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Terakreditasi (A) Based on Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia Nomor: 36a/E/KPT/2016 issued on 23 Mei 2016 Published by DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY, FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES UNIVERSITAS NEGERI SEMARANG In collaboration with MASYARAKAT SEJARAWAN INDONESIA (Indonesian Historical Society) TABLE OF CONTENT TEACHING HISTORICAL EMPATHY TROUGH REFLECTIVE LEARNING Indah Wahyu Puji Utami .................................. 1-9 Paramita has accredited (A) based on Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan THE CORRELATION BETWEEN: AWARENESS OF Pengembangan Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, HISTORY, RELIGIOUS VALUES AND dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia MULTIETHNIC UNDERSTANDING WITH No: 36a/E/KPT/2016, TOLERANCE ATTITUDE issued on 23 Mei 2016 Nurasiah, Abdul Azi, Widia Munira ................. 10-17 The range of carried studies in the publication NARRATION AND DISCOURSE OF BHINNEKA (1) historiography, (2) philosophy of history, (3) TUNGGAL IKA IN INDONESIAN REVISED history of education, and (4) history education. HISTORY TEXTBOOK: A HISTORY DIDACTICS APPROACH Published twice a year, ecery March and Djono, Hermanu Joebagio ................................ 18-27 September. AGRARIAN REFORM AS A NATIONALISM ISSUE SIT: No. 100/ PT 36 H.FIS/ 1990 FROM COLONIAL TO REFORMASI ERA ISSN: 0854-0039 Retor AW Kaligis ............................................ 28-42 E ISSN: 2407-5825 BOEKHANDEL TAN KHOEN SWIE KEDIRI: THE Published by AGENT OF JAVANESE CULTURE Jurusan Sejarah, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial, Wisnu ............................................................... 43-57 Universitas Negeri Semarang in collaboration with Masyarakat Sejarawan Indonesia (MSI) THE MEDIA AND SOCIO-POLITICAL CHANGE: A SNAPSHOT OF NORTH AFRICA AND GHANA’S Editor in Chief CASE Wasino Samuel Adu-Gyamfi, Kwasi Amakye-Boateng, Richard Oware .............................................................. 58-65 International Editorial Board Freek Colombijn (Netherlands) THE IMPORTANCE OF GEOMORPHOLOGICAL Matthew Isac Cohen (United Kingdom) ANALYSIS IN UNDERSTANDING THE PRE- Hans Pols (Australia) MODERN ERA AT SOUTHEAST SUMATRA COAST Vivek Neelakantan (Australia) Singgih Tri Sulistiyono, Yety Rochwulaningsih, Endah Sri Hartatik, Frank Dhont, Slamet Subekti, Noor Naelil Editorial Board Member Masruroh ......................................................... 66-76 Nawiyanto Nunuk Suryani LOCAL ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS LEADERS IN Cahyo Budi Utomo ISLAMIZATION IN BANYUMAS Moh. Yasir Alimi Sugeng Priyadi .................................................. 78-91 Administration TRADITIONAL INDUSTRIES IN THE COLONIAL Tsabit Azinar Ahmad PERIOD: THE ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES OF THE PEOPLE OF TEGAL IN THE FIRST HALF OF THE Mailing Address 20TH CENTURY Jurusan Sejarah FIS UNNES, C. Santi Muji Utami ......................................... 92-101 Kampus Sekaran Gedung C5 Lt. 1 Gunungpati Semarang, Telp. (024) 850 8012 THE INDONESIAN TEACHERS’ DILEMMAS FROM Email: [email protected] COLONIAL TO REFORMASI ERA: NON- Website: http://journal.unnes.ac.id/nju/ PERMANENT TEACHERS’ WELFARE AND index.php/paramita STATUS ISSUES Ngabiyanto, Daniel D. Kameo, Bambang Ismanto, Pamerdi Giri Wiloso ......................................... 102-118 Paramita:Paramita: Historical Historical Studies Studies Journal, Journal, 29(1), 29(1), 2019: 2019 43-57 ISSN: 0854-0039, E-ISSN: 2407-5825 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15294/paramita.v29i1.14523 BOEKHANDEL TAN KHOEN SWIE KEDIRI: THE AGENT OF JAVANESE CULTURE Wisnu Department of History Education, Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, Universitas Negeri Surabaya ABSTRACT ABSTRAK This paper reveals the way Boekhandel Tan Makalah ini mengungkap cara Boekhandel Tan Khoen Swie Kediri, as an agent of Javanese Khoen Swie Kediri, sebagai agen budaya Ja- culture, run his publishing house during wa, yang mengelola rumah penerbitannya di amidst both the colonial government and In- tengah-tengah pemerintah kolonial dan donesian government, spreading Javanese cul- pemerintah Indonesia, menyebarkan budaya ture to the society in Java and throughout In- Jawa kepada masyarakat di Jawa dan di se- donesia. The history of this publishing house is luruh Indonesia. Sejarah penerbit ini menarik interesting in which it is interrelated with three karena terkait dengan tiga kebijakan berbeda different policies from three different types of dari tiga jenis ideologi pemerintah. Penelitian government ideology. This research which ini yang berarti mencari, mengkritik, menafsir- means searching, criticizing, interpreting, and kan, dan mengatur sumber-sumber dalam ben- arranging the sources in the