2021/22 Schedule

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2021/22 Schedule Game # Day Date Competition Faceoff Home Away CC 1 Saturday 18-Sep Challenge Cup 18:00 Guildford Flames Coventry Blaze CC 2 Sunday 19-Sep Challenge Cup 17:30 Coventry Blaze Guildford Flames CC 3 Saturday 25-Sep Challenge Cup 19:00 Cardiff Devils Guildford Flames 1 Saturday 25-Sep League 19:00 Coventry Blaze Fife Flyers CC 4 Saturday 25-Sep Challenge Cup 19:00 Dundee Stars Belfast Giants CC 5 Saturday 25-Sep Challenge Cup 19:00 Manchester Storm Sheffield Steelers CC 6 Sunday 26-Sep Challenge Cup 17:30 Fife Flyers Belfast Giants 2 Sunday 26-Sep League 18:00 Guildford Flames Manchester Storm 3 Sunday 26-Sep League 16:00 Nottingham Panthers Dundee Stars 4 Sunday 26-Sep League 16:00 Sheffield Steelers Cardiff Devils CC 7 Friday 1-Oct Challenge Cup 19:00 Belfast Giants Dundee Stars CC 8 Saturday 2-Oct Challenge Cup 19:15 Fife Flyers Dundee Stars CC 9 Saturday 2-Oct Challenge Cup 18:00 Guildford Flames Cardiff Devils 5 Saturday 2-Oct League 19:00 Nottingham Panthers Coventry Blaze CC 10 Saturday 2-Oct Challenge Cup 19:00 Sheffield Steelers Manchester Storm 6 Sunday 3-Oct League 18:00 Cardiff Devils Fife Flyers 7 Sunday 3-Oct League 17:30 Coventry Blaze Sheffield Steelers CC 11 Sunday 3-Oct Challenge Cup 17:00 Dundee Stars Belfast Giants CC 12 Sunday 3-Oct Challenge Cup 17:30 Manchester Storm Nottingham Panthers CC 13 Friday 8-Oct Challenge Cup 19:30 Fife Flyers Belfast Giants CC 14 Saturday 9-Oct Challenge Cup 19:00 Cardiff Devils Coventry Blaze CC 15 Saturday 9-Oct Challenge Cup 19:00 Dundee Stars Fife Flyers CC 16 Saturday 9-Oct Challenge Cup 19:00 Nottingham Panthers Manchester Storm 8 Saturday 9-Oct League 19:00 Sheffield Steelers Guildford Flames CC 17 Sunday 10-Oct Challenge Cup 16:00 Belfast Giants Fife Flyers CC 18 Sunday 10-Oct Challenge Cup 17:30 Coventry Blaze Cardiff Devils 9 Sunday 10-Oct League 18:00 Guildford Flames Sheffield Steelers 10 Sunday 10-Oct League 17:30 Manchester Storm Dundee Stars 11 Saturday 16-Oct League 19:00 Cardiff Devils Belfast Giants 12 Saturday 16-Oct League 18:00 Guildford Flames Dundee Stars 13 Saturday 16-Oct League 19:00 Manchester Storm Fife Flyers CC 19 Saturday 16-Oct Challenge Cup 19:00 Sheffield Steelers Nottingham Panthers 14 Sunday 17-Oct League 17:30 Coventry Blaze Belfast Giants 15 Sunday 17-Oct League 17:00 Dundee Stars Sheffield Steelers 16 Sunday 17-Oct League 17:30 Fife Flyers Manchester Storm 17 Sunday 17-Oct League 16:00 Nottingham Panthers Cardiff Devils 18 League Fife Flyers Sheffield Steelers TBC 19 Wednesday 20-Oct League 19:30 Nottingham Panthers Guildford Flames CC 20 Saturday 23-Oct Challenge Cup 19:00 Dundee Stars Fife Flyers CC 21 Saturday 23-Oct Challenge Cup 18:00 Guildford Flames Coventry Blaze 20 Saturday 23-Oct League 19:00 Manchester Storm Belfast Giants CC 22 Saturday 23-Oct Challenge Cup 19:00 Nottingham Panthers Sheffield Steelers CC 23 Sunday 24-Oct Challenge Cup 16:00 Belfast Giants Dundee Stars 21 Sunday 24-Oct League 18:00 Cardiff Devils Manchester Storm CC 24 Sunday 24-Oct Challenge Cup 17:30 Coventry Blaze Guildford Flames 22 Sunday 24-Oct League 16:00 Sheffield Steelers Fife Flyers CC 25 Wednesday 27-Oct Challenge Cup 19:30 Guildford