3 bus time schedule & line map

3 Bretton Centre View In Website Mode

The 3 bus line (Bretton Centre) has 4 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Bretton Centre: 5:28 PM - 10:48 PM (2) North Bretton: 6:28 AM - 9:48 PM (3) : 5:55 PM - 7:40 PM (4) : 6:28 AM - 11:10 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 3 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 3 bus arriving.

Direction: Bretton Centre 3 bus Time Schedule 35 stops Bretton Centre Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 10:48 PM

Monday 5:28 PM - 10:48 PM Ellwood Avenue, Stanground Eastrea Court, Peterborough Tuesday 5:28 PM - 10:48 PM

Belsay Drive, Stanground Wednesday 5:28 PM - 10:48 PM Belsay Drive, Peterborough Thursday 5:28 PM - 10:48 PM Park Farm Crescent, Stanground Friday 5:28 PM - 10:48 PM

The Fenman, Stanground Saturday 5:28 PM - 10:48 PM

Kingston Drive, Stanground Kingston Drive, Peterborough

Mary Walsham Close, Stanground 3 bus Info Direction: Bretton Centre Coneygree Road, Stanground Stops: 35 Coneygree Road, Peterborough Trip Duration: 39 min Line Summary: Ellwood Avenue, Stanground, Belsay St Georges Avenue, Stanground Drive, Stanground, Park Farm Crescent, Stanground, Lawson Avenue, Peterborough The Fenman, Stanground, Kingston Drive, Stanground, Mary Walsham Close, Stanground, Lawson Avenue Shops, Stanground Coneygree Road, Stanground, St Georges Avenue, Stanground, Lawson Avenue Shops, Stanground, Denton Avenue, Stanground Denton Avenue, Stanground, Coneygree Lodge, Stanground, Golden Lion, Stanground, Recreation Coneygree Lodge, Stanground Ground, , Fellows Road, Fletton, Carlton House, Fletton, The Peacock, Fletton, Rivergate - Golden Lion, Stanground Northbound, Peterborough, Queensgate Bus Stn, Peterborough, Prison, West Town, The Halcyon, Recreation Ground, Fletton Westwood, Wilton Drive, Netherton, St Judes Church, Westwood, Dingley Court, Westwood, Hartwell Court, Westwood, Winwick Place, Westwood, Hampton Fellows Road, Fletton Court, Westwood, Gresley Way, Ravensthorpe, Heltwate, North Bretton, Risby, North Bretton, Ice Carlton House, Fletton Rink, North Bretton, Oxclose, North Bretton, Essendyke, North Bretton, Eyrescroft, North Bretton, The Peacock, Fletton Benland, Bretton Centre, Cresset Centre, Bretton London Road, Peterborough Centre Rivergate - Northbound, Peterborough 100 Bridge Street, Peterborough

Queensgate Bus Stn, Peterborough

Prison, West Town

The Halcyon, Westwood Atherstone Avenue, Peterborough

Wilton Drive, Netherton

St Judes Church, Westwood Cranford Drive, Peterborough

Dingley Court, Westwood

Hartwell Court, Westwood

Winwick Place, Westwood

Hampton Court, Westwood Hampton Court, Peterborough

Gresley Way, Ravensthorpe Gresley Way, Peterborough

Heltwate, North Bretton

Risby, North Bretton

Ice Rink, North Bretton

Oxclose, North Bretton Oxclose, Peterborough

Essendyke, North Bretton

Eyrescroft, North Bretton

Benland, Bretton Centre

Cresset Centre, Bretton Centre Direction: North Bretton 3 bus Time Schedule 29 stops North Bretton Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 8:48 AM - 9:48 PM

Monday 6:28 AM - 9:48 PM Ellwood Avenue, Stanground Eastrea Court, Peterborough Tuesday 6:28 AM - 9:48 PM

