1 2 3 The Institute for Justice and Reconciliation contributes to the building of fair, democratic and inclusive societies in Africa before, during and after political transition.

It seeks to advance dialogue and social transformation. Through research, analysis, community intervention, spirited public debate and grassroots encounters, the Institute’s work aims to create a climate in which people in divided societies are willing to build a common, integrated vision.

The Institute is committed to peacemaking at every level of society, by breaking down old boundaries and reshaping social paradigms. Reakantswe Intermediate School

ISBN 978-1-920219-58-1

105 Hatfield Street Gardens Cape Town 8001

Photo’s © Cecyl Esau 2013, 2014, 2015

Design & Layout by Talia Simons

Printed by TopCopy [email protected]

4 contents

Overview of the Project ...... 8 Mmereki Mothupi ...... 46 Bennet Phillimon ...... 15 Mina Ntshakane ...... 48 Mpho Fisher ...... 18 Elton Raadt ...... 50 Lebogang Olebogeng ...... 19 Pulane Saul ...... 54 Ipeleng Jacobs ...... 21 Regopotswe Theophilus Otsheleng ...... 56 Tshwaro Mohibidu ...... 24 Jessica Mphahlele ...... 58 Thato Sethlabi ...... 27 Beldad Makhado Gaapare ...... 60 Abigail Teledimo ...... 29 Gopolang Alfred Moilwe ...... 62 Shadrack ‘Neo’ Ikaneng ...... 30 Nomahlubi Mabote ...... 63 Tiny Modirapula ...... 32 Aobakwe Riet ...... 66 Richard Masopa Mabe ...... 36 Tumo Sunduzo ...... 68 Kelebogile ‘Mamie’ Stuurman ...... 40 Tshepiso Olivia Ndlovu ...... 69 Thabiso Lebeko ...... 42 Koketso Kale ...... 70 Polediso Nkabu ...... 44 overview of the project

This project forms part of the Schools’ Oral History project (SOHP) of the Building an Inclusive Society programme at the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation (IJR) based in Cape Town.

The youth population of constitutes more than half of South Africa's young democratic state.

It’s acknowledged and appreciated by the majority of South Africans that the generation of Nelson Rholihlahla Mandela has been at the forefront in the fight for democracy. This was reinforced and broadened by the subsequent generation of Steven Bantu Biko, which promoted a positive conception of self and rediscovering personal agency under oppressive conditions. And, then the youthful stormtroopers of the 1980s, at huge personal cost to themselves, rendered apartheid unworkable. Thus, it ought to be understood and appreciated that the freedoms enjoyed today by all South Africans have been fought for by successive preceding generations who resisted colonialism and apartheid.

People and especially, young people, are often over-awed by what overview of the project has been achieved by past generations. However, few of them afford themselves the opportunity and time to explore how changes in societies are brought about and the respective roles of the individual and collective across generations. Seldom do they move beyond the mere assertion,

'that in order to know where you're going to, you must know the past'

In other words, unless there is an understanding that the past consist of many and varied stories and that our knowledge about the past is informed and shaped in multiple ways, i.e. the stories we have been exposed to, the availability and kind of sources, popular media portrayals and cultural constructions.

8 9 overview of the project overview of the project

The ijr's Schools' oral History projects Sixty-four project participants attended immediate outcome is the creation of these project activities since 2013 – 2014. platforms where personal and historical perspectives are acknowledged, prejudice The project participants invited a number of interviewees whom they challenged & inclusive narratives explored. interviewed at the school on a Saturday morning. In the light of the content of the interviews obtained during that interview session, it was decided to shift the focus to the project participants and explore the This process is facilitated by workshop processes dealing with knowledge notion of how they can become historically aware participants in the and skills acquisition. constructions of local histories, as well as, contribute to social cohesion. This has also been informed by the Greek philosopher Socrates’ The project participants at Reakantswe Intermediate School were contention that ‘an unexamined life is not worth living’. selected by the history educator, Mr Kgomotso Bowane. They are all members of the Heritage Club at school and club membership is open Hence the title of this publication The Beginnings of my story - I was, I to all learners from grades 8 to 12. Over the years members of the club am, I shall excel, points to the evolving storied nature of human life and have won various awards at the annual Inkosi Albert Luthuli Young that it takes place over time. Historians’ competition hosted by the Department of Basic Education.

Although this school fell outside the earmarked research site for BIS 2012 Moreover, it also articulates an awareness - 2016 Intervention plan in the Northern , Reakantswe that the individual needs to assume Intermediate School, being only 40km away from Warrenton, was responsibility of his/her life. included at the suggestion by Mr Ali Alexander, provincial history coordinator at the Department of Basic Education. A number of project participants wrote autobiographical notes which have During 2012 to 2014 a number of training workshops on oral history been included in this publication, for example Bennet Phillimon,Thabiso and oral history research methodology were held. Some of the aspects Lebeko, Mmereki Mothupi and Elton Raadt. However, the majority of covered in these sessions were: the biographical profiles are based on interviews conducted by fellow project participants, Tshwaro Mohibidu, Kelebogile “Mamie” Stuurman What is history? What is oral history? How and Cecyl Esau, the project leader of the SOHP at IJR. can we know what happened in the past? The publication was edited by Cecyl Esau and Refiloe Hlohlomi, an intern in the Building an Inclusive Society (BIS), provided administrative How is history produced? Local history – how life has changed in support. Windsorton over the past fifty years? In addition, they learnt how to develop a basic oral history research implementation plan.

10 11 12 13 I was born in January 1998 and my mother’s name was Ms Maggie Phillimon. My father’s name as I heard from my grand-parents was Bafana so till now I don’t know who my father is, what he looks like, his culture and so on. I was born in a rural town named Windsorton, the place was named after P. F Windsor he was a mayor of the place. But I was not exactly in Windsorton. I was told that my parents lived at a place called, Windsorton station, it’s about 10km from the Windsorton river bridge which was built in 1953. participant stories My great grand-parents were Mr Mohmpane Modikeng and Mrs Mmathabo Phillimon, who were the parents of my grand-parents Mr Zolile and Mrs Fransina Phillimon but only the parent of my grand-mother not my grand-father. I am the second born in my family. We are three, my sister Lesego, my little brother Vincent and I. In my family we were never rich but also never poor but just when my mother left or died we went to live with my great grand-parents.

