Received September 21, 2017, accepted October 13, 2017, date of publication October 17, 2017, date of current version April 4, 2018. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2763898 Dark Image Enhancement Using Perceptual Color Transfer JONATHAN CEPEDA-NEGRETE 1, RAUL E. SANCHEZ-YANEZ 2, (Member, IEEE), FERNANDO E. CORREA-TOME2, AND ROCIO A. LIZARRAGA-MORALES3, (Member, IEEE) 1Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Guanajuato DICIVA, Irapuato, Gto. 36500, Mexico 2Department of Electronics Engineering, University of Guanajuato DICIS, Salamanca, Gto. 36885, Mexico 3Department of Multidisciplinary Studies, University of Guanajuato DICIS, Yuriria, Gto. 38944, Mexico Corresponding author: Raul E. Sanchez-Yanez (
[email protected]) The work of J. Cepeda-Negrete was supported by the Mexican National Council on Science and Technology (CONACyT) through the Scholarship 290747 under Grant 388681/254884. ABSTRACT In this paper, we introduce an image enhancing approach for transforming dark images into lightened scenes, and we evaluate such method in different perceptual color spaces, in order to find the best-suited for this particular task. Specifically, we use a classical color transfer method where we obtain first-order statistics from a target image and transfer them to a dark input, modifying its hue and brightness. Two aspects are particular to this paper, the application of color transfer on dark imagery and in the search for the best color space for the application. In this regard, the tests performed show an accurate transference of colors when using perceptual color spaces, being RLAB the best color space for the procedure. Our results show that the methodology presented in this paper can be a good alternative to low-light or night vision processing techniques.