INSTITUTE FOR CREATION RESEARCH www.icr.org AUGUST 2010 ACTSVOL. 39 NO. 8 FACTS & The Deceptive Dance of Compromise The Institute for Creation Research cordially invites you to attend our 40th Anniversary Banquet Keynote Speaker Master of Ceremonies Dr. R. Albert Mohler Dr. Henry Morris III President Chief Executive Officer Southern Baptist Institute for Creation Re- Theological Seminary search x Thursday, October 7, 2010 at 7:00 pm Hilton Dallas Lincoln Centre Tickets: $25 per adult $175 per table (seats 8) $15 per child (12 and under) Call 800.337.0375 for more information and to purchase your tickets. Visit www.icr.org/banquet for all the details. P Founded by Dr. Henry Morris in 1970, the Institute for Creation Research is a creation apologetics ministry that exists to con- duct scientific research within the realms of origins and earth history, and then to educate the public through graduate and professional training programs, through conferences and semi- nars, and through books, magazines, and media programs. FROM THE EDITOR CONTENTS The Deceptive Dance 4 of Compromise Henry M. Morris III, D.Min. The Impetus for Sorry, I Don’t Dance Biological Change 6 ecently we alerted Acts & Facts history, we do so with an unwavering commit- Nathaniel T. Jeanson, Ph.D. readers to the hazards of an organi- ment to the authenticity, accuracy, and authority Misreading Earth’s zation called BioLogos, a non-profit of the biblical record. The Word of God (which Groanings group founded by Dr. Francis Col- is inerrant and infallible) will always be more ac- 8 James J. S. Johnson, J.D., Th.D. Rlins that aggressively engages the disciplines of curate than the words of men (who are prone to science and religion with one key message— error). Life’s Indespensable thinking Christians believe in evolution. Groups like BioLogos and Reasons to Be- 10 Microscopic Machines As part of their campaign to push evolution lieve look for ways to retain their dependence on Randy J. Guliuzza, P.E., M.D. into evangelical Christian ministry and educa- evolution-based scientific theories when reading tion, BioLogos is teaming up with progressive cre- the Bible, thus forcing them to insert into the pag- Recurrent Laryngeal ationists, Intelligent Design proponents, political es of Scripture man-made ideas that cannot be 12 Nerve Is Not Evidence pundits, religious philosophers, and a variety of justified in the text or supported by the testimony of Poor Design well-known professors and pastors in an attempt of the other writers of the Bible. The Intelligent Jerry Bergman, Ph.D. to merge some semblance of old-earth scientific Design movement is (by design) a non-Christian Profile: Larry Vardiman concepts with biblical Christianity. Called The movement, with a strategic policy to develop Christine Dao Vibrant Dance of Faith & Science, this sympo- evidence and ideas about design (which is good) 15 sium will be held in Austin, Texas, this fall and is without identifying a designer (which, at least for Earth’s Magnetic Field intended to teach pastors that it is okay to believe Christians involved in the movement, is danger- 16 John D. Morris, Ph.D. in and teach evolutionary ideas in their churches. ous). ID struggles at remaining non-religious Cells: Sophisticated and Read our feature article this month by Dr. Henry while their work consistently hints at a supernatu- Morris III titled “The Deceptive Dance of Com- ral designer. 17 God-Designed promise.” The bottom line is that the scientific estab- Frank Sherwin, M.A. What do I mean by evolutionary ideas? lishment—owned and operated by atheistic and Tentacular Squid: Re- I received a call recently from a gentleman who naturalistic evolutionists—grows tired of all three 18 writing Squid Stories wondered if I had gone too far in my June col- of these groups. Evolution, rightly understood, Before the Ink Dries umn in attributing the term “evolution” to groups has no place for God and never will. No amount Brian Thomas, M.S. like Reasons to Believe or the Intelligent Design of harmonious conversation or even “vibrant movement. Both of these groups (via the under- dancing” is going to change that fact. From Parasites to Picto- lying principles they accept) embrace some form Biblical Christianity—the kind that Jesus 19 graphs: ICR Apologetics of old-earth thinking—i.e., the Big Bang, billions taught and exemplified—is a polarizing faith that School Surges Forward of years, non-literal understanding of the six days separates believers from unbelievers, just like God Letters to the Editor of creation, death before sin, etc. All of these ideas will do on the Day of Judgment. This reality will are foreign to the text of Scripture—historically, never be changed by any sort of sophisticated 20 Evolution on Trial grammatically, and contextually. Of course, while symposium or academic two-step. Where There Is a Will, the Institute for Creation Research conducts Lawrence E. Ford 22 There Is a CGA scientific studies in the area of origins and earth EX E CUTIV E EDITOR Henry M. Morris IV Published by Executive Editor: Lawrence E. Ford No articles may be reprinted in Institute for Creation Research Managing Editor: Beth Mull whole or in part without obtaining P. O. Box 59029, Dallas, TX 75229 Assistant Editor: Christine Dao permission from ICR. 214.615.8300 Designer: Dennis Davidson www.icr.org AUGUST 2010 • ACTS FACTS 3 & The Deceptive Dance of Compromise HENRY M. MORRIS III, D.MIN . “Curiouser and curiouser!” cried Alice (she was so much surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English). “Oh dear, what nonsense I’m talking!”1 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.2 oth of these widely separated capture the intellectual ascent and theological The organization that has risen to be the quotes deal with the same agreement among evangelicals that “creation” “umbrella” under which most of these various issue. Sometimes, folks just certainly does not have to be recent. Nor, in proponents gather is the BioLogos Foundation, B cannot (or will not) see truth. their estimation, did it have to occur during founded by Francis Collins and funded by the The wonder is not that some get caught up in six “normal” days as is indicated by the words Templeton Foundation. Under the leadership lies, confidence scams, news “spin,” or outright of Scripture, but rather can be understood to of President Darrel Falk, BioLogos has co- efforts to deceive. The wonder is that those who mean “natural development over time”—as sponsored a new initiative called The Vibrant claim to be the people of God—those who has been “proven” by modern science. Dance of Faith & Science, whose stated mission have been given “the mind of Christ”3—can be Their arguments are not new. Theis- is to: taken in by such “nonsense.” Paul’s warning to tic evolution has been taught in one form or …inspire, educate, and unify pastors, Timothy, after urging him to “preach the word,” another for 150 years. The so-called “day age” scientists, Christian leaders, and concerned was that such would be the case, however, as interpretation of Genesis is equally long-lived, lay people, as well as seekers and skeptics, time continued on. and various harmony theories have been prop- with the growing congruence of scientific Over the past year or so, there has been a agated, such as the gap theory, progressive cre- discovery with our Christian faith and to explore the implications and applications coalescing of several independent groups that ation, and the more recent “creation by evolu- of that congruence.5 have combined their talent and notoriety to tion” postulated by Bruce Waltke.4 4 ACTS FACTS • AUGUST 2010 & This “series of symposia and online • Satan’s classic and ongoing strategic plan to deceive the believer is to: resources” is led by a number of well-known ICR asks you to take speakers from Reasons to Believe, BioLogos, — Dispute the accuracy of God’s note of those who openly Discovery Institute, and several eminent uni- Word. (“Yea, hath God said…?”) espouse evolutionary ideas in versities and world-renowned churches that — Deny the ability of God to do their presentations of science and/or espouse a harmony of naturalistic science what He said. (“Ye shall not surely die.”) Christianity. Below are the person- with the biblical text. — Denigrate the actions of God alities and organizations involved More than ever before, recent scien- toward man. (“For God doth in the upcoming “Texas two-step” know that in the day ye eat tific discovery is both confirming and event on faith and science. illuminating our Christian faith. From thereof, then your eyes shall be progressive-creationism to theistic- opened, and ye shall be as gods, evolution, there is a wide spectrum of Speakers include: knowing good and evil.”) interpretations of both science and the fact-and-mode of God’s creative activ- The Bible’s text is amply clear. The cre- Andy Crouch ity. Informed, non-confrontational dis- ation account is written so precisely that one Ross Hastings course will be a key to furthering the must both insert words and override clear Hugh Ross gospel of Christ.6 meanings of words to make the passage say Fazale Rana The men and women who are head- anything other than a six-“ordinary”-day cre- Stephen Meyer ing and leading these efforts “by good words ation, making, and organizing of the cosmos.
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