KENT. Canterbt'ry, 135
'DIRECTORY.] KENT. CANTERBt'RY, 135 I FIRE BRIGADES. Thornton M.R.O.S.Eng. medical officer; E. W. Bald... win, clerk & storekeeper; William Kitchen, chief wardr City; head quarters, Police station, Westgate; four lad Inland Revilnue Offices, 28 High street; John lJuncan, ders with ropes, 1,000 feet of hose; 2 hose carts & ] collector; Henry J. E. Uarcia, surveyor; Arthur Robert; escape; Supt. John W. Farmery, chief of the amal gamated brigades, captain; number of men, q. Palmer, principal clerk; Stanley Groom, Robert L. W. Cooper & Charles Herbert Belbin, clerk.s; supervisors' County (formed in 1867); head quarters, 35 St. George'l; street; fire station, Rose lane; Oapt. W. G. Pidduck, office, 3a, Stour stroot; Prederick Charles Alexander, supervisor; James Higgins, officer 2 lieutenants, an engineer & 7 men. The engine is a Kent &; Canterbury Institute for Trained Nur,ses, 62 Bur Merryweather "Paxton 11 manual, & was, with all tht' gate street, W. H. Horsley esq. hon. sec.; Miss C.!". necessary appliances, supplied to th9 brigade by th, Shaw, lady superintendent directors of the County Fire Office Kent & Canterbury Hospital, Longport street, H. .A.. Kent; head quarters, 29 Westgate; engine house, Palace Gogarty M.D. physician; James Reid F.R.C.S.Eng. street, Acting Capt. Leonard Ashenden, 2 lieutenant~ T. & Frank Wacher M.R.C.S.Eng. cOJ1J8ulting surgeons; &; 6 men; appliances, I steam engine, I manual, 2 hQ5l Thomas Whitehead Reid M.RC.S.Eng. John Greasley Teel!! & 2,500 feet of hose M.RC.S.Eng. Sidney Wacher F.R.C.S.Eng. & Z. Fren Fire Escape; the City fire escape is kept at the police tice M.R.C.S.
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