Flames Cardiff Devils 23 Wednesday 27-Oct League 19:30 Sheffield Steelers Coventry Blaze CC 26 Friday 29-Oct Challenge Cup 19:30 Manchester Storm Sheffield Steelers 24 Friday 29-Oct League 19:30 Nottingham Panthers Belfast Giants CC 27 Saturday 30-Oct Challenge Cup 19:00 Belfast Giants Fife Flyers 25 Saturday 30-Oct League 19:00 Cardiff Devils Nottingham Panthers 26 Saturday 30-Oct League 19:00 Dundee Stars Guildford Flames CC 28 Saturday 30-Oct Challenge Cup 19:00 Sheffield Steelers Manchester Storm CC 29 Sunday 31-Oct Challenge Cup 17:30 Coventry Blaze Cardiff Devils CC 30 Sunday 31-Oct Challenge Cup 17:30 Fife Flyers Dundee Stars 27 Sunday 31-Oct League 18:00 Guildford Flames Manchester Storm 28 Wednesday 3-Nov League 19:30 Sheffield Steelers Fife Flyers CC 31 Saturday 6-Nov Challenge Cup 19:00 Cardiff Devils Coventry Blaze 29 Saturday 6-Nov League 19:00 Glasgow Clan Fife Flyers 30 Saturday 6-Nov League 19:00 Manchester Storm Guildford Flames 31 Saturday 6-Nov League 19:00 Nottingham Panthers Dundee Stars 32 Saturday 6-Nov League 19:00 Sheffield Steelers Belfast Giants 33 Sunday 7-Nov League 16:00 Belfast Giants Glasgow Clan 34 Sunday 7-Nov League 17:30 Coventry Blaze Dundee Stars 35 Sunday 7-Nov League 17:30 Fife Flyers Cardiff Devils 36 Sunday 7-Nov League 18:00 Guildford Flames Sheffield Steelers CC 32 Sunday 7-Nov Challenge Cup 16:00 Nottingham Panthers Manchester Storm CC 33 Saturday 13-Nov Challenge Cup 19:00 Cardiff Devils Guildford Flames 37 Saturday 13-Nov League 19:15 Fife Flyers Coventry Blaze 38 Saturday 13-Nov League 19:00 Glasgow Clan Belfast Giants 39 Saturday 13-Nov League 19:00 Manchester Storm Dundee Stars CC 34 Saturday 13-Nov Challenge Cup 19:00 Nottingham Panthers Sheffield Steelers 40 Sunday 14-Nov League 17:30 Coventry Blaze Glasgow Clan 41 Sunday 14-Nov League 17:00 Dundee Stars Belfast Giants 42 Sunday 14-Nov League 18:00 Guildford Flames Fife Flyers CC 35 Sunday 14-Nov Challenge Cup 17:30 Manchester Storm Nottingham Panthers 43 Sunday 14-Nov League 16:00 Sheffield Steelers Cardiff Devils 44 Friday 19-Nov League 19:30 Dundee Stars Cardiff Devils 45 Friday 19-Nov League 19:30 Manchester Storm Coventry Blaze 46 Saturday 20-Nov League 19:00 Belfast Giants Manchester Storm 47 Saturday 20-Nov League 19:00 Coventry Blaze Nottingham Panthers 48 Saturday 20-Nov League 19:00 Glasgow Clan Cardiff Devils 49 Saturday 20-Nov League 18:00 Guildford Flames Dundee Stars 50 Sunday 21-Nov League 16:00 Belfast Giants Manchester Storm 51 Sunday 21-Nov League 17:30 Fife Flyers Cardiff Devils 52 Sunday 21-Nov League 16:00 Nottingham Panthers Glasgow Clan 53 Tuesday 23-Nov League 19:30 Guildford Flames Glasgow Clan 54 Saturday 27-Nov League 19:00 Cardiff Devils Belfast Giants 55 Saturday 27-Nov League 19:00 Dundee Stars Manchester Storm 56 Saturday 27-Nov League 19:15 Fife Flyers Guildford Flames 57 Saturday 27-Nov League 19:00 Glasgow Clan Coventry Blaze CC 36 Saturday 27-Nov Challenge Cup 19:00 Sheffield Steelers Nottingham Panthers 58 Sunday 28-Nov League 16:00 Belfast Giants Dundee Stars 59 Sunday 28-Nov League 17:30 Coventry Blaze Cardiff Devils 60 Sunday 28-Nov League 18:00 Guildford Flames Sheffield Steelers 61 Sunday 28-Nov League 17:30 Manchester Storm Glasgow Clan 62 Sunday 28-Nov League 16:00 Nottingham Panthers Fife Flyers 63 Friday 3-Dec League 19:30 Glasgow Clan Nottingham Panthers 64 Saturday 4-Dec League 19:00 Cardiff Devils Sheffield Steelers 65 Saturday 4-Dec League 19:00 Coventry Blaze Glasgow Clan 66 Saturday 4-Dec League 19:00 Dundee Stars Nottingham Panthers 67 Saturday 4-Dec League 19:15 Fife Flyers Belfast Giants 68 Saturday 4-Dec League 19:00 Manchester Storm Guildford Flames 69 Sunday 5-Dec League 17:30 Fife Flyers Nottingham Panthers 70 Sunday 5-Dec League 16:00 Glasgow Clan Belfast Giants 71 Sunday 5-Dec League 18:00 Guildford Flames Cardiff Devils 72 Sunday 5-Dec League 16:00 Sheffield Steelers Dundee Stars 73 Saturday 11-Dec League 19:00 Belfast Giants Fife Flyers 74 Saturday 11-Dec League 19:00 Dundee Stars Glasgow Clan 75 Saturday 11-Dec League 19:00 Manchester Storm Cardiff Devils 76 Saturday 11-Dec League 19:00 Nottingham Panthers Guildford Flames 77 Saturday 11-Dec League 19:00 Sheffield Steelers Coventry Blaze 78 Sunday 12-Dec League 16:00 Belfast Giants Nottingham Panthers 79 Sunday 12-Dec League 18:00 Cardiff Devils Dundee Stars 80 Sunday 12-Dec League 17:30 Coventry Blaze Sheffield Steelers 81 Sunday 12-Dec League 17:30 Fife Flyers Manchester Storm 82 Sunday 12-Dec League 16:00 Glasgow Clan Guildford Flames 83 Friday 17-Dec League 19:00 Belfast Giants Sheffield Steelers 84 Saturday 18-Dec League 19:00 Belfast Giants Sheffield Steelers 85 Saturday 18-Dec League 19:00 Cardiff Devils Nottingham Panthers 86 Saturday 18-Dec League 19:00 Coventry Blaze Guildford Flames 87 Saturday 18-Dec League 19:15 Fife Flyers Dundee Stars 88 Saturday 18-Dec League 19:00 Manchester Storm Glasgow Clan 89 Sunday 19-Dec League 17:00 Dundee Stars Coventry Blaze 90 Sunday 19-Dec League 16:00 Glasgow Clan Cardiff Devils 91 Sunday 19-Dec League 18:00 Guildford Flames Fife Flyers 92 Sunday 19-Dec League 16:00 Nottingham Panthers Manchester Storm 93 Wednesday 22-Dec League 19:00 Belfast Giants Guildford Flames 94 Wednesday 22-Dec League 19:30 Cardiff Devils Manchester Storm 95 Wednesday 22-Dec League 19:30 Coventry Blaze Fife Flyers 96 Wednesday 22-Dec League 19:30 Dundee Stars Nottingham Panthers 97 Wednesday 22-Dec League 19:30 Sheffield Steelers Glasgow Clan 98 Sunday 26-Dec League 16:00 Belfast Giants Glasgow Clan 99 Sunday 26-Dec League 17:30 Coventry Blaze Cardiff Devils 100 Sunday 26-Dec League 17:00 Dundee Stars Fife Flyers 101 Sunday 26-Dec League 17:30 Manchester Storm Guildford Flames 102 Sunday 26-Dec League 16:00 Sheffield Steelers Nottingham Panthers 103 Monday 27-Dec League 19:00 Cardiff Devils Coventry Blaze 104 Monday 27-Dec League 18:00 Glasgow Clan Belfast Giants 105 Monday 27-Dec League 19:30 Guildford Flames Manchester Storm 106 Monday 27-Dec League TBC Nottingham Panthers Sheffield Steelers 107 Tuesday 28-Dec League 19:45 Fife Flyers Dundee Stars 108 Wednesday 29-Dec League 19:30 Guildford Flames Belfast Giants 109 Friday 31-Dec League 16:00 Belfast Giants Dundee Stars 110 Friday 31-Dec League 14:00 Glasgow Clan Fife Flyers 111 Friday 31-Dec League TBC Nottingham Panthers Coventry Blaze 112 Saturday 1-Jan League 16:00 Cardiff Devils Guildford Flames 113 Saturday 1-Jan League 19:00
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