CAMPUS NEWS Volume 54, Issue 15 single copies free. For multiple copies, contact Campus News Monterey Park, February 4,1998 LACCD receives low Issues of mismanagement of funds grades from state By CHRISTINE SENTENO feel the increases in pay are needed discussed at special ASO meeting StaffWriter and competitive with other school By LAURETTE ESPINOZA July 24, 1997 two salaries $5,000 The Los Angeles College School districts. StaffWriter was moved from account 60129 for District last month received a num­ The financial instability may Questions of mismanagement of Ihe purpose of paying the ASO sec­ ber two ranking, the second worst have a strong effect on the 100,000 Associated Student Organization stu­ retaries. It states, "There are two sec­ ASO Special Election possible, by the state's chancellor's students of the district because fi­ dent funds were brought to the atten­ retaries, one of which is being paid office due to the district's weak fis­ nancial problems lead to cutbacks. tion ofthe ASO board at an ASO spe­ through J.T.P.A." (for a short period Presidential Candidates cal status. If the situation worsens the state cial meeting J lanuary 16. of time). The state chancellor's office has could take control of the district or This was done after (then) Presi­ Dominguez told the board that a list of financially troubled districts it could lead to the district losing dent Juan Camacho (who recently re­ there were other student workers Ihat Juan F. Contreras Corrine Garcia statewide. Los Angeles Community its accreditation. signed), along wilh Dr. Marco had to be paid, "but the money's College School District, the nation's Few four year colleges will ad­ Dominquez, ASO adviser, asked the gone." largest, has been on that list since mit students from a school in an Board to allocate $9,000 to pay for Sandoval replied with, "I'm not 1987. unaccredited district. two ASO secretaries for Ihe remain­ the Chief Justice, bul my interpreta­ The least serious level, a level Of the nine colleges in the dis­ der of the semester. tion ofthe constitution is this board three, where the district was, has trict, ELAC has been the only Dominguez told Campus News has lo approve those funds. been downgraded to level two. school not to show up in the red, days after the meeting that Camacho "I'm not trying to put student ac­ Level one is the worst and most se­ according to President Ernest was IheBudgetary Affairs Committee tivities on the spot bul is il general rious level. Moreno. (BAC) representative. However, that policy where we fund other deparl­ As district chancellor. Bill Segura The full time students at ELAC post was vacant when he look on the menls student workers? Like finan­ resigned from his post the state of­ outnumber those at all the other vice presidency. cial aid office offers student services, fice cited high management turn­ schools throughout the district. Camacho said the purpose was to but we're not paying Iheir workers." over as part of Iheir reason for the This generates badly needed rev­ transfer the money "that's already Dominguez answered by saying, downgrade. enue for the district. there," so the secretaries can be paid. he didn't know. "There might have Personal statements Other reasons for the downgrade Other institutions in the district However, $5,000 had already been been student workers hired by Su­ I am aware of Ihe problems Ihat I have brought my ideas and include: unrealistic projected may see cutbacks as early as next allocated in July lo pay the Iwo sec­ san Luna, (former ASO president) plague our campus, bring a halt to abilities to ELAC. growth statistics and pay raises semester yet President Moreno still retaries. before she left, I don't know." our learning experience and destroy I will do my best, utilizing all of throughout the district. expects ELAC's summer program Camacho said, "This, in actuality Sandoval confirmed what was the educational environment. The my strengths, to serve the studenis Some faculty district employees to be similar to Ihe one offered last is a little bit more than we'll actually being asked for by saying, "So, this problems that ocurred in Ihe previ­ of ELAC. are expected to receive a 22.5% pay summer. be using; bul we're just allocating it $9,000 will be for Ihe two secretar­ ous semesters are behind us, we I have seen many problems on raise while administration and staff The president also feels that the so we don't have to come back lo the ies plus the ones Luna hired?" must look toward, clean the mess campus which have saddened me. will receive a 12% pay raise over district has been an important sup­ ASO and re-allocate the monies; and "Well, they haven't been hired that has been left and work towards It is from this pain and love for my the next few years. porter of this college. if ifs not used, it will get transferred." officially. ASO as a group hasn't a productive ASO and an active ICC communily that I have decided to The State Chancellor's office sees Moreno says, "Four years ago we Acting Inter Club Council (ICC) hired anybody" said Dominguez that will not be limited by the poli­ run for ASO President. these pay raises as a major issue cit­ were a debtor school and the dis­ President Robert Sandoval, used a Before the board voted, Sandoval tics and bureaucracy of Ihe ASO. 1 will do my best lo represent all ing the increases exceed the state trict supported us. Now we are a calculator to approximate what the said he wanted to make it clear to of you. cost-of-living adjustment. creditor school and we can work as two salaries would come lo. the board that the ASO should have District board members however, a balance for the district." Sandoval said, "I'm getting a little had the ability to decide who works under $4,000. To allocate $9,000, for Ihem; and if it's never been done, and two members of the board ran needed for bookstore workers, that's a lot of money lo allocate. We Ihen it's not appropriate for us lo into Luna. When asked by board kilchen workers, and students hired all know that this board already allo­ make a decision as to who we should members if she ever hired any work­ lo keep the student center open until Student wins $1,000 award cated $5,000 in July to pay the Iwo put in these positions." ers. Luna's reply was;"l can't hire 9:30 p.m. Il used to only be open until secretaries." According lo a member of the student workers." 4 p.m." from Soroptomists According to ASO's Account Ac­ ICC, the agenda stated the monies Dominguez told Campus News "So there will be no more misun­ that he did not ask for the money but derstandings, no student workers will By JUAN GUERRERO tivity Detail Report from 7/1/97 to were for two secretaries. Nonethe­ was just there as the adviser. When be hired unless it's done in writing Staff Writer 11/30/97, $6,231.50 was spent on less Dominguez was interpreting it told what Luna said, his reply was, first," said Dominguez. "At this mo­ Lori Romero, EOP&S student ASO salaries. as Ihe secretaries and the other mem­ "Well, I don't know." ment, we have no more student work­ worker, won the $1,000 Women's Oul of these monies, $3,550.25 bers that Luna allegedly hired her­ ers, until the new ASO officers are Opportunity Award from the was never approved by the ASO self. The member went on to say, "I He also said that Camacho was in hired." (see related item, this page) Soroptimist International of Board. Only $2, 681.25 was paid out don't know if Luna ever did Ihal; Bul charge of all accounts, when asked Monterey Park/Rosemead this past to Magdalena Saucedo and Elizabeth I have copies of the minutes where why four other workers were paid out The motion didn't carry, and the December. Ornelas, the two secretaries hired by Susan Luna was al, and Ihe way the of the $5,000 allocated for Iwo sec­ $9,000 wasn't allocated at that lime. retaries. She will use the scholarship lo fur­ the board. minutes read, Susan never did Ihat." However, a special meeting can still ther her education in Accounting. She According to the ASO minutes. After the meeting. Campus News "Basically, the extra money was be called. has already received her Associate's Degree in accounting and wants to continue on through getting a Doc­ New procedure for access road in front of scliooi torate Degree. Lori Romero She plans to transfer to Whitter By CHRISTINE SENTENO College in one year, making il easier She received a Validictorian award Staff Writer to be closer to her three kids, Brian, for scoring high on the tests and was The access road off of Avenida Geneva, and Jesse. She wants to be­ then given the choice to pick the col­ Ceasar Chavez in Ihe front of the come a role model for her children lege of her choice. She says she campus, has a new procedure run by and other people. picked ELAC because her brother. Campus Police. Jesse Isoto, had come here. Romero says she has always The street has been problematic in looked on the bright side, especially At ELAC, she became qualified to the past because drivers double-park, while taking care of her mother and receive help through Job Training block the road to pick up or drop off kids. Partnership Act (JTPA), the CARE passengers, and block the road to wait program, and EOP&S. Compared to her life now, Romero for a parking space. says was in an abusive, controlling Seeing an opportunity to work in The new system for the road is marriage in the past and then di­ the EOP&S office, she applied to be designed lo alleviate those problems vorced. a student worker and got the job. as well as reduce the overcrowding After that, she applied for the Her new relationship allows her to in the northeast parking lot. Soroptimist's Women" s Oppurtunity freely be herself and smile at her Campus Police hope to reduce dis­ Award. troubles. putes between drivers like the ones "Whatever you dish out comes The Soroptimist International that have occurred on that street in back", Romero says, referring to how awards one scholarship a year to col­ the past. she kept herself looking for opportu­ lege students planning to further their The police saw a need to supervise nities. education. This last year their award the road after receiving many com­ was for women. Romero says before coming to plaints from students, faculty and ELAC, she lived and cared for her ill The Soroptimist International be­ staff. mother. lieve in the striving of students and A campus police officer will man in the strengthing of women's status To get ahead in life, she planned the parking booth and provide access in bussiness. to get her GED through the use of a to the street. Romero has been working in the They will oversee guest parking Photo by Jordan Curiel Greater Avenues for Independence Restricted access only—The access road in front of the school has gone through some modifications. (GAIN) program. EOP&S for about a year. and provide information lo drivers who need help when coming on cam­ passes. 40 stalls are available to fac­ 8a.m. Guest parking, which was not once the protocol has been estab­ pus. ulty and staff with approximately 10 available before this semester, will be lished, things should run 50 parking stalls will remain un­ handicapped spaces and motorcycle offered and can be obtained by sub­ smoothly. Semerena says, touched from past semesters for stu­ stalls. mitting a letter lo the Campus Police. "We're trying to make it conve­ dents with ASO or student parking The road is run from 6:30a.m. to Lieutenant Ruben Semerena says nient for everybody." USDA accepting Valentine Photos applications for News Briefs taken in Student Ctr. summer interns The Photo Club Association will United States Department of Ag­ Credit union seeks College fair to be held be holding a photo shoot on Febru­ riculture (USDA) is taking applica­ ary 11-12 from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. marketing interns A college recruitment and finan­ tions for their Summer Intern Pro­ cial aid fair is scheduled for Febru­ gram (SIP). These positions give The Los Angeles Schools' ary 21 at Cal State LA. Getty internships students a paid, summer intern ex­ Federal Credit Union is accepting It will feature workshops for trans­ perience and allow them to find out applications for its Annual Spring offered to students fer students, parents, and high school about career opportunities at Marketing Internship. Interns will The J.Paul Getty Trust is offer­ students about the application pro­ USDA. serve as liaison to the staff and ing an intemshp lo culturally diverse cess and financial aid. Deadline for most USDA agen­ studenis on their campus. students. cies is February 20. Applications For applications, contact market­ Applications can be obtained by Photo by David Gallegos and information booklets are avail­ ing director Patti Jagger al (310) calling (310) 440-6545. Don't get in my way—Huskie Dominic Avila takes down the en­ able in Ihe Student Services Office, 632-0100, ext. 349. Applications are due March 2. emy (see related story, page 5). El-136. Page 2 East Los Angeles College 'Campus News' February 4,1998 Opinion

Clinton's affairs are his business

By LAURETTE ESPINOZA see the anger and hurl. His whole Alan Colmes said "Starr is a tion being torn apart is almost heart­ StaffWriter body language is different." hatchet man for the republican party, breaking. There's too much coverage Everyone has an opinion concern­ I looked at her and told her "That and it's all a witch hunt. Just like by the media and it's making us look ing the President of the United Slates was my first instinct, 'Exactly'." 1 MacDougell who's been in jail for a like fools. asof late. Did President Clinton have also think she was bragging to her year now because she won't say what There are so many things happen­ sex with Monica Lewinsky or didn't friends, and so does this Professor she Starr wants her to say." ing, not only in this country but in he? had an affair with. He's tried to scare Lewinsky so others, Ihat our government should If he did, docs that make him in­ Paula Jones" own sister went on a much that she'd probably sign or do be spending Iheir time on. capable of running the country and talk show and told Ihe world, "My anything, after he's done with her. Then we have people like Bob making sound decisions? sister is lying because she wants Ihe Imagine having all these men McMillan, Republican from Ihe T.V. I know what my opinion is, bul be­ money." When asked how she knew come into your house, take your com­ Show 'Face Off "Yell," at Alan fore 1 give it I want to tell you what a this, she replied with, "Because she puter, address book and other books, Colmes on a news show saying, die-hard Christian told me. By the told me." So, who do we believe any­ even your clothes and personal ob­ "We're in trouble wilh the president, way, she's my 19 yr. old daughter Jes­ more? jects. Totally invading your privacy, the way we are today, because the sica, and we're registered under dif­ Last week's Round Table (a Sun­ but you can't do a thing about it. media didn't go after him." ferent parties. day News program) the panel thought Then being held and constantly Excuse me. Bul Ihe last time 1 Because of these differences, 1 was the president would resign within the questioned and threatened with jail looked, Clinton was and is always the curious as to what her opinion on the week; It didn't happen. or prison for 10 hours. How humane object of the news media. matter was. George Stcphenopolus, ABC news is that? Even reporter Martin Schram, said, Being a journalist, I'm use lo ask­ analyst said, "This is a long game and What happened lo, the person's "Excuse me, bul the Media broke all ing the questions so I asked her Ihe it's not over." "innocent until proven guilty?" 