SUSTAINABILITY REPORT CREATING CONCRETE POSSIBILITIES MESSAGE FROM THE CEO 3 ORGANISATIONAL PROFILE 4 SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING 7 GOVERNANCE 9 ECONOMIC SUSTAINABILITY 13 ABOUT THIS REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY 15 This is a summary of the sustainability activities relating to AfriSam (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd from 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2015. The reporting period is aligned to the company’s financial ETHICS AND INTEGRITY 17 reporting period and AfriSam aims to report annually on its sustainability performance. The report includes SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY 19 information relating to AfriSam South Africa (Pty) Ltd operations in South Africa, Swaziland and Lesotho. PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS 22 AfriSam’s subsidiary in Tanzania, Tanga Cement Company Plc, is a publicly listed company on the Tanzania stock exchange and produces its own annual integrated report. This report is available from its website: INDEX TO GLOBAL REPORTING This report has been produced giving due consideration to the Global Reporting Index (GRI) Core INITIATIVE INDICATORS 25 ‘In Accordance’ guidelines, as well as the United Nations Global Compact Active Level reporting requirements. We welcome your feedback on our sustainability reporting process. Please send comments or suggestions to: Report contact: Maxine Nel Physical address of headquarters: AfriSam (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd AfriSam House Reg. 2006/005970/07 Constantia Office Park Tel: +27 11 670 5893 Weltevredenpark Email:
[email protected] 1715 2 MESSAGE FROM THE CEO Dear Stakeholders, The concept of sustainable development has long since formed the foundation for AfriSam’s business activities. It echoes an internal philosophy that we live on a daily basis.