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Mount Etna: monitoring in the past, present and future

HAZEL RYMER l, FABRIZIO FERRUCCI 2 & CORINNE A. LOCKE 3 1 Department of Earth Sciences, The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, Bucks, MK7 6AA, UK 2 Dip. di Scienze della Terra, Universita della Calabria, 87036 Arcavacata di Rende, Cosenza, ltah" 3 Department of Geology, The University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand

Abstract: is important to the economy of eastern , with agriculture and summer and winter tourism providing employment for thousands of people. Although there are no permanent homes within 10 km of the summit, year-round human activities on the upper slopes are proliferating and the risks from even a small eruption are consequently magnified. The earliest form of monitoring at Etna, as for other volcanoes, was direct observation. Modern monitoring at its most effective is a synergy between basic science and hazard assessment. A prerequisite to effective monitoring is an understanding of volcanic structure and history. Sir was among the first to make systematic observations of Mount Etna and laid the foundation of more modern studies. A huge array of monitoring techniques has been tested on Etna: methods that have proved successful in monitoring and sometimes in predicting eruptions include observations of seismicity, ground deformation and microgravity. These. together with electromagnetic, magnetic, gas geochemistry and various remote sensing techniques have also provided key information on the volcanic plumbing system and the eruption process. Monitoring techniques were formerly based on the most easily measured phenomena: other effects were either not recorded or were treated as noise. Future progress will be enhanced by taking account of these more subtle or complex effects and by the more comprehensive acquisition and real-time analysis of continuous data sets over extended periods. Important monitoring techniques and strategies available both now and in the near future are reviewed here in the context of Etna. The need to develop a reliable scientific platform for routine and inexpensive volcano monitoring throughout the world is highlighted.

typically, with the exception of relatively infre- Why monitor volcanoes? quent large explosive events, eruptions seriously Volcano monitoring serves two key functions: it affect only a few square kilometres at most. As provides basic scientific data to develop our populations expand, however, more people are at understanding of the structure and dynamics of risk from the direct or indirect impact of volcanic volcanoes and is crucial for hazard assessment, eruptions. In addition to the immediate hazards eruption prediction and risk mitigation at times of posed by eruptive products to life, property and volcanic unrest. Monitoring provides the means to food production, volcanic activity of any kind may address questions of vital interest to communities have a significant effect on the economy. During affected by impending eruptions, such as: When minor eruptions tourism may increase and boost the and where will the volcano erupt? Which areas are local economy. The loss, however, of agricultural safe or dangerous? When will eruptions cease? farm land, farmhouses, communication and service Optimal interpretation of data from monitoring, infrastructure (roads, ports, water supplies, electric especially for the purpose of prediction, depends cables, etc.) and permanent changes in the local critically on an adequate scientific understanding of ground water and drainage system can have severe volcano structure and processes, both in general economic consequences. A volcanic disaster on one and for each specific volcano. Thus, volcano side of the world can now have a significant eco- monitoring at its most effective is a synergy nomic impact on countries on the other. Insurance between basic science and hazard assessment. companies are particularly vulnerable because of Historically, volcanic activity has been con- this, but governments are also at risk. The National sidered to be primarily of local interest because Plan for volcanic emergencies at Mount Vesuvius

RYMER, H., FERRUCC1, F. & LOCKE, C. A. 1998. Mount Etna: monitoring in the past, present and future. 335 In: BLUNDELL.D. J. & SCOTT. A. C. (eds) Lvell: the Past is the Key to the Present. Geological Society. London, Special Publications. 143. 335-347. Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 24, 2021

336 H. RYMER ET AL. for example forecasts that around 700 000 people A more recent hazard posed by volcanoes is the would need to be evacuated during a period of effect of clouds on transportation. unrest preceding an such as the There have been more than 80 incidents since 1982 one that occurred in 1631. The cost of evacuation of jet aircraft encountering volcanic ash, with tens and resettlement would represent a significant of millions of dollars worth of damage done on fraction of 's GNP and the rest of the EU each occasion (e.g. Casadevall 1994). Millions of would certainly suffer economically from such an US dollars have also been lost to the aviation event. industry as a result of disruption when flights have Links between global climate change and been diverted or made emergency unscheduled volcanic eruptions have been postulated and there landings. Catania international airport has been is good evidence for a relationship between large closed on several occasions in the last 20 years as a explosive ash injection to the stratosphere and result of ash on the runway and the plume inter- unseasonal weather. Well documented examples secting the flight path of planes. The Messina- include the 1815 eruption of Tambora (Indonesia) Catania motorway was closed in 1995 when which was followed by the 'year without a accumulating ash made the surface slippery and summer' in the northern hemisphere, and more dangerous (J. B. Murray, pers. comm.). recently E1 Chichon (1982) and Pinatubo (1991) It is therefore of interest to all nations that (described for example in Francis 1993). In each volcanoes are monitored so that eruptions can be case there is some doubt as to the extent of climate predicted and mitigating action taken. Successful change (caused by cooling due to increased high mitigation of the local effects of an eruption (such altitude aerosols) during these short explosive as flow diversion and community evacuation) eruptions, but it is likely that longer-lived eruptions requires a detailed understanding of the eruption such as the 1783 lava eruption at Laki (8 months)+ process, for which monitoring data are a vital have a more prolonged effect on local and global component. More widespread effects can be miti- temperatures. gated to some degree with early warning, for