Mr Mohmpane Modikeng he was very caring, kind, lovely and he supported us all but he died on the 7th of February 2014 and now we feel like we are abandoned. Now we live with our unsupportive grand- parents Mr Zolile and Ms Fransina Phillimon who changed the surname

14 15 bennet phillimon bennet phillimon

of Phillimon to Mawela. Their two children treat us like street kids, we wheels. The setup for young people here is very embarrassing because, really feel like we are left with nothing, abandoned. most of the young people just smoke and use drugs and they don’t even care about school. I started primary school in 2008 it was very exciting because my great grand-father was living with us, we lived with white people for a long time. My great grand-father was working for them, building their houses. My message (to the youth is) education They decided to build my great grand-father a house, however since my comes first so that you can succeed in life great grand-father is dead, the house is broken down into pieces. Mr and see a great future, because if you are Mike said he will build us a house, but till now, he hasn’t even started. playing around your future it's gonna be given to others, those who think hard and They said that my great grand-father can live in that house in Franklin play hard. street forever, for the rest of his life and when Mr Mike went to Cape Town, he betrayed my great grand-father and sold the house to a white person. (I think) my great grand-father died because of lot of stress as As a country I think the economy is going good but the mining areas a result. are starting to fight over money, so many of the mine workers are going to lose their jobs because the mining corporations can’t afford to give I remember my first grade but I was not good at school and made everyone a R12 500. excuses not to go to school, I was just interested in staying at home because it was much safer and (at the time) I was still young , because Three of the people living here are teachers, a few clinic workers, but the I was travelling from Franklin street to D.L. Jansen Primary School on most from men side are mostly mineworkers. foot .

I started at Reakantswe Intermediate School in 2012. My favourite i don't care where i'll study as long as i get subject is accounting, but from grades 8 and 9 they were history and education to succeed in life. maths. (As a career option) the first thing that I chose was accounting and mathematics so that I could become an engineer and if I did not become an engineer then I would start my own career as an entrepreneur.

Now I’m just helping my friend out Connie Visser, he is one of the white people building a house, so I’m just helping them, in Franklin Street where my grandfather stayed.

I used to play soccer, but now I’m just skating, rollerblades and skateboards and riding bicycle. I used to skate in a hall, but now the elders closed it, so now we skate on the roads but it destroys our

16 17 Mother Dipuo Fischer and father works in Mpumalanga as a coal miner I’m from but schooling (in) Windsorton. I have only one and has been working there almost seven years. We expect him only parent (now), my father Alfred Maruping. He takes care of me now, my in December to come home. My relationship with him is sometimes mother, Poppie, left when I was young, but I think it was people who complicated because there are things that I do, which he doesn’t like, for made her to die. example, sometimes not focusing on my schoolwork, spending a lot of time with friends, we argue about that. We call each other on the phone. I came to Windsorton because at the school in Barkly West there was a lot of fighting and my father didn’t like that I should fight. Every day and I’m 19 years old in grade 12. I have two older sisters, and twins. I only every week-end (people) fought. (He didn’t want me to do) those things know my mother’s father, Boetietjie Fischer. He came from a village in because he told me that he wanted me to be successful in life. He said the Northern Cape (but) because we were removed from that village to that I should change school and I agreed. (Windsorton) because of mining activities. I came to Windsorton last year and I’m in grade 11. I’m 20 years old. I attended D.L. Jansen Primary School. I like playing soccer and going Life in Barkly West is hard, my father does not work for enough money, out. Economics is my favourite subject, (because I learn about) inflation he works sometimes two days in a week. Sometime I go for a week-end and currency. I want to do financial management. home, but then I go first to the library to do my work and when I’m done I go home. Life in Windsorton is not good. Most of the youth are doing bad things and there are no jobs for the youth. They are smoking dagga (therefore) Here in Windsorton I stay in Mandela Square with my grandmother. at the school there must be a security to search them for drugs. When i look at young people, from my In 2007 we went to Durban for gymnastics and I came back with a gold medal for trampoline with Refilwe. Ms Mapatsi at D.L. Jansen Primary perspective, they drink, they smoke and they School was our instructor. don't respect our teachers. i don't know what can be done about these things, I want to be a better person, a leader. 18 19 lebogang olebogeng

but from my perspective, every day the police must come at the gate and search youngsters who come with drugs and knife to school.

I love geography and history, but most of all I like life science. I am considering two careers, a manager at company, or a captain in the army

(My message to youngsters) they must respect their parents, their teachers and brothers and sisters, and every day they must study hard, because life has many problems if you don't have education. My name is Ipeleng Jacobs and I am 15 years old. My parents’ names are Seitebaleng and Goitsione but now they are separated. I was born in Barkly West but I grew up in Windsorton with my mother and family. I have two little brothers, Letlhogonolo and Kutlwano, a sister, Kenalemang, my grand-parent, my uncle and aunts. I really love my family so much and I know they also love me and they always take care of me. They don’t want anything wrong to happen to me.

The reason they love me so much is, that i am kind of a girl who is respectful to people, my parents, family and teachers.

When I was young I used to play too much with my friends. Portia and Meiki. I loved them a lot they were goods friends and they were my best best friends and also Lesedi. I grew up with her playing *manketa and **morabaraba until now we are friends, we will be friends forever. When she have done something wrong to me she always says sorry to me and me too when I also have done something wrong to her I also say sorry too because our parents have taught us that if we make someone

20 21 ipeleng jacobs ipeleng jacobs

something which is wrong we must say sorry because sorry is a special in the clinics there are free condoms and the teachers are also teaching word that when you want someone that you have done something us about these things on how to protect ourselves against teenage wrong to him that he/she must forgive you. We were poor in our family pregnancy. that’s why now we appreciate anything that God gives us in life.

When I grow up or finish school I will like to be a presenter, seeing people i have decided that i shall not smoke or on television wearing nice clothes presenting I see it as a good job. drink alcohol because i want to be a good person in life and have responsibilities. i My dream is to work hard on my school am proud of myself on what i'm doing and works and be a person who is responsible who i am right now. on what i am doing and to finish school to work for my family, especially my mother, My favourite subjects here at Reakantswe Intermediate School are because she is the one who makes me to Setswana and natural sciences, be who i am today and also to work for myself in order to have a good future in i love natural science and i want to be a life. scientist. i do not yet know what kind of scientist i want to be. I love dancing very much and also playing golf but I can’t play golf here, because in Windorton there is no perfect place to play golf. In our school I also like playing netball and joined this year and play as a midfielder. our teachers are good people they always encourage us to do or making good thing in life. I love them a lot but my best teacher I love who always encourages me is Mrs Kumalo. In our class there are very rude learners so my teacher does not like rude children. But there are also good learners too and I am one of them because we are always listening to her in class when she teaches and the rude learners are not listening, always making noise in class others chewing bubble gum.

The thing that I do not like in our community is that children are smoking drugs like dagga and nyaope and those who are smoking all those things they are leaving school and they always sit in the streets stealing people’s things. The other thing that I do not like in our community, is the high teenage pregnancy. I don’t know why this happens, because

22 23 tshwaro mohibidu

In 2004 I started school at Valspan Primary at and my first teacher was Mrs Tshikwe who taught me from grade 1 till grade 2. My first day at school was perfect because that day every student had to stand at the board and write his/her name and I knew how to write my name although I never went to crèche.

When i was in grade 3 i was inspired by music and i had a friend called Siyabonga, whose brother was a rapper.