1 ofthe stories you're talking about." same two questions I opened this ar­ He also said, "Starr is unethical, know it's never worked with anyone Let me finish with the words of my ticle with. or ignorant"; and along with others else but damn! The President! daughter when she saw some of the 1 was really surprised by her an­ said, there's not a lot of confidence My second question was. Would other members of her "Share group" swer because it was so similar to in Ken Starr. it (sex) have an effect on the way he yell at Ihe T.V. while laughing, "Im­ mine. 1 don't know where the Indepen­ runs the country? I don't think so. peach Him! He's guilty!" She said, "To tell you the truth dent councel is going from here, but I mean, think about it. Does your She said, "Who are you to judge? mom, I think this girl made-up some to tell you Ihe truth, 1 wish the media sex life interfere wilh your job? Remember what Jesus said, [Mat­ story to make herself look big would slop spending all their time on Couples have sex all the time and still thew 7: 1,2] Do not judge or you too amongst her friends." this one issue. go to work Ihe next day. will be judged; for in the same way "Then, when someone look her There will be plenty of time to If sex interfered with any of our you judge others," seriously, she had already gone too write when all is said and done. Then work, we'd all be hanging around "You will be judged; and with the far to turn back. So, she has no other they can run with it. Unless Judge water fountains and bumping into same measure you use, it will be alternative but to keep on lying." She Starr puts her in jail loo, because she walls. The mistakes would be end­ measured to you." went on. won't say what he wants to hear. less I think 1 raised an intelligent "With Paula Jones you really He's done it before. Hell, Susan All this "sex" publicity is doing, daughter. But God gave her the in­ couldn't see any great emotion on his macDougell?— slill in jail because is embarrassing the American people. sight. If he's guilty of a wrong, he face, but with this girl, you can see she wouldn't and won't say what Other countries are taking stock; and will be judged accordingly. something totally different. You can Starr wants her to say. to see the greatest country in the na­ Cruising for fun turns into nightmare BY JULIETTE PENA the closer we gel to East L.A., the cious". 1 expectcil us to get pulled ing so she can get her car oul of the StaffWriter more the car starts to hesitate. over because of the type of vehicle driveway. And where's Angel's bug? What better way to spend a Satur­ And just when we thought it we were in. On the street collecting dust. day night then to cruise the streets of couldn't get any worse, lo and behold So of course he gave my friend The point of this here story is that Hollywood with your friends. we gel pulled over by Ihe cops. Angel a ticket for speeding. Angel's if you give someone a highpower job, 1 just did that this weekend. But . 1 knew this >ya5 going to happen. first ticket by the way. il automiULcaJJ,y,gl)e.s,t« their head. somewhere in the back of my feeble Whenever you really need a cop, He's been driving for more than 2 . By the way,,the cop that pulled us little mind was the thought that some­ they're either giving some law abid­ years now without any problems over pulled another person over about thing or someone was going lo ruin ing citizen a ticket for J-walking or what so ever. five blocks away. it. at a donut shop getting the daily al­ So as we get back on the road Ihe 1 mean come on, this cop knew My friend's V.W. bug had just lowance of 99 grams of sugar. bug really starts to sputter and we pull damn well we were not speeding nor started to run again so we decided to The cop that slopped us said it was over about ten yards away from were we doing anything else wrong test it oul. 1 love that car. because we were going 55 miles per where the cop gave us a ticket. for that matter. Anyway, after a good two hours on hour in a 35 MPH zone. What does the cop do? Just drives Okay so I wasn't wearing a seat the Sunset Strip, we decided to head There was no way we were going right by of course. bell but monkey boy didn't know Ihat home. even 35 mph. The bug was practically So Angel decides to go to his either. No sooner do we get out of down­ breaking down. 1 should have girlfriend's house to gel her car. Il And if he thinks for a second that town Ihat the bug starts to sputter. brought my camcorder. was close by and the bug barely made we are going to take this lying down So we pull over and with a couple 1 believe the real reason he pulled il there. he is seriously mistaken. of adjustments it starts to purr again. us over was because we were a bunch So my friend Claudia has to wake We are not a bunch of stupid kids "On Ihc road again," 1 thought. So of kids in a car that looked "suspi­ up her neighbor at 1:3() in the morn­ and this ticket will be fought in court.

It's always us versus them EiUT LOS ANSEIES COLUGE

By LAURETTE ESPINOZA aliens and welfare mothers are the Staff Writer enemy? CAMPUS^NEWS The words you're about to read How can a single parent be blamed Editor-in-Chief Marisa Meyka were spoken by an older upper-class for Ihe crime that exists within our News Editor Delgo Valencia (by society's standards) white Chris­ society? This country was founded Marisa Meyka ^^ tian woman. on so called "Aliens." Legal or ille­ Opinion Editor Laurette Espinoza gal, these people are not responsible "Maybe if we diverted billions of Features Editor Juliette Pena dollars from the prison system and for the crime that is committed in our UU&H 1AEFWE.R. PftRTY Sports Editor Bianca Symonette put the money into our school sys­ country everyday. So, what's the Chief Photographer Jordan Curiel tems, we wouldn't have so much problem? People like Nick. Cartoonist Tawnee Diaz crime to begin with." The show started with gun control, "We don't need to throw people in then Nick said, "I keep a loaded 12 STAFF WRITERS prisons and throw away the key. gauge shotgun under my bed for Mary A. Au, Sylvia Alva-Harris, Jimmy Alvarado, Mabel What we need to do is educate our those hype punks. If any of them try Spice Girls give Cheung, Tammy Gann, Juan Guerrero, Maria Meza, Susana children and that starts at home with to break into my home etc." Sanchez, Christine Senteno, Mario Vasquez their parents." That was when Santee asked him women bad name People are use to hearing these who's "them?" Then went on to tell STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS By MARISA MEYKA tire of a typical "rude girl" who words from so-called liberals, so will him, "Are you trying to say that Elliot Crabtree, David Gallegos, John Juarez Staff Writer probably thought they just dis­ it, or does it, make a difference as to single welfare mothers are all dope When 1 saw the first preview covered Melrose. who's saying it now? It shouldn't, but fiends and responsible for the crime Advertising Representative Laurette Espinoza for the recently released movie. Their hit, "If you wanna be my it does. that's taking place?" Adviser Jean Stapleton Spice World, I was apalled. lover" was ridiculous. That's why most middle and low- Good one Santee. 