Fig. 1. Location map of the eastern flank of Mount Etna showing: (I) the eruptive fissure of 14-15 December 1991; (2) northeast and south-southeast trending fractures of 1989: (3) area covered by lava flows of the 1991-1993 eruption (after Calvari et al. 1994). Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 24, 2021

MOUNT ETNA 337 example allowing aircraft re-routing. Similarly, an Buch by suggesting that Etna had been appreciation of the climatic effects both locally and erupted in thin sheets on to a subhorizontal surface globally requires data from surveillance before, above sea level accumulating to a considerable during and after eruptive activity. thickness. These were thought to have then been uplifted along the line of the Valle de Bove. Historical activity and observations at Elie de Beaumont's work focused Sir Charles Etna Lyell's mind on how volcanoes formed; Lyell visited Etna on a number of occasions and in 1858 Volcanic activity in Sicily has been focused at Etna The Royal Society published a monograph titled: since the Mid-Pleistocene, resulting in the On the Structure of Lavas which have Consolidated development of one of the largest active continental on Steep Slopes: with Remarks on the Mode of volcanoes in the world (Chester et al. 1985). The Origin of Mount Etna and on the Theory of landscape of eastern Sicily is dominated by the 'Craters of Elevation ', in which he describes his edifice of the Etna volcano, which rises from sea own work and that of others and condemns the level to over 3300 m. Its activity, which com- 'craters of elevation' hypothesis (Lyell 1858). From menced some 230 000 years ago (Kieffer 1985), the morphology and flow characteristics of historic has been recorded for the last 3500 years and in and ancient lava flows he deduced that they had considerable detail for the last 400 years. Activity solidified on steep slopes. He also determined from at this basaltic volcano occurs both at the summit Valle de Bove exposures that there were two and on the flanks. Effusion rates from the summit eruptive centres, the present summit (Mongibello) are generally moderate and at least one of the and the Trifoglietto centre to the east (Fig. 1 ). Lyell several vents appears to be open to the feeder declared: system at any one time (Chester et al. 1985). As ... we must abandon the elevation-crater hypo- well as construction, there are periods of collapse at thesis; for although one cone of eruption may the summit vents resulting in ash clouds. Flank envelop and bury another cone of eruption, it is eruptions tend to be confined to specific rift zones impossible for a cone of upheaval to mantle (McGuire & Pullen 1989) and generally have a round and overwhelm another cone of upheaval higher effusion rate (Kieffer 1975) producing so as to reduce the whole mass to one conical extensive lava flows and cinder cones. Other types mountain. (Lyell 1858) of activity at this volcano include ash eruptions, pyroclastic flows and slope failure- which ranges from minor mud flows to major landslides. It may have been a series of such landslides that formed or Recent activity at Etna catastrophically enlarged the Valle de Bove, an In 1989, four months of strombolian activity at the amphitheatre some 5 km across, 10 km long and up summit craters was followed in September by an to 1 krn deep on the eastern flank of Etna (Fig. 1). from the southeast crater and the One of the largest and most destructive historical opening of two fractures (Bertagnini et al. 1990). A eruptions was a flank eruption in 1669 from near non-eruptive south-southeast-trending fracture Nicolosi (at 800 m a.s.1.) which produced the cinder extended more than 7 km from the summit (Fig. 1), cone Monti Rossi and a 14 km long lava flow passed close to the headwall of the Valle del Bove responsible for destroying part of the city of and crossed the road between the Sapienza and Catania. Zafferana Etnea. The northeast-trending fracture Whilst most Greeks and Romans held extended about 2 km from the summit crater area supernatural beliefs about Etna, some notable and lava was erupted along much of its length. No exceptions such as Empedocles (492-432 Be) made further activity occurred until a small explosive observations of the eruptive phenomena which eruption from the southeast crater in January 1990. unfortunately do not survive. It was not until the Activity on Etna was then unusually quiet until sixteenth century that such natural phenomena 14 December 1991 with the start of the most began to be studied systematically. In the early voluminous eruption since the end of the 1669 nineteenth century Leopold von Buch (of Neptunist eruption. The activity was largely confined to a fame) developed his idea of 'craters of elevation', single bocca within the western wall of the Valle i.e. that 'volcanic mountains formed by upwarping del Bove ( 2200 m a.s.1.) erupting 231 x 106 m 3 of of formerly horizontal beds of basalt as a result of lava at an average rate of 5.7 m 3 s -1 (Stevens et al. pressures exerted by molten materials at depth' 1997). The flow was more than 8 km long and (von Buch 1818-1819), a hypothesis which he threatened the town of Zafferana Etnea when it was deduced from observations in the Canary Islands. successfully diverted (Barberi & Villari 1994; Di Whilst Scrope (1825) argued for 'craters of Palma et al. 1994; Vassale 1994). The eruption eruption', l~lie de Beaumont (1838) supported von ended on 31 March 1993, after 471 days. Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 24, 2021