Belsay Drive, Stanground Wednesday 6:28 AM - 9:48 PM Belsay Drive, Peterborough Thursday 6:28 AM - 9:48 PM Park Farm Crescent, Stanground Friday 6:28 AM - 9:48 PM

The Fenman, Stanground Saturday 6:28 AM - 9:48 PM

Kingston Drive, Stanground Kingston Drive, Peterborough

Mary Walsham Close, Stanground 3 bus Info Direction: North Bretton Coneygree Road, Stanground Stops: 29 Coneygree Road, Peterborough Trip Duration: 44 min Line Summary: Ellwood Avenue, Stanground, Belsay St Georges Avenue, Stanground Drive, Stanground, Park Farm Crescent, Stanground, Lawson Avenue, Peterborough The Fenman, Stanground, Kingston Drive, Stanground, Mary Walsham Close, Stanground, Lawson Avenue Shops, Stanground Coneygree Road, Stanground, St Georges Avenue, Stanground, Lawson Avenue Shops, Stanground, Denton Avenue, Stanground Denton Avenue, Stanground, Coneygree Lodge, Stanground, Golden Lion, Stanground, Recreation Coneygree Lodge, Stanground Ground, Fletton, Fellows Road, Fletton, Carlton House, Fletton, The Peacock, Fletton, Rivergate - Golden Lion, Stanground Northbound, Peterborough, Railway Station, Peterborough, Queensgate Bus Stn, Peterborough, Recreation Ground, Fletton Prison, West Town, The Halcyon, Westwood, Wilton Drive, Netherton, St Judes Church, Westwood, Dingley Court, Westwood, Hartwell Court, Westwood, Fellows Road, Fletton Winwick Place, Westwood, Hampton Court, Westwood, Gresley Way, Ravensthorpe, Heltwate, Carlton House, Fletton North Bretton

The Peacock, Fletton London Road, Peterborough

Rivergate - Northbound, Peterborough 100 Bridge Street, Peterborough

Railway Station, Peterborough Station Road, Peterborough

Queensgate Bus Stn, Peterborough

Prison, West Town

The Halcyon, Westwood Atherstone Avenue, Peterborough

Wilton Drive, Netherton St Judes Church, Westwood Cranford Drive, Peterborough

Dingley Court, Westwood

Hartwell Court, Westwood

Winwick Place, Westwood

Hampton Court, Westwood Hampton Court, Peterborough

Gresley Way, Ravensthorpe Gresley Way, Peterborough

Heltwate, North Bretton Direction: Peterborough 3 bus Time Schedule 18 stops Peterborough Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Monday 5:55 PM - 7:40 PM City Hospital Mental Health Unit, North Bretton Tuesday 5:55 PM - 7:40 PM Cresset Centre, Bretton Centre Wednesday 5:55 PM - 7:40 PM Eyrescroft, North Bretton Thursday 5:55 PM - 7:40 PM

Essendyke, North Bretton Friday 5:55 PM - 7:40 PM Gullymore, Peterborough Saturday 5:55 PM - 7:40 PM Oxclose, North Bretton

Ice Rink, North Bretton Alpha Business Park, Peterborough 3 bus Info Risby, North Bretton Direction: Peterborough Bretton Way cycle path, Peterborough Stops: 18 Trip Duration: 29 min Heltwate, North Bretton Line Summary: City Hospital Mental Health Unit, North Bretton, Cresset Centre, Bretton Centre, Gresley Way, Ravensthorpe Eyrescroft, North Bretton, Essendyke, North Bretton, Gresley Way, Peterborough Oxclose, North Bretton, Ice Rink, North Bretton, Risby, North Bretton, Heltwate, North Bretton, Hampton Court, Westwood Gresley Way, Ravensthorpe, Hampton Court, Hampton Court, Peterborough Westwood, Winwick Place, Westwood, Hartwell Court, Westwood, Cranford Drive, Westwood, St Winwick Place, Westwood Judes Church, Westwood, Wilton Drive, Netherton, The Halcyon, Westwood, Prison, West Town, Hartwell Court, Westwood Queensgate Bus Stn, Peterborough Hartwell Court, Peterborough