1 don't think Mr. How can anyone w;int to sec a Can you believe it took five income minorities and whites are Nick knows how many crimes are PRINTING BY NEWSTYPE SERVICES movie about these girls, let alone girls to sing the same lyrics never heard. For some reason, parts committed everyday Ihat don't even buy Iheir CD? lhrt)Ugout the whole song. Even of society have always labeled have anything to do wilh drug abuse. The East Los Angeles College Campus News is published as a When 1 call them girls that's then, they still needed back-up people. "They, Them, Those people True, many crimes are committed learning experience, offered under the East Los Angeles College because that's all they are, girls. singers? against, "Us." by addicts who need to steal in order Journalism program. The editorial and advertising materials are Not women. These girls aren't famous for to feed their habits; but the majority Nick, a callty, summed il up pretty free from prior restraint by virtue of the First Amendment to the In the movie preview the Spice Iheir voices, that's for sure. All of murders, rapes, molestations, good while voicing his opinion on United States Constitution. The opinions expressed are exclusively Girls say it's about girl power. Ihey have lo do is run around In kidnappings and killing sprees are not Frank Sanlee's Sunday morning ra­ those of the writer. Accordingly, materials published herein, includ­ Then Ihe preview goes on show­ Iheir underwear and poof, they're committed by hypes. dio talk show. So Santee asked Nick, ing any opinions expressed, should not be interpreted as the posi­ ing a scene where all of the girls everywhere. "who's they and who's us?" I can say with certainly that Ihe tion of the Los Angeles Community College District, East Los An­ are in a bathroom. There's a lol of people who "They," Nick said, are the punks, majority of these crimes are commit­ geles College, or any officer or employee thereof. Then one of them asks if her said the movie reminded them of hypes, gang-bangers, prostitutes, ted by either someone the person skirl is too short, Ihen proceeds the Beatles movie, "A hard day's murderers, illegal aliens and the wel­ knows like a friend, acquaintance, East Los Angeles College Campus News to make it shorter. night." fare recipients." boyfriend; or within their own fami­ 1301 Avenida Cesar Chavez, BIdg. S2-101 This is not girl power, this is Even though they said it Come on. At least Santee let't him lies like brothers, sisters, sons, daugh­ Monterey Park, CA 91754 stupidity. seemed like the idea was stolen, sounding like the fool that he is. when ters, aunts, uncles, or mothers and (213)265-8819,8821 These girls prance around it didn't matter. Il slill turned out he told him, "There is no They. There lathers. thinking that they look cute bul horrible. is only 'Us.' The rest is a manifesta­ In the end, the reality remains the what they're really doing is giv­ 1 still can't figure out why any­ tion of what we perceive." same. No matter who does what, ing women a bad name. one would want lo buy into this How could anyone, even Nick, there's only the individual to blame. Their look comes from the at­ stupidity. come to the conclusion Ihat illegal There is only US. February 4,1998 East Los Angeles College 'Campus News' Pages News/Feature

Obituary Obituary Animated professor missed Former student rememberedBy SUSANA SANCHEZ our friend and he always took the working for ELAC ten years ago. He By SYLVIA HARRIS Los Angeles College in 1948 when photographer at CBS." StaffWriter time to listen." was Ihe first person who showed me Staff Writer the college was still located on the Webster began his career at CBS Claude Parker, English Depart­ Parker joined ELAC as a Psychol­ how to get on-line and how to work Former alumnus, Charles "Skip" Garfield High School Campus. when it was known as the Golden ment Instructor, died on December ogy instructor in 1963. on the Internet." We spent four hours Webster, who was a journalism ma­ When ELAC came to its current lo­ Age of TV. They had critically ac­ 24,1997 after suffering from a heart Parker would animate his English exploring the web, we would also go jor in the early pioneer days of East cation, he migrated with it. By this claimed shows like "Playhouse 90", attack. classes with jokes and funny com­ to computer conferences together," Los Angeles College, died Decem­ time he was already married and had "Studio One" and "Climax." These Parker attended San Jose Univer­ mentaries on social and political is­ said Montag. ber 20, 1997 at 73 years old from one son. To make ends meet Webster shows were often performed live - sity and received his BA in Social sues to further his students interest "He was so kind and generous, he complications of emphysema, worked for Fleetwood and Baum adding to the excitement of that era. Science in 1953. in English and the world. let my wife borrow four power Mac asthma, and diabetes. California Publishing Company Young stars like Paul Newman, An­ He also did some graduate work Parker was appointed Project Di­ computers so she could do her digi­ Webster left behind a legacy of which published eight local newspa­ thony Quinn, Jack Palance, and Ed in Applied Art in 1953 at USC. rector of the New Careers Program tal animation with no problems, said memories from having a multi-fac­ pers. He worked first as a janitor at Wynn acted in these shows. He received his MA in Education in 1968. Montag, "Mr. Parker was one in a eted career in the entertainment and the ELA Tribune newspaper. After Webster formed and headed a Administration/Guidance in 1962 at He then became an English Pro­ million and he will be sadly missed." news media industry. His versatil­ Webster graduated from ELAC he special unit al CBS for these shows California State University, then fessor and worked from June 1993 "Mr. Parker greatly helped me in ity was reflected in the various po­ became a writer-reporter for the Tri­ in the publicity department. It was known as Los Angeles State College. until his retirement on May 26,1995. the summer of '97' with a scholar­ sitions he held that included being bune. He had a popular weekly col­ designed for press information. " I will always remember him as a "Parker was very knowledgeable ship essay, without his help, I a newspaper reporter, editor-in- umn called Potpourri where he wrote Among his many duties, Webster funny, and entertaining instructor," in different fields," said David wouldn't of been able to succeed at chief, a PR man and later a script­ a wide variety of stories. Eventu­ wrote stories about the shows and said former student Daniel Gomez, Montag, Physics Lab Technician."It that scholarship," said a former stu­ writer, story developer and pro­ ally he became editor-in-chief there. the actors, producers and directors. "He knew how to keep the class was always a treat to see him help dent. ducer of such shows as "Fantasy Webster's successes at the ELA Owens said he overheard Webster awake and he also taught us in a way students with their problems." Parker was 67 years old and is sur­ Island", "Rookies", "Mod Squad", Tribune led Fleetwood and Buam to say in an interview, "Working for other instructors couldn't. He became "I got to know him when I started vived by his wife Marlene. "Charlie's Angeles", "The Brady hire Him as their editor-in-chief of CBS during the Golden Age of TV Bunch", "Wonder Woman" and was the happiest time in my career many more during Ihe peak of his "Webster was an because I worked with some of the career at CBS. excellent student. He most gifted actors, producers, and Born in 1924 in Detroit, Michi­ had a lot of skill and directors. They were the best you gan, Webster came out to Los An­ finesse." could find." Concentration!— geles, Calif., area at age six. As a Before Webster started his script This Kung-Fu young boy Webster was awe-struck writing career, he also worked sev­ demonstration was with Hollywood. One of the favor­ all Iheir eight newspapers. eral years at the Roger & Cowan one of the many ite things lo do back then for A life time close friend of Co. as Head of their publicity de­ performances the Webster and his friend. Bill Jacoby, Websters', Felix Owens, became a partment. Briefly he went to New ASO sponsored for was to climb the fence at Paramount bigpart of his life. The two met when York lo work at the Westinghouse the celebration of studios. They would watch the they were students in the journalism Broadcasting Co. He became the Chinese New shows being shot and collect auto­ department al ELAC, under the di­ homesick and came back to Roger Year, last Tuesday, graphs from the stars. rection of Professor Russell Paine. & Cowan Co. in the Student Little did Webster know that his Webster wrote stories and became CBS beckoned again, only this Center. boyhood dreams would come true editor-in-chief for the Campus time Webster wanted to produce and when he finally went to work for News. Paine said, "Webster was an write for the TV shows. He wrote CBS Studios. Webster met his wife excellent student. He had a lot skill for producer Aron Spelling and Gloria when she was 14 years old. and finesse. His ideas gave him a other studios' shows besides CBS. They were childhood sweethearts good sense of what makes the news. Webster liked to write about fan­ and married on Feb. 7, 1943.They It made him a valuable person on the tasies the best. One of his scripts were married for 54 years. newspaper." was about a 200-year-old man that Webster and Gloria had two chil­ Fate and opportunity drew Webster was thawed out from the ice age to dren, Dennis and Don Webster. and Owens further together because live in modern times. Writing and Dennis supplied their three beloved wherever Webster worked so did producing and adapting stories for grandchildren, Todd, Christopher Owens. Owens said, "Webster was "Fantasy Island" was another of and Benjamin. Tragically, their son my fellow student, co-worker, friend Webster's favorites. He produced Dondiedofcanceratage3l in 1979. and confidant. 1 followed him wher­ and wrote for 20 years before he Webster served in the Army-Air ever he went. First we worked at the retired to live in the Shakespear force during World War II and the ELA Tribune and then CBS. He was Festival community of Ashland, QK Photo by Susana Sanchez ^ Koran War. Webster started at East instrumental in my getting a job as a Oregon. Theatre arts takes attention Assassin grows conscience in away from television watching the Replacement Killers By MABEL CHEUNG blond locks that frame his boyish tionship with the woman he loves By JULIETTE PENA Paradise") and other artists such as As an honors graduate of Harvard Staff Writer face. (Annie played by Christina Haag) StaffWriter Toni Braxton, CeCe Peniston, Ar­ University, Sorvino majored in Asian It's been an oft-debated cliche ihat 1 guess it doesn't bother anyone threatens to fall apart. When hired assa.ssin John Lee is rested Development and Zhane, just studies and lived in Beijing for a year. theater worth watching must be a that Jack's "true" love and sacrifice The parts are well-acted, Allin's assigned lo kill a child, he must make to name a few. She won her first Academy Award matter of life and death. We take this for Rose stems from a lust for those the most moving of all. He can go a choice between his family or Ihe He has also directed such commer­ in Ihe Woody Allen film Mighty idea for granted when we watch mov­ eyes, them lips, that nest of scented from comedic quips, perfectly timed, son of a person he had never met. cials for Seiko, Miller Genuine Draft, Aphrodite. ies or television because if we didn't, hair she must have unleashed pull­ lo speeches that have Ihe beauty of Chow Yun-Fal stars in Ihe Re­ Reebok, Toyota and Armani. She might also be recognized for we'd probably nol watch too much ing out her butterfly clip before mak­ Shakespearian soliloquies lo silences placement Killers as Ihat assassin. The Replacement Killers is execu­ the HBO original movie Norma Jean of either. ing love with that gorgeous body. of inexpressible fears and insecuri­ He plays an immigrant from China tive produced by John Woo who has and Marilyn. Take, for example, the love affair But then a play like Tom ties. who takes the job as an assassin for directed movies such as the highly More recently, Sorvino starred in between a certain misunderstood and Stoppard's The Real Thing comes to By making a playwright the main Mr. Wei, played by Kenneth Tsang, successful Broken Arrow and more Romy and Michele's High School unhappy, bul nonetheless voluptuous, the Pasadena Playhouse. Nobody character, Stoppard toys with the Ihe in exchange for the safely of his fam- recently box office hit Face/Off. Reunion, which co-stars Lisa girl and a certain artistic and street- dies, bul when you leave the theater, ideas of what is real and what is the­ ily. Woo made his feature film debut Kudrow, and Mimic. smart guy who appreciates her "vir­ you feel as if you've experienced life ater. But when Lee refuses to take Ihe in the U.S. in 1992 when he directed What movie wpuld be complete tues." He dies. and dealh, such intense emotion. The set design is a series of three assignment, he is forced to go on the Jean-Claude Van Damme in the without a really bitchin' soundtrack? Although Ihey worked awfully On a basic level, it was a play scenes built on a revolving stage run with partner Meg Coburn, played movie Hard Target. The Crystal Method, Tricky and hard lo save each other, there was no about relationships, passion, betrayal, which changes when the scene ends by Mira Sorvino, to save the family Yun-Fat had a difficult time adjust­ Death In Vegas are part of the sense that any of it mattered too possession, and ultimately the expo­ without disrupting the continuity of he loves. ing to the English language. electronica sound that the soundtrack much. sure of vulnerability. the play. A frame with moving walls