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NPNF2-03. Theodoret, Jerome, Gennadius, & Rufinus NPNF2-03. Theodoret, Jerome, Gennadius, & Rufinus: Historical Writings by Philip Schaff About NPNF2-03. Theodoret, Jerome, Gennadius, & Rufinus: Historical Writings by Philip Schaff Title: NPNF2-03. Theodoret, Jerome, Gennadius, & Rufinus: Historical Writings URL: Author(s): Schaff, Philip (1819-1893) Publisher: Grand Rapids, MI: Christian Classics Ethereal Library Print Basis: New York: Christian Literature Publishing Co., 1892 Source: Logos Inc. Rights: Public Domain Status: This volume has been carefully proofread and corrected. CCEL Subjects: All; Proofed; Early Church; LC Call no: BR60 LC Subjects: Christianity Early Christian Literature. Fathers of the Church, etc. NPNF2-03. Theodoret, Jerome, Gennadius, & Rufinus: Philip Schaff Historical Writings Table of Contents About This Book. p. ii Title Page.. p. 1 Preface.. p. 2 The Ecclesiastical History, Dialogues, and Letters of Theodoret.. p. 3 Title Page.. p. 3 Translator©s Preface.. p. 3 Chronological Tables to accompany the History and Life of Theodoret.. p. 4 Prolegomena.. p. 9 Parentage, Birth, and Education.. p. 9 Episcopate at Cyrus.. p. 13 Relations with Nestorius and to Nestorianism.. p. 15 Under the Ban of Theodosius and of the Latrocinium.. p. 19 Theodoret and Chalcedon.. p. 22 Retirement after Chalcedon, and Death.. p. 24 The Condemnation of ªthe Three Chapters.º. p. 26 The Works of Theodoret.. p. 28 Contents and Character of the Extant Works.. p. 30 Manuscripts and Editions of Separate Works.. p. 41 The Anathemas of Cyril in Opposition to Nestorius.. p. 42 Counter-statements of Theodoret.. p. 43 The Ecclesiastical History of Theodoret.. p. 52 Book I. p. 52 Prologue.--Design of the History.. p. 52 Origin of the Arian Heresy.. p. 52 List of the Principal Bishops.. p. 54 The Epistle of Alexander, Bishop of Alexandria to Alexander, Bishop of Constantinople.. p. 54 The Letter of Arius to Eusebius, Bishop of Nicomedia.. p. 63 The Letter of Eusebius, Bishop of Nicomedia, to Paulinus, Bishop of Tyre.. p. 65 General Council of Nicña.. p. 66 Confutation of Arianism deduced from the Writings of Eustathius and Athanasius.. p. 68 iii NPNF2-03. Theodoret, Jerome, Gennadius, & Rufinus: Philip Schaff Historical Writings Facts relating to Meletius the Egyptian, from whom originated the Meletian Schism, which remains to this day.--Synodical Epistle respecting him.. p. 71 The Epistle of the Emperor Constantine, concerning the matters transacted at the Council, addressed to those Bishops who were not present.. p. 73 The daily wants of the Church supplied by the Emperor, and an account of his other virtues.. p. 74 Letter of Eusebius on the effrontery of the Arians. p. 75 Confutation of the blasphemies of the Arians of our time, from the writings of Eusebius, Bishop of Cñsarea.. p. 78 Extract from the Letter of Athanasius on the Death of Arius.. p. 79 Letter written by the Emperor Constantine respecting the building of Churches.. p. 81 The Epistle of Constantine concerning the preparation of copies of the Holy Scriptures.. p. 82 Letter from the Emperor to Macarius, Bishop of Jerusalem, concerning the building of the Holy Church.. p. 82 Helena, Mother of the Emperor Constantine.--Her zeal in the Erection of the Holy Church.. p. 83 The Unlawful Translation of Eusebius, Bishop of Nicomedia.. p. 85 Epistle of the Emperor Constantine against Eusebius and Theognis, addressed to the Nicomedians.. p. 85 The artful Machinations of Eusebius and his followers against the Holy Eustathius, Bishop of Antioch.. p. 87 Bishops of Heretical opinions ordained in Antioch after the Banishment of St. Eustathius.. p. 88 Conversion of the Indians.. p. 88 Conversion of the Iberians.. p. 90 Letter written by the Emperor Constantine to Sapor, the King of Persia, respecting the Christians.. p. 91 An account of the plot formed against the Holy Athanasius.. p. 93 Another plot against Athanasius.. p. 94 Epistle of the Emperor Constantine to the Council of Tyre.. p. 94 The Council of Tyre.. p. 95 Consecration of the Church of Jerusalem.