So he used to rap for me. While I was in grade 3, one afternoon going home, I met my uncle Gorden Might and when we arrived at home he I was born in Windsorton in 1997 at Xhama street at my granny’s house. said to my mother and my step-father that my father wanted to see My father’s name is Adam Thuthubudu, son of Tshimanyane Mohibidu me. It was the happiest day of my life. When I met my father it was on a and Lettie Ngwanasekgabo Kroutz and my mother is Dolly Tshoganyetso Saturday at Barkley West. I went there with my uncle. Just seeing him, I Mogale, the daughter of Josephine Gomotsang Mabogo and Martines started to cry, I was over excited. Mabogo. My father is a last born out of five children in (his) the family and my mother is the last born out of seven children in (her) family. I am the In 2009 my mother kicked me out of the house just because I fought third child out of seven children but the one who is born after me, died with my sister Pamla Mabogo and went to Sekhing on foot and my when she was two year old. father took me back because of school. My father took me to live with him at Sekhing for two years. When I was staying there I went to Rebone I grew up as an ordinary boy who used to play with friends and cousins. Sediba Intermediate School. After he was retrenched, I had to come My friends were Neo, Kamogelo, Lebogang, Tumo, Karabo, Bophelo to Windsorton because my mother moved from Jan Kempdorp to and my cousin Simon, Leroy, Kelipile and Donovan. When I was three Windsorton. years my parents broke up, then me and my mother moved to Smith mine. After a year we moved to Jan Kempdorp with my step-father In 2010 my mother beat me with a hammer on my head and kicked me Elcia Lentikile Mogale, the father of my mother’s three last children, out of the house. I (went) to live with my uncle who is her brother, Teko Goitsemodimo, Boichoko and Tsholofelo. (My step-father) he was a Mabogo, but his woman and I used to fight because she never wanted good man and he treated me good. Since then my mother never wanted me to have time to play. I moved from my uncle to live at the game shop me to see my father and when I asked her about my father she used to where I was helping to take care of the games and clean the game shop. beat me and she never wanted my step-father to stop her and used to (Unfortunately), the game shop was not making much profit so it closed beat him too but he never fought back. and I had to go back to my mother, but my mother made me live with my

24 25 tshwaro mohibidu

brother in the back room and we had to look what we could get to eat and there were only three blankets in the shack. My brother was helping at the Bangladeshi shop and came home with a loaf of bread and snoek everyday. but i never gave up on music and school.

One day I decided to tell my class teacher, Mr Bowane, about my life and he reported it to the principal and they called a social worker and the social worker gave me a guardian Kediemetse Motshabi. in 2013 we released a collection of music I’m Thato and I’m doing grade 12 this year. I was born June 1996 on a videos and we called it The Dream. one day farm Onverwacht , it is situated on the side of Riverton. My mother is Lena i want to see myself as an international Sethlabi and my father is Petrus, but my father left when I was still young. artist. My step-father is Billy Moladendi. My grand-parents on my mother’s side are William and Annie Sethlabi and they stay in Windsorton. My grand- parents moved here in 2005 and we moved here in 2006 because we were still attending school at Onverwacht.

I have a small brother and a big sister. When I came to Windsorton I attended D.L. Jansen Primary School in grade 4. As you know, I came from the farm and when I came here people were too many so it was a bit hectic because I was not used to the company.

By the time I came to Reakantswe it was better than the first time that I came to Windsorton. By that time I had many friends.

My favourite subject at school is Life Sciences because it teaches me about the human body and how you should live your healthy life ...

26 27 thato sethlabi

... and how can your body damage your body when you do things to your body, what things you should do and things that you must not to do.

Next year I want to study Information Technology at the University of the Free State.

(What are some of the interesting things that happened to you here at school during the past five years) Here the teachers are everyday at school and in class teaching.

My hobby is playing soccer and I play for Young Tigers Soccer club, and I play as a defender, position four. On the 16th June there was a Soccer Tournament here and we won some trophies, there are four (real) soccer clubs here in Windsorton, Powerline FC, Reely Rooks, Young Stars and I’m fifteen years old and I’m in grade 10. My parents are Magdaline and Young Tigers soccer clubs. Pilane. My grandparents on my mother’s side are Agnes and Kenny, I don’t know my grandparents on my father’s side, I don’t know from where my grandparents came. I was born at Barkly West hospital but Life for young people in Windsorton is live here in Windsorton. My parents are not working now. great but I don't think they take life serious because some do drugs but (my message Mathematics is my favourite subject at to the youth of Windsorton will be) they schools because it teaches me about many should leave drugs because it is not a way things like money. When i'm finished with forward, they should enjoy their youth. school i want to study further and become a doctor because i want to help many people who get sick.

(How is life for you in Windsorton) life is challenging, other young people are smoking and are drinking alcohol (that) will make them do bad things.

28 29 Shadrack 'Neo'’ikaneng

to buy ice blocks for them or give them my money. My mother told the principal and they stopped. I finished my primary at grade 7 and progressed to Reakantswe Intermediate School which is the best school ever.

I am now grade 11. My favourite sport is soccer and my hobby is listening to music. I like listening to DJ Scott mixes because they teach everything about house music. I got the nickname ‘Q Soul‘ from him and he is the best deejay ever.

My dream / vision is to become rich one day and be able to provide for my family. My name is Sharack ‘Neo’Ikaneng and my mother is Masjokie Sabina Ikaneng and my father is Samuel Setlhabi. I was born in June 1997 at Kimberley Hospital complex. My grandmother is Ketlogetswe Emily Ikaneng and my grandfather is Lentikile Jack Lekgari. I grew up in a rural area called Kgomotso, .

In 2000 we moved from Kgomotso to Windsorton. i was living with my grandparents and they raised me like a man. My grandfather gave me the name Shadrack because i was the first born in the family. My grandfather raised me like a man because he wanted me to become the head of the family.

In 2002 I met Tshwaro and Mosimanegape who are my best friends. We grew up together as friends till now. In 2004 I started school at D.L. Jansen Primary School. I was bullied in my second term by the . They used to take my lunchbox and sometimes beat me up when I didn’t take lunch to school and very often after school, I had

30 31 tiny anastacia modirapula

she couldn’t make the decision without my father. My father was away with work, they went to do peace-keeping for six months. Fargs did understand my mother’s reasons.