The Replacement Killers is di­ In his native Cantonese, sounds consists of. Why? Because no true emotional Henry, played by Jeff Allin, is a closes in to underscore the fact that rected by Antoine Fuqua, who is like "I", "th", "v", "t^', and "r" are Brad, which includes guitarist connection existed between him and renowned playwright in love with the performance you're watching is more commonly known for his direc­ not pronounced. Stone Gossard of Pearl Jam, performs her. words, witty dialogue, and the idea a play within a play. tion of music videos than for action Yun-Fal started making feature Iheir song "Boom Boom Caw" for the And if it was conveyed to the au­ that he appears cultured and intellec­ The Real Thing, written by Tom films. films in 1977, and by 1986, he was rock part of the album. dience in spite of Ihat ratty, rotten tual to those around him. Stoppard and directed by Sheldon Fuqua has directed videos for art­ one of the biggest movie stars in The Replacement Killers will be dialogue, it was probably because It's a front Ihal has shielded him Epps, will run through February 22 ists such as the artist formerly known Soulh-EasI Asia. in theaters everywhere on Feb. 6. Call they were blown away by her glitter­ from expressing jealousy or affection al the Pasadena Playhouse. For tick- as Prince (the "Most Beautiful Girl Yun-Fat's co-star Mira Sorvino your local movie theater for show ing, beaded dresses and those coy without his wiltv barbs until his rela­ els and times, call (626) 356-7529. In the World"), ("Gangsta's isn't just a pretty face, either. times. H€>V^S©f-p ViH^at d© the ftar« haY€ iti «t©r«/©r «f©uf

nr*e/lri«« March ^/^Jagi ttar iu« •^^uariu* 2,0- ^j>ril i^h Y©i/ Zi- Jut^!^ 2^0>: B©ti't> ^u^ust zzh Tai^ b«r 2.3- •0!ct©beT ijatiuar^ ZA' Feb- ^illjitid c©Xr}f©rt> \i©ld tf©ur br^afeh th* adVic* ©/ Z,zh -^© ©^«' caff Btci^xhhtr 2.1 ^ ruarif 18 >= Tlir«« arid «tabilife«/ iti fraifeii^g/©r that [©Ved ©fv«*. Y©u ti^ll ^©u i/hafe t© B©n't itdvl^it i/©rd«: ^et a hair­ feh*/act that s©xh-^- «f *cial «©tn«©i^* t© T«aU«/ d© rletd t© d©. S© feaj^ij?' that ^©UTStlf iti f^tt^ cut! ©1^* «/©u d©i^'fe liJ^e call. Th«t^ r^allc/ g«t ^©vv h«ad l«af ©ff ©f th« 8^- thin|s li}^^ ©%^-- is iti strwvs faiti. d©IT:'fe lit^ ^©v, ch^cJ^ed. seraftv. /yfiscts ^Februart/ 15>- March l9>:VVh«ti OTauTUf i^fxil ^7 Cai^c^T ijxjti^ np Virg© i<^u^vst ll\ji$c©Yfi© ^#ct©- J^Cafric©Tti IB«- ^©\j fml sad arid zo- Ma«/ zo}- Tliat zt- Jyjl^ Z2=h J&c 2,3- J^t«tnb*T zzh bcr 2=3- JV©V*tnb4?T cigTnb: iV© #11* is ©ti zo >•• B©i^'t /©ndi^T afhatn^d t© call th^t r«|i©l^* yfill cl«ar h^ pY t©tn«. ti©fritr\ds. Y©\3rs is bad tti©\j^\i. little /icl^-tn e-uf. February 4,1998 East Los Angeles College 'Campus News' Page 4 Feature/Entertainment

150-year-old treaty between Mexico and U.S. remembered

By CHRISTINE SENTENO settlement with the Mexican govern­ Trist's diplomatic war was greatly StaffWriter ment. needed now. Trist, after being per­ 150 years ago, Mexico lost almost Trist spoke fluent Spanish and was suaded by General Scott, stayed on half of its territory to Ihe United a renown diplomat. President Polk to hammer out negotiations with States, approximately 500 miles. did not trust General Scott because Mexico even though he technically February 2,1848, the governments Scott was a Whig, and Polk a Demo­ had no authority to do so. As a re­ of the United States and Mexico crat. sult, the pact was completed. signed Ihe Treaty of Guadalupe Trist was recalled by President Mexico seceded 500 miles of its Hidalgo. Polk in October, 1848. President territory in exchange for $15 million ELAC celebrated the anniversary Polk had heard ihaMhe Mexican gov­ and assumption of the claims of its ofthe treaty on Friday in the student ernment was ready lo make peace but citizens against Mexico, about $3.25 center with live music, food and nol on the terms being presented to million. drinks. them. When President Polk finally heard The treaty ended the war between The President felt that Trist ex­ of the details of the treaty he was in­ Mexico and the United States and ceeded his instruction and ordered censed with Trist. Mexico lost California, Nevada, him to stop negotiations. The treaty,"however was far be­ Utah, Arizona and portions of Wyo­ The President had also heard that yond what Polk could of hoped for ming and Colorado. Trist and General Scott had become and Congress wanted to end the war. Texas was already recognized as friends. Polk sent the treaty lo the Senate part ofthe United Stales. Trist did not receive notice of the and advised them to accept il. ,Il was President James L. Polk sent his order from the President until No­ ratified. Slate Department Clerk, Nicholas vember. By that time. General Scott Today the influence of the Mexi­ Trist from Washington D.C. to and his troops had capture d Mexico can culture is still a great part of the Photo by Susana Sanchez Mexico to watch over General City, a huge victory that bought the United States especially in the South­ Kumbaja!- Ollin performs in the student center on Friday for the students of ELAC Winfield Scott and to negotiate a near end to the war. west. B V: MARY A. AU StaffWriter The American Music Awards, which aired last Monday on ABC, honorec Abe's Odyssee instills fear of beef products he most outstanding artists of 1997. Here are the winner of this year awards BY JUAN GUERRERO Here's another interactive game, bound to not just laugh, but learn lo By the time you become an expert StaffWriter released last fall, for all of you who get along with a new type of friends at the game, you'll become a power­ Alabama for Favorite country band Nexl lime you plan a field trip own the Sony Playstation System. in completely different way. ful Shykull. The Shykull, which is dual or group make sure it's not to Ruplurefarms You might understand the game for­ To gel Abe across huge gaps you what Abe turns into after you pass in Oddworld, unless you want to be­ mat and design if you've played have an Elum (most likely Yoshi's two tasks, unloads that secret power Babyface for favorite soul/r&b Male come the nexl meal product on the other games like Interplay's "Into the distant, distant cousin). You aLso have inside Abe and shoots it out onto artist, and favorite pop rock male artist market. (Sorry no cows to worry dark(16-bil NES/ Genesis), Flash­ a flock of birds that lel you teleport more than one Slig. (Note: one chant about in this game). back (16-bit NES/Genesis), and Fade from one place to another. makes Ihem your slave, chant again In Abe's Odyssee, you are Abe, an lo Black (Sony Playstation)". Your first two kinds of enemies are and they explode.) Bone Thugs-N-Harmony for favorite escaped slave running away from In Ihis game you have unlimited biped cyber-mollusks with semi-au­ And after you become more pow­ rap/hip-hop artist Rupturefarms, a meal processing lives, the use of Abe's body sounds tomatics called Sligs and crossbreed erful, you can return to Rapturefarms plant. Your escape turns into a quest to your enjoyment, and the chance to piranha-dogs. Slogs, that literally and rescue your enslaved friends Boyz II Men for favorite soul/r&b band to save your race and what's left of use your brain to decide the right way jump for your throat. from the Glukkons. You come back dual or group your Animal Kingdom. lo pass a certain location. You create To aid your