RCHS Journal Combined Index 1955-2019
JOURNAL of the RAILWAYRAILWAY and CANALCANAL HISTORICALHISTORICAL SOCIETYSOCIETY DECENNIAL INDEX No.1No.1 Volumes I to X INTRODUCTIONINTRODUC TION The first volumevolume ofof thethe JournalJournal ofof thethe RailwayRailway andand Canal Historical SocietySociety was published inin 1955; itit consistedconsisted of fourfour issuesissues of duplicated typescript in quarto format. CommencingCommencing withwith the secondsecond volume, six issues werewere publishedpublished eacheach year until the end of thethe tenthtenth volume,volume, after which thethe Journal was published asas aa prinprin- ted quarterly. AA slight slight change change in in the the method method of of reproduction reproduction was was introducedintroduced withwith volume IX; thisthis and thethe succeeding volumevolume werewere producedproduced byby offset-lithooffset-litho process.process. The first fourfour volumesvolumes included notnot onlyonly original original articles,articles, compilations,compilations, book reviewsreviews and correspondence,correspondence, but also materialmaterial concerned concerned with with thethe day-to-dayday-to-day running of thethe Society,Society, suchsuch as announcementsannouncements of forthcoming events,events, accountsaccounts of meetings andand visits,visits, listslists of of new new membersmembers andand the like. CommencingCommencing withwith volume V,V, all such material waswas transferred to to a a new new andand separateseparate monthly monthly pub-pub lication, thethe R.R. di& C.C.H.S. H. S. Bulletin, aa practicepractice which which hashas continuedcontinued to the present time. The purpose of the present publicationpublication is toto provideprovide aa comprehensivecomprehensive andand detailed Index toto allall thethe originaloriginal material in the first tenten volumesvolumes ofof the Society'sSociety's JournallikelJournal likely y to be of interestinterest toto thethe canalcanal oror railwayrailway historian historian or or student.student.
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