
This module, Module A: and Transport is a four week exploration of biology. The content and assignments are organized in a manner consistent with the Pennsylvania Keystone Biology blueprint. In Biology Module A, the theme of Homeostasis and Transport is explored through four big ideas. Students address the big ideas: The Basic Biological Principles, The Chemical Basis of , , Homeostasis and Transport through the exploration of the Essential Questions: • How do live, grow, respond to their environment, and reproduce? • How do the of organisms enable life’s functions? • How do organisms grow and develop? • How and why do organisms interact with their environment and what are the effects of these interactions? • How do organisms obtain and use the matter and they need to live and grow? The resources in this module will enable students to reinforce the concepts within Homeostasis and Transport as well as resources for teachers to utilize in the classroom.


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Section Overview: Students investigate explanations for the and of membranes and other which work to maintain a Homeostasis and stable internal cell environment and regulate materials in and out of the cell. Students will gain an understanding of the life- Transport sustaining mechanism homeostasis. Students will develop their understanding through critical reading, using models, and conducting investigations. The crosscutting concepts of structure and function, matter and energy, and systems and system models in organisms are called out as organizing concepts.

Section 1: Plasma Students examine the structure of the plasma membrane allowing it to function as a regulatory structure and/or protective barrier Membrane for a cell while comparing the mechanisms that transport materials across the plasma membrane as well as the organelles Structure involved in the transport of materials within the cell. SAS Standards 3.1.B.A5, 3.1.B.A2, 3.1.B.A4, 3.1.B.A7, 3.2.C.A1, 3.2.P.B6 WATCH a Bozeman http:// Science Video on www.bozemanscien Cellular Structure ce.com/cell- and Function. membrane CREATE a plasma https://www.wisc- membrane and take online.com/learn/ an interactive quiz. natural-science/life- science/ap1101/ construction-of-the- cell-membrane

COMPLETE a https:// PDF - membrane worksheet as you drive.google.com/ structure online construct the open? plasma membrane. id=0B99Um_mvTW dGeXVOaHlhY28x R3c

2 CREATE a plasma https:// membrane using itunes.apple.com/ the app Cell us/app/cell- Defense. defense-plasma- membrane/ id590366812?mt=8 COMPLETE a https:// PDF - cell defense worksheet on the drive.google.com/ worksheet Cell Defense. open? id=0B99Um_mvTW dGUmdwZ3dtdTBG SXM

READ about the http:// . www.biologycorner. com/APbiology/ cellular/ notes_cell_membra ne.html TAKE a quiz on the http:// cell membrane www.sciencegeek.n structure. et/Biology/review/ U1Membranes.htm USE the https:// Educreation App itunes.apple.com/ and DRAW the cell us/app/ membrane and educreations- label all its parts. interactive- whiteboard/ id478617061?mt=8

Section 2: Transport Students examine the structure of the plasma membrane allowing it to function as a regulatory structure and/or protective barrier Mechanisms for a cell while comparing the mechanisms that transport materials across the plasma membrane as well as the organelles involved in the transport of materials within the cell. SAS Standards 3.1.B.A5, 3.1.B.A2, 3.1.B.A4, 3.1.B.A7, 3.2.C.A1, 3.2.P.B6

3 READ the text on https:// cellular transport itunes.apple.com/ Ch. 3 Sec. 3. us/book/ck-12- biology-interactive/ id574071922? mt=13 WATCH Bozeman http:// Science on www.bozemanscien transport across the ce.com/016- cell membrane. transport-across- cell-membranes

COMPLETE the https:// PDF - Transport worksheet on the drive.google.com/ Across Cell key points of file/d/ Membranes Bozeman Science 0B99Um_mvTWdG video. Rm5PUktTaGhMc2 s/view?usp=sharing REVIEW Biology http:// Junction notes on www.biologyjunctio Homeostasis and n.com/ Transport. homeostasis_notes _bi.htm WATCH Biology https:// Crash Course www.youtube.com/ explaining watch? Membranes and v=dPKvHrD1eS4 Transport.