quest you have a se­ wilh major power to crush the Abe discovers that his former and follow a pattern, making sure cret power within Abe, when he Glukkon empire. Bush for favorite alternative artist boss, a Glukkon, plans to use Abe's each step is Ihe right one. chants, that lets you control Sligs and So, if you're in a video store with race, the mudokons, as the next red Wilh a couple of sound effects makes them do what you want, (even Playstation games and you have Ihe Celine Deon for favorite pop/rock fe­ meat. coming directly from Abe you're go after other Sligs). system, pick this one up. male artist Elton John for favorite adult contem- Sublime pays tribute to Brad Nowell porary By MARISA MEYKA AND its pop oriented rythm and cool vibe JULIETTE PENA that most KROO bands wish Ihey had Staff Writers the sensibility lo have in their tunes. Erykah Badu for favorite soul/r&b Sublime's newly released album On "Chick On My Tip" there's a New Artist Second Hand Smoke which also hap­ slight hint of swing music which is pens to be their last, mixes new definitely a high point. George Strait for favorite Country songs, remixes and never released If you like a local band that goes Album, and favorite Country male art­ tracks. by the name of No Doubt, listen care­ ist This is Sublime's last album be­ fully lo "Saw Red" which includes a cause of their singer Brad Nowell's guest appearance by none other than Julio Iglesias for favorite Latin Music death due to an overdose of heroin. Gwen Slefani. Which is very ironic because the The whole album has a very slow artist album is mellow yet depressing reggae tone despite their apparent which isn't typical for a ska band. happy pictures in the CD cover. Mariah Carey for favorite soul/r&b It's almost as if they knew it would The CD is $ 16.99, bul for a couple female artist be Iheir last. The album includes re­ bucks more you could gel their lim­ mixes from their last album bul with ited-edition l-shirt. Mary J. Blige for favorite soul/r&b a new twist of reggae. The t-shirt displays part ofthe pic­ Album "Doin'Time" is Ihe song Ihal has ture on the cover and the title cover. been playing on local alternative rock If you like Sublime Ihen you must Men in Black for favorite soundtrack stations for some time now and has have already bought the record, but even been made into a music video. if you havn't, do so because it's well Reba McEntire for favorite country Track 4 entitled "New Realiza­ worth it. tion" starts off sad and depressing The only way now lo hear the rest Female artist with a slow tempo that you can't help of the Sublime band is by listening Spice Girls for favorite pop/rock band but be taken in by it. to their newly formed group. Long duo or group, favorite new artist, favor­ "Slow Ride" is a big surprise with Beach Dub All-Stars. ite pop rock album Sublime album cover for Second Hand Smoke I I I I I CONCERT INFO I I I I I FEB. 7- SISTERS FEB. 11- HUM FEB. 13- BUCK O MAR. 7- INNER I I I OF MERCY @ TROUBADOUR NINE, UNWRIT­ CIRCLE @ CLUB I I PALLADIUM TEN LAW & CAPRICE I I I I FEB. 10- JEFFRIES FAN I I I I FEB. 4- PLANET TESTAMENT @ CLUB (a) PALACE FEB. 20- DAYS I I FUNK @ B.B. WHISKY OF THE NEW & I I I For i)nly $5 »^^m^ can letfthat I KING'S BLUES FEB. 13- DANCE BLACKLAB @ I per*90ii you lovekRow with this I I I CLUB MAR. 14- BOW HALL CRASHERS TROUBADOUR I ^^jjersonalized message! I WOW WOW @ THE ROXY I \^ Here' s an example:"^ I I A. I FEB. 19- STRAY THE ROXY FEB. 22- INSANE I '^.A4 ^ii h the' j/r*" p/tut I CLOWN POSSE I i- I CATS @ HOUSE MAR. 26- GEORGE I a*i ff€Mt cnn 6*it/, ^t of'fy I OF BLUES FEB. 21-THE TOY CLINTON @ THE HOUSE OF I ($5.00/ I I I DOLLS (a) PALACE BILLBOARD LIVE BLUES I Deadline is Monday, the 9th! I I Contact Laurette Espinoza or Susana Sanchez at 213-265-8819 or stop by S2-101, by Ihe Little Theatre. See You Soon! I February 4,1998 East Los Angeles College 'Campus News' Pages

Steroid abuse—bigger not better By TAMMY GANN they were influenced by famous ath­ she risks the chance of passing mas­ StaffWriter letes, whom Ihey thought were guilty culine traits lo her unborn child if it A common term often used "The of taking "juice,"(U.S. News & were to be a girl. bigger the better," does not World Report). For both male and female, all of neccessarily mean the healthier when Since steroids is by prescription these side effects are irreversable, it comes to sporting competitions, the only, the black-market network is even if steroids were discontinued athlete and, Ihe use of anabolic ste­ earning sales of $400 million a afterwards. roids or "roids." year—contracted through mail-order But because some athletes develop The attraction of bigger stronger forms from Europe, Canada and a dependency for "roids" it makes muscles, vast endurance and strength Mexico. quitting hard to do. have drawn athletes to the use of Steroids are often taken in higher As they are known as "roid rages," "roids" for decades. doses than if they were prescribed by the user develops mood swings and Developed in Europe in the 1930's, a physician. Most u.sers "stack" the becomes violent. They become irri­ they are powerful synthesized deriva­ drugs taking three to five pills with table and have the urge to fight. tives ofthe male hormone testoster­ injectables. When off the drug, many become one. The mos' common steroids used depressed and display signs of men­ Their ability to rebuild body tis­ are Dianabol (D-ball), Anavar and tal illness such as paranoia and delu­ sue following debilitating surgery, Winstrol-V. The high is euphoric and sions. and treat cancer are legitimate medi­ addicting. The side affects are ugly Many users also wind up behind cal uses which makes steroids a valu­ and frightening. bars because their rages often find able asset. Steroids are often blamed for some them charged with crimes of vandal­ But it also makes way for serious life-threatening effects such as: liver, ism, assault and murder. drug abuse among young teens and kidney and brain cancer, an increased If this isn't enough to think twice professional athletes alike. risk of heart attacks and enlargement about using steroids, former Olym­ Since steroids build muscle tis­ of the prostate gland in men. pian Ben Johnson, a Canadian track sue—and fast, it was inevitable that Male users commonly start to dis­ star was disqualified and lost his gold athletes and their coaches would be play such physical side effects such medal in the 1988 Seoul, Korea sum­ drawn to the drug. as: severe acne, early baldness, yel­ mer Olympics for testing "roid" posi­ Photo by David Gallegos Use of steroids roughly began in lowing of the skin and eyes, devel­ tive. the 1950's with weight lifters from opment of female breast and shrink­ Olympic rules forbid the use of One on One— Huskie player Roberto "Tank" Gomez drives in against Mt. Sac player. the Soviet block and has widely ing ofthe testacies. steroids and so does the National spread to the United States since then. In young boys, steroids can have Football League (NFL). Also known as "juice" it is esti­ the opposite effect of painfully en­ The drive to win has prompted mated that one million Americans larging the sex organs, and sterility. many athletes to use steroids because Huskies foul out twice, (half adolescent) take steroids (U.S. Teens also risk the chance of stunt­ it makes Iheir muscles bigger, but is News & World