City of Somerville, Massachusetts Planning Staff Report
CITY OF SOMERVILLE, MASSACHUSETTS MAYOR’S OFFICE OF STRATEGIC PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT JOSEPH A. CURTATONE MAYOR GEORGE J. PROAKIS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR PLANNING DIVISION STAFF SARAH LEWIS, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING Case #: ZBA 2017-40 SARAH WHITE, PLANNER / PRESERVATION PLANNER Date: November 28, 2018 ALEX MELLO, PLANNER MONIQUE BALDWIN, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Recommendation: Conditional Approval PLANNING STAFF REPORT Site: 395 Alewife Brook Parkway Applicant Name: 395 ABP, LLC Applicant Address: 324 Commonwealth Avenue, Suite 4, Boston, MA 02115 Property Owner Name: GE&M Auto Service, Inc. Property Owner Address: 395 Alewife Brook Parkway, Somerville, MA 02144 Agent Name: Richard g. Di Girolamo Agent Address: 424 Broadway, Somerville, MA 02143 Alderman: Katjana Ballantyne Legal Notice: Applicant, 395 ABP, LLC and Owner, G.E. & M. Auto Service, Inc., seek a Special Permit with Site Plan Review (SPSR) to construct a four-story, 23-unit residential building. Affordable units to be provided under Article 13 of the SZO. Special Permit for parking relief and to provide compact spaces under Article 9 of the SZO. NB zone. Ward 7. Dates of Public Hearing: Zoning Board of Appeals – November 28, 2018 CITY HALL ● 93 HIGHLAND AVENUE ● SOMERVILLE, MASSACHUSETTS 02143 (617) 625-6600 EXT. 2500 ● TTY: (617) 666-0001 ● FAX: (617) 625-0722 Page 2 of 19 Date: November 28, 2018 Case #: ZBA 2018-40 Site: 395 Alewife Brook Parkway I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. Subject Property: The subject property is currently used as a gas station and auto repair/inspection/service station. The locus presents 8,774 square feet of lot area and is found in the NB zoning district.
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