Statistical Bulletin 2015.Pdf
HIGHLIGHTS A. Tourist Arrival during 2015 Domestic Foreign Total % Change 1,17,86,117 66,971 1,18,53,088 9.12 % B. Seasonal Pattern of Tourist arrival during 2015 Peak Season Domestic Foreign Total (January-March and 70,89,623 39,340 71,28,963 October-December) Lean Season (April- September) 46, 96,494 27,631 47,24,125 Total 1,17,86,117 66,971 1,18,53,088 C. Mode of Arrival of Tourist during 2015 Mode Domestic Foreign Total Air 3,90,720 9,537 4,00,257 D. Tourist Generating Areas during 2015 Foreign : Maximum from UK Domestic : Maximum from West Bengal E. Monthly Tourist inflow during 2015 Maximum Minimum Domestic December :17,04,710 September : 7,12,028 Foreign January : 8,732 June : 3,998 F. Foreign Tourist Arrival during 2015 (Odisha vis-a-vis India) India Odisha Share 80,27,133 66,971 0.83 01 G. Hotel Position in Odisha at the end of 2015 Category of Hotels No. of Hotels No. of No. of Rooms Beds High Spending Group (HSG ) 383 11,903 25,062 Middle Spending Group (MSG) 455 9,219 18,924 Low Spending Group (L SG) 921 15,264 29,108 Total 1,759 36,386 73,094 H. Inflow of Money through Tourist Spending (Expenditure) in Odisha during 2015 (Rs. in Crores ) Domestic Foreign Total 12,049.06 306.97 12,356.03 TOURIST VISITS IN ODISHA A. Tourist Visits (Domestic & Foreign) 2013 2014 2015 (a) Visits during the whole year 98,66,810 1,08,62,048 1,18,53,088 * Increase/decrease 7,49,005 9,95,238 9,91,040 * Change in Percentage 8.21% 10.08 % 9.12 % (b) Visits during January-June 46,60,812 51,19,850 55,99,599 * Increase/decrease 4,24,246 4,59,038 4,79,749
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