Cranford Drive, Westwood Cranford Drive, Peterborough

St Judes Church, Westwood Cranford Drive, Peterborough

Wilton Drive, Netherton Atherstone Avenue, Peterborough

The Halcyon, Westwood Atherstone Avenue, Peterborough

Prison, West Town

Queensgate Bus Stn, Peterborough Direction: Stanground 3 bus Time Schedule 34 stops Stanground Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 9:00 AM - 11:10 PM

Monday 6:28 AM - 11:10 PM City Hospital Mental Health Unit, North Bretton Tuesday 6:28 AM - 11:10 PM Cresset Centre, Bretton Centre Wednesday 6:28 AM - 11:10 PM Eyrescroft, North Bretton Thursday 6:28 AM - 11:10 PM

Essendyke, North Bretton Friday 6:28 AM - 11:10 PM Gullymore, Peterborough Saturday 6:28 AM - 11:10 PM Oxclose, North Bretton

Ice Rink, North Bretton Alpha Business Park, Peterborough 3 bus Info Risby, North Bretton Direction: Stanground Bretton Way cycle path, Peterborough Stops: 34 Trip Duration: 48 min Heltwate, North Bretton Line Summary: City Hospital Mental Health Unit, North Bretton, Cresset Centre, Bretton Centre, Gresley Way, Ravensthorpe Eyrescroft, North Bretton, Essendyke, North Bretton, Gresley Way, Peterborough Oxclose, North Bretton, Ice Rink, North Bretton, Risby, North Bretton, Heltwate, North Bretton, Hampton Court, Westwood Gresley Way, Ravensthorpe, Hampton Court, Hampton Court, Peterborough Westwood, Winwick Place, Westwood, Hartwell Court, Westwood, Cranford Drive, Westwood, St Winwick Place, Westwood Judes Church, Westwood, Wilton Drive, Netherton, The Halcyon, Westwood, Prison, West Town, Hartwell Court, Westwood Queensgate Bus Stn, Peterborough, Rivergate - Southbound, Peterborough, Town Bridge Corner, Hartwell Court, Peterborough Fletton, The Peacock, Fletton, Carlton House, Fletton, Cranford Drive, Westwood Recreation Ground, Fletton, Golden Lion, Stanground, Coneygree Lodge, Stanground, Denton Cranford Drive, Peterborough Avenue, Stanground, Lawson Avenue Shops, St Judes Church, Westwood Stanground, St Georges Avenue, Stanground, Ellwood Avenue, Stanground, Belsay Drive, Cranford Drive, Peterborough Stanground, Park Farm Crescent, Stanground, The Wilton Drive, Netherton Fenman, Stanground, Kingston Drive, Stanground, Mary Walsham Close, Stanground Atherstone Avenue, Peterborough

The Halcyon, Westwood Atherstone Avenue, Peterborough

Prison, West Town

Queensgate Bus Stn, Peterborough

Rivergate - Southbound, Peterborough 100 Bridge Street, Peterborough

Town Bridge Corner, Fletton London Road, Peterborough

The Peacock, Fletton London Road, Peterborough

Carlton House, Fletton

Recreation Ground, Fletton

Golden Lion, Stanground Tucker's Yard, Peterborough

Coneygree Lodge, Stanground

Denton Avenue, Stanground

Lawson Avenue Shops, Stanground Southelds Drive, Peterborough

St Georges Avenue, Stanground Lawson Avenue, Peterborough

Ellwood Avenue, Stanground Eastrea Court, Peterborough

Belsay Drive, Stanground Belsay Drive, Peterborough

Park Farm Crescent, Stanground

The Fenman, Stanground

Kingston Drive, Stanground Kingston Drive, Peterborough

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