
For internal use only ©2019 Educational Association. All rights reserved.

Student(s): School: Selection: Troupe:

4 | Superior 3 | Excellent 2 | Good 1 | Fair SKILLS Above standard At standard Near standard Aspiring to standard SCORE Job Understanding Articulates a broad Articulates an Articulates a partial Articulates little and Interview understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the Articulation of the costume costume ’s role ’s role costume designer’s role costume designer’s role designer’s role and specific and job responsibilities; and job responsibilities; and job responsibilities; and job responsibilities; job responsibilities; thoroughly presents adequately presents and inconsistently presents does not explain an presentation and and explains the explains the executed and explains the executed executed design, creative explanation of the executed executed design, creative design, creative decisions, design, creative decisions decisions or collaborative design, creative decisions, decisions, and and collaborative process. and/or collaborative process. and collaborative process. collaborative process. process.


Design, Research, A well-conceived set of Costume , Incomplete costume The costume designs, and Analysis costume designs, research, and script designs, research, and research, and analysis Design, research and detailed research, and analysis address the script analysis of the script do not analysis addresses the thorough script artistic and practical somewhat address the address the artistic and artistic and practical needs analysis clearly address needs of the production artistic and practical practical needs of the (given circumstances) of the artistic and practical and support the unifying needs of the production production or support the the script to support the needs of production and concept. and/or inconsistently unifying concept. and consistently support support the unifying unifying concept. the unifying concept. concept.


Artistic Costume design choices Costume design choices Costume design choices Costume designs lack Interpretation powerfully enhance and communicate the mood, somewhat communicate choices that Costume design choices communicate the mood, style, period, locale, and the mood, style, period, communicate the mood, reflect the mood, style, style, period, locale, and genre of the . locale, and genre of the style, period, locale, and period, locale, and genre of genre of the play. play. genre of the play. the play. Comment:

Execution Artifacts and Artifacts and binder Artifacts and incomplete Artifacts and Artifacts and binder convey comprehensive binder align with artistic ideas binder inconsistently incomplete binder lack ideas, products, and enhance artistic ideas and and choices to support align with artistic ideas and alignment with artistic choices that support the choices to provide the script and unifying choices to support the ideas and choices to script and unifying concept. exceptional support for concept script and unifying concept. support the script and the script and unifying unifying concept. concept.

Comment: TOTAL SCORE RATING 4 Superior 3 Excellent 2 Good 1 Fair (Please circle) | | | | (Score of 16-14) (Score of 13-10) (Score of 9-6) (Score of 5-4)

Judge’s name (Please print) Judge’s signature

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This rubric should not be considered an assessment of student learning. However, it can serve as a model for designing curriculum- based assessments and for this reason, alignment to the National Core Standards has been indicated on this form.

Example National Core Theatre Standards aligned to this rubric: TH:Cr3.1.I.a, TH:Cr3.1.I.b, TH:Pr4.1.I.a, H:Pr6.1.I.a

To access the full descriptions of the above and all the Core Theatre Standards go to: www.nationalartsstandards.org For additional Standards resources visit: www.schooltheatre.org/advocacy/standardsresources Optional aligned state standards: State Standards website: