The Deceptive Dance of Compromise The Institute for Creation Research cordially invites you to attend our 40th Anniversary Banquet

Keynote Speaker Master of Ceremonies Dr. R. Albert Mohler Dr. Henry Morris III President Chief Executive Officer Southern Baptist Institute for Creation Re- Theological Seminary search x

Thursday, October 7, 2010 at 7:00 pm Hilton Dallas Lincoln Centre

Tickets: $25 per adult $175 per table (seats 8) $15 per child (12 and under)

Call 800.337.0375 for more information and to purchase your tickets. Visit for all the details. P Founded by Dr. Henry Morris in 1970, the Institute for Creation Research is a creation apologetics ministry that exists to con- duct scientific research within the realms of origins and earth history, and then to educate the public through graduate and professional training programs, through conferences and semi- nars, and through books, magazines, and media programs.


The Deceptive Dance 4 of Compromise Henry M. Morris III, D.Min. Sorry, I Don’t Dance The Impetus for 6 Biological Change ecently we alerted Acts & Facts history, we do so with an unwavering commit- Nathaniel T. Jeanson, Ph.D. readers to the hazards of an organi- ment to the authenticity, accuracy, and authority Misreading Earth’s zation called BioLogos, a non-profit of the biblical record. The Word of God (which Groanings group founded by Dr. Francis Col- is inerrant and infallible) will always be more ac- 8 James J. S. Johnson, J.D., Th.D. linsR that aggressively engages the disciplines of curate than the words of men (who are prone to science and religion with one key message— error). Life’s Indespensable thinking Christians believe in evolution. Groups like BioLogos and Reasons to Be- 10 Microscopic Machines As part of their campaign to push evolution lieve look for ways to retain their dependence on Randy J. Guliuzza, P.E., M.D. into evangelical Christian ministry and educa- evolution-based scientific theories when reading tion, BioLogos is teaming up with progressive cre- the Bible, thus forcing them to insert into the pag- Recurrent Laryngeal ationists, Intelligent Design proponents, political es of Scripture man-made ideas that cannot be 12 Nerve Is Not Evidence pundits, religious philosophers, and a variety of justified in the text or supported by the testimony of Poor Design well-known professors and pastors in an attempt of the other writers of the Bible. The Intelligent Jerry Bergman, Ph.D. to merge some semblance of old-earth scientific Design movement is (by design) a non-Christian Profile: Larry Vardiman concepts with biblical Christianity. Called The movement, with a strategic policy to develop Christine Dao Vibrant Dance of Faith & Science, this sympo- evidence and ideas about design (which is good) 15 sium will be held in Austin, Texas, this fall and is without identifying a designer (which, at least for Earth’s Magnetic Field intended to teach pastors that it is okay to believe Christians involved in the movement, is danger- 16 John D. Morris, Ph.D. in and teach evolutionary ideas in their churches. ous). ID struggles at remaining non-religious Cells: Sophisticated and Read our feature article this month by Dr. Henry while their work consistently hints at a supernatu- Morris III titled “The Deceptive Dance of Com- ral designer. 17 God-Designed promise.” The bottom line is that the scientific estab- Frank Sherwin, M.A. What do I mean by evolutionary ideas? lishment—owned and operated by atheistic and Tentacular Squid: Re- I received a call recently from a gentleman who naturalistic evolutionists—grows tired of all three 18 writing Squid Stories wondered if I had gone too far in my June col- of these groups. Evolution, rightly understood, Before the Ink Dries umn in attributing the term “evolution” to groups has no place for God and never will. No amount Brian Thomas, M.S. like Reasons to Believe or the Intelligent Design of harmonious conversation or even “vibrant movement. Both of these groups (via the under- dancing” is going to change that fact. From Parasites to Picto- lying principles they accept) embrace some form Biblical Christianity—the kind that Jesus 19 graphs: ICR Apologetics of old-earth thinking—i.e., the Big Bang, billions taught and exemplified—is a polarizing faith that School Surges Forward of years, non-literal understanding of the six days separates believers from unbelievers, just like God Letters to the Editor of creation, death before sin, etc. All of these ideas will do on the Day of Judgment. This reality will are foreign to the text of Scripture—historically, never be changed by any sort of sophisticated 20 Evolution on Trial grammatically, and contextually. Of course, while symposium or academic two-step. Where There Is a Will, the Institute for Creation Research conducts Lawrence E. Ford 22 There Is a CGA scientific studies in the area of origins and earth Ex e c u t i v e Ed i t o r Henry M. Morris IV

Published by Executive Editor: Lawrence E. Ford No articles may be reprinted in Institute for Creation Research Managing Editor: Beth Mull whole or in part without obtaining P. O. Box 59029, Dallas, TX 75229 Assistant Editor: Christine Dao permission from ICR. 214.615.8300 Designer: Dennis Davidson AUGUST 2010 • ACTS FACTS 3 & The Deceptive Dance of Compromise

Henry M. Morris III, D.Mi n .

“Curiouser and curiouser!” cried Alice (she was so much surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English). . . . “Oh dear, what nonsense I’m talking!”1

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.2

oth of these widely separated capture the intellectual ascent and theological The organization that has risen to be the quotes deal with the same agreement among evangelicals that “creation” “umbrella” under which most of these various issue. Sometimes, folks just certainly does not have to be recent. Nor, in proponents gather is the BioLogos Foundation, B cannot (or will not) see truth. their estimation, did it have to occur during founded by Francis Collins and funded by the The wonder is not that some get caught up in six “normal” days as is indicated by the words Templeton Foundation. Under the leadership lies, confidence scams, news “spin,” or outright of Scripture, but rather can be understood to of President Darrel Falk, BioLogos has co- efforts to deceive. The wonder is that those who mean “natural development over time”—as sponsored a new initiative called The Vibrant claim to be the people of God—those who has been “proven” by modern science. Dance of Faith & Science, whose stated mission have been given “the mind of Christ”3—can be Their arguments are not new. Theis- is to:

taken in by such “nonsense.” Paul’s warning to tic evolution has been taught in one form or …inspire, educate, and unify pastors, Timothy, after urging him to “preach the word,” another for 150 years. The so-called “day age” scientists, Christian leaders, and concerned was that such would be the case, however, as interpretation of Genesis is equally long-lived, lay people, as well as seekers and skeptics, time continued on. and various harmony theories have been prop- with the growing congruence of scientific Over the past year or so, there has been a agated, such as the gap theory, progressive cre- discovery with our Christian faith and to explore the implications and applications coalescing of several independent groups that ation, and the more recent “creation by evolu- of that congruence.5 have combined their talent and notoriety to tion” postulated by Bruce Waltke.4

4 ACTS FACTS • AUGUST 2010 & This “series of symposia and online • Satan’s classic and ongoing strategic plan to deceive the believer is to: resources” is led by a number of well-known ICR asks you to take speakers from Reasons to Believe, BioLogos, — Dispute the accuracy of God’s note of those who openly Discovery Institute, and several eminent uni- Word. (“Yea, hath God said…?”) espouse evolutionary ideas in versities and world-renowned churches that — Deny the ability of God to do their presentations of science and/or espouse a harmony of naturalistic science what He said. (“Ye shall not surely die.”) Christianity. Below are the person- with the biblical text. — Denigrate the actions of God alities and organizations involved More than ever before, recent scien- toward man. (“For God doth in the upcoming “Texas two-step” know that in the day ye eat tific discovery is both confirming and event on faith and science. illuminating our Christian faith. From thereof, then your eyes shall be progressive-creationism to theistic- opened, and ye shall be as gods, Speakers include: evolution, there is a wide spectrum of knowing good and evil.”) interpretations of both science and the fact-and-mode of God’s creative activ- The Bible’s text is amply clear. The cre- Andy Crouch ity. Informed, non-confrontational dis- ation account is written so precisely that one Ross Hastings course will be a key to furthering the must both insert words and override clear Hugh Ross gospel of Christ.6 meanings of words to make the passage say Fazale Rana The men and women who are head- anything other than a six-“ordinary”-day cre- Stephen Meyer ing and leading these efforts “by good words ation, making, and organizing of the cosmos. Darrel Falk and fair speeches deceive the hearts” (Romans Not only is Genesis clear, but the many, many John (Jack) Collins 16:18). Some, perhaps, have been themselves such references and verification throughout Walter Bradley deceived by those “good words,” but all of the biblical text support, amplify, verify, and Deborah Haarsma them—all—are superimposing the words demand adherence to what God has done. It Rob Norris of “scientific” men (most of whom are open is simply wrong to disavow what the words Dan Heinze atheists) over the inspired words of God. I teach. Dinesh D’Souza grieve for them. I grieve for the ones who I have come to personally know many of Alister McGrath will be led astray by the “fair speeches” of the proponents of the “other” side. And while Bruce Waltke those who at the very least are looking for the I do not (and have no authority to) question Walter Kaiser “praise of men more than the praise of God” their salvation, I certainly question their moti- Bill Dembski (John 12:43). vations and conclusions. The most common Bruce Gordon It is worthy of note that the Bible lists answer that I get when I ask “why?” is “well, John Walton several key characteristics by which the sincere science has proven that the earth and the Doug Axe believer may identify those who are seeking to universe are billions of years old, so we must distort the truth of the Scriptures. Permit me interpret the Bible in the light of science.” Co-sponsors include: to remind the reader of the basics. Perhaps one might consider the rest of American Scientific Affiliation 2 Peter 2:1-3: what these scientists propose and where such BioLogos Foundation • They come from “Christian” churches arbitrary discarding of the clear text of Scrip- ture might lead, before so glibly endorsing the Chuck Colson Center for or backgrounds. Christian Worldview • They deny the biblical Lord Jesus in “doctrines of men.”7 Discovery Institute some way (think Creator). References • They may become very popular, espe- 1. Carroll, L. 1957. Alice in Wonderland. , PA: Grace Covenant Church, cially with emotional people. John C. Winston Company, 9-10. Austin, Texas 2. 2 Timothy 4:3-4. • They will cause important teachings 3. 1 Corinthians 2:16. Reasons to Believe of Scripture to be degraded. 4. See Morris III, H. 2010. Creation by Evolution. Acts & Facts. 39 (6): 4-5 Redeemer Presbyterian Church, • They often use human greed and hid- 5. Our Mission. The Vi- Austin, Texas den meanings to attract followers. brant Dance of Faith & Science, posted on www. World Magazine 2 Corinthians 11:3 and Genesis 3:1-7: 6. Vibrant Dance Overview, ibid. • Paul specifies that “as the serpent 7. Colossians 2:22. beguiled Eve,” our minds can be cor- Dr. Morris is Chief Execu- rupted from the “simplicity that is in tive Officer of the Institute for Christ.” Creation Research.


The Impetus for Biological Change

Nathaniel T. Jeanson, Ph .D.

hat does the Bible teach Did Noah take on the Ark two (unclean) wild populations of horse-like creatures with about biological change? In or seven (clean) representatives of every spe- blended features from each of these equids. recent articles, the Institute cies alive on earth today? There are two reasons Yet we do not find “blends” of wild equids, but for Creation Research life that this is unlikely. First, all the species alive on distinct types. Thus, whatever the mechanism sciencesW team has shown that the Bible teaches earth today would not fit on the Ark. Second, of diversification immediately post-Flood, it limited common ancestry1 and a limit to bio- “species” is an imprecise term that sometimes appears not to be operating at present. logical change.2 But the Bible also suggests that separates creatures into different categories Postulating that different mechanisms there was a burst of biological change in the despite reproductive compatibility between for biological change existed at different points more distant past, which leads to the fourth the two. Thus, “kind” and “species” are not in history is not an outrageous idea. Creation key origins question in biological research— equivalent terms, and Noah likely did not take geologists have long pointed out that the pres- the cause of this change. two or seven of each species on board the Ark. ent rates of geologic change are not the key to The key scriptural passage for under- What happened to the kinds that boarded the past rates—we know that the past was very standing the cause of biological change is the Ark? When biological classification is based unlike the present due to a worldwide flood. Genesis 6-7. God commanded Noah to bring on reproductive compatibility (rather than Hence, it would not be surprising if present seven of every kind of clean animal and two the label “species”), it is readily apparent that (slow) biological processes were not the key to of every kind of unclean animal on board the much diversity has occurred since the Flood. past ones, and we should not be ashamed to Ark to preserve each kind of creature. Clearly, For example, horses, zebras, and donkeys can think so. the meaning of the word for kind is critical interbreed; thus, they likely descended from This discussion raises important research to understanding which creatures boarded two original members of the horse-like kind questions: What was the mechanism of post- the Ark. Yet, the meaning of kind is unclear.1 on the Ark. Hence, some process of diversifi- Flood diversification? In other words, how and However, since God commanded Noah to cation (currently unknown) appears to have why do species change? The life sciences team take a male and female of every kind of crea- produced a significant amount of diversity is currently reviewing the data and generating ture (rather than a male from one kind and a from two original pairs in just 4,000 years since hypotheses to test.

female from another kind), this suggests that the Flood. Thus, Scripture teaches that biologi- References reproductive compatibility is at least a part cal change can happen fast. 1. Jeanson, N. 2010. Common Ancestry and the Bible— of the definition of kind. Hence, if two crea- Since the apparently rapid diversifica- Discerning where to draw the line. Acts & Facts. 39 (6): 6. tures can successfully interbreed, they’re likely tion shortly after the Flood, rates of biological 2. Jeanson, N. 2010. The Limit to Biological Change. Acts members of the same kind. Furthermore, this change seem to have slowed down. Horses, & Facts. 39 (7): 6. means that all the land-based biological diver- zebras, and donkeys are all readily identifiable Dr. Jeanson is Research Associ- sity we see today must have come from the creatures in the wild—that is, if diversification ate and received his Ph.D. in Cell and Developmental Biol- kinds taken on board the Ark. were still occurring, one might expect to find ogy from Harvard University.


ICR AUGUST Events August 6-7 Oklahoma City, OK Wake Up America Conference (J. Morris) 800.652.1144

August 6-7 Vancouver, WA Remembering Mount St. Helens Seminar, Bus Tour, and Hike (Austin) 509.852.5627

August 13-14 Plano, TX Over 10,000 Pastor’s Resource Kits North Texas Home Educators’ Net- work 15th Annual Summer Home- Distributed at SBC school Conference his summer, the Institute for Creation Research was invited to intro- 972.722.7798 duce our ministry at the annual Southern Baptist Convention Pas- August 14 T tors’ Conference held in Orlando, Florida. Our specific purpose was Reseda, CA to attend the first two days of this denominational event that is devoted to Grace Hungarian Reformed Church SBC pastors from around the world. ICR distributed 10,000 Pastor’s Resource (Austin) 818.344.1885 Kits, which included books, DVDs, magazines, and other resources about the August 20-22 ministry of ICR. Ripon, CA Central Valley Presbyterian Church (Sherwin) 209.401.6710

August 22 Cedar Hill, TX Demand the Evidence Conference Hillcrest Baptist Church (H. Morris III, Jeanson, Guliuzza, Gunther, McCombs) 972.291.3521

August 28 Birmingham, AL Demand the Evidence Conference (H. Morris III, Guliuzza, Jeanson, J. Morris, Sherwin) 205.641.0646

For more information on these events or to schedule an event, please contact the ICR Events Department at 800.337.0375 or [email protected]. AUGUST 2010 • ACTS FACTS 7 & Misreading Earth’s Groanings Why Evolutionists and Intelligent Design Proponents Fail Ecology 101

James J. S. Johnson, J.D., Th .D.

For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. R o m a n s 8:22 Taking the Initiative to Communicate Truth Taking

he ecological crises affecting our planet today should make every thinking Christian groan over the enormous burdens that have been placed on the world God made due to the devastating conse- quencesT of sin. The Bible reminds us that the natural world is groaning as it waits for the Creator to restore the earth to a fully redeemed condition. But the Bible’s explanation for how and, more impor- tantly, why nature is “groaning” is aggressively rejected, or stra- tegically ignored, by two major groups that disparage biblical creationism: evolutionists (either atheistic or theistic), and de- the British fishing nets). This would keep their habitat’s edible

Real World Apologetics Real World ists (often represented by Intelligent Design proponents). resources for the “better fit” cod, which then would reproduce Both camps misread our world, failing to comprehend so that future generations would descend from those “fittest” the scientific importance of Adam’s fall and the global curse cod—a win-win result for both cod and mankind, it was ar- that it triggered. As a result, explanations from both groups are gued. But the decimated cod population realities of the North fundamentally flawed when it comes to understanding real- Atlantic have actually falsified (i.e., proven as false) Huxley’s world ecology. irrational dream of nature as the ever-resilient and “evolving bigger and better” mythical phoenix rising from the ashes. Evolution’s “Survival of the Fittest” Concept Contradicts If codfish could speak, no doubt they would protest Real-World Ecology Thomas Huxley and his “survival of the fittest”’ attitude to- ward God’s creatures. Biblical respect for the Creator entails Evolutionists, of both the atheistic and theistic varieties, honoring Him in all aspects of life, including by our conduct are quick to declare evolution’s concepts of “survival of the fit- as stewards of His now “groaning” earth. Yet ecological self re- test” and “might makes right” as natural law. With a fetish for straint is a concept literally as old as Moses, and in fact as old such “selfish gene” behavior patterns, it is no wonder that Dar- as the human race.3 win’s bulldog, Thomas Huxley, encouraged the unrestrained and irresponsible over-fishing practices that have abusively Intelligent Design’s “Closed Bible Policy” Ignores Ecological crushed the population dynamics of the North Atlantic cod Groaning (Gadus morhua), which was once so plentiful.1, 2 How did evolutionist dogma doom future generations Similar to deists, proponents of Intelligent Design are, in of codfish? Huxley, as chief cheerleader for “survival of the fit- essence, “secular creationists” who refuse to publicly acknowl- test” propaganda, argued to a British government commission edge that the Lord Jesus Christ is our Creator. This is, of course, that more aggressive fishing of cod would only cull out the “less a strategy that they hope will allow them access to the secular- fit” cod (i.e., the evolutionary “losers” that would be caught in controlled scientific community. However, by intentionally

8 ACTS FACTS • AUGUST 2010 & keeping their Bibles closed, they ignore the fact and consequences of the political train wreck. Would a theologically consistent deist pray for God’s events that occurred in the garden of Eden. personal blessing, while alluding to the Bible’s teaching of God’s care for Failing to affirm the historicity of Genesis 3 (and its cause-effect sparrows as a reminder of God’s personalized watch-care?7 Franklin did!8 truth), ID scientists, just like deists of prior centuries, ignore the only logi- And while he never became a biblical Christian, Franklin did learn (the cal explanation for how a “very good” creation could somehow become hard way) to respect the fallenness of this “pretty good” world. degraded into a “not so very good” creation, where life is tainted, even cursed, by death and disease, parasites and predators, catastrophes and Ecology Involves a Fallen World corruption, entropy and extinction. The world’s ecology displays the indisputable fact that God is our This “closed Bible” approach to studying nature is routinely blend- glorious Creator, yet it also displays His “dying thou shalt die” judgment. ed with evolution-based old-earth concepts, uniformitarian geoscience Attempting to explain the empirical evidence apart from Genesis assumptions, and disdain for the historical occurrence of a global flood— 3 (or, similarly, Genesis 6-9) leaves this awkward imbalance: How can betraying an accommodationist compromise with evolutionary mythol- such an incomprehensibly good creation—one that points to an infinitely ogy. The Genesis young-earth timeframe is routinely ignored and denied good and personal Creator—have traits that are imperfect, even ugly and by “evangelical” ID proponents, even though Genesis (which some profess cruel, such as dying? to be inerrant, understandable, and authoritative4) clearly teaches a short The fact is that all earth’s creatures are fallen, and not just a little. timeframe from Adam to Abraham, regardless of whether the Genesis ge- Drastic measures must be practiced to avoid death. Without a non-stop nealogies are generationally “open” or intake of air, water, and food, we die “closed.”5 immediately, and so do the animals. Bypassing any big-picture un- Evolutionists and deists fail to compre- Metabolism is biological entropy. Even derstanding of real-world ecology, ID hend the scientific importance of Adam’s with all of our ongoing metabolic sup- scientists downplay (or deny) how port, our bodies are metabolic wast- Adam’s sin in Eden triggered divine fall and the global curse that it triggered. rels, as are all other life forms—and we judgment on all the earth (Romans all eventually die anyway. Without hu- 5:12). Their failure to acknowledge the biblical basis for entropy (i.e., the man sin as death’s historic cause, death is senseless and meaningless and fallenness of man and nature that was begun in Eden) is paralleled by illogical. Certainly death is not “very good.” their pattern of denying the catastrophic impact of the global Flood (as The focus of Intelligent Design is on how Someone intelligently and chronicled in Genesis 6-9). purposefully designed what we see, and on how this Someone is immea- surably superior to the best that mankind could ever achieve. Without ’s Misplaced Faith in Deistic Science the biblical context, it menaces the mind to contemplate the origin of and Deism had a similar problem with understanding how to explain explanation for the ugliness and disharmony we see in creation. the “very good” supernatural design universally displayed all throughout To understand the big picture of earth’s ecology—including how nature, with the equally obvious evidence of nature’s fallenness. our world displays God’s providential care and orchestrated wisdom, For example, Benjamin Franklin, once an optimistic deist, reject- while simultaneously demonstrating its sin-cursed fallenness—we must ed a Christian friend’s advice to inoculate his four-year-old son Franky use both sight and logic, with open eyes and open Bibles.

(Francis Folger Franklin) as a preemptive defense to a smallpox epidemic. References Franky subsequently died in 1736. Bible-believing Christians knew well 1. The over-harvesting of North Atlantic cod even escalated into the “Cod Wars,” a post-World War II conflict on the high seas, when the Icelandic coast guard forcibly fought off “poach- the world was fallen and its germs were hostile, so that an action plan was ers” from Germany and even Great Britain, its NATO ally. 2. Thomas, B. Cod Still Recovering from Darwin Bulldog’s Bite. ICR News, May 28, 2009, needed in human health matters: citing Kurlansky, M. 1998. Cod: A Biography of the Fish That Changed the World. London: Penguin Books Ltd., 121-122; and Thomas, B. 2009. Huxley Error Led to Cod Calamity. Acts In assessing the spiritual impact of Franky’s death on his father, we & Facts. 38 (8): 17. 3. Moses’ law included restrictions on excessively hunting wildlife (Deuteronomy 22:6-7) and should remember the earlier controversy over smallpox inoculation. imprudent deforestation (Deuteronomy 20:19-20), yet environmental protection laws are The clergy [largely Calvinists like Franklin’s parents] fa- always balanced to value human life over nonhuman life forms (Matthew 6:26-30; Psalm 8; Jonah 4:8-11). Even Adam was put into Eden “to dress it and to keep it” (Genesis 2:15), and vored inoculation while the [deistic] scientific community opposed Noah managed the greatest biodiversity protection project ever (Genesis 6-9). it. As believers in the [so-called] Enlightenment, young Franklin and 4. Genesis is inerrant history, not symbolic “poetry.” The critical proof of this is well summa- rized in Jonathan Sarfati’s interview of Dr. Robert McCabe in Sarfati, J. 2010. Theologian: his brothers sided with the scientists. But the clergy had been right, Genesis Means What It Says! Creation. 32 (3):16-19. and the [deistic] scientists had been wrong—and Franklin’s failure to 5. Johnson, J. J. S. 2008. How Young Is the Earth? Applying Simple Math to Data Provided in Genesis. Acts & Facts. 37 inoculate his son may have contributed to young Franky’s death. Did (10):4-5. this shake Franklin’s faith in science and [closed-Bible] reason, and 6. Eidsmoe, J. 1987. Christianity and the Constitution. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 203. 6 increase his respect for the clergy and revelation? 7. See Matthew 10:29 (Jesus teaching about God’s watch-care over sparrows). Maybe so. Fifty-one years later, at the historic Constitutional Con- 8. Eidsmoe, 208 (with Ben Franklin quotation sources in foot- note 70). vention in 1787, it was the skeptical Franklin, of all people, who called for Dr. Johnson is Associate Professor of Apologetics at the Institute for prayer so that the seemingly derailed convention might be salvaged from Creation Research.

AUGUST 2010 • ACTS FACTS 9 & light, molecular motions, heat, electricity, or chemical conversions. Machine parts themselves are complex molecules corresponding to switches, batter- ies, motors, brakes, shafts, rods, hooks, bear- ings, bushings, springs, end caps, valves, seals, plugs, rivets, spot-welded joints, mounts, and braces. These are fitted together by other mol- ecules that act like templates, work benches, clamps, and vises. Yet other molecules take the final products where they are trimmed, folded, and set to be activated. Another molecular work station will package, label, and transport products to their correct destinations. After the Randy J. Guliuzza, P.E., M.D. machine’s useful life is ended, another appara- tus will engulf it, break it down, and send the components back for recycling.

Molecular Machines Are Best Explained by Design

The microscopic size of these machines is umans love machines. Every- ecule “parts” that usually switch between two vital to systematically fine-tune dozens of mo- one likes how they save time different—but still very precise—shapes in a lecular properties. For example, many molecu- and make jobs easier. If a new strictly controlled manner. Like any motor, they lar motors must work cooperatively to trans- machine is invented that helps convert fuel into kinetic energy to make things form molecular movements to visually detect- detectH specific diseases and aids in early diag- move in specific directions. A few examples are: able levels. All of these features are detailed in advance and the information is stored in the nosis, it is big news. • DNA maintenance robots that proofread People also enjoyed watching machines information, unwind the double helix, cut DNA’s plans and specifications. operate before their many moving parts were out defects, splice in corrections, and rewind In a typical kitchen, there are food pro- covered up for safety reasons. Now, TV pro- the strands cessors, blenders, and mixers. In some ways • Intracellular elevators grams that slice machines apart so people they look similar, but their capabilities actu- • Mobile brace-builders that con- ally have little overlap. Each machine can look inside are popular. So it is likely that struct distinct internal tubular has a primary function which someone would listen intently if a Christian supports it performs well based on were to describe some real microscopic ma- • Spinning generators that the speed and manner in chines right inside their own bodies working to move molecules from low to high energy which its parts interact. keep them alive. states These parts fit tightly to- Be assured that helping anybody learn of • Ratchet devices that gether, which means that these intricate, minute machines will be a pow- convert random mo- though a few blender and erful testimony of the Lord Jesus’ “invisible” lecular forces to linear mixer parts have exactly the qualities, like His endless power and intellect, motion • Motors that whirl hair-like same function, one cannot just that are clearly seen by the things He has made structures like an outboard motor swap them. In similar manner, the (Romans 1:20.) • A microscopic railroad with engines and parts of molecular machines are meticulously tracks fitted together for their primary purpose. Many Cellular Life Operates with Machines Finally, describe how the machines are function in totally unique roles that are critical Begin by showing that cellular machines, made to reinforce awareness of the total design for life. And some cannot lose a single part or like man-made machines, consist of numer- process. Ask your acquaintance to visualize an exchange parts with other machines without ous interconnected moving parts that function assembly plant that is so advanced and so small that machine—and the entire organism— together for an intended purpose—but are far that dozens could fit on the head of a pin. The breaking down. superior. Functioning in repetitive mechanical energy to run both the assembly plants and In most people’s minds, the words “ma- cycles, cellular machines have chemical mol- machines is finely tunable and supplied by sun- chine” and “designed” belong together, so just

10 ACTS FACTS • AUGUST 2010 & knowing that complex cellular machines exist porting their explanations about molecular the intent of enabling organisms to diversify, is sufficient evidence to make that connection. machines, evolutionists have turned to a firm multiply, and fill new environments. But others are stuck in evolutionary explana- belief that if it can be imagined, it could hap- tions for the origination of molecular machines. pen. In conversation, highlight this disconnect. Pulling It All Together It would be beneficial to know why this think- Point out that, given the extreme precision of The best way to appreciate machines is ing is better at rationalizing than explaining. these machines, evolutionary accounts must to watch them. Unfortunately, pictures of mo- repeatedly use three words not normally asso- lecular machines are rare and drawings most Evolutionists Submit Implausible ciated with precision: “recruited,”3 “cobbled,”4 likely will not be available during spontaneous Explanations and “tinkered.”5 conversations. But using words to build men- Thus, evolutionists believe in a simplis- When looking at the evolutionist’s best tal pictures of these incredible miniature ma- tic scenario where “the necessary pieces for scientific journals for explanations specifically chines can be effective. Human minds power- one particular cellular machine...were lying on the origins of molecular machines, stay alert fully connect machines to design. People know around long ago. It was simply a matter of for extraordinary extrapolations.1 For instance, that while some animals may use tools, only time before they came together into a more if a window fan is the machine under investiga- humans build machines. complex entity,”6 upon which natural selec- tion in one of these papers, be prepared to look For that reason, a conversation could be tion tinkered away at cobbling together bor- for this predictable pattern: very engaging since it may be the first disclo- rowed parts for millions of years. Aside from sure to most people of the existence of these Finding: Researchers discover that fans the magical whimsy, this explanation is like machines. Why? Because in evolution-based have electric motors that spin blades to saying cars originated when an engine was move air. education, not all scientific findings are equally coupled to a transmission, which was mount- welcome and, thus, are subject to being se- Conclusion: Air conditioners are simple ed to a chassis, and so forth. Leaving another lectively promoted. The above frenzied foot- derivations of fans because they also have major unanswered question—where did the stomping denial of the research’s obvious im- electric motors that spin blades—not- engine, transmission, and chassis come from? withstanding an air conditioner’s unique plication shows that getting people to believe in motor, blades, compressor, condenser, evolution is a higher priority than learning. evaporator, and thermostat. Learning a Short Example Revealing this convoluted thinking that The exaggeration is assured. Why? Do evolutionists really recognize the in- does attribute precise microscopic machines Since researchers find only one fully func- tricacies of molecular machines yet attribute to blind tinkering—but not to design—will let tioning machine or another, evolutionary their origins to ill-defined forces? Princeton it be seen for what it is. So, go ahead and tell conclusions of how, in the remote past, parts University researchers recently described a someone about these life-sustaining little ma- from one molecular machine morphed into theory to explain how some cellular machines chines. They may build the bridge for someone another will always be conjectures inferred enable organisms to rapidly adapt to environ- to find eternal life in their life-giving Creator. greatly beyond what the findings support. mental stresses. The report detailed elaborate References principles guiding cooperation between ma- 1. See Clements, A. et al. 2009. The reducible complexity of These papers survive peer review still a mitochondrial molecular machine. Proceedings of the containing extraordinary extrapolations chines that was “analogous to a car’s cruise National Academy of Sciences. 106 (37): 15791-15795. 2. Coyne, J. A. 1996. God in the details. Nature. 383 (6597): 227- that sidestep real explanations for the arrival control or a home’s thermostat.” 8. 3. McLennan, D. 2008. The Concept of Co-option: Why Evo- of fundamentally distinct parts, instead de- [Lead study author Raj] Chakrabarti said, lution Often Looks Miraculous. Evolution: Education and Outreach. 1 (3): 247-258. picting molecular parts as (somehow) hav- “Control theory offers a direct explanation 4. Hersh, B. and S. B. Carroll. 2005. Direct regulation of knot ing been stripped from primary functions for an otherwise perplexing observation gene expression by Ultrabithorax and the evolution of cis- regulatory elements in Drosophila. Development. 132: 1567- elsewhere in the cell and spontaneously and indicates that evolution is operating 1577. according to principles that every engi- 5. Clements, 15793. Also Jacob, F. 1977. Evolution and tinker- re-assembled into new machines. Critics ing. Science. 196 (4295): 1161-1166. neer knows.” The scientists do not know 6. Report on Clements’ PNAS article (reference 1). Keim, B. point out that those great gaps of informa- how the cellular machinery guiding this More ‘Evidence’ of Intelligent Design Shot Down by Sci- tion make the evolutionary path unbeliev- ence. Wired Science. Posted on August 27, 2009, process may have originated, but they em- accessed June 5, 2010. able. Note how these weaknesses are merely phatically said it does not buttress the case 7. MacPherson, K. Evolution’s new wrinkle: Proteins with ‘cruise control’ provide new perspective. Princeton Univer- dismissed when a top evolutionary author- for intelligent design, a controversial no- sity news release, Novem- ity like Dr. Jerry Coyne says, “It is not valid, tion that posits the existence of a creator ber 10, 2008, reporting responsible for complexity in nature.7 on research published in however, to assume that, because one man Chakrabarti, R. et al. 2008. Mutagenic Evidence for cannot imagine such pathways, they could An alternative explanation exists that ac- the Optimal Control of 2 Evolutionary Dynamics. not have existed.” Be content in recognizing tually fits with observed origins of every other Physical Review Letters. that those types of responses cannot be satis- machine. The information for the parts and 100: 258103. fied with scientific answers. construction of “cruise control”-style molecu- Dr. Guliuzza is ICR’s National Representative. Lacking experimental evidence sup- lar machines was the result of real design with


Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Is Not Evidence of Poor Design


Introduction for reasons now known to be based on good design. The nerves from the right side of the A common claim brain go to the left side of the body (except by evolutionists is that the for the right and left frontal branches of a fa- human body is poorly de- cial nerve, which are supplied by both sides signed, which to them is of the brain) also for good reasons. evidence that it was not Likewise, the left RLN has a dif- intelligently designed, ferent anatomical trajectory than one but rather cobbled to- would first expect, and for very good gether by the unintelligent reasons. In contrast to Prothero’s claim, process of evolution. One of the vagus nerve (the longest of the cra- the most frequent examples nial nerves) travels from the neck down of poor design cited by evo- toward the heart, and then the recurrent lutionists today is the recurrent laryngeal nerve branches off from the laryngeal nerve (RLN), which vagus just below the aorta (the larg- controls the mammalian larynx est artery in the body, originating (voice box) muscles. Paleontolo- gist Donald Prothero wrote that from the left ventricle of the examples of “poor or at least very heart and extending down the puzzling design can be accumulated abdomen). The RLN travels endlessly,” thus proving evolution, with upward to serve several one of the best examples being “the re- organs, some near where current laryngeal nerve, which connects it branches off of the vagus the brain to the larynx and allows us to nerve, and then travels back 2 speak.” up to the larynx. This is the reason it is In mammals, this nerve avoids the called the left recurrent laryn- direct route between brain and throat and instead descends into geal nerve. In contrast, the the chest, loops around the aorta right laryngeal nerve loops near the heart, then returns to the true for many other nerves. The optic nerves do around the subclavian artery just below the col- larynx. That makes it seven times longer not take the shortest route to the occipital lobe larbone, and then travels up to the larynx. Of than it needs to be.1 of the brain (the lobe near the back of the head), note is the fact that the longer left RLN works in Although the laryngeal nerve does not but rather cross over at the optic chiasm (where perfect harmony with the right laryngeal nerve, take the shortest route to the larynx, this is also the two tracts cross over in the form of an “X”) disproving the faulty design claim.

12 ACTS FACTS • AUGUST 2010 & Reasons for This Design heart to descend from the cervical (neck) loca- motor and sensory branches, including the tion down into the thoracic (chest) cavity.7 upper esophagus, the trachea, the inferior The most logical reason is that the RLN As a result, various arteries and other pharynx, and the cricopharyngeus muscle, design is due to developmental constraints. structures must be elongated as organs are the lowest horizontal bandlike muscle of the Eminent embryologist Professor Erich Blech- moved in a way that allows them to remain throat just above the esophagus.12 Neuroanat- schmidt wrote that the recurrent laryngeal functional throughout this entire developmen- omists describe larynx innervation as “com- nerve’s seemingly poor design in adults is due tal phase. The right RLN is carried downward plicated” and they are still trying to work out to the “necessary consequences of develop- because it is looped under the arch that devel- the specific targets of its nerve branches. The mental dynamics,” not historical carryovers ops into the right subclavian artery, and thus fact that the left RLN also gives off some fibers from evolution.3 moves down with it as development proceeds.8 to the cardiac plexus is highly indicative of Human-designed devices, such as radios The left laryngeal nerve recurs around developmental constraints because the nerve and computers, do not need to function until the ligamentum arteriosum (a small ligament must serve both the larynx (in the neck) and their assembly is complete. By contrast, living attached to the top surface of the pulmonary the heart (in the chest). organisms must function to a high degree in or- trunk and the bottom surface of the aor- As noted, after looping around the aorta, der to thrive during every developmental stage tic arch) on the left side of the aortic arch. It the RLN travels back up to innervate the lar- from a single-cell zygote to adult. The embryo likewise moves down as the thoracic cavity ynx. The superior (meaning upper) and recur- as a whole must be a fully functioning system lengthens. The body must operate as a living, rent laryngeal nerves then innervate an area in its specific environment during every second functional unit during this time, requiring known as Galen’s anastamosis. Other cases ex- of its entire development. For this reason, adult ligaments and internal connections to secure ist of one nerve splitting off early and providing anatomy can be understood only in the light of direct innervations, and another taking what development. An analogy Blechschmidt uses to seems like a circuitous route. One example is help elucidate this fact is the course of a river, the phrenic nerve that arises in the neck and which “cannot be explained on the basis of a The left recurrent laryngeal nerve descends to connect to the diaphragm. This knowledge of its sources, its tributaries, or the has a different anatomical trajec- is a necessary path, since the pericardium and specific locations of the harbors at its mouth. tory than one would first expect, diaphragm arise in the septum transversum (a It is only the total topographical circumstances and for very good reasons. thick mass of tissue that gives rise to parts of that determine the river’s course.”4 the thoracic diaphragm and the ventral mes- Due to variations in the topographical entery of the foregut) in the neck area of the landscape of the mammalian body, the “course various related structures together while also early embryo. of the inferior [meaning lower] laryngeal nerve allowing for body and organ movement. For It then migrates caudally (toward the is highly variant” and minor anatomic differ- the laryngeal nerve, the ligamentum arterio- tailbone) as the embryo enlarges by differential ences are common.5 Dissections of human sum functions like a pulley that lifts a heavy growth of the head and thorax areas, taking cadavers found that the paths of the right and load to allow movement. the nerve with it. The diaphragm cannot have left recurrent laryngeal nerves were often some- As a result of the downward movement evolved step-wise, since a partial diaphragm what different from that shown in the standard of the heart, “the course of the recurrent laryn- results in an imperfect chest-abdomen separa- literature, illustrating Blechschmidt’s analogy.6 geal nerves becomes different on the right and tion. Even a small defect results in herniation of left sides.”9 These nerves cannot either be oblit- the gut contents into the chest—which either Developmental Variations erated or replaced because many of them must compresses the lungs or results in strangulation The human body begins as a sphere function during every fetal development stage. of the gut. called a blastocyst and gradually becomes more Blechschmidt notes that “no organ could exist A complicated issue still being researched elongated as it develops. Some structures, such that is functionless during its development,” an is how the incredibly complex nerve-muscle as the carotid duct, are simply obliterated dur- axiom that also applies to the nervous system.10 system, the component nerve fibers, and the la- ing development, and some are eliminated This movement appears designed to position ryngeal muscles arise from the neural crest (cells and replaced. Other structures, including the the left RLN downward as the body elongates. between the epidermis and the neural tube that recurrent laryngeal nerve, move downward as In addition, “the laryngeal branch splits develop into the brain and spinal cord) and development proceeds. The movement occurs up into other branches before entering the dorsal somites (cells that develop into muscles because the neck’s formation and the body’s larynx at different levels.”11 These many RLN and vertebrae) respectively in the early embryo, elongation during fetal development force the branches serve several other organs with both and then migrate anteriorly (towards the front


of the body) into their final positions. Without regulate different vocal responses. Paralysis of design” claim uses evolution to fill in gaps in explaining the nerve structure’s design system, the superior laryngeal nerve (the non-circuitous our knowledge. Furthermore, any alternative function, and ultimate connections, alleging nerve) causes difficulty in increasing voice embryonic design pathway would likely result that the RLN is a poor design is a meaningless loudness, producing a high pitch, vocal fatigue, in its own unique set of constraints, also giving assertion. and an inability to sing because the vocal cords the false impression of poor design. Thus, the claim that it has to loop up the lack their normal tone and cannot sufficiently The left recurrent laryngeal nerve is not distance from the ligamentum arteriosum for lengthen. In contrast, paralysis of the recurrent poorly designed, but rather is clear evidence of no reason is invalid. For all these reasons, Pro- nerve results in a weak voice that sounds like intelligent design: thero’s conclusions are incorrect and poorly Mickey Mouse. • Much evidence exists that the present design considered: In one patient, a traumatic rupture of results from developmental constraints. the aortic arch in a car accident required an • There are indications that this design serves Not only is this design wasteful, but…the aortic graft that left him with a severed left to fine-tune laryngeal functions. bizarre pathway of this nerve makes per- RLN. Although his voice was slightly feeble, • The nerve serves to innervate other organs fect sense in evolutionary terms. In fish after it branches from the vagus on its way to his articulation was unaffected. He speaks and early mammal embryos, the precur- the larynx. sor of the recurrent laryngeal nerve [is] perfectly well, but cannot project his voice • The design provides backup innervation to attached to the sixth gill arch, deep in the the larynx in case another nerve is damaged. 13 neck and body region. • No evidence exists that the design causes any Without explaining the nerve disadvantage. The Redundant Pathway Design structure’s design system, func- The arguments presented by evolution- Some innervations to the larynx go di- tion, and ultimate connections, ists are both incorrect and have discouraged rectly to the larynx, including the sensory in- research into the specific reasons for the exist- alleging that the RLN is a poor ternal laryngeal nerve and the motor external ing design. design is a meaningless assertion. laryngeal nerve. Other nerves, the left and right References 1. Prothero, D. 2008. Evolution: What the Fossils Say and Why It superior laryngeal nerves, branch off close to Matters. New York: Columbia University Press, 37-38. the larynx to provide this structure with di- 2. Sadler, T. W. 2010. Langman’s Medical Embryology, 11th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Williams & Wilkins. rect innervation. The superior laryngeal nerve because the laryngeal muscles have multiple 3. Blechschmidt, E. 2004. The Ontogenetic Basis of Human Anatomy: A Biodynamic Approach to Development from branches off of the vagus at a location called the innervations and the set as a unit controls its Conception to Birth. B. Freeman, transl. New York: North function. Atlantic Books, 188. ganglion nodosum and receives a nerve branch 4. Ibid, 108. from the superior cervical ganglion (group of Finally, several studies found that the ex- 5. Sturniolo, G. et al. 1999. The Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Re- lated to Thyroid Surgery. The American Journal of Surgery. nerve cells near the neck) of the sympathetic isting path occupies a relatively safe position in 177: 487-488. 6. Steinberg, J. L., G. J. Khane, C. M. C. Fernanades and J. P. Nel. nervous system (a branch of the autonomic a groove that renders it less prone to damage or 1986. Anatomy of the recurrent laryngeal nerve: A redescrip- 14 injury than a more direct route.15 tion. The Journal of Laryngology and Otology. 100: 919. nervous system). 7. Sadler, T. W. 1990. Langman’s Medical Embryology, 6th ed. Aside from the developmental reasons Philadelphia, PA: Williams & Wilkins, 211. 8. Schoenwolf, G. C., S. B. Bleyl, P. R. Brauer and P. H. Francis- for the circuitous route, certain benefits of Conclusions West. 2009. Larsen’s Human Embryology. Philadelphia, PA: Churchill Livingstone, 407. overlapping sensory and motor innervations Arguing that the left RLN is poorly de- 9. Sadler, 1990, Langman’s Medical Embryology, 211. 10. Blechschmidt, The Ontogenetic Basis of Human Anatomy, result when one of the nerves is slightly longer. signed implies that God should have used dif- 91. One reason why laryngeal nerve branches are 11. Sturniolo et al, The Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Related to ferent embryo developmental trajectories for Thyroid Surgery, 487. located both above and below the larynx (both 12. Ibid. all the structures involved to avoid looping the 13. Prothero, Evolution: What the Fossils Say and Why It Matters, branch off the vagus) is because this design al- left RLN around the aorta. One who asserts 37-38. 14. Sanders, I. and L. Mu. 1998. Anatomy of the Human Internal lows some preservation of function if either that the RLN is a poor design assumes that a Superior Laryngeal Nerve. The Anatomical Record. 252: 646- one is interrupted. The redundant pathway also 656. better design exists, a claim that cannot be as- 15. Armstrong, W. G. and J. provides some backup in case of damage to one serted unless an alternative embryonic design W. Hinton. 1951. Multiple Divisions of the Recurrent of the nerves. from fertilized ovum to fetus—including all Laryngeal Nerve. AMA Achieves of Surgery. 62 (4): Knowledge of the laryngeal innervation the incalculable molecular gradients, triggers, 539. will help us to understand the necessity for the cascades, and anatomical twists and tucks— Dr. Bergman is an Adjunct Associate Professor at the slightly longer route for a nerve, and a hint is can be proposed that documents an improved University of Toledo Medical provided from the fact that the two nerves design. Lacking this information, the “poor School in Ohio.