form of historical tuk penulisan sejarah. Penelitian ini juga men- writing. This research also applied Gidden’s erapkan teori strukturasi Gidden untuk mem- theory of structuration to clarify the position of perjelas posisi Tan Khoen sebagai agen pen- Tan Khoen as a publishing agent. The discus- erbitan. Diskusi tentang struktur masyarakat sion on the structure of the literary society, sastra, yang terdiri dari perwakilan dari which consisted of the representatives from the pemerintah, penulis, penerbit, dan pembaca government, authors, publishers, and readers menjadi bagian integral dari penelitian ini. becomes an integral part of the study. This Studi ini menyimpulkan bahwa pemerintah study concludes both the government and pri- dan penerbit swasta memiliki niat untuk men- vate publishers had an intention to educate didik orang-orang meskipun Tan Khoen Swie people although Tan Khoen Swie did not tied tidak mengikat temanya pada sistem yang ada. its theme on the existing system. However Namun secara struktural, keberadaan Boek- structurally, the existence Boekhandel Tan handel Tan Khoen Swie dibatasi oleh penulis, Khoen Swie were bounded by the authors, penerbit lain, dan pembaca. Musim untuk other publishers, and readers. The seasons for menerbitkan buku-buku budaya Jawa karena publishing Javanese culture books because the buku-buku itu berisi budaya mulia, yang perlu books contained noble culture, which needs to disebarluaskan, legitimasi penulis Jawa, dan be disseminated, the legitimation of Javanese prospek pasar yang menjanjikan. Keberhasilan writers, and promising market prospect. The bisnis Tan Khoen Swie terletak pada kemam- success of Tan Khoen Swie business lies in its puannya membangun jejaring di antara penu- ability to build networking among authors, lis, penerbit, dan pembaca atau toko buku. publishers, and readers or bookstores. The Buku-buku yang diterbitkan dalam bisnisnya books published in his business spread across tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. Ia melayani baik Indonesia. He served both as a cultural broker sebagai perantara budaya dan sebagai agen and as an agent of Javanese culture. budaya Jawa. Keywords: Tan Khoen Swie, Javanese culture, Kata kunci: Tan Khoen Swie, budaya Jawa, Boekhandel, colonial period. Boekhandel, masa kolonial. Author correspondence Email: [email protected] 43 Available online at http://journal.unnes.ac.id/nju/index.php/paramita Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 29(1), 2019 INTRODUCTION as well as the literary historical review. In The Publishing business history in Kediri addition, the findings of the study might was marked with the publication of the also be benefitted as the materials for Javanese books by Boekhandel Tan Khoen completing the writing of the local Swie in the 1915's, located in the shopping histories and might even be benefitted as a complex on Jalan Dhoho Kediri. Some matter of reference for the regional Javanese manuscripts were successfully governments that want to rewrite the printed back, either the original manu- publication history in their respective script or a copy which was directly ob- region. tained from the poets and some spoken The literature that discusses Tan manuscripts of sayings from teachers. The Khoen Swie and his business activities efforts of Boekhandel Tan Khoen Swie to such as M.C. Ricklefs (2007) explained explore the texts that had been stored in that the Boekhandel Tan Khowen Swie Ke- the memory of the community and pre- diri (1882- 1953) played an important role sented back in the form of books that were in supporting the Javanese literature. An freely readable by all levels of society, are article by Sri Widati et al. (2001) regarding an interesting thing to study. There were the development of modern Javanese liter- no more secrets of mysticism in the world ature during the pre-independence period of teachers and formal life in the Kraton or is very helpful in understanding the histor- Palace. This was revealed by Boekhandel ical aspect of the business. Then, a disser- Tan Khoen Swie by writing freer to be tation by Zubaidah Isa (1972) explained generally known. that the establishment of Volkslectuur in The study is to uncover how the 1910 had been a significantly progressive Boekhandel Tan Khoen Swie Kediri had step in the domain of governmental publi- been running the publication business in cation, education and library in the Dutch 1915-1963 in the middle of book and pub- Indies. In addition, a dissertation by Sub- lication policy issued by the colonial gov- ardi (2012) emphasizes more on the re- ernment and by the Indonesians or the view of linguistic aspect within the three post-colonial government as well as in the books published by the Boekhandel Tan middle of author agents, private publica- Khoen Swie. A study by S. Margana tion agents and Javanese literature read- (2004) regarding the reasoning