From: Chelveston Village Hall To: "Lisa Fordham" Subject: Chelveston-Village-Hall-Invoice-2014-069-Fordham-RECEIPT Date: 16 July 2014 14:28:24 Received £40 in full payment of hire fees for the 27th July 2014 – thanks I will come back to you with the new access code next week. Cllr Adrian Dale Clerk to the Educational Foundation of Abigail Bailey and Ann Levett Clerk to Chelveston Village Hall Chelveston-cum-Caldecott ------------------------ EMail:
[email protected] Tel: +44 1933 622624 Mobile: +44 7850 570007 Paper: 21 Water Lane, Chelveston, Wellingborough, Northants, NN9 6AP, UK From: Lisa Fordham [mailto:
[email protected]] Sent: 27 June 2014 09:58 To:
[email protected] Subject: RE: Chelveston-Village-Hall-Booking-2014-07-27-LF Dear Adrian, I have just carried out a bank transfer of £40 for Isaac's christening party on the 27th of July. Please can you confirm that you have received the money when you next check the account. Many thanks. Lisa Fordham From:
[email protected] To:
[email protected] Subject: RE: Chelveston-Village-Hall-Booking-2014-07-27-LF Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 15:25:56 +0100 Lisa, We will now not be building the temporary wall in the Hall as our builder doesn’t need it. Here are the toilets that we have hired. They’ll be kitted out with nice towels and soap dispensers and be kept scrupulously clean. The temporary kitchenette in the hall will be behind screens at the far end and will have a fridge and new sink unit/work top.