In 2003 we moved to Warrenton to stay in my father’s house, we lived happily there. I started attending a crèche Tswelopele community centre. I have two brothers and one sister, I’m second born, my sister is not attending school anymore, my one brother is attending primary school at D.L. Jansen Primary School and the other one is still (too) young (to go to school). I attended primary school in Warrenton at Rolirhlahla.

in 2004 i went to school in grade 1, my I am from Windsorton and was born in June 1997 in Kimberley. My teacher loved me so much because i was mother’s name is Elsie Makame and my father is John Madirapula. quiet in class and because she thought that My grandmamma and grandfather are Anastacia Tiny Madripula and i was intelligent. Nicotima Madicola Madirapula. My grandmother died in 1997, the year I was born and my grandfather died in 2002. On 15th January 2009 my father died and the day he died it was the day that he would have bought a new house in Gauteng. He wanted us to The year that i was born was the year that move away from Warrenton because his people were harassing us. My my mother and father were happy. it was a father was buried very well. After the funeral my father’s people wanted year of inspiration to them because i was to take away everything that belong to my mother and father, my mother their first daughter in marriage. refused. She told them that those things are not for them. Then they started harassing me and my brother and my mother. We lived very bad since my father died, those people treated us so bad my mother got a My father loved me very much, because he knew that I was his only new man in January 2010. He is Elias Maketa Makame, they got married daughter in marriage. My mother and I lived in Kimberley with the boers. in March 2010.

Those boers loved me so much they used to call me Fargs. Fargs was The house that my mother was living in my step-father extended it with the female boer’s name. By the time when those boers bought a new four rooms. This step-father of us he was fond of us at the beginning. My house in Pretoria they asked my mother if they could take me with them mother decided to move to Windsorton. Since we moved to Windsorton to Pretoria, they wanted me to be their daughter. My mother refused we thought we were going to live happily, me, my mother and my little because she knew that I was her only daughter in the marriage and brother. But no, we lied to ourselves. Since my step-father started working in Anglo-American he started being bad to me not my mother.

32 33 tiny anastacia modirapula tiny anastacia modirapula

He also started drinking again as he used to before he became my I like a teacher who is friendly and who asks you, “do you understand” mother’s husband. Now I am afraid of him, this man can beat me without and who can help me if I do not understand something. reason. He wanted to chase me out of the house. I am living badly at home when he is present, he is always shouting at me. I know that one day I will become a historian. I know I can do it!

But what i have to do is to be strong and i know that one day i will become a historian. concentrate on my studies so that i can i know i can do it! become a historian one day.

My first day at Reakantswe Intermediate School was so nice. The teachers accepted me and took me like other learners at the school. I’m now in grade 11, and my favourite subjects are history and life sciences. In life sciences I like to know about my body and my bones and also about my environment; (and why I like history) is because I like to know about things about the past and about the future.

(My future ambition) is to be either an environmental educator or an historian.

According to my perspective the children are not serious in their work, they do not concentrate on their school work, they only concentrate on smoking and drinking alcohol, those things won’t help them, no-one can help them only themselves.

My message to the youth of Windsorton is that they should concentrate on their education, because nowadays, even the boers, if they want a maid, they want an educated maid so that she could help their younger kids with their homework and things like that. Work is not easily found these days, (therefore) they should concentrate on their education and help their mothers. Some girls get pregnant before time and they will not be able to look after their babies because they do not work, they are not finished with school.

34 35 richard masopa mabe

My life in Windsorton up to so far is great. I’ve never realised any fighting, with the gangsters here I’m just a man of peace.

everyone who would meet me would be happy and say, Here is Mr Masopa, and greet me. i would tell them a joke then, after laughing, i would go.

There are many gangs here CM, NTB, LMK, TNS, etc. The CMs are the guys who are 15-19 years, and there are CM girls, they are called Cheese Mantaryana Girls, (What do they do) if you have a problem with one of them gang members, after school in the afternoon, they will wait I am the son of Frans Mabe and Anna Marokwane. Richard is a guy who for you at the gate and they will stab you or beat you. There are gang likes gospel and soccer. members even at school.

I have four brothers, they were actually five, but the other one was killed I’m involved in soccer, I play for Young Stars FC and I also sing in in Danielskuil, and two sisters. My older brothers are Tshekiso, followed Galaletsang Morena, a gospel choir. When I started playing soccer, I by Papisho, and then the other one and I follow after them. My sisters, was about ten years old. We used to play for five rand here. I started the older one is at Danielskuil, her name is Moditsetsi and the other one my team and I was captain and coach at the same time. My team was is Semakaleng. From my father’s side, I only have a grand-pa Masopo. Young Stars and I played position 5, in the back line. The club for which I play now is, Windsorton Young Stars. This Richard name my mother says my uncle who stays in Kimberley, he used to be rich, after every five months when he (would) comes home playing soccer releases me from many with a lorry full of food for the household, so my mother thought that if things, from joining the gangs, from being my name is Richard, I would be the same. My grand-pa was actually in trouble. from Lesotho, I just know he worked for a white man, Haasbroek, in mining, maybe Holpan and he stayed in Windsorton. From my mother’s side my grand-pa also died and he was from Transkei. Sometimes when I’m done playing and gyming, when I get home they will tell me, “Your friend has been arrested for doing something”. Danielskuil, when I’m there I’m not a guy who go on the street, I just sit at my sister’s home because I’m afraid of what will happen to me, like Galaletsang Morena Gospel Choir, it is a community choir. The president what happened to my brother. of the choir is Mr Itumeleng Montsho. The choir started in 2007, I’m just a singer, a tenor and my favourite song is, Kena le moemedi.

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i want to be a lawyer, because as i'm seeing because the way they were playing. It was just unfortunate that they did now people are taking the government for not qualify for the final. granted. My dream for South Africa, let it be a Some of my friends, when I tell them I want to be a lawyer, they tell me, beautiful place for all, and people should “you are going to help us when we are in a corruption”, I tell them, “no, (be treated) the same and equal. sometimes you will find that I will not be a lawyer but a prosecutor and I’ll make sure you are (convicted and sentenced)”. The police must not take money to be silent and people must not vandalise the things, this is our country and we need to protect it. I think sometimes the government it is justifiable but sometimes it is just doing the things that are unjustifiable, many people here don’t respect My favourite subject at school is the history, it teaches me what the law, in South Africa. happened in the past because I think for me, to know about the present or the future, I need to know firstly where I come from, before I can know My message (to the youth), get out of where I’m going to. gangsterism, join the sport activities and join the singing. Many young people in Windsorton have talent.

My message (to the youth), get out of gangsterism, join the sport activities and join the singing. Many young people in Windsorton have talent. I think for a person who is addicted to drugs, maybe after school, he must go home and sleep; set the alarm maybe for four o’clock; go to the gym; maybe after gym go back home and eat, watch TV and sleep. It’s how you are going to get used (to not taking drugs).

We gym at the stadium, but there is no equipment to gym with, we do only exercises. Kaizer Chiefs is my favourite soccer team, those guys are playing the soccer I want my team to play, supportive to each other, they show respect for many people.

In the World Cup (I supported) Netherlands, after Bafana Bafana. I chose Netherlands and said I’m going with this team even to 2014 World Cup

38 39 Kelebogile 'Mamie' Stuurman

I’m studying history and of course I’m going to do law which is part of the history. Justice is gonna be served, because I’m going to be become the best advocate in the country. I love history (because) I love learning about the past, everything about history is just fine.

