Conservation Connection 5Th-8Th Introduction: the Theme of This Self-Guided Experience Is Conservation

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Conservation Connection 5Th-8Th Introduction: the Theme of This Self-Guided Experience Is Conservation Conservation Connection 5th-8th Introduction: The theme of this self-guided experience is conservation. Before visiting the zoo, the students will learn the connections and interactions between abiotic and biotic components in an ecosystem and the potential impact of humans on those components. During this self-guided tour students will learn about and observe animals that have been impacted by humans, other organisms, or environmental factors. Students will make connections demonstrating how their daily lives affect animals. Students will learn how precious our natural world is and what the zoo is doing to protect it. Objectives: o Students will be able to identify abiotic and biotic components in an ecosystem o Students will be able to explain how changes to abiotic and biotic components will affect an ecosystem o Students will be able to explain that every animal has a role or niche in an ecosystem that affects the rest of the ecosystem New York State Learning Standards in Science: o Standard 4 (Key Idea 5) Intermediate . compare the way a variety of living specimens carry out basic life functions and maintain dynamic equilibrium . describe the importance of major nutrients, vitamins, and minerals in maintaining health and promoting growth and explain the need for a constant input of energy for living organisms o Standard 4 (Key Idea 6) Intermediate . describe the flow of energy and matter through food chains and food webs Commencement . explain factors that limit growth of individuals and populations . explain the importance of preserving diversity of species and habitats . explain how the living and nonliving environments change over time and respond to disturbances o Standard 4 (Key Idea 7) Intermediate . describe how living things, including humans, depend upon the living and nonliving environment for their survival . describe the effects of environmental changes on humans and other populations Commencement . describe the range of interrelationships of humans with the living and nonliving environment . explain the impact of technological development and growth in the human population on the living and nonliving environment . explain how individual choices and societal actions can contribute to improving the environment Teacher Background Information Conservation and environmental stewardship are at the core of our mission here at the Utica Zoo. Within the Zoo, we strive to impart awareness of the environment and an appreciation for wildlife to our visitors. As a partner in the Species Survival Plan (SSP) administered by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, the Zoo also cares for and breeds species that, without human intervention, would face certain extinction. Plants and animals have adapted to changes in the environment for millions of years. However, today's changes are happening faster and on a larger scale than in the past, which makes it difficult for plants and animals to adapt. Changes can affect the types of plants that can grow in an area. Animals' food supplies, water, life cycles, breeding habits, and ranges will be affected too. Some animals will adapt to changing conditions or move elsewhere, but others could have trouble surviving. Some unwelcome invaders (invasive species) could benefit from changes by expanding their range or being able to survive in new places. All these changes will affect the way ecosystems function, and changes to ecosystems affect people, too. That's because we rely on ecosystems to provide us with many services, like clean water, food, and medicines. An ecosystem can be any group of living and nonliving things interacting with each other; they can be as large as the Sahara Desert or as small as a vernal pool. It is made up of abiotic factors and biotic factors. Abiotic factors are non-living chemical or physical factors in the environment, such as soil, pH, forest fire, etc. Abiotic, meaning not alive, affect living organisms. Environmental factors such as habitat (pond, lake, ocean, desert, etc.) or weather such as temperature, cloud cover, rain, snow, hurricanes, etc. are abiotic factors. Biotic factors are created by a living thing or any living component within an environment in which the action of the organism affects the life of another organism, for example a predator consuming its prey. Biotic, meaning of or related to life, are living factors. Plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria are all biotic or living factors. Every living organism in an ecosystem has a role, or job, called a niche. A niche is determined by how organisms obtain energy and how they interact with other organisms. Typically, there are three main roles organisms can play: producer, consumer (primary, secondary, tertiary), and decomposer; having biodiversity among each niche helps to create a stable ecosystem. Over time there are species that are lost to extinction (extinction is usually due to the species inability to adapt to changing conditions) due to natural processes. However, today we are losing species at an alarming rate because of the human impact. We are forcing organisms to adapt at a much faster rate than ever before due to practices like deforestation, habitat fragmentation, degradation, and fossil fuel consumption. Introducing the Topic – Pre Visit Activity Review the definitions of ecosystem and niche. Have the students brainstorm various plants, animals and other components that make up an ecosystem. Be sure to include some abiotic factors such as the sun. Next assign each student one of the components and have them write it on a notecard. Then have them create a circle in an open space. Create a relationship web, starting with the student who has the sun, by giving them a ball of yarn. Have that student hold onto the end and toss it to a student who has a component that is affected by the sun. Continue this until everyone is holding a piece of yarn (have each student explain their relationship with the person they chose to throw the yarn to). Now start to introduce change to the web. Have a student with an abiotic component affected by climate pull on their string. Discuss what happens and what it might represent. Then add another person with an abiotic factor affected by climate pulling at the same time. Then have a student with a biotic component drop their piece of the string. Discuss what the students notice and the potential effects on the rest of the web. If there is time you could have the students come up with different scenarios to try and discuss how each affects the web. This would be a good time to introduce the terms: deforestation, habitat fragmentation, habitat loss. Discuss the impact of changing factors. If a single factor is changed, perhaps by pollution or natural phenomenon, the whole system could be altered. For example, humans can alter environments through farming or irrigating. While we usually cannot see what we are doing to various ecosystems, the impact is still being felt throughout every string of the web. At the Zoo Activity While at the Zoo have students visit each exhibit and identify the animal in each exhibit. Tell the students that while they are at the Zoo they will be collecting data on the conservation status of the Zoo’s collection. Inform the students that each animal has a graphic or sign that will show how that animal is doing in the wild and the reasons for their status. As the students go around the zoo have them complete the Conservation Connection Activity Sheet. They will be going on a conservation scavenger hunt throughout the Zoo and will be able to find all the information they need on the signs. (Chaperones: please guide students through activity as needed) Name_____________________________ Date____________________ Conservation Connection As you tour the zoo, try to find two animals that are critically endangered, two that are endangered, and two that are vulnerable. Observe the animals in their exhibits and determine their place in the food chain (herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, etc.) Then use the exhibit sign to figure out why they are endangered (habitat loss, poaching, etc.) and why they are important to their ecosystem. Find two animals that are listed as vulnerable: 1. ___________________________________________ Are they an omnivore, carnivore or herbivore? __________________ Why are they vulnerable? ___________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________ Are they an omnivore, carnivore or herbivore? __________________ Why are they vulnerable? ___________________________________ Find two animals that are listed as endangered: 1. ____________________________________________ Are they an omnivore, carnivore or herbivore? __________________ Why are they endangered? __________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________ Are they an omnivore, carnivore or herbivore? __________________ Why are they endangered? __________________________________ Find two animals that are listed as critically endangered: 1. _____________________________________________ Are they an omnivore, carnivore or herbivore? ___________________ Why are they critically endangered? ____________________________ 2. _____________________________________________ Are they an omnivore, carnivore or herbivore? ___________________ Why are they critically endangered? ____________________________ Extension: Discuss why each animal is important to its ecosystem. What other biotic factors does it affect? .
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