Kerala, which lies on the southern coast of , has long been the centre of the world's pepper trade. Merchants from ancient Rome and China came to Kerala's Malabar Coast to buy the famed pepper grown there. Kerala cooks, too, know how to make good use of the pepper and that grow so abundantly. This dish is flavoured with ingredients typical to southern India, such as black mustard seeds, leaves and, of course, black pepper.

Kerala Chicken Curry 8 servings

By Smita and Sanjeev Chandra, Toronto Star, January 3, 2007

Curry leaves are used in two different ways here: first fried in hot oil along with whole , and later folded into the sauce, each time adding a new dimension of flavour to the dish. adds richness and creaminess to the sauce while mellowing out the spices.

2 , quartered

4 cloves

1-inch piece , chopped

6 small, thin green chilies, 3 whole, 3 thinly sliced

6 tbsp vegetable oil

2 onions, halved, thinly sliced

4 Tbsp clarified or unsalted butter

1 tsp brown mustard seeds

4 each: cloves, pods, bay leaves

1-inch stick

40 fresh curry leaves (divided 20 + 20)

16 boneless, skinless chicken thighs, cut into large pieces

8 canned plum tomatoes, puréed

1 tsp each: , black pepper

1/2 tsp cayenne pepper

Salt to taste

2 cups canned unsweetened

6 Tbsp chopped fresh leaves

1/2 tsp Preparation:

In food processor, mince quartered , garlic, ginger and whole chili. Transfer to small bowl.

Warm oil in large, deep, non-stick skillet over medium-high heat. Add sliced onions. Cook, stirring, 4 to 5 minutes until lightly browned; drain on paper towels.

Add butter to oil in skillet. Add mustard seeds, cloves, cardamom, bay leaves, cinnamon stick and 20 curry leaves. Sauté several seconds until spices puff up and darken.

Add onion-garlic mixture. Cook, stirring, 5 minutes until onions are lightly browned.

Add chicken. Cook, stirring, 5 minutes.

Stir in purée. Add turmeric, pepper, cayenne and salt. Cook, stirring, 5 minutes until some of liquid has evaporated.

Add coconut milk, remaining sliced chili and remaining 20 curry leaves. Mix well; cover. Bring to a boil.

Reduce heat to medium-low. Cook 30 minutes until chicken is tender and sauce thick. (If sauce is too thin, uncover skillet, raise heat and cook off some sauce.) Stir in reserved fried onions, cilantro and garam masala.

(Can be made ahead and refrigerated up to 3 days.)