IEEE Access, vol. 5, 2017, pp. 1-1. Dark image enhancement using perceptual color transfer. Cepeda-Negrete, J., Sanchez-Yanez, RE., Correa-Tome, Fernando E y Lizarraga-Morales, Rocio A. Cita: Cepeda-Negrete, J., Sanchez-Yanez, RE., Correa-Tome, Fernando E y Lizarraga-Morales, Rocio A (2017). Dark image enhancement using perceptual color transfer. IEEE Access, 5 1-1. Dirección estable: Esta obra está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons. Para ver una copia de esta licencia, visite Acta Académica es un proyecto académico sin fines de lucro enmarcado en la iniciativa de acceso abierto. Acta Académica fue creado para facilitar a investigadores de todo el mundo el compartir su producción académica. Para crear un perfil gratuitamente o acceder a otros trabajos visite: Received September 21, 2017, accepted October 13, 2017. Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2763898 Dark Image Enhancement Using Perceptual Color Transfer JONATHAN CEPEDA-NEGRETE 1, RAUL E. SANCHEZ-YANEZ 2, (Member, IEEE), FERNANDO E. CORREA-TOME2, AND ROCIO A. LIZARRAGA-MORALES3, (Member, IEEE) AQ:1 1Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Guanajuato DICIVA, Guanajuato 36500 , Mexico 2Department of Electronics Engineering, University of Guanajuato DICIS, Guanajuato 36500, Mexico 3Department of Multidisciplinary Studies, University of Guanajuato DICIS, Guanajuato 36500, Mexico Corresponding author: Raul E. Sanchez-Yanez (
[email protected]) The work of J. Cepeda-Negrete was supported by the Mexican National Council on Science and Technology (CONACyT) through the Scholarship 290747 under Grant 388681/254884.