(Young people here in Windsorton) Eish, it is very disappointing to say, the young people of Windsorton, they don’t care about education. My class is mostly boys, they don’t care about their school, they don’t care if they did their homework or not, they don’t care about anything. The only thing they’re caring about is pleasing their friends, that’s it, you see, the youth of Windsorton is corrupt, but there are great leaders in the school, like Refilwe Moshoeshoe, she is a great leader. Also Elton Raadt, when I have a problem in history, I seek help from Elton, he helps me, he’s such My name is Kelebogile Stuurman, I’m 16 years old, I attend school at a great person. I was also a prefect and it was the greatest experience Reakantswe Intermediate school and am in Grade 11. I live with my aunt of my life to date. Elizabeth and she is a very loving role model to me. I have a twin brother his name is Lebogang and my younger cousin Otshepeng. Lebogang is (What are your best qualities) I’m a good speaker, a motivational speaker, in grade 9. The reason why he is in grade 9 and I in grade 11, is because I’m good at sport, dibeke, and coco. he is a slow learner. Both my parents died, I believe my father died when I was young, but my mother died when I was ten. I was born in a small i'm just a girl from rural areas who has so village Mmamutla in the North West Province (near Pampierstad). My many goals and have so many ambitions. father lived at Windorton (at the time) so we came to Windsorton.

I was six years old, (I remember because I started going to crèche here That kind of person who will be recognised in this country, South Africa, in Windsorton). I attended D.L. Jansen Primary School. It was fun, really, that’s me. My nickname is ‘Mamie’, at school I’m called Kelebogile, really fun. You see, when you are in primary you don’t get a lot of work, sometimes they call me advocate KB, because I told them that I want you play, you eat, you play with other kids, you do all sort of things. My to become an advocate. My alternative career ambition is to become a first day at Reakantswe was really, really weird, I didn’t know anybody medical technologist. except my classmates (from D.L. Jansen). The bigger ones, they were acting like they know it all, it wasn’t good. (Message to the young people of Windsorton) education is very, very important, education is the only key to success, because the youth of Windsorton is only concentrating on pleasing friends, and (by doing so) i love history, i'm going to go places with they will gain nothing at all. Just by education you will go places. I’m that subject. The reason is, i believe in justice. extremely, extremely committed to my schoolwork.

40 41 Thabiso Lebeko

By the time I was five years old my mom took me to crèche, I met new friends, new faces, new teachers.

I was in grade 6 when we came here and I went to D.L. Jansen Primary School, but the coloured kids wanted me to fight. I started grade 7 at Reakantswe Intermediate School. My career is to be a lawyer. However, my grandfather, when I was young I wanted to become traffic cop and he told me traffic cop will suit me and I agreed to it then.

My fellow learners say I’m a comedian because I like jokes, ja sometimes I used to make a show there and perform. I was also rapping and was in a group, Cash Money. People didn’t like the name of our group because there is a huge group in America called Cash Money. I did not perform I’m 15 years old and was born in February 2000 at Barkly West hospital. well at school, so my mother told me that I must leave rap for a while, The day I was born it was a happy day for my family, that’s why I am so I quit rapping and focused on the schoolwork. I’m doing well now at called Thabiso. My mother is Lydia Segwagwa and my father is Joseph school. Lebeko. My parents married in 1999. I have four brothers and two sisters, the first born is called Michael and the second is called Tshepo My favourite subjects are Mathematics and and I am the third one and the fourth one is called Bofelo. My sisters’ Setswana. i heard from other people if names are Keitumetsi and Portia and the last born is my younger brother called Kamogelo. you do mathematics you can be employed anywhere. On mother’s side and on father’s side they did not tell me about them. My parents came from rural areas they call Killarney. They started their I also play soccer as a defender. I see many youth who are getting life together in Barkly West. My father passed away at age of 37 and involved in drugs. My mother spoke to me that I should not get involved then my mother moved to Windsorton to her mother. in drugs because she depends on me.

The time I was young I grew up nicely, everything I needed or wanted I could get and by the time I was three years old, my grandmother said to my mom, “you have eight children so just borrow me Thabiso to stay with me in Kimberley”. My mother agreed. When my grandmother and I got to Kimberley, she took me to the graveyard to show me my grandfather’s grave, where he was buried. He died in March 2008, by that time I was already 8 years old.

42 43 polediso Nkabu

Many young people here live like older people but they are still young, they do not even know the importance of education. They fight at school, some decided to stay home without coming to school, some even use drugs within the school campus.

it's complicated here. i think we as youth should advise each other.

There are so many people who came here to our school to talk to us like the older people, but there’s still no difference, so we as learners should stand up and maybe that will work.

I’m grade 12 at Reakantswe Intermediate school. I am from Lesotho My message to the youth of Windsorton is, life is nothing without and here in Windsorton I stay with my grandmother. They came here education and there are some living examples that they can see, their in 2012, from Lesotho. My mother is still alive. Lesotho is so good and brothers and friends, so I can tell them to come to school and take their I regret coming here. My mother’s mother, Ma Nthabiseng, is staying education further. here. The reason for me coming here is because my mother could not afford the school fees (in Lesotho) and I was not the only one attending Besides school, I love sport, I play soccer, there’s a girls’ soccer club school. I have three sisters, and I’m the second eldest. My eldest sister at school but teachers do not give us support. The name of our soccer is a soldier and works in Cape Town. I used to go to Bloemfontein and I club is Young Stars. I’m also a rapper and a DJ. I’m with Tshwaro’s have family in Botshabelo. group. (When we compose our music) we phone each other and a beat is sent via the phone. Then at home you practise it, write some lyrics and I can’t compare life here and that in Lesotho. I just came here for the following day you go to the studio and record the song. The studio is schooling. I go to Lesotho every end of the month because I need to near the tavern and has a computer with some speakers. renew my passport every 30 days. My mother could not afford to pay for the study permit that’s why I need to renew my passport every 30 days. i'm confident and like talking to others. When I arrived here things were hectic language wise, but staying with i love school, school is where my dream is. my grandmother who can speak Setswana and my two of my sisters, made it easy for me to learn. i like life science, it's easy and i want to study nursing in the Free State.

44 45 Mmereki Mothupi

Here in Windsorton I used to have a friend but we are no longer friends because he’s doing bad things, like smoking cigarettes. My father doesn’t like him.

I am in grade 9 and my favourite subject social science, history, because they teach history we don’t know.

i want to be a policeman, like my dad, because many people in Windsorton are doing bad things. i have seen other people fighting. i don't like people who do bad things for no reason. I was born in February 1997 in Kimberley Hospital. I grew up in a village called Kgomotso, Pampierstad. I have a big sister and a small sister, we love each other. I am the only boy at home. My father’s name is Bingo (My hobby) is soccer, and we are practising everyday and don’t do bad Mothupi and my mother’s name is Veronica Mothupi. My brother died in things. (My memories about Kgomotso) in 2004 there was party at my 1993. friend’s home, and that is a good memory.