Past and present monitoring on Etna is not usually associated with summit eruptions, although they are often accompanied by tremor. Volcano watchers have long ventured to the mouth Tremor is common at active volcanoes, but the of an erupting volcano and noted changing intensity process that sustains these low magnitude and of degassing, lava eruption, etc. New or increased frequency signals is poorly understood (Schick & hydrothermal activity, felt earthquakes and in some Mugiono 1991). Analysis of seismicity at a large cases visible ground deformation (rifting or number of active volcanoes, however, has shown faulting), have been recognized for centuries as that in general an increase in the rate of low- being associated with volcanic activity, but usually frequency earthquakes gives an increased prob- during or after the event. Until recently volcano ability that tremor episodes may follow. Increased monitoring has tended to be responsive in that levels of tremor energy are consistent with an resources were forthcoming only after the begin- increased probability that an eruption may occur ning of an eruption. In this review, the techniques within weeks, days or even hours (Ferrucci 1995). applied during the 1989 and 1991-1993 Etna Modern seismometers detect ground vibration in 3 eruptions are taken as examples of volcano moni- dimensions over a range typically of 0.1-10 Hz. toring today. The high level of activity at Etna and High-frequency events are usually associated with its easy accessibilty have led to most available deep (several kilometres) fracture events, while techniques for volcano monitoring and some low-frequency and tremor events are thought to be involving mitigation being tested there. caused by forced resonance of fluids in shallow (a few kilometres) volcanic conduits. A new seismic array was being developed and expanded on Etna by the Istituto Internazionale di Seismology Vulcanologia, Catania prior to the 1989 activity and A century of seismological data testifies that data from up to 22 seismometers were available for seismic unrest in the form of earthquakes and analysis and comparison. Seismicity at Etna tremor almost always precedes and/or accompanies remained at background levels until July 1989 volcanic unrest at all types of volcanoes. Seismic when a I0 km deep (b.s.l.) magnitude 2.9 event activity is considered to be the best indicator, and beneath the southeastern Valle del Bove and later a often a reliable short to mid term (days to weeks) seismic swarm heralded the onset of renewed predictor, of the level, type and evolution of activity. A second swarm in August 1989 volcanic activity (Ferrucci 1995). originated only 5 km b.s.l. No noticeable seismicity Seismic sources at volcanoes are highly complex occurred subsequently until the beginning of and involve the interaction of gas, melt and solid. eruptive activity in the southeast crater in The role of the melt and gas may be either (i) September 1989 when a further swarm and large active, giving rise to pressurized intrusions of individual events some of magnitude >3.0 to the into pre-existing or newly formed zones of northwest of the summit craters occurred. These weakness, or to sustained vibration of the melt and events may have been linked to the opening of the host rocks; or (ii) passive, where brittle failures and northeast-trending fracture (Bertagnini et al. 1990) the consequent stress readjustments modify the that erupted a small amount of magma (Fig. 1), distribution of melts in the crust. Since volcanic while several hundred shallow seismic events over media comprise dense systems of pores, fractures a two-day period (1-2 October) accompanied the and faults at all scales, sudden modification of the opening of the non-eruptive south-southeast- local stress field may induce seismic failure trending fracture (Fig. 2). Although the causative independent of melt propagation. These factors mechanism of the seismicity is unclear (Ferrucci contribute to the substantial degree of ambiguity in 1990), a temporal relationship exists between the volcano eruption prediction on the basis of occurrence of the swarm and the propagation of the seismology alone. fracture beyond the scarp of the Valle del Bove. No The first instruments set up to record earthquakes definitive evidence for shallow magma beneath this at Etna were deployed in the early 1900s, however fracture was found (see below). Volcanic tremor the first network of seismometers was not estab- throughout the 1989 eruption correlated strongly lished on Etna until 1973. This network, com- with eruptive activity; in particular a sharp increase prising two to six stations recording the short in tremor amplitude always accompanied the period vertical component of seismic waves, was change in activity from weak Strombolian, to used to investigate eruption-related earthquakes strong Strombolian, to lava fountaining, to lava and volcanic tremor (Cosentino et al. 1982). These flows (Ferrucci 1990). studies showed that shallow (1-5 kin) seismic There was no further noteworthy seismic activity activity usually preceded flank fissure eruptions by observed from the end of the 1989 eruption until a few days. In contrast precursory seismic activity one month before a small explosive eruption from Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 24, 2021




