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THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 29, 1901. Mo. 27381. G THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 29, 1901. 8457 situated in the parish of West Ardsley (other- fract-road), and terminating therein at the wise Woodkirk), in the urban district of boundary separating the said parish from the Ardsley East and West, commencing in Britan- parish and township of Sharlston, in the rural nia-road at a point opposite the western corner district of Wakefield. of the junction of that road with the road lead- Railway No. 23. ing to Tingley Station by a junction with the 1 mile 5'65 chains in length (route) wholly authorised light railway (Morley and District situated in the parish and township of Sharls- Light Railways Order, 1901), passing thence in ton, in the rural district of Wakefield, com- an easterly direction along Upper-street, and mencing in Wakefield and Weeland-road (other- terminating therein at the boundary separating wise called Pontefract-road), by a junction with the said parish from the parish of East Ardsley, Railway No. 22 at its termination, passing in the urban district of Ardsley East and thence in an easterly and north-easterly direc- West. tion along that road, and terminating therein at Railway No. 17. the boundary separating the said parish from 1 mile 5 furlongs 7'95 chains in length (route) the parish of Streethouse, in the urban district wholly situated in the parish of East Ardsley of Featherstone. in the urban district of Ardsley East and West, Railway No. 24 commencing in Wakefield-road (otherwise called 5 furlongs 5'35 chains in length (route) Brad ford-road) by a junction with Railway wholly situated in the parish of Stre?thouse, No. 16 at its termination, passing thence in an in the urban district of Featherstone, com- easterly and south-easterly direction along that mencing in Wakefield and Weeland-road (ether- road, and terminating therein at the boundary wise called Pontefract-road), by a junction with separating the said parish from the parish of Railway No. 23 at its termination, passing Outwood in the urban district of Stanley. thence in a north-easterly direction along that Railway No. 18. road, easterly along Wakefield-road, and termi- 1 mile 6 f ui-longs 1 chain in length (route) nating therein at the boundary separating the wholly situated in the parish of Outwood in the said parish from the parish of Purston-cuin- urban district of Stanley, commencing in Wake- Featherstone, in the urban district of Feather- field-road (otherwise called Bradford-road) by stone. a junction with Railway No. 17 at its termina- Railway No. 25. tion,^ passing thence in a southerly and south- 7 furlongs 0'35 chain in length (route) wholly easterly direction along that road, and termina- situated in the parish of Purston-cnm-Feather- ting therein at the boundary separating the said stone, in the urban district of Featherstone, parish from the parish and city of Wakefield i commencing in Wakefield-road .by a junction Railway No. 19. with Railway No. 24 at its termination, passing 1 furlong 0'15 chain in length (route) wholly thence in an easterly direction along that road, situated in the parish and city of Wakefield, and terminating in Pontefract-road at a point commencing in Wakefield-road (otherwise called 0'50 chain east of its intersection with Station- Brad ford-road) by a junction with Railway lane by a junction with the authorised tram- No. 18 at its termination, passing thence in a ways (West Riding Tramways, May, 1901). south-easterly direction along that road, northerly along Snow-hill View, easterly into Railway No. 26. Leeds-road (otherwise called Wakefield-road) (A loop line) 200 chains in length (r.mte) and terminating therein at a point O70 chain wholly situated in the parish and township of south-east of its intersection with Snow-hill Sharlston, in the rural district of Wakefield, View. commencing in Wakefield arid Weeland-road Railway No. 20. (otherwise called Pontefract-road), at a point 1*65 chains in length (route) wholly situated 1'80 chains north-east of its intersection with in the parish and urban district of Sandal Cow-lane by a junction with Railway No. 23, Magna, commencing in Doncaster-road at a passing thence in a westerly direction into Cow- point 6'40 chains south-east of its intersection lane, and terminating therein at a point I'lO with . Agbrigg-road by a junction with the chains north-west of its' intersection with authorised Light Railway (Wakefield and Dis- Wakefield and Weeland-road (otherwise called trict Light Railway Order, 1901), passing thence Pontefract-road). in an easterly direction along that road, and Railway No. 27. terminating therein at the boundary separating 7 furlongs 2*00 chains in length (route) the said parish from the parish and township wholly situated in the parish of and township of Warmfield-cum-Heath in the rural district of of Sharlstoii, in the rural district of Wakefield, Wakefield. commencing in Wakefield and Weeland-road Railway No. 21. (otherwise called Pontefract-road), at a point 5 furlongs 9'85 chains in length (route) 0'60 chain south-west of its intersection with wholly situated in the parish and township of Cow-lane by a junction with Railway No. 23, Warmfield-cum-Heath, in the rural district of passing thence in a north-westerly direction Wakefield, commencing in Doncaster-road by into and along Cow-lane, westerly along High- a junction with Railway No. 20, at its termina- street, north-westerly along Crossley-street, and tion, passing tuence in an easterly direction terminating therein at the boundary separating along that road, and terminating therein at the the said parish from the parish of Warmfield- boundary separating the said parish from the cum-Heath, in the rural district of Wakefield. parish and township of Crofton. Railway No. 28. Railway No. 22. 6 furlongs 7'50 chains in length (route) I mile 4 furlongs 7'80 chains in length (route) wholly situated in the parish of Warmfield- wholly situated in the parish and township of cum-Heath, in the rural district of Wakefield, Crofton, in the rural district of Waketield, commencing in Crossley-street by a juuctio.i commencing in Doncaster-road, by a junction with Railway No. 27 at its termination, passing with Railway No. 21 at its termination, passing thence in a north-westerly direction into and. thence in an easterly and south-easterly direc- along Warmfield Common, Wakefield-road, . tion along that road, north-easterly along Wake- north-easterly along Boundary: lane, and termi- field and Weeland-road (otherwise called Pontc- nating therein at tf:e' boundary separating the Mo. 27381. G.
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