History of the First Council of Nice : a World's Christian Convention, AD
NYPL RESEARCH LIBRARIES 3 3433 06819873 2 Yey y^/ ,//Uy C>, //!e/yKJ(TrAy'^^y/^^:::^ Ithe newyohk IpUBLIC M^R'T^' AND A8T0R, LENOX TILDEN POUNDAHOWS., CONSTANTINE THE GREAT HISTORY First Council of Nice WORLD'S CHRISTIAN CONVENTION, A. D. 325 :• WITH A LIFE OF CONSTANTINE, By dean DUDLEY. BOSTON: C. W. CALKINS & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS. 1880. THENEW YOS^ml PUBLIC LIBK-AR 158825 AfiTO'S L?f«OX AND TIlO£n F'jUNOaTIONS. Cnjjgrfgfjt, By DEAIT DUDLEY, a. 0. 1879. Wright & Potter Printing Company, Boston, Mass. INTRODUCTION. The words Council, Synod, and Convention are synonymous. There were many Comicils held in Christendom before that of Nice ; but they were not CEcumenical, that is, general or universal. At the first Councils the bishops probal)ly represented only their several churches, but they gradually assumed more extensive powers, and claimed to represent larger districts. In apostolic times the apostles chose the bishops ; afterwards the disciples of the apostles chose them, subject to the approval of the community. After this age the bishops of a province mot together and appointed new bishops, which choice had to be rati- fied by the people. At the Council of Nice a new plan was adopted, as will be seen in the canons. In this history of a single Council we shall obtain a glimpse of the condition of the Christian Church of that day, Constantine, the great emperor of Rome, being decidedly the most conspicuous figure in the picture. Therefore it seemed proper to add to this edition, his likeness, taken from a coin, and a sketch of his life.
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