o 30

t'- ~ 2o

,A A~ N 28 Sept '89 1 Oct '89 4 Oct '89

Fig. 2. Hourly frequency of events recorded at a station about 6 km southeast of the summit during the seismic swarm 27 September to 3 October 1989 (after Ferrucci 1990).

the northeast crater in January 1990. The brief distance measurements. During the 1990s EDM explosive activity in 1990 was associated with theodolites (total stations) became automated and significantly higher amplitude tremor than the 1989 deployed to make periodic measurements on fixed eruptions. targets without the need for a survey crew. Seismic activity on Etna ceased until January The first ground-deformation studies in the 1991. Earthquake swarms were located along the summit area of Etna (using an EDM) suggested an north-northwest-south-southeast trending structure open, cylindrical magma column beneath the along which magma later rose to erupt in December summit craters (Wadge 1976). No evidence for 1991. Focal-plane solutions and the hypocentral high-level magma storage was found using detailed pattern for these data have led to the suggestion that levelling traverses of the summit region (Murray & activation of the intrusion at depth occurred about Guest 1982). Tiltmeter data indicate inflation/ two months before the eruption (Patane et al. deflation cycles at elevations below 1800 m, 1994). The foci of the events became shallow consistent with deep magma movements. Whilst (1-4 km b.s.l.) only one week before the eruption some localized inflation prior to eruption at the began. summit craters has been observed, subsidence at the summit has occurred prior to some flank eruptions coupled with inflation on the flanks Ground deformation (Murray 1990). In addition, ground deformation studies have provided evidence for slope instability In common with seismology, this is one of the and collapse into the Valle del Bove, stimulating oldest volcano monitoring techniques. Tilt and interest in the mechanism of formation of this relative elevation have been monitored with high major feature (Murray et al. 1994: McGuire et al. precision at active volcanoes for decades, but the 1990). disadvantage of the method has been that it is time- Murray et al. (1994) noted that the instability on consuming and labour intensive. Also, in the case the western wall of the Valle del Bove appears to of precision levelling, the reference point is usually have been at least partly responsible for the siting too close to the active area to be unambiguously of the 1989 eruption. Their precision levelling data stationary relative to the region of interest. The indicate relative elevation changes in the summit survey level of the past has been replaced in the last area of between -71 cm and +206 cm, consistent five years by a digital level that automatically reads with the intrusion of a vertical dyke beneath the a bar-coded staff. Theodolites have also become Valle del Leone and a 2 km long vertical dyke digitised and EDM (electronic distance measure- beneath the upper part of the 7 km long non- merit) using laser or infra-red light reflecting from eruptive south-southeast fracture. Like other flank a target prism or even rock faces has provided eruptions, it appears to have been fed by a near- accurate horizontal, vertical and line-of-sight vertical dyke but in this case there were two dykes Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 24, 2021

340 H. RYMER ET AL. radiating from the southeast crater. In the first, the GPS magma travelled northeastwards and intersected the surface, erupting lava. In the second, the magma The global positioning system (GPS) is now widely travelled south-southeastwards hut did not reach used: by placing two or more GPS receivers either the surface though it did cause fracturing. There is permanently or for the duration of a survey at evidence for dyke intrusion up to 3 km from the locations of interest, the user can obtain x, y and z summit along the south-southeast fracture (Murray coordinates for each location with centimetre or et al. 1994), but the pattern of ground deformation even sub-centimetre precision horizontally and at the distal end of the fracture was characteristic of vertically. Traditional geodetic techniques are not an elastoplastic medium, and therefore was not suitable for continuous observations, but GPS linked with magma intrusion (Luongo et al. 1990). provides this opportunity. Feasibility studies on the Precise levelling and triangulation measurements possibility of using permanently fixed receivers were made before, during and after the 1991-1993 capable of automatically tracking satellites, event (Murray 1994). Data from over 300 stations recording and transmitting data for automatic in the summit region of Etna revealed a narrow processing and storage began on Etna in 1988 trough of more than 1 m of subsidence running (Nunnari & Puglisi 1995). Data collected during south-southeast from the summit, connecting the the 1991-1993 eruption on a network of stations southeast crater with the eruption site, flanked by over the summit of the volcano extending down the two zones of inflation up to 37 cm to the east and flanks as far as Catania indicate that contraction of 7 cm to the west (Fig. 3a). This is interpreted in the whole edifice occurred during the first months terms of a syn-eruption dyke intrusion at a depth of of 1992. This has been modelled in terms of 450 m to its top and 1100 m to its base (Murray depressurisation within a source (magma storage 1994). region) 1.5-3.5 km b.s.1. The volume of magma

