abc People’s Directorate Director: Brian Walsh UNCLASSIFIED Room 37, Civic Centre 1 Coventry City Council Earl Street Coventry, CV1 5RS email:
[email protected] Please contact: Darren Stacey Direct line: 024 7683 1623 Our reference: 20122243 Date: 30 January 2014 Dear Freedom of Information Act 2000 Thank you for requesting information about, distances Coventry pupils live from their school within that school’s catchment area, which the Council received on 13th January 2014. Your request has been considered under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. You have requested the following information; Can you please provide me with most up to date details of the effective catchment areas of all the primary and secondary schools in your local authority area? By catchment area, I mean the greatest distance that any pupil was living from the school they were admitted to at the point of their application. To be clear, I am only interested in the catchment area for pupils admitted on geographical criteria alone, not those admitted on other grounds eg because they had siblings at the school, was in foster care or had special needs. I would prefer this information in electronic format - preferably as a machine-readable spreadsheet (.xls, .ods, etc.) I also note that as per our telephone conversation on the 16th January 2014, that as certain faith schools within Coventry do not necessarily admit pupils on a traditionally geographical catchment area basis. That information on these schools was not to be provided. Please note, under the Re-Use of Public Sector Information 2005 Regulations you are free to use this information for your own use or for the purposes of news reporting.