My father doesn’t want to hear anything about me because he knows people who smoke cigarettes, they must that I’m not a naughty boy. When I stayed in Kgomotso I had a friend stop because they will be infected by called Amogelang, we used to love each other because he was not cancers and die. My friend died of cancer, naughty. My father loved my friend because he was a good friend to me. although i spoke to him, he didn't want to We moved from Kgomotso to Windsorton in 2006 because my father listen to me. found work here with the South African Police Service (SAPS). I didn’t know anyone in Windsorton. Then someone came to me and introduced himself to me, afterwards we became friends. When I became 10 years old, my father organised a party and invited my friend also. When we stayed in Kgomotso in 2003 I had two friends, Amogelang and Boitshwaro, but my father did not like Boitshwaro because he was a naughty boy. In 2005 he passed away in September. I remembered him every day, but when we moved to Windsorton I no longer remembered Boitshwaro.

46 47 Mina Ntshakane

i would like to study Human relations to become at least a human relations administrator.

Most of youth in Windsorton do bad things, this is a small place and we are all family but they want to get involved in gangs. I think if there are more sports activities, because there’s just soccer, then the situation will change.

The learners at school should take their studies seriously and they should respect their teachers because they know what I’m grade 12 here at Reakantswe Intermediate School, Windsorton. they are doing.

My mom is Agnes and works at Kimberley as a domestic worker. My father, John, passed away in 2003 in Kimberley. I have two sisters in I like reading magazines about soapies about the different characters, Cape Town and the other one in Kimberley and a little brother who still watching TV, eating too much and sleeping. My favourite soapie is at primary school at D.L. Jansen Primary School. My grand-mother Rhythm City. was Betty but she passed away in 2011 and my grand-father stays in Mmamutla near Pampierstad. These are my grand-parents on my mother’s side, I don’t know my grand-parents on my father’s side.

I started school at D.L. Jansen Primary School, Windsorton. That was the year my dad passed on. It was weird for me because I was the new kid on the block, but it was not difficult for me to make new friends. The reason that it was not difficult was because I made friends with Mpho Fisher when I came here and she used to visit me at my place.

My favourite subject is Economics, I just love it, and the teacher Ms Khumalo makes me understand it.

48 49 Elton raadt

playing with my first best friend, Bonang Maruping. I was caring, loving and a little bit selfish. I liked being clean when I was young because my mother and grand-father used to beat me when I was dirty and my grand-parents also played the role of being grand-parents.

I’m in grade 12, doing history and maths.

My mother died on the 3rd May 2011. I have two brothers, my elder brother Kabelo and my little brother, Tshepang and little sister, the last born, Oratile. My grand-parents, I know them, on my father’s side my grand-mother is Sophie and grand-father, William Raadt. On my mother’s side, my grand-mother Dipuo Dipico and grand-father, he died, Nelang Samuel. My grandparents on my mother’s side came from a little village My name is Elton Raadt and I was born in December 1997 at Kimberley Mogogong near Taung, and my father’s parents grew up in Soetveld, I Hospital complex. I come from the two families, both my parents were don’t know where it is, but they are staying in now . born poor but rich in mind and these two families were born to suffer but struggle to survive. When I was about 10 days old, grand-mother Dipuo, moved to Windsorton. I grew up in Delportshoop. My mother, before she died, I come from both parents, great grandparents genes and I was produced told me to come to stay with her mother, my grand-mother as she was by my two parents, my mother Naledi Raadt and my father Freddy staying alone. Raadt. My mother carried me for nine months. The year that I was born in 1997, my father named me Elton. I came here to Windsorton in 2011 and after about six months my mother died. She told me, the meaning of Elton is a genius in the Latin language. "Son, in life you must ignore the nonsense and focus on what really matters"

My father gave me this name because he loved Elton John’s music and the name is explaining itself, so my father thought that when I grow up, For me what really matters now, is my education. And she also told me, I will sing like Elton John. “Son you must return hate with love”. (Her final advice to me was) “Son it doesn’t matter where you get your education, what matters is what’s When I was young I was breast fed by my mother. After a year and you gonna do with your education”. eight months she stopped breast feeding me. When I was about four to five years old, I loved playing football, reading and singing (rapping) and 2011 was a rough year but in 2012 life went on.

50 51 Elton raadt Elton raadt

I have to put more effort on my school books. freedom, but liberation in South Africa now. You are free to do everything that is functional, nobody will mistreat you or do something bad to you. My favourite subject at school is history because I gain more knowledge Like in the past the blacks were fighting the apartheid system. from history, it teaches about our country and outside countries, how people used to live. (Message to the youth) they must focus on their education, it is the key to success, to a better future. Those still attending school they must (The career I want to follow) I want to be a lawyer. I think lawyers gain put more effort there on their schoolwork so that they can get good more knowledge and experience dealing with different cases in court. results and achieve the goals that they have set. (Those who are not I’m passionate to do it and like to be functional. studying) my message to them is to make a plan, but not stealing, but do something that people can have an interest in it, for instance doing I joined that music group in 2013, TBK, The Beat Killers. I first met a small business. Tshwaro first. They had released two tracks and I was interested, so I asked to join the group. (What will make Windsorton a better place to live in) from my perspective, the library must be rebuilt, in education your brain also need a break, to refresh it, so at school sports facilities should be built so that children This group was formed to keep the youth can be interested in attending school. out of drugs and alcohol so that they do something that is functional. We were (The relationship between Setswana and speaking people) I not given positions in the group, we're all think there is a good relationship between blacks and whites, because treated equally. they work with each other, I think they have a good relationship with each other, just sometimes there’s a conflict between them, just a useless conflict but at the end they solve it, (Hebron Park) there is mixing The songs are written by anyone in the group and we are performing especially at the stadium playing soccer. I can speak English, Setswana it. We do hip-hop and R&B, because nowadays hip-hop is the most and a little bit of Afrikaans. popular music. We can’t just make music that people hate, we have to make good music so that people can enjoy it. My second choice for a career, an actor, I like acting in plays. Last year I joined a drama group, and my first performance was at Kutlwano hall I like Drake’s music because he delivers a message of what he has where I played the role of small boy who was intelligent at school and he experienced in life. Locally, in South Africa, (my favourite groups are) was guiding others, motivating others about the dangers of using drugs AbeCrazy, Irfaan and KO, they are also delivering a message to the and alcohol when you are a teenager or still young. people.

(Where are we now in the history of our country) Before, in the past My life is kind of difficult, but i believe in things like the apartheid system, the blacks were against oppression, God and He knows why is my life like this. the whites mistreated the , like now there’s freedom, not

52 53 pulane saul

it feels like i could be in school every single day and not just being in school cause i have to be here and also learning, respecting teachers and concentrating.

And for my future plans, I want to be a doctor in order for me to help people with different illnesses. I was a class rep while I was in grade 8. I enjoyed the position but it was a little bit hectic for me because the children when you asked them to keep quiet they wouldn’t listen to you. The subject that I like is history because for me it suits me and the teacher is Mr Bowane who makes us understand the subject.

My name is Pulane Saul, 15 years old attending school in Reakanstwse The songs I like are gospels are because they lift my spirit up so I enjoy it. Intermediary School. I started at D.L Jansen Primary School, Windsorton. It was the happiest day I had in my life as a young child. The names of Indigenous games I used to play, coco which is a joyful game and I also my parents are Georgina and Shimi Mkhetshane, and the grandparents played dibeke. Dibeke is played by two groups, the ball is thrown to a are Annie and Simon Sethlabi. I have a brother and a sister and they are player and when the ball is kicked by the player s/he must run to the called Olerato Mkhetshane and Neo Saul. opposite end. However, if the opponents throw the ball at the player and s/he is touched by it, s/he will be out. My first day at Reakantswe Intermediate School I was a little bit nervous but was very happy and the school was a nice school. My most favourite teachers are Mrs Salokale and Miss Khumalo, they are just the most kindest teachers for me.

The day we travelled by the indigenous games in Reakantswe I enjoyed every moment because we had a very good time meeting different people from other places. What I dislike is soccer reason being that for me it’s a very rough thing sometimes other people who plays it gets injuries only by playing it, and what I like is being in school reason being that I want to be an educated person out there.

54 55 regopotswe Theophilus otsheleng

After two months in the new school which is Reakantswe, I learnt a lot of things, teachers told about the history of Windsorton and how it was before.

Education changed my life.

Now I am in grade 11 and when I finish school, I’m going to study further.

My name is Theophilus ‘Regopotswe’Otsheleng and I was born in 1997. I grew up in a small place called Taung. I was raised by my mother, her name is Gladys Otsheleng. When she found work at Gauteng, she left me with my grand-mother and grand-father. They took care of me and gave me the love of a parent.

I started my primary school in 2004 at a small primary school called Olebile Primary School and went to high school in 2011 at Pinagare High School. In the same year I lost my grand-father and was left with only my grand-mother.

In 2012 problems started in my life. I was dating a girl and she fell pregnant. The girl’s parents went and opened a case against me and they told the police that I raped their child and I was taken and asked questions. I was found not guilty. After a year I spoke to my mother and told her that I want to go and stay with her mother, my other grand- mother in Windsorton. She agreed and I came to Windsorton and I met my four brothers who I am staying with now.

56 57 jessica Mphahlele

My first day at Reakantswe Intermediate School was boring because of being scared of adults and there were not many children. In this school my favourite teachers are Mr Bowane and Mr Moses, they were very kind to me and they always make sure that I understand what they teach, they even give me advice in many things.

i love Mathematics a lot because when it is being taught i don't forget anything and my teacher, Mr Moses, is very kind to me.

When i finish school i want to become an accountant or a teacher. My name is Jessica Mphahlele, I am 16 years old and attend Reakantswe Intermediate School. I am in grade 11 doing accounting subjects. My parents are Rebecca Mphahlele and Moses Mphahlele. My My favourite music is gospel and I love many choirs but my favourite grand-parents from my mother’s side are Sinah Phetlhane and Joseph musician is the The Soil, an acapella music group, I love all of their songs Montwedi. My grand-parents from my father’s side are Melitah Sethlabi and the way they sing I enjoy their music very much, even when I am and John Mphahlele. angry they express my feelings to become better and happy.

In my family we are six children but other two are not sharing the same mother but we are sharing one father. I have two sisters and three brothers.

My first day at school, D.L. Jansen Primary School, it wasn’t bad for me but I was scared because there were more children who were bullying others but my class teacher Mrs Bokala was kind and very beautiful. She was like a mother to me, I loved her very much. I enjoyed primary school. When we went to Bloemfontein I was grade 2 at the time, it was very enjoyable, we played and did many things there.

When I was in grade 6 I had an accident that was very bad and I couldn’t attend school properly. That accident damaged my brain and my eyes when I was still attending primary school. I was burnt.

58 59 Beldad Makhado Gaapare

soccer and basketball. My favourite subjects are History, Life Sciences and Maths.

i see myself finishing school with my grade 12 certificate and go and further my studies at any university and study to become a lawyer or advocate at any high court so that i can live my dream.

I was born in December 1994 in the Chris Hani-Baragwanath Hospital, . I’m my parents’ second child and only boy. My big sister is Keaoboka Annelicia Gaopane and my little sister is Motlalepule Rika Moopelwa. My mother’s name is Kelebogile LIda Moopelwa and my father’s name is Monnapule Petrus Moopelwa. My grand-father on my mother’s side is Gert Gaapare and my grandmother is Rebecca Gaapare.

I grew up in Warrenton after my mother took me from Johannesburg to go and stay with my grandmother and I started school in Warrenton. Started pre-school in Lepatong day care where my aunt was working. She was Maria Sisimogang Gaapare and I started my primary school at Warrenton Primary School until grade 7. I went to Tlhatlogang Intermediate School till grade 9. After that I attended high school at Mogomotsi High School for two years then I came to Windsorton in 2011.

The reason why I came to WIndsorton is because my grand-mother had died and my mother didn’t stay anymore in Warrenton. We went to stay with my grand-father in Windsorton. So I started attending school at Reakantswe Intermediate School but the first day was not enjoyable because I did not know any of my classmates. My hobbies were playing

60 61 My name is Gopolang Alfred Moilwe. I was born in January 1994. My I’m 16 years old and was born in Vereniging. I don’t know why my mother father is Gift Moilwe and mother is Patricia Moilwe. Both my parents came here. My parents’ surname is Madebe, Steven and Cynthia and were born in Windsorton. I am the sixth child at home. they are married. I have a little five year old sister. My grand-mother on my mother’s side is Mercy Mabote, I don’t know my grand-parents on I started school at D.L. Jansen Primary School at grade R in Windsorton my father’s side. in 2002. From Vereniging I first went to stay with my grandmother, I was about i like to help my mother to cook and clean five years then, I came to Windsorton only in 2012. Life in Vereniging, zone D, was good, but I don’t know how good it was because I was still the house and my mother loves me for that. young. i'm a good cook. Life is good for me here because i live with Sometimes I feel I’m a failure in life but I keep praying. God is great. I my family, they love me and i love them. will be a good person like other people. Someone bigger than me is my mother. I’m in grade 10 and my favourite subject at school is Setswana because I have grown up in Windsorton as a good boy. Sometimes I feel like I learn new words (everyday). When I finish school I would like to become leaving school and help my family because my father works but he does a pilot. During the week, when I come from school, I eat wash the dishes earn a good wage or salary, but I have a goal. and do my homework. Week-ends, I just chill with my friends.

