75¢ COLBY Friday April 2, 2021 Volume 132, Number 52 FREEREE PRESSRESS Serving Thomas County since 1888 8 pages F P School hears about new tennis facility By Marian Ballard would be entirely built with dona- Colby Free Press tions, with the college foundation
[email protected] collecting the money. The $1 mil- lion fundraising goal was reached The Colby School Board heard in 54 days. Monday from tennis coach Wen- The original cost estimate dy Weishaar, along with Mark was $1,045,000, Carter said, but Weishaar, Greg Bellamy and col- with changes, that increased to lege President Seth Carter, about $1,059,721, but there are pledges the Colby Tennis Center just ahead for $1,202,000. of its groundbreaking Wednesday. “The generosity of people Much work has already been has been outstanding,” Coach done to prepare the site. Weishaar said. “There’s several of “Mr. Bellamy and his crew did you in this room who have con- a wonderful job of going through tributed to this project.… I didn’t and getting the site torn apart pret- realize so many people cared ty quickly. He was a bit over-zeal- about having a project like this, ous. We were talking, and then and (it’s) a win-win for the entire when I walked out there it looked community even. So, I’m very like this,” Dr. Carter said, showing grateful for that; thank you.” a photo of the torn-up court. Weishaar said they sent letters Bellamy said the city pitched in to all the alumni of the tennis pro- and hauled the trees out after they gram since it started in 1976, and had been cut.