Fig. 3. (a) Elevation changes over the summit and upper eastern flank of Mount Etna between 1990-1991. Contour interval is 1 cm (after Rymer et al. 1995). (b) Gravity changes over the summit and upper eastern flank of Mount Etna between 1990-1991. Contour interval is 50 mGal (after Rymer et at. 1995). Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 24, 2021

MOUNT ETNA 341 erupted during the same period exceeds the volume neither these data nor data from a network of loss within the modelled region, suggesting this micro-gravity stations around the volcano flank at relatively superficial storage region may be linked an elevation of 1500-2000 m provided evidence in to a deeper feeder system (Nunnari & Puglisi support of a magma intrusion associated with the 1995). fracture process. GPS technology has improved dramatically The period June 1989- November 1989 was since 1993, and permanent stations have now been characterised by a gravity increase in the summit established at several key locations on and around region (up to 100 mGal) and was followed by a the volcanic edifice. In addition, twice yearly decrease of similar magnitude between November campaigns now aim to occupy stations in the 1989 and June 1990. These data imply subsurface summit and flank areas; results have shown mass increases of 109-101~ followed by consistent radial expansion since 1992 consistent decreases, and are consistent with the eruption of with relaxation of the edifice (Murray 1997). 109 kg of pyroclastic material in January 1990 (Rymer et al. 1993). Between June 1990 and June 1991. although there was no surface eruptive Micro-gravity activity, there were significant gravity changes Etna was one of the first volcanoes to be studied (Fig. 3b) in the summit area; the changes are too using micro-gravity (Sanderson 1982; Sanderson et large by an order of magnitude to be caused by the al. 1983). The technique typically involves minor deflation observed over the same period repeated high-precision surveys in which the (Murray 1994). The data have been interpreted in relative value of gravity at a number of stations is terms of a passive (aseismic) intrusion of magma determined. Repeat micro-gravity surveys are used into the pre-stressed region beneath the 1989 south- to investigate subsurface mass changes; since their southeast-trending fracture (Rymer et al. 1993). effect is sensitive to variations in the distance from The intrusion must have occurred some time mass anomalies, micro-gravity data must be between June 1990 and June 1991, several months corrected for height changes and hence these after the formation of the surface fractures and surveys must always be accompanied by a ground several months before the onset of the 1991-1993 deformation survey. eruption. The intrusion appeared to be in the A micro-gravity increase (approximately 20 location of the dyke that fed the later eruption (Fig. reGal) attributed to a shallow (a few hundred 4). Relative micro-gravity values remained metres depth) source was observed across the constant in the vicinity of the fracture zone after the southernmost end of the south-southeast-trending end of the 1991-1993 eruption, but decreased and non-eruptive fracture a few days after formation in subsequently increased again by 1994 in the October 1989 (Budetta et al. 1990). However, summit crater region. This suggests that intruded

Fig. 4. Cross-section along a profile through the summit and along the south-southeast fracture zone showing a computed model of a 50 m diameter feeder pipe rising towards the summit and a 4 m wide dyke extending along the fracture zone, which can account for the gravity changes observed between June 1990 and June 1991. Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 24, 2021