14 ACTS FACTS • AUGUST 2010 & Larry Vardiman

Christine Dao

hen Dr. Larry Vardiman was a gradu- Geophysical meeting in San Francisco,” Dr. Vardiman said. “I ate student in atmospheric science at was hoping and praying that he would eventually accept the Colorado State University, he, like many Lord before he died [in 1996], but as far as I know, he didn’t Christian scientists, struggled with the unless it was on his deathbed. Although he and I had two conflictsW between a literal interpretation of the Bible and completely different worldviews, his death was difficult for what he was learning. me. I considered him a close friend. He was deeply religious, “With the assistance of several members of my church but he could not accept the Bible as the path to God. It was and a lot of soul searching, I finally made a decision in 1972 painful to watch someone who couldn’t accept what God so to believe the statements about creation and the Flood, even if freely offers.” it flew in the face of the conventional science that I was being Over the past decade, Dr. Vardiman has become criti- taught,” the Chair of the ICR Graduate School’s Department cal of the current view on global warming. “I have conducted of Astro/Geophysics said in a recent interview. considerable research on this topic and found that global Less than two weeks after deciding this, two gentlemen warming was likely occurring from about 1850 to 2000, but it named Dr. Henry Morris and Dr. Duane Gish came to his was only slightly caused by carbon dioxide released by man’s church for a weekend seminar on creation science. “I had activities. Most of it was probably caused by fluctuations in never heard of either of them, but they said things during the the sun,” he said. “It now appears that cooling has possibly conference that I had never heard before, which confirmed begun.” He publishes his research through ICR. the decision I had already made,” Dr. Vardiman said. Research and education are critical activities from the Three years later, Dr. Morris referred a Dallas Theo- creation perspective, Dr. Vardiman said. “Some Christians logical Seminary student to Dr. Vardiman for help with his who have full confidence in the veracity of Scripture only research. Dr. Vardiman had just completed his doctorate de- need to study what the Bible says. But most Christians today gree and was working in Denver, Colorado, for the U.S. De- are swayed by secular views of origins. Many only need one partment of the Interior. The student, Jody Dillow, needed an or two critical issues answered by logical scientific research to atmospheric scientist’s assistance in refining his vapor canopy put their confidence in the Bible.” model. “I got caught up in his research on the vapor canopy “It’s not enough to just do Bible studies these days— and have been involved in creationist research in one way or we live in a different culture than our parents and grandpar- another ever since,” Dr. Vardiman said. ents. We must do legitimate creationist research and teach it Dr. Vardiman came to the Institute for Creation Re- to others, particularly those who will, in turn, teach it to yet search in 1989. His research here has included Ice Age stud- others,” he said. ies in young-earth timeframes, simulating “hypercanes” that ICR continues to focus on re- may have taken place within the millennium after the Flood search at its core, gathering the scien- of Noah’s day, and directing the Radioisotopes and the Age of tific evidence that verifies the author- the Earth project. ity, accuracy, and authenticity of God’s In 1994, he had the opportunity to meet and corre- Word. spond with popular astrophysicist and cosmologist Carl Sa- gan. “We struck up a very cordial relationship at an American Ms. Dao is Assistant Editor.


he decay of earth’s magnetic field seven percent since then, giving a half-life of for only about 100 years, while its half-lives are has been one of the strongest evi- about 1,400 years. This means that in 1,400 typically measured in the billions. The short dences for the Bible’s recent cre- years it will be one-half as strong, in 2,800 years half-life should be favored by uniformitarians ation doctrine. This concept, de- it will be one-fourth as strong, and so on. There for it minimizes the chances that something velopedT originally by Dr. Thomas Barnes in will be a time not many thousands of years dis- dramatic has happened to change things, since 1971, was updated and revised by Dr. Russell tant when the field will be too small to perform longer spans are more susceptible to out-of- Humphreys in 1983. Here are the details. as a viable shield for earth. the-ordinary events. Magnetic field decay Earth is surrounded by a powerful mag- Calculating back into the past, the pres- also involves a whole earth measurement, and netic field, generated by well-understood and ent measurements indicate that 1,400 years ago on this large scale it cannot be easily altered or “contaminated,” as could any rock selected for radioisotope dating. The young-earth implica- Earth's tions are even stronger when the energy of the field is considered rather than its strength, for Magnetic Field the energy’s half-life decays each 700 years. Recent creation ideas are necessar- ily coupled with the global Flood in the days of Noah, during which all of earth’s processes and systems were severely disrupted. As ferro- magnetic material rose through the existing magnetic field (when the “fountains of the great deep [were] broken open,” Genesis 7:11), temporary reversals in both local and planetary fields would have been induced rapidly, as in an electromagnet. This would have been record- ed as “magnetic stripes” flanking mid-ocean spreading centers. Uniformitarians propose a self-generating dynamo (itself a contradiction in terms with inferior theoretical support) of circulating core fluids that slowly decline to zero strength and start up again with reversed orientation. While all processes wane in inten- sity over time, if a planetary field caused by John D. Morris, Ph .D. fluid movements ever went to zero, it could not restart itself. All things considered, the magnetic field “clock” might be the very best of geochronom- well-documented electric currents in its metal- the field was twice as strong. It continues dou- eters, nearly all of which indicate a maximum lic core. Incoming solar and stellar radiation bling each 1,400 years back, until about 10,000 age for earth far too short for evolution to oc- continually bombards earth and does great years ago it would have been so strong the cur. The weight of the scientific evidence is on damage to life, causing harmful mutations and planet would have disintegrated—its metallic the side of the young earth—and of biblical likely contributing to the aging and death of core would have separated from its mantle. The doctrine.1 living things. Indeed, if these rays were not im- inescapable conclusion we can draw is that the Reference peded and filtered by earth’s magnetic field, life earth must be fewer than 10,000 years old. 1. For more details, see Morris, J. 2007. The Young Earth, revised here would be impossible. Compare this “clock” with others used ed. Green Forest, AR: Master Books; and Snelling, A. A. 2009. The strength of the magnetic field has to estimate earth’s age. This method utilizes a Earth’s Catastrophic Past. Dal- been reliably and continually measured since long period of measurement, amounting to las, TX: Institute for Creation Research, 509. 1835. From these measurements, we can see over one-tenth of a half-life, whereas radio- Dr. Morris is President of the that the field’s strength has declined by about isotope decay has been accurately measured Institute for Creation Research.

16 ACTS FACTS • AUGUST 2010 & od has created man with 100 tril- Creator. Consider this quote describing the lion cells, each of which is a won- transfer of an electron to a heme portion of a der of microminiaturization. Cells: ubiquitous protein involved in ATP (energy) The biochemical processes that production in living systems:

Goccur moment by moment are nothing less This [electron] loading increases the redox than astounding. The bewildering complex- Sophisticated potentials of both hemes a and a3, which ity of these tiny functional units was acknowl- allows electron equilibration between edged even before recent discoveries of how them at the same rate. Then, in 0.8 mil- cells operate at the nanotechnological level. liseconds, another proton is transferred and from the inside to the heme a3/CuB cen- If you could build a motor one millionth ter, and the electron is transferred to CuB. of a millimetre across, you could fit a Finally, in 2.6 millisesconds, the preloaded billion billion of them on a teaspoon. It proton is released from the pump site to God-Designed 5 seems incredible, but biological systems the opposite side of the membrane. already use molecular motors on this 1 Is it logical to attribute such overwhelm- scale. ingly complicated machinery to genetic mis- Indeed, “it seems incredible” to suggest takes “guided” by natural happenstance? that such sophistication is the result of No. Cellular research increasingly un- chance, time, and genetic mistakes! veils amazing discoveries that should A 1997 Nature article by Ste- cause Darwinists to consider Paul’s ven Block detailed the “Real en- proclamation to the church in gines of creation” that included a Rome: “For the invisible things discussion of sub-cellular struc- of him from the creation of tures composed of springs, the world are clearly seen, be- rotary joints, and levers—all ing understood by the things made of protein.2 The aware- that are made, even his eternal ness of cellular sophistication power and Godhead; so that has only increased by orders of they are without excuse” (Ro- magnitude since then, further mans 1:20). demolishing the increasingly Sadly, for many biolo- anemic Darwinian explanations gists it doesn’t matter what the for the origin of cells. burgeoning evidence shows. Those The cell or plasma membrane with a secular worldview must avoid surrounding each cell has been called pursuing the obvious design implication living because of its extremely precise se- and therefore give glory to the creation in- lectivity—allowing or actively pumping some stead of the Creator to whom it is due. materials in or out, but not others. Complicat- References ed but efficient protein molecules “float” in the 1. Feringa, B. L. 2000. Nanotechnology: In control of molecular FRANK SHERWIN, M.A. motion. Nature. 408 (6809): 151-154. midst of this bilipid membrane. Some extend 2. Block, S. M. 1997. Real engines of creation. Nature. 386 4 (6622): 217-219. halfway and others all the way through the two iris! It also has switches and pulleys. Working 3. Dubyak, G. R. 2004. Ion homeostasis, channels, and trans- interconnected membrane layers. in exquisite harmony, the four principal parts porters. Advances in Physiology Education. 28 (4): 143-154. 4. Clark, et al. 2010. Domain Reorientation and Rotation of an For the cell to remain alive, there must of the gate—collectively called the Kir chan- Intracellular Assembly Regulate Conduction in Kir Potas- sium Channels. Cell. 141 (6): also be a constant exchange of materials from nel—are designed to selectively allow millions 1018-1029. 5. Belevich, I. et al. 2007. Ex- the outside of the cell to the inside, and vice of potassium ions per second to pass through ploring the proton pump versa. For example, among many other ions, the gate while keeping out legions of pesky mechanism of cytochrome c oxidase in real time. Proceed- potassium is critical for cellular function and gatecrashers (other ions). ings of the National Academy 3 of Sciences. 104 (8): 2685- homeostasis. A precisely shaped and charged Cellular machines are not the stuff of 2690. potassium gate found in the cell membrane is randomness, but reveal unparalleled sophisti- Mr. Sherwin is Senior Science known to have a latch that rotates much like an cation emanating from the mind of the wise Lecturer.