Report). That's ing their growth permantly. it playing fairly? And is it fair to your 500,000 teenagers. For female users, the voice deep­ body and mind? host Compton tonight Because images like Sylvester ens, the clitoris swells up, breast Whatever the reason, steroids, Stallone and shrink, menstrual cycles become ir­ "roids," or "juice" as it is known, BY MARIO VASQUEZ L.A. Trade Technical College as At one point, a referee who called plague the young minds, most teen­ regular and facial/body hair begin to poison the body and ruin the mind. Staff Writer sophomore forward Allen Gomez a foul on a Mountie was over-ruled age boys start as young as age 16. grow. The long term effects definitely out A World Wrestling Federation ex­ was ejected during the game follow­ by a second official standing away With 57 percent influenced by If the female athlete were to be- weigh the short term. Think about it hibition match was held Saturday in ing his second technical foul. Con­ from the play, who then gave the foul muscle magazines, 42 percent say come pregnant while using steroids. and "juice" it the natural way. the Men's Gym as part of ELAC's ference rules call for an automatic to a Huskie. regularly scheduled South Coast one-game suspension following an Calienes did his best in arguing for Conference basketball game against ejection. his team throughout the game, only Athletic room, dream come true Mt. San Antonio College. to be ejected with his second techni­ The Huskies on Saturday were By JUAN GUERRERO cal foul late in the second half. The 100 fans in attendance were thus forced to face the Mounties StaffWriter without their leading scorer and out­ treated to everything you've come to After the game, several ofthe play­ Attention: students if you are in­ side threat. To compensate. ELAC expect from the WWF: pushing, ers commented on the officiating. jured and in need of therapy, then went man-to-man on defense and, on shoving, elbowing, eye gouging, "The officiating was horrible," said the Athletic Club's for you. , , body slams, poor officiating, court offense, had freshman guard Roberto spoJJtttnorc-iorward Ruben Mufiiz Just recently Georglf-Mrvichin i Gomez charge the lartt' ifi'hopes of" \^rUi rad n'pSlhtr'-Th'e rcfereeS- _LI" "^ e|b6tirt'fc"'a'ird'YL'tkfcSs •s'pecttltors along with his assistant Maryann drawing a foul. werc letting too much go from the coming down from the stands. Martinez have just started an Athletic beginning of the game." Yes, it was a real donnybrook. Coach Jorge Luis Calienes' tactics club right here on ELAC's campus. Unfortunately, the match took place were partially successful as Gomez Freshman forward Ed Hardy, who The Athletic Trainers Room and during the basketball game and not drew five fouls and was perfect from finished with 12 points, agreed with club were officially opened this se­ at intermission, and the willing par­ the free-throw line in ten attempts. Muriiz stating "the referees were ter­ mester in the sports stadium. ticipants were the Huskies and the He ended the game with a team-high rible." The club's room is made up of ath­ Mt. SAC Mounties. 13 points. Roberto Gomez, however, wasn't letes, volunteers, community work­ And although the Huskies held The Huskies, however, got in foul blaming the officials. "We can't make ers, and students learning to become their own during the wrestling seg­ trouble early and were forced to excuses. Wc went hard. We can beat athletic trainers. ment (ask sophomore guard Dominic switch to a zone defense. Without this team, but we need everyone to Even before the room and club was Avila about the body slam he admin- tight coverage, the Mounties were make it happen." renovated, it already existed in the ilstercd!), they were ouimanncd dur­ able to get off numerous three-point The Huskies play a non-confer­ minds of the volunteers and ing the basketball portion and lost 84- shots and pulled away in the second ence game tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Mrvichin's . 63, dropping their record lo 10 wins half. the Men's Gym as they host highly With lots of energy being put and 16 losses (1-3 South Coast Con­ For their part, the Huskies were rated . On Saturday, out,the painting and work of putting ference). limited to a handful of outside shots the Huskies travel to L.A. City Col­ this room together took less than a ELAC's problems actually began and an armful of questionable calls lege to face the conference-leading semester to be completed. last Wednesday in a 64-56 loss to from the officials. Cubs. Mary Guerrero, 21, is an assistant trainer who volunteers her time treat­ ing and helping athletes before and after they are injured. She was a former soccer player at ELAC and SUPPORT HUSKIE SPORTS now she devotes her time treating Photo by David Gallegos other athletes. Hard at work—Huskie trainers Carmen Martinez is an 18 year- old freshman and an assistant trainer in ketball and wants to gel into track injured players and administers first the club. She recently graduated from and field. aid . She has been in the club eight Bell High School and feels that the He is currently majoring in Physi­ months and wants to become a ATTENTION STUDENTS ATTEND DEVRY'S BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY club needs sponsors in order to keep cal Education and hopes to one day teacher for children. NEED MONEY FOR COLLEGE? the club going. Room when his help become a P.E.teacher. Jorge Lopez, is an 19- year -old FOR SCHOUiVRSHIP INFORMATION is needed. Vanessa'Flores, 20, is an assistant assistant trainer and a community CALL: OPEN HOUSE Donna Williams , 19,is an assistant trainer who helps the athletic trainer worker. He was offered the job (213)397-9169 Sunday • February 8th • 1:30 pm trainer. She started coming to the observes athletes if they are hurt and through financial aid and is studying room wanting to learn about taping provides first aid she noted "It's a re­ to become a firefighter. and knows she has the ability to tape ally good experience for those who They go through basic training that injured athletes. arc interested in therapy learning". includes studying and reviewing She has one more year here at Flores is a Business major with books relating closely to the medical field, visiting hospitals, and taking ELAC and plans to continue her stud­ two years completed at ELAC. She classes from Mrvichin. ies next year at Cal State LA., where has also played two softball seasons A room called the Wet Room is Dorit she will major in Physical Therapy. here at ELAC and knows a great deal about sports injuries. used for therapy, inside are whirl­ Javier Rivera Jr., 20, is an assis­ pools, which hold hot and cold wa­ slop now. MayraGuerrero ,19, is also an as­ tant trainer who helps around with ter in large separate tanks. An athlete Your Associate degree is s step up. whatever is needed. He is learning sistant trainer who likes to help But wfiy stop there' All that hard work will can step in the whirlpool or sit next really pay off with a Bacfielor's degree how to tape and what lo do when people , she enjoys working with to it to relieve their injury from a from DeVry. Our students have an out­ someone gets injured. He plays bas- people and she also tapes and assists standing record of employment after sport. graduation. And for good reason. 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