342 H. RYMER ET AL. magma solidified within the fracture zone, and the Self-potential magma level within the summit feeder fell then Several electromagnetic techniques have been used rose again, which is consistent with the increased to investigate variations in electrical conductivity summit activity observed since 1994 (Rymer et al. due to sub-surface volcanic structures. Self- 1995). potential (SP) measurements for example, made across the lower part of the south-southeast- Tidal gravity trending fracture (Patella et al. 1990) after the end of the 1989 eruption with an electrode separation of Micro-gravity data are corrected for the effects of 110 m over a profile length of 1.32 km showed two Earth tides (up to about 200 reGal peak to peak, large positive anomalies up to approximately diurnal) before interpretation. A predicted Earth 100 mV in magnitude and several hundred metres tide can be calculated for any location (eg. Brouke in wavelength. These were interpreted in terms of et al. 1972) which represents the vertical com- shallow (near-surface) fluid movements in response ponent of gravitational acceleration on a solid, to magma intrusion (Patella et al. 1990). These data uniform Earth but does not account for variations therefore suggest that magma was intruded at depth due to topography, theological heterogeneities and beneath the south-southeast-trending fracture ocean loading. Use of the predicted tide is during the 1989 active period although there was no satisfactory for many applications of micro-gravity eruption south of the summit. The SP anomaly was (it is good to better than 8 ~Gal), but more accurate attributed to the heating of water in saturated rocks tidal corrections are possible if concurrent tidal by volcanic gases from the intrusion. Regular SP observations are made or if tidal observations have observations (approximately monthly) between already been made for at least three months and the October 1989 and April 1993 (Di Maio & Patella phase lags and amplitudes of the key tidal 1994) showed that the anomaly gradually decreased components (Melchior 1978) have been determined which was considered to be consistent with such a for the specific location. heating process. Mason et al. (1975) reported an anomalously large response to Earth tides at Etna for tidal observations accompanying a micro-gravity survey Gas geochemisto' preceding an eruption, from which they suggested that the crust beneath Etna was elastically inhomo- Magmatic intrusions can influence the concent- geneous because of the presence of subsurface ration of soil gases. For a period of several days magma bodies. It has subsequently been shown after the formation of the south-southeast-trending using combined tiltmeter and gravity data that this fracture, H,, CO-,, CO and 222Rn variations were observed anomalous behaviour was probably a monitored at the distal end of the fracture in an transient response related to ground deformation attempt to determine whether or not a magmatic and eruptive activity at Etna and that there is no intrusion was responsible. Continuous CO,, flux anomalous tidal response under normal quiescent monitoring revealed a dramatic increase from-about conditions (Davis 1981). 500 ppm to 2000 ppm about one week after the Continuous tidal measurements were made at the appearance of the fracture, but the flux returned to astrophysical observatory (Serra la Nave) near the normal values after one day (Carapezza et al. Sapienza on the southern flank of Etna some 7 km 1990). Although the 222Rn activity was five times from the summit in the period 1992-1994. i.e. higher in the fractured region than in the adjacent during and after the 1991-1993 eruption (d'Oreye unfractured areas, Chiodini et al. (1990) were et al. 1994). However the station was too far from unable to prove a link between the data and degas- the active region to detect a volcanic response in sing of a magmatic body because their observations the tidal signal. were in the range previously measured in Etnean Currently there are continuously recording tidal soil gases (Seidel & Monnin 1984). gravimeters operating at Serra la Nave (for control) The 1991 eruption was preceded by a relative and at the Torre del Filosofo (TDF) near the summit decrease in CO, flux across the distal part of the as part of an EU funded initiative. Clearly although SSE trending [989 fracture, suggesting that as the spatial resolution of tidal gravity data is very magma rises, degassing preferentially occurs limited compared with that provided by a micro- through the main conduits in the summit area gravity survey, the temporal resolution is consider- (Badalamenti et al. 1994). Some rapid fluctuations ably improved (typically one observation per of soil gas fluxes across the south-southeast- minute rather than several per year) which allows trending 1989 fracture also occurred during the the rates of processes (such as dyke intrusion. 1991-1993 eruption. These results suggest that soil magma emplacement/drainage, etc.) to be deter- gas monitoring along the flanks of Etna can be mined. useful for detecting early phases of volcanic unrest, Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 24, 2021

MOUNT ETNA 343 while monitoring of degassing from the summit or summit and fissure sites as the plumes were usually fractures can provide early indications of near- quickly mixed by the wind. The average SO~ flux surface magmatic intrusion (Badalamenti et al. during the eruption was 5800 t d -1, but in-April 1994). 1992 it dropped to 980td-I: this may have presaged the introduction of new magma to recharge the volcano feeder system (Bruno et al. COSPEC 1994). The most widely used non-satellite based instru- ment for remote sensing of volcanic plume compo- sitions is the correlation spectrometer (COSPEC). Remote sensing The relative absorption of solar uv light by a volcanic plume is analysed along with plume width and ground temperature increases have and wind speed to give an estimate of the flux of been found to precede volcanic eruptions. Changes SO,, molecules. Relatively low SO, flux has been - in the radiant energy flux, or even the ground identified previously as a precursor to eruptions on temperature of a volcano can be measured remotely Etna (Malinconico 1979). via satellite or airplane and can in certain circum- A slow increase in SO, flux was observed from stances provide eruption precursor information August 1989, with a transition from a low, 1000 (Rothery et al. 1995). Remote sensing is a fast- metric tonnes per day (t d q) to medium values growing field of volcano monitoring as more data (7000 t d -I) by mid September (Caltabiano & and software become readily available. Data from Romano 1990). During the second half of the thematic mapper (TM) carried by the Landsat September and coinciding with the opening of the satellites and the advanced very high resolution eruptive northeast-trending fissure in the Valle del radiometer (AVHRR) carried by NOAA satellites Leone, SO, flux increased to an average of 15 000 have been used to test the viability of the technique t d -1 and peaked at 23 000 t d -1. The flux decreased at Etna (Bonneville & Gouze 1992). after this time and was at a low of 850 t d -I just five Airborne TIMS data (Thermal Infrared Multi- weeks before the 1991 eruption began. During the spectral Scanner) were collected in the summit and 1991-1993 Etna eruption, COSPEC measurements southeast flank regions immediately after the were taken regularly - sometimes as much as twice cessation of eruptive activity in 1989 (Bianchi et al. weekly (Bruno et al. 1994). Comparison of data 1990). The temperature distribution in lava flows from the summit craters and the SSE trending 1989 identified using this technique agreed well with fracture during the first few months of the eruption 'ground truth' observations made on the ground, showed an anti-correlation which may indicate that but no thermal anomaly was detected along the whilst the magma is degassing significantly from south-southeast-trending fracture. This supports the the summit craters, the magma from the fissure is conclusion based on other data that the opening of relatively volatile poor and vice versa (Fig. 5). It at least the lower end of this fracture was not driven was not often possible to compare the flux from the by the shallow intrusion of a dyke.