Tentacular Re-writing Squid Stories Squid Before the Ink Dries


uring a recent tour of the fos- perched on eyestalks.8 “Early” cephalopods sil displays on ICR’s campus, a were anything but “simple.” Dutch-speaking group referred Also, if the fossil record is supposed to to our fossil squid as an inktvis show increasingly complicated features as one orD “ink fish.” This led to the discussion of a dis- ascends the geologic column, then why does covery in 2009, where researchers reconstituted this already complicated creature appear at dried ink from a squid’s fossilized ink sac.1 The the bottom? paleontologists even drew a picture of what that A new evolutionary story will no doubt extinct squid looked like using its very own ink! be written. It could speculate that shell-less Because the squid was found in a rock Nectocaris might have evolved into a shelled assigned an age of 150 million years, scien- form, maybe with an internal shell like squids, tists were “stunned” that it “still looks as if it or an external one like nautiloids. Or, it could is modern squid ink.”2 No ink should have have been a “dead end” form, irrelevant to ce- been found. phalopod origins. Or, it could have come from The squid at ICR is a body-impression shelled creatures that were never preserved as fossil without ink or other original tissue pres- fossils. Perhaps it lost that shell, and some of ent. However, the fact that fossils of soft-bodied its descendants regained it—or didn’t. organisms—like squid, jellyfish, sponge em- Nobody will ever know, because fossils bryos, or algae—even exist is a direct contra- alone cannot provide as reliable a historical diction of Darwin’s primary explanation for framework as the Bible. The best explana- the lack of fossilized transitional forms that tion for the existence of this creature re- should be there if his life origins story is accu- mains the one presented in Genesis—each rate. He wrote that “no organism wholly soft squid kind was created fully formed from can be preserved.”3 ICR’s remarkably well-preserved squid fossil. the beginning. But many “wholly soft” organisms were References 1. Thomas, B. Fresh Jurassic Squid Ink. ICR News. Posted on preserved. A five-centimeter-long fossil of a between the major groups of molluscs, and August 27, 2009. squid-like cephalopod has been found in a 6 2. The 150 million-year-old squid fossil so perfectly preserved the early history of the group.” Paleontologist that scientists can make ink from its ink sac. Archaeol- “Middle Cambrian” zone in Canada’s Burgess Donald Prothero speculated in 2004 about an ogy Daily News. Posted on August 18, 2009, accessed June 7, 2010. Shale, near the very bottom of earth’s fossil- evolutionary “radiation” of new cephalopod 3. Darwin, C. 1968. The Origin of Species. J. W. Burrow, ed. Middlesex, UK: Penguin Books Inc., 298. bearing rocks. Cambrian rocks appear to repre- forms from a shelled ancestor: 4. See Sherwin, F. and B. Thomas. 2010. Understanding Evi- sent catastrophic marine deposits made at the dence for the Biblical Timescale. Acts & Facts. 39 (4): 16-17. The earliest known cephalopod, Plec- 5. Smith, M. R. and J. Caron. 2010. Primitive soft-bodied ce- beginning of the Flood year.4 phalopods from the Cambrian. Nature. 465 (7297): 469- tronoceras, is a tiny Late Cambrian form 472. Named Nectocaris pteryx, it only had with a simple conical shell, but it has 6. Bettam, S. U of T paleontologists solve mystery of 500 million-year-old squid-like carnivore. University of Toronto two tentacles and lacked the internal shell that chambers, septa, and a siphucle. From press release, May 27, 2010. modern squids have. The existence of this crea- such simple origins, the straight-shelled 7. Prothero, D. 2004. Bringing Fossils to Life: An Introduction ture in this stratum forces the re-evaluation of cephalopods underwent a spectacular Or- to Paleobiology, 2nd ed. Bos- dovician radiation.7 ton, MA: McGraw-Hill, 314. many longstanding evolutionary conjectures 8. The Nature study stated that dark muscovite crystals about squid origins. Martin Smith of the Uni- But Nectocaris had side fins, large gills, a formed inside the hollow versity of Toronto, a co-author of the Nectocaris flexible siphon for propulsion, a streamlined eye-cavity and were “con- sistent with a camera-type study that appeared in Nature,5 admitted that body for moving quickly through water, and construction.” “we know very little about the relationships refracting-lens eyes—like­ vertebrate eyes— Mr. Thomas is Science Writer.


From Parasites to Pictographs ICR Apologetics School Surges Forward

o what can you learn about avian As a complement to ICR’s Graduate ationist Apologetics and Animal Life (Dr. Jobe parasites, sedimentary rocks, fossil- School (ICRGS), ICR launched the School of Martin), The Genesis Flood (Dr. John Morris), ized clams, ostrich eggs, logical falla- Biblical Apologetics in 20091 with a resident and Biblical Archaeology (Dr. Eugene Merrill). cies, plover migrations, giraffe blood evening program on the new Dallas campus New to SOBA this year is the addition of Ssystems, plesiosaurs, ancient Chinese picto- of the Institute for Creation Research. Offering ACSI-accredited CEU courses, including Un- graphs, a Russian Viking king, the Moabite a Master of Christian Education degree pro- derstanding and Teaching Biblical History dur- Stone, Hebrew word studies, Waldensians, and gram with a joint major in Biblical Education ing August/September, and Logic, Evidence, the providential preservation of the New Testa- and Apologetics, SOBA allows students to pur- and Apologetics in November/December. More ment’s Greek text? sue minors with concentrations in Christian information about SOBA degrees and courses, And what do these varied topics have to School Teaching, Creation Research, Genesis as well as how teachers and administrators can do with the study of biblical apologetics? When Studies, and Sacred Humanities. sign up for ACSI CEUs, can be found at www. one examines how Jesus Himself taught truth, Six core courses were completed in year then it’s easy to see that the world of biblical one with study in Many Infallible Proofs, Jesus Thank you for your prayerful support of apologetics compares God’s most authoritative the Master Teacher, General and Special Revela- ICR’s newest educational program. witness—His written Word—with another vi- tion, The Uniqueness and Supremacy of Christ, Reference 1. ICR’s graduate school has offered its Master of Science tal witness—the world He created. Bibliology, and Critiquing Secular and Reli- degree from California since 1981. Due to a legal position Now wrapping up its first year, the gious Humanism. ICR staff and adjunct faculty taken by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board in April 2008, ICRGS now offers its mostly-online program ICR School of Biblical Apologetics (SOBA) included Dr. John Morris, Dr. Stan Toussaint, to applicants from every state except Texas. As this issue of Acts & Facts goes to press, this academic freedom-focused is poised with exciting summer courses and Dr. Randy Guliuzza, Dr. Jim Johnson, and Mr. controversy is pending as a civil rights lawsuit in Austin federal court, as Civil Action 1:09-CV-382-SS (W.D. Tex.), a solid offering of relevant subjects to be Frank Sherwin. ICR Graduate School v. Texas Higher Education Coordinating covered in year two. Summer electives have included Cre- Board, et al.

CEU CREDITS NOW AVAILABLE FOR ACSI Teachers and Administrators! This summer and fall, the ICR School of Biblical Apologetics is offering ACSI-accredited CEU evening in- service opportunities for ACSI teachers and administra- Summer Course Fall Course ------tors in the Dallas area. Now you can obtain continuing education credit Understanding and Teaching Logic, Evidence, and Apologetics from an organization dedicated to upholding the author- Biblical History How to Use, Critique, and Teach Logic Special Insights from Biblical ity and accuracy of God’s Word. Not only that, you’ll re- Archaeology, Biblical Languages, SOBA faculty: ceive biblical and apologetics training that will aid you as and Biblical Geography Dr. James J. S. Johnson you minister to students and colleagues. Attend any two evenings of a course for 1.0 CEU Keynote guest faculty: Tuesdays, 6:00 p.m., Dr. Eugene Merrill November 23–December 14 credit. Attend all four evenings of a course for 2.0 CEU cred- its. Credits count as either Educational Studies or Biblical Tuesdays, 6:00 p.m., Studies. Classes will take place on the ICR Dallas campus. August 10–September 7 ICR SCHOOL (skips August 24) of BIBLICAL APOLOGETICS For more information, visit, call 800.337.0375, or email [email protected].


As a relatively new subscriber/reader of Acts search. Recently, Dr. Steve Austin spoke at my I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for ICR and pray & Facts, I am continually amazed at the depth church….His presentation was quite amazing. for its success in getting out the Gospel, glori- of the articles and the obvious research that His vast knowledge and his deep love of the fying Christ, and teaching many Christians to goes into virtually every one. Thank you for Scriptures were evident. I didn’t have a chance read and believe their Bibles again. enlightening so many who “knew” evolution to talk to him, but my son and I thoroughly — W.B. was true! enjoyed listening to him speak. We believe very strongly in the ministry of — M.B. — K.O. ICR. Though we are not often in a position to I wanted to pass along a great big thank you to I became aware of ICR about 1974 when I was give, we pray it is an encouragement to know all you Days of Praise people for creating and introduced to the book The Genesis Flood. I was that we are praying for you, and that we read sending Days of Praise. I’m living in China for a new Christian at that time and was confused and share what we have read from ICR with the foreseeable future and it’s been brilliant about evolution vs. creation. Dr. Henry Morris others. Do not lose heart! What you are doing getting a daily dose of God’s Word. Thanks did an excellent job explaining the biblical truth makes a difference. again and have a blessed day. of Genesis and the young earth idea, which is — T.&T.K. — R.W. right in line with Scripture. Then about two

years later, Dr. Henry Morris gave a lecture at Have a comment? Email us at [email protected]. I just wanted to thank you for the work our church….He grounded us on the creation Or write to Editor, P. O. Box 59029, Dallas, that you do at Institution for Creation Re- model and it never left me wondering again. Texas 75229.

