Draft Scoping Report for the Pampierstad Landfill
DRAFT SCOPING REPORT AND A WASTE MANAGEMENT LICENCE APPLICATION PROCESS FOR THE PROPOSED LICENSING OF THE PAMPIERSTAD LANDFILL; PHOKWANE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY, NORTHERN CAPE PROVINCE MARCH 2016 DRAFT SCOPING REPORT (DSR) For PROPOSED LICENSING OF THE PAMPIERSTAD LANDFILL; PHOKWANE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY, NORTHERN CAPE PROVINCE Prepared for: Department of Environmental Affairs Environment House, 473 Steve Biko, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083 Submitted to: Northern Cape Department of Environment, Nature and Conservation Metlife Towers; T-Floor; Private Bag X6102; Kimberly; 8300 Tel. No.: (053) 807 7300 Fax. No.: (053) 807 7328 Prepared by: GA Environment (Pty) Ltd P.O. Box 6723 Halfway House, MIDRAND 1685 Tel. No.: (011) 312 2537 Fax. No.: (011) 805 1950 e-mail: environment@gaenvironment.com 8 March 2016 PROJECT INFORMATION Title: Scoping and Environmental Impact Assessment and a Waste Management Licence Application Process for the Proposed Licensing (Operation) of the Pampierstad Landfill; Phokwane Local Municipality, Northern Cape Competent Authority: Northern Cape Department of Environment, Nature and Conservation Reference No.: To be added once assigned Applicant: Phokwane Local Municipality Environmental Consultants: GA Environment (Pty) Ltd. Compiled by: Nkhensani Khandlhela (Msc Geography) Reviewer: Andrew Woghiren MSc Pr.Sci.Nat Date: 08 March 2016 Document History and Quality Control Revision Revision Date Revision Comments Originator Reviewed By 1 19 February 2015 Draft for public review Nkhensani Andrew Woghiren Khandlhela SIGNING OF THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT Original Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by Date: Name: Name: Name: 15 February 2015 Nkhensani Ariel Oosthuizen Andrew Woghiren Khandlhela Version 0 Signature: Signature: Signature: Distribution List Name Designation Organisation AFFIRMATION OF EAP I Nkhensani Khandlhela name of person representing EAP) of GA Environment (Pty) Ltd declare that the information provided is correct and relevant to the activity/ project and that, the information was made available to interested and affected parties for their comments.
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