16000 total SO2 flux "--...... ~ .....~ ..... summitcraters 12000 ""-...... ~,~~ ..... eruptivefissure

..-,...~ 80o0 c7 CO

/ "-, --.. . 4000 / ".\ -. .., --. / ~'( ~".. "'"'o'" "'"---

"I._ ...... 0 8 Dec '91 28 Dec '91 17 Jan '92 6 Feb '92 26 Feb '92

Fig. 5. Variations in SO~ flux from the summit craters and eruptive fissure together with the total flux between December 1991 and February 1992 (after Bruno et aL 1994). Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 24, 2021


The possibility of real-time volcano monitoring knowledge of volcanic structure and processes. The using remote sensing came closer during analysis continued development of robust, inexpensive and of the 1991-1993 lava flow field using AVHRR effective technologies for monitoring volcanoes is a data. Ground truth data and lava flow maps were vital and sometimes urgent requirement for used to confirm remote sensing estimates of lava volcano-affected countries. Advances in electronics flow volume, active lava area, thermal flux and in recent decades have helped progress towards effusion rates (Harris et al. 1997). Although this cheap expendable sensors for example, thus technique does not have an application for eruption reducing the inherent financial risk of losing prediction, it could provide frequent information on expensive monitoring equipment and greatly the progress of an inaccessible lava flow, the sites benefiting the monitoring of volcanoes in develop- of secondary breakouts and assessment of the ing countries. associated hazards. The importance of a good knowledge of the nature of background activity at each particular volcano cannot be overemphasized; if what is SAR interferomet9 "normal' is not known then the 'abnormal' cannot Synthetic aperture radar satellites illuminate the readily be recognized. Most of the world's Earth's surface with microwave radiation and can potentially active volcanoes, however, are not be used for mapping topography to high precision currently monitored. Furthermore, since no reliable (Francis et al. 1996). Provided that a reliable digital laws of prediction can be determined from the data elevation model (DEM) is available, images collected by volcanologists to date (Scarpa & obtained on ascending and descending orbits of the Tilling 1996) multiple integrated monitoring host satellite can be obtained. Interferograms are methods are needed at each volcano. obtained by combining two such images and Monitoring techniques were, of course, removing the effects of topography. Images for originally based on the most easily measured Etna during the waning stages of the 1991-1993 phenomena; other phenomena were either not eruption indicated possible volcano-wide deflation measured, or filtered from the signal as noise. (Massonnet et al. 1995). There are concerns, how- Future progress will be made by the recording and ever, about the validity of this model (J. B. Murray, analysis of these more subtle or complex effects pers. comm.) as almost simultaneous ground using a variety of methods. For example, it is now surveys with GPS do not show the deflation, and recognized that three component and broad-band there seems to be a strong correlation between seismometers provide vital information on shallow apparent elevation change and topography. magmatic processes and should be incorporated into any volcano-seismological network. In the case of micro-gravity monitoring, the effects of the Volcano monitoring in the future Earth tides are subtracted from the data before The focus of Lyell's studies of Mt Etna was an analysis and modelling. Advances in technology understanding of the nature and evolution of and analytical methods, however, will allow model- volcanoes which has formed the foundation of ling of the response of both the volcanic edifice and more modern studies. These studies have provided the plumbing system to tidal effects, from which the basis of the science of monitoring volcanic further insight could be gained into eruption activity which is now an increasing imperative as precursors and processes at depth. both the density of population and air traffic Traditionally, most types of data (e.g. for gravity increases in volcanic regions. Whilst monitoring or ground deformation) have been recorded solely for the purpose of risk mitigation may reduce periodically at a number of stations. Data collection loss of life or property to a degree, its effectiveness in such cases is labour intensive, time consuming can be greatly improved through the concurrent and hence expensive and provide only snapshots of development of scientific methods and enhanced the real picture. Ideally, continuously recorded data understanding of volcanic processes. Given the at numerous stations should be telemetered to an average interval between eruptions at many observatory at which initial analysis could take volcanoes, volcano monitoring tends not to be a place automatically, in real time, as has been high spending priority of governments, yet major achieved at some seismic networks. Recent volcanic eruptions can be national (and inter- advances in telemetry (Lesage et al. 1995) make national) social and economic disasters. such systems more viable and once established Future developments in volcanic monitoring will would be less labour intensive and, in times of depend on many factors including technological eruption, safer. advances, improvements in analytical and GPS and SAR have the potential to revolutionise interpretation methods, the ability to successfully ground deformation studies given the large areas integrate multiple datasets and having detailed that can be covered simultaneously. Since these Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 24, 2021

