of the total of fiscal years Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- which was ordered to lie on the table; 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of tions of a committee or committees, aggre- as follows: fiscal years 2022 through 2031. gates, and other appropriate levels in this

VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:40 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00117 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.312 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6178 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 resolution, and make adjustments to the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, LATING TO REQUIRING THE DE- which was ordered to lie on the table; PARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECU- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments as follows: between the Houses, motions, or conference RITY TO DEPLOY A GRANULAR LIST OF ADDITIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE, reports relating to completing the fencing At the end of title III, add the following: SURVEILLANCE, AND DETECTION authorized under the Secure Fence Act of TECHNOLOGIES TO SEVENTEEN SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- 2006 by the amounts provided in such legisla- SPECIFIED SECTORS ALONG THE LATING TO REAUTHORIZING DOD NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN BOR- tion for those purposes, provided that such OPERATION PHALANX TO PROVIDE DER. legislation would not increase the deficit ASSISTANCE TO CBP FOR BORDER over either the period of the total of fiscal SECURITY, INCLUDING USE OF UN- The Chairman of the Committee on the years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the MANNED AND MANNED AERIAL SUR- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. VEILLANCE AIRCRAFT AND AUTHOR- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- IZE APPROPRIATIONS OF $75,000,000 gates, and other appropriate levels in this Mr. TILLIS submitted an TO DOD TO DEPLOY SUCH ASSIST- resolution, and make adjustments to the SA 2985. ANCE. amendment intended to be proposed by pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, him to the concurrent resolution S. The Chairman of the Committee on the joint resolutions, amendments, amendments Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- between the Houses, motions, or conference Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- reports relating to requiring the Department sional budget for the United States tions of a committee or committees, aggre- gates, and other appropriate levels in this of Homeland Security to deploy a granular Government for fiscal year 2022 and resolution, and make adjustments to the list of additional infrastructure, surveil- setting forth the appropriate budgetary pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, lance, and detection technologies to seven- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; joint resolutions, amendments, amendments teen specified sectors along the Northern and which was ordered to lie on the table; between the Houses, motions, or conference Southern Border by the amounts provided in as follows: reports relating to reauthorizing DoD Oper- such legislation for those purposes, provided that such legislation would not increase the At the end of title III, add the following: ation Phalanx to provide assistance to CBP for border security, including use of un- deficit over either the period of the total of SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND manned and manned aerial surveillance air- fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of RELATING TO PROVIDING AN ADDI- the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. TIONAL $1,000,000,000 TO BUILD AD- craft and authorize appropriations of DITIONAL LEVEES. $75,000,000 to DoD to deploy such assistance SA 2990. Mr. TILLIS submitted an The Chairman of the Committee on the by the amounts provided in such legislation Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- for those purposes, provided that such legis- amendment intended to be proposed by tions of a committee or committees, aggre- lation would not increase the deficit over ei- him to the concurrent resolution S. gates, and other appropriate levels in this ther the period of the total of fiscal years Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- resolution, and make adjustments to the 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of sional budget for the United States pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, fiscal years 2022 through 2031. Government for fiscal year 2022 and joint resolutions, amendments, amendments setting forth the appropriate budgetary between the Houses, motions, or conference levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; SA 2988. Mr. TILLIS submitted an reports relating to providing an additional which was ordered to lie on the table; $1,000,000,000 to build additional levees by the amendment intended to be proposed by as follows: amounts provided in such legislation for him to the concurrent resolution S. those purposes, provided that such legisla- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- At the appropriate place in title IV, add the following: tion would not increase the deficit over ei- sional budget for the United States SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST ANY AP- ther the period of the total of fiscal years Government for fiscal year 2022 and 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of PROPRIATIONS BILL THAT WOULD fiscal years 2022 through 2031. setting forth the appropriate budgetary FAIL TO FULLY FUND THE CON- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; STRUCTION OF THE SOUTHWEST which was ordered to lie on the table; BORDER FENCE. SA 2986. Mr. TILLIS submitted an (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in amendment intended to be proposed by as follows: order in the Senate to consider any bill, him to the concurrent resolution S. At the end of title III, add the following: joint resolution, motion, amendment, Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- amendment between the Houses, or con- sional budget for the United States SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- ference report that would fail to fully fund Government for fiscal year 2022 and LATING TO REQUIRING THE DHS the construction of the Southwest border SECRETARY TO PROVIDE FRONT- fence. setting forth the appropriate budgetary LINE OFFICERS AND AGENTS WITH (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) NECESSARY TECHNOLOGY. levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; may be waived or suspended in the Senate which was ordered to lie on the table; The Chairman of the Committee on the only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of as follows: Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- At the end of title III, add the following: tions of a committee or committees, aggre- firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- gates, and other appropriate levels in this of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall LATING TO PROVIDING AN ADDI- resolution, and make adjustments to the be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling TIONAL $2,000,000,000 TO BUILD AD- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, of the Chair on a point of order raised under DITIONAL LEVEES. joint resolutions, amendments, amendments subsection (a). The Chairman of the Committee on the between the Houses, motions, or conference Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- reports relating to requiring the DHS Sec- SA 2991. Mr. TILLIS submitted an tions of a committee or committees, aggre- retary to provide front-line officers and amendment intended to be proposed by gates, and other appropriate levels in this agents with necessary technology by the him to the concurrent resolution S. resolution, and make adjustments to the amounts provided in such legislation for Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, those purposes, provided that such legisla- sional budget for the United States joint resolutions, amendments, amendments tion would not increase the deficit over ei- Government for fiscal year 2022 and between the Houses, motions, or conference ther the period of the total of fiscal years reports relating to providing an additional 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of setting forth the appropriate budgetary $2,000,000,000 to build additional levees by the fiscal years 2022 through 2031. levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; amounts provided in such legislation for which was ordered to lie on the table; those purposes, provided that such legisla- as follows: tion would not increase the deficit over ei- SA 2989. Mr. TILLIS submitted an At the end of title III, add the following: ther the period of the total of fiscal years amendment intended to be proposed by SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of him to the concurrent resolution S. LATING TO EXPANDING THE CUS- fiscal years 2022 through 2031. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- TOMS-TRADE PARTNERSHIP sional budget for the United States AGAINST TERRORISM ALONG THE SA 2987. Mr. TILLIS submitted an NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN BOR- Government for fiscal year 2022 and amendment intended to be proposed by DERS. setting forth the appropriate budgetary him to the concurrent resolution S. The Chairman of the Committee on the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- which was ordered to lie on the table; tions of a committee or committees, aggre- sional budget for the United States as follows: gates, and other appropriate levels in this Government for fiscal year 2022 and resolution, and make adjustments to the setting forth the appropriate budgetary At the end of title III, add the following: pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:10 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00118 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.303 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6179 joint resolutions, amendments, amendments levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; ther the period of the total of fiscal years between the Houses, motions, or conference which was ordered to lie on the table; 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of reports relating to expanding the Customs- as follows: fiscal years 2022 through 2031. Trade Partnership Against Terrorism along At the end of title III, add the following: the northern and southern borders by the amounts provided in such legislation for SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND SA 2997. Mr. TILLIS submitted an RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF amendment intended to be proposed by those purposes, provided that such legisla- JUSTICE HIRING 500 IMMIGRATION tion would not increase the deficit over ei- JUDGES. him to the concurrent resolution S. ther the period of the total of fiscal years The Chairman of the Committee on the Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- sional budget for the United States fiscal years 2022 through 2031. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Government for fiscal year 2022 and gates, and other appropriate levels in this setting forth the appropriate budgetary SA 2992. Mr. TILLIS submitted an resolution, and make adjustments to the amendment intended to be proposed by levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, which was ordered to lie on the table; him to the concurrent resolution S. joint resolutions, amendments, amendments Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- between the Houses, motions, or conference as follows: sional budget for the United States reports .elating to the Department of Justice At the end of title III, add the following: Government for fiscal year 2022 and hiring 500 immigration judges by the amounts provided in such legislation for SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND setting forth the appropriate budgetary RELATING TO HIRING 250 BOARD OF those purposes, provided that such legisla- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; IMMIGRATION APPEALS STAFF AT- tion would not increase the deficit over ei- TORNEYS. which was ordered to lie on the table; ther the period of the total of fiscal years as follows: 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of The Chairman of the Committee on the At the end of title III, add the following: fiscal years 2022 through 2031. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- LATING TO PROVIDING INCREASED SA 2995. Mr. TILLIS submitted an gates, and other appropriate levels, in this FEDERAL DETENTION SPACE AND amendment intended to be proposed by resolution, and make adjustments to the UTILIZATION OF DOD INSTALLA- him to the concurrent resolution S. pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, TIONS IDENTIFIED FOR CLOSURE. joint resolutions, amendments, amendments The Chairman of the Committee on the Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- between the Houses, motions, or conference Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- sional budget for the United States reports relating to hiring 250 Board of Immi- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Government for fiscal year 2022 and gration Appeals staff attorneys by the gates, and other appropriate levels in this setting forth the appropriate budgetary amounts provided in such legislation for resolution, and make adjustments to the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; those purposes, provided that such legisla- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, which was ordered to lie on the table; tion would not increase the deficit over ei- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments as follows: ther the period of the total of fiscal years between the Houses, motions, or conference 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of reports relating to providing increased fed- At the end of title III, add the following: fiscal years 2022 through 2031. eral detention space and utilization of DOD SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND installations identified for closure by the RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF amounts provided in such legislation for JUSTICE HIRING 750 IMMIGRATiON SA 2998. Mr. TILLIS submitted an JUDGES. those purposes, provided that such legisla- amendment intended to be proposed by The Chairman of the Committee on the tion would not increase the deficit over ei- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- him to the concurrent resolution S. ther the period of the total of fiscal years tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of gates, and other appropriate levels in this sional budget for the United States fiscal years 2022 through 2031. resolution, and make adjustments to the Government for fiscal year 2022 and SA 2993. Mr. TILLIS submitted an pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, setting forth the appropriate budgetary amendment intended to be proposed by joint resolutions, amendments, amendments levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; between the Houses, motions, or conference him to the concurrent resolution S. which was ordered to lie on the table; reports relating to the Department of Jus- as follows: Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- tice hiring 750 immigration judges by the sional budget for the United States amounts provided in such legislation for At the end of title III, add the following: Government for fiscal year 2022 and those purposes, provided that such legisla- ll tion would not increase the deficit over ei- SEC. 3 . DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND setting forth the appropriate budgetary RELATING TO HIRING 100 OFFICE OF levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; ther the period of the total of fiscal years IMMIGRATION LITIGATION ATTOR- which was ordered to lie on the table; 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of NEYS. fiscal years 2022 through 2031. as follows: The Chairman of the Committee on the At the end of title III, add the following: SA 2996. Mr. TILLIS submitted an Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND amendment intended to be proposed by tions of a committee or committees, aggre- RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF gates, and other appropriate levels in this JUSTICE HIRING 250 IMMIGRATION him to the concurrent resolution S. resolution, and make adjustments to the JUDGES. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, The Chairman of the Committee on the sional budget for the United States joint resolutions, amendments, amendments Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Government for fiscal year 2022 and between the Houses, motions, or conference tions of a committee or committees, aggre- setting forth the appropriate budgetary reports relating to hiring 100 Office of Immi- gates, and other appropriate levels in this levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; gration Litigation attorneys by the amounts resolution, and make adjustments to the provided in such legislation for those pur- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows: poses, provided that such legislation would joint resolutions, amendments, amendments not increase the deficit over either the pe- between the Houses, motions, or conference At the end of title III, add the following: riod of the total of fiscal’ years 2022 through reports relating to the Department of Jus- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years tice hiring 250 immigration judges by the RELATING TO HIRING 50 BOARD OF 2022 through 2031. amounts provided in such legislation for IMMIGRATION APPEALS STAFF AT- those purposes, provided that such legisla- TORNEYS. tion would not increase the deficit over ei- The Chairman of the Committee on the SA 2999. Mr. TILLIS submitted an ther the period of the total of fiscal years Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- amendment intended to be proposed by tions of a committee or committees, aggre- 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of him to the concurrent resolution S. fiscal years 2022 through 2031. gates, and other appropriate levels in this resolution, and make adjustments to the Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- sional budget for the United States SA 2994. Mr. TILLIS submitted an pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, amendment intended to be proposed by joint resolutions, amendments, amendments Government for fiscal year 2022 and him to the concurrent resolution S. between the Houses, motions, or conference setting forth the appropriate budgetary reports relating to hiring 50 Board of Immi- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- gration Appeals staff attorneys by the sional budget for the United States which was ordered to lie on the table; amounts provided in such legislation for as follows: Government for fiscal year 2022 and those purposes, provided that such legisla- setting forth the appropriate budgetary tion would not increase the deficit over ei- At the end of title III, add the following:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:40 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00119 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.313 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6180 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of SEC. 3. ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RELATING TO HIRING 250 OFFICE OF fiscal years 2022 through 2031. RELATING TO HIRING 100 ASSISTANT IMMIGRATION LITIGATION ATTOR- U.S. ATTORNEYS TO FOCUS SOLELY NEYS. ON PROSECUTIONS OF ILLEGAL IM- The Chairman of the Committee on the SA 3002. Mr. TILLIS submitted an MIGRANTS FOR DRUG TRAFFICKING. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- amendment intended to be proposed by The Chairman of the Committee on the tions of a committee or committees, aggre- him to the concurrent resolution S. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- gates, and other appropriate levels in this Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- resolution, and make adjustments to the sional budget for the United States gates, and other appropriate levels in this pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, resolution, and make adjustments to the Government for fiscal year 2022 and pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, joint resolutions, amendments, amendments setting forth the appropriate budgetary between the Houses, motions, or conference joint resolutions, amendments, amendments reports relating to hiring 250 Office of Immi- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; between the Houses, motions, or conference gration Litigation attorneys by the amounts which was ordered to lie on the table; reports relating to hiring 100 Assistant U.S. provided in such legislation for those pur- as follows: Attorneys to focus solely on prosecutions for prosecutions of illegal immigrants for drug poses, provided that such legislation would At the end of title III, add the following: not increase the deficit over either the pe- trafficking by the amounts provided in such SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- legislation for those purposes, provided that riod of the total of fiscal years 2022 through LATING TO HIRING 100 ASSISTANT such legislation would not increase the def- 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years U.S. ATTORNEYS TO FOCUS SOLELY icit over either the period of the total of fis- 2022 through 2031. ON PROSECUTIONS FOR UNLAWFUL cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of EMPLOYMENT. the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. SA 3000. Mr. TILLIS submitted an The Chairman of the Committee on the amendment intended to be proposed by Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- SA 3005. Mr. TILLIS submitted an him to the concurrent resolution S. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- amendment intended to be proposed by Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- gates, and other appropriate levels in this him to the concurrent resolution S. sional budget for the United States resolution, and make adjustments to the Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- Government for fiscal year 2022 and pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, sional budget for the United States setting forth the appropriate budgetary joint resolutions, amendments, amendments between the Houses, motions, or conference Government for fiscal year 2022 and levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; reports relating to hiring 100 Assistant U.S. setting forth the appropriate budgetary which was ordered to lie on the table; Attorneys to focus solely on prosecutions for levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; as follows: prosecutions for unlawful employment by which was ordered to lie on the table; At the end of title III, add the following: the amounts provided in such legislation for as follows: SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND those purposes, provided that such legisla- At the end of title III, add the following: RELATING TO HIRING 100 ASSISTANT tion would not increase the deficit over ei- SEC. 3. ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND U.S. ATTORNEYS TO FOCUS SOLELY ther the period of the total of fiscal years RELATING TO HIRING 200 ASSISTANT ON PROSECUTIONS FOR ILLEGAL 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of U.S. ATTORNEYS TO FOCUS SOLELY ENTRY AND BORDER CROSSINGS. fiscal years 2022 through 2031. ON PROSECUTIONS OF ILLEGAL IM- The Chairman of the Committee on the MIGRANTS FOR DRUG TRAFFICKING. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- The Chairman of the Committee on the tions of a committee or committees, aggre- SA 3003. Mr. TILLIS submitted an Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- gates, and other appropriate levels in this amendment intended to be proposed by tions of a committee or committees, aggre- resolution, and make adjustments to the him to the concurrent resolution S. gates, and other appropriate levels in this pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- resolution, and make adjustments to the joint resolutions, amendments, amendments sional budget for the United States pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, between the Houses, motions, or conference Government for fiscal year 2022 and joint resolutions, amendments, amendments reports relating to hiring 100 Assistant U.S. setting forth the appropriate budgetary between the Houses, motions, or conference reports relating to hiring 200 Assistant U.S. Attorneys to focus solely on prosecutions for levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; illegal entry and border crossings by the Attorneys to focus solely on prosecutions for amounts provided in such legislation for which was ordered to lie on the table; prosecutions of illegal immigrants for drug those purposes, provided that such legisla- as follows: trafficking by the amounts provided in such tion would not increase the deficit over ei- At the end of title III, add the following: legislation for those purposes, provided that ther the period of the total of fiscal years such legislation would not increase the def- SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of icit over either the period of the total of fis- LATING TO HIRING 200 ASSISTANT cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. U.S. ATTORNEYS TO FOCUS SOLELY ON PROSECUTIONS FOR UNLAWFUL the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. SA 3001. Mr. TILLIS submitted an EMPLOYMENT. Mr. TILLIS submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by SA 3006. The Chairman of the Committee on the amendment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- gates, and other appropriate levels in this Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- sional budget for the United States sional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2022 and resolution, and make adjustments to the pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, Government for fiscal year 2022 and setting forth the appropriate budgetary joint resolutions, amendments, amendments setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; between the Houses, motions, or conference levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; which was ordered to lie on the table; reports relating to hiring 200 Assistant U.S. which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows: Attorneys to focus solely on prosecutions for as follows: prosecutions for unlawful employment by At the end of title III, add the following: At the end of title III, add the following: the amounts provided in such legislation for SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- ll those purposes, provided that such legisla- SEC. 3 . DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND LATING TO HIRING 200 ASSISTANT RELATING TO HIRING 100 ASSISTANT U.S. ATTORNEYS TO FOCUS SOLELY tion would not increase the deficit over ei- U.S. ATTORNEYS TO FOCUS SOLELY ON PROSECUTIONS FOR ILLEGAL ther the period of the total of fiscal years ON PROSECUTIONS OF ILLEGAL IM- ENTRY AND BORDER CROSSINGS. 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of MIGRANT GANG MEMBERS. The Chairman of the Committee on the fiscal years 2022 through 2031. The Chairman of the Committee on the Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Mr. TILLIS submitted an tions of a committee or committees, aggre- gates, and other appropriate levels in this SA 3004. amendment intended to be proposed by gates, and other appropriate levels in this resolution, and make adjustments to the resolution, and make adjustments to the pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, him to the concurrent resolution S. pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, joint resolutions, amendments, amendments Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments between the Houses, motions, or conference sional budget for the United States between the Houses, motions, or conference reports relating to hiring 200 Assistant U.S. Government for fiscal year 2022 and reports relating to hiring 100 Assistant U.S. Attorneys to focus solely on prosecutions for setting forth the appropriate budgetary Attorneys to focus solely on prosecutions of illegal entry and border crossings by the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; illegal immigrant gang members by the amounts provided in such legislation for which was ordered to lie on the table; amounts provided in such legislation for those purposes, provided that such legisla- those purposes, provided that such legisla- tion would not increase the deficit over ei- as follows: tion would not increase the deficit over ei- ther the period of the total of fiscal years At the end of title III, add the following: ther the period of the total of fiscal years

VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:27 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00120 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.302 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6181 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND those purposes, provided that such legisla- fiscal years 2022 through 2031. RELATING TO HIRING 100 SPECIAL tion would not increase the deficit over ei- ASSISTANT U.S. ATTORNEYS TO ther the period of the total of fiscal years FOCUS SOLELY ON PROSECUTIONS 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of SA 3007. Mr. TILLIS submitted an FOR ILLEGAL ENTRY AND BORDER amendment intended to be proposed by CROSSINGS. fiscal years 2022 through 2031. him to the concurrent resolution S. The Chairman of the Committee on the SA 3012. Mr. TILLIS submitted an Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- amendment intended to be proposed by sional budget for the United States him to the concurrent resolution S. Government for fiscal year 2022 and gates, and other appropriate levels in this resolution, and make adjustments to the Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- setting forth the appropriate budgetary pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, sional budget for the United States levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; joint resolutions, amendments, amendments Government for fiscal year 2022 and which was ordered to lie on the table; between the Houses, motions, or conference setting forth the appropriate budgetary as follows: reports relating to hiring 100 Special Assist- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; At the end of title III, add the following: ant U.S. Attorneys to focus solely on pros- which was ordered to lie on the table; ecutions for illegal entry and border cross- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND as follows: ings by the amounts provided in such legisla- RELATING TO HIRING 200 ASSISTANT At the end of title III, add the following: U.S. ATTORNEYS TO FOCUS SOLELY tion for those purposes, provided that such SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND ON PROSECUTIONS OF ILLEGAL IM- legislation would not increase the deficit RELATING TO HIRING 50 SPECIAL MIGRANT GANG MEMBERS. over either the period of the total of fiscal ASSISTANT U.S. ATTORNEYS TO The Chairman of the Committee on the years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the FOCUS SOLELY ON PROSECUTIONS Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS FOR DRUG tions of a committee or committees, aggre- TRAFFICKING. gates, and other appropriate levels in this SA 3010. Mr. TILLIS submitted an The Chairman of the Committee on the resolution, and make adjustments to the amendment intended to be proposed by Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, him to the concurrent resolution S. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- gates, and other appropriate levels in this between the Houses, motions, or conference sional budget for the United States resolution, and make adjustments to the pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, reports relating to hiring 200 Assistant U.S. Government for fiscal year 2022 and Attorneys to focus solely on prosecutions of joint resolutions, amendments, amendments illegal immigrant gang members by the setting forth the appropriate budgetary between the Houses, motions, or conference amounts provided in such legislation for levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; reports relating to hiring 50 Special Assist- those purposes, provided that such legisla- which was ordered to lie on the table; ant U.S. Attorneys to focus solely on pros- tion would not increase the deficit over ei- as follows: ecutions of illegal immigrants for drug traf- ther the period of the total of fiscal years At the end of title III, add the following: ficking by the amounts provided in such leg- islation for those purposes, provided that 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of ll SEC. 3 . DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND such legislation would not increase the def- fiscal years 2022 through 2031. RELATING TO HIRING 50 SPECIAL ASSISTANT U.S. ATTORNEYS TO icit over either the period of the total of fis- SA 3008. Mr. TILLIS submitted an FOCUS SOLELY ON PROSECUTIONS cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. amendment intended to be proposed by FOR UNLAWFUL EMPLOYMENT. The Chairman of the Committee on the him to the concurrent resolution S. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- SA 3013. Mr. TILLIS submitted an Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- amendment intended to be proposed by sional budget for the United States gates, and other appropriate levels in this him to the concurrent resolution S. Government for fiscal year 2022 and resolution, and make adjustments to the Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- setting forth the appropriate budgetary pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, sional budget for the United States levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; joint resolutions, amendments, amendments Government for fiscal year 2022 and which was ordered to lie on the table; between the Houses, motions, or conference setting forth the appropriate budgetary as follows: reports relating to 50 Special Assistant U.S. levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; Attorneys to focus solely on prosecutions for At the end of title III, add the following: unlawful employment by the amounts pro- which was ordered to lie on the table; SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND vided in such legislation for those purposes, as follows: RELATING TO HIRING 50 SPECIAL provided that such legislation would not in- At the end of title III, add the following: ASSISTANT U.S. ATTORNEYS TO crease the deficit over either the period of SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND FOCUS SOLELY ON PROSECUTIONS the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or RELATING TO HIRING 100 SPECIAL FOR ILLEGAL ENTRY AND BORDER ASSISTANT U.S. ATTORNEYS TO CROSSINGS. the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. FOCUS SOLELY ON PROSECUTIONS The Chairman of the Committee on the OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS FOR DRUG TRAFFICKING. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Mr. TILLIS submitted an tions of a committee or committees, aggre- SA 3011. The Chairman of the Committee on the gates, and other appropriate levels in this amendment intended to be proposed by Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- resolution, and make adjustments to the him to the concurrent resolution S. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- gates, and other appropriate levels in this joint resolutions, amendments, amendments sional budget for the United States resolution. and make adjustments to the between the Houses, motions, or conference Government for fiscal year 2022 and pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, reports relating to hiring 50 Special Assist- setting forth the appropriate budgetary joint resolutions, amendments, amendments ant U.S. Attorneys to focus solely on pros- between the Houses, motions, or conference levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; reports relating to hiring 100 Special Assist- ecutions for illegal entry and border cross- which was ordered to lie on the table; ings by the amounts provided in such legisla- ant U.S. Attorneys to focus solely on pros- tion for those purposes, provided that such as follows: ecutions of illegal immigrants for drug traf- legislation would not increase the deficit At the end of title III, add the following: ficking by the amounts provided in such leg- over either the period of the total of fiscal SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND islation for those purposes, provided that years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the RELATING TO HIRING 100 SPECIAL such legislation would not increase the def- total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. ASSISTANT U.S. ATTORNEYS TO icit over either the period of the total of fis- FOCUS SOLELY ON PROSECUTIONS cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of FOR UNLAWFUL EMPLOYMENT. the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. SA 3009. Mr. TILLIS submitted an The Chairman of the Committee on the amendment intended to be proposed by Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- SA 3014. Mr. TILLIS submitted an him to the concurrent resolution S. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- amendment intended to be proposed by Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- gates, and other appropriate levels in this him to the concurrent resolution S. sional budget for the United States resolution, and make adjustments to the Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- Government for fiscal year 2022 and pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, sional budget for the United States joint resolutions, amendments, amendments setting forth the appropriate budgetary Government for fiscal year 2022 and levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; between the Houses, motions, or conference reports relating to hiring 100 Special Assist- setting forth the appropriate budgetary which was ordered to lie on the table; ant U.S. Attorneys to focus solely on pros- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; as follows: ecutions for unlawful employment by the which was ordered to lie on the table; At the end of title III, add the following: amounts provided in such legislation for as follows:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:40 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00121 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.306 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6182 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 At the end of title III, add the following: between the Houses, motions, or conference SA 3019. Mr. TILLIS submitted an SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND reports relating to providing funds to the De- amendment intended to be proposed by RELATING TO HIRING 50 SPECIAL partment of Justice to increase the number him to the concurrent resolution S. ASSISTANT U.S. ATTORNEYS TO of criminal prosecutions for unlawfully Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- FOCUS SOLELY ON PROSECUTIONS crossing the border by not less than 80 per- OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT GANG MEM- cent, as well as additional magistrate and sional budget for the United States BERS. district judges provided in such legislation Government for fiscal year 2022 and The Chairman of the Committee on the for those purposes, provided that such legis- setting forth the appropriate budgetary Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- lation would not increase the deficit over ei- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; tions of a committee or committees, aggre- ther the period of the total of fiscal years which was ordered to lie on the table; gates, and other appropriate levels in this 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of as follows: resolution, and make adjustments to the fiscal years 2022 through 2031. pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, At the end of title III, add the following: joint resolutions, amendments, amendments Mr. TILLIS submitted an SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND SA 3017. RELATING TO INSTITUTING PEN- between the Houses, motions, or conference amendment intended to be proposed by reports relating to hiring 50 Special Assist- ALTIES FOR MARRIAGE FRAUD AND him to the concurrent resolution S. COMMERICAL ENTERPRISES TO ant U.S. Attorneys to focus solely on pros- EVADE IMMIGRATION LAWS. ecutions of illegal immigrant gang members Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- sional budget for the United States The Chairman of the Committee on the by the amounts provided in such legislation Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- for those purposes, provided that such legis- Government for fiscal year 2022 and tions of a committee or committees, aggre- lation would not increase the deficit over ei- setting forth the appropriate budgetary gates, and other appropriate levels in this ther the period of the total of fiscal years levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; resolution, and make adjustments to the 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of which was ordered to lie on the table; pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, fiscal years 2022 through 2031. as follows: joint resolutions, amendments, amendments At the end of title III, add the following: between the Houses, motions, or conference SA 3015. Mr. TILLIS submitted an reports relating to instituting penalties for amendment intended to be proposed by SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RELATING TO REQUIRING DHS TO marriage fraud and commercial enterprises him to the concurrent resolution S. CERTIFY THAT IT HAS IMPLE- to evade immigration laws by the amounts Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- MENTED REAL-TIME DATA TRANS- provided in such legislation for those pur- sional budget for the United States MISSION FROM SEVIS TO CBP WITH- poses, provided that such legislation would Government for fiscal year 2022 and IN 120 DAYS; SUSPEND THE not increase the deficit over either the pe- ISSUANCE OF CERTAIN STUDENT riod of the total of fiscal years 2026 or the pe- setting forth the appropriate budgetary VISAS UNTIL THE CERTIFICATION IS COMPLETE. riod of the total of fiscal years 2022 through levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; 2031. which was ordered to lie on the table; The Chairman of the Committee on the as follows: Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- SA 3020. Mr. TILLIS submitted an tions of a committee or committees, aggre- At the end of title III, add the following: gates, and other appropriate levels in this amendment intended to be proposed by SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND resolution, and make adjustments to the him to the concurrent resolution S. RELATING TO HIRING 100 SPECIAL pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- ASSISTANT U.S. ATTORNEYS TO joint resolutions, amendments, amendments sional budget for the United States FOCUS SOLELY ON PROSECUTIONS OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT GANG MEM- between the Houses, motions, or conference Government for fiscal year 2022 and BERS. reports relating to requiring DHS to certify setting forth the appropriate budgetary The Chairman of the Committee on the that it has implemented real-time data levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- transmission from SEVIS to CBP within 120 which was ordered to lie on the table; days; suspend the issuance of certain student tions of a committee or committees, aggre- as follows: gates, and other appropriate levels in this visas until the certification is complete, by At the end of title III, add the following: resolution, and make adjustments to the the amounts provided in such legislation for ll pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, those purposes, provided that such legisla- SEC. 3 . DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RELATING TO REQUIRING DHS TO joint resolutions, amendments, amendments tion would not increase the deficit over ei- ther the period of the total of fiscal years CERTIFY THAT IT HAS IMPLE- between the Houses, motions, or conference MENTED REAL-TIME DATA TRANS- reports relating to hiring 100 Special Assist- 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of MISSION FROM SEVIS TO CBP WITH- ant U.S. Attorneys to focus solely on pros- fiscal years 2022 through 2031. IN 120 DAYS; SUSPEND THE ecutions of illegal immigrant gang members ISSUANCE OF CERTAIN STUDENT by the amounts provided in such legislation SA 3018. Mr. TILLIS submitted an VISAS UNTIL THE CERTIFICATION IS for those purposes, provided that such legis- amendment intended to be proposed by COMPLETE. The Chairman of the Committee on the lation would not increase the deficit over ei- him to the concurrent resolution S. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- ther the period of the total of fiscal years Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- 2022 through 2031. sional budget for the United States gates, and other appropriate levels in this Government for fiscal year 2022 and Mr. TILLIS submitted an resolution, and make adjustments to the SA 3016. setting forth the appropriate budgetary pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, amendment intended to be proposed by levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; joint resolutions, amendments, amendments him to the concurrent resolution S. which was ordered to lie on the table; between the Houses, motions, or conference Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- as follows: reports relating to requiring DHS to certify sional budget for the United States that it has implemented real-time data At the end of title III, add the following: Government for fiscal year 2022 and transmission from SEVIS to CBP within 120 SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND days; suspend the issuance of certain student setting forth the appropriate budgetary RELATING TO MAKING IT A CRIME levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; TO RETALIATE AGAINST AN IMMI- visas until the certification is complete by which was ordered to lie on the table; GRATION JUDGE OVERSEEING A RE- the amounts provided in such legislation for those purposes, provided that such legisla- as follows: MOVAL CASE. The Chairman of the Committee on the tion would not increase the deficit over ei- At the end of title III, add the following: Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- ther the period of the total of fiscal years SEC. 3ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of LATING TO PROVIDING FUNDS TO gates, and other appropriate levels in this fiscal years 2022 through 2031. THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE TO resolution, and make adjustments to the INCREASE THE NUMBER OF CRIMI- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, SA 3021. Mr. TILLIS submitted an NAL PROSECUTIONS FOR UNLAW- amendment intended to be proposed by FULLY CROSSING THE BORDER BY joint resolutions, amendments, amendments NOT LESS THAN 80 PERCENT, AS between the Houses, motions, or conference him to the concurrent resolution S. WELL AS ADDITIONAL MAGISTRATE reports relating to making it a crime to re- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- AND DISTRICT JUDGES. taliate against an immigration judge over- sional budget for the United States The Chairman of the Committee on the seeing a removal case by the amounts pro- Government for fiscal year 2022 and Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- vided in such legislation for those purposes, setting forth the appropriate budgetary tions of a committee or committees, aggre- provided that such legislation would not in- gates, and other appropriate levels in this crease the deficit over either the period of levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; resolution, and make adjustments to the the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or which was ordered to lie on the table; pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 as follows: joint resolutions, amendments, amendments through 2031. At the end of title III, add the following:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:27 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00122 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.314 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6183 SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND crease the deficit over either the period of At the end of title III, add the following: RELATING TO MAKING THE UNAU- the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND THORIZED ISSUANCE, FORGERY, OR the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 RELATING TO INCREASING PEN- UNTRUTHFUL APPLICATION OF A through 2031. ALTIES FOR THE DIVERSION OF PASSPORT A CRIME. ’STREAMS OR CLEAR-CUTTING OF The Chairman of the Committee on the SA 3024. Mr. TILLIS submitted an FORESTS WHEN THEY OCCUR DUR- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- amendment intended to be proposed by ING THE PRODUCTION OF DRUGS. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- The Chairman of the Committee on the gates, and other appropriate levels in this him to the concurrent resolution S. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- resolution, and make adjustments to the Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, sional budget for the United States gates, and other appropriate levels in this joint resolutions, amendments, amendments Government for fiscal year 2022 and resolution, and make adjustments to the between the Houses, motions, or conference setting forth the appropriate budgetary pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, reports relating to making the unauthorized levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; joint resolutions, amendments, amendments issuance, forgery, or untruthful application which was ordered to lie on the table; between the Houses, motions, or conference of a passport a crime by the amounts pro- as follows: reports relating to increasing penalties for vided in such legislation for those purposes, the diversion of streams or clear-cutting of provided that such legislation would not in- At the end of title III, add the following: forests when they occur during the produc- crease the deficit over either the period of SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND tion of drugs by the amounts provided in the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or RELATING TO INCREASING PEN- such legislation for those purposes, provided the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 ALTIES FOR THE USE OF POISONS OR OTHER HAZARDOUS SUB- that such legislation would not increase the through 2031. STANCES WHEN THEY OCCUR DUR- deficit over either the period of the total of ING THE PRODUCTION OF DRUGS. fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of SA 3022. Mr. TILLIS submitted an The Chairman of the Committee on the the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. amendment intended to be proposed by Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- him to the concurrent resolution S. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- SA 3027. Mr. TILLIS submitted an Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- gates, and other appropriate levels in this amendment intended to be proposed by sional budget for the United States resolution, and make adjustments to the him to the concurrent resolution S. Government for fiscal year 2022 and pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- setting forth the appropriate budgetary joint resolutions, amendments, amendments sional budget for the United States between the Houses, motions, or conference Government for fiscal year 2022 and levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; reports relating to increasing penalties for which was ordered to lie on the table; the use of poisons or other hazardous sub- setting forth the appropriate budgetary as follows: stances when they occur during the produc- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; At the end of title III, add the following: tion of drugs, the amounts provided in such which was ordered to lie on the table; SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND legislation for those purposes, provided that as follows: RELATING TO RAISING THE MAX- such legislation would not increase the def- At the end of title III, add the following: IMUM PRISON SENTENCE TO TWEN- icit over either the period of the total of fis- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND TY YEARS FOR CERTAIN TYPES OF cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of RELATING TO INCREASING PEN- IMMIGRATION AND VISA FRAUD. the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. ALTIES FOR THE PLACEMENT OF The Chairman of the Committee on the BOOBY TRAPS WHEN THEY OCCUR Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- SA 3025. Mr. TILLIS submitted an DURING THE PRODUCTION OF tions of a committee or committees, aggre- amendment intended to be proposed by DRUGS. gates, and other appropriate levels in this him to the concurrent resolution S. The Chairman of the Committee on the resolution, and make adjustments to the Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, tions of a committee or committees, aggre- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments sional budget for the United States gates, and other appropriate levels in this between the Houses, motions, or conference Government for fiscal year 2022 and resolution, and make adjustments to the reports relating to raising the maximum setting forth the appropriate budgetary pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, prison sentence to twenty years for certain levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; joint resolutions, amendments, amendments types of immigration and visa fraud by the which was ordered to lie on the table; between the Houses, motions, or conference amounts provided in such legislation for as follows: reports relating to increasing penalties for those purposes, provided that such legisla- the placement of booby traps when they At the end of title III, add the following: tion would not increase the deficit over ei- occur during the production of drugs by the ll ther the period of the total of fiscal years SEC. 3 . DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND amounts provided in such legislation for RELATING TO INCREASING PENAL 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of TIES FOR HARM OR POLLUTION OF those purposes, provided that such legisla- fiscal years 2022 through 2031. THE ENVIRONMENT WHEY THEY tion would not increase the deficit over ei- OCCUR DURING THE PRODUCTION ther the period of the total of fiscal years SA 3023. Mr. TILLIS submitted an OF DRUGS. 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of amendment intended to be proposed by The Chairman of the Committee on the fiscal years 2022 through 2031. him to the concurrent resolution S. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- SA 3028. Mr. TILLIS submitted an gates, and other appropriate levels in this amendment intended to be proposed by sional budget for the United States resolution, and make adjustments to the Government for fiscal year 2022 and him to the concurrent resolution S. pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- setting forth the appropriate budgetary joint resolutions, amendments, amendments levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; between the Houses, motions, or conference sional budget for the United States which was ordered to lie on the table; reports relating to increasing penalties for Government for fiscal year 2022 and as follows: harm or pollution of the environment whey setting forth the appropriate budgetary At the end of title III, add the following: they occur during the production of drugs by levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; the amounts provided in such legislation for which was ordered to lie on the table; SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RELATING TO INCREASING PEN- those purposes, provided that such legisla- as follows: ALTIES FOR CULTIVATING OR MANU- tion would not increase the deficit over ei- At the end of title III, add the following: ther the period of the total of fiscal years FACTURING CONTROLLED SUB- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND STANCES ON FEDERAL LAND. 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of RELATING TO INCREASING PENAL The Chairman of the Committee on the fiscal years 2022 through 2031. TIES FOR THE USE OF FIREARMS Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- WHEN THEY OCCUR DURING THE tions of a committee or committees, aggre- SA 3026. Mr. TILLIS submitted an PRODUCTION OF DRUGS. gates, and other appropriate levels in this amendment intended to be proposed by The Chairman of the Committee on the resolution, and make adjustments to the him to the concurrent resolution S. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments sional budget for the United States gates, and other appropriate levels in this between the Houses, motions, or conference Government for fiscal year 2022 and resolution, and make adjustments to the reports relating to increasing penalties for pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, cultivating or manufacturing controlled sub- setting forth the appropriate budgetary joint resolutions, amendments, amendments stances on federal land by the amounts pro- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; between the Houses, motions, or conference vided in such legislation for those purposes, which was ordered to lie on the table; reports relating to increasing penalties for provided that such legislation would not in- as follows: the use of firearms when they occur during

VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:40 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00123 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.309 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6184 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 the product of drugs by the amounts pro- him to the concurrent resolution S. joint resolutions, amendments, amendments vided in such legislation for those purposes, Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- between the Houses, motions, or conference provided that such legislation would not in- sional budget for the United States reports relating to requiring state govern- crease the deficit over either the period of ments to comply with detainer requests by the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or Government for fiscal year 2022 and the amounts provided in such legislation for the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 setting forth the appropriate budgetary those purposes, provided that such legisla- through 2031. levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; tion would not increase the deficit over ei- which was ordered to lie on the table; ther the period of the total of fiscal years SA 3029. Mr. TILLIS submitted an as follows: 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of amendment intended to be proposed by At the end of title III, add the following: fiscal years 2022 through 2031. him to the concurrent resolution S. SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND SA 3034. Mr. TILLIS submitted an Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- RELATING TO INCREASING CRIMI- sional budget for the United States NAL PENALTIES FOR THE MISUSE amendment intended to be proposed by Government for fiscal year 2022 and OF SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS. him to the concurrent resolution S. setting forth the appropriate budgetary The Chairman of the Committee on the Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- sional budget for the United States which was ordered to lie on the table; tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Government for fiscal year 2022 and gates, and other appropriate levels in this as follows: setting forth the appropriate budgetary resolution, and make adjustments to the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; At the end of title III, add the following: pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND joint resolutions, amendments, amendments which was ordered to lie on the table; RELATING TO MAKING ATTEMPTED between the Houses, motions, or conference as follows: MISUSE OF A PASSPORT A CRIMINAL reports relating to increasing criminal pen- At the end of title III, add the following: OFFENSE. ll The Chairman of the Committee on the alties for the misuse of Social Security num- SEC. 3 . DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND bers by the amounts provided in such legisla- RELATING TO REQUIRING LOCAL Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- GOVERNMENTS TO COMPLY WITH tions of a committee or committees, aggre- tion for those purposes, provided that such legislation would not increase the deficit DETAINER REQUESTS. gates, and other appropriate levels in this The Chairman of the Committee on the over either the period of the total of fiscal resolution, and make adjustments to the Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, tions of a committee or committees, aggre- total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. joint resolutions, amendments, amendments gates, and other appropriate levels in this between the Houses, motions, or conference Mr. TILLIS submitted an resolution, and make adjustments to the reports relating to making attempted misuse SA 3032. pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, of a passport a criminal offense by the amendment intended to be proposed by joint resolutions, amendments, amendments amounts provided in such legislation for him to the concurrent resolution S. between the Houses, motions, or conference those purposes, provided that such legisla- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- reports relating to requiring local govern- tion would not increase the deficit over ei- sional budget for the United States ments to comply with detainer requests by ther the period of the total of fiscal years Government for fiscal year 2022 and the amounts provided in such legislation for 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of those purposes, provided that such legisla- fiscal years 2022 through 2031. setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; tion would not increase the deficit over ei- ther the period of the total of fiscal years SA 3030. Mr. TILLIS submitted an which was ordered to lie on the table; amendment intended to be proposed by 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of as follows: fiscal years 2022 through 2031. him to the concurrent resolution S. At the end of title III, add the following: Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND SA 3035. Mr. TILLIS submitted an sional budget for the United States RELATING TO REQUIRING STATE, amendment intended to be proposed by Government for fiscal year 2022 and LOCAL, AND TRlBAL GOVERNMENTS him to the concurrent resolution S. setting forth the appropriate budgetary TO COMPLY WITH DETAINER RE- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; QUESTS. The Chairman of the Committee on the sional budget for the United States which was ordered to lie on the table; Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Government for fiscal year 2022 and as follows: tions of a committee or committees, aggre- setting forth the appropriate budgetary At the end of title III, add the following: gates, and other appropriate levels in this levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND resolution, and make adjustments to the which was ordered to lie on the table; RELATING TO AMENDING THE DEFI- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, as follows: NITION OF ‘‘AGGRAVATED FELONY’’ joint resolutions, amendments, amendments At the end of title III, add the following: TO INCLUDE A THIRD CONVICTION between the Houses, motions, or conference FOR DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED reports relating to requiring state, local, and SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND (INCLUDING ANY CONVICTION FOR RELATING TO REQUIRING TRIBAL DRIVING WHILE UNDER THE INFLU- tribal governments to comply with detainer GOVERNMENTS TO COMPLY WITH ENCE OR, OR IMPAIRED BY, ALCO- requests by the amounts provided in such DETAINER REQUESTS. HOL OR DRUGS) WITHOUT REGARD legislation for those purposes, provided that The Chairman of the Committee on the TO WHETHER THE CONVICTION IS such legislation would not increase the def- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- CLASSIFIED AS MISDEMEANOR OR icit over either the period of the total of fis- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- FELONY UNDER STATE LAW. cal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of The Chairman of the Committee on the gates, and other appropriate levels in this the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- resolution, and make adjustments to the pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Mr. TILLIS submitted an gates, and other appropriate levels in this SA 3033. joint resolutions, amendments, amendments resolution, and make adjustments to the amendment intended to be proposed by between the Houses, motions, or conference pay-as-you-go, ledger, for one or more bills, him to the concurrent resolution S. reports relating to requiring tribal govern- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- ments to comply with detainer requests by between the Houses, motions, or conference sional budget for the United States the amounts provided in such legislation for reports relating to amending the definition Government for fiscal year 2022 and those purposes, provided that such legisla- of ‘‘aggravated felony’’ to include a third tion would not increase the deficit over ei- setting forth the appropriate budgetary ther the period of the total of fiscal years conviction for driving while intoxicated (in- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; cluding any conviction for driving while 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of under the influence or, or impaired by, alco- which was ordered to lie on the table; fiscal years 2022 through 2031. hol or drugs) without regard to whether the as follows: conviction is classified as misdemeanor or At the end of title III, add the following: SA 3036. Mr. TILLIS submitted an felony under state law, by the amounts pro- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND amendment intended to be proposed by vided in such legislation for those purposes, RELATING TO REQUIRING STATE him to the concurrent resolution S. provided that such legislation would not in- GOVERNMENTS TO COMPLY WITH Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- crease the deficit over either the period of DETAINER REQUESTS. sional budget for the United States the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or The Chairman of the Committee on the Government for fiscal year 2022 and the period of the total of fiscal years 2022 Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- through 2031. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- setting forth the appropriate budgetary gates, and other appropriate levels in this levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; SA 3031. Mr. TILLIS submitted an resolution, and make adjustments to the which was ordered to lie on the table; amendment intended to be proposed by pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, as follows:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:27 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00124 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.310 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6185 At the end of title III, add the following: SA 3039. Mr. TILLIS submitted an joint resolution, motion, amendment, SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND amendment intended to be proposed by amendment between the Houses, or con- RELATING TO PROVIDING A PRI- him to the concurrent resolution S. ference report that legislation that would VATE RIGHT OF ACTION FOR VIC- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- allow economic grant development grant TIMS OF SANCTUARY funding for sanctuary jurisdictions. JURlSDICTIONS. sional budget for the United States (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) The Chairman of the Committee on the Government for fiscal year 2022 and may be waived or suspended in the Senate Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- setting forth the appropriate budgetary only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of tions of a committee or committees, aggre- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- gates, and other appropriate levels in this which was ordered to lie on the table; firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members resolution, and make adjustments to the as follows: of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling joint resolutions, amendments, amendments At the end of title III, add the following: of the Chair on a point of order raised under between the Houses, motions, or conference SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND subsection (a). reports relating to providing a private right RELATING TO PROVIDING A PRI- of action for victims of sanctuary jurisdic- VATE RIGHT OF ACTION FOR VIC- TIMS OF TRIBAL SANCTUARY POLI- SA 3042. Mr. TILLIS submitted an tions by the amounts provided in such legis- CIES. lation for those purposes, provided that such amendment intended to be proposed by The Chairman of the Committee on the him to the concurrent resolution S. legislation would not increase the deficit Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- over either the period of the total of fiscal tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the gates, and other appropriate levels in this sional budget for the United States total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. resolution, and make adjustments to the Government for fiscal year 2022 and pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, setting forth the appropriate budgetary SA 3037. Mr. TILLIS submitted an joint resolutions, amendments, amendments amendment intended to be proposed by levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; between the Houses, motions, or conference which was ordered to lie on the table; him to the concurrent resolution S. reports relating to providing a private right Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- of action for victims of tribal sanctuary poli- as follows: sional budget for the United States cies by the amounts provided in such legisla- At the appropriate place in title IV, add Government for fiscal year 2022 and tion for those purposes, provided that such the following: setting forth the appropriate budgetary legislation would not increase the deficit SEC. 4 ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- over either the period of the total of fiscal TION THAT WOULD ALLOW ECO- levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the NOMIC GRANT DEVELOPMENT which was ordered to lie on the table; total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. GRANT FUNDING STATE SANCTUARY as follows: POLICIES. At the end of title III, add the following: SA 3040. Mr. TILLIS submitted an (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in order in the Senate to consider any bill, SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND amendment intended to be proposed by RELATING TO PROVIDING A PRI- him to the concurrent resolution S. joint resolution, motion, amendment, amendment between the Houses, or con- VATE RIGHT OF ACTION FOR VIC- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- TIMS OF LOCAL SANCTUARY CITIES. ference report that legislation that would The Chairman of the Committee on the sional budget for the United States allow economic grant development grant Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- Government for fiscal year 2022 and funding for state sanctuary policies. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- setting forth the appropriate budgetary (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL—Subsection (a) gates, and other appropriate levels in this levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; may be waived or suspended in the Senate resolution, and make adjustments to the which was ordered to lie on the table; only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, as follows: the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- joint resolutions, amendments, amendments firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members At the appropriate place in title IV, add between the Houses, motions, or conference the following: of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall reports relating to providing a private right be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling of action for victims of local sanctuary cities SEC. 4 ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- TION THAT WOULD ALLOW ECO- of the Chair on a point of order raised under by the amounts provided in such legislation NOMIC GRANT DEVELOPMENT subsection (a). for those purposes, provided that such legis- GRANT FUNDING LOCAL SANCTUARY lation would not increase the deficit over ei- CITIES. SA 3043. Mr. TILLIS submitted an ther the period of the total of fiscal years (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in amendment intended to be proposed by 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of order in the Senate to consider any bill, him to the concurrent resolution S. fiscal years 2022 through 2031. joint resolution, motion, amendment, Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- amendment between the Houses, or con- SA 3038. Mr. TILLIS submitted an ference report that legislation that would sional budget for the United States amendment intended to be proposed by allow economic grant development grant Government for fiscal year 2022 and him to the concurrent resolution S. funding for local sanctuary cities. setting forth the appropriate budgetary Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; sional budget for the United States may be waived or suspended in the Senate which was ordered to lie on the table; Government for fiscal year 2022 and only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of as follows: the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- setting forth the appropriate budgetary firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members At the appropriate place in title IV, add levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall the following: which was ordered to lie on the table; be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling SEC. 4 ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- as follows: of the Chair on a point of order raised under TION THAT WOULD ALLOW ECO- subsection (a). NOMIC GRANT DEVELOPMENT At the end of title III, add the following: GRANT FUNDING FOR TRIBAL SANC- SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND SA 3041. Mr. TILLIS submitted an TUARY POLICIES. RELATING TO PROVIDING A PRI- (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in VATE RIGHT OF ACTION FOR VIC- amendment intended to be proposed by order in the Senate to consider any bill, TIMS OF STATE SANCTUARY POLI- him to the concurrent resolution S. joint resolution, motion, amendment, CIES. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- The Chairman of the Committee on the amendment between the Houses, or con- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- sional budget for the United States ference report that legislation that would tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Government for fiscal year 2022 and allow economic grant development grant gates, and other appropriate levels in this setting forth the appropriate budgetary funding for state sanctuary policies. resolution, and make adjustments to the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, which was ordered to lie on the table; may be waived or suspended in the Senate joint resolutions, amendments, amendments as follows: only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of between the Houses, motions, or conference the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- At the appropriate place in title IV, add firmative vote of three-fiths of the Members reports relating to providing a private right the following: of action for victims of state sanctuary poli- of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall SEC. 4 ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- cies by the amounts provided in such legisla- be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling TION THAT WOULD ALLOW ECO- of the Chair on a point of order raised under tion for those purposes, provided that such NOMIC GRANT DEVELOPMENT legislation would not increase the deficit GRANT FUNDING FOR SANCTUARY subsection (a). over either the period of the total of fiscal JURISDICTIONS. years 2022 through 2026 or the period of the (a) POINT OF ORDER.—lt shall not be in SA 3044. Mr. TILLIS submitted an total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. order in the Senate to consider any bill, amendment intended to be proposed by

VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:27 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00125 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.308 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6186 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 him to the concurrent resolution S. joint resolutions, amendments, amendments fore the Senate, I ask unanimous con- Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- between the Houses, motions, or conference sent that it stand adjourned under the sional budget for the United States reports relating to providing immigration previous order, following the remarks arrest authority to local law enforcement by Government for fiscal year 2022 and of Senator WYDEN and Senator WHITE- the amounts provided in such legislation for setting forth the appropriate budgetary those purposes, provided that such legisla- HOUSE. levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; tion would not increase the deficit over ei- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without which was ordered to lie on the table; ther the period of the total of fiscal years objection, it is so ordered. as follows: 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of The Senator from Oregon. At the end of title III, add the following: fiscal years 2022 through 2031. H.R. 3684 SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND Mr. WYDEN. Madam President, as we RELATING TO PROVIDING IMMIGRA- SA 3047. Mr. TILLIS submitted an have just heard, thankfully, instruc- TION INVESTIGATIVE AND ARREST amendment intended to be proposed by tion is almost complete on the infra- AUTHORITY TO NON-FEDERAL ENTI- him to the concurrent resolution S. structure bill. Once infrastructure TIES. Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- The Chairman of the Committee on the passes, it is on to the budget resolu- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- sional budget for the United States tion, which lays the foundation to pass tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Government for fiscal year 2022 and Build Back Better this fall. gates, and other appropriate levels in this setting forth the appropriate budgetary The Senate Finance Committee is resolution, and make adjustments to the levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; immersed in this effort. For several pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, which was ordered to lie on the table; months, we have been working with joint resolutions, amendments, amendments as follows: members of the committee on a host of between the Houses, motions, or conference At the end of title III, add the following: proposals that are included in the reso- reports relating to providing immigration SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND lution. These proposals stem from es- investigative and arrest authority to non- sential American priorities, making it federal entities by the amounts provided in RELATING TO PROVIDING IMMIGRA- TION ARREST AUTHORITY TO TRIB- such legislation for those purposes, provided easier to support a middle-class family, AL LAW ENFORCEMENT. lowering the cost of healthcare, and ad- that such legislation would not increase the The Chairman of the Committee on the deficit over either the period of the total of dressing the climate crisis. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- When you focus on those key prior- fiscal years 2022 through 2026 or the period of tions of a committee or committees, aggre- the total of fiscal years 2022 through 2031. gates, and other appropriate levels in this ities, you build a stronger, more fair resolution, and make adjustments to the economy and create good-paying jobs. SA 3045. Mr. TILLIS submitted an pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, There is going to be a lot to say about amendment intended to be proposed by joint resolutions, amendments, amendments these issues in the hours and days him to the concurrent resolution S. between the Houses, motions, or conference ahead. Tonight, I will take just a few Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- reports relating to providing immigration minutes to discuss the Finance Com- sional budget for the United States arrest authority to tribal law enforcement mittee’s work and why the policies are Government for fiscal year 2022 and by the amounts provided in such legislation so important. I will begin with support setting forth the appropriate budgetary for those purposes, provided that such legis- for American families. levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; lation would not increase the deficit over ei- For decades, typical working families ther the period of the total of fiscal years which was ordered to lie on the table; 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of in Oregon and across the land have felt as follows: fiscal years 2022 through 2031. that it has gotten harder and harder for them to climb the economic ladder. At the end of title III, add the following: f SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND The cost of housing and education have RELATING TO PROVIDING IMMIGRA- PRIVILEGES OF THE FLOOR shot into the stratosphere. Yet wages TION ARREST AUTHORITY TO STATE Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, I ask have largely been stuck on the launch LAW ENFORCEMENT. pad. The Chairman of the Committee on the unanimous consent that Ben Lockshin, Despite being the best-educated gen- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- the detailee in the Banking and Hous- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- ing Committee, be granted floor privi- eration in history, young people work- gates, and other appropriate levels in this leges for the remainder of the session. ing in America today earn less on aver- resolution, and make adjustments to the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without age than their parents did at the same pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, objection, it is so ordered. age. It ought to be easier to raise a joint resolutions, amendments, amendments family in America. That is why Demo- between the Houses, motions, or conference f crats created the monthly child tax reports relating to providing immigration ORDERS FOR TUESDAY, AUGUST credit expansion as part of the Amer- arrest authority to state law enforcement by 10, 2021 ican Rescue Plan. the amounts provided in such legislation for The new program, as our colleague those purposes, provided that such legisla- Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, from Ohio, Senator BROWN, has said, is tion would not increase the deficit over ei- the schedule for tomorrow, long await- ther the period of the total of fiscal years Social Security for America’s children. ed, on the bipartisan infrastructure Too many kids have been growing up in 2022 through 2026 or the period of the total of bill. I ask unanimous consent that fiscal years 2022 through 2031. poverty—or very, very close to it. The when the Senate completes its business expanded child tax credit is cutting SA 3046. Mr. TILLIS submitted an today, it adjourn until 9:30 a.m., Tues- child poverty by more than half. But so amendment intended to be proposed by day, August 10; that following the far, it has only been funded for a year. him to the concurrent resolution S. prayer and pledge, the morning hour be With this resolution, Democrats are Con. Res. 14, setting forth the congres- deemed expired, the Journal of pro- going to lock in the longest extension sional budget for the United States ceedings be approved to date, the time possible. Children and parents need Government for fiscal year 2022 and for two leaders be reserved for their use help, and they need the certainty and setting forth the appropriate budgetary later in the day, and morning business predictability of a long-term extension. levels for fiscal years 2023 through 2031; be closed; that upon the conclusion of Together with the help of the HELP which was ordered to lie on the table; morning business, the Senate resume Committee, the Finance Committee is as follows: consideration of H.R. 3684; finally—and also leading the way for a comprehen- At the end of title III, add the following: finally is the right word—that all sive national paid leave program. This SEC. 3 ll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND postcloture time on H.R. 3684 expire at sort of program is long overdue, and RELATING TO PROVIDING IMMIGRA- 11 a.m. on Tuesday, August 10. there will be a special focus on our ef- TION ARREST AUTHORITY TO LOCAL The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without forts—the HELP Committee and the LAW ENFORCEMENT. objection, it is so ordered. Finance Committee—on making sure The Chairman of the Committee on the Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- f that it is equitable so that workers of modest incomes can afford to take paid tions of a committee or committees, aggre- ORDER FOR ADJOURNMENT gates, and other appropriate levels in this leave, too. resolution, and make adjustments to the Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, if Every family in American needs reli- pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills, there is no further business to come be- able income and a roof over their

VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:40 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00126 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AU6.311 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6187 heads. Tragically, affordable housing is Now, President Biden has called for didn’t used to be considered healthcare, in short supply, and as the pandemic major investment in home- and com- like air conditioners. And we are get- proved, it takes just one big economic munity-based care. And this is another ting a good response from the plans. jolt to put millions and millions of priority for the Senate Finance Com- They know because we are seeing story Americans out of work. mittee. We have been led in this effort after story—just another one yester- As part of this resolution, the Fi- by our colleague from Pennsylvania, day—about seniors, often seniors who nance Committee is working on finan- Senator CASEY, and I have been pleased own their own homes but haven’t been cial support for America’s renters, as to assist him with that effort. able to get the air filters and the air well as funding for new affordable And I believe the distinguished Sen- conditioners and the like. housing. The challenge of affordable ate majority leader has a question that That is what we are faced with now housing is no longer just an issue for a he would like to pose. this week in my home State. That is on handful of big cities. It is a nationwide ORDER OF BUSINESS top of the severe drought. And that concern that needs creative big solu- Mr. SCHUMER. It is not a question. I kind of heat adds fuel to the mega-in- tions. would just ask the Senator to yield for fernos that we have been seeing. The Finance Committee is also zero- 30 seconds so I might inform the Mem- Now, the Congress has to act to pre- ing in on worker training and making bers. I have been getting questions. vent the worst most catastrophic out- America’s unemployment insurance After we finish on the bipartisan in- comes of climate change, and the more reliable and resilient for those in frastructure bill, we will move imme- linchpin of the Finance Committee’s America who are laid off through no diately to proceed to the budget resolu- effort to tackle climate is the Clean fault of their own. tion with reconciliation instructions Energy for America Act. Having enough affordable housing, and expect to move to vote-arama The Finance Committee passed this job training, and support for those shortly thereafter. earlier this year, and for the Finance workers is an economic win-win—good I yield the floor. Committee, this is the most dramatic for families, good for businesses who proposal passed from the committee in H.R. 3684 rely on the strength of the American more than 100 years—more than 100 Mr. WYDEN. I thank my colleague workforce. years. And I am pleased to see cli- for that timely information. I am going to turn now to healthcare. mate’s most vigorous champion on the Madam President, as I was saying, Democrats have promised to allow floor here, our friend from Rhode Is- the Better Care Better Jobs Act, led by Medicare to negotiate a fair price with land. What we did, with the Senator Senator CASEY, really fulfills another Big Pharma. As the chairman of the from Rhode Island’s help, is we took dream that goes back to those Gray Senate Finance Committee, I intend to the 44 tax breaks in the Federal Tax Panthers days. We know that Amer- make good on that promise. Americans Code for energy and we put them in the ica’s most vulnerable would always have been getting clobbered at the dustbin of history—gone, over, lights prefer to get quality care at home, pharmacy window because Big Pharma out—and we substituted, instead, one where they can be with loved ones. And holds all the power over drug costs. for clean energy, one for clean trans- With the help of Republicans, Big yet this country really hasn’t fulfilled portation fuel, and one for energy effi- Pharma is now engaged in classic hos- that dream. Our legislation for seniors ciency. tage taking. They say, We decide the and for those with disabilities will give And then we said for America going prices you pay or the pipeline for inno- those individuals a long overdue oppor- forward, we will have a tech-neutral vation gets shut down. tunity to get good quality care at free-market system for energy tied to That is just not a reasonable propo- home and raise the work wages for the one very clear measure; and that is, if sition. Big Pharma doesn’t need to crucial workers who provide this front- you are a renewable energy program or treat Medicare and American tax- line care. you are a fossil fuel program, if you re- payers like their own private ATM, and In this resolution, Democrats will duce carbon emissions—that one stand- we don’t need that in order to develop also push to expand on the success of ard, reducing carbon emissions—you the next blockbuster drug. the Affordable Care Act. Already this are eligible for the tax reductions in We also intend to build on the bipar- year, the Congress expanded middle- the Senate Finance Committee’s pro- tisan work the Finance Committee has class tax credits for health insurance posal. already done in the last Congress: on a temporary basis. We wish to make The proposal also makes electric ve- fighting back against drug company that permanent. hicles more affordable to middle-class price gouging, strengthening the Medi- Finally, more than a decade after the families and boosts clean energy manu- care prescription drug benefit, pro- Affordable Care Act became law, there facturing in everything from semi- tecting seniors with an out-of-pocket are still holdout Governors who have conductors to solar components. maximum for their medications. Life- chosen to deprive vulnerable people in An independent analysis of the Fi- saving medications shouldn’t be send- their States of access to Medicaid. Fi- nance Committee’s energy plan said it ing anybody in America into bank- nance Committee Democrats are lead- would help create more than 600,000 ruptcy. ing the effort to close that coverage jobs, and I just believe it would be a We are also going to be updating the gap. catastrophic mistake to pass that up in Medicare guarantee for the modern era. CLIMATE CHANGE order to protect the status quo. The The Finance Committee has already I want to briefly touch on our work status quo is an outdated system that put a lot of work into updating the pro- on energy and climate. Life for Orego- basically cuts special taxpayer-funded gram, particularly to helping seniors nians this summer—and virtually checks every year to these powerful in- with chronic conditions. That now every summer—has become about terests—these oil and gas firms. So we makes up the bulk of the program— record-high temperatures and record- are going to talk a lot more about cli- cancer, diabetes, heart disease, strokes, breaking wildfires. Over one weekend mate in the days ahead, and I think it COPD. We have made a lot of headway last month, temperatures outside my is very fitting that Senator WHITE- there. house in Southeast Portland were at HOUSE is here. The next update is giving seniors ac- 108, 110, and then up to 116. And, unfor- I will close by way of saying that the cess to a dental, vision, and hearing tunately, I just learned that we are proposals that I have just outlined benefit because those also are crucial headed for another big, severe hit in would be paid for under what we have to the health of America’s elderly. terms of weather starting tomorrow focused on by restoring fairness to the Back in the days when I was a co- and going through Saturday. Tax Code. I know there has already director of the Oregon Gray Panthers, It has gotten so bad that I have been been some discussion on the floor of we said Medicare was just half a loaf. It spending time on the phone over the the Senate about how these proposals didn’t address those concerns. Now we last few days trying to use a section of will be paid for. We will have a lot of have the opportunity to make sure our CHRONIC Care Act, which allows discussion about it, but it sure takes those essential benefits are available Medicare Advantage plans to cover chutzpah for the Members who spent $2 for seniors. services essential for the elderly that trillion on the Trump tax handouts to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:40 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00127 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.091 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6188 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021 the megacorporations and wealthy to our planet as humankind has come to Our Atlantic fisheries are all in flux, come over to the Senate floor and say know them. all moving. Our Connecticut and Rhode it is the Democrats who are fiscally ir- Irreversible means, for some of this, Island and southern Massachusetts lob- responsible. there is no going back. We were warned ster fisheries pretty much collapsed. Senate Democrats in the Biden ad- and warned and warned. We ignored it Species that farmers didn’t used to see ministration have been working on a and ignored it and ignored it, and now are now turning up in our waters. number of changes that can help pay we are in it. We can make it less bad, There were these horrible stories for the proposals in this resolution. but parts are irreversible. As one about the heat that Chairman WYDEN That includes making sure United Nations spokesman said, this is spoke about. Small birds get so dis- megacorporations, which are paying red alert for humanity. oriented in the heat as fledglings that less today than they have in decades— It doesn’t take the IPCC or the U.N. they jump out of their nests to get are required to pay a fair share. It in- or the universities in our home States away and then, of course, become prey cludes legislation to close the carried or our environmental community to and incapable of getting back to their interest loophole for private equity ex- tell us this. All we have to do is look nests on the ground. And birds gen- ecutives and legislation to close other around. Look at the wildfires that are erally and insect populations generally loopholes abused by wealthy investors. tearing through the West. Senator are crashing. ADILLA was here earlier today talking And Democrats made a promise that P We think about this very often in about what is going on in California. terms of looking back at what we have nobody who earns less than $400,000 per Here is a report from California, from been through, and we are told over and year pay more in taxes, and we are the head of the Plumas National For- over again and we know from our own going to stand by that. In fact, the ex- est, its supervisor: panded child tax credit is the largest experience that this past year has been We are seeing truly frightening fire behav- tax cut for working-class and middle- ior, I don’t know how to overstate that. We the worst in the last 10 years or the class families in decades. And we have have a lot of veteran firefighters who have last 20 years across all of these meas- proposed as well to cut taxes for Main served for 20, 30 years and have never seen ures. But I want you to think about Street small businesses from one end of behavior like this, especially day after day, this. Yes, it has been the worst year in the country to another. and the conditions we’re in. So we really are the last 10 or 20 years, but here is what Now, the Republican position has in unchartered territory around some of else we know and here is what the these extreme, large fires and the behavior IPCC report warns us: It is the best been something else. Their position is we’re seeing. that megacorporations and those at year of the next 10 or 20. This is getting That is the report from the front of the very, very, very top of the eco- worse, period—end of story. We can the wildfires. But we are not just in un- nomic system, basically, shouldn’t pay slow down it getting worse, and we can chartered territory with wildfires; we one penny in taxes. That is unfair. It is slowly turn it around, but the disasters are in unchartered territory with re- we are seeing now are child’s play com- wrong. And the American people know spect to flooding. Here is what we are pared to what is coming. it. predicting in Rhode Island. Right now, So action is now necessary, and We are going to have a lively debate this is the northern part of my State. thankfully, our timing is such that we on the resolution, and I am pleased to Everything you see here that is a have a reconciliation measure starting be able to stand up with colleagues to bright-blue color, that is land right make the push, to make the fight for now. People live there. People have tomorrow that gives us the tools to making it easier to support a middle- businesses there. People have recre- take action. We have to do this now, class family, lowering the cost of ation there. There are things that peo- and unfortunately, we have to do this healthcare, addressing the climate cri- ple do that are part of their lives there, alone. There are three sad facts about our sis, and building a stronger, more fair and it all disappears under current pre- economy. dictions of sea level rise. It disappears. predicament. One is, we can’t count on I yield the floor. This is a place called Warwick Neck. Republicans. If we lose the House next The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- It becomes Warwick Neck Island. This year, as people are predicting, to gerry- ator from Rhode Island. is a place called Poppasquash Point. It mandered States, we are done getting Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Madam Presi- becomes two little islands off of Bris- serious about climate because we know dent, I am delighted to follow my dis- tol, and Bristol becomes its own island. perfectly well that since the Citizens tinguished chairman on the Finance Barrington gains sort of the Bar- United decision, no Republican has got- Committee as he gives assurances rington Great Salt Lake in the middle ten on a serious climate bill in the Sen- about our important work on climate of it, and now you have an island along ate—not one. It used to be bipartisan. change. what is now Barrington’s southern John McCain ran for President on a The majority leader has announced coast. We stop being Rhode Island, and climate plan that was very good. There that the final vote on the bipartisan in- we become the Rhode Island Archi- were three or four different serious cli- frastructure package will be tomorrow pelago. That is a big change, and if I mate bills kicking around before Citi- at 11 a.m., and we will then roll into can stop it, I am going to. zens United. But then Citizens United the rather ignominious spectacle of the Drought. You have seen the pictures came. Unlimited money came. The fos- Senate known as vote-arama. What of the western lakes at alltime lows, sil fuel industry used unlimited money, vote-arama does, however, it allows us and the dependence of those Western and they shut down the Republican to go to budget reconciliation, which States on water is acute. The hurricane Party on climate. allows us to pass measures with a sim- cycle we are already in has warnings They said: We are tolerating no dis- ple majority. about how serious the coming hurri- sent any longer. You are all going to We should do that bearing in mind cane season is going to be. line up and do as you are told. If you what just came out—the latest IPCC If you step down to God’s creatures, don’t do what you are told, we will do report on climate change. It is getting you have manatees that are dying in what we did to Bob Inglis—take him increasingly dire. The IPCC report uses unprecedented numbers in Florida. Off out in a primary. And if you do as you words like ‘‘unequivocal,’’ ‘‘unprece- the northwest coast, in the Pacific are told, we will send boatloads of dark dented,’’ ‘‘irreversible.’’ Ocean, you have the humble tetrapod, money to throw into elections through Unequivocal is the link between fos- a tiny, small oceanic snail that just super PACs. sil fuel pollution and the climate dam- happens to be a big part of the bottom You have a party that is hip deep in age we are doing to our oceans and at- of the ocean food chain. Half of the fossil fuel money and has a decade—a mosphere—unequivocal. tetrapods sampled have severe shell lost decade—in which it would do noth- Unprecedented. We talk about un- damage because of ocean acidification, ing serious about climate. So, unfortu- precedented around here if it hasn’t which is happening because the ocean nately, and to the great sorrow of my happened in a decade. They talk about absorbs carbon dioxide, and it turns friend John Warner, who passed away unprecedented across many centuries acidic when it happens. I have proven recently, and John McCain and others or many thousands of years. We are that little experiment from this desk who worked hard before this when the undoing the basic operating systems of early in the morning once. Republican Party was less dependent

VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:40 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00128 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.093 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6189 on fossil fuel money, unfortunately, we even more potent greenhouse gas and cal, and unprecedented, we are going to have to do it alone. actually kind of a dangerous one—so, act. We are going to act. We can’t count on the fossil fuel in- uh-oh, suddenly it looks real. Some- And I don’t want to hear your com- dustry to mend its ways. They have body might actually price methane. plaining because you had a decade to been at a decade of lying. They built And what did API to? Came out against come in and try to do something about this, an entire web of phony-baloney it. this and you shirked your responsibil- front groups all paid for with fossil fuel Now, you tell me how you can be for ities for a decade, you funded trade as- money—in the hundreds of millions, pricing a milder greenhouse gas in sociations that were doing nothing, billions of dollars—to put out fake order to help address climate change you funded these creepy front groups science, to hide who they are behind but against pricing an even more toxic that were attacking us on climate the dark money, behind these front chemical to help solve climate change. change. So you lost your right to com- groups. They ran an enormous corrupt It makes no sense. The only way you plain. scheme to fool Americans and block can reconcile those two things is with And in the next 6 or 7 or 8 weeks, as progress here in this building so that the statement of the Exxon lobbyists we go through building this reconcili- they could keep polluting. And now we that the only reason the industry is ation instruction, we aren’t just going are supposed to count on them? No talking about carbon pricing is because to address climate change, we are not way. it doesn’t think it is going to happen. just going to do more than has ever They still haven’t come clean about It is another fake. It is another been done before; we are going to get their years of funding denial, and they scheme. It is another denial and ob- on a safe pathway for this country and won’t come clean. Guess why. Because struction—in this case, probably 5.0. for the planet. they are still at it. Their CEOs will say The American Bankers Association. Because I will tell you, ‘‘more than one thing at a press conference, but You read from central banks around we have ever done before on climate’’ is this machine of and ob- the country warnings about the eco- a pathetically low bar because, for a struction—this machine is still funded, nomic crash that is going to happen if decade, thanks to the fossil fuel indus- and it is still rolling. So you can’t we don’t get ahead of the climate prob- try and its web of denial and its con- count on the fossil fuel industry to lem. Those are the central banks’ trol over the Republican Party, we change its ways. warnings, but what did the American have done nothing on climate. Third, unfortunately—and I really Bankers Association have to say to us? So we have got a lot of catching up hate to say this—you can’t count on Nothing. to do. Reconciliation gives us the corporate America. They are full of Insurance companies are screaming chance to do it. I pray to God that we great statements. CEOs go to the busi- about the risks that they are facing meet the moment. ness roundtables, and they go to the now from worse hurricanes, worse I yield the floor. Climate Leadership Council, and they flooding, worse droughts, worse f go to C2ES. They join series and talk wildfires; claims going up, difficulty about their support for climate and anticipating what risks are, and hard- K–12 CYBERSECURITY ACT OF 2021 how it is urgent and how they support to-price insurance. Yet where is the Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Madam Presi- carbon pricing. But when it comes to American Insurance Association? Si- dent, I ask unanimous consent that the the levers of power here in this build- lent. Senate proceed to the immediate con- ing, forget about it. They have built Freddie Mac has warned us that sideration of Calendar No. 107, S. 1917. the most powerful lobbying and elec- there is going to be a coastal property The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tioneering apparatus in our country’s values crash as those sea levels rise objection, it is so ordered. history. Trade association after trade and, as you can predict, that that home The clerk will report the bill by title. association, business group after busi- is going to be literally under water in The senior assistant legislative clerk ness group—not one has been switched the 30-year mortgage period, not just read as follows: on to do anything about climate. figuratively under water—so no mort- By the way, when it is a CEO giving A bill (S. 1917) bill to establish a K–12 edu- gage, no insurance, no market; hence, cation cybersecurity initiative, and for other a press conference in New York, but our property values crash. purposes. that trade association is saying noth- And where is the Realtors Associa- There being no objection, the Senate ing or ‘‘Don’t do it,’’ guess who people tion? Where are the American Home proceeded to consider the bill, which listen to here in Washington. They lis- Builders? Silent. ten to that trade association. They The American Beverage Association. was reported from the Committee on know what greenwashing is, and they Oh, Coke and Pepsi talk a really big Homeland Security and Governmental know when corporate America is seri- game. What is the American Beverage Affairs. ous. At this moment, no major trade Association doing on this? Nothing. Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Madam Presi- association is taking any interest in And all those big barons out in Sil- dent, I ask unanimous consent that the climate action. icon Valley are represented by a group bill be considered read a third time and The chamber of commerce—nothing. called TechNet. A year ago, they didn’t passed and the motion to reconsider be They are embroiled in a long conversa- even mention climate change in their considered made and laid upon the tion with members of theirs who are lobbying materials. They didn’t even table. fed up with their climate denial, but mention clean or renewable energy, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without they have done nothing. and they have clean and renewable en- objection, it is so ordered. The National Association of Manu- ergy companies in their membership. The bill (S. 1917) was ordered to be facturers—also nothing. They were re- So we cannot count on corporate engrossed for a third reading, was read cently the two worst climate America to take climate change seri- the third time, and passed as follows: obstructers in America. Have they ously here, where a solution is needed. S. 1917 changed their direction? No. Now they So this is on us. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- are just climate obstruction light, cli- And I will tell you, we intend to—I resentatives of the United States of America in mate obstruction 2.0. intend to—meet the moment. And Congress assembled, Look at API, the American Petro- there are those out there who will SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. leum Institute. This one is pretty grouse and complain. And to you, I say: This Act may be cited as the ‘‘K–12 Cyber- funny. They come out and they say Too damned bad. You have had years security Act of 2021’’. they support carbon pricing. They are to help, and you did nothing or worse. SEC. 2. FINDINGS. going to support putting a cost on pol- So you have lost your right to com- Congress finds the following: lution, on greenhouse gas. And then we (1) K–12 educational institutions across the plain. United States are facing cyber attacks. come out of the Budget Committee and But under pressure of the facts and (2) Cyber attacks place the information we announce, as Leader SCHUMER did, the realities of what is going on around systems of K–12 educational institutions at that we are going to actually price us, under pressure of the warnings risk of possible disclosure of sensitive stu- methane, another greenhouse gas—an about this being irreversible, unequivo- dent and employee information, including—

VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:40 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00129 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09AU6.095 S09AUPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S6190 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 9, 2021

(A) grades and information on scholastic (3) The online training toolkit developed EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT development; under subsection (d). BINIAM GEBRE, OF VIRGINIA, TO BE ADMINISTRATOR (B) medical records; (f) VOLUNTARY USE.—The use of the cyber- FOR FEDERAL PROCUREMENT POLICY, VICE MICHAEL (C) family records; and security recommendations developed under ERIC WOOTEN. (D) personally identifiable information. (c) by K–12 educational institutions shall be FEDERAL LABOR RELATIONS AUTHORITY (3) Providing K–12 educational institutions voluntary. SUSAN TSUI GRUNDMANN, OF VIRGINIA, TO BE MEM- with resources to aid cybersecurity efforts (g) CONSULTATION.— BER OF THE FEDERAL LABOR RELATIONS AUTHORITY will help K–12 educational institutions pre- (1) IN GENERAL.—In the course of the con- FOR A TERM OF FIVE YEARS EXPIRING JULY 1, 2025, VICE JAMES THOMAS ABBOTT, TERM EXPIRED. vent, detect, and respond to cyber events. duction of the study required under sub- KURT THOMAS RUMSFELD, OF MARYLAND, TO BE GEN- SEC. 3. K–12 EDUCATION CYBERSECURITY INITIA- section (b)(1) and the development of the rec- ERAL COUNSEL OF THE FEDERAL LABOR RELATIONS AU- TIVE. ommendations required under subsection (c), THORITY FOR A TERM OF FIVE YEARS, VICE JULIA AKINS CLARK, TERM EXPIRED. (a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: the Director shall consult with individuals (1) CYBERSECURITY RISK.—The term ‘‘cyber- and entities focused on cybersecurity and ADMINISTRATIVE CONFERENCE OF THE UNITED security risk’’ has the meaning given the education, as appropriate, including— STATES term in section 2209 of the Homeland Secu- (A) teachers; ANDREW FOIS, OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, TO BE rity Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 659). (B) school administrators; CHAIRMAN OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE CONFERENCE OF THE UNITED STATES FOR A TERM OF FIVE YEARS , VICE (2) DIRECTOR.—The term ‘‘Director’’ means (C) Federal agencies; PAUL R. VERKUIL, RESIGNED. the Director of Cybersecurity and Infrastruc- (D) non-Federal cybersecurity entities FOREIGN SERVICE ture Security. with experience in education issues; and (3) INFORMATION SYSTEM.—The term ‘‘infor- (E) private sector organizations. THE FOLLOWING–NAMED CAREER MEMBERS OF THE FOREIGN SERVICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE TO mation system’’ has the meaning given the (2) INAPPLICABILITY OF FACA.—The Federal BE A FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICER, A CONSULAR OFFICER, term in section 3502 of title 44, United States Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C App.) shall AND A SECRETARY IN THE DIPLOMATIC SERVICE OF THE Code. not apply to any consultation under para- UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: (4) K–12 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION.—The graph (1). ELIZABETH R. BAIOCCHI, OF FLORIDA ERIC T. BRASSIL, OF VIRGINIA term ‘‘K–12 educational institution’’ means JOSEPH KWANG CHUNG, OF NEVADA an elementary school or a secondary school, f GABRIELLE CHWAZIK–GEE, OF NEW YORK as those terms are defined in section 8101 of MELISSA JENAI–LEE CRAWFORD, OF MICHIGAN ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 9:30 A.M. ANGUS JAMES DOWTON, OF CONNECTICUT the Elementary and Secondary Education LESLIE M. ELDRIDGE, OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7801). TOMORROW JOEL BRENDON FITCH, OF FLORIDA (b) STUDY.— The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under JAMES G. GREENLEAF, OF TEXAS (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 120 days KEITH E. HAGER, OF NEW MEXICO the previous order, the Senate stands AARON R. HALL, OF FLORIDA after the date of enactment of this Act, the BETHANY A. HAWORTH, OF VIRGINIA Director, in accordance with subsection adjourned until 9:30 a.m. tomorrow. KYLE J. HENNING, OF OREGON (g)(1), shall conduct a study on the specific Thereupon, the Senate, at 9:11 p.m., CAITLIN M. KEEGAN, OF CALIFORNIA MEGAN E. KENNY, OF WASHINGTON cybersecurity risks facing K–12 educational adjourned until Tuesday, August 10, JOANNE E. KRAMB, OF VIRGINIA institutions that— 2021, at 9:30 a.m. ANUM SHAUKAT MALIK, OF VIRGINIA (A) analyzes how identified cybersecurity BRIAN B. MALLOY, OF MONTANA f LESLIE E. MARKS, OF FLORIDA risks specifically impact K–12 educational FIONA R. MASLAND, OF MASSACHUSETTS institutions; MATTHEW R. MCCARTY, OF FLORIDA (B) includes an evaluation of the chal- NOMINATIONS JOHN DEAN MCGREGOR, OF MICHIGAN SCOTT A. MOORE, OF VIRGINIA lenges K–12 educational institutions face in— Executive nominations received by EMMA E. MOROS, OF VERMONT (i) securing— the Senate: KRISTIN J. MURRAY, OF VIRGINIA (I) information systems owned, leased, or JOSHUA M. NELSON, OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY MELLISA LEA NELSON, OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA relied upon by K–12 educational institutions; ANNE LOVE NUECHTERLEIN, OF THE DISTRICT OF CO- and COREY HINDERSTEIN, OF VIRGINIA, TO BE DEPUTY AD- LUMBIA MINISTRATOR FOR DEFENSE NUCLEAR NONPROLIFERA- (II) sensitive student and employee BRIGID A. OTIENO, OF NORTH CAROLINA TION, NATIONAL NUCLEAR SECURITY ADMINISTRATION, KRYSTAL A. OVERMYER, OF NEBRASKA records; and VICE BRENT K. PARK. RUBY REYNA C. PARKER, OF WASHINGTON (ii) implementing cybersecurity protocols; DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE ROBERT L. REEVES, OF TEXAS (C) identifies cybersecurity challenges re- NICHOLAS J. SCHUCK, OF OHIO DAVID A. HONEY, OF VIRGINIA, TO BE DEPUTY UNDER LINDA L. SHIN, OF VIRGINIA lating to remote learning; and SECRETARY OF DEFENSE, VICE LISA PORTER, RE- CHRISTOPHER B. C. SORENSEN, OF VIRGINIA (D) evaluates the most accessible ways to SIGNED. JOHN R. STARK, OF FLORIDA communicate cybersecurity recommenda- ALEX WAGNER, OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, TO BE JENNIFER L. TORRES, OF FLORIDA AN ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCE, VICE JULIE G. TRAWEEK, OF TEXAS tions and tools. SHON J. MANASCO. JENNIFER M. TURNER, OF NEW MEXICO (2) CONGRESSIONAL BRIEFING.—Not later DAVID C. WILCOX, OF VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE than 120 days after the date of enactment of THE FOLLOWING–NAMED CAREER MEMBER OF THE this Act, the Director shall provide a Con- LISA W. WANG, OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, TO BE FOREIGN SERVICE FOR PROMOTION INTO THE SENIOR AN ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF COMMERCE, VICE JEF- FOREIGN SERVICE, CLASS OF COUNSELOR, AND A CON- gressional briefing on the study conducted FREY KESSLER. SULAR OFFICER AND A SECRETARY IN THE DIPLOMATIC under paragraph (1). SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: DEPARTMENT OF STATE (c) CYBERSECURITY RECOMMENDATIONS.— STEPHEN R. DONOVAN, OF VIRGINIA Not later than 60 days after the completion MARK BRZEZINSKI, OF VIRGINIA, TO BE AMBASSADOR THE FOLLOWING–NAMED CAREER MEMBER OF THE of the study required under subsection (b)(1), EXTRAORDINARY AND PLENIPOTENTIARY OF THE FOREIGN SERVICE TO BE A CONSULAR OFFICER IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO THE REPUBLIC OF PO- DIPLOMATIC SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMER- the Director, in accordance with subsection LAND. ICA: (g)(1), shall develop recommendations that ELIZABETH ANNE NOSEWORTHY FITZSIMMONS, OF WILLIAM K. MAKANEOLE, OF VIRGINIA include cybersecurity guidelines designed to DELAWARE, A CAREER MEMBER OF THE SENIOR FOR- EIGN SERVICE, CLASS OF MINISTER–COUNSELOR, TO BE assist K–12 educational institutions in facing AMBASSADOR EXTRAORDINARY AND PLENIPOTENTIARY f the cybersecurity risks described in sub- OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO THE TOGOLESE section (b)(1), using the findings of the study. REPUBLIC. CONFIRMATIONS RASHAD HUSSAIN, OF VIRGINIA, TO BE AMBASSADOR (d) ONLINE TRAINING TOOLKIT.—Not later AT LARGE FOR INTERNATIONAL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, Executive nominations confirmed by than 120 days after the completion of the de- VICE SAMUEL DALE BROWNBACK. the Senate August 9, 2021: velopment of the recommendations required INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under subsection (c), the Director shall de- AND DEVELOPMENT velop an online training toolkit designed for SAMUEL T. WALSH, OF NEW YORK, TO BE GENERAL ADRIANA DOBRA KUGLER, OF MARYLAND, TO BE COUNSEL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY. officials at K–12 educational institutions to— UNITED STATES EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE INTER- (1) educate the officials about the cyberse- NATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOP- DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE curity recommendations developed under MENT FOR A TERM OF TWO YEARS, VICE JENNIFER D. MARA ELIZABETH KARLIN, OF WISCONSIN, TO BE AN subsection (c); and NORDQUIST. ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF DEFENSE. (2) provide strategies for the officials to DEPARTMENT OF STATE IN THE ARMY implement the recommendations developed CINDY HENSLEY MCCAIN, OF ARIZONA, FOR THE RANK THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT under subsection (c). OF AMBASSADOR DURING HER TENURE OF SERVICE AS IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY TO THE GRADE INDICATED (e) PUBLIC AVAILABILITY.—The Director U.S. REPRESENTATIVE TO THE UNITED NATIONS AGEN- UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 156: CIES FOR FOOD AND AGRICULTURE. shall make available on the website of the BRIAN WESLEY SHUKAN, OF VIRGINIA, A CAREER MEM- To be brigadier general Department of Homeland Security with BER OF THE SENIOR FOREIGN SERVICE, CLASS OF MIN- other information relating to school safety ISTER–COUNSELOR, TO BE AMBASSADOR EXTRAOR- COL. ROBERT A. BORCHERDING DINARY AND PLENIPOTENTIARY OF THE UNITED STATES IN THE MARINE CORPS the following: OF AMERICA TO THE REPUBLIC OF BENIN. (1) The findings of the study conducted DAVID JOHN YOUNG, OF VIRGINIA, A CAREER MEMBER THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT under subsection (b)(1). OF THE SENIOR FOREIGN SERVICE, CLASS OF MINISTER– AS STAFF JUDGE ADVOCATE TO THE COMMANDANT OF COUNSELOR, TO BE AMBASSADOR EXTRAORDINARY AND THE MARINE CORPS AND FOR APPOINTMENT IN THE (2) The cybersecurity recommendations de- PLENIPOTENTIARY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS TO THE GRADE INDI- veloped under subsection (c). TO THE REPUBLIC OF MALAWI. CATED UNDER TITLE 10 U.S.C., SECTION 8046:

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SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS Solid Waste, all of the Environmental located at 201 South Evans Street in Protection Agency. Greenville, North Carolina, as the Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, SD–406 agreed to by the Senate of February 4, ‘‘Malcolm J. Howard United States Committee on the Judiciary Courthouse’’, S. 2126, to designate the 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- To hold hearings to examine pending Federal Office Building located at 308 tem for a computerized schedule of all nominations. W. 21st Street in Cheyenne, Wyoming, meetings and hearings of Senate com- SD–226 as the ‘‘Louisa Swain Federal Office mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- Building’’, S. 1226, to designate the AUGUST 12 tees, and committees of conference. United States courthouse located at This title requires all such committees 9 a.m. 1501 North 6th Street in Harrisburg, to notify the Office of the Senate Daily Committee on the Judiciary Pennsylvania, as the ‘‘Sylvia H. Rambo Digest—designated by the Rules Com- Business meeting to consider S. 1787, to United States Courthouse’’, S. 233, to amend title 28 of the United States designate the Rocksprings Station of mittee—of the time, place and purpose Code to prevent the transfer of actions of the meetings, when scheduled and arising under the antitrust laws in the U.S. Border Patrol located on West any cancellations or changes in the which a State is a complainant, S. 2502, Main Street in Rocksprings, Texas, as meetings as they occur. to provide first-time, low-level, non- the ‘‘Donna M. Doss Border Patrol Sta- As an additional procedure along violent simple possession offenders an tion’’, the nominations of Jeffrey M. with the computerization of this infor- opportunity to expunge that conviction Prieto, of California, to be an Assistant mation, the Office of the Senate Daily after successful completion of court- Administrator of the Environmental Digest will prepare this information for imposed probation, and the nomina- Protection Agency, Michael Lee Con- tions of Toby J. Heytens, of Virginia, nor, of Colorado, to be an Assistant printing in the Extensions of Remarks to be United States Circuit Judge for Secretary of the Army, Department of section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD the Fourth Circuit, Patricia Tolliver Defense, Stephen A. Owens, of Arizona, on Monday and Wednesday of each Giles, and Michael S. Nachmanoff, both Jennifer Beth Sass, of Maryland, and week. to be a United States District Judge Sylvia E. Johnson, of North Carolina, Meetings scheduled for Tuesday, Au- for the Eastern District of Virginia, each to be a Member of the Chemical gust 10, 2021 may be found in the Daily Sarala Vidya Nagala, and Omar Anto- Safety and Hazard Investigation Board, nio Williams, both to be a United Digest of today’s RECORD. and 9 General Services Administration States District Judge for the District resolutions; to be immediately fol- of Connecticut, and Hampton Y. MEETINGS SCHEDULED Dellinger, of North Carolina, to be an lowed by a hearing to examine the AUGUST 11 Assistant Attorney General, Depart- nominations of Amanda Howe, of Vir- ginia, and David M. Uhlmann, of Michi- 10 a.m. ment of Justice. gan, both to be an Assistant Adminis- Committee on Environment and Public SD–106 trator, and Carlton Waterhouse, of Vir- Works To hold hearings to examine the nomina- SEPTEMBER 15 ginia, to be Assistant Administrator, tions of Amanda Howe, of Virginia, and 9:30 a.m. Office of Solid Waste, all of the Envi- David M. Uhlmann, of Michigan, both Committee on Environment and Public ronmental Protection Agency. to be an Assistant Administrator, and Works SD–406 Carlton Waterhouse, of Virginia, to be Business meeting to consider S. 2205, to Assistant Administrator, Office of designate the United States courthouse

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:09 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\M09AU8.000 E09AUPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with REMARKS Monday, August 9, 2021 Daily Digest Senate as ‘‘National Sarcoma Awareness Month’’, and the Chamber Action resolution was then agreed to, after agreeing to the Routine Proceedings, pages S6061–S6191 following amendment proposed thereto: Page S6106 Measures Introduced: Eleven bills and ten resolu- Schumer (for Johnson) Amendment No. 2726, to tions were introduced, as follows: S. 2676–2686, S.J. amend the preamble. Page S6106 Res. 22, S. Res. 344–351, and S. Con. Res. 14. National Workforce Development Month: Senate Pages S6110–11 agreed to S. Res. 346, designating September 2021 Measures Passed: as ‘‘National Workforce Development Month’’. Harlem Hellfighters Congressional Gold Medal Page S6106 Act: Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990: Senate Affairs was discharged from further consideration of agreed to S. Res. 348, recognizing the importance of H.R. 3642, to award a Congressional gold medal to independent living for individuals with disabilities the 369th Infantry Regiment, commonly known as made possible by the Americans with Disabilities the ‘‘Harlem Hellfighters’’, in recognition of their Act of 1990 and calling for further action to bravery and outstanding service during World War strengthen home and community living for individ- I. Page S7104 uals with disabilities. Page S6106 K–12 Cybersecurity Act: Senate passed S. 1917, National Airborne Day: Senate agreed to S. Res. to establish a K–12 education cybersecurity initia- 347, designating August 16, 2021, as ‘‘National tive. Pages S6189–90 Airborne Day’’. Page S6106 United States Foreign Service Day: Committee Ritchie Boys Contributions: Senate agreed to S. on the Judiciary was discharged from further consid- Res. 349, honoring the contributions of the Ritchie eration of S. Res. 202, designating May 7, 2021, as Boys. Page S6106 ‘‘United States Foreign Service Day’’ in recognition of the men and women who have served, or are pres- ‘‘Show Me State’’ 200th Anniversary: Senate ently serving, in the Foreign Service of the United agreed to S. Res. 350, recognizing and celebrating States, and honoring the members of the Foreign the 200th anniversary of the entry of Missouri—the Service who have given their lives in the line of ‘‘Show Me State’’—into the Union as the 24th State. duty, and the resolution was then agreed to. Page S6106 Page S6104 National Child Awareness Month: Senate agreed Radium Girls: Committee on the Judiciary was to S. Res. 351, designating September 2021 as ‘‘Na- discharged from further consideration of S. Res. 285, tional Child Awareness Month’’ to promote aware- honoring the lives and legacies of the ‘‘Radium ness of charities that benefit children and youth-serv- Girls’’, and the resolution was then agreed to, after ing organizations throughout the United States and agreeing to the following amendments proposed recognizing the efforts made by those charities and thereto: Pages S6105–06 organizations on behalf of children and youth as crit- Schumer (for Menendez) Amendment No. 2724, ical contributions to the future of the United States. in the nature of a substitute. Pages S6105–06 Page S6106 Schumer (for Menendez) Amendment No. 2725, Measures Considered: to amend the preamble. Pages S6105–06 Invest in America Act—Agreement: Senate con- National Sarcoma Awareness Month: Committee tinued consideration of H.R. 3684, to authorize on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions was dis- funds for Federal-aid highways, highway safety pro- charged from further consideration of S. Res. 319, grams, post-. Pages S6061–S6103 expressing support for the designation of July 2021 D917

VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:11 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D09AU1.REC D09AUPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with DIGEST D918 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST August 9, 2021 A unanimous-consent agreement was reached pro- Rashad Hussain, of Virginia, to be Ambassador at viding for further consideration of the bill, post-clo- Large for International Religious Freedom. ture, at approximately 9:30 a.m., on Tuesday, Au- Adriana Dobra Kugler, of Maryland, to be United gust 10, 2021; and that all post-cloture time on the States Executive Director of the International Bank bill expire at 11 a.m. Page S6186 for Reconstruction and Development for a term of Nominations Confirmed: Senate confirmed the fol- two years. lowing nominations: Cindy Hensley McCain, of Arizona, for the rank Mara Elizabeth Karlin, of Wisconsin, to be an As- of Ambassador during her tenure of service as U.S. sistant Secretary of Defense. Representative to the United Nations Agencies for Samuel T. Walsh, of New York, to be General Food and Agriculture. Counsel of the Department of Energy. Brian Wesley Shukan, of Virginia, to be Ambas- Rena Bitter, of the District of Columbia, a Career sador to the Republic of Benin. Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Min- David John Young, of Virginia, to be Ambassador ister-Counselor, to be an Assistant Secretary of State to the Republic of Malawi. (Consular Affairs). Biniam Gebre, of Virginia, to be Administrator Gentry O. Smith, of Virginia, to be an Assistant for Federal Procurement Policy. Secretary of State (Diplomatic Security). Susan Tsui Grundmann, of Virginia, to be Mem- Jennifer L. Homendy, of Virginia, to be Chairman ber of the Federal Labor Relations Authority for a of the National Transportation Safety Board for a term of five years expiring July 1, 2025. term of three years. Kurt Thomas Rumsfeld, of Maryland, to be Gen- eral Counsel of the Federal Labor Relations Author- Caral E. Spangler, of Virginia, to be an Assistant ity for a term of five years. Secretary of the Army. Pages S6103–04 Andrew Fois, of the District of Columbia, to be 2 Air Force nominations in the rank of general. Chairman of the Administrative Conference of the 24 Army nominations in the rank of general. United States for a term of five years. 1 Marine Corps nomination in the rank of general. A routine list in the Foreign Service. Page S6190 2 Navy nominations in the rank of admiral. Routine lists in the Air Force, Army, and Foreign Executive Communications: Pages S6109–10 Service. Pages S6104, S6190–91 Additional Cosponsors: Pages S6111–12 Nominations Received: Senate received the fol- Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions: lowing nominations: Pages S6112–25 Corey Hinderstein, of Virginia, to be Deputy Ad- Additional Statements: Page S6108 ministrator for Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation, National Nuclear Security Administration. Amendments Submitted: Pages S6125–86 David A. Honey, of Virginia, to be Deputy Under Privileges of the Floor: Page S6186 Secretary of Defense. Adjournment: Senate convened at 12 noon and ad- Alex Wagner, of the District of Columbia, to be journed at 9:11 p.m., until 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, an Assistant Secretary of the Air Force. August 10, 2021. (For Senate’s program, see the re- Lisa W. Wang, of the District of Columbia, to be marks of the Majority Leader in today’s Record on an Assistant Secretary of Commerce. pages S6186 and S6187.) Mark Brzezinski, of Virginia, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Poland. Elizabeth Anne Noseworthy Fitzsimmons, of Committee Meetings Delaware, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign (Committees not listed did not meet) Service, Class of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambas- sador to the Togolese Republic. No committee meetings were held.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:11 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D09AU1.REC D09AUPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with DIGEST August 9, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D919 House of Representatives Con. Res. 14, Concurrent Resolution on the Budget Chamber Action for fiscal year 2022. Senators should expect The House was not in session today. The House votes throughout the day. is scheduled to meet in Pro Forma session at 10 a.m. During the balance of the week, Senate may con- on Tuesday, August 10, 2021. sider any cleared legislative and executive business. Committee Meetings Senate Committees No hearings were held. (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) Committee on Environment and Public Works: August 11, to hold hearings to examine the nominations of Amanda Joint Meetings Howe, of Virginia, and David M. Uhlmann, of Michigan, No joint committee meetings were held. both to be an Assistant Administrator, and Carlton f Waterhouse, of Virginia, to be Assistant Administrator, Office of Solid Waste, all of the Environmental Protec- COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR TUESDAY, tion Agency, 10 a.m., SD–406. AUGUST 10, 2021 Committee on Foreign Relations: August 10, Sub- committee on Near East, South Asia, Central Asia, and (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) Counterterrorism, to hold hearings to examine U.S. secu- Senate rity assistance in the Middle East, 10 a.m., SD–419/VTC. Committee on the Judiciary: August 11, to hold hearings Committee on Foreign Relations: Subcommittee on Near to examine pending nominations, 10 a.m., SD–226. East, South Asia, Central Asia, and Counterterrorism, to August 12, Full Committee, business meeting to con- hold hearings to examine U.S. security assistance in the sider S. 1787, to amend title 28 of the United States Middle East, 10 a.m., SD–419/VTC. Code to prevent the transfer of actions arising under the Select Committee on Intelligence: closed business meeting antitrust laws in which a State is a complainant, S. 2502, to consider pending intelligence matters, Time to be an- to provide first-time, low-level, nonviolent simple posses- nounced, S–216, Capitol. sion offenders an opportunity to expunge that conviction House after successful completion of court-imposed probation, and the nominations of Toby J. Heytens, of Virginia, to No hearings are scheduled. be United States Circuit Judge for the Fourth Circuit, f Patricia Tolliver Giles, and Michael S. Nachmanoff, both to be a United States District Judge for the Eastern Dis- CONGRESSIONAL PROGRAM AHEAD trict of Virginia, Sarala Vidya Nagala, and Omar Antonio Week of August 10 through August 13, 2021 Williams, both to be a United States District Judge for the District of Connecticut, and Hampton Y. Dellinger, Senate Chamber of North Carolina, to be an Assistant Attorney General, Department of Justice, 9 a.m., SD–106. On Tuesday, Senate will continue consideration of Select Committee on Intelligence: August 10, closed busi- H.R. 3486, INVEST in America Act, post-cloture, ness meeting to consider pending intelligence matters, and vote on passage of the bill, as amended, at 11 Time to be announced, S–216, Capitol. a.m. Upon disposition of H.R. 3486, Senate expects to House Committees vote on the motion to proceed to consideration of S. No hearings are scheduled.

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Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, August 10 10 a.m., Tuesday, August 10

Senate Chamber House Chamber Program for Tuesday: Senate will continue consider- Program for Tuesday: House will meet in Pro Forma ation of H.R. 3486, INVEST in America Act, post-clo- session at 10 a.m. ture, and vote on passage of the bill, as amended, at 11 a.m. Upon disposition of H.R. 3486, Senate expects to vote on the motion to proceed to consideration of S. Con. Res. 14, Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for fiscal year 2022. Senators should expect roll call votes throughout the day.

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VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:11 Aug 10, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0664 Sfmt 0664 E:\CR\FM\D09AU1.REC D09AUPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with DIGEST