--Banishment of St. Athanasius.. p. 97 Will of the blessed Emperor Constantine.. p. 97 Apology for Constantine.. p. 98 The End of the Holy Emperor Constantine.. p. 98 iv NPNF2-03. Theodoret, Jerome, Gennadius, & Rufinus: Philip Schaff Historical Writings Book II. p. 98 Return of St. Athanasius.. p. 98 Declension of the Emperor Constantius from the true Faith.. p. 99 Second Exile of St. Athanasius.--Ordination and Death of Gregorius.. p. 100 Paulus, Bishop of Constantinople.. p. 101 The Heresy of Macedonius.. p. 102 Council held at Sardica.. p. 102 Account of the Bishops Euphratas and Vincentius, and of the plot formed in Antioch against them.. p. 110 Stephanus Deposed.. p. 111 The Second Return of Saint Athanasius.. p. 111 Third exile and flight of Athanasius.. p. 112 The evil and daring deeds done by Georgius in Alexandria.. p. 113 Council of Milan.. p. 115 Conference between Liberius, Pope of Rome, and the Emperor Constantius.. p. 117 Concerning the Banishment and Return of the Holy Liberius.. p. 120 Council of Ariminum.. p. 121 Concerning the Synod held at Nica in Thrace, and the Confession of Faith drawn up there.. p. 124 Synodical Act of Damasus, Bishop of Rome, and of the Western Bishops, about the Council at Ariminum.. p. 125 The Letter of Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria, concerning the same Council.. p. 126 Concerning the cunning of Leontius, Bishop of Antioch, and the boldness of Flavianus and Diodorus.. p. 128 Concerning the innovations of Eudoxius, of Germanicia, and the zeal of Basilius of Ancyra, and of Eustathius of Sebasteia against him.. p. 130 Of the Second Council of Nicña.. p. 130 Of the Council held at Seleucia in Isauria.. p. 131 Of what befell the orthodox bishops at Constantinople.. p. 132 Synodical Epistle written against Aetius.. p. 134 Of the causes which separated the Eunomians from the Arians.. p. 135 Of the siege of the city of Nisibis, and the apostolic conversation of Bishop Jacobus.. p. 136 Of the Council of Antioch and what was done there against the holy Meletius.. p. 138 About Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata.. p. 140 Book III. p. 141 v NPNF2-03. Theodoret, Jerome, Gennadius, & Rufinus: Philip Schaff Historical Writings Of the reign of Julianus; how from a child he was brought up in piety and lapsed into impiety; and in what manner, though at first he kept his impiety secret, he afterwards laid it bare.. p. 141 Of the return of the bishops and the consecration of Paulinus.. p. 142 Of the number and character of the deeds done by Pagans against the Christians when they got the power from Julian.. p. 144 Of the laws made by Julian against the Christians.. p. 146 Of the fourth exile and flight of the holy Athanasius.. p. 146 Of Apollo and Daphne, and of the holy Babylas.. p. 147 Of Theodorus the Confessor.. p. 147 Of the confiscation of the sacred treasures and taking away of the allowances.. p. 148 Of what befell Julianus, the Emperor©s Uncle, and Felix.. p. 149 Of the Son of the Priest.. p. 150 Of the Holy Martyrs Juventinus and Maximinus.. p. 151 Of Valentinianus the great Emperor.. p. 151 Of other confessors.. p. 152 Of Artemius the Duke. Of Publia the Deaconess and her divine boldness.. p. 153 Of the Jews; of their attempt at.
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