62 63 Nomahlubi Mabote Nomahlubi Mabote

Life for young people is sometimes tough because at their homes they And I want my own house. When I grow up I want to get married because need much like they don’t have shoes, foods. So maybe they should tell I also dream about that. I will make sure that my dreams become true, us so that we can help them. whatever, like it or not. But the thing is when I grow up I don’t want to have kids because kids they give a lot stress. My class teacher is Winza Moses and he teaches me mathematics. My other teachers are; Mr Bowane, Mr Barnes, Mr Job, Mr Moalahi, Mrs My family and I like to go to the entertainment parks, mostly in Khumalo, Miss Senonohi, Mrs Gojo, Mrs Leburu and Mrs Salokala. Johannesburg, like Banitta park or Springs Park.

I’m a kind of person who likes friends and I have a lot of them but my I’m a Xhosa girl and I really love my home language but my mother is not best friends are Ipheleng, Karabo and Kagisano. And we have been a Xhosa woman because her mother and father they speak Setswana friends since we were ten and we are also in the same church called the and Sesotho. They do not know how to speak the isiXhosa language. Royal Priesthood Bible Church (RPBC). I don’t know Setswana like isiXhosa language because I did not grow up with my mother’s family. I grew up with my father’s family and I really, I’m a girl who doesn’t like to talk about other people. I love to read the really want to speak Setswana because at school I’m doing Setswana Bible because I learn many things from it. I love people and they also language at school. I appreciate that but I do not speak Setswana love me. language.

In sports I love netball because when I play it I feel very comfortable. And Sometimes i feel like my life is complicated I also dance traditional dance, because every time many people tell me, because of my father, the things that he did to my mother, they make me feel bad and "Nomahlubi, you rock girl, you have talent" unhappy.

And my family they don’t want me to give it up because when you play My mother is a person who does not like rude kids, a kid who like the with your talent that God has given you, he will take it one day. street. My mother will never let me do that. She always tells me that the street has evil spirit. At my mother’s house I really love to sing Joyous Celebration 16, in that CD I love Itshokhadi and Ngwele’s songs, those are my favourite songs In our family we don’t believe in ancestors because the word of God that I love in my life. says that there are no ancestors in the world. The person that has dies he/she will never wake up again because God has taken his/her soul. When i grow up i want to be a pilot or a I also like to visit my friend in Warrenton because their family love me lecturer, because i always dream about that. very much.

64 65 Aobakwe riet

Warrenton because she got a job here. At the time my uncles also help by buying food because during that time they did not have children of their own and they raised me like their own son.

I had everything like those friends of mine whom I met at crèche, Boipelo Kuetetse and Karabo Modukanene. There were also some other boys who made me do things of which I am not proud of today. My hobbies are reading, playing and watching soccer. I am a fan of Kaizer Chiefs because they play fantastic soccer.

This year I’m in grade 12 and my favourite subject is life sciences because I’m learning about different parts of the human body that I was not aware of. My name is Aobakwe Riet. i want to pursue a law career. Aobakwe means 'you are always praised' or 'to praise the Lord'. One of the reasons is to find out what happened to my dad, what led to disappearing. I was given this name because my father was missing before I was born. My nick-name is ‘Barks’ and it is a short for Aobakwe. I am the first born of my parents and i have four younger siblings, two brothers and two sisters. I was born in 1997 and am so happy that I share my birthday with our first democratically elected president, Nelson Mandela.

My mother’s name is Kediemetse which means ‘I am waiting for anything that you are going to throw at me’, and my father’s name is Butinyana Might which means ‘a smaller brother’ or ‘younger brother’.

My friends are Alfred and Orapeleng Riet which are my cousins from my grandmother’s sister and they help me whenever I need help. I was raised by my grand-mother because my father was missing and my mother had to work so that she could buy food and clothes for us. Nobody knew where he had gone to. Some time ago we moved to

66 67 I was born at Barkly West hospital in February 1998. I grew up in My name is Tshepiso Olivia and my surname is Ndlovu, I was born in Pampierstad. I grew up with one friend, Godfrey. I like him because we Kimberley sand also grew up in Kimberley. I stayed in many places as friends always shared things. in Kimberley because we always used to move out and renting other people’s houses. I grew up without parents because they died twelve My mother likes to cook for us rice and chicken for supper. I like spending years ago when I was still a child. But I still remember their names and time with my father when he comes from work. My mother gave me the I am under social workers because they are the ones who have taken name Tumo because it was raining and thunder struck. good care of me. I have now been adopted by my auntie and now she’s the one who is taking good care of me since I was five years old after my My mother gave me the name Tumo because parents died in 2003. And I also grew up as normal girl. it was raining and thunder struck. in I attended primary school, Vooruitsig in Kimberley and after I finished my Setswana Tumo means 'sound' and i have grade 7, I came here to attend my high school in Windsorton, Reakantswe another name, Xholane which is isiNdebele Intermediate School. I only came here last year. My favourite subject is meaning 'forgiveness' That name is from my social science. Next year I would like to do history in grade 10. father's side. i want to become a lawyer. In 2009 we came to Windsorton and stayed with my grandmother’s twin. Later we built a house of soil and stones with a zinc roof. Here I got I also love to do life sciences because I want to take good care of myself a new friend, Lebogang. and make my parents also proud, wherever they are and my family also.

68 69 Koketso vanessa Kale

sometimes my siblings tease me not knowing my father. I wish and hope to find my father.

My favourite subject is social science, I like it because I always get high levels in those subjects.

i like reading, coming to school and facing challenges.

My hobbies are reading and playing.

My name is Koketso Vanessa Kale, I live in Windsorton. I was born in i want to be a nurse because i do have the June 2000 in Kimberley hospital. I am from Barkly West but I live in qualifications and self-confidence. Windsorton with my grand-parents. My grand-parents names are Joyce Boitumelo Mampe and Mack Potsoeng Mampe. I am 15 years old and Some of the youngsters in Windsorton are rude, some of them are I have one brother and one sister namely, Mojalefa Vanette Kale and nice, normal, some are boring. They must change their behaviour, (risky Tshepiso Valesca Kale. I am the second child of my mother. My sister is behaviour) in Windsorton. 17 years old and in grade 11 at Reakantswe Intermediate School, my little brother is 12 years old and is in grade 6 at D.L. Jansen Primary and I am 15 years in grade 10 at Reakantswe Intermediate school.

My mother’s name is Julia Kebogile Kale and my father’s is Thabo Letimeia. I grew up without my father. All I know is that he lives at Delportshoop and his name and surname. He has a family at Barkly West and his family knows me and my mother.

Ntolo, I don’t know whether she is my father’s sister or cousin, she sometimes tells my mother about my father where he works and where he stays. The problem is my mother cannot go look for my father without me. It really hurts ‘cause all my siblings know there father and mother, except me, I keep asking myself one question why me? And secondly, it really hurts a lot listening to other children talking about their father and

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