TOPCOATS Fo Ow a Middle-Of-The-Road Policy Since the Start States, At- Even When Laval Was Ousted 1 Which Brought Laval Back with the United Would from That Time On

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TOPCOATS Fo Ow a Middle-Of-The-Road Policy Since the Start States, At- Even When Laval Was Ousted 1 Which Brought Laval Back with the United Would from That Time On (PHOXE 8800) Friday, April 17, 1942 PAGE 8 DETROIT EVENING TIMES CHERRY : Rundstedf Gets Shallow Over Vichy Darlan Given Deßrinon, Long Close to Hitler, and Sinister Figure Army, Command Over in France s Fall, May Enter Laval Cabinet Control of f*! t' pvr.fht 1»42. International N>»* B«rvire jfk Occupied Coast The sinister figure of Fernand French Fleet ic Brinon who accompanied Laval to Vichy yesterday One) VICHY France April IT HT> Pierre (Continued from Page |N for the cabinet confer- W y —Field Marshal Karl Rudolf Gerri momentous and Free French, or General g that may seal the fate of von Rurydstedt, one of Hitler'> M ence F Bridoux. e the the war—- com* France for rest of • -General Jennequin. t generals, has been placed in ? t ¦ Ai/r Iveginning to loom larger and IDarul of the en* re German-hoi : is • Navy-Admiral Auphanz. larger the mastermind behind Atlantic C ast from the Spanish as • Finance —Pierre Cathala- ! triumph over Vichy. w frontier 10 the Norweg an north Hitler’s • Labor Jean Le Cardelle, IV Brinon. latest disjvatchcs cat \ it v s revealed tod y. 7 veteran syndicalist leader. from Vichy indicate, may bo re- 1 Von rUndstedt arrived in Fans • Deputy warded with in important in Communications I a n-ori l, . ..nri no'* > inspecting Albert Chichery. rergtrung German the new pro-Nazi cabinet soon to l an! the • Industrial production Le- • n: < - be announced. Co tal it will be a reward for roy-Ladurie. r \nn Stuelpnapel re- If so. .J&fP Cn. Otto in be- ¦Rgk Jj • Justice—Joseph Barthelemy command of the German nearly a decade of activity i id-Ins in the Nazi cause in France. (retained). I fore's of occupation in France, a half of i command distinct from Von Rund- W ARNING TO U, 8. Er MAY RETAIN TWO MORE s defense and fighting forces itedt It was suave, sharp-featured It was understood that Jacques 1 along the coast. Brinon. who summoned Benoist-Mechin, secretary of state Fernand de relations, American newsmen in Paris to his for Vichy-German and ; ! headquarters last May and issued press chief Paul Marion also would a statement to them warning the be retained. , S.-Vichy Status United States in effect that if she (International News Service l by entered the war against Germany said Darlan was designated *he would find France as wrll a* Petain to succeed him as chief the rest of Europe lined up solidly hHHhIHHb j of state. -and the "Fintex Plan of Progress" Laval on Hitlers side. FERNAND DE BRINON* AWAIT U. S. MOVE Unnes only on IV Brinon was not one of . champion foreign the first apostles of French collalio- t Nlli French leaders and Page One) eagerly the first answers, a that (Continued from ration with Nazi Germany, but diplomats awaited | with COVERT lineup the most powerful political figures of United gpjk first journal- indication a move by the authority also the very French in conquered France, 1 from the highest that ist to be received by Chancellor States to make clear its position. 1 re'-tions were near the breaking He was apixiinted delegate-gen- (The radiq asserted * steals the show! Hitler in private audience. That Berlin nt rouree said Laval would eral of the Vichy regime to the pr The was in 19.13. when Hitler first early today, In a broadcast n-t be successful in any effort to German authorities in Paris in by United Press in came into power. November, 19-10, and from that recorded the' ir M'-*in the same relations with The following year. De Brinon New York, that Admiral Wil- existed time to this he has been the No. 1 Leahy, States t!*-* United States which published a book in which he go-between negotiations liam D. United p ~r to his return to power. in with ambassador at Vichy, had been ardently urged an alliance between Hitler. lie predicted that Laval, who Franee and Hitler. ordered to return to \Vashington hr i announced that he wants to CONTINUED ACTIVITIES to report.) n ENTERTAINED BY NAZIS of the week-end TOPCOATS fo ow a middle-of-the-road policy Since the start States, at- Even when Laval was ousted 1 which brought Laval back with the United would From that time on. he made from the Vichy cabinet in a crises tempt of to power after 16 months of to deceive the people frequent trips to Germany, where shakeup months ago, Brinon* thinking was 16 De eclipse. Leahy had watched devel- France into he he was wined and dined by the continued to function as Hitler’s friendly toward the United States, highest Nazi circles and where he opments closely from his embassy, go-between without