Vol. 32, No. 4 December 2003 Journal of the International Planetarium Society Planetarium Precursor from the 18th Century? The Planetarian (ISN 0090-3213) is published quarterly by the International Planetarium Society. ©2003, Inter- national Planetarium Society, Inc., all rights reserved. December, 2003 Vol. 32, No. 4 Opinions expressed by authors are personal opinions and are not necessarily the opinions of the International Planetarium Society, its officers, or agents. Acceptance of advertisements, announcements, or other material does not imply endorsement by the International Planetarium Society, its officers or agents. The Editor wel- Executive Editor comes items for consideration for publication. Please consult "Guidelines for Contributors" John Mosley at http://www.GriffithObs.org/IPSGuidelines.html. The Editor reserves the right to edit any Griffith Observatory manuscript to suit this publication’s needs. 2800 E. Observatory Road Los Angeles, California 90027 USA Articles (1) 323-664-1181 daytime phone 6 Spheres and Starry Temples in the Enlightenment: Boullée’s New- (1) 323-663-4323 Griffith fax ton Cenotaph, Architectural Precursor to Planetaria? . (1) 603-506-8255 personal efax . Jean-Michel Faidit
[email protected] 14 Elvish Star Lore . Jim Manning 23 Abstracts and Titles from the 2003 Issue of Planétariums . Advertising Coordinator . Jean-Michel Faidit Robert J. Bonadurer Director, Minneapolis Planetarium 300 Nicollet Mall Columns Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 USA 26 NASA Space Science News . Anita Sohus (1) 612-630-6151 29 Mobile News Network . Susan Reynolds Button (1) 612-630-6180 fax 34 Reviews . April S. Whitt
[email protected] 42 President’s Message . Jon Elvert http://www.GriffithObs.org/IPSratesheet4.htm 47 Forum: IPS Annual Conference? .