MOUNT ETNA 345 methods give information of broad-scale changes future, the integration of seismic data with results they would be particularly effective in determining from other methods, e.g. geodesy, gravity, elec- the significant edifice-wide inflation that might be trical, gas and temperature flux etc. will be far more expected to precede a dramatic change in eruptive powerful (McNutt 1996). Smart systems using style. COSPEC data are likely to become more artificial neural networks (ANNs) are now being reliable and consistent as more instrumentation developed to integrate the vast quantities of data becomes available and data collection becomes resulting from technological developments, to automated (Andres & Rose 1995). Other promising produce the simplest best-fitting models consistent techniques for remotely investigating volcanic with as much of the data as possible (Cristaldi et al. gases, e.g. GASPEC (Williams & Dick 1997) 1997). Such systems, however, are only as good as which measures CO 2 flux, and Fourier transform the input data, hence the need for detailed structural infra-red (FTIR) spectroscopy which measures the models and background information. ratio of various gas species (Moil et al. 1993), are Important questions in contemporary volcan- currently being developed. For example, variations ology include: What are the processes that trigger in the SO2:HCL and HCI:SOz:SiF4 ratios have been eruptions? Can the timing and location of an measured using FTIR (Francis et aL 1995, 1996). eruption be predicted? Is it possible to determine in Multispectral infrared instruments to be carried by advance the nature of an eruption and its likely the first Earth Observing System satellite, due for duration? These issues present pressing problems launch in 1998, will greatly expand the capabilities both to basic science and to affected societies; they and accessibility of spacebome remote sensing for are being studied on Mount Etna and other active both thermal and gas studies (Francis et al. 1996). volcanoes using a combination of geophysical and Potential developments in analysis and geochemical techniques. interpretation include improvements to automatic The priority now in volcanic monitoring is the detection and processing (ADP) of seismic data acquisition of more data and the development of such that the large volume of data generated by an rapid and reliable methods to collate, analyse and intense seismic swarm can be processed and that interpret them. We do have some basic under- real events can be more reliably distinguished from standing of the mechanisms and processes oper- noise. The effectiveness of ADP depends on the ating within the Etna volcano but we now need to density and geometry of the array compared with expand this knowledge by integrating the the extent and depth of the active zones; data from experience gained from decades of independent the 1989 and 1991-1993 events on Etna suggest an researches. As well as technological and scientific array density of 1 seismometer per km 2 is required advances, effective communication and interaction to resolve events associated with shallow magmatic between volcanologists, civil authorities and the intrusion. affected populace are required to improve the The Integrated Mobile Volcano Monitoring mitigation of volcanic disasters. System developed by the USGS for use in volcanic crises (Murray et al. 1996) was used to very good We are very grateful to John Cassidy, John B. Murray, effect in the 1991 Pinatubo eruption, however, port- Peter W. Francis, Dave A. Rothery and two anonymous able seismometers do not constitute an adequate reviewers for valuable comments. alternative to permanent recording stations (Ferrucci 1995). Whilst they provide satisfactory References monitoring during volcanic events they have no role in background surveillance or in recording the ANDRES, R. J. & ROSE, W, I. 1995. Remote sensing spectroscopy of volcanic plumes and clouds. In: onset of seismic activity. McGUIRE, W. J., KILBURN, C. R. J. & MURRAY, J. Advances in interpretation will require more (eds) Monitoring Active Volcanoes. UCL Press, detailed knowledge of the structural complexities London, 301-314. and heterogeneities typical of volcanoes in order to BADALAMENTI, B., CAPASSO,M., CARAPEZZA,M. L. ET AL. develop adequate models. Recent advances in non- 1994. Soil gases investigations during the 1991- linear, high-resolution three-dimensional seismic 1993 Etna eruption. 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