AfriSam (South Africa) Properties (Pty) Ltd: Ulco Cement Plant and Mining Operation: Proposed Bergville Project Dikgatlong Local Municipality, Frances Baard District Municipality, Northern Cape Province. Farm: Portion 3 (Bergville) of Hondefontein 216, Portion 2 of Vogelfontein 176, Portion of Erven 4 Delportshoop Fourie, H. Dr
[email protected] 012 322 7632/097 940 6048 Palaeontological Impact Assessment: Desktop Study Commissioned by: Shangoni Management Services Pty (Ltd) P.O. Box 74726 Lynwood Ridge 0040 012 807 7036 Ref: DMR NC30/5/1/1/3/2/1/177MR 2019/12/19 1 B. Executive summary Outline of the development project: Shangoni Management Services Pty (Ltd) has facilitated the appointment of Dr H. Fourie, a palaeontologist, to undertake a Palaeontological Impact Assessment (PIA), Desktop Study of the suitability of the proposed AfriSam (South Africa) Properties (Pty) Ltd: Ulco Cement Plant and Mining Operation: Proposed Bergville Project in the Dikgatlong Local Municipality, Frances Baard District Municipality within the Northern Cape Province on the Farm Portion 3 (Bergville) of Hondefontein 216, Portion 2 of Vogelfontein 176, Portion of Erven 4 Delportshoop. The applicant, Ulco Cement factory proposes to expand the existing limestone mine to the adjacent property. The Project includes one Alternative (Figure 3): Alternative 1: An area outlined in red with the town of Kimberley 65 km to the south-east, Barkly West and the R31 Road to the south and the R374 Road to the east. Delportshoop is 13.6 km to the south. The size of the site is approximately 220.63 hectares. Legal requirements:- The National Heritage Resources Act (Act No.