interruption. visiting either Petain or ; wh*lr in reality he would be work- engaged In certain financial trans-! Only developed in without victory and one flaw his Darlan. ing toward a Gehnan actions, the exact nature of which Nazi relationships. He was married further enslavement of the French never has been made public. to a Jewess. Hitler fixed this up; REIGN OF TERRORISM pc-p c. He began to play the stock mar- by declaring Madame de Brinon The urgency of the foreign sit- ket heavily in Paris. And it was an "honorary Aryan" hut De HINTS LAVAL TRICKERY period uation with the United States, during this that he became Brinon went him one better. annoyed by It was pointed out that Laval’s "financial adviser” to Pierre Laval which was openly He separated from her and she Laval's restoration to power, was : whole future has been thrown with As a journalist he had specialized was last reported living "some- Germany—that a German defeat in financial and economic sub- matched by the internal situation where on the French Riviera.” as the result of a new outbreak would result in an ignominious end jects. It may be more than a coinci- His elegantly. appointed Paris of terrorism and sabotage. for him. dence that the French town of Today was the deadline for the The authoritative source said home became a gathering place of Brinon from which Do Bnnon’s pro-Nazi personalities and into his arrest of "terrorists” who recently L-val's game would be to lead family comes is shown on early sentry in Paris. into war on the circle he drew as many susceptible of shot a German France back the nineteenth century maps France Already the Germans had shot five by subterfuge. Frenchmen as he could persuade. Allemands,” German side He as "Brinon-les mean- hostages in revenge; they threat- said Laval probably would attempt It was Do Brinon, who intro- ing "Brinon, town of the Ger- duced into important French mans," ened to seize and shoot more un- to occupy by force all French ter- and indicating that it less the attackers were arrested now the political circles Otto Abetz, Hit- embraced a large German ritory under control of Paris, who settle- by today. French, or, in case ler's personal envoy to ment in those days. Free as the having organized Forty-four persons died as the of Syria, under control of the is credited with and supervised the Nazi fifth * result of a sabotage derailment of British. column in France that eventually Mourning a German troop train at Caen; C The French fleet probably would the in recent days civilians had taken an undertaking, hastened nation's downfall on fee used in such the battlefield. a rifle from a German sentry at r jSfJtiich certainly would bring a Petain’s Guest Expects Lens, bombs had been thrown into Jypeak in relations with the United SECRET MISSIONS German headquarters at Paris and States if not a state of war. Tn 1915, when Laval was premier Funeral Meal Illers, near Bethune; 600 acres of * Henry-Haye called at the state and foreign minister of France, be the famous Fontainebleau forest "department last evening to deliver sent De Brinon on numerous secret VICHY, France, April 17 (UP). near Paris had been burned. to Welles Vichy * rejection of the Germany, state was missions to Nazi and —Chief of Petain host POLICY TOMORROW’S THE TIME, MISTER, Vnited States’ explanation of the eventually De Brinon became so at dinner last night to chief judges DIRECTS establishment of relations with the closely identified with the Nazis of the Riom "war guilt” trial and Laval planned to take full con- JFree French government in French that his influence with them sur- retiring Justice Minister Joseph trol of foreign and internal af- to make your clothing dollars talk out equatorial Africa. passed that of any other French- Barthelemy. fairs and propaganda. As foreign if \EB^KBBL - But Welle* completed a triple man. "Are we going to have bean* minister he would direct policy * ' w&WmJ ¦/if hll’ play of rejections by informing As president of a pro-Nazi prop- and dried cod for dinner?" toward the United Stales and loud, when COVERT, the coast-to-coast HI m >V- . W 9! ' Oi Henry-Haye that the United States aganda organization known as the Barthelemy asked Petain. Germany; as interior minister, in could not accept Vichy’s point of France-Germany Society, “Why?" inquired Petain. charge of French police, he would view. The Frenchman revealed De Brinon worked hand-in-glove "In my native province of seek to suppress - terrorism; as fashion favorite, is priced this low. Only this to waiting reporters when he with Abetz. Ger* that 1* the traditional dish propaganda chief he hoped to / jB J emerged from Welles’ office after After hi* country’s defeat In we serve at funerals,” Barthel- check the steady deterioration of 1 1/ MUt « >MWm June, 1940, emerged as one emy replied.
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