Evolution on Trial The Institute for Creation Research B e n No r c r o s s receives hundreds of letters each week,

many from readers who have questions ur oldest relatives—billions and billions of years ago—were composed of goo. But this about a topic in science or a comment was very special goo. This “primordial slime,” through the course of millions and mil- about the impact ICR is having in their lions of years, slowly started to change and become more complex. Starting out as the lives. O most basic groups of atoms, they shuffled around so much that the atoms aligned correctly, form- Recently we received a letter from ing larger structures. These movements kept occurring, creating larger and larger beings. Eventual- a friend that included a 12-page essay ly, our ancestors became perpetually more advanced organisms, and finally, they became humans. written by high school senior Ben Nor- You and I understand how extraordinary this story is. However, in a Gallup Poll in 2009, cross. The title of Ben’s school essay is 39% of Americans claim they believe the above as fact! This explanation for the existence of hu- “Evolution on Trial” and I printed just man beings is a basic tenet of the Theory of Evolution, formally defined as “the theory that groups the first few paragraphs for you at right. of organisms change with passage of time, mainly as a result of natural selection, so that de- Ben goes on for many more pages scendants differ morphologically and physiologically from their ancestors” (medical-dictionary. detailing evidence after evidence that evolution cannot stand up to honest Such a bold debunking of God’s willed creation is a shocking example of our fallen world: scrutiny. rather than believing we are a holy creation accountable to a just God, man would believe his It’s important to note that young origins were in ancient mud, holding no real significance whatsoever. But, “in the beginning, people like Ben are both hungry for the God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). This scriptural statement is not legend, truth and capable of expressing their not a simple fairy tale, and not a piece of ancient folk lore. Every aspect of our world ultimately convictions clearly and boldly. reflects its Creator’s handiwork. Especially through the complexity of our human bodies is this God grant us many more like Ben exemplified. who are not afraid to speak the truth! While Creationism supports a divine creator, the Theory of Evolution proposes a slow, nat- Lawrence E. Ford ural evolution that eventually produced such complex organisms as human beings. Obviously, Ex e c u t i v e Ed i t o r these two explanations are wholly incompatible; therefore, one must be false.

20 ACTS FACTS • AUGUST 2010 & ICR Radio Is on the Air

This month on “Science, Scripture, & Salvation”

W e e k e n d o f A u g u s t 7 Alaska the Great Land, Part 1 God’s handiwork of creation is displayed throughout the earth in the natural beauty that we enjoy. One area rich in breathtaking views of magnificent splendor is the state of Alaska. This “Great Land” is indeed a testimony to creation! Be sure to tune in.

W e e k e n d o f Au g u s t 14 Alaska the Great Land, Part 2 The natural beauty that is Alaska awaits the wide-eyed visitor and continuously thrills the long-time resident! Many people who go to Alaska hope to get a glimpse of the fantastic wildlife that thrives there. For 40 years, ICR has featured scientists and experts The animals that inhabit the forests, soar through the air, or roam the addressing such hot topics as genetics, global warm- open tundra do more than just delight excited tourists. These crea- ing, origins, the age of the earth, and much more— tures can show us the mighty hand of our great Creator! Join us to all from a thoroughly biblical framework. Our three find out how. programs now air on more than 1,500 outlets around the world. W e e k e n d o f Au g u s t 21 Science, Scripture & Salvation is a weekly 15-min- Australian Geology ute program that provides biblically-based com- From the colossal Ayer’s Rock formation in the middle of the des- mentary on scientific and cultural issues shaping ert to giant kangaroo fossils, Australia is home to many fascinating our world today. geological discoveries. Join us this week as we discover how the “land down under” teaches us about creation and Noah’s Flood. Back to Genesis with ICR President Dr. John Morris provides daily 60-second highlights on frequently W e e k e n d o f Au g u s t 28 asked questions about science and the Bible.

African Animals And De Regreso a Génesis, our 90-second Span- Exciting and exotic animals thrive in different regions throughout the ish version of Back to Genesis, takes the creation world. One such place is the continent of Africa. What kind of unique message to Latin America and beyond. animals live here, and what purpose do they serve? Find out this week on Science, Scripture, & Salvation. To find a local station that carries our programs, use the Station Finder on our Radio page at radio. You can also listen to current Science, Scripture To find out which radio stations in your city air our programs, & Salvation programs online, as well as explore our visit our website at On the radio page, use the station archive of past programs. locator to determine where you can hear our broadcasts in your area. You can also listen to current and past Science, Scripture, & ICR Radio is just one more way that the message of the Salvation programs online, so check us out! Creator is proclaimed to the nations.

Visit and tune in today! AUGUST 2010 • ACTS FACTS 21 & STEWARDSHIP Prayerfully Consider Supporting ICR (Galatians 6:9-10)

Through Wh e r e Th e r e Is a Wi l l , n Online Donations n Stocks and Securities Th e r e Is a CGA n Matching Gift Programs n CFC (federal/military workers) n Gift Planning • Charitable Gift Annuities • Wills • Trusts Henry M. Morris IV Visit and explore how you can support the vital work of ICR ministries. Or con- ithout a doubt, the remark- typically turn to sources of guaranteed income tact us at [email protected] able economic upheaval that like Certificates of Deposit (CDs). But with or 800.337.0375 for personal began some years ago has rates currently below three percent, CDs are not assistance. impacted the entire finan- an attractive option. A much better alternative, ICR is a recognized 501(c )(3) cialW spectrum. Dubbed the “Great Recession” especially for senior donors seeking a secure re- by some economists, this prolonged period turn and guaranteed income, can be found in non-profit ministry, and all of economic uncertainty continues to involve Charitable Gift Annuities (CGAs). gifts are tax-deductible to the high unemployment, languishing home val- CGAs provide several benefits that CDs fullest extent allowed by law. ues, and unprecedented volatility in the stock simply cannot match, like guaranteed annual market. With worries over rising debt in Eu- income for the donor’s lifetime and partial tax ropean markets, it appears the global financial deductions in exchange for the gift. In addition, landscape has been drastically, if not perma- the American Council of Gift Annuities recent- nently, changed. ly authorized increases in CGA rates, which is It is easy to succumb to a pessimistic at- welcome news for donors who desire to sup- can be minimized through a well-planned will. titude during times such as these. Yet it is wrong port ICR but still need a source of income. And no bequests of any kind will be made—to to worry, for “your Father knoweth what things CGA rates vary by age, so ICR would be your friends, to your church, or to charities that ye have need of, before ye ask him” (Matthew happy to design a customized proposal for you. are dear to your heart. 6:8) and promises to “supply all your need ac- Contact us with your name, state of residence ICR can help with samples of well- cording to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (certain states are excluded), birth date, and the written wills and information on proper will (Philippians 4:19). What a comforting assur- gift amount you are considering ($5,000 mini- preparation. Most wills can be prepared rela- ance from the Creator Himself, who owns ev- mum), and we will be delighted to do the rest. tively inexpensively by a knowledgeable attor- erything under heaven and on earth! Or visit the Planned Giving section of ney, and ICR would be happy to recommend Many believers may be reluctant to sup- give to design your own plan for consideration. one in your local area. And should you desire to port the work of the Kingdom out of fear they support ICR in some way, it is easy to include a will not have enough to outlast the current Wills simple bequest that ensures a portion of your

downturn. But attractive options still exist in remaining resources are shared with our min- Without a valid will in place, the re- such an environment for those who desire to istry. We promise to sources God has granted us in life may not be support ICR in some way. Please prayerfully apply it prayerfully and distributed appropriately after we have gone consider the following possibilities. carefully for the eternal home to heaven. State laws allow the courts to work of the Kingdom. decide who will administer your estate, who Charitable Gift Annuities Mr. Morris is Director of will be the guardian to your minor children, Donor Relations. As financial markets decline, investors and may deplete your estate with expenses that


Dragons or Dinosaurs? DVD

What if evidence exists that man lived alongside dinosaurs? Featuring today’s leading creation science researchers— Dragon images and legends are found all over the world including ICR’s President Dr. John Morris, Senior Science and in nearly every culture. They are widely considered to be Lecturer Frank Sherwin, and Science Writer Brian Thomas—this mythical creatures, but what if dragons were actually dinosaurs? explosive documentary is filled with cutting-edge research, recent The popular understanding of the dinosaur era is often incredible discoveries, and remarkable answers for both young used to discredit the Bible’s teachings of creation, a young earth, and old. and Noah’s Flood. What if their existence instead actually helps Dragons or Dinosaurs? presents startling and verifiable prove the veracity of the biblical account? evidence that humans walked with dinosaurs!


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