WATCH Bozeman http:// Science video on www.bozemanscien an Demo. ce.com/osmosis- demo PRACTICE https:// PDF - Cell diffusion and drive.google.com/ Transport Practice Osmosis with this open? (former program) worksheet. id=0B99Um_mvTW dGZlAxQzVmSVBo X0E

4 APPLY knowledge https:// PDF - Membrane of diffusion and drive.google.com/ Practice u-tube osmosis with this open? worksheet. id=0B99Um_mvTW dGbEZoTG05aklNV 2s READ the case http:// study on transport. sciencecases.lib.buf falo.edu/cs/ collection/ detail.asp? case_id=619&id=61 9

EXPERIMENT http:// online with www.phschool.com/ Diffusion, Osmosis science/ and Molecular biology_place/ Movement. labbench/lab1/ intro.html INTERACT with https:// PDF - Cell Transport by drive.google.com/ passive_transport_ completing this open? webquest Webquest as you id=0B99Um_mvTW do the lab bench dGNXZoN1k4Q1V activity. MbVE REVIEW power https:// PPT - point on types of drive.google.com/ traffic_regulation_of transport open? _molecules mechanisms. id=0B99Um_mvTW dGLUEwb0hxOE51 QWM

WATCH Amoeba https:// Sisters video on www.youtube.com/ Osmosis. watch? v=IaZ8MtF3C6M

5 COMPLETE https:// PDF - Amoeba amoeba sisters drive.google.com/ Sisters: Video worksheet as you open? Recap watch the video. id=0B99Um_mvTW dGSXZOOHp0UE9 KM1E MAKE a foldable to https:// Word - show homeostasis drive.google.com/ tonicity_foldable in the cell open? id=0B99Um_mvTW dGU2YxTGt2TzYyb 1E

TAKE quiz on Cell http:// Transport. www.quia.com/quiz/ 1610803.html? AP_rand=12775012 64

Section 3: Students examine the structure of the plasma membrane allowing it to function as a regulatory structure and/or protective barrier Membrane for a cell while comparing the mechanisms that transport materials across the plasma membrane as well as the organelles Transport involved in the transport of materials within the cell. SAS Standards 3.1.B.A5, 3.1.B.A2, 3.1.B.A4, 3.1.B.A7, 3.2.C.A1, 3.2.P.B6 throughout the Cell

REVIEW the http:// organelles of the www.scienceprofonl endomembrane ine.com/cell- system. biology/ endomembrane- system-eukaryotic- cell.html EXPLORE how a https:// is www.youtube.com/ transported within watch? the cell by watching v=rvfvRgk0MfA this video.

6 QUIZ yourself on http:// sections 1, 2, and 3. www.quia.com/quiz/ 3967304.html? AP_rand=12873267 02 REVIEW https:// homeostasis and itunes.apple.com/ transport sections us/book/ck-12- 1, 2, 3. biology-workbook/ id518270997? mt=11

MODEL the cell https:// Word - modeling- membrane. drive.google.com/ the-cell-membrane- open? worksheet id=0B99Um_mvTW dGcUxveXFFc05N UTg EXPLORE https:// Word - cell Structure and drive.google.com/ membrane coloring Function of the Cell open? worksheet membrane. id=0B99Um_mvTW dGVm9JblhMakdm c2M

Section 4: Students examine the ways in which organisms maintain homeostasis. SAS Standards 3.1.B.A8, 3.1.B.A5, 4.5.4.D, 4.2.4.C Maintaining Homeostasis WATCH a Bozeman http:// Science video on www.bozemanscien Homeostatic ce.com/021- . homeostatic- evolution

7 COMPLETE the https:// PDF - AP Bio-021 concept map as you drive.google.com/ Homeostatic watch the Bozeman open? Mechanisms Science video. id=0B99Um_mvTW Reflect dGWEx2WFZHR0s 1Nzg READ the article on http:// how much water www.scientificameri can kill you. can.com/article/ strange-but-true- drinking-too-much- water-can-kill/

READ the case http:// study on sciencecases.lib.buf . falo.edu/cs/ collection/ detail.asp? case_id=450&id=45 0 READ the case http:// study on Negative sciencecases.lib.buf Systems: falo.edu/cs/ Muscleman collection/ detail.asp? case_id=621&id=62 1 WATCH amoeba https:// sisters video www.youtube.com/ Homeostasis and watch? the Cell Membrane v=6fhbbFd4icY

Section 5: Review Students will review Homeostasis and the importance of Transport homeostasis and transport.

8 STUDY the review https:// Word - Topic 3 guide on drive.google.com/ Quick Facts(1) Homeostasis. open? id=0B99Um_mvTW dGUEJMdktJS3M4 S0E WATCH podcast Podcast - CRSD reviewing Videocast Homeostasis and 3.appleuniversal Transport.

COMPLETE https:// Word - Topic 3 viewing guide while drive.google.com/ Viewing Guide watching podcast. open? id=0B99Um_mvTW dGUUhydFlYT0lNL Uk TAKE a quiz. http://www.crsd.org/ Page/32656 COMPLETE review https:// Word - Cell sheet on Transport. drive.google.com/ Transport Review open? Worksheet id=0B99Um_mvTW dGT1pVTk9IRWxq VEk